tv U.S. House of Representatives CSPAN October 15, 2009 1:00pm-4:59pm EDT
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a very interesting rescue operation still going on in florence, arizona, just southeast of phoenix, where crews are trying to reach a horse and the man riding on it. they both fell in a big hole. the horse went down hind first. we don't know exactly what happened. we'll keep you posted. they are trying to dig a trench and just walk the horse out. you can see there's a rope tied to the animal as well. they'll do whatever they can to coax the animal out. the guy is okay as far as we know. in fact i see one report that he's denied medical treatment. now they're worried about the horse. we'll keep our eyes on that and bring you later developments. new developments in the tennessee dad fighting to get his kids back. he's out of jail in japan.
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had his kidnapping charges on hold. christopher savoie was arrested last month after traveling halfway around the world to get his son and daughter back from his ex-wife. he was accused of abducting them while they walked to school. prosecutors said savoie was released today after he promised not to take the kids back to the u.s. savoie's current wife says that makes it hard to celebrate his release. >> the elation lasted you know for, you know a few minutes and now we're back to square one where there's no closure. you know we don't have isaac and rebecca in the situation from which they were taken. isaac and rebecca had a very very happy situation here in tennessee. they were very well adjusted kids. they did very well in school. they enjoyed their family life. they went to japanese school in tennessee. there was a japanese church in tennessee. they went to us.s. schools in tennessee. they had people that loved them
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here. it was a great place for them to be raised. it's traumatic for them. traumatic. >> savoie said he took the kids to japan without his knowledge. a u.s. court gave savoie sole custody but in japan his wife has custody. michael brewer has burns on at least two-thirds of his body. doctors are afraid that his organs could begin to fail. five boys doused him with rubbing alcohol and set him on fire. those boys age 13 to 15 now face felony charges and one is charged with attempted murder. the victim's mother spoke today with abc's "good morning america" about the shocking violence. >> people really need to wake up and see what is going on with this generation. they need to take hold of our children and really do
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something. the violence across our nation with our children is getting stronger and stronger and we need to stop it now. to this doesn't happen -- excuse me. i'm sorry. doesn't happen to somebody else. or something worse. it's unimaginable. please, everybody out there, take a hold of your children. love them. love everybody's children. let them know that these things are not right. violence doesn't solve anything. >> brewer is in intensive care at miami's jackson memorial hospital. the entire medical team is worried about his condition. >> people don't realize not only is he not out of the woods yet he's not even into the woods yet. after a major burn such as this, the first couple of days are sort of like a honeymoon. by formula we can resuscitate them but after a few days is
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when the problems start setting in and we have difficulty with lungs and kidneys and swelling that goes beyond what the body can stand. and so we're still waiting for the worst to come. >> the doctor says burn patients are at high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder often suffering nightmares depression and flashbacks. the suspect in a vicious attack on alleges girl 19 years ago is in texas to face charges. dennis bradford arrived last night from arkansas accused of kidnapping, raping and slitting the throat of jennifer shoe shoeit when she was 8. president obama is in new orleans talking to people who lived through hurricane katrina about this time of year in 2005. they're still trying to rebuild four years after the storm ravaged the gulf coast. it's his first trip to the area as president.
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republican governor bobby jindle is giving him credit for getting things done. disputes in the stalled reconstruction projects have been resolved in many projects. anna nicole smith's bodyguard takes the stand today. defense lawyers will question him about the claims that he saw howard k. stern injecting smith with valium. he saw her doctor inject it twice. larry birkhead could also take the stand today. she died of an overdose in 2007. a hearing will determine if stern and the doctors will face trial for illegally providing her with controlled substances. back to the horse rescue. rescue operation going on and it will take a while. this is in florence, arizona, just outside phoenix where crews are trying to reach a horse. the man who was riding on it has emerged from the hole. unscathed. we don't know the condition of
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the horse. we don't know how this all happened. it's obviously a very deep hole and they were riding and the horse fell in apparently hind first. it appears the horse is okay. as we told you earlier the rider denied any medical treatment. we'll keep our eyes on this. again, the operation may take a while. they probably will have toing day trench and walk the horse out of that hole. the state of florida may take a boy away from his mother. he weighs 400 pounds and his doctors contacted child welfare services after he missed some appointments. his mother says shehe refuses to take medicine and will not stop overeating but she's doing the best she can with him. >> because of his weight he's gained diabetes and he has high blood pressure. these people are going to come in my house and take my child and sign me over as unfit.
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>> state officials say they are trying to help the family but they have to cooperate. a 555-pound boy was put in foster care despite his parents' claims they were trying to help this him. what do you think should be done about this situations? we'll hear from you on the state's threats to take him out of the home and of course on childhood obesity in general. hope to hear from you soon.
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we'll ask you your thoughts on that 400-pound florida teen. the boy who could be taken into state custody. how do you think is to blame? parents? lack of exercise? diet? the kid himself? should the state step in? here's a comment alexander posted just a minute ago on my facebook page. he says -- let's take a call or two. how are you doing? >> caller: i'm done fine. >> what do you think about this?
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>> caller: well, i really truly believe the child needs to be taken away from the atmosphere that he's living in. he's not getting a good example even from his own mother setting on the sofa obese. myself have lost a number of pounds this last few months. it can be done. the child needs to be educated. he needs to be taken out, put on a good, healthy program exercise, and his diabetes and other things will improve in his life. the poor child needs to be educated to the fact that his life is going to be changed if he learns the right type of foods to eat, exercise. >> he's young. he can turn it around. >> caller: sure he can. i'm a woman in my almost 70 and i dropped from a 26 size to a 14. >> good for you. thanks for calling.
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e-mail from travis who blames economics. let's take another call. fred is in north carolina. hi. >> caller: hi. okay. number one, i hate blame the parents but i also blame the video games. we have these video games that help heavy set kids. also i believe what the boy -- he's a beautiful looking kid. he needs to get exercise. do some walks. stop playing video games. buy a trampoline. jump up and down and get exercise and go for hikes. as so many organizations would be willing to help a child like that. i don't know if she's single or not but the mother looks like she needs exercise too. there's the big brother program. there are more activities.
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also -- >> i got to leave it there. that's a great call especially the boys club thing. he's got to have some inspiration. let's get a couple facebook page comments in. robin writes -- david says -- thanks everybody. your views coming up. what do you think. obese kids, who or what to blame in general? focus on this one story. should the state take over? call us toll free 877-835-5456, e-mail or text views plus comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. let's get you the latest on that rescue operation southeast of phoenix in florence, arizona. there's a good shot from our affiliate affiliate. horse and man fell into a hole earlier. the horse is okay.
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the rider is definitely okay. he's denied medical treatment. i believe -- is mike brooks on the line? yes. okay. mike how are you doing? mike is our law enforcement analyst who has been through a rescue operation like this right? >> i've been in a rescue team with fairfax county fire and rescue outside of d.c. where i was assistant chief with the burke fire department out there. what you're seeing right now apparently the horse went in hindquarters first. the rider refused medical treatment. they say that the horse is okay but what they'll do is they'll try to get a veterinarian out there to make sure that the horse is okay. one of the things they're trying to do is dig. we see people down in this hole. one of the things rescuers have to be extremely careful about is make sure that that hole doesn't collapse in on them and also on the horse. we see a number of straps and have seen horses before down off the road.
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they'll try to get the straps around the horse and try to stabilize the horse but that's one of the things that's very dangerous about the low grade rescue are the problems because any time you get in a hole below your chest it gets very dangerous because it looks like they have some shoring in there. i can tell you the fire department around the phoenix area are very, very good. extremely professional when it comes to technical rescue. >> lifting him out i would think that would be the last resort. they'll try to walk him out if they possibly can. >> they'll try to walk him out. from the looks of it with the straps chuck as the horse may not be able to. in fact, from the looks of it you would have to dig quite a bit out with this trench to get enough room for him for the horse to walk out of that hole. looking at a number of different options to rescue this horse.
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the main thing is you want to make sure rescue personnel aren't in anymore danger and also you're concerned about the health of the horse. >> i don't see earth moving equipment in there. i see they're taking water down to the animal and perhaps to the rescue operators who we can't fully see in there. it's a hot day. middle of arizona. are there veterinarians around? >> most likely there would be. whenever stuff like this happens, all around phoenix in this area around florence you have a lot of horse trails and a lot of horse farms so most likely there would be a veterinarian there to monitor the condition of the horse possibly sedate the horse a bit to try to calm the horse down but these are all things that are well prepared to take care of things like this around phoenix and florence has a professional fire and rescue department out there. >> you have to assess the health of the horse. if it fell in hindquarters first
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it may be so injured it can't walked out of there. it's 94 degrees. it could be hotter obviously. bright sunshine. this is going to take a while, right, mike? >> it will take a while. as they monitor the horse, there's no hurry. again, you want to make sure that you don't create anymore hazard as you are trying to position these straps around the horse to either lift the horse out. i don't know if it's a male or female horse but to get it to walk out of this hazard. >> looks like you can see his head right there. they are trying to comfort him as best as possible or her. >> exactly. >> hopefully the horse is pointed in the right direction so it can be walked out of there. i appreciate it. stay with us. we'll do the best we can and bring you further updates on this. it could take a while. they have a lot of options. they'll do their best to get the horse out of there unharmed. a former inmate testified
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that herman thomas spanked his bare bottom three times rubbed him once and on another occasion grabbed his crotch while clothed. is that the end of that story? what else would that story are we talking about guys? all right. that's it. okay. period. i think we're going to go to break on that, are we not? all right. radio talk show host rush limbaugh won't be buying the st. louis rams after all. the head of the group said limbaugh was a complication and a distraction and he said he doesn't blame his former partners for cutting him loose. he blames his critics. >> those people who enabled this event for their own racial reasons, for their own ratings, their own fund-raising, their own face time, their own
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business reasons, they're going to be just as unhappy as they were before this happened. it's a collection of unhappy, angry, agitated people and that's not going to change. >> at least one nfl owner said he would oppose the limbaugh effort to buy into the league and commissioner roger godle said that his divisive rhetoric wouldn't be tolerated in the nfl. he's glad he went before the parole board because it helped clear the names of two relatives put to death nearly a century earlier. stewart moore has background on this case. >> reporter: september 29th, 1915. thomas griffin and meeks griffin executed for murdering john k. lewis, a 73-year-old confederate army veteran in south carolina. fast forward to 2007. radio talk show host tom joyner
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discovers they're his great uncles after he researches ancestry and discovers they were innocent and the real killer lied to police. >> he framed them because he said they could afford their own defense. and of course they were only given one day to prepare before put on trial. >> the whole story is one no one wanted to step up and say let's do this. >> the joyner family says despite the injustice, they don't hold animosity to the state for the actions. >> almost 100 years later something was going to be done about it. even though they're not here, this won't bring them back but this will bring closure. and so i hope now they rest in peace. >> mr. joyner says he's never heard stories from relatives about his two great uncles and never had a picture to hold and didn't even know of their existence until 2007. but he's confident the men put to death were good guys in their
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small chester county community. >> we have documents here of petitions that were signed by magistrates, ex-sheriffs, mayors, businessmen successful businessmen, all saying that this was injust. there was a protest. it wasn't just black people. there were a lot of good white people. >> the pardon board unanimously approved to excuse the conviction. in clomolumbia, stewart moore. it's official. the government says there will be no social security cola. no cost of living increase next year. they are pegged to inflation which is negative this year. the first year without an increase since automatic adjustments were put in place in 1975. help may be on the way as president obama called for a second round of $250 stimulus payments for seniors veterans, retired rail workers and people with disabilities.
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a bright spot in the weekly jobless numbers. the labor department says the number of people filing for first-time unemployment benefits dropped by 10,000 last week to 514,000. the first time jobless numbers at the lowest level since january. back to the rescue operation we've been talking about. this is florence, arizona, outside of phoenix. crews are still trying to reach a horse stuck in a hole. they are using a backhoe to dig out as much dirt as they can and just lead the animal out. a man on a horse fell into the hole earlier and there i believe you can just see the beginning work to dig a trench. that's a deep hole. according to local reports, the horse appears to be fine. it's impossible to tell or nearly impossible. the rider is out already and has denied medical treatment. it's an ongoing operation and we'll keep you posted as we get more info on it. we'll be right back.
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they hope to walk that horse out of that very deep hole. the rider is apparently okay. he has denied medical treatment. this is tape from a bit earlier. there's the same backhoe. it's making a lot of headway. we'll keep you posted as we get more information. an american father arrested for allegedly trying to take his children from his ex-wife has been arrested by japanese police. christopher savoie could still face charges but he says his ex-wife is the one who broke the law. kyung lah looks at the complicated custody battle. >> reporter: american christopher savoie is a free man after being detained for almost three weeks in japanese jail. savoie was released in part because he promised to not take his own two children back to the united states in the same way. the implication here is that he's going to keep his distance from the children at least in the short-term. all of this begins as a bitter international custody dispute.
