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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  October 27, 2009 1:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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quite a turnout. a florida town gathers for an emotional farewell for a 7-year-old girl. how the death of somer thompson has devastated and gavelonized the community. the next generation of moon rocket is ready for its debut. find out why nasa can't get this one off the ground. and why a manager of a hotel demands latinos speak english and change their names. "news and views" on a tuesday. i'm chuck roberts. connecticut police say that three people have been arrested in the fight that killed a university of connecticut football player, jasper howard. one of the suspects is charged with murder. a defense attorney says his client, john william lomax was arrested this morning on murder charges. his bond was set at $2 million. the 20-year-old cornerback, howard, was stabbed to death on
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october 18. state police are holding a news conference to discuss the latest developments. we'll turn around the highlights from that news conference. it's still under way. we'll bring you that in just a couple of minutes. an entire north florida community comes together to say good-bye to somer thompson. the funeral for the 7 year old wrapped up a short time ago in orange park florida. a procession made its way to the cemetery where family and close friends hold a private grave site service along the route people in the community released purple balloons in memory of the little girl. purple was her favorite color. yesterday 1,500 people filed past the casket during the public viewing. there were those who knew the little girl and those who didn't. for parents with kids, the loss hit too close to home. >> we don't know her personally but our heart knows her as a parented a that's what tears our hearts out. >> feels like one of ours. >> we thought it would be nice to pay respect to the family. >> i said for your losses. i didn't know the family.
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like i said, i have kids, too. >> somer went missing walking home from school eight days ago. her body was found across the georgia state line in a landfill. investigators say they have received 1,500 tips but have not named a suspect. if you have information please call the clay county sheriff's tip line. toll free 877-227-6911. there's a $35,000 reward for bring closure in this case. morgan harrington's parents say they are devoting all of their energies to finding their 20-year-old daughter and getting some help from metallica. the virginia tech students missing ten days. metallica is contributing $50,000 to a reward fund. her parents appeared on "today" show this morning. her mom worries her daughter was the victim of foul play. >> we need to be moving forward and direct all our energies at this point into finding morgan
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while people's memories are still fresh. halloween is in a couple of days. there's somebody is or was in the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to keep working on this. and find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer. >> again she was a tech student but the kidnapping occurred or the missing person case arose in charlottesville. she was last seen october 17th. investigators say she was outside an arena and metallica was inside holding a concert. nancy grace will have late breaking developments on the search for morgan harrington at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern here on hln "news and views." the head of a search and rescue team that's been helping police look for haleigh cummings says he thinks the girl is dead. the goal is to find missing people who are alive and he doesn't believe haleigh falls into that category. the 17-year-old baby sitter
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holds the key to finding out what happened that night and unless investigators learn those circumstances, he believes they'll never find haleigh's body. last night her grandmother told hln's nancy grace she doesn't believe haleigh is dead. >> i believe that god hears prayer. i believe that there have been thousands and thousands of prayers for haleigh. i believe that she's alive. i do not believe that he has a straight line to god. until he can produce something else, i just refuse to believe that my granddaughter is not alive and with us. >> the sheriff's office said it received 5,000 tips since haleigh went missing and is continuing to investigate and chase down every one. two roadside bombs killed eight u.s. troops today in southern afghanistan. it's been a deadly month. the deadliest month ever. the military says several other
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service members were wounded. troops were inside armored vehicles at the time of the attacks. additional details have not been released. 58 service members have been killed in october. the deadliest month for the u.s. military since the outset of the war in late 2001. we have new video of iraq's deadliest bombing in in more than two years. check out this horrific blast. two bombs killed at least 160 people and caused heavy damage in baghdad sunday. at least 540 others were wounded. the blast caught on security cameras. security has been tightened at checkpoints in the capital. many roads have been closed. nasa was supposed to take the first step back to the moon today. the space station agency scrubbed the launch of the ares rocket. today's test launch got within 2 1/2 minutes of liftoff and nasa shut it down because of crosswinds and some cloud cover. the space agency will try again tomorrow morning. president obama is funneling
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$3.4 billion federal dollars into the nation's electric power grid. he says the money will help make it more efficient, cheaper to run and more environmentally friendly. a smart grid has long been a goal of green energy advocates. the president says it's not just good for the ecology but good for the economy. >> the creation of a clean energy economy has to be made as swiftly and carefully as possible to ensure that what it takes to grow this economy in the short, medium and long-term is no longer delayed. i'm pleased to report that a consensus is growing to achieve that. conesensous business leaders are ready to jump on board because they understand the growth of clean energy can lead to the growth of our economy. >> the smart grid funding comes from the $787 billion economic recovery act. the stimulus bill passed earlier this year. many americans speak a
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foreign language but is it okay to require them to speak english while they're on the job? we'll share your views on that.
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a muslim woman was turned away from a farmer's market in arlington, texas because she was wearing a traditional muslim veil. she felt she was singled out because she's muslim and is urging other muslims to boycott the store. the manager said signs clearly state shoppers faces must be visible. it is for the safety of both employees and customers. he says he'll honor people's religious beliefs if they honor the store rules. a man causing an uproar in new mexico after building a hotel there. he's accused of making some workers change their names. markos to mark for example. protesters picketed the hotel. he's received a lot of complaints. today cnn had the owner saying
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it's all a misunderstanding. take a listen. >> the people out front that are protesting i've offered to mediate with them. i've offered to speak with them with no results. all we can do is go forward and keep doing a great job. remodeling. spending half a million dollars here. i'm more tolerant of the spanish names. we're working to just make sure that my guests hear a distinct name and just go forward. >> he said his rules have nothing to do with racism but trying to make it easier for guests to communicate back and forth. your views topic today. it's almost melted the phone lines. how about the melting pot. cultures and languages are supposed to be accepted. how about governments and businesses. should they make everyone speak english. can you take that too far? almost everybody feels that english should be the only language spoken in public but
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let's get both sides. elaine is on the line in pennsylvania. what do you think? >> my grandmother's father was from france. no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't learn the language. his wife, my grandmother's mother she learned but he couldn't learn it. no matter how hard he tried. now, my grandmother was born in this country. and she learned but i don't think everybody can. you know, age and everything i think that no. >> did they get along okay in society? >> caller: he was a coal miner. and he tried as hard as he could. back then they didn't have high schools and everything else. my grandmother went to sixth grade and was the smartest woman you ever met. she spoke three languages. >> it is a different time.
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that's a great story. i'm sure it's not the only one like it. thanks. jennifer up next in miami. jennifer, how are you doing? >> i'm fine thank you. >> what do you think about this? >> caller: i think people who work in a service orientated industry should have to speak english. i can just speak personally that it's frustrating to go to the supermarket, a gas station, a restaurant and people don't speak english. also it can go over to your pharmacies and i'm a nurse so it can also become an unsafe environment when the person that's helping you does not speak english. >> it is safety issue. a lot would agree. comments on my facebook page. lori wrote -- seth writes --
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james agrees -- what do you think? should businesses and governments push back? how far should they push back to make sure everyone speaks english only or does it infringe on our melting pot ethic? you can text views and comment and name to hlntv.
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52 children have been rescued from alleged prosecution rings. nearly 700 people were arrested in the past three days in a nationwide effort that started in 2003 to end sex trafficking of children in the u.s. >> the money involved in prostituting children is much
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higher than just regular prostitution. they get them, the desire, by the johns if you will is for younger and younger girls so we're seeing them as young as 11 years old. >> the fbi says almost 900 kids have been saved from sex trafficking since the initiative began. there's been more than 500 convictions. >> at least a dozen people watched a girl get raped for more than two hours and did nothing. they say it happened saturday outside a homecoming dance in richmond, california. two teens have been arrested. a third has been questioned. officers believe at least four males attacked the 15-year-old girl. investigators say as many as 15 males watched doing nothing to intervene. they said the attack as it it was going on somebody announced what was happening almost a play by play and more people came to watch. some participated. the victim was in critical condition but has been upgraded to stable condition. richmond is in the san francisco bay area. authorities throughout the country are taking steps to make sure a sex offenders are not
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home on halloween. probation officers scheduled a mandatory meeting for all sex offenders that night to make certain they won't be around kids. similar meetings are being held in arkansas and indiana. they can't trick-or-treat with kids or give out treats from their homes. we know what the northwest airline pilot said they were doing when they overshot the minneapolis airport last week by 150 miles. the pilot said they were using their personal laptops and lost track of time. the pilots told the ntsb they were focused on a new computer program that arranges crew schedules and didn't monitor the plane during their long talk. >> these pilots were simply not paying attention for a period of time. is that a serious offense? it is. it's not one that i think put the lives of those people in jeopardy.
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somebody is always supposed to be watching the airplane. that's your first order of duty. that's your first priority. there really is no excuse. no reason to allow it to go to this point. should not have happened. the pilot said they didn't realize their mistake until the flight attendant called the cockpit before they were supposed to land to ask what was up and they were over eau claire, wisconsin, by that point. delta owns northwest and suspended the pilots and said the offense violates airline policy and may cost the pilots their jobs. passengers were sent a $500 travel voucher for their inconvenience. the former miami dolphins quarterback is a college football analyst and got in trouble for a remark he made while promoting espn's coverage of a nascar race series. >> where's juan pablo montoya?
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he's out having a taco. >> greaseiese apologyized twice. he said i didn't know who he is and i don't care. a report due on thursday may show the economy grew in the summer months. the gross domestic product, gdp, will likely confirm the recession theoretically ended in june or july. gdp is the biggest gauge of the whole u.s. economy and may be improving but job market isn't. private surveys say unemployment should be around 10% through most of next year. the irs advises everybody keep their tax returns for seven years but hln money expert clark howard tells you why you should keep them forever. here's clark. >> what's the late year's tax return you can lay your hands on? if you're like most people, it's maybe four or five or six years ago. not good enough.
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states are scrounging for every penny they can get their hands on. they're reaching way back. i saw a story about them beating someone up for state taxes from 1983. now, who is going to be able to produce a return from 1983? actually i can. of the i've kept all of my returns going back to the '70s and you should moving forward save if you have a state income tax, save the state incomes tax return, save your federal. after six years dump supporting material but keep the return so that there's some proof that you properly filed your return. why? because there's no statute if they say you failed to file. i'm clark howard. for more ways to stay out of trouble, go to my website, >> he's got returns from the '70s? great consumer advice. clark howard on weekends
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saturdays and sundays noon and 4:00 eastern on hln. he'll help you save more spend less and avoid getting ripped off. you want to know if you're walking into a h1n1 hot bed? there's an app for that. realtime updates including video animation and text about how to avoid the virus. it shows you ways to protect your home and work from the outbreaks. there's even an interactive guide to h1n1 symptoms. a police dash cam caught a wild car chase in michigan. two guys were running after they allegedly stole an atm. the chase lasted a half hour. at times going the wrong way on an interstate. they were caught when they crashed. the suspects are due in court today to be arraigned. a family whose daughter is hospitalized with cancer is struggling to make ends meet. what a classmate is doing to make things a little bit easier.
