tv U.S. House of Representatives CSPAN September 29, 2009 1:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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a colorado man lands in a brooklyn courtroom to face a terrorism charge. find out why his lawyer says the government's case doesn't add up. a social networking site promoting anti-social behavior toward the president? we'll let you know why federal agents are looking closer at facebook. a group of men were told they have to live in the woods. now a state says you can't live in the woods. share your views on this catch 22. hln news and views on a tuesday. the last tuesday of the month. hi. i'm chuck roberts. the man at the center of a cross-country terrorism investigation has pleaded not guilty to planning an attack on
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new york city. he was arraigned in a federal court in new york an hour ago. he didn't speak. he later told reporters the case against his client amounts to a rush to judgment and not conspiracy. >> i'm not saying i have seen all of the evidence in this case produced by the government but what i've seen so far is that mr. zazi traveled to pakistan which is not illegal. mr. zazi purchased certain products that contain chemicals that allegedly could be used to make a bomb. those acts were not illegal. i have not seen any evidence whatsoever of an agreement between mr. zazi and anyone else which is the essence of a conspiracy charge. >> prosecutors have video of zazi buying beauty products containing chemicals that could be used for making bombs and
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planned to use homemade explosives to target mass transit in new york on the 9/11 anniversary. zazi was held without bail. he appears next on december 3 in court. north carolina police are looking for a 12-year-old girl nearly nine months pregnant. she disappeared from her home last week along with her younger sister and adopted dad. michael hess left a note saying he was taking the girls to school. he is their legal guardian and there's no evidence he harmed either girl. the girl is in immediate need of medical attention. investigators suspect the girls may have been taken to tennessee. a tennessee father traveled 7,000 miles to get his two children back. now he's in jail in japan. a tennessee court recently gave christopher full custody of his son and daughter. but by then his ex-wife, a
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japanese native had taken the children all of the way to japan. yesterday a friend reportedly witnessed the arrest said he picked them up as he walked to school and instead of heading to the nearest airport he went to the american consulate. he told a cnn affiliate he desperately missed his kids. >> everywhere i look around there's a picture. i can't go in his bedroom. we'll never sleep in this bed again. i said i love you, isaac. i love you. remember that. i love you. i want you back. you should be here. you should be in school. you should be with your daddy. it's hard to have quiet moments because my kids' words haunt me during those quiet times. >> japanese law does not recognize u.s. family court orders. fellow filmmakers are rallying behind roam bean polanski as his attorneys file a
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motion to have him released. a decision on the motion could take weeks and a subject to appeal. in all 138 people including directors woody allen and others in the film industry signed a petition against his arrest. polanski was en route to the zurich film festival when he was detained by swiss police. the u.s. wants him extradited for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. post-production in his lastest movie son hold. a suspect accused of killing an honor student admits to jumping on the boy's head while he was laying on the ground. four teens charged with first-degree murder in that gruesome death. one is a 16 year old. derrion albert was beat to death. >> honor student. loved school.
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never a problem. >> we're not saying this is a gang related incident. right now this appears that he had a young man making attempts to go home. >> trying to help out his friend. he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> we have to warn you the video is quite disturbing. police are looking for three more suspects involved in the attack. here it is captured on cell phone video. they have increased patrols in the south side neighborhood. there were 290 shootings last year in chicago schools. 34 kids were killed. the secret service is trying to figure out who put a poll on a facebook page asking if president obama should be killed. yes, no, maybe. and yes if he cuts my health care. the social networking site took that down yesterday along with a third-party application that lets people create polls. the obama poll was made available to everyone on facebook.
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the president began a series of meetings today on the difficult situation in afghanistan. he met with nato's new chief at the white house. both men told reporters they agree it's critical the mission in afghanistan is a success and the taliban and al qaeda be dismantled and destroyed. the president also made one point crystal clear. >> this is not an american battle. this is a nato mission as well. we're working actively and diligently to consult with nato at every step of the way. >> a top u.s. and nato commander in afghanistan asked for thousands of additional u.s. troops and a change of strategy to win the war. the white house says there won't be a decision on that for another few weeks because the president first wants to get the strategy right. iran is another big problem for the obama administration. tehran has until thursday to come clean about its nuclear program. if it doesn't, the obama administration is considering tougher new sanctions targeting
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iran's energy, financial and telecommunication sectors. thursday's meeting in geneva has taken on an added urgency. last week tehran admitted it had been secretly building a second uranium enrichment facility south of tehran and only yesterday tested long-range missiles capable of reaching israel and u.s. bases in the middle east. nobody is expecting any breakthroughs from the geneva talks. previous meetings have done nothing or little to convince the iranian government to give up its nuclear program. iran will allow swiss officials to meet with three americans detained in iran according to u.s. officials who said tehran notified the swiss government about this decision. tehran says the americans were arrested for illegally entering the country in july. u.s. has no diplomatic relations with iran. the swiss government represents its interests there. the family of the americans say they've had no contact with the group since their arrest. looks like the scene from the latest action flick but this
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with an interesting development just in, documents released in the caylee anthony murder case. an fbi intelligence agent said there's a stain on the trunk liner of her mother's car that appears to show a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. the toddler's body was found last december in orlando. casey anthony is charged with her murder. in an e-mail dated september of last year, the analyst said there's a photo of the liner that highlights the very large stain. it said you could make out what would be the back, bottom and legs of a child. the fbi didn't take a picture of the image before it it was destroyed. nine homeless sex offenders have been ordered to move from
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an area near atlanta. the georgia department of transportation owns the property and it wants the group evicted. yesterday police told the sex offenders they had 24 hours to leave. now it's uncertain where they're going to go. under state w sex offenders in georgia cannot live, work or loiter within 1,000 feet of any school, church, park, or any place that children might be prone to gather. we've been asking what your thoughts are. where do you think sex offenders should live? do you think state laws conce s concerning them are too restrictive? what do you think? >> caller: the 15 and 16-year-old girls dressing and acting like porn stars and 19 to 25 year olds having sex should stop. the true sex offenders are kidnapping and raping young boys and girls should be sent to death not 20 years later, 20 days later. and for all of the rest, maybe we should think about opening up
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devil's long island. give them farm animals, tractors, feed and have them be their own little city. >> appreciate it. greg in arizona is next. that was greg. sorry. scott is in louisville. my mistake. how are you? >> caller: i'm doing well. thank you. i do think the laws are too restrictive in some states. for every case you hear of an offender re-offending, there are thousands of us who do not reoffend. we need a chance -- we're protecting our constitutional rights that once you paid your price, i'm all for the registry but once you pay for your crime, you have a right to go on with your life. >> what's the point of the registry then? >> caller: i think the registry needs to be there so the public knows where the most dangerous of us do live. some of us aren't as dangerous as the public may think. >> did you have a problem finding a place to live? >> caller: in the past i have a little bit at times. generally no. >> appreciate the call.
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lee is in orlando. lee, hi. >> caller: hi. yeah. i just feel like, you know, when they give a guy probation or parole or whatever, they have to keep an address and part of being a registered offender is you have to have an address and if you lost your address, then you go back to jail. until you're ready to get out and keep an address somewhere. it's unfortunate there was flooding in georgia and stuff like that, these are registered sex offenders. i would like to add that roman polanski is a sex offender. he drugged, raped and sodomized a 13-year-old girl. i don't feel sorry for him for being in jail in zurich. they need to bring him back here and put him in jail, too. i don't feel bad about -- the french official that talked about the united states having a dark side. there is dark side. roman polanski crossed over into that dark side. >> appreciate the call. a lot of posts on my hln
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facebook page. candice writes -- steve says -- maureen writes -- thanks, everybody, for weighing in. we want to hear your views. what do you think? where should sex offenders live? are state laws too restrictive? call us now toll free. 877-tell-hln. e-mail you can also search chuck roberts hln on facebook and you can text views and your comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. tension momene moments on an toledo.
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a man climbed the suspension cables to the top. he managed to hang on. it's not clear why the man was climbing the cables but he did manage to make it to safety. powdery white stuff and plenty of cash. it's not cocaine and the money hidden inside adds up to a new record. why this case puts the hurt on organized crime.
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big night for the network. joy behar tonight at 9:00 eastern. in the bahamas, the trial is under way for two people trying to extort money from john travolta after the death of his son. we're joined by phone with the latest. what's the latest? >> this morning before the break for lunch, the current senator took the stand and also an attorney for the travolta family told the court that a co-defendant who is a former senator herself spoke with travolta's attorney at the beginning of the year that she had a client who was the ambulance driver who was first on the scene of travolta's son found unresponsive on january 2nd, 2009. the client said that he had
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nothing to lose and that he had a document that was detrimental to the travoltas and they were given them the opportunity to purchase the document. we don't know what that document was. it was never revealed. this is the first time we heard openly in court that there was an attempt at extortion of the travolta family. >> talk about the surveillance tape. is it admissible? what will it purportly show? >> we do know that it is admissible because throughout yesterday and today the court has been presenting the documents and the tape recordings themselves showing who by the -- which was recorded by police these particular tapes, who recorded them and how they recorded them and the process. they have been a constant disgruntled comments throughout the prosecution by the court did you have permission and did you get permission and follow proper procedures? great contention by the defense attorney. >> they would like it excluded
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of course. that's the latest thanks for the latest on the john travolta extortion case. appreciate the update. at least 23 people have been killed in vietnam by typhoon. it made landfall today with winds to 90 miles an hour. more than 150,000 people had to be evacuated. disaster officials warn that rivers are rising. homes are flooded. areas are being threatened by mudslides. it is the very same storm system that devastated parts of the philippines and the death toll there 284. yesterday at this time it was 140. winds could be a big problem for the crews fighting a wildfire in yellowstone national park. the forecast calls for rain and snow by tonight. lightning started this fire a couple weeks ago but it grew over the weekend. the fire has burned 9,300 acres though the park is still open. officials say there's no danger to travelers and tourists. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin finished her memoir four months after signing a book deal.
