tv American Politics CSPAN September 28, 2009 12:30am-2:00am EDT
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reliving a nightmare. jaycee dugard wants to testify against phillip garrido. she wants to testify against the monster who was holding her captive for 18 long years. tonight's big "issue," does the criminal justice system victimize rape survivors twice? plus, a celebrity superstar busted for allegedly skipping out on his hotel bill. randy quaid and his wife were arrested in texas, accused of owing a hotel 10,000 bucks. that's a lot of trips to the minibar. tonight, jaycee dugard's family plots their own version of revenge. on her alleged rapist phillip garrido.
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get this, jaycee's stepdad says he can't wait to write garrido taunting letters while garrido is locked up. he says, "i will be telling him how our family is doing. that we areas disney world or out having dinner laughing, having a wonderful time." he witnessed the garrido snatch of jaycee off the street in 1991. here he is just days later. >> watched the car go up the hill. and i saw my daughter making the curve up there. all of a sudden the car darted across the road, cut her off. i saw the door open. i jumped on my bike, i heard her scream. i pedaled. i realized i couldn't catch him in time. so i came back down and called 911. >> everybody wondered was he telling the truth at the time. this ruined that man's life. that's the alleged monster right there, convicting this guy could mean more pain and trauma for jaycee. can she handle the face-to-face with garrido in court?
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her attorney says absolutely. here he is on the cbs "early show." >> she very clearly understands that some very bad and terrible things were done to her. and the people that committed those crimes need to be held accountable. >> these pictures give you just an idea of what life was like for jaycee for 18 long years. this filth is just the tip of the iceberg. imagine her on the witness stand, having to answer questions about what garrido did to her, about giving birth to her children when she was herself a child. how is she going to get through that? and that brings me to tonight's big "issue." are rape victims raped a second time by having to relive their nightmares on the stand, giving graphic testimony about their humiliating violations? isn't it like being victimized all over again? back to my fantastic panel. curtis sliwa, can we even imagine what it's going to be like if jaycee dugard has to take the stand and go
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face-to-face with that creep? >> well, jane, i've been cross-examined many times. but it pales in comparison to what this woman is going to have to go through. and i would think the defense attorney for the two monsters, garrido and his wife, when given the opportunity to cross-examine her, will say we refuse to ask any questions. we're not going to ask any questions. we rest with this witness. and let her just retire. i realize the prosecution may have to extract from her some details that are going to prove very harmful to her psyche, to have to relive it. but if the defense team would be stand-up, they wouldn't ask her any -- they wouldn't even go there. they wouldn't even go there. just rest with that witness. >> i disagree that it is harmful, jane. i'll tell you why. i represented rape victims and child sexual abuse survivors for many years. most people think what you're saying, it's psychologically damaging to testify. it's horrible. it damages you a second time. wrong. what my clients tell me -- they're all scared beforehand,
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but what they all told me afterwards was it was empowering to testify. they already lived through the worst part. to get on the witness stand, to look that bad guy in the eye and to tell the truth about what happened, and ideally to get a conviction against that person, is very empowering. and they want to go out of their courtroom with their head held high. their voice would drop into an adult tone. from the squeaky little girl voice they started out with because they were so scared. i tell you, we have to dispel the notion it's a terrible thing to testify in a trial. it is not. >> jane, the bottom line is, we are still -- we still have a court system in this country. and of course, jaycee has to come to court and testify against her accuser. just because this is the worst of the worst, and this really is the worst, it doesn't take away the fact that we still have to have a trial, and he has to be proven guilty in court. and the key witness in the case is clearly jaycee. she has to testify. >> this is happening to so many young women. what kind of agony do these rape
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victims have to endure when they testify against their attackers. remember elizabeth smart? she may be called to do exactly that soon at a mental competency hearing for one of her alleged kidnappers. a husband and wife accused of kidnapping smart in 2003 when she was just 14 years old so they could keep her as a plural wife, just another one of these horrific stories that ended in a miraculous rescue. but this young girl, now older obviously, is going to have to testify. i don't understand, dale archer, why can't they do this on videotape? why do they have to be in the courtroom and face the person who tortured them? >> actually i completely agree with lisa on this. this is very therapeutic. this is one more step to getting back to a normal life. and let's face it, jaycee dugard is a survivor. she is going to do fine with this. i have been so impressed with the fact that for 18 years she was able to come through this with her life and with her two children's lives intact when
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this guy possibly could have been involved in murders or other abductions along the way. so i think jaycee's going to be fine. and i think that lisa is correct. this is a big, big step. >> what the hell are you talking about? what do you mean fine? how the hell can you talk -- you ever have to testify in court? no. you ask the questions. you're the lawyers for hire. >> we have to preserve the sanctity of the court system. >> i agree with curtis. i agree with curtis. >> preserve the court system. >> you can't use the word fine when it comes to this horrific situation. but you can say that maybe we hope it's a catharsis for her. now, we've got to move on to another gut-wrenching, horrific story. turning now to a gruesome secret uncovered at a chicago day care. are you sitting down? mutilated starving animals, bloody walls and floors, filthy syringes, all part of a horrific dogfighting ring. and get this, it was just steps from a child's swing set. ten children were removed from the home during the raid because it was a day care center.