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again we're just learning connecticut police say three people have been arrested in the fight several days ago that resulted in the death of a university of connecticut football player jasper howard. one of those suspects is charged with murder. a defense attorney says his client, john william lomax was arrested this morning charged with murder and conspiracy to commit assault. bond set at $2 million. his lawyer says lomax wasn't there when the argument started
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and was simply trying to break up a fight. at a news conference just completed, the state police talked about the two other arrests. >> the second individual is age 20. also of bloomfield connecticut. he's been charged with conspiracy to commit assault in the first degree felony and he's being held on $750,000 bond. additionally the following individual has been charged with pulling the fire alarm which preceded the altercation. jamal todd age 21 of hartford, connecticut, has been charged with falsely reporting an incident a felony, and reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor. >> the 20-year-old howard was stabbed to death outside a student union building on october 18th. an entire north florida community is coming together to say good-bye to somer thompson. the funeral for the 7 year old just wrapped up. a procession made its way to the
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cemetery where close friends and family hold a private grave site service. yesterday 1,500 people filed past her casket during a viewing. among them were people who knew her well people who never met her. for parents with kids, any parent with kids, this loss hits too close to home. >> we don't know her personally but our heart knows her as a parent and that's what tears our hearts out. >> feels like one of ours. >> we thought it would be a nice thing to come and pay respect to the family. >> sorry for the loss. i didn't know the family. i have kids, too. >> somer went missing walking home from school eight days ago and her body was found a few days later at a georgia landfill. if you have information, please call the clay county sheriff's office tip line toll free
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877-227-6911. there's a $35,000 reward being offered in the case. morgan harrington's parents are devoting all energy to finding their daughter. they're getting help from metallica. the virginia tech student was attending a metallica concert ten days ago. they're contributing $50,000 to a reward fund for morgan. her parents appeared on nbc's "today" show today and her mother worried her daughter was a victim of foul play. >> we need to be moving forward and direct all our energies at this point into finding morgan while people's memories are still fresh. halloween is in a couple of days. there's somebody is or was in the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to keep working on this. and find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer. >> harrington was last seen
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october 17th in charlottesville. investigators say she was outside the arena where metallica was performing. her parents talk to nancy grace tonight and take your calls. that's tonight at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern right here on hln. two roadside bombs kill u.s. troops in afghanistan today. the troops were inside armored vehicles at the time of the attacks. no additional details have been released. 58 service members have been killed in october, which is now the deadliest month for the u.s. military since the beginning of the afghanistan war in 2001. we have new video of that deadly bombing in iraq. this is it. you will see it right there. security cameras captured the horrific blast over the weekend. this is baghdad on sunday. two bombs in fact killed 155 people including 20 children. 540 people were wounded. security has been tightened at checkpoints, roads into the capital have been closed.
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officials say 70 people have been arrested. nasa was supposed to take the first step back to the moon today. it will have to wait. the space agency scrubbed the launch of the ares rocket. today's test launch got within 2 1/2 minutes of liftoff but nasa shut it down because of high winds and heavy clouds. the space agency will try again tomorrow. president obama is funding 3.4 billion federal dollars into the nation's electric power grid making it more efficient, cheaper to run and more environmentally friendly. a smart grid has been a goal of green energy advocates but he says it's not just good for ecology but good for the economy. >> the creation of a clean energy economy has to be made as swiftly and carefully as possible to ensure that what it takes to grow this economy in the short, medium and long-term is no longer delayed. i'm pleased to report that a consensus is growing to achieve
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exactly that. consensus between democrats and republicans, labor leaders and especially so many business leaders like lou ready to jump onboard because they understand that the growth of clean energy is going to lead to the growth of our economy. >> the smart grid funding comes from $787 billion stimulus bill the economic recovery act passed earlier this year. a lot of debate and division on capitol hill. off capitol hill too about health care reform and the so-called public option. there is an out for that. not all states would have to join the public option for health insurance. yesterday a majority leader harry reid announced he'll add the government plan to the final senate bill but says state will have the choice to opt out. the controversial idea is generating i-reports. you can tell these guys have gone at it before. >> you're not going to convince
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me that the government is going to save money with this plan. you're not. i don't care what the numbers say right now because everything the government does will always cost two to three times more than what it says it will. cash for clunkers. if you think the government can do this better, fine. that's what you believe. i don't. there's a lot of people who don't. you've never heard the government being accused of being efficient. >> my friend, gary here we go again. a public system with no profit is absolutely more efficient by definition than the private health care system with very poorly regulated insurance companies. i am sorry. that's an absolute statement. >> we primed the pump if you want to hear more and contribute to this head to and send in images of breaking news.
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look for upload now link for easy instructions. vampires are the rage. why the vampire trend is more of a ladies thing.
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you do want to know if you're walking right into an h1n1 hot bed. there's an app for that. there are realtime updates including video and animation and text about how to avoid the virus. also, it shows you a way to protect your home and work from outbreaks. there's even an interactive guide to h1n1 symptoms. what kind of person mumifies
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a rat? got to be one of the most curious. >> aren't you glad it had a happy ending? that could have gone another direction. we're talking about ron wade. he runs the ana division at the school of medicine. it's a long title but that department controls all of the very impressive mummy collections. it really is a mummy collection. it was assembled in scotland and is now used to study anatomy. now, you probably know this but it is illegal but a lot of these bodies were acquired illegally including being dug from graves.
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incredibly preserved. they were embalmed with things like mercury and arsenic and they were cured with sugar and salt and back in 1994 wade and another man mummified a human donor following some of those strict egyptian techniques when they did it. that mummy is on display in san diego. it's being studied. you know, just the whole idea of it might frighten people but they learned about ageing. interesting collection. >> we're still learning about it. first mummies and now vampires. they seem to be especially popular among women. >> imagine that. you know about these -- >> you have a beautiful neck, by the way. can i say that? >> you're just teasing me. we're talking about vampires. there's an article about why they appeal to women more than
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they appeal to men. it's an interesting article. it's by our partner site. they look into what is appealing about the vampire. is it the bad boy appeal? dangerous and handsome in romantic like the vampires in "twilight." very popular among women right now. apparently according to frisky men are more into zombies and alien type of horror. i don't know chuck. some of the female vampires on this show are pretty hot as well. i got upset with the producer because they were showing bill who is one of the main characters or the main character in that show and they didn't show eric. yes. he's largely why many women watch that show. >> women like projects and i think they think a vampire as huge projects. >> i'll say. >> thanks.
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remember joe the plumber? he's talking about the t.e.a. party express and what he believes the moment represents. here's what he told joy behar last night. >> the t.e.a. party movement isn't against obama. it's against government and how they overstep their boundaries. it's not just because we're in this position. freddie and fannie mae, there's a lot of reasons we're in this position. they're not representing the american people. >> don't miss joy behar every week nature atnight at 9:00 p.m. a muslim woman said she was asked to leave an american market because of had her veil. the manager says it's policy.
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police say a dozen people watched a girl get raped for more than two hours and did nothing. it happened saturday outside a homecoming dance in richmond california. two teens have been arrested. a third has been questioned. officers believe at least four males attacked this 15-year-old girl and as many as 15 males watched and did nothing.
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in fact, they say as the attack went on somebody was announcing what was happening. more and more people came to watch. some participated in the attack. the victim was in critical condition and is now upgraded to stable. authorities throughout the country are taking steps to make sure sex offenders are not home on halloween. in huntsville alabama, probation officers ordered a mandatory meeting to make sure they won't be around kids. similar meetings in arkansas and indiana. the tennessee probation and parole board is telling sex offenders they can't trick trick-or-treat with kids or give out treats from their homes. a hotel owner began making hispanic workers speak english around them and made some workers make their names sound more english. he's received complaint letters and today on our sister network
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cnn the owner said it's a misunderstanding. >> the people out front that are protesting have offered to mediate with them. i've offered to speak with them with no results. and so all we can do is go forward and keep doing a great job remodeling and we're spending half a million dollars here. i'm certainly more tolerant of the spanish names. we're working to just make sure that my guest hear a distinct name and just go forward. >> larry said his rules have nothing to do with racism or bigotry and only trying to make it easier for his guests to communicate with had his workers. tell us what you think. should businesses or governments be able to make you speak english only? do we take english only too far? does all of this infringe on our melting pot ethic that the u.s. has been proud of? call us now toll free.
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877-835-5456. e-mail at or text views and comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. a muslim woman in texas said she was kicked out of a local farmer's market because of her veil. it's a safety issue. she says it's religious discrimination. jim douglas in dallas has more. >> how are you today, ma'am? >> reporter: the cooper treat farmer's market sits in a highly diversified market. a tossed salad of cultures and accents. when this young woman went into the market she found trouble. >> he was intimidating. get out. >> reporter: the woman covers all but her eyes and hands when in public but signs in the market say facing must be visible. >> it is for our safety and that of our customers. >> reporter: women in full veil
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rarely do come in. he said there were no women working the day she muslims shopping here. >> the muslims are probably about 40% or 50% of our business. >> if you're shopping in a store, they have to be able to see your face to protect the other customers in there. i don't think it's wrong for a business owner to say that. >> reporter: terence says he's shopped here every week for years. do they know you're muslim? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: never been a problem? there could be this time the
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woman is telling others to boycott the store. she says she will reveal her face in an airport or getting a driver's license photo. >> i began covering fully three years ago. it's not mandatory to cover your face but it's highly commended. >> reporter: she's an english teacher at an islamic school. chris perez says he wants to honor her beliefs and customs if she'll honor his store rules. after all, he says he needs her more than she needs him. >> why would i turn down anybody's money. americans are not optimistic about the economy. the consumer confidence index has plunged to the second lowest reading since may. analysts have predicted an increase. the conference board which compiles the index warns it could foreshadow a shaky holiday
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shopping. we're still in the middle of fall but don't tell that to folks trying to navigate one town, covered by snow.
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three people under arrest in connection with the death of a football player at the university of connecticut. what police say happened during this fight outside a school dance.
