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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  November 2, 2009 5:00pm-8:00pm EST

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right now six bodies recovered from a house of horror. the stench of death so strong neighbors gagged whenever they went past this house. now we are finding out the guy who lives there is a convicted rapist. visited by cops hours before a survivor escaped. why didn't anyone notice, step up, ask some questions. racy photos of two teenage girls turn up at a high school. the school punishes the girls. they get a hold of the photos. what did they do? they and the aclu sue the school.
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the teens say it is not fair. they took the photos in summer vacation. does it make a difference to you? it doesn't to me. call in 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail news or text hlntv. it is your chance to be heard. this is "prime news." grieving families are joining cops outside a convicted rapist's home in cleveland, ohio. police say they could smell death 15 feet from the door. six bodies scattered all over the house. neighbors say his clothes stunk so strong that it made their eyes water and not one person reported this? at least eight women in this area are missing. >> six families are going to get horrible news. if we had a missing persons department and had it active, ongoing investigation in all
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these cases as much as possible maybe none of this would have happened. >> more to the story. cops routinely checked in on the sex offender, even that day of the latest reported rape. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. joining us to talk about it, michelle sagona, ann bremner and michelle golland, clinical psychologist. michelle, how did they catch this guy? >> according to investigators he was walking down the street. they were going to serve him with charges and a warrant. he was looking suspicious. he was wrapped sort of in a hood and there was a gentleman who was driving by and noticed him and police were looking for sowell. he made the cure ray jous move to contact investigators.
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according to police he did not come forth about information about the bodies in his house but he did admit to being anthony sowell after they fingerprinted him. >> september 22nd, authorities go to his home for a spot check. >> that's correct. >> did someone allegedly get raped that day before or after that visit? >> allegedly, from what we've learned from investigators. when that person did come forward they were able to go forward with an investigation and be able to move forward with some charges. and to be able to have the information. anthony sowell is, in fact, a convicted sex offender. he is registered in the national registry. he served 15 years behind bars for rape and assault. back in 1989 for 15 years, released in 2005. >> so that is september 22nd. why do we not get an arrest until last thursday? why couldn't cops act right
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then? >> that is a good question. a lot of times in these investigations you know as well as i do they have to put all the dots together, they have to connect things. they have information and sort of a he said/she said kind of deal and have to verify the information and move forward with the assault and alleged charges to bring anyone down against anyone. >> ann, this is a violent rape he was convicted of in 1989. help me out here. if i'm authorities and hear this guy has this history, we are in on him like now. >> absolutely. you have evidence. a lot of times when you have he said/she said you don't have additional evidence. he is being monitored. not coming with a notebook and checking you saw the whites of his eyes. the prior rape was very, very
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serious. to jump to it on the investigation dating back to september 22nd and here we are six bodies later. >> let's talk about that number, michelle sigona. could that number rise? could there be other victims out there? >> the investigators called in the coroner's office who brought in a cadaver dog. the dog found bodies in the crawl space and shallow graves in the yard and laying about covered with blankets. the coroner's office will secure the bodies, do their best to identify the cause of death. to the next phase of the age, the race, if this is a male, if these are females. what we do know and the police department did release today all six bodies are african-american females. this is very important. if there are missing people as
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you mentioned at the beginning of your show, they can go forward to those cases and try to match that information as quickly as possible. once the families go forward and there is dna that is the second phase. this crime scene was so gruesome. the coroner i spoke to said he has not been able to match up anything like it except an arson fire where five bodies were badly burned. >> let me bring in michelle golland. neighbors talk about the smell. why wouldn't someone come forward and call the police and say check this odor out. from what we gather it was just awful. >> right. my concern again, mike s. what we are seeing is these men on these sexual registries are continuing to abuse. this is a violent rapist who
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only, in my mind, only got 15 years. this has to change how we view rape and violence against women. he is a sociopathic serial killer. >> can a guy like this be rehabilitated. >> absolutely not. many violent rapists can't be. we as a society have to start to accept that and start to change how we sentence these individuals and what we're going to do to house them. i mean, it needs to change. >> well put, michelle. a lot of folks agree. call in 1-877-tell-hln. there are reports out there that a month after he got out of jail for that brutal rape in 1989 he was on a website, a sexual fetish website trying to lure more victims. one month after he gets out of
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jail. can't we monitor that as well?
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we've taken a confirmed three bodies out of the home. we've now, with the stance of the coroner's office, removed what we believe are the remains of three additional victims. one from the back yard and two from inside the home. >> all right. there it is. the total at this point six bodies recovered from the home of anthony sowell. we are taking your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. want to bring back ann bremner,
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former prosecutor. this guy got out of prison june of 2005. you have to look everywhere he has lived to see if there are other victims. >> right. we used to say once a pedophile always a pedophile. once a violent sex offender, serial murderer. he is not going to stop. six bodies in his own home and here is somebody who could go on doing this from here to eternity if unchecked. >> reportedly this guy a month after he gets out goes on a website for sex fetishes calling himself a master looking for a submissive victim. can't we monitor people like that? >> one of the stories you are doing is monitoring kids in high school. if we can do that, we can monitor someone like this who is dangerous, in no way ready to
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walk the line. he can't help himself, he is going to say. he starts on sites and goes on to sex offenses, rape and multiple murders. he has to be monitored. it is not just a checklist. >> michelle golland, one month out and he is on the sex website. >> that should have been a red flag. i don't believe these individuals can be rehabilitated at all. we need to wake up to child sexual predators, violent sexual predators and they need to be put away for life. it is about protecting the citizens of our country, children and women. >> here is a facebook comment, didn't the neighbors notice the stench? were his neighbors too scared to say anything? >> if the monitors were coming,
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they said they could not go inside. they went up to the door. did they not smell anything? >> michelle sigona, have neighbors come forward? what are they saying about these revelations and do they have regret they didn't come forward? >> some do have regret, mike. what they say is that he often scoured the neighborhood looking for scrap metal, did a lot of digging. they thought because he was going into dumpsters looking for things to sell that is why he would smell so badly. they thought it was his collection of items not because there were bodies rotting inside the residence. i want to mention as of a few hours investigators say they have not officially charged with him yet. >> ladies, thanks so much. coming up, a couple of high school sophomore girls busted for posting sexually suggestive
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photos on myspace during summer break. the school got wind and banned them from after school activities, forced them to apologize, get counseling. good. no. it is not stopping there. the girls and their family hook up with the aclu and they are suing the school. what do you think? call in 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. two teenage girls busted when their raunchy photos turn up at their indiana high school. half naked, dollar bills, pretending to lick an obscene lollipop. they were posted on myspace. someone go a hold of those photos and the school principal ended up seeing them. the school punished the girls. what is the next step? the girls and the aclu are going to sue the school. taking your calls on this 1-877-tell-hln. ashleigh banfield, the host of "open court" and lisa bloom, legal analyst for our sister network cnn and an attorney as well. they were originally banned from sports for a year. those suspensions reduced, i think they are going to miss a quarter of the volleyball season in exchange for participating in
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counseling and a public apology to the athletic board. i think they got it right. hopefully the girls will learn something and they won't do it again. your thoughts. >> i certainly think they should learn something. the school is one step in their journey of life. these digital records last forever. anyone who wants to hire them is going to look at these on their facebook pages. the issue is this is a public school. if it were a private school, no-brainer. the school could have done anything they wanted regardless of the time of year, being summer vacation. private schools can be more tricky. the aclu may have something here. >> lisa, let me read the statement. playing sports is a privilege. you are an ambassador to the school. here is what the school is saying. the attorney said about enforcing the athletic code that allows the principal to bar from
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activities any behavior that creates a disruptive influence on the discipline, good order, moral or educational environment at the high school. lisa, talk to me. did the principal go wrong here? >> since when did our schools become big brother? responsible for enforcing morality? even things done during summer vacation at the girls' private home. this is a matter for the parents to deal with. ashleigh is right. it is terrible. teenagers are likely to make mistakes and do stupid things just as we did when we were teenagers but there weren't cameras me moralizing them. >> amen. >> to keep girls off sports teams to make them apologize to an all male board of coaches. they didn't do anything wrong to their coaches or athletic team.
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i think the school is overreaching in trying to get at them for photos they posted during the summer that the school didn't like. >> the game has changed. they were having an illicit conversation on the phone nobody would know. i don't believe there is any real privacy on social networking sites. if you post a picture it could end up in the wrong hands, the school's hands. these girls need to know and change their behavior. >> i agree. we all agree the girls need to be reprimanded and counselled because they did something stupid. the question is it the school's job to get them in trouble when they didn't do anything wrong at the school. that, to me, is overreaching and offensive. if they did something wrong on the sports team, fine. if they did something wrong in the classroom, fine. this was in a private home and it is none of the school's business. >> ashleigh, you are an
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ambassador for the school, if you are going to play a sport you are going to represent us. now you represent us with a lingerie and lollipop. >> i differ from lisa in the morality aspect. sports is a privilege. going to school is a right. playing athletics is a privilege. they have to abide by the code of conduct. many of them sign agreements to play on these sports teams and be ambassadors throughout the community. i think the school can punish these girls this way. it will be a very interesting legal case. let me tell you this, there are a lot of universities out there that have employees scanning facebook pages of their sports ambassadors. so if you are watching right now and play sports -- >> be warned. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. 