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one of the three suspects is married to the day care center operator. after these men were arrested, police discovered something even sicker. suspect martez anderson's cell phone had a video of a dog being burned to death. this is outrageous. you'll hear from anderson in a moment. police rescued nine mangled dogs from the home. four of them puppies covered in scars. >> this is a difficult one to completely sum up given the carnage, given what you see on these poor dogs. but then when you add to it this was going on within feet of a day care center. there was a swing set, less than ten feet from the swing set was a log the dogs were chained to. it is very unsettling to put it lightly. >> that little white puppy the sheriff was holding had his eye ripped out. look at that. the helpless creature was tossed into the fight in the form of bait. there were at least two complaints about dogs at this home in 2006 and 2007. child welfare officers made up unannounced visits.
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but because the dogs were locked in a garage, nothing was done. that is unacceptable. straight to my expert panel. joining me, animal welfare advocate jane garrison. jane, this is outrageous. isn't this a perfect example where animal cruelty goes hand in hand with to cruelty to children? weren't these children put in a dangerous and horrific situation? >> absolutely, jane. these dogs could have gotten out of that garage. they could have attacked these kids. they could have killed these kids. and besides the dogs, i wouldn't want kids left in a home with those sadistic individuals. somebody who finds pleasure in setting a dog on fire and watching her burn would have no problem torturing a kid. these people should be put away for many, many years. not only for what they did to these innocent dogs, but for endangering these kids. >> this case has so many sick details, but the suspect's cell phone video of a dog being burned alive, it's about as sad and bad as it gets.
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martez anderson hasn't commented on the video, but he had a whole lot to say about why the dogs were on death's door. listen to this. >> it was a few dogs, like i said, for the exception of the little puppy, he got smashed in the door. that was surely an accident. the door fell on the puppy. that's how the dog's eye got come out. >> lisa bloom, is that the most pathetic excuse you've ever heard? >> absolutely, jane. i'm the owner of a pit bull and a rescue dog. i think what people fail to understand is these animals experience pain and fear and suffering just as we do. we all have to stand up against dogfighting. i'm just celebrating 32 years as a vegetarian. i know you are, too, jane. and also, speak out on behalf of all the animals who are in cages, who are in terrible conditions as farm animals. it is horrendous across the board. what have we become? we've become so disconnected from other living, breathing animals who experience the same fear and pain and suffering that we do, and it's just got to stop.
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>> absolutely, jane. and the other thing that people can do is in their own communities, they should watch out for signs of dogfighting. everyone can be the eyes and the ears for these dogs. you have to watch for dogs who are chained outside or unsocialized dogs. equipment such as treadmills or ropes or tires hanging from trees. and watch for dogs who have a lot of scars on their face. or people coming and going at odd hours into homes. >> but curtis -- >> and report these people. >> curtis sliwa, dcfs, children's services, went there and said, oh, well, the dogs are in the garage. that's okay. that's outrageous to me. >> we're going to hear children services, they're overwhelmed, they have too many cases. hey, open up your eyes. go out, check the entire area. do your job. you know something, jane? did you see the smirk on martez's face when he said, oh, the door hit the puppy. you like ultimate fighting, martez? how about you and the pit bull, one-on-one? and let the pit bull do you in, right there in your jugular. and we're not going to tap you
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out. >> we've got to leave it right there. horrific for animals, horrific for children. cruelty goes hand in hand. thank you, awesome panel. up next, michael jackson's former friend reveals some of the pop star's dark secrets. did michael really call hitler a genius? is that possible? actor randy quaid arrested for allegedly speaking out -- oh, my god, you will not believe this. bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™. but the millions of bacteria that cause plaque and bad breath are all over your mouth.
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explosive and head-spinning revelations about the king of pop. did michael jackson think hitler was a genius? according to a jackson friend, rabbi shmiley boteach, jackson not only felt that way, he was 100% convinced. shmooly also said jackson considered dating best friend elizabeth taylor. sound crazy? well, what about this, jackson allegedly said madonna was in love with him and jealous of his success. why all these alleged -- these secrets are making me sick. why all of these secrets just out of the blue? the rabbi has a book coming out and in it, more than 300 hours of recorded conversations with his former friend, michael jackson. oy vai. that's tonight's "top of the block." turning now from freaky fantasies to possible fraud. this one takes the cake, people. actor randy quaid and his wife evi arrested for -- take a look at these mug shots -- allegedly skipping out on a $10,000 bill they racked up at
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this swanky ranch in santa barbara. that is one swanky ranch, people. these photos from the resort's website. on monday, the santa barbara sheriff's department issued a warrant for the couple's arrest. yesterday at a traffic stop, caught on camera by, who else, tmz, cops in a west texas town busted the couple. it was not without incident. tmz reports evi was screaming and had to be wrestled to the ground. the pair tossed in the slammer. look at that mug shot. what's with the beard? what's with that expression? they posted bail hours later, only after a deputy drove them to get cash, $20,000 each. it gets weirder. tmz says randy quaid scrawled a letter especially for the tmz website that said, "texas is a great place to be arrested. i would like to thank the sheriff and deputies for everything. it was a fabulous arrest." he seems to think this is all a big joke.