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a florida town gathers for an emotional fairrewell for a 7-year-old girl. how the death of somer thompson has devastated this community. a french court rules a u.s.-based religion is a fraud. the faithful claim they're the victims of an inquisition. we'll take you to the front lines of the battle between church and state. this is hln "news and views." i'm richelle carey. three people under arrest from the death that killed jasper howard. one of the suspects is charged with murder. he was arrested this morning. he is charged with murder and conspiracy to commit assault. his bond was set at $2 million. his lawyer says lomax wasn't there and was simply trying to break up a fight. this afternoon police did talk about the two other arrests. >> the second individual is hakeem muhammad, age 20 also of
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bloomfield connecticut. he's been charged with conspiracy to commit assault in the first degree felony and he is being held on $750,000 bond. additionally, the following individual has been charged with pulling the fire alarm which preceded the altercation. jamal todd age 21 of hartford connecticut, has been charged with falsely reporting an incident a felony and reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor. >> 20-year-old jasper howard was stabbed to death outside the campus student union building on october 18th. police in richmond, california, say at least a dozen people watched as a 15-year-old girl was brutally raped and beaten for more than two hours. this happened outside a homecoming dance saturday night at richmond high school. two teenagers have been arrested in connection with this. a third is being questioned.
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investigators say some people actually announced what was happening outside the dance and then more people came to watch and more people even joined in on this attack on this child. listen. >> their behavior was either apathy to not get involved and not call us, to sit there and observe it or in some cases to get involved and commit crimes. >> a spokesperson for the school district says four police officers and three school administrators were monitored this dance but the assault happened away from the gym. >> our assumption is when parents bring their kids to the dance, they also arrange for a safe ride back. if kids wish to leave the dance in the middle of the dangs we assume they have a safe ride back. there is a limit to what we can do. >> what now? the school says it already has planned to install a surveillance system around campus but it won't be in place until january. the victim was critically injured but has been upgraded to
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stable condition. a north florida community is coming together to try to say good-bye to somer thompson. the 7-year-old's funeral was today. there was a procession to the cemetery after that where family and friends held a private graveside service. along the way people in the community released purple balloons in memory of somer. purple is her favorite color. yesterday, 1,500 people filed past somer's casket during a viewing. for parents with kids, this loss hits too close to home. >> we don't know her personally but our heart knows her as a parent. that's what tears our hearts out. >> it just feels like one of ours. >> we thought it would be nice to pay respect to the family. >> just said, i'm sorry for your losses. i didn't know the family but i have kids, too. >> somer went missing while walking home from school eight days ago a few days after that her body was found at a georgia landfill.
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investigators say they've gotten 1,500 tips. they haven't named a suspect yet. still want to hear from people who know anything. if you have any information, you're urged to call the clay county sheriffs tip line the number is 1-877-227-6911 and there is a $35,000 reward in this case. morgan harrington's parents say they're devoting all their energies to finding their 20-year-old daughter and are getting some help from the rock band metallica. she's been missing for ten days now. the band is contributing $50,000 to a reward fund to find her. it now stands at $150,000 total. her parents appeared on nbc's "today" show this morning. her pore said she worries her daughter was the victim of foul play. >> we need to be moving forward and direct all our energies at this point into finding morgan while people's memories are still fresh. halloween is in a couple of days. there's somebody -- is or was in
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the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to keep working on this and find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer. >> morgan harrington was last seen october 17th. she was outside an arena for the metallica concert. tonight, morgan's parents will talk to nancy grace and take your calls. that's at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln "news and views." the head of a search and rescue group helping police look for haleigh cummings says he believes the 6-year-old daughter girl is dead. tim miller says the goal of texas equusearch is to find people that are alive. miller says 17-year-old babysitter misty cummings holds the key to finding out what really happened to this little girl. unless investigators learn those circumstances, he says they may
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never find haleigh's body. last night, her grandmother told hln's nancy grace she doesn't believe haleigh's dead. >> i believe that god hears prayer. i believe that there have been thousands and thousands of prayers for haleigh. i believe that she's alive. and i do not believe that tim miller is god or has a straight line to god. so until he can produce something else, i just refuse to believe that my granddaughter is not alive and with us. >> the putnam county sheriff's office says they've gotten 5,000 tips since haleigh disappeared and continue to investigate those tips. the controversial church of scientology has been convicted of fraud. a french court also slapped the church with a huge fine almost $1 million. investigators say the church's french office fleeced group
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members out of a lot of money. but the court stopped short of shutting it down completely. a spokesperson for the french branch of the church calls the ruling a modern inquisition. the church says it does plan to appeal this. two roadside bombs killed eight u.s. troops in southern afghanistan today. the military says other service members were also wounded in these bombings. it says the troops were icd armored vehicles at the time of the attacks. 58 u.s. service members have been killed this month. and that makes october the deadliest month for the u.s. military since the afghanistan war began in 2001. an actor at a haunted house tried to spook some of his customers. that's right. that's cool. he's the one who got the real scare when one of them pulled a gun.
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well, nasa was supposed to take its first step back to the moon today. going to have to wait.
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the space agency has scrubbed today's launch of the ares i rocket. today's test launch got within 2 1/2 minutes of liftoff before nasa shut it down. the space agency will try again tomorrow morning. for months we've heard about the obama administration's goal for clean energy. today we're seeing major action on that front. poppy harlow joins us from new york with this. so what are the detail, poppy? >> reporter: big announcement just coming out of the white house today, nearly $3.5 billion investment through the stimulus package. the focus here upgrade our nation's ailing and old power grid. what we're going to see as a direct result of this multibillion-dollar investment is 18 million smart meters put in americans' homes over the
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next three years. they help you conserve energy, avoid blackouts. they can tell your power company, for example, if your power is out automatically. you don't have to call. this is a way of revamping, bringing our energy system into the new age. the rest of the money is going to monitoring and upgrading the electric grid. we hear so much about that. that will be interesting to watch. and the administration today, president obama talking about it in florida, talking really about how this will save or create tens of thousands of jobs in this country. here's what the president had to say. >> at this moment there's something big happening in america when it comes to creating a clean energy economy. but getting there will take a few more days like this one and more projects like this one. i've often said that the creation of such an economy is going to require nothing less than the sustained effort of an entire nation. such an investment won't just create new pathways for energy. it's expected to create tens of
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thousands of new jobs all across america in areas ranging from manufacturing and construction to i.t. and the installation of new equipment in homes and businesses. >> reporter: well, those businesses the president mentioned are jumping in kicking in nearly $5 billion on their own and matching funds to go along with those grants for the smart grid projects. putting all that stimulus money and talk into action. >> it's a full-court press for the white house. the vice president also talking about energy and job creation today as well. >> reporter: that's right. the vice president in his hometown in delaware today. what he did this morning is he announced that an old gm factory that a luxury automaker is going to use that factory to build plug-in hybrid cars. again, a former gm factory now a fisker automotive factory.
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it could create thousands of jobs, 2,000, the administration is predicting, in delaware. and also what the company is saying is that because of those factory job, it could also create about 3,000 vendor and supplier jobs if they do ramp up production as planned by 2014. we've heard the obama administration's goal of having 1 million plug-in hybrids on american roadways by 2015. it's a lofty goal. when you look at the car they're going to build at this delaware plant, it's going to be about $40,000 after tax credits. they're counting on americans to spend a lot of money on these vehicles. but interesting what happens on both fronts, the president and the vice president on that green energy path today with major announcement. >> thank you, poppy. espn is pulling bob griese off the air for a week. the former miami dolphins quarterback, he's a college football analyst now got into trouble for a remark he made
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while promoting coverage of a nascar race series. >> where's juan pablo montoya? he's out having a taco. >> griese apologized on air for that comment twice. montoya dismissed the remark with this little joke. he says, i don't even know who he is and i don't really care. kate gosselin a movie star? the reality show mom answers her viewers.
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kate gosselin used her show "jon & kate plus 8," it's "jon & kate plus 8" for now. she answers questions from viewers last night. a.j. hammer is in new york. she covered a lot of ground, a.j. what stuck out for you? >> the kate gosselin wig on
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halloween, she even talked about that. she talked about everything from what to expect in her future in terms of her career and also whether she'd ever considered getting married again. jon and kate's marriage is in the toilet. but do you remember last year on the show jon and kate actually went to hawaii and renewed their vows? a lot of people thought the whole thing must have been put on once the marriage started to unravel. but a viewer wrote in and asked kate if she had any regrets about that particular show. watch what she said. >> i don't have any regrets. >> i'd like you to accept the leis from your beautiful children. >> the hard part is my kids say to me, we were at your wedding, meaning this wedding. you said you would be married forever. and those are one of the hard -- yeah, that's a really hard one. that's a hard thing to have to answer because you can't quite explain it to kids. i have trouble explaining it to myself. >> she even talked about a few different places where things have been very difficult for the
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kids. but again she said the renewing the vows it wasn't staged. they were really feeling it at the time. we all know what -- >> what? that's a whole other segment for another day. what did she say about her future? >> first in terms of whether or not she could ever see herself getting married again, somebody did write in. basically she was flipping through ems and-mails and answering the questions. she was being very candid. somebody said could you see yourself getting married again? and kate said well i don't want to get married but i don't like being alone but whoever would marry me would have to be someone with a lot of patience, character, strength and wisdom to take us on. as far as the future of her career she addressed whether or not she would continue on tv and she also said she'd like to be a movie star. watch this. >> i've done enough years of tv that i feel like it's a normal comfortable, natural place for me to be. i would love to be in a movie at
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some point. i would love to be the voice of a cartoon character in a movie for my kids. i think that would be fun. >> so typical of what you see in reality tv. somebody gets a little taste of making some money for being themselves and think they can have a career at it. who knows? maybe she can. but kate as a movie star -- i don't know. >> it's comfortable. it's a natural place for her to be. weren't you paying attention a.j.? >> yeah. comfort with discomfort, richelle. but i do re-emphasize, seeing her so self-depp -- i can't constantly slam her. >> it did remind people why they liked her in the show to begin with. >> so we'll have more of kate's confession coming up tonight on "showbiz tonight." wait until you hear rosie's shocking confessions. it's rosie o'donnell in a
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brand-new explosive interview with dramatic revelations about childhood abuse and an emotional phone call she made to oprah. we'll see you tonight. >> you got us all hooked now. thank you. a baltimore police officer is accused of pulling a gun on a haunted house character who had a chainsaw. police say the actor chased the off-duty cop because he was trying to get an extra scream at him. that's when the officer pointed a gun at the actor. the police report says alcohol may have been involved. the officer is charged with assault and reckless endangerment. there's been no response from him or his attorney.
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three people under arrest for the fight that killed university of connecticut football player jasper howard. one of the suspects is charged with murder. his name is john william lomax. he was arrest this had morning.
