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tv   America the Courts  CSPAN  September 26, 2009 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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tonight, a family torn apart. mackenzie phillips back on oprah again with more head-spinning claims about incestuous sex, drug addiction, and rape. this time she has ammo, she's bringing her sister, who's now backing up mackenzie's claims of incest with her dad. but other members of mackenzie's extended clan are lining up against her charging, you lie! "issues" has exclusive information from the family of john phillips. and a double dose of evil. blood-soaked walls, beaten dogs and day care? a horrific dogfighting ring busted up at, of all places, a child care center in illinois. what? ten children taken out during a police raid.
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cops say these poor dogs were tortured and fighting to the death right next to a children's swing set. who were the sickos who thought dogfighting and day care were a good mix? also, reliving a long nightmare. jaycee dugard says she will take the stand against phillip garrido. she wants to testify against the monster who's accused of holding her captive for 18 long years. this could force her to reveal every gut-wrenching and sordid sexual detail in front of the whole world, all while this poor woman is trying to rebuild her life. tonight's big issue, does the criminal justice system victimize rape survivors twice? plus, a celebrity superstar busted for allegedly skipping out on his hotel bill. randy quaid and his wife were arrested in texas, accused of owing a hotel 10,000 bucks. that's a lot of trips to the minibar. and check out these mug shots. quaid says the bill is paid and says the hotel is doing this all
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for publicity. who do you believe? "issues" starts now. shocking and revolting accusations ignite a firestorm of a family feud. the whole world knows this by now. mackenzie phillips says she had sex with her father, rock legend john phillips. she paints a sickening picture, saying daddy pulled her into a forbidden world of drugs and sex. she revealed her darkest secrets to, who else, oprah. >> i woke up from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father. your father is supposed to protect you. your father is supposed to protect you, not [ muted ] you. >> mackenzie's horrifying allegations are dividing her showbiz family. especially since john is dead and he cannot defend himself. stepmom michelle phillips says, you lie. take with a grain of salt
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anything said by somebody who had a needle in their arm for 35 years. mackenzie was back on oprah today, but this time sister chyna came alone, who backed her up. >> i'm proud of my sister. am i exceedingly joyful that my family's secret that i told maybe my therapist, my husband and my very best friend in the world know now? no. it's very upsetting. >> so you've known for a while? >> i've known for a long time. >> mackenzie's other sister, actress bijou phillips-s also speaking out. she lived alone with her dad since she was 3 years old. and you will not believe what she has to say. are these horrific claims true? will we ever know? mackenzie says she has a handful of people who know it happened. but is she trustworthy? just last year mackenzie got busted for heroin and cocaine. we know addicts lie. is she sober now? straight out to my fabulous
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panel, criminal defense attorney mark eiglarsh, cnn legal analyst lisa bloom, psychiatrist dr. dale archer, curtis sliwa, founder of the guardian angels. also talking, only to us tonight, the widow of john phillips, farnaz phillips. thank you so much for joining us on the phone. i understand you did not want to be on camera but you still felt you had to speak out to clear john's name. what was your reaction when you first heard these claims? do you believe them or not? >> under no circumstances i believe this. i always knew john, and i always knew mackenzie is someone -- considering the source, mackenzie phillips, she also admitted to oprah herself the other day that she's a liar. and -- >> why do you think, if you believe that she lied, and let's
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face, it nobody knows what happens behind closed doors. he's dead and how can we verify one way or another what she's saying. but if you believe that she is lying, why would she lie about something like this? >> well, she's been going through a couple of years of hard time and tough life and she just -- putting out the book right after that. like you said in jim moret's show, that it might be the anger. i can add drugs and money into it. >> drugs and money? >> yes, because she is making money. listen to this. if you take a couple of pages out of the book that she refers to john and allegations she has against john, that book would have never been sold. >> well, yeah, of course. the reason it's a bestseller, she's saying she had sex with her famous father and he shot her up and he incested her. i mean, these are horrifying claims. >> and john cannot defend himself. that's why i'm on the phone with
