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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  October 23, 2009 1:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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grief turns to rage in somer thompson's death as people demand to know who dumped her lifeless body in the trash. a san diego to minneapolis flight didn't just miss the runway or the city. it missed the whole state. does the pilots' excuse wash with you? we told you about ian pearl a few days ago whose insurance provider cut his coverage. without it he says it is a death sentence. is that the last word in this story? here's the latest from hln news and views on this friday. i'm richelle carey. investigators in clay county florida, say none of the registered sex offenders living in her neighborhood are suspects in the death of somer thompson. the florida girl's body was found wednesday in a landfill in georgia. no one saw the 7 year old get abducted on monday.
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at least no witnesses have come forward to say that. authorities have been collecting evidence from a vacant house in somer's neighborhood undergoing renovation including a dumpster on the friday. somer was last seen in front of that house. the autopsy is complete but authorities will not say how she died. >> we know the cause of death. our focus is on preserving the integrity of this investigation and not releasing any information that in the long run would prevent us from prosecuting and convicting the person who did this to somer. for that reason at no point will we discuss the cause of death, the manner in which she died or any other details regarding what was done to this child. >> the last person to see somer appears to have been a little boy who lives nearby. he says he saw her near this vacant house we're talking about. >> she was just running so i thought she was excited but she had a frown on her face.
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>> very sickening. it's just scary. >> last night there was a candlelight vigil for somer right outside her house. earlier her mother told the killer whoever the killer is there will be justice for her little girl. >> i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you. i hope they make you pay for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people. you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. it's not okay. this is not okay. >> breaking news tonight nancy grace will have all of the late developments in the search for soimariesmer somer's killer at 8:00 and 10:00
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p.m. eastern right here on hln "news and views." search teams are looking for another missing girl. this is happening in central missouri. this right here. this is 9-year-old elizabeth olten last seen walking from a friend's house wednesday evening. crews are out again today searching an area where elizabeth's cell phone signals were last picked up. this is an area around st. martins, that's a community near jefferson city. a very small community. hundreds of volunteers -- hundreds have joined local and federal officials in this effort to try to find her. so many people turned out they had to turn folks away. the violent crime unit has been activated but the sheriff says he's seen no sign of a crime so far that a crime has been committed. federal investigators want to know why a jet overshot the minneapolis airport by 150 miles. the northwest airlines flight missed its destination wednesday night. air traffic controllers first lost contact with the plan as it was flying by the rocky
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mountains. pilots didn't respond to radio, didn't respond to text communications. controllers in minneapolis finally contacted the pilot after more than an hour when the plane was over wisconsin. but answers were so vague they were kind of concerned maybe this plane had been hijacked. talking by phone on our show today, aviation industry veteran bob marks says he thinks the pilots may have been asleep. >> the tapes that record all of the conversations in the cockpit will pretty much prove that these two guys fell asleep and of course that is the simple answer. the real question is going to be why did that happen? what was their duty day like prior to this flight? what were the days like a few days prior to this trip at all? because fatigue in airline flying in all kinds of flying is a huge issue and that's why there's a piece of legislation right now on the hill to address
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this. just because of these kinds of problems. >> the plane did eventually land safely. passengers didn't know what happened until they got on the ground and ntsb spokesperson says it's looking into whether the pilots fell asleep. northwest is part of delta air lines and issued a statement saying that it is cooperating with the faa and the ntsb in their investigation and conducting our own internal investigation. the pilots have been relieved from active flying pending the completion of these investigations. the passengers said they had no idea what was going on but they were horrified once they landed and found out. so it's got us wondering, would you want to know if there's a problem, maybe that kind of problem, or any kind of problem if you were in flight or is it ignorance bliss? does what happened on this plane make you any less confident in flight crews? call us right now.
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877-tell-hln or e-mail us at a recent study shows surfing the internet may help put off dementia. melissa long has details in today's "health minute." >> reporter: teaching the elderly to use internet search engines like google and yahoo! may help fight dementia and memory loss. scientists found middle-aged and older adults who don't have much experience using the internet had increased activity in key regions of the brain after searching the web for an hour each day for two weeks. a small study of 24 volunteers between the ages of 55 and 78 were split into two groups. those who were familiar with the internet and those who had little experience with the web. brain scans show participants with little online experience had brain activation patterns similar to those familiar with internet searches in areas of the brain important in working memory and decision making. scientists suggest that searching online might just be
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an easy way to improve brain function in older adults. for today's "health minute" i'm melissa long. truly spectacular pictures out of puerto rico. a huge fire is raging. look at this. this is at a fuel plant. 11 fuel tanks, 11 are on fire. was anybody hurt in all this?
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told you earlier about that northwest flight that flew 150 miles past its destination at the airport in minneapolis. you all have been some comedians about this one. some of you are ticked off. passengers, the ones on this flight, say they had no clue about what was happening. they were horrified once they found out. would you want to know while you
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were still in the air? some of have you been sharing your comments on my facebook page. if you like facebook and you're there search richelle carey hln on facebook and that's how you can join. martin wrote this. unless my life is in danger, they can do as many u-turns as needed and never tell me about it. jackie says this -- let's get to the phones now. the nancy is calling us from seal beach california. what's your take? what kind of flier are you? a nervous flier or do you want to know everything that's going on? >> caller: i'm not a nervous flier but i would like to know what's going on if i was expecting to land in minneapolis or anywhere and 20 30 minutes go by and i haven't seen the descent, i would want someone to communicate with me. >> does this make you a little uneasy the next time you get on
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a plane or is this just a unique situation? >> caller: it does shake my confidence. i kind of think that the pilot or co-pilot should be required to communicate with the passengers maybe every 20 minutes just to say you know, we're landing such and such a time or the weather is such and such so we know they're awake. >> not a bad idea. nancy, thank you for your phone call. rob is calling us from sterling virginia. rob, i am told you are a pilot. i don't know if you were paying attention. i didn't expect to put you on the spot. our last caller says pilots should have to check in with passengers every 20 minutes or so. what do you think about that? >> caller: well, i agree with nancy absolutely. you know, the airline industry is a service industry and the crew does have a responsibility to keep the passengers informed to let them know where they're going and delays, etc. keep in mind that the first and foremost responsibility of the crew is always the passenger safety. and i think in the case of the
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emergencies, the passengers really do not have the right to know immediately if something is going on because the crew's first responsibility is to handle the problem. if it affects destination or timing -- >> that did become a timing issue. if they're 150 miles offcourse, that becomes a timing issue. >> if it does turn out to be true that allegedly they were asleep, they may have had quite a bit of catchup to do as they realized their predicament and attempted to correct the issue not to mention fuel planning and security concerns as well. >> rob thank you for your phone call. we already lost him. devon is calling us from new york. how much do you want to know when you're in the air? we lost him. i thought that was rob hanging up. we lost him. got an e-mail.
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this is something we can all relate to. don't be shy about giving us your opinions. you usually aren't but especially don't be about this. we want to know do you want to know if there's a problem on your flight? call us right now 877-tell-hln. e-mail us at you can get in on the facebook discussion as well. first lady michelle obama is taking part in a breast cancer awareness event at the white house this afternoon. then tonight she'll show her funny side on "the jay leno show." nbc says she'll respond to leno's rapid ten question via satellite. in the past they featured senator john mccain and lebron james. october is breast cancer awareness month and nothing raises awareness more than an unforgettable story. lindsey took a courageous stand against the disease before she could become a statistic. robin meade has today's break
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through woman. >> reporter: at 23 lindsey took the extreme step of having boast her healthy breasts removed. >> i have a strong family history of both breast and oef air oef ovarian cancer. >> she carried the gene and she had it. >> when someone tells you you have an 87% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, it changes everything. i couldn't live like that. >> reporter: she chose to fight back with drastic surgery. she felt alone. >> i wasn't a survivor. i didn't have a cancer. i was living with this very very significant increased risk. >> reporter: she started bright pink. a network for cancer awareness and support and through it she's helped thousands of women like her. >> she helped me find my voice and inspiring other young women to think about their bodies and do self-breast examination.
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>> nothing like having the opportunity to pay it forward and make it different for somebody else. we told but the health insurance story that this man said would be pulled. you were really outraged about this. now hear how the insurance company is responding to the uproar.
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look at that. the fbi says it is investigating this massive explosion in san juan peurto rico. authorities say suspicious graffiti was found spray painted on a tunnel near the site. unbelievable. this is a fuel plant fire. 11 fuel tanks are burning right now. fire crews are doing everything they can to keep 29 others from exploding.
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it's amazing when you look at that that no one was seriously hurt. all workers are accounted for and safe. several people do have minor injuries. one person needed treatment for smoke inhalation. investigators are trying to piece together what in the world happened. unbelievable pictures. an insurance company is restoring its coverage for a severely disabled man in florida. we told you about this a few days ago. this is the update. guardian life apologized to 37-year-old ian pearl for an internal document related to his case. in this document an executive referred to his case and cases like his as dogs the company should get rid of it. guardian's ceo said this. insurance companies are comprised of human beings and sometimes we make mistakes. this was one of them but we also learn those mistakes and we seek to correct them. he says this is the right action to take because it's consistent with our values as individuals and as a company.
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guardian announced it was restoring pearl's plan as his mom was on capitol hill lobbying for health care reform. the company hasn't said what will happen to hundreds of other hols policy holders like pearl that lost coverage when they discontinued those policies. we told you about a little girl denied health insurance for being too little. the subsidiary of united health care coverage say she's healthy. her insurer says it did an additional review of the case and it will cover her. new york state health care workers no longer required to get vaccinated for seasonal flu and the h1n1 virus. the state lifted its mandatory order because there aren't enough doses. new york will only get 23% of the h1n1 doses it thought it would have by the end of october. the workers union actually sued over this mandate.
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used car deals seem too good to be true? they usually are. clark howard warns you how to steer clear of the latest rip-offs. >> because of the recent flooding in the united states, particularly in the southeastern states you have got to be extra careful if you're in the market for a used car because there are flood cars that are -- it's a horrible pun to say, that will flood the used car market. most people don't ever have a used car checked out before they buy it. whether you buy a used car from a dealer or from an individual, know that you are on your own. used cars almost always sold as is. and although in this case i'm talking about flood damaged cars you may not realize buying you a piece of junk it could be a number of reasons. could have a crummy engine.
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crummy transmission. or not have safe brakes. no matter how shiny it looks or how nice the salesperson is, you need to have a used car checked out by a mechanic prior to purchase otherwise buyer beware. for more ways to protect your wallet go to >> get great consumer advice from clark howard every saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern time on hln. help you save more spend less and avoid rip-offs like that one. more than ever retailers count on online sales to boost their bottom line. customers love free shipping. four out of five retailers will offer free shipping with minimum purchases. more than half will offer it with no minimum order. it's been a pierce rivalry for years but check out what one red
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sox fan did for a yankee fan that could be a life saving donation.
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♪ ♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes it is a research
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based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in hopefully lowering traffic fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely
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beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the
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checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them there is zero tolerance if
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you don't have your seat belt on it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you colonel for joining me. >> donna thank you for helping us. >> thank you for watching comcast local edition. i am donna richason.
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investigators in clay county, florida, won't say how somer thompson died or what was done to her because they don't want to hurt their chances of convicting whoever killed this 7 year old. the florida girl's body was found wednesday in landfill in georgia. investigators say none of the registered sex offenders living within five miles of her house are suspects. authorities are collect inging evidence from an abandoned outside. today the clay county sheriff's office explained what happened that led somer to be there alone. >> the fuss or the squabble that took place between somer and a classmate happened at school just at the end of the school day. on her way home while walking
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with her brother and sister and other children that the older sister may have gotten onto her so to speak about that earlier squabble and that somer became agitated by that and that's when she separated from the group and went ahead of them and then again the last time they saw her was up near the house. >> last night there was a candlelight vigil for somer outside her house. earlier her mother told the killer whoever this killer is that there will be justice for her little girl. >> i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you. i hope they make you pay for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people. you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing.
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it's not okay. this is not okay. >> soimary somer's family is working on the funeral arrangements. one of her neighbors told hln's nancy grace how she remembers somer. >> just looking at this little girl with those beautiful brown eyes and little bangs i just can't imagine somebody grabbing her by the arm and taking her away and hurting her. what was she like? what was the little girl's disposition? >> very playful. she's very open-minded. she's a very smart little girl. she knows everybody. she's a very -- i guess you could say she would basically be someone you could connect with. she's very friendly. she loves people. she loves kids. she loves to play. >> breaking news tonight nancy
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grace will have all of the late breaking developments in the search for little somer's killer at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time here on hln "news and views." the search for a missing eastern oklahoma family gets more focused today. the jamison's abandon pickup was found last saturday. the family's starving dog was inside and their i.d.s and a lot of cash. the past time the family was seen was october 9th. they were out just looking to buy some land. a search coordinator was called from from oklahoma city. officers are looking in the muddy mountainous area on foot, on horseback and also by helicopter. no clear response from iran on whether it accepted a plan on its nuclear program. the deadline was today. the deal called on iran to send you the out most of the uranium out for enrichment to make sure the
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government isn't using the material no nuclear weapons. the u.s. france, russia endorse endorsed this plan but iran hasn't outright rejected the tv the country is waiting for a response to its counterproposal to buy uranium for its research reactor. president obama is in boston talking up clean energy. he toured a research lab at m.i.t. that's working on cutting edge clean energy technology and earlier he talked about recovery act investments which the white house says are creating jobs in wind energy. president also plans to attend a fund-raiser for the massachusetts governor. federal investigators want to know why a jet overshot the minneapolis airport by 150 miles. the northwest airlines flight missed its destination wednesday night. air traffic controllers first lost contact with the plane as it was flying over the rocky mountains. the pilots didn't respond to text, didn't respond to radio.
