tv Tonight From Washington CSPAN October 15, 2009 8:00pm-10:59pm EDT
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breaking news tonight, satsuma, florida, a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she's gone, vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the nightshift to find not a trace of little haleigh. the last person to see the 5-year-old alive that night, the stepmother, misty croslin. just hours after croslin handcuffed by cops on alleged road rage, she flies to new york, taking to the air to declare she's innocent. but even in one brief interview
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she can't keep her stories straight. first, claiming she knows nothing about haleigh's whereabouts, then blurting out the other side of the family took haleigh. then, a 180 on the failed lie detector, claiming she passed. then admitting she failed. after her brother tells cops he was at the home that night, no sign of croslin, completely debunking her story. her own mother, says croslin's not coming clean. croslin's tv response, they betrayed me. they're the bad guys. look at them, not me. minutes after croslin's debacle on national tv, her lawyer dumps her. bombshell, tonight, croslin's mother now transferred from a tennessee holding cell on forgery to a florida jailhouse. at this hour, she faces police interrogation on just what she knows about haleigh's
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disappearance and her own daughter's alleged involvement. and why, police want to know, is she so convinced croslin's lying? will she crack behind bars? also, whenever the investigation heats up, croslin goes awol, but now we know her wing man, the woman who took her to orlando and new york, was undercover to befriend croslin and get the truth. did it work? this, while haleigh's father publicly stands by his new bride in a fit of depression over haleigh, cummings reportedly threatens to shoot croslin dead if she's involved. croslin and cummings now file divorce papers in a florida court. what does it mean to the investigation? croslin claims the holes in her story have nothing to do with the split, but have cummings' worst fears been confirmed,ta his new wife, misty croslin, implicated in the disappearance
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of his own 5-year-old girl? >> misty croslin's mom was to be questioned by florida police, what does she know? >> she told me when she woke up she always keeps the lights out. she said she woke up and she noticed that the kitchen light was on and she said she made it around the corner and because she went around the corner she noticed that the back door was open and that's when she ran back to the bedroom and haleigh wasn't in there. >> change, even subtle, small changes in misty croslin's story about the night haleigh went missing bothered you. what changes, if any, do you recall? >> there's -- i can't really recall the exact changes and they're real small. it's not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time she -- i ask her about it. >> they keep saying that you failed. >> i know. >> do you want people to know
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something about that? >> if they're going to know they're going to know. >> are i saying that you didn't polygraph like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you didn't. >> no, i never done. >> does it disturb you that misty croslin's story actually changed? >> yes, ma'am, it did. and tonight, live to wisconsin, a gorgeous young newlywed bride in extreme danger. the bride with "covergirl" good looks vanishes from her own home without a trace after calling 911. tonight, where is 31-year-old stephanie fischer? >> 31-year-old stephanie fischer was last seen october 6th, after reporting a domestic abuse claim against her new husband. she hasn't been seen since. in that claim stephanie says her husband dennis moe choke her. moe admits to punching and strangling stephanie and says he did it because she was talking to guys on the internet. law enforcement desperately searching for stephanie as the
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alleged victim in several domestic prior incidents involving her husband and police say is armed and dangerous as law enforcement frantically search to bring stephanie home safely. and tonight, mommy at a local l.a. bus stop waiting for the bus. her 3-year-old boy asleep beside her. the bus pulls up, mommy gets on, drives away, leaving baby alone at the bus stop. she never comes back. sex predator, stalkers, dope addicts, who knows whoed show up on the next bus but momdidn't care. she just kept on riding. >> los angeles police are investigating the case of a 3-year-old boy abandoned at a bus stop in the middle of the night whose mother is now miss.
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3-year-old xavier nelson was left by an unidentified woman. after midnight on friday. >> lapd released this video to the media in hopes someone would recognize this toddler and someone did. angela thomas says her mother called her from the southland saying she saw her grandson on t sfloo my heart dropped i was about to cry mot just because i saw him, because of the story that they were telling. >> a witness observed the child sitting next to the woman when the bus arrived. the woman then got onto the bus and left the child behind. the witness yell to the woman to tell her she forgot the boy but the woman just waved him off. >> angela says the last time she saw her daughter victoria nelson and grandson xavier was a week ago. >> the grandmother says 17-year-old victoria may number danger and could had been forced to abandon her child. >> victoria would never, ever put her child in harm's way like that. she would never do that. unless there was a reason and the reason was somebody has caused harm on her. >> good evening, i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being
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with us. croslin's mother, now transferred from a tennessee holding cell on forgery to a florida jailhouse. at this hour she faces police interrogation on just what she knows about little haleigh's disappearance and her own daughter's alleged involvement and why, police want to know, is she so convinced croslin is lying? will she crack behind bars? >> more details emerge in the case of missing florida girl haleigh cummings. >> came out against misty and said that she believed that her son was telling the truth and that misty was not. maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about what -- why she came to such a conclusion. >> lisa croslin told fox affiliate wofl -- >> yes, i think that my
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daughter's holding something back. i think they are both holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> when did you last see her. >> it was about -- >> what we need is for misty to come out here and tell us the truth. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her, you know, i'm answering any questions i have to cause i know i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. >> i don't think that she holds anything information that's going to find haleigh. >> ronald cum,ings, ever disturb glue misty croslin's story changed? >> yes, ma'am it did. >> if i knew where she was we wouldn't be sitting here today. we'd have her and i don't -- i don't know where she is. >> straight out to investigative journalist art harris at art, you've been on the story from the very beginning and spent months down in satsuma, florida. now the mother, misty croslin's mother has officially been transferred from tennessee on, what i believe, to be a trumped
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up forgery charge. yes, she did it but you really see people thrown behind bars and this kind of bond on forgery and now she's been transferred to florida. she's on the turf with the local police department. and she's facing questioning tonight. what will happen? >> nancy, they're anticipating, asking her to compare the story that misty told her, according to what lisa, the mother, told me on my website on art, comparing what misty told her the night haleigh vanished with what misty has said since then. so they have a number of stories they're going to compare. plus, they want to know why the mother believes her daughter was not telling the truth in her heart of hearts. that's what she has said. >> well, art, what i want to get down to the nitty grit is what do we know, if anything, about what croslin told her mother? now behind bars and facing florida police interrogation. what do we believe she told the mom versus what she's told to
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the morning shows, what she's told to the husband, ronald cummings? she's tripped up on her own story several times that we know of. >> well, nancy, she has gone over what happened that night in that she woke up, saw a light on in the kitchen and went in to check and then turns around and saw haleigh missing. so there are some specific steps during that night that she took that are a little off than what she said before. >> take a look at misty croslin and her debacle on national television. how does what she say he says here line up with what she told her own mother at the time haleigh went missing. >> the last time you had seen her before then was when? >> 10:00 when i laid down for bed. >> you had put her to bed? >> uh-huh, she went to bed at 8:00. >> but your brother had told police that when he went to the trailer that night that you were supposedly putting hailey to bed, you weren't there. did you go somewhere that night. >> no, i did not. i did not leave my house at all.
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>> why did he tell police that you weren't there? >> trying to get out of jail, that's what i think. >> so your brother was in jail? >> yes, he was in jail. yeah. >> your own brother would betray you like that? >> that's how my family is. i mean my story's not changed. it's same, it's the truth. >> can you sit here and tell me with 100% certainty that you had nothing do with haleigh's disappearance? >> 100% positive that i didn't have nothing to do with haleigh gone missing and i don't know who did. >> you're seeing misty croslin on cbs's "the early show." we're taking your calls live, but first let's unleash the lawyers. joining me tonight sue moss, child advocate, family law attorney, new york. mickey sherman, criminal defense attorney, author of "how do you defend those people?" new york. and renowned defense attorney, former prosecutor, darryl cohen, atlanta. sue moss, brother? hey, what about your mother? this is very rare that
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somebody's own mother speaks publicly against them. >> look, forgery mom is going to either give up her girl or give jail a whirl. they aren't letting this woman out until she spillless the beans. she knows something. she wouldn't have come on national television and implicate her daughter if she didn't know something and they're going to get that out of her. >> darrell cohen, come on, you and i practiced in the same courthouse. since when do you have a mom come out against the alleged perpetrator, the suspect, that never happens. usually they're crying and screaming and waving the bible at you, throwing things at you from the front pew right behind you as you are trying the case. >> nancy, that is so true, but as i like to say sometimes, welcome to never. there's something going to here and we're not true what it is. is mom trying to get off trumped off charge? i agree with you, something's going on. and mom may just have this heartfelt sympathy for this poor child that's now disappeared. >> what about it, mickey
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sherman? >> i don't know the mom doesn't look like a criminal mastermind to me. these people are stupid and creepy but does not necessarily mean that they are murderers. >> is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn't told you? >> if there is a possibility of it, i don't know anything about it.
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in the search for little haleigh? >> the papers are all filled out. misty's -- misty's lawyer has been in hand. >> it may be in her best interest -- both of their best interests just to sever the ties and move -- >> they got married. they went on their honeymoon to new york, couple of tv shows and came back to reality. >> if i find whoever has my daughter before you all do i'm killing them. >> this is what haleigh wanted. she's always talked about it and even if she's not with us, she's still here with us. >> there's really no privilege here that can prevent ron from testifying against her. just because they're married. so if that what was they were attempting to do and then they certainly missed the mark. >> i would sure hope that -- just -- with the family problems and everything else, it's just too much on the relationship. >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv. he does the best that he can and
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just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. >> isn't it true, mr. shoemaker, that ronald cummings -- let's take a listen to exactly what misty croslin's mother had to say on camera about her daughter. >> deep down in my heart, yes, i think my daughter's holding something back. i think they are both holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> i'm going to tell her i love her and if you know anything at all, please tell me. we can work through. i'll be right there by your side. we'll get through it. but just please tell me whatever you're holding back. >> that's misty croslin's mother lisa croslin, she was on wofl, fox 35, saying she believes croslin may be hiding something. schiavo, mar lano schiavo, our producer on the story, i understand misty croslin has a response to her mom. now, as of tonight behind bars in florida facing police
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questioning regarding haleigh's disappearance. >> yes, i asked misty, why does she think her mother would say something like that? her response? she was mad at me. i said, she would say that on national tv or even local television just because she was mad at you, misty? >> yes, that's why she said it. that was her response. >> okay, repeat? >> she basically said that her mother was mad at her and that was her revenge, by telling everybody on, you know, that was watching television that her daughter was hiding something. it was revenge for getting this injunction against tommy, her brother. >> and elie joe stad, our chief editorial produce or the story, she took on the airwaves. croslin took on the airwaves herself on national television and said, her brother and her mother the bad guys, look at them not me. and said they betrayed her. that's her position. >> right, she said that her brother tommy told this whole story about going to the trailer the night haleigh went miss, knocking on the door, nobody
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being home. she says the brother told police that because he wanted to get out of jail. >> let's go to the lines. joanne, pennsylvania, hi, joanne. >> caller: hi, how are you, nancy! i'm good, dear, what's your question? >> caller: well, first tell you we love you. got your book, your babies are beautiful. i'm so happy you finally got a piece of happiness in this life. >> i really did. two pieces, and three if you count that husband. >> caller: that's right. >> but two for sure. >> caller: uh-huh. my question is out here in pennsylvania, we have children in youth services. how come they haven't gone to the police and possibly arrested her if anything for child neglect? >> excellent question. >> caller: when she's the last one who the child? what about it, darrell cohen? >> i think if there's a scintilla of truth whether she had to say and then she fell asleep and the child disappeared. the reality is i'm stunned that child services, protective services haven't been there and just annihilated her with
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questions, because, nancy, you and i both know, if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said, it doesn't matter how many times that you say it. it's absurd. >> mickey sherman, come on, how many stories have we cover where mom fell asleep and the baby wandered off into a pond, into a forrest, into traffic, and all of those moms were held responsible. >> yeah, there's no facts to support it. we were all guessing -- >> the story is she fell asleep and the baby went missing. >> hay, the lindberg child was kidnapped from their home, not prosecuted. >> you're reaching back several decades, mickey. good try, though. >> it's a good analogy. >> just divorced. i mean, i don't want a divorce, but hey, that's what he wants so it's whatever. i'm not going to fight him.
