tv Newsmakers CSPAN October 18, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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dramatic new home video. a father watches in complete horror as a balloon takes off and for a time said he feared his 6-year-old boy was inside. this chaotic scene started a three-hour chase broadcast live on national television. seemed like the whole world was watching. little falcon heene ended up he was okay, hiding in the attic. so the question many are asking, was this just a hoax, a stunt for the family to get some publicity? plus, heart stopping, terrifying video. a mother and 6-month-old baby wait for the train. she looks away one moment. when the stroller rolls and ends up under the train. what happens next will floor you.
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you are a huge part of the show. we love hearing from you. call in or e-mail us news or text us at hln tv. start your message with the word "prime." your chance to be heard. >> controversy, opinion, your point of view. this is "prime news." >> once again, this is prime news. i'm mike galanos. let's get right to it. so much speculation. 6-year-old now known as balloon boy was not in a balloon floating over colorado. he was hiding in the attic. the drama unfolded live on national tv. here's a quick recap for you. >> reporter: a 6-year-old boy we are being told, is actually inside what is being called an experimental aircraft. all right. it's come down. we've all been holding our breath for about an hour now. according to police there is no one inside that balloon. >> thinking there was a 6-year-old boy that was in this and then when it lands, there is
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no boy here. >> 6-year-old falcon? he's alive. >> he is. >> and he's at home. >> he's been hiding in a box, cardboard box in the attic of the garage. >> all right. now we have what you're seeing here, dramatic home video. here's the family. shows the terrifying moments as the balloon took off. again, we now know little falcon heene was never in that balloon. the family no stranger to the camera here. not only yesterday but prior to that they've been on abc's reality show "wife swap" twice and now many people are wondering was this all a hoax? we'll take your calls. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. joining me now is a neighbor of the heene family and also psycho therapist stacy kaiser and law enforcement analyst mike brooks. all right. again, call in 1-877-tell-hln. bob, let me start with you. you're there at ground zero, have you talked to the family? >> no, i haven't. i said hello this morning at the house briefly right after the
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live interview for the "today" show but other than that i haven't spoken with them. >> what are people in the neighborhood saying? >> well, i think people are surprised. people are all pleased of course that he was found and is safe. you know, that's what i know. >> okay. let's/let me ask you the question, bob. we aren't going to beat around the bush here. there are people and you've heard it speculating possible hoax here. your thoughts knowing this family, again, no stranger to the camera, but seeing their emotions yesterday what's your take? >> it's not a hoax. i don't believe. i was heading for an appointment this morning, yesterday morning late, and i heard some commotion in the backyard as i was leaving to take something out to my truck, and i noticed over the fence that there was a lot of consternation and they were upset about something.
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and the mother particularly was distraught. and they -- there was no one to act for at that point. it was real. this is not a hoax. >> okay. so the emotion, that's what's telling you. >> yes. >> the emotion you saw was not fake. >> no. it was genuine. >> okay. leslie, let's get the sheriff ready. we're talking about the sheriff and we'll also hear from falcon himself. let's listen to falcon. this is what really has spurred on the talk of it possibly being a hoax. the heene family was on "larry king" last night with wolf blitzer and little falcon spoke talking about why he wouldn't come out when he heard his name called. let's listen to that. >> falcon, did you hear us calling your name at any time? >> mm-hmm. >> you did? >> you did? >> why didn't you come out? >> um -- you said that we did
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this for the show. >> no? >> okay. there you have it. bob, i'll ask you. this is what has people suspicious. when you heard that, do it for the show, did you get suspicious at all? >> no. it's a 6-year-old. he was probably confused. that doesn't play for me. >> okay. let's bring in mike brooks, investigator, has done interviews and listened to interviews. mike, when you heard that, what r were your thoughts? >> yeah, he is a kid. but where does he pick this up? does he just make this up himself? you know, what bothered me, mike, as an investigator, then wolf just following up on the question asked the father, well, what does he mean by that? then he gets, you know, look. he's outraged that wolf would have the audacity to ask him about that question. i don't think so. i think the sheriff, and we heard from the sheriff today, they're going to go back and talk to the family, too, even though the sheriff doesn't think that this was any kind of hoax, that it was real. but one of the other problems i have with this, mike, the father
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was right there when this balloon took off. we're not talking in the middle of a field. we're talking in a backyard. you saw it's not that large of an area. and he built the thing. does he know there's a compartment there? we heard about a box. i don't see any box on the bottom of this whatever you want to call it when it takes off out of the yard. you know, then the father calls the faa and a local tv station before he calls 911. help me understand that one. >> okay. well, you mentioned the sheriff. let's make it clear. at this point the sheriff is taking this as a real incident, an accident, if you will, that the little guy, the little falcon was hiding. let's listen to the sheriff today. >> we feel it's incumbent upon us as an agency to go back to the family and attempt to reinterview them and establish whether this is, in fact, a hoax or if it's an actual event. we believe at this time that it's a real event.
