tv Q A CSPAN October 11, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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right now on "showbiz tonight" this week. women at war over david letterman's shocking sex scandal. tonight, why are some of hollywood's most powerful women defending dave. >> it's not at all disturbing to me. but you know, men are men. >> tonight, the great debate. should women be supporting dave? tonight, the unbelievable two faces of jon and kate. kate cries poverty but then says she's buying an eight diamond ring. >> jon says he despises kate, then says something completely different. tonight, are jon and kate the biggest hypocrites ever? plus, levi johnston goes nuts in a new ad. >> now levi johnston does it
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with protection. >> the father of sarah palin's grandson joking about unprotected sex. the weekend edition of tv's first most provocative entertainment news show starts right now. hello, i'm a.j. hammer broadcasting tonight and every night from new york city. this is "showbiz tonight" weekend. tonight, ladies for letterman. get your mind out of the gutter. there's a remarkable explosion for public support from david letterman from some of the biggest women stars on the tv and in the movies bespite his confessions about having sexual affairs with women who work for him. martha stewart is the latest to come out in support of
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letterman. you have got to hear this interview with martha, including why she's saying men will be men. also in dave's corner tonight, barbara walters. why she's defending dave. "showbiz tonight" is also talking to stars in hollywood who are saying the same thing. hold on just a second, because the national organization for women is taking a powerful shot at letterman. what they are saying is getting women on both sides of the debate all riled up. right now new york is midwin charles, attorney with midwin charles and associates. and pat, investigative journalist. out of all the support dave is getting, the one that surprised me today was martha stewart, arnold the way she's defending dave. i want you to listen carefully. because to me it sounds like she's actually condoning dave's behavior with her justification. watch this. >> it's not at all disturbing to me, unless there was force involved, which knowing dave is not very forceful, by the way.
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he's a very attractive man. very appealing. great sense of humor, obviously. i think all this was done when he was still not married. although it's probably still harmful to his wife of six months or however long they have been married. she probably didn't know all the details. you know, men are men. i've put up with it all. god. >> pat, let me begin with you and your theory tonight. you heard martha. she said men are men. does that make it okay? >> no, it doesn't make it okay. but i think in hollywood, a.j., there's this attitude that prevails that these are the evolved artist, we have a certain entitlement that others don't. we can do what we do because we're rich and famous and over 21 and we're free and we can make this choice and it's nobody's business. but i have to tell you something, i think a lot of people are afraid to say what they truly think, because i think there will be a certain black list if you talk against david letterman. i think people feel, if i come out and say, oh, my gosh he's a heinous, horrific creech, something will happen to my
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career. martha stewart obviously doesn't have to worry about that. there's this quiet fear that we can't be the ones to come out and say what we really feel about what david letterman has done. >> i think you're making a terrific point especially as it comes to martha. they are friends to a degree. i think perhaps she wanted to support him, maybe didn't choose her words very carefully. midwin, let me come to you. i would think all women would be nearly unanimous in trashing him over this. what do you think? >> i think it comes to delivery. what david letterman did when he delivered that monologue, he delivered the truth. i think in this day and age when so many people are lied to by politicians, their employers, everyone down the chain, the way david came out and told the truth, i think it was refreshing to people. that's why so many people aren't up in arms against him. did he do something wrong?
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clearly. having sex with women who work for you, sexual harassment, all kinds of things. the fact he came out, told the truth, didn't dance around it and was straightforward, people kind of respect that. >> i think that fogged the issue for people is what ended up happening. >> it sure did. >> martha has plenty of company in her support of david. showbiz was there for the premier of "good hair" one of my favorite stars told us, she didn't swear once, told us, she thinks letterman did handle the whole sex scandal perfectly. watch susie. >> i think he's been handling it brilliantly. it's not such a big deal. he's not like somebody that has been like the arbiter of morality, he's a comedian. he's not out there telling people how to behave. he's not a senator or priest or a minister, he's a comedian. >> i'm hearing that from a lot of people, i totally understand what she's saying, he's not a senator or priest.