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palin advisers say it will be called going rogue an american life. the title refers to a comment made by a mccain adviser who said that palin wasn't following the playbook last year. right now in washington there's a showdown in the senate finance committee over a government run insurance plan as part of the health care overhaul. democrat jay rockefeller of west virginia and new york's chuck schumer are pushing amendments to that proposal. the one authored by chairman max baucus. currently the bill has no public option. it was designed to attract republican votes but no republicans are supporting it. some democrats on the committee raised objections to adding a public plan. it isn't clear if either public option amendment will get the votes to pass in committee. the u.s. customs chief calls it a bad day for organized crime. $41 million in drug money was
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seized smuggled in from the u.s. concealed in shipping contain s containers. u.s. custom officials say the huge cash seizure is a sign of multinational cooperation in drug investigations. that's the british navy sinking a fishing boat it says had $384 million worth of cocaine on it. the royal navy intercepted the boat off the coast of south america this month. the crew was taken off before this happened. the defense ministry said the boat was acting suspiciously in an area known for drug trafficking. a roofing company goes to the wrong address leaving a south florida man with half a roof over its head. the roofers want the homeowner to pay for their mistakes. the workers offer to finish the house at a discounted rate. if the roof isn't repaired soon, the homeowner's insurance policy
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the man at the heart of a cross-country terrorism investigation has pleaded not guilty to plotting an attack on new york city. that's 24-year-old najibullah zazi who was arraigned in a new york courtroom today. he was ordered held without bail. he didn't speak during the proceedings but his lawyer entered plea on his behalf and later told reporters he has seen no evidence of conspiracy against his client. >> i'm not saying that i've seen all of the evidence in this case produced by the government but what i've seen so far is that mr. zazi traveled to pakistan which is not illegal. that mr. zazi purchased certain
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products that contain chemicals that allegedly could be used to make a bomb. those acts were notillegal. >> prosecutors said they have video of zazi buying beauty products and said he was plotting to use homemade devices to target mass transit in new york on the anniversary of the september 11th tacks. zazi's next court date is december 3rd. documents just released in the caylee anthony murder case reveal an fbi intelligence na analyst said a stan on the truck liner of her mother's car appears to show a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. her mother, casey anthony, is charged with her murder and pleaded not guilty. in an e-mail dated september of last year, the analyst said there's a photo of the liner which highlights the very large stain. it said you can make out what would be the back, bottom and legs of a child. the fbi says it didn't take a picture of that image before it
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was destroyed. north carolina police are looking for a 12-year-old girl who is nearly 9 months pregnant. she disappeared from her home near charlotte last week along with her younger sister and adoptive dad. he left a note saying he was taking one of the girls to school. police say he may have abducted them. he is their legal guardian and there's no evidence he harmed either girl. the 12 year old is in need of immediate medical attention. this tennessee father traveled 7,000 miles to get his two children back. according to a tennessee court, he has full custody. why is he locked up in a jail in japan? >> reporter: the u.s. embassy in tokyo says it is aware of what happened to the american and sent representatives to speak to
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him today and been given a list of attorneys to get legal representation here. this is a difficult situation because japanese family law is different from american family law. in the event of a divorce, only one parent typically is recognized as custodian and the other has no rights and japan also hasn't signed on to the treaty which means here japan isn't necessarily obligated to act in any sort of way in this matter. what this means for christopher? he's in a jail cell. even though under u.s. law he's considered the sole custodian and his japanese ex-wife is the one considered the abductor. under japanese law he's a criminal here. japanese police say he grabbed his two children as they walked to school with their mother on monday morning. he took them or attempted to take them to the u.s. consulate. steps from the doorway, from the doorway of the u.s. consulate, local police stopped him and because he was standing on japanese soil, he was arrested
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and charged with kidnapping. before all of this happened, he shared his frustration and desperations from his tennessee home. >> i said they're what? they're what? they're in japan. >> reporter: the u.s. state department says they believe that there are up to 100 cases involving japanese and american citizens and parental abductions. they hope for a long-term solution but in the meantime tame in this case a sad story about divorce and two cultures colliding. fellow filmmakers are rallying between roman polanski as his attorneys file a motion to have him released. in all, 138 people including directors woody allen and others in the film industry signed a petition against his arrest. polanski was en route to the zurich film festival when he was
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detained on saturday. the u.s. wants him extradited for drugging and having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. post-production on his latest movie is now be on hold. one of the suspects accused of killing a chicago honor student admitted to jumping on the boy's head while he was lying on the ground. four teens have now been charged with first-degree murder in that gruesome death. one is a juvenile. 16-year-old derrion albert was beaten to death. his family said he was an easy going great kid who was headed for college. >> an honor student. loved school. >> good boy. >> never a problem. >> not a gang banger. >> we're not saying this is a gang related incident. right now it appears that there's a young man making attempts to go home. >> him trying to help out his friend because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> we have to warn you the video
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no matter how many times you see it is disturbing. police are looking for three more suspects involved in the attack. the one that was captured on a cell phone camera they have increased patrols in the neighborhood. there were 290 shootings in chicago's schools last year. 34 kids were killed. actor john travolta could be back on the witness stand this week in the trial of two alleged extortionists. they were trying to have a video suppressed that shows them talking with travolta's lawyer. the undercover video was shot by b police. the two of accused of threatening to release a key document shortly after the death of travolta's autistic son. the secret service is trying to figure out who put a poll on
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facebook asking if the persresit should be assassinated. the poll was taken be down yesterday. the obama poll was made available to everybody on facebook. the president began a series of meetings today on the difficult situation in afghanistan. he met with nato's new chief at the white house. both men told reporters they agree it's critical the mission in afghanistan is a success and the taliban and al qaeda networks be dismantled and destroyed and the president also made one point crystal clear. >> this is not an american battle. this is a nato mission as well. we're working actively and diligently to consult with nato at every step of the way. >> the top u.s. and nato commander in afghanistan asked for thousands of additional u.s. troops and a change of strategy to win the war. the white house said there will not be a decision on those requests for a few weeks because the president wants to first get
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the strategy right. iran will allow swiss officials to meet with three detained americans according to u.s. officials who say iran notified the swiss government about the decision. the americans were arrested for illegally entering the country in july. the u.s. has no diplomatic relations with tehran. the swiss government intercedes and represents u.s. interests there. the families of the american say they have had no contact with the group since their arrest. the real life soap opera involving the reality show "jon and kate plus 8" has taken a new twist. it will be called "kate plus 8." the split was featured during an episode of the show. the program will focus on kate's evolution as a single mom. a typhoon devastates the
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that's the british navy sinking a fishing boat it says had $384 million worth of cocaine hidden on it. the vessel was intercepted earlier this month. the defense ministry said the boat was acting suspiciously in an area known for drug running. the u.s. customs chief calls it bad day for organized crime. colombia and mexico seized $41 million in drug money smuggled in from the u.s. u.s. customs officials said that
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huge cash stash is a sign of multinational cooperation in drug investigations. at least 23 people have been killed in vietnam by a typhoon. it made landfall today with winds of 90 miles an hour. more than 150,000 people had had to be evacuated. rivers are rising. homes are flooded. areas of being threatened by mudslides so it's not over yet. this is the same storm that devastated parts of the philippines especially around manila. 284 people, that's the latest death toll in the philippines. an i-reporter lives in vietnam but he and his friends got stuck at a resort after the airports closed. he said as the surf and winds began to pick up, he thought it would be a good idea to begin taping. >> let me tell you, these are
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you can see tiles. >> certainly focuses your attention. the tidal surge came to 30 feet. while shooting the video the biggest problem was the wind and sand that blasted him. many thanks, jeff. a reminder to all i-reporters your safety is the most important concern. if you have pictures of video of breaking news or stories, go to make sure you have the news you want when you want. as technology changes, so do we. we have a new cnn iphone app. go to and you can program it to bring you the news you care about. breaking news alerts, your weather, your traffic. this is just an iphone simulator. your experience on the iphone may be different.
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give it a try. more on the city of chicago's biggest stars on way to copenhagen trying to land the 2016 olympic games. members got an olympic sized sendoff at o'hare international last night. united airlines provided the charter. a 747 with chicago 2016 logo painted on it. there was even a party in the terminal for the delegation that include jackie joyner-kersee and bart connor. the president and first lady will fly to copenhagen this week to try to win over the international olympic committee. >> we are bringing our a team. >> we just want to exteteteteand of friendship around the world. >> chicago, rio de janeiro, tokyo and madrid on the short list. the decision on friday. conan o'brien is showing everybody why he canceled friday's show.
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nine homeless sex offenders in georgia have been ordered to move their makeshift camp near atlanta. police say the georgia department of transportation, which owns the property, told the sex offenders they had 24 hours to leave. it's uncertain where they'll go. georgia state law bans sex offenders from living, working or loitering within 1,000 feet of any school, church, park or anywhere children might gather. we've been asking your thoughts on this. where do you think sex offenders should go? are state laws too intrusive and restrictive? give us a call and let us know what you think. you can e-mail us at or just search chuck roberts hln on facebook and leave your comment on my page or text views and comment to hlntv. let's hear from you. standard text rates apply. sarah palin has completed her memoir only four months after signing a book deal. her advisers say it will be
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called "going rogue, an american life" referring to a comment to a john mccain adviser who said palin wasn't playing the campaign playbook. her publisher moved up the release rate in time for the holiday rush. the famous pilot behind miracle on the hudson will return to flying. captain chelsey sullenberger will also work with the airline safety management team. you may remember he guide his crippled jet to a safe splashdown in the hudson river. all 155 both on board survived. a 911 operator in massachusetts got calls he wasn't really ready for. people were reporting a fire at his home. he said he made the callers repeat the address and even then he couldn't believe it. >> i'm, like, are you sure? are you sure on the address? are you sure? that's my house. it's surreal.
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you don't believe. you hear it. it's not registering. >> his parents also live in the apartment building. he said they lost everything but fortunately, fortunately nobody got hurt. police arrested a arrested suspected bank robber accused of holding up six banks in a single week in three states. heather brown is a kudz of telling bank tellers she had a bomb. she's on probation for a 2006 bank stick-up. fbi statistics show it's extremely rare for women to rob banks. a transgender pastor came tout to his congregation in the middle of a sermon. david weekly said he was born a woman and kept his gender reassignment surgery a secret for 27 years. a few years after the surgery, he was ordained as a i need methodist pastor. he's been at his current church for two years. last month, he decided to let his congregation in on his story. >> from early childhood, i always had this discrepancy
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between myself and how the world perceived me. >> the congregation accepted it without question. >> it's a burden to carry that all by yourself. >> in spite of congregation report, the reverend says he's worried about losing his ordination. he says a law could be passed banning any transgender clergy. winds could be a big problem for crews fighting a wildfire at yellowstone national park. lightning started the fire a couple of weeks ago but grew over the weekend. the fire has burned 9,300 acres. officials say there's no danger to travelers and tourists. she was johnny carson's final guest. now she's the first guest on joy behar new show on hln. bette midler sits down with joy behar. a connecticut woman who gave abandoned cats a home could lose
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. a colorado man lands in a brooklyn courtroom to face a terrorism charge. find out why his lawyer claims the government hasn't really accused him of committing a crime. the state told a group of men they had to live in the woods. now the state says they can't live in the woods. share your views on their catch-22. and "jon & kate plus 8" has been a winning combination for tlc. now the network is changing the equation. will it still add up to success? hln "news and views," hi, i'm richelle carey. documents just released in the
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caleigh anthony murder case reveal an fbi intelligence analyst says a stain on the truck liner of her mother's car appears to show a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. the toddler's body was found in december near orlando. casey anthony is charged with her murder. she's pleaded not guilty. in an e-mail dated september of last year, the analyst says there's a photo of the liner which highlights the very large stain. those are the exact words in this e-mail, that said you can make out what could be the back, bottom and legs of a child. the fbi says it didn't take a picture of the image before it was destroyed. the man at the center of a cross-country terrorism investigation has pleaded not guilty to plotting an attack on new york city. najibullah zazi was formally charged in a new york courtroom about an hour ago. the afghan immigrant was ordered held without bail. he did not speak during his proceedings.
