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tv   Capital News Today  CSPAN  October 30, 2009 11:00pm-2:00am EDT

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>> right now on "showbiz tonight," jon gosselin's freaky friday. tonight, is tv's most controversial dad joining forces with the octomom? his wild claims about making mistakes and fining his spiritual side? the crazy jon gosselin news making for a freaky friday. tonight, is jon gosselin the most provocative celebrity of the week or will it be levi johnston for his new slams on sarah palin? who else is in the running? tonight we name the most
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provocative celebrity of the week. tonight, big breaking oprah news. why a big star's wife is calling oprah a domestic abuse hypocrite. patrick swayze's widow reveals her heart breaking ordeal for the first time. tv's first provocative entertainment news show starts right now. hi, everyone. i'm brooke anderson. coming to you from hollywood and jon gosselin's freaky friday and yes, you can definitely file this one under you can't make this stuff up. how else do i describe the news than jon gosselin could have been doing a reality show with the octomom. what were they going to call it? jon plus kate's eight plus
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octomom's 14? just as we are trying to absorb the news, jon is claiming he had a spiritual epiphany that made for big news breaking today. he's jon gosselin. his turn ones are funky shirts and much younger women. his turn offs? type a blonds. this is nadya suleman. her turn ones are having babies. turn offs are numerical nicknames. we might have a match. this famous father of 8 and this famous mother of 14 talks seriously. very seriously about teaming up for a reality show. >> is it truly a match made in reality tv hell. >> is the world ready for jon and nadya plus 22? amanda said gosselin's people definitely considered a reality
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show featuring him and the octomom. >> the e-mail between the show's producer and the gosselin camp talking about salaries. >> what it does to me is jon at some point, if not now, she definitely interested. >> i'm carrying your baby and you are off. >> the syndicated infidelity trash fest, cheaters. the proposed octomom gosselin show would be about the development of their relationship, if any, and the merging of two families with lots of kids. octomom may be up for it considering the nice things she said about jon recently with radar online. >> the show is not to be. publicly team gosselin is saying no, thanks.
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>> they are saying absolutely not. jon wants to be taken more seriously. >> we may have been spare friday a gosselin and octomom reality show by nothing less than a higher power. a statement denying plans of a reality show with nadya suleman, he said he will discover his spiritual side with the help of a rabbi. >> he will be meeting with the rabbi and making a statement at the upper westside synagogue on sunday night. he wants to apologize to people he offended. >> it looks like the new spiritual jon gosselin has no interest in teaming up with the octomom right now, but the producer of the proposed reality show is holding out hope. he told "showbiz tonight" gosselin is playing hard to get. we will see overtime if he's worn down with what i see is his
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insatiable need to be part of the spotlight. the producer is giving some advice to gosselin. >> he thinks jon should take the $1.5 million. he thinks in six months jon will be asking him to do cheaters for free. >> would the octomom and gosselin reality show be a way? we are looking to ponder what might have been. >> there is something so speedy about the two of them. we can only wonder what a show bringing the two of them together would do. >> with all the freaky twists and turns, jon gosselin's wild drama-filled life is taken. with absolute certainty i did not see the spiritual transformation coming. heaven help us. an entertainment journalist with $5 and rachel is a
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contributing editor for and style weekly. okay, guys. let's begin with jon getting in touch with his spiritual side. i really do wish him the best, but i'm not so sure he should be taking this journey in public with michael jackson's former spiritual advisor and issuing a press release about t. do i have that right? >> you have it wrong. if he does it privately, how does he get the promotion for it and score big television shows with the octomom. he can't do it in private. you have to do it in public. it's the only way. >> if he's so serious about it, why tell the world? i think his actions will speak louder than his words. be private if you are serious about doing this, but i have to tell you this. we have never seen anything like the reaction we have been getting to this jon drama today on the showbiz on call phone lines that glenda from pennsylvania is still team jon all the way.
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glenda does have a point. if for nothing else, do you think his spiritual journey could be the best thing to help him heal from a verbally abusive relationship with kate? >> this is about as real as the ed hardy tattoos. come on. if eaves abused by kate, i get it. look at his filandering and tanned rums and general bad behavior. be a man, jon gosselin. be a man. >> i'm right there with you. jon's other new adventure on this freaky friday has to do with reports about him considering doing a dating reality show with the octomom. although jon called the report a rumor, the producer of the show told us "i did see e-mails from one of the agent who is said
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they would be interested if the economics were right. it all hinged on the condition that both parties would agree to cooperate." he said that yes, jon considered doing a reality show with the octomom. they are not rumors. was jon out of his mind to think about doing this? would he be a laughingstock? >> would he be? he is a laughingstock. this is huge from a business perspective. he is one of the biggest celebrities in hollywood right now. you can hate him and make fun of him, but the reality is, who do you talk more about on your show than jon gosselin? for him to team up with the second or 3rd or 4th biggest story this year, that's the reality super power and makes the network money and jon gosselin money. for us, a bit of a headache. >> rachel, an octomom and octo dad, does it make you go eeew or
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is it genius. >> i would be devastated. he would be robbing his fans of the best possible reality show. they are pitch together as the next great pairing after lennon and mccartney and mohammed and the mountain. i set my teeth up for that. >> you are hoping they sign on. jon minus kate plus octomom reports come on the heels of octomom saying she has a crush on jon gosselin. you have to hear her dating advice to jon and his 22-year-old girlfriend. watch. >> i have a crush on jon gosselin. is that his name? he's hot. >> what are do you think of him dating a 22-year-old? >> he's dating? i think the media should leave him alone and stop exploiting them and people are entitled to their privacy.
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>> please! the octomom thinks his life should be private, but she is considering signing up to be in a dating reality show with him? >> you say one thing and do another. kate gosselin said jon shouldn't be talking to the public while she is on a public television show. jon wants a private life and playing the god of public on sunday night. watch out, heidi and spencer. octomom and octo dad could be the next big couple. >> they are giving them a run for their money. he said, she said and the hypocritical things they are saying is giving me a headache. thanks. good to see you. now we want to hear from you on the question of the day. jon gosselin and octomom. should they appear in a reality show together? vote and e-mail us at "showbiz tonight" it has been quite a week fighting over money issues with
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kate and slammed by his girlfriend and now a nominee to be named tonight, the most provocative celebrity of the week. levi johnston for his "playgirl" posing and what about michael jackson based on the new movie. big breaking oprah news and oprah calls it hypocrite and patrick swayze's widow who revealed her heart breaking ordeal and jessica simpson reveal what is she wants in a man. why she and jon gosselin might be a match made in heaven. more stories from the newsroom making news right now. you are watching "showbiz tonight" on hln. right now i want you to watch the bottom of your screen for more nonstop compelling and ro provocative news from "showbiz tonight."
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stop staring at my articles. i am so excited. my issue is coming out in two
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weeks and the real cover is not revealed yet. this is a photo we took over the weekend. this is what we do when we hang out. we push each other on swings and play in her bouncy castle. it's a real castle. it's not bouncy. >> ellen got in the spirit by gracing the cover of o, sort of. one of the running jokes was begging oprah to be on the cover of o. it looks like oprah has been listening. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." did you see this? the guitar guy versus united airlines. first united airlines broke his guitar and his musical you tube video became an internet sensation and now in an unbelievable stroke of bad luck, united lost the guy's luggage on a different flight. he's not yelling about it, he's
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singing. >> one thing we are united on, when baggage handlers mess up a guitar, he writes a song about it. the airline should try not to lose his luggage the next time. ♪ united breaks guitars >> he got famous for putting his complaint on you tube. we never got his $1200 repair bill, but he got offers to speak on improving customer service. on the way to just such a speaking engagement. >> they lost my bag. >> lost his bag and took three days to return it. >> the dress shoes he wanted to wear and he couldn't handout cds for united breaks guitars. they were all in the suitcase united lost. when dave mentioned his guitar video, they said they knew it.