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you. i just want to defend him and speak for him. i know john was -- >> how long were you married to him? >> i was married to john for six years, and he was sober for like 5 1/2 years out of it. and he was altogether -- he loved his family. he would do anything possible. >> was he a drug addict and an alcoholic? >> when i was married to him, no. >> but previous to that? in other words -- >> previous -- >> what years were you married to him? >> i was married to him from 1995 up until 2001, when he passed. and he was -- >> so he finally got sober. >> -- a father and a gentleman. >> he finally got sober, which is wonderful news. did he ever say to you i have problems with mackenzie, boy, she's trouble or wow, something really awful happened? >> john was a very honest person, not like mackenzie said he was a liar. he was never a liar. even wrote a book about himself a long time ago, blaming himself
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for everything, that half of it wasn't even him. if he did something like that, don't you think an honest person would put that in his book to sell it? and he never did that. i'm 100% sure -- >> farnaz, thank you for coming on our show exclusively and talking about your belief that john phillips did not commit the incest that his daughter mackenzie is accusing him of. >> this is the last thing she can chew on and she is chewing on it. my problem is the headache she's causing the family. i have -- i'm very upset and bijou is very upset. i love bijou. and i think it's not right to have family divided from -- >> thank you, farnaz. this has divided the family.
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mackenzie's sister, actress bijou phillips, says mackenzie told her about the abuse, then says "oh, you know, it never really happened." bijou says, "the man who raised me would never be capable of doing such things. if he was, it is heartbreaking to me to think that my family would leave me alone with him." that raises a very good question. lisa bloom. if this actually happened, should mackenzie have made a motion to keep bijou away from john? but bijou said she was raised by a guy who was like mr. mom and was a loving and supportive father. >> absolutely. the problem mackenzie phillips has is she is a lifelong drug addict, a serious addict. i'm talking about cocaine and heroin being shot up into her arm on a daily basis for many, many years. that doesn't mean her story is untrue. in my view it probably is true. i represented a woman very much like mackenzie phillips when i represented sex al bus survivors for many years who had had a con
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sensual adult relationship with her father. it's absolutely devastating. it does happen. but the way mackenzie phillips has gone about this is all wrong because she's done it by trying to sell a book. that means everybody is suspicious of her motives. she could have come out for example, i would have advised her come out and be the national spokesperson for the rape survivor network. do something unpaid. tell your story. people are more likely to believe you. also frankly before your father died. this is suspicious in a lot of people's minds and rightly so. >> dr. dale archer, you know, it's so troubling because there's no way for us to verify and she waited until after her father died, even though he got sober before he died. and there's -- this is destroying the family. michelle phillips says that all of the nieces and nephews in the phillips family are not going to school now, they're staying home and they're sobbing because she has essentially shamed the entire phillips family. is that something that she should have taken into
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consideration or not? >> no. i mean, she shamed the phillips family, maybe so. what about what she has been living with and dealing with over her entire life? there is never an easy way or a good way to be able to come forward with this. and i say bravo. any way you can get this message out. this is an epidemic in america. there are women that this happens to -- >> incest is an epidemic? i didn't know that. >> absolutely. it is huge and it's impossible -- >> adult incest? >> only if you are in the field and you treat people as a psychologist or psychiatrist do you hear these stories time after time after time and the women are scared and -- >> but there are people that you're hearing them from addicts, heroin addicts who have just gotten sober less than a year ago? >> and stories about adult incest? that's a very different form. >> it is so hard to come forward and this is always what happens. no one believes you. all the time a girl will come forward and tell the story and
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the mom will support the dad -- >> but wouldn't it have been a better idea to go into family therapy and tell your family hey, this is what happened to me? because apparently she's told people this in the past but then according to michelle and bijou she took it back and said it didn't happen. >> you know, jane, think that you're right. there is a good way to do it. but any way to get this out is very important. and it's not easy to do. >> got to take a break. >> and if it took a book for her to do this, i say that's fine. i say if this sheds a light on this problem then that is a good thing. >> more on mckenzie phillips in just a bit. and we're also taking your calls on this one. give me a holler. 1-877-586-7297. do you believe her? and dogfighting and day care under the same roof? we can't even show it to you it's so bad. we'll update you on the condition of some unbelievably tortured dogs. but first, more on mackenzie phillips' alleged incestuous affair with her father.