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his ex-wife is a japanese citizen. she abducted the two children out of the united states and brought them to her home country of japan. a u.s. court after this happened awarded savoie sole custody. but japanese law does not recognize a u.s. order and does not recognize parental abduction as a crime and recognizes the mother as sole guardian. three weeks ago savoie arrived here and tried to whisk them back to the united states. he was stopped by japanese police. he was arrested. and charged with child kidnapping. now, he is free now. the u.s. consulate did say it was very pleased to see that he's been released releasing this statement. "the u.s. government together with the japanese government will try to find a long-term solution to the joint custody and parenting issues." as far as the savoie case, as far as the custody battle, the international custody battle, that has no resolution at least in the short-term but the
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criminal case at least appears to be over for now. kyung lah, cnn, tokyo. the medical treat working hard to save the life of a 15-year-old boy intentionally set on fire is worried his organs could fail. he has burns on at least two-thirds of his body. the boys who set him on fire face felony charges. one of them is charged with attempted murder. the victim's mother valerie brewer, spoke earlier today with abc's "good morning america" about the shocking violence. >> people really need to wake up and see what is going on with this generation. they need to take hold of our children and really do something. the violence across our nation and across our world with our children is getting stronger and stronger and we need to stop it now so this doesn't -- excuse me -- i'm sorry.
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so this doesn't happen to somebody else. or something worse. it's just unimaginable. please everybody out there, particular ahold of your children. love them. love everybody's children. and let them know that these things are not right. violence doesn't solve anything. the boy remains in intensive care at jackson memorial hospital in miami. one of the doctors treating the teen says the entire medical team is worried about his condition. >> people don't realize that not only is he not out of the woods yet he's actually not even into the woods yet. after a major burn such as this, the first couple of days are sort of like a honeymoon by formula we can resuscitate them but after a few days when the problems start setting in we have difficulty with lungs and kidneys and swelling that goes beyond what the body can stand.
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we're still waiting for the worst to come. >> the doctor says burn patients are at a high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder and sometimes suffer nightmares, flashbacks and depression. the suspect in a vicious attack on a little girl 19 years ago in texas is in texas to face charges. dennis bradford arrived from arkansas last night. he's accused of kidnapping, raping and slitting the throat of jennifer shoechuett when she was 8. she told reporters tuesday she never gave up hope her attacker would be brought to justice. the fbi says dna testing led to the arrest. for the first time in two decades, fourth graders did not improve their math scores on national assessment tests. on a 500-point scale, the students' average score was 240. eighth graders were up two points from two years ago. students from around the country take the test in various subjects every year. the california energy commission is considering a ban on big screen tvs.
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large flat screens just use too much electricity. they say they want to make sure every tv sold in california is energy efficient. if this rule is passed, other states are expected to follow suit. some manufacturers argue the plan would limit innovation and customer choice. president obama is in new orleans. the big easy to talk to people who lived through hurricane katrina. they're trying to rebuild four years after the storm ravaged the gulf coast. republican governor bobby jindal is giving the president's team for being practical and flexible go getting things done. since january disputes in 76 of the state's stalled reconstruction projects have been resolved. outside phoenix, emergency crews trying to reach a horse stuck in a hole and these are live pictures from knxv. the rescue operation has been going on for at least a half an hour. and now a backhoe is widening the trench to just lead the horse out. there's a rope around the horse.
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they're tending to it. they're giving the animal water and calming it. the horse and man both fell in. the animal fell in hindquarters first. the rider denied medical treatment. the focus is getting the horse -- it's a hot day. they're spraying water on the horse. it's a hot day in phoenix. at least mid 90s right now under a hot sun. we'll keep you posted as we get more information on the story. one of the 20th century's most remarkable heroens but world hasn't seen video until now of ann frank.
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history. her story one of the most powerful of the 20th century and now if the first time the only known video of anne frank has been released. it's generating a lot of interest online. let's get more on it from melissa long. >> just to highlight, this is the only known video that we have at this point of that daring and courageous young jewish girl who documented the horror she went through fearing the nazis during two years she documented all of her fears, her hopes, her dreams and that diary which so many people have read year after year. this is all video that can be seen on the new anne frank channel on youtube. the silent film was taken in 1941 in amsterdam. she was just 12 before the nazi occupation. here it is filmed when one of her newly married neighbors was leaving the balcony. you can see her looking out.
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this video was given to her father after world war ii. otto frank was the only member of his family to survive. she died in the nazi concentration camp. she was just 15. once again, highlighting video showing you the only known video of anne frank. i mentioned she passed away in the concentration camp at the age of 15. the camp was liberated just two weeks later. the manager of the anne frank youtube channel says it was created and i quote to not only give back to the people who know the story of anne frank but trigger people who want to know more about her story. a story so poignant. i had the opportunity to go to the anne frank museum years ago and it stays with me today. >> is this right on a canal? i've never been to that house? >> it is very near to a canal yes. >> all right. life liberty and the pursuit of high-speed internet. last one is a rate in one nation. >> exactly. yes. not only one nation. this one in particular we're highlighting is a story about finland guaranteeing right to
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broadband access for all of its citizens. this story on the tech pages of today. starting in july, all telecommunication companies must provide citizens with access to connections of at least one megabyte per second. that's darn fast. finland is aiming to go faster. the move is being made to improve internet access in remote areas. finland, not sure if you knew this is, one of the world's most plugged in nations. 95% of its 5 million citizens are in fact online. in july, france declared broadband access a human right. america is the only industrialized nation without an international policy to promote expanding high-speed internet access. the story you can read about finland on on tech pages. >> you have to be on the net to get a lot of business done. thanks. appreciate it. back to phoenix. looks like they completed the exit trench trying to get a horse out and they're doing their best to get that horse out
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as soon as possible. they've been pouring water on the animal. horse and rider fell in an hour ago i'm guessing into that very deep hole in florence, arizona. perhaps 35 40 mile southeast of phoenix. and there is the animal. it's going to be righted. and slowly coaxed out. they'll wait. they don't like the way that harness -- by all account the animal is okay. there may or may not be veterinarians there but they have checked the animal and we're getting reports from our affiliates there all of them agree that the animal appears to be okay but they want to make sure that the animal is not injured in any way or further injured by this maneuver. it will take a while. they want to get the animal at just the right angle but the trench that was dug by backhoe has been completed and there is a path for the animal to be led out of the trench. we'll continue to watch that story and bring you the latest. meanwhile someone shot a
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duck five times with a cross bow. we have to worn you the video is tough to watch. the duck was found at a lake in san diego by a park maintenance worker. x-rays show four arrows hit the duck in the head another just missed his jugular but this duck is a fighter. >> between pain medicine and fluids and shock treatment he's doing well. we think in time he'll get well and go back out to the lake. he was lucky to be shot with what look like target arrows and not hunting arrows. >> san diego police launched a criminal investigation. in fargo north dakota, people didn't have to leave their hotel rooms to go sightseeing in the wild because a moose came to them in the court yard sighted going through town and into a hotel. a nearby street was shut down. a dozen animal control agents showed up to corner the moose, shot at the rear end and was taken to a safe area.
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rescue teams southeast of phoenix are doing the best to get a frightened horse out of a very deep hole. now they have dug a second trench. a second exit trench. they have that option and one of those will be the exit route for that horse. they have a lot of straps around the animal. they've done their best to calm it. they're trying to get it to stand and walk out of basically the trench under -- he's up. he's up. come on, buddy. we're going to see this happen live. how about this. he's up and okay. mike brooks is still with us. mike, are you watching? >> i'm watching chuck. i just got off the phone with the sheriff's lieutenant who was filling me am on exactly what they were trying to do. apparently they did sedate the horse to keep it calm and they
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were using the straps. the construction crew just down the road doing some construction came and was helping the sheriff's office with the rescue so it was a good samaritan act by the construction workers and their backhoe to make that ramp to walk the horse down and also lift the horse out with the straps but she was saying that the horse had gone into shock when the deputies got there. the rider apparently was injured but not seriously. he definitely didn't want to leave his horse there. so they did sedate the horse. there was a vet who was the chief deputy of the sheriff's office that came out to the scene to evaluate the horse and sedate it. you see how calm it is now. usually horses that go through this aren't that calm. looks like the horse is going to be okay. the rider was not seriously injured and paramedics on the scene to treat him. >> the construction crew was a half mile away? >> just down the road working on a construction project.
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they volunteered their folks to come up and they brought the backhoe up there to help the sheriff's office with this rescue. >> likes like a fairly young animal. hard to tell you about looks like it's if good condition walking on all fours. great information getting that. i didn't know there was a construction crew and that the horse was sedated. walked out and it looks like it will be okay as they tend to it. getting a lot of tlc for quite a while. rider and horse okay outside phoenix after falling into a hole. mike brooks, as always, thanks, buddy. appreciate it. radio host tom joyner declaring victory clearing the names of two relatives. two uncles were wrongly convicted of killing a veteran of the confederate army in 1915. he found out that his uncles were framed. joyner took the case to the south carolina parole and pardon
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board. >> almost 100 years later something was going to be done about it even though they're not here this won't bring them back, but this will bring closure. >> it's the first time the state has granted pardons in the history of south carolina. the state of florida is threatening to take a teenager away from his mother. the reason? he's overweight. way overweight. as jessica with wkmg tells us the boy's mother says she's doing doing the best she can. >> the doctor said i lost the weight -- >> reporter: meet 13-year-old josiah lewis. >> because of his weight he has gained diabetes and had high blood pressure. >> reporter: doctors say his conditions is now life-threatening. so after josiah missed a few doctor's appointments, the department of children and families decided to step in. his mother says she's been trying her best to keep his
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weight down while josiah refuses to take his medicine. >> at 13 how can i make him? what do you want me to do? >> reporter: so lewis says since her son doesn't take her health seriously seriously, she's in a tough corner. >> these people are going to come in my house and take my child and sign me over as unfit. i don't know how you feel about that but i do think very highly of that -- it's not right. >> reporter: in south carolina, authorities put a 555-pound 14-year-old boy in foster care despite his parents' claims that they were trying to help him. in josiah's case dcf officials say they've given the family the support they need. but also add they have to cooperate with doctors or else the child could die or be removed from the home. brenda lewis hopes it doesn't
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come to that. >> he didn't come with a manuscript or a guide. i've just been working my way through. >> our thanks to jessica from wkmg. josiah lewis went to the doctor's office yet and state welfare says that is a step in the right direction. a girl who was legally blind now says she can see. find out about the surgery that changed the world of this 8-year-old.
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investors cut rush limbaugh from a deal to buy the st. louis rams. why they gave him the heave-ho. and a distraught mother talks about the violence that left her son burned over two-thirds of his body. her plea to parents. hln "news and views." i'm richelle carey. thanks as always for your time. first to a successful horse rescue in arizona. you saw it live here on hln just a few minutes ago. right there that horse was stuck in a hole. this is all happening outside of phoenix i. took rescue workers about an hour in scorching heat to get the animal out. he appears to be okay. rescue teams used ropes and a backhoe to get the horse out. the horse and rider fell into a hole earlier. but after about an hour, it seems like everybody is okay. radio talk show host rush limbaugh won't be buying the st.
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louis rams after all. now they have cut limbaugh off the roster. they say he had been a complication, a distraction. he says he doesn't blame his former partners for cutting him loose. he blames his critics. >> who enabled this event for their own racial reasons for their own ratings, their own fund-raising, their own face time, their own business reasons, they're going to be just as unhappy as they were before this happened. it's a collection of unhappy, angry, agitated people and that's not going to change. >> at least one nfl owner said he would oppose limbaugh's effort to buy into the league. and nfl commissioner roger goodell warned that limbaugh's, quote, divisive rhetoric would
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not be tolerated in the league. this teen who was set on fire, the worry is that michael brewer's organs could start to fail. he has burns over two-thirds of his boys. five boys doused him with rubbing alcohol and set him on fire. now those boys are facing felony charges. one is charged with attempted murder. the victim's mother, valerie brewer, spoke earlier today with "good morning america" on abc and talked about this horrible attack. >> people really need to wake up and see what is going on with this generation. they need to take hold of our children and really do something. the violence across our nation, across our world with our children is getting stronger and stronger and we need to stop it now so this doesn't happen -- excuse me, i'm sorry -- doesn't
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happen to somebody else or something worse. it's just unimaginable. please everybody out there take ahold of your children love them love everybody's children and let them know that these things are not right. violence doesn't solve anything. >> michael's doctors say that burn patients have a very high risk of posttraumatic stress disorder and often suffer from nightmares, flashbacks and depression. and again, we're talking about a child, he's 15. he's still in intensive care at miami's jackson memorial hospital. president obama is getting ready to talk about hurricane katrina recovery and what still needs to be down in new orleans. the town hall event is expected to begin in about ten minutes at the university of new orleans. this is mr. obama's first visit to the area as president.