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they suggested in his next song. >> i write about how they were. >> he had written two songs, given his version of events. ♪ a third song was on the way. the guitar saga has been great for his performing career and he endorsed a line of instrument cases. he testified and saying in a congressional hearing. >> they really picked the wrong guy's luggage to lose. >> united says we apologize to him for this inconvenience. it's unfortunate, but an anomaly. 99.6% of bags arrive without ind dent. this .4% sings. at least dave's guitar was
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repairable. united and a parody popped up suggesting dave unite with united. ♪ ♪ put it someplace special where it won't get lost ♪ >> the phone lines have been buzzing about levi johnston after he claims he has secrets that could hurt sarah palin. we got a call fromenancy in connecticut who thinks he needs perspective. >> as anybody forgot that this levi johnston character is the father of sarah palin's daughter's baby? i think he has forgotten. between him and sarah, let it go. this is not scoring him any
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father hood points. >> we heard from chris in new york who said levi actually owes sarah palin for his fame. >> maybe levi after looking at him and hearing from him should be grateful to sarah palin and her daughter. he would not be known if it was not for them. he would be in alaska and he is made to be an idiot and made an idiot out of them. >> thank you, chris. let us know what you think about this or anything else on your mind. the showbiz on call phone lines are always open. 1-888-sbt-buzz. we will play your calls right here on "showbiz tonight." tonight there is big breaking oprah news i want to tell you about. today big star's wife said she is disa pointed in oprah. is oprah a domestic abuse
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hypocrite. patrick swayze's widow breaks her silence today. tom hanks sings beyonce's single ladies. why? a scary thought. did he wear the tights she wore in the video? we name the most provocative celebrity of the week. will it be jon gosselin for his bad boy ways or levi johnston for nude ambition and sarah palin smack down or michael jackson for the blockbuster new movie? more stories from the newsroom making news right now. you are watching "showbiz tonight." keep on watching the bottom of your screen for more nonstop
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compelling and provocative news from "showbiz tonight."
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>> i used to be a human newscaster and then i get the story from someone who didn't like me and she picked me and now i am goth. >> the 1 and only barbara walters on "the view." she calls her alter ego fantasia. the ladies of "the view" looked fantastic as they each chose to dress up as their favorite vampires for halloween. we asked barbara how she got
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into character and how sherry felt dressed up and wearing serious fangs. watch. >> i'm truly goth. my whole outfit is goth and my fangs are goth. i was very upset. yes, i am. i'm a member of the true blood. >> this feels really empowering. i have to say. >> they're look good. >> brand-new controversy over beyonce in the middle east. she is scheduled to take her i am tour to egypt for the first time ever next week. now an islamist member of egyptian parliament saying her tour violates islamic religious law. he thinks she too scant illy clad encouraging people to indulge in sin. she was forced to postpone her show after similar complaints from an islamic party. the facebook page is in a heated
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debate over whether jon gosselin is the most hated bachelor in america. it's sad that his kids are paying for his trips around the world and kate is at home taking care of the kids. he has no clue what's good for them. a mallia said hello! kate treated jon horribly and she is a vicious you know what and deserves everything she has coming to her. i feel sorry for jon. now the showbiz lineup. here's what's coming up at the bottom of the hour. jessica simpson reveal what is she wants in a man. why we think she and jon gosselin might be a match made in heaven. big oprah news. is oprah being called a hypocrite over her stance on domestic abuse? tonight the most provocative celebrity of the week.
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is it jon gosselin or levi johnston or who else is in the run something more stories from the newsroom making news right now. >> you are watching "showbiz tonight." keep on watching the bottom of your screen for more nonstop compelling and provocative news from "showbiz tonight."
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>> big oprah news breaking tonight. why oprah is being called a domestic abuse hypocrite. the first tv interview to oprah since patrick swayze died. jon is getting divorce and jessica wants a newman. are these two perfect for each other? "showbiz tonight" names the most provocative celebrity of the week. who will it be? more stories breaking from the "showbiz news ticker." tv's first provocative entertainment news show continues right now.
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>> welcome back. it is 30 minutes past the hour. coming to you tonight from hollywood. big oprah news. oprah is making all kinds of big breaking news tonight and not all of it is good news. the wife of gospel great is calling oprah out accusing her of being hypocritical about domestic abuse. he was arrested on a domestic violence charge after he allegedly pushed his ex-wife to the ground. he appeared on oprah to promote his new cd and his new wife said shame on oprah for inviting him on. a couple of months ago oprah was singing a different fwun domestic violence. >> if a man hits you once, he will hit you again. >> that's right.
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>> even more breaking oprah news as patrick swayze's widow opened up about patrick's final moments and wait until you hear about the bombshell secret she shared about their marriage. joining me tonight in hollywood, an investigative journalist and a contributing editor for live and style weekly. i want to begin with the brand-new controversy over oprah inviting the gospel singer on her show. take a look. >> my friend, grammy winning singer across the country in search of the best karaoke singers. check it out. >> i'm on the quest for the best karaoke singer in the land. >> okay. bb was charged after he allegedly pushed his ex-wife to the ground in an argument over custody of their children. in a statement, dreab told tmz
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she is hurt by oprah's decision to have him on the show. after all, oprah refused to have chris brown on after he beat up rihanna. pat, is oprah being a hypocrite? >> not at all. i don't understand this controversy. what is this? state-run media where someone dictates who she can have for what reason? she may have all kind of reason yes she didn't want chris brown and does want him. perhaps chris say creep and believes she guilty. perhaps the jury is out on the other case. he is innocent until proven guilty. there all kinds of reasons that she had the right in free america to determine who will be on her show. >> she certainly does. we tried to find out the reason behind him. we reached out to oprah's show and got a no comment. oprah broadcast a show about
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domestic violence after rihanna was beaten up and crucified chris brown for what he did. rachel, he was also arrested for domestic abuse. i want to make that clear. his case though is pending. chris brown copped a plea deal. what do you think? is oprah being hypocritical. >> absolutely. i disagree with pat. we are seeing a crack in the oprah armor. she dedicated an entire show to the rihannas out there. where does that leave debra? >> how do you see this as different, pat? >> here's the deal. first of all, he hasn't been convicted unless i'm mistaken. perhaps oprah truly believes that he is not guilty in this case. if we are going to be advocates for doing something about domestic abuse, we have to make sure all the ducks necessary a row and there has been a crime commit and we do the best we can
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for the victim. we don't know the facts in this case. he hasn't been convicted yet. she may not believe the story and has every right to be fair. >> that's the point. the hearing is pending. why not wait until you know for sure? >> it's her show. this is not government control. there is no fairness doctrine here. it's her show and she can make that choice. >> right now bebe has a show to promote. they have been on fire. joanna said if she blasted chris brown and has bebe on her show, she is a hypocrite. you can't be about something and throw it out when a friend is being accused of the same crime. doesn't look good on her part at all. pat, do you agree to any of what our friend at home wrote? does having bebe on her show make her look bad to some? >> there is nothing more
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horrifying than domestic abuse, but one of the most horrifying things. if she is opposed to that, bless her for that, but she has the right to entertain and have someone on her show who she feels is not responsible. that's her choice. there a lost false accusations in domestic abuse too. i don't think we should be promoting that. we need to know the story. if he is convicted, but she is entitled to have him on. >> this is the oprah winfrey show so she is entitled. i want to move to more breaking news. patrick swayze's video gave her first tv interview since swayze died and opened up about patrick's final moments and revealed a bombshell secret about their marriage. first i want you to hear how lisa described his final days and when he gave in to the cancer. >> he was very comfortable.
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>> he had sufficient drugs? >> yeah. it was a strange, difficult transition from trying to make him better to try to make comfortable. very, very hard to do. >> from the ones you try to make comfortable, you have given up the fight. >> yeah. >> rachel, it sounds heart wrenching. >> gut wrenching. these two were the golden couple in hollywood. together for about 37 years. every loss is tragic, but this was definitely a huge loss for their families and everyone in the industry and fans around the world. >> she seems like a very, very strong woman and i'm sure his absence is gut wrenching. in a bombshell confession, lisa confessed to oprah their 34 year marriage was not all roses. in 2003 they separated for a
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whole year because of patrick's alcohol problem. >> he had drinking issues and very dark thoughts. he's an amazing man, but he's always amazingly difficult and complicated and wonderful and generous and loving. all those things. >> you separated for a year? >> yes. he was imploding badly and it was very difficult. i didn't think he would live through it frankly. i didn't want to be there to watch him die. >> they went to hell and back and went through that and so many other problems and managed to stay together for 34 years. pat, talk about an anomaly in hollywood. it's amazing. i think a lot of couples can learn from them. what do you think? >> absolutely. for anyone who had shared their life with someone who suffered from substance abuse, they know the pain and suffering, but they also know where there is true
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love and devotion, you stick it out and stick together and you help that person through it. as far as i'm concerned, she gets an a plus for being one of the most admirable people talking about this and everyone can learn and realize it doesn't have to end. you can stick with them. >> it is an inspirational story. thank you, ladies. good to see you. >> jon gosselin is getting divorced and we know he likes the ladies. i think jessica simpson needs a great guy. in fact tonight, she is revealing what she is looking for. could jon be the for her? is jon gosselin the most provocative celebrity of the week? will it be jon. is his spirituality talk for real or levi johnston who is battling sarah palin. about to take it all off for "playgirl." or maybe michael jackson. his new movie causing lots of controversy as we name the most
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provocative celebrity of the week. >> come o. >> why is tom hanks sing beyonce's single ladies? is this a wild halloween joke? more stories from the newsroom making news right now. >> you are watching "showbiz tonight" at hln. watch the bottom of your screen for more compelling and provocative news from "showbiz tonight."
