tv Newsmakers CSPAN November 1, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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urgent news. a sixth arrest in the brutal gang rape of a 15-year-old girl. police say this vicious attack went on for 2 1/2 hours. no one did anything. finally, someone was brave enough to call 911. we will talk to that courageous person. plus -- a mom dies trying to win a radio contest. the challenge? hold your wee for an intend dough wii. she ended up dying, basically drowned herself in the water she was drinking. her family sued. the jury awarded them over $16 million. how is that for a message?
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good. good ruling. this hour we're gloing to talk to her grieving mom. you're a huge part of the show. love hearing from you. the number 1-877-tell-hln. call in. e mayhle us well at or text us at hlntv. the start your message with the word "prime" and it's your chance to be heard. >> announcer: controversy, opinion, your point of view. this is "prime news." >> welcome. this is "prime news." i'm mike galanos. we have new developments in the brutal gang rape of a california girl outside of a high school, richmond, california. p cops say that attack lasted 2 1/2 hours. well, now we know someone had the courage to call 911. we'll talk to that person in just a moment. first, let's update you on the case. there has been a sixth arrest. an 18 year ole, charges, felony rape. the >> this is one of the most brutal crimes i've seen in my 15 years as a cop. on saturday night after a dance
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here on the richmond campus we responded and found our victim who was unconscious. the officers saw several people surrounding her and they fled as we approached. we caught one individual as the officers made contact with the victim and found she was unconscious and was stripped naked. what we do know is that multiple suspects physically beat her, robbed her, and sexually assaulted her. and only a few hours ago was she released from the hospital. >> unbelievable. we are finding out kids sensed danger as they looked outside the dance. where was security? girl's raped for more than two hours. didn't anyone see anything? here's the school district's response. >> we had four uniformed police officers and a number of teachers and administrators who were both inside and outside. we didn't do a perimeter walk of the school. this is on the far side of the school at the perimeter. >> all right. as always, we take your phone calls. the number 1-877-tell-hln. as we mentioned, someone finally did step in, step up. joining me now the woman who
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made the 911 call. her name is marguerita. we'll talk to her in a second. hey, margueriteta. also joining us henry lee, reporter san francisco chronicle. marguerita, let's start with you. thank you, first off, for stepping up and doing what no one else would so we thank you for your courage first off. the tell us how you found out that a young woman was being attacked like this. >> i found out by my brother-in-law and my boyfriend and a couple of his friends, mainly my brother-in-law who came to my home and told me that there was a girl beaten, raped, naked, passed out in richmond high. so, you know, he was scared to call the p cops so he came to me and i'm the one that called the cops so that's how i found out. >> okay. so you get -- did you think twice about calling police? >> no, i didn't. >> were you immediately ready to get some help for this girl? >> i had the phone right next to me. i guess i was meant for the phone to be right next to me and
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i got the phone and i called. i didn't even think twice about it because i wouldn't want anybody to die, you know. >> yeah. again, marguerita, we do applaud you. what was your reaction when you heard something like this was going on? >> my reaction? i was scared. i was worried. i was concerned it might be like anybody i know or even if it isn't anybody i know is she dead, alive? is she okay? i watz sca i was scared basically. >> are you scared now? >> i'm scared. but i'm actually happy that they actually arrested some guy that's did it. so, yeah. >> well, again, as you've thought about this, this is happening close to you in your community, have you wrestled with the question of, how does something like this happen to a
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15-year-o 15-year-old? >> how i'm thinking, that shouldn't even be in the minds of any 15, 16, 17-year-old, actually beating a girl, raping a girl. i don't know. what kind of lifestyle do they live so they could think that way or think it's okay to do that? but richmond is known for, like, a bad area. the. >> yeah. >> you know, i don't the think it's everybody that's bad. it's just people that think, wrong choices, you know, the teenagers who did that. i guess they're going through something in their life or they thought it was cool or just wanted to get liked by certain people. >> wow. thank you again for taking time and thank you again for stepping up and making that phone call. you could have helped save a life here. so thank you again. >> you're welcome. >> let's bring in henry lee, reporter "san francisco chronicle." let's get everybody updated. we have a sixth arrest. give us the detail of that. can we expect more arrests any time soon? >> well, on thursday night juan montano was arrested on similar
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charges of rape by force, rape in concert, and penetration with a foreign object. but breaking news, mike, just moments ago i did confirm with the contra costa district attorney's office that one of the six suspects will be released from custody today because of insufficient evidence. that is salvador rodriguez. so we go from six arrests down to five. obviously the police investigation active and ongoing, mike. >> okay. what do we know about people coming forward with information? we heard from margarita who made the 911 call, brave young woman. she's fearful. are people holding back information at this point, henry, out of fear and we'll use the word snitching and the consequences? >> well, i have no reports that anyone is holding back, certainly because of the sense of community outrage, which is widespread and deep, a lot of people very upset about what has happened. the doesn't matter what the street -- what it is on the street. a lot of people do want to come forward and talk to police about what happened. >> okay. and we hope that they do. have you had a chance to get a sense, henry, of students at the school in that area?
