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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  October 22, 2009 5:00pm-7:59pm EDT

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new information tonight on the 7-year-old florida girl found in a georgia landfill. buried under tons of garbage. identified by her little red jumpsuit and birthmark she was walking home from school in the middle of the day. vanished in minutes. we want to know who killed little somer thompson. sex ads, prostitution so rampant on craig's list the sheriff says they are pimping women and kids but a judge throwing out his lawsuit saying the adult services section is not explicitly for sex.
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what, sexy erotic playmate buffy's body on duty? isn't that? we'll take your phone calls 1-877-tell-hln, e-mail us or text us, just start your message with the word "prime." it's your chance to be heard. >> welcome this is "prime news." just in to us positive identification now the body found in a georgia landfill is that of 7-year-old florida girl somer thompson identified through dental records so, heart breaking within the hours cops now focusing on a new lead, a vacant home right on the route where she walked home from school. >> the home at 1080 gano is the location of a home that is vacant. there was a house fire there a few months ago. the owners of the home do not live there, and it was vacant and we do not know, obviously,
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how this ties into, you know, the crime scene per se. but since it is the last known area where somer was seen, we have obtained permission from the homeowner to go in and process it through fdle's crime lab. >> okay. there's the lead on an investigative front but what about on a heart level? think of somer's mom can't fathom what she is going through. last night she spoke at a vigil and through her tears thanked her supporters. >> i don't know what to say. i don't know how i can ever repay any of you for helping me for looking for my baby. thank you. thank everybody. i mean that sincerely and if i have anything to repay any of you with, i would do it. >> soon after that, she collapsed, mom i'm talking about here had to be carried back
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home. we are expecting a news conference, expecting to hear from somer's mom, diena thompson. if and when that happens we'll bring that to you. right now or expert panel joining us once again mike brooks hln analyst and pat brown criminal profiler as we dig deeper who might have done this and as well drew ptrimoulix from orlando. we'll take your calls 1-877-tell-hln i'm sure your heart breaks as mine and all of us covering this story. drew, let's start with you and hit on that lead, what more do we know about this house, the most concrete lead it seems we have at this point. >> reporter: yeah, about five to six hundred yards away from somer's school apparently the last place she was seen as she walked home. as the story goes she walked a little bit ahead of her brother and sister after they got into an argument and in front of that house, an abandoned house the last place they saw her before she vanished, now abandoned but
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the owners are cooperating with the investigation and have moved in a forensic mobile unit and basically combing this house for clues. exactly what led them to go inside and really get inside and key on this house forensically is not exactly clear. you have to think there is smog other than they were last seen in front of this house to really go in that intently. >> want to let everybody know diena, her mom will be speaking. couldn't even imagine as we see somer's mom, diena thompson, so brave. you couldn't imagine the emotions. we will hear from her in a moment as we saw her last night at the vigil they sang somer's favorite song "you are my sunshine." this is going to be difficult as we listen to somer's mom, diena thompson, you see gathering herself before addressing us, addressing the media. let's listen.
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>> i just wanted to come out and again say thank you to everybody who looked for my baby, who has been taken from me by someone. and i said yesterday on the news that i didn't care if you ever got into trouble. i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you and i hope they make you pay for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody -- you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people and you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. it's not okay. this system not okay. i basically just wanted to say thank you for everybody for everything for the donations.
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i would -- i don't know i would have afforded any of this. >> are they giving you any indication as to -- you said you were concerned about somer being so trusting, so loveable, she hugs everyone she knows. do you think maybe this was someone she recognized in the neighborhood that maybe she went with? >> i hope not. i hope not. i -- she doesn't know a stranger. >> diena, there's a home right now that they are investigating that they are searching at 1080 gano, a home very close to the elementary school, that's abandoned. there was a fire there several months ago. are you familiar with this house, have you ever talked to your daughter about this house. >> i know about the house, i know about the fire. i didn't know they were investigating it. i don't know really much more than y'all know. i didn't know they were investigating but she's never -- none of this makes any sense. she's never done anything like this. she never just would go and just not come back.
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that's not -- that's not what my kids do. that's not how i raised them to be so i don't really know more than you guys know. >> -- none of the witnesses, both of whom are kids reported seeing her talk to anybody. >> none of the witnesses reported seeing her talk to anyone. >> do you have any idea -- what, on earth, do you think must have happened? they saw her one moment, the next moment she's gone. >> what must have happened to her? >> this is purely speculation because i don't know but i think that when she ran off, she was upset and got to a point and decided to stop and wait and that this predator, this sick -- i don't know what i'm allowed to say but this sick man, person, what -- he's not a man, he's not a person, was waiting. he'd been waiting and that was the perfect opportunity. there was no one else around.
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that's the only thing i can think and probably told her, i'm going to take you to your mommy. >> how are you holding out? [ inaudible ] justice, is that's what -- >> yes. yeah. and i just want him found. i want someone to have to pay for what has been done to my family. >> diena, so many people have come and given food. is there anything you need? >> my baby back. that's all i can say. >> what about if someone has information out there, what do you want to say to those people? >> please, you don't have to tell them who you are. you don't have to -- you're not going to be in trouble if you give the answers, just help us find who this is. don't let another -- i never thought, in my -- in all of my life that i would ever have to do this, be -- even know anybody. i don't want to see another parent feel empty.
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>> what have you been able to tell your sons and your daughte daughter? >> i can't talk about that right now. >> i understand. >> diena, if you could talk to the person that did this, if you could directly talk to their face if they're watching right now, what would you say to them? >> watch out, we're coming. we're going to get you. >> -- your response to the candlelight vigil here last night, what you would like to say to all the folks that came out last night? >> thank you. i can't believe. i can't believe it. you know, you got one bad person who has taken something so precious away from me but i've got so many other people who've done so much good. so, it makes me feel a little bit better because it seems maybe there's a whole lot more good in the world than there is bad, but that one bad apple has
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just spoiled a whole lot of people's lives. >> what do you say to the fact if this, in fact, was someone in essence watching somer, it could likely be someone who lives in this neighborhood? >> i don't know. i mean, it could be my -- it could be, you know, somebody i know. i -- i don't know what to say. >> -- your children, have you talked to your children, have you had a chance to ask them [ inaudible ] -- >> no, they really since this has all been going on haven't been around because the media's been here and we need our privacy, too. and we need our own time to deal. i have had them other places just to keep them -- this is so tragic. i mean -- >> how are they holding up? >> they're a mess. my son, when he found out, my oldest, he punched things. he just balled. he just fell out. and for a child, a son, a boy, i
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know men don't show emotion a lot but we, all of us, my whole entire family, my friends, everyone were devastated. i can't believe that they would put my baby in the trash. >> diena, mark lunsford has also commented on the situation. you've had a chance to -- he knows the road you're going down right now and obviously does send, you know, his heart-felt sympathies. this might be too early to ask you about do you see yourself really -- >> yes. >> -- with a future of making sure this doesn't happen to people in the future? >> yes. yes. absolutely. i don't know what i'll do. i can't even get my mind around it yet. but, i will do -- i will change something somewhere somehow, if it's only one person, i'm going to do something about it. >> diena, the investigators are not telling us anything about how your daughter died. do you know? >> no.
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i know nothing. i don't know whether he did anything to her. i'm not sure what her cause of death was. i don't even know when i'm going to be able to bring her back here to let her be in peace. >> a lot of your friends already formed an organization called mothers against predators. how does that make you feel? >> that -- i don't have words to describe what people have done, the new banner, you know, justice for -- for somer. i just -- i don't have words to express what's -- what i'm feeling or what to do. i don't even -- i still don't even believe this. i feel like it's not happening, it's not me, it's somebody else i'm here for but everytime i wake up and she's not there, i know -- it's just like it's her
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and i'm -- >> what are you missing the most about your baby? >> she really -- her and i were just, we were really a lot of like. she had my same personality and i just miss holding her. and giving her a kiss and not knowing if i actually said i love her. i know that she knew that but, you just never know. >> you had mentioned to me yesterday that you wished that you had maybe given a safe word, something for all of the mothers and fathers that are out there now who are looking at what happened to somer and talking to their own children, what would you encourage them to tell their children? >> don't be lackadaisical on this. i talked to them. i told them if you talk to a stranger, don't -- you know, don't talk to a stranger, just walk away. don't necessarily, you know, have to yell if they are just asking you something but if they
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are trying to coax you into getting into the car, yell. and obviously, we see that even that didn't make a difference. >> before this incident, did you ever have a reason to be fear envelope this neighborhood? >> never. i've fallen asleep with my garage door open with tvs in my garage and other valuable things which led straight into my house. of course, on accident. i've never had anyone take anything out of my yard. i mean, this is -- this neighborhood is safe, it's wonderful. but now, it's missing someone that's really special. and i just hope that if anybody knows anything they'll just please tell. and i just wanted to tell everybody thank you, but i'm done. >> thank you. >> thank you, diena. >> very brave woman, diena thompson, to face the media like
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that and to come out and speak and speak so well and so strong with resolve and also the emotions we can expect, we're talking a little over 24 hours since she found out that her daughter has died. it's just such a tragic story. when we come back we'll take your calls, comments and questions, 1-877-tell-hln. we have our experts standing by, as well, as we try and find out who killed somer thompson.