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tonight, "showbiz tonight" is about to name the most provocative celebrity of the week. who will we choose? jon gosselin about his allegationed show with leathe octomom?
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some say michael jackson's film is exploiting him in death. who will we choose? we will be naming "showbiz tonight's" most provocative celebrity of the week in a moment. incredible revelations from jessica simpson as she speaks out about her ideal qualities for the perfect man. jessica is not mincing words and telling extra what exactly she wants from a man. after years of heard break, this girl is not missing around. she know what is she wants and wait until you hear this. one must have quality. joining me in hollywood, carlos diaz, a correspondent with extra. you guys were in the spirit with jessica simpson. a fascinating interview with her. she tells what it is she is looking for in a man. watch this.
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>> i like a confident man. >> i like intellectual man and men who keep me intrusioned. >> someone who understands their art. >> we're know she had so much heartache in the past and it has been so public from nick to tony. it's intense. do you get the sense that she has grown up a lot in the last few years? >> she does and she has. i feel for her. what she looks for in a man is confidence and those characteristics. she will find it in a guy like tony romo. those are high profile relationships. it's one of the things maybe for her next relationship she will look for something who is confident and maybe doesn't have the high profile that she sought out in the past.
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when you look at the men in her to her last heart break, tony romo, they stack up to her perfect man. what keeps going wrong with her? >> i don't know. she seems like a great girl. it seems like she is trying to further her career whether with her product line or her music. this reality show she is working on and the price of beauty has an intellectual aspect to it. everyone and every quality she names goes with the guy she dated. tony romo more brauny than brainy, i don't know about his intellectual prowess, but it seems like she is picking the right guys, she just has to find the right one. >> she certainly does. one part of the interview she said she really loves a spiritual man. should she hook up with jon gosselin? just this week jon let the world know he is studying under the
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rabbi to be a moral examplular to his kids. would they be a match made in heaven? >> no. they would be a match made in hell because jon is not confident when it comes to being a in a relationship. we saw it for years. if jessica is looking for a confident guy, you don't need to go for jon gosselin. >> we are kidding about that. it would be a disaster. jon's sudden new religious morality makeover made him a nominee tonight as "showbiz tonight" names the most provocative celebrity of the week and a bigger whopper, some guy is claiming he was hired as the executive producer of a reality show starring jon and the octomom getting romantic. also liefer eye johnston, not only is he speaking out about dropping his pants for "playgirl," but taking on sarah palin said he could reveal
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secrets that would hurt her. go to michael jackson. his had the movie "this is it" has fans saying that's enough. they said he is being exploited. and the winner-is is jon gosselin, the most provocative celebrity of the week. was that your pick? >> i have him in 3rd place. i think michael jackson having this amazing movie out and i have levi johnston at number one. it takes guts for a guy to go on a news show and one minute be talking about "playgirl" and then ripping a presidential candidate in the same interviews. that is provocative. >> for takes courage or stupidity. i'm not sure which. >> who was your choice? >> i do not think levi johnston. he's a one-trick pony.
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he will say something bad about sarah palin. i am going with jon gosselin. this week definitely. he found religion and found spirituality and we have this new reality show. the title should have been called octo jon. that would have been a better title. >> most provocative celebrity of the week. 2-1. carlos diaz and kim serapin, thank you both. have a good weekend. what do you get when tom hanks sings beyonce. a hysterical piece of tape we have got to show you. >> oh, come on. da da da da ring on it. >> why was he belling out single ladies? did he put on a leotard, heels and dance around? you have to see this.
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now the "showbiz news ticker" with more stories from the newsroom making news right now. it's time now for making it work. this is how we get the biggest stars to make their relationships work. tonight, salma. she married last valentine's day in paris. the keys to a successful marriage, picking the right person and having a backbone. >> i am just very lucky. i picked the right guy. because he is very, very supportive of what i do. he loves it. he likes -- he likes that i am
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passionate and he likes it when i am angry about something. he is not intimidated that i am strong and successful. he actually is respectful and likes it. so that helps a lot. sounds like they have got a good thing going. you are watching "showbiz tonight" on hln. i want you to keep on watching the bottom of your screen for more non-stop compelling and provocative news.
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>> excuse me. i will take some of this. >> extuesday me. >> you won't take that. >> did you see this? today on regis and kelly, they dressed up as jon and kate. the jon and kate outfits were just the beginning. "showbiz tonight" was right there as regis and kelly went through 20 costumes during their annual halloween show.
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they got help. "showbiz" tonight was right there on the set and we just had to ask, why reality tv for their halloween show this year? >> i mean there are so many reality shows now. we are innone dated with them but they are great and unique and fun and we thought we could have a fun time playing with them. >> here is something that could be as scary. tom hanks singing beyonce. did you see this? we were right there at the 25th anniversary rock and roll hall of fame concert. take a look at what happened when tom hanks was asked what his favorite song of 2009 is. this is so funny. >> oh, come on. ring on it. da da da, ring on it. and kayne west has nothing to do with my embracing of that song. da da da ring on it.
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what's wrong with that? that's a damn fine song. because it's infectious. are you an idiot? i am sorry. that came out worse than i meant it. it is my wife's choice. it is because what i said when i met my wife. i am going to put a ring on that thing. thank you very much everybody. we will be here all night. >> funny guy. the song is called "single ladies". thursday we asked you to vote on our question of the day and moments ago we got the final results. jon gosselin, has he become the most dismissed bachelor?
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that is it for "showbiz tonight." thank you so much for watching. i am brooke anderson in olly wood. remember you can catch us on the 11s. 11:00 p.m. eastern, 11:00 p.m. pacific and then right here in the morning. take care. coming up ton joy behar show. wrestling icon hulk hogan joins me to discuss the dark side of fame and marriage. he's a tough guy. why is he so scared of me? then, 50 staff writers working in late night tv and not one woman in the bunch. former david letterman writer talks about her time on the show. and my good friend sherri
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shepherd stops by to talk about motherhood and the death penalty. coming up next.
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t'onight on "the joy behar show" sherri shepherd will be here to talk about her book, "permission slip." what is amazing is that thevivi view gave her permission to come on my show. then, as a writer at letterman, she wasn't fondled, groped or pinched. in an interview with nell scovell, we'll find out why she left letterman. hulk hogan will be here. a life movie with choke holds. that and more, tonight. like a lifetime movie with choke holds.
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are you looking for some helpful marriage tips? start putting out. that's the advice of my next guest, my friend and funny co-host, sherri shepherd. author of "permission slips." welcome to the show, sherri. >> i just saw you two hours ago. >> i know. >> i'm so excited to be here. i watch your show every night. i really do. >> and you tweet. >> you had hulk hogan on the show and he said joy, are you trying to flirt with me. you don't pretend you are flirting, then you go no. you say i'm so menopausal. i don't get turned on by anything any more. i retweeted that to all of my followers. >> he believes that. he's a man. he believes every woman is flirting with him.
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>> i love it. you are -- you would just call people on stuff. you are honest. i would have flirted with him to make him feel good. he's a man and i want him to walk away, still with his everything his cajones large. you dade women that look like your daughter. >> you know what has large cajones, literally? >> no. >> tom jones. he was at "the view" in the green room. they said you have a big package. he said it's not that, it's my testicles. do we need to hear that. >> i went to see tom jones, we went to see him later that night. i did not know that women throw their underware at tom jones. there was a lot of older women in the audience.
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we go what is that large thing sitting on the stage. i think somebody through a girdle or something. it was p underwear all over the stage. >> size 38 petite. >> i know. it's like keep your panties. >> oh, man. you know, you say in your book, that every bout of insanity in your life can be traced to a man. i can see that. you lost your virginity at 14. >> i did. >> to who? >> gilbert hernandez.
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>> was it good for you, gilbert? >> how old was gilbert? >> he was 16. peer pressure. this is why kids can't give in. all the girl in school say when you have sex, you'll have great or gaz ms and be screaming and hollering. i didn't want to be hollering. i went to my girlfriend's to spend the night. i was like you want my virginity, he was like yeah. we made a time to get together. he climbed up the tree and climbed in the window -- >> and then climbed on you. >> we did it. i was not hollering and screaming from ecstasy, it was from pain. i had the runs the next day. >> thank you for sharing that. >> it was awful, it wasn't good. it was horrible and i didn't get to go to disney land. >> do you think you have made bad decisions over the years with men or is it bad luck? >> i think it was bad decisions. i have one boyfriend who went to prison. >> is he watching?
