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tv   American Politics  CSPAN  November 16, 2009 12:30am-2:00am EST

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all right. welcome, class, to hollywood 101. thank you so much for enrolling. all right. so over here we have debby and eddie. in the '50s they were known as america's sweethearts. those of you that are younger, all three of you, and you can't, you know, you can't relate to any of this, try to think of it this way. think of eddie as brad pitt, debby as jennifer aniston, and elizabeth as angelina jolie. does that help? >> that's the very funny carrie fisher in a scene from her hit broadway show "wishful
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drinking." this week i talked to the former princess leia about her life and loves and took time out for a call from a special guest. >> hello, there. >> hi, mom. >> hello, darling daughter. >> so, debbie, you've seen the play, right? >> i've seen it about seven times. it's great. >> so is there anything in there you can relate to or that you would say -- >> i would just say that she should have put everything in then it would have really been an overnight sensation. >> what did she leave out? what did you leave out? >> mom? oh, yeah, there's stuff -- >> why are you looking up? do you think she's god? >> because she's god. >> debbie is god. >> i hear the voice from up there. >> you're close to her now. >> we live next door to each other. >> in california. how is that working out? >> good. >> i adore my daughter. she's my daughter. she's my child. very talented. >> she certainly is.
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so are you. >> if i did not have you as a role model, there would be no way i would still be working. when she stopped working out, she goes to nightclubs. she goes to plays. she reinvents herself. i do that also. >> she's a great role model for that. >> i finally did turn into her, right, mom? >> you are a wonderful talent and i want to thank joy for coming over to the carlisle hotel to see your mother. that was very nice of you, joy. >> debbie, i was looking for you after the show. you disappeared. you must have wanted to get away from everything. because i was going to come over. >> there was no dressing room there. i had to change -- naked in the lobby, i didn't think the carlisle was up to it. >> anyway, debbie, you were great and thanks for calling in. you and your daughter can bond later. >> i know. we're going do a gray gardens thing, i think. >> it's's greatest. i love you, carrie.
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>> love you, mama. talk to you later. >> good-bye, hon. she is an incredible icon. >> my mother is awesome. >> she's awesome. she really is. as a mother, there's a few things that i have to question. does your mother really suggest you get pregnant by an ex-husband? tell me about that. >> yes, she did, but she wanted me also -- it would make the show too long. she thought, though, she couldn't have children. richard didn't -- ended up being an awful husband. awful. >> one of your husbands. >> one of my mother's husbands. >> your mother's husbands. that's not the one that drove her into the poor house? >> richard hamlet is this bad one. >> is he alive? >> oh, yeah, i wonder who he's taking advantage of now. anyway, my mother thought, though, you could get pregnant -- this was explained recently because i finally said, really? she thought you could get an injection. like a sperm in the arm
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injection and the sperm would go down here. >> this is what happens when you're raised catholic. >> my mother is eccentric. she's not catholic. she's raised by a very strange group of people from texas. >> so she figured that that would be the way to do it, huh? >> yes, that's one of her ideas. >> let's talk about your stepmother elizabeth taylor for a second. what was she like? >> i didn't get to know her until much later, but i think she's terrific. >> everyone loves elizabeth taylor. >> she's lovely. >> she did steal your father away from your mother. >> i once gave her an award and thanked her for getting daddy out of the house. the thing is, i did say to her once, did you love my father? and she said we kept mike todd alive. >> oh, it was really on the heels of his death. >> he was best friends with mike todd.
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i said mike todd was fantastic. >> he was like sort of a surrogate mike todd. that was weird. your father, was he in love with her? >> i'm sure he was. look at the woman. and she's fun. she's a lot of fun. >> she's a lot of fun. so is your mother. they're both fun broads. >> he did very well. >> in a certain way, you had a great, great time didn't you? >> yes, absolutely. then i have other stuff to make sure i know that time was great. that's what's good about bad times. you really appreciate the other stuff. >> that's true. how about your father? was he any kind of a father at all? was he absentee? what? >> he was not -- my father is adorable. he's lovely, he's charming, you can see why he got all that [ bleep ], but -- >> i can say it. >> oh, come on. >> my girlfriend -- >> he loves women. >> he loves women. >> and we have a very large relationship now so it's like now i'm sort of, you know -- but he -- no, my father was a boyfriend.
