tv Tonight From Washington CSPAN October 8, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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let our strength and stability be the basis for yours. pnc. leading the way. breaking news tonight. live, pennsylvania, state troopers on high alert after an 18-month-old baby boy kidnapped at knifepoint. the baby, tonight, in extreme danger. the mommy, attacked in her own home. the suspect is an escaped felony, armed and dangerous. tonight, the search by land, by air, for the baby boy, his abductor, and a black mercury mariner suv. where is 18-month-old baby
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adryn? >> amber alert. law enforcement needs your help tracking down a beautiful 18-month-old baby boy. the man he's with is considered armed and dangerous. that man, the baby's own father, johnny alexander drummin. police say he's fled with adryn after assaults adryn's mom. authorities are afraid of what may happen to the baby. and breaking news, satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. five hours later, she's gone, vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. the last person to see the 5-year-old alive that night, new stepmother, misty croslin. bombshell tonight. in the last hour, croslin handcuffed and taken for questioning after alleged road rage.
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in a frontic 911 call. the reported victim tells dispatch a blue dodge caliber chasing her for miles. the driver, the occupant, wildy gesticulating obscene gestures, threatening her, and waving what appears to be a gun. we have the 911 call. and tonight, taking your calls. the alleged road rage victim with us live. now, think about it. if new stepmother misty croslin will behave this aggressively with another grown woman, a stranger, what would she do behind closed doors with a 5-year-old little girl? has little haleigh's disappearance, the nine-month search for the brown-eyed 5-year-old, and the finger pointing at babysitter-turned-stepmom finally taken a toll? divorce.
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cummings and croslin agree to split. has ronald cummings' worst fears been confirmed? that new stepmother, croslin, implemented in the disappearance of his 5-year-old little girl. >> 911. do you need police, fire, medical? >> police. >> what address? >> i'm actually driving northbound, i'm passing the longwood exit on i-4. >> okay. and you're going east or west on i-4? >> east. east. >> okay. >> but they need to hurry, because there's someone following me and she's harassing me, telling me that she's going to beat my assist and like she's waving something, i don't know if she has a gun, i don't know what the hell is going on, but please somebody. oh, my god, now they're coming up next to me. this person needs to be pulled over. it's a blond, like female driving. oh, my god. >> what kind of car is it? >> it's a caliber.
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a dodge caliber. >> what color? >> like a neon blue. not neon blue, but regular blue. >> and what is she -- do you know her? >> no! i think, like way back she beeped at me or something, and i just kept driving and ignoring it, and now she's following me, her and her friend are flipping me off, she rode up next to me and said, i'm going to beat your ass. and they're waving something around, i don't know what it is, but i don't want to find out. and it's nonstop. these people are crazy. honestly, you know, i don't provoke people or do anything as far as road rage, but these girls are just like -- i don't know. i didn't even do anything and they're like victimizing me. >> right. yeah, and you really need to make a report with the officer -- >> i will, definitely. this is like, you know, cause if i was somebody who, what if i had a gun in the car or something, you know, what i mean? >> yeah, i know.
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when they pull over, just stay in your car and wait for the officer to come get you, okay? >> okay, perfect. and tonight, a close-knit new hampshire community revealing after a beloved young nurse and her 11-year-old little girl brutally attacked with a a machete and a knife in the early morning hours in their own home, asleep. suspect? oh, no, no random killers off the street, not dope dealers, not convicted felonies, no. allegedly, a group of teens, including boy scouts and a mormon missionary student. at this hour, the little 11-year-old girl clinging to life. her mother dead. we want justice. steven spader and christopher dribble are charged
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with murder. william marks and gwen glover are charged with burglary, conspiracy to commit burglary, and armed robbery. all four of the suspects allegedly knew that the plan was to kill anyone who may be inside four trove road. >> they were aware going into the home that if there was someone in the house, that they would kill them. >> reporter: prosecutors say spader had a machete and gribble was armed with a knife. when they attacked kimberly kate and then her 11-year-old daughter when they were asleep inside the house. prosecutors say kimberly kate died of multiple stab wounds to her head, torso, arm and leg. her daughter was also seriously wounded and underwent hours of surgery. >> how humans can do something like that, it's a barbaric act. good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. live, pennsylvania, state troopers on high alert after an
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18-month-old baby boy kidnapped at knifepoint. tonight, police make no bones about it. that baby is in extreme danger. the mother attacked in her own home. >> reporter: an 18-month-old baby boy is missing and police have issued an amber alert. adryn alan drummond was taken by his father after allegedly assaulting the baby's mom. drummond is to be considered armed and dangerous. urging the public to be on the lookout for a black mercury mariner with pennsylvania license plates. police need your help to bring little adryn home. >> straight out to patrick dolwynn. what happened? >> about 9:00 a.m., the suspect assaulted the woman and took the child and went out on the lamb in the suv.