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welcome back to "prime news." jon gosselin says he plans to apologize to kate. spoke at an event at a synagogue with rabbi shmuley. he will join us in a little bit. we take your called on that 1-877-tell-hln. the story we continue to cover. starting revelations coming in from the night 20-year-old morgan harrington vanished. last seen at a metallica concert. cops confirms several witnesses reported seeing blood on morgan's face, a cut on her chin.
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an unexplained injury. does it have anything to do with her disappearance? joining us now we welcome back dan and jill harrington and courtney stewart who has extensively covered this case. dan and gill, let me start with you. we are over two weeks. how are you holding up at this point? >> i think we are getting weary. it is an experience no parent should go through. we have been uplifted by the family and friends and support weave gotten from the region and from the nation. >> that is the only thing holding us up right now. when you find yourself down in the pit and you can't go on, you take the threads of love your family and community gives you and try to plait it into a rope.
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>> our thoughts and prayers are with you. we are hoping we can talk about morgan's safe return. anything new from police? any new leads? >> no. no new leads. you mentioned in the leadup about the cut on morgan's face. we are not sure exactly if that occurred before she left for the bathroom or after. the details of that aren't clear. we -- we are still hoping for a break. obviously we have a large reward and hope that someone can give us more reports on seeing morgan or reports of someone who maybe was acting strange the next day that maybe could lead us to finding morgan. we actually are also in the process of arranging a search and rescue follow-up later this week in the charlottesville, area. >> let's bring in courtney
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stewart. courtney, when we spoke of this briefly last friday. let's pick up where we left off about this injury to morgan's chin. anything more you can offer us today on that point? >> well, like i said on friday, i have heard from people that were in the stadium that she was seen inside with the injury. the police spokesperson has said that they won't confirm exactly where the injury is or not sure. i was told there was blood on her chin. whether that was the location of the injury, i'm not sure. >> gill, has police talked to you about this injury or is this news as well? >> i have been in a vacuum so we haven't had time to look at tv or read papers or anything. we are trying to respond as fast as we can. and get out the word about our daughter. >> we'll continue to do that.
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courtney, we talked about this. let's get everybody up to speed. morgan is outside of the arena from roughly 8:40 to 9:30. have you spoken to people who saw her outside the arena and what do they say about her, where she was, her actions, any discussions with her, anything at all on that front? >> i understand she was seen at various locations outside from talking to people and what the police have released. she was seen out front. there is a side facing the older basketball arena and beyond that i don't know the exact locations other than various locations, that is how they have put it. she was seen in the packing lot and in the rv lot, the overflow parking lot where she was sighted right before being on the bridge. >> okay. all right. gil, did morgan have friends in charlottesville? clear that up, her brother went
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to the university of virginia so she might have known people, is that correct? >> he had already graduated. most of the people who were his peers have moved on. we do have close family friends that we vacation with and we spend holidays with who are in town. so morgan, if she needed a ride or help could have contacted those folks. >> to your knowledge none of those folks, family friends, were contacted by morgan? i believe she said she was going to meet up with her friends after the concert or try to get a ride home. >> that's correct. >> nobody who may have been able to help her out has contacted you or she contacted them? >> no. we have been in touch of the folks we know there and they have not heard from her. >> dan do you know anything more about contact morgan had with concert goers before, during or
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after she was outside the arena? >> no. the only thing i know what the police have reported and the timeline of morgan's movement across the parking lots to the rv parking lot and the last sighting of her on the bridge. >> courtney, are you getting any new information from authorities. >> well, we're obviously looking constantly and asking questions. we got one small detail today that i think at least helps paint a little bit better picture of the rv lot. the university, uva spokesperson tells us there was a mobile lighting unit placed there, often there for sporting events and things the university puts on. there was this tall mobile light in the rv lot that night. so it would not have been a dark area with that light turned on. >> okay. we will continue to follow this.
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courtney, good to have you on. thank you so much. dan and gil, our thoughts and prayers are with you. >> thank you so much. good night. an amber alert for a 7-month-old shandon dedrick reported missing halloween afternoon about noontime. what could have happened to this little baby? we'll take your calls 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. an intense search right now for a 7-month-old baby in northwest florida. this case is baffling. shannon dedrick was reported missing by her parents halloween day. cops say this does not appear to be a kidnapping. the 7-month-old just disappeared. we know a 7-month-old doesn't just crawl out. we are baffled as you hear the details of this story. mill michelle sigona is with us. what else do we know? >> that is what investigators are figuring out. what we know is that is when she was reported missing from her home in florida. investigators got on the scene quickly. they were able to gather the information about shannon, two feet tall, 11 pounds. they were able to determine
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okay, this child could not crawl out of the house. number one. number two, she is endangered which is why she was able to issue an amber alert even though no one saw an abduction. she was reported missing and they need to figure out where she is. from halloween up until today volunteers have come out to assist police. they have scoured wooded areas, combed through dumpsters. they have done everything to try to find this child. unfortunately, she has not been found. >> where was mom and dad in the hours before she was miss something. >> police are keeping a tight lip on the timeline. they are trying to outline the details. in the haleigh cummings case when her dad came home and found
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her missing and her babysitter/stepmom was in the residence. they have to put together a timeline. sometimes that can take a couple of days, figuring out who was home, when was the child seen at the house. those are key clues and some big topics they are working on as we speak. >> are we gets any of that, michelle? what had gone on? any trouble in the house in the past? >> right now they are not saying. we are working on at this time to figure out if the parents were, in fact, getting along and what the circumstances are behind shannon's disappearance. her aunt came forward and said shannon's mom has an abnormal kind of disability. shannon's head could be larger than normal for her body size. that is a key clue to finding out more about this child. as you post pictures of her throughout your television show,
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investigators and the viewers can call investigators with all the information they have on this case. >> okay. michelle, thank you again for your insights. >> thank you. coming up, we are going to change the mood. we are going to talk jon gosselin. says he will apologize to kate. rabbi shmuley is mentoring this guy. rabbi shmuley is going to join us next. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. is jon gosselin finally doing the right thing? after months of partying, paparazzi, gal vanitying with young women and lashing out at the mother of his eight kids, the reality star says he is
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going to tell his estranged wife he is sorry. >> it is hard for me because i can't forgive myself for the things i've done so to ask for forgiveness from someone who may never forgive me is tough for me. so i do ask kate, i do apologize to kate. i am sorry for doing the things i did and i do ask for her forgiveness. >> that was an apology on the spot. he sounds sincere. you want to believe him. is he genuine or is this for publicity? take your calls 1-877-tell-hln. we bring back john's mentor rabbi shmuley boteach. he authored the book "the broken american male and how to fix him." rabbi, good to have you back. let me read one facebook comment. publicity stunt. why doesn't he get a job to pay for the child support. jon is nothing but a deadbeat
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dad. shmuley, are you sure he is sincere not just using you for publicity sway here? >> let's be honest, when someone does something immoral they should be condemned and when they do something morally courageous they should be applauded. jon gosselin taking responsibility for his actions was morally courageous. we need more husbands to do the same thing. we have a 50% divorce rate and simply condemning people is not going get us tr. he was sincere. a man and woman should not be judged by their words. you need to be judged by his actions. his actions will tell us what he wants to do with his life. i do believe that jon took one message from last night to heart which is his audience is not this show. his audience is his eight children. >> that's right. >> you are not a success if the
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people who mean the most to you think the least of you. he said he is ashamed that his parents will google his name and see his life has been off the tracks. i hope he is sincere. i hope his actions reflect that. >> i do as well. i hope for a redemption story. he is talking about that point, being a model for his eight kids. jon gosselin with rabbi shmuley boteach. >> i will be a model for my daughters' husbands. >> you and i agree. he is the model. is he going to get out of the public eye? is he going to skip the reality shows and lock down with the family as best he can with his kids and make right on that promise? >> the children should be off
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tv. i think last night was very important because his wife was embarrassed in public. the apologize should come in public as well. having said that, he can use his celebrity to highlight an important message of more husbands and fathers if their relationships are errant. 3/4 of divorces are initiated by women. women are getting fed up with the way men are behaving. it was very difficult. i think you need to understand when someone is going through an acrimonious divorce he is probably being advised don't give on anything and this is a legal battle and still he did it. in the final analysis, a man is judged by what he does and not by what he says. >> okay. that is a starting number. i'm shocked at the number of women who initiate divorce. >> women are very unhappy. we have a lot of broken american
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men. >> partially because we have a lot of kids like him that aren't stepping up like they need to. >> one of the things he said last night praised. because they divorced, it had become a pattern in his family. divorce is becoming the american pattern. the nuclear family, we're not even that surprised that we don't know how to love each other anymore. in this country we know how to become billionaires and put skyscrapers up, we just don't know how to stay married. this is on a national stage, maybe it can finally get us to talk about these things. there are so many conversations we don't want to have in america. fame literally kills people. we don't want to talk about the tragedy of divorce and how to counsel couples through an acrimonious divorce to be mom and dad even if they can't be a husband and wife. that's what they need right now, they need counseling. >> are you going to counsel them, rabbi? have you offered your assistance? >> i believe jon -- i can speak for jon -- needs many positive
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influences in his life. i'm one voice in his head and i hope he surrounds him said with people who help him stay away from nightclubs and have positive influences so it reflects on your behavior. >> that is so important, that some good men surround a guy like jon gosselin so he can get back, not just a one-time thing. it's a constant walk to get back on track, i would think. >> there's an ancient teaching that says, go out and buy a good friend if you have to. so, jon, the influences that surround us are really very, very important. jon was really a decent guy over these past years. nobody had any problems with him when he was changing diapers of eight children and a stay-at-home dad. he acknowledged last night that it was in contravention of his own moral code. >> rabbi schmuley, thank you.