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republican governor bobby jindal is giving the president's team some credit for being more practical and flexible about getting some things done. since january, disputes in 76 of the state's stalled reconstruction projects have been continued. a tennessee dad fight to get his kids back was arrested last month after traveling halfway around the world to get his son and daughter back from his ex-wife. he was accused of abducting them while they were walking to school. prosecutors say savoie was released this morning after he promised not to take the kids back to the united states. savoie's current wife says that that makes it kind of hard to celebrate his release. >> the elation lasted for a few minutes and now we're back to square one where there's no
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closure. we don't have isaac and rebecca in the situation in which they were take b. they had a very good situation here in tennessee. they were well-adjusted. they enjoyed their family life. they went to japanese school and church in tennessee. they went to u.s. schools in tennessee. they had people who loved them here. it was a very great place for them to be raised. it's traumatic for them, traumatic. >> vasavoie says his ex-wife took the kids to japan without his permission. but in japan, his ex-wife is the legal guardian, hence this back and forth. a california police officer and two other hikers have disappeared in the mountains near fresno where there's been heavy rain and snow. the bad weather is making it even harder for searchers to
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comb the rugged terrain where the men went missing. >> challenges that we're facing right now include weather, swollen creeks, snow on the ground probably trails that have been covered by snow, as well as the fact that the terrain, even on a good day, is very remote and it's a very large search area. >> the men were supposed to return monday from a six-day hike in kings canyon national park. the suspect in a vicious attack on a little girl 19 years ago is in texas to face charges. dennis bradford arrived from arkansas last night. he's accused of kidnapping raping and slitting jennifer schuett's throat when she was 8. she said she never gave up hope her attacker would be brought to justice. dna testing led to this arrest. mns nnsanna nicole smith's
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bodyguard takes the stand today. he says he saw howard k. stern injecting smith with valium. and he said he saw smith inject herself twice. larry birkhead could also take the stand today. he says he confronted smith about her drug use. >> most people you don't understand, you hear anna nicole and drugs and things like that. she always sate, these are prescription drugs and there was a large amount. but she had these legitimate reasons, swelling of her hands, seizures, pain from previous breast surgeries pain where she couldn't sleep at night, tension and stress. there was a combination of things these medicines were given for. >> smith died of an overdose in 2007. this hearing will determine if
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stern and the doctors will face trial and charges of conspiring to illegally provide smith with controlled substances. second suspect is in custody in a brutal attack of a gay man in new york city. there is surveillance camera video of that attack. we're going to show it to you? just a minute. but we need to tell you up front, it's very disturbing and might be difficult for you to see this. daniel rodriguez was arrested in norfolk, virginia, tuesday. he and 26-year-old daniel yelled homophobic slurs at this man. now price is in a medically induced coma. he had a fractured jaw. fractured ribs collapsed lung and a lacerated spleen. her diary has become a part of history that chronicled one of the darkest times in our world's history. and now for the first time the only known video of anne frank has been released and we're
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the u.s. military is taking steps in its everyday operations to try to help the environment. barbara starr looks at what the navy is doing on one of his warships to go green. >> reporter: from u.s. military operations in iraq and afghanistan to jets streaking across the sky to armored vehicles, the word is out. the u.s. military is going green, trying to reduce its carbon bootprint where it can and save as much energy as possible. here's just one example, the navy warship is on an energy diet. the navy's trying to cut its entire energy consumption by 1.7 million btus, the equivalent of
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13 million gallons of gasoline a year. onboard this ship, it all begins down in the engine room. >> it's important to save as much fuel as we can because the more fuel you burn, the more money it costs the government. >> reporter: here all the equipment is checked constantly for laex and malfunctions, so it stays in top operating shape. the commanding officer says that's the kind of conservation thinking that extends to all parts of daily ship life. there are new dishwashingers to deal with the 10,000 meals served each day on board. >> the most important thing for this massive machine is it uses a lot of water, it uses a lot of energy. but we really fine-tune it to make sure we get peak efficiency. >> reporter: and 2,600 sailors take what's politely known as a navy shower. >> you get wet you turn the water off, you use your soap, use the shampoo turn the water
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back on you rinse off. >> reporter: for this ship every bit of energy saved adds up. >> over the last year the warship saved over 37,000 barrels of oil for a cost savings of just over $3.6 million. >> reporter: now aday every molecule of steam saved on board this ship is all important because when it gets to a war zone, it can then go longer and further in the fight. barbara starr, cnn, san diego. president obama is visiting new orleans for the first time since taking office. it's no secret that the city's economy was in freefall after hurricane katrina. but is it coming back. sheila is in the newsroom with more on that. i know people have been wanting him to come back and address some of these issues.
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>> reporter: four years after hurricane katrina, new orleans is still struggling. new orleans won't add enough jobs next year to reach its 1980 employment levels. the main problem is uncertainty. companies are afraid to build operations in new orleans because the rebuilt levees are still untested. for many businesses, it's not worth the risk of another katrina. >> are there any bright spots in the economy new orleans? people need something to hold on to. >> reporter: the one bright spot is tourism. it is making a comeback. it's increased every year since katrina. last year, there were 7.6 million visitors. the convention business is still lagging. the year before katrina, the attendance was more than 1.2 million. next year, attendance is expected to be just 750,000. so that convention business is still lagging quite a bit.
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>> but we were just talking this morning, one of our producers went there for a convention, so things are coming back on the convention front. what's going on with construction projects? those things create jobs, don't they? >> reporter: absolutely. construction is a big driver. $10 billion worth of construction projects are propping up new orleans' economy and creating jobs. the problem is at the same time other jobs are disappearing. when you look at manufacturing, for example, jobs are declining there. case in point we have a lockheed martin plan in new orleans that makes external fuel tanks for the space shuttle. but next year there might only be 400 to 6 #00 jobs at the facility. job growth is expected to remain week. i was born in new orleans. i'm a big fan of the place. >> thanks for keeping us posted and hope your family's doing well.
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lots of reaction to that cartoon that made fun of jessica simpson run by -- it was run on fox sports, including simpson herself. her reaction to it. this is one of the big stories tonight on "showbiz tonight," host a.j. hammer is in new york with more. a.j., i thought your head was going to explode yesterday, you were so fired up about this. >> i still am. this cartoon that fox nfl sunday ran on sunday was just sophomoric. they have come out and apologized. i don't know that they've apologized directly to jessica simpson. they really should because it made fun of, among other things jessica simpson's weight. let's take another look at a
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little bit of that cartoon. >> man, i still can't believe tony dated jessica simpson, even after she blew up big r than flozell adams. >> right abay, people were righteously outraged over this cartoon running. jessica simpson finally did post this on her twitter page -- >> i thought that was great. i couldn't agree more. some say however that jessica's fair game because of the image she puts out there. very sexy image at times. i say that making fun of anyone for their weight is childish. and in the case of jessica who's clearly a beautiful woman, it's dangerous because of the young women out there. this is jessica simpson she's not an overweight woman. >> it's the message that it sends if you gain two or three or four pounds, the guys are
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going to laugh about you? it's completely the wrong message. what else are people saying? >> we're hearing from a lot of people. some celebrities are speaking out. our facebook fans are speaking out about this. i want to read a bit of what i thought was an interesting entry from megan mckean -- >> that's exactly the point we're talking about. and from what jessica simpson tweeted, i think shee refuses to be bullied as well. good for you, jessica. we'll be debating it on "showbiz tonight." some say she is fair game. i don't think so.
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but we'll hear from others on tv's most provocative entertainment news show. >> great topic, a.j. appreciate it. let's go to live pictures from new orleans. the president is holding a town hall meeting. of course, the focus is recovery from hurricane katrina what still needs to be done. a lot has been done a lot more still needs to happen. this is the president's first trip there as president. we'll keep you posted on some of what they address. the president talking to the folks in new orleans. going to be doing some listening as well.
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group that was putting together a bid to try to buy the team and the investment group cut him out, took him off the roster. the head of the group said limbaugh was a distraction. limbaugh says he doesn't blame them for cutting kim loose. he claims his critics did this for their own radical reasons and for financial reasons. >> the real reason that pressure was brought upon me by sharpton and jackson and smith and the commissioner is that the players association is using my involvement in the rams and this whole episode as a bit of leverage in their negotiations, the upcoming negotiations with the league and with the owners on a new collective bargaining agreement. >> at least one nfl owner said he would oppose limbaugh's effort to buy into the league.
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and nfl commissioner roger goodell warned that limbaugh's divisive rhetoric wouldn't be tolerated if he was in the league. a horse rescue in arizona you saw it live on hln a few minutes ago. it's all over now. the horse got stuck in a hole, all happening outside phoenix. it took rescuers about an hour to get the animal out. it was actually a construction crew working nearby that rescued the horse using ropes and a back ho. the horse was lightly tranquilized for its safety to kind of keep the horse calm. the rider had minor injuries but refused treatment until the horse was rescued. again, everyone seems to be okay for the most part. an emotional plea to end teen violence. we talked about teen violence yesterday. this plea today is coming from the mother of a teen who was doused with alcohol and set on fire by other kids. it's a story we've been covering extense ily this week.
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15-year-old michael brewer viciously attacked for telling on a boy who tried to steal his dad's bike. five boys age 13 to 15 face felony charges, including one boy now charged with attempted murder. the victim's mother valerie brewer has a strong message for all parents. >> he has a tube to help him breathe so he's not able to speak to us. but he has actually sat up in bed and tried to tell me to take his tubes out and that he wants a glass of water and then he goes back to sleep. but i don't know if he remembers what happened. >> he is in intensive care at jackson memorial hospital in miami. president obama is talking about recovery efforts from hurricane katrina and what still needs to be done. he's at a town hall right now at the university of new orleans. live pictures for you there.
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this is mr. obama's first visit to the area as president. let's take a listen right now. >> we will not forget about new orleans. we are going to keep on working. we are not going to forget about the gulf coast. together, we will rebuild this region and we will rebuild it stronger than before. it is going to be stronger than before. >> republican governor bobby jind sl giving the president's team credit for being more practical and flexible about getting things done. the suspect in a vicious attack on a little girl 19 years ago is now in texas to face charges. tennis bradford arrived from arkansas last night. he is accused of kidnapping raping and slitting jennifer schuett's throat when she was 8. she's 27 now. tuesday she told reporters she never gave up hope her attacker
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would be brought to justice. the fbi says dna testing led to the arrest. tennessee dad in a bitter international custody battle is out of jail in japan. the kidnapping charges he's facing are on hold for now. christopher savoie was arrested last month after traveling halfway around the world to get his kids back from his ex-wife. he's accused of abducting the kids while they were walking to school. savoie was released this morning after he promised not to take the kids back to the united states. his current wife says that makes it kind of hard to celebrate his release. >> the elation lasted for a few minutes and now we're back to square one where there's no closure. we don't have isaac and rebecca in the situation from which they were taken. isaac and rebecca had a very happy situation here in tennessee. they were well-adjusted kids.
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they did very well in school. they enjoyed their family life. they went to japanese school in tennessee. there was a japanese church in tennessee. they went to u.s. schools in tennessee. they had people who loved them here and it was very -- a very great place for them to be raised. and it's traumatic for them, traumatic. >> savoie says his ex-wife took the children to japan without his knowledge. under u.s. law, he has sole custody. but in japan his ex-wife is the recognized legal guardian. california police officer and two other hikers have disappeared in the mountains near fresno where there's been heavy rain and snow. and the bad weather is making it harder for searchers to comb the rugged terrain where the men went missing. >> challenges that we're facing right now include yesterday's weather, very swollen creeks, snow on the ground, probably trails that have been covered by snow, as well as the fact that the terrain even on a good day
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is very remote and it's a very large search area. >> the men were supposed to return monday from a six-day hike in kings canyon national park. an ohio children's services agency will take custody of the teenager who ran away to florida after converting from islam to christianity. she is currently in a florida foster home. an orlando judge ordered her to ohio once he gets documentation of her immigration status. she said she was afraid her father would kill her for converting. he says he never threatened her. it's official the government says there will be no social security increase next year. the first year without an increase since automatic adjustments were put in place in 1975. but help may be on the way in another form. president obama has called for a second round of $250 stimulus
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payments for seniors veteran, retired rail workers and people with disabilities. breaking news to bring you, live pictures, this is happening in larimer county, colorado. there's a search going on right now for a little boy who literally floated away from his family's home on an experimental aircraft. these are pictures of the aircraft right now. according to the larimer county sheriff's department this is a 6-year-old boy and his family had been building an experimental aircraft which this is a large helium balloon attached -- it was attached to their home on fossil ridge road in ft. collins. according to the family apparently this 6-year-old boy got on to the aircraft and detached the rope that was holding it in place. so now he's on this aircraft by himself.