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>> now, that's certainly breaking it down. stacy newman, our producer on the story, what happened? what led up to this? how did he get into the home? how did he attack the mother? did he use a knife? did he use a gun? why did he take the baby? what do we know? >> well, just coming into the nancy grace newsroom right now is that the suspect went to the home, had some kind of argument with the mother, he was armed with a knife, assaulted her, attacked the mom. then he snatched the baby and took off in the girlfriend's black suv. >> now, here's my question, stacy newman, do we know what, if anything, led up to the altercation? is this his biological baby? >> nancy, this is his biological baby. we do not know what led up to this argument, but what we do know is that this father is actually an escaped felony. he has been on the run since the end of august, nancy, escaping from a halfway house. >> he's gone on the run since august and now he shows up, snatches the baby at knifepoint
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and takes off. what more do we know about him? patrick donlin, with the "williams port-sun gazette," what do we know about him? what is his mental state? >> he was threatening to commit suicide on himself this morning and he was last seen about 50 miles north of williams pottpor mansport, in cuyahoga county. he was sentenced in early 2008 for a drug delivery case. he had a theft case in the city of williamsport in october of 2005. and in the year 2002, he had three cases against him in williamsport. one for an assault in prison and two separate drug delivery cases. >> holy moly, to bethany marshall, dr. bethany marshall. we are taking your calls live. take a look at this little boy. his father has a history of mental illness. not only that, he is a many
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times over convicted felony, especially with drugs. we know that he has weapons with him. and possibly, the most disturbing is that he is threatening suicide and with him is his 18-month-old baby boy. rosy, if you could show me the little baby. bethany marshall, dr. bethany, what's the most disturbing right now is not only the attack on the mother at knifepoint, but his threats to commit suicide, because if he commits suicide, bethany, he's not going alone. >> oh, no. he's going to take the child down with him. and you know, the homicidal and the suicidal instincts lie side by side. the aggression gets turned against the self and against the other. and what is typical in these cases is you have a male that has a disturbed personality disorder, abusive, aggressive. the mother of the child tries to break up with him, tries to put a restraining order, tries to protect the baby. usually, the dad, and in this case it's probably true, has no interest in the child, but goes
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after the mother, takes the child to get back at the mother, and says to her, if i can't have you, you are not going to have your baby. so he directs all the aggression he has against the wife against the child. >> i'm just thinking, dr. bethany, how helpless my twins were at 18 months. i mean, they're almost 2 now. and to take them, have someone come to the door, attack me, and take them or one of them at knifepoint. bethany, you know -- >> yes. >> in this situation, they never go alone. if he kills himself, he's taking that little baby with him. out to the lines. jackie in canada, hi, jackie. >> caller: hi, how are you? >> i'm good, dear. what's your question? >> caller: my question is, how did the mother not know that he was coming around? did they not let her know in any way? >> to stacy newman, our producer on the story. i know she had a restraining order against him. not one, but possibly two. how did he get in the door?
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>> i mean, we don't have the details on that right now, but i would suppose he just simply overpowered her. i mean, if you're not -- if you know someone's not coming to your house, they simply show up, they can overpower you, jam their way into the door, bam, assault you and take off with their child. >> she tried to get out of the vehicle and take the keys. he took the keys from her to take the vehicle and before she could get her son out of the vehicle, adryn drummond, he fled in the vehicle.