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are they fearful to go back to that school? what's been that reaction? >> as we've heard throughout the week, mike, students have to go to school never the less, no matter what's going on. they have tests to take, a lot of academics going on. the students banded together earlier in the week at a news conference telling us this is not what richmond high is all about. we are a good community, a great campus full of great people. we are outraged at this and we don't want people to make any kind of stereotype notions about who we are. >> yeah. hopefully as they grapple with this they'll have some, i know they've talked about better security and getting those cameras up and running that should be ready to go by january. henry, always good talking to you. thanks for the update. we appreciate it. margarita as well. coming up, continuing to follow this one. a 20-year-old football star at uconn stabbed to death outside a school dance. all right. we want justice. his grieving family wants justice. yet there were people going online to tell people not to
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welcome back. our heart breaks for the family of university of connecticut football star jasper howard. the 20-year-old, a father to be, stabbed to death outside a campus dance. this hour, a new arrest. not for howard's murder but a heinous crime of making threats to witnesses who may have seen something that night to keep them from going to the cops naming the killer. christopher mutchler is charged with hindering prosecution and acts of terrorism. here's one of his threats.
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he had the audacity to post this on a facebook memorial page where family and friends were there to pay tribute. he writes, the snitches, i know you. jasper howard would not be down with that. this needs to be a lesson for all of uconn. you will be stabbed, shot, mugged, or beaten for blanking around. so friends, family are crying out for justice and some coward is posting threats online if someone brings forward the truth? that's what we have here. those alleged charges facing this guy. joining me now to talk about this kate monahan reporter for "the uconn daily campus" and also with us psychologist paula bloom. good to have you back as well. kate, let's start with you. what do we know about this guy? >> well, so far we don't know too much. just that he was a uconn freshman from connecticut. he posted these threats, one under the name c.j. and another under a nickname. both of the threatening posts
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which have been highly publicized were posted by him and as far as police know he is in no way affiliated with the suspects in this case and also the police said the threats he made were empty threats but they believed that there was reason that it was possible these threats prevented witnesses from coming forward and they felt aring him would eliminate any fears people had. >> right. whether they were empty i'm sure there might have been people intimidated by these. were you frightened or other students fearful when they see posts like that? that was threatening violence. >> yeah, well, definitely. a lot of people, i mean, over 8,000 people had access to see these posts just on the facebook page alone so a lot of people could have seen it and thought even though this was just this one guy it could have been a whole group of people.