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my father's a boyfriend. he had children because they're a byproduct of sex. he was not a bad father at all. when you saw him, you loved him. i wanted -- that was the tragedy of it, if there was. you know, there was so little of him available at that time. >> nowadays when you hear about these horrible fathers and sexually abusing their children, you look back on our fathers who were negligent and say thank you. >> he didn't sexually abuse me. he had elizabeth. >> meryl streep, i want to go here. do we have time for this? she played a character loosely based on you in "postcards from the edge." can we see some of that? >> will you please tell me what is this awful thing i did to you when you were a child? >> you want to know? >> i want to know. tell me. >> okay. fine. from the time i was 9 years old you gave me sleeping pills. >> that was over-the-counter medication and i gave it to you because you couldn't sleep. >> you don't give children sleeping pills. >> they're not sleeping pills. it was store bought and it was perfectly safe.
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>> that was one of my favorite movies. i love the way shirley mcclain -- >> she was great. >> is she like debby in the movie? >> yeah. >> sort of self-absorbed? >> well, now. you know, my mom -- i don't know that that's what -- i wouldn't call my mother self-absorbed. >> all actresses are self-absorbed. >> we are. this isn't narcissistic. you're probably that. i am that. >> narcissistic is a disorder. self-centered -- >> a good form of narcissism. >> you think so? let's do a little bit on your men before we run out of time. you were married to paul simon. >> you're kidding. >> i went to college with paul simon. >> how was that for you? >> we used to hear him playing his guitar on the library steps at queens college. >> he said artie garfunkle's bar mitzvah was standing room only. >> i mean -- that lasted a little while. i remember when you were married to him. >> paul was great. >> are you friends with him now? >> that's complicated.
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we've moved on. >> yeah. has he come to see the show? >> no. i mean, there's nothing in it that, you know, would be bad. i'm very -- i mean, i admire paul. i'm, you know, i had a really -- some of our relationship was fantastic. >> yeah. she's had such a fascinating life. we could have talked for hours. "good morning america's" robin roberts on a search for a new gma co-host.
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>> i am not my hair. i am a soul that lies within, and that's it. no more wig. that's it. not going to do it. >> how did you decide to do it? was there a particular reason? >> i was finally strong enough. fear keeps us from doing the things we all want to do. i realized there was a part of me that was holding on desperately to the old robin, holding on desperately to how i look. >> do you believe us when we all say you are beautiful? because you are. >> you really are. >> my mom says i look like a little greek boy. so i don't -- >> i had a chance to sit down with "good morning america" co-host robin roberts earlier and began by asking her who's going to take diane sawyer's seat on the couch. >> i really don't know. >> how about levi johnston? he's cute. that's what we love. >> give me other names. anybody else out there? >> george stephanopoulos. he'll have to sit on your lap. but still -- >> come on, joy. joy, you were doing so well
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there with levi. and then you do that. he is great. >> he is phenomenal. >> he would be great. looking for a man or woman? >> we're looking for the best available person. i mean -- >> the best available person? could be the security guard down the hall. >> i feel like an athlete. you know, the best available in a draft. draft by position. the best available athlete. let me just say this in all sincerity. i have had -- >> don't get too sincere. >> i've had the time of my life sitting next to diane and have learned from her. i am so grateful for that. so it's going to be difficult for anyone to -- there's no one that's going to be able to replace her, and so we'll find out how we're going to move ahead. it's about "good morning america." it is. it always has been, always will be, no matter who sits there. >> that was good. >> come on, that was pretty good. >> very sincere. >> thank you. it was sincere. >> are you part of the discussions? are you like jay leno hiding behind the closet listening to the negotiations? >> we have a very open door policy there.