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true, it should make the court wonder, if she will behave this way with a grown woman she doesn't even know, in public, how would she behave behind closed doors with a 5-year-old little girl? straight out to george spencer with wftv. george, what happened? >> nancy, the hard to explain just keeps happening in this case. it was early yesterday morning, actually late morning, about 11:00 a.m., seminole county deputies got a 911 call from that driver, those tapes that we were just listening to, and that driver is in panic mode. she's driving eastbound on i-4, which is sort of east, away from the orlando metro area in some of our more suburban areas, and she sees this blue car that, for whatever reason, she believes she may have cut this car off earlier down the road, the car starts circling her, honking at her, the people inside start
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yelling obscenities, shouting at her. and at one point, most frightening of all, this driver says she thought she even saw the two women inside that car flash a gun, as they were driving. now, keep in mind, this is one of the most busy highways in our area. it's a major throughway kind of north and east out of orlando, up towards daytona. so one of the woman in that car turned out to be miss misty croslin. >> with me right now and taking your calls live is the alleged victim in this case, courtney ballinger, accusing misty croslin of threatening her on the road. flipping her off, shooting a bird at her, threatening to beat her. miss ballinger, thank you for being with us. >> hi, good evening. >> miss ballinger, i heard the 911 call, but tell me again what happened. how do you believe this whole thing started? you cut somebody off? >> you know, i don't really know how it started. i was working and all of a sudden the car came up next to
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me with the driver hanging half out of the window and it progressed from there. >> the driver hanging out of the window! doing what? >> just basically saying, over and over again, you know, we're going to beat you up, you're dead, you're dead. she was hanging out, both of her hands were out of the window, waist up out of the car, telling me to roll my window down. it was pretty intense. i mean, we were going about 80 miles an hour in lunch hour traffic. it was a very dangerous situation that escalated very quickly. >> in lunch hour traffic, the driver's hanging out the window, both hands out the window, what, shooting a bird at you, flipping off, what? what was she doing with her two hands? >> well, one she was motioning for me to roll down the window and the next one, you know, she was basically pointing at me, waving her finger, you know, trying to scare me. >> what was the other one doing? what, steering?
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>> you know, i -- it was just so fast, i wasn't really paying attention to what the other one was doing. i just wanted it to go away. and i was, you know, for the first ten minutes -- this happened for about a half hour. the first ten minutes, you know, i was working. i was like, you know, whatever, they're -- obviously, they're angry, whatever. i tried to ignore them, but after about 10 to 12 minutes, that's when i had tried several times to speed up and get away from them, but they were relentless, they would not let me go. >> we're going 65, 80 miles an hour down i-4 and, you know, cutting me off, tailgating me, slamming on their brakes in front of me. i mean, i'm trying to avoid these people and it was just, it was escalating very fast.
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>> we are taking your calls live. let's unleash the lawyers. joining us tonight, famed defense attorney out of the california jurisdiction, john burris. also with us from the atlanta jurisdiction, renowned attorney, raymond giudice. okay, this is not a good look, giudice, for somebody that cops want to talk to ain the disappearance and possible death of a 5-year-old little girl. >> she's not heeding the advice of her lawyer to lay low. but let me just throw out one thing. >> oh, add to that device, don't chase people down the interstate in broad daylight in rush hour. don't shoot birds. don't threaten to kill people. >> let's make one thing clear. the florida road rage reckless driveway statute applies only to
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the driver or owner of the vehicle. misty may have an verbal assault charge -- >> you're on a first name basis now? >> she may have a verbal assault charge, but not a road rage charge. >> pause. if the victim is telling the truth -- >> i have no reason to believe her. >> the driver was hanging out the window, which means, at some point, misty croslin, deduction, was driving the car. >> i think that's -- i don't think that's going to get a charge. >> woopsy. >> burris, what about it? >> i don't think that's going to justify a charge. plus, i don't think it's even believable. both arms were outside the window and the car was going 80 miles an hour and someone was trying to steer it from the other side. >> i believe it. >> did you ever see thelma and louise? >> yeah, but that's movies. these are women and they're not necessarily acrobatic drivers type things. that's a serious allegation -- >> you know, it's just like you two. put them up, rosy, i want to see these two. it's just like you two to try to find a loophole, a technicality
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in the florida law whereby croslin wouldn't be responsible. when what we're talking about is threatening, allegedly threatening a grown female -- >> nancy, the reality is -- >> -- beat her to death. >> the reality is, they were not charged by the law enforcement officers at the scene who interviewed this witness. >> and they let them go. >> they're home. >> they were hanging out of the window, flipping me off, you know, telling me they're going to kill me. you know, motioning that they had a weapon in the car. you know, it turns out day didn't have one, but they definitely wanted me to think they did. dddddddddddd
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out of nowhere, they just started honking at me, circling me, hanging out of the window, saying, you know, threatening to beat me up, they're going to kill me. i think it's absurd that someone who's in trouble is going to go around and cause more problems for themselves. >> was the bed made? >> no, i was sleeping in that bed. how would the bed be made if someone was sleeping in the bed? i wasn't the only one sleeping in it, but how would it -- how would me and his son, how would