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right now, six bodies recovered from a house of horror. the stench of death so strong, neighbors gagged whenever they walked past this house. now we're finding out the guy who lives there is a convicted rapist. visited by cops, just hours before, a survivor escaped. didn't anyone notice anything? call in through all this? also, this story. racy photos of two teenage girls show up at a high school. the girls posed seductively in lingerie. these pictures end up with school administrators. so the girls get punished. good. well, it didn't end there. the school and aclu hook up and
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turn around and sue the school. what do you think of that one? as always, we take your phone calls. the number, 1-877-tell-hln. you can e-mail us, or text us at hlntv. just start your message with the word prime. it's your chance to be heard. -- captions by vitac -- welcome once again. this is "prime news." i'm mike galanos. grieving families are now joining police outside a convicted rapist's home in cleveland, ohio. police again say they could smell death just 15 feet from the door. six bodies scattered all over the home. two of them in a room with the windows wide open. neighbors say anthony's clothes even stunk, so strong their eyes would water. and no one reported any of this. at least eight women in the area, we know this, are missing. >> these families are going to get horrible news. that if we had a missing persons department and had an active
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ongoing investigation in all these cases, as much as possible, maybe none of this would have happened. >> you can see the fear and anxiety in that woman's face. more to the story, cops routinely checked in on the sex offender. even that day of the latest reported rape. joining us to talk about this, joanna moore. she thinks her sister could possibly be a victim here. joanna, we hope you're wrong. we hope your sister's okay. what makes you think your sister could possibly be a victim? >> she used to frequent that area all the time. she's a known drug abuser. we have constantly looked for her. i even walked past the house every day coming to work. and never knew anything. >> so your sister went by this area? >> every day. >> by this home every day? >> right. >> we're hearing words about this awful smell coming from the house. in your travels past that home,
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did you ever notice anything? or smell anything? >> i didn't walk on that side of the street, i walked on the opposite side of the street. but no, i never noticed anything. no stench or anything. i found out that there was another lady that lived in the area that was missing. she's been missing since april. and i haven't -- no one has heard from my sister since june 13th. >> june 13th. and would it have been like her to just lose contact with you? >> no. no. it was not in her makeup. she would always call our grandmother. we have a 91-year-old grandmother. she would always call her. she would always come back, let somebody see her. no one's heard from her. i was keeping in contact with the coroner's office, just calling to find out if they had found anybody prior to this happening, talking to detectives. trying to find out if they heard anything. >> joanna, have you been back to
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that neighborhood? >> i live in this neighborhood. i live three houses away from this area. from imperial. i live right on 123rd. three houses from imperial. so i live right around the corner. >> what are neighbors -- >> i can literally stand in my yard and look at his house. >> what are neighbors telling you? did anybody see anything, notice anything? >> the neighbors have not seen anything. the only thing i knew of, that someone was supposedly had jumped out the window a month ago, a few weeks ago, and the detectives and police and paramedics picked her up. that's when they got a case together to come back to issue a warrant for his arrest. and they came in the house and this is what they found. >> joanna, do you know this man at all? >> no. i've never seen him. i don't know anything about him. all i know is that my sister's missing. and this is an area that she
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frequented. >> are you in contact with police at this point? >> i'm in constant contact with the police. with numerous people, with the coroner's office, giving them any information that i can, down to them swabbing my mouth with dna. i'm doing everything i can. i'm hoping and praying it's not my sister, but at least if it is, i know i can have some closure. and that's the thing, because if not, i'm still going to be in the same dilemma, trying to find out where my sister is. >> joanna, we pray and hope along with you. thank you for taking the time. let's bring in an investigative journalist. michelle, we hear that. that's a heartbreaking story, what she must be going through at this time. right now we have michelle, six victims. >> that's right. >> could that number rise? >> well, they don't feel that at this point, mike, because what investigators did do is they did
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go in and surveyed the house very well. by using cadaver dogs, by using their own investigators, by having a lot of folks in there, being able to dig the ground up, to be able to go into the crawl space where they did find a body, to find bodies in the living room, outside the house. i mean, this was quite a large crime scene, as you can imagine. so when investigators really needed to do is make sure that every t was crossed an every i was dotted throughout this investigation. that's when they did pull out the six bodies inside the house, which they did release today that all six bodies are in fact african-american females. >> let's bring in dr. michelle gol land, clinical psychologist. michelle, we hope it's just six. but knowing what he did back in 1989, a brutal rape, convicted for that, spent 15 years in prison, and got out in 2005. do you think there could be other victims? >> i would not be surprised if there are other victims. i mean, this is someone who is obviously a serial -- if the els are true, and bodies are in his
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home, he is a sexual predator, and a serial killer. and my frustration and anger is at our society's inability at this point to see rape of women and violence against women as the problem that needs to be dealt with harshly, even more harshly than it has been, and is being. >> let me read a facebook comment from kim writing this. that the problem isn't all the cops. the problem is our justice system that lets these people go free in the first place. these people need to be locked up for life. that's quoting you, michelle, from earlier. that's a facebook comment from kim. let's take a quick break, ladies, and we'll come back with more on this. we'll take your calls, the number 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. this is "prime news" on hln. we're continuing our conversation, just a brutal story here. six bodies found in the home of a convicted rapist. his name, anthony sowell. he was convicted of a crime back in 1989. out of prison in 2005. as michelle pointed out, bodies found in his home. we're taking your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. rosemary's with us in ohio. rose rose matter, your thoughts here? >> caller: i want to say, i love you, i love your show. i look at it every day. >> well, thank you so much. >> caller: mike, i live in the cleveland area, and i am baffled that these ladies that were reported missing, they're from that neighborhood. there's a known convicted rapist in that neighborhood.
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why wasn't the police department more on top into going into that home? it baffles me. i hope that isn't because some of the women may have been, you know, drug addicts or whatever. it just baffles me. >> great points there, rosemary. thanks for the call. michelle, what kind of monitoring was going on at the home of -- monitoring him at his home? >> well, there were actually a lot of checks. and he was in compliance with those checks, because he is a convicted sex offender. having said that, investigators also have to have probable xaus to be able to go in and to be able to do intensive searching and things like that. but, you know, seeing the connection of the women in the area, and all of these missing women that are eight that we know of right now, it gets a little kind of hairy in those kind of situations, i will say, especially for a larger police department like cleveland. they're extremely busy. sometimes some of these cases, you don't see them line up until you see something like this happens, unfortunately, as
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opposed to a much smaller town. >> let's clear up for everybody what happened september 22nd. he is -- authorities come, spot check. >> right. >> see what he's up to. now, alleged live, he assaulted, he raped someone else? another victim? >> allegedly. >> that day. >> that day. now, this was ten months later. he was also back in december of 2008, mike, there was a woman who alleges that sowell attacked her, dragged her into his home and she actually was able to be set free. thank goodness. and was able to report the crime. unfortunately it did not go all the way through the justice system. the charges were actually dropped. we have ten months later on september 22nd, t 8, allegedly the same thing happens again. so when investigators did in fact have this victim, who came forward to tell her courageous story, they have to be able to align the case and to be able to go through everything and match up all of the information to be able to move forward with proper
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charges. and that's when investigators did go to the house. he, of course, was wa not there. he was arrested later on as he was walking down the street, because another person who actually had seen his face and recognized him, made the courageous call, picked up the phone and called authorities. they were able to go out there and track him down. >> michelle, let m lay this out there and i'll let you in. >> all right. >> this guy is out of prison, reportedly out of prison one month and he's already on a sex fetish website describing himself as a master looking for a submissive victim. by no means was this guy rehabilitated. >> there's no rehabilitation for someone like this. and the point that i want to bring up that is also really disturbing, this also goes to the fact that these women, if it is the case that they may have been drug users, or -- and lived in a poorer area, there is less attention given to those cases. and if there had been an upper-scale white woman who had, you know, jumped out of a window
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and then reported being, you know, raped by someone, police would have been there immediate live. so, you know, it goes to many things. the and many issues within our society that are not being addressed. >> we all deserve the same justice system. >> yes. >> we have to leave it there, ladies. thanks so much.