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his lawyer spoke with reporters and said the case against his client amounts to a rush to judgment, not conspiracy. >> i'm not saying that i've seen all the evidence in this case produced by the government. but what i've seen so far is that mr. zazi traveled to pakistan, which is not illegal, that mr. zazi purchased certain products that contained chemicals that allegedly could be used to make a bomb. those acts were not illegal. and i have not seen any evidence whatsoever of an agreement between mr. zazi and anyone else which is the essence of a conspiracy charge. >> prosecutors say they have video of zazi buying beauty products containing chemicals that could be used to make bombs. here's some of that video. they say he was plotting to use homemade explosives to target
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mass transit in new york on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks. his next court date is december 3rd. north carolina police are looking for a 12-year-old girl who is nearly nine months pregnant. she disappeared from her home in mooresville last week along with her younger sister. her adoptive father said he was taking one of the girls to school. police say he may have abducted them. he is their legal guardian and police say there is no evidence he harmed the sisters. the pregnant girl has not identified the father of her child and she, though, needs immediate medical attention. investigators suspect the girls may have been taken to tennessee. a tennessee father travels 7,000 miles to get his two children back. now he's in jail in japan. a tennessee court recently gave christopher savoie full custody of his 8-year-old son, isaac,
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and 6-year-old daughter, rebe a rebecca. but by then, his ex-wife, a japanese native, had take tennessee kids all the way to japan. yesterday, a friend who reportedly witnessed savoie's arrest says he picked them up as they walked to school. instead of heading to the nearest airport, he drove to the nearest consulate where japanese police were waiting. he says he desperately misses his kids. >> everywhere i look around, there's a picture. i can't go in his bedroom because i'm like, well, never sleep in this bed again. i just said, i love you, isaac, i love you. remember that, i love you and i want you back. you should be here, you should be in school, you should be with your daddy. it's hard to have quiet moments. because my kids' words haunt me during those quiet times. >> there is a warrant out for his ex-wife's arrest in tennessee but this is the thing,
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japanese law doesn't recognize u.s. family court orders. one of the suspects accused of killing a chicago honor student has admitted to jumping on the boy's head while he was lying on the ground this. story's affected a lot of you. that evidence coming from the state's attorney. fourteen agers have now been charged with first-degree murder in this gruesome killing. one is a juvenile. 16-year-old derrion albert was beaten to death after being hit over the head. >> right now, we're not saying this is a gang-related incident. right now, this appears that you had a young man making his attempts to go home. >> warn you again, you're going to see some of the video of what happened to derrion. it is very disturbing. police say they're still looking for three more suspects involved in this attack. this is cell phone video. they have also stepped up patrols in the neighborhood. listen to this, there were 290 shootings in chicago schools
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last year and 34 kids were killed. the secret service is trying to find out who put a poll on facebook, asking if president obama should be killed. the possible responses were, yesened no and maybe and yes, if he cuts my health care. the social networking site took the poll down along with a third-party application that lets people create polls. the obama poll was made available to millions of people, everybody on facebook. iran has until thursday to come clean about its disputed nuclear program. if it doesn't, the obama administration is considering tougher sanctions targeting iran's energy, financial and telecommunications sectors. thursday's meeting in geneva between iran and world powers has taken on added urgency. last week, tehran admitted it had been building a second nuclear enrichment facility south of iran. and yesterday, iran tested
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long-range missiles. nobody's expecting any major breakthroughs from these talks in geneva. previous meetings have done nothing to convince the iranian government to give up its nuclear program. swiss officials will be allowed to meet with three americans who have been detained in iran since july. the iranian government says they were arrested for illegally entering the country. the families say that the three were just on a hiking trip in iraq and they strayed into iranian territory by accident. they say they've had no contact with them since their arrest. the u.s. has no diplomatic relations with iran and the swiss government represents its interests there. we'll see. here's something that will put you on the edge of your seat. someone who decided to climb a suspension bridge. i don't mean just a little -- all the way to the top and then for a little while, it looked like he couldn't hold on anymore.
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some pretty tense moments on a bridge in toledo. you're going to be wondering what was this guy thinking. police say a man climbed the bridge's suspension cables all the way to the top. he nearly fell quite a few times. somehow he managed to hang on. again, don't know what he was thinking. don't know why he did this. he did manage to make it to safety. when a bank goes bust, the fdic makes sure your money is protected. but the insurance fund that guarantees those savings, it needs to be propped up. poppy harlow joins us from new york. poppy, what is being done to ensure our savings are safe? >> reporter: they're talking about that in washington today, a big meeting held by the ed fd. your deposits at banks that have
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fdic insurance, they are fine. they're backed by the full faith and credit of the u.s. government. but the fdic does say unless their insurance fund gets more funds, then it could in the red by the end of the month and could be stuck there through 2013. take a look at this chart just to show you how we got here. at this time a year ago, the ed ific's fund had more than $45 million, to prop up and deal with failed banks. fast-forward to the last quarter of this year, you have just over $10 million set aside for bank failures. the reason we got here, 95 u.s. banks have fail so far this year, compared to 25 banks failures for all of 2008. the fdic is saying the estimated losses from future bank failures could climb to $100 billion through 2013. that's why they need more money in the fund. that's what they're talking about getting today. >> how do they replenish the fund? >> reporter: it's a great question. there's a lot of different proposals. they're meeting in washington.
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one of the proposals at the top of the discussion is having banks pay three years of their fees up front to the fdic. this would raise about $45 billion in that insurance fund. the industry, not loving it. but their stance may be softening. the roundtable calls it a positive attive in to a one-time charge on the banks getting a lot of attention not long ago. the fdic has a few options. it has a $500 billion line of credit with the u.s. treasury. it could go to the treasury for a bailout. they don't really want to do that. another is banks could lend to the fdic. whatever happen, americans should know their deposits are safe. >> i think what depositors need to understand is we have the full faith and credit backed by the government. we have substantial lines of credit with the treasury. no reason why anybody would need to worry about their insured
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deposit. >> reporter: here's what happens now. this proposal is out there. the banks can comment on it. we're expecting a final decision to come sometime in november or december. many more details. want to point you to this story. this is on >> good stuff as always, poppy. appreciate it. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin has finished her memoir just four months after signing the book deal. palin's advisers say it is going to be called "going rogue, an american life." i know that sounds familiar. the title refers to a comment by a john mccain adviser who complained that palin wasn't following his campaign playbook last year. her publisher moved up the book's release date to november 17th in time for the holiday rush. tlc announces they are changing the "jon & kate plus 8" equation. who could come out the winners and losers? "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer has the shocking announcement.
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you want to know what that is? that's the british navy sinking a fishing boat it says had about $384 million worth of cocaine hidden on it. world navy intercepted the boat off the coast of south america this month. the crew was taken off the boat before this happened. the defense ministry says the boat was acting suspiciously in an area known for drug
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trafficking. a group of homeless sex offenders have been ordered out of the wooded area they were told to move into in the first place. we told you about this yesterday, actually, to begin with. this is a makeshift camp in an area behind an office park in suburban atlanta. probation officers in cobb county, georgia, told the sex offenders to move there as a last resort. wyche we said, now they're being told to leave. georgia has one of the nation's toughest sex offender policies. the wooded area was about the only place the group could legally live. state law bans sex offenders from living, working or loitering within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, parks and other spots where children gather. but the state department of transportation owns the woods and decided the sex offenders had to get out. the county sheriff says he doesn't know where they're going to go now. so we have been asking what are your views on this. where do you think sex offenders should live? are state laws too restrictive? call us.
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e-mail us if you want, you can also search "richelle carey" and leave a comment on facebook. we'll air some of your responses on this throughout the day. "jon & kate plus 8" will longer exist. we don't just mean they're getting a divorce. the network tlc announced today the show will be renamed "kate plus 8" come november. "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer is in new york. this is your big story tonight, a.j. >> big, richelle. >> it is. even if you don't really pay attention, this will get your hear. jon is out. >> jon got fired essentially. and the real question is why? all the publicity jon's gotten as of late has had nothing to do with their show, "jon & kate plus 8." but basically tlc, the network that runs "jon & kate plus 8" or now "kate plus 8," says they have to adapt to the changing gosselin family. here is the statement they issued to "showbiz tonight" --
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>> so the series will continue to follow and chronicle the gosselin family and it will also document kate's journey as a newly single mother raising a 5-year-old. and that is obviously something that a lot of people, richelle, can relate to. they're going to focus on the single mom aspect of it, it sounds like a great deal more. >> barring getting the cameras completely out of the kids'
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faces, which we figured out they're never going to do, barring that, do you think this is a good move? >> well, i've been thinking about this all day. i think it's a step in the right direction. i was hoping it would focus more on kate as a single mom and maybe really take the kids out of the equation. we'll have to see when they relaunch in november exactly how much the kids will play into it. but it sounds like they're still a big part of it. but if they're going to adapt the show and they can get away from dealing with the pressures of the divorce and all of the ugliness with the tabloids and the paparazzi and just focus on the single mom aspect, yeah, i think at least it's a step in the right direction. as i said, i think it is something that a lot of people can relate to and it doesn't look like kate is going to give up this pursuit anytime soon as a way of making money to support her kids. so we'll just have to wait and see. so coming up tonight on "showbiz tonight," obviously there is a great deal to talk about as tlc changes the show, fires jon gosselin. why the startling move? was it relating to jon's partying and womanizing?
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but is there something more to the firing and will the show go on without jon? we'll see you tonight. >> want to take bets on when jon gets his own reality show? >> i think that's an easy bet to win. it's coming. >> yes, it is. good talking to you, a.j. fellow filmmakers are rallying behind roman polanski as his attorneys file a motion to have him released. the decision on that motion might take a few weeks. then there also might be an appeal. in all, 138 people, including director woody allen and others in the film industry all signed a petition against his arrest. polanski was on his way to the zurich film festival saturday when he was detained by swiss police. the u.s. wants him extradited for drugging and having sex with a 13-year-old girl back in 1977. post-production on polanski's latest movie "the ghost," that's now on hold.
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the death of dj am has been ruled on accident. he died from a combination of cocaine and at least seven different prescription drugs including oxycontin, vicodin and xanax. his body was found in his apartment late last month. a crack pipe was found nearby and crack cocaine was in the house. an mtv show had been working on a show about addiction that was set to premiere monday. a year ago, he nearly survive add plane crash in south carolina. johnny carson said good-bye to "the tonight show" with bette midler. well she will be the first guest on "the joy behar show" premiering tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on hln.
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a bombshell in the documents just released in the caylee anthony murder case. in these document, an fbi intelligence analyst says a stain on the trunk liner of her mother's car appears to show a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. the toddler body was found in december near orlando. her mother, casey, is charged with her mother. she has pleaded not guilty. also in an e-mail dated september of last year, the analyst says there's a photo of the liner which highlights the very large stain. it said you could make out what would be the back, the bottom and legs of a child. the fbi says it didn't take a
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picture of the image before it was destroyed. one of the suspects accused of killing a chicago honor student has admitted to something just horrifying. jumping on the boy's head while he was lying on the ground. that's from the state's attorney. fourteen agers have now been charged with first-degree murder in this gruesome death. one is just a juvenile. 16-year-old derrion albert was beaten to death. his family says he was easy-going. he was a great child, a wonderful child. he was headed to college. >> he was an honor student. loved school. >> good boy? >> never had a problem out of him. >> not a gang-banger? >> no. >> we're not saying this is a gang-related incident. it appears you had a young man making his attempts to go home. >> him trying to help out his friend, it's like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> one reason this story has
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touched so many people is because of this video. it is very disturbing. take a look at this. police say they're looking for three more suspects involved in this attack. this is cell phone video. they have also increased patrols in the neighborhood. this is what's been going on. there have been 290 shootings in chicago last year and 34 kids were killed. an urgent story we're keeping tabs on. north carolina police are looking for a 12-year-old girl who is nearly nine months pregnant. she disappeared from her home in mooresville last week. her younger sister also disappeared and they are with their adoptive dad, michael hess apparently left his estranged wife a note saying he was taking one of the girls to school. police are saying that he may have abducted them. hess is their legal guardian and police say there's no evidence he has harmed the sisters. the pregnant girl has not identified the father of her child. but she is in n need of immedia medical attention.