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>> well, nancy, listening to this incident report, it sounds like something out of "cops". when they finally get croslin and the driver of the car to pull over at a mobile gas station, not only are the seminole county sheriff's deputy there is, so are the lake mary police. they approach the car with their guns drawn. they cuff both croslin and the driver and search the car for a weapon, but when they don't find one, both of them are released. >> to former nassau county police investigator, now private investigator, that is exactly what the police should have done. that was not an overreaction. for all they knew, lou, there was a weapon in that car. >> yeah, that may very well have been the case. but, heidi, i want to wish my wife, julie, a happy anniversary. >> and i would like to tell her congratulations. okay, go ahead. >> thank you. i think the police acted consistently with this problem that they were brought into. based on the 911 tape, obviously, there was a high cause for alarm. quite frankly, i'm a little
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confused as to why they didn't take the operator to have the motor vehicle into custody and charge her with a crime and then let the district attorney sort this out. unfortunately, our friend who you are so very fond of, although she wasn't operating the vehicle, was still complicit in this activity, which was clearly reckless and dangerous. >> to molina schiavo, our producer on the story from the very beginning. so much is happening. we just learned the bombshell went it dropped that the two are divorcing and that has a lot of implications as far as the search for little haleigh and their techniques in how they will pursue misty croslin for questioning. but this is a real telltale sign, according to many court watchers. if she will behave this way in public, in rush hour, with a grown woman, what would happen at home with the doors closed, when a child acts out, throws a temper tantrum, irritates her for whatever reason. there are a lot of very
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disturbing ripples out of this one incident. what more do we know and why weren't they charged? >> well, first of all, nancy, you're right, this does not look good for misty croslin, even though, you know, she's been doing a lot of things that her lawyer has advised her not to do. and now this. so this is crazy. now, as far as the charges, the woman was so shaken, the victim in this was so shaken, she wasn't even thinking about paperwork or charges, she just wanted to get out of there. after the cops showed up and she realized she was safe, she just got out of there. that's why no charges have been filed. and yes, i found out, also, today, that misty was en route to her lawyer's office when this all happened. >> joining us tonight, the alleged victim of this incident of road rage, courtney ballinger. miss ballinger, why didn't they at least issue a citation? >> you know, i don't really know why no charges were filed. i wasn't asked if i wanted to
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press charges. basically, you know, the police officers came up and told me what happened and said they don't have any weapons, you know, are you okay to drive? and i said, yes, i'm okay, and i said, does that mean i can leave? and they said, yeah, you can leave whenever you want. and i left immediately. so i think if i would have stayed, i probably could have, you know, done something, but i was so shaken at that point, i just wanted to get back to my day. >> well, let me ask you this, you said you know charges are being filed. that you called police? >> i'm sorry, can you repeat that question? >> you said, i know charges were filed. what do you mean by that? that you called police? i mean, is there going to be follow-up? what's going to happen now? >> no, i don't think charges -- actually, charges were not filed. i don't plan on filing any. i just wanted to be rescued from the situation. i wasn't really trying to get anyone in trouble. i just wanted to get out of
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there. >> are you familiar with the search for haleigh cummings? >> you know, i wasn't really familiar with it. i'd heard that name, haleigh cummings, before, but it wasn't until all the news reporters started contacting me that i even knew who this person was or anything. i had no idea it was her. you know, i was shocked. i had no idea. >> joining me on the lines, toni in pennsylvania. hi, dear. oh, excuse me. janice in california. hi, what's your question? >> caller: hi, how are you? >> i'm good, dear. >> caller: i'm kind of wondering, maybe this courtney made a gesture to misty and then, you know, maybe got misty wound up and that's why misty kind of threw up in a rage. >> can i ask you something, jennifer. what makes you think that this woman made a gesture at the
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other car? i mean, have you heard a fact or any suggestion of that? i mean, are you just making that up? why do you think that's what caused this? >> caller: well, because of the story that this courtney made, you know, she could have stuck around and made -- you know, did charges and -- >> okay, that makes sense, jennifer. courtney billi courtney ballinger, the alleged victim in this case. all signs point to the fact that you were the victim, you're the one that called 911, you're the one that pulled over to the side of the road for police to show up, if you had been the wro wrongdo wrongdoer, i doubt you would have called police and then stuck around for them to show up. but let's talk about jennifer's question. why didn't you stick around to finish up the process and file charges? >> i wasn't asked to stick around and file charges. i thought that the police would handle it from there. and like i said, you know, i did nothing to provoke them. i was working. i'm in sales. i was driving to my next client,
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i was trying to make it there before 12:00. >> what do you for a living? >> and this happened. >> what do you do for a living, courtney? >> i'm in pharmaceutical sales. >> out to tony in pennsylvania. hi, dear. >> caller: hello, friend, how are you? >> i'm good. >> caller: first of all, i think you hit the nail on the head with ronald the other night. i don't think he was telling you the truth at all. >> i don't either. >> caller: he does know more than what he's saying. what i found very mufg, that misty loved this child so much, doesn't know the birth date, doesn't know the color of her hair, doesn't know her weight, her height, and he continues to say, you let someone steal my kid. >> you know, that is exactly what he said that night on the 911 call. i think that tells it all. and you've got to think about his situation. he let it slip that he wants a divorce, that she did not want the divorce. and he is still waiting for her to sign the divorce papers.