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welcome back. two teenage girls busted when their raunchy photos turn up at their indiana high school. you get the picture here, they're half naked, lingerie, dollar bills, pretending to lick an obscene lollipop. i think you get the idea. the photos were taken during a sleepover during summer vacation but then posted on myspace. but someone got ahold of those photos, moved them onto the school. the school principal ended up seeing them. the school punished the girls. what's the next step? the girls and aclu, they're going to sue the school. taking your calls on this, 1-877-tell-hln. joining us to talk about it, ashley banfield, the host of "open court." also with us, lisa bloom, legal analyst for our sister network cnn and attorney as well. let me lay out the punishment for everybody, ladies. they were originally banned from sports for a year. those reduced. i think they'll miss a quarter of the volleyball season for participating in counseling and a public apology to the school's
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athletic board. i think they got it right. hopefully the girls learn something and won't do it again. your thoughts? >> i certainly think that they should learn something from this. because the school is only one step in their journey of life. these digital records last forever. and anybody who wants to hire them is going to look at some of these things on their facebook paijs. there is a whole legal argument that's different than your gut reaction, though. and the issue here is this is a public school. private school, no brainer. they could have done this. the school could have done anything they wanted regardless of the time of year, being summer vacation. private school, it's going to be a little more tricky, though. the aclu may have something here. >> let me get lisa in here. lisa, let me read the statement. i look at this and i'm like, playing sports is a privilege. you're an ambassador to the school. an attorney for smith green school district said about enforcing the school's athletic code, it allows the principal to
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bar from school activities any student/athlete. lisa, talk to me. the principal go wrong here? i know that's what you think, isn't it? >> since when did schools become big brother, responsible for enforcing morality, even things done during summer vacation at the girls' private home? i think this is a matter for the parents to deal with. ashleigh's right. it's a terrible idea for teenagers to post naked pictures of themselves online. we know that. teenagers are also likely to do mistakes and do stupid things as we did as teenagers. but thankfully there weren't cell phone cameras around to do these things. there are so many advantages for girls participating in schools. to make them apologize to an all-male board of coaches. they didn't do anything to those coaches, or the athletic team.
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they posted photos during the summer that they didn't like. >> the game has changed. if they were having an illicit conversation on the phone, nobody would know about it. i don't believe there's any real privacy on these social networking sites. if you post a picture online, it could end up in the wrong hands. it could end up in the school's hands. and these girls need to know about it, and hopefully they'll change their behavior. lisa, first crack at that. >> look, i agree. we all agree the girls need to be reprimanded and counseled for what they did because they did something stupid. the question is, is it the school's job to get them in trouble when they didn't do anything wrong at the school? i mean, that to me is just overreaching and it's offensive and not the job of the school. if they did something wrong in the sports team, fine. if they did something wrong in the classroom, fine. but this was done in a private home over summer vacation, and frankly, it's none of the school's business. >> ashleigh, the school says, and i would say it again, you're an ambassador for the school.
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if you play a sport, you represent us. now you're representing us doing this with lingerie and a lollipop. you're out for a while. >> i do differ from lisa in the morality aspect of it, only because i think sports is a privilege. going to school is a right. but playing on the athletics teams is a privilege. and they do have to abide by the code of conduct. and many of them sign agreements, by the way, to play on these sports teams and be ambassadors throughout the community. so i think the school can punish these girls this way. it will be a very interesting legal case. but let me tell you this. there are a lot of universities out there that have employees scanning facebook pages of their sports ambassadors. if you're out there watching right now, and you play sports, watch what you put on facebook. >> we're going to take your calls on this, 1-877-tell-hln. 
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. jon gosselin says he plans to apologize to kate. spoke at an event at a synagogue last night with rabbi shmuley. he'll join us in just a little bit. call 1-877-tell-hln. startling revelations coming in from that night that 20-year-old morgan harrington vanished. the college student last seen october 17th at a meltica concert in charlottesville, virginia. cops just now confirming that several witnesses, both inside and outside the arena reported seeing blood on morgan's face, a cut on her chin. an unexplained injury. we want to know, does it have
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anything to do at all with her disappearance? joining us now to talk about it, we welcome back dan and jill harrington, morgan's mom and dad. and also with us, courtney stuart, senior editor for "the hook" who's extensively covered this case. dan and jill, let me start with you again. first off, we're over two weeks. how are the both of you holding up at this point? >> well, i think that we are -- i think we're getting we'ary. it's an experience no parent should go through. we've been really uplifted by the family and friends, and support that we've gotten from the region, and from the nation. >> that's really the only thing holding us up right now, you know. when you find yourself down in the pit and you can't go on, you take the threads of love that your family and community give to you and try and put it into a rope that pulls you out of the
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hole. >> our thoughts and prayers are with you. we hope we can talk about morgan's safe return after one of these broadcasts. anything new from police? any new leads? >> no new leads. you mentioned in the lead-up about the cut on morgan's face, and we're not sure exactly if that occurred before she left for the bathroom, or after. i mean, the details of that really aren't clear. you know, we're still hoping for a break, and obviously have a large reward in hopes that someone can give us more reports on seeing morgan, or at least reports of someone who maybe was acting strange the next day, that maybe could lead us to finding morgan. we actually are also in the process of arranging a search and rescue follow-up later this week in the charlottesville area. >> let's bring in courtney stuart on that point. courtney, when you and i spoke
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about this briefly last friday, let's pick up where we left off about this injury. injury to morgan's chin. anything more you can offer us today on that point? >> well, like i said on friday, i have heard from people that were inside the stadium that she was seen inside with the injury. the police spokesperson had said that they won't confirm exactly where the injury is, or they're not sure. i was told that there was some blood on her chin. but whether that was actually the location of the injury, i'm not sure. >> okay. jill, had police talked to you about this injury? or is this news to you as well? >> i have been in a vacuum during this entire process, so we haven't really had time to look at tv or read papers or anything. we are just trying to respond as fast as we can. and get out the word about our daughter. >> we'll continue to do that. courtney, we talked about this.
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and let's get everybody up to speed. that morgan is outside of the arena from roughly 8:40 to 9:30. have you spoken to people who saw her outside the arena? and what do they say about her, where she was, her actions, any discussions, anything at all on that front? >> both from talking to people and from what the police have released, like in the front she was seen out front, then there's a side that is facing a uhall, which is the older basketball arena. beyond that, i don't know the exact location other than various locations, that's how they put it. of course, she was seen in the parking lot and in the rv lot, or overflow parking lot where she was sighted i guess right before the bridge. >> jill, did morgan have friends in charlottesville? her brother went to the university of virginia, so she might have known some people, is that correct?
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>> you know, he had already graduated, and most of the people who were his peers have moved on. we do have close family friends that we vacation with, and we spend holidays with, who are in town. so morgan, if she needed a ride or help, could have contacted those folks. >> to your knowledge, none of those folks, family friends, were contact by morgan? because i believe she said that she was either going to meet up with her friends after the concert or try and get a ride home, right? >> that's correct. >> but nobody who may have been able to help her out in that area has contacted you or you've contacted them? >> we've been in touch with the folks we know there, and they have not heard from her at all. >> dan, do you know anything more about contact morgan had with concertgoers before or during or after she was outside the arena? >> no. the only thing i know is what
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the police have reported, and sort of the time line of morgan's movement across the various parking lots over to the rv parking lot. and then the last sighting of her on the bridge. >> courtney, anything to add? are you getting any new information from authorities? >> we're obviously looking constantly and asking questions. we did get one small detail today that i think, you know, at least helps paint a little bit better picture of the rv lot, in that the university, the uva spokesperson tells us that there was actually a mobile lighting unit that had been placed there. it's often there for sporting events and things that the university puts on. she tells us that there was this tall mobile light in the rv lot that night. so it would not have been a dark area, with that light turned on. >> we will continue to follow this. courtney, good to have you on. thank you so much.
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dan and jill, again, our thoughts and prayers are with you. i'm sure we'll talk soon. thank you both. >> thank you so much, mike. coming up, an amber alert for a 7-month-old reported missing. halloween afternoon, about noontime. what could have happened to this little baby? we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back. an intense search right now for a 7-month-old baby in northwest florida. this case is baffling. little shannon dietrich was reported missing by her parents halloween day. the cops say this does not appear to be a kidnapping. then how does a 7-month-old just disappear? a 7-month-old is not just going to crawl out. we are baffled, i'm sure as you are, as you hear the details of this story. back with us to talk about it, michelle segona. reported missing at noon. when could she have disappeared or been taken? >> that's what investigators are figure out at this point. what we know is that is when she was reported missing from her home in florida. from that point, investigators actually got on the scene very quickly. they were able to gather the information about shannon. she's two feet tall, 11 pounds. they were able to determine right away that, okay, this child did not crawl out of the house. number one. number two, that she is in fact
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endangered at this point. that's why they were able alert. although no one saw "an abduction." that's why the amber alert was issued for this child and reported missing, and they need to figure out where she is at this time. what had happened was, from that point on, from halloween up until today, volunteers have come out to assist police. they've combed through dumpsters, looked behind buildings, they've done everything to try to find this child. and unfortunately, she's not been found. >> where was mom and dad when -- in those hours leading up to when she was reported missing? >> police are keeping tight-lipped on their time line right now. i think they're still trying to comb out some of those details. as you'll remember in the haleigh cummings case, when haleigh's dad had come home and found her missing, and his girlfriend/babysitter at the time was inside of the residence. investigators did have to come out there. they had to put together this
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time line. sometimes that can take a couple of days to figure out where the parents have been, what their past history is, who was in fact home at the time, when the last time the child was actually seen at the house. so those are some of the key clues. and some of the big topics that they're working on right now as we speak. >> are we getting any of that so far, michelle, what had gone on? any trouble in the house in the past? >> right now, they aren't saying. and that is something that we're definitely working on at this time to figure out, you know, if the parents were in fact getting along, and what the circumstances are behind shannon's disappearance. i do know her aunt did come forward and say that her mom, shannon's mom does in fact have a normal kind -- or an abnormal kind of disability, which could in fact -- shannon's head could be a little larger than normal for her body size. that's a good clue in finding out more about this child. as you post pictures of her, you know, throughout your television show, investigators and actually the viewers can call
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investigators with all the information that they have on this case. >> thanks, michelle. coming up, is jon gosselin trying to change his tune? he said he's going to apologize to kate. wants to make things right with the kids. so he goes to a synagogue in manhattan, hanging out with rabbi shmuley. is that going to help things with the family? help with his image? my colleague jane velez-mitchell is going to join me in just a moment.