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investigators suspect the girls may have been taken to tennessee. speaking of tennessee, a tennessee father travels 7,000 miles to get his two kids back. now he's in jail in japan. a tennessee court recently gave christopher savoie full custody of his two kids, 8-year-old isaac and 6-year-old rebecca. but by then, his ex-wife, a japanese native, had taken the children all the way to japan. yesterday a friend who reportedly witnessed savoie's arrest says he picked them up as they walked to school. but instead of going straight to the nearest airport, savoie drove to the nearest u.s. consulate. japanese police were there waiting for him. before all this dramaunfolded, savoie told cnn, our affiliate, that he desperately missed his kids. everywhere i look around, there's a picture. i can't go in his bedroom. because i'm like, well, never sleep in this bed again. i just said, i love you, isaac,
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i love you, remember that, i love you. and i want you back. you should be here. you should be in school. you should be with your daddy. it's hard to have quiet moments. because my kids' words haunt me during those quiet times. >> there is a warrant out for his ex-wife's arrest in tennessee. but japanese law doesn't recognize u.s. family court orders. the man at the center of a cross-country terrorism investigation has pleaded not guilty to plotting an attack on new york city. najibullah zazi was formally charged in a new york courtroom earlier today. he's ordered held without bail. he did not speak during these proceedings. his lawyer did his speaking for him and entered a plea. later the attorney told reporters he sees no evidence of any kind of conspiracy against his client. >> i'm not saying that i've seen all the evidence in this case produced by the government. but what i've seen so far is that mr. zazi traveled to
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pakistan, which is not illegal. that mr. zazi purchased certain products that contained chemi l chemicals that allegedly could be used to make a bomb. those acts were not illegal. >> prosecutors say they have video of zazi buying beauty products -- this is some of that video. they say these beauty products contain chemicals that could used to make bombs. they say he was plotting to used homemade explosives to target mass transit in new york on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks. his next court date is december 3rd. president obama began a series of meetings today on the difficult situation in afghanistan. he met with nato's new chief at the white house. both men told reporters they agree it is critical the mission in afghanistan is a success and the taliban and al qaeda networks are dismantled, destroyed. the president also made one point crystal clear --
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>> this is not an american battle. this is a nato mission as well and we are working actively and diligently to consult with nato at every step of the way. >> the top u.s. and nato commander in afghanistan has asked for thousands of additional u.s. troops and a change of strategy to win this war. the white house says there won't be a decision on that for another few weeks because the president wants to first get the strategy right. there are a lot of rules and regulations on college campuses. now one school is even dictating when and where you can have sex.
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listen up, ladies. strutting around in your jimmy choo stilettos can do some real damage to your feet. why you may want to switch to sneakers -- >> reporter: sure, some shoes may make your legs look sexy. but doctors say those same shoes can hurt the backs of your feet, especially as you get older. scientists looked at 3,300 foot exams of men and women. 64% of the women who reported pain in their achilles tendons, heels or ankles, regularly wore high heels at some time in their life.
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they provide poor support and don't protect feet from hitting the shock of the pavement. athletic shoes or sneakers soften the shock best for any foot. specialists say women should save the high heels for special occasions or keep them in a bag on their way to work. it's best to treat your feet to a walking show. >> just don't think i could do it. all right. spiders, aliens, clowns, lots of things can creep out movie-watchers. now one horror film producers is making an exact science of the best way to scare audiences. reggie has one of the more interesting stories today. >> reporter: this is a good story. but i'm saving the best for last. get ready for kids who are being sex-i
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sex-iled from your dorms. but first, putting people in mri scan machines to see how people are physically reacting while watching terrifying movies. peter catch is doing this to gauge what scenes strike fear into viewers' hearts. real-time results show brain activity, response to certain scary moments. catch says he wants to make his horror films quantity if i believe and says so-called neuro-cinema could change the way films are made. many studio audiences do test runs to see what works. but the studios say it's hard for the viewers to remember specific moments they liked or disliked and this process obviously overcomes that. catch says he hopes this will be applied eventually to dramas, comedies and horror films. also marketers are using brain
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scans to see how consumers respond to ads. >> oh, my goodness. >> yeah. they're going far with this. >> and spending a lot of money, my goodness. >> let's talk about the next thing now. >> i do know when some young people go off to college, they lose their mind when it comes to the opposite sex. but one school is not having it. >> you say lose their minds. they also sometimes lose their pants. talking about roommates here. back when i was an r.a. at northwestern university, go cats, we'd call this being sex-iled and people would leave a sock on the door handle to say, look, roommate, something's going on, keep out. at tufts university they've apparently received so many complaints from roommates who say their roommate is having sex while they're in the room that they've had to make a policy banning such activity. as you might imagine, it has people talking on campus.
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>> i know one person who their roommate asked them to leave the room at 3:00 in the morning for ten minutes. >> if somebody's going to have sex while their roommate's in the room, i think that's kind of gross and i think it's funny that they would have to make a rule about it. >> i don't think it's something that could be really enforced. i don't understand how that's going to work. >> there's the problem, right? how are you going to make sure that the rule is being enforced? >> easy. if you go to baylor, we don't do that. >> oh, richelle, richelle. >> i went there, reg. i went there. >> i have so many stories to tell you about my time at northwestern. not the time or the place. >> wrap! check it out, good stuff, reggie. check this out, cnn and hln want to make sure you've got the news you want wherever you are. so technology is changing. we are, too. cnn's unveiling the new cnn
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iphone app for $1.99. go to or go to the ap story. this is just a simulation. but you can program it to bring you the news you care about. breaking news alert, your weather, your traffic. this is an iphone simulator, rather. your experience or your iphone might be a little different but it's so cool. where do convicted sex offenders go after they are released from prison? and what happens when the state law leaves them nowhere to go? share your views on their catch-22.
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i'm jane velez-mitchell. and here's my issue. when are we going to realize the face of alcoholism isn't just that bum on the corner with a brown paper bag? another innocent civilian mowed down by an apparent drunk driver. this time the alleged drunk driver was an off-duty new york city cop. witnesses say he wreaked of booze and his passenger, a fellow cop allegedly fled the scene while this woman was pleading to death. it appears to be another case of
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somebody making a terrible choice. in this case, getting behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol. you know, this is national recovery month. and it's time we start getting real about drinking problems. alcoholism doesn't recognize age, gender or economic status. and obviously it also does not recognize the dark blue police uniforms of the nypd. i'm jane velez-mitchell and that's my issue. >> find out what else jane has on her mind. watch "issues with jane velez-mitchell" every night, 7:00 eastern time right here on hln. a group of homeless sex offenders are being told they have to get out of a wooded area they were told to move into in the first place. we brought this up with you yesterday. we told owe about this makeshift camp in an area behind an office park in suburban atlanta. there was actually some probation officers in cobb county, georgia, that told the sex offenders to move there as a
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last resort. georgia has one of the nation east toughest sex offender policies, to the point where this area was about the only place this group could legally live. state law bans sex offenders from living, working or loitering within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, parks and other spots where children gather. the state transportation department owns the woods and decided the sex offenders have to go. now the county sheriff says he doesn't know where they're going to go. we've been asking, what do you think? where do you think sex offenders should live? do you think state laws concerning them might be too restrictive? let's get to the phones. elaine is calling us from tuscon. elaine, this is a very emotional topic, we understand that. what do you think? >> caller: i think that they should be incarcerated because they don't seem to change and they just continue to hurt innocent people. >> okay, so your first line of
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defense is you think they should have longer sentences. but as of right now, that's really not happening. they do seem to get out. when they do get out, what do you think should happen? >> caller: they should be put in an institution where they're more controlled. >> so maybe like a halfway house or some place like that? >> caller: yes. >> elaine, thank you very much. let's get to terry from virginia. most people would say longer sentences. and we understand that. but as of right now, most sex offenders will eventually get out. what do you think should happen? where should they live? >> caller: well, i think that if the government is not -- they convict them -- it depends on whether a lot -- are they child
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molesters, are they just indecent exposure? >> take into consideration the severity of the crime and then from there do what? government -- the severity of the crime. if they can't have no place to live, and everything, that they should fix a place for them to live. >> away from everybody else? >> caller: away from everybody else. >> all right. thank you, terry. >> caller: and also -- just like in my case, all right? i was -- i was convicted, in it was, charged in 2000. >> yes, sir. >> caller: in 2001. >> are there restrictions on you right now, terry? >> caller: i'll tell you what, it was non-violent, and -- >> terry, we're about out of time. i want to hear your story but we're about out of time. >> caller: well, anyway, i was convicted. i was inside of my home, and i
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was 1 1/2 football fields away from a six-month-old and 14-month-old child, and i was -- i was non-violent. >> terry, we have to wrap it up there. we don't have the time. i apologize. thank you for sharing that with us, though. we want to continue to hear your views on this. where do you think sex offenders should live? are state laws too restrictive? call us now at 1-877-tell hln. e-mail us, or my facebook page. leave a comment, text the word views, and your name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. all right. we'll continue to talk about this. a very emotional topic and people call to tell us shockingly personal stories. one of hugh jackman's best
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a man lands in a brooklyn courtroom to face a terrorism charge. why his lawyer says he wasn't really accused of a crime. they have to live in the wootds, and now the state says they can't live in the woods. share your views on this catch 22, and this is not out of a scene from a movie. it's real life, and a pretty close call for a guy who scaped a bridge. we'll tell you thousand his this ended. hln "news and views" on a tuesday. hi, everybody. i'm chuck roberts. in the bahamas, two defendants on trial trying to steal money
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from john travolta. we're joined by phone with the very latest from the bahamas. >> reporter: hi, john. on the witness stand is john travolta's attorney telling the court one of the defendants met with her back in 2009 saying she had a client who had a document that was embarrassing to the travolta family. we learned he felt this particular document was worth $25 million to the travoltas. we've learned just recently, moments ago, the fact that this document was basically saying, releasing the bahamas from any sort of responsibility that he was wanting to take his son and transport him back to west palm beach when he fell ill january 2nd of this year. she's continuing to go on to tell the court that there were many inquiries by the media they felt that this document was
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worthwhile, was worth the millions, because it would make the travoltas look bad. >> all right. and the tape, there's supposed to be a surveillance tape showing all that's going on between some official, i guess, and the two individuals on trial. has the tape been played in court? >> reporter: no, not played in court yet. this has all been a big leadup to the court. the court has been set up since yesterday with video screens, ready to play the tape, but we're getting the sense that they're playing -- how it was brought to the final moment when the tapes were recorded. it was recording of the other co-defendant meeting with another john travolta attorney. the client of the former senator that there was, this document was worth millions of dollars, that he felt, from the travoltas because it would put them in a bad light. >> are travolta and his wife in the courtroom? >> no, they're not.