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quaid also sent tmz a copy of a cashier's check made out to the ranch. you can see it right there, $5,546 and change. that's what the quaids said they owed. wait a minute, a cashier's check for a hotel bill? does that even make any sense? it could be explained by a sworn statement obtained by tmz from a cop who says the quaids checked into the luxury resort using bogus credit cards. furthermore, police say the bill came to a whopping $10,500. meantime, randy claims it's all just a pr stunt on the part of the inn. "issues" called him for comment but we haven't heard back. i want to know what you think about this cuckoo for cocoa puffs celebrity scandal. give me a shout out now. straight out to my fantastic panel, lisa bloom, cnn legal analyst. david schwartz, criminal defense attorney. and former new york prosecutor. dr. dale archer, clinical psychiatrist.
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and in just a moment, we're going to be joined by mike walters, assignment manager with tmz. but first, david schwartz. does randy quaid seem to be thumbing his nose at the law, and if so, isn't he making matters worse for himself? >> well, no, i don't know if he's making matters worse for himself. obviously, every criminal defendant shouldn't be speaking about the substance of the case. but jane, we have to remember that he has defenses. he's got the cashier's check. and this has got to be settled in court. >> and he's got a beard. why has he got a beard? of that size? >> i can't answer that question. i don't know why he has a beard. >> maybe it's a mistaken identity. he looks like a cross between santa claus and the "keep on trucking" guy. >> oh, man. >> the bottom line is -- >> look at this expression. oh, that's better. but the other expression -- she's out of her mind. >> he has his jacket over his arm.
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it's crazy. >> we don't know that. come on. let's give them the benefit of the doubt, like every other criminal defendant. they've got defenses. the inn has their side of the story. yes, it's a bizarre situation, but it's got to play out. >> a great mug shot, though. >> all right. joining us now, mike walters, assignment manager for tmz. mike, i'm hearing things on a delay. so if i don't make any sense, you know why. i'm hearing crazy voices in my ear. you guys got ahold of a deputy's sworn statement that contains real shockers. tell us about the total hotel bill, what tmz calls a "sinister plot to fleece some ritzy hotels." >> well, this is what it explains in the documents. basically, they went to the biltmore hotel in santa barbara, which is also a swanky hotel, and used their credit card for the night. when the manager said, we can't get authorization on this card, you have to go or give us something else, they left there, knowing that the card didn't
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work and went to the san ysidro ranch and tried to use that card. because it's randy quaid, his wife, they're celebrities, i guess, they let him go in with that card. the intent right there, that's they're celebrities, i guess they let them go in with the card. the intent there, that's the burglary. they went over there. over eight days they racked up over $10,000 of bills. every day they'd make an excuse like, oh, there's a fedex package coming with a credit card. we'll pay you next week. i'll get my checkbook. finally when they're like, okay, we're done, they went up to tell them they had to get out then they had bolted. they gathered this information including when they were investigating $17,000 here in the bel-air hotel in l.a. they had been doing this all along. that's why they were charged are the felonies. >> you're saying there's a pattern here allegedly? >> right. that's the way they look when they investigate. i'm telling you what the sworn statement says obviously allegedly. that's what it says is they got all this stuff. you know how they found out the
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two hotels? the collection agency, the santa barbara hotel went to alliance collection and said, oh, that's funny, we have the same couple down in l.a. doing the same thing. >> we'll be right back with more cuckoo for cocoa puffs behavior. look at that beard.oo s class," raves "car magazine." "slick and sensuous," boasts "the washington times." "the most striking vw in recent memory," declares-- okay, i get it already. i think we were in a car commercial. ♪ yeah ♪ yeah.
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breaking news tonight. satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. bombshell tonight. as we go to air, girlfriend turned new stepmother misty croslin, the last person to see haleigh alive, skips town. croslin packing up clearing out of town after a bitter fight with haleigh's father, ronald
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cummings. this after croslin's brother thrown behind bars on a gun charge. leading to a break in the case. in a late-night jailhouse interrogation, we learned the brother finally confesses. he goes to haleigh's house the night she goes missing. pounds on the door repeatedly over and over. nobody home. phone records confirm ronald cummings tries desperately to reach croslin that night, calling at least 20, that's right, 2-0, 20 times, no answer. where, where was girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin during those crucial hours when haleigh goes missing? investigators now using gps to track croslin that night through her cell phone. police announce everything croslin's told them so far is,
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quote, a farce. with cops honing in on croslin, croslin disappears. investigators focusing on a heavily wooded area and in the last 72 hours draining a local pond in connection with haleigh. as girlfriend turned step mom misty croslin flunked another polygraph, tonight, where is haleigh? >> breaking news. babysitter misty cummings, last person to see haleigh alive, has left town. according to journalists art harris. >> what we need is for misty to come back home and tell us truth. >> i'm trying to do everything toe find her and answer any questions i have to. because i know i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. >> harris reports misty and ron had a bitter fight. she took off with a friend to the beach. >> my feelings are we need to find my daughter. >> do you think misty holds information that could help?
