tv C-SPAN Weekend CSPAN September 26, 2009 2:00pm-6:15pm EDT
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a vicious attack during an armed robbery. police are asking for your help to find a woman who used a crowbar. a woman who got a wrong embryo has delivered the baby. who will the infant go home with. and what is the biggest danger for a late night talk show host? conan o'brien has something go to his head and it landed him in the hospital. so glad you are with us. i am susan hen driks.
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guantanamo bay likely won't be closed in january. the sources say they think that the facility will be closed soon. during his first week in office, president obama signed an executive order setting the january deadline. mitch mcconnel says the announcement proves there is no better alternative for housing detainees. >> pretty brutal to watch. as you just saw it was caught on tape this happened thursday night in mesa, arizona. the woman was paying for shirts when she pulled out the crowbar and hit the clerk several times. she robbed the store of $200 and fled in a car with no license
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plate. the clerk is doing okay. an ohio mother mistakenly implanted with another woman's embryo has given birth to a healthy baby boy. the statement was released yesterday announcing the birth and congratulating the biological parents. she got another couple's embryo. they found out about this ten days after the procedure, if you can imagine. and decided to carry the baby to term and turn him over to his genetic parents. there is a new drive to legalize marijuana in the state of california. it is not about politics but cold hard cash. a new proposal would make it legal for californian's 21 and older to possess an ounce of marijuana. they say taxes on marijuana sales could help local governments suffering from the recession.
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>> the ballot measure. >> if we can find a way to tax and regulate a substance that is the largest cash crop in california and take those moneys out of the hands of the black market and put them into the hands of the cities and governments, then we all win. wrapping up the two-day g-20 summit, president obama said the global economy had been brought back from the brink of the worst financial crisis since the 1930s but it was overshadowed by iran's announcement of a second uranium enrichment facility.
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president obama said the international community is united in opposition to iran's nuclear program. >> iran is on notice that when we meet with them on october 1, they are going to have to come clean and they will have to make a choice. are they willing to go down the path which i think would lead to prosperity and security for iran, giving up the acquisition of nuclear weapons, and deciding that they are willing to abide by international rules and standards in their pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy, or will they continue down a path that is going to lead to confrontati confrontation. ahmadinejad called the
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accusations baseless and talked about the united nations national assembly. >> we did not expect mr. obama within less than 48 years -- 48 hours to basically violate the commitment that he spoke of at the united nations. >> ahmadinejad commented on the protests in his country saying a few people complained of fraud and dismissed counts of violence saying most of the people hurt were progovernment. i am reynolds wolf. we are talking heavy rainfall. didn't appear that way. you will notice a lot of green popping up across the map. those are your watches and advisories with regard to
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flooding. and the reason why is pretty simple. we have an area of low pressure that is cruising its way. it will interact with a lot of moisture. that combined with daytime heating could give us rainfall. very dry conditions can be expected. very warm, too. and into southern california that will be into the 90s and 100s. 79 degrees in denver. 65 in washington d.c. and 63 in boston. that is a wrap on your forecast. i am reynolds wolf for hln. and helping flood victims in the southeast. if you wonder what you can do to help pitch in, just go to our website. you will find a wide variety of resources that will help you impact your world. conan o'brien is recovering after hitting his head during a
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stunt for his show. nbc is keeping quiet about his condition or whether he was released or not. the network is also not say fg show production will resume next week. as for o'brien he is making light of the mishap. he said, "i was enjoying the play with mrs. lincoln. the next thing i know i was in bed being served cookies and use". wait until you see where this snake was found. interesting grooming. thanks. i did it to let the judges know that my dog is the right choice. i got the idea from general mills big g cereals. they put a white check on the top of every box to let people know that their cereals have healthy whole grain, and they're the right choice... just like buttercup. (announcer) general mills is the only leading cereal company to put healt whole grain in every box.
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the choice has never been easier. for whole grain guaranteed, just look for the white check., as the decades have past, the promise of medicare has always been there. and aarp has fought to guarantee none of the benefits you earned were ever taken away. today we're continuing that fight by protecting your freedom to choose the doctors and treatments you need. and to have your tax dollars go towards your care-- not insurance company p) subsidies. you've done your work. and we'll keep doing ours. learn more at
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get married. >> if our society has been interest in coherence and strength and commitment and loyalties, then day couples want to call their union marriage and a state agrees and several have n now. >> clinton says he doesn't support a constitutional amondayment banning day marriage but thinks each state should be able to decide for itself whether or not to legalize it. >> the u.s. army is granting a discharge under other than hon rable circumstances to first lieutenant ehren watada. he refused to deploy back in 2006, arguing that iraq war was
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illegal. his court-martial ended in a mistrial. they sang president obama's praises, literally. now a group of elementary school students are at the center of a growing controversy. some conservatives are outraged and say the performance is the same at political endoctrination. >> that's my son. >> this woman says she was shocked to find her son, jimmy, and his classmates singing about president obama. it set off a fire storm -- firestorm of emotions. >> they had no idea their son's class even sang this song. >> i feel like they were brain washing my child rather than
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teaching him. they were pushing political views. i think they overstepped. >> and i think the grounds have to do with people that don't want politics mixed with school. >> bren da morrison's daughter was also in the video and doesn't see a problem. >> what do you say to critics that say the song about barack obama is endoctrine atiing kids >> it is laughable and ridiculous. >> difference of opinion has spread far beyond this elementary school, becoming front page headlines and a hot topic. the superintendent did e-mail parents. our repeted requests to speak with school officials were denied. the district and school officials explained the song saying the activity took place during black history month in 2009 and the recording is
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unauthorized. they are reviewing what happened to ensure that students can celebrate the achievement of i-chiefments of african-americans during black history month. >> to me, the biggest issue is all the anger and where is that coming from. >> parent leslie gibson says the attention is justified. >> i am glad you guys are here because they are trying to sweep this under the rug. how would you like to find this outside of your kid's elementary school. check out this huge guy. a four and a half foot boa constrictor slithering outside the school cafeteria. none of the kids got close to the snake. it was the second found this week. both were taken to a local nature preserve. you may call this a sting operation. a routine inspection at a south
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florida church revealed a swarming surprise. thousands of honey bees nesting inside a wall. the wall was sprayed with pesticide and he says the church's pastor will make sure it doesn't happen again. strong reaction to a new rule at a california mall. >> you are getting on me because i am black. not everybody is a bad person because i have a hoody on. >> here why the mall wants shoppers to watch what they wear. let's get chinese
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a lower interest rate on your mortgage could save you a lot of money. in some cases, hundreds of dollars a month. clark howard tells you how to qualify for the best deals. >> in the world of what you can pay on a mortgage, the rate that were really lower this year went away for much of the summer now have started coming back down. you will not get the rates as low as they were in spring, but the opportunity is available if your credit stand something good and especially for people who have equity in their homes, for you to refi, really solid
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opportunities again. but the best opportunity is on 15-year fixed ra eed rate loans. normally the spread is less than half a percent. but right now that spread is just about three quarters of a point lower. and again for people with good credit, you should be able to get a 15-year fixed rate loan at four and a half percent or below. one thing to watch, though, the closing costs have gone up. i am clark howard. for more ways for you to save money, go to in this struggling economy, he is going help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. you can buy hoodies at the mall but one mall says you cannot wear them there. we explain why the mall is
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telling shoppers to keep the hoods off their heads. >> some shoppers -- you are getting on me because i am black. >> raw reaction from this shopper. >> not everybody is a bad person because i have a hoody on. he has a hoody on. he is not going go rob a store. >> security says it is a matter of safety. >> people wear hoods to conceal their face. we do not allow masks and we will not allow hoods. >> but is banning hoods inside the mall legal? >> the shopping mall is allowed to have reasonable regulations. the question would be do they have evidence to support their regulations? is there some reason they adopted it to show they are not targeting people irrationally? >> security has said they have seen similar restrictions at local banks. robbers often shield their faces with hoods.
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>> with cultural beliefs, my guys will use discretion. >> some bowling allies have outlawed saggy pants. the bottom line, malls are considered private and can impose its own rules according to legal experts. >> a good thing. i think so. people behave better when they dress nicer. >> this man works security and doesn't think shoppers should be prevented from wearing hoods indoors. >> if there is a group of three or more and they are hopping inside a store, that is a different thing. >> by the way, that's not the only fashion no-no at that mall. people who like to wear their pants low and expose their underwear will have to cover up with a long shirt. it's estimated nearly one in four women will be the victim of domestic i have leens in their
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lifetime. women of all backgrounds are at risk but muslim seem seem to be especially reluctant to seek help. so here is this week's cnn hero. >> abuse cuts across race, religion, culture. i was born and raised in pakistan. migrated to new york in 1990. within the muslim community, there is a lot of denial about the issue. the koran condemns abusive behavior of women. if we witness injustice we are required to speak up. i am helping muslim women end abuse in their life. we do a lot of community outreach. this affects everybody. we need to talk about it. >> i was afraid for my life. i didn't have a place to go.
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my family would disown me. my father said you are lucky you live in america because if you live back home you would have been dead by now. she understood all of the religious issues. >> we have to protect ourselves. we tell them how to get into a shelter. what their rights are. >> she really made me understand that i am not alone. >> we are here when ever you want to come to us. >> i told my friend about it. >> when it's the right time. >> there have been threats to my safety. but i know that god is protecting me because i am doing the right thing. >> she certainly is. for much more on our heroes, just go to our website. next week anderson cooper will tell us which of the remarkable people have been chosen as the top ten remarkable heroes of
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more room for adventure. the all-new subaru outback. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. i can breathe freer with zyrtec-d®. so, i'll race you to our favorite chair. i might even let you win. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe easier, so i can love the air™. zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. kelly saunder's nature valley. ♪ the place that inspires her to go faster... ♪ and slower. ♪
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elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended. ♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association, and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and
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county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes, it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in
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hopefully lowering traffic fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes, we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best
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possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers, but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended, some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt
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initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them, there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on, it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it is that they feel comfortable in
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a vicious attack on a store clerk during an armed robbery. police are asking for your help finding the woman who assaulted the store employee. a woman who got the wrong embryo has delivered the baby. who will the infant go home with? and what is the biggest danger for a late night talk show host? conan o'brien had something come to his head and it landed him in the hospital. >> good saturday to you. so glad you are with us. i am susan hendricks.
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the guantanamo detention center likely will not be closed by a deadline set by president obama. the sources say they think the facility will be closed soon. during his first week in office, president obama signed an executive order. senate republican leader says the announcement proves there is no better alternative for housing detainees. pretty brutal to watch. store chloric was attacked by a woman with a crowbar. this happened thursday night and police say the woman was paying for shirts when she suddenly pulled out the crowbar and hit the clerk several times. she fled in the car with no license plates. investigators are hoping this video will lead to the
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assailant. the clerk is doing okay. an ohio mother mistakenly implanted with another woman's embryo has given birth to a healthy baby boy. the couple released the statement yesterday announcing the birth and congratulating the biological parents. she got another couple's embryo. they found out about this ten days after the procedure, if you can imagine, and decided to carry the baby to term and turn him over to his genetic parents. there's a new drive to legalize marijuana in the state of california. it's not about politics but cold, hard cash. a new proposal would make it legal for californian's to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. they say taxes on marijuana sales could help local governments suffering from the recession.
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the ballot measure itself will help fund our current economy but will not make it easier for users to get access. >> if we can find a way to tax and regulate a substance that is the largest cash crop in california and take those moneys out of the hands of the black market and put them into the hands of the cities and government, then we all win. >> it sounds good but opponents claim the revenue claims are misleading. they say legalizing marijuana could lead to drug abuse. president barack obama is hailing efforts to get the world economies back on track. wrapping up the g-20 summit, the global economy has been brought back from the brink of the worst financial crisis since the 930s but his message was overshadowed by the fact that it has a second uranium enrichment facilities.