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here she is back in 1996 talking about her father as her role model. pretty creepy stuff. >> we have to remember that we are our children's role models, you know, and my role model was my father, who had hair down his back and was wearing a dress. you know. and said whatever turns you on. ever worn your clothes in the shower?
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i went to my father and i said, look, we need to talk about how you raped me. and my dad said, raped you? don't you mean when we made love? and in that moment i thought, wow, i'm really on my own here. >> mackenzie phillips on oprah, shocking claims from the former tv actress. she says she carried on an incestuous relationship with her dad for ten years. she writes about it in her new book, which is a bestseller "high on arrival." phone lines lighting up on this one. no surprise there.
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dawn, washington, your question or thought? >> caller: hi, jane. >> hi. >> caller: i'm calling to say i don't think any of this is really true. i think she's trying to make money for her book. >> all right. i think you raise an interesting point. and i want to talk about why people do things, curtis sliwa. i know children of addicts and alcoholics are often extremely mad at their addict parent. so there could be various levels of motivation. it could be she wants a book. she has a tv show but she also could have a lot of deep-seated anger. and i just want to quote very quickly from my book, which is about growing up in an alcoholic household. "children of alcoholics experience trauma when they grow up with a person who isn't really present the way a sober person is. often these children have been traumatized by the drama in the household. rageful, weepy or detached children of alcoholics and addicts have a tendency to develop bitterness over their stilted relationship with the alcoholic or addict parent." curtis? >> man, i'd be crazy mad against
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this guy. this guy was a freaky deaky guy. we just talked about the story of ryan o'neal at the wake. the final viewing of farrah fawcett. beautiful blonde comes up, kisses him. hello, ryan. and he tries to put the squeeze on her, what are you doing after the wake? you and me, we've got the urge to merge. she says ryan, it's me, tatum, your daughter. come on, wake up, america. he admitted this. >> there's a big difference between that story and this story. >> there's no difference. these guys believe in this live and let live, laissez-faire. and notice what she said, what her father had said is that oh, you've got to accept the fact that this is the kind of a lifestyle you're -- are you crazy? >> jarngs i've got >> jane, i've got to get in here. >> okay. mark. let's see the panel. let's see the panel. mark eiglarsh. >> thank you, jane. aye yi yi. first of all you have dale archer saying bravo. you have sliwa convicting him already. let me explain something.
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the only thing we know for sure is none of us will ever know for sure whether this really happened. that's number one. number two, as i tell my jurors, when i'm raising questions about someone's credibility, there's a difference between believability and accuracy. so even if when you see this oprah interview she looks believable, it may be entirely different whether she's accurate, whether this really did happen or whether it was imagined in order to sell books or when she was in a drug-induced state. >> i think drugs is at the heart of all of this. mackenzie talks about growing up in a crazy, drug-filled world. she said she was 10 when she was rolling joints for her dad. 13 when he was helping her shoot up at 13. she tells oprah her dad brought her to a party where she had sex with rocker mick jagger, who hasn't responded to this. i'm waiting to hear from him. when she was only 18. listen to this one. >> my dad walks out, mick turns around, locks the door and looks at me.