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he's charged with murder and conspiracy to commit assault. his bond was set at $2 million. his lawyer says lomax wasn't there when the argument started and was simply trying to break up a fight. at a news conference this afternoon, state police talked about the two other arrests. >> the second individual is hakeem hakeem hakeem hakeem hakeem mohammed age 20, also of bloomfield, connecticut. he's been charged with conspiracy to commit assault in the first degree felony and he is being held on $750,000 bond. additionally, the following individual has been charged with pulling the fire alarm which preceded the altercation. jamal todd, age 21, of hartford, connecticut, has been charged with falsely reporting an incident, a felony and reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor. >> 20-year-old jasper howard was stabbed to death outside the campus student union building on october 18th.
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this next story is pretty hard to believe. police say more than a dozen people simply watched as a 15-year-old girl was raped and beaten for more than two hours and no one, not a single person, helped. richmond, california police say the vicious attack happened saturday outside a homecoming dance at richmond high school. two teenagers have been arrested and a third has been questioned. officers believe four people attacked this girl and then a crowd gathered as this was going on. not only that, investigators say someone went and announced what was happening. that brought more people to watch. and shockingly no one was compelled to help. >> their behavior was either apathy to not get involved and not call us, to sit there and observe it, or in some cases to get involved and commit crimes. >> a school district spokesperson says that four police officers and three school
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administrators were monitoring this dance, but this assault happened away from the gym. >> our assumption is when parents bring their kids to the dance, they also arrange for a safe ride back. if kids wish to leave the dance in the middle of the dance, we assume they have a safe ride back. there is a limit to what we can do. >> this girl was found unconscious under a bench just before midnight. she's in the hospital in stable condition. so what now? the school says it already has planned to install a surveillance system around campus but it won't be in place until january. a north florida community is coming together to say good-bye to somer thompson. the 7-year-old's funeral was today. there was a procession to the cemetery after that where family and friends held a private graveside service. along the way, people in the community released purple balloons in memory of somer. purple is her favorite color. yesterday, 1,500 people filed past somer's casket during a viewing. there were people there who knew
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her, people who did not know her. for parents with kids, this loss hits too close to home. >> we don't know her personally but our heart knows her as a parent. that's what tears our hearts out. >> it just feels like one of ours. >> we thought it would be nice thing to come and pay some respect to the family. >> just said, i'm sorry for your losses. i didn't know the family but i have kids, too. >> somer went missing while walking home from school eight days ago. her body was found a few days after that at a georgia landfill. investigators say they've gotten 1,500 tips. they still haven't named a suspect yet. they're trying to get more information. this is the number to the tip line at the clay county sheriff's office. there's also a $35,000 reward. morgan harrington's parents say they're devoting all their energies to finding their 20-year-old daughter and are getting some help from the rock band metallica. the virginia tech student has been missing for ten days now.
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the band is contributing $50,000 to a reward fund to find her. the total reward now stands at $150,000. her parents appeared on nbc's "today" show this morning. her mother said she worries her daughter was the victim of foul play. >> we need to be moving forward and direct all our energies at this point into finding morgan while people's memories are still fresh. halloween is in a couple of days. there's somebody -- is or was in the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to keep working on this and find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer. >> morgan harrington was last seen october 17th. investigators say she was outside a charlottesville, virginia arena where metallica was holding a concert. tonight, morgan's parents will talk to nancy grace and take your calls. that's at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln "news and views." the head of a search and
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rescue group helping police look for haleigh cummings says he believes the 6-year-old florida girl is dead. tim miller says the goal of texas equusearch is to find missing people who are alive. and he doesn't believe haleigh falls into that category anymore. miller says 17-year-old babysitter misty cummings holds the key to finding out what really happened to this little girl. unless investigators learn those circumstances, he says they may never find haleigh's body. last night, her grandmother told hln's nancy grace she doesn't believe haleigh's dead. >> i believe that god hears prayer. i believe that there have been thousands and thousands of prayers for haleigh. i believe that she's alive. and i do not believe that tim miller is god or has a straight line to god. so until he can produce something else, i just refuse to believe that my granddaughter is
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not alive and with us. >> the putnam county sheriff's office says they've gotten 5,000 tips since haleigh disappeared and they are still investigating those tips. two roadside bombs killed eight u.s. troops in southern afghanistan today. the military says several other service members were wounded. it says the troops were inside armored vehicles at the time of these attacks. 58 u.s. service members have been killed this month and that makes october the deadliest month for the u.s. military since the afghanistan war began in 2001. president obama is funneling $3.4 billion into the nation's electrical power grid. a smart grid has long been a goal of green energy advocates. the president says it's not just good for the ecology, it's good for the economy. the funding comes from the $787
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billion economic recovery act passed earlier this year. some information just in to hln. we now know how much money former alaska governor sarah palin is getting for her upcoming book, the one "going rogue." $1.25 million is the retainer for that book. she said it in her financial disclosure. she says she got the money from publisher harper collins. the book will be released november 17th. it's already number one on and and she's going to appear on "oprah". vampires are all the rage right now. seems like everybody's turning to "true blood" except the fellow fellows. why it's more of a ladies thing.
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hitting the gym might be the last thing you want to do after a long day at the office. we all know that feeling. but new research explains why it's important to remain fit as you age. >> reporter: a new report confirms what many may feel. fitness levels begin to decline in middle age. but we need to keep working out anyway. with the benefits of a healthy lifestyle helping to stave off disease and other effects of aging. a study finds that men and women gradually become less fit as they age and the declines accelerate after age 45.
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unfortunately, low fitness levels increase the risk of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. and reduce a person's ability to live independently in old age. but researchers found that older adults who adopt healthy lifestyle habits such as reducing body weight, increasing aerobic exercise and not smoking maintain higher fitness levels throughout adult life than those who don't. the research demonstrates a need for doctors to encourage their patients to get into shape and trim their waistlines. otherwise more will reach at a younger age the fitness level designated by the social security administration as representing disability. got new information just in for you, all four members of the first family have gotten their seasonal flu vaccine. some of you have been paying attention to this. malia and sasha were vaccinated for h1n1 last week. this is when the vaccine became
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available to washington, d.c. schoolchildren. the president and first lady haven't gotten theirs yet. they're waiting until prior groups like young people, pregnant women and people with underlying conditions are vaccinated. but the girls did get their shots. what kind of person mummifies a rat as a ninth-grade science project? reggie aqui has more on this on our really cool website. >> reporter: look at you. >> i love it. >> reporter: this guy's name is ron wade. he works at the university of maryland, which i had no idea has an extensive mummy collection and a specific one from the 19th century and from scotland. he works for the medical school and they use it to teach students in anatomy pathology and aging. back in the day, dissection was
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illegal. so most of the mummies were acquired illegally including being dug from graves. they were embalmed with mercury and cured with sugar and salt. in 1984, wade mummified a human donor. cultures and samples are still being taken. these methods were developed preserving the body and for more -- i should say, they're making new developments in preserving the body even today at the medical school. >> let's talk about vampires. i'm a fan of "true blood." i do love it. some of the other ones i don't get. what's the deal? it seems like chicks like these things more than guys? >> reporter: first of all, i'm so impressed you like "true blood."
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i just interviewed the author of the book. >> bragging. >> reporter: here's the thing. it's just that classic idea that he's the bad guy, right, the vampire? but he's the vampire with a soft side. i was going to say a soft heart, but they dent have hearts. they're dead. but that's kind of the way our partner site the frisky is explaining it. the bad boy appeal, all of that, dangerous, handsome. and not just "true blood" but also in "twilight." pop culture puts vampires out there as attractive men for the most part. that helps get the women involved. as a viewer of "true blood," anna panquinn, a very attractive woman. "true blood," it's said is the only one with appeal because of her star role. >> she's a cute thing. >> reporter: she gets the vampires and a lot of other
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guys. very sexual. >> all the guys like her. thanks, reggie. appreciate it. a muslim woman living in texas says she was asked to leave a local farmers market because of her veil. the manager says it's a store policy. is this just a case of miscommunication or is it something else?
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espn is pulling football analyst bob griese off the air for a week. the former miami dolphins quarterback, he's a college football analyst now, got into trouble for a remark he made while promoting coverage of a nascar race series. >> where's juan pablo montoya? he's out having a taco. >> he apologized on air for that comment twice. montoya who's colombia dismissed that with a joke. he says, i don't even know who he is and i don't really care. a muslim woman says she was turned away from a farmers market in arlington texas, because she was wearing a traditional muslim veil over her face.
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she says she feels she was singled out because she's muslim. now she's urging other muslims to boycott the store. the manager says signs in the market clearly state shoppers' faces must be visible. they say it's for the safety of employees and customers. he says he'll honor people's religious beliefs if they honor his store rules. a hotel owner is causing an uproar in taos, new mexico. larry whitten bought a hotel and started making latino workers speak english around him. he's also accused of making some workers change their names, anglicize them, like marcos to mark. protestors have pickets the hotel, they've sent complaint letters. he said this morning on cnn that this is just a misunderstanding. >> my partner and i spent several million dollars to come to this beautiful land of enchantment. it would be idiotic for me to purposely offend the great culture of the spanish.
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you could really call me stupid. but i'm not a racist. no intention has ever been done purposely to insult anyone. it was a matter of procedure and hasn't been good. if i could take it all back i'd snap my finger. >> he says that these rules have nothing to do with racism. he says he was only trying to make it easier for his guests to communicate. a lot of debate and division and fighting and back and forth on and off capitol hill today over health care reform and the public capitol hill for health care reform and the public option. yesterday he announced he's going to add a government plan to the final bill. but states will have the choice to opt it. take a listen. these guys have gone at it before, you can tell. >> you're not going to convince
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me that the government is going to save money with this plan. you're not. everything the government does will always cost two to three times more than what it says it will. such as cash for clunkers i don't believe the government can do it better. i don't. you've never heard the government being accused of being efficient. >> my friend, gary, here we go again. a public system with no profit is absolutely more efficient by definition. than the private health care system with poorly regulated insurance companies. i am sorry. that's an absolute statement. >> if you want to contribute to the conversation, head to also if there's breaking news
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happening where you are send us images. click on the upload now link for easy instructions. remember joe the plumber? he's talking about the tea party express and what he believes the movement represents. here's what he told hln's joy behar last night. >> the tea party movement isn't against obama. it's against government. >> bush was the one who spent us into oblivion. >> you're not going to get an argument met from me. all those guys. there's a lot of reasons we're in this position. they're not truly representing the american people. >> catch "the joy behar show" at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on hln.
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three people under arrest in connection with a death of a uconn player. the next generation of moon rockets is ready for debut.