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controllers in minneapolis finally contacted the pilot after more than an hour when the jet was over wisconsin. but the answers kind of perplexed them. they got worried. they thought maybe this was a hijacking in progress. short time ago our brooke baldwin spoke with an aviation expert rob mark about what he thought might have happened. >> the trouble with automaticationautomatic ation automatication in airplanes is it will do practically anything. they are in system monitor. when things flow smoothly and it's quiet and air traffic is rather quiet at that time of the night and the other person is not very conversive you just can if you're tired you can lull yourself back to sleep. it's happened. >> it's frightening. >> it happened to me. i know a lot of other people it's happened to. >> have you fallen asleep at the controls? >> i dozed off.
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i can't deny it. it was a long time ago. i remember when i woke up. that's when you realize what happened. the other guy was awake luckily. >> there's brooke asking the questions. the plane's cockpit voice recorder is being reviewed. it's said to be an older model and it may not have all the data investigators were hoping for. the plane went on to land safely. passengers didn'know what was happening at first. northwest issued this statement. it is cooperating with the faa and ntsb in their investigation and conducting our own internal investigation. the pilots have been relieved from active flying pending the completion of these investigations and the passengers are horrified once they landed and did find out so that's got us wondering would you want to know if there was a problem on your flight? do you not want to know anything?
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is ignorance bliss? does what happened on the plane make you less confident in flight crews in the future? you can call us at 877-tell-hln or e-mail or text the word views and your comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. we'll continue to air your responses on this throughout the day.
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it's something many people don't know about or talk about and it scares some men. male breast cancer. richard roundtree you probably know him as john shaft in the 1971 film "shaft."
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he's a breast cancer survivor and is speaking out to raise awareness. i sat down with him earlier today. >> when the doctor told me that i had breast cancer i said that's something that women -- i thought that was only something that a woman could get and not something a man could get and certainly not something i can get. we all talk about shaft up in here. >> he's great. hear more of my interview with shaft, richard roundtree at 5:00 p.m. eastern time on "prime news." women can be addicted to drugs for years and maybe even can get clean if they're carrying a child and in one state they can end up in jail for harm done to their unborn baby or they can end up in another place. this is a powerful story right now on let's check in with melissa
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long. this is a striking story. >> this is a story that takes our viewers to south carolina to a unique rehab center with pregnant women or women new to being moms can go to get clean and go to learn how to be really good parents. south carolina is called a serenity place treating women. some women are sent here by the courts. last chance to avoid jail time. others go here by choice. many in treatment are simply full of guilt. they're full of fear for the damage their addiction may have done to their children but they're unable to get clean. >> i've been going to jail since i was 15. i didn't know if i would live from day-to-day with the amount of drugs that i was doing. i didn't really care.
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>> playgrounds for the kids and includes very strict rules. no phone calls. no internet. plenty of security cameras. a tile schedule including therapy and parenting classes. sometimes it's just too much and the women have walked out. they have even left their newborns behind. the center's director says it's worth the effort asking what's the other alternative for these ladies? >> reading to their children. how to swaddle a child. proper size clothing. how to handle temper tantrums. discipline for proper ages. food and nutrition. those things that most people take granted on a day-to-day basis. >> our cameras were there a couple months ago. since then 16 women enrolled. six are still there. two had to leave and there are those that graduated successfully from the program. >> they teach them everything.
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>> it's intensive. >> that's why some of them can't take it. great story. i hope people check it out at good stuff. thank you. and just a few weeks cnn will announce its hero of the year. until then we've been calling upon some friends of the top ten cnn hero nominees to tell us more about these extraordinary individuals who will be honored thanksgiving night. today a grammy winner tells us about a musician from new orleans battling to keep kids away from street violence by giving them music. >> how you doing? at the first annual cnn heroes tribute show i had the help in performing and recognizing great works of every day citizens changing the world. as a founder of an organization which seeks to improve lives in my native country, i'm thrilled to help cnn introduce one of
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this year's top ten honorees. now more than ever, the world needs heros. >> life after katrina is really hard for a kid to have violence. the drug life. i'm just tired of it. my aim is to get kids off the streets. my name is derrick tabb and i started a free music education program for the kids of new orleans. let's go. horns up. we do more than just teach music. we offer transportation. we offer instruments. i feed you so you're not hungry. give you tutoring. i call it the no excuse policy. you have no excuse why you're not here. you don't have to have any experience. press down just like that. we meet five days a week year-round. we learn something new. that's what keep kids coming back every day.
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i don't say i'm saving lives. i say i'm giving life. a whole different life of music. >> go to to vote for the top ten cnn hero that inspires you the most. they'll be honored thanksgiving night on our sister network, cnn.
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some of the more striking video of the day. the fbi is investigating this massive explosion in san juan, puerto rico. authorities say suspicious graffiti was found spray painted on a tunnel near this site. spectacular pictures. this is a fuel plant fire. 11 fuel tanks are burning. fire crews are trying to keep this from spreading to 29 other fuel tanks. amazing that no one was seriously hurt as you look at
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this. firefighters say all workers are accounted for. everyone is safe. some people do have minor injuries and one person needed to be treated for smoke inhalation. investigators again still trying to piece together exactly what happened. an insurance company is restoring its coverage for a severely disabled man in florida who we first told you about a few days ago. guardian life insurance apologized to 37-year-old man ian pearl for an internal document related to his case. in this document an executive referred to his case and other cases like it as dogs in cases the company should get rid of. guardian ceo has issued this statement. insurance companies are comprised of human beings and sometimes we make mistakes. this was one of them. but we also learn from those mistakes and we seek to correct them. went on to say this is the right action to take. it's consistent with our values as individuals and as a company.
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guardian announced it was restoring pearl's plan even as his mom was on capitol hill lobbying for health care reform. >> greetings from the twin cities marathon. as you may know over the last four months i've been on a campaign to get in the best shape of my life by the time i turned 40 years old. it's been tough in many ways. i decided to get a checkup on how i was done from personal fitness trainer jillian michaels. let's go talk to her. for the first few days that i did this -- again, i don't count calories. i was leaving food on the plate. i was taking smaller portions. i was hungry the first few days. >> that's so hard. >> i was hungry. i knew once i got beyond that -- >> did you get beyond the physical feeling of hunger? when that happens i'll go with volume. i'll get the salad this big. >> water dense. >> fiber and water nutrient dense low calorie fleent derngs low calorie when i struggle with
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that. >> you may have told me thirst is often misperceived as hunger. you think you're hungry but you're thirsty. >> you're dehydrated. eighth lot of us walk around with chronic dehydration so you now i drink more water. it's funny gillian, like you i've studied this to the core. fitness, exercise physiology. but some of the simplest things make a difference. drinking more water pushing the plate away and exercising when i can. how are you doing with sleep? sleep really affects my hunger levels. >> i won't pass the jillian test on this. >> you have three kids. you're all over the world. how much sleep are you getting? >> i feel like it affects me. if i can get more sleep i'll be in a better groove. the thing i'm worried about the most now is that i've had this whole inspiring time of the last four months to do. this 40th birthday. >> yes. >> an arbitrary milestone. how do i make this a habit? >> you're going to the gym every
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day after work. are you fingd manageable? if that's not manageable, it becomes, okay. if you can't get the fitness in, then you push the plate away and you you eat less calories. you make the quality of your foods count as much as possible. you steal sleep on the plane if that's the only place you can steal it. and you've got to make time. >> getting the complement from you today. >> you, i mean like -- i just you was like wow he looks great. not that i didn't think you looked great before. let me just clarify. you were hot before and you're hot now. but you just, yeah you look like you're just lean and mean. >> i feel great and i really appreciate it. thanks so much for your help. >> thank you.
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grief turning to rage in
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somer thompson's death as people demand to know who dumped her lifeless body in the trash. and investigators hit a potential roadblock as they try to figure out how a plane flew right past its destination into another state. why the cockpit recorder might not be much use figuring it out. and shipped she got a ticket for not speaking english. the problem is no such law exists are. police taking back the ticket? we'll look at that here. thanks for watching hln news and views on this friday. i hope it is a good one for you. let's get to the story just in. investigators who are trying to figure out how in the world this plane shot 150 miles past its destination airport might not get any help from that cockpit voice recorder. we have just learned this recorder in the northwest jet you was an older mod that he will only records 30 minutes of tape at a time. newer recorders catch up to two hours of cockpit conversations.
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that could be a big deal. in the northwest airline missed its destination wednesday night air traffic control herbs first lost contact with the plane as you it was flying somewhere over the rocky mountains. the pilots didn't respond, either by radio or text communication. controllers in minneapolis finally were able to contact the pilot after more than an hour when the plane was over wisconsin. his answers, the pilot's answers they swra so vague, the control hers feared there were hijackers. in our show today, aviation industry veteran rob mark said he thinks the pilots might have been asleep at the control. >> the tapes that record all the conversations in the cockpit will pretty much prove i think that these two guys fell asleep. and of course, that's the simple answer. the real question is going to be, why did that happen? what was their duty day like prior to this flight? what were the days like a few days prior to this trip at all? because fatigue in airline
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flying, in all kinds of flying, is a hugish you ufl that's why there is a piece of legislation right you now on the hill to address this. just because of these kinds of problems. >> the plane did land safely. the passengers that no idea what was going on when you it was in the air. the agency is looking at the possibility the pilots might have fallen asleep. northwest is a part of delta airlines. they did issue this statement. they said -- e-mail us. what do you think about this? you can click under your views. sxchk, include your phone number so we can call you back and get your views right here live on hln. we're also taking your text messages. text the word views plus your comments and names into hlntv.
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we look forward to talking you to you about that. also, new developments in the case of a muslim teen who ran away from home and converted to christianity. that girl who ended up in florida claims she was afraid her muslim father would harm her or kill her because of her religious conversion a. florida judge has signed an order saying the girl has to go back to ohio. she'll be returned to the custody of an ohio children and family agency. her father has denied her claims and an investigation did not uncover any evidence of abuse there. no one saw 7-year-old somer thompson attackedor abducted. no kids have come forward in this case. the florida girl's body was found wednesday in a landfill in georgia. investigators in georgia and clay county say they've talked to all the reg sterld sex offenders living within five miles. her house and none is considered a suspect. authorities have been busy collecting evidence though from this vacant house in her neighborhood that has been
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undergoing renovation. they say there is this dumpster on that property, and somer you was last seen in front. house. an autopsy has been completed, but authorities say they will not say how she died. >> we know the cause. death. our focus is on prestevg integrity of this investigation and not releasing any information that in the long run would prevent us from prosecuting and convicting the middle eastern did this to somer. for that reason at no point will we discuss the cause of death, the manner in which she died or 90 details regarding what was done to this child. >> here's what else we know. the last person to see somer appears to have been a young boy living nearby. he says he saw her near that vacant house. >> she was just running. i thought she was excited. she had like a frown on her face. >> very sickening. it is scary.
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>> last night there was a candlelight vigil held for somer just outside her house. earlier, her mother told this unknown kill per there will be justice for her little girl. >> i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you and i hope they make you pay. for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all. these people. and you you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. that's not okay. this is not okay. >> breaking news in the search for the killer of 7-year-old somer thompson. authorities searching that vacant house yards from where she was last seen walking home from school with her siblings and friends. and somer's mom has words of warning. you just heard it. she said we're going to get you. nancy grace will have the latest
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breaking developments at 10:00 and many 8:00 eastern time. in the meantime, sex team are looking for another missing girl in missouri. this is 9-year-old elizabeth who was last seen walk diploma a friend's house wednesday niflt today crews out and about searching the area where elizabeth's cell phone signals were picked up. this is a rural area around st. martins near jefferson city. hundreds of volunteers have joined local and federal officers in supported here. so many people have turned out. they've had to turn people away. the violent crime unit has been activated but the sheriff says he has seen no sign of a crime having been committed. and an insurance company is restoring coverage for a severely disabled florida man we told you about a couple days ago. a change in their minds. guardian life insurance. they issued this apology to ian pearl. an internal document related to his case nfrl it an executive referred to his case and cases like his as dogs the company
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should get rid of. guardian has announced it is restoring his plan even as his mom was on capitol hill lobbying for health care reform. the company has not said what will happen for the hundreds of other policy holders like pearl here who lost their coverage when it discontinued their policies. some oklahoma hunters stumbled upon this abandoned puptd and were shocked by what they found inside here. clues, a missing family left behind. and the effort to find them now.
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the search is on for this missing family. hunlters found the james sons abandon pickup. in it the starving dog in the back as well as their i.d.s and a lot of cash. the last time, boxy his wife will, they were seen was on october 9. they were out looking to buy some land a. search coordinator
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has been called in from oklahoma city and officers are out looking in the muddy. mountainous area. the fbi says it is investigating that massive explosion in san juan puerto rico. authorities say suspicious graffiti was found spray painted near the tunnel near the site. take a look at these incredible pictures. you can see the massive plume of smoke, black, thick 11 fuel tanks burning right you. now fire crews doing everything they can to keep the other tanks from exploding. the pictures are incredible. amazing, no one you was siriusly injured from what we understand. but firefighters say all of the workers are accounted for and safe. a couple people did suffer minor injuries. someone needed treatment for smoke inhalation. investigators are still trying to figure out what exactly happened. senator obama's pay czar issued massive pay cuts for the
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executives of the bailed out companies. there are some exceptions. poppy, we talked about this yesterday. we you knew this was coming. how big are some of these pay cuts we're talking about? >> they're really substantial. pretty much in line with what we expected. getting the official word yesterday afternoon, this is getting a lot of talk on and off wall street. the pay czar has issued officially these new rules for executives. the top 25 paid folks at each firm, that is who will be affected by this. the question at hand is should the government really play a role at all in compensation at american businesses? that's what the pay czar answered that question right here. take listen. >> it is not a good idea for the united states government to start micromanaging compensation practices at american businesses
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but that's not this case. these are under the stat you'd seven specific companies that are in effect owned by the taxpayers of the united states. that's a much different situation. >> it certainly is. essentially saying these businesses wouldn't be standing if it were not for taxpayer money propping them up. here is what that means for these companies for the top 25 folks there. take a look. you'll see what i mean. at citigroup compensation, 70%. bank of america. 57% at aig and rougher little 25% at general motors. the question remains, will these firms lose that quote/unquote talent because of these pay cuts. that's still to be seen. >> that's another question, will there be any exceptions to the new rules? >> yeah. there are. it was on the front page. treasury document when it came out saying there will be xipgss where in i'll quote here,
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necessary to retain talent and protect taxpayer interests. meaning, the folks are in place to do the job to get these firms back on their feet houfl talented were they? they got the firms into this situation. when we look at aig, that is what the pay czar has called his hardest case. he has allowed because of contract three a inch g execs to keep their bonus. here's why. >> what these three aig officials are entitled to is a will private contract entered into long before the law you was passed or i arrived. and the fact of the matter is i met with the aig officials and there is clearly an understanding that these contracts are valid. will however, since those contracts are valid, i did take those dollars into account in setting compensation for 2009 and going forward into 2010.