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after the divorce is final, do you believe, ronald cummings will have more to say to police? >> i don't -- i don't believe so. i know that in all of the times that we've when the law enforcement, which really hasn't been that many times, i know that he is -- he's been very forthright on the number of times he called her, when he called her, what the conversations were all about, so i don't think that he's really going to come without any bombshell as to, well, i was holding this back. >> help me out, misty. why were there inconsistencies? why did you say one thing one time and one time the other? >> um, i don't know. >> but you -- but you know that
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you did do that? >> yeah. >> and you're not sure why? >> no. >> that was croslin on nbc's "today" show back in march by giving some pretty vague answers. we're taking your calls. be be bethany marshal, weigh in. >> i think that misty and her mother both have something in common. they're both good at pointing fingers, and saying you know what they think went wrong. but neither of them have offered very good theories about what happened to this little girl and they haven't offered theories in empathetic ways. for instance if the little girl was a wanderer in the night or somebody who might be a child predator who was trying to befriend the family. and misty's mom hasn't said she had a lot of party friends and there were parties in the neighborhood that night, so the fact that misty's pointing to other people and her mom's pointing at her in an accusetory way but they don't seem to be empathetic about this little girl. they don't seem to be spending out theories and helping law
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enforcement. it makes me suspicious that they're just mired down in their own quarrels and contention and family drama and dysfunction and that they're not going to aid at all in the search for haleigh cummings. >> tonight, croslin's mother behind bars in florida facing police questioning on haleigh's disappearance. >> do you feel that misty is a key in this investigation? >> no, i don't. i think that they're barking up the wrong tree.
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what time was haleigh last seen by anybody other than cummings and croslin? >> the last time i'd seen her was -- >> i didn't ask when you saw her. certainly you, as the biological mother, know the facts of this case. so when was she last seen by someone other than the father and the stepmother? >> that i don't know. >> have you asked her what happened? what does she tell you?
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>> i ask her, but i don't get any answers from her about, you know -- i don't see -- what she's telling me is not inconsistent. >> bottom line you don't know where haleigh is. >> to art harris investigative journalist at what more can you tell me, art? >> i can tell you that that night, or that afternoon, haleigh was seen playing with her cousins at the trailer riding bikes, running around, having fun. and then at 6:00, tommy comes over to see misty. they hang out for a while. and then 7:00 to 7:30, law enforcement tells me that her grandmother came over and with a clean batch of clothes. which begs the question why does misty have to wash a blanket later on and ronald is saying there was no detergent in the trailer anyway. >> what more can you tell me about the brother and what, if any, advice does croslin's father give her about speaking to cops? he initially when i spoke to
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lisa croslin the mother and the sister-in-law, they were warning misty to be careful about what she said because she was tripping up on herself and people were attacking her for inconsistencies so this was early on, nancy, at the house. and they were also pointing fingers at a cousin trying to -- whether to divert attention, they believed this young man from tennessee who was there that night and left the next morning had something to do with it. he's been interviewed twice by police in the last two weeks and has not been -- and has been ruled out as in any way connected. >> but right now he's not a suspect nor is misty croslin been named a suspect in this case. >> correct. >> and, art, i want to go back to the wing man, the so-called "friend" who was actually working undercover who befriended misty croslin. took her to orlando, went with her to new york for her tv appearance. >> right. >> what can you tell me about donna's time with misty croslin?
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>> he was told by tim miller head of equusearch to get close to her top. possibly any clues that would lead to haleigh, what happened to her. in hanging out with her, gosh, several weeks, she got close misty and said that there were more inconsistencies that came up. nothing specific but she shared that with investigators, sat down with them, several times and recently after she dropped misty off for the last time on saturday, the falling out, misty learning that she was a "double agent," she then went and told police further what she knew and one thing that came out, nancy, that was very interesting to them, she has an explosive temper. we have not seen in public. so whether that has anything to do with what could have happened to haleigh, we don't know. but that is something that donna brauch reported. >> with me now marc klaas, president and founder of klaas kids foundation. what do you think, marc? >> first of all, i think that this seasoned wing man that
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betrayed misty, i think we have to -- we have to consider this woman. of the hundreds of and thousands of cars that are driving on the roads of florida, this is one that gets in a road rage situation that's so serious that the other person feels they have to contact law enforcement. and it is for misty's explosive temper, my goodness you find out that somebody you've befriended is working behind your back for somebody else to betray you, i would get explosive as well. i think what we're dealing with here with misty and her mom are some pretty shallow people who don't really think much before they speak and they pretty much blirt out anything that comes to mind. they are focused on each other. nobody seems to be focused on the little girl but as mickey said, charles lindberg and also poly, elizabeth smart, van dam. >> marc klaas, you're absolutely right to o that point. >> everyone the tip line.
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right now we're going to wisconsin and a missing mother, beautiful with "cover girl" good looks. disappeared immediately after calling 911. take a listen. >> police are desperate to find 31-year-old stephanie fischer. stephanie was last seen with her new husband dennis moe, who authorities say, is armed and dangerous. stephanie reported domestic violence incident against moe and hasn't been seen since. dennis moe drives a gray, 2006 dodge charger with wisconsin plate number 272pxt. stephanie stands about 5'10" and weighs about 180 pounds. she has blond hair, blue eyes and has a large rose tattoo on her back. >> straight to dan odon well newsradio 620, wtmj. dan, what happened? >> well, near as anyone can tell, she went missing, as you heard, just arch calling 911. just after police interviewed her new husband. there has been a constant stream
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of domestic violence incidents before they were married just a couple of weeks ago dating back to july. he's been arrested several times all with the same basic premise. he's been attacking her. he's been attacking one of their young daughters. in fact, back in july, twisting her arm. the little girl behind her back. and in this latest incident what we know from the police report and the criminal complaint that he actually stuck a shotgun in her mouth and said he wanted to use the biggest shells possible so she would die a slow and painful death and he said she wanted to -- he wanted to see her choke on her own blood. so obviously this is a very dangerous situation. >> to detective michael hartwell with the west bend police department joining us from west bend, wisconsin. detective, thank you for being with us. what was the nature of her 911 call? what was she saying? >> caller: that initial call was to report the initial domestic violence.
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there were actually two incidents that were reported at that same time. and so we sent officers up there to investigate it at that point, and that's when we learn of the incident that dan o'donnell just spoke of involving the shotgun. >> with me a special guest evet kay joining us from washington, d.c. her brave fight against domestic abuse. she was actually set afire inside a phone store by her ex. she suffered terribly as she is with us tonight. you're seeing video of that. the store surveillance right now. ms. cade, it's -- first of all, welcome. it's very rare for domestic violence to go away. in fact, most typically it escalates. >> thank you for having me, nancy. yes, it does. once stephanie put up a protective order out on her
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husband potentially the stakes went higher. it skyrocketed for risk for extreme bodily harm. what i suggest the family to do is to go to the police department, the mother, father, siblings and children and take a swab test kit from missing persons. >> well put yvette. yvette having to live through the nightmare of being set afire. you're seeing video of it right now by her ex. and in that case, there had been so many prior incidents. to ron shindel. weigh in, ron. >> nancy, domestic violence that doesn't stop, initially goes past the first incident, escalates, escalates and keeps escalating until we have consequences that sometimes lead to a very serious injury or sometimes homicide. >> and elie joel stad, where's the husband, the groom?
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>> nancy, we don't know where he is but police say he's armed and dangerous as they explained before, he's known to have a shotgun in the house. they did find a 12-gauge in the house. they believe that the victim, the alleged victim is likely with her husband right now and they're looking for their vehicle. >> if she's still alive. everyone, the vehicle, a gray dodge charger wisconsin license 272p, peter, x x-ray, ten, tennessee. a special thank you to dan o'donnell and detective michael hartwell. as we go to break, happy birthday to florida friend, fran newton. proud mother of three. works side by side with ler husband she volunteered for years at the local hospital. never misses a show. loves sewing aprons for friends. she's 88 today. happy birthday, fran. and happy birthday to my brother, mac. asides from being one of the top sales reps in the country, a husband, a father of two boys, both of whom they're putting
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breaking news, a missing person's alert has gone out for 31-year-old stephanie fischer. police say stephanie taken by her new husband dennis moe. a man who's had multiple domestic violence abuse claims against him. those claims including beating, choking and even putting a gun in stephanie's mouth. police say moe is to be considered armed and dangerous. stephanie believed to be in extreme danger. >> straight to elie jostad also on this story. elie, what more can you tell me about this guy? he's disappeared too. >> right, nancy, i'm counting at least five alleged incidents involving these two, alleged domestic violence, that dennis moe is claimed to have perpetrated on the victim. going all the way back to july as the other reporter explained. he's now facing this laundry list of charges, battery,
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strangling and suffocation, second-degree reckless, endangering, intentionally pointing a firearm at a person. he's looking at at least 20 years, if he's convicted on all of these counts. >> dr. bethany marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "deal breakers." what do you think? >> i'm concerned about the escalating pattern of violence, but i'm also concerned that he may have kidnapped her or absconded with her in order to convince her to drop the charges and women, if you are in a domestic or violence abuse situation and you call 911 and the police tell you to press charges, press the charges. do not let your husband or boyfriend convince you otherwise. and if there's a tro, respect the temporary restraining order, because the biggest mistake that women make is they feel guilty. they go back. i'm not suspecting that that's the case in this particular situation. but the husband tries to get them to drop the charges and that's, you know, could be a part of the picture in this -- in this situation. >> with me, dr. marty makary,
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physician and professor of public health johns hopkins. dr. makary, you know i remember when i first became a felony prosecutor, and we don't deal with simple batteries or simple -- it's got to be bad by the time it gets to felony court. i remember a woman coming into court with a broken leg and a cast, her hand was in some kind of a -- not a cast, but something else. she was dragging her leg along behind her with the boyfriend. and she wanted to drop charge, all right? >> yeah. >> you must see it all the time. >> we do see this sort of allegiance to the abuser, and domestic violence is called the silent killer because women are often silent about it. there is this sort of allegiance or feeling of guilt that they don't want to turn in the person who sometimes can redeem them. we see these characteristic fractures, dislocations, burns and lacerations where the mechanisms just don't make sense
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an we know it's domestic violence. we're often limited in what we can do but this is a good example of a situation. >> doctor, you're so right. back to detective michael hartwell with the west bend police department. detective, isn't it true that, in fact on earlier occasions, police would come to the scene, after a 911 call from her. she would be horribly beaten and both she and the new husband would say, she fell down the stairs. come on? >> caller: yes that is part of the reports that we've had, you know conflicting information regarding how -- you what is told to us after we get up there and do an investigation and in some cases she's changed the story and told us what truly what has happened, how she became battered and seen this escalati escalation. >> to the lawyers, sue moss, mickey sherman. darryl cohen, i don't know if you were prosecuting with me at that time, i think already a defense attorney, but whether the lady dragged in with the broken leg, i said, to the witness stand.