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certainly the emotions were pouring out, some of the highlights, it just strikes you because it's what -- you put my baby in the trash is what she's saying to whoever did this. that's the bare bones of what this is all about. someone asked her, do you need anything? she said, i want my baby back. that's the heart of a mom here that we listened to. we also heard the heart of a fighter. she is vowing, whoever did, this look out, we're coming to get you. there was a pause after that and she's vowing, as well, to fight for the children's safety in the future after she gets over this tragedy, if and when and just be a life-long process we're sure of that. michelle gollan, clinical
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psychologist with i'm struck by the bravery to be able to face. >> i know. >> the media like that. she spoke very strong, obviously the emotions were there but she was resolute in obviously wanting whoever did this to be brought to justice. >> yes. >> and we all want that. >> yes. i mean, i think her being empowered for change is one of the ways that people cope with a trauma like this. and any of us hearing her can understand, i mean, the grief is beyond even comprehensible at this point. but, already, she is like you md, she is going to be fighting for something to change. and that's what has got to happen. >> yeah. exactly. let's get a call in, carla from connecticut. hi, carla. your thoughts here? >> caller: yes. i'm a single mom of a little girl, who is 7 years old. and my heart goes out to that
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mom tonight. i mean, i do nothing but hug my little girl yesterday and thank god for every minute i have and, if i could do anything for her, i would. i know i can't. all i can do is be on her side. >> right. >> caller: and say how can we stop this craziness? i live right across the street from a community center in the center of a picturesque little calendar town in connecticut. my little girl goes to school right around the corner. i see stranger people going in and out of the park. i question myself, who are you? what are you doing? where's your child playing? you have no children playing here. where -- where is our protection? >> carla, you're right. this just shakes us to our core. thank you again, i'm sure your thoughts and prayers are welcome for the thompson family. michelle, one thing i want to
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ask you about, is as diena thompson spoke, what she couldn't even answer the emotions overwhelmed her asked what are you telling somer's brother and sister, twin brother and older sister. how do you handle that at this point? >> that is a horrible, horrible situation to be dealing with. i mean, obviously, they are going to be struggling with guilt and blaming themselves and all of that. i mean, that's just obvious. and it doesn't end. i mean, i've worked with clients who, you know, when they were younger were in charge with a sibling and that sibling drowned. and, you know, and, you know, they're in their 40s now and it's still devastating. so, it doesn't -- you know, there's two things, mike, i think are so important, is addressing the safety of children. >> right. >> what we teach them. what we do, you know, in our schools and in our communities to teach them safety. but, let's face it, a young child cannot protect themselves
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from an adult. i mean, they can run away or scream. >> no. >> we can give them all the tools. but the other thing is, is we have got to address as a society what these -- how these crimes against children are punished. >> you're right. we have to take a quick break. >> i'm sorry. >> more on this investigation and your thoughts coming up. stay with us. @@@@@@@@@
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welcome back, such a mysterious case a college student vanishes at a concert, her purse found outside the arena no sign of a struggle but police turning this into a criminal investigation. what does that tell us? i'll talk to morgan harrington's mom and dad coming up in just a little bit. you know the number, 1-877-tell-hln. like your calls on this topic, as well. we've all wondered all along what happened inside that sweat lodge where three people have now died and, for the first time, a woman inside who witnessed people dying around here is telling her story. the next voice you hear is going to be beverly bunh. two weeks ago she said she saw
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people vomiting, collapsing around her, trying to escape. listen to what she told gary tuchman from our sister network cnn. >> everybody was throwing up everywhere. there was spitting going on. there was, um, people were so disoriented this he were screaming at one point in time because i know that they were yelling and yelling and yelling at this man because he is so disoriented that he actually started crawling into the pit with the hot rocks. >> he wasn't alarmed by what was happening inside this sweat lodge? >> no, because actually they had taken a couple people out that had passed out then there was some people yelling, you know, calling different names to see if anybody else was passed out and see if who was responding but i don't think they called everybody's names. >> so, people were passed out and he was still continuing this and not making any comment about that. >> he made one comment and they did say she's passed out, she's passed out, i don't know if she's breathing. he said the door has now closed and this round has begun. we'll deal with that at the end of this round. >> we'll deal with that at the
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end of this round. we'll pick occupy than quote there, he is, james ray, not talking, at least to the cops we know of the man that ran this spiritual retreat. self-help guru not talking to the cops or victims' families. he helped co-wrote "the secrets" we'd want to hear from him if full, his side. we want to hear from you, call in, 1-877-tell-hln joining us is andrew smiley, wrongful death attorney also shana bowen, a therapist in sweat lodges before we'll get her expertise and we welcome back lynn lemaster covering this since day one. starting with you, you hear that quote, a woman is passed out. i'm quoting here, i don't know if she's breathing. ray says the door has been closed this round has begun we'll deal with that at the end of the round. man, that sounds implicating to me, andrew. >> it sure does, mike. far from a spiritual retreat but
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a torture retreat. i can't believe what i'm hearing as each day progresses what was going on in here. first they fast 36 hours and cram 50 people in this tent. they sweat them out. people are dropping like flies and he's telling them to say in there? i mean, it is absolute torture. this guy should definitely be criminally prosecuted for manslaughter for the deaths. he and his company are facing a civil litigation that, in my mind is a slam-dunk for all the injuries and deaths. how do they let this happen? these people are spending what i've heard is about $10,000 to go on this retreat. you expect there to be some level of safety and security going on here. >> exactly. shana, you have not been in a james ray sweat lodge, correct? >> yeah. i've been to many of the seminars and other sweat lodges by other people. >> by other people. have you ever seen anything like this, at all, where people -- we just heard the details, so gruesome we don't even really want to repeat them but, i mean, obviously gruesome, three people died. have you seen anything like this? >> no, never. i've never felt that way, i've
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never seen anyone -- i've probably been to 50 or 60 sweat lodge ceremonies and have never seen anything like that. i'm just very disturbed by what i am hearing. >> okay. what is the normal number of people that should be in one? with one we hear 55 to 65. isn't that way over the line, as far as a number goes? >> i've definitely been told that by native elders and the sweat lodges i have attended have been anywhere between 3 to 14. >> that way, if somebody does fall ill, you can -- you'll know it. >> absolutely. and the leader should know it. he's -- the person running that sweat lodge is in charge of their well-being. >> okay. let's listen -- okay we heard -- beverly bunh telling us what we just heard her telling what it was like inside the sweat lodge. now we'll listen to her talk about what it was like outside and, again, this is the point, as gruesome or worse because it's horrifying as people are dying around here. here's beverly talking to cnn's gary tuchman. >> the person actually doing the chest compressions did know
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cpr but the person doing the breaths didn't know cpr. i told them about ten times when i actually stood up and i saw what was going on and i saw all of these people lying around and mucus coming out of their nose and mouth and eyes rolled back in their heads and one guys eyes all the blood vessels were burst and there were just people lying everywhere just unconscious and everything and then i saw them doing cpr and i told them, i said i know cpr, i can help and one of the dream teamers i told them about ten times and one of the dream teamers said i know it's kirby over there, i can help, i know cbr and they would not let me. they would not let me go over there and help. and that's -- that's one of the hardest things that i have to deal with because i -- i didn't do this. >> so sorry, beverly. >> i didn't do this. >> she mentioned kirby, kir brie brown is one of the three people that died. also beverly bunn's roommate
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through this retreat. shawna, back to you. arrived as people were coming out of this sweat lodge, is that correct. >> they were already out and the ones that had fallen ill or no longer breathing were on the ground. >> do you concur with what we just heard from beverly? did you see the same types of things? >> yes. i saw kirby. she was -- her description is how i saw kirby. it was just devastating to walk in on this and then try as be as helpful as i could to make sure no one else was falling ill or not breathing. >> how many people were in that type of distress? >> um, while i was there, i started to just focus on one woman but i believe it was like 18 to 19 ended up going to the hospital. >> did you see mr. ray through all, this was he trying to help? >> i did. and during the time i was there, he did not help and the woman that i was attending it was starting to scream his name and he definitely heard her
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screaming for him and he just kind of looked at me, looked at her and looked away. and i almost motioned him, you know, like hey, please come over here, maybe you can help calm her down but he just kind of looked away. and didn't respond. >> he looked away. okay. >> incredible. >> it is, isn't it, andree. we'll talk to andrew and get lynn lemaster in as well where this investigation stands. we want to hear from you. the number 1-877-tell-hln. some astonishing, horrifying details coming in to us.
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln hearing astonishing details. we wondered all along what happened inside that sweat lodge led by self-ep guru james arthur ray. i misspoke, i said he was a co-author, he was a contributor. last night he was speaking to 125 people still trying to do his thing. so, it's mind boggling on so many fronts here. i want to bring back andrew smiley specializing on wrongful death cases. our jaw, we have to pick them up off the disk when we hear again he hasn't been charged with anything but from shawna's account, looked away as someone actually called his name. >> yeah. >> man.