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>> all right. so that is the question, brook. looking forward, will this really change the pay structure for american businesses especially on wall street going forward. more of that interview with the pay czar. it is right here cnn just the beginning of what will be a long and heated debate. >> poppy you're on it. thank you. it is breast cancer awareness month and nothing raises awareness quite like an unforgettable story. lindsey took a courageous stand against the disease before she became a statd stat. and robin media has the story in breakthrough women. >> reporter: at tweerks lindsey abner took the extreme step of having both her health they breasts removed. >> i have a very strong history of ovarian cancer. my mother and grandmother died a bike apart from breast cancer. >> reporter: her mother was later diagnosed with breast and ovarian cancer shext carried the
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breast cancer gene and she has it too. when someone lukes you in the eye and says you have an 85% chance of breast cancer it changed everything. >> reporter: she chose the fight back with drastic surgery. she felt alone. >> i wasn't a survivor inch didn't have a cancer. yet i was living with this very very significant increased risk. >> reporter: so she started bright pink. a network for cancer awareness and support. you through it she has helped thousands of women just like her. >> she's kind of helped me find my voice and inspiring other young women to think about their bodies, to do breast self-examination. >> there is nothing like having an opportunity to pay it forward and make it different for somebody else.
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a driver in texas given a ticket for a law that doesn't exist. an oflser stopped her for making an illegal u-turn and ticketed her for not speaking english. he also cited her for not having her driver's license. her daughter said she was shocked by that final ticket. >> at first i thought it was a joke. i said i can't believe it. i actually laughed. oh, my god mom i've never seen this before. we moved from california two years ago so iches like, maybe it is a you law here. >> we regret this hang and although we believe it was a sincere mistake, we're just there is no excuse for it. >> well dallas police stay office here wrote the ticket is a rookie in training, the court did dismiss the charge for not speaking english as well as the charge for not having her driver's license with her. the department is reyou viewing other tickets that same rookie cop has written to see if there were any other mistakes. how about this? maybe called a mistake as well.
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we told you earlier about that northwest flight that flew 150 miles past its destination at the minneapolis airport. passengers say they have no clue what was happening and they were horrified once they found out. once they were landing. here's what we're asking you. you would you want to know about this while you're still in the air? a lot of you have been texting us about it. let's look at karen's text. i would definitely want to know everything that happens during a flight. after all, we put our lives in their hands every time we fly. another person disagrees. i'm a nervous flier so ignorance is bliss. the last thing i want to hear from the cockpit is okay folks, i'm going to grab a quick nap. you wow! derek, what do you think? full transparency or bliss? >> i'm private pilot soon to be commercial pilot and i've always enjoyed what united airlines has on channel 9 where you can listen in on the cockpit
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communications with the tower. it is a great way to deem abreast difl that for ten years before becoming a pilot. i think if it is found these pilot does fall asleep, it is a tremendous violation of the trucht that those 147 passengers had. >> i think a lot of people will be a little worried the next time they homicide on a flight. thank you. david in ohio. what do you think kurpif you were on this plane? >> caller: i don't want to know unless i'm going down in a ball of glory where i have time to call my family. but no. it's not i think it is setting the airlines up for a lawsuit because the pilot sneezed when he should have coughed. >> so you're saying you would not want to know unless it was some catastrophic event. >> reporter: life threatening. i'm not saying it's not serious but where was the rest of the crew? don't blame these two pilots alone. the rest of the crew should be off as well. >> and they will be talking to that you crew. thank you, thaux gary in michigan.
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what do you think? >> caller: i live in what most people refer to as -- when i have to fly, the only local airport big enough to get a large plane is serviced by northwest so this particular event concerns me because that's their plane. i'm not overly concerned about the flights. i figure the you crew, i trust my you crew when i get on. their lives are at stake, too. and if they're doing their job they're saving their own lives as well as mine. i'm not worried about it. i am however, i have, however, discovered when they do make -- >> i have to cut you off. i apologize. the you crew said they were in a heated discussion, something we can all relate to. don't be afraid to give your views. there's the e-mail. stick around.
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investigators say they do not want to hurt their chances of convicting whoever might have killed somer thompson. at this point in time they say they cannot discuss the cause of her death or how she died or what was done to her. the florida girl's body you was found wednesday in a landfill in georgia. investigators say none of the registered sex offenders living within five miles of her house is considered a suspect here. authorities have been collecting evidence from this vacant house in her neighborhood. there was a dumpster there. somer you was last seen in front of that house. no witnesses have come forward that say they saw her get
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attacked or abducted. officials say it is important they talk to anyone who may have been in that neighborhood monday afternoon. >> what we have been trying to do is figure out who frequents that area. because obviously, it is more than just the people who live there. we're trying to determine and monitor any activities that go on there regularly. not only because that might lead to us a suspect but it might lead us to someone who possibly comes there every monday to make a delivery. and may have inopportune or not even knowingly seen something that could be important to this case. so certainly, i wouldn't want anyone to think because we make a traffic stop, that we're focusing on that person from a suspect standpoint. it could be for a variety of reasons. we definitely want to know. we want to be contacted by anyone who for any reason frequents that area on a regular basis and certainly, anyone who for any reason you was in that
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area on monday. >> last night there was a candlelight vigil. and her mother had this message fortune known killer there will be justice for her baby girl. >> i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you. and i hope they make you pay. for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people and you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. it's not okay! this is not okay. >> right you now, somer's family, they're making funeral arrangements for the 7-year-old wefrl don't know if it will be a public or private service but one of her neighbors talked to nancy grace about how she will remember somer.
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>> will. >> just looking at this little girl, those beautiful brown eyes and little bangs. i just can't imagine somebody grabbing her by the arm and taking her away and hurting her. what was she like? what was the little girl's 'tis position? >> very playful. she is very open minded. a very smart little girl. she knows everybody. will she is a very i guess you could say she would basically be someone you could you connect with. very friendly. loves people loves to play. >> nancy will have all the latest development think in the search for somer's killer. watch tonight at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern time. happening today, president obama is in boston making a case for clean energy. earlier he toured a research lab at m.i.t. that's working on
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cutting edge clean energy technology. the president talked about recovery act investments. he says the u.s. must lead to world this particular issue. >> countries on every corner of this earth now recognize that energy supplies are growing scarcer. energy demands are growing larger and rising energy use imperils the planet we will leave to future generations. that's why the world is now engaged in a peaceful competition to determine the technologies that will power the 21st century. from china to india, from japan to germany, nations everywhere are racing to develop new ways to produce and use energy. the nation that wins this competition will be the nation that leads the global economy. i am convinced of that. and i want america to be that nation. it is that simple. >> mr. obama used today's back drop to nudge a climate bill.
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he said it is tied environmental improvements. investigators, they are scratching their heads over this one, trying to figure out how a plane shot 150 miles past its destination airport. might not actually get any help from this cockpit voice recorder. we had learned this recorder in that jet was an older model that only records 30 minutes at a time. that could be a problem. newer recorders catch up to two hours of those cockpit conversations. we're talking about this from wednesday night. air traffic controllers first lost contact with the plane as you it was flying over the rocky mountains. the pilots didn't respond, either by radio or text communication. they finally contacted the pilot after more than an hour when the plane was over wisconsin but apparently the pilot's answers were so vague controllers thought the plane might have been hijacked. the plane did in fact land safely but the passengers had no idea what happened. until they landed. the spokesman said they are
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looking into whether or not the pilots could have fallen asleep. northwest is part of delta airlines. as you can imagine, the praengz horrified when they landed and found out what was really going on. it has us wondering, you would you want to know if there was a problem on your flight or perhaps, is ignorance bliss? does what happened on this particular plane make you any less confident in your crews? call us or send us an e-mail. text us with the word views plus your comments and your name. standard text rates apply and we'll get to your comments throughout the day. want to get to some new developments in the case of a muslim teen who ran away from home and converted to christianity. this girl ended up in florida.
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she claimed she was afraid her muslim father would harm, possibly even kill her because of her religious conversion. a florida judge has signed an order saying the girl has to go back to ohio. she'll be returned to the custody of an ohio children and family agency. meantime, her father has denied her claims and an investigation did not uncover any evidence of abuse. and an insurance company restoring its coverage for a severely disabled florida man we told you but a couple days ago. guardian life has issued an apology to this man. ian pearl for his internal document related to his case. in it, an executive referred to his case and cases like his as dogs, that the company should get rid of. guardian announced you it was restoring his plan even as his mom was on capitol hill lobbying for health care reform. the company has not said though what will ham to the hundreds of other policy holders like pearl who lost their coverage when it discontinued their policies.
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pregnant women arrested for drugs. not for using them but for harming their unborn baby. there is only one state where courts actually allow this. we'll show you a unique alternative some of these women actually have.
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we're just getting new information in the death of a new jersey priest. it has officially been ruled as a homicide. father hinds' body you was discovered. no word as to how he was killed but authorities say he was found fully clothed. the 61-year-old priest failed to show up for mass this morning. >> based upon the crime scene and the nature of injuries sustained by the pastor this is
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opened up as a homicide investigation. our detectives right now from the sheriff's department and the prosecutor's office are investigating the case and we will give you further information as those details become available. the nature of those wounds and the crime scene indicate this was a homicide. >> police have closed off that four-block area around the church. this killing comes one day after police held a public safety seminar there. it's something many people don't either know about or talk about. it scares some men. we're talking about male breast cancer. richard roundtree you know him as john shaft in the 1971 flix shaft, as he breast cancer survivor. and speaking out to raise awareness. hln's richelle carey sat down with him today. >> when the doctor told me i had breast cancer i said that's something that women, i thought that was only something that a woman could get. not something a man could get.
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certainly not something that could i get. we are talking about shaft up here. >> you can check out more of richelle's interview with shaft tonight during prime news at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. and women can be addicted to drugs for years and years and really just have a tough time getting clean even as they are pregnant and carrying a child. in one state they can actually end up in jail for harm done to their unborn baby or they could end up in another place. a powerful story getting a cloft clicks on katherine is live with more. this place has been around for a little while hasn't it? >> it's been around about 15 years a. very unique treatment facility and it is in the state of south carolina. and this facility is designed to help pregnant women and new moms get clean. it is a very difficult treatment facility but one that is very unusual as well.
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south carolina's serenity place is in a state that is in the only state in the nation which can actually prosecute pregnant women for harm that they may do to their unborn fetuses. you now women, some women sit here by the courts as a last chance to avoid going to jail for damaging their fetuses due to drugs. others just arrived here by choice. many in treatment are full of a lot of guilt and fear for the damage that they may be doing to their babies with their addictions but they're still unable to stay clean. listen to this. >> since i was like 15 and up. i didn't know if i was going to live from day to day. >> with the amount of drugs that i was doing. and i didn't really care. >> the center does include a communal kitchen for the women and playgrounds for the children. it also includes some very strict rules. that's something that many of the women, the ladies rntd used. to restrictions on phone calls
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and internet. there is so much security. there there are security cameras to keep an eye on them and make sure they're not using drugs. a very tight therapy, parenting classes. it is too much for some of the women and they walk out and leave their newborns behind. the center's director says it is still worth the effort asking what is the other alternative if they don't come here? >> we can't guarantee that they won't relapse no, more than we can guarantee that they will. but they do have new skills new tools that many of them tntddidn't have when they walked through that door thefrl do have a desire to have a clean and sober life. >> our producer was at this facility back in july. there were 16 women there. since that time, two have left. only six remain at the center. the others actually graduated. so that's not -- you have to
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think about the alternative. where would they be? >> absolutely. i'm glad 37 the center. thanks for bringing that to our attention. moving on, joy behar admits she and ann koultder are basically at opposite ends of the specter. talk about what happened will. >> every presidential assassination or attempted presidential assassination you was committed by some sorted of left wing loon communist, an anarchists anarchists. >> they are all liberals. >> don't make that jump from murderer, terrorist, to liberals. that is an outrageous statement and you know it. >> listen to this. this pastor, this assassin by assassin by assassin. and moreover you can go -- >> they're not liberals ann. they're murderers they're will
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terrorists. do i have to smack you? stop it. >> you can catch the joy behar show. knowing the rule of the road is one thing shfl drivers speak an official language of the road? one texas police officer thought so. the unusual reason he slapped one driver with a ticket.