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president obama said the international community is united in opposition to iran's nuclear program. >> iran is on notice that when we meet with them on october 1, they are going have to come clean and they are going to have to make a choice. are they willing to go down the path which i think ultimately will lead to greater prosperity and security for iran, giving up the acquisition of nuclear weapons and deciding that they are willing to abide by international rules and standards in their pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy, or will they continue down a path that is going to lead to confrontation? >> well teheran quickly fired back in an interview on larry king live, ahmadinejad called the criticism baseless and
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criticized the president for -- >> we did not expect mr. obama within less than 48 years -- 48 hours to basically violate the commitment that he spoke of at the united nations. >> ahmadinejad also commented on the massive post election protest saying "a few people" complained of fraud and he dismissed the violence saying most of the people who were hurt were progovernment. vice president joe biden is promising quick federal help for the victims of flooding in georgia. he toured areas devastated by last week's floods. he wants to ensure the government responds properly to the disaster. >> the truth of the matter is, to someone who has lost their home, it is katrina. the people here in this shelter, it is katrina.
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it is not katrina in its scope but the impact on your lives, we understand it is katrina. on a beautiful sunny day like today, the worst part of it i know, the tragedy of what happened is singeing in. >> at least nine people died in georgia after days of storms dumped as much as 22 inches of rain in some parts of the state. i am reynolds wolf with a look at your forecast. we have a possible repeat performance of earlier in the week. will we see the widespread flooding like we have on monday and tuesday? doesn't appear that way. possibly heavy storms in parts of the southeast. kwlou notice a lot of green. those are your watches and advisories. and the reason why they could occur is pretty simple. an area of low pressure cruising its way.
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as it moves from west to east it will interact with a lot of moisture and the atlantic moisture. that combined with daytime heating could give us heavy rainfall. very dry conditions can be expected. very warm, too with high temperatures in phoenix. southern california will be in the 90s and 100s. 79 in denver. 65 in washington d.c. and 63 in boston. that is a wrap on your forecast. i am reynolds wolf for hln. frequent fliers can pick up some good deals right now. >> per happens the most valuable benefits are waivers of the baggage fees. >> and some are making cashing in your rewards easier. >> united just waving the fees to redeem reward trips at the last minute. >> and delta will allow miles to
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roll over. >> delta added a new layer called diamond medallion. they fly 125,000 plus miles a year. >> jet blue is also making changes including no blackout dates. >> what made it different this time around is the program is based on how much you spend versus how many miles you fly. >> on the go, brought to you by residence in. master the long trip. ♪ well i was shopping for a new car, ♪
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♪ which one's me - a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪
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progresso. your chicken tuscany says it has fiber in it. yep. four tasty new soups with 28% of your daily fiber. but i like this chicken tuscany., i like it too. but it has fiber in it. that's right. fiber? yeah. but i like it. (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. tonight show host conan o'brien is recovering after hitting his head for a stunt for
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his show. nbc is keying quiet about his condition or whether he was released or not. the network is not saying whether show production will resume. last night they aired a rerun. o'brien is making light of the mishap. he said "i was enjoying the play with mrs. lincoln. the next thing i knew i was in bed being served cookies and juice". former president bill clinton has changed his mind on the issue of day marriage. in an interview with anderson cooper, the former president now supports the idea of letting same-sex couples get married. >> i decided i was wrong. that our society has an interest in coherence and strength, and commitment. and mutually reinforcing loyalties and if day couples want to call their union
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marriage and a state agrees, and several have now, and a religious body will sanction it, then i don't think the states should interfere and i don't think the rest of us should get in the way of that. >> clinton thinks each state should be allowed to decide for itself whether or not to legalize it. they sang president obama's praises, literally. now a group of elementary school students are at the center of a growing controversy. some say the performance is the same at political endoctrination. >> that's my son right there. >> reporter: gina was shocked to find her son and his glass mates singing about president obama. it has gone viral and it set off a fire storm of emotions.
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>> they had no idea her son's class even sang the song. >> i felt like they were brain waurveing my child rather than teaching him. they were pushing their political views rather than educating him. i think they overstepped. >> i think it has to do with people that don't want politics mixed with school. >> bren da morrisson's daughter was also in the song. >> what do you think about people saying this is rin ating kids? >> it is laughable. police were added outside of the school after the superintendent e-mails parents saying it did receive harrassing
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calls. our requests to speak with school officials were denied. the activity took place during black history month in 2009 and says the recording was unauthorized. but the state's education commissioner is now reviewing what happened to ensure they can celebrate the achievements without inappropriate partisan politics. one person is stunned by all of the attention. >> the biggest issue is all the anger and where is that coming from? >> leasely gipson says attention on the video is justified. >> a lot of people want the media gone. i am glad you guys are here. they are trying to sweep it under the rug. pope ben diblgt xedict 1xvi
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reminding about persecution under the communist regime. he encouraged czechs to rediscover their christian roots. back in 1991, 4.5 million people claimed they belonged to the church. that number dropped to 3.3 million. i think you are getting on me because i am black. not everybody is a bad person because i have a hoody on. he is not going rob a store. >> hear why the mall wants shoppers to watch what they wear. (announcer) romano's macaroni grill
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has a way to get things cooking..... at home. they're macaroni grill dinner kits, the restaurant favorites that'll ignite your senses. you get thpasta, special sauces and seasonings. add your grilled chicken, cook for 20 minutes then top with our cheeses. for a meal that'll make any night feel special. romano's macaroni grill dinner kits. the restaurant favorites that let you.... stay in, and go all out.
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dollars a month. clark howard tells you how to qualify for the best deals. >> in the top cc topsy turvy wo what you can get for a mortgage, the rates are coming down. the opportunity is available if your credit standing is good and especially for people who have some equity in their home, for you to refi, really solid opportunities again. but the best opportunity in the market right now is on 15-year fixed ralt loans. normally there is a spread between 30-year and 15 year loans that is about a little less than half a percent. but right now with a lot of lenders, that spread is just about three quarters of a point lower. for people with good credit, you should be able to get a 15-year fixed rate loan right now at four and a half percent or below. one thing to watch, though, the
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closing costs have gone up. i am clark howard, for more way for you to save money, go to >> you can get much more advice at 4:00 p.m. eastern. he will help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. you can buy hoodies at the mall but one california mall says you just cannot wear them there. why the mall is telling shoppers to keep the hoods off their heads. >> reporter: some shoppers find the new dress code offensive. >> i think you are getting on me because i am black. not everybody is a bad person because i have a hoody on. he has a hoody on. he will not go rob a store. >> but security says it is a matter of safety. >> wearing hoods over your head to conceal your face, we don't allow masks and we certainly are
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not going allow hoods. >> reporter: but is banning hoods inside the mall legal? >> the shopping mall is allowed to have reasonable regulation. do they have regulations? is there some reason they adopted it to show that they're not targeting people irrationally. >> the security head said they have seen similar restrictions at local banks. robbers often shield their faces with hoods. >> you have to be aware of cultural beliefs and things like that. my guys will use discretion. >> some bowling alleys have stopped sagging pants. >> i think it's a good thing. people behavior better when they're dressed nicer. >> reporter: he doesn't think shoppers should be prevented
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from wearing hoods indoors. >> if there's a group like three or more, then that's a different thing. >> our thanks for that report. by the way, that's not the only fashion no no at that mall. people who like to wear their pants low and expose their underwear will have to cover up with a long shirt. a california man had a close call with tragedy when his car did this. it plunged 150 feet off a deep cliff at a place known as devil's slide. for almost two hours jesse garcia's car teetered on the rocked. >> the only thing is i was going backwards. i felt the car leaning towards the right. so i was rotating as it was falling. i can feel the bumps and the car crashing on the rocks. >> garcia managed to call 911. rescuers had a hard time finding him because of the dense fog. then they had to repel down the cliff to get him out of his car. luckily garcia was wearing his
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seat belt and only had a few scrapes and a bump on his head. cops have try ad lot of ways to stop drag racing. if you can't beat them, join them. it seems to be working well for one california city. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal!
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a vicious attack on the store clerk during an armed robbery. police are asking for your help finding the woman he used a you bar to assault a store employee. a woman who got the wrong embryo at a fertility clinic has delivered the baby. is it a boy or girl? who will the infant go home with? what's the biggest danger for a late night talk show host? conan o'brien had something come to his head. it landed him in the hospital. good saturday to you. you're watching hln. glad you're with us. the guantanamo bay detention
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center won't be closed in time to meet the deadline. the sources say they think the facility will be closed soon. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell says the announcement proves there is no better alternative for housing detainees. >> stay back. right here. >> pretty brutal to watch. a clothing store clerk was attacked by a woman with a crowbar and it was caught on tape. this happened thurs night in mesa, arizona. police say the woman was paying for shirts when she pulled out that crowbar and hit the clerk several times. she robbed the store of $200 and fled in a car with no license plate. investigators are hoping this surveillance video will lead to the assailant. the clerk, by the way, is doing
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okay. an ohio mother mistakenly implanted with another woman's embryo has given birth to a healthy baby boy. carolyn savage and her husband release ad statement yesterday announcing the baby's birth and congratulating the biological parents. they recently revealed she got another couple's embryo when she understood went in vitro fertilization at a fertility clinic. they decided to carry the baby to term and turn him over to the genetic parents. a new drive to legalize marijuana in the state of california. now it's not about politics, but cold hard cash. a new proposal will make it legal for californians 21 and older to possess up to an ounce of maryland. backers want to get it on the ballot next year. they say taxes on marijuana sales could help local government suffering from the recession.
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this will not meak it easier. >> if we can find a way to tax and regulate a substance that's the largest cash crop in california and take the moneys out of the hands of the black market and put them into the hands of the cities and the the governments, then we all win. >> now it sounds good, opponents say the revenue claims are misleading. they say legalizing marijuana could lead to drug bruce. president barack obama is hailing efforts to get the world's economy back on track. wrapping up the two-day g-20 summit in pittsburgh, he says the global economy has been brought back from the brink of the world financial crisis since the 1930s. his fiscal message was overshadowed by iran's admission that it has a second nuclear plant facility. president obama said the
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international community is united in its opposition to iran's nuclear program. >> iran is on notice. when we meet with them on october 1st they are going to have to come clean and they are going to have to make a choice. are they willing to go down the path ultimately will lead to greater prosperity and security for iran? giving up the acquisition of nuclear weapons and deciding they are willing to abide by national rules and standards in their pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy. or will they continue down a path that's going to lead to confrontation? >> tehran quickly fired back in an interview on cnn's "larry king live." iranian president ahmadinejad called the criticism baseless and kuzed him of raining on his call for national unity at the
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united nations general assembly. >> we did not expect mr. obama within less than 48 years -- 48 hours, to basically violate the commitment that he spoke of at the united nations. >> ahmadinejad also commented on the massive protest in this country, saying a few people complained of fraud. he dismissed the counts of violence against the protesters saying most of the people hurt were pro-government. a powerful explosion in a city marketplace killed eight people and injured 45 other ls. it happened today in northwest pakistan. police say a suicide bomber packed a car with more than 200 pounds of explosives. they arrested two suspects but did not say how they may be connected to the attack. a separate bombing at a pakistani police station hours earlier killed six people. vice president joe biden is
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promising quick federal help for the victims of severe flooding in georgia. yesterday biden toured areas near atlanta devastated by last week's floodses. biden says he wachbts to ensure the government responds properly to the disaster. >> the truth of the matter is, for someone who has lost their home it is katrina. for someone who is in a situation, the people here in this shelter, it is katrina. it's not katrina in its scope by any stretch of the imagination, but the impact on their lives, on your lives, we understand, it is katrina. and on a beautiful sunny day like today, the worst part of it all is i know from experience the tragedy of what happened to you is sinking in. >> at least nine people died in georgia after days of storms dumped as much as 22 inches of rain in some parts of the state. i'm reynolds wolf with a look at your forecast. one of the big stories around the nation is a possible repeat performance from earlier in the
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week. will we see the widespread flooding in the southeast like on monday and tuesday? didn't appear that way. notice a lot of greens popping up against the map. we have an area of low pressure pulling the frontal boundary. it's going to interact with moisture from the gulf of mexico and the atlantic ocean. that could give us heavy rainfall. further to the west, very dry conditions can be expected. warm with high temperatures in phoenix and into southern california. into the 90s and 100s. 87 in dallas. 81 in memphis. 65 in washington, d.c. 63 in boston. that's a wrap on your forecast. i'm reynolds wolf for hln. many organizations are
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stepping up to help flood victims in the southeast. if you're wondering what you can do to help out to pitch in, go to our website, you'll find a wide variety of resources to help you impact your world. tonight show host conan o'brien is recovering after hitting his head during a stunt for the show. doctors examined him yesterday at a hospital and nbc is keeping quiet about his condition or whether he was released or not. the network is not saying if show production will resume next week. last night they aired a tonight show rerun. he's making light of the mishap. he said i was enjoying the play with police lincoln, the next thing i was knew i was in bed being served cookies and juice. it's able to give anyone the creepy crawlies. a snake on its way to school. ring ring ring ring ring ring progresso. we have a bit of a bad connection. oh hang on. is that better?