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we did not drop the charges. and he ended up pleading guilty, darrell. i mean the problem is if your witness, your victim won't testify, you really don't have a case unless you can make it without the victim. >> how do you do that, nancy? you do it with photographs. do you it with her outcry witnesses and you do it and make her feel guilty, if nothing else, and you make her testify because if she's not saving herself, perhaps she's saving another woman somewhere down the line. >> right. >> somewhere down the road. >> to lori in new york. hi, lori, what's your question. >> caller: hi, nancy. nice to talk to you. >> likewise. >> caller: first of all i want to say your twins are gorgeous. beautiful. >> thank you, i saw eleanor today. take her another casserole. she's on the mend. go ahead, dear. >> caller: i do have a question. this woman, do they have any idea where his relatives may be? >> excellent question. >> caller: where he is? >> to you, detective hartwell,
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where are his relatives? >> we're working on that time with them at this time with other law enforcement. where we've had some contact with the son and we're doing some other follow-up with other relatives here in the states this time. >> to christine, illinois. hi, dear. >> caller: hi, nancy. how are you? >> i'm good, dear. what's your question? >> caller: very good. i have a comment and a question. >> okay. >> caller: i'm a victim of extreme domestic abuse. >> yes. >> caller: and i have to tell you why these women that have broken legs and are battered bad, the reason why they don't say anything is they know that they will kill them if they say anything, number one. and my second question is if you have three domestic charges against you the state can pick that up even if the victim does not do that, and he actually should number jail. >> good question. mickey sherman, what about it? >> you know the problem is that so often it's the wife who wants
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to -- or girlfriend who invites herself back and i'm not casting stones at her, it's an addictive personality. and they just can't seem to draw themselves out of these horrendous relationships. as dr. marshall said, and that's a real problem for the prosecution. you've got to put them on the stand in spite of themselves and bring in an expert, and i've seen it done, saying, she's lying to you because of this, that, and the other thing and you need a psychologist to get up there and say that. >> everyone, we are switching gears and still taking your calls. i want to tell you about a story we reported on the other side. a 3-year-old baby boy left asleep at the bus stop by his mother. mommy gets on the bus and drives away. to stacey newman, our producer on the story. stacey, what is the latest? >> well a brand-new development has come in as we go to air, nancy. lapd is telling us right now, nancy that there has been a sighting of this mother literally just hours after she abandoned this boy at a bus stop. she was spotted in south central, l.a., by someone who
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did not know she had abandoned her child? to misty reef, reporter. what can you tell me, misty? >> i can tell you what she's is. the perch that saw her on saturday did not know that xavier had gone missing, or not missing but was abandoned. so that's the last week reserve we've seen of her so far. i can tell you that she was actually described by the original witness who turned xavier over as being 5'4". the woman who left xavier at the bus stop. in fact, victoria has a light complexion but she's actually 6 feet tall with burgundy or red hair. >> misti, what was the mother doing when she was spotted on saturday? this after having abandoned her child, her 3-year-old, at the bus stop. a homeless guy tried to say, hey, you're leaving your son, and she shooed him away, got on the bus and kept on riding.
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what was she doing when she was spotted? >> when she was spotted police have just told us -- they haven't told us what time of day it was but she was just walking the streets of south-central l.a. they haven't told us any more beyond that. >> victoria loves xavier to the point where she is not going to place him there, if she wanted to do something like that, she would have left him with me.
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my heart dropped. i was about to cry. not just because i saw him. because of the story that they were telling. it -- it kind of had me puzzled because -- then when they made the description of my daughter, they were saying that that's the mother. that wasn't her. >> you are seeing video of little 3-year-old xavier nelson. who would abandon this baby? leaving him asleep at a bus stop. getting on the bus. and she kept on riding. to caller michelle in hawaii. hi, michelle.
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>> caller: hi, nancy. thank you for taking my call. >> thank you for calling in, dear. what's your question? >> caller: my question is, i know she had the boy when she was 14 and then she recently had another child at about 17. it may be unbeknownst to her mom and her sister, maybe she's one of those closet drug people. maybe she's actually on drugs and they're not aware of it. is that possible? do they know for sure? >> michelle, anybody could be on drugs. but under the law, mickey sherman, that in no way is a defense. voluntary use of drugs or alcohol, unless you are comatose, if she got on the bus she's not comatose, is not a defense, ever. >> there's no defense. >> everybody in the jailhouse would say, i was drunk. >> to me it's a level of insanity. how do you -- >> there you go. you know what? i can't hear you. >> how do you leave your 3-year-old child on a bench? >> i was speaking figuratively. i wan actually hear you, i'm
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sorry to say that. sue moss, help me out. >> oh, my goodness. two kids, an abandoned child, 17, this woman's a bad decision-making machine. she wasn't insane, she knew what she was doing. this isn't the first time she abandoned one of her children, hopefully it will be the louisiana. >> to ellie jos tad, very quickly, a discrepancy in the descriptions of the woman that got on the bus and the woman. >> right. the grandmother of this little boy continues to insist that although the person leaving the boy on the bus is described as 5'4" and black and hispanic, that the mother of the boy victoria is 6 foot, very skinny. everyone, let's stop and remember army private first class william lee meredith, 26, virginia beach, virginia, second tour, also served afghanistan. awarded bronze star, purple heart, iraq campaign medal. video game, music, favorite band tool. he was behind parents, brother
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is marcus, michael and tyrone, best friends chris and eddie. william lee meredith, american hero. thanks to our guests but especially to you. i'll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, good night, friend. tonight on "the joy behar show." we've got the latest on that shocking story in colorado where that little bow floated off in a homemade helium balloon. jane velez-mitchell will till me all about it. new polls say women have more freedom, more education, more economic power. so why aren't we happier?
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she's a crime fighting lesbian vegan. cartoon superhero? no. reporter, television host, and author? yes. she's jane velez-mitchell and she'll be joining me tonight. then president obama's having as much trouble with the left as he is with the right. is that a good thing? joining me in the studio one of the stars of "nurse jackie" anna deavere smith. all that and more tonight. i want to start with a story
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out of colorado. a giant, silver helium balloon raced across the state for two hours this afternoon. here with more details is hln's own jane velez-mitchell. >> it was bizarre and terrifying. it was just crazy. nobody's ever seen anything like this. you looked up and it looked like a silver flying saucer just barreling through the sky at a high rate of speed. it's about 20 feet wide, five feet deep. it was reaching at duties of 5,000 to approximately 8,000 feet, although those are guesstimates obviously. it was just crazy. and terrifying. because we all thought there was a little boy inside. >> there wasn't. >> it finally landed and it turns out there wasn't a little boy inside. >> what about the parents? i heard they were on "wife swap." >> yes. dad is eccentric times 12. this is a guy who is a self-described inventor, invented things like a magnetic bicycle. he has done an i-report for cnn where he talked about life on mars. you get the idea. he also appeared on "wife swap" with his family --
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>> that doesn't make him a bad person. >> no, it makes him a flying saucer builder which is exactly what he did. >> why was the kid in it? why did he get in it? >> supposedly it wasn't ever meant to take off. it was meant to float around in the backyard. it could have been what he was desi designing, he wanted to design a flying saucer to go into storms. the kid wasn't supposed to go in it, he did, the last word was the two older brothers were on top of the roof with cameras going, oh my gosh, hook at our brother, he's up in the sky. >> you've been breaking these stories for a long time. 30 years? >> i hate to say, i usually common the last ten or the first ten off my resume. 30 years. >> you're the author of "i want." my journey from addiction and overconsumption to a simpler, hns life. from reading this book you have had a lot of addictions. >> i have. i cover pretty much all of them. whatever addiction you've got i cover it in the book because i
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had it. >> you had enough addictions for everyone in this studio. >> every single person. that's why everybody in america should get this book. seriously, america's an addict nation. we all have addictions. if you're not addicted to alcohol, drugs, food, sugar, sex, you're codependent, you're an enabler, you're a gambler. everybody is addicted to something. especially food in this country. obesity threatening to surpass smoking as the number one killer. >> everybody's not addicted to ten things. you were. >> i wanted to cover them all, why not. i only go through life once. >> which is the worst one, alcohol? >> alcohol. i have to make the phone call, what happened after 9:45? >> do you know why you became an alcohol nick. >> my dad was an alcoholic and i dedicate the book to him -- why would you dedicate the book to him? >> because i love my dad. he did the best he could. but when i stay sober i stay sober for myself and my dad who never got to sobriety. >> the other thing about you, such an interesting person, i
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don't think the fans really understand how interesting you are. you have all these addictions. plus you recently came out on national tv as a lesbian. why now? >> well, i it took me a long time for me to admit to myself that i was gay. >> oh, really? >> i fought it for many years. i tried real hard to be a heterosexual. >> what do you do, how do you try? >> date men. >> did you enjoy it at all? >> i enjoyed some of it. >> which part do you enjoy? >> i don't know if i can tell you on television. >> the sex? did you enjoy the sex? >> well, i think the thing that was lacking was the deeper emotional connection. i could leave men with a drop of a hat without really feeling the tears. but when i got into a relationship with a woman, boy, those tears flowed when we broke up. i mean, i really cried myself a river. and then i had to go to another program to get over that. >> so the men were kind of like sex objects to you? >> boy toys. the last boyfriend i had who's still a dear friend, he was the one who gave me the permission in a sense. he said, you have to do this, you have to find out who you
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really are. i love him for that and i always loved him. i just -- there was a missing component. and that missing component is that my basic identity, i had to admit to myself, once i got sober and i couldn't hide behind a bottle of chardonnay. >> that's interesting. >> yeah, when i was drinking i could always drown the uncomfortable feelings. that's what we do as a country. >> when you're drinking you can also have sex with men even though you're a liz bean. >> you got it, bingo. >> how old were you when you came out to your family? >> i was very -- >> an adult? >> a midge adult. wall -- i've never been a major adult. i was definitely beyond the age that you would normally want did come out. i don't do should have, could have, would have. i was in my late 40s when this happened. i fell in love with a woman, bottom line. >> in your late 40s? >> late 40s. >> were you married at all before that? >> i was married once. i'm still good friends with my ex-husband. i married my best friend and we're still good friends. >> i think men can take it if their wife as liz bean rather
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than she left for another man, it's easier, isn't it? i think it must be easier for them, it keeps their egos intact. >> the reason i wrote the book is so many americans are struggling with all these issues. identity issues and addiction. i put them in the mind of the addict, namely, my mind, and explained why addicts do not respond to reason. you could talk to them until they're blue in the face and the mind has aligned with the craving. so the mind is not hearing anything that is said to an addict. that's why you can't scold an addict into sobriety. >> a friend of mine who is a drug counselor, alcohol couns counselor and all that, he says an addiction always takes precedent over any relationship. >> your number one relationship is with the substance of choice. you're having a love affair with the substance of choice. and everybody else comes second. that's why children, who have alcoholic parents, often grow up bitter. because dad is not really there. >> my father was a gambler, i felt that also. >> it's true.