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find out why nasa can't get this off the gunshot wound. hear how he justifies his actions and share your views. hln news and views. hi everybody, on the 27th. i'm chuck roberts. welcome. one person shot and another stabbed outside a psychiatric hospital at a high-rise outs of massachusetts general hospital in boston. at another medical bilge one suspect is in custody. officials don't have info on the victims or any of the circumstances that led to the attack. security locked down the building. and told employees and patients they couldn't leave for a time. perhaps they're looking to interview witnesses and see if anybody else is responsible. police have charged three people in connection with the death of a university of
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connecticut football player. he was stabbed on october 18th. one of the suspects is charged with murder and conspiracy to commit assault. his bond is set at $2 million. his lawyer says he wasn't there when the argument started but he tha he tried to break it up. the other two men are facing less serious charges. >> the second individual is mohammed, age 20. also of bloom field, connecticut. he's been charged with conspiracy to commit assault in the first degree, felon. and he's being held on $750,000 bond. the following individual has been charged with pulling the fire alarm, which preceded the altercation, jamal todd age 21 of hartford, connecticut, has been charged with falsely reporting an incident, a felon and reckless endangerment a misdemeanor. >> todd has been released from custody on $5,000 bond.
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a north florida community comes together to say good-bye to somer thompson. the 7-year-old's funeral was today. then a procession made its way to the cemetery where family and close friends held a private grave side service. people in the community showed up and released purple balloons in her memory. purple was her favorite color. yesterday 1500 people filed past her casket during a viewing. some knew the little girl and some who didn't. for parents with kids the loss hits too close to home. >> we don't know her personally. our hearts know her as a parent. >> we thought it would be a nice thing to pay respect to the family. >> i'm sorry for y'all losses. i didn't know the family. but like i said i have kids, too. >> somer went missing walking home from school eight days ago. her body was found days later at a georgia landfill. investigators have not named a suspect.
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if you have information you're urged to call the clay county sheriff's office tip line. it's toll-free. there's a $35,000 reward in the case. morgan harrington's parents are devoting all their attention and energy to finding their 20-year-old daughter. she's been missing ten days. she wept to a metallica convert. the band is contributing $50,000 to a reward fund for her. her parents appeared on the nbc today show. her mom says she worried her daughter was the victim of foul play. >> we need to be moving forward. and direct all our energies at this point into finding morgans while people's memories are still fresh. halloween is in a couple of days. there's somebody or was in the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to keep working on this and fund our daughter and find
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this person and make our community safer. >> harrington was outside the arena in charlottesville where metallica was holding a concert. tonight morgan's parents talk to nancy grace and will take your calls. that's tonight at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern. the date of virginia set a november 10th execution date for john allen muhammad. he's suspected of planting a string of attacks that left three people dead and and two people wounded. he had the option of choosing to die in the electric chair but state officials said he didn't go for that. he'll be executed by lethal injection. two roadside bombs killed eight u.s. troops in southern afghanistan today. several other service members were wounded. the troops were inside armored
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vehicles at the time of the attacks. october is the deadliest month since late 2001. enbrand new video. this is the deadliest bombing in more than two years in baghdad. two bombs killed at least 160 people and caused heavy damage sunday in the capitol city. the at least 540 others were wounded. the blast was caught on security camera. security has been tightened at check points and roads have been closed. nasa has scrubbed today's launch of the ares-1x rocket. it's the prototype. they got within two and a half minutes of liftoff before nasa shut it down because of strong cross winds and heavy cloud cover. president obama is funneling 3
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3$.4 billion. the president says t not just good fwhr the ecology it's good for the economy. >> the creation of a clean energy economy has to be made as swiftly and carefully as possible to make sure what it takes to grow this economy in the short medium and long term is no longer delayed. now a consensus is growing. between labor leaders and so many business leaders that are ready to jump on board because they understand that the growth of clean energy can lead to the growth of our economy. the smart grid funding comes for the stimulus package. the $787 billion economic recovery act passed earlier this year. the tea party express is
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planning rallies in 38 cities in 19 days. supporters say they want lower taxes, decreased government spending and less government involvement in things like corporate bailouts. and health care. >> our voices aren't being heard we are the people. i want to make sure i can have a doctor that will care for me the proper way and i won't be unheard and neglected. >> at the tourist kickoff rally in california dozens of people held signs comparing president obama to karl marx. police kept the two groups apart. many americans speak a foreign language. is it okay to require them to speak english while they're on the job? we'll share your views next.
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he's also accused of maybing a few workers who handled the switchboard change their names. like marcos had to be mark. he's received complaint letters. this morning the owner said it's a misunderstanding. >> we spent $7 million to come to this beautiful lan of enchantment. it would be stupid for me to purposely offend the great culture of the spanish. you could really call me stupid. but i'm not a racist. no intention has ever been done purpose sli to insult anyone. it was a matter of procedure and hasn't been good. if i could take it all back i would snap my fingers.
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>> he says he's only trying to make it easier for guests to communicate with employees. but is it takes english only too far? our "your views" questions. so far almost all of you think english should be the only language spoken in public. patty joins us from alaska. >> caller: i think it's arrogant of us as americans and having recently been traveling outside the country i totally understand how we got the reputation as being arrogant. i just took a trip. visited more than seven countries. at one point we were on a cruise. our cruise ship collided with another cruise ship. thank goodness people were just scratches, little bit of damage. but if i had needed assistance in the foreign country i didn't speak the language in any of the countries i visited fluently. i could ask for a bathroom and
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basic stuff. i would have needed medical care. i happen to be from alaska which is where bob is from. i still would have needed it. i would have hoped to get service. >> they all bent over backwards to speak english. my husband is military. you go to japan and a lot of people are speaking more than one language. you're trying to speak, three, four, five. i got to move on. robert from san antonio. hi, robert. >> caller: how you doing? >> good what do you think? zbli to force a society or group of individuals to stop speaking their native language is an insult. at one time the forefathers were immigrants and many of them never spoke english.
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it all boils down to the hotel owner was concerned they were talking about him. they demanded him from speaking spanish. some of these individuals are so afraid of other ethnicities they wanted to control them because of the ignorance as patty stated. it was a dumb mistake. it was his ignorance. he would take it back. i'm sure the workers speak english. >> so you don't detect malice on his part. >> caller: no, it's just ignorance. is. >> thanks, robert. na texted us if you come to the u.s. to live you should learn the language. businesses should be able to make their own policies. another viewer writes maybe our educational system should catch up with the rest of the world and we should be required to learn multiple languages. just search chuck roberts hln to comment. >> if you're visiting our country i understand not learning the language. i think it's rude to live here
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and not speak english. i feel bad when i can't understand someone. why do they think i should. it's not my obligation to speak their language. our language is english. >> james agrees with jennifer that it's a safety issue. writing as a firefighter it's hard for us to communicate with the injured if they don't speak english. there is that safety issue as well. a lot of dimensions to it. a lot of great comments. thanks for weighing in on the topic. continue to do so. an actor at a haunted house tried to spook some customers. he got a real scare when somebody pulled a gun.
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the fbi says nearly 700 people have been arrested over three days. it started in 2003 to end sex trafficking of children in the u.s. >> the money involved in prostituting children is much
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higher than just regular prostitution. they get them. the desire by if johns if you will is for younger and younger girls. we're seeing them as young as 11 years old. >> almost 900 kids have been saved from sex trafficking since the initiative began. more than 500 convictions. authorities throughout the country are taking steps to make sure sex offenders are not home on halloween. probation officers have scheduled a mandatory meeting for sex offenders that night to make sure they won't be around kids. similar meetings are being held in arkansas and i understood napndianapolis. they are telling sex offenders they can't trick-or-treat even with their kids or give out deletes from their homes. we know what the northwest airline pilots say they were doing when they overshot the airport in minneapolis. they said they were using their personal laptops and lost track of time.
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they said they didn't monitor the airplane during their lengthy talks. >> these pilots were not pay attention. is that a serious offense? it is. it's not one that i think put the lives in jeopardy. >> you're always supposed to maintain awareness. somebody is always supposed to be watching the airline. there's no reason to allow it to go to this point. >> they were not answer calls from controllers. they didn't realize until a flight attendant called five minutes before they were supposed to land. by which time they were over wisconsin. delta suspended the two pilots. the offense violates airline policy and may cost them their jobs. congressman allen gracen is
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standing by a remark. the florida democrat made the comment last month during a radio interview. the remarks are just now circulateing on capitol hit. he was referring to linda robertson. a former enron lobryist and clinton administration adviser. he said he was spopding to a an attack from robinson. this is where many lobbyists have their offices. many are are disgraceful and disrespectful to women. >> the irs advicesses everybody to keep tax returns for at least seven years. >> what's the last year's tax return your can lay your handsing on? if you're like most people it's maybe oh, four, five six years
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ago. not good enough. as states are scrounging for every penny they can get their hands on they're reaching way back. i saw a story in the chicago tribune about them beating somebody up for state taxes from 1987. who can produce a return from 1983? i can. i've kept all my returns going back to the '70s. and you should moving forward save if you have a state income tax, save your state tax return. always save your federal. after six years you can dump the supporting material but keep the return so that there's some proof that you properly filed your return. why? because there's no statute generally if they say you failed to file. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to stay out of trouble go to my website.
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americans are not optimistic about the economy. the consumer confidence index plunged to second lowest reading since may. the conference board warnings it could forecast a shaky holiday shopping season. the recession may be over, at least technically. a report due on thursday may show the economy grew in the summer months. good news in a bad economy. the gross domestic product will confirm the recession theoretically ended in july. maybe improving but certainly the job market is not. surveys sha it should hover around 10% through most of next year. a great inspiring story about a cancer sufferer just ahead.
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breaking news out of boston where police say a man stabbed a female doctor being treated at a psychiatric ward and then was shot gi a security guard who happened to be nearby in the
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building. the doctor whose name hasn't been released is in stable condition. but the suspect, according to police, has died of gunshot wounds. all this took place at a high-rise associated with massachusetts general hospital in the heart of boston. a lot of people, parties and employees couldn't leave the hospital for a while. so an emergency has been declared there at the hospital. again, the suspect is dead. and the doctors in stable condition. police have charged three people in connection with the death of university of connecticut football player jast per howard who was fatally stabbed during a fight. one of the suspects seen here on the left, well, not here. there we go. seen here on the left is charged with murder and conspiracy to commit assault. his bond is set at $2 million. his lawyer says he wasn't there when the argument began. and tried to break it up. the other two men are facing less serious charges. >> the second individual is age
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20, also of bloomfield, connecticut. he's charged with conspiracy to commit assault in the first degree, felon. he's being held on $750,000 bond. additionally the following individual has been charged with pulling the fire alarm that proceeded the altercation. jamal todd age 21 of hartford, connecticut, charged with falsely reporting an incident a felon, and reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor. >> todd, the one in the middle released from custody of a $5,000. police say at least a dozen peach watched as a 15-year-old girl was raped and beaten for more than two hours. the attack occurred outside a homecoming dance at richmond high school. two teens have been arrested. a third being questioned. some people announced what was happening outside the dance. almost a play-by-play, drawing
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in more spectators. some of them attacked the girl, too. >> their behavior was either not getting involved and not call us to sit there and observe it or in some cases to get involved. >> a spokesman said four police officers and three administerses were monitoring the dance. this occurred away from the gym proper. >> our assumption is when parents bring their kids to the school, to the dance they also have a safe ride back. they wish to leave in the middle of the dan, we assume they have a safe ride back. there's a limit to what we can do. >> the school is planning to install systems around the campus. the victim was critically injured but has been upgraded to stable condition. a community has come together to say good-bye to somer thompson. then a procession made the way to the cemetery where family and close friends held a private grave side service.