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a new york mother has you now been formally charged on manslaughter and drunk driving charges over the deadly crash that killed an 11-year-old girl. carmen faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted on the manslaughter charge alone. the crash here happened back on october 11th on a manhattan's west side highway killing a man and injured and six other kids. she will be arraigned next month. and we have yet another missing girl case to tell you but you now. this is 9-year-old elizabeth who was last seen walking home with friends wednesday evening. crews are out today searching an area where elizabeth's cell phone signals were picked up you. this is a rural area in st. martin's community near jefferson city in central
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missouri. hundreds. volunteers have joined local and federal officers to aid in this effort. so many people have turned up to help, they've had to turn some away. the violent crime unit has been activated but you the sheriff said he has seen no spineign that a crime has been committed. a mother who just lost her most prized possession speaking out against violence. somer thompson's mom wants justice. who can blame her? her 7-year-old daughter was abducted, killed, and dumpbed in the trash. this poor woman said she will devote her life to changing our blood soaked culture. she joins a long list of parents whose children were senselessly murdered but they cannot do it alone. we have to come together and say enough is enough. candlelight vigil need to sfwurn marches on washington. we have to demand change. the criminal justice system needs a total overhaul targeting the monsters who are killing our
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children has to become priority number one. i'm jane velez mitchell and that's my issue. >> you can find out what else she has on her mind each sxefr night at 7:00 eastern right here hln. the dallas the dallas police department have apologized for this recent traffic stop. as jason whitely tells us he issued a total of three tickets during the stop. but only two of them were legal. >> i'm upset. i'm really upset. i was very mad. >> reporter: humiliation has turned to anger over what happened to brenda's mother. she drove her 11-year-old daughter vanessa to school this month after the girl missed the bus, and she got pulled over on the way. >> like upset. like worried. >> reporter: dallas police wrote her three tickets. no driver's license. she left it at home darting out the door. plus making an illegal u-turn.
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and her last crime -- listen to this. she was cited for being a nonenglish speaking driver. >> at first i thought it was a joke. i said i can't believe it. i actually laughed. i was like oh my gosh. i've never seen this before. >> reporter: an officer in training wrote the citation to the dallas mother still learning the language schlt. >> we really regret this happening. and although believe it was a sincere mistake it is inexcusable. >> there is a federal law say ing
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ing. coming up here on hln news and views. we're talking baseball and life saving maneuver here. there's a little rivalry. you know. boston red sox and new york yankees. one fan on one side did a lit something for a fan on the other that could turn into being a lifesaver. stick around for that story.
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i hope they get you. and i hope they make you pay for a long, long time. >> the mother of a girl whose body was found in a landfill is speaking to her killer. hear from one of the last people believed to have seen the girl alive. investigators hit a potential roadblock as they try to figure out how a plane flew right past its destination right onto another state. it may not be much use in figuring out what went wrong. we want to know if you would want the crew to tell you if something was wrong on your
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flight. water fountains might look refreshing. hay could make you sick. what you need to know about fountains and the flu. this is hln news and views on this friday. i'm richelle carey. thanks for your time. something just in from police in new jersey. they're treating the case of a priest found dead in his church as a homicide. st. patrick's church in chatham about ten miles west of newark. the body of father ed hinds was found just after 8:00 this morning when he didn't show up for mass. >> the body was found in a condition where the wounds and the nature of the wounds and the crime scene are consistent with at this stage us believing a homicide has been committed. >> the police have closed off a four-block area around the church. this is one day after a police
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held a public safety seminar there. dozens of investigators are checking out leads in the case of a missing girl in central missouri. 9-year-old elizabeth olten. she was last seen walking home from a friend's house. crews are out again searching an area where elizabeth's cell phone signals were last picked up. hundreds of volunteers have joined local and federal officers to try to find her. so many they had to turn away some volunteers. the sheriff says he's seen no signs the crime has been committed so far. investigators say none of the sex offenders living in the neighborhood are suspects. her body was found wednesday in a landfill in georgia. no one saw her get attacked on
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monday. no one that has come forward as a witness. authorities have been investigating a vacant house. she was last seen in front of that house. the autopsy, that is complete. authorities will not say how she died. >> we know the cause of death. our focus is on preserving the integrity of this investigation and not releasing any information that in the long run would prevent us from prosecuting. and convicting the person who did this to somer. for that reason at no woint will we discuss the cause of death, the manner in which she died, or any other details regarding what was done to this child. >> the last person to see somer appears the to have been a young boy who lives nearby. he says he saw somer near the vacant house we're talking about. >> she was just running so i thought she was excited but she had like a frown on her face. >> very sickening.
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it's scary. >> last night there was a candle light vigil for somer right outside her house. earlier her mother told the killer whoever this killer may be there will be justice for her little girl. >> i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you. i hope they make you pay. for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people. who don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. that's not okay. tonight nancy grace will have all the latest developments in the search for somer's killer. that's tonight right here on hln news and views. and the search for a missing
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eastern oklahoma family gets more focused today. this is a very unusual case. hunters found the jamison's abandon pickup. their starving dog was inside along with i.d.s and cash. they were out looking to buy some land. a search coordinator has been called in from oklahoma city. officers are out looking in the muddy mountainous area on foot, on horse back, and also a helicopter. police investigating the killing of university of connecticut football player say witnesses are being threatened with violence. that they come forward with information. basically being threatened if they snitch. they say the threats are being made in internet postings. authorities are still asking people to submit photos videos or any other information to help convict the killer. jast
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jasper howard was fatally stabbed. one person has been arrested in connection with the fight that happened. no one has been charged with stabbing howard. happening today, president obama is in boston making a case for clean energy. earlier he toured a research lab at m.i.t. that's working on cutting edge clean energy technology. he insisted the u.s. must position itself to lead the world in the clean energy competition. >> the world is now engaged in a peaceful competition to determine the technologies that will power the 21st century. from china to india, from japan to germany nations everywhere are racing to develop new ways to produce and use energy. the nation that wins this competition will be the nation that leads the global economy. i'm convinced of that. i want america to be that nation. >> the president used today's backdrop to nudge lawmakers to pass a climate bill. he says the country's economic future is tied to environmental
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improvements. the fbi is investigating this massive explosion and fire in san juan puerto rico. the video is unbelievable. authorities say suspicious graffiti was found spray painted on a tunnel near the site. that's what really got them focused on this. a fuel tank fire. 11 fuel tanks are burning. fire crews are doing everything they can to keep another 29 from exploding. in inspite of the unbelievable pictures nobody was seriously hurt. all the plant workers, all of them are accounted for and safe. the next time you feel like taking a drink from a water fountain, think about this. how many people before you were there. could you catch something from them? we'll hear from experts on whether you need to worry about that with flu season under way.
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the united states has formally asked switzerland to extradite academy award winning director and fugitive roman polanski basically send him back. he's been a wanted man in the u.s. for more than 30 years after he pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl. he fled the country before he was actually formally sentenced. he was arrested in switzerland last month. clark howard warns you to steer clear of the latest ripoffs. >> because of the recent flooding in the united states, particularly in the southeast states. you have got to be extra careful if you're in the market for a used car. there are flood cars that are -- horrible time to say -- that are
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going to flood the used car market. middle east people don't have a used car check out before you buy it. whether you buy it from a dealer or individual, know that you are on your own although in in case i'm talking about flood damage. it could be any number of reasons. a car could have a crummy engine, crummy transmission or not have safe brakes. no matter how shiny it looks, no matter how nice the salesperson is, you need the used car checked out by a mechanic prior to purchase. otherwise buyer beware. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to protect your wallet go to >> he knows what he's talking about people.
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flu season is here. water fountains may be a potential hiding spot for germs. how many people drink out of a fountain right before you? cnn put a hidden camera near one. 14 people visited the fountain in an hour. a kansas school shut down its water fountains until flu season ends. but people are overreacting says a former cdc chairman. >> i don't think that's going to be helpful or important in prevents flu. it's common sense. let the water run a couple seconds before you starting. don't touch the spout with your mouth. and when you're done if you've touched the bar to turn it on or off, clean your hands. >> yes please do not put your mouth on the spout. a microbiologist disagrees. he says they should be disinfected regularly.
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people in los angeles are lining up by the hundreds i don't know, thousands of people at this one location for the h1n1 vaccine. l.a. county's public health department just opened two clinics for uninsured or at risk residents. the first in line said she got there at midnight. wow. when we told you his health insurance was being pulled you responded with outrage. now how the insurance company is responding to the uproar.
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investigators may not get any answers from the cockpit data recorder on the northwest airlines. the one that flew 150 miles past its destination. authorities say this is an older model recorder that only records for 30 minutes at a time. that means it likely missed the key conversations leading up to this thing going off course.
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wow. they first lost contact with the plane as it was flying by the rocky mountains. they didn't respond to radio or text. patrolers finally contacted the pilot after more than an hour when it was over wisconsin. his answers were vague. it got controllers worried that is this a hijacking going on? earlier an aviation veteran says he thinks the pilot may have been asleep. >> the tapes that record all the conversations in the cockpit are going to pretty much prove i think that these two guys fell asleep. of course, that's the simple answer. the real question is going to be why did that happen. what were the days like prior to this trip at all? fatigue in airline flying in all kinds of flying is a huge issue. that's why there's a piece of
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legislation right now on the hill to address this. just because of these kinds of problems. >> well the plane landed safely. and the passengers didn't know any of this was happening while they were in the air. a spokesperson says the agency is looking into whether the pilots did in fact fall asleep. northwest issued a statement saying it's cooperating with the faa and ntsb as well as conducting our own internal investigation. pilots on board the plane passengers on board the plane didn't know what was going on until they landed. if something is wrong on one of your flights, do you want the crew to tell you what's happening? or would you just want to know once everything is okay.
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interesting comments that you want to dive in. go to richelle carey hln. theresa said if i could be preparing myself for something like hard landing, then yes. if it's something i cannot help i would just say let me and the pilot sleep. lol. you know what that means. michael says this. i would rather the flight crew be on task. i.d. rather the passengers not know because it could make things worse. tim disagrees saying no such thing is too much info from the flight crew. julie calling from new york. julie says you want to know what is going on. is that right julie? >> caller: that is correct. yes. >> in all situations? >> caller: absolutely. i like to be fully involved and know what's going on around me at all times. for 20 years i've been a
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diabetic. with all the problems of bringing insulin and -- or what if i need ad juice box or didn't have something on me to care for myself. that could mean life or death for a person. not just my situation but anyone with a chronic disease. >> that's an interesting point. this situation did add time to the flight. these people weren't aware of what was going on or that the extra time would be added to their flight. dwayne is calling us from wisconsin. dwayne, what's your take? >> caller: my take is i believe that lady said too. they can't take care of it then they should come out and forewarn you of what's going on. the other statement i want to say is cameras in the cockpit so
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if they don't respond, they can hatch in there and see what's going on. or they could have a phone where the stewardess lobby thing is wherever they do all that stuff, and have them -- give them a call. then they could go up front and see what's going on. >> at one point when the air traffic controllers couldn't get to them, you're thinking the flight attendants could have been like, what's going on in there? >> caller: yes. >> you called with solutions. duane, we appreciate that. got an update on the story you were all equally more passionate about. this is an insurance company. it is restoring its coverage for a severely disabled man in florida that we've been telling you about for a few days. guardian life issued an apology to ian pearl.
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an executive referred to his case and cases like this as dogs the company should get rid of. guardian announced it's restoring his plan even as his mother was on capitol hill lobbying for health care reform. the company hasn't said what will happen for hundreds of other policyholders like pearl who lost their coverage when the company decided to discontinue the policies. hln's joy behar and conservative commentator ann coulter don't agree on politics -- like at all. see what happened when they talked about assassination threats against obama and who she thinks is responsible for them. >> every presidential assassination or attempted presidential assassination was committed by a left wing loon communist, anarchist -- yes they were. >> the home grown terrorists are also another group. >> but they're all liberal. >> wait a minute. don't make that jump from murder to terrorist to liberal.
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that is an outrageous statement. assassin by assassin by assassin. >> they're not liberals, they're murders, they're terrorists. >> the ideology. >> stop it. >> catch "the joy behar show."
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♪ ♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and
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county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the
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checkpoints are helpful in hopefully lowering traffic fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every
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week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt
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initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it
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is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you colonel for joining me. >> donna thank you for helping us. >> thank you for watching comcast local edition. i am donna richason. investigators in clay county, florida, say none of the registered sex offenders living in her neighborhood are suspects
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on the death of somer thompson. from florida. a little girl. her body was found wednesday in a landfill in georgia. no one saw the 7-year-old get abducted, get attacked monday. at least no witnesses are coming forward. authorities have been collecting evidence from a vacant house in somer's neighborhood that have been undergoing renovation. they're looking at a dumpster on this property. the autopsy has been completed. authorities are not saying how she died. >> we know the cause of death. our focus is on preserving the integrity of the this investigation and not releasing any information that in the long run would prevent us from prosecuting and convicting the person who did this. for that reason at no point will we discuss the cause of death or any other details regarding what was done to this this child.
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>> tonight nancy grace will have all the latest developments in the search for somer's killer. and teens are looking for another missing girl. this is happening in central missouri. this is 9-year-old elizabeth olten. she was last seen walking home from a friend's house wednesday evening. crews were out again today. they're pretty much focusing on an area where elizabeth's cell phone signals were last picked up. a very small community near jefferson city. hundreds of volunteers were helping with local and federal officers. so many people turned out they had to turn some away. the sheriff says he's seen no sign that a crime has been committed so far. an entire family is getting more focus today. hunters found the jamison's
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abandon pickup truck last saturday. the family's starving dog was inside with their i.d.s and a lot of cash. the last time they were seen was october 9th. they were out looking to buy some land. search coordinator has been called from oklahoma city. officers are out looking in muddy mountainous areas on foot, on horse back, and a helicopter. >> police in new jersey are treating the case of a catholic priest found dead in his church as a homicide. st. patricks church is about ten miles west of newark. the body of father ed hinds was found this morning. he did not show up for mass. authorities are not releasing di tails about this crime. >> we're doing numerous interviews. we have over 50 detectives and police officers working on this kals. we don't want to taint the public in those interviews in terms of what we're doing. we're not getting into the nature of the wounds t manner of the wounds, or the weapon that
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may have been used. >> police have closed off a four-block area around the church. the killing comes one day of police held a public safety seminar there. investigators are trying to figure out how a plane shot 150 miles past the airport destination might not get any help from the cockpit recorder. the recorder was an older model. this thing only records about 30 minutes of tape at a time. newer recorders catch up to two hours of conversations at a time. they missed they're their destinations. they first lost contact with the plane as it was flying over the rocky mountains. the pilots didn't respond to radio or text. controls finally contacted the pilot after more than an hour. by this time the plane is over wisconsin. when they finally made contact his answers were kind of vague. that worried them that maybe the
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plane had been hijacked. the plane finally landed safely. passengers didn't know what had happened. an ntsb spokesperson is looking into whether the pilot fell asleep. northwest is part of delta airlines issue ad statement saying it is cooperating with the faa and the ntsb in their investigation as well as conducting our own internal investigation. the pilots have been released from active flying pending the completion of these investigations. passengers were horrified when they landed and found out what had been going on. would you want to know if there was a problem on your flight? or is ignorance bliss for you? call us right now. 1-877-tell-hln.