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and he says, "i've been waiting for this since you were 10 years old." and my dad, you know, comes back and -- "that's my daughter in there. let her out." and we just didn't -- we ignored him. >> lisa bloom. mick jagger hasn't responded but boy, he's probably fuming across the pond, as it were. >> well, at least she was 18 in that allegation, so he wasn't proposing anything that was illegal although it's disgusting if he knew her since she was a little girl. look, this is america. people are entitled to respond to allegations that smear their reputation for all of history. and this man has passed away in 2001. like i said, i tend to believe her, but i'm really offended at the way she has gone about this waiting many years after her father was gone to disclose it. the so-called witnesses who support her side are only people who she told. they didn't see anything, hear anything. there doesn't seem to be any evidence. she's a wealthy woman. she comes from a wealthy family. i assume she has a lot of money. she's been working -- why does she do this by way of selling a
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book? >> wait a second. i don't know how wealthy she is. maybe there's a jealousy factor here because the mamas and the papas fortune hasn't descended on her, mark eiglarsh. >> that does not excuse it. >> that is very possible. and lisa did point out, look, by coming out with a book, now you've got bias, motive, interest, all those things that should not be present if she had just come out with no interest at all. so what i say to all of the people out there, don't jump to conclusions because you just don't know. but if it really did happen -- wait. if it did happen, dale, she does in fact deserve our compassion and sympathy. but we just don't know. >> we have to wrap it up right there. i know we can talk about this forever. >> doesn't anybody listen to chynna? >> okay. it's over. you know, seriously, my dad was an alcoholic. and in my new recovery memoir i write about that. in "iwant" i talk about how my own father's alcoholism encouraged me to drink to excess and it actia;;u left me bitter about my relationship with him until i got sober 14 years ago.
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wow! it really works! ooh, that is one big hairball. ( cat meows ) pick up pet hair. that's the beauty... of the pledge fabric sweeper. you'll find it where you find pledge. s.c. johnson, a family company. reliving a nightmare, jaycee dugard says she will take the stand against phillip garrido. she wants to testify against the monster who's accused of holding her captive for 18 long years. tonight's big issue, does the criminal justice system victimize rape survivors twice? plus, a celebrity superstar busted for allegedly skipping out on his hotel bill. randy quaid and his wife were arrested in texas, accused of owing a hotel 10,000 bucks. that's a lot of trips to the mini bar. tonight, jaycee dugard's family plots their own version of revenge on her alleged rapist
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phillip garrido. get this. jaycee's stepdad carl probyn says he can't wait to write garrido taunting letters while garrido is locked up. he says, "i will be telling him how our family is doing, that we are at disney world or that we are out having dinner laughing and having a wonderful time." probyn's life has been destroyed, too. he witnessed the garridos snatching jaycee off the street in 1991. here he is just days later. >> watched the car go up the hill, and i saw my daughter making the curve up there. all of a sudden the car darted across the road, cut her off. i saw a door open. i jumped on my bike. i heard a scream, and i pedaled, and i realized i couldn't catch him in time. so i came back down, called 911. >> everybody wondered was he telling the truth at the time? this ruined that man's life. that's the alleged monster, right there, convicting this guy could mean more pain and trauma for jaycee.
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can she handle being face to face with garrido in court? her attorney says absolutely. here he is on the cbs "early show." >> she very clearly understands that some very bad and terrible things were done to her and the people that committed those crimes need to be held accountable. >> these pictures give you just an idea of what life was like for jaycee for 18 long years, this filth is just the tip of the iceberg. imagine her on the witness stand having to answer questions about what garrido did to her, about giving birth to her children when she was herself a child. how is she going to get through that? that brings me to tonight's big issue, are rape victims raped a second time by having to relive their nightmares on the stand, giving graphic testimony about their humiliating violations? isn't it like being victimized all over again? back to my fantastic panel. curtis sliwa, can we even imagine what it's going to be
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like if jaycee dugard has to take the stand and go face to face with that creep? >> well, jane, i've been cross-examined many times, but it pales in comparison to what this woman is going to have to go through. i would think the defense attorney for the two monsters garrido and his wife, when given the opportunity to cross-examine her will say, we refuse to ask any questions -- we're not going to ask any questions. we rest with this witness and let her just retire. i realize the prosecution may have to extract from her some details that are going to prove very harmful to her psyche to have to relive it. but if the defense team would be stand-up, they wouldn't go there. they wouldn't even go there. just rest with that witness. >> i disagree that it is harmful, jane. and i'll tell you why. i represented rape victims and child sexual abuse survivors for many years. most people think what you're saying. it's psychologically damaging to testify.
