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tv   American Politics  CSPAN  October 5, 2009 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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thrown behind bars on a gun charge. we learn the brother of new stepmother, misty croslin, confesses during a late-night jailhouse interrogation, he goes to haleigh's house the night she goes missing. pounds on the door, desperately. nobody home. this, a full seven months after haleigh goes missing. then a letter surfaces outlining details of a drug-fueled party, where little haleigh allegedly, accidentally ingests the heavy-duty painkiller, oxycontin, and dies. cops call the letter a farce publicly, but still investigate and interrogate. this, after girlfriend-turned-stepmother, misty croslin, reportedly flunks
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yet another polygraph. ronald, what do you make of misty flunking a polygraph? >> i don't know anything about her flunking a polygraph. i know what's been said about it. i'm not a polygrapher, myself, so i didn't see any results. i didn't get to, you know? i was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it's not judged in percentages. that the polygraph is either a failed or a pass, not in a percentages. >> well, okay. let's take with what you know. that you either fail it or you pass it. well, according to these reports, she flunked it. i mean, royally flunked it. and that's got to concern you. >> well, until i see more physical proof of what's going on, miss nancy, there's -- my concerns are still on keeping
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haleigh's face on the tv and being sure that she is found and whoever has done this to her is put away. >> okay, ronald. i understand that you want to keep haleigh's face out there, and we are doing that, but i know you. and i do not believe you are not concerned about a report that your wife flunked a polygraph. it would concern me. >> nancy, if i may. you know, of course ronald's concerned about a lot of things going on right now, but i think the main thing he's concerned about is making sure that haleigh is found. and again, we would like to thank you for keeping haleigh in the spotlight, making sure everyone continues to look for her, and helping us every way you possibly can, but we're more concerned with that aspect rather than whether or not misty may or may not have done well on a polygraph.
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>> you know, mr. shoemaker, you have an excellent reputation. and what you just said does not make one ounce of sense. of course, you want her picture out there. of course, you want the help of the media. but for the last person known to have seen haleigh alive, to have reportedly flunked a polygraph, how you can suggest that is not a major concern, you want to find her, you want to find haleigh, then find out why misty reportedly flunked a polygraph. gentlemen, does that not make sense to you? ronald cummings, i would like to hear it from you. >> nancy, what you're saying makes perfect sense to me, but why is law enforcement -- i'm not law enforcement. i can't interfere with their investigation. i can't do anything about a polygraph or any results. >> well, what is she telling you, ronald? what is she telling you? i mean, she took that police polygraph. i don't believe she passed it the first time. i don't believe she did. now this one. then there was that voice stress test. i mean, something is wrong with
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her story, ronald. >> i don't know, miss nancy. >> ronald, i know that your heart's desire is to bring her home alive. i'll never forget the first time i heard your 911 call. and i think that is exactly the way i would have reacted if i came home and the twins were gone. i want to know what you want to tell the viewers tonight. >> i want to tell them to keep haleigh's face out there and if you have any information leading to her disappearance, to call it in. it don't matter who it hurts. and i want to let everyone know that i'm not hiding anything for anybody. and if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry, so be it. whoever it might be, that's who it is, let's bring haleigh home. >> ronald, why did police
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question misty croslin's brother and sister-in-law? what was that all about? they kept them for hours. >> miss nancy, i don't have a clue what they questioned them about. i'm not allowed around them. >> that's right, i understand. ronald, what do you believe is being done now in the search for haleigh? i know that they've just finished another search around your home. and they did that because your wife, misty croslin, directed them to a particular spot. >> well, i'm happy that they're still searching. i hope that they find my child alive, obviously, but one way or another i want my daughter to come home. >> ronald, you said -- >> i need some closure. >> -- you said that you don't care who it hurts and that you're not covering for anybody. >> that's right. >> okay. and i assume, from knowing you, that you mean that. so my question to you tonight is, now that you have been told, whether you accept it or not,
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that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened? what does she tell you? i mean i saw her on the "today" show, and they asked her, why did you give two different stories? and she said, i don't know. that doesn't make sense. >> i asked her, but i don't get any answers from her about, you know -- i don't see what -- what she's telling me is not inconsistent. >> okay. and what is it she tells you? what is her story about what happened that night? >> the same thing that she's telling police or whoever that she went to bed -- she put haleigh to bed. done some laundry. went to bed. and woke up to the door propped open. >> ronald, you and i have been on this story from the very, very beginning. and i don't even like asking the medical examiner questions like that while i know you are
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listening because you're holding out the hope, as am i, that she is alive. >> yes. >> once again, i want you to make a plea to the viewers tonight. everyone, the tip line is 888-277-8477. go ahead, ronald. >> please, whoever who knows anything about haleigh's disappearance, anything about where she might be now or anything about anything from february 9th to february 10th of 2009, please call the crimestoppers or the putnam county sheriff's office. >> and please know, ronald, that you are in our thoughts and prayers, as is little haleigh. i recall that junior, the little brother, had stated that there are other people in the home that evening. what do you recall about his statement?