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you can also text us. text the word views and your comment standard text rates apply. one person was killed. another eight injured after an army blackhawk helicopter crashed into a navy ship. it happened on yesterday evening as service members propelled down a rope from the helicopter to the ship. it happened during a joint training mission between the navy and the army. michelle obama took part in a breast cancer awareness event at the white house this afternoon. she and jill biden both spoke. then tonight going to show her funny side on "the jay leno show." she's going to respond to leno's ten rapid fire questions via satellite. in the past the q&a featured senators john mccain and lebron james. the white house released this new port rat of the first
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family. it was take nn the green room of the white house. knowing the rules of the road is one thing. should drivers speak an official language of the road? one texas police officer thought so. the unusual reason he gave one driver a ticket.
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it's something many people really don't know a lot about, don't talk about and it scares men. male breast cancer. richard, you know him as shaft in the 1971 film "shaft." he's a breast cancer survivor.
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he's speaking out to raise awareness. i sat down with him earlier today. >> when the doctor told me that i had breast cancer. i said that's -- i thought that was only something a woman could get. not a man could got. certainly not that i could get. i mean, we are talking about shaft up in here. >> yeah shut your mouth right. he's great. hear more of my interview with shaft tonight during prime news starting at 5:00 eastern time. it's a great story. and we told you about a girl who was denied health insurance for being too little. well they've changed their decision. the little 2-year-old girl right there. she weighs 22 pounds. her parents were told she didn't meet weight and health standards. her insurer said they will now cover her. a texas driver was shocked to get a ticket for breaking a law that does not exist. but it happened.
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she was driving her granddaughter to school. she was stopped by a police. she was given three tickets. one for making an illegal u-turn, another for not having a driver's license. >> i actually laughed at first. we moved from two years ago. we thought maybe it's a law here. >> we regret this happening. although we believe it was a sincere mistake t there's just no excuse for it. zbrr >> dallas police apologized. the officer who wrote the ticket is a rookie in training. they dismissed the charge for not speaking english and the charge for not carrying her drivers license. just a few weeks cnn will
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announce the hero of the year. until then we've been calling upon our friends of the top ten cnn hero nominees to tell us more about the extraordinary individuals. they're going to be honored thanksgiving night. today grammy winner wyclef jean tells us about them battling to keep kids from street violence by giving them music. >> this is cnn heros. >> how y'all doing? my name is wyclef jean at the first annual cnn heros tribute show. i had the honor of performing to help recognize the great works of every day citizens changing the world. as a founder of an organization that seeks to improve lives in my native country, i am thrilled to help cnn introduce one of this year's top ten honorees. now more than ever the world needs heros. >> life after katrina is really
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hard for a kid. you have the violence the drug life -- i'm just tired of it. my aim is to get kids off the streets. my name is derrick tabb. i start ad free music education program for the kids of new orleans. let's go. arms up. >> we do more than just teach music. we offer transportation. we offer strums. i feed you so you're not hungry. i give you tutoring. no excuse policy. you don't have no excuse while you're not here. >> press down on it just like that. >> we meet five days a week year round. you're constantly learning something new. that's what keeps the kids coming back every day. ♪ >> i don't want to say i'm saving lives, but i'm giving life. a whole different life of music. >> aren't those kids adorable?
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go to to vote for the top ten cnn hero that inspires you. they'll will honored thanksgiving night on cnn. new shocking details. a father still on the run. his daughter's friends are talking about why he may have run over her and left her for dead.
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new develops in the case of a muslim teen who ran away from home and converted to christianity. she claimed she was afraid her father would kill her. a judge in florida has signed the order to send her back to ohio. she'll be returned to the custody of an ohio children and family services agency. her father has denied her claims. an investigation did not uncover any evidence of abuse.
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mpblt in arizona the friends of a 20-year-old girl -- 20-year-old woman, rather who was allegedly run down by her father are talking about what they think hands. marissa tells us why he allegedly did it. >> reporter: 20-year-old college student liked to make her own decisions. that's what her friends says. what her father called americanized. >> shorts. not ridiculous shorts. just shorts. it's arizona. >> the high school friend is too scared to show her face. afraid the father will retaliate. almaleki is still on the the loose after he ran over his daughter and left her bleeding on the ground. he believes she had abandon her traditional iraqi values and her westernized ways were not acceptable. >> not to her dad, no. she needed to be covered. she would change after school or at my house or a friend's house. and then go home.
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>> reporter: what would she change into? >> back into a sweater and pants. >> she had to hide her in her own closet once when her father came looking for her. >> i thought, i'm not going to let her out. i really think he's going to beat her if i let her go. >> reporter: police say wednesday he took it further in this parking lot. his daughter is fighting for her life. >> police still haven't found her father. he was last seen in a 2000 jeep grand cherokee with arizona license plates. president obama's pay czar issued new rules. there are exceptions.'s poppy harlow joins us from new york. poppy, we've been talking about this for a few days. you answered viewer questions. we knew this was coming. how big are the cuts?
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>> they're pretty big and generating a lot of buzz on and off wall street. a lot of criticism. the administration has been talking about this compensation really for a year now. they're putting the words into actions. yesterday afternoon that's when ken feinberg came out with the rules governing executive pay. the big question is really what role does the u.s. government -- what should they play in terms of handling compensation or regulating pay at these american businesses. bailout or not. that's a question that jessica yellin posed to the pay czar. >> it's not a good idea for the united states government to start micromanaging compensation practices at american businesses. but that's not this case. these are under the statutes seven specific companies that are in effect oldwed to the
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taxpayers of the united states. that's a much different situation. >> he's exactly right. a much different situation. essentially saying these businesses, richelle, wouldn't be standing if it were not for taxpayer money propping them up. as for the cuts we're talking about, look at the screen. when you look at the panes, citigroup, total compensation for the top 25 execs at the firm down 70% compared to a year ago. down 65.5% at bank of america. at aig down more than 57%. and general motors, the automaker that has emerged from bankruptcy will be down 25%. but lose those quote, uncoatquote, talented pleas because of pay restrictions? that's something being argued about really now that these rules are out, richelle. >> and there are always exceptions to rules, always. what are the exceptions poppy?
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>> there are exceptions, and this was really on the front page of that release from the treasury we got yesterday afternoon. sort of a loophole if you will. this is where the pay czar deems that it's necessary to retain talent or protect taxpayer interests, richelle. >> what these three aig officials are entitled to is a prior valid contract entered into long before the law was passed or i arrived, and the fact of the matter is that i met with the aig officials, and there's clearly an understanding that these contracts are valid. however, since those contracts are valid i did take those dollars into account in setting compensation for 2009 and going forward into 2010. >> so obviously as you heard, this is a case-by-case basis for compensation on wall street.
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question really remains will this change the pay structure in the long term? you can hear more of that interview, the full interview with the pay czar. it's right on our home page at >> thank you so much. again, much more of the business news, like poppy said, be sure to check it out. it's good stuff. investors were ready to take their earnings today. the stock market said good-bye to the 10000 mark sliding more than 100 points just minutes before the closing bell the dow is at a 9964, down 116 points. yikes. the next time you feel like taking a drink of watter from a water fountain, think about this how many people have been there before you? and could you could you catch something from them? we'll hear from experts on whether you need to worry about it with the flu season under way.
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new jersey police believe a priest found dead in the rekttory of his church today was murdered. stt patrick's church in chatham. the body of father ed hines was found just after 8:00 this morning when he didn't show up for morning mass. authorities are not releasing many details of this crime. police have closed off the area right around the church for this investigation. the killing comes one day after police held a public safety seminar there. and we are waiting for an update here from authorities on the investigation into the death of 7-year-old somer thompson. the florida girl's body was found wednesday in a georgia landfill and investigators down in clay county say none of the registered sex offenders living right around her neighborhood there is considered a suspect.
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no one has come forward to say that they saw the 7-year-old either get attacked or abducted monday afternoon. but authorities have been busy collecting evidence from this vacant house. this is in somer's neighborhood. there's an empty dumpster there as well. this whole area has been undergoing some renovation and somer was last seen in front of that house. an autopsy, it has been completed, but authorities are not saying how she died. >> we know the cause of death. our focus is on preserving the integrity of this investigation and not releasing any information that in the long run would prevent us from prosecuting and convicting the person who did this to somer. for that reason at no point will we discuss the cause of death the manner in which she died or any other details regarding what was done to this child. >> and breaking news in the search of killer of 7-year-old somer thompson tonight authorities searching this
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vacant house just yards from where somer was last seen walking home with her brother and sister and friends. somer's mom, she has words of warning for her little girl's killer. she says we're going to get you. nancy grace has been on the story. she'll have the latest breaking developments tonight here on hln. police are investigating the killing of a university of connecticut football player. witnesses are being threatened with violence if they come forward with information. they say the threats are being made in internet postings. authorities are still asking people to submit videos, photos or other information to help catch the killer. we're talking about the case involving jasper howard. he was the starting quarterback for the uconn huskies. he was stabbed outside a dance early sunday morning. one person has been arrested in connection with this fight that ensued, but no one has been charged with stabbing howard. and new developments today in the case of a muslim teen who ran away from home to florida. she converted to christianity.
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this ohio girl claimed she was afraid her muslim father would either harm her or possibly kill her because of her religious conversion. well, a florida judge has now signed the order sending this girl back to ohio. she'll be returned to the custody of an ohio family and children agency. her father, he has denied her claims and an investigation did not uncover any evidence of abuse. and we're getting an update here on the disappearance of 9-year-old elizabeth olton. this story out of central missouri. we're having -- we're hearing rather they have a person of interest who may lead them to a body. elizabeth has not been seen since last wednesday. let's listen in and hear what officials are saying. >> since this morning's briefing several things came to bear. we were able to obtain some fm evidence through some analysis of some of the evidence in all honesty, some written evidence, we were able to develop a person
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of interest. once we reached that person and interviewed them ultimately they led us to where we have recovered elizabeth's body. we're not going to have a lot to add to it at this time. a profound number of resources, both from volunteers that have been here the vfw, the american red cross, but in addition our brother firefighters as well as the highway patrol, the fbi, certainly the office of the sheriff. we're not going to be able to expand a great deal on it other than to tell you that the person that led us to this is also a juvenile. >> local to this area? >> local to this area, yes. >> connected to the family in any way? >> no. >> just to reiterate a body has been recovered in central missouri. the body has not been positively
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i.d.'d. the question surrounding this 9-year-old elizabeth olton was last seen walking home from a friend's house wednesday afternoon. this is never jefferson city missouri. if you plan to get the h1n1 vaccine, take your patience with you. take a look at this long line here. this is in l.a. keeps going and going and going. hundreds lined up at this clinic for the first h1n1 vaccine clinic sponsored by the los angeles county department of public health. health officials say the first priority is going to pregnant women, health care workers, and young children under the age of 2 who are considered high risk. officials in clay county, florida, they're updating us now also on their investigation into 7-year-old somer thompson's death and the search for a suspect. let's listen in. >> they have detailed evidence from the garbage that leads back directly to that neighborhood, not yet. [ inaudible question ] >> not that i'm aware of no.
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>> how often is the family updated? do you talk to them every couple hours? >> i'm sorry? >> how often is the family updated about the progress of the investigation? >> since the beginning of this investigation first when it was a missing child and then now that we know that it's a homicide investigation, we have had a detective or a member of this agency assigned to be the liaison to the family and literally has befriended and in dina thompson's word become close friends with she and other members of the family. we have been by their side as an agency the entire time. we have had someone with them the entire time since monday evening. >> mary can you -- >> the viewing and the memorial service, are they open to the media? >> we're working on the arrangements now? i know there will be arrangements made. we're waiting on dina thompson
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to make a decision about how much media coverage she will allow and to what extent that media coverage will be set up by the sheriff's office as opposed to the family or the church. so we're working on that now. >> is the body still in the hands of the coroner in georgia? >> that is my understanding. >> can you release any more details about the autopsy? >> no. and we have the details that we need to work on this investigation, but we still have a suspect at large or suspects. we don't want that person or persons to know anything about what we know. >> do you have anyone in mind at this point? >> no. >> anyone that you can zero in on? >> no. >> mary, are you releasing the body to the family this weekend and if so [ inaudible ]. >> will the body have the family in time for the funeral? >> i know that the medical examiner in savannah, georgia, made the autopsy of this child victim a priority.