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but pat, he's still at the end of the day a boss having sex with staff members. >> he's also talked a lot about sarah palin's children. hypocrisy at the end of the day. he's another sleazy guy with power that yood used it to have sex with women. there's a lot of frat guys out there going, go dave. let me tell you who i'm really mad at. i'm mad at the women in the workplace, these young vulnerable women who still need their validation by the big powerful boss. oh, david letterman thinks i'm
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hot. what about these young women who didn't seem to care he was in a relationship. who didn't seem to care they themselves were involved in relationships. they are using the workplace to do inappropriate things. i'm mad at these women. i hope they grow up before they bring young women into this world. >> it's interesting to hear that from you, pat. i'm not hearing that from a lot of people. let me move to another star supporting dave. barbara walters is making excuses for the behavior. watch what she said, lisa ling was a guest. barbara and joy didn't see eye to eye at all. >> he's a very attractive man. i can give awe list of executives and people in lower levels -- you know, where do you meet people? in the workplace. >> that does not eliminate the fact that if you're one of the girls who works there and you're just, you know, doing your job. and suddenly this other chick is getting the air time. >> that's not necessarily sexual harassment. >> midwin, let me ask you, barbara is a pioneer for women, so it's a little surprising to hear her oncome out so strongly defending dave. perhaps her friendship with letterman is affecting her ability to think clearly or communicate clearly, which i
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can't do, on the subject. >> of course. let's be frank here. friendship will always trump these kinds of situations. have you to ask yourself, is barbara or martha stewart going to be unbiased in this situation. they are friends with dave. dave is someone who has been in the industry for decades like barbara walter and martha stewart as well. clearly if there's a friendship there, they are not going to say anything untowards toward him or anything like that. the point here is, it does trigger all kinds of sexual harassment things. if these girls engaged in a relationship with dave because they felt they had to because he's the boss, there goes the problem. i'm not necessarily agreeing with pat that these girls were all of a sudden wanting to do this. they could have felt the pressure. >> hold on a second. i think the national organization for women really made a good point when they get involved with it today. they are blasting letterman, calling for cbs to take action against him because he's a boss in a sex scandal.
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here is the powerful statement they released. it's strong. multi-million dollar host of a popular late night shows. in that he weelds authority who gets fired, hired, fired -- very quickly, pat, how do you argue with that logic, even if you support david letterman? >> i don't argue with that logic at all, but i'm also seeing two sides to the point. these young women in the workplace that say, you know what, this isn't right. it stinks. a lot of women involved in the same thing with him. i'm not going there. >> i have to end it there. pat, midwin, thank you both. i think it's fair to say i'm not the only one sick and tired of jon and kate gosselin talking about of both sides of their mouths.
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>> can't sit on the couch with that woman. i can't sit with someone right now i despise. i want kate and i to mediate, become friends. >> he despises kate now he's saying something totally different. you have kate crying boohoo, she doesn't have any money, then she's buying a diamond ring. are these the two biggest hypocrites ever. then we have levi johnston," the father of sarah palin's grandson joking. the ad for pistachios. >> just because he's saying he has swine flu doesn't give him the right to act like a pig, marilyn manson. he's videotaped at a concert blowing his nose on his fans. >> that's disgusting. pass me the hand sanitizer. you've got to hear about the stars hit with the swine flu. "showbiz tonight" on hln. time for the ticker, more stories from the "showbiz
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welcome back to "showbiz tonight" this week. i'm a.j. hammer in new york. it's swine flu stardom. yes, even hollywood isn't immune to the scary, deadly illness. swine flu catching on with celebrities. jeanne moos with "showbiz tonight" with a revealing look at all the stars that have been hit with the h1n1 virus. >> reporter: it's the who's who of swine flu. the latest victim, one of the back street boys, brian latrell. >> unfortunately i was diagnosed with the swine flu. >> using youtube to apologize to fans for missing appearances. >> my job right now is to stay away from as many people as i can. >> is he almost crying? big boys don't cry, not even in boy bands. even harry potter's best friend caught the h1n1 virus. >> it was just like the normal flu. >> news anchors are dropping like flies. cbs early show anchor harry smith called in sick from his apartment suspecting swine flu. >> they won't get within 10 feet. >> rachel maddow dropped the viral f bomb. i had the flu, capital f flu. >> which one, swine? >> yes. >> what?
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>> shared hand sanitizer with jimmy fallon. after tom arnold mentioned swine flu to tmz, he added insult to injury. >> actually i got the flu named after my ex-wife. >> reporter: that's polite compared to this. just because you say you have swine flu doesn't give you the right to act like a pig marilyn manson. on his myspace page he posted, i have been officially diagnosed by a doctor with the swine flu, at the same time he was videoed blowing his nose on the fans. >> i don't know if they were necessarily rockets.
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>> at least one fan thought it would be an honor to get swine flu from manson. his concert promoter denied he had h1n1. cnn's sanjay gupta got it in afghanistan. anderson cooper got sick with something. >> i was freezing cold despite being in the desert. are you coughing? >> i'm still coughing a little bit. >> how swine flies when you're having fun. >> you have virile infections. >> it's the a list for h1n1. >> that's why i keep these right here. that's jeanne moos for "showbiz tonight" weekend. another victim of swine flu, the entire cast and crew of "bones."