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>> you said it's taken decades of therapy to find out what makes me happy. what makes you happy now? >> what makes me happy is waking up and doing something every day to try to make the world a better place. i know that sounds corny. the whole message of sobriety is transformation from being i, i, i, me, me, me, to being of service. they say the only thing that has to change is everything. everything changed in my life after i got sober. i also became a vegan which means that i can happily say i go through the day without killing. i practice peace on my plate, i practice peace in every step. i try to. i'm not killing to survive. we don't have to kill to survive and that was just one of the best decisions that i ever made in my life along with getting sober and coming out as gay. >> you've given up all your addictions. do you smoke? >> no. i did smoke and i gave that up too. >> gave everything up. >> not everything. >> well, you gave up your addictions. you're not heavy. you gave up your food addiction. were you heavy? >> i've always battled my weight. thank you for saying that but it's a constant struggle.
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there are black and white addictions. you could give up booze, period. you could give up drugs, period. food you have to negotiate with every day. you have to manage the grays. stay in the light gray as opposed to the dark gray. >> you gave up sugar and clothes. >> i did. >> what do you mean you gave up clothing? what does that mean? i read that, you gave up clothing. >> sometimes i give up clothing. >> are you a shopaholic also? >> i'm not a nudist. basically i say america's suffering from an overconsumption crisis. i use the 12 steps in all aspects of my life and pardon of it is inventory. i inventoried my consumption for three days and i wanted to kill myself. the plastic cups and plastic bags and all that garbage i didn't need that i was bringing into my life, that's an addiction. americans have this addiction and we're destroying the planet with our plastic bags and our shopping -- >> okay, jane! people who give up an addiction usually replace it with something else.
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>> another addiction. >> what's the addiction you have now? a healthy one, maybe. exercise, what is it? >> i tried to get an addiction to the sweaty yoga and it hasn't taken yet. >> you don't need to do that, that's uncivilized. >> it's fantastic. >> the heat, the sweating. wait until you're in menopause, you won't want to sit there. trust me. okay, janie. the want is called "i want." go pick up a copy. jane, thank you for coming by. >> thank you. up next, president obama's trouble with the right. and the left.
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i thought it would be really important if the vice president, instead of waiting until after the fact to write the inevitable mea culpa memoir telling us how forceful he was behind the scenes in opposing the war and how worry it was he wasn't listened to, that he can actually do the right thing right now. if this person chooses to escalate he should resign. >> well, that was arianna huffington calling for joe biden to resign. if obama doesn't heed his advice on afghanistan. i have to tell you after eight years of the gchl op slobbering over president bush it's refreshing to see how the left is willing to engage the white house in an honest, open debate. joining me are actor, comic and
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author of "i am not a psychic." and new york daily news columnist liz benjamin. welcome to the show. so listen, should biden resign? if obama sends troops into afghanistan? >> i think that arianna is right on the money in terms of when you look back at recent history, colin powell should have spoken up, clearly. >> yes. >> certain people should have spoken up. >> scott mcclellan. >> scott mcclellan wasn't making war decisions. >> he was there and he knew about the machinations and the evil -- >> colin powell became the good soldier and i think forever tarnished his reputation by helping lie us into a war. i agree with arianna. i think if biden threatens to resign if there's no troop reduction, then we have a real country here. >> that would be interesting. you agree with that, liz? >> no. sorry. >> why?
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>> no. i mean, there's one thing to actually speak up, which of course colin powell didn't do. but it's another thing to resign. when you're the vice president. >> what can you do? >> that's the protest. >> speaking up -- there's a protest -- >> that's the point. >> you said he could threaden to resign, which is true. he might very well go out there and threaten to resign. the man has a bully pulpit. he could do many things and use it, he doesn't have to resign. >> the most serious thing of all is sending kids to have their heads and limbs blown off -- >> yes, i agree with that. you might start by saying, by voicing your opposition. >> he is. he's in private meetings now with -- >> but is he especially nationally, publicly about this? >> can i move on with this for a second? because the thing about it is that the fact is that the left is questioning obama. i think that that is a healthy response. don't you? >> first of all -- >> bush had yes-men around him and he had cheney -- >> cheney had yesmen around him. bush wasn't the president. i think it's great. i think that we should learn
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from europe. you know, they have 14, 12 parties. there's the liberal wing of the democratic party, there's the moderate. think these parties should all split up and have serve, phil jackson, seven parties. the green party, labor party, conservative party, evangelical, fascist, mindless, misogynist, homophobi homophobic, war mongering wing of the party. >> you don't mean that in a bad way. >> no. i think the two-party system is stupid. everybody's owned by the same people. >> what about the idea of parliament, the way the brits do it, start yelling at each other in session? >> when that happened, when somebody said the president was making "you lie," all hell broke loose. everybody had a nervous breakdown because we dared to question the president -- >> you don't do it in that forum pier. >> doesn't parliament do it? >> parliament does it in a specific place. they have a time and a place. >> are we saying right now there would be rules then specifically for question time? >> of course. >> they need a time out to just yell at each other to their face
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instead of behind their back. >> then there should be rules that -- would the rules say when you do that it would not be racist, that it would be okay -- >> i'm saying he's racist because at the moment -- first of all, the most important issue to him is the confederate flag over his state capitol. the thing that obama was talking about is immigration and the guy yelled out "you lie." here's the first mixed race president talking about immigration from a guy with racist policies yelling you lie, you put the math together. >> i'm not saying he wassist or he wasn't, i'm saying there's a place for dissent. >> not there. not at there moment. >> you're suggesting -- in england you have it. you can't let one nut redefine all the country runs itself. the president gives a speech, you didn't interrupt. you may interrupt at other times. >> try to talk to me, richard, okay, i'm in the room. now, fox. the white house is also starting a fight with fox. >> fox? yeah, go ahead.
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>> fox is making hay with this. because, you know, listen to what limbaugh said yesterday, by the way b. his own situation. >> we'll talk about him. >> this is not about the nfl. it's not about the st. louis rams. it's not about me. this is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country, wherever you find them, in the media, the democrat party, wherever, to destroy conservatism. to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is prominent as a conservative. >> that was one example of the right wing taking on the whole left, in this case the nfl. but also glenn beck has been making statements that he is also a victim in this, and fox news is the victim of the white house's attack, it's unamerican, it's unpatriotic, et cetera. what do you think of all that? >> didn't you just get finished saying there should be many parties and many voices, et cetera, yet fox is being -- is not okay? >> you don't think that fox lies
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continually -- there are books written about it, they've made racist and misogynist -- >> they have, that's true. that's the allegations. >> they say they're attacking the conservatives. they had the president, the vice president, the supreme court, the congress and the senate. they're not mainstream? >> last time -- >> they've ruined the country now they're complaining. >> we have a constitution that has a free gom of speech. you say many sorts of -- >> you're condoning -- >> she has a pint. >> the white house is firing back at this thing that's been going on for years, that constantly lies, has veiled racism, misogyny, the most despicable things are said on that network every day -- >> they should be called out. >> doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. >> the white house isn't saying don't exist. >> they're saying that they're a tool of the right. that's what they're saying. >> what are they? they're just a tool. they're just a tool. >> i can't get you to talk to me. >> his fault, it's not my fault.
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i'm back with my political panel sitting in their correct seats. now, we touched on rush limbaugh in the last segment. i want to bring you up to date on something else about him. he has lost his bid to buy the st. louis rams. okay? a radio host stood up to him last night on anderson cooper. >> there are people out there, especially some st. louis sports writers, who don't like rush limbaugh's politics. and they make unquotes and do anything they can do to besmirch the man, to defile him, so that they make it as -- as awful as possible so that the nfl says, this is too toxic, i don't want to touch it. this is a high-tech lynching. >> before you respond, listen to limbaugh's reaction yesterday. this is not about the nfl, it's not about the st. louis rams, he said. it's not about me. this is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country, meaning you richard, wherever you find them, in the media, the timmic party, wherever, to
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destroy conservatism to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is a prominent as a conservative. is this a conspiracy? what's going on with him? he's really taking this very personally. >> clearly it's embarrassing. but i'm shocked that rush is upset over this decision. it's -- this is a capitalist country. his business partners have determined that he would be a liability to this business deal. so he's out. isn't that capitalism? capitalism is a shark. he's a victim of it. it wouldn't have been a good deal so what's he complaining about? >> did they know who he was when they had him to begin with? >> it's a good point. >> clearly they knew. >> i'd like to know who else in the whole nfl, what silent partners are out there, what they have said -- >> that's a great idea. >> i'm not a sports reporter. >> it's beyond sports though, that story. >> isn't rush limbaugh in the mainstream? >> this whole thing of conservatives saying they're not in the mainstream, as we all know, it's the biggest crock.
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they have the courts, they had the presidency, they had the congress, they have their own network. >> but he's not a politician. i guess that's what he means. just like glenn beck there, kind of on the sidelines provoking and provoking. >> fascist stooges who in the true sense of that word, that's not hyperbole -- >> why should he not own a team? >> they don't want him. >> they did want him, actually. they knew who he was in the beginning. >> he not only has said things about -- that could be construeded as racist he also attacked the nfl. they don't like him, they don't want him to be part of the situation -- >> he said things that are considered racist about a certain player in the nfl if i remember correctly. >> donovan mcnabb. >> they knew there at the outset. i would say it was a dumb business decision to actually have the guy as a partner to begin with. >> i agree, slaes true true. >> he said the nfl is like the gangs, the crips and the bloods. >> he did say that. >> that's veiled racism. >> very veiled racism. >> that's not veiled.