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people in the community released purple balloons in memory somer. purple was her favorite color. yesterday 1,500 people filed past her casket. for parents with kids the loss hits too close to home. >> don't know her personally, but our heart knows her as a parent. that's what tears our hearts out. in we thought it would be a nice thing to pay respects to the family. >> i i'm sorry for y'all losses. i didn't know the family. like i said, i have kids, too. >> somer went missing walking home from school. her body was found a few days later at a landfill. in investigators have received 1,500 tips. the you have any information to help call the tip line. there's the number. a $35,000 reward in the case.
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the head of a search and rescue group that's been helping police look for haleigh cummings also in north florida says he believes the 6-year-old girl is dead. he says the gol offic -- she says 17-year-old misty cummings holds the key to finding out what really happened to haleigh. unless investigators learn the circumstances he says they may never find the body. last night the grandmother was telling nancy grace she doesn't believe haleigh is dead. >> i believe god hears prayer. i believe there have been thousands and thousands of prayers for haleigh. i believe that she's alive. and i do not believe that tim miller is god or has a straight line to god. so until he can produce something else i just refuse to
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believe that my granddaughter is not alive and with us. >> the putnam county sheriff's office received 5,000 tips in the disappearance and continues to investigate everyone. a girl in ohio is back home after running away because she was afraid her muslim father would kill her for becoming a christian. she was escorted by from florida by a social worker and police. her phone and internet use will be supervised. she went to florida after meeting the pastor after a church an online prayer group. to roadside bombs in southern afghanistan today. several other service members were wounded. tra the troops were inside armored vehicles at the time of the october. this makes october the deadly u.s. month for the u.s. military since the afghanistan war began in late 2001.
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flood warnings in effect for parts of north georgia. chad myers is standing by with the latest. this is a live shot from cnn tower here. you can't see the tops of the buildings at all. it isn't going to come down in the same rates that we had last time we had the flooding hear in atlanta. there are still planes headed here just fine. about 170 planes in the sky on their way to atlanta airport. laguardia, you have delays. two hours and five minutes in philadelphia. the story will be the amount of rain that's still to come here across parts of thecare carolinas. still raining through memphis. what we want to clear up is new york. for the game tomorrow.
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i'm not so sure. it's clearing now. that's a relative term. the rain sending. there's so much more rain to the south still to come. if it does stop it will be just in time tomorrow. 8 to 16 inches of snow from ft. collins. less and less snow. all the higher elevations. a foot of snow or more. that's the philippines. have we talked enough about the philippines and the number of cyclones they've seen? making its way right in. that right there is manilla. unbelievable. >> you cover ad lot of ground. thanks, chad. appreciate it. >> sure. a retired football player makes an offensive joke about a race car driver and immediately apologizes.
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is that enough to keep bob griese in the booth at espn?
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continuing debate and division on an off capitol hill over health care reform and the so-called public option. the controversial idea is generating a lot of i-reports. take a listen. you can tell these two guys have gone at it before. >> you're not going to convince me the government is going to
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save money. you're not. i don't care what the numbers say right now. everything the government does will always cost two to three times more than what it says it will. sush as cash for clunkers. if you think the government can do this better, fine, that's what you believe. i don't. there's a lot of people who don't. you've never heard the government being accused of being efficient. >> my friend gary here we go again. a public system with no profit? it's absolutely more efficient by definition. than the private health care system with very poorly regulated insurance company. i am sorry. that is an absolute statement. >> well, there you go. that's just sort of a priming of the pump. if you want to hear more or you want to contribute head to don't forget to send in your images of breaking news. save address. just upload now. that's the link for the easy
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instructions. remember joe the plumber from ohio? he's talking about the tea party express and what he believes the movement represents. here's what he told joy behar last night. >> the tea party isn't against obama. it's against the government. >> bush spun us into oblivion. all those guys. there's a lot of reasons we're in the position. they're not truly representing the american people. >> don't miss joy behar. brand new show. it's quite a hit. a hotel owner is causing an uproar in new mexico after buying a hotel. the xen began making lati in, o workers speak english at all times. at least around him and customers. he's also accuse of making a few workers change their own names. changing marcos to mark.
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protesters are picketing the hotel. today the own irsaid it's a misunderstanding. >> the people out front that are protesting i've offered to mediate with them. i've offered to speak with them with no results. go, keep doing a great job remodeling. we're spending a half a million dollars here. i am certainly more tolerant of the spanish names. we're working to make sure my guest is a distinct name is just go forward. >> he says the rules have nothing to do with racism. he's trying to make it easier for his guests to communicate with his staff. espn is pulling the plug on football analyst bob griese. at least he's off the air for the week. the former dolphins quarterback and college football analyst got into trouble for a remark he made promoting espn's coverage of a nascar race series.
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>> where's juan pablo montoya. he's out having a taco. >> he apologized on the air twice for his comment. he dismissed the remark with a joke adding i don't know who he is. i really don't care. . what her classmate is doing to make things easier.
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morgan harrington's parents are devoting all their energies to finding their daughter. the virginia tech student has been missing for den days. she went to a metallica concert. they're contributing $50,000 to a reward fund for her. her parents appeared on the nbc today show this morning. her mother says she worried her daughter was the victim of foul play. >> we need to be moving forward and direct all our energies to
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finding morgan while people's minds are still fresh. there's somebody that is or was in the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer. >> morgan harrington was last seen october 17th in charlottesville. according to authorities she was outside the arena where metallica was performing. tonight morgan's parents will talk to nancy grace and take your calls. don't miss that at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern here on hln. a man walked into a quizno's sandwich shop demanding cash. he later said he thought the gun was a fate. another one was robbed at more than $1,000. they're looking for the suspect. we now know sarah paling is
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getting 1 and a quarter billion dollars. she said she's got the money from publisher harper collins. "going rogue" is already number one on and barnes and noble dot-com. she'll appear on the oprah winfrey show the day before the book comes out. for a month we've heard of the obama administration's goals for clean energy. today major action on the front.'s poppy harlow joins us from new york with more. the electric grid, i take it. >> sirn certainly. suting money where the words were. the president announcing this morning in florida, chuck a $3.4 billion government investment. but the immediate results, what we're going to see is $18 million smart meerts in american homes. in the next three years. they're going to take some action. the main goal is allow americans to understand how much energy they use. help avoid blackouts. the rest of the money will go to
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monitoring and upgrading the electric grid we've heard so much about. the administration talking about jobs on this front with the stimulus spending says it will save or create tens of thousands of jobs. >> at this moment there's something big happening in america when it comes to creating a clean energy economy. getting there will take more days like this one and more projects like this one. i've often said that the creation of such an economy is going to require nothing less than the sustained effort of an entire nation. such an investment won't just create new pathways for energy. it is expected to create tens of thousands of new jobs, all across america. in areas ranging from manufacturing and construction to i.t. and installation of new equipment in homes and in businesses. >> in terms of those businesses, utility companies stepping in here.
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matching that money. they'll put up $5 billion in spending for these various projects. >> how's the vice president getting involved? >> sure. he's in delaware today. interesting move there. they are turning an old gm plant into a hybrid plant. you may not have heard of fisker automotive using $5.28 million in a loan from the energy department to build these hybrid cars. the thought it could create 2,000 factory jobs in delaware and also vendor and supplier results as we see production ramped up by 2014. both the president and vice president on that green energy road today. >> good looking car to boot. thanks, poppy. tough day on wall street. dow struggling major players like chevron, exxon mobile, dupont coca-cola have managed to keep it afloat for most of the day. 19 points on the up side just before the close. still under 10,000 with about ten minutes left in the trading day. do you want to know if you're walking into an h1n1
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hotbed? harvard medical school has a cool app. there is real-time updates on this application for your iphone or ipod touch. it includes video on how to avoid the virus and how to protect your home and work from the outbreaks. there is even an interactive guide to h1n1 systems. bruce springsteen canceled a concert in kansas city after a death in his family. his cousin and assistant road manager lenny sullivan found dead in a hotel just before last night's show. police don't suspect foul play. a refund has been ordered, of tickets. still in the middle of fall but don't tell that to folks trying to navigate this town. covered by snow.
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#ñ#ñ#ñ#ñ breaking news to bring to you. this is the scene in boston. police say a man stabbed a female doctor while being treated at a psychiatric ward at massachusetts general, and then was shot by an off-duty security guard who just happened to be in the building when all this was happening. the doctor's name has not been released. she is in stable condition. police say the suspect died of gunshot wounds. this attack took place at a high-rise building affiliated
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with massachusetts general hospital. let me be clear about that. again, affiliated with mass general, not exactly mass general. police have charged three people in connection with the death of university of connecticut football player jasper howard. howard was fatally stabbed during a fight outside a school dance on october 18th. one of the suspects john william lomax on the left is charged with murder and conspiracy to commit assault. his bond is set at $2 million. his lawyer says lomax wasn't there when this argument started. he was just trying to break it up. the other two are facing less serious charges. >> the second individual is hakeem mohammed age 20. also of bloomfield connecticut. he's been charged with conspiracy to commit assault in the first degree felony and he is being held on $750,000 bond. additionally the following individual has been charged with pulling the fire alarm which preceded the altercation --
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jamaal todd, age 21 of hartford connecticut, has been charged with falsely reporting an incident, a felony, and reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor. >> todd, in the middle, has been released from custody on $5,000 bond. a florida community is coming together to try to say good-bye to 7-year-old somer thompson. the funeral was today. after that a recession went along the cemetery, and all along the way people released purple balloons in memory of somer because that was her favorite color. some of the people knew her, some didn't but parents with kids say that this loss hits very close to home. >> we don't know her personally but our heart knows her as a parent. that's what tears our hearts
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out. >> we just feel like one of ours. >> we thought it would be a nice thing to come pay some respect to the family. >> just said i'm sorry for y'all losses. i didn't know the family but like i said i have kids, too. >> somer went missing while walking home from school eight days ago. then a few days after that her body was found in a georgia landfill. investigators say they've gotten about 1,500 tips. that is obviously a lot of tips but they haven't named a suspect yet. they're still trying to get more information. so this is the tip line to the clay county sheriff's office. 1-877-227-2691. and there is a $35,000 reward in this case. morgan harrington's parents say they are devoting all their time, all their energy to finding their 20-year-old daughter and they are getting some help from the rock band metallica. morgan is a virginia tech student, missing for ten days now. metallica is contributing $50,000 to a reward to find her. now the total on this reward
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fund is $150,000. her parents appeared on nbc's today show this morning. her mother says she worries her daughter was the victim of foul play. >> we need to be moving forward and direct all our energies at this point into finding morgan while people's memories are still fresh. halloween is in a couple of days. there's somebody is or was in the charlottesville area who takes women. we have to keep working on this and find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer. >> harrington was last seen october 17th. investigators say she was outside an arena in charlottesville, virginia where metallica was holding a concert. tonight, an hln exclusive, morgan's parents will talk to nancy grace and also take your calls. that's at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln "news and views." teenage girl is back in ohio after running away from home
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because she said she was afraid her muslim father would kill her for becoming a christian. she was escorted back from florida by a social worker and police. she's not back at home yet though. she's 17 years old. she's going to stay with a foster family for now and her phone and internet use have to be supervised. three months ago she went to florida after meeting a pastor of a church there in an online prayer group. prosecutors in colorado still haven't decided if they're going to file charges against the parents of the balloon boy. they say they are waiting for more information from the sheriff before they make that decision. who could forget when that balloon floated across the colorado sky earlier this month. richard and mayumi heene claim their son was inside. investigators say the wife admitted to them that it was a publicity stunt.