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she still hasn't signed the divorce papers. he signed them. so right now, i've got a feeling he doesn't want to tip the apple cart. to brenda. hi, brenda, what's your question? >> caller: yes, ma'am, miss nancy, i want to say, i thank you for what you're doing, and i love you so. and my question is, the night that misty croslin put haleigh to bed, her and the little brother, at 10:00, and from 3:30 in the morning when ronald cummings came home, did they ping those cell phone towers to see where she was? >> good question. what about it, ellie jostad? >> well, nancy, we haven't heard yet if they have been able to pinpoint her location. it sounds elike they haven't, because they're asking the public to come forward and fill in those blanks.
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girlfriend-tu girlfriend-turned-stepmother misty croslin. she was at home alone the night little girl 5-year-old haleigh cummings goes missing out of her own bed, according to croslin, and now she's accused of a road rage incident that left courtney ballinger, allegedly, in fear of her own life. does it ever end with this bunch? courtney ballinger, you're a pharmaceutical sales rep. you have to travel from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital. you can't get away from being on the road. i would assume, as a lady driving by herself for a living, this is one of your fears, that there will be some type of incident on the road. >> well, absolutely. you know, i've done this for over a year now, driving every single day, all day, and i've never come in contact with someone so aggressive and so relentless on, you know, just nonstop. i mean, i've never come across -- >> how long, how long do you believe that they pursued you?
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>> about 30 minutes. i would say from start to finish, it was about 30 minutes. i ignored it for about the first ten minutes, which doesn't sound like a long time, but when you're driving and you're avoiding another car who's coming at you, i mean, it was a very stressful ten minutes. and you know, when they started -- they reached down and started flailing something around, you know, they wanted me to think that they had a weapon. they wanted to scare me. and that's when i called the police. out to the lines, kathy in florida. hi, kathy? >> hi, nancy. i just want to say, my mother and i love your show, your beautiful children, and our prayers are with the mother. but i have a question about the storm door. if misty got up and seen the storm door open, held open by a block, was the inside door held open also? or -- i just don't understand that part. >> to rosy in the control room, see if you can pull up that video of marlaina in the home,
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showing us that door. marlaina schiavo, while we wait for that, explain. answer the question, please. >> the answer to that is, no, she wouldn't have seen it immediately, because the second door, the inside door closed automatically. the only theory that we have, and it's only a theory, is that maybe the inside door was propped open with some laundry that was on the floor, maybe holding it open. so that's where we are with that. >> you're seeing the inside of the home. there's the video of marlaina's tour of the home. just keep that rolling, rosy, because in a moment we're going to see marlaina walk to that back door that was allegedly propped open. cher in illinois, go ahead, cher. >> caller: hi, nancy. love your show. >> thank you for calling in. >> caller: praying for your mom. got a question regarding misty. with her flunking two polygraphs and the voice stress test and everything else that's been reported about her, she would
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have to be considered a person of interest. why do they keep letting her leave town? >> let's go to the lawyers. john burris, san francisco, raymond giudice, atlanta. john burris, just as a person of interest, they can't make you stay put. >> absolutely not. a person of interest, as you know, is free to go. that just means they have some interest, they might think you're involved, but they don't have sufficient evidence to tie you into it. so they're free to go whenever they like to go and no law can stop them. they need to go to a different level to have probable cause to arrest them, in order to justify keeping them in a location. but otherwise, they're free to go wherever they like to go. >> you're right. and raymonded giudice, she's not been named a person of interest and i think there are reasons for that. either they don't have the evidence or if they -- once you're named a person of interest, that could invoke for constitutional rights. >> well, that's right. and additionally, i do think that they're allowing her to do this type of behavior and hopefully something else to lead them to -- i hate to use that phrase -- the smoking gun, the crucial piece of evidence to solve this crime.