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as you can see this is a dome shape, 25-by-5 foot aircraft covered in foil. wow. so apparently what's happening now is the faa, federal aviation administration s working to track this thing on its radar tower. they've also gotten in touch with the denver international airport, also the weld county sheriff's office says the boy was actually last seen two miles south of evans, if you know the area at all. we're going to try to get you more information on this.
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we're trying to get you back to this breaking news and get you as much information as possible. you're probably not exactly sure what you're looking at. this is larimer county, colorado. and there is a little boy in this aircraft that you're seeing right now. a 6-year-old boy and they're down to about 6,000 feet. what they're trying to do is get to this child. he floated away from his family's home on an experimental aircraft, according to the larimer county sheriff's department. his family had been building this experimental aircraft. it's basically, as you can see kind of a large helium balloon-type thing. it was attached to their home. they live in ft. collins. apparently the boy went outside and was able to untie the rope and get into this thing and he is on this helium balloon
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contraption thing alone, this child. it's about 25-by-5 foot covered in this foil. the faa is trying to track this thing on its radio tower. they've also notified the denver international airport of what's going on. it seems to be moving fairly quickly, to me, just from my eye. the weld county sheriff's office says the child was last seen two miles south of evans, if you know the area. and it does seem to be losing altitude. he is inside this contraption. so he was able to get inside, detach the rope and now the child is -- we lost the signal. we do have video from a little bit earlier when it did seem to be move ago lot slower. obviously the live picture that is you saw a moment ago, it was clearly going pretty quickly. but this is when it had a lot more helium, was going at a much easier pace than it is right now
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with the 6-year-old boy on it. they're trying to scramble to figure out how to handle this because it does seem to be a most unusual situation and most unusual that this child was able to somehow untie the rope and was able for this aircraft to be able to fly off with this child in it. we're trying to get more information on this situation right now. i don't think i've ever seen anything quite like this. hence the term experimental. we're not sure what the family had in mind or how terrified this little boy might be right now. these pictures coming to us from our local affiliate kusa. we'll get you more information on this. we'll continue with the day's news. but you won't miss a moment of details on this situation at all. her diary has become a part of history. her story one of the most powerful of the 20th century.
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and now for the first time the only known video of anne frank has been made widely available. this amazing historical find is generating a lot of interest online. for more we're going to bring in reggie aqui from wow, reggie. >> reporter: i think 2 million people have looked at this video. i have so say, blink and you'll miss it. it wasn't a video that was meant to capture anne frank. but it so happens she's in the video. she has her own youtube channel. this is a way so younger people who haven't heard the story of anne frank can get access to it. there you see it right there. that circle shows anne frank leaning out of her window. the video was meant to show newlyweds as they were walking out of their building and anne frank saw what was going on, stuck her head on and was caught on video. that video was eventually given to anne frank's father otto after world war ii. and otto frank was the only member of his family to survive
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that war. anne frank died if a nazi concentration camp when she was just 15 years old. before that happened she wrote her very famous diary read around the world. this is the first time a lot of us are seeing what anne frank looked like in moving pictures. we've also seen photographs of her. but this really takes another step forward. and the ago of the anne frank youtube channel says he created it not only to give back to the people who know the story but to trigger people who want to know more about her. interesting. >> already 2 million hits? i think it's fantastic. >> reporter: and i should say we're all concerned about what's going on with this kid and that flying object. >> it's wild, reggie. >> reporter: we're streaming for you here on live. >> these are live pictures. we lost the signal for a little while. live pictures coming to us from one of our local affiliates there kusa. this is difficult to wrap your
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mind around. there is a 6-year-old boy in this experimental aircraft that his family was building in larimer county which is where they lived. and somehow this child was able to go outside untie the rope that had this thing tethered, get into this aircraft and it has been floating away ever since. when we first took notice of this it was full of helium it was traveling much slower much higher. and since then it's began to lose shape began to lose altitude, it's going much faster. to say this is a dangerous, treacherous situation is actually an understatement. what has happened is the faa has reached out to the airport in denver, they're trying to get this thing on their radar, trying to scramble to figure out exactly what to do in a situation like this. this is obviously some sort of dome-shaped aircraft 25-by-5 foot. it's covered with foil and the little boy 6 years old, is inside -- inside of that aircraft.
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with it being experimental i don't even know how much information we can actually get. we do -- john lucich is joining us. have you seen like this before? >> no, it's unfortunate this kid got into this. it should have been more preked. it looks like a balloon that has a specific shape in it. it climbed to 6,000 feet. this kid is 6 years old. this thing is making all types of maneuvers and he may be making part of this or this may be free flowing. this is a very, very dangerous situation not only to the 6-year-old boy but the people on the ground. this thing is moving at a very fast velocity. if this thing goes down and starts down at that velocity or even picks up that velocity this kid could end up dead at the end of the day. >> okay if the faa calls for
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help. what kind of help do you call for in a situation like this? >> you're going to get some type of airplane that can maneuver very easily alongside this thing and see if they can grasp this thing somehow. doing so may cause damage to that airplane. see if they can lower to the balloon. remember if it gets too close and does something wrong it can puncture this. and this thing is going to go crashing to the ground. they're probably going to try somehow to maneuver this thing get ahold of the string alongside it and pull it down slowly using some type of helicopter where a helicopter can actually stop in midair. but, again very, very dangerous. may take some type of military operation to actually lower someone out of a helicopter alongside this to grab hold of it or maybe try to get on board. there are special forces that could do something like this. but it's a very unique situation. it's never been an issue before in my entire career in flying of
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30 years. never seen anything like this. >> john, if it weren't already dangerous enough, if this was an adult, at least if there were an adult that this happened to you could maybe communicate with the adult, you could talk them through what they needed to do. with this being a child, my goodness, the child -- you can't communicate, you can't talk a child through what to do in a situation like this. >> absolutely. we don't even know if there's radio communications available on that craft. so this child is going to be first of all hysterical. even if there was a way to communicate it, may not be able to communicate right now. how does a 6-year-old child now how to turn a radio system on even if it's there and how to change frequencies. it on. this is moving at a rapid speed. he could be heading into very, very bad weather. all of that can change to make this very -- almost an impossible scenario to recover this child out.
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i know everybody's prayers are with this child as well as people on the ground. we have night fall coming up. we have cloud buildup and this is moving as a very fast pace. >> considering this is an experimental aircraft they've got this child's parents on the phone trying to pick their brains to figure out what it is doing. >> and the g-forces it can take heading into potentially bad weather. i see ropes coming off the side of that. but, again, this is a very, very bad situation for this kid onboard. and it's going to be a very tough rescue to get this kid out of this thing. one of the worse things that is making this impossible is the speed at which this thing is traveling. >> it is going so fast john. when we first tuned in, it
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seemed to be coasting it was higher, it had more of a defined shape. the longer we talk the faster this thing is going. >> the longer it goes, it could have a small leak and maybe that might be the saving grace where this slowly comes out of the sky. where it comes down is another problem. if this thing does start to slow down and gradually lose altitude if it comes down somewhere, in an area like -- a very rocky, terrainy, rough area that impact could kill the kid. we don't know if the bottom part he is sitting in what force it is capable of taking. it is going up it is going down. all of this makes it an almost impossible scenario. all our prayers are with this child. >> john i want you to sit tight. we have a hot air balloon expert
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on the phone. frank can you hear me? >> yes. i can hear you, richelle. >> john said he had never seen an experimental aircraft like this. considering you are a hot air balloon expert, have you seen anything resembling this before? >> i used to have one that looked like a little zeppelin. you fill it up with helium. this is filled with helium and tethered down and accidentally got released. with helium it is different than hot air. helium gets locked into the balloon, unless you release some of that helium it will not come down. as the day progresses and it gets darker and cooler the helium will tend to start to shrink and lose some of its lift and tend to come down on its own. where it comes down that is going to be a problem. now what most people are watching on the screen is the speed that it looks like it is moving is the helicopter circling it.
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it is not moving that fast. but it is driflting and it is at the mercy of the air currents. >> frank i'm going to bring in my colleague chuck roberts to try to get us through this. >> this is tape from earlier. at this point the vehicle, if you will, the balloon was moving at about 25 miles an hour. this is an area an hour north of denver in ft. collins. the wind direction is west/northwest, that would take this craft over the rockies, would it not? >> it would tend to get in that area. most of the air that moves across the continent comes from the west. as this piece of equipment starts rising, if it does rise high enough it will catch the upper airs and that will tend to bring it dward the east. >> if it hit colder air that
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would be good. >> the helium will start to shrink and it will start losing lift and ten to come down slowly. where it comes down that might be a problem. >> you can see it looks like it is somewhat misshapen or deflated. >> it looks that way. it is possibility when they were inflating this thing and it was tethered they might not have gotten it completely inflated. >> could you poke a small hole and bring it down slowly? >> any way to vent it would tend to let the helium escape and it would come down slowly. they's how they operate a gas balloon, by venting some of the helium out. but that is also a problem with the helium at night it shrinks and you automatically come down. that is why they carry ballasts. >> does the bright sunlight affect it? >> yes. it will make it rise because the
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helium will expand. the other problem you have the hot sunlight on that thing it could expand to a point where it could rupture. it doesn't look like that. it looks like it has a cavity it hasn't totally filled. >> when you see this aircraft, this experimental aircraft drifting the way it is and spinning, what could possibly be happening with this child, with the person on the inside? >> i don't know if the child has ever been taught about what to do in a case like that which i probably doubt. why he ever got in there in the first place is not fathomable even though it was tethered. that child is in a really tough situation. >> sure is. let's hope this ends well. that it's an adventure of his life that he will never forget but he will survive. it looks to me like he is
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awfully high. >> hopefully if they have him vented by poking they do it small enough and some way to control the descent. once it gets vented out you don't have control of the descent. >> have you ever heard from a rescue from helium balloon? >> not from midair. >> would you used a fixed air or a helicopter? >> i would talk from a helicopter from a loud speaker and tell him what to do or how -- we don't know what the conditions are inside what would normally be a cabin. >> i don't know the temperature, but it has to be pretty cold. it has been as low as the mid 20s in the denver area. this is in larimer county. a 6-year-old is thought to be inside that hot air -- not hot air, it is a helium balloon. >> it is called a gas balloon. >> 20 foot by five feet covered with foil. developed by his family and he
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somehow got into the aircraft detached the rope and went floating away. >> he and his father had been working on this aircraft for some time. so we don't know if at this particular moment he and his father were working on it and it got away from the both of them. he and his father had been specifically working on at their home in ft. collins. ft. collins police alerted authorities that this had started to happen. they located this aircraft at about 12:35 local time is what we are starting to see. at one point it was about 10000 feet. came down 6,000. now they are thinking it is at 8,500. that is constantly changing. changing pretty quickly. >> the angles you see there are from the helicopter banking. that helium balloon will look like a saucer when it is flying.
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it is not banking the way you see it in the picture. if you look at the horizon it is pretty much with the horizon. >> how long could this go on frank? there are so many variables. it could be hours. >> people fly gas balloons across the country. unless you deflate the helium it is not going to come down. fortunately, they don't have so much he would go into an altitude where the altitude would affect his breathing. >> the area is flat. near the foothills of the rockies. the elevation rises above 14,000 feet at some point. probably 65, 70 miles to the due west of ft. collins. this is larimer county. i can't tell the direction it is going but the prevailing winds and they are very light, five, six miles an hour are west/northwest. as you well point out, once he gets up to a higher elevation,
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the prevailing westerlies, the west to east natural flow would take him over the plains. we hope that, in fact, is the case. we continue to lose the picture. we have ore assets. everybody and their brother is trying to get this image. this is quite a story. >> it looks like the system is not overinflated where it would rupture. as it would heat it would expand. that doesn't look like that would happen because it isn't -- apparently they didn't get it filled up all the way. >> frank, can you tell us what team of experts are scrambling right now trying to figure out how to handle this? would it be someone such as yourself? a hot air balloon experts? what kinds of people are talking right now? >> they are basically -- they are calling him an aviation expert. there was another one into ballooning. as this progresses, i know
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people like gas balloons will intersect and give more pertinent information on it. >> it is such a unique situation. >> hopefully apparently with the amount of helium in it it probably won't go any higher than it is now unless it heats and expands. >> would it be going in a straight line with the winds? >> whichever way the air currents are moving. >> could he know anything about steering it? >> you can't steer it. >> you can't steer it? >> no. >> it is all done with ballasts. >> the only control you have is up and down. you just -- and you control that with ballasts. if you throw a ballast out you go up if you want to come down you have to vent the helium. i'm not sure if they have a system to do it. >> do you tell the faa every time you go up? there are a lot of general
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aviation airports. >> it is a requirement. especially with experimental aircraft. we don't know if it is certified. while he is tethering it you don't need to do much if you keep it down near the surface, but apparently it broke loose and that's a problem. >> yeah. do you think he has a license? the designer of this? do you have to have a license? >> i don't think you have to have a license. it is called a certificate. i don't think you have to have a certificate. they have changed the rules. in some conditions you can do it with your drivers license. you still have to follow the rules of the road. >> frank we understand this is 40 miles outside of denver is where this aircraft is right now. this san experimental aircraft. there are a few people who have exclusive knowledge. can you explain to people watching right now watching the
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tape, we don't have live pictures right now, where this little boy is in this aircraft? can you paint that picture? >> apparently he is in that little pod that is underbeneath it. that keeps the balance, that keeps the aircraft flying as level as he is. if he went into one corner, that aircraft will tilt a little bit. he is probably leaning up against one side or something. >> does it look -- i know you don't know this for certain but could you speculate, is it as bumpy of a ride as we could imagine? >> it is probably a very smooth ride. >> really? >> the bumpy part is from the helicopter not from that aircraft, not from the balloon. he's probably having an awful smooth ride. >> it sure seems that way, doesn't it. >> oh. >> what's the maximum elevation or altitude this could gain? 10,000 feet?