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>> it's unreal. if this was just, you know, in a park setting and someone sitting there not doing anything you would stunned by it with people dropping lie flies all around but here he's the leader people are paying him if you multiple 50 at $10,000 a pop looking at half million dollar gig here and the guy is just ignoring the people there to follow his leadership not rendering help or assistance, he doesn't have people on standby to render proper aid knowing he is putting people in a dangerous situation. it is unbelievable and there needs to be an investigation and this guy needs to be held accountable for what he's done. >> shawna, we hear this and that number and know it will be intense. shouldn't thereabout some medical personnel there besides one nurse or is it all wrong to begin with you have so many people in it? >> i think both are true, there was too many people and there should have been more precautions taken. under his leadership of this
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retreat, he's caused harm and death. he's pushed people to death. i think james ray needs a time-out. i think he needs to stop doing what he's doing. he needs to self-reflect how he has caused harm and he needs to show how he is going to make sure he does not harm others before he is leading anyone anywhere. >> well put. i want to read a quote from mr. james ray. again last night a cnn crew was at the hotel where he was speaking to 125 people. these are people i'm guessing that are followers, potential donors so he's still doing his thing. let's listen to what he had to say. saying this to that crowd. these have been the most difficult ten days of our lives, people are throwing out accusations and disparaging me and our mission. yet, despite that and despite considerable criticism, i have chosen to continue my work. it's too important not to do. again, that's mind blowing. when he hasn't talked to victims' families but will talk
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to potential donors. i got to get lynn in here, lynn lemaster. where's the investigation now? have authorities talked to him and we just don't know it? >> authorities would still really like it talk to him. he has hired some investigators of his own. the authorities have spoken to his investigators but they have not spoken to him. and they -- they would certainly like to have that opportunity. >> has there been talk of charges, arrests anytime soon or are we still too early for that, lynne? >> we're still too early for that but they're investigating as thoroughly as possible but the amount of people involved this was not going to be a fast project. >> well put, lynne, thanks again. shawna, thanks again, we appreciate your insights and andrew always good to have you aboard, as well. coming up, the disappearance of morgan harrington, separated from her friends as she went to
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a rest room ended up outside an arena. last time she was seen or heard from 9:30 saturday night. i'll have a chance to talk with her mom and dad. we'll get the latest and take your calls at 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. new developments surrounding the disappearance of morgan harrington. missing persons case now a criminal investigation. let's backtrack, the 20-year-old virginia tech student last seen saturday with friends at a metallica concert in charlottesville, virginia, extremely close to mom and dad and so excited about hearing this band but cops say morgan vanished before metallica even took the stage. so, we'll get details out there and joining us once again morgan's parents dan and jill harrington. thank you, both. i just want to say our thoughts and prayers go out and we just are praying for morgan's safe
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return. dan, let me start with you. what are police telling you? do they have any new leads in the case. >> we do not have an official report from the police today but my understanding is that the fbi are currently also involved in the case. >> jill, as you look at, you know, we go over the details and it's sparse from what we know. morgan was excited about the metallica concert but gets separated from her friends at 8:30 and ends up outside the arena from the way we understand it and can't get back in. i believe her last words were back to friends saying i can't get back in i'll meet you guys later. does any of that strike you as odd? it does to me because i know how she was excited about the concert that she would end up outside like that. >> you know, her girlfriends, 45 minutes ago were sitting on the couch in my living room and -- >> we seem to have lost dan and jill harrington. again, mom and dad here
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hopefully we'll get them back because that's one of our questions, obviously, what are her friends saying sitting in her living room about ready to tell the story. we'll try to get dan and jill back. meantime want to talk to mike brooks and also our criminal profiler, pat brown. to mike first, as we look at this, you and i have talked about it. do we know much more? not really other than it goes from missing persons to criminal investigation. >> right. >> start there and what does that tell you? >> well, you know, missing persons case is usually someone reports someone missing and they say, okay if they come back, you know, basically a non-critical missing person. but now that they have turned it interest a criminal investigation, that says to me as a former investigator, okay, now there's a possibility they may get some search warrants, they probably have gotten her computer from her parents. they are going to take a look at this. her parents, we just heard, believe that the fbi has gotten involved in that. that says to me there's a possibility they believe she may have been kidnapped, that's why the fbi is there open up a
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domestic police cooperation case. also the fbi could help if there is surveillance video can help to enhance that. there's a lot of things, you know, assets that the fbi brings to the table to help the charlottesville police, as well as the university of virginia campus police there. >> okay. do we have dan and jill back with us? okay. jill, were you about to say that was one of my questions to you was, what her friends had to say. go ahead, relay that to us. >> yeah. we had three of her friends came over to express their condolences and just to be with us, to be with each other right before we came here. and you keep on going through the little bit that you know and say what happened? you know, i say boy when we find her she's going to have some 'splaining to do because it doesn't make any sense, it's atypical behavior for her regular stuff and as a music lover she should have been in there wanted to be in there. i don't know. it's the not knowing that is killing us. >> to be clear, are these
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friends that were with her at the concert that you were -- >> one of the girls who was there was with her at the concert and that was sarah and then her friend maggy and her other friend amy is her they came over -- they're doing a vigil for morgan tonight at the high school. they wanted to talk about that, and kind of breathe the air with us. >> sara was at the concert you said? >> yes, she was. >> what are her thoughts? she was there. >> yeah, she said that morgan had called her and said she was outside. and couldn't get back in. and would get a ride. >> okay. dan, you hear that, and what is your reaction to that? and what is sara's reaction to that, the friend that must have been somewhat baffling for someone saying that, so excited going to a concert like this? >> i think morgan said that she would call a friend and get a ride home. and i think maybe the friends assumed that because morgan has had some contact with folks in
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charlottesville, because her brother is a recent graduate of the university of virginia, that maybe she knew someone she could call to come get her. it's baffling to me. how does someone just disappear, you know. >> yeah. >> what's the likelihood of a person crossing the paths of someone who would take someone. and i believe morgan's been taken. >> yeah. i believe so also. it's the only thing that makes sense. >> dan, i ask you this, and gill, i'll ask you, we wonder, was there a boyfriend in the picture? someone who wanted to spend time with her? i know that's a possibility. i know you're close. did she ever speak of that? >> no, she didn't. she really has had few boyfriends, few steady relationships. >> okay. let's take a quick break. more with dan and gil. we'll bring in mike and pat as well when we come back. if you have a phone call, call in, 1-877-tell-hln. we want to know what happened to morgan harrington. eeeeeee
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a 7-year-old florida girl found in a georgia landfall. buried under tons of garbage. identified by her little red jumpsuit and a birthmark. she was walking home from school. middle of the day. and she vanished in just moments. we will hear from her distraught mom and ask the question, who killed somer thompson. how about this. sex ads, prostitution, said to be rampant on craigslist. sheriff claims the site is even pimping abused women and kids. but a judge is throwing out his lawsuit saying the, quote unquote, adult service section is not explicitly for sex. what? when the ad says sexy erotic
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playmate and buffy's booty on duty, that's not selling sex, huh? shouldn't someone hold craigslist accountable? we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. you can e-mail us at or text us at hlntv, just start your message with the word prime. it's your chance to be heard. -- captions by vitac -- welcome. this is hour number two of "prime news." i'm mike galanos. coming in right now, new lead if the search who killed 7-year-old somer thompson. taking a look at a vacant home near little somer's school. somer's mom bravely stepped in front of the cameras, in her grief, she made an emotional public plea, all to find the monster who killed her daughter. let's listen now to somer's mom, dienna thompson. >> i just wanted to come out
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and, again, say thank you to everybody who looked for my baby. who has been taken from me by someone. and i said yesterday on the news, that i didn't care if you ever got into trouble. i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you, and i hope they make you pay. for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody, you didn't take her from just me, you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people. and you don't do this to a little baby, and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. that's not okay. this is not okay. i basically just wanted to say thank you, for everybody, for everything, for the donations. i don't know how i would have afforded any of this.
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this sick man, person, he's not a man, he's not a person, was waiting. he had been waiting. and that was the perfect opportunity. there was no one else around. that's the only thing i could think. and probably told her, i'm going to take you to your mommy. >> justice? >> yes. yes. i just want him found. i want someone to have to pay for what has been done to my family. >> diena, so many people have come and given food. is there anything you need? >> my baby back. that's all i can say. >> what about if someone has information out there? what do you want to say to those people? >> please, you don't have to tell them who you are. you don't have to -- you're not going to be in trouble if you give the answers. just help us find who this is. don't let another -- i never
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thought in all of my life that i would ever have to do this. even know anybody. i don't want to see another parent feel empty. >> again, that was diena thompson, addressing the media. so brave to do this. we're talking roughly 24 hours after she finds out her little girl has been killed. and as she put it, in such a heinous way. her little baby dumped in the trash. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. mike brooks is with us, hln law enforcement analyst. also with us, pat brown, criminal profiler. drew joins us in orlando. also with us, michelle golland with just the strength of diena thompson to stand there, and certainly the tears were flowing. there was a strength and resolve there as well. it was astonishing, don't you think? >> you know, it's astonishing,
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but in moments like this, with trauma, and grief that is just overwhelming, what is also going to help her cope is doing exactly what she is doing, which is getting angry, and getting focused on changing something. >> that's what she's vowing. at some point, become an advocate for children's rights. you make a good point. margo is with us in south carolina the margo, your thoughts? >> caller: thanks for your program. >> yeah. >> caller: and for the opportunity to express ourselves. the first of all, my thoughts and prayers are with the little angel's family. and also, i would like to suggest to have a neighborhood watch, with grandparents and parents could just watch their children get off of the bus, and kind of keep an eye on it. when i'm shopping, or in the mall, anywhere, i always look at
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the children, because you never know when you can be a help of any way. >> mar go, thanks for the call. you know, i wish it wasn't like that. mike brooks, let me get you in on this, as you covered so many of these stories. you've investigated heartbreaking stories like this. we have to look out for each other, right, mike, to margot's point? >> margot's right. we can teach our kids, stranger danger. this could be even someone who may have had some contact with somer before. but she's a small child. you know, that's the whole thing. most likely it's an adult that took her. that murdered her. dumped her in the trash. you know, we could do all these things. neighborhood watches are fantastic. i've helped to organize some outside of atlanta where i live. but the problem is, during the daytime, a lot of people work, and they aren't home. and this house they're searching, 500, 600 yards from the school where she west to school. she was on her way home.