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>> unveiled. >> nevertheless the idea that this has not become -- it has become political. he's not sort of speaking out of turn to say that. you're talking about reverend al sharpton was one of the luddest people crying for him not to have -- >> right. >> i think it's because of al sharpton that he lost the bid to tell you the truth. >> the players were coming out. the players association -- two of them. >> had a lot to do with it. >> you don't need al sharpton in a case like this. he was just as always showing up at the scene -- >> i'll have to call adrian peterson sharpton, see what he says. we have to go. >> the show's over? >> quick, quick. >> why are we talking about limbaugh and beck? >> why not? >> so much. >> because they're fire brands. thanks to my panel for joining me. we'll talk a little girl pow where we come back. we have to change the subject. >> i want to talk girl power. >> you're coming back tomorrow.
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we've come a long way, baby. was it worth the trip? that's the question being asked in the latest issue of "time" magazine. men aren't the only ones asking. joining me to discuss why, with all the gains we've made, women are less happy today than we were 30 years ago. our sirius xm radio shaw toe host and karen jenkins, president of the women's media center. welcome to the show. >> hi, joy. >> thank you for coming. now, since 1972, this is a study that's been tracking us for all these years. we are living longer, we're
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making more money, we're more educated. i mean, for example, 32% of women are now lawyers. in 1970 it was 3%. 28% of mds are female now. in 1970, only 8%. we've really made tremendous strides i think in the past 30 years. and yet the information is that we are not happy. why are we not happy? >> because men are still not doing the housework. they're not taking care of the kids. >> that's true. >> they're not in the house. >> they're not, yeah. >> they're absent. but first of all, i don't believe this. >> you don't believe it? >> no, i think -- >> why not? >> these surveys are skewed in a lot of different ways. number one, women are a lot more verbal than men so they complain a lot more. they don't have any problems telling you they have a problem. my daughter and my son, ten years ago, you will never hear a complaint from my son, never. you talk to my daughter, the sky is falling, it's a disaster, it's a drama. same with my mother and father. my father, very stoic.
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he doesn't say, i suffer. so men don't tell the truth about their suffering. they consider it a sign of weakness. they're not going to tell you they're miserable and unhappy. >> my father used to grunt. that was miss main form of communication. >> on the other hand, i have a very vocal son. my son complains much more than my daughter. i wouldn't want to fall quite in those stereotypes. >> i understand what you're saying, though, about how that might tilt a poll when they're being asked the questions. >> you know, in 1970 when i guess the second wave of the feminist movement began, 1970, women decided, we're not just staying home and having children, we're going to go out to work. over these last 30 years we've been working and taking care of the kids and cleaning the house and doing everything. do you think we're just overstressed and that's the problem? >> look, i think we're very overstressed. when i look at my life, my mother's life, my grandmother's life, my grandmother came to this country as an indentured servant from sicily. her mother died in childbirth.
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came here without an education, couldn't write her name. she married, had nine children. she had no washing machine. she had no money. she lived through the depression. but my grandmother did not have the expectations that i have. she was a woman who was dedicated to her children, she had 100 virgin marys around the house. she was deeply religious. and she was a happy person. because she believed that her family would fulfill her. she believed in god. she had a different purpose. my mother had five children. she graduated -- >> wow. very feshlgts, your family. >> she was number one in her class in high school. but women of her generation and in her family didn't go to college. so she had a life of some disappointment. because of that. right? she struggled -- >> she was in the middle there. >> you have to take into consideration, though, that many women in this country today are poor, are raising children by themselves, are not making what men are making doing the same work, have a great deal of difficulty fulfilling themselves. and it is stress. i think that if we just look at
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health disparities of women in color in this country, we've got a major problem. i don't think we can quite say we've come that far. there are so many women and so many children, mostly women and children, living in poverty in this country today, who don't have medical care. >> and don't have food -- >> i don't want to diminish that that exists. but joy -- >> we have made progress. >> it's across the board, this study. >> it's across the board but i think -- >> some of it is an exist terrible malaise that's going on. >> it is. and i believe that women and men by the way, the thing that makes them happy is relationships. material things do not make people happy. health care, yes. >> are you sure? >> no, i am sure. now, having money does not make -- >> i know so many happy label whores you can't imagine. >> it doesn't make people happy. not having money makes people miserable. i've been rich and i've been poor and rich is better. the truth is what fulfills human
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beings at the end of the day? it's relationships. relationships become so fractured in this country. because families are broken. you know, parents are living here, they're not married, the family unit is broken. there's really no communities -- >> to that point listen to this statistic. 54% of the women believe it is possible for a woman to have a fulfilling life if she remains single. >> of course, and i've been single for 17 years and i've had a very fulfilling life. >> so you're saying you need a relationship, you might not. >> not a male/female relationship. people need to have relationships. >> friends. >> aunts, uncles, neighbors, lovers. >> a community. >> wait a second, okay. >> our relationship, joy. >> i understand that. >> in that case women should be happier. we're good at that. the men are the ones who have trouble with relationships. with friends and colleagues and everything else. we're the ones who have the community thing going on. >> one of the things that we have is that, you know, in many -- with many of my friends, even in my case too, what we find is that our children will
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not have as secure, as good of lives as we've had, that because of the economy, because of the social fabric that we have, they're not as well-educated. they're not -- they don't have jobs. they don't have fulfilling lives. >> look, carol -- >> so i think that if you're looking at women and you're looking at what they project for their project, here's a piece of it. if they can't project as fabulous a career, a future, as you've had -- >> i see. >> that impacts your happiness. >> i did not have money when i was a kid. i grew up in a tenement in brooklyn. >> but happy. >> although indentured servants as little bit much. that was extreme. >> my grandmother had my mother when she was 47. she was very, very old. >> oh, my goodness. 47 is a chicken nowadays. >> i know. but back then. >> i went to queens college. it was $24 a term then. >> right. >> you know, you didn't really have to have a lot of money to go to school. it seems like it's costing too much money now to be an american. i think you have a point with that. >> our prospects are dim.
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for the moment we're a country with dimmed prospects. and i think a that what we're looking for is that hope to make possibility again. >> doom and gloom. >> i don't know what you did but i had a child first, then i had a career. i think that it was a little bit easier for me in that sense of not being overstressed by the burden of both at the same time. women are trying to do everything at once. it's a little tricky. >> i think that the issue there -- >> you had the job first? >> i had the child and the job. i raised two kids by myself, i did everything by myself. >> you know what you are, you're an indentured servant. >> i'm an indentured servant to my children. i've been a slave to love. >> i've heard about that. >> why not, a girl has to have fun. >> i had the job and the parents because i was in that sandwich generation where for 30 years i was raising small children, having a career, or attempting to have one, and taking care of ailing parents. >> okay, i think one of the important things is my grandmother took care of me when i was growing up.
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she helped my mother. we all lived in the same house. my mother helped raise my children. she lived with me. >> that's important. it takes a village. >> it takes a village. it's a really unusual thing to have that in this day and age. i think the central thing that is stressing women out, when they have little children, is child care. >> that's right. >> we do not have access to affordable child care in this country and it is a disgrace. >> they're saying in this study too that the fact that we have the children is a real factor in the unhappy innocence a certain way. >> because there's no support. >> there's a biological imperative that only women seem to have. and men get off on this point. >> that's because men can go on and on and on. >> there's no way to get around that though. we want to have children to keep the species going. >> that's why we have to have affordable child care. >> exactly. >> it's extremely important to support -- >> this country is not a reality about things like that. >> they have to get into reality about that. >> i'm a new grandmother and i'm opting for curtailing one's work life and going back in to help the children. >> you have done that. >> i have done that. >> thank you for doing that.
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>> i'm with my granddaughter on fridays and soon it will be two days. >> do you really want to do that 17? >> i do, i do. >> you want to go back to that? >> it's the most important thing to me. >> seriously? i don't know if i would love that now. >> my son just got married, i don't know. >> my carr got married last year too. she's taking her time so i don't know. there's no nana in my future. >> it's the best. it is the best. to make up for all those working years when you didn't have time to go to the classes. >> a lot of people don't have the luxury of that. >> it's a fortune if you want to send them to private school. if you can't send them to a good school you have to come up with the cash for that. thanks so much for doing this. it's a very interesting subject. thanks to my guests. fascinating topic. more on the subject of women's happiness on monday's show with marcus buckingham, author of "find your strongest life: what the happiest and most successful women do differently." that will be interesting.
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police help me welcome anna deavere smith. hi. >> how are you? >> anna, you have taken a play to another dimension. you interview all these people. then you basically recite what they say verbatim from your interviews. yes? >> right. >> and you actually become the character. i saw you become al sharpton. and i've seen you become a lot of different people. in this particular show, you're talking about body image, death, and health care. not exactly an up show. but it's interesting. >> you don't think it's up? >> well, it is, but the subjects are serious topic yeah. >> do you think it's an up show? >> i think it's up that in the end it celebrates life. maybe that sounds not even authentically up. but i think that in the end it's about the good part of life. >> i mean, you talk -- a few of the characters i want to talk to you about, ruth katz. she as patient at the yale new
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haven hospital. >> or she was. >> tell the audience about her. >> what happened? well, she -- they lost her records. and the young lad who was the doctor didn't seem very interested or care very much that he lost her records then asked her in the normal course of events what she did for a living, which would be part of the rote thing she does. she played along with it, in the end she said, i'm associate dean of the medical school. they went around and found the records within half an hour. >> so suddenly they paid attention. >> paid attention. >> what does that say about the health care system in this country? >> it said two things. one, that even a person like ruth katz who has a lot of advantages and was getting great attention while she was at yale and yale is an extraordinary institution, even she was a victim of sort of carelessness. >> negligence. >> until she had to speak up and, you know -- >> throw her weight around. >> throw her weight around. >> eve ensler. she's the creator of "the vagina
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monologues." she's talking about skinny models and how they can't eat because they can't think -- >> anorexic girls. >> what was her point? that was quite interesting there. >> i think that she's tying the fact that in our culture we don't want to look at the fact that the rumor is true. like we're not going to live forever. our inability to look at that. you know, she's tying that to some other kinds of behaviors that we have. in this case the obsession with the body. and she talks about -- >> so the obsession with the body is like a distraction from this horrible truth that we're all going to die. >> right. >> i see. that was very -- yeah. she made that jump. there are other things that distract us too. shopping is a distraction from death also. comedy is a distraction from death. dancing. >> comedy's probably the most about death, right? >> well, it's the an together with sister of death. laugh or cry. so i choose comedy. i like that. that's my defense. >> it's some of the funniest people who i talk to, two of
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them, one governor ann richards -- the late governor ann richards, and the other the late joe segal. both, even though i talked to them when they were close to death, get the biggest laughs in the show. >> i know they do, i know. >> what does that mean to you as a comic? >> it means we don't change that much at the end. which is one of the things that eduardo bruera, a palliative care physician, he is dealing with the dead -- deadly -- what is the word, people who are dying, all the time. and he makes a very interesting point that if you look back on your life and you see how you've handled loss over your life, divorce, parents have died, other tragedies, you will see -- this was so interesting to me. you will see how you behaved in those situations, and you can almost predict how you're going to behave at the end of your life when you get that final, you know, what's the word -- >> bad news. >> bad news. do you think that's true? >> i think it is true. i mean, i don't know.