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>> at one point they were saying it could go to 10,000 feet. it hasn't gotten to that point. hopefully it starts descending soon. >> is lift any different at higher elevations. denver is 5,280 i assume ft. collins is over 5,000 feet. as you go higher it is going to get cooler and as it gets cooler it quits lifting. >> i wish we had a better idea of the altitude. the helicopter pilot is flying at roughly the same altitude following him along. we got the closest picture then. >> they are doing an estimated altitude of 8,000. at one point they said he was up at 9,000. >> that is so scary. >> we have live pictures on the left. this is a tape repeat on the right. pictures from earlier on the right the bigger picture. the live picture a love lyday
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in the rocky mountain west where it is 1:04 in the afternoon mountain daylight. they are trying to pick up the flight and the object. it is obviously designed to look like a ufo, a flying saucer, if you will. it is a foil wrapped helium balloon, roughly 20 by five feet in dimension. there is another live picture. we don't know the altitude of the pilot shooting this but he is looking a little bit up. >> it looks like a large umbrella with a pod underneath it instead of a handle. >> a 6-year-old boy who had been working on this experimental aircraft with his father. somehow this child was able to get into this aircraft after untying the rope. was able to get into this aircraft and now we have this child alone on this aircraft. now we understand that it's at
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15,000 feet. >> that could be 15,000 feet above sea level right, frank? not 15,000 feet above the ground. >> most of the time when they speak of elevation it is above sea level. >> if he is at 8,000 feet he is 3,000 feet above the ground. >> we keep losing the pictures. we sure thank our denver affiliate kusa. they let hope for the best. >> they are tracking him with deputyies on the ground chase vehicles are following him. hopefully they can get there and help with his recovery. >> if he is heading south would that affect denver international airport? would they change their approach? >> they are notified already. they would make sure everybody stayed clear of him. >> i can imagine the cockpit chatter with that announcement.
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okay. again, a little 6-year-old boy is in an experimental gas balloon, a helium filled balloon. it looks like it is partially inflated that apparently became untethered. perhaps the boy was playing -- >> as kids do. >> it has been floating for the bert part of an hour out of ft. collins, colorado, up i-25 from denver. the prevailing winds are west/northwest. he may be heading in another direction hopefully away from the very tall rocky mountains. that would be the worst case scenario. a little boy probably scared and probably having the ride of his life and hopefully that is all that will happen. we don't know if he is in communication with anybody on the ground and we don't know his destination or fate. >> if you are thinking you have never seen anything like this you haven't. the experts say of all their experience in flying we talked
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to one of our pilots he has never seen anything like this. we talked to a hot air balloon expert who has never seen this. we found him. we see him. what do we need to do now? they are probably as we speak trying to craft their plan. you asked questions that are legitimate. do you try to poke a small hole? is there a way to guide it down? you have to worry about where does he land from there. there are so many questions. >> there -- it is a fairly flatter rain around ft. collins. there is not a lot of vegetation. there is not a lot of very, very tall trees. there are some, of course, i'm not saying that. it could be a worse situation. the other variable, of course, is colder air. the higher it gets the colder it is and the more it creates a drag on the lift factor. but i'm telling you more than i know as they say. i don't know a lot about helium
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balloons. but this could go on for several hours. and the elevation, the best guess is 10,000 feet above sea level which would be about 5,000 feet or so above the terrain in ft. collins colorado, a city about an hour north of denver. maybe a little bit less. he could be between ft. collins and denver. we are not clear. helicopter shots have been tracking this. based on where they are it looks like he is going in circles. he is going from left to right whereas before he was going from right to left. it is a fairly sunny day. we don't know where this little craft is going. >> if you think that you're stressed and worried for this child if you are a parent and even if you are not a parent, i know you all are deeply concerned about this child. i have been reading comments on my facebook page. there is a child advocate with
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the family right now. they are certainly watching their child as well. there are counselors at the family's house trying to help them through what is going on. it is more than anybody could possibly imagine. >> it looks like it is descending. the helicopter is circling around it so he could be moving in a straight line. whatever. 25, 40 miles an hour and we would not see that. it doesn't look like it's coming down. it looks like it is roughly -- >> that was my impression. it is hard to tell. that is what it seemed like to me. at some point -- >> there is no experience you can draw on. there is nothing else like this. >> when we first laid eyes on it we didn't know what to make of it. we are told it is an experimental aircraft. we are hearing 11,000 feet. it is higher than it has ever been as far as we can tell. this is in well county and
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larimer county. if somebody could get the air temperature it would be appreciated go to one of the weather sites. >> temperature is 65 degrees and the direction is from ft. collins to hudson and hudson, colorado, is maybe 20 miles from denver international. >> so he is heading south? >> it is moving toward denver international. that is a direction they just showed with the arrows. >> oh, my goodness. >> the faa has been contacted and thin are going to be in charge of the aircraft that are in the area. >> we just heard that the national guard has dispatched a helicopter to do what it can and i don't know if they will try to effect a rescue or try to puncture a hole in the balloon or what options they may have.
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>> well we don't know if the person who built it put a venting system in it. i would assume you should do that. we don't know if they did that. we don't know how they were going to use that equipment. whether he was going to fly in it or do it remotely. they were experimenting with how it would float. the tether didn't hold. >> they were filling it with helium. it was attached to the ground with ropes. as they filled it it came loose and left with the boy in it. >> chuck, we are getting new information off the wires. the associated press is reporting that actually an undersheriff in ft. collins colorado, says there is a concern, not confirmed, that this child may actually have fallen out of the aircraft.
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i'm sure that may have been a concern from the beginning. not confirmed but this is something they are trying to figure out if this is true. i'm sure they are searching. this is a concern that the 6-year-old child who had taken off in this aircraft that was at the family home he was unable to untie the rope there is a concern the child may have fallen out of the aircraft and may not be aboard. we don't know what altitude. that is what some of the officials are trying to work on right now. >> a balloon expert frank reel has been kind enough to stick around and informed us the general direction is southerly. that would put the aircraft within maybe 20 miles or so of the air space around denver international airport, one of the busiest in the nation, as you can expect. all the pilots have been alerted to this obstacle. and there may be operations may be ceased.
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planes may circle for an extended period of time until this danger passes. as richelle said there are unconfirmed indications the boy may have fallen out of the aircraft. a lot of things we don't know as this little aircraft this homemade helium balloon makes its way south from where it became untethered by his family during a filling process in the ft. collins area. >> wow. let's hope for the best. that is what we are going to continue to do as we watch this. both situations, neither is the best option. the fact that this child -- >> i think the larimer county sheriff. >> we have a news conversation from larimer county. >> miami and richard haney and they are very upset. this balloon was never meant to actually carry anybody. it was a family project they were working on. it is the little compartment
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where their son is is very small and not attached very well. >> did they say at all how the balloon became untethered and took off? >> no they didn't. i know they have two boys. the boys were playing outside. the family was in the house. the rhett rest of the family and the one son saw the little brother go inside the compartment and watch it take off. >> do we know for sure if he is inside the basket right now? >> he is. >> what is the family doing? are they watching this unravel on tv? >> well, no. there's some agencies that are familiar with this type of experiment that are talking to the family on the phone. giving them ideas and finding out how this balloon was made so they have information on what to do when it does come to the ground. >> cathy we know the family are experienced weather chasers in the summer months. is that what this balloon was intended for
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? >> i don't know that. >> do you have any information of what falcon may be wear something. >> no, i don't. >> any idea what he is wearing? >> not at this time. >> they were doing an experiment. they had hovered around the ground a little bit. >> possibly. i can't confirm that right now. >> how is the family? is the family able to give information or are they too distressed. >> no. they are able to give information. richard is talking on the phone with different agencies involved with this type of experimentation. >> do you know how high the balloon reached at all? >> no. that i don't. but it's pretty high. >> cathy i understand the school district was off for elementary students. is that why falcon was at home? >> probably. i believe so. >> did the father know falcon was in the basket when it took
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off? >> no. because he was in the house. the son is the one that came in and told them that his brother climbed in the basket when it took off and watched it go up. >> cathy as we look at the house behind you, it is not a big lot. where was this balloon? on the backside in the driveway? >> it is. it is directly right through there. it is in the back yard. the back yard is not very big. probably on the left side when you go out the back. >> all right thank you very much for the update. >> you're welcome. >> that is cathy mesick sheriff of larimer county, california where the haney family lives. little falcon is in that small enclosed space. two boys were outside playing. most of the family was inside. the little boy got in and somehow the balloon became untethered. it looks like it lost some
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elevation and shape. whether it means anything or not i can't tell you. this has been going on well over an hour. the parents are beside themselves with anguish and concern. it is floating erratically but generally in a southerly direction from ft. collins. it did reach altitudes of 11000 feet. it is not clear whether it descended from that point. ground elevation is roughly 5,000 feet. maybe more. it is perhaps 6,000 feet above the ground. it is tilting. that may be from the angle of the helicopter that has been trailing the balloon. a national guard helicopter has been dispatched because this could impact the denver international air space in a negative way. >> i caught that she said the family never intended for anyone to actual i will be in it to use it to get from point "a" to
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point "b." it is a really really small compartment. even though there is a 6-year-old child in it, they never intended it to be traveled in. >> weather chaser. >> they were weather chasers. >> we are getting information they are at 6,500 feet. >> the terrain is generally flat. there is not a great deal of vegetation. this is tape from earlier. >> it looks more formed. >> this balloon does seem to be descending. that is the best we can hope for. hopefully it will be an uneventful very smooth landing for this 6-year-old kid who was out in the back playing with his brother, according to the sheriff of larimer county and i guess he climbed in and it became untethered and off to the races he went. the other boy went inside and
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told his family what had happened. again, generally southerly direction. 6,500 feet is the latest elevation. we have to assume 6,500 feet above sea level. 1,500 feet to 2,000 feet above ground. it is a nice day. this is tape from earlier. the balloon has lost a lot of its shape. it is nowhere near that pristine in form. but hopefully this will end and end soon. falcon haney is the kid's name. >> great name. there seems to be the beginnings of a plan coming together. we were talking about what types of experts do you pull together for spg like this? they are pulling together a situation room for the task of how do you get this thing down. we are hearing the beginnings of what one of the plans may be. what we are hearing is that -- we told you there was a national guard helicopter there.
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one of the potential plans is to possibly put weights on top of this experimental aircraft to push it down. these are the beginnings of some of the plans. this is what cnn is reporting. that is the beginning of one of the plans. >> you would drop sandbags, i can't think what kind of weights. that is one potential plan. >> a situation room. >> where would it be? washington or denver? >> washington i believe is what i was being told. washington, a situation room. >> a great concern to the faa as well. the greatest concern of all to those parents as this little boy, we think his name is falcon, is in that. he is tumbling around. this is not an easy thing. this is not the ride of his life. this thing is going in many, many different directions. it is not level with the ground at all. live pictures keep going in and
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out as we continue to follow this. the balloon as you can clearly see is losing a lot of shape and losing altitude as well which is the only thing this thing is going to end. you can see the ropes the tethers alongside there. we didn't get an insight how big the gond la, if that is the right word for it is it is a tiny enclosure. not clear it was meant to hold an adult or several adults but it is 20 by five. it is a small aircraft. it does appear -- i think we are safe in saying it does appear to be descending. this is farm country. it is north of denver. we have been informed that the general direction of this flight is southerly. ft. collins is an hour or so north of denver. if the balloon is traveling at 25 miles an hour. at one point it will reach the
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denver suburbs and become a concern for general afuation in and out of the denver metro area. it does appear to be losing altitude. it is twisting and turning and going in various different trajectories as it moves. we think it is heading south. the winds are light. the air temperature is in the 60s. that would not be necessarily a concern. hopefully this will end before sundown. >> because so few people have any knowledge of what this aircraft is, the parents are understandably distraught but that the father was together enough he was in contact with officials trying to give them the information he could to help them figure out what game plan they should go forward with. we are working on the assumption that falcon is in this aircraft. the associated press has passed
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along some information under the wire that we want to keep you apprised of. there is an undersheriff who has said there is a possibility, a possibility that the child, 6-year-old falcon had fallen out of the aircraft. they don't know that for certain yet. but they are also dealing with that as a possibility. we don't know that to be true but that is what one undersheriff told the associated press. >> apparently the father is a storm chaser a scientist, was he built this not to fly but to show his kids what it felt like to be in a hurricane. i'm not sure how that would play out in a saucer shaped helium balloon and not expect it to fly. that is the reporting from the denver post. a 6-year-old boy is all alone onboard this aircraft. it had been at 11,000 feet above sea level. it is a lot lower than that.
