tv Newsmakers CSPAN September 27, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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an explosive tip, haleigh cummings vanished. reports that step-mom took little haleigh to a drug filled party. saying she overdosed on the powerful narcotic oxycontin. could this@@ be true? maybe police can ask misty's own mother, they put out a felony warrant for her arrest. >> a mix up at the fertility clinic, a woman carried the child for nine months and just @ gave birth and now must give him up. today new insights on what caused this mortifying mistake.
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call us, 1-877-tell-hln or text us at hln tv and start your message with the word prime. this is your chance to be heard. >> welcome to "prime news". i'm in for mike galanos.úú jaw dropping developments in the search for haleigh cummings. stepmom was the last one to see her. now explosive allegations from friend. is it true she was taken to a drug filled party overdosed on oxycontin and then died. we have the friend's letter from behind bars. an arrest warrant is out for misty's mom.@@ are cops putting the squeeze on misty's family. >> deep down in my heart yes i
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think holding something back. they both are holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> if you know anything else, please tell me. we can work through it. i'll be right there by your side. we'll get through it. please tell me whatever you're ú holding back.@@ >> joining me now, a former police detective and t.j. hart program and news director for wsky in gainesville, florida. thanks to you both for joining us. let's go t.j. hart. bring us up to date with the latest. >> first you heard about that letter and that letter is all it is is a letter from jail. but the letter from jail also reveals something that was in a signed statement and in that signed affidavit that was given to law officers that were led to believe that according to the writer of that affidavit, haleigh was at a party with misty, a party pal and also @@ junior and a couple of other people. now, according to the affidavit mentioned in the letter and this
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is only according to it that haleigh ate some oxycontin, died, put in a plastic bag. and put her in a pond. is haleigh dead? no, we're still looking for a live girl. this is just a letter and does show shocking insight into what people are telling police especially in a signed sworn affidavit. >> t.j. stay on the line. our former detective, when you get a letter like this how much credence do you give it given fact the letter has some specifics and there is apparently some corroborating evidence. >> there is. but, jim, i'm having trouble with this because all these months have gone by and the police have not developed a lead on this party with all the people that would know about this, no one dropped a dime, no one told their friend? i mean if there was this party
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then i can't understand the police weren't involved, i'll be honest with you. >> so, are you suggesting -- t.j., what's your take on this. because he has a good point. this is months and months ago. nobody mentioned a party until this letter. why now? that's the odd part. there was a party situation where misty participated with several people mentioned in that letter. a couple of days before the child went missing. a couple of days on end of a nonstop partying. what would one more day be. in the case of some people? one thing that was mentioned the child was dropped in a bag and then into a pond. that letter was dated 9-18. the night of 9-18 if memory serves me started draining the pond. whether it has anything to do with that statement, mentioned in the letter, i don't know. but there is some kind of irony there. >> we have a phone call from sabrina in kentucky. >> hi, jim, you do a great job. >> thank you. >> my question is about misty's
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brother, the night he was supposed to go over there and claims he banged on the door, i was wondering if it was possible he could have coerced that little girl to open the door and maybe he took her and maybe that's why he waited so long to tell investigators that he was there that night? >> what's your take on that will caller's comment? >> it's a good point she's making but, you know, i'm not buying this whole thing. misty and ron know a lot more than what's coming out. the police, the first thing you'll do as a good cop, okay, you don't have time to open up a crime book 101 and learn this stuff. you're going to talk to everyone that knows this family, everyone that knows misty and him and ron. okay. somebody would have told you. you get the least culpable person, give them immunity if they are not involved in this stuff and this case should have been solved months ago. this is not good police work that's going on. i'll tell you that much. >> after all of these no, sir
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months to make this sharp left turn and get this information suggesting there was a party, a drug overdose and then hiding this child's body, it's very disturbing to have it so long and deep into this investigation. >> especially as a cop and you have a girl misty that keeps coming into headquarters for you. and, you know, voice analysis, polygraphs against her lawyer's wishes. come on that's a dream for a police officer, a lead investigator on a case like this and you can't solve this. this woman is in and out of your police department. something is not going right here i'll tell you that much. >> t.j. hart and vito thank you both for joining us. a big announcement from jaycee dugard, the woman kidnapped 18 years ago may soon face her accused captors in court. jaycee's lawyer says she has agreed to take the stand. plus a man who is coming forward claiming to be jaycee's biological father and he wants a paternity test. give me a call, 1-877-tell-hln.
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a harsh reality for millions of americans right now. unemployment. many never thought they would be out of work for a few months let near a a year. poppy par low introduces us to two people who applied for hundreds of jobs to land a paycheck, anything, just to live. >> rachel and nancy don't have much in common. rachel is 28 and worked in recruiting after graduating from college. anthony is 46. he worked on wall street for 20 years but he never went to college. the thing they do have in common, a long job search after
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being laid off. rachel lost her job back in november. >> definitely didn't think that i would be sitting here, you know, nine months later, you know, without employment. >> when i first was let go i figured maybe a month, two months, you know. and i didn't think it would last this long. >> for anthony it's been more than a year since he was laid off and each day brings more work to find work. >> this afternoon at 2:30 i have a recruiting meeting with somebody i was networking with. tomorrow morning at 10:00 i have another meeting with a recruiter. i'm not sure if they have positions but to do some networking. >> rachel spend a lot of time making business connections using social networking site s and applies for jobs online every day. >> you've applied for more than 650 jobs? >> correct. >> how many interviews have you had out of that? >> maybe ten. >> anthony has applied for hundreds of jobs too and he's using employment agencies in his search.