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we've not seen them today. they can expected late this afternoon to possibly take the stand. most likely we may see them tomorrow. >> john couwels with the latest from the bahamas. appreciate the update. and planning to attack new york city with homemade bombs pleaded not guilty. 24-year-old najibullah zazi was ordered held without bail. he pleaded not guilty. his lawyer entered the pleat on his bafrl and later told reporters the case against his client aamounts to a rush in judgment, not conspiracy. >> i'm not saying that i've seen all the evidence in this case produced by the government. but what i've seen so far is that mr. zazi traveled to pakistan, which is not illegal, that mr. zazi purchased certain products that contained chemicals that allegedly could be used to make a bomb.
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that -- those acts were not illegal. and i have not seen any evidence whatsoever of an agreement between mr. zazi and anyone else which is the essence of a conspiracy charge. >> prosecutors say they have video of zazi buying beauty products containing chemicals that could be used to make bombs. that he was plotting to use homemade explosives to target mass transit in new york on the anniversary of the september 11th attack. his next court date is december 3rd. a bombshell in the documents just released in the caylee anthony murder case in which the fbi intelligence analyst who looked over a trunk in her mother's car found a stain that appears to show a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. of course, caylee's body was found in december near orlando. her mother, casey anthony, is charged with her murder. she's pleaded not gutty. in an e-mail dated last year, a
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photo of the liner highlighting the very large stain and said you could make out what would be the back, bottom and lechs of a child. the fbi says it didn't take a picture of the image before it was destroyed. just into hln, a ten-foot tsunami detected moving through the south pacific and alerts are up in a sweeping area, all the fwra newer zeeland, fiji and officials are waiting to see if it will reach hawaii. the cause, a powerful earthquake that hit off the coast of samoa with official quakes 7.9 on the size mik scale. we'll monitor this story and bring you the latest on this tsunami, where it's going and how big it might be. a mother in oklahoma city is accused of beating and tying up her son and even had a lock installed on a bedroom closet where they say he was often kept for days at a time's investigators are examining evidence preparing a criminal
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case against lohanda, she and a friend arrested saturday on 20 counts of child abuse and neglect. neither have been formally charged. looking for a 12-year-old girl who is nearly full term, nine months pregnant. she disappeared along with her younger sister and adoptive dad. michael hess left his estranged wife a note saying he was taking one of the girls to school. police say he may have abducted them. police say there's no evidence that he has harmed the two sisters and there's the first picture we've been able to show you of the little girls. the pregnant gharl not identified the father of her child and is in need of immediate medical attention. investigators suspect the girls may have been taken to tennessee. fellow filmmakers are rallying behind filmmaker roman polanski. they want him released.
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the decision could cake weeks and is subject to appeal. in all 138 people including directors woody allen, and martin scorsese and others in the film industry signed a petition against his arrest. polanski was on his way to the zurich film festival saturday when he was detained by swiss police. the u.s. wants him extradited for drugging and having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. post-production on polanski's latest movie "the ghost," that's now on hold. and a man admitted to jumping on the boy's head as he was laying on the ground. four teenagers charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome death. one a juvenile. 16-year-old derrion albert was beaten to death. his family says he was easy-going. he was a great child, a wonderful child. he was headed to college. we have to warn you, the tape is
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gruesome. it was captured on che phone video. it went on and on. they've increased patrols in the neighborhood. there were 291 shootings in chicago schools last year, 31 kids were killed. and voting down a proposal for a government-run health insurance plan. live pictures there. there's the florida senator, bill nelson. the amendment by democrat jay rockefeller entered a public option from chairman baucus. currently there's no public ogs. rockefeller's amendment was defeated 15-8. all committee republicans and five democrats including chairman baucus voted against. it now debating a less expensive plan offered by democrat chuck schumer of new york. president obama began a series of meetings on the difficult situation in afghanistan. he met with nato's new chief at the white house. both men told reporters they agree it's critical the mission in afghanistan is a success and the taliban and al qaeda
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networks are dismantled and destroyed. the president also made one point crystal clear. >> this is not an american battle. this is a nato mission as well, and we are working actively and diligently to consult with nato at every step of the way. >> the top u.s. commander and the nato commander in afghanistan have asked for thousands of additional u.s. troops and a change of war strategy. the white house says there will not be a quick decision. it may take a few more weeks, because the president wants to first get the strategy right. iran is another big problem for the obama administration. tehran has until thursday that is day after tomorrow, to come clean about its nuclear program, and. it it doesn't, the obama administration is considering tougher new sanctions targeting the energy financial and telecommunications sectors. thursday's meeting in geneva between iran and world powers has taken on added urgency. last week tehran admitted it had
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been secretly building a second you're rainian enrichment fast south of tehran and yesterday they tested long-range missiles capable of reaching israel and u.s. bases in the middle east. nobody is expecting a breakthrough in the geneva talks. previous meetings have done nothing or little to convince the iranian government to give up its nuclear program. it looks like a theme from the latest action flick, but instead it's a man and no stunt double. fortunately, this real-life drama has a hollywood ending.
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nine homeless sex offenders are being asked to move. it was a location of last resort. the state department of transportation owns the property and is evicting the group giving them 24 hours 20 leave. it's unsoern where they're going to go. under state law in georgia, sex offenders cannot live, work or loiter with 1,000 feet any of school, church, park or any
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other place where children might tend to gather. we've been asking your thoughts on this. what do you think about sex offenders registering in general? where should they live? should state laws concerning them be too restrictive? go to the phones and talk first to wayne in missouri. you're up, wayne. how you doing? >> caller: pretty good. what about yourself? >> doing all right. what do you think, jer. >> caller: if there's a child involved, a small child, they should be put in prison and never let out. if it's an older child like this guy over in switzerland, they're trying to get him back over here, i think since he's ran and been gone for 30 years, i honestly believe he needs to be put in prison. and that's all i can say about it. >> wayne, appreciate the call. clifford's up next in arizona. clifford, how you doing? >> caller: doing all right. >> what do you think about this? >> caller: i think that everybody needs to take into consideration the prison system that we have and the laws we have in place.
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consider in norway, for example, they don't have jails, they don't have laws like that. basically they have a rehabilitation system where every criminal can be rehabilitated. guess what? they've dealt with criminal sex offenders and have no rebate offenders and also pay little to nothing in taxes on the jail stipes because they're not jail systems. they rehabilitate the people. they put them back out there to work regular jobs and hardly ever do they repeat the crimes. i think that norway has kind of set an example in that field and as much as america is regarded in this world, i think we should follow that example. >> are they reintegrated into society or kept apart? segregated? >> caller: absolutely not. >> i wanted to be clear. adam gets the last word, he's in new hartford, new york, is it? >> caller: yes. >> how you doing? your thoughts? go ahead. >> caller: my thoughts are what i think should happen to sex offenders and also with murderers at the same time. i think they all should be able to be put into, like, the
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military. go through boot camp. go over and serve our country. go to war, and then do some kind of a service. go over there, take all out of troops over there time after time after time, bring them home, and then make all of them go over. the murderers, put them all over there, and have them serve our country. i think that's where they all should belong. >> failing that, if they're going to live in society, should they live apart or with society? what do you sdwli. >> caller: i think apart. >> apart. entirely apart. all right. appreciate the call, adam. thank you. a lot of posts on my facebook page. we'll get to as many as we can. instead of worrying so much where sex offenders live, worry about how to help the victims cope, regardless if they change, they still potentially ruin someone's life. >> they need to be housed where they can be watched at all times jason writes. legislation requiring all sex offenders to wear monitoring bracelets that would track them.
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lots of passion and great calls and comments. thank to everybody. we appreciate your weighing in. tense moments on a bridge high over toledo. a man climbed the suspension cable all the way to the top, slowly. he nearly fell several times. but managed to hang on. still not clear why the man was climbing the cables, but he did manage to make it to safety. cnn and hln want to make sure you have the news you want wherever you are. on the road, wherever. and as technology changes, so do we. cnn is unveiling the new cnn iphone app for about $2. put the power of the world's news leader in your hands. go to, or the istore. you can program it mycnn and bring you the news, tailor it to the news you care about. breaking news alefrts, weather, even traffic. this, again, just a simulator here. iphone simulator. your experience may be a little bit different, but it's brand new. it's ready. it's up and running and it's pretty dees's.
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it grew over the weekend. already burned 9,300 acres but the park is still open and officials say no danger to travelers or tourists. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin has finished her book. it will be called "going rogue: and american life" referring to a comment by john mccain adviser last year who complained she wasn't following his campaign playbook. hur publisher moved up the release date to november 17th in time for the holiday rush. sgrshgs when's a good time to bank on the rebates for all the stuff you buy? hln money expert clark howard is here to tell us he has a strategy so you won't be fooled by rebate promises. here's clark. if you are considering buying something because it's a great deal after rebate, you need to follow my strategy. which is only buy something if the rebate is like icing on the cake. why did i say that?
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well, here's another example. the attorney general of the state of florida is suing a couple of companies that purposely has not been paying people rebate money from which they qualify. and over the years think how many times you or i may have intended to file for a rebate, didn't do it on time, or did do everything expected of us and somehow the money never materializes. rebates are there to try to fool our brains into thinking we're getting a better deal than we really are. so let's go full circle here. why not buy something that's a deal just as it sits? i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to find bargains go to all the angles. don't miss clark's weekend consumer advice show saturday and sundays at noon and 4:00 eastern right here on hln. clark will help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. the real-life soap opera revolving around the reality show "jon & kate plus eight" is
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taking a twist. jon is gone. the cable show revamps at "kate plus eight." jon and kate are going through a very public divorce. their split was shown during the series. a roofing company goes to the rock address, and that's left a south florida man with only half a roof over his head. they admit it worked on the wrong house this summer, but the roofers want the homeowner, david fisher, to pay for their mistake. the workers are offering to finish the work at a discounted rate. fisher thinks the company is trying to take advantage of him because he's elderly. if this roof isn't replaced soon, his insurance policy may be cancelled. people are lining up for a new gut-bursting burger. what's in the crazy burger that makes it so crazy?
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we're getting word a ten-foot tsunami crashed into the coast of samoa. it's too soon for reports of damage. this just happened. it is expected, though, to reach hawaii in a few hours but at a greatly reduced size, perhaps half that size. alerts are also up from new zealand, fiji and the cause a powerful earthquake that hit off the coast of samoa with initial reports measuring 7.9 on the seismic scale. we'll monitor this story and bring you all late updates on the tsunami that could reach hawaii soon. bombshell in documents released in the caylee anthony murder case in which the fbi intelligence analysts who looked
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over a trunk says a stain on the trunk liner of her mother's car appears to show a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. the toddler's body found in september in orlando. her mother casey anthony is charged with her murder. she's pleaded not guilt pip the analyst says there's a foet oaf the liner highlighting a large stain you would make out to be the back, bottom and leg of a child. the fbi says it didn't take a picture of the image before destroyed. actor john travolta could be back on the stand. they were trying to have a video suppressed that shows them talking with travolta's lawyer. it's an undercover video shot by bahamian police. the judge ruled they will be admitted at trial. the two are accused of threatening to release a key document just after the death of travolta's autistic son jett. one of the suspects accused of killing a chicago honor
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student admitted to jumping on the boy's head as he was laying on the ground. that's from the state attorney. four teens charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome death. one a juvenile. 16-year-old derrion albert was beaten to death. his family says she was an easygoing great kid who was headed to college. >> he was an honor student. loved school. >> a good boy. >> never had a problem out of him. >> not a gang member? >> no. >> we're not saying this is a gang-related incident. right now this appears you had a young man who was just attempting to go home. >> him trying to help out his friend, it's like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> we have to wash yrn you, no matter how many times you see it, it still is disturb. they've increased parole trolls in the neighborhood.