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>> probably. >> what's his name. >> i can't say. he's a really nice guy. >> would he kill somebody? >> he went to prison for arson. he went to prison for arson. >> what are y'all laughing for. he served his time. he's doing good now. he's out. you know what happened, i was at the comedy store in l.a. he got out of prison. somebody tapped my shoulder. it was him. he came and he asked if i could go to dinner with him. i told everybody. i said yeah. i said if i'm not back in 15 minutes call the police. he told me he was going to hack my body up. he was going to put me in a tub and put acid on my body. what didn't di- solve, he was going to put in his salad and eat. i had crazy guys. >> why did you go out with him? >> i didn't know what he was going to say. i didn't want to cause a scene. he wanted to ask for forgiveness about what a jerk he was. i said that's fine, you never have to contact me again. every once in awhile, he sends
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me letters. >> he's romantic. >> you know who you are. you're watching. how you doing? hi. >> let's talk about your ex-husband. he's not here either. let's discuss him. you pay money to him, right? >> yeah. i have to pay alimony. >> you got married and divorced in california. >> yeah. >> do you think that's right in that state, people have to split their money with their spouse? i don't think it's fair. >> i don't know. if i was on the other side and a stay-at-home mom, i think i would want half the money. i'm not going to say it's wrong. it is what it is. i'm the one working. i'm on "the view" so i'm making more money. >> why isn't he working? >> he is. he is not a regular on a show. i'm making more money. it's the law. >> you are paying for your son. he's your baby jeffrey, the most adorable child. he comes to visit us all the time. he got another woman pregnant
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while you were married. >> it was a little infidelity. >> you didn't do it so let's talk about it. he got into trouble with another woman. a black girl, right? >> she was white. >> is that like a double insult? >> we do still have those issues. i know, on my show, there's a line in my sitcom. they said what did you do when you found out he cheated. it was reverse racism. it was only white women that didn't like it. >> i wonder why. >> why did i say that? it's still an issue of black men dating white women. when you see this, it hits you of why would you go to a white woman. was i not good enough? i guess it would be the same thing if he messed around with a man. am i not good enough? >> it is a complaint that the
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black community with women are that the best black guys are taken over by white women. >> yeah. now i heard another say white women are getting mad because the asian women. >> it never ends. i mean, it's still a very big issue. >> it's a big issue. now, your little baby, we talked about him. tell me about your foundation before we go on. >> my son jeffrey, he was born at five and a half months. he goes to a wonderful school in manhattan. it's called yai organization. >> what does it stand for? >> i don't know. all i know is they do a wonderful job for children with autism and developmental delays.
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they are trying to build a kindergarten through sixth. >> i see. >> preschools have the they are pi that jeffrey needs. they are trying to build a kindergarten with the therapies. i am the spokesperson and helping them. i should find out what yai stands for. >> maybe somebody could find out for us. >> it's >> let's go back to your life. >> yes.
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>> in this book -- i need a book. someone will get it for me. you talk about abortions you had. >> yes. >> you have had a lot of them. >> yes. >> how many? >> a lot. >> ten? >> a lot. >> really? >> it was a decade and a half ago. i was young. for me, it was like birth control. you know, sometimes when you are young, you don't think about the ramifications or consequences of choices you make. i was one of those girls. i didn't think abtd these are babies. i knew i was pregnant and didn't want to be pregnant anymore. >> wasn't it just easier to say i might as well use a condom. >> no. i didn't think about it. i just didn't think about it. >> you didn't have to write this in your book. you could have kept it to yourself. >> what hit me later on was the guilt. when i grew up and got wisdom, i said wait a minute, i killed a lot of babies. i'm not for abortion. i killed a lot of babies. i made bad choices. it took years before i could let the guilt go. someone told me, when you get to heaven, your babies are going to be there. for me, it freed me up of the guilt. i wanted to let other women know that you can forgive yourself. you don't have to take the shame. i am not against taking away a woman's choice, but i don't believe in abortion, but i would never take away a
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woman's right to choose what's good for her body. when you do have an abortion, still inside, you go through a lot of stuff. i tears away your spirit and soul. i don't think people think about that. >> that's not true of everybody. i know people who have had abortions and they don't think twice about it. they don't look back and don't think they killed a baby. now, it's not there, anymore. >> sooner or later it would. it's them. i feel like the more people i talk to, they do fell a sense of shame or guilt. >> okay, we're going to talk some more. i'm back with the lovely and talented sherri shepherd.
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>> you are the only person i know raised as jehovah's witness. >> when we would knock on your door, i would see you pull back the curtains, then let them go. i knew you was home. my father would put me out first. when you came to the door, you would be like i'm not interested. if you saw me, an 8-year-old, it was harder to slam the door. >> did they slam it on you? >> i didn't because i was a cute little girl. my father put me in front. >> what would you do?
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standing there as an 8-year-old kid. >> i was say i'm sherri shepherd, one of jehovah's witnesses can i share a verse with you. they would say okay. >> not that, again. >> then i would read the bible stripture and i have my watchtower and my wake. then the people would buy it. i would say can we come back and they would be like okay. >> did you like it at all? >> it was hard for me. >> i wouldn't have liked it. maybe you do. >> i was shy. it was hard to go door-to-door. they call it field service.
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i wasn't pushing myself on people. if they said no, i was like i have to go. i had to learn to go beyond the no. >> how did you go past the no? would your father show up? >> my father was there. or he was downstairs. he would have stood down the stairs. they could have snatched, me, that was okay. i was well versed in bible scriptures. i went to five meetings a week, three at the kingdom hall and two studies in home, a smaller study group. if you don't know your bible, an 8-year-old could wrap you around in circles. >> were you allowed to watch tv? >> we did not celebrate holidays. no christmas or easter. >> don't they believe in jesus? >> they do, but december 25 is
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not jesus' birthday. the two birthdays that were celebrated ended in death. why celebrate the birth, you should celebrate their death. we didn't celebrate birthdays. we didn't vote. when i came on the view, i didn't know about politics. >> it was tough for you. >> you have gotten so good at it. you come in with your notes. you are on top of it now. >> i still get confused when you go off on bush and she goes off on obama. i sit back. >> you say plenty. in the beginning, it was rough for you. the worst day was when barbara said do you believe the world is round? you said i don't know. i'm just trying to take care of my baby. that's what i said. i was so nervous. >> of course, you know the world is rounld. you had a globe.
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>> yes. as a matter of fact, i took a globe on jay leno and said i'm not the black jessica simpson. >> she got you all crazy and you didn't know what to say. >> i didn't know what to say. >> you were a sweet girl with a great sense of humor. you didn't let it get to you. >> i had a lot of support. >> it's the beauty of being a comedian. >> one thing i remember, you said as soon as you open your mouth, you lose half your audience. >> oh, the right wing bloggers hate me. i enjoy that. there's a clip, let's look at a clip of sherri's show. what's it called, again? >> "sherri." >> what are you doing here? is he all right? >> he's fine. >> you don't need a pediatrician. >> dr. greg and i had lunch. we're dating. >> really? since wen? >> about a month and a half -- >> it's none of your damn business. >> that was a clip of sherri shepherd in her lifetime sitcom, "sherri."
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>> i can't care what they did. as long as sherri was in the title. >> you are good in "precious." >> you played somebody called corn rolls. i was up for that, also. >> why didn't you get it? those actresses in that film were fantastic. gabby, fantastic job, i think. >> i'm honor thad lee daniels the director that he picked me to be in the movie. it was really fun doing it. i keep saying monique and gabby will get nominated for an oscar. >> are you looking for more work? how much more can you do? >> i would love to do more. >> you do "the view" five days a week. >> then i do "sherri." >> when do you have time?
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>> they work around your schedule. "30 rock," i go at 9:00 at night. back with more sherri shepherd in a moment. we stretch here. we stretch. hey, sherri, the wait is over. get that hot body out here. >> well, that was the very fetching sherri shepherd when she showed her slimmed down version. that took a lot of guts to come out. >> finally, when that day came, i said what did i get myself into. >> you lost weight and worked out. >> i was hoping i didn't fall on my heels, my wig didn't come off. men the mike pack fell in my butt, remember? >> that's right. >> we pulled it off. f
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hey, sherri, the wait is over. get that hot body out here. >> well, that was the very fetching sherri shepherd when she showed her slimmed down version. that took a lot of guts to come out. very few women will do that. >> finally, when that day came, i said what did i get myself into. >> you lost weight and worked out.