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two roadside bombs killed eight u.s. troops in southern afghanistan today. the military says several other service members were also wounded. it the troops were inside armored vehicles at the time of the attacks. additional details have not been released. 58 service members have been killed this month so that makes october the deadliest month for the u.s. military since the afghanistan war began in 2001. we have new video of iraq's deadliest bombing in more than two years. look at that. unbelievable. two bombs killed at least 160 people caused heavy damage in baghdad sunday. at least 540 others were wounded. you can see that security cam video. unbelievable stuff there. security has been tightened at checkpoints and roads into the capital have been closed. many americans speak a foreign language but is it okay to require them to speak english when they're on the job? we'll share your views on that next.
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a muslim woman says she was turned away from a farmer's market in arlington, texas because she was wearing a traditional muslim veil over her face. the woman says she feels she was singled out because she's muslim and now she's urging other muslims to boycott this store. the manager says signs in this market clearly state shoppers' faces must be visible. it is for the safety of both employees and customers and they say they'll honor people's religious beliefs in they honor the store's rules. two sides there. a man is causing an uproar in mexico after buying a hotel there. he started making his panic workers speak english around him and he is also accused of making some workers ang gla size their names. this morning on our sister network cnn he said this is just a misunderstanding. >> the people out front that are
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protesting i've offered to mediate with them. i've offered to speak with them with no results. and so all we can do is go forward, keep doing a great job remodeling. we're spending a half a million dollars here. i am certainly more tolerant of the spanish names. we're working to just make sure that my guest hearsay a distinct name and just go forward. >> larry witten says his rules have nothing to do with racism and he's only making it easier for his guests to communicate. this is a "your views" topic today. it sparked some interesting passionate responses. in some cases knee-jerk responses. can english-only go too far? you've been commenting on my facebook page. there's a couple sides here. some people think that it's
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easier, more appropriate. other people say back off. this is what jennifer wrote. this is a sensitive issue but quite frankly english is the language of this country no matter how many other ethnicity ethnicities and cultures are here. immigrants should feel free to preserve their language and culture in their own home but the language of this country, the united states of america our language is english. that's part of my culture, my heritage, my history my country, why can't i preserve that? melissa says i believe most immigrants to the u.s. should make some effort to learn english at some point. however, learning a new language while being in a new country is hard and it does take some time. i studied spanish for three years and am nowhere near fluent. people come to this country every day to escape atrocities in their countries. patience is needed. unless you are a full-blood american indian most of your ensesen
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ancestors were new here as well. we have a call from arizona. alexandra, you communicate with us in a lot of ways. what do you think? >> caller: personally, i think it is fine for him to say english-only. as long as it is in his hiring standards, look, it's only english here. i think that's fair enough. >> you think he needs to be clear up front as opposed to coming back later on and trying to change the game. you think if he's up front hey i need to you speak english, that's legit. >> caller: yeah. >> thank you alexandra. appreciate it. marie marie's calling from florida. where do you stand? >> caller: i live in south florida. i've been here for 24 years. i worked in a public school and i worked in the department that was english for speakers of other languages. what i've found is i would say the majority -- not the
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majority, okay -- but the majority expect of the spanish speaking people expect to us automatically speak spanish. they would rather do that than speak english. i have found that a lot of them just automatically expect you to speak spanish and when you tell them that you do not speak spanish, it's like they're made very uncomfortable. >> okay. let me ask you the question though that we're trying to focus on. i appreciate your real-life experience that you're giving us but let me ask you the question -- how do you feel about a government -- the government or a business forcing someone to have to speak english? not whether or not you think people should learn to speak english. how do you feel about a government or business forcing the issue? >> caller:. i worked in an office of a huge corporation. and i had employees around me who were born in this country who spoke spanish and were of spanish descent.
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they're standing right there around me only speaking inging spanish and they expected me to -- >> i'm going to ask you again. i understand your real life experience but what do you think about the government or business forcing people to speak english yes or no? >> caller: i think that's fine. >> marie, thank you. also got an e-mail from annette -- i am a legal immigrant and am proud to speak my new country's language. when in rome, do as the romans do. anything less is unpolite no matter where you are from. learning english unites people all over the world. we appreciate your e-mails phone calls facebook, all that good stuff. "prime news" starts at the top of the hour. check them out at you see this commercial maybe? it is this new directv commercial. executives and david spade are defending the appropriateness of this. we'll show it to you.
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it is this re-edited scene from the movie "tommy boy." >> richard? >> is this your coat? >> don't do it. >> great. i'm here with tons of fun when i could be at home watching direct tv. no matter what i want to watch, it is in sweet, beautiful hd. but, no i'm stuck with either cable or that. >> richard, what's happening? >> never -- >> it kind of threw some people when they first saw it. hln "showbiz tonight" got a statement from david spade. it says "when directv came to me and the farley family with this idea about "tommy boy," we talked and thought it would be a cool away to remind how funny chris was. it is a clever homage to my friend and a movie that we loved doing. directv said we should look to chris' family and friends for the ultimate opinion thon
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subject. they were on-board throughout the entire process and felt the spot was a great tribute to chris farley. basically if they're cool with it we should all get over it pretty much. chris farley died in 1997 of heart failure due to an overdose. the next generation of moon rockets is ready for its debut but so far it is not going anywhere. find out why nasa can't get the ares 1-x off the ground.
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the plan was for nasa to take its first step back to the moon today. things are on hold. the space agency scrubbed today's launch of the ares i-x rocket, a prototype of the rocket nasa plans to use for moon missions in another decade or so. today's launch got within 2 1/2 minutes before nasa shut it down because of high winds and heavy clouds. they'll try again tomorrow morning. authorities throughout the country are taking steps to make sure sex offenders are not home
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on halloween. in huntsville alabama, probation officers have scheduled a mandatory meeting for sex offenders that night to make sure they won't be around kids. similar meetings are being held in texarkana, arkansas and also marion, county indiana. the tennessee probation and parole board is telling sex offenders they can't trick-or-treat with their kids or give out treats from their homes. police in richmond california say at least a dozen people watched as a 15-year-old girl was brutally raped and beaten for more than two hours. police say this attack happened saturday outside a homecoming dance at richmond high school. two teenagers have been arrested in connection with this attack. a third is being questioned. investigators say some people actually announced what was happening outside the dance. that brought more people to watch and it also brought more people to join in on this attack. >> their behavior was either apathy to not get involved and
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not call us to sit there and observe it or in some cases to get involved and commit crimes. >> spokesperson for the school district says four police officers and three school administrators were monitoring this dance but the assault happened away from the gym. >> our assumption is that when parents bring their kids to the dance, they also arrange for a safe ride back. if kids wish to leave the dance in the middle of the dance, we assume they have a safe ride back. there is a limit to what we can do. >> the school says it has plans to install a surveillance camera system around campus but that is not going to be in place until january. the victim was critically injured but has been upgraded to stable condition. the mastermind of the d.c. area sniper killings is scheduled to die next month. the state of virginia has set a november 10th execution date for john allen muhammad. he's suspected of planning a string of killings in the washington area in 2002 that left ten people dead and three wounded. he was convicted after fatal
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shooting at a gas station in na manassas. were stocks on wall street able to snap a two-day losing streak? susan lisovicz has trading details. we hope so susan. >> well, you kind of have a mixed session richelle on mixed economic readings. the good news is we didn't have any kind of the losses that we saw over the last two days. it is the first back-to-back triple-digit losses since june. we didn't see anything like that. we did have the energy sector help to lift the dow but just marginally higher. dow ticking up to 9,882. the broader s&p dipped .3%. let's get to the economic reports. the housing sector continues to show signs of stabilization. home prices rose for a fourth straight month in august. the s&p case schiller index also showed 19 of 20 metro areas improved on their year-over-year
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declines. still, people are concerned about the health of the economy. consumer confidence fell in october. the conference board said labor market conditions were the main reason for the drop in the reading. in other words richelle jobs. doesn't get any more basic than that. >> no, it doesn't. it does not. susan, get the phone. >> i'm getting it right noun. >> all right hon. thank you. a family whose daughter's in the hospital with cancer struggling to make ends meet what her classmate is doing to make things a little bit easier.