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290 shootings in chicago schools last year. 34 kids were killed. an oklahoma city mother and friend arrested after torturing her teenage son. authorities say the boy shows signs of being battered, neglected and may have been locked in a closet for days at a time. >> he had scars from being beaten, from being choked. he has scars over the majority of this body. >> reporter: some of the abuse took place in this northeast oklahoma city apartment. the boy and several other siblings moved here about two months ago. a sibling reportedly helped him break free from a locked closet last friday where he got help at a oklahoma national guard. >> there's several locations where this took place, all in oklahoma city. but at all the locations some type of torture was involved. >> reporter: according to this police report the boy was even set on fire. his mother and her friend steve
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hamilton are in jail facing 20 counts of child abuse and 20 counts of child neglect. it's believed the two are not romantically involved. >> you don't know if somebody's got something hidden in the closet. >> this neighbor was right next door and didn't even know there was a 14-year-old boy. >> i would see the other kids come outside but never seen the boy ever come outside. from what i seen, she was a good mother. taught her kids respect. she said please, thank you, come on, guys, let's go. >> unspeakable. a child being treated like that. it's more like, not even animals should go through that. >> reporter: the boy told police the abuse started after she was released from jail in new jersey when she moved to oklahoma, the boy was sent to live with her. >> this kid's endure a lot. tortured four years, but thankfully, he was able to get free, and let somebody know what was going on. >> our thanks to our affiliate
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for that story. the child is in protective services. none of the other six minors shows any sign of abuse. north carolina police want everyone's help finding a 12-year-old girl who is almost full term, nine months pregnant. she disappeared from her home near charlotte in moorsville, north carolina along with her younger sister and adoptive dad. michael hess apparently left his estranged wife a note saying he was taking one of the girls to school. police say he may have abducted them. hess is their legal guardian and police say there's no evidence he's harmed either girl. the pregnant girl has not identified the father of her child. she in need of immediate attention. investigators suspect the girls may have been taken to tennessee. a tennessee father get this, traveled 7,000 mimes to get his two children back and now he's in jail in japan.
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savoie's ex-wife had taken the children to japan. he picked them up as they walked to school. instead of walking to the airport, savoie drove right to the nearest consulate where japanese police were waiting, and before the drama unfolded, savoie told our affiliate he desperately missed his kids. >> everywhere i look around there's a picture. i can't go in his bedroom. because i'm like, well, he's not in his bed again. i just said i love you, isaac. remember that, i love you, and i want you back. you should be here. you should be in school. you should be with your daddy. hard to have quiet moments, because my kids words haunt me during those quiet times. >> there's a warrant out for his ex-wife's arrest in tennessee, but japanese law doesn't recognize u.s. family court orders. ed afghan immigrant accused of plotting to attack new york city with homemade bombs pleaded not guilty.
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zazi was arraigned today in a new york courtroom, held without bail. he didn't speak during proceedings and showed no emotions. his lawyerantered the plea for him and later told reporters the case amounts to a rush in judgment, not conspiracy. >> i'm not saying that i've seen all the evidence in this case produced by the government. but what i've seen so far is that mr. zazi traveled to pakistan, which is not illegal. that mr. zazi purchased certain products that contained chemicals that allegedly could be used to make a bomb. those acts were not illegal. >> prosecutors say they have video of zazi buying beauty products containing chemicals that could be used to make bombs. they said he was plotting to use homemade explosives to target mass transit in new york on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks. his next court date is december 3rd. breaking news out of
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washington. the senate finance committee voted down a proposal today for a full-scale government-run health insurance plan. government option has been defeated at committee. the amendment by democrat jay rock fell worry have added the pup lick option to the proposal from chairman max baucus. right now the bhal no public option in respect is the live picture there. senator cornyn. rockefeller's amendment was geet defeated by a vote 15-. all the committee's republicans and five democrats including chairman baucus voted against it. now the committee is debating a less expensive plan authored by democrat chuck schumer. and the philippines and vietnam pap close-up look at storm surge courtesy of one of our i-reporters.
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breaking news. a sue pflaumsy spreading beginning to hit important areas of the south pacific. reports say many residents are fleeing the higher ground. the cause, a powerful earthquake that hit off samoa, the coast of samoa a short while ago. chad myers is here to explain. what's the latest? >> reporter: somewhere between 79 and 83. people measure differently depending on the seismograph you have. a large quake. the one that hit years ago, over a 9. not a 9 but close to an 8. american samoa. i know for a fact a five-foot wave was generated. if a wave is five feet from where sea level is, five feet up and then five feet down. so if you're thinking about it, if you're just a normal guy, that's a ten-fought wave from here up to the crest. that's where it's going now. up into samoa, that wave was two
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feet. two. so possibly as i am predicting that most of these earthquakes and tsunamis, as they fall, there's a line there. that's the fault line. you might take a perpendicular square and send that out that way, if the earth really did move like it usually does, you have -- you have sub deductions going down, and the part here on top releases and comes up. that release would go in that direction. if this is two and this is five, there may be something ten here, not sure yet. there's nothing there 20 tell. there were no islands. the next thing, really, out that way might be for taipei. an idea where we are. this is far, for away, i realize. people may not have an idea. there's the u.s. there's hawaii. there is a watch for hawaii, but no warning. and literally 3,000 miles to get back here to this dark band, the zone, the earthquake zone, part of the ring of fire.
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and there's pago, pago, changed names a bit. we know a wave went inland near the airport. a couple hundred feet is what they're telling me and maybe some cars are stuck in the mud. nats all vie at this point in time and that's unconfirmed. i really don't even know about this yet. but here along the island, american samoa and back out, where could it go from here? that would be the pacific. that would literally be as far as you can see. california, alaska, you are not in this watch, but hawaii, you still are, and if it would get there, chuck, it would still be about 3.5 hours before anything for hawaii -- kind of like a boat wake. right near the boat wake the wave is really big. as it goes farther and farther and part are out, it does lose a little energy. >> all right. one heck of an earthquake. >> yes. >> whew! chad, thanks. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. the british navy sinking a fishing boat it says had 374 million dollars worth of cocaine
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hidden onboard. the royal navy intercepted it. the crew was taken off before this happened. the defense ministry says the boat was acting suspiciously in an area known for drug trafficking. at least 23 people killed in vietnam by a typhoon that made landfall with winds up to 90 miles an hour. more than 150,000 people evacuated. disaster officials are warning that rivers are rise, home, flooded and areas are threatened by mudslides. is the same storm that devastated parts of the philippines. especially the big island, 246 people are dead and dozens more are missing in and around manila. the city of chicago's biggest stars are en route to denmark trying to bring home the olympics to the windy city in 2016. the chicago delegation got quite and olympic-sized sendoff at o'hare international. a number of former olympians will join the first lady and president in copenhagen trying to make it the second city.
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chicago, rio, tokyo and madrid, the international olympic committee should announce a decision, they say, on friday. conan o'brien is showing everybody why he to cancel friday's show. it features the talk show hoet running with actress teri hatcher. what happened at the end will have you convinced he had a very hard hit.
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winds could be a big problem for the crews trying to fight a wildfire at yellowstone national park, although the forecast is promising rain and possible snow by tonight. lightning started the fire a couple weeks ago but it grew over the weekend. it's burned 9,300 acres but the park is still open. no danger to travelers or tourists. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin completed her memoir four months after signing a book deal. her advisers say it will be call "going rogue: american life." the john mccain campaign
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complained she wasn't moving according to the playbook. and "the joy behar jb." sit down with joy tonight. don't miss it. the premier of the "joy behar show" 9:00 eastern right here on hln. the pilot behind the miracle on the hudson will return to fly. us airways announced this yesterday. he will work with the airlines safety management team. you can't forget that day in january when sully guided a plane to a safe splashdown in the hudson river. nobody seriously hurt. he had lost both engine during takeoff to bird strikes. 155 people have him to thank. when a bank goes bust the fdic steps in to make sure your money is protected, but the insurance fund that guarantees those savings needs to be propped up. poppy harlow joins us from new york. what's being done to ensure our savings are safe? >> first thing to know, that your deposit is safe with an
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fdic backed bank. of course, they're banked by the full facing credit of the u.s. government, but what the fdic, chuck, is saying, unless it gets more funds, its insurance fund could be in the end by the end of this month and stay there through 2013. take a look at the chart. we'll explain. look back a little more than a year ago, a little more than $45 billion in the insurance fund, to help when you see bank failures. we've seen 95 bank failures so far this year. that weighed on this fund. fast forward to right now. the latest reading shows just $10 billion in the fund. that he want it increased. the fdic says they need more money, estimating losses could climb to $100 billion when you look from now through 2013. chuck? >> how do they replenish the fund? >> great question. meeting in d.c. today to talk about that. the proposal really at the top of the list here to have banks
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pay three years of fees up front into that fund to raise $45 billion to shore it up. the industry's stance on think, the bank lobbyists et cetera, are softening. the softening a little bit. the financial services roundtable is saying this is a positive alternative to a one-time assessment or a one-time charge on the banks to shore up the fund. there are some other options though that the fdic does have. one is a $500 billion treasury line of credit they could tap. another is have banks lend to the fdic. whatever happens though, the fdic says americans should know their deposits are safe. take a quick listen to the hearing today. >> the fdic's commitment to depositors is absolute and we have more than enough resources. let me explain why we are not going to treasury to strengthen cash reevz of the fund. people would refer to see an end
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to policies to look to the federal balance sheet pass a remedy to every problem. >> on top of this story. more details if you're interested right there. >> poppy, thank you. after getting off to a promising start this morning, wall street sputtering. a surprise drop in consumer confidence making stocks see-saw. dow starting to tumble as this report was headed out. dow off about 35 points just before the close. a year ago today the dow lost 776 points. tense moments on a bridge in toledo. police say a man climbed a suspension cable all the way to the top. he nearly fell several times. somehow he managed to hang on. it is not clear why he was climbing the cables but he did make it to safety. a connecticut woman who gave abandoned cats a home may lose hers if they can't find them a proper place to stay. how her good deed went awry.