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much better. we love your weight watchers endorsed soups but my husband looks the way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. but he's wearing the clothes he wore 20 years ago too. oh.... i know the neighbors are talking about him. i'm sorry, can you hang on. my other can is ringing. please hurry back. ring ring ring ring progresso hey can you tell my wife to relax and enjoy the view? it's him. (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. i can breathe freer with zyrtec-d®. so, i'll race you to our favorite chair. i might even let you win. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe easier, so i can love the air™. zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. and when my symptoms-the coughing, wheezing, tightness in my chest came back- i knew i had to see my doctor.
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he told me i had choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort. symbicort starts to improve my lung function within 15 minutes. that's important to me because i know the two medicines in symbicort are beginning to treat my symptoms and helping me take control of my asthma. and that makes symbicort a good choice for me. symbicort will not replace a re0=ue inhaler for sudden symptoms. and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so, it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. i know symbicort won't replace a rescue inhaler. within 15 minutes symbicort starts to improve my lung function and begins to treat my symptoms. that makes symbicort a good choice for me. you have choices. ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you. (announcer) if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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former president bill clinton says he's changed his mind on the controversial issue of gay marriage. in an interview the former president says he now supports the idea of letting same-sex couples get married. >> i decided i was wrong. that our society has an interest in coherence and strength. and commitment. and usually reinforcing loyalty. if gay coup lts want to call their union marriage, and a state agrees, and several has now, are a religious body let's sanction it. i don't think this should be able to stop religious bodies from seeing it. i don't think the rest of us should get in the way of that. >> clinton says he didn't support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, but he thinks each state should be allowed to decide for ritz whether or not to legalize it.
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pope benedict the 16th is reminding people of persecution under communism. he's on a three day pilgrimage to the czech republic. he said they persecuted the roman catholic church. he encouraged czechs to rediscover their christian routes. in 1991 4.5 million czechs said they belonged to the church. a mixture between a wanna-be da gangster and a wanna-be rock star. he is accused of trying to blow up a skyscraper by driving a car with what he thought was a bomb into the building's zba raj. this isn't the first time he's gotten into trouble with the law. newly released dash cam video
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right here shows his arrest on september 10th for driving without a license. resignation accepted. the u.s. army is granting a discharge under other than honorable circumstances to first lieutenant aaron. he's the first commissioned officer to be court-martialed for refusing to go to iraq. he refused to deploy in 2006 arguing the iraq war was illegal. his court-martial ended in a mistrial in 2007. a judge ruled a second court-martial would violate his constitutional rights against double jeopardy. they sang president obama's praises, literally. now a group of elementary school students for new jersey are at the center of a growing controversy. some conservatives are outraged and say the performance is the same as political indoctrination. mary snow has more. >> that's my son right there. >> gina says she was shocked to find her son and his classmates
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singing about president obama. it's gone viral after being posted on youtube. it set off a fire storm of emotions. >> your thoughts watching that again? >> i think chanting is what upsets me. >> reporter: they said they had no idea their son's class last school year sang the song. >> i feel like they were brainwashing my child rather than teaching him. they were pushing their political views rather than educating him. >> it has to do with people who don't want politics mixed can with school. >> brenda says the kids are adorable. >> what do you say to critics who say this song about barack obama was indoctrinating kids? >> it's just laughable. it's ridiculous. >> but difference of opinion has spread far beyond burlington,
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new jersey's elementary school. becoming front page headlines and a hot topic on the blogs. the superintendent e-mailed pampbts saying it did receive harassing calls. a repeated request to speak with school officials were denied. they explained the song saying it took place during black history month in 2009 and the reporting was unauthorized. but the state's education commissioner is now reviewing what happened to ensure students can celebrate the achievements of african-americans during black history month without inappropriate partisan politics. >> the biggest issue for me is all of the anger and where is it coming from? >> leslie gibson says attention on the video is justified. >> a lot of people are saying they want the media gone. i'm glad you guys are here. they're trying to sweep this under the rug. >> mary snow, cnn, burlington, new jersey. strong reaction to a new rule at a california mall.
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i think you're getting on me because i'm black. not everybody is a bad person because i have a hoodie on or he has a hoodie on. >> hear why the mall wants shoppers to watch what they wear. ( sighs ) ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter, sure, still not dry? i'm trng to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain.
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whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios. a lower interest rate on your mortgage can certainly save you money.
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in some cases hundreds every month. how to qualify for the best deals. and the topsy-turvy world on what you can may on a mortgage, the rates that were really low earlier this year went away for much of the summer, now have started coming back down. you're not going to get the rates as low as they were this past spring, but the opportunity is available if your credit standing is good and especially for people with equity in the home. the best opportunity in the market is on 15-year fixed rate loans. normally a spread between 20 30-year and 15-year loans that's about a little less than half a perce percent. but right now with a lot of lenders that spread is just about 3/4 of a point loader. for people with good credit. you should be able to get a loan at 4 butternut 5% or below.
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closing costs have fwoen up. i'm clark howard. for more ways to save dough go to great at advice that you can get much more of today at 4:00 p.m. eastern. he's going to help you save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off. well, you can buy hoodies at the mall but one california mall says you can't wear them there. why the mall is telling shoppers to keep the hoods off their heads. >> reporter: some shoppers find the new dress code offensive. >> i think you're getting on me because i'm black. >> reporter: raw reaction from this shopper. >> not everybody is a bad person because i have a hoodie on or he has a hoodie on. he's not going to rob a store. >> reporter: but the security says it's a matter of safety. >> wearing hoods over your head to conceal your face. we don't allow masks.
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we're certainly not going to allow hoods. >> reporter: but is banning hoods inside the mall legal? >> the shopping mall is allowed to have reasonable regulations, and so the question is do they have evidence to support the regulations? is there some reason they adopted it to show they're not targeting people irrationally? >> reporter: they've seen similar restrictions at local banks. robbers shield their faces with hoods. >> be aware of cultural beliefs and things like that. >> some bowling alleys have outlawed baggy pants. but the bottom lines, malls are considered private and therefore can impose their own rules according to legal experts. good thing. people behavior better when they're dressed nicer. >> reporter: he doesn't think shoppers should be prevented from wearing hoods indoors.
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>> if you're doing it and there's a group, like three or more, and they're hopping inside of the store, that's a different thing. >> our thanks for that report. by the way, that's not the only fashion no no at that mall. people who like to wear their pants low and expose underwear will have to cover up with a long shirt. how would you like to find this outside of the elementary school? check out this huge guy. a boa constrictor. the second found in the area this week. both were taken to a local nature preserve. you may call this a sting operation. a routine inspection at a south florida church reveal ad swarming surprise. thousands of moon knhoneybees n inside of a wall.
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if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. hey, your chicken noodles ringing. ring ring. progresso. hi, may i speak to my oggy please? thank you. i'm sorry, who? my grandma. this is obviously her chicken noodle soup. only hers tastes like this. just put my oggy on the phone. thanks so much. hold one moment please.
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hello. this is yours truly your bottom line" the show that saves you money. medical tourism? is it a smart alternative well you better believe it. we'll show you how to cut back now so you can afford the gift giving for your family and friends. "your bottom line" starts right now. it's a story we've been talking and talking and talking about over the top, overdraft fees and now there is action. change is coming to a couple of america's biggest banks, change that could keep you more in the
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black rather than in the red a mid a backlash against bank poll policies, bank of america and p jpmorgan chase are cutting back overdraft fees. you'll have the option of refusing overdraft protection and they'll limit fees if you do overdraw. rising unemployment in part led the u.s. credit card charge-off rate to a record high in august. this index according to moody's stands at 11.5%, measures credit card loans, the banks do not expect to be repaid. and consumer protections were scaled back in a draft of a bill that could create the consumer financial protection agency. the financial crisis sparked the idea for the agency to make financial products safer for all of us. advocates say such an agency could have prevented the subprime mortgage crisis and the resulting financial meltdown. we'll stay on top of the developments and bring them right to you here on cnn and now, wherever you are in the
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country, you had to see the deadly flooding in georgia and wonder what if this happened in my backyards? 'likely been a concern for most homeowners until now. we'll give you all the tools you need to deal with this type of disaster. bruce mccullen is with the federal alliance for safe homes. welcome, bruce. great to see you. >> thanks for having us. we always enjoy being here. >> i really want to drill down on this, because it's been a horrible disaster, some $250 million in damages. some people have actually died in this. you were there. you say this is now a very dangerous time, as people go back into their homes. what do they need to know? >> they need to know about safety. the first thing that we see, people are really worn out, stressed out, and overwhelmed with what's happened to them so they need to pay close attention. when you go back to your home, make sure the power's turned off. make sure that any gas, natural gas or otherwise is not in the house. the other thing important is the water.
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it's toxic, quiet frankly. >> wow. >> you need to be aware of that as you try to move it out of your household. >> be careful around that water because you could really hurt yourself. >> right. >> i want to talk about what you've got on your website which can be helpful to people out there. i want to show them a tool at, it tells you what kind of damage you can expect if you have flooding. now first off i want to say what if you had three inches of flooding? you can see what it would look like, the water rising right here and on your website you show us exactly the kinds of things that might have to be replaced, and their costs from baseboard molding, cleanup materials, and the total cost there, pretty impressive, almost $8,000. >> you have to replace everything that was on the floor, if you have wood flooring, carpeting, they need to be cleaned or replaced. this is only for a 900 square foot house. if you have a larger home you'd have to multiply the amounts.
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>> let's look at ten inches. you're seeing the water rising. the tool is fantastic i have to tell you. now look at all the changes you're going to have to make in the house right here. now we're talking about replacing kitchen and bath cabinetry, new kitchen appliances, living room furniture the total almost $20,000. one question i want to ask you here, we're seeing the insurance levels particularly in the georgia area where we've had so much devastation are extremely low. people are going to be paying this out-of-pocket. >> most people don't think if their mortgage company doesn't require them to have a flood policy that they don't need one which is really not true. most of us live in a low to moderate flood area but one out of four times that's where flooding occurs, and that's exactly what happened in the georgia area. >> let's look at another part of your website. a lot of people want to know how much would it cost me to get covered and you can find out on this website, right here you can see we put in an address in north carolina, yanceyville, and what do we see here, low to moderate -- >> that's where most of us live is low to moderate and these types of flood policies can be very affordable. in our economic times a lot of people are deciding they can't do this and it's a big mistake. >> this is not that expensive.
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this is cents on a day to protect your home, building only, what are we looking at, under $1,000 a year to get that coverage, and we should say that you get it through the federal government. is a great way to go. >> they'll direct you where an agent could be and what flood zone you're in. >> you can ask your existing agent because they're selling the insurance on behalf of the federal government. another great part of your website, i have to point out, i'm excited about the website. if you want more information on floods, you can find it right here at, all kinds of great stuff to look at. you worked hard on this. >> there's a coolkit for what to do during, before, after a flood. there are animations on how to elevate your furniture and other equipment in your home so that it's not damaged by a flood. >> that's one of our favorite websites. great stuff. thanks so much for your help today, terrific information. >> all right, thank you.
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saving money when it comes to your health, why medical tourism could be a healthy choice for you and your wallet. could someone toss me an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem!