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we do have discussions. i think that we all have a say. i don't know who will have an ultimate vote. but i think absolutely they listen to us, and we listen to our audience to see what they want from us. >> what have you heard from the audience? >> not much, actually. so please, let us know. go to our shout-out board. the audience are like family. people don't like change in the morning. you have your routine in the morning. i have my routine in the morning. you deviate from that -- >> it's always been painful when we changed the cast of "the view." you go through growing pains. >> how have you been able to do it? you have made a lot of changes but yet you have been able to maintain what it is about "the view." how have you done it? >> because barbara and i are still there, kind of like the pillars, the twin towers are still there. that's why maybe. i mean, maybe if they took everybody off at once and changed it all at once it wouldn't work, but because it's gradual it's not so bad. >> hopefully we won't do that. >> don't you feel you have to
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have chemistry when you're sitting there with people? >> absolutely. especially in the morning. there is something very intimate about morning television. people are there in their pjs, watching you between their feet and they want to feel comfortable. chemistry is important. making the audience feel comfortable. at the end of the day the audience wants to be -- it's a different world now. they want to be able to leave the door and know what is going on. >> right, right. >> that's our main objective, make sure we give them the information they need to arm them. >> but not too much. not so much it's going to wake them up. >> that they're going to put the covers over their head and say i'm not going to get up this morning. it is a balancing act. >> you were talking about your looks. i thought that was an interesting thing about how, you know, they had to shave your head. you really had to go look in the mirror and say, who is this woman? right? how tough was that? >> it was very difficult, joy. it really was. many women will say they'd rather lose a breast than lose their hair when it comes to fighting breast cancer. >> really? >> you can hide that. you can't hide the fact -- that
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was the first time throughout my battle when i lost my hair -- that's when i really felt i looked like someone facing cancer. up until that point i just, you know, i wasn't feeling well and people knew i was going through something -- >> you didn't wear a wig. >> only on the air because i didn't want to distract. i didn't want people looking like this. it was an election year during that time. it was very important. around the streets of new york city i was like, hey, how are you doing? >> what kind of reaction did you get from people? >> it was great. people were wonderful. people embraced me. they told me their stories. >> i think people are in awe of that in a way that you could do that. >> because it really is something you're saying to the world, like, you know what? i'm so grateful i'm here. i don't care if i hair or not. >> you've been through the health care system now. >> i have. >> how do you think it fared for you? >> i was very blessed, very fortunate. >> you have good insurance. >> yes, and that's why i'm very grateful. that's why i decided to make my mess my message. my mother said to me she knew i had a good job, i had health insurance.
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that's not the way it was for everyone. i could not imagine facing cancer as i did if i had to worry about how i was going to pay for it and worry about the care i was receiving. >> many people do. >> many, many, too many people do. so that's why i was really speaking out, and just letting people -- and not getting into the whole debate about universal coverage of anything like that. just saying if you are going through something like this that i cannot imagine going through it and having those concerns as well. >> in your job, though, would you actually come out and say i'm for or against the public option? you don't do that? >> i can't do that. my job is to -- that segment you just did was great. you bring people out to talk about the subject. you let your viewers get the information. they are supposed to make their informed decision based upon the people that you talk to, that i talk to. >> that's right. >> they don't want to hear my opinion, and my opinion doesn't really matter. >> well mine does! >> that's why it's the "joy behar show." >> exactly. >> if i have my name on my show, i can have an opinion, too.
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until that time, no. you're good. >> okay. let's see. what do you think -- >> what else you got there? i'm a little nervous. let me see that over there. >> let's talk about your upcoming interview with janet jackson a little bit. >> i talked to her saturday. >> when is it airing? >> it airs on the 18th. i was at her home in malibu on saturday. talked about -- because she has a new number one hits album that is coming out. she's working on a book. she's working on a lot of things. also, oh, by the way, of course, talking to her about michael. she has not been on the record very much since his death. >> she seems to have separated from the crazy family more than others. >> i asked her about that. i did. i flat-out asked her, your father, does he -- come on, does he make you cringe sometimes? she loves her family, but when asking about her father, in statements that, you know -- >> are cringe worthy. >> yeah, cringe worthy. she says i love my father but she did talk about, like a lot of us, when she first heard about michael, how we were all like, no, this is -- she's used
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to things about her family. that's the first thing she said. it's my family. people are always saying something. she didn't believe it at first when he was brought to the hospital. to hear her talk about -- >> did she think he was murdered? >> i did ask her. >> la toya says that. >> i asked her about dr. conrad murray in particular. i asked her about the conspiracy theory, if there is one, what the family feels. i asked her all those things. >> what did she say? >> i'm not going to tell you. nice try. >> come on. give me a little something here. >> you, you, you -- >> come on, a little taste. what about the -- the film, "this is it." how does she feel? >> hasn't watched it. >> has not watched it? did you see it? >> nope. >> you haven't? >> i would like to. not for the same reasons she does not want to see it. she said maybe at some point. she hasn't seen it now because like her brothers -- her brother was a perfectionist. that wasn't meant to be seen. that was footage -- that would be like the outtakes of what we're doing here and throw it up on the big screen. >> when he's not -- when he
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thinks he's at the top of the game he's still better than 99.9% -- >> exactly. but if you're a perfectionist, about the lighting, about his shirt tail is out, those kind of absolutely to the average person watching. >> are you a perfectionist? >> no, not really. as you can tell, no, not really. i'm kind of hanging out. no, you know, i'm demanding of myself but i cut myself a lot of slack, especially post-cancer. i mean, i really -- >> there's nothing like a near-death experience to snap you out of any stupid stuff you're into. >> it really is. as you put it like that. >> great lady. we'll be back in a minute.