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welcome back. is jon gosselin finally doing the right thing after months of partying, paparazzi, gallivanting with younger women? and lashing out at the mother of his eight kids? the reality tv dad now says he's going to tell his estranged wife, kate, he's sorry.
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>> i can't forgive myself for the things i've done. so to ask for forgiveness from someone is tougher. so i do ask kate -- i do apologize to kate. i am sorry for doing the things that i did. and i do ask for her forgiveness. >> there you go. sounds sincere. you want to believe him. what do you think? is he genuine? or is this a publicity stunt so public opinion might go his way a little bit more? take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. joining me to talk about this, i welcome in my colleague and friend, jane velez-mitchell, host of "issues" coming your way at the top of the hour. and brooke anderson. ladies, brooke, it's been a while. let's get your take on this. jon gosselin going with rabbi shmuley boteach to a synagogue.
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you buying it, brooke, or not? >> i'm a softy at times, so i'm going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. my first question was, why is he doing this publicly? why isn't he doing this behind closed doors if he's truly serious about a spiritual transformation, about improving his sense of self? i did speak with rabbi shmuley, as i know you have, and he told me that he thinks john is very sincere about this, that john truly does want to turn over a new leaf and that he wanted to do this publicly because he has been so exposed and so out there publicly that he couldn't just apologize in private because he needs to set a good example publicly as well. >> we have that. we'll get jane in on the conversation. here he is. i was talking to rabbi shmuley boteach about that. you're going private to make amends, and do your apologies, but here's what the rabbi had to say. >> last night jon gosselin taking responsibility for his actions for unfaithfulness or
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being less charitable in descriptions of his wife was very courageous. we need more husbands to do more of the same thing. we need to save american marriages. simply condemning people when they do the right thing isn't going to get us there. last night he was certainly sib sear. but a man and woman shouldn't be judged by their words. you need to be judged by your actions. his actions over the next period will tell us what he really wants to do with his life. >> that's a good point there. we'll see how he acts from here on out. jane, there's the rabbi saying, okay, he wronged her in public so he's got to apologize in public. >> i'm a big fan of the rabbi. he has a lot of wisdom. i've spoken to this rabbi before, and he's got some pretty good takes on things. and i hope it gets through to jon. but my personal opinion is, jon is an addict, and he is addicted to fame. we discuss a lot of addictions on our show "issues," but i really feel addiction of fame is a new one that's cropping up more and more with this reality
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television. and once the spotlight is on you, you crave it. and when it's taken away, if you do not have a grounded personality, a grounded identity, an understanding of who you are, why you're here, what your values are, you feel like you died. when you take away the fame and there's nothing else there, a core value system, you feel like you're dead. so you desperately seek to get back in the spotlight. and that's what i see jon doing. on the surface it's about money. he needs money. he's doing all these things to get money. but i think deep down inside, there's just a void in there, and he's trying to fill it. and he's filling it with attention. >> got it. addicted to fame. >> it's very, very dangerous for people who can't handle it. rabbi shmuley talked about fame and how jon kind of got swept up by the whole thing, that it was brand new to him. the enticement of celebrity. i agree with you, jane, that it does feel like jon has this insatiable appetite for fame,
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and for attention. but hopefully, with the advice from rabbi shmuley, he be able to turn over a new leaf. >> brooke, you don't think he'll be able to sequester himself for six months, stay out of the tabloids and public spotlight? jane openly laughing. >> yeah, yeah. six months is a long time in the world of jon and kate gosselin. i don't think so. >> jane, your thoughts? he's addicted. he's in. >> here's what i want to say. there's also a certain shame he's experiencing because he got all this fame for nothing. he himself says i don't know how to do this or that, i got a tv show because i procreated and that's not really an accomplishment. so i think that he's also feeling shame-based which complicates the whole issue. he's trying to fix something but the way he's trying to fix it is just making it worse. >> let's hit on the fame thing. brooke, what is this about the show or possibility of a show, jon minus kate equals jon plus octomom. is that going to happen? >> can you imagine, that would
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be just a complete circus, right? >> right. >> there were serious talks between the producers behind the show and the gosselins but -- jon gosselin and his camp but jon gosselin is formally saying through his lawyer, no, they're not going to do it. now, the executive producer behind the reality show "cheaters" is the one who wants to produce a show between jon and the octomom to show the development of their relationship, show how they're handling all 22 of their children, but they are saying no. the executive producer, though, is holding out hope. he says he feels he can wear jon down with time. >> really? >> and jon needs the money. >> okay. brooke, we will continue the conversation. jane, i know you will continue this topic. >> we sure will. >> "issues" top of the hour. we'll be watching "issues" and stick with brooke and i. call in. we would love to hear what you think of this whole situation.
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tonight, a sick new milestone in the war on women. a gruesome discovery in ohio, six women found murdered inside the home of a convicted rapist. cops say the bodies may have been rotting for months or years. neighbors would gag when they walked past the house as the toxic smell of death poured out of the windows. so how did cops check up on this guy two months ago and not notice anything amiss? and who are his victims. plus a beautiful tv anchor woman raped and murdered in cold blood in her own bed. now the man suspected of this vicious attack has his day in court as the trial finally begins. will there be justice for ann
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pressly? also, inside the frightening world of addiction. david hasselhoff comes clean and finally admits his toxic troubles, telling the world about his ongoing battle with alcoholism, even comparing himself to notorious train wreck, amy winehouse. so is this a real life cry for help or free publicity for his new reality show? and cue the circus music. jon gosselin is back in the spotlight. this time, the star of "jon and kate plus eight" was in front of the cameras undergoing marriage therapy with a famous rabbi. what? what's going on here? if this guy's serious about fixing his marriage, should he be doing this behind closed doors? tonight's big issue, is jon gosselin addicted to fame? "issues" starts now. tonight, a manhunt leads police to a house of horrors in cleveland. six, count them, six rotting corpses found inside the home of a convicted rapist named anthony sowell.
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>> we have taken a confirmed three bodies out of the home. we have now, with the assistance of the coroner's office, removed what we believe are the remains of three additional victims, one from the backyard and two from inside the home. >> investigators say all six victims were african-american women who were strangled to death. sowell could have been living with their bodies for months, possibly even years. the stench was so overpowering, it made neighbors gag, it made their eyes water, but none of them thought to call police. and just over a month ago, cops did a routine check on this man because he is a registered sex offender. so why didn't they notice the n unmistakable smell of death? it gets worse. last week, a woman told police sowell had raped her inside his house. when police went to arrest him, he wasn't there. that's when they finally picked up on the extraordinary odor. officers then found all those bodies. sowell was arrested two days later. this guy served 15 years in prison for raping and choking a
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woman in 1989, since his return to the streets in 2005, more than one woman has accused him of rape. so why wasn't he prosecuted? why wasn't he sent back to the slammer? so much to cover and i want to hear from you at home about why you think nobody did anything about the fantastic, unbelievable smell. straight out to my awesome panel. dr. gale saltz, clinical psychiatrist and associate professor of psychiatry at new york presbyterian hospital. don clark, former fbi special agent in charge. curtis sliwa, founder of the guardian angels and wabc radio talk show host and michelle sagona, correspondent for "america's most wanted" and international crime correspondent, michelle, you have some very exclusive information on this case. bring us up to date. what is the very latest? >> the very latest on this investigation, jane, is just a little bit of what you had mentioned. all six bodies inside of the house, police have identified. in fact, as being all
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african-american women, five of whom were strangled, unfortunately, and the other ones' body was decomposed so badly they could not determine how that female was in fact murdered. in the coroner's office went in, they were able to secure all six bodies. they had a cadaver dog go in to be able to locate every single body at locations from crawl spaces to living spaces, outside to shallow graves and to bring those in, to be able to determine the age and the sex and the gender of these particular women at this time and right now, since they don't have any identification for them, they are reaching out to some of the families throughout the neighborhoods to try to figure out some other missing women, up to eight that we know of so far, that could possibly be possible potential victims in this. but they are working to match up the dna at this time. >> we have got some of those missing women, we will present them to you in a little bit, to see if you at home perhaps have any information on them. michelle, before we move on, you
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have some exclusive information, i understand you talked to the mother of a woman who was married to this suspected serial killer. >> that's correct, jane. i located this woman and what she says, she doesn't wish to be identified but what she did tell me was that more than 20 years ago, that her daughter actually met sowell in the marines and they were married for about a year. she says that she does not remember a lot of information about him -- >> you're saying he was a marine, this guy? >> yes. he was a marine, for what she remembers about to be six and a half years. i did reach out to the marine corps about an hour and a half ago because i just found out this information, and they have to go into the archives into st. louis to be able to tell me the exact dates of when he enlisted and when he was released. there are published reports out there that do say he was there for about seven years and that he was honorably discharged according to parole records. having said that, what this woman says is that her daughter did in fact meet sowell and that they were married for about a year. her daughter, unfortunately, died about 11 years ago,