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but it made a lot of sense to me and i interviewed over 300 people to make this project. and so i only performed 20 in the show. so anybody who shows up in the show is somebody who made a lot of sense to me. >> yes. now, do you think that this show -- a lot of it is about the health care industry. which we're all talking about right now. >> yes. >> and we're having a little trouble getting that health care thing through. the baucus bill is i guess it's one thing that's on the table. it eliminates the public option, which would allow poor people to buy inexpensive insurance. what do you think about all of that? >> well, i think it's a disgrace that we even have an argument about whether or not we should be having a culture and a country where everybody can be taken care of. everybody needs to be taken care of. we have the money somewhere in this country to take care of people. >> if we're afraid of dying which is one of the themes of your show, why not deal with it in a realistic manner? people die, everybody has an end. why not make that as easy as
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possible without destroying people's financial lives and everything else? why are people resistant to that? you're an artist. >> yeah. well, i think that one of the other characters, a dean of medicine at stanford medical center, you know, sort of says, we're going to have to look at this. because it goes right to the economics of what we're spending. we're going to have to think about not just how we live but how we die. but we don't do that in this culture. in the show he's followed by a musicologist who talks about schubert. she points out in vienna when schubert was alive and writing music, whenever somebody died, they would ring these bells so that everybody in the parish could stop and pray for whoever it was. they wouldn't know who it was. and i think, you know, in this culture, we -- there are lots of ways that we avoid death as you've mentioned earlier in our conversation here. so for us to get our head around living better, i think is going to call for a real cultural
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shift that's pretty substantive. >> it's interesting that schubert who died i think at 32 years old -- >> 32. >> died of syphilis. which was the aids of that magic bullet came along. back to ann richards for a second. she was full of life as a person who was in the world. so in a way it was logical she would go out -- she wasn't afraid of death, you know. one of my favorite things she ever said was george w. bush was born with a silver foot in his mouth. she was very funny. >> you were too at that same convention. i remember you going up to al sharpton and says, al, you do all these marches, how come you never lose a pound? >> i did say that to al. you know what he said to me? he said joy, joy, that's because i eat after the march he said. >> i thought that was -- the way
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>> struck you funny, huh? you know, falco's character is a pill-popping nurse. i like the show very much. i'm really a fan of yours. >> thank you. mutual. >> but the american nurse's association is in a 'tissy over this. they say you're making nurses look bad. >> i'm not making nurses look bad. >> but you're there. >> i'm probably making hospital administrators look bad. my character is a little looney. she's like the authority figure in the circus. she has no real authority. it's about the clowns. >> do you think that as an artist, you have an obligation to fulfill the image that a nurse, let's say a real nurse has of herself or a hospital? >> that's a really great, deep question. i don't think so. i mean, i guess that's really a
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heavy question. on the other hand we would say as a black woman, do i have a responsibility -- i mean, that's a deep question. i think in this case, this show is really about moral ambiguity and people stop me on the street and love the show. it's because they know they live in a world where things just -- >> nothing's perfect. people are not perfect. >> yeah. >> and she is a very good nurse as a matter of fact. >> she's a good human being. >> and a good person. but she commits adultery, pops pills. she's not perfect. when you played the national security adviser in "west wing" that was a great part for you, too. did you think at that time you would ever see an african-american become president in this country? >> no. here's the interesting thing. when i got cast in that as the national security adviser, it was right before bush -- he was running, and there was little chatter around that condoleezza rice might become national security adviser and i knew her
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because i taught at stanford. and i walked up to aaron and i said, gee, by putting me in this role are you thinking about condoleezza rice. and he said who? so my little joke is i'm the first black woman national security adviser. but i did not think we would see the stay we would see an african-american president. >> a one-woman show is "let me down easy." thank you. and thank you all for watching. good night, everybody. they said it would never last.
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get freshness that won't fade away for 60 days. ahhh! with plugins lasting impressions. and yes, it's glade. s.c. johnson, a family company. breaking news tonight, satsuma, florida, a 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she's gone, vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the nightshift to find not a trace of little haleigh. the last person to see the 5-year-old alive that night, the stepmother, misty croslin. just hours after croslin handcuffed by cops on alleged road rage, she flies to new york, taking to the air to declare she's innocent. but even in one brief interview she can't keep her stories straight. first, claiming she knows nothing about haleigh's
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whereabouts, then blurting out the other side of the family took haleigh. then, a 180 on the failed lie detector, claiming she passed. then admitting she failed. after her brother tells cops he was at the home that night, no sign of croslin, completely debunking her story. her own mother, says croslin's not coming clean. croslin's tv response, they betrayed me. they're the bad guys. look at them, not me. minutes after croslin's debacle on national tv, her lawyer dumps her. bombshell tonight, croslin's mother now transferred from a tennessee holding cell on forgery to a florida jailhouse. at this hour, she faces police interrogation on just what she knows about haleigh's disappearance and her own daughter's alleged involvement. and why, police want to know, is
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she so convinced croslin's lying? will she crack behind bars? also, whenever the investigation heats up, croslin goes awol, but now we know her wing man, the woman who took her to orlando and new york, was undercover to befriend croslin and get the truth. did it work? this, while haleigh's father publicly stands by his new bride in a fit of depression over haleigh, cummings reportedly threatens to shoot croslin dead if she's involved. croslin and cummings now file divorce papers in a florida court. what does it mean to the investigation? croslin claims the holes in her story have nothing to do with the split, but have cummings' worst fears been confirmed, that his new wife, misty croslin, implicated in the disappearance of his own 5-year-old girl? >> misty croslin's mom was to be
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questioned by florida police, what does she know? >> she told me when she woke up she always keeps the lights out. she said she woke up and she noticed that the kitchen light was on and she said she made it around the corner and because she went around the corner she noticed that the back door was open and that's when she ran back to the bedroom and haleigh wasn't in there. >> changes, even subtle, small changes in misty croslin's story about the night haleigh went missing bothered you. what changes, if any, do you recall? >> there's -- i can't really recall the exact changes and they're real small. it's not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time she -- i ask her about it. >> they keep saying that you failed. >> i know. >> do you want people to know something about that? >> if they're going to know they're going to know.
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>> are you saying that you didn't fail the polygraph like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did? >> no, i never done. >> does it disturb you that misty croslin's story actually changed? >> yes, ma'am, it did. and tonight, live to wisconsin, a gorgeous young newlywed bride in extreme danger. the bride with "cover girl" good looks vanishes from her own home without a trace after calling 911. tonight, where is 31-year-old stephanie fischer? >> 31-year-old stephanie fischer was last seen october 6th, after reporting a domestic abuse claim against her new husband. she hasn't been seen since. in that claim stephanie says her husband dennis moe choked her. moe admits to punching and strangling stephanie and says he did it because she was talking to guys on the internet. law enforcement desperately searching for stephanie as the alleged victim in several domestic prior incidents involving her husband and police say is armed and dangerous as law enforcement frantically
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search to bring stephanie home safely. and tonight, mommy at a local l.a. bus stop waiting for the bus. her 3-year-old boy asleep beside her. the bus pulls up, mommy gets on, drives away, leaving baby alone at the bus stop. she never comes back. sex predator, stalkers, dope addicts, who knows who would show up on the next bus but mommy didn't care. she just kept on riding. >> los angeles police are investigating the case of a 3-year-old boy abandoned at a bus stop in the middle of the night whose mother is now missing. 3-year-old xavier nelson was left by an unidentified woman. at a south los angeles bus stop after midnight on friday. >> lapd released this video to
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the media in hopes someone would recognize this toddler and someone did. angela thomas says her mother called her from the southland saying she saw her grandson on tv. >> my heart dropped, i was about to cry, not just because i saw him, because of the story that they were telling. >> a witness observed the child sitting next to the woman when the bus arrived. the woman then got onto the bus and left the child behind. the witness yelled to the woman to tell her she forgot the boy but the woman just waved him off. >> angela says the last time she saw her daughter victoria nelson and grandson xavier was a week ago. >> the grandmother says 17-year-old victoria may be in danger and could had been forced to abandon her child. >> victoria would never, ever put her child in harm's way like that. she would never do that. unless there was a reason and the reason was somebody has caused harm on her. >> good evening, i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. croslin's mother, now transferred from a tennessee holding cell on forgery to a florida jailhouse.
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at this hour she faces police interrogation on just what she knows about little haleigh's disappearance and her own daughter's alleged involvement and why, police want to know, is she so convinced croslin is lying? will she crack behind bars? >> more details emerge in the case of missing florida girl haleigh cummings. misty's mom, arrested. >> this mother came out against misty and said that she believed that her son was telling the truth and that misty was not. maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about why she came to such a conclusion. >> lisa croslin told fox affiliate wofl -- >> yes, i think that my daughter's holding something back. i think they are both holding something back. that's just in my heart.
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>> when did you last see her? >> what we need is for misty to come out here and tell us the truth. >> i'm trying to do everything to find her, you know, i'm answering any questions i have to cause i know i didn't do anything with -- to that little girl. >> i don't think that she holds anything information that's going to find haleigh. >> ronald cummings, ever disturb you that misty croslin's story actually changed? >> yes, ma'am it did. >> if i knew where she was we wouldn't be sitting here today. we'd have her and i don't -- i don't know where she is. >> straight out to investigative journalist art harris at art, you've been on the story from the very beginning and spent months down in satsuma, florida. now the mother, misty croslin's mother has officially been transferred from tennessee on, what i believe, to be a trumped up forgery charge. yes, she did it, but you rarely
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see people thrown behind bars and this kind of bond on forgery and now she's been transferred to florida. she's on the turf with the local police department. and she's facing questioning tonight. what will happen? >> nancy, they're anticipating, asking her to compare the story that misty told her, according to what lisa, the mother, told me on my website on, comparing what misty told her the night haleigh vanished with what misty has said since then. so they have a number of stories they're going to compare. plus, they want to know why the mother believes her daughter was not telling the truth in her heart of hearts. that's what she has said. >> well, art, what i want to get down to the nitty grit is what do we know, if anything, about what croslin told her mother? now behind bars and facing florida police interrogation. what do we believe she told the mom versus what she's told to the morning shows, what she's told to the husband, ronald cummings? she's tripped up on her own story several times that we know
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of. >> well, nancy, she has gone over what happened that night in that she woke up, saw a light on in the kitchen and went in to check and then turns around and saw haleigh missing. so there are some specific steps during that night that she took that are a little off than what she said before. >> take a look at misty croslin and her debacle on national television. how does what she say he says here line up with what she told her own mother at the time haleigh went missing. >> the last time you had seen her before then was when? >> 10:00 when i laid down for bed. >> you had put her to bed? >> uh-huh, she went to bed at 8:00. >> but your brother had told police that when he went to the trailer that night that you were supposedly putting hailey to bed, you weren't there. did you go somewhere that night? >> no, i did not. i did not leave my house at all. >> why did he tell police that you weren't there? >> trying to get out of jail, that's what i think.