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it's horrible. it damages you the second time. wrong. what my clients told me -- they were all scared beforehand. but what they all told me afterwards to a one, was it was empowering to testify. they already lived through the worst part. to get on the witness stand, to look the bad guy in the eye and tell the truth about what happened and ideally to get a conviction against that person is very empowering and they walked out of the courtroom with the hed held high. the voice would drop into an adult tone from a squeaky little girl voice they started out with because they were scared. i tell you, we have to dispel this notion it's a terrible thing to testify in a trial. it is not. >> jane, the bottom line is we are still -- we still have a court system in this country. of course, jaycee has to come to court and testify against her accuser. just because this is the worst of the worst and this really is the worst. it doesn't take away the fact that we still have to have a trial and he has to be proven guilty in court and the key witness in the case is clearly jaycee. she has to testify.
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>> this is happening to so many young women. when kind of agony do these rape victims have to endure when they testify against their attackers? remember elizabeth smart? she may be called to do exactly that soon at a mental competency hearing for one of her alleged kidnappers. a husband and wife accused of kidnapping smart in 2003 when she was just 14 years old so they could keep her as a plural wife. just another one of these horrific stories that ended in a miraculous rescue. but this young girl, now older obviously, is going to have to testify. i don't understand, dale archer, why can't they do this on videotape? why do they have to be in the courtroom and have to face the people who tortured them? >> i completely agree with lisa on this. this is very therapeutic. this is one more step to getting back to a normal life. and let's face it. jaycee dugard is a survivor. she is going to do fine with this. i have been so impressed with the fact that for 18 years she was able to come through this with her life and with her two
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children's lives intact when this guy possibly could have been involved in murders or other abductions along the way. so i think jaycee is going to be fine. and i think that lisa is correct. this is a big, big step. >> what the hell are you talking about? what do you mean fine? how the hell could you talk -- have you ever had to testify in court? no. you ask the questions. you're the lawyers for hire -- >> we have to preserve the sanctity of the court system. >> i agree with curtis. you can't use the word "fine" when it comes to this horrific situation. but you can say that maybe we hope it's a ka that is rightis for her. we've got to move on to another gut-wrenching, horrific story. turning now to a gruesome secret uncovered at a chicago daycare. are you sitting down? mutilated starving animals, bloody walls and floors, filthy syringes, part of a horrific dogfighting ring. and get this, it was just steps from a child's swing set.
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ten children were removed from the home during the raid because it was a daycare center. one of the three suspects is married to the daycare center operator. after these men were arrested police discovered something even sicker. suspect martez anderson's cell phone had a video of a dog being burned to death. this is outrageous. you'll hear from anderson in the moment. police rescued nine mangled dogs from the home, four of them puppies covered in scars. >> this is a difficult one to completely sum up given the carnage and given what you've seen on these poor dogs. but then when you add to it that this was going on within feet of a daycare center, there was a swing set. within less than ten feet of a swing set was a log the dogs were chained to. it is very unsettling, to put it lightly. >> that little white puppy the sheriff was holding had his eye ripped out. look at that. the helpless creature was tossed into the fight in the form of bait. there were at least two complaints about dogs at this
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home in 2006 and 2007. child welfare officers made unannounced visits, but because the dogs were locked in a garage, nothing was done. that is unacceptable. straight to my expert panel. joining me, animal welfare advocate jane garrison. jane, this is outrageous. isn't this a perfect example how animal cruelty often goes hand in hand with cruelty to children? weren't they put in a dangerous and horrific situation? >> absolutely, jane. these dogs could have gotten out of the garage. they could have attacked these kids. they could have killed these kids. and besides the dogs, i wouldn't want kids left in a home with those sadistic individuals. somebody who finds pleasure in setting a dog on fire and watching her burn would have no problem torturing a kid. these people should be put away for many, many years. not only for what they did to these innocent dogs but endangering these kids. >> this case has so many sick details. the suspect's cell phone video