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but when his unemployment benefits run out he'll be forced to stop looking on wall street and take any job he can find. >> i'm going to put like a deadline as to when i'm, you know, going to have to really seriously, you know, look for something, you know whether a department store or something like that. >> these are people that i've i've e-mailed. >> until a job comes along rachel has started a blog, kick based on the quote when life kicks you let it kick you forward. >> it's difficult but i thing i'm just trying to be as optimistic as possible that i'll find a position soon. >> rachel said she started to get more interviews since we first talked to her in august. despite the tough job market, he's hearing about more openings and hoping one of them is for him. >> i'm anxious to get back to work.@@ you know, i'm a year in the house. can drive somebody crazy.
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poppy harlow, cnn, new york. a big announcement from jaycee dugard the woman kidnapped 18 years ago may soon face her accused captors in @@ court. her lawyer said she's agreed to take the stand. plus a man is now coming forward claiming to be jaycee's biological father and he want as a paternity test. but first let's meet this week's cnn heroes. she's helping women protect themselves from abuse. >> abuse cuts across race and across culture. i was born in pakistan and moved to new york in 1990. within the muslim community there's a lot of denial about the issue. the koran condemns abusive behavior of women.
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if we witness injustice we're required to speak up. i'm helping muslim women end abuse in their lives. we do a lot of community outreach. this affects all of us. we need to talk about it. >> i was afraid for my life. i didn't have a place to go. my family would disown me. my father even said to me you're lucky you live in america because if you lived back home you would have been dead by now. she understood the cultural nuances and the religious issues. >> our duty is to protect ourselves. we tell them how to get into a shelter. what their rights are. >> she really made me understand that i'm not alone. >> we're here whenever you want to come to us. >> i told my friend about you. >> there have been threats to my safety. but i know that god is protecting me because i'm doing
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get 40% off this bonded leather sofa, just $299, with very cool styling and so affordable. at 40% off, just $299. from jennifer. two big developments right right now in the dramatic kidnapping and rape of jaycee dug ards. we're finding out she will @@ testify against her accused kidnappers philip and nancy garrido. her lawyer said she agreed to face the couple charged with keeping her in a secret backyard compound. her lawyer says she understands the magnitude of what happened to her. >> she's had children in that environment. so it's really, it's what she's known, really in essence for her life. so that's one competing emotion. on the other side there's no @@ question that she knows that terrible and wrong things were
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done to her. >> plus a man jaycee never knew is now coming forward claiming to be her biological father. he wants a reunion, a relationship.@@ will this be too much for her to handle. we're taking your calls. joining me robin sacks, a former prosecutor who specializes in sex crimes and a psychologist, cooper lawrence, author of "the cult of celebrity." robin as a prosecutor when you hear that a victim, an alleged victim will testify against the accused that's got to give you a great feeling going into the case. >> oh, absolutely as a prosecutor when you know that your victim stands behind the decision, wants to go forward and prosecute and is in that position that's a wonderful feeling but also when i think about this i want, i think it's an opportunity to educate the public that it's not the worse thing in the world for a victim to go through a prosecution.
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it actually can turn out to be a very empowering and wonderful experience. >> cooper, this case has some problems on several levels. i was surprised when i heard jaycee agreed to testify. we heard about the stockholm syndrome, this idea you bond with your captors. after 18 years does it surprise you that after a short time being free that she understands what was done to her? >> yes. stockholm syndrome isn't being friends with your captors and wanting to pal around with them. it's about finding a way to cope. finding a way to realize there are human beings that are abusive. how to figure not to get hit or abused. so it's not really about being friendly, it's just about -- it's about survival. testifying is the best thing that she can do this is taking back her life. this is her own humanity she's worried about. >> cooper, don't you get a sense
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given the fact she was seen in public and worked for the publishing, the printing company and was seen by other people, that she somehow identified with her captor and had two children with him. >> but the identification -- first she was very young when she was taken. she was taken at a time when you're trying to figure out who you are. if your identity is wrapped up in this other person's psychosis you don't know what to believe and you follow along because you're a child and don't know how to behave and you want to stay safe. a lot of it is about survival. it's not about bonding or identifying in a positive way. it's a negative association because most kids come out of this and they have post-traumatic stress disorder. they don't have wonderful relationships. they have depression. so her testifying is the first step to her taking back who she is and taking back an opportunity to maybe change her future. >> robin sacks, what kind of witness can jaycee prove to be on the stand? >> i think that someone who can
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go and recount what happened and someone who is having the support of her family which she absolutely has right now, she's going to -- you can't predict how she's going to actually perform, but she's going to be at least in the best possible position to relay what happened to her. >> how do you prepare a witness like this psychologically. you must work with a psych kol gift so you're not beating up on her and making her relive the nightmare but you still want to impart to the jury what happened. usually in sexual assault investigations it's a multidisciplinary team approach. what that means there are a whole team of people who are working together to make sure, to maximize prosecution and minimize trauma. that includes having social workers on board, therapists on board, doctors on board and advocates.
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law enforcement all working together in various different areas to ensure justice is being done. no doubt that's what's going on in this case. you see a collection of organizations coming together to make it so that this will be, you know, the best possible prosecution. >> cooper, we have 30 seconds before the break. but going into this case, how difficult, what kind of delicate balance do you have to strike when you prepare somebody like jaycee to take the stand? >> it will be difficult because these are the people she did live with and identify with for so long. she's realizing she was in a bad situation. the best approach is to just go with facts. try not to dwell on the emotional aspect. my guess is she's still confused about that. >> we have much more ahead on jaycee dugard and the man coming forward claiming to be her biological dad.@@ he even wants a paternity test. we're taking your calls.@@ 1-877-tell-hln. yosee that? the interior "positively oozes class,"
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