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obviously, did a thorough job but completed it as quickly as possible so that not only we could move along with our investigation, but so the family could have their child's body back for burial. i don't know exactly when the family will receive the body of somer thompson. i know that the funeral home, jack's memory gardens, will be part of that process obviously and we can certainly try to let you all know when it appears that her body has made it back to our area in preparation for services. but as of right now, i do not believe that that has happened. >> has any physical evidence been gathered anywhere other than the address on gano avenue? >> you know not that i have been notified of, although i will say that, you know you could say that we've collected physical evidence even at the home of the victim because obviously, you know, items in the home you know, originally
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with the search for instance. i think you saw us coming and going from the home where we got item from somer's bedroom that we used with the dogs. but beyond the other locations that you have been at no. >> of the sex offenders that were interviewed, did any of them know somer? >> not that has been divulged to me. even if i did know, i certainly would not be at liberty to talk about their comments to our investigators. >> have transients frequented that home? >> that is not something i've been advised about. >> any advice to other parents? >> i think they are already on the right track? i think they have taken the safety of their children into their own hands, which is great. they know that the sheriff's office is out there in force but what i have seen and what i have heard is this incident has certainly raised everyone's
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awareness to an unfortunate and all-time high not only in that neighborhood, but everywhere in clay county in florida, and around the country. i will tell you that i know for sure that there are parents, not just growth park elementary parents, but otherwise who have changed their routine and decided to either instead of letting their kids walk drive them and pick them up in their own cars or have assigned walking polls so to speak like a car pool where an adult is now accompanying the children back and forth. i have seen that taking place. and we certainly think that that is a wise decision. we do have a suspect or suspects out there who have committed this crime, and until we have an arrest and know that that danger doesn't exist at this current level, i think that that is a smart move on those parents' part. >> not a lot of new information here coming out of the death of 7-year-old somer thompson. what we know, her body was found in a landfill in georgia on wednesday. the autopsy has been complete.
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investigators are staying tight-lipped on the results. you just herd the pio out of clay county, florida, say, yes, the family is working out memorial service plans. may or may not be open to the media. we will have more on somer thompson and the missing missouri girl, elizabeth olton, 9 years old. we just heard live they have found a body. is it connected? we'll stay on both those stories coming up.
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it tourns out the flight data recorder from that northwest jet that overshot its destination by 150 miles may not be much help to investigators after all. the recorder is said to be one of the older models that only records 30 minutes at a time. it may not have all the data investigators need. air-traffic controllers first lost contact with flight 188 wednesday night as it was flying somewhere around the rockies.
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controllers in minneapolis finally were able to contact the pilot after more than an hour when the plane was over wisconsin. but his answers were so vague these controllers worried the plane might have been hijacked. the ntsb looking into this and looking into the fact these pilots might have fallen asleep. passengers the whole time had no idea what was going on. northwest, part of delta air lines, it issued this statement take a look. they're saying it is cooperating with the faa and ntsb in their investigation as well as conducting our own internal investigation. the pilots have been relieved from active flying pending the completion of these investigations. so like i said passengers on board that flight remember they had gone 150 miles past they had no idea what was going on and they were horrified to find out what happened once they landed. and you have been sharing your views as to what you were thinking whether it's good -- it's a good thing or a bad thing to know what's going on if something is happening on board a plane. so let's go to some of the callers. i want to start with misty in california.
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misty, what do you think? if you were on this plane, would you have wanted to know what was happening? >> caller: i would have wanted to know possibly on that case but i had something happen this past june where my family and i were on a flight from denver to sacramento. when we landed, they landed us on the farthest runway from the airport and there were fire trucks on stand-by. the pilot then explained that tire rubber was seen at denver possibly from our plane. so i mean i'm a calm flyer, but even that would have made me super scared. >> so that's the kind of thing you're glad you didn't have to hear about it until you saw the fire trucks on the tarmac. >> that's right. i think the pilots made a wise choice in that case. >> thank you. sharon on the phone in virginia. sharon, would you want to know? >> caller: hi, i agree with misty. i have flown at night before and the last thing i'd want my flight attendant to tell me is that my flight would be late in landing because my pilots ha
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fallen asleep. it would have thrown all the passengers into a panic attack which really could have put that airplane in danger. now, pilots they use that autopilot especially at night. my dad used to fly. those passengers were actually safer than if those two pilots had been in control. maybe they need 30 minute cabin checks. >> we don't know if they fell asleep. that was one question. the crew has issued part of a statement. we don't know what happened. "prime news" starts at the top of the hour with more topics, including this one. you can check out what they'll be talking about at and we will be right back with even more of this fire in puerto rico, and more details about the missing girl in missouri.
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walgd to gud toer snoof. a grim update on the disappearance of this 9-year-old. this is elizabeth olton out of central missouri. we're hearing investigators now have a person of interest who led them to a body. that person is in custody. that person is a juvenile. authorities believe the body is elizabeth, but they have not definitively confirmed that. elizabeth had not been seen since she was walking home from a friend's house wednesday afternoon. we're on this story. we'll get you more information as soon as we get it. meantime did you see these pictures today out of puerto rico? the fbi says now they're stepping in. they're investigating this massive explosion in san juan. take a look at this massive plume of black smoke. this is a fuel plant fire. 11 fuel tanks burning right now. fire crews are doing everything they can to help keep 29 others from exploding. this thing has been going on all day. authorities say suspicious graffiti was found spray painted on a tunnel near the site. that's one of the reasons the
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fbi have been called in. there's video there. some of the graffiti. we talked to cnn i-reporter whose apartment is very close to where that explosion happened. jessica portella was on her balcony watching it all. >> it looks farther than what it really is but from here you can smell, it's a burning smell actually. >> baurning smellurning smell. about 350 people from a nearby neighborhood were evacuated. are you being told to stay in your condo building. >> we don't have to stay in our condo building but we've been told not to leave and not crowd the roads so if there's a real big emergency, then they can manage. >> despite the amazing pictures there, no one was seriously hurt. and firefighters say all of the workers at the plant are accounted for and safe.
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let's talk about some stocks here. couldn't quite keep yesterday's rally going. ended the week at the red. alison is here with all the trading details. >> hi brooke. stocks slid today despite better than expected results from microsoft and and an upbeat report on the housing market. investors seemed cautious following thursday's hally. take a look, the dow falling 109 points ending at 9972, erasing their gain for the week. the nasdaq lost a half a percent and the broader s&p down 13 points. shares of microsoft rose 5% on better than expected earnings and soared 26% to an all-time high t posted a 70% surge in third quarter earnings mainly because of the growing popularity of its digital book reader the kindle. and blame it on the swine flu, hand sanitizer is in short supply. the maker of purell says they're ramping up production and urging
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customers not to hoard the product. >> it's been a fierce rivalry for decades, but check out what one red sox fan did for a yankee fan. could be life saving here.
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breaking news here. a central missouri sheriff has announced they have found the body they believe to be this 9-year-old, elizabeth olton. she was last seen walking home from a friend's house wednesday evening. the associated press is reporting a young person a juvenile is in custody. authorities got the break they needed during this massive search.
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>> we were able to develop a person of interest through -- once we reached that person and interviewed them ultimately they led us to where we have recovered elizabeth's body. >> now the sheriff says elizabeth actually knew this person, this young person who led authorities to her body. they are not calling the person is suspect yet. local affiliate ktvi is reporting elizabeth's body was found in a wooded area. the area we're talking about, this is around st. martins year jefferson city missouri. hundreds of volunteers joined local and federal officers to try to find elizabeth. funeral plans meantime have been announced for 7-year-old somer thompson. the florida girl's body was found wednesday in a georgia landfill. here is what we just found out. there will be a public viewing of her in her hometown of orange park. that happens monday night, and a public memorial service will take place the next morning. the burial and the following
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reception will be a private event for family and close friends. investigators in clay county, florida, say none of the registered sex offenders living in her neighborhood is considered a suspect and no one still has come forward to say they saw somer either attacked or abducted on monday. authorities have been collecting all this evidence from this vacant house that was in her neighborhood and this dumpster that's been undergoing some kind of renovation. somer was apparently last seen in front of that vacant house. an autopsy has been completed, but authorities are not detailing any of the results. >> we have the details that we need to work on this investigation, but we still have a suspect at large or suspects. we don't want that person or persons to know anything about what we know. >> last night there was this candlelight vigil head for somer just outside her house. earlier her mother had a message for the unknown killer or killers that justice will be served for her little girl.
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>> i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you and hope they make you pay for a long, long time. you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family. you took her from all of these people and you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. it's not okay. this is not okay. >> nancy grace will have all the latest developments in the search for somer's killer. she will be on at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern time right here on hln. in new jersey police there, they are treating the case of a catholic priest found dead in the rectory of his church as a homicide. st. patrick's church in chatham, the father of ed hinds was found when he didn't show up for mass. authorities are not releasing
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any details of this crime. >> we're not getting into the weapon. we have over 50 detectives and police officers working on this case. we don't want to taint the public in those interviews in terms waf we're doing, so we're not getting into the nature of the wounds, the manner of the wounds, or the weapon that may have been used. >> you can see the crime tape there. police have cordoned off the four-block area around the church and they held a public safety seminar there just yesterday. if you plan to get the h1n1 vaccine, they say take your patience with you. look at this line forming in los angeles. keeps going and going. thousands lining up at this particular clinic. this is the first h1n1 vaccine clinic that's been sponsored by the l.a. county department of public health. officials say the first priority in getting these shots will go to pregnant women health care workers, and young kids that's under the age of 2 who are considered to be high risk. and the flight data recorder from that northwest jet that overshot its destination by 150 miles, well, it turns out that might not be much help to
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investigators. this recorder is sate to be an older model that only records 30 minutes at a time. may not have all the details. the data that investigators need. air-traffic controllers, they first lost contact with flight 188 wednesday night as it was flying over the rocky mountains. the pilots apparently didn't respond either to text or radio communication. finally, controllers in minneapolis contacted the pilot after more than an hour. by the time the plane was already over wisconsin. but his answers were so vague they were worried that the plane had been hijacked. fortunately, the plane landed safety. the passengers on board had no idea what was going on at the time, and ntsb spokesman says the agency is looking into whether or not the pilots fell asleep. northwest are part of delta air lines. they issued a statement quote, it is cooperating with the faa and ntsb in their investigation as well as conducting our own internal investigation. the pilots had been relieved from active flying pending the completion of these investigations, end quote.
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the story was the topic for our "your views" segment. we got a lot of great responses. thank you for facebooking and texting and calling us. we'll do it again different topic, back here monday. texas driver shocked to get a ticket for breaking a law that doesn't exist. here is what happened. ern ness tina was driving her granddaughter to school when she was stopped by a police officer. she was given three tickets. one for making an illegal u-turn, one for not having her driver's license, and one for not speaking english. her daughter says she was astonished by that third ticket. >> at first i thought it was a vok. i said i can't believe it. i actually laughed. i was like, my god, mom, i have never seen this before. we moved from california two years ago, i was like well maybe it's a law here. >> we regret this happening, and although we believe it was a sincere mistake, we're just -- there's no excuse for it. >> dallas police have
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apologized. they say the officer who wrote the ticket was a rookie in training. the court dismissed the charge for not speaking english and the charge for not carrying her driver's license. the police department reviewing if there are other tickets that this rookie might have written to see if there are any other mistakes. taking a quick look at what's going on on wall street. cautious forecast from leaders of railroads got investors a little nervous. stock market said good-bye, we have been out of that 10,000 mark range. you can see the dow down 109 points right now sitting at 9,972. an autistic 14-year-old at the center of an abuse investigation in montana. what two former teachers aides and a middle schooler accused of doing to him and what school officials are saying about all these allegations.
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how about this story? shocking allegations of abuse at a montana middle school. the mother of a 14-year-old autistic boy is accusing a former school aide, this is at north middle school in great falls, of waterboarding her son last year. she says the aide held her son's head under a running faucet. another student also coming forward claiming the boy was forced to eat his own vomit. another former aide at the school is also charged with abusing students. katie stuckey with krtv tells us how the school is now dealing with these allegations. >> well, we were as appalled as anyone to hear about the allegations even last april and then certainly this week has been very sad for us. >> reporter: district officials say they started an internal investigation immediately after hearing of potential abuse of a north middle school student. all the while, the two
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paraprofessionals at the center of the case, julianne parrish and christine na calies were allowed to continue working with students. officials say the two would have been on leave if they believed a child was in danger. they say there was not enough evidence at the time to support the allegations. >> depends individually on the circumstances. >> reporter: the only formal charges against the former district employees involved the son of tiffany schilling. her lawyer tells us other parents have since come forward saying their parents were abused in a great falls school, but according to tammy lacy no new allegations have come forward in the district involving any current school employees. in fact, lacy says the district has seen a great deal of support from parents. >> they have called to say the special ed program in great falls public schools changed their children's life for the best h a major impact on it and their children can have happy and productive lives because of our special ed programming, and so that's been a good thing to hear. that doesn't mean that we don't
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have other issues to address, and of course we will continue to work on those. >> among those issues schilling's concerns that the district doesn't have people in place to help her son heal. >> we have a variety of counselors, speech and language tharts. >> reporter: lacy says they also partner with the center for mental health. the idea of putting cameras in the classrooms sunday consideration. >> some parents think that's a good idea. some parents want to protect the privacy of their children and they don't think that's a good idea. so we have some ethical questions to answer about that. >> reporter: overall lacy and assistant superintendent tom moore say in retrospect, their investigation and approach to the case was solid and aggressive. keeping employee rights and the best interests of the students in mind. in great falls, katie stuckey, reporting for montana's news station. women can be addicted to
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drugs for years and unable to get clean and they can carry a child all the while. in one state they can also end up in jail for harm done to their unborn baby or they can end up in another place. it's a powerful story. right now you can read all about it on and live's virginia cha joining me with a little more. this place has been around for a little while in south carolina, right? >> it has. more than a dozen years. this is a place as rehab facilities go that's pretty unique. it's a center specifically designed to help pregnant women who are addicted to drugs become good mothers and get clean. it also helps recent new moms. let's tell you a little bit about this place. it's called serenity place again in south carolina 678. it's particularly helpful in this state because south carolina is the only one in the nation in which the state supreme court actually upholds prosecution of pregnant women for harm that drugs could cause to their unborn child. some of the women are actually sent here by the courts as a
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last chance to try to avoid jail. others go there by choice. a lot of the people in treatment are full of guilt and fear. they say that they know that their addictions can do harm to their babies but a lot of them sill have trouble staying clean. >> i've been going to jail since i was like 15 and up. >> i didn't know if i was going to live from day to day with the amount of drugs that i was doing and i didn't really care. >> now the center includes a communal kitchen there's a playground for the kids. also includes some pretty strict rules. no phone calls or internet access. plenty of security cameras and a tight schedule including therapy and parents classes. for some women it has proven to be too much. they've actually just walked out leaving their newborns behind, but the center's director defends the center saying it's still worth the effort wondering what's the alternative if they don't come here?