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unrelated to this. but she was, you know, speaking out and what she wanted to say was that her heart really does go out to the families of these women who were found. >> i got to say, michelle, it's very nervewracking and actually disturbing to think that this suspected serial killer was a u.s. marine. that's a bizarre twist. sowell was accused of rape after his release from prison four years ago. a woman says after she refused to have a drink with him, this is after his release, he punched her in the face and dragged her into his house. she told fox 8 cleveland quote, he was going to kill me. i had scars on my neck and nerve damage. she says she escaped and called cops, sowell was arrested, get this, for rape, kidnapping and robbery, but the case was dropped. why, curtis sliwa? because this woman believes that it's because she had a case pending, an assault case pending against her at the time and so sowell kind of turned the tables and claimed that she had
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assaulted him. but i just don't get it, curtis, because this should have been a slam-dunk for prosecutors. he's a convicted rapist and she's accusing him of doing the exact same thing he did before. >> it will be interesting to see the backgrounds of the victims that they found who are buried underneath this home because i bet you they are part what have we have as a throwaway society for women. if you're a dope fiend, crackhead, meth head, run away, prostitute, we say see you later, we forget you. your file goes into cold case file and maybe it will get solved at some point in the future. we don't view these people as being like the person next door, like "leave it to beaver" land. "father knows best." "little house on the prairie." that's how they continue to get away with these crimes undetected. >> i got disturbing information to tell you about now. this is very creepy. sowell had reportedly cruised sexual fetish websites. he described himself as a quote,
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master looking for someone to train. his profile on the site reads if you' you'resubmissive and like to please, this master wants to talk to you. get your spleive over here now. dr. saltz, does this give you an inkling of what these women may have endured before they were strangled? >> unfortunately, absolutely. this is someone who was interested in domination, perhaps sadism, which often go hand-in-hand, and you would be very concerned that these women were, you know, really tortured in some way before they died. >> i mean, this is pretty serious stuff, don clark. you're a special agent in charge of the houston fbi, s & m behavior can include physical violence and if it starts out as a game and maybe somebody's lured in under that pretext and it turns physically violent, that can be absolutely terrifying. >> well, it is very terrifying, jane, and -- but one of the major problems here is that
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we're no longer in the '70s and '80s and '90s now. we're in a stage now where prevention has to be the focal word. that is crime prevention. not arresting these people after the fact and after six or eight people are dead or so forth. they've got to prevent these crimes from happening. when you've got things like rapists and child sex abusers, once they have been convicted, then somewhere along the line with all the technology that we have, these people should be monitored for the rest of their lives. i would argue that with anybody, if they are convicted and put out on parole, they should be monitored so that you can pretty much know where these people are all the time. >> but michelle, you're the investigator here. they were monitored. the cops reportedly checked up on him as recently as september 22nd to determine whether he was living at the home that he said he was living at. now, how come they didn't notice the smell? this is astounding to me. this reminds me of the garrido case. we will get into that in a second but answer that question. >> yes, it is astounding.
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from what a lot of neighbors have said, and a lot of folks in the community, they have come out to say that look, okay, everyone figured that he was going out, he was rummaging through trash, he picking up scrap metal, to earn a living. and everyone figured that's where the stench comes from, from collecting those items inside of his house. that could have been, i don't know, that could have been what he told authorities and what police would have known. if they were checking up on him as much as they say that they have record of, in that particular instances, all those instances, for that matter, they would be able to determine his kind of lifestyle and they would know he's out there kind of scouring the area looking for things to sell. >> there were so many questions, so many red flags, and again, you're astounded they don't pick up on any of it. he was living with an elderly female relative who they're now looking for. he said he took her to a nursing home. they're trying to figure out whether that really happened or not. so much more on this nightmare
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discovery in just a moment. we're also taking your calls on this. i want to know what you think about why people didn't report the stench. 1-877-jvm-says. 1-877-586-7297. give me your thoughts. plus, another case in the war on women. arkansas anchor woman raped, murdered in her own bed. now this trial has started. will there ever be justice for this beautiful young woman and her tortured family? but first, a houseful of rotting bodies found in ohio. a neighborhood shocked to hear cops say a serial killer was living right next door. >> sigh of relief. the street is now safe again. >> i'm glad he's off the street. >> we're just thankful that they got him.
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had my mask on, this mask right here. i don't know if that made him look at me harder, but i had my halloween mask on and he stopped me and then he looked at me real hard. i had a chance, you know, to look at him real hard. i said that looked like the dude the police was looking for. still had my mask on. they thought that i was crazy, too, but i took them back around there and they apprehended the guy. >> that gentleman's a hero tonight. his tip led cops to anthony sowell after six corpses were found in his home. sowell's case has striking similarities to phillip garrido's. both convicted rapists who were apparently not rehabilitated and not properly monitored after being released from prison. you remember garrido served only a decade of a 50-year rape sentence. soon after his release he allegedly kidnapped jaycee dugard and kept her captive in his backyard for 19 years, fathering two kids with her.
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police made regular visits to his home. they never discovered jaycee or the kids in a sprawl of tents in his backyard. 50-year-old anthony sowell served 15 years for rape. he was released in 2005. four years ago. he registered as a sex offender and checked in regularly with the sheriff's office as he was required to do. so why during all these checks did they not notice something is off with this guy? why didn't they smell when they visited his home, this odor that's been described as overpowering to the entire neighborhood? all right. phone lines lighting up on this one as we would expect. alice in north carolina, your question or thought, ma'am? >> caller: hey, i think this is so stupid. i mean, really, that's what you're trained to do. you're a trained poefl to check for that and you didn't see a tent with people in your -- in their backyard, really? i mean, how do you not smell that? did you have febreze or something? >> i missed the last part of that. but i guess she's making the same point that we're making.
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i don't really understand, michelle, how these, whether they're parole officers or law enforcement officers, sheriff's deputies, cops, whoever, they're trained law enforcement, they go to this house to check up, and they don't pick up on anything odd. it's almost like they don't have any sixth sense that hey, we're basically here trying to figure out if anything's off about this guy who's already spent time in prison for rape. >> you're right, jane. so what happens in these kind of situations, same as in the phillip garrido case, is investigators will go back through, pull out the records, see who made the house checks, what times this happened. if in fact there were house checks or in fact, the offender actually checked in with the department itself. they'll go through and see if there's any kind of notes that took place. sometimes in these kind of -- in these kinds of files, especially with offenders that have, you know, offended a long time ago or over a period of time, sometimes some of the files
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could not always be in the same location, so i'm sure that investigators within the department are working right now to be able to connect those dots and they'll be able to have a little bit more information for us within the next couple of days. >> all right. you know, don clark, how far could cops go? i've heard in the phillip garrido case well, they didn't need a search warrant to go inside. now i'm hearing in this case they couldn't go inside. it seems like the rules, that's part of our problem with our criminal justice system, the rules are different every state, every municipality, nobody can figure it out, probably even the law enforcement officers can't figure on it what they're supposed to do. >> you know, it is different, particularly as you go from state to state. the federal is probably a little bit more consistent but the bottom line is, jane, is that they've got to figure out that sending somebody to these places and just having them to do a check, what does that mean? we're living in an electronic state today where we can find anything. let's use that ability to keep track of these people and where they are going and record it that way. >> i want to get to this because this is the most important. are any of the victims inside
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sowell's home women who were reported missing? investigators are focusing on several african-american women who recently disappeared in the cleveland area. the family of 43-year-old janice cobbs afraid she may be one of the people strangled in sowell's home. she lived one street away from sowell. she went missing in april. 49-year-old janice webb disappeared in june. she hung out in an area near sowell's house. her family says she battled drug addiction. this dovetails with what curtis sliwa said that perhaps some of these women didn't inspire the kind of search that law enforcement might do for some other women who are considered more valuable by society. i certainly don't make that distinction. >> jane, this happens all the time with law enforcement. they look at who the victims might be and if they have had drug problems, meth, crack, they're dope fiends, prostitutes, runaways, they don't treat them as regular, average, every day people and that's the mistake because then the creton with chromosome damage like this gets away with it. how could they have gone into
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that house and not known something was wrong in there? they probably did a check-off, had a cup of coffee, a sandwich on some local merchant and went about their duty. we depend on law enforcement. we don't expect them to be columbo but open up your schnoz associati schnozzola and smell, folks. diane, kentucky, your question or thought, ma'am? >> caller: yes, ma'am. there is a convicted sex offender that lives in the apartment below me and there's a policeman that lives next door. i understand from your program that the police do a routine check on these people but i have never seen this man checked on and i'm wondering what i can do to protect myself. >> all right. ten seconds, dr. gail saltz? >> i think you just have to keep your eyes open. it could be -- certainly he's probably being checked when you're not looking because you can't keep your eye on him 24/7 either but look for clues. be safe.
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don't go alone in front of this person's apartment. don't go into his apartment. just use your noggin. >> we have to leave it right there. thank you, fantastic panel. we have been on this next case since it started a year ago. the trial for the man accused in the brutal murder of tv anchor woman ann pressly. we will tell you about david hasselhoff.