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>> so your brother was in jail? >> yes, he was in jail. yeah. >> your own brother would betray you like that? >> that's how my family is. i mean my story's not changed. it's same, it's the truth. >> can you sit here and tell me with 100% certainty that you had nothing do with haleigh's disappearance? >> 100% positive that i didn't have nothing to do with haleigh gone missing and i don't know who did. >> you're seeing misty croslin on cbs's "the early show." we're taking your calls live, but first let's unleash the lawyers. joining me tonight sue moss, child advocate, family law attorney, new york. mickey sherman, criminal defense attorney, author of "how do you defend those people?" new york. and renowned defense attorney, former prosecutor, darryl cohen, atlanta. sue moss, brother? hey, what about your mother? this is very rare that somebody's own mother speaks publicly against them. >> look, forgery mom is going to either give up her girl or give
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jail a whirl. they aren't letting this woman out until she spills the beans. she knows something. she wouldn't have come on national television and implicate her daughter if she didn't know something and they're going to get that out of her. >> darrell cohen, come on, you and i practiced in the same courthouse. since when do you have a mom come out against the alleged perpetrator, the suspect, that never happens. usually they're crying and screaming and waving the bible at you, throwing things at you from the front pew right behind you as you are trying the case. >> nancy, that is so true, but as i like to say sometimes, welcome to never. there's something going to here and we're not sure what it is. is mom trying to get off trumped up charge? i agree with you, something's going on. and mom may just have this heartfelt sympathy for this poor child that's now disappeared. >> what about it, mickey sherman? >> i don't know the mom doesn't look like a criminal mastermind to me. these people are stupid and creepy but does not necessarily
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misty's -- misty's lawyer has been in hand. >> it may be in her best interest -- both of their best interests just to sever the ties and move on. >> they got married. they went on their honeymoon to new york, couple of tv shows and came back to reality. >> if i find whoever has my daughter before you all do i'm killing them. >> this is what haleigh wanted. she's always talked about it and even if she's not with us, she's still here with us. >> there's really no privilege here that can prevent ron from testifying against her. just because they're married. so if that what was they were attempting to do and then they certainly missed the mark. >> i would sure hope that -- just -- with the family problems and everything else, it's just too much on the relationship. >> he's not as strong at home as he is on tv. he does the best that he can and
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just tries to make junior happy until haleigh comes home. >> isn't it true, mr. shoemaker, that ronald cummings -- let's take a listen to exactly what misty croslin's mother had to say on camera about her daughter. >> deep down in my heart, yes, i think my daughter's holding something back. i think they are both holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> i'm going to tell her i love her and if you know anything at all, please tell me. we can work through. i'll be right there by your side. we'll get through it. but just please tell me whatever you're holding back. >> that's misty croslin's mother lisa croslin, she was on wofl, fox 35, saying she believes croslin may be hiding something. schiavo, marlaina schiavo, our producer on the story, i understand misty croslin has a response to her mom. now, as of tonight behind bars in florida facing police questioning regarding haleigh's disappearance.
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>> yes, i asked misty, why does she think her mother would say something like that? her response? she was mad at me. i said, she would say that on national tv or even local television just because she was mad at you, misty? yes, that's why she said it. that was her response. >> okay, repeat? >> she basically said that her mother was mad at her and that was her revenge, by telling everybody on, you know, that was watching television that her daughter was hiding something. it was revenge for getting this injunction against tommy, her brother. >> and elie jostad, our chief editorial producer on the story, she took on the airwaves. croslin took on the airwaves herself on national television and said, her brother and her mother are the bad guys, look at them, not me. and said they betrayed her. that's her position. >> right, she said that her brother tommy told this whole story about going to the trailer the night haleigh went missing, knocking on the door, nobody being home.
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she says the brother told police that because he wanted to get out of jail. >> let's go to the lines. joanne, pennsylvania, hi, joanne. >> caller: hi, how are you, nancy! >> i'm good, dear, what's your question? >> caller: well, first tell you we love you. got your book, your babies are beautiful. i'm so happy you finally got a piece of happiness in this life. >> i really did. two pieces, and three if you count that husband. >> caller: that's right. >> but two for sure. >> caller: uh-huh. my question is out here in pennsylvania, we have children in youth services. how come they haven't gone to the police and possibly arrested her if anything for child neglect? >> excellent question. >> caller: when she's the last one ho had the child. >> what about it, darrell cohen? >> i think if there's a scintilla of truth whether she had to say and then she fell asleep and the child disappeared. the reality is i'm stunned that child services, protective services haven't been there and just annihilated her with questions, because, nancy, you and i both know, if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said, it
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doesn't matter how many times that you say it. it's absurd. >> mickey sherman, come on, how many stories have we covered where mom fell asleep and the baby wandered off into a pond, into a forrest, into traffic, and all of those moms were held responsible? >> yeah, there's no facts to support it. we were all guessing -- >> the story is she fell asleep and the baby went missing. >> hey, the lindbergh child was kidnapped from their home, not prosecuted. >> you're reaching back several decades, mickey. good try, though. >> it's a good analogy. >> just divorced. i mean, i don't want a divorce, but hey, that's what he wants so it's whatever. i'm not going to fight him.
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after the divorce is final, do you believe ronald cummings will have more to say to police? >> i don't -- i don't believe so. i know that in all of the times that we've met with law enforcement, which really hasn't been that many times, i know that he is -- he's been very forthright on the number of times he called her, when he called her, what the conversations were all about, so i don't think that he's really going to come without any bombshell as to, well, i was holding this back. >> help me out, misty. why were there inconsistencies? why did you say one thing one time and one time the other? >> um, i don't know. >> but you -- but you know that you did do that? >> yeah. >> and you're not sure why? >> no.
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>> that was croslin on nbc's "today" show back in march by giving some pretty vague answers. we're taking your calls. bethany marshall, weigh in. >> i think that misty and her mother both have something in common. they're both good at pointing fingers, and saying you know what they think went wrong. but neither of them have offered very good theories about what happened to this little girl and they haven't offered theories in empathetic ways. for instance if the little girl was a wanderer in the night or somebody who might be a child predator who was trying to befriend the family. and misty's mom hasn't said she had a lot of party friends and there were parties in the neighborhood that night, so the fact that misty's pointing to other people and her mom's pointing at her in an accusatory way but they don't seem to be empathetic about this little girl. they don't seem to be spending out theories and helping law enforcement. it makes me suspicious that they're just mired down in their
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own quarrels and contention and family drama and dysfunction and that they're not going to aid at all in the search for haleigh cummings. >> tonight, croslin's mother behind bars in florida facing police questioning on haleigh's disappearance. >> do you feel that misty is a key in this investigation? >> no, i don't. i think that they're barking up the wrong tree.
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what time was haleigh last seen by anybody other than cummings and croslin? >> the last time i'd seen her was -- >> i didn't ask when you saw her. certainly you, as the biological mother, know the facts of this case. so when was she last seen by someone other than the father and the stepmother? >> that i don't know. >> have you asked her what happened? what does she tell you? >> i ask her, but i don't get any answers from her about, you
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know -- i don't see -- what she's telling me is not inconsistent. >> bottom line you don't know where haleigh is. >> to art harris investigative journalist at what more can you tell me, art? >> i can tell you that that night, or that afternoon, haleigh was seen playing with her cousins at the trailer riding bikes, running around, having fun. and then at 6:00, tommy comes over to see misty. they hang out for a while. and then 7:00 to 7:30, law enforcement tells me that her grandmother came over and with a clean batch of clothes. which begs the question why does misty have to wash a blanket later on and ronald is saying there was no detergent in the trailer anyway. >> what more can you tell me about the brother and what, if any, advice does croslin's father give her about speaking to cops? >> initially when i spoke to lisa croslin the mother and the sister-in-law, they were warning misty to be careful about what
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she said because she was tripping up on herself and people were attacking her for inconsistencies so this was early on, nancy, at the house. and they were also pointing fingers at a cousin trying to -- whether to divert attention, they believed this young man from tennessee who was there that night and left the next morning had something to do with it. he's been interviewed twice by police in the last two weeks and has not been -- and has been ruled out as in any way connected. >> but right now he's not a suspect nor is misty croslin been named a suspect in this case. >> correct. >> and, art, i want to go back to the wing man, the so-called "friend" who was actually working undercover who befriended misty croslin. took her to orlando, went with her to new york for her tv appearance. >> right. >> what can you tell me about donna's time with misty croslin? >> she was told by tim miller head of equusearch to get close to her top.
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possibly any clues that would lead to haleigh, what happened to her. in hanging out with her, gosh, several weeks, she got close to misty and said there were more inconsistencies that came up. nothing specific but she shared that with investigators, sat down with them several times and recently after she dropped misty off for the last time on saturday having the falling out, misty learning that she was a "double agent," she then went and told police further what she knew and one thing that came out, nancy, that was very interesting to them, she has an explosive temper. we have not seen in public. so whether that has anything to do with what could have happened to haleigh, we don't know. but that is something that donna brock reported. >> with me now marc klaas, president and founder of klaaskids foundation. what do you think, marc? >> first of all, i think that this seasoned wing man that betrayed misty, i think we have to -- we have to consider this woman.
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of the hundreds and thousands of cars that are driving on the roads of florida, this is one that gets in a road rage situation that's so serious that the other person feels they have to contact law enforcement. and as for misty's explosive temper, my goodness you find out that somebody you've befriended is working behind your back for somebody else to betray you, i would get explosive as well. i think what we're dealing with here with misty and her mom are some pretty shallow people who don't really think much before they speak and they pretty much blurt out anything that comes to mind. they are focused on each other. nobody seems to be focused on the little girl but as mickey said, charles lindberg and also poly, elizabeth smart, van dam. jessica lunsford were all stolen from their homes as family members slept nearby. >> marc klaas, you're absolutely right on that point. everyone the tip line.