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you know, it makes me feel pretty good. we're offering a solution for a customer that maybe has to choose between paying their credit card or putting food on the table. our main objective is to reach out to the customers that are falling behind on their payments. a lot of customers are proud and happy that bank of america actually has a solution to help them out. i listen. that's the first thing i do is i listen. you know what, what happened? what put you in this situation? and everyone's situation is different. we always want to make sure that we're doing what's best for our cardholders. i'll go through some of his monthly expenses, if he has a mortgage payment, if he pays rent. and then i'll use all that information to try and see what kind of a payment he financially can handle. i want to help you., bank of america wants to help you, through this difficult time. when they come to you and they say thank you aj,, for helping me with this problem, that's where we get our joy from.,
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hundreds of thousands of americans will travel abroad for medical treatment this year. some simply can't afford the cost of american health care. others like denise fisher, a medical professional with great health insurance can't get the alternative cancer treatments she feels she needs. cnn photojournalist john toragowie travels with denise across the mexican border in search for a cure. >> how have you been? >> pretty good. hanging in there. my name is denise fisher from alamo, california. i've just arrived at the san diego airport and going to be going to oasis of hope hospital in tijuana, mexico. people sent me an article about
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americans being killed in tijuana, other people called and said the swine flu is way too dangerous and you shouldn't go there. we really felt safety was not going to be an issue. >> here we are. this way. >> home sweet home. i am a nurse anesthetist. in 2005 they found a big chest mass, a tumor. thomas is starting an iv and he'll hook up the first thing i'm getting is genocil a low dose chemotherapy. my husband said to me one night i feel like you've given up. ♪ i feel you're just going to accept it and die and if that's what you want to do i'll support you in that but i really want to you fight. when i first was diagnosed and my oncologist gave me this long line of chemos that would eventually kill me, i was not
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happy. when i came to mexico he basically said i hate mexican clinics. >> how are you doing? so good to see you again. we have been working very diligently in changing the image of quackery in mexico especially in tijuana and i'm sure there are some but there are some quacks all over the world. what we're doing here and done for the last 46 years is scientifically-based therapies. >> alternative cancer treatment encompasses many different approaches that different people define differently but basically these are to some extent unproven therapies. there's a little denise in all of us, we sometimes challenge the status quo when our backs are against the wall and we don't like the options we have. >> she's really strong. she's been a ray of great support to me. >> there were people from south africa, australia, and all over the united states. >> i live in north carolina. >> i'm from new zealand. >> i started having nonhodgkins lymphoma in 1996. >> i've got aggressive bladder cancer. >> can't say enough about this place. it's the only hospital you cry when you leave.
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>> now, after this being my third trip i associate this whole area just with healing, with getting well. i think that my kids give me the will to live. they've got a lot of growing up to do, and they need a lot of mothering between now and when they're adults, and i believe i'll be there to do it. i have a strong faith. i believe that god gave me my kids and i will allow me to raise them and i look forward to that. >> our heart goes out to denise. her hospital called oasis of hope touts their survival rates over conventional cancer treatment but denise must pay in full for all of her treatment up front. today she's payed more than $35,000 out-of-pocket for her three treatments and while denise's treatment is for alternative medicine some americans with and without health insurance are exploring medical tourism as a cost-cutting option. avery comereaux is a senior writer for "u.s. news and world
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report." >> thank you. >> some americans are going out of the country for health care, for surgeries, all kinds of treatment. is this a safe alternative? >> it depends on what sort of treatment they're having, where they're having it and all sorts of other things too complicated to predict. that 750,000 figure is probably a little bit inflated. it's probably more like 50,000 or so americans who are having serious things done abroad, and those are the people who really need to know. >> right. >> and it's very difficult. you can go to an accredited hospital abroad, one that's accredited by the joint commission international, but that's not a guarantee. >> all right, so coverage varies depending on where you go and what treatment you're getting obviously but i want to show our viewers what the attraction is and it has to do with cost. i want to show them some numbers right now.
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look at these numbers, in the united states for heart bypass surgery for example you'd pay $135,000. in singapore, $16,000. how important are these cost differentials to people who may have no health insurance, may have inadequate health insurance, avery? >> i don't think that it's any surprise that if you go into a hospital and you're told that it's going to cost you $100,000 or $135,000 bypass surgery and you say can that amount be cut, and they say well, not by very much, then you're not going to have the surgery and that's what it is for a lot of people. it's the yes or no decision. >> wow. okay, so when you do look at the decision of whether to go overseas or not or out of the country or maybe just across the border into mexico what, kinds of things should you be considering? how should you shop for that hospital? >> well, you do want to look for that accreditation i mentioned a minute ago, the jci accreditation, not bullet proof but it's much, much better than
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nothing. you want to look for a hospital that has some sort of affiliation with a u.s. hospital, in the far east for example, there are a number of hospitals that are affiliated with the harvard medical system with johns hopkins, with the cleveland clinic. that's a good thing because there's feedback in both directions, and you definitely want to talk to patients. all of these hospitals are more than happy to give you names of former patients. you need to talk to not just one or two, but as many as you can, more depending on how serious the procedure is you're getting >> right. well, you know, denise obviously a fan of the hospital, really likes the hospital she's at and presumably there are lots more who like where they do as well. there are some downsides and i'm thinking that often when you're going overseas there's a language barrier, if you are in the hospital, it's difficult for you to talk and communicate anyway. what are some of the other downsides, avery? >> well, let's give you real
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concrete one. a lot of people go abroad for hip or knee replacement, and if you go abroad for let's say to have a hip replaced you're having problems with your hip causing you pain. if you are sitting in a plane going to india for 14 hours it's not exactly going to relieve your pain. >> even once you wrap in the costs of travel you're still paying a lot less money than you would if you were doing the service in the u.s. typically. >> well, there's what one medical travel expert refers to as the $6,000 rule. if the cost of care here is at least $6,000 more than the cost of all of the expense of having it abroad, the flight, the procedure, whatever incidentals there are, then it probably would make sense for to you consider going abroad. if it's just 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, it's obvious it would not. >> avery i'm going to put you on the spot in a little bit. would you travel for some kind
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of health care, some kind of surgery, some kind of treatment? >> having now visited a hospital in india, and several in singapore, and talking to a lot of people about this, i have to say and also having had two bypass surgeries myself, one in 1983 and one in 1999, that i would not hesitate to have had that procedure done, knowing what i know now, about those hospitals. that does not mean that i'd feel the same way about every hospital abroad, but the hospitals that i looked at, and i looked at everything from their blood banks to the water supply, and everything in between, i would do it. >> avery, great information. thank you so much for helping us out today. >> you're welcome. thank you. where the jobs are. it's must have information right now. we're not just going to tell you about a those jobs, we're going to show you how to land one for yourself.
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it's one thing we all have in common. each is as important as the next. it doesn't matter whether it's big or small, colonial or ranch, because it's what's inside that matters most. for 103 years, our agents have helped people find the houses they'll call home. and now, more than ever, it's important we never stop moving. go to to learn if the tax credit can help you find a home of your own. you know why i sell tools? tools are uncomplicated? nothing complicated about a pair of 10 inch hose clamp pliers.
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you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated. not really. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service shipping is easy. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that's not complicated. come on. how about...a handshake. alright. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. back in february, president obama signed the stimulus plan promising to create over 3 million american jobs. we have the managing editor of yahoo! hot jobs. where are these jobs and how do people get them?
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they want those jobs. >> they're very hard to find. one thing you can do is look in certain industries. look in construction, look in the government, look in energy, particularly renewable energy projects. those are getting a lot of stimulus funding. if you have skills that can translate to those industries you're in a good position but they're hard to find. >> are there many of them? >> there are some. some are not created because it goes through a process. the projects are announced, they receive funding, then go out to bid. these companies are putting together their projections and bids and once they get those bids, you need to follow the news to find out who in our area is getting some of these projects and target those companies. >> great idea. if all bad news has a silver lining somewhere, right, and one of the things that's happened in this jobs market so, few jobs out there for folks, a lot of people are starting their own business. >> right. >> what do you see in that arena? >> there is a lot of entrepreneurship going on, and in some ways it's really great because people are recognizing
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that there's opportunity in this situation, i've got an opportunity to do something i always wanted to do, start a business, a hobby or whatever and a lot of people find they can succeed in something like that. and start the business with a hobby or whatever. and a lot of people find that they can succeed in -- these are people who have tried very, very long to find a job, would prefer to have a full-time job but can't find one, and they look inside themselves, find isolated skills that they can use and whether it's baby sitting or looking at pets, they're doing what they can to make some money. >> that makes a lot of sense, it may not be your first choice, but if it gets you through this economic downturn, it's the right thing to do. let's go through the process of how to find that job and people haven't been in the job market for a long time and when it
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comes to the interview process, they don't even know what to expect. what are you seeing out there? >> well, we're seeing a lot of people also try some extreme things, they're renting billboards or they're asking people to do finders fees to help them find a job. but that's kind of wacky. but also people are starting to use social net working sites a lot to help them find a job. >> does that work. >> sometimes it does. but you've got to be resourceful on how you use it, but you've got to be careful on what you say, how you post, because if you're using these sites for professional jobs or trying to find a job, you want to make sure that you're not going to be embarrassed if your grandma sees it. >> that's a high hurdle. thank you for coming back and chatting with us. holiday spending is expected to be flat versus a year ago as
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ever since i can remember, i've been fascinated by money, making it, saving it, studying it. by the time i was 31, i earned enough to retire. so i embarked on a new mission, helping you take care of your money, so you can save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. >> the recent flooding in the southeast was devastating, the loss of lives, the homes where the homes are just ruined and you know what? most of the people who suffered flooding losses were uninsured for floods. they thought, why would i need
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this? i don't live in a flood plane. but one in four houses that end up getting flooded are not in flood planes. here some things you need to know. first, if you are not covered for flood by your regular homeowner's insurance policy. you have to buy a separate flood insurance plan. second, they're really, really cheap if you're not in a flood plane and, third, do you know if you're a renter or you own a condo, you can buy a flood policy that will cover the contents of what you have and those policies are dirt, dirt cheap. don't leave yourself exposed to complete financial ruin. if this house, ever possession of this family is gone. what has happened to you. >> basically i received i came
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home from work and received a real estate person's card on my front door and i thought that was a little strange so i called it and they told me to contact the local bank in regards to when i would be moving out of the residency, and i didn't know anything about what was going on, and as it turns out, for the last year, i have been paying my rent on time or ahead of schedule, and apparently, it turns out the people that owned my house had not paid the mortgage in the last ten months, and now the house that i live in has gone into foreclosure. and they wanted me out by sunday, and this is thursday afternoon. . >> no, no, no, there's a law to protect you, that gives you 90 days if your lease is up. >> i had gone month to month.
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>> if you are month to month, you are able to say 90 days. you say to the bank that the law is called helping families save their homes act. you have a right to remain and stay in that property just as long as you do pay your rent. i obviously was upset and i called the bank and the bank basically told me that i have no rights. >> you don't take that. >> i called the local courthouse and stuff to find out any information i could in regards to it. but as it turns out, i came home from work the following day and the local sheriff's department had put a notification on my door saying i had seven days. >> that's easy, that's the tennant itself. you have a right to a hearing
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before a judge. you file for a hearing, you go before the magistrate, you present to the judge, the statute and the judge will then find in your favor, almost without question and you will have three months. >> what's going on in your life, james? >> caller: well, clark, first of all i enjoy your show very much and unfortunately i wasn't listening to it enough or i wouldn't have got myself into what i got into. >> wow, that was a mouthful. what did you get yourself into that now you wish you could get out of? >> caller: my wife lost her job about three months ago and her 401(k), we decided to roll it over and we went down to my bank. he tried to lock me into a variable annuity. i'm not a financially savvy person, i'm a hard worker and so is my wife. i'm not a compulsive person but i just jumped into it. and he actually wanted to look me in for eight years, it was a
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reputable company and i took a four-year plan. my question to you is, am i in a lot of trouble with this money? because they guaranteed many 7%. >> there's dozens of pages of contract that come with that variable annuity. and who knows what it actually all says about that supposed guarantee and lose and all that. your wife had 401(k) money that i guess is inside an ira now at the bank. and inside the ira, they did a variable annuity. does that sound right. >> what we did, we had the money transferred from the 401(k) to the bank and then the bank evidently distributed to the company. >> but the thing is, i need for you to go back and look at that statement. when the surrender period is up on the variable annuity, your
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wife is then free to take that money and put it into whatever would be the most appropriate form of ira at that time. so what we should do is you and i make an appointment and four years from now, if that truly is when the surrender period ends on it, we'll talk it through about where would be the best place to go and i can't stand variable annuities, especially with ira money. but it's done. and let's just do a reset once the period of time that you can move the money comes up. next on clark howard. >> we should be saving a lot more than we are because primarily my wins, i guess i should say, that's how i should put it to you because i like to go on trips and i like to go on ebay and stuff like that. >> he said you're in a contract. and i said no, i have had my alarm since 2002, how can i be in a contract? >> how are you in a contract? have some fun with that truck.