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in the spotlight tonight, this was day one in the trial of the man accused of brutally raping and murdering a beautiful arkansas tv anchor woman, was almost exactly one year ago we started talking about this horrific case. it is the ultimate example of an unprovoked attack and really, what started what we here on "issues" began calling the war on women. this is where it all began, 26-year-old ann pressly was asleep in her bed when prosecutors say curtis vance broke into her home, raped her and beat her so severely her own mother could not recognize her. she spoke about that on the "today" show. >> i found my daughter beyond
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recognition with every bone in her face broken. her nose broken. her jaw pulverized so badly that the bone had come out of it. >> prosecutors plan to use dna evidence and taped confessions from vance but his lawyers claim he was coerced into giving the dna sample. vance has pleaded not guilty. you know, we have been talking about this case from the very beginning and once again, i have to say that this case is what inspired us to begin a recurring series here on "issues" called the war on women, because this attack was completely 100% unprovoked. this woman was in her own home, i'm talking about ann pressly, a very well-loved, popular anchor woman, she was inside her own home, and simply living her life when somebody broke into her
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house, raped her and beat her to the point where she was not identifiable to her own mother, and what strikes me, and i felt very -- a very strong connection to this case because i'm an anchor woman, and i have been a reporter out there in the field and i've worked in these small towns and i know what it's like to go out there and to go home by yourself and not know if anybody that you covered has followed you home, so i had a personal connection to this young lady because i related to her, identified with her predicament, and that's why we started the war on women, to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. dana bradley, a reporter with news radio, you have been covering this from the very start. what happened in court today? >> well, as we know, curtis vance was in court in little rock today, a little over -- it was actually the beginning of jury selection and a little over 100 jurors were seated, they were questioned, they went through the same thing they go to to try to eliminate some
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people and at last, as it was over with, about two jurors were actually seated but numerous of them were actually let go because they weren't -- they were not able to sit on the jury. >> you know, this is a relatively small community. i mean, we're here in new york city, the big city, but how has this case impacted your community where you work, where you live? i understand that all the news media kind of knew each other. what's the fallout of this case? >> well, you know, when it first happened, it kind of put all of us as far as women in the media, kind of at a scare, wondering who is this guy, who did this, who would do such a thing to our friend, our co-worker and just our loved one like that. speaking of ann pressly. so we kind of go down a time frame, all worried as a community, all a little scared. when they apprehended an alleged suspect, we kind of -- we all wanted to know answers. we wanted questions. we all want answers. like you were saying here in little rock, the media here are all very close. sure, we might be rivals in television and radio, but we all work very closely together. >> dana, i hope you come back
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and update us as this case progresses. we're not going to forget about it. we will stay on top of the war on women.
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cue the circus music. jon gosselin is back in the spotlight. this time, the star of "jien and kate plus eight" was in front of the cameras undergoing marriage therapy. what's going on here? if this guy's serious about fixing his marriage, should he be doing this behind closed doors? plus, inside the frightening world of addiction. david hasselhoff comes clean and finally admits his toxic troubles, telling the world about his ongoing battle with alcoholism. so is this a real-life cry for help or free publicity for his new reality show? the once wildly successful tv show "jon and kate plus eight" is done. put a fork in it, people. jon gosselin is still basking in
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the spotlight. jon's latest move, a public therapy session of sorts, led by spiritual guide to the stars, rabbi boteach and a friend of this show. the rabbi got jon to admit he needs to say sorry to kate. although he feels he she treated him as a ninth child, he says he is not a fame seeker. he is taking a break from his soulmate haleigh glassman who accused him of being emotionally abusive. here's a clip of the interview which aired on abc's "good morning america." >> slow things down and calm things down a bit until i get through my divorce and until i know everything's settled and okay. i don't want another failure in my relationship. from my past actions. i don't want to make the same mistakes i did with kate with haleigh. for ten years, i kept it all in and never said anything, and i emotionally abused people because all of a sudden it just
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came out one day and unfortunately, it was kate and unfortunately, it was haleigh. >> but what about those published reports that jon cooked up all the drama with haleigh precisely to get attention? my question tonight, is jon genuinely trying to change for the better? joining me now, jon's spiritual advisor and author of "the broken american male," rabbi schmuley boteach and also joining me, famed divorce attorney raul felder and my good buddy, carlos diaz. i think you have a lost wisdom, rabbi. if anybody can get through to somebody, you can, but a lot of people are kind of wondering how can you help somebody with their personal problems in front of an audience full of people? >> it wasn't a therapy session. it was an attempt to get jon to accept public responsibility for the public things that he's done. if you hurt someone, humiliate your wife, and it happened in a public setting, if pictures have been taken of you and someone else, then the pain a wife experiences is compounded not
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just by that feeling of betrayal but the feeling of humiliation. there's a need to come before the public before whom it's happened and say you're sorry. the fact is that fame has certainly moral and ethical responsibilities and last night's purpose in a synagogue, in a holy space, was for jon to purge himself of the excuses and to say that what i've done is in contradiction to my innermost moral principles. it's a contravention of who i want to be. this is not who i planned to be and i can't find excuses for what i've done. the fact is, 75% of all divorces in america are initiated by women. women are tired of men who are unfaithful or who act out and don't take responsibility. it's my hope, the moral courage that he showed in publicly renouncing that behavior and committing himself to better will inspire other husbands in similar situations to do the same. as far as whether this is a publicity stunt, whether people should take it seriously, don't take anything seriously. don't believe what people say. believe what people do. action is everything. >> i want to ask you this question. this is what i have been thinking about the whole time with this whole jon and kate thing. is there a soul sickness to
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somebody who would put their kids on a reality show essentially turning their kids into commodities? is there a soul sickness inside to be able to do that, rabbi, because i believe there is. >> there isn't just a sickness with many of us in this culture, jane, let's be honest. our culture is not healthy. our culture puts attention before love. we know how to make money. we don't know how to stay married. we don't know how to love each other or inspire our children. one of the purposes in last night's conversation was to simply say why were you afraid to talk about this. fame is claiming a lot of victims these days. it attracts a lot of broken souls. here we are talking about this on television. let's admit our own complicity in this entire thing. all of us are complicit. the fact is america is becoming a celebrity-obsessed culture. celebrity can be used for bad or good. for bad is where you begin to feel special not by virtue of the people who love you but the people who watch you. it can be consecrated to a higher purpose. in this case, jon gosselin is the father of eight children. he can highlight the need for parents to spend a lot of time with their kids. let's remember, before he went off the rails for eight months,
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and he admitted to that behavior last night, he was someone we admired. he changed diapers. >> i never admired him. i never admired him. i don't think it's an accomplishment to have eight children and then put them on a tv show to make money. sorry. >> i agree with you. i agree with you. those kids should not be on tv. i told him that the first time we spoke. i hope i played a small role in helping him decide they should not be. he said to me the very first time he said he was going to renounce on television he wants his kids off the show, he said people are going to see this as payback to tlc, they will question my motives. i said in life you do the right thing even for the wrong motivation. it's action that counts. >> rabbi, got to leave it right there. hope you come back real soon and i always love chatting with you. you have very good insights. i have to move on because we have a very famous divorce attorney and i'm very excite 'ed to have him here with us, but let's set up the clip, if we can, mr. felder. >> hi, jane. >> how you doing. jon's reported breakup with his 22-year-old girlfriend for real
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or is this another scheme to get fame? haleigh opened up about their relationship on "entertainment tonight." listen to this. >> i think we need to point out the fact that jon is sitting right here in the room. i think you should come sit in on this interview. >> haleigh glassman goes on the record tonight. jon gosselin watches on from just five feet away. >> i will be brutally honest with you, i've had the worst times of my life with jon. but i've had the best times and the happiest times of my life. like no one in this world can make me smile or laugh like he does. >> all right. so raul, she's talking about breaking up with jon but jon's sitting there on the floor while she's giving the interview. if this is orchestrated, could this come back to bite him in the divorce? could kate use this as evidence of his bad intentions? >> well, it's an admission of adultery here. she had the best times and the worst times of her life with him but by the way, jane, what's a little odd is that her father
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did a tummy tuck on jon's wife. this is really strange stuff. but everything he does is in public. i think you were right on target, he seemed to be, when he was before the rabbi, he seemed to be pleading to be able to figure out the problems he had with the last woman so he doesn't have it with the next woman. he doesn't say anything about taking his eight kids on television. it's appalling. >> i think it's appalling. my big issue, is jon gosselin a fame addict? we will go to carlos diaz in a moment after basically, he got cut from "jon and kate plus eight." my question is did he go into reality tv withdrawal? tlc's cameras aren't following jon anymore. so he's turned to the paparazzi cameras. watch this. >> i just got e-mail from kate saying she doesn't want to see me. >> she says she doesn't want to see you? may we see it? >> no. hold on one second. she wants to change custody. i would appreciate it if you
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would pick them up at the bus stop tomorrow at 4:00 and stay until 6:00. that's ridiculous. i'm going to stay longer than that. i don't care. >> it was supposed to be a joint day because it's a birthday. >> yeah. all holidays, birthdays, whatever. >> how do you end up dealing with this -- >> it doesn't matter. it's joint shared. i can stay as long as i want and i will. >> carlos, is jon a fame addict? >> no, he is not a fame addict. the people want as much jon as possible and jane, you and i are friends and we are about to have a spirited discussion, all right? you said on this program, you said on this program just months ago when i said they should take the kids off of "jon and kate plus eight" you said no, they shouldn't do that, they wouldn't have a show. we're seeing right now that people, all they care about is jon and kate. they don't care about the kids anymore. take the kids out of the equation and we need to see the rabbi and if you watch that entire interview with the rabbi at the synagogue last night, it was amazing. he got jon to admit things that
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jon has never admitted before. i think we need a show on tlc where jon is sitting down every week and talking to either the rabbi or someone like the rabbi about making himself a better person, a better father, and a prospective better man for future relationships. that's a show right there. i don't think jon is a fame -- is addicted to fame. i think the people's thirst for jon gosselin is in insatiable and the only way it can be quenched is like the show we saw last night. >> i never said they shouldn't take the kids off because i don't think the kids should be on the show. i think what i said was the show isn't going to work without the kids. i'll give you that. but getting back to raul, is this uglier because it's a reality show or is this just another very ugly divorce? >> well, it's both. it's an ugly divorce, it's more ugly because everybody's looking
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in his bedroom window and i couldn't believe it, this i didn't know before that, when he was breaking up with this girl, he's sharing the e-mails, blackberry messages he's getting from the girl with the public. she has to have her head examined to have anything to do with this guy. unless he's touting another reality show with the new girlfriend and i break up and make up and get a little plastic surgery, on and on, and the next girl, the next girl and the next girl. >> yeah. i mean, the thing is, i really feel that all of their problems stem from the fact that they're the kind of people who would put their kids on a reality show in the first place. i think -- go ahead. ten seconds. >> but jane, very quickly, it takes a lot of money to raise eight kids and the only way they get enough money to raise those eight children is from a tlc or another network that wants to put them on tv. that's -- >> i just think it's a cautionary tale. don't have eight kids if the only way you can afford them is to put them on tv, don't have eight kids. i hope those kids have very
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happy lives. it's not their fault. thank you, raul. please come back soon. big thags to our fantastic guests. a woman busted by police for drunk driving. you're not going to believe how she was caught. it's amagz. plus, david hasselhoff finally confessing he has an alcohol problem. you think? but is the hoff serious about getting help? we're taking your calls on the hoffster. that's 1-877-jvm-says. 1-877-586-7297.