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police have charged three people in connection with the death of university of connecticut football player jasper howard. he was fatally stabbed during a fight outside a school dance on october 18th. one of the suspects john william lomax is charged with murder and conspiracy to commit assault. his bond is set at $2 million. his lawyer says lomax wasn't there when this argument started and that he tried to break it up. the other two men face less serious charges. >> the second individual is hakeem mohammed age 20 also of bloomfield connecticut. he's been charged with conspiracy to commit assault in the first degree, felony, and he is being held on $750,000 bond. additionally the following individual has been charged with pulling the fire alarm which preceded the altercation -- jamaal todd age 21 of
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hartford, connecticut, has been charged with falsely reporting an incident a felony and reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor. >> that is lomax on the left. that's todd in the middle. todd has been released from custody on $5,000 bond. a community in north florida's trying to come together trying to say good-bye to somer thompson. the 7-year-old girl's funeral was today. after that there was a procession that made its way to the cemetery where family and close friends held a private graveside service. all along the way people in the community released purple balloons in memory of somer thompson. it was her favorite color. yesterday 1,500 people filed past her casket during a viewing. there were those who knew her, those who did not. for parents with widthkids, this loss hits too close to home. >> we don't know her personally but our heart knows her as parent. that's what tears our hearts out. >> it feels like one of ours. >> we thought it would be a nice thing to come pay some respect
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to the family. >> i just said i'm sorry for y'all losses. i didn't know the family but like i said, i have kids too. >> somer went missing while walking home from school eight days ago. her body was found a few days later at a georgia landfill. investigators have gotten a lot of tips. 1,500 tips. but they haven't named a suspect yet. if you have any information, they want to hear from you. the tip line is 1-877-227-6911. there is a $35,000 reward in this case. this next story is really hard to comprehend. police say more than a dozen people watched as a 15-year-old girl was raped and beaten for more than two hours. they watched. they didn't help. richmond, california police say this vicious attack happened saturday outside the homecoming dance at richmond high school. two teenagers have been arrested, a third questioned. officers believe at least four people attacked this girl. there was a crowd that was
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gathering as this assault was going on. investigators say someone announced what was happening. that drew more people to watch and still no one felt compelled to help. >> their behavior was either apathy to not get and not call us so sit there and observe it or in some cases get involved and commit crimes. >> a school district spokesperson says three police officers and schooled a more ors were monitoring the dance but it happened away from the gym. >> our assumption is when kids bring their school to the dance they also arrange for a safe ride back. if kids wish to leave in the middle of the dance, we assume they have a safe ride back. there is a limit to what we can do. >> this child was found unconscious under a bench just before midnight. she's in the hospital in stable condition. the school plans to install surveillance cameras on campus but that system won't be ready until january.
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morgan harrington's parents say they are devoting all their time and energy to finding their 20-year-old daughter and they are getting help from the rock band metallica. morgan is a virginia tech student, missing for ten days now. the band is contributing $50,000 to the reward fund for her so now the total is at $150,000. her parents were on nbc's "today" show this morning. her mother said she's worried her daughter was the victim of foul play. >> why need to be moving forward and direct all our energy at this point into finding morgan while people's memories are still fresh. halloween is in a couple of days. there's somebody is, or was, in the charlottesville area who takes young women. we have to keep working on this and find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer. >> harrington was last seen october 17th. investigators say she was outside an arena in
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charlottesville, virginia where metallica was holding a concert. tonight morgan's parents will talk to nancy grace and also take some of your calls. that's at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln "news and views." teenage girls back in ohio after running away from home because she said she was afray her muslim father would kill her for becoming a christian. we've been following this story for you. she was escorted back from florida by a social worker and police. she's not back at home though. not yet. she's 17. she'll stay with a foster family for now and her phone and internet use will be supervised. three months ago she went to florida after meeting the pastor of a church there in an online prayer group. the mastermind of the d.c. area sniper killings is scheduled to die next month. the state of virginia has set a november 10th execution date for john allen mohammed. he's suspected of planning a string of killings in the washington area in 2002 that
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left ten dead and three wounded. he was convicted after fatal shooting at a gas station in manassas. he had the option to choose to die in the electric chair. state officials say mohammed didn't go for that. he'll be executed by lethal injection. police say a man stabbed a female doctor while being treated at a psychiatric ward in boston. he was then shot by a security guard who just happened to be in the building. an off-duty security guard. the doctor whose name has not been released is in stable condition. police say the suspect died of gunshot wounds. this happened at a high rise building affiliated with. today's test launch got within 2 1/2 minutes of lift-off before nasa shut it down because
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of clouds, high winds. so the space agency's going to try again tomorrow. the obama daughters have gotten their swine flu vaccine. malia and sasha were vaccinated for the h1n1 last week when the vaccine became available to washington, d.c. school children. the president and first lady have not received their swine flu vaccine yet. they're waiting until priority groups like young people, pregnant women and people with underlying conditions are vaccinated. all four members of the first family have been vaccinated against the seasonal flu. we now know how much money former alaska governor sarah palin is getting for her upcoming book. it's huge. at least $1.25 million. that's the retainer for "going rogue." let's all go rogue if we're going to get that kind of money. she says this is in her financial disclosure statement. she got the money from publisher harper-collins.
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this only provides a partial picture of the book deal because it doesn't cover the three months she's been out of office. "going rogue" will be released november 17th, already number one on and barnes& vampires are all the rage right now. seems everybody's into "true blood" " twilight." why the vampire things seems to be more of a lady's thing. twilight." why the vampire things seems to be more of a lady's thing. "twilight." why the vampire things seems to be more of a lady's thing.
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what kind of person mummifies a rat as a ninth grade science project? the kind who grows up to see a collection of 200 mummies that puts them to work for modern
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medicine. nicole lapin has more now on one of the redesigned sites. more curious stories. very curious about this in fact. >> it is curious. it is right in time for halloween. we're talking human mummies in some cases this is cool stuff. this is a guy ron wade. it is major part of his daily routine, richelle. it doesn't have to be halloween. basically he runs the anatomical services division at the university of maryland's school of medicine and the department controls the school's massive mummy collection. go figure. it was assembled in the 19th century and it is now used to study pathology, aging, anatomy, dissection at the time was illegal so now they are looking at some of these graves that were dug, trying to get a better sense of what that was like. they are expertly preserved. they're embalmed in mercury and arsenic, cured with salt and
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sugar sugar. in 1994 they mummied a human donor. it is being studied as part of an ongoing research venture into cultures and samples were taken. >> love the pictures. the video is fascinating. >> i know! preserving your body though, that takes it to a whole new level. >> i agree that it does. but very interesting. you might learn something. >> go figure. right? >> go figure. all right, from mummies to vampires. all the cool kids like vampires now but particularly the cool chicks like vampires now. the guys, not so much. nicole? >> you think this is a study in relationships, because these vampires -- it says here in the story that i have they're hot. i'm just going to go ahead and said it, too. they are hot these days. in pop culture, it's not a scary vampire. they're handsome guys.
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we're not talking blood, guts and gore, we're talking the frisky actually on tries to figure that out. they say it is part of his bad boy appeal. i don't know if you've seen "twilight" or "true blood." >> "true blood," yes. >> these pop culture vampires. that was a vampire that -- >> that's eric from "true blood." he's a vampire. >> yeah. these ladies are loving the vampires. "true blood" reflects collective male fears in a female-oriented show. the girls are -- for vampires they are hot as well. we explore -- i'm just going to go ahead and say it -- thesexiness hotness of vampires online. we're taking halloween and trying to make it a little edgier. we're trying to learn you something. >> learn you something and have a little fun at the same time. there's all kinds of great stuff
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on the newly designed website. isn't there? >> it is pretty. isn't it? >> i like it. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. speaking of blood suckers, bats often get a bad rap because so many people think they're icky. but they eat a lot of insects which helps us from being overrun by swarms of creepy crawlers. mysterious fungus though has killed hundreds of thousands of bats in recent years. today researchers introduced about 80 healthy brown bats to different hibernation sites in vermont. they hope to show the bats can survive where infected bats once lived. breaking news to share with you. a story we've been talking about for days. the faa has revoked the licenses of those two northwest airlines pilots who overshot the runway by a lot. by 150 miles. jeanne meserve has the story.
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look. >> reporter: the revocation cites violations after number of federal aviation regulations, those include failing to comply with air traffic control instructions and clearances and operating carelessly and recklessly. it says that the revocations are effective immediately but the pilots do have ten days to appeal this. >> you get all that? the pilots, this is what they said. they told the ntsb they were so engrossed in scheduling programs on their laptops that they lost track of time and where they were. i've learned that's call situational awareness. a flight attendant on an intercom eventually got their attention. many americans speak a foreign language but is it okay to require them to speak english when they're on the job? your views are next.
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hang in there, it's almost "prime news" time. mike's coming downstairs to tell us what they're working on. big story that's been developing throughout the day some arrests have been made in jasper howard's murder, the football player from uconn. >> we've been following this. we wonder what happened, who could do this to this father-to-be, described as a
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great football player and faelktther as well. three arrests, one facing a murder charge. we'll ask those on the scene what happened here, what do we know, what could have led to this. we know 300 people at a dance, someone sets off the fire alarm. that person arrested as well. pulls the fire alarm everybody gets out. next thing we know a fight ensues. jasper howards ends up dead. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. another sad story we continue to follow it was a day to pay respects and celebrate the very short life of somer thompson, the 7-year-old found in a landfill in georgia. we are going to talk with her father samuel just get his emotions on this day as he -- i'm sure there is a part of him, that yes, you celebrate the life of your daughter but it has to be so difficult as well. >> 7! >> such a cute little girl. we'll get the latest on the investigation. who could have done that to her. take your calls at
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1-877-tell-hln. also this story, richelle. couple in bed sleeping middle of the night. next thing you know there is a car on top of them. we are going to talk to that couple. i mean to wake up to that a vehicle on top of you. an engine in your face. hot car fluids dripping on you. a hot muffler on your legs. we'll get the entire story. that's coming up on "prime news." take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. e-mails, or text us at hln tv. >> some details on the driver involved, like what in the world? just stick around for that, too. you're like what? all right, talk to you soon, mike. a man is causing a bit of an uproar in new mexico. he bought a hotel there, then he started making hispanic workers speak english around him, and also accused of some workers angelacise their names. like if their name is marcos he
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wants them to change it to marc. he's gotten complaint letters. this morning on cnn, he said this is a misunderstanding and wishes could get a do-over. he said it's nothing to do with racism and he's trying to make it easier for his guests to communicate. listen to some of the questions of the day. a lot of comments on my facebook page. you can jump in any time you want on facebook. richelle carey on hln. dive right in. this is a comment from natasha. i'm married to a man who believes in nothing less than our military. their job is to defend the united states of america. we are americans. we speak english. we suffer through year-long deployment, so you fellow americans can speak english. all right. mary september ussent us a cement. i'm all in favor that requires only english be spoken. another viewer said maybe our educational system should catch up with the rest of the world and we should be required to
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learn multiple languages at elementary school. and another comment i believe most immigrants to the u.s. should make some effort to learn english. however, learning a new language while being in a new country is hard, it does take some time so patients is needed. also, also you're a full-blooded american indian, most of your ancestors were new here at some point in time as well. a little compassion and tolerance, please. a lot of comments there. that's just a sample for you. we appreciate it very much. the controversial church of scientology has been convicted of fraud. a french court also slapped the church with a huge fine almost $1 million. investigators say the church's french office fleeced group members out of large amounts of money but the court stopped short of completely shutting it down. a spokesperson for the french branch of the court calls this ruling a modern inquisition. the church says it will appeal. a cat in miami wasn't stuck in a tree, but it did stop traffic for a while. why a firefighter says he's kinds of rescues are a big deal.
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