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just released documents in the casey anthony case include stunning findings by the fbi. what they found in the trunk of anthony's car. a colorado man lands in a brooklyn courtroom to face a terrorism charge. find out why his lawyer says the government's case just doesn't add up. plus, the state told a group of men they had to live in the woods. now the state says they can't live in the woods. share your views on their catch-22. here's the latest from hln "news and views." i'm richelle carey. breaking news to get to right now. the sizable waves from a tsunami are spreading as they begin to hit the areas of the south pacific. reports say many residents are
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immediately getting to higher ground, waves reaching as high as five feet have smashed into the coastline of samoa. the tsunami is expected to reach hawaii within a few hours, but at a greatly reduced size. reduced size. still a dangerous situation. the cause is a powerful earthquake that hit off the coast of sma with coast of samoa measuring 8. we'll get more details to you. a bombshell of documents just released in the caylee anthony murder case. an fbi intelligence analyst says a stain on the trunk liner of her mother's car appears to show a silhouette of a child in the fetal position. the toddler's body was found in december near orlando. her mother, casey anthony, is charged with her murder. she has pleaded not guilty. in an e-mail dated september of
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last year, the analyst says there is a photo of the liner which highlights the very large stain. it said you could make out what could be the back, bottom and legs of a child. the fbi says it didn't take a picture of the image before it was destroyed. how significant are these findings and more findings? mike brooks joins us now with a take on some of what's come out today. kind of a document dump which appears to happen every so often in this case. you've gone over quite a bit. is this really a significant finding, mike, and what else have you been able to find out today? >> i think that it can be significant. i think it is very interesting that this analyst, out of the orlando field division, he's at the resident agency, has sent an e-mail -- there was a whole series of e-mails between the field and the fbi lab. one of these talks about findings, she says appears to be an outline or silhouette of a
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child in the fetal position. she went on, "you can make out what may be the back, bottom and legs more clearly. several of us see this image and agree that there is a good chance we are seeing something significant." >> what was the response to that? >> i thought it was interesting. is an e-mail, what she was saying, what she saw to a supervisor at quantico, at the lab. he works in the area. he's in the engineering section. they are responsible for enhancing audio, visual -- video and pictures. that's what they are saying. he said "i would note that although we may be able to draw conclusions about whether marks represent impressions or stains, for example, we do not report conclusions about what may or may not have left any marks or impressions in cases like this. it is too speculative. others can draw their own conclusions about that." >> so they didn't want this in writing, what is i'm kind of getting from that. >> i think he's saying, look, it
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may look like an outline but without forensics, without chemical testing and these kind of things we don't want to draw any conclusions as experts, as forensic experts. she's an analyst. these are the people at the lab. these are the ones who are going to write the final report that are going to go back to law enforcement in florida and say, "here are the findings of the fbi lab." so, she -- he did not want her drawing any conclusions because this is all admissible in court. all potentially discoverable material. that's why it came out. one of the other things i thought was interesting, apparently investigators found a dna profile. we never talked about the duct tape that was around? remember? around little caylee's head and hair? apparently they found a dna profile on a piece of duct tape that was not caylee, not casey's and not cindy's. they went back and apparently did some testing and it belonged to an evidence technician who had apparently handled -- an fbi female lab technician who had
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handled the duct tape. now -- >> is that any type of daylight for the defense there? >> you know, i'm going to say -- if i'm the defense, i mean i was in law enforcement, i can tell you, i'm on the defense, i'm going to say, whoa, hold on a minute here. how was this handled? was this handled properly? i think that's a little bit of a check mark that the defense is going to really hammer home on this. now, does it mean anything? could it have been just a flake of skin? because we know the technology now, could it have been a fleck of skin that fell on to that while she was doing it with gloves? we don't know. it didn't say exactly what that was. these were some of the things that i thought was interesting. and there was one thing about a hair. the fbi trace evidence unit also stated, they said about a hair, they said they believe it was consistent from coming from a dead body. we talked about the hair. they believe it was caylee's. because remember, all along for months we talked about the hair
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with this death band on it. we didn't go into that but they said it wasn't consistent with a death body. one of the other things i thought was interesting, remember dominic casey, the private eye who george and cindy hired? >> yeah. >> he apparently, as part of this dump, he put out a list of kind of a watch list that he put together with different people on it who might have been at the memorial service to watch out for and the reasons for that. some of them were people who have been on our shows. one was leonard padilla, bondsman. it gives his background, his picture. robert dick, hoover, nancy grace is on here. another a reporter for wftv. reason -- reporter. disseminates hatred towards family. nancy grace, talk show host, disseminates hatred toward family. >> there's a lot that came out today. >> there's a lot that came out today. we'll be talking more about this, i'm sure. >> thank you, hln law
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enforcement analyst mike brooks, thank you. another story, it touched a lot of you, one of the suspects accused of killing a chicago honor student has admitted to jumping on the boy's head while he was lying on the ground. that's from the state's attorney. four teenagers have now been charged with first degree murder in this gruesome death. one of them is a juvenile. that's why we're not showing his face. we're waiting for a news conference that's supposed to happen at any moment from authorities in chicago. 16-year-old derrion albert was beaten to death after being hit over the head. >> right now, we're not saying that this is a gang-related incident. right now this appears that you had a young man that's making attempts to go home. >> well, you may have seen some of this video. if you haven't, again, it is very difficult to watch. police say they're looking for three more suspects involved in this attack. it was caught on a cell phone
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and they have also increased patrols in the neighborhood. there were 290 shootings in chicago last year, and 34 kids were killed. actor john travolta could be back on the stand this week in the trial of two alleged executorists. the paramedic and an attorney were trying to -- were trying to have a video suppressed that shows them talking with travolta's lawyer. the undercover video was shot by bahamian police but the bahamian police ruled the undercover tapes can be played at the trial. they're accused of threatening to release a key document shortly after the death of travolta's autistic son. the man at the center of a cross-country terrorism investigation has pleaded not guilty to plotting an attack on new yorkrk city. thatgy bulla zazi was formally charged in a new york courtroom earlier today, formally held without bail. zazi did not speak during the proceedings. his lawyer spoke for him, also
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entered a plea. later the attorney told reporters he's seen no evidence of conspiracy against his client. >> i'm not saying that i've seen all the evidence in this case produced by the government, but what i've seen so far is that mr. zazi traveled to pakistan, which is not illegal, that mr. zazi purchased certain products that contained chemicals that allegedly could be used to make a bomb. those acts were not illegal. >> prosecutors say they have video of zazi. can you see this -- buying beauty products. they claim he was buying these products because there are chemicals in them that can be used to make bombs. they say he was plotting to use homemade explosives to target mass transit in new york on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks. he is due back in court on december 3rd. in washington, the senate finance committee has just voted down two proposals to establish
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a government-run health insurance plan as part of the health care system overhaul they have been working on for weeks, months now. this just happened in the last few minutes. the amendments would have added the public option to the reform proposal from chairman max baucus. currently the plan has no public option all the committee's republicans voted against the public plans, as did some democrats, including max baucus. the finance committee is the last of five congressional panels still working on health care reform. the bills produced by the other four committees all include a public option. we'll keep you posted. the math's getting a little bit simpler on a hit tlc show. how "jon and kate plus 8" will be decidedly different when it relaunches in november.
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we're just learning from the associated press that at least one village in samoa has been flattened by the tsunami. we've been telling you about this for quite a while. the tsunami hit just a little while ago. waves reaching as high as five feet smashed into the coastline because of a powerful earthquake that hit just a little while ago. residents of one town say the shaking lasts as long as three minutes. one person told national radio people there will be in great need. this is an incredibly urgent serious situation. the tsunami's expected to reach hawaii within a few hours. by then, it will be greatly reduced in size but probably still a very serious situation. that's the latest from the associated press on that tsunami situation. a grouch homeless sex offenders is being ordered out of the wooded area they were told to move into in the first place. yesterday we told you about the makeshift camp in an area behind an office park in suburban
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atlanta. probation officers in cobb county georgia told the sex offenders to move there as a last resort. georgia has one of the toughest sex offender policies to the point the wooded area was pretty much the only place this group could legally live. state law bans sex offenders from living, working or loitering within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, parks and other spots where children gather. but the state transportation department owns the woods and decided the sex offenders had to go. the county sheriff says he doesn't know where they'll go or if they will go. he doesn't know where they are right now. so we have been asking you, what do you think about this? where do you think the sex offenders should live? not easy answers for this. we understand this. do you think state laws concerning sex offenders might be too restrictive? a lot of comments on this now on my facebook page. this is what tony wrote. "sex offenders should be housed
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in a place far away from where children gather. an old factory or an industrial area could be converted to house these individuals, for example." jeff says this -- i don't like the crime anymore than anyone else but there should and smooth way to integrate these individual back into society so they feel a part of the system again. and this is tom's idea -- listen to what tom thought -- let's build housing next to police stations, prohibit visitation by any minors, and have surveillance cameras. he thought that through pretty well. that's an interesting idea. let's get to the phones. vickie is calls us from kentucky. vickie, what do you think? i understand there are no easy answers for this. it is a really emotional topic. but what is your thought? >> caller: well which i think that they should make camps like that out in the woods where they would know that the sex offenders are there, because the ones that can't get a job or can't get a home because of their record i think that way they would know where they're
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at, they would be able to keep track of them that way. >> okay. vickie, thank you for taking the time to call. i can tell you got a lot going on in your house right now. to sflag staflagstaff, arizona, what are your thoughts? >> caller: i like the idea of the factory being converted. but in order for them to fit in there or to be allowed that kind of facility, or an exchange with extra demographic restrictions, have a voluntary castration program. >> i can tell you have thought this through. all right. karen, thank you for your phone call. thanks to everyone who call, e-mailed, facebooked on this really emotional topic. "prime news" is just a few minutes at the top of the hour. lots of topics there that will get you charged up as well. check them out at powdery white stuff and a
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off before all this happened. the defense ministry says the boat was acting suspiciously in an area known for drug trafficking. a u.s. customs chief calls it a back month for organized crime. this front colombia and mexico seized more than $24 million in drug money sealed in shipping containers full of fertilizer kems cal containers. swiss officials today met for the first time with three americans who had been detained in iran since july. the u.s. had no diplomatic relations -- has no diplomatic relations with iran, rather, and the swiss government represents its interests there. iran says joshua fattal, shane bauer and another were arrested for straying into iranian territory while hiking.
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real-life soap opera revolving around the reality show "jon and kate plus 8." taking a whole new twist. jon is gone. we don't just mean kate kicked him out. he's off the show. cable network tlc will relaunch the show in november as "kate plus 8." of course the couple is going through a very public divorce. their split was featured during an episode of the show. tlc says the program will focus on kate gosselin's evolution as a single mom. it was one year ago that the dow industrials plunged 777 points in a single session. i know we didn't see a repeat performance today. not at all. stephanie elam's at the business desk in new york with the trading details. 777 points. woo, steph! >> what a crazy number. i know. stocks did end in the red today but nowhere near that kind of loss. investors were unsettled by some
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new economic numbers as they reflected on that anniversary we have here today when the dow industrial average posted its biggest point loss ever. that crash came after the house of representatives rejected the first draft of the $700 billion bank bailout plan. troubled asset relief program, better known as the t.a.r.p., was passed a few days later and a year later the road is thought to be on the road to discovery. weighing on investors today the latest reading on consumer confidence. index dipped in september after several months of improving numbers. though the economy is improving, this is more evidence that consumers remain apprehensive about their incomes and are but thing back on unnecessary purchases. the measure of confidence is important because it often correlates with spending and a rebound in spending is considered crucial to a recovery in the broader economy. this does not bode well for the holiday shopping season as far as retailers are concerned.
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one of the suspects accused of killing a chicago honor student has admitted to something horrifying, to jumping on the boy's head while he was lying on the ground. that from the state's attorney. four teenagers have now been charged with first degree murder in this death. one of them is a juvenile. we're still waiting for a news conference that's supposed to happen at any moment in chicago. we'll be hearing from the police involved in this. 16-year-old derrion albert was beaten to death after being hit
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over the head. >> right now we're not saying that this is a gang-related incident. right now this appears that you had a young man that's making attempts to go home. >> the video that you may have already seen. if you haven't, it is disturbing. police say they're still looking for three more suspects involved in this attack. as you can see, somebody picked up a cell phone and started taping it. they also increased patrols in the neighborhood. there were 290 shootings in chicago last year. 34 kids, young people -- 34 students were killed. a bombshell in the documents just released in the caylee anthony murder case. in them an fbi intelligence analyst says a stain on the trunk liner of the mother's car appears to show a silhouette of the child in a fetal position. the toddler's body was found in december near orlando. her mother, casey anthony, is charged with her murder. she has pleaded not guilty.