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perhaps in the neighborhood of 6,500 feet the faa has a situation room up and running to decide how best to bring this craft down. one of the options they are considering is to fly over with a helicopter and drop some sort of weight on it to bring it down in a hurry. >> there is almost no safe way for this type of operation. how do you possibly proceed with bringing down a gas-filled -- a helium experimental aircraft with a 6-year-old child in it. there is almost no safe way to bring this down. >> think about this. he is 12 miles north of denver. okay. in a half hour or less he would be theoretically depending on where in denver he crosses he could be alongside or between 700-foot buildings. >> right. >> and landing in a city of 2.5
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million is different than landing in a farm field. so let's hope this thing ends well before he gets between where he is now and 12 miles away in the heart of denver. that, again, that's the only hope we can muster right now. this is farm fields. it is a chilly day. not an awfully cold day. somewhere in the 60s. bright sunshine. he was playing in the back with his brother and apparently it became untethered and noted away from ft. collins, colorado. it is tumbling completely out of control. it has always been out of control. it is tumbling. you can see the ropes dangling from this experimental craft which the "denver post" said it was never meant to fly. it was made by a scientist, a dad, who was a weather chaser and wanted to teach his kids
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what it felt like to be a hurricane. i think the next door neighbor is on camera right now. let's hear what he has to say. >> i saw it this morning. they were, i guess, experimenting with it. they were putting something into it. i don't know if it was helium or air but i saw them working with it this morning. they were having basically the whole family was out there and they war working with it. i went for a walk at around 11:00 or so wheand i came back i found out the event happened. i do know because my wife had caulked to maumi, the craft was -- they were experimenting with it it was supposed to hover at around 20 feet in the air and obviously something went wrong with that. i don't know what happened. something made it do a lot more than go 20 feet in the air.
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also i don't believe it was intended to be a manned craft. so somehow after they realized that this craft did go off into the air that their youngest son falcon, who is 6 was not there and he must have been in the craft. he must have gotten in that basket part of the aircraft. and obviously, that is an extremely terrible thing. we feel so sorry for them. they are great kids. they seem well adjusted happy kids. they are a great family. we've been their neighbors for about a year. they are unusual, yes of course. i mean he is sort of a scientist/inventor. and they are storm chasers. they go after tornadoes and hurricanes and things like that. yes, they are unusual, but they are great. we like them a lot. they have been very helpful for
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us since we have moved here. we trust them as neighbors and friends and we are glad that they are there. i don't know. what else can i tell you about the situation. >> just describe the basket in more detail what you saw? where could he be in that? >> it is enclosed. again, i don't know how he would have got in. it is the kind of thing, even though this is normal for them it is outside of my area of expertise. i see this craft and i see it as interesting and entertaining but i don't know how it is made. it looks like a giant almost like tinfoil or like this giant tinfoil balloon shaped like a ufo. that is what it looked like. >> do you know how long they were working on it. >> actually not that long. they had another craft that was much smaller that never got
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airborne. this i believe, was only within the last couple of weeks they built -- they started building the wood frame to put this on and keep it closed in, i guess and together. then all of a sudden today, wow, they've got it to this point. they have their canisters of putting the gas or helium into this. i hadn't realized it had gotten that far, they had made a lot of progress with it. it hadn't been that -- it seemed like it went fast. >> talk about falcon. how well do you know him? >> he is a great kid. we, you know, we see them a lot. they come over and they are always friendly. they have to walk through our yards to get to the other open areas in some of the parks around the area. and they'll come back from doing
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little, playing or fishing or doing their little things out there. and they will come back and be so proud of what they're doing. we're always happy for them and we consider them part of our extended family kind of thing. so obviously, again, we feel terrible that there is nothing we could do to help out in this situation. >> when your wife spoke to the mother -- >> maumi -- >> yes. how did she seem? >> i don't know exact words but she said -- my wife said something like we just got a call from channel 9, i believe it was and are you okay? are you in trouble. something like that. marx aumi said something to the effect of basically started to
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cry and went into the house at that point. so then obviously we knew something, you know, was very bad. >> do you hope to go speak with them today? >> yeah. i imagine we will once this all settles down. i mean, richard was inside our house a couple of days ago. we were gone and our water like broke, our sprinkler system. he jumped across his fence fixed our whole water system while we were out of the house. he came that night and went in our basement and helped us out. that is the kind of neighbors they are. >> they are renting here, i believe? >> yes. >> okay. >> we own and they rent. >> thank you, mark. >> very, very welcome. i hope it was helpful. >> that is a neighbor of the haneys. richard haney is the dad.
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falcon the 6-year-old still inside. i'm not convinced this is going toward denver. it is only 900 feet above the ground. if it is only 12 miles north of denver you would see suburbs at this point. richelle? >> we are going to get to eric neel neelson. where are your teams right now? >> well, i'm not exactly sure where all of our people are. it started in larimer county and it is a road show headed southeast from ft. collins. >> okay. >> where this incident began. last i heard it is probably down in adams county which is going to be east and possibly slightly north. >> how far away is that? >> best guess 100 miles. it has been a while. we've gotten maybe 80 miles. we had a 20 to 30-mile-an-hour northwest wind when we heard of this. that is one of the first things
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we asked for. we are talking 11:03 mountain time. so that has been a while. 2 1/2 hours at that speed i'm extrapolating. i heard it is down in adams county east and north of denver. i don't know if our emergency services personnel or deputies are still tagging along because this is being handed or -- they've not handed but brought in one jurisdiction after another. initially it was well county. we got a sighting in a town called millican in weld. now it has moved on to that. it appears that we're losing helium out of this thing which is probably the best news i have heard all morning. if it was intact and with no evidence that we were losing anything we would have to try presumably to try to breach this and somehow try to get it to come down.
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because we just can't have a little child in there remaining for the duration hypothermic or whatever. this is the best thing we can see. >> is he east of denver? >> yes. east. ft. collins is 50 to 60 miles north of denver. the winds were from the northwest. by now he is floating east of denver. this is in the area east of denver international airport. >> the airport is northeast of denver. is. >> correct. correct. >> what would you guess is his elevation? 900 feet off the ground. i have been working the phones. i heard initially 7,000. i heard about 1,500. 900 is what people are saying that is good news. i assume the original 1,400
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1,500 feet. he is losing altitude in a slow manner. the best case scenario is over a farm field. this is ending. >> he is coming down? >> yes. the prevailing winds are not a factor now. he is going straight down and here is somebody. >> is he coming down fast sir. no he is on the ground. >> bingo. >> there is somebody running towards him. >> here is from another angle. this is a tape delay. a fairly soft landing. somebody has grabbed the ropes and they are going up to the capsule and they are going to check on his well being. it is finally ended. we don't know the exact location. it is obviously somewhere east of denver. probably what 75, 80 miles from where it took off in ft. collins. >> wouldn't surprise me. this is really good news.
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>> it is. >> cnn gave me another good feeling. >> when did you get the call? >> about 11:20, 11:23 mountain time. >> it ended in a farm field somewhere east of denver. oh gosh. >> are your people in contact with his family right now? >> we have our communications van that is actually en route to that residence. since this began we have had deputies and press information officer at the residence. so this is real good news. >> now the ambulance has responded and obviously followed this craft as best they could. would they be from adams county or larimer county. >> we wouldn't have an ambulance. it would be passed on from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. it ended and ended well. we need to know how is falcon haney. >> that is right. that is what this is all about.
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>> we don't know his condition. we don't know what happened to him. they are tying it down now to make sure it doesn't float away again. >> they haven't opened it for anybody to see what is going on. >> okay. we are going to cross our fingers i guess. >> thank you very much for your help. we couldn't have done it without you. good work, sir. >> take care. >> we are going to get -- we are going to stay with this. to find out the welfare of this kid. his name is falcon playing in the back yard with his brother. the dad is a scientist and works on chasing weather. apparently according to his neighbor this was not meant to go higher than 20 feet. >> not the altitudes this thing reached. >> the neighbors said it wasn't meant to be a manned aircraft. >> it is very small.
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the compartment where falcon, we believe he is, is incredibly small. not meant for a grown person. >> look how small it is, that capsule to what i assume is a six foot nan. >> it is not unusual for one brother to run inside guess what little brother just did. >> you know his parents right now are so relieved and they are probably driving as fast thaz can to be reunited with their little boy. it is a great ending. but -- there was a report -- >> we did have a report that he had fallen out. is that from the ap? >> associated press reported an undersheriff said. >> the larimer sheriff said there was no doubt he was inside. i don't know. we are going to find out what happened. there was a report. we are compelled to tell you
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that. >> we must. >> that he had fallen out at some point. >> all right. kmgh our affiliate in denver says no fwhun the balloon. the mystery grows. no one is in the balloon. >> that is not what we wanted to have to tell you. >> let's get another source on that to make sure that is the case. >> one of the local affiliates in denver is confirming the associated press report that an undersheriff in i'm not sure what county now, it escapes me. kmgh and the associated press both reporting that falcon, the 6-year-old boy they believed earlier had fallen out of the aircraft. we did not know that to be certain. and now they have a chance to confirm that it appears to be that falcon is in fact, not in this aircraft. >> what a roller coaster.
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an emotional roller coaster. i hope the family knows what happened. i hope he didn't fall out at a great altitude. your imagine runs wild. this is -- they were on an abc show called "wife swap." here is a photo from that and is that the experimental craft behind them? >> i think it is chuck. i think that is exactly what it is. he said it wasn't unusual for them to have experiments and things going on. that is exactly what we are seeing. >> this is from an abc show called "wife swap." not sure which of the three kids is falcon. the craft looks like it is upside down. it doesn't look flight ready at that point. the neighbor said it was never noebt fly higher than 20 feet. it was designed to teach the
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boys what it felt like to be in a hurricane. >> you saw those rescue workers running as far as they could to try to get to him. >> which would lead you to believe it was unconfirmed report he had fallen out. they were not certain there was nobody inside. we are working the best sources we can to make sure that is the case. no one has been taken out. the rescue squads are ready in case there was somebody inside. kmgh is reporting the boy is not inside the balloon. his fate and whereabouts not yet known or at least not yet reported. that is contrary to information we heard from the larimer sheriff who said there was no doubt the boy was in the balloon. the mystery continues. in fact, it grows. this is the scene east of denver. adams county, colorado. east of denver international
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airport where this balloon that was untethered in the back yard of a home in ft. collins colorado, came loose and floated in a south easterly direction for a little over two hours. >> about two hours. >> about two hours. coming into this farm field and we kept saying gee, best case scenario it would be landing not in an urban area. >> that all seemed to be coming together. it didn't seem to make a hard landing. everything seemed to be coming together. >> and the breaking news -- that is the only thing that matters, boy not inside balloon. nothing else matters. it became a curiosity. the fate of this balloon became a curiosity. >> now it seems to be turning into a search and rescue now to find where is 6-year-old falcon? now they have to find this child. this process continues for the
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parents, for his other siblings and these rescue workers to regroup. so now what do you do? how do you find this child? we have reracked the video to show you how it came down to tether it immediately to make sure it didn't get away and then. we are going to back it up a little more. here you can see it. it seemed like everything was coming together for the best of a bad situation. that gentleman took off running as fast as he could as soon as he saw it. >> think how far they had to trail this. all those emergency personnel. here is the live picture again. completely deflated. you can tell by their body language there is no one inside. that is a fair assumption. no one has been rescued. no rescue squads are leaving in great haste. no one is being tended to. there is no gurney. i think it is abundantly clear
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there was nobody in that balloon in spite of other evidence and our assumption. we have been carrying this story for a couple of hours. it started in larimer county, colorado. around 11:20. mountain daylight. 1:20 eastern daylight when an experimental helium filled balloon shaped like a flying saucer came untethered and the fear was a little boy, 6-year-old falcon haney was inside that balloon. he was nowhere to be found. after the balloon landed we got better word that the boy was not inside to begin with. where he is it is hard to say. the obvious worry is that at some point this balloon reached altitudes of 10,000 11,000 feet. the winds were carrying it pretty high. it was never meant to go more than 20 feet high. this again the picture from abc
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and the family was on a show called "wife swap." there they are. neighbor said they are great people. they came to help in an emergency. he saw, the neighbor did the haneys. that is richard haney, the dad, building this experimental foil-wrapped helium-filled balloon. he said it was for science experiments to teach his kids what it was like to be in a hurricane or any other weather emergency. you can only imagine what is going through their minds right now as they try to figure out what happened to their little boy, falcon. >> the undersheriff who was reported -- excuse me. the undersheriff who was the source for the associated press who said a few hours ago they thought he had fallen out, you have to wonder, if he said that do they have a certain area in mind where they thought falcon had fallen? >> do they have an eyewitness? >> where did that information come from?