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>> we can't guarantee that they won't relapse no more than we can guarantee that they will, but they do have new skills, new tools that many of them didn't have when they walked through that door and they do have a desire to have a clean and sober life. >> now our producer visited the center back in july. of the 16 women enrolled at the time 2 of them left 6 of them still enrolled half of them, 8, have graduated. if you want to get more details on the personal stories, go to >> at the least there's a place they can go to help them get clean. virginia thank you. new developments out of this case of a muslim teen who ran away from home to florida. she converted to christianity. the ohio girl claims she was afraid her muslim father would either harm her or kill her because of her religious conversion. well a florida judge has now
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signed an order sending her back to ohio. she will be returned to the custody of an ohio children and family agency. meantime, her father he's denied these claims and an investigation was done did not uncover any evidence of abuse. hln's joy behar admits she and conservative commentator ann coulter pretty much at polar ends of the political spectrum. see what happens when they talk about assassination threats against the president and who coulter thinks are responsible. >> every presidential assassination or attempted presidential assassination was committed by some sort of left wing loon, communist, anarchist. yes, they were. >> the home grown terrorists are also another group we have to worry about here. >> but they're all liberals. >> they're liberals? wait a minute. don't make that jump from murderer, terrorist to liberals. that's an outrageous statement. >> well, it's all described in guilty. you can go through it. >> this pastor -- >> assassin by assassin and
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moreover you can -- >> they're not liberals ann. they're murderers. they're terrorists. stop it. >> okay. but -- >> do i have to smack you now? stop it. >> and they're still going. you can catch the joy behar vo at 9:00 p.m. eastern time on hln. police are having a tough time finding out who killed a star football player from the university of connecticut. they say witnesses are being threatened now if they come forward with information. the latest on that investigation.
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"prime news" just a couple minutes away. the pro mike galanos here with a preview of what's coming up. somer thompson we've been talking about it really all day. we know they've talked to the different sex offenders in the area where she lived. still no one considered a suspect. >> no, and that's one of the things we're going to hit on with our experts. does that mean we're going to stop looking at these people or not? there's an inordinate amount in that area. five mile radius, 90 sex offenders. we'll talk about that. when you look at the investigation portion of this, picking up off that. a lot of evidence at least they think could be being taken from a vacant home near where somer thompson was last seen. still the question who could
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have done this and we'll hear from her brave mom diena thompson who we heard from live yesterday, about 24 hours after her little girl was found out that it was here. brave woman there. also this, we continue to follow the sweat lodge tragedy led by self-help guru james ray. we're hearing another account, another woman who was inside that sweat lodge. she was in between two people who ended up dead. she had major organ failure. we're going to talk and hear her story, and also ask a doctor what happens to your body inside one of these lodges? one of the questions or arguments, well they're adults. if they wanted out, they could get out. we are finding out, no they are so disoriented. we heard one account yesterday -- >> so hot in there right? >> we had someone at least the account was they were crawling toward the hot rocks. that disoriented. >> wow. >> that person doesn't have the wherewithal to get out. also this story, a frightening one. pilots overshooting their destination in minneapolis. they say they were in a heated
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argument over airline policy. most experts say they nodded off. i mean, come on you and i we pass an exit we're like, oh, brother. i couldn't imagine this going on in a plane. wool take your calls 1-877-tell-hln. >> we talked to a veteran pilot today and his hunch is falling asleep at the controls. mike g. see you at 5:00. something many don't exactly know about or talk about and it scares a lot of men talking about male breast cancer, richard roundtree you know him as "shaft" from 1981 is a breast cancer survivor and speaking out to raise awareness. richelle carey sat down with him earlier today. >> when the doctor told me that i had breast cancer i said that's something that women -- i thought that was something only a woman could get not something a man could get certainly not something i could get i mean, we all talkin' about shaft up in
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here. >> you can check out more of the interview during "prime news" tonight 5:00 p.m. police say witnesses are threatened to come forward with information, threatened apparently because of internet postings. authorities still asking people to submit pictures videos other information to help catch this killer talking about jasper howard, the starting cornerback of the huskies, fatally stabbed saturday night after this dance. one person has been arrested in connection with the fight that happened afterwards. but no charges have come forward in regard to the stabbing. a fierce rivalry for decades one red sox fan is something for a yankees fan that could be a life saver.
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a frantic search for the monster who killed 7-year-old somer thompson. crime scene tape and investigators all over her home and school in the crosshairs an abandoned home guarded by cops 24/7. are we any closer to finding out who killed somer? threats popping up online for anyone who goes to the cops and tells what they saw in the death of this uconn football player jasper howard murdered in a crowd of 300 people but non's talking. someone so bold they post threats on this guy's memorial page website rest in peace jasper howard. by the way f 'ing snitch eses --
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welcome. this is "prime news." i'm mike galanos. right now a quiet street torn apart in the search for a child killer. investigators in florida re-trace every step 7-year-old somer thompson took walking home from school monday. again, get that picture, 7-year-old walking home from school and ends up dead in a garbage heap. at the center of the investigation a vacant house roped off under 24-hour guard guys digging through a dumpster and haz-mat suits. neighbors say it is pandemonium. just into us the 161 registered sex offenders living nearby not one called a suspect at this point. her mom so brave, we heard her yesterday, speaking again this morning on the cbs "early show" diena thompson resolute wanting to find who killed her daughter. >> we heard you say that you
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hope the killer pays. what are your feelings towards this person? >> i hate him. i hate him. >> when you say you hope he pays, what do you think would be adequate payment for this? >> oh he needs the death penalty. and i hope they put him in a cell with someone who absolutely can't stand a child predator and let them have fun with him. >> the little girl's autopsy is done. police know the cause of death. they're not letting it out, though. we'll ask why are they keeping that under wraps. we'll take your calls on this 1-877-tell-hln. let's bring in our experts on the ground near mom's home natisha lanz always mike brooks. any new leads or is everything still centering around that home? >> everything right now, mike is
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still centering around that home. i was out there last night until about midnight in full white jumpsuits haz-mat stutes doing all types of investigations, a bulldozer was out there late last night and they say there was heavy debris they needed help moving and a construction dumper right by this house. they say that dumpster has not been emptied since the time somer went missing or before up until now but they went thoroughly through the dumpster also going thoroughly through the house doing light testing, sensitive light testing if you looked inside you could see bright blue and green lights going off and they say that is standard procedure for an investigation such as this. they are not saying any such physical evidence led them back to this house but multiple witnesses place somer in front of this house as the last point of her being seen. >> do we know natisha, how many people saw her? because is this -- a residential area this walk home, right somewhat populated. so, somebody probably saw something, right? >> absolutely mike.
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you would think so. it's a purely residential area and, for a -- around and around this area is just a neighborhood, just houses. you would think somebody had seen something. what they're saying there's multiple witnesses not giving a specific number but say it includes adults as well as children and also a park directly across the street and they also collected some evidence from that park. they were inside a men's room at that park that was connected to the park for about six minutes last night. we don't know what evidence was collected from there. >> okay. let's bring in mike brooks. mike, hitting on both of those, the first time i've heard of this park and a men's room. let's start there. what would take authorities there, some sort of physical evidence some trace that somer was there at one point? >> a good possibility. but if they were only in there six minutes as she was saying they probably were just in there just to make sure they crossed all their ts and dotted all their i didn'ts. what i found interesting she was there until midnight last night and saw blue lights green
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lights, mike this -- we call it alternate light sources working a crime scene. you can also use luminol, spray it around a house and looks for the presence of blood even tiny specs of blood splatter and used for other things, looking for fibers, certain kind of fibers will glow under a certain alternate light source and look for the presence of semen other bodily fluids to see if possibly they were in that house. mike, you and i talked about it before we went on there is something that led them to that house. i understand that's the last vicinity she was seen but did they find something in that landfill around her that led them back to there that may be connected with that house or was there something we talked about yesterday, was there something on her clothes that may have led back to there? but, in the white tyveq suits to not transfer any possible evidence from their clothing to a possible crime scene.
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>> a quick break. more coming up. we've got some phone calls, gina, we'll get you to after the break, hang on facebook comments as we try to come, again, to grips with the brutal tragic death of 7-year-old somer thompson.
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. ♪ sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray ♪ ♪ you'll never know dear, how much i love you ♪ ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ >> heart-breaking, that is one of somer's favorite songs "you
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are my sunshine" mom, diena thompson singing with the crowded vigil last night and you know she will well with tears probably the rest of her life when she sings that song and thinks of her little girl tragically taken so soon and found in a garbage dump, it is just so awfully. tracy in pennsylvania writing this: and tabby on facebook writing this, when will these crimes against kids stop? how can anyone hurt an innocent defenseless child? again, we bring it back to that, this is a 7-year-old girl walking home from school with her twin brother and older sister, who they will have scars the rest of their lives through all this. let's take a call, china from connecticut, your thoughts here? china? not there. okay. again, we take your calls at 1-877-tell-hln. mike, do you think investigators have spoken to the kids?
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we heard from diena thompson yesterday saying the kids have been pretty much taken away from all the media that have been around the home. but, the kids were also you know two, of the last people to see little somer. are you talking to them at this point? >> yeah, oh i think they have and probably able how they got the proximity where they were from where she was and they -- where she was last seen in front of this vacant house they've been concentrating on. so, most likely they have mike. it's very very difficult. you know, they may go back later on after you know, after they've had some time to think about things and ask additional questions as the case develops but i think, you know today we know the autopsy was done, law enforcement is holding their cards extremely, extremely close to the vest in this one not telling what the cause of death is. you know what, i don't have a problem with that. do we need to know? absolutely not. is it paramount to the investigation none of this gets out, it is absolutely. >> real quick back to natisha what is the number of sex
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offenders interviewed in that area and are they all in the clear at this point or just for now? >> mike, they have all been interviewed. i'm not going to say they are all in the clear because nobody has been cleared in this case but they have all been interviewed. five were outstanding but they did get those interviews face to face as well as searching their homes as well as speaking to their family members and able to egg locate those five people. all have been spoken to and locateded saying it is 90-plus sex offenders in a five-mile radius in this area. natisha, what are the funeral arrangements, p public memorial, is there going to be a public mellial? >> funeral arrangements were made today. it's being donated to the family. and, as far as a public memorial, don't think it's going to be a public memorial however there is going to be a procession with the family the wake will be monday from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and the funeral tuesday morning at 11:00 a.m. >> natisha mike, we appreciate
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it and we'll continue to follow this as we try and finds out who killed little somer thompson. coming up, this. the sweat lodge situation. we're hearing from another woman who survived this horrifying incident three people have ended up dead. she was between two people that died. we're going to hear her story through her lawyer and we'll take your calls on this at 1-877-tell-hln.
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greetings from the twin cities marathon. the last four months i've been on a sort of campaign to get in the best shape of my life by the time i turn 40 years old. it's been tough in many ways. i decided to get a check-up how i was doing from personal fitness trainer gillian michaels. let's talk to her. for the first few days i did this, i don't count calories but was leaving food on the plate definitely taking smaller portions, really conscious i was hungry the first few days. >> that's so hard. >> i was hungry. but i knew once i got beyond that. >> did you get beyond the physical feeling of hunger? because, when that happens, i'll go with volume. so i'll get, you know the salad this big. >> water dense. >> yes. >> somebody told me this, you know, thirst is often misperceived at hunger. >> yes. >> you think you are hungry but,
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in fact are thirsty. >> dehydrated. >> yeah. i think a lot of us walk around with chronic dehydration. now i drink more water. it's funny. like you i've studied this to the core fitness, exercise fis solg but some of the simplest things make a difference. drinking water, pushing a plate away and exercising when i can. >> how are you doing with sleep? sleep really affects my hunger levels. >> i won't pass your test on sleep. >> i know because you've got three kids and are all over the world. how much sleep are you getting and how does that affect you. >> it definitely affects me. i feel if i can start to get more sleep i'm going to be in a better groove. the thing i'm worried about most now i've had this whole inspiring time over the last four months to do this because 40th birthday a milestone an arbitrary one at that. how do i make this a habit you know? >> you're going to the gym every day after work. are you finding that manageable? if that's not manageable then it becomes okay, if you can't get the fitness in then you
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push the plate away and eat less calories. you make the quality of your foods count as much as possible. you steal sleep on the plane if that's the only place you can steal it and you've got to make time. >> getting the compliment from you today -- >> you i mean like i just was like wow, he looks -- not that i didn't think you looked great before. let me just clarify, you were hot before and you're hot now. but you just yeah, you look like you're just lean and mean. >> i feel great and i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thanks so much for your hech. obviously the key to all this is maintain this for the rest of my life and hopefully the rest of yours, as well. so we've got lots of great tips. n also on twitter at sanjay guptacnn. >> that had to have been the most memorable segment he has done in his life hugs from her and you've got to wonder what was the blazer over the sweatsuit i'll ask him and get to the bottom of that. now this, as we cover this story about the sweat lodge, new
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horrifying rev layings, we're hearing another account of what went on in arizona three people died we know that. today, we are hearing from a woman right there sat right between two of the people who ended up dead. sydney spencer, herself had major organ failure, liver kidney failure. somehow she lived and is lucky to be alive. she has a lawyer who's on with us right now, ted schmidt who will relay her account what happened inside that sweat lodge. also joining us eric chase criminal defense attorney as we look at what could be the defenses of mr. james arthur ray and also joining us dr. some some ichipod. from cornell medical center. we want to find out from the good doctor what happens with our body in intense heat like that. first, ted how is your client doing? sounds like she really went through the ringer, ted. >> she did. she was in intensive care for four days and she's now living at her daughter's home
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convalescing. she's walking and talking and she's -- >> is she going to be okay? >> well, we don't know for sure. >> don't know. >> i mean she's definitely going to survive this and, frankly, every day she seems to do a little bit better than the past but she's going to be seen by a number of doctors and neurologists and neuropsychologists. one of our biggest concerns she suffered brain injury. she had respiratory arrest. at best we can figure out at this point, she was -- went for well over an hour without medical care before they could actually get her to the hospital. >> wow. okay. what can you tell us what -- has she told but what happened inside that sweat lodge? >> well basically the sweat lodge experience itself -- you know, i -- i think i should back up just a little bit. >> yeah. >> these people had just completed a 36-hour-plus vision
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quest. in other words, they were taken out in the desert alone without water or food and left there on tuesday night until thursday morning. they were brought back to the facility given a very short breakfast and then rushed into lectures that they sat in -- down and listened to for most of the rest of the day. they all thought that at the end of the lectures they were done. but at the conclusion of that, mr. ray said i have a surprise for you. we're going to do a sweat lodge experience. you have 15 minutes to go back to your rooms change your clothes and meet me out front. they then went into the sweat lodge. they were told just prior to going in that the purpose was to have an altered mind experience, that they were likely to experience fiscal distress. that that was expected and
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intended and that they needed to endure that, they needed to, as he likes to say all the time, play full on, break your barriers, the way to have the experience you need is to stick it out. they went inside. she was in the very back row. >> she was in the back row. >> right. up against the wall of the tent or -- or sweat lodge. opposite -- not directly opposite but fairly well opposite the one door in the lodge, which was covered with a -- with a flap. >> ted, let me stop you there. we've got the pictures. when we come back we'll get to the details of what happened to his client. again, she had major organ failure. we'll pick up the story after a break.