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certainly, people are free to speculate. they're free to be skeptical about it. >> okay. there you have it. there's the sheriff. we'll take a quick break on this and get stacy kaiser, psycho therapist in on this. what is she seeing? what's her read on this? maybe we'll replay what falcon had to say. we'll take your calls and thoughts, hoax or not. the number 1-877-tell hln.
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this? i'm not selling anything. i'm not advertising anything. my family and i, we do this all the time. >> all right. that's the father richard heene on the nbc "today" show. he's been angered when the suggestion that this is somewhat of a setup or a hoax, he seems to be more angry about it. he mentioned he's not selling anything. we're finding out, though, this family has been on a reality show "wife swap" twice. he and his family have pitched a reality show to tlc. we got their comment and they, here's what tlc says. they approached us months ago and we passed on that. also pitched a couple other reality show production companies. let's bring in our psycho therapist stacy kaiser. what do you make of this? from what you're hearing, you see these interviews and dad's reaction, hoax or not? >> i'm on the hoax bandwagon. i'll tell you why. what we know about families is they have patterns of behavior and this family is clearly dramatic and attention seeking
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based on their storm chasing, based on the fact they chose a reality show like "wife swap" to be on. the other thing i want to throw into the mix is how many 6-year-olds do you know that would sit in a box for three hours without coming out? i don't know any. >> let's clarify that. i don't know if he was in a box. mike brooks, maybe you can help me with that. i believe he was just in the attic, not in a box. still, a pretty active 6-year-old to be up there for three or four hours. >> still hard to buy. >> good point there. let me get to bob, again, a neighbor, obviously siding with the heene family. does not believe this is a hoax. saw their emotion. bob, about that attention seeking, have you talked to them about that? have they been open about, hey, we're pitching a reality show? what can you tell us about that? >> well, i knew when they did the "wife swap" series that the two different programs and he's put together some science programs trying to get them and maybe some of them have been on cable tv before.
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so i can't deny that he's a bit of an attention seeker. >> okay. did you ever ask him about the reality show like, richard, how do you guys put yourselves out there like that? not once but twice. have you ever had that conversation? >> i haven't asked that exact kind of question, no. >> okay. well, let's -- stacy, i'd like to listen to falcon again with wolf blitzer last night. have you listened to it as well? just see as we watch it and listen to it again what you might pick up on to tell you, i'm guessing you're thinking hoax here, but let's watch that again. this is falcon last night talking with wolf blitzer on ""larry king live"." let's listen. >> falcon, did you hear us calling your name at any time? >> mm-hmm. >> you did? >> you did? >> why didn't you come out? >> um, you guys said that we did this for the show.