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of a dog being burned alive, it's about as bad as it gets. the suspect, martez anderson, hasn't commented on the video. but he had a whole lot to say about why the dogs were on death's door. listen to this. >> it was a few dogs in good condition and, like i said, for the exception of the little puppy, he got smashed in the door and that was sheerly an accident. the door fell on the puppy. that's how the dog's eye got come out. >> lisa bloom, is that the most pathetic excuse you've ever heard? >> absolutely, jane. i'm the owner of a pit bull and a rescue dog. and i think what people fail to understand is these animals experience pain and fear and suffering just as we do. we all have to stand up against dogfighting. i'm just celebrating 32 years as a vegetarian and i know you are too, jane. also, speak out on behalf of all of the animals who are in cages, who are in terrible conditions as farm animals. i mean, it is horrendous across the board. what have we become? we've become so disconnected s from other living, breathing animals.
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they experience the same pain and suffering we do. it's got to stop. >> absolutely. and the other thing people can do is in their own communities they should watch out for signs of dogfighting. everyone can be the eyes and the ears for these dogs. you have to watch for dogs who are chained outside or unsocialized dogs. equipment such as treadmills or ropes or tires hanging from trees. and watch for dogs who have a lot of scars on their face or people coming and going at odd hours into homes. and you need to report these people. >> curtis sliwa, dcfs, children's services went there and they said, well, the dogs are in the garage, that's okay. that's outrageous to me. >> we're going to hear children services, they're overwhelmed, they have too many cases. hey, open up your eyes. go out. check the entire area. do your job. you know something, jane, did you see the smirk on martez's face when he said, oh, the door hit the puppy. you like ultimate fighting, martez? how about you and the pit bull one on one? and let the pit bull do you in,
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right there in your jugular. and we're not going to tap you out, pal. >> we've got to leave it right there. horrific for animal. horrific for children. cruelty goes hand in hand. thank you, fantastic panel. up next, michael jackson's former friend reveals some of the pop star's dark secrets. did michael really call hitler a genius? is that possible? actor randy quaid arrested for allegedly speaking out. oh my god, you will not believe this. but now that i'm breathing better with advair... i can enjoy the zoo with my grandkids. (announcer) for people with copd including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day.
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does actor randy quaid think he's above the law? then why do police say he racked up a $10,000 bill and skipped town? we're going to debate it. but first, "top of the block" tonight.
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explosive and head spinning revelations about the king of pop. did michael jackson think hitler was a genius? according to jackson friend rabbi shmuley boteach, jackson not only felt that way, he was 100% convinced. shmuley also said jackson considered dating best friend elizabeth taylor. sound crazy? what about this? jackson allegedly said madonna was in love with him and jealous of his success. why all these alleged, excuse me. these secrets are making me sick. sick secrets just out of the blue? the rabbi has a book coming out. in it more than 300 hours of recorded conversations with his former friend, michael jackson. oy vey. that's tonight's "top of the block." turning now from freaky fantasies to possible fraud. this one takes the cake, people. actor randy quaid and his wife, evi, arrested for -- take a look
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evi, arrested for -- take a look at those mug shots -- allegedly skipping out on a $10,000 bill they racked up at a ranch in santa barbara. that is one swanky ranch, people. these photos from the resort's website. on monday the santa barbara sheriff's department issued a warrant for their arrest and captured by who else, tmz, cops at a west texas town busted the couple. not without incident. evi was screaming and had to be wrestled to the ground. the pair tossed in the slammer. look at that mug shot. what's with the beard? what's with that expression? they posted bail hours later only after a deputy drove them to get cash, 20,000 bucks each. it gets weirder. tmz says randy quaid scrawled a letter especially for the tmz website that said, "texas is a great place to be arrested. i would like to thank the sheriff and deputies for everything. it was a fabulous arrest."