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there is a lot of things we can do. but you're right, we do have to look out for eacher. >> michelle, hold on for a second. we'll get everybody back in, and talk about, again, the bravery of the mom here and also the investigative side of this, looking at a vacant home. we're going to be looking at the garbage dump to find out what evidence can be taken from that point. and we'll take your calls at 1-877-tell-hln.
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her and i were just really a lot of alike. the same personality. i just miss holding her. and giving her a kiss.
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and not knowing if i actually said i love her. i know that she knew that, but you just never know. >> that was diena thompson, mother of somer thompson. trying to come to grips with what has happened to her little girl. we're all trying to come to grips of it, when a 7-year-old is dumped into the garbage. that is the end of the life of somer thompson. pat brown, what are you seeing here? what theories -- ha information we know we're looking at? a vacant house. we're looking at close to where she was last seen on the way home from school. what are you thinking, pat? >> i absolutely think, mike, that the police have closed in on a very narrow area where her body was found from the trash in that particular truck. there's evidence from it, from either the houses around, so they would know which area she was in, or something even from the house itself. or maybe a blanket wrapped around her, or a piece of rug. as mike brooks pointed out in the last hour, fire damaged
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material, something on her body that led them to that particular location. so there is quite a lot i think that led them to where they're looking right now. >> drew has been covering this. what do you know about the area, drew? we're getting pictures there. is it pretty heavily populated? should be somebody have seen something here? >> it's a residential neighborhood. there's houses all down the street. apparently this vacant house was the last house that she was seen by her brother and sister as she walked ahead. and basically disappeared. if we go back to what we were talking about with the trucks and the garbage, we heard from the press conference that they're focused on nine trucks and 25 tons of garbage. and they said that they're going to go through each one of those little pieces carefully. so obviously it's a lot of police work that we're talking about here regarding the amount of information that they're searching for. >> let's get mike brooks in on that. that's painstaking work here, but that could be the nugget of gold you could find, right? >> it could be. from where they found her, mike, as drew was saying, there's 75
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tons in each one of these nine trucks. these nine trucks were from a transfer station, and now they're going to go through from where they found her body, they're going to look around, bag up everything there, go all the way down to the dirt where they -- in the area where they found this. if there's anything there, they're going to go through and sift it, they're going to rake it, find anything of evidentiary valley. and then take that and compare it with any evidence they may have found during the autopsy. and that's why, we were talking the last hour, and what pat just was saying, that would lead me to think, okay, they went back to the house, brought the mobile crime lab there, possibly for a reason. but everything they collect there at that site is important. and they're going to be sending that to the fbi lab up in quantico. >> guys, we'll continue to follow this. our thanks again to mike, pat, drew, and michelle golland. we appreciate it. coming up, talking about craigslist. enough erotic ads. they had them, anyway, that the sheriff sued. but a judge threw out the case. does this mean anything?
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as this sheriff and others are trying to clean up craigslist. call in, 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. craigslist adult services section, what some people call the largest source of prostitution in the nation. a sheriff in illinois is fed up. actually, sued the website. sheriff tom dart we're talking about here, wants craigslist to
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reimburse tax dollars spent on officers just trying to sort through some of these sleazy ads. but a judge has just thrown out that lawsuit. says craigslist is not explicitly offering sex. has the judge been to craigslist adult services section? i took a little look-see today. here's just a few of the ads. sexy erotic playmate, sensual rubdown, apple bottom cutie, buffie's booty on duty. that's not selling sex? am i missing something here? let's welcome in sheriff tom dart, cook county, illinois. also with us, perry, cyberspace lawyer. also with us, former prosecutor tom keneff. sheriff, all i'm seeing is a name change. you see it adult services, it's the same garbage, isn't it? >> it's the exact same stuff and that's what we tried to explain to them. they changed the name, removed some of the more egregious, explicit photographs. and we are left with the same thing.
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since they made their minor changes, we're still making the same arrests. i know this is going to shock you, but when we go out to these different locations to -- when they answer our calls, we've not had one legitimate masseuse. every time it's prostitution. >> every time. every time? >> every time. we've not had one case where we had to go, oh, i'm so sorry, ma'am, we're at the wrong place. we didn't realize this. every single time it's been prostitution. and that's what we tried to make it clear and say, listen, folks, your site has been hijacked for criminal purposes. work with us to try to straighten it out. and they have no interest in that. >> okay. let me read the statement. this is from judge john f. grady. just spelling it out a little further. sheriff dart may continue to use craigslist website to identify and pursue individuals who post allegedly unlawful content, but he cannot sue craigslist for their conduct. what did you want in the lawsuit, tom? >> to be honest with you, i just wanted them to stop facilitating
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a crime. this wasn't me being some type of prude saying, i don't like your pictures. legitimately, i have boatloads and boxf boxes of evidence showing your website is being used to facilitate, not just prostitution, but juvenile prostitution and for sex slaves and trafficking of women. i have all the evidence of that ex forks. let's just shut it down, just work with me. work with me and we'll put up some monitoring and we can get beyond this. and they have no interest. >> let's get tom in, former prosecutor. tom, that sounds reasonable. it sounds like the case has merit. where did this case go wrong where a judge would throw it out? >> a lot of this i think goes back to an act that was passed in congress back in 199 #, the federal telecommunications act. basically what congress said when they passed that act is, look, if law enforcement, like sheriff dart, want to go after individuals on the web, who use it for illicit purposes, that's fine. but congress refused to make web
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providers, content providers like craigslist liable for what individual users do on their websites. look, does craigslist on many levels facilitate prostitution? i'm sure it does. but then again, so does street corners. and congress' position has been, look, they recognize the value of the web, the vastness of the web, the difficulty in policing it. if you go down that slippery slope, where you try to attack websites themselves, especially websites like craigslist, which are basically public forums, are free to most users, then the consequences could be very -- the unintended consequences could be very unsavory in and of themselves. >> you mention a street corner, and police officers do their best to patrol street corners. in this case, and i'll get perry in on this, in cyber law. both toms have said it, and i agree, they facilitate this kind of stuff. shouldn't they be held accountable, perry? i'm talking about craigslist, to clean things p?
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>> actually, tom talked about the communications decency act, which gives immunity to service providers in the same way you wouldn't hold a telephone provider, telephone company liable for somebody who calls in a ransom demand. they treat it the same way. but i know that the sheriff is interested in doing something, and i'll tell you that craigslist is interested in helping, i bet. and so if he's finding crimes on there, and he notifies them, my guess is they'll start taking those down. but they don't want to get involved in making that determination of what people are posting. i know how frustrating it is. we're looking perhaps to some changes to that law. >> to perry's point, back to tom dart. sheriff, are they working with you or not, craigslist? >> no. what they do is they -- well, they ignore us when we ask them to meet and put real monitoring into the system. basic monitoring. they ignore us. will they comply with subpoenas? yeah. so does everybody else. the point that was made earlier by tom, i couldn't agree with him more, that the statute is
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what is the hold just here. but the street corner does not make a profit off of the prostitution. craigslist does. the other point about that is, well, if prostitution, or drug dealing for that matter is being conducted in a building, you can go after them as a public nuisance. that's what we were attempting to do to use the nuisance statute to say your site is a nuisance here. it's causing a public nuisance. that's what we're proceeding on. they're making a lot of money off of this. and therein lies the difference when they're just not this hands-off group of people. its pea very much hands-on. >> and perry you mentioned a telephone call, we know it's out there and we know it's coming. let me read real quick the statement. this is craigslist basically echoing what another lawyer had to say. they're pleased with the judge's ruling, excellent analysis that it was a meritless case brought by law enforcement officers with little more than publicity stunts with little to no chance of success. eeeeeeeeeee
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welcome back. such a mysterious case here, a college student vanishes at a meltica concert. police turning this into a criminal investigation. what does that tell us? we'll take your calls on that, and i'll talk to morgan harrington's mom and dad in a little bit. you know the number, 1-877-tell-hln. like your calls on this topic as well. we've all wondered all along, what happened inside that sweat lodge where three people have now died. and for the first time, a woman inside who witnessed people dying around her is telling her story. the next voice you hear is going to be beverly bunn. two weeks ago she says she saw people vomiting, collapsing around her. some trying to escape.
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take a listen to what she told gary tuchman from our sister network, cnn. >> he wasn't alarmed by what was happening inside the sweat lodge? >> no, because they had actually taken a couple of people out that had passed out. there were some people yelling, calling different names to see if anybody else was passed out and see if he was responding. >> so people were passed out and he was still continuing this, and not making any comment about that? >> he made one comment, and they did say, she's passed out. she's passed out. i don't know if she's breathing. and he said, the door has now closed and this round has begun. we'll deal with that at the end of this round. >> we'll deal with that at the end of this round. we're going to pick up on that quote.