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>> i don't think she's holding information that could find haleigh. >> misty's attorney says she's out of town, taking a few days off to seek a change of scenery and clear her head. pressure from the investigation is mounting. >> if i had something to do with it, knew where she was, i wouldn't be sitting here today. we would have her and i don't. i don't know where she is. >> misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorneys we need to go down to the sheriff's office and really lay out in clear terms what i was doing from 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. and tonight, imagine your own early morning routine. heading out to meet your carpool to head to work. that's just what happened to a dedicated mother of two, ages just 5 and 8, but when she exits her car in a public parking lot, a white male approaches her, stabs her in the torso and calmly gets back into his blue-green suv and proceeds to run over her as she lies there, bleeding in the parking lot. tonight, she is clinging to
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life. do police have a suspect? >> her hands locked very bloody. she did not appear to be moving. >> police are searching for a suspect who stabbed a mother of two in a parking lot of a luxury new jersey hotel, then ran her over with his car. 46-year-old laura matousek was waiting to meet a co-worker to carpool to work friday morning when witnesses say a man jumped out of a blue or green pickup truck or suv and stabbed laura in the torso, then got back into his car and ran laura over. >> the hotel general manager says it was two guests who found the 46-year-old lying face down in a pool of blood. >> she suffered multiple knife wounds and broken bones. police began to search for her husband who spoke with police 12 hours friday and saturday.
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he has since been released and is not facing any charges. >> they were divorced 2 1/2 years ago and prosecutors say she did have a retraining order against him. that only recently expired. >> she was rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital for multiple stab wounds and broken bones. >> good evening, i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. as we go to air, girlfriend turned stepmother misty croslin, the last person to see haleigh alive, disappears. >> is there finally a split between ronald cummings and his new bride, misty? >> when i went to sleep, she was there. when i woke up, she was gone. >> i'm not hiding anything for anybody. and if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry. so be it. whoever it might be. >> journalist art harris is reporting sources tell him there was a bitter fight between ron and misty, so bad misty's lawyer says she has left town. this just hours after misty's own brother tells police he
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doesn't think anyone was home the night haleigh vanished. >> he demonstrated to us loudly and for a few seconds and waited around to presumably see if someone was going to be roused if they were sleeping. he made a good effort to see if someone was home. misty did not answer the door. the house was dark and quiet. >> i would have woke up if i heard any noise. i didn't hear anything at all. i mean, i was really exhausted that day, you know? really exhausted. when i laid down i guess, you know, i was out. >> that front door is all but ten feet from the bedroom where misty was sleeping with haleigh and junior that night. if someone is whaling on the door, there's no way she couldn't have heard that whatsoever. >> it applies pressure in an area that pressure needs to be applied and that's on misty. >> straight out to our producer, only story from the very beginning, marlaina schiavo.
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what happened? why did misty croslin skip town? >> nancy. she is gone. she left town. apparently, people saw misty and ronald having an argument over the weekend when all of this searching was going on, draining of the pond. there were a lot of tensions, so they were arguing and all of a sudden misty's nowhere to be found. she is no longer in satsuma right now and ronald is not with her. >> to art harris, investigative journalist at art, what was the bitter argument about? >> i can tell you sources tell me ronald threw her clothes out, threw her out and he was going down the road when he runs after her, apologizes and brings her back. so it's unclear what it was about, nancy. but it was not pretty. >> let's look at the timing, art harris. what was happening at the time they have the bitter feud?
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was that when the pond was being drained? what was happening? >> it was around that time, nancy. a lot of uncertainty. a lot of rumors about the pond, rumors that haleigh's body was found. none of it true. but everyone was desperate for information, so much so that ronald's grandmother actually went to the scene to ask what was happening. that's how she found out. >> to t.j. hart, news director at wsky 97.3 f.m. t.j., do we have any idea what the big argument was about before misty croslin skips town? >> once again, a lot of things factored into it. a lot of raw nerves, a lot of tensions at the time. also, a little bit of knowledge has leaked out about the conversation that was held between detectives and tommy croslin in the jailhouse as well. so that may have been a factor -- >> like what? what, t.j., what else have you learned? everybody, t.j. hart with wsky is referring to misty croslin's brother who was taken into custody. he's thrown behind bars over a gun charge.