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vroom... vroom. okay, time's up. here ya' go ! that's a nice one, i made that. that's a piece of junk. yeah. i want the red truck. well, you can't have the red truck. see, that was a limited-time offer only. it's, ah, right here in the fine print. even kids know it's wrong to hide behind fine print. why don't banks ? we're ally, a new bank who always gives you a great rate, with nothing buried in the fine print.
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put in your user name and password, you get there and it's like, the joke's on you, but they have got what they want which is your credit card number and checking account. and bam, they're eating up all your money. catch that and a lot more this sunday at 4:00 p.m. on clark howard. monica, how are you. >> caller: good and how are you? >> great, thank you. >> caller: we're trying to find different ways to save money. and i thought, well, let's cut our alarm off. and i called to inquire about that and they said we need to let somebody call you from that department and this guy did and he said, well, you are in a contract.
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i said no, i've had my alarm since 2002, how can i be in a contract? >> how are you in a contract? >> caller: he said if you look at your contract, it will automatically renew under the same terms. >> what are the terms of your sleazy contract? >> caller: it's a three' year term that started in october of 2002, of $39 a month. >> $30 a month? $30 a month? monica! the money police are on the way to your house to take your wallet away from you. read to me what the contract says about how it automatically renews. does it say that you have a five-day period every three years to notify them by certified mail that you're not renewing your contract. i have seen that before. zp >> caller: you have 30 days. but i told them you're taking
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advantage of people. >> you can try to play hardball but you'll likely lose, because you agreed to the sleazoid rollover cost. but if you choose to not pay them anymore, they will, a, sue you against the contract, or, b, they will try to ruin your credit with a collection agency and neither are very appetizing things to do. so the way i would look at it is if you can somehow come up with the $25 a month. make sure you mark all over your calendar when the contract is up, give them the notice during that 30-day window by certified mail and then be done with them. but the greatest thing you've done is you have warned so many people listening right now what to look out for. do you have a question for me? it's so easy to ask. all you do is go to
4:12 pm and click on your video submission button, if you do so, i might be answering your question the next time you tune in, just as i'm doing with mike and tena. >> i'm mike, and i'm tena. and we need a money coach. >> we have been very fortunate and very blessed. we have made some good financial decisions. and therefore we paid off our home. i guess i learned a lot of my financial responsibility from my mother, she raised three children by herself and she had to be frugal with her money and as an adult, i have all been frugal with mine. we should be saving a lot more than we are, because primarily my whims, i guess you could say, and i think that's how to put to it you, because i like to go on trips and i like to go on ebay and i like to do things like that and money just kind of disappears, and we don't track it. we own our home, we're going to need some home improvements, how
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can we budget for the upcoming needs? >> mike, first things first, how neat is it that the two of you own your house free and clear, you've got tens of thousands of dollars in savings and cds, but there is a weak link here. you got almost no money saved for retirement. and you still have time to play catchup. all right, how do you do the retirement thing? how do you pay for the repairs your house is going to need? you actually are going to have to fund both at once. what you're going to have to do is put 15 cents of every dollar that both of you make into savings, a dime of every dollar towards retirement, a nickel of every dollar into a house maintenance fund or everything that you're doing with bank cds and savings.
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that way you'll build up a stash of cash, i wish all 15% could go into retirement, but at least do that. for you, a dime on a dollar is a magic number, if you through your entire working lifetime will save a dime of every dollar you make, it means that by the time you retire, you should be able to retire with some level of comfort. if your investments do really well, it might be a little more comfortable even than some levels. but we're still talking somewhere around $30,000 and a pretty high interest rate on all of it. >> wow. 30,0$30,000 in credit card debt? >> caller: yes, sir. ( clicking )
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so you know you've helped lock in freshness and lock out air... to help prevent freezer burn. be sure it's secure with hefty food bags. just one click and you know it's closed. hefty! hefty! hefty! ( click, click, click ) j.r., you got a question for me about dealing with some debt that's bugging you. tell me about that. >> caller: yes, sir, hey, clark i have some debt from when i was back in college or actually out of college, right after september 11. trying to find a job and so forth. but we got married and we have been able to pay off a little bit of the debt, but we're still talking somewhere around $30,000 and pretty high interest rate for all of it. >> wow. $30,000 in credit card debt? >> caller: yes, sir. what kind of family income do
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you have? we're probably looking at $59,000. >> again, you're at that key trigger you may have heard me talk about in that your credit card debt is half of your income. >> caller: right. are you thinking of going to nfcc to negotiate for you? or what are you thinking of doing about this. >> caller: that's what i'm thinking of. you talked about the nonprofit service that could potentially help and we're thinking about doing is going to them, trying to get them to, you know, set out a plan for us so we can kind of cut all the interest rate. >> what interest rate does this debt carry, generally? >> caller: anywhere from somewhere between about 15% up to about 28%. >> there's way, unless suddenly your income were to double that you're going to be able with interest rate carrying like that
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to do this. i think it does make perfect sense for you to go to a national foundation for credit counseling affiliate. >> caller: here's the question i had. ultimately our goal is to try to get into -- we own a condo and the idea is that maybe in a couple years we would be able to sell it. will that hinder us from looking at getting a new house. >> yeah, during the time you still owe money, that will hurt your ability to buy a house. and you can go to nfcc and see if they can come up with some budget that would work for you, that would not hurt you at all and could be of help to you, but if you find you need to go into the debt management plan, yes. that would freeze you from buying a house while you're still in the payment plan. todd is with us, hello, todd. >> caller: hi, clark. >> how are you doing? >> caller: i'm doing great and yourself. >> wonderful, thank you. what are you thinking of doing with your wallet? >> caller: well, years ago i had
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opened a traditional ira before i started listening to your program. so over the years i accumulated some money. and then i started listening to your program and you talk a lot about roth iras. >> yes. >> caller: so i'm kind of wanting to move all that money into a roth ira, but the company that i have my traditional ira says that it would cost me a lot of penalties and fees, i would have to pay some taxes. >> there's no penalty at all for going from a regular ira to a roth. you have to meet an income threshold, which is you have to earn less than 100,000 a year, but in 2010, there is no income limit. so what you do have to pay, it's not penalty, but you pay tax as if you earned that money. and this year, you would pay the
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tax come april . if you wait until january, the tax is spread over 2011 and 2012, doing a conversion from a regular ira to a roth. are you sitting there with a lot of cash just going unloved in your life that you could use to pay the tax bill that would be due on converting a regular ira into a roth? >> caller: no. not really. >> then don't even think about it. >> caller: right now i'm just working part-time. i lost my full-time job so i'm not making a whole lot. >> caller: whatever you can start putting into a roth now moving forward each year, rather than contributing to a regular ira would be to your advantage, at least all future ira contributions should be roth iras instead of regular. >> caller: wow, clark, thank you so much, that's exactly what i needed to know. >> caller: >> i want to wish you the best in the job market, i know it's
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been tough going full-time to part-time. the economy is recovering, jobs recover later, but eventually they do come back. do you know that car rental companies, being on the financial rope, have been in the best position of all the travel industry to do something about the country being in a recession, they simply reduce the number of car rentals that they have in their fleet. if you think about hotels, they don't suddenly shut all of their hotels. airlines, what do they do? they park all their airplanes in the desert, but car companies reduce the number of cars they have on hand by very large numbers. meaning car rental prices are going up, not down in a down economy. how should you beat it? well, shop multiple companies and try hot wire and price line for big savings on car rentals.
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coldwell. yes, banker? now all our listings are on any smartphone. indeed. now people can search home listings anytime, anywhere. coldwell? whoa! looks like you can search listings and connect with our great agents on this thing. isn't technology amazing? yeah, but it makes me dizzy. announcer: coldwell banker. we never stop moving. explore real estate videos and more all at
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ever since i can remember i've been fascinated by money, making it, saving it studying it. by the time i was 31, i had easte earned enough to retire. so i embarked on a new mission, helping you take care of your money, so you can save more, spend less and avoid getting rip offend. now from his radio studio, your money expert clark howard. >> all right, i am really excited. why? because i'm a travel nut and if you are a travel nut too, and you can afford to go somewhere and you have the time, this fall is your friend.
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because the travel business flat out doesn't have any customers. i saw a report recently from the website that the average hotel rate in the united states is down by 17% this year from a year ago. that is a huge drop in price. i have even gotten some rooms recently using price line and hotwire that are in the 30s per night and these aren't flea bags and in every sector of travel you look at is a real deal in the time period of leading up to just before thanksgiving. you want to fly somewhere, the bargains are everywhere and especially not just in the united states, but to the caribbean, and to europe. how about cruises? the fall is always value time on cruises, but especially this year. one thing that's not a bargain right now, car rentals. car rental rates are actually going up. maybe you can walk when you get
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now it's time for your what's on your wallet's mind? henry is with us. henry, supposedly we're out of recession, and it doesn't feel like it to you today, does it? >> caller: no, sir, our company filed chapter 11 bankruptcy. what does that mean for our 401(k)s? >> 401(k) as sets should be in the hands of a 401(k) administrator. and the money that you have in the account is your money and cannot be seized as part of your employer's chapter 11. i will tell you that your last couple of payroll deductions for your 401(k) may not have ever made it to the 401(k) plan administrator and that money may be lost in space. but your actual 401(k) account, you get a statement from an outside company, right? your 401(k)?
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right? that money stays with them, and it's at no risk from the employer filing bankruptcy. >> caller: the thing that concerns me with the 401(k) is that we all quit contributing to our 401(k) in july and we cannot get any answers about how we can move our money to a -- >> if you had stopped contributing back in the summer, then you don't have to worry about what i said about how some of you have money may have been lost. the administrator for the plan continues to administer the plan just as they did before. and so you cannot move your money from them as long as you stay with the employer. itch the employer were to later not make it in bankruptcy and they shut down, then your 401(k) money becomes available to each of you and that's when you can move it to wherever you want in an ira.
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>> caller: yes, sir, okay. >> so that part is nothing to worry, that money is safe, and that money will be there for you with the bank and then ultimately for your retirement. ashley is on "the clark howard show." ashley, how are you? i ups you have a mortgage dilemma you want to run by me. are you buying a property or are you re-fiing one? >> we are thinking of buying a new property. >> so you are the one person in america that's thinking of buying a home. >> caller: we're going to have to sell our home first, so that may be a challenge, but if we can sell our home, we are on the market. but the problem we are having is that i have talked with several mortgage brokers and they have told me in the price range we're looking for, we are going to
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make a down payment of 20%, because it's in the jumbo loan range and so it's frustrating because we feel like we can definitely afford the monthly payment and we have got enough for a down payment that would be in excess of 10%, but getting to -- across the 20% mark with -- would definitely be beyond what we could do immediately. now i have had one broker suggest that we could do sort of a biggy back loan where you are a first mortgage up to the jumbo loan limit and then you put a second mortgage on top of that, but that would be an extremely high rate, like he suggested it would probably be like 9%. >> all right, i don't see that as an outsized risk on your part. >> caller: okay. >> i don't see that as a horrible thing. what other options are you looking at. >> caller: i have got one other
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suggestion and i think i know what your response will be. but one of the brokers said i ought to borrow money from my 401(k) to try to get across the 20% mark. >> as long as the borrowing rate is reasonable on the 401(k), i hope that lightning doesn't strike me down right now, i think that that would be an acceptable way for you to get to 20%. but i don't dismiss out of hand what you're thinking of doing because you may not have any down payment but we can come up with it borrowing from our 401(k), that would show me no discipline and no habit of saving money on your part. i would say no way you should do, but because it just helps you close a gap, i think that would be a reasonable way to get it done. next on clark howard. >> i want to be financially secure, that would mean no mortgage, cash in the bank, where i would be able to live
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off of my investments. >> they said in seven years they have never failed to return somebody how much money? >> $53,000. >> you hear the manuering coming out of that cow, right? what can we do today to help you for your future? at bank of america, we take our obligations extraordinarily seriously. we have many traditional savings products for our customers as well as products, that you will not see anywhere else., we encourage our customers to use the website because there are so many great features. by doing add it up, you get discounts on your purchase. you know, the greatest program we have right now, is the keep the change. keep the change gives customers the opportunity, to save in a different kind of way when they use their debit card - at no cost., it's free. my favorite product that we have is actually online banking.