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he makes references to hartford that scared people into thinking, is this gang violence? are there a lot of these people out there? i think police were thinking that, you know, by arresting him that -- you can't just make threats like that no matter what the forum. >> yeah. let me get paula bloom in on this. what's the mindset here? some freshman, you're talking about a grievie inine ining fam you're going to get in the way of justice by posting these threats online. >> yeah. i actually think this is a really good thing. people, we learn to trust and we learn to mistrust. and until people realize there are consequences, people are going to stay silent so i think it's wonderful that something like this happened so that people can learn that coming forward is something that's safe to do and that you're going to be protects because now aways -- you know, we have these different messages. when you're a kid it's like nobody likes a tattle tale kind of thing. we get these different messages in many cultures and many parts
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of our country people do not trust that people will be there to take care of them if they tell the truth. and so to me, whoever is involved in this, it's like they stepped up and said, you know what? this isn't okay. because when you're terrified for your life it is very hard to say, well, what's the right thing to do in this situation? let me say what's going on. you've got to take care of yourself. it's all about self-preservation. >> for this guy, as you said, he is the face of cowardice here. he is the one stopping justice and preventing people from coming forward. we'll continue on this and read more of his threatening posts and take your calls at 1-877-tell-hln.
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just what it would be like for that young child. but as jas looks down on us, i can promise him and his family that that son or daughter will have 105 uncles for the rest of his life. and we will do what it takes to not get through this but to grow from it. >> there a grieving friend and teammate of jasper howard, described as a great man, great
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young football player as well, father to be, as he was talking about the child jasper houred never know there. we've been talking about an arrest in this case. someone who allegedly was going online and threatening people who might come forward with information. here's a post on a sports blog from christopher mutchler an 18-year-old freshman who is facing serious charges. here's what he wrote. stop the snitching and post the names of anyone you know who gave information to the cops. jas, speaking of jasper howard, didn't intend to die. deserve to die. anyone who snitched should face the social consequences. go back to paula bloom. paula, is this just some guy talking tough, mouthing off, trying to be your wannabe thug? >> i'm not sure specifically who he is but i heard you say it was found the charges were unfounded as far as the threats? they were unfounded threats? >> the threats he was making the cops were saying the threats were empty threats. i don't think it matters in the sense people were intimidated. >> absolutely. a lot of times when we don't
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feel good about ourselves or feel powerless we get ourselves involved in all kinds of things to kind of exert, hey, i can do this. i'm tough. and so a lot of times if he had absolutely nothing to do with this it was a way to feel involved in something or part of something. >> let's bring back kate monahan. do we know anything more about the fight at all, kate, what jas might have been doing there? did he try and break up the fight? is that what we're hearing? >> well, we don't really know too much because the arrest warrants have been sealed. so the motive is still unclear. one thing that has been sort of cleared up a little bit was that in the arraignment that occurred, it was said that allegedly what happened was the two suspects left the dance after a small altercation was taking place, went back to the accused who is being charged with the murder of jasper
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howard's car and armed themselves with knives and then after that, that was when the stabbing took place. but it's still unclear exactly how jasper howard fits into this. >> okay. >> people have been saying all kinds of things about rumors of was he just breaking up a fight, was he even involved. it's unclear. >> okay. well, i know that those details are hard to come by at this point. so many -- what do you think, after this arrest, kate, do you think more students will come forward now? do you think students have been holding back because of intimidating posts like what this guy was allegedly doing? >> well, i would hope that more people would come forward. i think that in general students had a good reaction to the story on the threatening posts by saying, please come forward if you have any information. they thought it was ridiculous. but ably obviously there is still evidence out there that
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the police know of that hasn't come forward. so i think anything they can do at this point to try and put people at ease and help get these people to say what they saw, i mean, that would be the best thing to happen in this case because we really want to know why, why did this happen. that's the big question on everyone's mind across the campus. >> it has been since day one. we have about 30 seconds, paula. how long is it going to take to undo this anti-snitching feel among kids who might witness a crime? >> that's such a good question. i don't really know. i think this experience of somebody, there being consequences for posting something like this, and that even if you put it online it still counts. a lot of times i think with the social media people have this assumption that it's sort of anonymous and just kind of goes out into cyberspace. but this is very real. this is like speech like any other. i think this is a really good first step to showing people this. >> okay. guys, thanks again. we appreciate it. coming up --
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