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>> i was hoping i didn't fall on my heels, my wig didn't come off. men the mike pack fell in my butt, remember? >> that's right. >> we pulled it off. >> was it a payback to all those guy that is screwed you. >> i wanted to be healthy. >> why does every woman said she wants to be healthy. we don't want to be healthy. we want to be thin. >> no, you're not going to put words in my mouth. we want to be healthy. we're supposed to do pillates, you and me. >> i'm not in the mood. >> you never follow through. >> i'm just up to breathing, now. you had diabetes, didn't you? >> i still do. my mom passed away at 41 with diabetes. my son called some other woman mommy.
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i want to be around for him. >> we have questions from facebook and twitter. >> yes. >> bernie sent us a question on twitter. he wants to know if you ever had tweet sex? >> well -- >> sounds like sleeping with a bird. >> thank you. that would be a man. you can only do it in 140 characters or less. i need more than 140 characters to do that. >> how would you have tweet sex? >> i guess the guy wants you to tweet nasty stuff. >> he fweet twooets back. >> it's only 140 characters. what can you do with that? >> there's a few things. why drag it out, you know? jamie asks, you help your ex-husband's baby's mom. are you friendly with her in real life?
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not friendly, we both have sons. we have to get along for the boys. >> they are brothers. >> half brothers. they love each other. we're not going to skip rope and hold hands. we say hi. >> that's very mature. nadia sent the last one. what is your opinion on marriage. i have come to the conclusion marriage is not for everyone and for some, it's not in our dna. >> i think it's in my dna. i would love to be married. if it happens, it happens. >> you are still sell bat? >> i am. i'm hanging on to it? >> why? you want to be married when you have sex? >> yeah. i don't want to be out there with every tom, dick and harry. >> her new book is "permission slip." every woman's guide to giving
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you a break.
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there's been a lot of talk about what went on at the david letterman show. we're going to find out from an eyewitness. i had the chance to sit down with nell scovell. a former writer. >> i was a second woman hired. the first was marco. she helped create the show. she was my hero before she
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became my frepd. i wanted to be on that show. i was a journalist and wrote on "spy" magazine and "vanity fair" in new york. i applied for the show in 1988. i didn't hear anything from the show for two years. i got offers in l.a. i worked on the last season of "newhart." i wrote a "simpson's" episode. i got the call that dave wanted to hire me. i loved that show. it was a breakthrough. i moved back to new york to take the job. five months later, i ended up walking away from my dream job because it was a hostile work environment. >> describe it a little bit for me. >> well -- >> just -- >> 19-year-old office gossip is
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so fascinating, isn't it? i -- >> i don't want to hear the gossip. what was going on that made you leave. you loved the job and the show. something was going on. >> i was not going to flurish. it was just a situation where i was -- you know, you talked about it on "the view" yourself. if you are doing your job and working hard and you are in the middle of a soap opera, then, you know, that's not -- i wasn't going to thrive professionally. i didn't get the memo as a young girl that said you should have low self-esteem and put up with crap. so, i quit. >> good for you. some people say you should have stayed.
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some say you should have stayed. when you quit a job like that, a guy will get the job. >> let me also, historically, this was 1990. it was a year before anita hill. there wasn't that much awareness of sexual harassment or sexual favoritism. i knew it was dysfunctional. i didn't think there was legal recourse. i did -- i didn't have options. i didn't have a job to go to at the time. it wasn't my first job in television and a few months later, i was working on a top ten sitcom coach, which i loved. i was on there for over two seasons. >> so what was your reaction when, by the way, anita hill story was the tipping point for all sexual harassment suits and everything else. women everywhere realize that these guys cannot get away with
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that type of behavior, anymore. what was your reaction when it came to light? >> the what? >> the blackmail? >> well, you know, it was a terrible thing and no one should be blackmailed. i should say that. you know, i really didn't move on. in fact, i wrote a piece supporting dave and the sarah palin joke, just a few months ago. i dug up a great quote from johnny carson making fun of lynn don johnson's daughter. i thought if johnny could do it, so could dave. the extortion was part of it. dave exposing himself, so to speak, and the affairs, that wasn't news to anyone who worked on the show. but, then as more people voiced opinions about what it was like in that environment. you know, i talked about "the view" in my article and the misconceptions.
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i felt that burden to bear witness. it's crazy. it's the tiniest injustice. >> let's talk about the time you spent as the writer in the writer's room. how many women were at the big three shows when you were there and how about now? >> well, okay. forget feelings and opinions, let's talk numbers. between letterman, leno and "the tonight show" there are 50 comedy writers. zero are women. >> 50. 5-0, is that what you said? >> yes. there are 14 male writers on letterman now. in 27 years, there have only been seven women writers on the show. today, there are twice as many men as in all 27 years. >> do you think comedy suffers, these shows suffer because they don't have women writers? >> absolutely. >> to me, they never put a woman in late night and all the men
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are running late night and the comedy writers. i'm happy wanda sykes is getting a late night show. i wish her all the best. >> she's hilarious. >> it's hard to breakthrough that. >> yeah. i do think, you know, the funniest writers room i've ever been in was when i was at "murphy brown." it was split half and half. it wupt only the funniest, but the crudest, probably. you know, one of the reasons i wanted to become a comedy writer, i saw a movie albert brooks made, "real life" -- >> oh, yeah. >> he always wrote with a woman, monica johnson. i think the more viewpoints, the more comedy.
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if everyone is shooting for the same joke target and no one is looking into the weeds for the unexpected, then the whole product suffers. >> thank you for coming on the show. you blew off a few other shows to be on mine, i appreciate that. >> i appreciate all you had to say on "the view." when we come back, hulk hogan joins me to discuss the dark side of fame. stick around.
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hulk hogan has dealt with tough opponents in his day. in his new book, "my life outside the ring" he talks about abuse, anger and extramarital affairs. he talks about suicide thoughts. that's where i came in. >> i bottomed out. i had a lot of things happen. i lost my family. i had a show on nbc, a prime time show, the first day on the set, i get hit with divorce papers.
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nbc on one side, my son was there. >> on the reality show? >> no, it was "american glade yea tors." that hit me. a bunch of things happened. my son had an accident, you know, and i went through some crazy things trying to get to the shoot. we had a bunch of episodes ordered. i couldn't get out of it. when i went back to tampa, the big house my family grew up in everything was gone. my kids were gone. we were animal freaks, all the animals were gone. all the clothes were gone. there were still pictures all over the house. >> why didn't you take the pictures? >> i don't know. >> that's weird. >> i was in so much pain from my back and hips. i had a chair i sat in in the
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bathroom. i couldn't stand-up to shave my face. i had to lay on the floor. i had a chair i sat in to shave. i found myself sitting in this chair. it was just like it all came on at once. after 23 years of marriage, everything was over. i found myself going back to kind of like the old wrestler attitude, i grabbed that bottle of liquor and found a bottle of xanax. i ate a couple. i started drinking this bottle. my gun was there. i don't remember getting the gun. i remember hiding the gun in the safe. >> she left the gun and the pictures. >> i remember hiding the gun in
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the safe. i didn't want to turn into a phil hartman. it was that crazy of a marriage. i thought anybody that committed suicide is a coward. i had no idea you could slip into this situation and not realize. i found myself playing with this gun and hitting my teeth. it went on for several days. my neighbor called me, a friend of mine, bubba called me. i thought i was doing good saying i'm doing okay, don't worry about me. finally, leyla alli called me. she said we are worried about you. hearing her voice snapped me out of it. it really did. >> it's interesting, that story. it went on for a couple days where you were toying with the idea and decided not to do it. >> i kind of hypnotized myself. i sat there. the more i sat there, i looked at myself for so long, it didn't
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seem real. >> did it change your attitude toward suicidal people? one woman i know, who tried to kill herself because she was so ill, she said it's hard to do. she said it takes a certain kind of guts to do. >> i couldn't do it. >> you could not do it? >> i couldn't. i didn't realize -- i didn't understand why everything changed so fast. >> your wife. 23 years with her. you said it was horrific to live with her. >> she was unhappy. >> was she unhappy for 23 years? >> no. when we started out. i'm still madly in love with her. >> you are? >> she's a great person. i know that person. she's the one i married. as the time went on, she had a desire to move to los angeles. my work was on the east coast. we made several attempts to go back and forth. i kept several homes in l.a. as her desire to go back, my
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career was getting bigger and bigger and bigger. the drinking started as a social thing. it never stopped. it would never -- i asked her, the kids asked her. shet went to the betty ford clinic for awhile. it got to an aggressive relationship. instead of saying hello, every word was the "f" word. >> the booze? >> in my opinion. >> she said over the holidays in 2007, she sank into a depression. she said i didn't have a gun, but i didn't want to live. >> it's the time you were contemplating suicide. both of you were very crazy, it sounds at that time? >> i don't know what her situation was at that time. >> that's what she told "people" magazine. >> i'm not sure. i remember they said there was going to be a war. i didn't understand that, either.