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now, usually the bond for the gun charge is $50,000. they're keeping him behind bars. they interrogated him in the late-night hours about haleigh's disappearance. what more have you learned, t.j.? >> okay. what happened is ronald had called him because he could not get any calls through to misty that night. at least 20 times he tried to call or to text. so he calls down to the croslin house to ask tommy to go check on the house to see if misty's home and take a check down there. so he goes down there and knocks on the door. major bowling with the putnam county sheriff's office he said he demonstrated how hard he banged on the door and he stayed in the area awaiting for misty to answer the door or in his words to even come home. hank croslin jr. says after time passed he just gave up. he assumed she wasn't home. originally he stopped short of that. he's now said she wasn't home.
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we believe releasing some of this information, according to major bowling, that they have found advances in the investigation, particularly the way they think this will advance is misty's family now knows about this information. they knew about this going into saturday, by the way. and that they hope that the family may be, or misty by her own conscience, if there's a discrepancy, that she will, indeed, explain why hank banged on the door and no response was given. >> to mike brooks, former fed with the fbi. and everybody, we are taking your calls live. we'll be right out to the lines. but mike, wouldn't the cops pinging her cell phone put an end to all this? so far, believe it or not, it's my understanding it hasn't been done. because i want to know, where was croslin during those crucial hours after ronald cummings leaves to go to work -- >> right. >> -- and he gets home 3:00 a.m. she's gone. where was she? >> good question. ronald cummings' plant is right here.
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there are two cell phone towers right in the vicinity of his plant. so they would be able to pick up the pings there. don't know exactly how many towers there are between there and the trailer, which is here, but it's about a 15-minute drive. now, i found it very interesting, nancy, because if you recall the very first police report, the officer who took the report said, you know, ronald got home at about 3:00 a.m. he was just pulling up in the driveway the same time she was coming out. if you recall, ronald was very, very upset because she called her "my dumb b-word girlfriend." so -- but they should be able to tell, nancy, because if there were 20 phone calls between here and here, i mean, 20 times, nancy. there should be records of this. >> you're absolutely correct. i also want to get those pings. >> absolutely. and also, did he try to call her? there will be records of that. did he try to call her brother, tommy? there will be records of that.
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did tommy call him back? there should be records of all this. and exactly where these pings were between here and there. >> let's unleash the lawyers. ray giudice. daniel horowitz. renowned attorney san francisco. i don't know to give you two a tutorial on the law. let's see the lawyers, please, norm. you both know, i'll start with you, giudice, that flight can be argued at trial. many jurisdictions it can't be given as the law to the jury by the judge, but the prosecutor could argue why did croslin skip town? >> keep in mind, she's neither a suspect, nor a defendant, nor has she been charged. >> you're not answering the question. what about it, horowitz? horowitz? >> you got to have facts. anybody can run away when your husband gets angry at you and the whole world thinks you're guilty. of course she's young and she's upset. we need facts -- >> it could be argued at trial that flight indicates guilt. that will be the prosecutor's argument.
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i mean, sometimes she gets irritated easily. she's fine. dad, she's having trouble doing everyday things. dad doesn't seem to think anything's wrong. something's not right. i've never seen her like this before. i spoke to her doctor. she seems to think mom's just getting older. i wasn't sure what to say. i know she's getting worse and i want to do something about it. announcer: go to if you're seeing changes in a loved one that you think could be alzheimer's disease. you'll get screening tools to talk to your doctor about memory, behavior, or everyday problems you're seeing and help you move closer to a diagnosis. you'll also learn about an alzheimer's prescription treatment option. be the one who makes the most of your time together, go to
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stunning developments in the case of the missing florida girl haleigh cummings that could put the spotlight back on stop mom misty croslin. misty's brother was arrested on a gun charge and he reportedly broke down under police questioning. tommy croslin says he went to ronald cummings' trailer the night haleigh vanished back in february. he said he repeatedly pounded on the door but no one opened it. musty croslin insisted she was home all night. >> i seen the kitchen light on and i walked in the kitchen and the back door's wide open. i didn't notice about haleigh until i seen the back door open. then i go in her room and she's gone. >> misty's timeline doesn't make sense and her story changes. so the ring of truth is that somebody went there and she wasn't home when they knocked.