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he seems to think it is all a big joke. quaid also sent tmz a copy of a cashier's check made out to the ranch. you can see it right there. $5,546 and change. that's what the quaids said they owed. wait a minute, a cashier's check for a hotel bill? does that even make any sense? it could be explained by a sworn statement obtained by tmz from a cop who says the quaids checked into the luxury resort using bogus credit cards. furthermore, police say the bill came to a whopping 10,500 bucks. meantime, randy claims it's all a p.r. stunt on the part of the inn. "issues" called them for comment but we haven't heard back. i want to know what you think about this cuckoo for cocoa puffs celebrity scandal. give me a shout out. straight out to my fantastic panel. lisa bloom, cnn legal analyst. david schwartz, criminal defense attorney and former new york
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prosecutor. dr. dale archer, clinical psychiatrist. and in just a moment we're going to be joined by mike walters, assignment manager with tmz. first, david schwartz, does randy quaid seem to be thumbing his nose at the law, and if so, isn't he making matters worse for himself? >> well, no, i don't know if he's making matters worse for himself. obviously, every criminal defendant shouldn't be speaking about the substance of the case. but jane, we have to remember that he has defenses. he's got the cashier's check and this has got to be settled in court. >> and he's got a beard. why has he got a beard of that side? >> i have no idea. maybe lisa bloom can answer that question. i don't know why he has a -- >> maybe it's a mistaken identity. he looks like a cross between santa claus and the keep on truckin' guy. >> oh, man. >> so, i mean, the bottom line -- >> look at this expression. oh, that's better.
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but the other expression, she's out of her mind. >> he's throwing his jacket over his arm. i mean, it's crazy. >> we don't know that. come on. let's give them the benefit of the doubt like other criminal defenses. they've got defenses. the inn has their side of the story. yes, it's a bizarre situation, but it's got to play out. >> a great mug shot, though. >> joining us, mike walters, assignment manager from tmz. mike, i'm hearing things on a delay. if i don't make sense, you know why. i'm hearing crazy voices in my ear. you got a hold of a deputy sworn statement that contains some real shockers. tell us about total hotel bill. what tmz calls a "sinister plot to flee some ritzy hotels," end quote. >> this is what it explains in the documents, they went to the biltmore hotel in santa barbara, which is also a swanky place, used their credit card for the night. and when the manager came and said, hey, we can't get authorization on this card, you have to go or give us something
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else, they left there knowing that the card didn't work and went to the san ysidro ranch and tried to use that card. but because it's randy quaid and his wife, been there before. they are celebrities, i guess they let them go in with that card. the intent right there, that's the burglary. they knew it didn't work. they went over there. over eight days they racked up over $10,000 in bills. every day they'd make an excuse. there's a fedex package coming with the credit card. i'll get my checkbook. finally when they were like, that's it, we're done. went up to tell them they had to go out and they bolted. they gathered all of this information including when they were investigating $17,000 here in the bel-air hotel in l.a. so they had been doing this all along. that's why they were charged with these three felonies. >> you're saying there's a pattern here allegedly? >> right, that's the way it looks when they investigated. i'm only telling you what the sworn statement says obviously allegedly. but that's what it says is that they got all of this stuff.
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you know how they found out the two hotels? this is great. the collection agency, the santa barbara hotel went to alliance collections and said, that's funny we have the same couple in l.a. doing the same thing. >> hold it right there. we'll be right back with more cuckoo for cocoa puffs behavior. look at that beard. we're going to analyze it when we come back. and that expression. you've wanted to quit smoking so many times, but those days came and went,. but today's a new day. and a few simple steps can make a real difference in your next quit... things like starting with a plan to quit smoking... getting support... and talking to your doctor about how prescription treatments can help you.
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