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do they have a place now they are going to zero in on to begoin' try to find him. >> think of all the -- they were trying to figure out how to bring this thing down. they were thinking about dropping it down. at the point of landing they thought the little boy was inside. you can see it was very small and never meant to hold anybody. it was not a gondola in the traditional sense of the world. that is the way it was shaped because that is the way he wanted it designed. richard haney. a family in ft. collins, colorado. >> with his boys. something they worked on together. >> it was a family project. this balloon. we don't care about the fate of the balloon. we care about the fate of the boy. the balloon landed in a farm field in adams county east of denver. the winds were in their favor.
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those who were tracking it because it could have wound up somewhere in the denver metro area in an urban area with trees and houses and tall buildings and other manner of menace. but this landing in an open farm field is a terrific ending but alas it isn't because nobody was inside. >> and at some point they had started actually to pull together a situation room in washington to figure out how to deal with something like this. this is an experimental aircraft they thought a 6-year-old child was onboard. how do you bring something like that down? they started to get a plan together, maybe putting weights on it to bring it down. it will be interesting. how far do they get in pulling the situation room together?
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they still have to find this child. >> hopefully he is hiding in the neighborhood somewhere. >> honestly, that is where i was going to. >> i would love to hear that right now. i would just love to hear that right now. >> we are -- >> we are going to grab a quick break. we are going to be right back with further coverage and get you the latest information on the fate of this little boy falcon haney, from ft. collins colorado, who we thought was in that balloon. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. the balloon is down the boy is not in it. that is the bulletin the headline from this 2 over the plains of colorado. the balloon was untethered, filled with helium. it went to an area south of denver international airport, which i gather was 75 80 miles away. a nice soft landing in an open field not far from a reservoir. there was word a little boy was
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trapped inside. that wasn't the case. >> all right. we're going to bring in one of our law enforcement exports to see what the next step is. all right. the child was not on this experimental aircraft. we heard a report from an undersheriff who saudi while ago they had a concern he had fallen out of this aircraft. that appears possibly to have happened. where do they start looking for him? what now? >> one of the things you first start doing you take a look at the radar, exactly his flight path. they should have a copy of this radar from denver international airport forecasts their ground control there, all the way from ft. collins larimer, possibly morgan down into adams county. they do have a number of air assets out there. the colorado state patrol denver pd which covers the county and part of the metropolitan area as well as the
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national guard. now, all the helicopters they have are equipped with forward-looking infrared. what they could do is take a look at the flight path, go along, take a look at the route and see whether or not in the woods, in the field if they see any heat signatures at all that they could glean from using the flair on these aircraft. >> he was flying so low he might not be picked up on radar, right? the air traffic control uses transponders to track the aircraft. there's not one on board that one. >> there's not. you can still sometimes pick up signatures. >> thanks, appreciate it. we'll grab a quick break. further coverage on this story just ahead.
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breaking news we'll continue to follow from larimer county, florida, colorado, pardon me, it's been a couple of hours here. live pictures of a boy we thought had floated away from his family's home on an experimental aircraft. the balloon has landed and the boy was not inside. all right. was not. the sheriff's department now obviously the focus is to figure out whether the boy was actually in the balloon, maybe fell out. trying to figure out if he's in the neighborhood, if ever got on the balloon. so many questions right now. he was never -- he was not in the aircraft once it landed. according to the larimer county sheriff's department the six-year-old boy's family his name is falcon they had been
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building an experimental aircraft. they had a large helium balloon attached to their home. they live in ft. collins. according to the family, they thought the boy had gotten onto the aircraft, because he was able to somehow untie the rope that had been tethered in the yard. it was this dome-shaped thing 20 by 5 feet covered with foil. again, there were reports he had fallen out. we still don't know whether or not that is true. we're not sure. and we're just trying to figure out now where is falcon. >> here is a picture of the family this is heene family, h-e-e-n-e. they were on a show called "wife swap" and we're getting uyoutube in a playful situation. the boys look like they are having fun in all the shots we have. this is experimental not meant for high flight. it's made of plywood and rope
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designed to look like a flying saucer designed not to have anybody on board. >> and it got pretty high. >> we had one estimate as high as 11,000 feet over in the area around ft. collins. it's 60 miles or so north of denver. it's in a flat, fairly dry area. not a lot of vegetation. the craft was in the air for two hours. it headed generally southeast at 20 25 miles per hour. it looked like it was going faster but may have been deceptive because helicopters were tracking it. >> all right. a law enforcement joining us expert in hodge negotiation all types of things. wally, can you hear me? >> yes i can. >> i was getting a little feedback but look like that's cleared up. all right. what now to find this child? >> one of the things we used in law enforcement the sun burst
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usual on the helicopters. what that does is a heat sensitive type of camera, if, in fact god for bid he fell out of the balloon and was in the woods area it would be able to pick up heat sensitive, pick up body heat. another thing they will probably do, get the family to get clothes together and put a scent package together, a lot of scent packages to distribute to the various law enforcement agencies during that flight path where they can use the blood hounds to see if this can find that. >> those devices distinguish between large animals and little boys. >> on the helicopters, yes. >> you get an image. >> you get an image, a return image. it's used usually at night when you're chasing some perp and you can see the person hiding in a
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true or bushes. >> i'm sorry. i didn't mean to cut you off. >> it's an excellent piece of equipment. i'm sure they will utilize every piece of equipment they have that would help in finding that child. >> wally earlier we had a report from and undersheriff in weld county was reporting there was a possibility he had fallen out of the aircraft. does that tell you maybe they had a witness? where would something like that come from? >> well, you know, they have probably got 911 call. someone saw the balloon passing by. keep in mind every call that's given in to 911 has to be answered and investigated. i'm sure they will send out officers to look into this. i'm sure it will become a city, state, municipality federal government, the military is working with them. so if he's out there, i'm sure
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they will find him. >> you can imagine how everybody was crest fallen to find out there was nobody in that craft because the best evidence we had from officials in larimer county was that little falcon heene was, indeed, in that aircraft. the only eyewitness to that was his little brother and said falcon must have gone up. now we've learned that there is a possibility -- again from the larimer county sheriff -- that he never was in that craft. hope fully he didn't fall out. hope fully he's hiding in the neighborhood and we'll get a resolution very, very shortly. it was never meant for a long flight just to go a few feet high. >> one of the neighbors talked about this thing because he got to see it up close. this is what he said. >> our yard is right next to theirs. we did see this, i'll call it an aircraft. i saw it this morning.
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they were, i guess experimenting with it. they were putting something into it. i don't know whether it was helium or air or some kind of gas. they were working with it and having -- basically the whole family was out there and they were working with it. i went for a walk around 11:00 or so. when i came back is when i found out that, you know, the event happened. i do know because my wife high pressure spoken with them, it was supposed to hover around 20 feet in the air. obviously something went wrong with that. i don't know what happened. something made it obviously do a lot more than go 20 feet in the air. also, i don't believe that it was intended to be a manned craft. so somehow after they realized that this craft did go off into
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the air, that their youngest son falcon, who is six, was not there, and he must have been in the craft, must have got in that basket part of the aircraft. and obviously, you know, it's an extremely terrible thing. we feel so sorry for them. they are great kids, seem like very well adjusted kids a happy family. we've been their neighbors for about a year. we've -- they are unusual yes, of course. you know i mean, he's sort of a scientist/inventor. they are storm chasers. they go after tornadoes and hurricanes and things like that. so you know, yes, they are usual, but they are great. we like them a lot. they have been very helpful since we moved here. we trust them as neighbors and friends and we're glad that they are there. >> a concerned neighbor. >> yeah he is.
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>> before he knew there was nobody in that little craft. that was the assumption he was going on. he said the heenes richard heene and his wife and three boys are great people. we hope this ends well. let's hope for that. we also have, by the way a contribution that richard heene send to us at cnn and hln as part of our ireport project. we're going to show you that. you're going to see richard heene on tape from a lot earlier after a quick break.
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welcome back. quite an emergency, quite a day and afternoon in the denver and ft. collins area, northern colorado. that's the end of a two-mile balloon flight. it started a little after 11:00 mountain time when an experimental craft filled with helium lifted off on the backyard of a home and everybody thought a little six-year-old boy named falcon heene was trapped inside. the faa and the sheriff's
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departments and other agencies followed this craft as it flew sometimes 11,000 feet east of ft. collins and wound up in a farm field. two hours later, 75 miles or so away in adams county just east of denver international airport, it made a very nice soft landing. lots of people who were following it rushed up. they found no evidence of anybody being inside. there had been earlier unconfirmed reports that a little boy falcon, had fallen out. now we've heard from the larimer county sheriff there are indications the boy was never inside that spacecraft or helium-filled balloon at all. the father is richard heene. he's something of an amateur scientist. he's a weather chaser among other things. he's a psy scientist. he has filed an ireport a contribution about science. he filed it august 28th 2008 and submitted it to us.
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let me give awe taste of what he's like and what he was thinking about at the time. >> intriguing. i actually went to esa and downloaded that photo. darn if you're not right. there are geometric shapes here. what i found surprising is there are no textures, no shadows that kind of indicate like there may be buildings. they are just flat as if they have been pixelated out. i'm a building contractor. i can recognize buildings when i see one. i saw something very interesting in that photograph. maybe you missed it maybe you got it. let me know if you understand it. in this corner you've got a structure here. what i did was i zoomed in on it. i'm going to trade it here with this other one. and i'm going to zoom in on that. right here. it's got rounded corners but it's almost a square. so i'm looking at it and i'm
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thinking the lighting might be wrong on it. so what i've done is this. i'm going to rotate this 180. then look what we get. look at that now. that's like a black opening here. another black opening opposite look. at these walls. it looks kind of like a pyramid with no point. there's some kind of object shooting outward from here. there's an object sitting on top of that flat surface. that's amazing. try it and check it out. tell me what you think. i'm richard heene from the let's go back to this. this looks like it's been graded this straight line all this area here looks graded. this has been sitting on top of
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a hill overlooking all this stuff. i don't know. you tell me. one other thing. there's the structure i saw with the grading around it. look right here. okay. so it's upside down, now it's on the left. this looks like a forest. and it looks like it's been planted, because all this stuff is in rows. maybe it's not. maybe this is rocks. it kind of looks that way. then i'm looking at that. then i look down here. i see a mouth. i see a nose and an eye. this is like part of a half of a face. this is like a face. i see an eye, mouth, jaw. who knows, maybe it's just rocks, but it looks that way to me. >> he submitted that ireport to us -- i'm sorry that was richard heene submitting an ireport 15 months ago on a completely unrelated subject. we just wanted to give awe taste, a feeling on what he's
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about. he's obviously well into science and experimental things. he was the creator of this experimental flying saucer, and it looked like a flying saucer, a foil wrapped flying saucer full of helium that took off today. a lot of police agencies followed this thing with great concern because it was feared a little six-year-old boy named falcon heene was trapped inside that gondola. it really wasn't a gondola. it was never meant for carrying anybody. it floated south 75 miles and finally landed rather gently in a farm field east of denver international airport maybe 80 miles from where it took off. now there's no sign of falcon. there's an indication again, from the larimer county sheriff he may never have been inside. we're going to take a quick break and marshall our resources. we'll be right back with further coverage.
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welcome back to breaking news news. we've been following for a couple of hours, an experimental aircraft the heene family made. they live in ft. collins, colorado. the reason we followed it we thought their son falcon heene was inside. the thing got up to attitudes of 10,000 feet. it eventually did come down. falcon is not in this aircraft. initially there's a report from the associated press that they thought maybe he had fallen out. turns out again once it came down falcon was not in there. we now know there's some sort of ground search going on to try to find out where falcon is. did he ever get into this aircraft? did he get in tragically possibly fell out. there is a ground search going on right now to find out what happened to falcon heene. six years old. he helped build this thing with his father as a scientist.