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>> junior's initial statement to the law enforcement was that he saw a man in black, i believe was what they said. >> yes. >> and then it changed, you know? but he didn't change it. other people changed it. >> yes. ms. neves, what do you make of this letter? do you put any stock in it? >> nancy, i'm like you. i do not think that that many people with a $70,000 reward are going to sit at home and not say anything. i do not believe for one second that my granddaughter would take something like that because of the taste of it. just simply for that fact. >> we're all throwing around legal theories and this letter, and whether it's true or not. what is your message tonight? >> i believe haleigh is alive. i have faith in god to take care of my baby girl in finding her. and i don't care who had something to do with it. those are the people who need to
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be put away and bring my baby girl home. >> ms. neves, why are you so sure haleigh is still with us? >> because i stand on god's promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for. >> ms. neves, tell me how ronald is holding up. i mean, he comes on our show frequently. and he's always so strong. how is he holding up? >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv. but he has to be strong for junior, you know? so he does the best that he can. he keeps his crying to his self at night and tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes
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home. >> how is junior? does he even realize at this juncture that haleigh is gone? >> junior thinks that haleigh is lost and she's finding her way home. he actually drew her a map so she could find her way home. but he doesn't realize the longevity, i think, of it. >> you know, i focus so much on where is haleigh, what happened that night? you know, junior has been lost in the mix. i cannot imagine, god forbid the thought, that i would ever have to explain to one of the twins where the other one was, why they were not at home. what do you tell him? >> that angels are watching haleigh. and she'll be home soon. >> ms. neves, when you hear about, for instance, this letter --
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>> yes, ma'am. >> -- how does that affect you? whether you believe it or don't believe it, when you hear there might be a break in the case. >> miss nancy, we would love to have a break in this case and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings haleigh back to us. you know, this letter is a little farfetched i think because haleigh didn't like medicine. and oxycontin, i've had to take it. i think it's a very nasty taste. and i can't imagine haleigh taking it. so -- but you know, anything that would bring haleigh home, that's what we want. >> with me is teresa neves, this is haleigh's paternal grandmother. ms. neves, you stand very strongly behind misty croslin's story. what do you make of police saying that she has the answers? >> i have to leave the
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investigative part of this to law enforcement. because, you know, if i go with every whim and every accusation then i'm going to be flipping back and forth in my life, and, you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for haleigh here. we just want haleigh to come home and i want them to find whoever this is and i don't care who it is. but we want haleigh to come home.
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on her birthday, misty croslin cummings hung posters on the house for her. when asked about equusearch helping in haleigh's case, she was positive. >> i thing they're going to be able to put more stuff together.