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you can actually set up alerts to be sent to your email address or it could be sent to your cell phone. it gives peace of mind, saves time, saves money., to me,t all comes down, to making my customers feel comfortable. i see a renewed interest and need, frankly, for those simple things that ultimately really matter, both to your families as well as to your financial health. let's see what we can do with that, and how we can help you grow in to your future. it's not always easy living with copd, but i try not to let it hold me back... whether i'm at the batting cages... down by the lake or... fishing at the shore. i'm breathing better... with spiriva. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i take it every day. it keeps my airways open... to help me breathe better all day long. and it's not a steroid. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms.
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stop taking spiriva and call your doctor if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, or have vision changes or eye pain. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects may include dry mouth, constipation and troublpassing urine. my doctor said i could be doing more to breathe better and now i am. announcer: ask your doctor about lifestyle changes and once-daily spiriva. lisa is with us, hi, lisa. >> caller: hey, how are you? >> lisa, you're doing things in the right order and you want to run something by me to make sure it's not a scam? >> caller: yes, i do, very much so. >> what is it that you have the offer of? >> i got contracted by an agency
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that told me basically that if i give them $2,000, that they'll fill out the paper work and do all the work of finding grants for me and they are out of the seven years that they have been working or whatnot, they have never returned less than $53,000 worth of grants to somebody and i have already kind of gotten ripped off by a grant writing company so i'm not very quick to jump at this. >> so they said in seven years they have never failed to return somebody less than how much money? >> caller: $53,000. >> hold on. you hear the manuer coming out of that cow, right? bull manuer, in fact, this is an -- if they have been scamming people for seven years, that's seven years too long. this is an old timy scam.
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with organizations that say they have got all kinds of secret inside scoops on grants and that you just pay them the money, and they rear going to get that money for you. many times over. and that has been around an oldie but baddie, they don't have their credit card number or checking account number, do they? >> caller: no, negative, definitely not. >> i just breathed a whole lot easier at that point. this is completely bogus and if the clown calls you back again, tell whoever it is who calls you, tell that person that i said they were a crook, that they should be ashamed of themselves, tell them my name and give that hoodlum my phone number and i'm happy to say right to that individual what a creep they are and i'm so glad that you're staying out of harm's way. do you want me to be your money coach?
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well, here's what you got to do. go to howard and then you'll see our video submission button. you submit your question to me and voila, you might be with me on the tv just like chris. >> hi, my name is chris and i need a money coach. i hope to retire in nine years. i just need to know where to put my money. i have been saving money for the past several years. i have some money in an ira with vanguard and several other iras. and then i have managed to save some cash on the side. i don't have any debts. i want to be financially secure. that would mean no mortgage, cash in the bank. where i would be able to live off of my investments. my question is, how do i protect what i have while being somewhat aggressive in planning for the future. >> chris, you are handling money so well. think about this, by the time you plan to retire, you will have no mortgage, you carry no credit card debt or any other
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personal debts and you have been saving money like clock work, saving for the future. but did you ever make me nervous by saying, do i need to be aggressive with my investments? all right, here's what i want you to think about. if you look at how many years you are away from retirement, you can't be too aggressive because you wouldn't have time to recover if the markets tanked. at your age, you should have somewhere around 40% to 50% of all your savings in stock type choices. the other half needs to be more conservatively invested in bond type choices, cds, savings accounts, so that you don't put yourself too much at risk. now let's say you're in your 20s or 30s. you're in a completely different position and situation, it's fine for you to overwhelmingly and you should actually go into the stock type choices available to you in a retirement plan at
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work, like a 401(k), or if you do a roth account, a form of retirement account that uses after tax dollars and the most important thing if you're younger, save like a maniac, you'll be amazed how much money you'll end up with by the time you do decide you don't want to work anymore. next on "clark howard." >> all that stuff is going to take seven years, not from when you turned 18, but when you stop paying on all these things. it will be seven years before those things completely stop harming you. >> caller: wow. that's not good.
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jason joins us, hi, jason. >> hey, clark, how are you? >> i'm doing great, thank you. you want to go back to your teenaged years. >> caller: that's correct. when i was 18, 19, i took out some student loans, i also took out a personal loan from a credit union and i also had purchased a vehicle with my
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grandfather as a co-signer. however i let all those things get away from me because i decided to get into music and do the musician thing and i didn't end up paying for a lot of them. now my credit is not the best of shape and i need to figure out because i have no idea how to get it back on track, with a good credit score. i haven't had any credit cards or anything like that. >> well, first on the student loans, you know you have to bring the student loans current. of the things that you mentioned, student loans are the one thing that will follow you the rest of your life if you don't make amends on those. >> caller: okay. >> so the first step to getting your credit on the right path, you need to go meet with a default counselor. you said your granddad co-signed the car loan? >> yes, sir, the car actually got prepossessed? >> it got prepossessed but
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you're paying off the balance? >> caller: yes. >> all that stuff is going to take seven years, from not when you turned 18, but from when you stopped paying on all these things. it will be seven years before those things completely stop harming you. so that means you're not far away from the negative of these things that disappear from your report. although the items stay on your report for seven years, the good news is that once you pay them off, that instantly raises your score a lot. but i have no worry about you, jason, because you made no excuses, you took full responsibility and now you're making good on the money, i think you're going to be fine with how you handle money the rest of your life. john, how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, how are you? >> good, thank you, john, you are a landlord like me, is that right? >> i am a landlord, just within the past two years.
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i have two try plexes which i have a lease option on. and i'm two years into that. and the remaining units i have through stellar finance. you are such a good salesperson that you have convinced all these people to sell you places and finance the purchases for y you. >> caller: the term is great, the terms, i've got 3% on a 15-year. i have got a five-year balloon. so my question is, you know, well, one, i would like the seller to be able to report to a credit agency on my behalf. >> so you want to create a track
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record so that you can qualify for a loan when the balloon hits? >> caller: right. >> i have a suggestion for you because it's going to hard to make that happen. you're trying to get a square peg to fit in a round hole. you need to >> you might want to go to two or three of them. and you go in and you sit down with the president of the bank and you lay out for him or her what it is you're doing. you have the financials for them, and you tell them what your needs are. >> caller: okay. >> and that is how you, as an entrepreneur, build up a long successful relationship with a bank. because you're never going to make that happen with one of the giant banks. and i think that really exciting that you've been able to be so persuasive to get people to owner finance. i think you'll be equally as successful persuading banks to be your partner.
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>> i hate to ever talk about a problem to which i can't offer you an easy remedy or solution. but there's something going on out there that i feel i just got to tell you. and there are precautions you should take to protect yourself. did you know, according to "the washington post," you can hire companies -- a strange term for it. you can hire hackers on the web for $30 or more to crack somebody else's e-mail password? so that you can go in to their account and snoop around? who's doing this the most often? well, it's the boyfriend or girlfriend who's worried that somebody's cheating. but it could also be used for any of a number of dishonest purposes, including corporate espionage or finding out information about your finances. so here's what you need to know -- the hackers are going to be able to break in if somebody's determined. but you need to be careful what you store in your e-mail they could gain access to.
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a vicious attack on a store clerk during an armed robbery. police are asking for your help. a woman who got the wrong embryo at a fertility clinic has delivered a baby. is it a boy or a girl? who will the infant go home with. >> what is the biggest danger for a late night talk show host? conan o'brien had something else into his head and landed him into the hospital. good saturday to you, you're watching hln. him susan hendricks. the guantanamo bay detention
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center won't be closed to meet a january deadline set by president obama. legal complications are delaying efforts to close the facility. the sources say they think the facility will be closed soon. during his first week in office president obama signed an executive order setting the january deadline. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell says the announcement proves there's no better alternative for housing detainees. pretty a brutal to watch. a clothing store clerk was attacked by awoman with a crowbar. police say the woman of paying for some shirts when she suddenly pulled out that crowbar and hit the clerk several times. she robbed the store of $200 and fled in a car with no license plates. investigators are hoping this surveillance video will lead to the sailant. the clerk is doing okay.
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an ohio mother mistakenly implanted with another woman's embryo has given birth to a healthy baby boy. they announced the baby's birth and congratulating his biological parents. the savages recently revealed he had got another couple's embryo when she under went in vitro fertilization. they found this out 10 days after the procedure. there's a new drive to legalize march jane in the state of california. it's not about politics but cold hard cash. it would make it legal for californians 21 and older to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. backers including an oakland candidate running for mayor wants to get it on the ballot for next year. taxes on marijuana sales could help local government suffering from the recession.
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>> the ballot measure itself will help fund our current economy crisis in california but will not make it easier for users. >> if we can find a way to tax and regulate a substance that is the largest cash crop in california and take those monies out of the hands of the black market and put them into the hands. cities and the government, then we all win. >> opponents say revenue claims are misleading. they say legalizing marijuana can lead to drug abuse. president barack obama is handling efforts to get the world's economy back on track. wrapping up the two day g-20 summit in pittsburgh, president obama said the global economy has been brought back from the brink of the worst financial crisis since the 1930s. but its fiscal message was overshadowed by iran as admission they have enrichment uranium facilities. iran meets with the u.s. and five other powers.
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president obama said the international community is united in its composition to iran's nuclear program. >> iran is on notice that when we meet with them on october 1st they have to come clean and they are going to have to make a choice. are they willing to go down the path, which i think ultimately will lead to greater prosperity and security for iran, giving up the acquisition of nuclear weapons, and deciding that they are willing to abide by international rules and standards in their pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy, or will they continue down a path that is going to lead to confrontation? >> we'll tell you iran quickly fired back. in an interview on "larry king live", iran president mahmoud ahmadinejad called mr. obama's criticism baseless. he accused the u.s. president of raining on his call for
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international unity at the united nations general assembly. >> translator: we did not expect mr. obama within less than 48 hours to basically violate the commitment that he spoke of at the united nations. >> mahmoud ahmadinejad also commented on the massive post-election protest in his country saying a few people complained of fraud and he also dismissed the counts of violence against the protesters saying most people who were hurt were pro government. >> vice president joe biden is promising quick federal help for the victims of severe flooding in georgia. yesterday, biden toured areas near atlanta devastated by last week's floods. he wants to assure the government responds properly to the disaster. >> the truth of the matter is for someone who has lost their home, it is katrina. for someone who is in a situation that the people are here in this shelter, it is katrina. it's not katrina in its scope by
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any stretch of the imagination but the impact on their lives, on your lives, we understand, it is katrina. and on a beautiful sunny day like today the worst part of it all is i know from experience the tragedy what happened to you is sinking in. at least nine people died in georgia after days of storms dumped as much as 22 inches of rain in some parts of the state. i'm reynolds wolf for hln with a look at your forecast. one of the big stories we have around the nation is a possible repeat performance we had earlier in the week. when we see the widespread of flooding in the southeast like on monday and tuesday doesn't appear that way but still we'll see scattered showers, possibly heavy storms in parts of the southeast and into the appalachians. you'll notice a lot of green popping up across the map. those are your watches and advisories with regard to flooding you might see in the southeast. the reason that could occur, we have an area of low pressure that's cruising their way into the deep south. pulling this frontal boundary
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and moves from west to east interact with moisture from the gulf of mexico and tligs ocean. combined with daytime heating could give us heavy rainfall especially in the appalachians. further west dry conditions can be expected. warm with high temperatures in phoenix and southern california that will be into the 90s and 100. 100 for las vegas. 79 degrees in denver. 87 at dallas. 81 in memphis. 65 in washington, d.c.. 63 in boston. that's a wrap on your forecast. i'm reynolds wolf for hln. many organizations are stepping up to help flood victims in this southeast. if you're wondering what you can do to help out to pitch in, just go to our website, you'll find a wide variety of resources that will help you impact your world. "tonight show" host conan o'brien is recovering after hitting his head doing a stunt for his show. doctors examined him yesterday. nbc is keeping quiet about his
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condition. the network is not saying if show production will resume next week. as for o'brien he's making light of the mishap. in a statement he said quote, i was enjoying the play with mrs. lincoln. the neck thing i knew i was in bed being served cookies and juice. it's about to give anybody the creepy crawlies. we'll tell you where this boa was found on the way to school and we'll tell you how it turned out. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist is on a roll. new anti-aging eye roller.