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right now we're going to wisconsin and a missing mother, beautiful with "cover girl" good looks. disappeared immediately after calling 911. take a listen. >> police are desperate to find 31-year-old stephanie fischer. stephanie was last seen with her new husband dennis moe, who authorities say, is armed and dangerous. stephanie reported domestic violence incident against moe and hasn't been seen since. dennis moe drives a gray, 2006 dodge charger with wisconsin plate number 272pxt. stephanie stands about 5'10" and weighs about 180 pounds. she has blond hair, blue eyes and has a large rose tattoo on her back. >> straight to dan o'donnell with newsradio 620, wtmj. dan, what happened? >> well, near as anyone can tell, she went missing, as you heard, just after calling 911. just after police interviewed her new husband. there has been a constant stream of domestic violence incidents before they were married just a
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couple of weeks ago dating back to july. he's been arrested several times all with the same basic premise. he's been attacking her. he's been attacking one of their young daughters. in fact, back in july, twisting her arm. the little girl behind her back. and in this latest incident what we know from the police report and the criminal complaint that he actually stuck a shotgun in her mouth and said he wanted to use the biggest shells possible so she would die a slow and painful death and he said she wanted to -- he wanted to see her choke on her own blood. so obviously this is a very dangerous situation. >> to detective michael hartwell with the west bend police department joining us from west bend, wisconsin. detective, thank you for being with us. what was the nature of her 911 call? what was she saying? >> that initial call was to report the initial domestic violence. there were actually two incidents that were reported at
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that same time. and so we sent officers up there to investigate it at that point, and that's when we learned of the incident that dan o'donnell just spoke of involving the shotgun. >> with me a special guest yvette cade joining us from washington, d.c. you remember her and her brave fight against domestic abuse. she was actually set afire inside a phone store by her ex. she suffered terribly as she is with us tonight. you're seeing video of that. the store surveillance right now. ms. cade, it's -- first of all, welcome. it's very rare for domestic violence to go away. in fact, most typically it escalates. >> thank you for having me, nancy. yes, it does. once stephanie put up a protective order out on her husband potentially the stakes went higher.
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it skyrocketed for risk for extreme bodily harm. what i suggest the family to do is to go to the police department, the mother, father, siblings and children and take a swab test kit from missing persons. >> well put yvette. yvette having to live through the nightmare of being set afire. you're seeing video of it right now by her ex. and in that case, there had been so many prior incidents. to ron shindel. weigh in, ron. >> nancy, domestic violence that doesn't stop, initially goes past the first incident, escalates, escalates and keeps escalating until we have consequences that sometimes lead to a very serious injury or sometimes homicide. >> and elie jostad, where's the husband, the groom? >> nancy, we don't know where he is but police say he's armed and dangerous as they explained
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before, he's known to have a shotgun in the house. they did find a 12 gauge in the house. they believe that the victim, the alleged victim is likely with her husband right now and they're looking for their vehicle. >> if she's still alive. everyone, the vehicle, a gray dodge charger wisconsin license 272p, peter, x, x-ray, t, tennessee. a special thank you to dan o'donnell and detective michael hartwell. as we go to break, happy birthday to florida friend, fran newton. proud mother of three. not only works side by side with her husband, she volunteers for years at the local hospital. never misses a show. loves sewing aprons for friends. she's 88 today. happy birthday, fran. and happy birthday to my brother, mac. here he is with his wife, jan. besides from being one of the top sales reps in the country, a husband, a father of two boys, both of whom they're putting through college, he's an avid runner. he survived a heart attack at an early age.
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breaking news, a missing person's alert has gone out for 31-year-old stephanie fischer. police say stephanie taken by her new husband dennis moe. a man who's had multiple domestic violence abuse claims against him. those claims including beating, choking and even putting a gun in stephanie's mouth. police say moe is to be considered armed and dangerous. stephanie believed to be in extreme danger. >> straight to elie jostad also on this story. elie, what more can you tell me about this guy? he's disappeared too. >> right, nancy, i'm counting at least five alleged incidents involving these two, alleged domestic violence, that dennis moe is claimed to have perpetrated on the victim. going all the way back to july as the other reporter explained. he's now facing this laundry list of charges, battery, strangling and suffocation, second-degree reckless, endangering, intentionally pointing a firearm at a person. he's looking at at least 20
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years, if he's convicted on all of these counts. >> dr. bethany marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "deal breakers." what do you think? >> i'm concerned about the escalating pattern of violence, but i'm also concerned that he may have kidnapped her or absconded with her in order to convince her to drop the charges and women, if you are in a domestic or violence abuse situation and you call 911 and the police tell you to press charges, press the charges. do not let your husband or boyfriend convince you otherwise. and if there's a tro, respect the temporary restraining order, because the biggest mistake that women make is they feel guilty. they go back. i'm not suspecting that that's the case in this particular situation. but the husband tries to get them to drop the charges and that's, you know, could be a part of the picture in this -- in this situation. >> with me, dr. marty makary, physician and professor of public health johns hopkins. dr. makary, you know i remember when i first became a felony
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prosecutor, and we don't deal with simple batteries or simple -- it's got to be bad by the time it gets to felony court. i remember a woman coming into court with a broken leg and a cast, her hand was in some kind of a -- not a cast, but something else. she was dragging her leg along behind her with the boyfriend. and she wanted to drop charges, all right? >> yeah. >> you must see it all the time. >> we do see this sort of allegiance to the abuser, and domestic violence is called the silent killer because women are often silent about it. there is this sort of allegiance or feeling of guilt that they don't want to turn in the person who sometimes can redeem them. we see these characteristic fractures, dislocations, burns and lacerations where the mechanisms just don't make sense and we know it's domestic violence. we're often limited in what we can do but this is a good example of a situation. >> doctor, you're so right.
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back to detective michael hartwell with the west bend police department. detective, isn't it true that, in fact, on earlier occasions, police would come to the scene, after a 911 call from her. she would be horribly beaten and both she and the new husband would say, she fell down the stairs. come on? >> yes, that is part of the reports that we've had, you know conflicting information regarding how -- you what is told to us after we get up there and do an investigation and in some cases she's changed the story and told us what truly happened and how she became ballered and we've seen this continuing escalation. >> to the lawyers, sue moss, mickey sherman. darryl cohen, i don't know if you were prosecuting with me at that time, i think already a defense attorney, but when the lady dragged in with the broken leg, i said, to the witness stand, we did not drop the charges. and he ended up pleading guilty, darrell. i mean the problem is if your witness, your victim won't
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testify, you really don't have a case unless you can make it without the victim. >> how do you do that, nancy? you do it with photographs. do you it with her outcry witnesses and you do it and make her feel guilty, if nothing else, and you make her testify because if she's not saving herself, perhaps she's saving another woman somewhere down the line. >> right. >> somewhere down the road. >> to lori in new york. hi, lori, what's your question. >> caller: hi, nancy. nice to talk to you. >> likewise. >> caller: first of all i want to say your twins are gorgeous. beautiful. and i'm glad your mother is feeling much better. >> thank you, i saw eleanor today. took her another casserole. she's on the mend. go ahead, dear. >> caller: i do have a question. this woman, do they have any idea where his relatives may be? >> excellent question. >> caller: where he is? >> to you, detective hartwell, where are his relatives? >> we're working on that time with them at this time with other law enforcement. where we've had some contact with the son and we're doing some other follow-up with other
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relatives here in the state at this time. >> to christine, illinois. hi, dear. >> caller: hi, nancy. how are you? >> i'm good, dear. what's your question? >> caller: very good. i have a comment and a question. >> okay. >> caller: i'm a victim of extreme domestic abuse. >> yes. >> caller: and i have to tell you why these women that have broken legs and are battered bad, the reason why they don't say anything is they know that they will kill them if they say anything, number one. and my second question is if you have three domestic charges against you the state can pick that up even if the victim does not do that, and he actually should have been in jail. >> good question. mickey sherman, what about it? >> you know the problem is that so often it's the wife who wants to -- or girlfriend who invites herself back and i'm not casting stones at her, it's an addictive personality. and they just can't seem to draw themselves out of these
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horrendous relationships. as dr. marshall said, and that's a real problem for the prosecution. you've got to put them on the stand in spite of themselves and bring in an expert, and i've seen it done, saying, she's lying to you because of this, that, and the other thing and you need a psychologist to get up there and say that. >> everyone, we are switching gears and still taking your calls. i want to tell you about a story we reported on the other night. a 3-year-old baby boy left asleep at the bus stop by his mother. mommy gets on the bus and drives away. to stacey newman, our producer on the story. stacey, what is the latest? >> well, a brand new development has come in as we go to air, nancy. lapd is telling us right now, nancy, that there has been a sighting of this mother literally just hours after she abandoned this boy at a bus stop. she was spotted in south central, l.a., by someone who did not know she had abandoned her child. >> to misty reef, reporter. what can you tell me, misty?
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>> i can tell you what she's saying is correct. the person that saw her on saturday did not know that xavier had gone missing or not really missing but it was did know that xavier was abandoned. that's the last we have seen of her so far. i can tell you that she was actually described by the original witness attorney as being 5'4", the woman who left xavier at the bus stop. victoria has a light complexion, but she is 6 feet tall with burgundy or red hair. >> what was the mother doing when she was spotted after having abandoned her 3-year-old child at the bus stop? a homeless guy tried to say hey, you are leaving your son and she shooed him away and kept on riding. what was she doing when she was spotted? >> police have just told us they
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michelle. >> caller: hi, nancy. thank you for taking my call. my question is i know she had the boy when she was 14 and recently had another child at 17. maybe unbenounced had her mom and sister, maybe she is one of those closet drug people and actually on drugs and they are not aware of it. do they know for sure? >> michelle, anybody could be on drugs. but under the law, mickey sherman, that in no way is a defense. voluntary use of drugs or alcohol unless you are comatose and she is not, is not a defense, ever. >> there is no defense. >> everybody in the jail house would say i was drunk. >> it's a level of insanity. >> there you go. i can't hear you. >> how do you leave your 3-year-old child on a bench? >> i can hear you, i'm sorry to say that. sue moss, help me out.
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>> oh, my goodness. two kids and an abandoned child at 17, this was a bad decision making machine. she knew what she was doing. this was not the first time she abandoned a child, but hopefully it will be the last. >> i only have a few seconds left. there was a discrepancy between the description of the woman who got on the bus and the mom. >> although the person leaving the boy on the bus is described as 5'4" and black and hispanic, the mother is 6 foot and very skinny. >> let's stop and remember army private first class william lee meredith, virginia beach, virginia served afghanistan. awarded bronze star, purple heart. loved volunteers in a local retirement home. video games and music. favorite band is tool. leaves behind parents lloyd and
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cynthia. best friends, chris and eddie. william lee meredith, american hero. thanks to our guests and especially to you. until then, good night, friend. i'm brooke anderson and this is a "showbiz tonight" news break. here is what's coming up at the top of the hour. jessica simpson strikes back at a dus gusting cartoon making fun of her weight. is it fair game? the cougar debate over courteney cox's advice over how older women can get younger guys.
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