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fox announced shooting would be halted because the star of the show coming down with a swine flu-type illness. moving on tonight to director tyler perry and his horrific abuse claim. tyler is the super successful director of several hit plays that have been turned into films like "madea." he's telling his tragic childhood story about physical abuse. in a startling letter on his website he recalls one incident when his father beat him, writing -- tyler also claims as a child his grandmother actually tried to kill the germ that caused his asthma by bathing him in ammonia and that the mother of one of his friends sexually abused him. tyler said he was compelled to tell his story after seeing the highly anticipated movie "precious" based on a novel about a girl's abusive life.
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tylerer perry and oprah winfrey are executive producers of the film. certainly a no slowdown coming on on calls about jon and kate. we got a call from ginger in arizona who thinks both jon and kate need to shut their face and stay off tv. >> i think it's totally ridiculous and i think it's outrageous that every time one of them has a problem, how do they end up on the "today" show or one of these news shows. it's totally ridiculous. i think they should both go away. >> we also heard from tammy, "showbiz tonight" on call in louisiana. tammy thinks kate needs to quit whining about not having any money. >> she was a nurse before she started the show. they make good money. i do believe that if she gets off the air, gets her life
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together, gets them kids off the air, where they won't be exploited and grow up to regret this, then she can make an excellent living as a nurse not at mcdonald's. i do not feel sorry for kate. she brought this on herself. >> all right, tammy. i appreciate your call. you can call and let us know what you think about jon and kate or anything else on your mind. the lines are open all the time. just call. you can leave a voice mail so we can put your calls on "showbiz tonight." your calls to "showbiz tonight" on call are online on our home page, that is tonight. kate gosselin went on tv and told this sob story saying jon cleaned out their joint bank account and now she can't pay her bills. >> i have a stack of bills in my purse i can't drop in the mail. we discussed a ring i might buy at some point. it has eight little diamonds and mother-of-pearl. >> hold on. kate says she can't pay her bills, then she says she wants to buy a diamond ring. what the heck is she thinking. then you have jon saying he despises kate, now he wants to
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be friends. really, are they just total hypocrites. michael lohan says his daughter lindsey is hooked on prescription meds. i have to ask, should this guy shut up. the ad featuring the father of sarah palin's grandson. >> now, levi johnston does it with protection. >> levi johnston joking about unprotected sex. yeesh. this is "showbiz tonight" weekend on hln. it is time for showbiz news ticker. these are more stories from the showbiz newsroom making news right now. ddddddddddd
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i have a stack of bills in my purse i can't drop in the mail. we discussed a ring i might buy at some point. it has eight little diamonds and mother-of-pearl. >> now on "showbiz tonight" weekend, kate says jon left her dead broke but she wants a diamond ring. jon says he despises kate and says he wants to be friends. what? tonight are jon and kate the biggest hypocrites ever? lindsay lohan making shocking claims lindsey is hooked on prescription drugs. should he just keep his mouth shut? >> levi. >> now levi johnston does it with protection.
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>> levi johnston joking about unprotected sex. is the father of sarah palin's grandson totally nuts? plus more stories breaking from this showbiz news ticker. the weekend edition of tv's first most provocative news show continues right now. welcome back to "showbiz tonight" this weekend. it is 30 minutes past the hour. i'm a.j. hammer broadcasting tonight and every night from new york city. tonight "showbiz tonight" demands to know are jon and kate gosselin the biggest hypocrites ever? "showbiz tonight" did some serious digging around. what we uncovered will absolutely astound you. this "showbiz tonight" investigation made for big news breaking. jon, kate, we're begging you, make up your mind already.
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why have you got to talk out of both sides of your mouth. jon's hypocrisy leaves us scratching his head, all the comments how he really feels about kate. he can't make up his mind. which is it? who can remember when he said on prime time that he despises kate. >> i can't sit with someone i despise. >> despise. >> i despise because she's not speaking from the heart. >> "showbiz tonight" wants to know where is jon speaking from. less than a month later in a sudden and dramatic move jon announces he wants to postpone his divorce with kate and get on better terms. >> i want kate and i to mediate, become friends. i didn't mean despise. i regret saying that word. >> jon, where did despising go. there's the small matter of $230,000 kate took from jon's checking account.