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reduces puffiness immediately -- and also helps with lines and wrinkles. not surgery. this is our way to do ur eyes. new regenerist anti-aging eye roller. ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter, sure, still not dry? i'm trng to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios.
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in coherence and strength and commitment and reinforcing loyalties. and if gay couples want to call the union marriage and a state agrees and several have now a religious body will sanction it, i don't think the rest of us should get in the way of that. >> clinton also said he doesn't support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage but thinks each state should decide for itself whether or not to legalize it. >> man accused of trying to blow up a sky scraper was a mixture between a want to be gangster and a rock star. that's how one neighbor described the jordan jan national. he's accused of trying to blow up a dallas sky scraper by
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driving a bomb into a garage. newly released video shows his arrest on september 10th for driving without a license. resignation accepted. the u.s. army is granting a discharge under other than honorable circumstances to the first commissioned officer to be court martialed for refusing to go to iraq. he refused to deploy in 2006 arguing it was illegal. his court-martial ended in a mistrial in 2007. a judge ruled a second court-martial would violate his constitutional rights against double jeopardy. they sang president obama's praises literally. now a group of elementary school students from new jersey are at the center of a growing controversy. some conservatives are outraged and say the performance is the same as polica indoctrination. mary snow has more. >> that's my son. >> reporter: gina says she was shocked to find her son and classmates singing about obama.
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it was posted on youtube and set off a firestorm of emotion. >> the chanting is what upsets me. >> gina and her husband said they have no idea their son's class last year even sang the song. >> i felt they were brain washing my child rather than teaching him. they were pushing their political views rather than educating him. so i just think they overstepped. >> and i think it has to do with people that don't want politics mixed with school. >> reporter: brenda morrison's daughter was in the video and doesn't see a problem. says the kids are adorable. >> what do you say to critics that say the song barack obama was indoctrinating kids? >> it is laughable.
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>> reporter: difference of opinion has spread far beyond, becoming a front page headline and hot topic on the blogosphere. the superintendent says it did receive harassing calls. our repeated requests to pe to school officials were denied. the state education commissioner is now reviewing what happened to quote, ensure students can celebrate the achievements of african-americans without inappropriate partisan politics. >> the issue with the anger and where is it coming from. >> reporter: gibson says it is justified. >> i'm glad you are here, they are trying to sweep this under the rug. >> mary snow, cnn, burlington, new jersey. >> how would you like to find
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this outside your child's school? >> a boa constrictor slithering outside the school. none of the students went close and touched the snake. it was the second one found in the area this week. both were taken to a local nature preserve. >> there is strong reaction to a new rule to a california law. >> you're getting on me because i'm black. not everybody is a bad person because they have a hoodie on. he's not going rob a store. >> hear why the mall want shoppers to watch what they wear. stay with hln. [ engine powers down ] gentlemen, you booked your hotels on orbitz. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check. well, i think we've all learned a valuable lesson today. good day, gentlemen. thanks a lot. thank you. introducing hotel price assurance,
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where if another orbitz customer books the same hotel for less, we send you a check for the difference, automatically. with your help... ...yoplait will donate 10 cents for every pink lid sent in. help us win. we've been fighting the war against breast cancer... ...for over 10 years at upbeat rock ♪ so i could hear myself myseas a ringtone ♪hone ♪ ♪ who knew the store would go and check my credit score ♪ ♪ now all they let me have is this dinosaur ♪ ♪ hello hello hello can anybody hear me? ♪ ♪ i know i know i know i shoulda gone to ♪ ♪ free credit report dot com! ♪ that's where i shoulda gone! coulda got my knowledge on! ♪ ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage.
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what you can pay on a mortgage, the rates that were really lower earlier this year, went away much of the summer now have started coming back down. you won't get the rates as low as they were this past spring, but the opportunities available, if your credit standing is good and especially for people who have equity in their home, for you to refi really, really solid opportunities again. the best opportunity in the market right now is on 15-year fixed rate loans. normally there's a spread between 30-year and 15-year loans that's about a little less than half a percent. right now with a lot of lenders that spread is just about three quarters of a point lower. and again for people with good credit, you should be able to get a 15-year fixed rate loan right now at 4.5% or below. one thing to watch though, the closing costs have gone up. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to save dough, go to
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>> great advice and you can get more at 4:00 p.m. eastern in the struggling economy he'll help you save more, spend less. an avoid getting ripped off. >> you can guy hoodies at the mall but you can't wear them there. why they are telling shoppers to keep them off their heads. >> reporter: some shoppers find the new dress code offensive. >> you're getting on me because i'm black. >> reporter: raw reaction from this shopper. >> not everybody is a bad person because i have a hoody on. you know. he's not going to rob a store, you know. >> reporter: security says it's a matter of safety. >> wearing hoods over your head to conceal your face. we don't allow masks and we certainly won't allow hoods. >> reporter: but is banning hoods inside the mall legal?
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>> the shopping mall is allowed to have reasonable regulations, the question will be do they have evidence to support their regulations? is there some reason they adopted it to show they are not targeting people irrationally. >> reporter: security had said they have seen similar restrictions at local banks. robbers often shield their faces with hoods. >> be aware of cultural beliefs and my guys will use discretion. >> reporter: some bowling alleys have outlawed sagging pants but malls are considered private and can impose its own rules according to legal experts. >> good thing. yeah, i think so. people behave better when they are dressed nicer. >> reporter: she works security and doesn't think shoppers should be prevented from wearing hoods indoors. >> if there's a group, you know, like three or more and they are hopping inside a store, that's a different thing. >> our thanks for that report.
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by the way, that's not the only fashion no-no at that mall. people who like to wear their pants low and expose their underwear will have to cover up with a long shirt. a california man had a close call with tragedy when his car did this. it plunged 150 feet off a steep cliff at the place known as devil's slide. for almost two hours jessie garcia's car teetered on the rocks. >> i was noticing i was falling backwards and felt the car leaning towards the right. it was rotating as it was falling and i can feel the bumps in the car crashing on the rocks. >> garcia managed to call 911 but rescuers had a hard time finding him because of dense fog. they had to repel down the cliff to get him out of the car. luckily he was wearing his seat belt and only had a few scrapes and a bump on his head. cops have tried a lot of ways to stop drag racing. if you can't beat them, join
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them. it seems to be working well for one california city. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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you know, it makes me feel pretty good. we're offering a solution for a customer that maybe has to choose between paying their credit card or putting food on the table. our main objective is to reach out to the customers that are falling behind on their payments. a lot of customers are proud and happy that bank of america actually has a solution to help them out. i listen. that's the first thing i do is i listen. you know what, what happened? what put you in this situation? and everyone's situation is different. we always want to make sure that we're doing what's best for our cardholders. i'll go through some of his monthly expenses, if he has a mortgage payment, if he pays rent. and then i'll use all that information to try and see what kind of a payment he financially can handle. i want to help you., bank of america wants to help you, through this difficult time. when they come to you and they say thank you aj,, for helping me with this problem, that's where we get our joy from.,
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>> welcome to vital signs. this month we hit the ground in japan. i'm dr. sanjay gupta, cnn chief medical correspondent and a practicing neurosurgeon. the fastest growing elderly population and ever dropping fertility rate and shrink labor force. japan is barreling down a path expected to place unprecedented strain on the country's pension and medical systems. most of the countries in the correlated are following suit. japan is getting there before the rest of us. so we traveled to japan to witness an innovative approach in response to the challenge. in the future this concept might be coming to a town near you.
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at a government subsidized center in the heart of tokyo women bring their children for free daycare. part of the government's push to encourage women to have babies. with a drindling workforce and growing number of senior citizens japan is facing a fiscal squeeze. some say there's a segment of the population overlooked, but key to the country's economic survival. he works the spies stand that's been in her family nearly 100 years. in primary school she helped mr. mother grind sesame seeds. now she works alongside her son
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and his wife. believe it or not, people aged 100 and above are the fastest growing population in japan. and she's younger than this group at a spry 83. some population experts say hers and others like her working well past the 60-year-old retirement age show how the i'll derly population can remain vital while utilizing their working potential for the economy. >> they are forced to retire. our ageing problem is a human disaster. the institution it created i found out so many elderly persons are healthy but not working. why? because of retirement age. >> it raises the question, as japan takes a closer look at the issue of retirement and its workforce will they offer an updated approach that can be embraced by the rest of an ageing world. in many countries governments have not adjusted retirement age to match a rise in life
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expectancy. >> all the countries in the world will suffer from ageing problems. the 20th century was a century of population explosion but 21st century is a century of population ageing. we hear about a lush mountain village on the japanese island where we're told we'll see the wave of the future. this 80 something couple high in the japanese mountains provides a glimpse of what the rest of an ageing world might look like in the coming years. at first i was afraid to touch the machine. i was afraid i would break it, she says. especially designed mouse and many keyboards allows elderly hands to navigate. in a modest house outfitted with business technology they are
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among some 200 elderly who are the backbone of the agricultural company. almost half of the 2,000 residents in the town are 65 years and older. i don't have time to get sick, i don't have time to go the hospital. the work is busy she says. she and her husband package the tiny leaves that will garagish plates of food around the country. patient and meticulous, they are well suited for the gentle work. the company has revitalized the town financially supplying 60% of the leaves to japan's hotels and restaurants. here the elderly are key to an innovative source of revenue. the company's founder said older villagers were willing to do the work that didn't interest younger people.
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his town is proof that giving older people a role is giving them a purpose and generating wealth. older people have accumulated knowledge and experience throughout their lives we just need to know how to make use of their talents. a stop to town, the leaves are headed for japan's finest restaurants. back in tokyo at the government's office on ageing society, the enterprising seniors hard at work are getting attention. the director calls the village an interesting case. we must change our perception she says that everyone 65 and older is elderly. a gradual raising of the retirement age from 60 to 65 is in the works. >> in this country people think people are miserable and have no hope. i have hope. >> depending how we treat these
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people policy wise encourage them to save, work longer. >> different for young and old alike and possibly a model for the rest of the world. close on the heels of japan's unchartered population path. >> vital signs in association with phillips. it's what doct most for headaches. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back. for little bodies with fevers..
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and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever. kelly saunder's nature valley. ♪ the place that inspires her to go faster... ♪
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and slower. ♪ elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended. >> in a trendy tokyo neighborhood, this is home to a quick health because. here visitors look to get their vitamins intravenously, no appointment necessary. each pack is said to contain saline solution and specific vitamins and minerals to target a particular health ailment. >> this is a regular customer. i used to take vitamin
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supplements but changed to the i.v. drips. she tells us she gets the i.v. for a better skin, one to burn fat and a third to boost her energy. there are ten different varieties to choose from. the anti-ageing properties loaded with antioxidants. it's to ease muscle stiffness. prices range from $20 to $30 for injections. this nurse tells us she treats 30 to 40 people a day. her typical patients many japanese businessmen who work in the same office building. i see a lot of businessmen who say they don't have time to sleep. they can't take a break from working and get a vitamin drip for an extra kick of energy. blue is the most requested vitamin back. registered nurses and doctors administer the drip. there's no conclusive medical evidence to back up the health claims.