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>> for 23 years, it wasn't a war. it was a war for some of that time? >> yeah. behind the scenes, there was serious hard times. her attorney, a.j. out of miami made a statement to "people" magazine saying it was going to be a war. that was the one thing that i begged linda, don't file for divorce. please don't file. when she publicly filed, that's what changed me. all of a sudden, she told everybody she didn't love me or want to be with me. it was different. >> do you think the lawyer geeked her up a little? >> i don't know. >> okay. before the divorce settlement, you said to "rolling stone," i could have turned everything into a crime scene, like o.j., cutting everybody's throat. it's a little violent. a 19-year-old boy is sleeping in your bed. i totally get it. what happened? she was sleeping with a 1-year-old boy?
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>> she's in love with one of the children that went to school with one of my kids. that's who she is with now. >> she's still with him? >> yes. >> how long now? >> almost two years. >> really? >> yeah. it was a situation where you live in a town and you are proud to be from that town and the world's champion, everybody looks up to you. your friends are telling you, there's a young kid driving your cars, motorcycles and boats, and a kid is sleeping in your bed with your wife. it takes you to a place mentally, good, bad, yes, no, take the high road or low road. i was saying, am i going to go down the tubes and be a statistic. i understand how someone like o.j. can go down that road and how people can make mistakes and do the wrong thing. i chos to take the high road. >> o.j. simpson, from what i understand, he was in a lot of
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wife abuse, the two of them, for a long time. i don't think your marriage was like that, exactly. >> no, there was no hitting. >> this was a jealous rage, she was sleeping with a kid. he's a kid. how old is your wife? >> 51. >> 15. -- 51. she must have something that this 19-year-old is attracted to her. what do you think? unless he's an idiot. >> what i'm saying is you have to make a decision in life. sometimes you have to say, okay. do i want to become a statistic and do something stupid. >> you didn't. you don't. >> no. but i understand how people flip out. i understand how a situation can happen and spln can flip out, i understand now. >> you said you are still in love with your wife, she's a wonderful person. in your book, you call her abusive alcoholic. >> i understand. i know the person she was when i married her. i know who that person is. as things went along, i went
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through a situation that i thought it was normal to yell and scream and have chaos and it's abuse or manipulation, i thought it's how life was. when i was sick and tired and breathing clean air, i realize how wrong that was. it's not normal or how things are. i survived it. >> isn't it refreshing to see such a tough guy so in touch with his feelings. back in a minute.
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> in 1960, women weren't allowed to serve in combat. eisenhower was first lady. today, a former first lady ran for president. and women are generals in the united states army. i sat down with gail collins author of "when everything changed." i started out by asking who she thought was the most important woman now. >> you know, i'd have to go for judge ginsburg. she was the head of an entire
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wing of the democratic party, the social progressive wing there, she created an entire wing. she did way more than the normal first lady. >> it's incredible. nancy pelosi, is speaker of the house, hillary clinton, the two judges, we have come a long way, in many ways. >> it's very hard, even if you were around in 1960, you don't really remember what 1960 was like. this book starts out with a woman, poor lady, a secretary, who went down to traffic court in manhattan and was evicted for attempting to fight a ticket while wearing slacks. >> really? >> it was legal to say we don't hire women for that job. we don't hire women to be
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writers at "newsweek." >> now, you were the first ever female editorial of "the new york times." sarah palin, do you have anything else in common with her? do you feel like shooting moose from a helicopter? >> no. shi's not a person who feels incup berred by her genter. the first time i said that, gloria stineberg said i'm shooting myself in the foot. >> she's not incumberred by her gender. women don't do that, mothers don't do that. >> do you think she'll run in 2012? >> she might run. she won't win. i promise. i swear to you. >> we lived through george bush,
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not the brightest bulb in the circuit. ronald reagan -- >> when women have the right to be that stupid and become president. t. >> do you think in the past 30 years, we have achieved enough? >> you never achieve enough. the big huge thing that exists is the fact we have half the work force, the labor force is female and we have not dealt with the question of who takes care of the kids when everybody is working. >> and who cleans the house. we have come a long waylay di-s, but we have a long way to go. thanks for watching, good night, everybody. ííííííííííí
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breaking news tonight. it was the balloon seen around the world. the whole country glued to their tvs, thinking a 6-year-old little boy was trapped in the flying saucer-like balloon zipping around colorado. the faa, national guard, local police and fire department scrambling to catch the little boy. when the balloon lands, the little boy is nowhere to be found. he's actually hiding, at home, in the attic. mommy admits everything was a hoax, all to make the family look famous. after it blows up in their faces, the heenes pointing the
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finger at the local sheriff. give me a break! they want him investigated. it's all as shocking as the home video of the heene boys emerges. tonight, we have the video tapes. >> did you hear us calling your name at any time? you did? why didn't you come out? >> you said we did it for a show >> bradford. >> that's good and your hand is
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>> bradford. >> that's good and your hand is in the way. oh, god, richard. >> stop it. stop it. stop it. >> he's fondling the bottle. >> oh, bradford. bradford. hey, bradford. hey, bradford. bradford. bradford. bradford. bradford. >> sing a song to him. ♪ mary had a little lamb little lamb >> bark like a dog. >> woof. >> breaking news in the case of a 7-year-old florida girl who vanishes while walking home from her elementary school. 48 hours later, the body of somer thompson found thrown away like trash, 55 miles to the north at a georgia landfill. major developments tonight. could a georgia sex offender
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accused of trying to lure young children into his van be linked to the murder of little somer? who killed somer? >> breaking news in the case of 7-year-old somer thompson who was abducted and murdered before her body was found dumped in a georgia landfill. >> investigators say that 90 sex offenders have been interviewed. but, they didn't say any of them have been cleared. >> a georgia man was arrested this week, for allegedly trying to lure two young boys into his van as they walked home from school. >> i believe he had a vehicle, coming through town to take her. then zipped out of town. then threw her body in a ditch. he had to throw her body in a dumpster right there. >> the district attorney says
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it's geographically feasible he may be connected to somer thompson's murderer. noting the m.o. is similar. >> you didn't take her from just me. you took her from my family and all these people. to put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. that's not okay. it's not okay. >> good evening, i'm mike brooks in for nancy grace. it was a balloon seen around the world. now, mommy admits to investigators, everything was a hoax, all to make the family famous.
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after their hunger for fame blows up in their faces, the heenes now pointing their finger at the local sheriff. they want him investigated. it's all a shocking home video of the heene boys emerges. tonight, we have the video tapes. >> he says he was hiding in the attic and because i yelled at him. he scared the heck out of us. >> the act was convincing. >> i'm really sorry i yelled at him. >> first, there was the tear filled news conference. then to top it off, the 911 call where quiet mayumi heene made quite a performance. i don't know what happened to the time. >> my other one will get pissed.
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hey, bradford. pay attention when i'm talking to you, son. we have to pull the bottle away. now, look. bradford. bradford. now, what you got today, hey, pay attention when i'm talking to you. hey, hey, hey. i'm talking over here. hey, buddy. >> i'm mike brooks in for nancy grace. see that little baby there? that little baby is bradford who is now 10. so, how long has richard heene been messing with his kids? you must be kidding me. now, he's pointing the finger at the sheriff who locked him up. you must be kidding. i want to go straight out to nia bender, news director of 710 knus radio, joining us by phone from denver. nia, what is this now, richard heene wants it sheriff investigated. >> caller: not only does he want it, but the sheriff is being
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investigated at this point. at this point, sheriff jim alderman is being accused of disclosing that social services is investigating the balloon boy family and it's a violation. >> a violation. but, he suggested that. straight out to nancy grace producer out of new york. ellie. now, okay. social services should have investigated this family a long time ago. so, you know, what is his attorney saying now? >> his attorney is saying that the statute he's violated is a colorado law that prohibits anybody from releasing information about child abuse and child neglect. it's supposed to be kept quiet. by saying he's asked cps to investigate, he's violated the law. >> you know what, richard heene
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has shown them being abused for years. he's even sending in to cnn storm reports of his kids in the eye of a hurricane. how is this, how is that not a violation and what the sheriff is allegedly doing? let's bring on the attorneys. joining us from atlanta, penny douglas-fir, defense attorney from new york. paul batista. okay. paul, help me understand how they are now saying, hey, sheriff -- you need investigation. >> what they are saying, mike, is that the sheriff violated a specific colorado statute that keeps these secret. michael, it's a lot about nothing in connection with this particular aspect of this story. >> no kidding. what else is he going to say?