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breaking news tonight. live to florida. exclusive enclave, ponte vedra coast. a high-powered money man comes home to find his young wife with cover girl good looks, the mother of his two little girls, gone, vanished. left behind, a handwritten ransom note demanding $50,000 in exchange for the life of wife and mother, quinn gray. she allegedly suffers a horrific ordeal, kidnap, abuse, sex attack. tonight, after the $50,000 is paid in cold cash, cops close in to nab the alleged kidnapper and accomplice. kicker?
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it's mommy. mommy herself, along with her brand new boy toy. that's right. they faked it. tonight, secret audio between mommy and her boyfriend and police interrogations emerge. we have the tapes. bye-bye, good times. hello, hard time, mommy. >> sheriff's office, 911. what's your emergency? >> my name is quinn gray, and i was kidnapped and i'm not sure where i am right now. >> right now i definitely need you for five minutes. i'm going crazy about you. >> what? >> i'm going crazy about you. >> i'm not a slut, you know. >> does reid get this much action? >> he started kissing on my ear and my neck and -- >> how did you react at that point? >> i just -- i kind of reacted just still at first, you know, a little bit still.
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and then i started to act like i enjoyed it a little bit. and he started to kiss me and -- >> and what was your frame of mind at that point? what was going through your mind when this was happening? >> my frame of mind was we're going to have sex. and i'm going to have sex with him and that's all. yeah, all my clothes come off. >> okay. >> yeah, he helps me but i'm helping too. and i acted like i enjoyed it. and i'm not going to lie, sometimes i almost did. i knew i wasn't going to -- to resist him. so i tried to make it the best possible. you know? and he would just -- over and over and over and over and over again. and sometimes i would -- i would say what he wanted me to say, i did whatever he wanted me to do. also tonight, in the last hours a 5-year-old little north
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carolina girl vanishes without a trace from the child's own home. it happened around 5:30 a.m. wait. is the sun even up then? the child wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. as you know, the first 48 hours so critical tonight. where is 5-year-old shaniya? >> police in fayetteville, north carolina are searching for this 5-year-old girl. please look at her. this is shaniya nicole davis. >> police say 5-year-old shaniya davis disappeared this morning from her mobile home at the sleepy hollow mobile home park off murchison road. authorities have been searching for her since they got a call from her mother this morning. they've searched on foot. they've searched in the air. and they've even searched using tracking dogs, but so far no luck. >> she's three feet tall, 40 pounds, brown hair and brown
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eyes and she was last seen wearing a blue t-shirt and no shoes. good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. live to florida. exclusive enclave, ponte vedra coast. a high-powered money man comes home to find his wife, the mother of his two little girls, gone, vanished. left behind, a handwritten ransom note demanding $50,000. after the $50,000 paid in cold cash, the cops nab the alleged kidnapper and accomplice. kicker? it's mommy. mommy, herself, along with her brand new lover. that's right. they faked the whole thing. bye-bye, good times. hello, hard time, mommy.
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>> so at some point, either at
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the get-go or somewhere in between the beginning and the end, the boy toy, 25-year-old lover, starts taping mommy. 37-year-old quinn gray. during their sex sessions, while they are discussing the fake kidnap plot, discussing blowing the head off of her husband, the father of her two little children. to ellie jostad, our chief editorial producer on the story, we've learned a lot since last night, when we first started the story. >> mm-hmm. that's correct, nancy. a lot of details in this police affidavit that we received. quinn gray apparently first aroused suspicion with cops when they said it sounded like she was making up the details as she went along. initially telling them this story about being abducted by these loan sharks who her husband owed money to. later saying she was sexually assaulted. then going into great detail about this alleged sex assault
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with the kidnapper, including what type of sex acts were involved and many other details about that time she spent with this alleged abductor. >> tonight, secret audiotapes between quinn and the boyfriend as well as police interrogation tapes emerge. take a listen.