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japan's national health insurance won't pay for the treatments. the i.v. cafe and its marketing what they call instantaneous health is considered a trend in japan a country known for all kinds of fads. welcome back to vital signs. our spotlight this month is on japan. but wherever we are it's our job to bring you our myth buster segment. myth or reality. testosterone fuel financial profits. realilty. a team measured the testosterone levels in a group of male traders in london's financial district. when their testosterone levels were high they made profit. the male hormone makes them more confident and focused. refrigeration preserves nutrients. myth. food and vegetables can lose up to half of their vitamins when
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fry gear rated. produce spend day in transport and on shelves before you even buy it. look for fresh produce grown locally. fresh froze produce is another option. here's one final myth buster, fish is brain food. reality. we know a diet rich in fish is good for that's right. new evidence reveals it may word off dementia. a study found more fish they ate the lower their risk. those eating fish a few days a week were 20% less likely to develop dementia than those who didn't eat it at all. a taste of local flavor in japan now, we couldn't travel to the health conscious country and not bring you back some fresh insight on the nutrition. the country's appetite for healthy food is strong. these vegetables were cooked
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with black vinegar. so-called black foods have always played a prominent role in japanese cuisine. they have been known for hundreds of years for their taste. people are buying them for their nutritional value. black ingredients are added to many beverages. it's promoted to lower cholesterol levels. black ice tea is popular. of course black seaweed. is there truth to the health claims? sort of a mixed bag. the claims might be a bit exaggerated but often foods are black or deeply colored because of natural plan pigments. they have anti-inflammatory properties. black rice is a whole grain rice and contains more fiber and nutrients than white rice. here's a trend you're familiar with. green tea.
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a ten year study over 40,000 japanese suggested grinni eed d five or more cups a day can cut death from heart disease. they have strong antioxidant properties and neutralize free radicals in the body which attack healthy cells. be sure to visit our website there you can learn about these final images we leave you with. tiny buddhist statutes colorfully decorated in tokyo. i'm dr. sanjay gupta. thanks for watching.
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embryo has delivered a baby. is it a boy or girl and who will the infant go home with? what is the biggest danger for late night talk show hosts. conan o'brien had something else that landed him in the hospital. >> good saturday to you, you're watching hln. so glad you're with us. i'm susan hendricks. time to get you caught up. the guantanamo bay likely won't be closed in time to meet a deadline set by president obama. legal complications are delaying efforts to close the facility. but the sources say they think the facility will be closed soon. during his first week in office president obama signed an executive order setting the january deadline. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell says it proves this no better alternative for mousing detainees. [ screaming ] >> stay back.
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>> pretty brutal to watch. this was caught on tape and happened in arizona and the woman suddenly pulled out the crow bar and hit the clerk several times. she fled in a car with no license plate. investigators are hoping this surveillance video will lead to the assailant, the clerk by the way is doing okay. >> an ohio mother mistakenly implanted with another woman's embryo has given birth to a healthy baby boy. carolyn savage and her husband released a statement announcing the baby's birth and congratulating his biological parents. the savages recently revealed that she got another couple's embryo when she underwent in vitro fertilization. they found out about this ten days after the procedure. and decided to carry the baby to term and turn him over to his genetic parents.
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>> president barack obama is hailing efforts to get the world's economy back on track. wrapping up the two day g-20 summit in pittsburgh, president obama said the global economy has been brought back from the brink of the worst financial crisis since the 1930s. but his fiscal message wasso shadowed by iran's admission that it has second uranium enrichment facility a second one. this comes a week before tehran meets with tuesday and five other western powers. president obama said the international community is united in its composition to iran's nuclear program. >> iran is on notice that on october 1st they have to come clean and make a choice. are they willing to go down the path which i think ultimately will lead to greater prosperity and security for iran, giving up
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the acquisition of nuclear weapons, and deciding that they are willing to abide by international rules and standards in their pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy or will they continue down a path that is going to lead to confrontation. >> tehran quickly fired back. in an interview on cnn "larry king live", iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad called mr. obama's criticism baseless and he accused the u.s. president of raining on his call for international unity at the united nations's general assembly. >> translator: we cannot expect mr. obama within less than 48 years -- 48 hours to basically violate the commitment that he spoke of at the united nations. >> mahmoud ahmadinejad also commented on the massive post-election protests in his country saying quote, a few people complained of fraud and he also dismissed the counts of
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violence against the protesters saying most of the people who were hurt were pro government. a powerful explosion in a city marketplace killed eight people and injured 45 others. it happened today in northwest pakistan. police say a suicide bomber packed a car with more than 200 pounds of explosives. they arrested two suspects but did not say how they may be connected to the attack. meanwhile a separate bombing at a pakistani police station hours earlier killed six people. ing "tonight show" host could none o'brien is recovering after doing a stun for his show. doctors examined him yesterday at a hospital and nbc is keeping quiet about his condition. or whether he was released or not. the network is also not saying if show production will resume next week. last night they aired a "tonight show" rerun. as for o'brien he's making light of the mishap. he said quote i was enjoying the play with mrs. lincoln. the next thing i knew i was in bed being served cookies and
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juice. cops have tried a lot of ways to stop drag racing but as they say if you can't beat them join them and it seems to be working well for one california city. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers...
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show. call us at 1-877 tell-hln. our e-mail is at this is your chance to be heardú >> controversy, opinion, your point of view. this is "prime news". >> welcome to "prime news". i'm from "inside edition" in for michael. jaw dropping developments in the search for haleigh cummings. stepmom was the last one to see her. now explosive allegations from her friends. it true she was taken to a drug filled party overdosed on oxycontin and then died. we have the friend's letter from behind bars. an arrest warrant is out for mis misty's mom. >> deep down in my heart yes i was holding something back.
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they both are holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> if you know anything else, please tell me. i me we can work through it. i'll be right there by your side. we'll get through it.úú please tell me whatever you're holding back. >> joining me now, a former police detective and t.j. hart program and news director for wsky in gainesville, florida. thanks to you both for joining us. let's go t.j. hart. bring us up to date with the latest. >> first you heard about that letter and that letter is all it is is a letter from jail. but the letter from jail also reveals something that was in a signed statement and in that signed affidavit that was given to law officers that were led to believe that according to the writer of that affidavit, haleigh was at a party with @@ misty, a party pal and also junior and a couple of other people. now, according to the affidavit
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mentioned in the letter and this is only according to it that haleigh ate some oxycontin, died, put in a plastic bag.@@ is she dead? don't know because there's nobody. there's some shocking insight into what people are telling police especially in a signed sworn affidavit. >> t.j. stay on the line. our former detective, when you get a letter like this how much credence do you give it given fact the letter has some specifics and there is apparently some corroborating evidence. >> there is. but, jim, i'm having trouble with this because all these months have gone by and the police have not developed a lead on this party with all the people that would know about this, no one dropped a dime, no one told their friend? i mean if there was this party
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then i can understand the police weren't involved, i'll be honest with you.úú >> so, are you suggesting -- t.j., what's your take on this. because he has a good point. this is months and months ago. nobody mentioned a party until this letter. why now >> that's the odd part. there was a party situation where misty participated with several people mentioned in that letter. a couple of days before the child went missing. a couple of days on end of a nonstop partying. what would one more day be. in the case of some people. one thing that was mentioned the child was dropped in a bag and then into a pond. that letter was dated 9-18. the night of 9-18 if memory serves me started draining the pond. whether it has anything to do with that statement, mentioned in the letter, i don't know. but there is some kind of irony there. >> we have a phone call from sabrina in kentucky. >> hi, jim, you do a great job.
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>> thank you. >> my question is about misty's brother, the night he was supposed to go over there and claims he banged on the door, i was wondering if it was possible he could have coerced that little girl to open the door and maybe he took her and maybe that's why he waited so long to tell investigators that he was there that night? >> what's your take on that will caller's comment? >> it's a good point she's making but, you know, i'm not buying this whole thing. misty and ron know a lot more than what's coming out. the police, the first thing you'll do as a good cop, okay, you don't have time to open up a crime book 101 and learn this stuff. you're going to talk to everyone that knows this family, everyone that knows misty and him and ron. okay. somebody would have told you. you get the least culpable person, give them immunity if they are not involved in this stuff and this case should have been solved months ago. this is not good police work that's going on. i'll tell you that much. >> after all of these no, sir make this sharp left turn and
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get this information suggesting there was a party, a drug overdose and then hiding this child's body, it's very disturbing to have it so long and deep into this investigation. >> especially as a cop and you have a girl misty that keeps coming into headquarters for you. and, you know, voice analysis, polygraphs against her lawyer's wishes. come on that's a dream for a police officer, a lead investigator on a case like this and you can't solve this. this woman is in and out of your police department. something is not going right here i'll tell you that much. >> t.j. hart and vito thank you both for joining us. a big announcement from jaycee dugard, the woman kidnapped 18 @ years ago may soon face her accused captors in court. her lawyer said she's agreed to take the stand. plus a man who is coming forward claiming to be jaycee's @@ biological father and he wants r paternity test. stay with us. more to come. with n daabt chinese at he ew wanch ferry?
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you can make it in just 14 minutes mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway (announcer) wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese your ocer's eezer s it hard to breathe. but now that i'm breathing better with advair... i can enjoy the zoo with my grandkids. (announcer) for people with copd including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. we had a great day, grandpa! we sure did.
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. a harsh reality for millions of americans right now. unemployment. many never thought they would be out of work for a few months let alone for a year. we are introduced to two people interviewing for hundreds of jobs, wanting to do anything just to live. >> rachel and nancy don't have much in common. rachel is 28 and worked in recruiting after graduating from college. anthony is 46. he worked on wall street for 20 years but he never went to college. the thing they do have in common, a long job search after
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being laid off. rachel lost her job back in november. >> definitely didn't think that i would be sitting here, you know, nine months later, you know, without employment. >> when i first was let go i figured maybe a month, two months, you know. and i didn't think it would last this long. >> for anthony it's been more than a year since he was laid off and each day brings more work to find work. >> this afternoon at 2:30 i have a recruiting meeting with somebody i was networking with. tomorrow morning at 10:00 i have another meeting with a recruiter. i'm not sure they have position but to do some networking. >> rachel spend a lot of time making business connections using business networking sites and applies for jobs online every day. >> you've applied for more than 650 jobs? >> correct. >> how many interviews have you had out of that? >> maybe ten. >> anthony has applied for hundreds of jobs too and he's
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using employment agencies in his search. but when his unemployment benefits run out he'll be forced to stop looking on wall street and take any job he can find. >> i'm going to put like a deadline as to when i'm, you know, going to have to really seriously, you know, look for something, you know whether a department store or something like that. >> these are people that i've emailed. >> until a job comes along rachel has started a blog, kick based on the quote when life kicks you let it kick you forward. >>it's difficult but i think i'm just trying to be as optimistic as possible that i'll find a position soon. >> rachel said she started to get more interviews since we first talked to her in august. and anthony is hearing about more openings and hoping one of them is for him. >> i'm anxious to get back to work. you know, i'm a year in the house. can drive somebody crazy.
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a big announcement from jaycee dugard the woman kidnapped 18 years ago may soon@ face her accused captors in court. her lawyer said she's agreed to take the stand. plus a man is now coming forward claiming to be jaycee's biological father and he want as paternity test. but first let's meet this week's cnn heroes. she's helping women protect themselves from abuse. >> abuse cuts across culture. i was born in pakistan and moved to new york in 1990. within the muslim community there's a lot of denials about the issue. the koran condemns abusive
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behavior of women. we're required to speak up if we see injustice. i'm helping muslim women end abuse in their lives. we do a lot of community outreach. this affects all of us. >> i was afraid for my life. i didn't have a place to go. my family would disown me. my father even said to me you're lucky you live in america because if you lived back home you would have been dead by now. she knew the cultural nuances and religious issues. >> our duty is to protect ourselves. we tell them how to get into a shelter. what their rights are. >> she really made me understand that i'm not alone. >> we're here whenever you want to come to us. >> i told my friend about you. there have been threats to my safety. but i know that god is
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protecting me because i'm doing the right thing. we want to make sure that we provide responsible lending, and we want to make sure that we enable our customers to be successful homeowners. bank of america is lending. whether it's a purchase, a refinance, line of credit... we're here to assist our customers. so we try to make it as simple as possible especially for that first time home buyer. there's a lot of opportunity right now with what's happening in our economy, to really get out and educate. this is responsible lending., it's a lot more conservative than it once was. but in reality, it's a lot smarter., we, at bank of america, have simplified the process by offering the clarity commitment., this is a one-page document, very simplified,
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