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tmz caught jon saying this. he didn't take the money. a few days ago he told another show something different saying, quote, i have withdrawn roughly $177,000 over the course of a year. all right, jon. whatever you say. that whole money fiasco with jon had poor kate crying on the "today" show, how without that money jon took she couldn't care dpor her kids. >> i have a stack of bills in my purse i can't drop in the mail. >> we felt so bad for kate until an hour later when she decided to dish about the new ring she's buying. yup, she, too, was talking out of both sides of her mouth. >> we discussed a ring i might buy. it's -- at some point it has little diamonds and mother-of-pearl.
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>> to top off, kate's special brand of hypocrisy, let's listen to all the different versions she's given the media about how she really feels about the father of her kids. >> for the sake of my children, i only speak positive. >> but we weren't hearing positive on monday when kate went off on jon for supposedly taking all that money from the checking account. >> you have left your children and their mother unable to pay for the roof over their head. it's not acceptable. >> a little tip for jon and kate as they go on tv and blab, blab, blab about their lives, stay consistent. think about it, already eight mouths to feed and now jon and kate have added two more on both sides of their mouth. are jon and kate the biggest hypocrites in hollywood. leslie marshall a top radio host for the leslie marshall show. "showbiz tonight" did dig deep today. we found more contradictions than should be legal. carlos, please, may i ask this of you.
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after what we just saw, are jon and kate simply the biggest hypocrites ever. >> anyone that gets divorce is a hypocrite. you say until death do us part, then, not so anymore. all couples do this. i hate you, i love you, it goes back and forth. the problem is jon and kate aren't true celebrities. true celebrities have handlers, managers, a little, assistants all kind of keeping you from saying these things in public. either kate and jon don't have them or they are getting bad advice. they are allowed to say these inconsistencies constantly for us to write down, record and feed back to them. >> just so happens i've been writing them down, recording them and feeding them back to them. the big thing is, some of these contradictions are coming out in one sitting. let me go through a few we dug up today. i want to start with kate, exactly what i'm saying on the "today" show in one interview she's all upset, jon wiped out the bank account, so she can't
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pay the bills. again, during that same chat she talks about buying new jewelry. watch this. >> he took $230,000 of the $231,000 that we have liquid, and i have a stack of bills in my purse i can't drop in the mail. >> we discussed a ring that i might buy at some point. it has eight little diamonds and mother-of-pearl. >> leslie, off to you. is that not pure hypocrisy right there? >> not only is it hypocrisy, either these two better learn to tell the truth or they have to learn to lie better. i agree with carlos, they need some handlers to put some spin on this. i'm sorry, i'm not choked up about the little pearls and diamonds. they may have $200,000 liquid in the account to get out of an atm but she's got over a million dollar home. she's got a book deal. she makes a lot of money per episode on the television show. i'm just not buying it. jon is living in an apartment. she's living in a big house. when they first started with these kids, they got all their strollers and bottles and
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diapers for free from companies. i'm not buying the poverty. she is being a hypocrite. the little sparkle in her eye about the jewelry shopping list, i'm just, please, stop it. >> diamonds are a girl's best friend. isn't that what they say? listen, if you think jon is doing better talking about the money problems oh, no. on one hand, in one interview he said just this week he did take money out of his joint checking account. this is what he said. i have withdrawn roughly $177,000 over the course of a year. that stands in stark contrast he said brand-new today jon caught on tape saying, i didn't a take any money. carlos-of- theory here. we're trying to figure out how he could say he's taken hundreds of thousands out one minute and have amnesia the next. maybe he hit his head. >> maybe the hair implants. who does have amnesia, the fans. why did we watch this show? there's a quick story about an nba player ten years ago asked about making millions of
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dollars. we as nba players make a lot of money but we spend a lot of money. that's what i feel like with this jon and kate thing, 177,000, $230,000, it's way too much money. way more money than anyone in the down economy is making. it makes us not relate to you like we once did. >> we don't relate to how they feel about each other or claim to have felt about each other. that story is changing all the time. i refer you to the interview with chris cuomo, who says he can't stand sitting on the jon and kate sofa with kate, then he turns around and says he'd like to is the down and have a little talk with kate. listen to this. >> i can't sit with someone i despise. >> despise. >> i despise because she's not speaking from the heart. i want this to stop. i want kate and i to mediate, become friends. >> leslie marshall, i get the
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impression, tell me if you're feeling this way, jon has no idea what he wants. >> i want to get married. i want to do this reality show. no, i don't want any of that. i think what's happened here, guys, it's one of those the grass is greener. he goes around, does some dating, slept around, now he's like i want to come home, mommy. that's what he's saying with kate. i think he likes the control aspect of their relationship and i think he misses what he had because the grass was not greener. the guy doesn't know what he wants. i think if he goes back he might stray again. >> quickly off to you. i know you got the "showbiz tonight" abacus. who is the big ehypocrite. >> i have to go with kate, she was on the "today" show crying. jon does get points for being overall brutally honest at all times which doesn't work with him. >> a name, jon or kate bigger hypocrite. >> kate. >> you win.