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we know, there he is, james ray, he's not talking, at least to the cops, that we know of. he's the man who ran the spiritual retreat, millionaire, self-help gu are you. not talking to the cops, or the victims' families. we know he helped co-write the book "the secret." we certainly want to hear from him in full. we want to hear from you as well, call in, 1-877-tell-hln. joining us now, andrew smiley, wrongful death attorney. also with us, shawna bohen, who has been in sweat lodges before. we welcome back back as well lamaster. a woman passed out, i don't know if she's breathing. ray says, the door has been closed. this round has begun. we'll deal with that at the end of the round. man, that sounds implicating to me, andrew. >> it sure does, mike. this is far from a spiritual retreat. this is a torture retreat. i can't believe what i'm hearing
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as each day progresses what was going on in here. first they fast for 36 hours, cram 50 people in this tent, sweat them out. people are dropping like flies and he's telling them to stay in there. it is absolute torture. this guy should definitely be criminally prosecuted for manslaughter for the deaths. he and his company are facing a civil litigation, that in my mind is a slam dunk for all the injuries and deaths. how did they let this happen? these people are spending what i have heard is about $10,000 to go on this retreat. you expect there to be some level of safety and security going on here. >> exactly. shawna, again, you have not been in a james ray sweat lodge, correct? >> yeah. i've been to many of the seminars. and other sweat lodges by other people. >> by other people. have you ever seen anything like this at all, where people -- we just heard the details, so gruesome we don't really want to repeat them. obviously they're gruesome when three people died. have you ever seen anything like this? >> no, never. i've never felt that way. i've never seen -- i've probably
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been to 50 or 60 sweat lodge ceremonies. i've never seen anything like that. i'm very disturbed by what i'm hearing. >> what is the normal number of people that should be in one? with this one, we're hearing 55 to 65. isn't that way over the line as far as a number goes? >> i've definitely been told that by native elders, and the sweat lodges i've attended have been between 3 to 14. >> that way if somebody does fall ill, you'll know it. >> absolutely. and the leaders should know it. the person who's running that sweat lodge is in charge of their well-being. >> okay. let's listen -- we heard. beverly bunn telling us what -- telling us what it was like inside the sweat lodge. and then what happened outside. it's horrifying as people are dying around her. here's beverly talking to cnn's gary tuchman. >> the person doing the chest compressions didn't know the
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cpr. and the person doing the breaths didn't know cpr. i told them about ten times when i actually stood up and saw what was going on and saw these people lying around and mucous coming out of their nose and mouth and eyes rolled back in their heads. one guy's eyes were, all the blood vessels were burst. there were people lying everywhere, just unconscious and everywhere. i said, i know cpr, i can help. one of the dream teamers, i told them about ten times, one of the dream teamers said, i know it's kirby over there and i can help, i know cpr. and they would not let me. they wouldn't let me go over there and help. and that's one of the hardest things that i have to deal with, because i didn't do this. i didn't do this. >> i'm so sorry, beverly. >> you can hear her heartbreaking. she mentioned kirby, kirby brown died.
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beverly bunn's roommate. you arrived as people were coming out of this sweat lodge? >> they were already out. and the ones that were fallen ill or no longer breathing were on the ground. do you concur with what we just heard from beverly? >> yes, i saw kirby. she was -- her description is how i saw kirby. it was devastating to walk in on this. and then try and be as helpful as i could. to make sure that no one else, you know, was falling ill, or not breathing. >> how many people were in that type of distress? >> while i was there, i started to just focus on one woman. but i believe it was 18 or 19 ended up going to the hospital. >> did you see mr. ray through all this? was he trying to help? >> i did. and during the time i was there, he did not help. and the woman that i was attending to was starting to scream his name. and he definitely heard her screaming for him.
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and he just kind of looked at me, looked at her and looked away. and i almost motioned him, you know, like, hey, please come over here, maybe you can help calm her down. but he kind of looked away. and didn't respond. >> he looked away. okay. andrew, wrongful death attorney, we'll talk to andrew. and get lynne lamaster in as well. we want to hear from you. call in, the number 1-877-tell-hln. some astonishing, horrifying details coming in to us.
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. we're hearing some astonishing details. we've wondered all along what happened inside that sweat lodge led by self-help guru james ray. he was a contributor to the book, a big success. he has not spoken to authorities that we know of. as a matter of fact, just last night, he was speaking to 125 people, still trying to do his thing. so it's mind-boggling on so many fronts here. andrew smiley, attorney, specializes in wrongful death cases. we've got to pick our jaws up off the desk here. he hasn't been charged with anything, but from shawna's account, he looked away as somebody actually called his name. man. >> it's unreal.
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this was just in a park city and someone sitting there and not doing anything, you would be stunned by it if people are dropping by flies. but people are paying him. if you multiply 50 by 10,000 a pop, half a million dollars here. he's not rendering help, assistance, doesn't have proper aid knowing he's putting people in a dangerous situation. it is absolutely unbelievable. and there needs to be an investigation. and this guy has to be held accountable for what he's done. >> again, shawna, should there be -- we hear that number, and we know it's going to be intense. shouldn't there be some medical personnel there besides just one nurse? or is it all wrong to begin with that you have so many people in it? >> i think both are true. i think there were too many people and there should have been more precautions taken. i mean, under his leadership of this retreat, he has caused harm and death. he pushed people to death.
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i think james ray needs a time-out. i think he needs to stop what he's doing, he needs to self-reflect how he has caused harm, and he needs to show how he is going to make sure that he does not harm others before he leads anyone anywhere. >> i want to read a quote from mr. james ray. again, last night, a cnn crew was at the hotel where he was speaking, to 125 people. these are people i'm guessing that are followers, potential donors. so he's still doing his thing. saying this to that crowd. these have been the most difficult ten days of our lives. people are throwing out accusations and disparaging me and our mission. yet despite that, and despite considerable criticism, i have chosen to continue my work. it's too important not to. again, that's just mind-blowing. when he hasn't talked to victims' families, but yet he's going to talk to potential donors.
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i've got to get lynne in here. where is the investigation right now? have authorities talked to him? and we just don't know it? >> authorities would still really like to talk to him. he has hired some investigators of his own. the authorities have spoken to his investigators. but they have not spoken to him. and they would certainly like to have that opportunity. >> has there been talk of charges, arrests anytime soon? are we still too early for that, lynne? >> we're still too early for that. but they're investigating as thoroughly as possible. but with the amount of people involved, this is not going to be a fast project. >> well put, lynne. lynne, thanks again. shawna, thank you. we hope to talk to you again soon. we appreciate your insights. andrew, always good having you aboard as well. >> thanks, mike. coming up, so many questions in this case. the disappearance of morgan harrington. at a metallica concert. separated from her friends as she went to a restroom. ended up outside the arena.
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the last time she was seen or heard from, 9:30 saturday night. i'm going to have a chance to talk with her mom and dapd. we'll get the latest and we'll take your calls at 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. morgan harrington, by all accounts, great girl. very close to her parents. taustd with them on a daily basis. so excited to see metallica in concert with her friends. she had the ticket stub taped to a refrigerator for about six months. but she vanishes before the band even took stage. what happened here? now it is a criminal investigation. in the past hour i had a chance to talk to morgan's mom and dad, dan and gil. >> i think morgan said that she would call a friend and get a ride home. and i think maybe the friends assumed that because morgan has had some contact with folks in
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charlottesville, because her brother is a recent graduate of the university of virginia, that maybe she knew someone she could call to come get her. it's baffling to me. how does someone just disappear, you know. what's the likelihood of a person crossing the paths of someone who would take someone. and i believe morgan's been taken. >> yeah. i believe so also. it's the only thing that makes sense. >> dan, i ask you this, and gil, i'll ask you, we wonder, was there a boyfriend in the picture? someone who wanted to spend time with her? is that a possibility? i know you're close. did she ever speak of that? >> no, she didn't. she really has had few boyfriends, few steady relationships. >> that was dan and gil harrington, i spoke with them a short while ago. the reward for information leading to any word, we're hoping for morgan's safe return, $100,000 now. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. back with us, michael brooks.
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we also want to welcome in my colleague and friend, jane velez-mitchell, host of "issues" coming up at the top of the hour. we were just talking, and even in talking to her parents, it's just a baffler at this point. someone so excited to be at a concert, ends up outside and just tells friends, okay, i'll meet you later. can't get back in. >> i'm also very baffled at just the lack of any clues and any apparent leads. law enforcement apparently indicating the surveillance video is not helpful at the arena. why not? i mean, this is an area where the college that she went to, which is a neighboring college, not too far away, had this horrible massacre. we know they increased the security in the wake of that. you would think that they would have the state of the art surveillance cameras at these stadiums, in this day and age, given everything that's gone on. i'm very perplexed at the fact that time has passed, and we don't have a vehicle description, we don't have a description of anybody she might have been speaking to.
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how are cops so sure that she was there between 8:30 and 9:30, milling about at the stadium, and yet they can't tell us anybody that she was in contact with? and by the same token, they're also not saying she was standing there by herself. if they know more, they're not saying it. but i'm getting the feeling that they don't know that much. and that's very worrisome to me. >> let's bring in mike brooks. jane brings up some good points. why don't we have more information? i would think why we have those details is because they've looked at surveillance videos, so they would want to get more information out there to have a better chance of finding morgan. >> i would think they would want to get it out there myself. they're not saying a whole lot. even when you spoke with the parents, you know, you asked them about, have they taken the computer. it's not a missing persons investigation anymore, this is a criminal investigation. even though they don't know if a crime has taken place. but when you ask them about the -- any use on the atm and the computer, he didn't safe. he said that's part of the criminal investigation.