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>> miller said she told them she wanted to clear her name. he set up an independent polygraph. he says she failed it miserably. >> did you with hold information regarding haleigh's disappearance? her answer was no. she failed it miserably with a 99% deception. >> croslin-cummings wanted to do more so took a voice analysis test. she failed that, too, and said she was uncooperative with a hypnotist. miller gave the test information to the putnam county sheriff's office. >> it indicated misty was deception indicated is the official statement. which is no surprise to us. we've said all along that misty has been inconsistent in her statements. and i agree with the point that was made by tim miller's investigator which is that misty's consistency is inconsistency. >> misty signed a paper saying she had an attorney who did not want her to take the test but
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she still wanted to take them. misty's attorney says she told him he was pressured to take the test and if she did not miller would not search for haleigh. miller denies that. there's nothing at this point to charge misty cummings regarding haleigh's disappearance. >> misty needs to tell us thing, fill in some inconsistencies. that's as far as we're willing to go with that statement. we're going to stop short of saying, therefore, we have probable cause to make an arrest. we don't. if we have probable cause to make an arrest at this point, we probably would have. >> the mother of missing florida girl, 5-year-old haleigh, also with her, the grandmother, haleigh's grandmother. crystal sheffield, marie griffiths. thank you for being with us. first to you, crystal sheffield. this is haleigh's mother. crystal, what do you make of the recent developments, developments about misty croslin flunking a polygraph?
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>> well, i've thought all along that she had something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. i mean -- >> why do you say you thought all along that? >> she was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don't add up. everything she says is crazy. i mean, it's like the cops say. they're inconsistent. >> have you talked to ronald about the inconsistencies? >> i've said something to him about her recently, and he pretty much was, like, what do you want me to do? so -- >> what did you say to him? i mean, his response kind of -- to interpret it it depends on what you said to him. what did you say to him? >> i told him how i felt about her test results, and i told him i really didn't want to be around her anymore, like when i
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pick our son up. he was just, like, what do you want me to do? so maybe we can talk about it. >> you mentioned that misty croslin's first polygraph, the one administered by police, was full of inconsistencies. how did you find that out? >> no, not the polygraph. just her stories. i know nothing about the polygraph from the police. they have not revealed that. >> okay. why did you -- where did you learn that what she told police was full of inconsistencies? >> it was on your show, actually. i think it was one of the investigators? he said that we've known all along that her stories was full of inconsistencies. >> to you, miss griffiths, thank you for being with us. you stated at the very beginning you doubted croslin's story. why?
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>> because of the inconsistencies with the bed and who was sleeping in what bed. there was four different stories. >> what were the four stories? >> well, one minute all three of them were in the same bed. then haleigh was on a different bed and it was just her and butter bean. then -- and butterbean is junior, by the way. then he was in a totally different room other than her and haleigh. and it just kept getting bigger and bigger. >> what, if anything, have you been told about her police polygraph? >> that they were full of inconsistencies. >> such as? >> as her timeline. they can't figure out whether she was or was not at home. it's one right after another. it's all mind boggling.
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>> to crystal sheffield, haleigh's mother. crystal, recently she has suggested that four people were in the home that evening. have you heard that version? >> no. the only thing i heard was about the a/c guy and her brother that stopped by. q
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tonight the desperate search for a 5-year-old florida girl haleigh, reportedly snatched from her own bed vannering without a trace. >> somebody stole my child. it's not like a bicycle or a car. somebody stole my child from me. >> i just want whoever has her to bring her home. that's all i want is my baby home. >> she loved on me and told me she loved me. >> she's a daddy's girl?
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>> she wasn't there when i got home. >> she's the most precious thing in our life. >> we want her to come home. >> haleigh, know that i love you. i love you very much. we will find you. god will bring you home. >> if you are out there, mommy loves you and your daddy loves you. we miss you. we'll be right here. just bring her back. your dad loves you. please just bring her back. haleigh, i love you and your daddy loves you. we all love you. >> let's stop and remember army
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first lieutenant tyler parton, 24, jonesboro, arkansas. a west point grad fluent in arabic, awarded the national defense service and global war on terrorism service medal, combat action badge. loved his god, country, fellow soldiers and writing, music, traveling. leaves behind grieving parents, brother daniel, tyler parten, american hero. thanks to our guests and especially you for being with us. i'll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. next, a special cnn hero's america. until tomorrow night, good night, friend. -- captions by vitac -- knew new
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