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>> carlos diaz, leslie marshall, i appreciate it. the father of sarah palin's grandson has a new job. he's going nuts for a new commercial. the ad is so edgy, it's bound to spark a brand-new debate from alaska to new york. >> levi. >> now levi johnston does it with protection. >> that is really levi johnston joking about unprotected sex? is he nuts? it's the showbiz great debate. another showdown brewing, michael lohan's shocking claim his daughter is hooked on prescription drugs. should mike, who barely speaks with his daughter, keep his mouth shot. beyonce defends kanye, the first time since the outrage outbreak. wait until you hear the reason
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lindsay lohan's dad. michael lohan made the shocking confession lindsey is hooked on prescription meds, when she's trying to get her career on track. should michael zip it already? let us kick off this great debate with levi johnston and this nutty new ad campaign. it's got everybody buzzing today. take a look. >> levi -- >> levi. >> now levi johnston does it with protection. wonderful pistachios, get crackin. >> i don't know about their tag line and what about it is going to make anybody go out and buy pistachio nuts.
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let me ask you, was the company nuts to hire levi for the ad campaign or perhaps was this the bess train wreck ever. >> honestly, i really don't want to think about his sex life when i'm eating pistachios. secondly, i don't know if he's that recognizable figure. >> are people going to want to buy nuts because he's in the commercial. >> not because he's in the ad. all the buzz, it's genius, the person in the advertising company needs an award. it has scandal, sexuality, sexual innuendo. they are talking about birth control. they are talking about sex, all of it into this one little commercial. i think people are talking about it and that's going to get people interested in the company, by the way, which is called wonderful nuts. >> look at us, we're sitting here talking about it and playing the ad and not charging
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for it. for me i'm not going to buy pistachio nuts because leaf irngs is in the commercial. the ad is getting a lot of attention it might not have otherwise gotten. levi would sell bricks if somebody asked him to. do you think his phone will ring off the hook with more endorsement opportunities. >> unfortunately yes. i think sarah palin will freak out because he keeps going on shows, talking about his sex life with bristol. i think he's possibly going to be starring in a reality show," survivor. >> good for all of us. let us move on to another great debate tonight. lindy lohan's dad michael spilling the beans today that he fierce lindsey will die if she doesn't kick what he claims is a prescription meds addiction. here is exactly what michael is telling well, "showbiz tonight" did speak with michael lohan late today. he confirmed, yes, he said it. and he thinks linney is on prescription drugs and wants to
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get her off of them. suzanne, back to you. if you ask me, the bigger problem here is that her dad is blabbing about his claim that she has a prescription drug problem. if she did, isn't this mongolia that they really should be handling privately? >> you know, honestly, i completely agree. lindsey, i haven't seen her parents anywhere in the past few months. she's partying her butt off in l.a. and around the world. she's in paris with her sister partying. no one is really standing by her. by the way, michael lohan loves to come out and say these sort of things when he's promoting something. he's got a reality show with jon gosselin he's trying to promote, celebrity dads that he's promoting. >> we did call lindsey.
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as of showtime we didn't hear back from her of she's pretty busy. this is youtube by mod tv. she's busy at a paris fashion show during fashion week there. she's trying to basically launch her on fashion line with a major designer. april, it seems to me that lindsey is doing what she can to get her career back on track one way or the other, fashion, films, whatever she's going to do. her father is certainly not doing her any favors right now. >> maybe he's not doing her favors. there's no good time to talk to somebody about drug abuse. maybe he's not able to reach her. maybe she's too busy to take a call from her father. some of his behavior has been quenlg in the past. when i've sat down and talked to him, i do think he loves his daughter. love doesn't always equal good parenting. maybe this is the best way to address these issues. >> i've gotten that from him, too. do you think lindsey, her hand is going to be forced and she'll have to respond one way or the other. yes, i'm on prescription drugs,
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no, i'm not, it's nobody's business. >> a lot of pressure. there haven't been great reviews on her fashion shows. she hasn't been getting tv or film gigs. i think she's going to be so i think that she's going to be talking about this. >> all right. suzanne, april woodard, i appreciate you being here tonight, thank you. tonight, beyonce is speaking out about what kanye west did at the mtv music video awards when kanye swiped the microphone from taylor swift and pretty much said beyonce should have won. tonight beyonce is standing up for kanye. this is "showbiz tonight" this weekend on hln. time for the showbiz news ticker. these are more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news right now. they said it would never last.
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