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>> miss neves, all along you have stated that you believed misty croslin. now that you hear this, what do you think? >> this statement by tommy croslin, to me, doesn't hold any water. >> why? >> i'm sorry, but -- why wait seven months? why say that he -- you know, if you went down there, my personal opinion if i went there and knocked and everything was off, i would think they were sleeping. we are taking your calls live. to patricia in maryland. hi, patricia. >> caller: hi, nancy. how are you? >> good, dear. what's your question? >> caller: my question is about this gps. what are the police just now gpsing? >> you know, you and me, both. what about it, art harris? >> they're trying to do it and
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they've been trying to, you know, trying to ping back and, you know, and figure out where everybody was that night. now, they've got ronald. they've got him at the factory. they've got two cell towers near there. that is his alibi. as for misty, they are still working on her pings. >> okay, mike brooks, i think patricia in maryland is absolutely correct. we're into the seven months. >> right. >> seven months. now, i want to make it clear what my earlier question was. what could possibly be the problem with their pings? why can't they get a track on her cell phone that evening to figure out where she was unless the cell phone was turned off? >> that's the only reason, whether the cell phone was off or the battery was dead but nancy, some phones do not have
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gps, but every one of them will tell you exactly what tower they were pinging from. let's take a look at this new map that we have. this is a four-mile radius right here, okay? this from here to here, four miles. look at all the towers. ronald's plant is just a little bit north of here. so you take a look at all the towers that are right all around, she's going to be hitting them. let's say she wasn't at home, let's say she wasn't there. if she was still down in this area, down in this area, and as you get closer to some of the towns south of here, there are going to have towers, they're going to be able to tell this. they should be able to know if tommy is telling the truth. now, if you want to find out if he's telling the total truth, let's go ahead and give him a polygraph also, if he will consent to it, because look at misty. she's failed two law enforcement polygraphs and one by tim miller equusearch group when he was asked to come back up there and he didn't want to waste his time if he wasn't telling the truth. >> out to the lines. elizabeth, new york. hi, elizabeth. >> caller: hi, nancy, i love
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your show. >> thank you and thank you for calling in. what's your question, dear? >> caller: i wanted to know if misty's cousin has been cleared? >> if misty's cousin has been cleared? what cousin are you referring to, elizabeth? >> caller: she had a cousin in town, they had a previous history sh he had just gotten out of jail for molesting a child. >> oh, yes, yes. joe. joe. what about it marlaina schiavo? >> nancy, cousin joe has not been cleared. the only people in this case that have been cleared are ronald cummings and haleigh's biological mother, crystal sheffield. it's what doct most for headaches.
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3:00 in the morning, i got up and i got up because i had to use the bathroom. i seen the kitchen light on and i walked in the kitchen and the back door's wide open and i go in her room and she's gone. >> it had nothing to do with her, man, she can't help she was the last one to see her. >> she didn't make no noise that night. i would have woke up and i didn't hear anything at all. i was really exhausted that day, you know?
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i wish they would have took me instead of her. what do they want with a 5-year-old? >> it could have been any one of us and our children. any one. nobody knows where there's a psycho, sicko. nobody. >> to marlaina schiavo, what does this mean to the investigation the last person to see this little girl alive, reportedly in her own bed, has skipped town? >> what it means, nancy, they're going to want to talk to her. they already want to talk to her including her own attorney. she spoke to police over the weekend. her attorney wasn't informed of this interview. so major bowling of putnam county said they'd like to sit down with her and her lawyer to find out what happens. >> giudice, horowitz. horowitz, what does it mean to the police investigation? the last person to see her alive has skipped town? there are reports she's in orlando. we don't know that. >> nancy, they don't have too many suspects in this case. if it's not her, then they're
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pretty much out of luck and they have to suspect some mystery person grabbing children. they're hoping against all hope it is her and that this is a sign of guilt. we can't jump to conclusions. it's too easy and convenient to blame her. there's a lot of alternate explanations we have to explore. >> giudice? >> without her being a suspect, she's still the most important witness in this case. she's the last person to see the children. she was with them. she's an important person to be spoken to. law enforcement needs to go get her. >> dr. lillian glass, psychologist, author of "i know what you're thinking." lillian, what do you make of her leaving town? >> i think it's very suspicious. why is she leaving town? does she have something to hide? it's very suspicious. the whole situation. nancy, when you look at her body language, there are so many tells she's not telling the truth. it's really such a -- >> such as, such as? >> for example, she's doing a lot of lip licking. she's saying no when it's supposed to be in the affirmative. lot of shoulder shrugging.
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the tears that don't look very genuine. it's very disturbing to watch. >> to physician and professor of public health at john's hopkins university, dr. marty macarey joining us out of d.c. again, everyone, tip line. 888-277-8477. this child suffers with turner syndrome. >> about 1 in 3,000 girls gets turner syndrome. this it's condition where they have deformities. the ears are low set. they have webbing of the neck. we know with haleigh in particular she saw doctors frequently often missing school. we know she needed special attention for the recurrent infections she was prone to because of the turner syndrome. >> if she were still alive and is not being treated by the doctors at the hospital, she's in such serious, serious danger. >> very much so. she definitely has special needs. she's at high risk for severe infections and she needs special attention.
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>> everyone, we are taking your calls live. very quickly, i want to report to you a story about a dedicated mother who heads off in the early morning hours to catch her carpool and is not only stabbed in a public parking lot. but then the assailant gets back in his car and comes back to run her over. tonight, she's clinging to life. take a listen. >> visitors at a high end new jersey hotel were shocked friday morning to find a woman lying face down in the hotel parking lot with multiple knife wounds to the torso. police say the victim was meeting a co-worker at the parking lot to carpool to work. witnesses say as soon as laura pulled into the parking lot a man got out of his blue or green pickup truck or suv, attacked laura with a knife and got back into his car and ran her over. laura matousek is in critical condition at hackensack university medical center. authorities begin conducting interviews includes interviewing laura's ex-husband who voluntarily spoke to police for about 12 hours this weekend. no charges have been filed.