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he's facing charges of felony, contributing to the delinquency of a minor. felony. attempted to influence the actions of a public servant. conspiracy, which is a misdemeanor in false reporting. penny, how is he going to defend himself now that we know and his wife has flipped on him? >> well, his wife signed an affidavit. she's never been cross examined. i don't know much about the wife. i've heard the ex-wife on this show. the new wife is more of a pleaser individual. we don't know if she signed the affidavit just to get out of there. i would like to cross examine her to find out if what she said on the show is true. as to the sheriff, he's not allowed to break the law just because mr. heene did. i have the statute here. it clearly says the identifying information is confidential and
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shall not be released to the public. >> he didn't release information about the family. >> you're not supposed to give the name of the family being investigated. kogt according to the statute 19 -- >> 19 -- whatever, penny, richard heene put his family out there in front of the media. he's put his family in danger, before. >> i agree. he's not allowed to violate the law. neither is the sheriff. >> the sheriff is not violating the law. richard heene, they ought to come after richard heene, the sheriff ought to come after him, both guns blazing and make him pay back every cent that was spent. >> i don't disagree with you. the sheriff violated the statute. he's not allowed to do that, either. >> nothing is going to happen to the sheriff. >> we'll see what the special investigator says about this. how long is it going to take of the special investigation of the sheriff? >> they think about two weeks. this is the neighboring county, boulder d.a. that is appointed
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to look into this. >> when do we expect charges to be brought against the heene's? >> that's the big question. it's been almost two weeks now since the felony charges were recommended against the heene's. on monday, earlier this week, the sheriff's department presented their case to the d.a. the d.a. said they needed more information from the sheriff's office. we don't know what information or how long it's going to take. we are waiting to see if there are going to be charges. >> i tell you what information he had. he has information that richard heene put the lives of police, fir and the ems and the national guard all in danger because he wanted to be famous. the helicopters that were trying to find his balloon, they could have crashed. the officers chasing the balloon in the field, they could have flipped over. people could have been killed. the guy needs to be brought to justice.
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>> bradford. >> no. >> hi, bradford. bradford. hey, bradford. >> where's daddy. >> hey, bradford. >> turn the tv on and take the bear. take this. >> bradford. hey, bradford. >> ooh. >> yummy. >> get him to look at the tv. now, get him to look at you. >> bradford. bradford. >> that's good. your hand's in the way. oh, god, richard. he's fondling the bottle. >> oh, bradford. bradford. hey, bradford. hey, bradford. bradford.
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bradford. bradford. >> try soft talk. >> hey, brad. bradford. >> sing a song to him. ♪ mary had a little lamb little lamb. >> bark like a dog. >> woof, woof. >> meow like a cat. >> no, my other one will get pissed. bradford, pay attention when i'm talking to you son. >> i'm mike brooks in for nancy grace. well, isn't that nice. father of the year. some of the first words he's teaching his kids. bark like a dog. yeah, that's real nice. father of the year. mr. richard -- mr. richard heene. i know, i seem like i'm a little upset about this, it's because i am. after spending 26 years in law enforcement and i was a volunteer fire chief in fair fax, virginia.
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my dad was a firefighter. i know what first responders go through. i know all the resources and assets that were wasted on this idiot and his actions of he and his wife, who he met in acting school. but, they still -- it's just disgusting. keep in mind, folks, what brought us all to this. who blew the whistle on his parents. little 6-year-old falcon heene. what do they say? out of the mouths of babies come gems. take a listen. >> did you hear us calling your name at anytime? you did? >> you did? >> why didn't you come out? >> you guys said that we did this for a show. >> well, there you have it. then the father goes, mmm-hmm.
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the other children look and say what do we do now? what do we say? this is from "larry king live" wolf blitzer was doing the questioning. richard heene wants to say, why did you ask these questions after he was just trying to ask follow up questions. i want to bring in our psychologist susan. joining us from new york. she's a psychologist. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> you know, you look at these two parents. you know, you look up the word narcissist and you will see richard heene's picture in the dictionary. what effect is it going to have on the kids down the road? >> it seems the parenting is disturbing. this one event, the balloon
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event is something we will all remember as a hoax. all the pictures starting from when he was an infant and the youtube songs they were singing, it indicates there's very, very poor judgment. i'm glad cps is going in to investigate. the whole thing smells. it's scary. i hope it sends a mezage to everyone else not to treat their children like this. >> look how long it's been going on. we saw the video of little bradford, bark like a dog. with a beer bottle and cigar. people take home video. i don't want to say, oh, i'm not a purist. but, you know, he's been doing this for a long time. >> right. >> then, now, as the kids are growing up, putting them in the middle of a hurricane. he's endangered these children. >> he's endangered the children and everybody else involved. he deserves to be brought to justice.
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>> look at the tv, now, get him to look at you. >> bradford. bradford. >> oh that's good. your hand is in the way, oh, god, richard.
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>> i'm mike brooks in for nancy grace. these are the heene boys. they are only doing what their parents are telling them to do. they are making a little video. mom and dad trying to make themselves and the boys famous. they have been on wife swap twice. he calls himself a science detective. i take offense to that because i was a real detective. this guy was a meteorologist? please. please. this balloon. this flying saucer. you know, you see the video of him kicking around in the backyard and one of the kids has to be shooting the video. i remember the day it happened, i get a call from cnn, mike, are you near a tv. get near a tv. how are they going to rescue this guy. how are they going to bring the little boy down? he's facing felony charges, but the faa could be investigating. i want to bring in the attorneys. penny douglas-fir and paul batista.
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paul, the faa is looking in to see if they can charge him with anything. i know, the faa, their violations are called f.a.r., federal aviation violations. i was a manager with delta airlines. they can be charged civilly and it could go in front of a judge. administrative law judge, but they could still be fined, correct? >> hold on to your seat. yes. hold on to your seat. everything that we have seen is stupid, it may be dangerous. it's a matter that will be handled civilly. let him pay the fines and the costs. we cannot criminalize every piece of stupid behavior in this country. >> paul. paul. paul. they had to redirect air traffic at denver international airport.
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>> very expensive. very stupid to do. it's a civil matter. let him pay for it. >> no, no, no. i tell you what, the fbi is looking to see if they can charge him criminally with a federal violation. i hope they can. >> hi, bradford. $$$$$$$$
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>> hi, bradford. bradford. hey, bradford.
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>> where's daddy. >> hey, bradford. >> turn the tv on and take the bear. take this. >> bradford. >> he was a master of mental warfare. he put us down, hollered at us a lot. he pushed me over a couch then flipped the couch with me and the children on it. threw things at me. sometimes the things would not hit me, but hit them. he flipped us over the couch and flipped the couch and he left marks on me from throwing things. >> i'm mike brooks in for nancy grace. well, richard heene pointing the finger at the sheriff, wanting the sheriff, who is now under special investigation for violating the law dealing with social services. personally, i don't think so. i want to go to marty mccarry. joining us from washington, d.c., professor at johns hopkins. marty, good to see you, again.
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>> good to see you, mike. >> we saw in the interviews, little falcon, before we found out it was a hoax, the father, he didn't want anymore interviews, but again he took him in front of some of the morning shows. this little boy was so stressed out that he threw up twice, that we saw. i mean, this little boy must be stressed out for him to become that sick. >> yeah, i mean that's not a normal reaction for anybody. you put someone in front of a lot of lights, in a stressful situation, they are in way over their head. there's a response where your body gets nauseous. you don't know what to do. you just throw up. they are going to be looking for other signs the kids are affected in a mental capacity. the standard child protective services checks. they are going to look for
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dislocations, burns and bruises in places where they can't reach. >> that video was from the nbc "today" show. it showed falcon heene throwing up. you have to feel sorry for the poor little kids, especially falcon. they are probably after he blew the whistle on mom and dads escapade, he probably got chastised severely after the video we have seen from "wife swap" and the other antics we have seen. i want to go to pat brown, author of "killing for sport." pat, when you interview little children like this, wouldn't they take them both and separate, take the parents one place and talk to them, and the kids another place? >> it depends on the laws. it's a tricky situation. the kid is between a rock and a hard place. they want to tell the truth, but they are ratting out their parents. they don't want to go to a foster home. that's what they are worried about. i want to say something about the false reporting thing. false reporting needs to be criminalized.
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have to do something about that. >> absolutely. the sheriff said, just in that county alone, 85 first responders. that balloon was rippling across colorado at a high rate of speed, not knowing where it was going to come down, you had national guard helicopters trying to track it because they thought a 6-year-old little boy was inside this flying saucer-like looking balloon. it just makes me ill. but, we also had mom, who is involved in this. we talked a lot about richard heene, but his wife, mayumi she also had called 911. take a listen to this.