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they live in ft. collins, colorado. the ground search is the focus to find out was he in trouble? did he run off? did the worst possibly happen. there's a wide range of things that could happen. >> let's get in wally, retired detective. hi, thanks for your expertise. where do you start with a ground search? you have to know pretty much where you're starting. >> let's take that first the ground search. they can get his picture, of course. they are going to start a door to door search. they are going to get a blood hound, the last clothing he wore before it was laundered. they are going to put the blood hounds out, canvas everywhere you can think go door to door. they will research his residence and go from there. the next premise, if he was on that balloon you've got an 80
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miles of searching to do every county is going to take their law enforcement, look at this as a missing person. right now you notice they put the crime scene tape up. so you know, there's a lot that has to be done, a lot of investigating. they will bring in many other agencies. keep in mind, you've got city state and federal and everyone is going to jump on this to try and find that little boy. >> the terrain works in your favor, from the air it's easier to see than forest or rugged terrain. >> absolutely. also the faa and military picked that up on radar they might have a flight pattern they took. >> if somebody saw him fall out where would you start that search? >> we'd personally interview the person. you would triangulate the area
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and almost get a longitude and latitude where that person might have fallen out, if, in fact, he did. there's a lot of great technology out there that can work with this. again, as i mentioned earlier there is a heat sensor on helicopters, aircraft looking for people will be a big help searching for him. >> who has nem? sheriff's departments, national guard? >> national guard, military, most law enforcement, state police. we have that in new york city police department. there are many many law enforcement, sheriff's office. >> okay. wally, i'm sure law enforcement has questions for falcon's brother because they were in the backyard together when this supposedly happened when they thought falcon was taken away in this experimental aircraft he
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the breaking news continues in colorado where we're still trying to figure out where a six-year-old falcon heene thought to be in this experimental aircraft he helped build with his father. we'll talk more about richard in a moment. the aircraft came down after being in the air for a couple of hours. it took off from larimer county their home there with falcon on it wasn't supposed to. it came down in weld county. when it came down falcon was not on that aircraft. now we don't know where he is. we don't know if he was ever on it. we don't know if he fell out. we hope not. at one point this thing was 10,000 feet in the air. now the ground search, trying to figure out where he is. we're talking to former nypd detective wally zeins. he's a former hodge negotiator. the reason he's so key he's an
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amazing communicator he knows how to talk to people. wally, they have to be talking to his brothers now. we were told they were playing in the backyard together. the story is supposedly falcon ended up on this aircraft and it took off. we're backtracking now, trying to figure out what happened. how are they talking with the little brother. >> you have to make a rapport, a friendship. have you to make him part of the team. in order to make him part of the team, have you to be introduced to him through one of his parents, who is going to make you his new friend and help you find him. then you start to backtrack. you know, how did this all begin. i bet you like to fly. i bet you'd like to fly in this type of balloon. tell about your brother, what did he do? where was he standing when the balloon took off. you try to pinpoint things like
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a little puzzle. then piece them all together. then the confidence level increases. now he thinks especially a child thinks he's doing something good helpful. may come up with something. oh falcon went over there down the block to see how high it would go. that's when you start the search start sending people. you need that information from him. sometimes not a good idea to have the parent around when you interview a child like that. the parent might have yelled at falcon's brother or they might have had an argument or sent him to his room. you want to be on the same frequency as falcon's brother. that's where you get the mileage. >> wally, we're not talking about a hardened criminal here we're talking about a child. if falcon's brother were not
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telling the truth or something, by now they would be able to get it out of him, wouldn't they? >> you don't want fear in the neighborhood. right now the neighborhood has changed. you've got police cars newspaper, helicopters, blood hounds coming over this that neighbors. it is trauma for a young child like that. what we usually do when we have a situation like that, we try to isolate the child from that particular area or we get a room where it's quiet, or we go to his room where he likes it. we usually ask, what do you like best about your house. they say, i like hanging out in the attic so you go up to the attic. you work with him. he'll be the key to get falcon back. >> he may think he's going to get punished. what do you say? >> of course he will think that way. you know what when you develop that rapport -- we have this dog called mcruff who talks about
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crime, dresses in a dog uniform. you have to develop some sort of -- put yourself in his mind make friends, talk to him on his level. it's transactional analysis, not parent child, you know you have to talk to him like a friend. >> that's great advice. i can visualize it takes place. it's so important to take him to a comfort zone a place he likes. it might be tough to get him away from his parents. they may not want that. >> you know what -- >> he makes the choices. >> he's going to have to say mommy i want you to come or daddy i want you to come with me, or i want my dog or pet. you know it all depends on what's going to make him be in the proper comfort level. and that will happen. it just takes time. >> it's quite a family, richard heene and the three boys and the mom. they live in ft. collins and
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they are really into experiments. they are really into gadgets. they are really into science. here was an ireport that richard, the father submitted to us at cnn and hln several months ago. >> hi i'm richard heene. i posted that to mars video. i found a structure on there. what's strange, all those photographs, the tops of them are cut out it's edited black sky. i'm suspicious. in the valley photos, these are smudgey, very smudgey like somebody went and blurred it out. again, i'm going to show you the structure here. i found other photographs that verify this. watch. there's that structure right
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there. it looks like it's been graded. >> that's a taste. that's richard heene. he's obviously engaged and animated an probably a lot of fun to be around. right now he's worried about what happened to his little boy, a is making six-year-old. falcon heene, thought to be in that balloon is nowhere to be found. did he ever get in it? is he in the neighborhood? where is he hiding? what happened to him? we'll have more coverage after this.
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aircraft we thought six-year-old falcon heene on. can you see rescuers desperately trying to get to it. they are trying to tether it down. it came down as best as you can expect in a field no buildings around. it and to be almost a soft landing. they are hustling, thinking they are going to rescue this child from the balloon it had taken off from his backyard about 75 miles away. once they dismantled the thing they found six-year-old falcon was not inside this aircraft that was followed two and a half years. now the focus is where is six-year-old falcon. was he ever on there? did he fall out? we don't know. >> here is youtube video at play at the home obviously. we're not sure. i believe that is falcon, if i'm not mistaken. it's hard to tell. i shouldn't speculate. three little boys. it says falcon, doesn't it?
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quite a character. >> mike brooks you're back with us. law enforcement analyst mike brooks. i just read there are volunteers walking through the neighborhood calling his name. so the search continues. what do you make of that. >> they are going to have a two-pronged investigation, if you will chuck. they are going to have a ground search whachlt really happened that morning, this morning when that happened. they need to separate the parents, talk to each one of them. where were you. the who, what where when and how this little boy disappeared. again, as you and richelle pointed out, was he still in the neighborhood. was his brother accurate in what he believes he saw with little falcon inside of the gondola when the tetters were released. and on the other side of the thing, law enforcement and civil agencies are going back over i'm sure they are taking a look at radar and starting to put
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together some kind of a search pattern between ft. collins and at adams county east of the airport where this fell down. i was talking to some folks out there. everybody has been glued to their tv. i'm sure people are cognizant, aware of where this traveled. if they are they are probably also out there looking for it. right now, the investigation on exactly what happened the ground search being put together as we speak most likely. >> the happy circumstance is the larimer county sheriff's department says a quick search of the gondola, if you can call it that the protrusion at the bottom of the spacecraft was not breached. if there were any sign of a breach it might indicate somebody inside had fallen out but it was in perfect condition no opening at all. i don't know whether there's a door. it's a very light little plywood
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or metal craft never designed to fly this high at all. you've got agree it's great news it doesn't look like it was breached at all. >> exactly. that's exactly what larimer because saying. if they are accurate in what they are saying, that's a great sign. i think what you're going to have now is basically a ground search. and the investigation to find out -- let's put together a time line. when did we last see him. where was he? was he with the mother the father? when did they lose sight of him. all these things is what larimer is putting together now to find out who, what, where, when why this all occurred. >> mike when they arrive on the scene, do law enforcement analysts start to entertain all kinds of possibilities even when family members don't realize it? do you understand what i'm asking? >> yeah. you can never rule anything out. just like any other missing
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person investigation, richelle we cover all the time on hln, you go and start with the family members, the ones closest to them and try to put together the important time line. who was last with this it is boy. was it the neighbors? we heard from the neighbors earlier who said they saw them out as a family together. school was out today. where exactly were the children when all this happened. >> the craft, i should correct myself, is made of mylar a foil-like substance. >> like what rescue blankets are made of. >> exactly. exactly. on the inside it's shiny like that exactly. right. will they ever investigate whether or not the kid was scolded by his parents and he might have run away in the woods hiding? it's a six-year-old. >> that's always a possibility too. it's pure speculation on our
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part. as an investigator, you can't rule anything out. now that we know most likely there was not anyone inside of this little aircraft, whatever you want to call it now you begin at the house and work your way out. you need to also -- i'm sure larimer -- most law enforcement agencies have experts that deal with children and know how to talk to children. they are able to glean information from children. they will talk to them exactly what happened, separate them from the parents. you don't want to have the influence of the parents on your additional investigation. when you try to get to the bottom of what the facts really are. >> all right mike. thanks so much. stick around. we'll be right back. further coverage as the hunt continues for a little missing six-year-old boy in ft. collins colorado, who may be on a big adventure and hope fully is unharmed. we'll be right back.
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with. every minute seems to get new information in the search for six-year-old falcon heene. we thought he was in this experimental aircraft and he wasn't, once the thing came down. we're also learning more about the experimental aircraft. not many people who know about it except the father who built it. what we're learning now is there was a box tlafs box that was attached to the bottom of this aircraft, one of the local affiliates in denver reporting this kusa reporting there was a
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box attached to the aircraft. that's what authorities are looking for. the box, as you can see, for the better part of two hours we were following it. we didn't see a box. there wasn't one. >> not from the beginning. we never saw anything other than the exact shape of that craft you're seeing at the right of the screen. we never saw anything from it. if there was a box, perhaps it fell off early in the flight. that would be okay but certainly not if it was at 11000 elevation. apparently this is information the father is providing to authorities according to kusa. the box may have been attached to the flying saucer invented by richard heene for the benefit and science knowledge of his little boys. he has three little boys, one who is missing. falcon heene, the search continues. volunteers are now walking through the tree line, that is the area close to the neighborhood a forested area in
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ft. collins, colorado and call out his name. mike brooks has been involved in searches, not one thaended like this. you pointed out something earlier about separating the parents. you want to make sure you have one consistent story about how this happened. >> exactly, chuck. put together a time line. who was the last one to see this little boy. was it his brother? would the brother be forthcoming, tell the truth. you always hope for the best. now we're hearing about this box. what role did this play? could this box have held a little boy. again, these are questions only the father will be able to answer. >> mike, what we're hearing about the box as we get more information, it's made of -- it's not a sturdy box. the neighbor had said what he knew about this experimental aircraft, it wasn't meant for anyone to actually fly in. the box was made of thin
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plywood, nothing that can really sustain anybody, certainly not sustain anybody if it were to fall from any type of altitude at all. also earlier, mike, we had a report early on from the associated press that one of the undersheriffs, the undersheriff in weld county did have a report that he may have fallen. that was a report fairly early on. so some of these pieces that could be coming together it's not a good scene mike at all. >> no not at all. you were very, very cautious and everybody was very, very cautious to say this is information from them. we don't know exactly what would happen. as i do recall they were talking about something on the aircraft that was not very sturdy. maybe this was the box they were talking about. that would be one of the other questions i would want to ask the you know, had he ever tried to get into this box and, you know they were all out there, the neighbor who was interviewed
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by one of our affiliates said that they had seen the whole family out there and they were filling it up with something most likely helium. did they go inside and leave the children out there with this, you know, with this experimental aircraft by themselves unsupervised? these are questions i would have as an investigators with laramie county sheriff's office. >> how disappointing for all those people who followed that balloon and came upon it finally after landing and found nothing inside. we've played a couple of ireports contributed by the family. now we've got one, in fact we have queed up from 2008. these are the kids themselves. we'll hear from the kids including the missing boy falcon, talking about chasing or reacting to hurricane gustaf. again, these is the hooene family, the boys. let's listen. >> this is my brother, ryo falcon and my mom shooting camera and we're in the middle
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of hurricane gusta. >> right in the middle of the eye right now it's 10:44 a.m. this is the eye. look how calm it is. we just went through torrential rains and now the rain is starting to pick back up a little bit. what's that? that's pretty cool. >> yeah. >> and cut. >> all right. those are the kids you can see them. you've got information real quickly? >> a little bit more information on this box, this compartment we're hearing about, chuck. we've said repeatedly this aircraft was never met for flight and the compartment falcon may have been in it was made of plywood never intend to carry more weight than batteries, batteries. >> let's hope he didn't fall out of that thing. the mystery continues, where on earth is falcon hooene? we'll be right back.
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