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>> from what i understand she was here carpooling with someone else that was taking her to work. so -- but she was not a guest at the hotel nor was she an employee of the office complex. >> straight out to allison pries joining us from woodland park, new jersey, with "the record." allison, what is her condition tonight and where are her children? >> she's still critical tonight. it's unknown where he children are at this point. she did have custody of them and her ex-husband had visitation, so it's unclear whether they're with him or not. >> has the ex-husband been interrogated? >> yes. for 12 hours from saturday evening until -- i'm sorry, friday evening until early saturday morning. >> he's not labeled a suspect at this juncture. he has been let free to walk. what about the current boyfriend, allison pries? >> police indicated they don't
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have a suspect right now, that they're still looking at everybody, so -- >> to matt zarrell, our producer on the story. matt, what was the sequence of events? >> apparently she went that morning about 8:00 a.m. friday morning she went to meet a co-worker to carpool to work in parsippany near morristown. what happened is witnesses say a man, as soon as she got out of the car, a man walked up to her, stabbed her multiple times in the torso, got back into his car and ran her over and fled the scene. >> okay. what can you tell me about his vehicle, zarrell? >> we know it's a blue or green suv. we haven't within able to figure out what it can be compared to. whether it is a nissan, mazda or what have you the we are still trying to work that through. >> allison pries, how many eyewitnesses saw this? >> two hotel guests walking in parking lot came upon her body lying in the parking lot. >> so did they see the incident? >> they saw the dark colored suv
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leave and they saw her lying face down on the pavement. >> do we know whether the perpetrator was a male, female, white, black, hispanic? what do we know? >> nothing. no details have been released. >> why? why, allison? if cops want the public to help find the perpetrator, how can we do that if you don't have the most rudimentary description? >> i don't know. they're being very tight lipped. >> back to you, matt zarrell, do you have any idea where the children are tonight, ages 8 and 5? what about the relationship? it's my understanding a temporary restraining order, a protective order, had been taken out against the ex-husband but it had expired? >> you're right. the reports are the protection order expired april 29th of this year. they have been divorced a little over two years. there were battles over custody and child support. he had a judgment against him for $11,000 in january '08 for not paying child support. we are still trying to figure out where the kids are tonight, nancy.
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>> okay. matt, what can you tell me about anything, the neighbors, friends, co-workers, have to say about her, the victim, laura, or the husband? the ex-husband? >> neighbors said very wonderful things about laura. she was working two jobs to support her children. a neighbor where the father lives -- i'm sorry, the ex-husband. the ex-husband says that laura, the wife, was cheating on him and told the new boyfriend, told the kids to call the new boyfriend dad. that he was -- the ex-husband was very upset about that. >> we are taking your calls live. to linda in texas. hi, linda. >> caller: hi. >> hi, dear, what's your question? >> caller: i'm wondering if the person that she was carpooling with ever showed up? >> excellent question. to allison pries with "the record," what do we know? was the carpool there waiting on her? >> the carpooler arrived as the two guests were finding her body. >> where does she work, allison? do we know?
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>> we're not sure, no. somewhere in the parsippany area. >> we know she was holding down two jobs to support her children. so allison, what can you tell me about the relationship between her and her ex-husband? was it acrimonious? had they settled amicably and gone their separate ways? >> there have been disputes, as you mentioned earlier, about child support payments and also the sale of the marital home. >> in fact, isn't it true, matt zarrell, she got about an $11,000 back child support judgment against him? >> yes, in january of '08 for failure to pay child support. you're right, nancy. >> they were divorced 2 1/2 years ago and prosecutors say pelkak had a restraining order against him that recently expired. they have two children. o lower r
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her hands looked very bloody. she did not appear to be moving. >> police are desperately searching for the suspect who stabbed a mother of two in a new jersey parking lot hotel then ran her over. she was waiting to meet a co-worker to carpool to work friday morning when witnesses say a man jumped out of a green pickup truck or suv and stabbed her in the torso. then got back into his car and ran laura over. >> the hotel general manager says it was two guests who found 46-year-old laura matousek lying face down in a pool of blood. >> laura matousek suffered multiple knife wounds and broken bones. police immediately began to
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search for laura's ex-husband who voluntarily spoke to police for 12 hours friday and saturday. he has since been released and is not facing any charges. >> chopper 12 flew over the crime scene shortly after the attack took place. police investigating after three hotel guests discovered a woman lying face down in the north parking lot of the sheraton crossroads hotel. police say that man, 41-year-old alan pelchek, stabbed and ran over the mother of his children. in the parking lot of this sheraton hotel. they were divorced 2 1/2 years ago. they have two children. the children's school was on lock down. police say the victim was waiting for a friend for a call -- carpool to their work place in parsippany when the estranged husband allegedly went on the attack. police say he tried to hide at his grandmother's home. his ex-wife remains in critical condition. >> chopper 12 was over the crime scene shortly after the attack we're told took place around 8:30 this morning.