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>> well, that's her call to 911. hmmm -- let me see. she said it happened 20 minutes ago. oh, okay. richard heene, what was his first call? he says to the faa, second call, local tv station. no, he didn't want fame. he didn't want fame at all. ellie, hasn't she now said, yeah, it was all a hoax? >> right. this search warrant affidavit
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was released. there's a confession by mayumi. they got her separated from richard so they could talk to her alone a couple days after it happened. she said the release was intentional. they knew, all along falcon was hiding in the house. they did it to make themselves more marketable for future media interests. they planned it for about two weeks. they built the flying saucer for the purpose of carrying out this hoax. >> sounds like game, set and match to me. but, i want to bring back our attorneys. penny, what about in colorado, if she is to testify possibly against her husband, what about marital privilege here? >> she would be an accessory. there's a little change in that in colorado. if they work to plan a crime together, she could be forced to testify. anything else regarding the crime, she is not forced to testify unless she chooses to testify. that's the issue, whether she chooses to testify in this case.
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>> paul, i would say that putting all this together and the charges they are facing, possibly they were -- this could be called planning a crime? >> it could be. it's going to be fascinating to see where the husband and wife ultimately come down. this would not be the first time, in my experience that husband and wife charged with a crime, having different interested stake decide to turn on one another. this is going to be fascinating. >> you know what, paul, you are absolutely right. it is going to be fascinating. i hope the district attorney's office out there does the right thing, brings criminal charges in a quick manner. i want to go back to nia joining us by phone in denver. nia, what is the sentiment, if you will, of the people in denver now, knowing there's a special investigation against the sheriff now.
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>> caller: well, they aren't totally thrilled with that. a lot of people are a little confused as to whether he did something wrong. the sheriff has come out and said, absolutely, i did nothing wrong. so, you know, some people are upset because they feel as though david lane, richard heene's attorney went ahead and did this. at the same time, an awful lot of people here are very upset with the heene family. if you think about it, they tugged on colorado's emotions and the world's emotions. think of all the people sitting around tv sets, hoping this little boy landed safely this this balloon. the sentiment toward that part of the hoax is charge him with something and they should be paying for this. >> absolutely. i know you had a lot of snow in denver. i'd hate to be in the heene house right now. everybody cooped up. not being able to go any place. should be very interesting.
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there's a monster roaming free and police are turning to the public to find somer thompson's murderer. >> the sheriff leading the investigation in our hurricane dolly warned the public the killer could be in their midst. >> someone in the community will unknowingly be associated with the offender and may be in a position to observe the behavioral changes of that person. >> investigators believe somer's killer is exhibiting changing in behavior or giving clues the people around them may not recognize. >> cops released a profile of a possible suspect and things to watch for. >> some of the things they were saying people should look out for, unexplained injuries, bruises or cuts. >> particularly on the head and hands. >> the sheriff didn't expound,
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that information suggests when somer's body was found, there may have been evidence she struggled with her killer. >> there are people they believe who have information pertaining to the investigation and they may not know it. >> other things to look out for include anyone who suddenly left the area. missed work or routine commitments, especially on october 19th, the day somer was abducted. >> i'm mike brooks in for nancy grace. little somer thompson, thrown out like the garbage, found in a landfill in georgia. who is responsible for the murder of this little, little, gorgeous little girl. it just makes me sick. i want to go out to natisha lance. producer of the nancy grace show joining us from atlanta. you have been down there. you know the latest on the investigation, what is going on now in orange park? >> the latest in the investigation is that there may be a break in the case according
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to a district attorney who is 200 miles away from where somer thompson went missing. there's a man, 36 years old, he was recently arrested on about eight charges of trying to abduct two fourth grade boys. among those charges is attempted child molestation. he was recently arrested. the district attorney believes due to the geographic closeness to where somer was abducted from, he could be connected to the somer thompson case. >> that's amazing. i want to go out to greg edwards, joining us by phone from albany, georgia. mr.edwards, thank you for being with us. >> caller: glad to be here. >> give us some background on this predator, kenneth kellum. >> caller: some of the information we have is he was released in 2008. he's a convicted sex offender.
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one of the thing that is struck us in our investigation, relative to what's going on with him here, is he was loitering near an elementary school. he has a van that appears to be set up for the quick abduction or molestation of a child or adult for that matter. >> why do you say it's set up for a quick abduction? >> there's things that are revealed from the search warrant that lead us to this conclusion. i can't get to many more details at this point. >> understandable. >> caller: the case is still pending. we think the mobility afforded him by the van. the possibility of him being a suspect is why we notified the authorities in orange park about our findings.
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if you take a quick glance at the map, you can see that's really about a two or three hour drive from here from orange park. >> no, not far. i used to live, i lived near brunswick. i used to come down. it's not far at all. you come down from albany and you are almost right there in jacksonville. >> caller: that's correct. the thing is, there had not been a direct connection between what we have and what's going on in orange park, but we felt obligated to pass the information on at that moment, once we gleaned what we could from our investigation. >> absolutely. >> caller: and, of course, we just want to make sure the authorities in orange park -- we did not have privy to their investigation, but we felt it impairtive they get this information.
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i have been advised they have well over 1500 tips they were following up on. we wanted to let them know what we have. >> i'm really glad you did that. we need to find the killer of somer. we know this guy is a registered sex offender in florida. a history in tampa. you draw a line between tampa, orange park and albany and you have a little triangle that cuts across the state of florida, up into georgia. you know, i hope and pray this guy has something to do with it, because this guy has been a predator for too many years. joining us by phone, a very special guest, joining us by phone from orange park, florida is samuel thompson, the father of somer. mr. thompson, thank you for being with us, again.
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>> caller: thank you for having me, very much. >> well, you have heard what mr. edwards said. what are your thoughts right off the top of your head? >> well, my first thoughts are if he's the guy who killed my little girl, i want the first ten seconds with him. >> i don't blame you. >> my second thought is, god says i have to forgive this man for what he's done. i have, in jesus name. but, i want him punished to the full extent of the law.
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if florida has the death penalty, he deserves it. but, if this is not the man who hurt my little girl, then he doesn't deserve the punishment for what happened to my girl. i want the right person. i want justice to be served the way it's supposed to be. and, i can't tell you the pain with this person who took my daughter from me put me through. i don't want to take my next breath. god tells me to go on. >> mr. thompson, i don't know how you are doing it. i really don't. all my years of law enforcement, crimes against children, it's just, the families that are affected by this is incredible to me. i want to remind our viewers, ken kellum has not been charged in anything involving somer thompson, but law enforcement officials are looking to see if there's any kind of link. dna, evidence found at the scene. evidence found on the body of little somer is possibly connected with kenneth kellum. whoever is responsible for this needs to be brought to justice. now, cnns heroes.
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hello, i'm richard branson, last year, i had the honor of serving on the panel that selected the top ten cnn heroes of 2008. these every day citizens changing the world are recognized during cnn heroes, an all-star tribute.
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it was a hoax from the get go. > now, a look back at the stories making the rest of the headlines this week. >> you guys said. >> this is a hoax. >> that -- >> absolutely no hoax. >> we did this for a show. >> the mom confesses to police, it was a hoax from the get go. ex-wife patty is with us. >> that's a normal outburst, several times a week. my kids were terrified. breaking tonight, a new time line tracking 20-year-old morgan harrington up until 9:30 p.m.,
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across two parking lots, then a bridge. then, it all goes cold. >> it's brainy video posted on youtube. some think it fits it description of morgan harrington. >> it's not morgan. >> i wanted it to be badly. >> breaking news of 9-year-old. >> a 15-year-old girl is the murder suspect. not just murder, premeditated malice murder. >> just reach inside you and pull your heart out. that's what it's like. >> just briefly, she ran ahead and was out of sight. two or three second window of somebody to grab my child and take her away from us and brutally murder her and throw her in the trash like she was nothing.
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>> yesterday was about somer thompson. today is about her killer. >> i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you. i hope they make you pay. >> if this doesn't wake everybody up in america, to know that when you feel secure that your children are okay, you need to think again. tonight, let's stop to remember, army private first class, john borbonus, 19 years old. he trained to be an army ranger. he was awarded the bronze star for giving up his life to save his fellow soldiers from an explosion. he loved traveling, hunting, fishing and making people laugh. he leaves behind parents hans and maggie. john borbonus, a true american hero. see you tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. sharp, eastern. until then, stay safe.
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urks this is a show biz tonight news break. tonight, is jon gosselin joining forces with the octomom for a knee reality show? and why oprah is being called a domestic abuse huh krit. llll
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