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let's meet today's winner. i-reporter aubrey in albuquerque. she lived a double life for a long time, party girl at night, working in a legal office by day but it caught up with her. in 2007, her parents said hey, honey, get help. aubrey reluctantly went into recovery and she met a group of supportive people who helped her find clarity and sobriety. now she's a new mommy, sober and get this, getting ready to go to law school. aubrey, for sharing your amazing story of recovery, you will be getting an autographed copy of my new book "i want" plus a chance to win a trip to new york city and visit me right here on the set of "issues." we'll have a good time, a good sober time.
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and check out my book, if you're struggling with addiction or know somebody who is, you can order it by going to c it's got my story of recovery. all right, moving on. david hasselhoff finally comes clean, admitting he has an alcohol problem. so is he serious about getting clean or is this just a pr stunt for his new reality show? we will take a look. first, "top of the block" tonight. a woman in wisconsin may be guilty of driving drunk but you could never accuse her of being a liar. get this. mary stray was boozed up behind the wheel so she calls cops and reports herself to police. listen to this 911 call.
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>> oh, boichlt boy. funny because no one got hurt. after making the phone call, the woman pulled over to the side of the road, put on her flashers and waited for cops to show up. she was charged with dui. nobody was inside the car, nobody got hurt. i don't know what made her decide to call police but it was definitely the right decision. she might be kicking herself now but better be arrested than killed in a drunk driving accident. all right, "top of the block" part two. does not have such a happy ending. this new video of anna nicole smith in 2006 was entered into evidence at the trial of three people, her ex-boyfriend and two doctors accused of illegally furnishing her with prescription drugs. the frightening video shot by howard k. stern at a little girl's birthday party. listen as a very childish out of it anna nicole insists she's not preggers. >> my baby's over there sleeping. >> your baby down there. >> your baby down there.
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>> that one. >> i think i just had a little gas. >> gas? please do not tell me that no one could have predicted how this story would end up and that is tonight's "top of the block." now to a double dose of dumb and just as disturbing as anna nicole, david hasselhoff is best known to the "issues" audience for the infamous sloppy drunk burger binge video. check it out once more. >> all right. there's more where that came from. hasselhoff reportedly signed
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with a major cable network to do a reality show along with his teenaged daughters. oy-vay. he seems to think it's a good idea. quote, the problem i've experienced in my own life and some of the stuff that's been documented about amy is a universal problem. time-out. amy? that's right. he's talking about amy winehouse. isn't that a great comparison to make? amy went into rehab in january 2008 only to demand and get a special release from rehab so she could perform at the grammy awards. i guess the message is hey, the rules just don't apply to me. predictably. since then, amy has had her share of alleged substance abuse problems. you think? as far as the hoff comparing himself to amy, "issues" reached out to amy for comment. we didn't hear back. so will hoff ever get sober if the cameras are rolling? i want to know what you think. give me a call. we're back with our fantastic panel and i want to welcome my very special guest, as well, danny bonaduce, morning talk show host, 94.1 wysp, actor,
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reality show star, danny, great to see you. do you think it's a good idea for the hoff to have a reality show given what -- what's happening to him right now? >> first of all, i seen a reality show about a terrible drunk husband and father behaving horrifyingly in front of his children. we called it "breaking bonaduce." and it really does generate a great deal of money, and then you get a divorce and your children, you get to see them every other weekend. >> so basically, it's a disaster? >> it's a disaster in every possible sense of the word. first of all, there are funny parts, i must admit. he came out in the paper today, david hasselhoff, of the burger fame, came out today and said, you know, waking up and realizing you're an alcoholic, that's not just something you wake up one day and do. if you wake up at home. if you wake up naked at macy's next to a dis-pointed-looking st. bernard, you might realize you have an issue. >> all right. well, that's why we got you involved, danny bonaduce, because you tell it like it is.
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now, on friday's show we're going to have jodie sweetin join us, the former child actress and star of "full house" is going to share her struggles with drug addiction. but first we'll have much more on hasselhoff, the hoffster, the hoffalino, when we come right back.
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i had a few drinks, but there's no police involved. >> and like did you go to the hospital? >> i went to the hospital but not for that. >> not for that? >> no, i went for a stomach. >> so you didn't pass out or -- >> no. no. >> that's the hoff giving tmz his rendition of why he was taken to the hospital in may. according to his rep, it was a bad reaction to a drug combo, but other reports had him with a blood alcohol content of .39. dr. reef karim, note add diction specialist, what is going on with the hoffmeister? >> it's something called alcoholism, jane, is what it appears to be. it's a chronic relapsing illness. similar to diabetes. asthma.
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hypertension. there's no cure. it's something that you manage. and if you don't get appropriate treatment, you know, the treatment here is a residential treatment center, a rehab. it's not a reality show. and you've got to take it seriously. and i just -- i really worry that if he's not taking it seriously there could be some really major negative consequences happening here. >> now, in may 2007 hasselhoff reacted to the release of that infamous burger on the floor video, admitting that he relapsed. he said, "relapse. part of recovery is relapse." danny, what would you say to david hasselhoff right now? do you believe part of recovery is relapse? >> oh, absolutely. i've been in so many 12-step programs i could be an aerobics instructor. there is no reason that -- nobody should make it the first time. and i don't know anybody that has. but -- >> well, i don't know about that. i experienced a miracle. so i feel like when i decided to get sober -- i tried for many years, for 20-some years, and then i did experience a miracle of recovery. >> right.
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but during those -- >> knock on wood. one day at a time. >> during those 20 years, though, you did fail. you didn't make it your first try. >> right. >> so you're right. i'm agreeing with you that relapse is a part of the recovery process. i think him playing this dangerous game with a reality show is a bad idea. first of all, the tragedy is going to follow him forever. he was supposed to be the guy from "knight rider," which is convenient when your designated driver is the car itself. but playing with fire here. >> good point. >> all right. i've got to bring carlos diaz in. we hate to admit it, but celebrity train wrecks are fun to watch. it's hard not to watch. >> thank you. >> an apparently tipsy a-lister or d-lister. but what price are they paying? we've all seen the anna nicole smith video. looking and sounding drunk or high. and then we've also got, you know, whitney houston. remember whitney and bobby brown? they let the cameras roll on their very scandalous and dysfunctional private life. so we're laughing, but we're not sort of laughing with them. i think we're laughing at them.
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and that's the difference, carlos. >> that's the thing, too. if david hasselhoff is dead in a year, then we're going it feel pretty bad about this whole thing. but short of that, danny bonaduce's made some great points. but danny, your marriage was doing well before, or doing well as could be, before the reality show, and then it went into the toilet during the reality show, and that's when you lost, of course, your wife and you saw your kids every other weekend. that's where david hasselhoff is right now. his marriage has imploded. he's seeing his kids on an interim basis. he's not seeing them all the time. and whenever anything happens to david hasselhoff, he's got some story to tell. now if cameras are following him the story will be seen for us -- we'll see the story firsthand. he can't tell a story. he can't make up a story. we'll see it firsthand on a&e or whoever's bought this show. so it's a little different, danny, than your situation if you ask me. >> well, i kind of disagree a little bit. only that my marriage has been a disaster for the last decade. >> we're out of time.
7:58 pm
danny, you're going to have to come back real soon -- >> i wish you would invite me back. >> you've got some explaining to do. thank you so much.
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