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police investigating after several guests of the hotel discovered a woman lying face down. in the parking lot. says the hotel manager. that victim identified as laura matousek of valley cottage, new york, was waiting to be picked up by a co-worker. investigators say she was taken to hackensack university hospital where she's listed in critical condition. >> i want to clear something up. matt zarrell, the ex-husband has not been named a suspect. i heard what the affiliate reporter said, but he's not been named a suspect. in fact, he underwent questioning, i think, without a lawyer for about 12 hours and police let him go. >> yes, in fact, they were looking for him right after this happened. we went with them voluntarily. he had no issues, no problems. they talked with him for 12 hours. they let him go. they say he's not a person of interest. nothing to indicate he's involved at this point. >> raymond giudice, daniel horowitz. it's always s.o.p. standard operating procedure -- you first look at husband, lover, ex-husband, ex-lover,
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boyfriend, then you move out from there. why, daniel? >> first of all, early news reports pointed to sources who blamed the husband. so that's probably where that came from. but you look for people closest to the victim. a motive generally for this kind of murder is passion. there's no other reason to do it. so you look at the ex-husband, the boyfriend, people who might be angry at her or nuts around her and go from there. >> ray giudice, i don't think it's limited to people who are a little bit nuts as horowitz just said. perfectly normal people suddenly nut up and commit a heinous crime. >> daniel has described what i would consider to be the inner ring, then you move to the outer ring. or the next ring. co-employees, what happened at yale, people she may have had an argument over with at the bank over something trivial. >> it's interesting what struck me is the assailant stabs her, then calmly gets back in his car and runs over her. gets into his suv. dr. marty makary, describe your
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assessment of what her injuries most likely are. >> i got to be honest, nancy, i've been shocked in my ten years of trauma surgery of major complex injuries like this being survivable. and i've been humbled sometimes they're fatal when they're minor. she has multiple stab injuries, she has a crush injury. they're classic and they produce myoglobin that hurts your kidneys. often in the icu for a long time. she'll be there at least four weeks, will have multiple bedside procedures. if she comes through it, she'll likely remember everything right up to when she passed out. >> we were told she was whispering something to the paramedics. everyone, switching gears. joining me right now is a very, very special guest, take a listen. >> what's with your penchant for jumping still? >> well, two reasons. one, it still feels good. you still get a charge out of it. it's not easy to do at 85, but i get a charge. >> i don't think it's easy to do at any age. tell me what each of you
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remembers about that day, how this rescue came about, and your thoughts at the time? certainly you couldn't have believed it right at the beginning. >> no. it was -- we didn't know what was happening. >> "morning sunshine," top anchor on a top show, "headline news'" morning show with robin meade. she's with me right now and i've got her book in my hand. robin, your book deals with so many obstacles that you have faced. >> yeah. >> what is your message? because all of us looking at you find it very difficult to believe you ever had an obstacle. >> thank you for having me back on your show. i appreciate it. so this book really deals with my struggles through self-confidence and self-esteem. for me it manifested itself on the air, no less, about ten years ago when i was anchoring in chicago in the form of panic attacks. so i wrote this book for other people, maybe you don't have
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panic attacks but maybe you have a self-esteem or self-confidence issue. really, who among us doesn't? so this really walks us through it. >> robin, what advice do you give other people? >> in terms of their self-confidence? you know, i think that if we all really look at ourselves in an honest, way, if you did an honest self-assessment and not really believe the stories, the little lies you've allowed to tell yourself and believe, you have every single reason to feel confident about yourself. i wanted to show you, this is when i did a sky dive with president bush 41 and the golden knights. i think that's a really good example of how i came full circle in my dealings with anxiety. about ten years ago, there's no way i would have jumped out of a plane and not had anxiety issues. because i've been able to bring it full circle and say i have every reason to be self-confident. just like you do at home, i was able to do this without any
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anxiety. believe it or not. >> everybody, we're taking your calls live. let's go to patricia in texas first. hi, patricia. >> caller: how are you, nancy? >> good, dear, what's your question? >> caller: i have a quick question, robin. i'm 36 and i have panic attacks. they have put me on effexor. i was winding up in the hospital for many years over and over again thinking i was dying, of course, and now i know i'm not. but what did you do or how do you overcome that without having to be on this medication? i hate having to rely on medications. >> i had a transformation break-through where i had to flip myself and say "what are the benefits the panic attacks?" instead of fearing them so much. as soon as i stopped fearing them, they stopped coming. i wish you a lot of luck in your struggle with it. taking its rightful place
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