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d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d
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use welcome back to "prime news" on hln continuing our conversation hearing another account of what went on inside the sweat lodge led by self-help guru james arthur ray contributor to the book "the secret" a spiritual retreat turned deadly. we want to know what happened. we are finding out. we have with us ted schmidt. he is lawyer of sydney spencer who was inside that sweat lodge giving his account. we have a doctor with us telling us what happens to the body with things get hot and also with us eric chase i know you've bin patient, thanks. we hear this account eric. most people hear all this and say, come on james arthur ray set the table for this tragedy. how are you going to defend him? >> first, we have to separate into two parts the criminal part and the civil part. in terms of the criminal part and what happened in the sweat lodge, i don't think there is going to be any criminal liability. >> you don't? >> i don't think for a
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manslaughter charge or any type of criminal charge you at least have to proceed in the face of a known risk of possible death. i think he was just stupid and stupid does not translate into being criminally responsible. look these people all had an option, all acting voluntarily. they could have left if they wanted to. they were just as stupid about what could happen in this horrible environment as he was. so in terms of criminal responsibility, different if you sued for money but for criminal responsibility, i just don't think there is going to be any. >> but civil, there's going to be good cases is that what you're saying. >> absolutely. they put their trust in him and ht contract with him, in terms of civil liability, i would be very concerned for him and his estate. >> ted schmitt, can you comment on that on a criminal level? these deaths are looked at as a homicide. >> right. >> as homicides plural. do you see criminal charges coming? >> i am not an expert in criminal law. i am a civil lawyer. >> okay. >> but i will tell you, based
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on what we just heard that what the -- i understand the sheriff is attempting to develop is the fact that he had had sweat lodge experiences in the past where people had passed out and he had some -- he actually did have some knowledge there was a danger. whether they're able to prove he had knowledge this was life threatening, i'm not sure. >> okay. back to eric. on that front eric, we have all these people from a lot of experts we've talked to in these sweat lodges way too many people, 55 to 65 and only one nurse on hand. is that something to where you could build a case of negligence against him. >> certainly it was an awful situation. i will tell where you there may be criminal responsibility, that's what happened after people left the sweat lodge. from what i've read some people could have been helped by other participants and what he called his dream team his assistant, they were not allowing the assistance to be given t. looked like they were protecting their own pocketbooks as it were their own program and weren't interested in protecting the
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people put at risk. that could give rise to criminal -- >> we heard that account from beverly bunn yesterday, she works in the dental field, trained medically and she wanted to help but, as you used the term part of his dream team would not let her. you make a good point there. ted, before we let you go does your client, sydney have any account of what happened outside as we know now people were dying around her outside of that sweat lodge? >> she was -- she didn't regain consciousness until she was in the hospital. >> okay. >> but, she has pone to the woman that drug her out of there and that woman said that she was foaming at the mouth convulsing and her eyes were rolled back in her head. >> before we go, doctor, how quick does this get dangerous slash deadly when it gets that hot in there and there's no circulation of air? >> sure. well it's a difficult question. i guess the people by the window did better but once your body temperature gets above 103 104, you are at risk for seizures, sounds like what she was already
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experiencing when they found her in the hospital. >> okay. we have to leave it there. we'll continue to follow this story. we appreciate it, guys. coming up another disturbing story, football star jasper howard murdered. uconn students he was murdered outside of a dance, 300 students went to this dance. so somebody saw something but potential witnesses are being bullied online, threatened about snitching. are they not telling what could bring this young man justice? we'll take your calls 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. football star at the university of connecticut murdered in a crowd of 300 people and now
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there are violent threats popping up online to stop witnesses from going to the cops. here's just one of the threats. quoting here stop snitching for the love of god make the cops do their jobs. jazz, talking about jasper howard here, didn't deserve to die and the person who killed him didn't intend to kill him. anyone who snitched should face the social consequences. some of those consequences spelled out, stabbed, mugged beatsen for talking to the cops un unbelievable unbelievable. someone even posted a threat on his memorial page. his mom and dad want justice and you're going to go to a website and threaten those who might help bring justice on a facebook page unbelievable. joining us to talk about it welcome back hln analyst mike brooks and also kate monahan, reporter for "the daily campus" let's be clear, 300 people at the dance. we're not sure how many people saw but you figure somebody saw something. are authorities at this point
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frustrated because of no one is coming forward? >> reporter: well, i think from what i've -- from what i've gathered talking to them that it's been a little frustrating because, as we've learned, there's -- the police have said that there's evidence out there videographic and photographic that they know exists that hasn't been brought to them yet and because they've been reaching out saying we know there's evidence out there we just don't have it yet i'm sure they must be frustrated they are not getting all the information from that night to maybe clear this this up. >> where are these threats popping up facebook or where else, kate. >> just a few but one of the threats taken down on the r.i.p. jasper howard group and another on a uconn students blog, a comment on a video he had done of student reaction to the tragedy and both of those
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were pretty strongly worded threats, specifically mentioned violence and seemed as though the people were not -- they were outsiders, which we do know the people involved in this could be non-uconn students. the police believe that it's non-uconn students and uconn students were involved in the fight. >> you mentioned facebook. here's just a, a disturbing post on facebook again this is posted on a page honoring jasper howard and it's pretty rough we had to do a lot of editing but you'll get the gist it's basically blank the snitches, i know you, js per howard would not be down with that. this needs to be a lesson for all of uconn, you will be stabbed, shot, mugged or beaten for blanking around. kate, have you talked to anybody, a potential witness intimidated by in and keeping quiet at this point? >> reporter: you know, i haven't found anyone to specifically say -- to point to these as the
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causes for not coming forward. but, i have reached out to people, to shoot them an e-mail or a facebook message or something like that to try and get ahold of them if it seemed like they were a witness and some people specifically said, no, i haven't talked to police and wouldn't say why. so i guess i'm kind of going on limited information on what people's motives are or maybe they just think maybe i didn't see that much or, you know, something like that but i think we need to see this as a possibility for maybe why people aren't coming forward. >> right. kate, let me ask you this then i'll get mike in on the conversation. have you been threatened? do you feel threatened by bringing this piece of the story to light? >> you haven't personally. but, i feel like it is the kind of thing where, um you know, it is a little intimidating because if there are these people out there that are you know, feel this vehemently about this situation, you know, obviously, i do worry a little bit about, you know my safety or other people's safety.
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but, i'm happy the police have gone on to say if you have fears about coming forward, you know, you can relay that to them and they can help protect you in any way possible and that includes being anonymous when you call in for tips. >> kate we applaud your bravery, by the way, to bring this forward. let's bring in mike brooks hln law enforcement analysis. how much of a problem is this eyewitness going silent because of this garbage, threats online snenchts mike, it's a problem. it's a problem in the public on homicide scenes around cities. i mean, i used to do canvasses all the time nah, i don't want to say anything because they he were afraid. they were intimidated because people come and say you didn't see anything did you? no i didn't see anything but. these people saying don't snitch, they're the cowards, mike. they are the ones who are really the cowards. and, you know what please keep sending them to facebook keep sending them to different blogs because law enforcement can find you.
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you can run but can't hide. >> can they be traced? >> absolutely mike. i'm not going to say how, okay but they can be. could there be possible charges if these are people who did see something and are intimidating? absolutely. tampering with a witness obstruction of justice, threats across the internet. when they start -- when the internet started becoming more popular, as big as it is now, it used to be threat to cross the phone, same kind of things, mike use of interstate commerce. >> okay. >> if it gets bad enough and the fbi gets involved you know, because they'll find a way to get involved if it goes from state to state, they could also face federal charges possibly. >> kathy from massachusetts, go ahead. >> caller: hey mike how are you doing? >> good kathy. >> caller: these low-life cowards making those threats to the people they really ought to be shot, i'm sorry. but their only power is by threatening people. and when people talk to the police and they can do it anonymously, they should help
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the police because the police deserves the public's help to close cases such as this to get justice for the family. >> exactly. i mean this is -- you look at jasper howard described as a great young man father to be a team captain, just received the game ball after a big win over louisville. mike, talk about that. i mean, police can protect people who feel. >> sure. >> they might be threatened and can bring their anonymous information forward, right. >> absolutely. you know, sometimes they set up different programs where you just call in and you're a number, a crime stoppers prom. you don't have to give a name. they assign you a number and contact you that way. no you don't have to give your name. and there are you know, tips you can call into the tip number we are showing right now, mike. you don't have to give your name. but, that's the problem. i mean it's really an epidemic out there. people don't want to get involved. you know, this poor guy, he left miami to escape the violence and what happens to him in connecticut? >> kate are police continually
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on a daily basis reaching out to the students to please tell us something? >> pretty regularly uconn students get e-mail updates from the police on how the investigation is going. but, i don't think in the last day or so we've received too much more. so it's sort of, i don't know how things are progressing but i haven't heard too many new developments. >> kate, again thank you for your bravery. mike always good talking to you, as well. coming up, remember shaft richard roundtree his biggest movie role in the '70s? he was the man back then. well now he's facing breast cancer. it's coming up in "what matters." >> how y'all doing my name is wyclef jean at the first annual cnn tribute show i had the honor of prochling to recognize the works of everyday citizens
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changing the world. as founder of an organization which seeks to improve lives in my native country i am thrilled to help cnn introduce this year's top ten honorees, now more than of the world needs heroes. >> after katrina, life is tough for a kid. you have violence, the drug life. i'm just tired of it. my aim is to get kids off the streets. my name is derrick tabb and i started a free music program for kids of new orleans. let's go, horns up. we do more than just teach music. we offer transportation. we offer instruments. i feed you so you're for the hungry right? give you tutoring. i call it the no excuse policy. you have no excuse where you aren't here. you don't have any experience. press down on it. just like that we meet five days a week year around constantly learning something new. that's what keep the kids coming
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back every day. >> i don't say i'm saving lives i say i'm giving life a whole different life of music.
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all right, everybody knows shaft, richard roundtree made the character famous 1970, suave, gun-totes slick talking detective now a breast cancer survivor. richelle carey had a chance to sit down and talk with him. >> you've gotten from it being devastating to being a survivor to now calling it a back-handed blessing. >> yes. >> what was that journey? how did you get there? >> quite interesting what
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happened. five years later when i was diagnosed as a survivor, i didn't say anything about it until that time until i was over that hump, that five-year hump. and i was at a golf tournament in north carolina wilmington, north carolina. and the beauty of this event is that every year you get to see where the proceeds from the previous year went. and this particular year they were raising money to buy a vehicle to go out, outside of the city and test people. and i said that's incredible. i mean people were get free examinations and whatnot and it's much needed. being a survivor myself and the shock on everyone's face. yes, i am a breast cancer survivor. well that was an eye-opener. you know i said i should start talking about this. and the so many men
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have come up to me and said you know, as a result of reading your story, i went and got tested and i got an early diagnosis and i'm a survivor as well. and those stories, i characterize it as a backhanded blessing, because if "shaft" can survive it it's a good thing. and men are being tested. raising the awareness level that breast cancer is not gender specific. >> absolutely. not only survive it but clearly i think there's a certain type of man that will listen to you that won't listen to anybody else. >> i say in my speaking when the doctor told me that i had breast cancer, i said that's something that women -- i thought that was only something that a woman could get, and not something a man could get. and certainly not something i
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can get. i mean, we're all talking about "shaft" up in here. >> yes, we are. well said. well said. well, "shaft," mr. richard roundtree, thank you for sharing your story with us. i think people really perk up and listen and they need to hear this message. and keep on being a hypochondriac if that's what you need to do. we appreciate it. for more of "what matters," check out the november issue of essence magazine, or you can always go to matters.
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