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which says to me that maybe law enforcement has told them, don't discuss any facts like that, you know, out in the public. why? maybe they want to hold it real close to the vest because they might have something that they're not telling us. that's the only thing msomethin they're not telling us. we also heard and they said that the fbi is now involved. does that mean they believe there's a possibility of a kidnapping, or is it because the fbi is going to help them inh s enhance the video from around the john paul campus. >> on the strict human level, when we haear about the talkstory, called mom every day. she said, how do you make mack aroany and cheese? she said, read the box. this just sounded like a good kid whawanted to go to a concert. to get separated from the friends and end up outside is
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baffling and speaks to the worry of safety for our young girls out there. >> it doesn't make a lot of s sense, but i harkin back to the natalee holloway case. she was also a good girl, very innocent. it was really her first time out and about without her mother in aruba. she ended up going off with some young men, we all know the stories, and she's never been seen again. the conclusion from that case is sometimes the most innocent are the most vulnerable. it's not necessarily the bad girl who goes outside the stadium to hang out. maybe she's the good girl who is a little trusting and naive and doesn't have the street smarts to handle what happens to her. >> dropping the guard for just that brief moment. it could lead to something like that. jane, we'll be watching "issues" at the top of the hour. call in, 1-877-tell-hln. ddd
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tonight, heartbreaking developments in the search for summer thompson. her bodiy was found dumped in a georgia landful. she was only 7 years old, guilty of nothing more than walking home from school. now, she's dead. her body thrown away like a piece of trash. women are afraid to go out at night. parents fear for their children's lives. and hulk hogan hits rock bottom. shocking new insight into the secret life of the star. he's written a new tell-all book, and hogan considered suicide after he broke up with his wife.
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meanwhile, hogan allegedly called his ex-wife an abusive alcoholic claiming she once threatened to beat her son with a wine bottle. also hundreds of tips pouring in as family members search for morgan harrington, the students who vanished at a rock concert. her purse and cell phone abandoned right outside the stadium. why have cops called off the air and ground searches? we'll take a look. plus, drugs, sex, and corruption. new court papers pull back the curtain on bernie madoff's secrets. using stolen money to buy cocaine, hookers, and some of the women bautd for his office. "issues" starts now. a horrifying, gut-wrenching
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discovery. our worst fears confirmed. the search for somer thompson comes to an end. investigators digging through truckfuls of landful spotting two legs. they identified heify her throu dental records. a mother in anger speaks out. she vows to fight for justice for her chierld. >> you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people. you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. >> watch out, we're coming. we're going to get you. maybe there's a whole lot more good in the world than there is bad, but that one bad apple has just spoiled a whole lot of people's lives. i never thought in all my life that i would ever have to do
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this. even know anybody. i don't want to see another parent feel empty. i will not sleep until this person is found. >> what a brave woman. somer's devastated mom cannot do this alone. we, you and me, all of us as a society, really have to start doing something. this community is living in fear. there's a child killer on the loose. what is being done to stop this person from striking again? now the sheriff is not releasing any information about how somer died or if she had been sexually abused. >> we have a suspect out there somewhere who is watching this broadcast right now. and i don't want to tell that suspeblth what we're doing. but i will tell him this, we're coming to get him. we're going to find who did this and bring him to justess. >> two week tz ago, somebody tries to lure a little girl into
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a car just one block away from where somer disappeared. could these two cases be connected? if cops knew about the first case, did they warn parents in the neighborhood about it? if not, why not? and tonight, we're learning information about an abandoned house in the nanchd. somer's friends are saying they saw lher there. cops are poring over that fire damaged house right now. after somer disappeared, cops questioned almost all of the sex offenders in the area. there were almost 100 in somer's neighborhood. last i heard, they had not still found five of them. why not? a hunch led cops to a georgia landful with garbage is taken. cops say they have more than 400 leads they're working on as we speak. my big issue, what are we doing about this crisis of violence against children? we have to stop letting violent
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predators terrorize us, all of us, children, parents, people who have friends with children. we're all terrified. this has to be a wake-up call for all of us to say enough. to quote somer's mom at the news conference, this is not acceptable. i want to hear from you about what we should do. maybe we need to march on washington, people. something has to happen. this is out of control. straight out to my panel, former fbi federal agent in charge, dawn clark. dr. dale archer, and on the phone, tiffany griffith. tiffany, what is the latest in terms of the investigation in defining whutd did this? >> we're hearing more interesting details about the home located at 1080 gano avenue. across the street from this house is actually a park.
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and in that park, a bag of evidence was taken from the restroom. we don't know what's inside of that bag of evidence. obviously, as the investigation continues, we'll ask more questions and try to find out if that has anything to do with somer's dish appearance. >> cops, we're asking why didn't they do this? why didn't they do that? but we have to say they in fact did a good job in solving this case in terms of finding this little girl's body and justifying her very quickly. she went missing monday, don clark, and it's thursday. and they have really made tremendous 4headway, although tragic headway. they deserve kudos for an idea they had to go and intercept the trash trucks that come from this neighborhood. tell us about that, don. >> they have done a tremendous job. this is what creative law enforcement is all about. not some of the old things that may have worked or not worked. be as innovative as you can. what they did is instead of
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waiting until the major garbage truck comes and gets everything and they take it all to one area and then you go there and try to search it, they changed that and this detective, he's part of the task force with the fbi and the other counties, he said ymp going to go and follow the truck to the pickups. and i'm going to look alt every one that that pick up first before it gets put in the pile. that's why at least we have been able to find this little girl's body. >> let's try to sort out the information. as you heard, we're hearing new information. abandoned house in somer's neighborhood. could it be a possible crime scene. listen to this. >> the home at 1080 gano is the location of a home that is vacant. there was a house fire there a few months ago. the owners of the home do not live there. and it was vacant. and we do not know, obviously,
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how this ties into, you know, the crime seen, per se, but since it is the last known area where somer was seen, we have obtained permission from the homeowner to go in and process it through fdle's crime lab. >> they have a plomobile crime going over that house in total detail. what does it tell you about this crime? >> it tells me that might have been a place in which pedophile sexual assault or some deviant to society was squatting. with the recent foreclosure problem in maerb, there are a lot of neighborhoods plagued with these empty buildings that are not secured that people break in and live in. sometimes they're homeless and sometimes they're druggies and sometimes they're druggies and predators. 100 or more sexual predators that we know of listed on the florida state rolls on the computer that liver in the
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immediate area where that young 7-year-old girl was snatched up. over 100 sexual predators. that's mind-boggling. >> there are 161 convicted sex offenders living within a five-mile radius of little somer's home. of that number, 16 are classified as serious predators. that usually means that person was convicted of a first degree felo felony. many times involving the molestation of children. these are the dangerous ones, but they're lumped in with the others. it's difficult to focus on them. in nearby jacksonville, the ratio of residents to sex offenders is about 486 citizens to 1 sex offender. does anybody on our panel, anybody on our panel, want to guess how many registered sex offender s there are all told i florida? take a guess, anybody?
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>> i know there's about 500,000 in the united states. >> i didn't ask you that question. don laclark? >> i would say probably 100,000. i say that based on the fact -- >> 63,201 sex offenders registered in florida. that blew my mind, that appar t apparently is par for the course around the country. are we a nation of perverts? why do we have so many sex offenders in america? >> it's shocking to me because i can think back when we were young and we used to go play in an abandoned house and we never once worried about someone taking us away. it's shocking now that you can not let your kids out of your sight or do anything by themselves without having to fear that something like this can go home. >> my question is why are there so many? what is causing this increase in perversion? >> i think, jane, if you look at
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the increase of crimes across the board, that they have skyrocketed across america in every category. when you take something like this which we know has a four times greater recidivism rate than any other crime, this is going to quadruple because these people do nod get well. >> more on this in a moment. we're also taking your calls on this. 1-877-jvm-says. what do you think? 1-877-586-7297. call me. coming up, shocking develops in the bernie madoff case. how drugs and strippers may have played a role in his money stealing empire. and masseuses, it's a wild story. first, our worst fears confirmed. somer thompson, a beautiful little girl, found dead. taken from us so early, so horrific. her mom, her life is shattered.
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>> so
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this predator, this sick, i don't know what i'm allowed to say, but this sick man, person, whatever -- he's not a man, he's not a person, was waiting. he had been waiting. and that was the perfect opportunity. there was no one else around. that's the only thing i can think. and he probably told her i'm going to take you to your mommy. >> the mother of the dead child speaking out in a highly emotional news conference this afternoon, saying she's not going to sleep until she gets
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justice for her murdered daughter. my big issue tonight, what now? of course, we need stricter laws punishing sex offenders who are hunting our children lie prey. we have to stand with this mother and seek justice, all of us together. i don't know exactly what. maybe we have to march on washington, but we have to say in her words, this is not acceptable anymore. and everything has to change. the phone lines lighting up, understandably. nancy in virginia, your question orthot. >> caller: hi, jane. first, my heart goes out to this family. it's just awful. it's just been too many lately. did i understand right from the other night listening that these children have to walk one mile home from school? >> tiffany griffith, reporter, what do you know? >> well, that's actually correct. we know prior to this incident, it wasn't that unusual. a lot of folks who grew up in this neighborhood said you could walk a mile from the school to
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get to your home and it wasn't a big deal. i mean, people looked out for each other in this neighborhood, but clearly, something went wrong. >> yeah, and we want to bring in wendy murphy, former prosecutor and author of "and justice for some." i want to ask you about the whole landfill issue, wndy. they found this girl in a landfill, a law enforcement officer had a brilliant stroke and decided, let's intercept the trucks coming from this neighborhood, and sure enough, that's where they found this precious child, in the garbage. now, they're going through all the garbage around where they found the body, trying to come up with evidence. but it's hundreds of tons. how the heck can they find evidence? how can they decide a chewing gum wrapper has dna and this one dozen? it seems like a crazy task to me. >> i don't know if it's crazy. i know it will be tedious, sort of a classic needle in a h
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haystack, literally. good from the cop before mountains of trash were heaped on this child. this mountain of trash where this child's body was dumped is a metaphor for how disrespected children are in this country in our legal system. and i am beyond angry, i'm so sick of being on this show and saying yet another child ends up dead. a little girl in a swamp or a ditch or a mountain of trash. i heard you say, let's walk on washington. we need more laws. jessica lunsford's dad did a good job getting laws there. it's not about putting laws on the books, it's about putting the law to bare on the monsters. if you don't throw the guys in jail, guess what? the hundreds or thousands of them around the country live in our neighborhoods when they should be behind bars.