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in an e-mail date september of last year the analyst says there is a photo of the liner which highlights the very large stain. it said you can make out what appears to be the back, bottom and legs of a child. the fbi says it didn't take a picture of the imanimal before it was destroyed. we are just learning some information from the associated press. at least one village in american samoa has been flattened by a tsunami that just hit a few minutes ago. waves reaching as high as five feet smashed into the coastline shortly after a very strong earthquake. residents of one town say that this shaking lasted as long as three minutes. that is a long time. one person also told national radio people there will be in great need. the tsunami is expected to reach hawaii within a few hours but at a greatly reduced size. a teenager in oklahoma city says he's been locked in the closet by his mother for nearly
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all of the past 4 1/2 years. now the mom is under arrest accused of beating and tying up her 14-year-old son. oklahoma city police say they started investigating friday after the boy showed up malnourished and covered in scars at a national guard armory. authorities say he never went to school. >> this kid's endured a lot. he's basically been tortured for four years. he had scars from where he was stabbed. he had scars from being beaten. he had scars from being choked. he had scars over the majority of his body. >> two people were arrested saturday on 20 complaints each of child abuse and child neglect. both are on jail on $400,000 bond. an urgent story we've been following all day now. north carolina police are looking for a 12-year-old girl who is nearly nine months pregnant. she disappeared from her home in moorsville last week along with her younger sister and their
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adoptive dad. mike the hess apparently left his estranged wife a note saying he was just taking one of the girls to school. but this is what police think happened. police think he may have actually abducted them. hess is the legal guardian and police say there is no evidence though that he is actually harmed the sisters but the pregnant girl is in need of immediate medical attention. she's not identified the father of her child. investigators suspect the girls may have been taken to tennessee. speaking of tennessee, a tennessee father traveled 7,000 miles to get his two kids back. now he is in jail in japan. a tennessee court recently gave christopher savoy full custody of his 8-year-old son isaac and 6-year-old daughter rebecca. but by then, his ex-wife, a japanese native, had taken the children all the way to japan. yesterday a friend reportedly saw savoy's arrest. he says he picked them up as they walked to school. instead of going straight to the
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nearest airport, he drove straight to the u.s. consulate where japanese police were waiting. before all this drama unfolded, savoy told a cnn affiliate he desperately missed his kids. >> everywhere i look around there's a picture. i can't go in his bedroom. he'll never sleep in this bed again. i just said i love you, isaac. remember that, i love you and i want you back. under be here, you should in school, you should be here with your daddy. it is hard to have quiet moments because my kid's words haunt me during those quiet times. >> there is a warrant out for his ex-wife's arrest in tennessee. but japanese law doesn't recognize u.s. family court orders. savoie was charged with and ducking minors. under japanese law that carries a jail sentence of up to five years. an expert on matrimonial law and civil litigation joins us from
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new york for a look at his legal recourse. vickie, thank you for joining us. my question first is, if he had his kids and didn't go immediately to the airport and went to the consulate, i guess he felt safe doing it. was he misinformed? >> that's a good question. i don't know who he actually spoke to in japan in terms of counsel there. but i think he thought if he went to the consulate, was able to get passports and leave the country would probably be the safest bet in that he would regain custody and keep the children back in the united states. of course that went awry. his plan went very wrong. but the visceral reaction that i have is, a man who has a custody order, for sole custody, is now in a jail in japan. there's something inherently wrong with this case. >> okay. what can he do now? because he is in custody but also back in tennessee, there's an arrest warrant for his wife. what now? >> yeah, he has a major problem on his hands. it's two-fold. number one, he a been charged
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with abduction or kidnapping in japan. number two, obviously the fight for his life, for his children to gain custody back. number one, getting good counsel. apparently they've given him several names of excellent japanese attorneys who will help him out there. again there is a language barrier so it is going to be a mayor problem but the problem really in japan is two-fold. number one, they're not members of the haig convention for child abduction act so there's really no way to even transport these children back on a federal level, on a political level. number two, japan courts don't even accept foreign judgments like the one he has in tennessee. so he's got a major problem on his hands. it is devastating. >> wow. it almost seems like he really doesn't have any recourse. is there any type of political recourse he might have, anyone here in the u.s. that can step in to help him? >> i think that's really his last chance. i mean honestly, to really employ politicians and people in the media to really get the
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relations together and say, listen, this is wrong! there's 100 children apparently that are abducted and sitting somewhere in japan and they can't get their children back. so yes, hopefully the media attention that you're giving it and your viewers seeing it, politicians getting involved and really fighting for what people's rights are. i mean to have a man not see his children potentially ever again and being incarcerated because he tried to take the law into his own hands is ridiculous. >> vickie, is this more common than we think? >> oh, it is. trust me when i tell you, personally representing clients, having children abducted throughout the world, it is a major problem and i think we have to really look closely. we have to have more summits. we have to have over country committed to the hague convention, becoming members under the child abduction laws and really focusing on the fact. because our children are our future. without them we have nothing. so yeah, it is a major, major epidemic. >> attorney vickie zeigler, thank you for helping us navigate that. we appreciate it. the man at the center of a
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cross-country terrorism investigation has plead not guilty to plotting an attack on new york city. that gi bunajibullah zazi was ia courtroom but he did not speak. his lawyer entered a plea for him. the lawyer said the case against his client is a rush to judgment, not conspiracy. investigators say they have video of zazi buying chemicals that could be used to make bombs. they say he was plotting to use homemade explosives to target mass transit in new york on the anniversary of the september 11 attacks. his next court date is december 3rd. there are lots of rules and regulations on college campuses. now one school is even dictating when and where you can have sex.
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that is the british navy sinking a fishing boat it says had $384 million worth of cocaine hidden on it. the royal navy intercepted the boat off the coast of south america this month. there's nobody on it, they got the crew off the vessel before they did this. the defense ministry says the boat was acting suspiciously in an area known for drug trafficking. we have a "this just in." toyota's recalling millions of vehicles so dealers can remove floor mats that may stick under the accelerator. that can cause the vehicles to surge forward and you do not want this to happen. lots of you probably have toyotas so pay attention.
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models include 2007 and new models of popular cars like the camry, and the lexus-es. very popular cars. federal safety investigators took the unusual move of warning consumers about the problem. the floor mats are blamed for a recent death of a california patrol officer and his family. i'll get you that information on my facebook page and on as well. a new school year means love and lust. tell the truth. it's in the air on college campuses. but one school is laying down some rules when it comes to the sex lives of students. no surprise, this is getting a lot of clicks at josh levs joins us from the dotcom newsroom with this story. all i'm going to say is, i went to a baptist college. they laid down the law big-time, josh. >> you didn't have to deal with it.
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>> no! >> but don't you feel like some things are so obvious, they shouldn't require written rules somewhere? >> some kids just need to act right. that's all i've got to say. >> apparently it is not obvious enough to some students out there. the big new rule at one college right now is if you're going do it, make sure your roommate's not there. we're talking about tufts university here, very well known, very well respected school. you know the deal, back in the old days, you might maybe leave something on the doorknob or hang some kind of symbol from the door. unfortunately, not good enough anymore. tufts has imposed a ban now on having sex in your dorm room if your roommate is there. they did this because they were receiving all these complaints. a bunch of students have said that their roommates are just not following this obvious rule. this new school policy is saying students' sex lives cannot interfere with roommates' privacy or study habits. this is getting kind of mixed reactions on campus.
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>> you know, to ask them to leave the room at 3:00 in the morning for ten minutes? >> if somebody's going to have sex with their roommate in the room? i think it is kind of gross and i think it is kind of funny they'd have to make a rule about it. >> i don't think that's something that could be enforced, per se. i don't see how that's going to work. >> that's probably the trickiest part. how they'll ultimately manage to enforce this rule unless everybody starts turning in everybody else when it happens and nobody's going to want to do that. >> you enforce it by telling your roommate, "get out of here!" >> which is the point in the first place. you shouldn't have to have a written rule at school, people. >> these are what crazy kids are doing nowadays. >> what's with these young people? >> i don't know. when did we get so old, josh? >> i know. >> go to great stuff. thank you, josh. all right. spiders, aliens, clowns. lots of things can creep out movie watchers. but now one war film producer is managing an exact science making an exact science out of the best
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way to scare audiences. we know that there's an art and a science to making a great terrifying movie. right? you still there to take over, josh? >> yeah. let's do this. >> sorry. >> we got a little more time. i love this story. i want you to see this story. you know what happened now? obviously, this is our age when you try to make a great horror film. but this producer peter catch is hooking up mris to people while they watch these scary images. this is so interesting! what they're doing is studying the brain activity that makes along with it, respond to certain scary moments. he wants to figure out how to make a who are row film quantifiable. he says this could change the way films are made. it is a really costly process. a lot of studios are testing audiences already to see what works, but viewers often don't remember what the specific moments were that really got them. now this whole scientific mri process is the way to get it. they say this could actually help filmmakers, not just in the
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horrors genre, but also you could use mris to figure out what we laugh, when we cry. pretty soon we'll all and computerized phenomenon. >> i guess you got to spend money to make money. people are lining up for a new gust-busting burger at massachusetts's new big eat festival. what's in the crazyburger that makes it so crazy?
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prime news is coming up in just a few minutes. my good friend, mike, is here to my right with some bullet points of what you're going to highlight today. obviously the top of the list are all these massive documents that have come out in the casey anthony se >> the two big pieces to deal with. they come both ways. number one, we're finding out in evidence, this is what the prosecution is going to work with, that there's the outline of a small child in the back of the trunk of casey anthony's car. we're talking about a 2-year-old in a fetal position. that's the image the prosecution's going to work with here. that's the outline that they have. it's quite the image for a jury
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to have to deal with. also this -- we're finding out that key evidence against casey anthony was destroyed. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. keeping everyone updated on the story you've you've followed the custody battle in japan. a husband and wife divorce, a wife from japan allowed to take the kids there for summer vacation, never comes back. so, dad goes to japan to take matters into his own hands, gets his kids back, is in trouble, in jail in japan. she is in trouble if she returns to the u.s. and both face charges on different sides of the law on different countries. two little kids at the heart, the sad one. this one, roman polanski, he's been arrested for this crime that happened 30 years, a heinous crime, admittedly, drugs, rapes that happened 30 years. >> hollywood is lining up behind him. can you help me out with that? 1-877-tell-hln call in.
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less than 10 minutes. >> all right. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin finished her mim water four months after signing the book deal. this is what her advisers say it will be cold "going rogue: an american life." interesting title. the first co comment by a mccain adviser claiming he wasn't following her playbook last year. publishers moved up the release date in time for the holiday rush. the pilot behind the miracle on the hudson will return to flying. he will also work with the safety management attempt. you may remember he pilot ad plane to a safe splashdown in the hudson river after both engines failed because of bird strikes, all 155 people on board survived. folks are lining up for a gut-busting treat, the crazy burger a bacon cheeseeringer
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