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>> and to dr. michael bell, back to haleigh herself. if the child is still alive, we know she has intense asthma and turner syndrome. if she is alive, what obstacles is she facing? >> well, i think the biggest problem would be her asthma. if she has a serious asthma condition, she's going to need medication. because asthma is going to prevent you from breathing normally. and that could be a very serious condition. >> everyone, very quickly, we're still taking your calls. i want to tell you about a group of boy scouts and a mormon missionary student who allegedly commit murder on a defenseless woman asleep in her own bed, a mother and attacked the 11-year-old little girl. take a listen. >> reporter: prosecutors say christopher gribble was armed with a knife and steven spader had a machete. authorities say william marks
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and quinn glover were also armed when they entered a home. gribble and spader face three charges that include first-degree murder. prosecutors say both suspects hit cates and her daughter with their weapons. kimberly cates allegedly died in her bed while the 11-year-old suffered serious injuries. marks and glover are not charged with murder, but are charged with burglary, conspiracy to commit burglary, and armed robbery. >> to maria cramer, crime reporter with the "boston globe," i understand that daddy had gone out of town that night? >> yes, the father was away, he was away on business. and kimberly cates and her 11-year-old daughter were at home alone when the attackers came in at 4:30 in the morning on sunday. >> what went wrong, maria? boy scouts, missionary students? >> two of the young men charged, and that would be steve spader
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and chris gribble, were boy scouts together. and chris gribble is also a mormon, that's correct. and basically, they fell apart, what we're told, by family and friends, or friends and neighbors, that chris gribble began to, you know, dabble in knives and steve spader was bipolar, wasn't taking his medication around his sophomore year in high school, people really began to notice a change. he was dressing differently, acting differently, he wasn't the friendly, funny kid he used to be. >> we'll be right back with maria cramer from "the boston globe" taking your calls.
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straight back to maria cramer with the "boston globe," so the mother and the little girl were home alone and i understand they live in kind of a secluded area, down a dirt road. a very tranquil, almost idealic setting? >> yes, exactly. it's the way you picture any new england town. it's beautiful, heavily forested, there are rolling hills, vistas. it's a gorgeous place to live and a beautiful place to raise your children. >> oh, my stars. i just hate it for the father, to be out of town, working, trying to support them and he gets this call. the wife is dead by machete
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attack and the little girl is clinging to her life. the dad still standing by at the hospital with the little girl. clark goldband, what more can you add? >> it's our understanding from prosecutors that, in fact, these men -- or should i say teens, chose these victims at complete random. according to prosecutors, they made a pact to hunt and kill whoever was inside that house, not knowing who was actually there. >> well, you know what, that doesn't even make any sense, because i think they had to know the father wasn't home. and to you, dr. bethany, psych analyst, author of "deal breakers," boy scouts, mormon missionaries enter a pact to kill and dismember? i don't get it. >> let's call this what it is. this is four monsters who found each other in a small town. they had probably been plotting and planning, romanticizing the idea of murder. it was probably really exciting to them. there was probably one ring leader who really made the final plan and incited the others to
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follow. everyone, let's stop and remember army staff sergeant john lindy, 30, mcdunna, new york, killed, iraq. from a long line of vets on a second tour, awarded the bronze star, purple heart, army achievement medal. loved outdoors, fishing, racing atvs, dreamed of being a cop. leaves behind grieving father john, sister, widow, velma, and two daughters. john lynde, american here roe. thanks to our guests, but especially to you for being with us. and tonight, please send your thoughts and prayers to our friend, eleanor odom, just through emergency open heart surgery. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp, eastern. and until then, good night, friend. -- captions by vitac --
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i'm richelle carey. this is your hln "prime news" break. as president obama continues to try to decide the way forward in afghanistan, a senior administration official is telling the associated press the president would be willing to accept some role for the taliban and the future of that country, as long as they don't try to retake control of the central government or offer sanctuary to al qaeda. the house has voted to make it a federal crime to assault people because of their sexual orientation. if it passes the senate, federal agents can pursue cases of gay bashing. and you can watch the moon get a new crater friday morning. nasa is crashing an empty rocket to kick up lunar ice. at 7:30 a.m. eastern, another satellite will send back live color pictures. within an hour, scientists will
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