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>> yeah -- >> no. >> okay, stacy. you see mom in there, the two brothers look both ways at the parents. what's your read on that? >> i had a couple reactions to that. first of all the boy sounds completely honest and sincere when he comes out with that. kids are not good liars. they usually reveal it by moving around too much, or touching their face. this kid sounds sincere. and the parents' reaction really startled me because they reacted in a way like uh-oh. and that made me think that that boy had revealed something he wasn't supposed to share. >> okay. >> and the father is so outraged, mike. what was he doing this morning? right back on the morning shows again. >> yeah. poor falcon gets sick on national tv like that. as an investigator, we've obviously got a difference of opinion from folks out there. >> sure. >> how do you investigate this to really figure out whether it was a real event or not? >> yesterday i said when all
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this was ongoing you need to get the parents, separate them, find out exactly where they were, talk to the brothers. well, apparently law enforcement did take falcon, take him upstairs and talk to him away from the parents yesterday. so, you know, they probably got a pretty good idea of what the real story was but now after this comment law enforcement says they want to go back out and talk to them again. you know, even though the sheriff was saying he believes because of the emotions and the investigators on the scene yesterday thought that this was a real event, just because of the emotions of the parents. >> got you. >> but you need to go back out and do the same thing again, sit down, say okay, falcon. you know, here's what you said the other day. what did you really mean by that? because wolf tried to push that yesterday but the father went, no, no. you aren't going to ask him again. >> he's been consistently angry. we'll say that. let's get elizabeth in texas in. go ahead. >> caller: i think the nutty professor needs to be investigated by the faa. when he was on "wife swap" he was verbally and physically abusive to his kids and i think he's a tool or better known as a
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[ bleep ]. >> whoa. we know how elizabeth feels. what do you have to say as well? 1-877-tell-hln. a comment from june. as soon as it was announced the family was on a reality show i thought hoax. now we have to see them on every talk show and every magazine cover. here is one other facebook comment, bridget writing this. have you people that are blaming the parents ever thought about how much they might be blaming themselves already? just leave that alone and be happy that he was found okay. all right. there you have it. everybody's weighing in on this one. we'll keep following it for you as we keep following this story. a huge blow to casey anthony's defense. a bold motion shot down by the judge.
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welcome back. horrifying video. it leaves you breathless. a stroller gets away from mom and lands on the train tracks. here comes the approaching train. we'll show you what happened next. now this. a blow to casey anthony's defense. the florida mom again in the fight for her life accused of killing her little girl, little caylee. new today the request to have her murder charge dropped shot down by the judge. no surprise there. still, casee's attorney claims she is innocent saying they have evidence to back their claims. the judge basically saying put up or shut up. take your calls. 1-877-tell-hln. bradford coen joining me to talk
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about it and also a reporter from wdbo radio in orlando. drew, you were in the courtroom. give us, first off, casey, the interactions, did she interact with george and cindy? tell us about it. >> when she first came in, she did smile briefly at her parents, but throughout most of the hearing today she was staring straightforward. she had a pen in her hand and was taking some notes. the judge made a joke during the hearing at one point and she did chuckle. a lot of the cameras did capture that snapshot of her smiling, but for the most part, she looked forward and didn't say much during the hearing. >> how about george and cindy? >> i saw them outside before i went in. they looked about, you know, like they were smiling. they were talking with some of the reporters and some of the national news media guys there. didn't seem to be too distraught. i did see that cindy had a thing of tissues in her hand. i couldn't see from where i was sitting what she was doing throughout the hearing but they usually do get emotional during these hearings. >> there are some shots of the family. bradford, is there a lot of
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coaching here telling casey how to act, not to act, whether to laugh or not? is that a huge part of what's going on now? >> you know, it could be. i mean, on these high profile cases, and i've had quite a few, you don't want your client to act inappropriately and you don't want something they do to be taken as inappropriate. so it's very difficult to find the line to walk in terms of what you want and how you want them to act or not. it's a tough thing to do to say, hey listen, don't smile. don't laugh. look sullen. you know, i don't know how much coaching is going on. i doubt there's a lot but i'm sure they're saying don't go off the boat, you know, something like that. but i don't think a ton of coaching is going on. >> let's get the legal stuff, bradford. >> sure. >> we knew the criminal charges wouldn't be dropped. why does the team waste their breath and everybody's time even asking? >> they're setting up any kind of possible appeal. they're trying to exhaust every avenue. you know, it's filed on a 3.190. we call it a c-4 because it's
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subsection c/4. if you see some tv on that that's why we call it a c-4 motion. the reason he would file it is because he felt i think to put it out there in the public eye how innocent she really is, you know, put some facts there. they don't have anything in regards to how the child died or how she was -- what they're saying that she was murdered. they don't have those facts so you put that in a motion and let it float out there and maybe you can turn some public opinion. >> drew, we're also gathering from the defense they have evidence to clear casey. what evidence? any inkling at all? >> well, they haven't said, but what i can gather is they're just going to use the crime scene, you no, this stuff is so scientific when it comes down to it with experts dissecting each thing they found at the crime scene. and when it was first ve reviewed by state experts they say the remains were there for
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