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>> let me say this and i want to get everyone to weigh in. here is what i think is wrong with our criminal justice system. first of all, it's a crimial making factory. you have kids that are not born rich, they're born poor, in urban areas who are almost preprogrammed to go into some juvenile system and then the legal system. and those kids are not all violent criminals. yet, they're kind of funneled into this system where the real violent criminals, the ones we really need to apprehend and keep under lock and key, the sexual predators, somehow, they're all over the country living in thatched huts in clusters and i don't know what. why don't we stop turning the prisons into criminal making factories and funneling all the young kids in because they have the misfortune of being born poor and in a minority neighborhood and start focusing on the sickoes that we have
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begun to identify. look at phillip garrido. the parole officer was clueless he was holding a woman there. >> you see, jane, we have deluded ourselves into thinking that technology and our ability to track these predators outside of prison will save the day. we have global positioning systems as ankle bracelets. they have to report to a parole officer. there's a sexual registry now in which you can track them in your neighborhood. but that doesn't keep them from striking again. the only thing that keeps them from striking again is keeping them in jail. try to figure out why all the furniture is upstairs and rearranged in the wrong rooms. keep them in jail. >> i also think that what we have got do, we have done this in the past with law enforcement, we go down one road for so long and we think that's the way it's supposed to do. >> we have to leave it right
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there. >> no change in the priorities. >> i agree. the latest in the search for another victim of crime. beautiful missing virginia tech student morgan harrington. when is this going to end? then there's jaw-dropping new insight into hulk hogan's life. he says he almost took his own life. that's coming up.
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in the spotlight tonight, shocking news. wrestling and reality star hulk hogan attempting suicide? that's the admission he makes in his new boom "my life outside the ring." he describes a night in 2007 where he almost took his life. the recently divorced father of two said after downing a combination of xanax and rum, he reached for a done and had his finger on the trigger when a surprise phone call saved his life. brooke anderson, first of all,
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welcome back and congrats on your beautiful new baby. >> thank you. >> what an amazing accomplishment. great to have you back, though. let's talk about hulk. what led the hulk to this breaking point and what does he have to say about his ex? >> it was basically a downward spiral for hulk hogan. he said he was despondent after their breakup. he said he pleaded with her not to go forward with the divorce because they were dealing with the incident with their son nick, lost control of his dad's car, leaving his friend john graziano brain damaged, but linda dill file for divorce, and hulk hogan is letting loose saying she was an abusive alcoholic and at one point, she threatened to beat their son with a wine bottle. her unpredictable behavior was
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not chronicled on their show because nobody wanted to see that ugliness. linda hogan said this about what hogan is saying -- my ex-husband's serial infutedeadts force me to take the route i have taken. this is the last thing i wanted. >> this was sougly all the way around. who was the other person who made the phone call just in the nick of time? >> interestingly, hulk hogan said it was his co-star and boxer laila ali who called when he had finger on the trigger, seriously thinking about pulling the trigger. she said she called frame time to time. she's calling the timing of that phone call divine intervention. >> it all went -- it crossed a line when that accident occurred. hulk said his depression was partially from the stress of his son nick's car wreck that was so
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awful that he said i finally saw nick, my only son, folding up like an accordion, pulling john from the passenger's seattle, so much blood. but of course, the john he's referring to is john graziano, theparage. and that poor guy, he's got something to feel bad about. he's been left with permanent brain damage, brooke. >> yes, he has. and his family is now suing the hogan family for millions of dollars to cover john graziano's medical bills. he's 24 years old now. he's an iraq war veteran. he's now at home after two years in the hospital. his family is hopeful, though, and they say he is getting better. he's making sounds, facial expressions, and they hope he makes more progress. nick, by the way, spent five month in jail. >> another reality show family spiraling into who knows what. brooke, thank you very much wroorb. a devastating twist in the
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morgan harrington case. we're going to ask why the investigation is suddenly at a standstill, next.
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hundreds of tips pouring in as family members search for morgan harrington. the virginia tech student vanished during a crowded rock concert on saturday. there's still no sign of this young woman. so why have cops called off the air and ground searches? plus, drugs, sex, and corruption. new sources pull back the curtain on his toxic secrets. he's accused of using stolen money to buy cocaine, strippers, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. >> the desperate search for morgan harrington has reached a
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critical point. police have called off ground and air searches for the 20-year-old virginia tech student. why? here we talk about the war on women. we want it to stop. a good first step would be finding morgan harrington. if you know anything, contact the authorities. morgan's parents were just on "prime news" with mike galanos, and they said their daughter desperately needs our help. here is their plea. >> how does someone just disappear? what is the likelihood of a person crossing a path of someone who would take someone? i believe morgan has been taken. >> dr. dan harrington's coworkers are trying to help. they have pooled money for a $100,000 reward. back with my amazing panel and joining us, ron gray, a new s director in sharltsville. what are you hearing from investigators. i'm perplexed about the total lack of any apparent leads.
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>> there are no leads at this time that are being released to the public, jane. state police are keeping the investigation under wraps add this time as far as details. there has been a resumption of the ground search. that resumed today. there were dozens of officers working from the command post about a quarter mile from the arena where morgan disappeared. and the ground search was rather intensive today, including areas of rough terrain. after some search of ground and air on monday and tuesday, there was a break on wednesday, and then the search resumed today. saefrl, we can say there was a matter of only following whatever tips they have in the investigation. >> that's all well and good, but what if somebody put her in a car and is hundreds of miles away right now, and the key to this would be surveillance tapes? police are making somewhat
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cryptic statements. listen to this. >> at this point, we have no reliable information whatsoever that criminal misconduct has occurred. circumstantially, we have to be very concerned. >> i don't know what he's talking about. how could they not have evidence that a crime has occurred? of course, a crime has occurred. this girlt is missing. take a look at this burglar caught on tape at a jcpenney in california. if you have good surveillance tape, it's like a movie. you can spot who these people are. why can't virginia police get any clues from the surveillance tape. we know the arena had surveillance tape. don clark, something is just not coming together here. and i don't get it. >> i understand your feelings, and i feel like there's something that has to be done here, but i have to tell you, from what i heard about this activity out there, it's really unreasonable here to believe
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that, well, that absolutely a crime has taken place. >> of course, it has. >> no, you can't say that. you can't say one has taken place. yes, the surveillance cameras should be taken a look at for sure. i'm sure they did that the first time. they looked at the cell phone, but look add the other circumstances. jane, i don't recall too many young ladies going to the rest room without taking a group with them. so let's assume she did that by herself. >> i go all the time without taking a group with me. i don't need to have a babysitter when i go to the rest room. wendy murphy? >> that's like my grandfather's era, women go to the bathroom together. am i wrong? i thought i read that they found some of her property in a parking lot? >> yes. one at a time. >> let's say worst case scenario from the perspective of no crime or best, depending on the perspective, that they saw her
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getting into a car. let's say they saw her get into a car. you cannot say that's not a crime. i think saying there's no crime here or even hintding is so disrespectful because we have got people on alert. >> seriously, hey, okay. you with the beret, the red beret. >> this was not an outdoor concert. bathrooms are inside. she left the facility. and you leave a concert and go outside, generally to do things you can't do inside. that's why people leave a concert. and then she couldn't get inside. >> seriously, people, one at a time. >> i'm saying, it wasn't for a bathro bathroom. bathrooms are on the inside of the concert venue, not outside. >> this reminds me of the natalee holloway case because we have a disconnect. this girl, morgan, who is missing, doesn't seem like a partier. she's always talking to her parents.
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natalee holloway was the same way. she was a good girl, an innocent girl, a little naive. she goes to a bar in aruba. meets someone. suddenly, she leaves a car with three other men and she's never seen again. so it's not that you have to be a bad girl, don -- excuse me, dr. dale archer. >> let me just say this, i know the natalee holloway case upside down, and that was a circumstance where a bad person actually may have killed her. and a lot of evidence points in that direction. in this case, i'm just saying i don't see the evidence at this point that there has been a crime. >> she's gone! she's gone. >> she's 22 years old. >> they found her purse and cell phone in the parking lot. >> dr. dale archer, my point is everyone is assuming just because she's this good student and she talked to her parents and doesn't seem to have any kind of a drug problem, she wouldn't go outside of the
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arena, that's something only a bad girl would do. nonsense. that was my point with the natalee holloway case. she may have met someone who said, come on out. we're going to have a tailgating party in the parking lot. she goes in the parking lot, next thing you know she's thrown in a van, the abduction vehicle of choice, and that's why i'm so frustrated when cops say they don't have anything from the surveillance video. >> i think the situation is they found her purse and cell phone outside. and she could have gone back into the concert had she had her ticket when she forgot because she said i forgot my ticket, i'm out here. i'll find a way home. i agree with you that there had to be a crime take place. >> i don't care if she left the concert to buy drugs, strip down, and do cartwheels, it doesn't matter. she's gone.
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her stuff is in the parking lot. how do you not call that a suspicious criminal act? when you tell the public not to pay tangz because it might not be a crime -- >> wendy, you have had your say. curtis, what should the fbi be doing right now? >> obviously, following up and letting us know if there is surveillance video or not. that would answer a lot of questions. this is a strange case. i wouldn't be so quick to be judgmental against the cops here. >> i'm not judgmental against the cops at all. all i'm saying is it's more of a societal thing. isn't it time with the precious life now in danger that every single one of these stadiums and every single university has state of the art surveillance video so we don't have to have a situation like this where the cops say we have these surveillance videos but they don't show us everything. they should show us everything that happened. if she's milling about for an hour outside the stadium, we
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should have that on video and see what she's doing. i say put a camera on every street corner and every road in america if it's going to save someone's life because we did it for terrorism. this is domestic terrorism. to me, this is more of a threat. okay, everyone. let's think about what it's going to take to put an end to these tragic stories once and for all. we need to participate, all of us, in finding solutions. i know my action-oriented viewers would love to help someone they love who could be in trouble. i talk about my addictive struggle with alcohol. i proceeded to battle other addictions. my story could help you or others you know who is battling an addiction or a compulsive behavior. and violence is an addiction, too, i might point out. you can order "i want" online on c n it's also in book stores. thank said to my outstanding
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panel. a firsthand look at the highly anticipated michael jackson movie. you don't want to miss it. >> then bernie madoff, the drug kingpen? i thought he was a scam artist. there's a wild story about drugs and strippers and you won't believe some of this stuff. i'm going to be taking your call on bernie madoff. 1-877-jvm-says. 1-877-586-7297. >> we want recovery. we want action, and i don't want to really make it a personal thing because i want to protect my family. eeeeeeeeeee
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and let's meet today's winner, i-reporter jane taylor hardy. take it away, jane. >> my three addictions of choice were work ahaulism, sugar, and deeply codependent relationships. what i realized i was doing what many addicts do, reaching from the outside to fill a void i had within. this is one of the many locations alcoholic anonymous meetings are held, and i learned to be present with the pain instead of trying to avoid it. like jane says, we're only as
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sick as our secrets. that's why i'm so passionate about sharing my story of addiction. >> well done for sharing your amazing story. you'll be getting an autographed copy of my best selling book "i want," plus a chance to visit new york city and visit me on the set of "issues." i promise you a good time. way to go on your recovery. shocking new details into bernie madoff's lavish party life fueled by drugs and sex. first, top of the block tonight. a rare and behind the scenes look alt michael jackson, the performer. the mystery surrounding michael's death may be unsolved, but his highly anticipated feature film hits the big screen next week. do you have your tickets? you don't have to wait. "issues" has a sneak peek. take a look. >> michael, do you like this, first of all? >> yeah, that's a cool move. >> okay. >> cool move.
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it spreads out too much at the end. ♪ i like living this way >> some say he wasn't prepared for his concert extravaganza. what about those who aren't ready to see the king of pop in a movie just yet? jackson's mother said she can't bare to look at it, not this soon, but maybe one day. kenny ortega said he's proud of what they accomplished. of course, he is. this movie is going to be huge. a money maker. money we can only hope goes straight to michael's three kids. that's tonight's top of the block. scandalous and shocking new accusations from investors swindled by bernie madoff. was bernie a cocaine kingpin. the new york daily news reports a brand new lawsuit alleged his
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investment firm was a virtual animal house with a cocaine pipeline. they say berney hosted cocktail parties with waitresses in only g-strings. this is wide stuff. this guy is 70-something. so much so that the madoff headquarters were nicknamed the north pole. the suit reportedly said he used the money to bankroll a lifestyle with escourts and strippers. he even kept a list of his femaled masseuses in a little black book. just when we thought we had heard the worst of bernie madoff, here comes the next shocker. we already knew he had a mistress. listen to what she had to say. >> we had a love affair for about a year and a half.
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i think ruth chose to look away. i think he was an equal opportunity destroyer. nobody, nobody was safe from him. >> i just want to thank you for putting in the part about his small penis. >> leave it to wendy murphy. also tonight, inside his life behind bars. you will not believe new reports about bernie's lockup. also, joining us on the phone, we're delighted to have the other love of bernie madoff, money. we welcome sheryl winesteen and jose martinez. have we covered it all or what else could we possibly learn about this guy? >> at least we don't learn much more about his undersize, allegedly undersized manhood in this lawsuit. but there were plenty of salacious tidbits that came out of this 272-page lawsuit that was filed just the other day in
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manhattan supreme court. you find out that the office was allegedly known as the north pole because there was so much cocaine flowing into the place. and there were details, salacious details about women wearing nothing but g-strings and employees having wild romps with each other and in kinds of crazy plaszs including mr mr. madoff's couch. exotic, i don't know, but that's what the lawsuit said. >> i never bought the idea that his family was totally unaware. he was this innocent looking senior citizen, and they had no idea that he was pulling off this biggest ponzi scheme in the history of mankind. now we know that two of his sons worked in the office. we know that ruth, his wife, often went to the office and at one point worked for him. now that we're hearing of cocaine and allegations of sex parties, what does that say about their knowledge or lack there of?
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>> the sons of defendants in the lawsuit that was filed by one of mr. madoff's victims, a fellow who had invested with him. it alleged that the sons as well as well as other corporate defendants which included pmg and jpmorgan chase and the bank of new york, were aware of some of the shenana gans that were going on. >> okay. >> but when i spoke with the lawyer, he cut to the chase with me and he said i know what people are going to be talking about. they're going to be talking about the strippers. they're going to be talking about the cocaine. >> and you're right that's what we're talking about. you had an affair with bernie madoff, did you know anything about drug use on his part? >> caller: the only thing they dwu about drug use and it's not firsthand knowledge and i write it with me in my book is he shared with me that his wife smoked marijuana and that she got it from one of the employees at the office. >> so you never saw him snorting coke? >> caller: no, no and i don't know what decade that this
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supposedly took place but i have not read the 200-page document. >> and then again you never saw him ripping people off and he ripped people off for billions of dollars. it doesn't mean if you didn't see, it didn't happen and that's thing about this guy you don't know which way. a lot of smoke and mirrors. more on bernie madoff and the drug lifestyle, alleged, after the break.
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two people have committed suicide because of this man. you know at some point i started thinking, you know he's like -- he's if not like he is a terrorist. i have heard that term, economic terrorist. why -- why aren't we sort of indicting him on those terms too. >> that was one of the many victims bernie madoff ripped off. tonight, shocking new lawsuit. back to my expert panel. curtis sliwa, you've been listening to this. you know that his two sons worked with him. his wife sometimes worked. they've said, we had no idea he was doing any of this. but if he's having these wild parties, wouldn't they have
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caught on to dad's a little bit of a perve if this is true. >> jane, i'm shocked. the pigs on wall street would be going to strip clubs using hookers and -- sniffing cocaine. that's what they do all the time. they are even during it during the recession and bernie madoff was the biggest pig of all. >> let's not insult pigs here. pigs don't do coke and have topless dancers. they're just living their lives. okay, madoff's life is a huge jump from a multimillion-dollar new york penthouse with skyline views. somer homes. complete with yacht and a spa to the bottom -- there is the before picture. there's the fancy stuff. the great house he had in the hamptons. and now we're going to switch to the not so fancy stuff. this is today. take a look at this bunk. jose martinez, "daily news" has been on top of this story. what's going on with madoff behind bars? who's he hanging out with? i hear sex offenders. i hear organized crime. >> it's a long way from the upper east side, jane, of
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manhattan, to where he is now in north carolina. and the information gathered in in lawsuit came from an attorney who met with mr. madoff for four hours. said that he's now bunking with a fellow, a 21-year-old, who is serving time for a drug offense. and he spends his evenings walking around the track all by his lonesome and that some of his meals are prepared by a sex offender. which is -- >> i heard though that he got into a fist fight with somebody. and was sort of earning his cred behind bars by being a little bit macho. did you hear anything about that, jose? >> well, that was one of the reports that's come out, but it's -- there's been several reports that have come out about his time in prison. the details revealed here are new in this lawsuit. but, yeah, mr. kutcht the lawyer who interviewed him said that he was rather buff and tuned up. >> this guy, wendy murphy, he's
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such a complex, bizarre individual because when we first saw him we thought he looks like everybody's grandfather and now we're hearing about cocaine use, alleged, sex parties, a blacklook when with masseuses, topless dancers and in the meantime the whole family is like, we didn't know anything. and we weren't there and we didn't have any idea of what's going on. >> it's so funny if you look up cokehead sex phen in the dictionary you would not see a picture of bernie madoff. i was surprised but i was also a little pleased because i think that people enjoy watch some sort of suffering happening to this man but what's interesting let me be the resident lawyer for a second. i thought as i was reading this story why is this relevant? and here's why it's relevant, this guy it h a fiduciary duty ev care as did the folks who worked with him. that means they had to be super prudent if how they were handling so much money on behalf of people. >> and wendy -- >> you know what -- >> -- let me say one other thing.
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if we're going to throw poor people in jail for doing drugs and he did drugs why isn't he charged with drug charges? should he be? you're watching "issues." dddd
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