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>> okay. unleash the lawyers. joining me tonight, susan moss, new york. raymond giudice, defense attorney, atlanta. jason oshins, defense attorney in new york. okay, ray. you're the defense attorney. what's your defense? i mean, come on, ray. before you were a defense attorney, as i recall, you were an assistant solicitor in a very, very business -- very busy jurisdiction. now, did you ever, ever when you were over in felony court hear a rape victim describe, quote, being kissed on the ear and the neck? >> no. >> how she had sex a lot? how she pretended to enjoy it? >> wait a second now. >> come on. ray.
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>> hold on. >> no rape victim says we had sex a lot. >> i agree but-- >> and rape is a violent rape. >> you said many things, and let me pick a piece of it. i have heard victims say that they cooperated in an effort to save their life. and nancy, let me say one thing. many years ago, when you were very young, patty hearst was videotaped robbing a bank with an m-16 rifle. she was acquitted of that bank robbery by proving that she had been brainwashed and kidnapped and went along for fear of her own life and safety -- >> okay. pause. put giudice up on the screen. put him up. >> i'm here. >> number one, i never believed patty hearst. that was complete b.s. >> she -- >> number two. no, you had your turn. number two, she was held by the symbionese liberation army -- >> that's right. >> -- for many, many weeks. this woman was held according to her for 24 hours. you're saying all this b.s., ray -- >> my point is don't jump to the automatic conclusion because you
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haven't heard all the facts, as usual. >> ray? >> yes, nancy. >> are you suggesting this is a real kidnap? >> i'm suggesting she may have some defenses that may -- >> i'm asking you, are you saying this is a real kidnap? >> i don't know the answer. as a defense lawyer i'm going to defend -- you asked me to defend her. i'm going to defend her. >> maybe you should listen to sue moss' rendition of the facts. sue, it has been absolutely unequivocally proven there was no kidnap. she was with her younger boyfriend the whole time. we have tapes of them having sex and laughing about the whole thing. this is not a kidnap. so to suggest that she said all this under duress is ridiculous. you've got to have a different defense. >> absolutely. this is the worst. he thinks he's married to patty hearst. i've got to tell you something. love might be blind but this guy's out of his mind. and i don't buy it. and i don't buy it for many reasons. first of all, her words are what are going to destroy her.
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she's very clear. she knows what she's doing and is very competent when she's speaking about this whole plan with her boy toy.
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by now you know her name, quinn gray, accused of plotting to extort money from her husband. during the investigation, quinn gray is interviewed by the fbi. an agent asks her about her relationship with her husband reid, saying the police had information he is wanted to leave him, and just wanted a car, the kids and $50,000.
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>> secret tapes emerge. tapes of the alleged kidnap victim, 37-year-old mother and wife quinn gray, along with her 25-year-old lover as well as police interrogation tapes. we are taking your calls live. out to the lines, connie in kentucky. hi, connie. >> caller: yes. thank you for taking my call.
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>> thank you for calling in, dear. what's your question? >> caller: i heard that mr. gray was having an affair in june. do you think his wife was getting back at him and having an affair of her own? >> you know what? i think that's entirely possible, connie in kentucky. and that's their business. that's their can of worms. but when you start faking an abduction and you try to extort $50,000 from your own husband and have discussions about, quote, blowing his head off, i think that's gone beyond revenge. to mark williams, anchor and reporter, joining us out of the florida jurisdiction. mark williams, is it true? we've heard all these allegations he had affairs, she had affairs. i want to know who's taking care of the two little girls while these two are running around having all these affairs. and who cares if they were having affairs? i care about a felony. >> well, the kids are being -- obviously being taken care of by family members.
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reid gray is still living in that $4 million posh estate in ponte vedra beach, which is in st. john's county, abuts the atlantic ocean. it's a great place. as a matter of fact, their mortgage payments are, like, 25 grand a month. can you imagine that? >> no. >> the deal is that family members are taking care of the kids and they -- >> wait a minute. look, mark. i don't know if you can see the photos that we're showing the viewers. here they are on vacation. we just showed christmas tree shots. there they are. i don't know. maybe at a vacation rental. didn't anybody ever stop to think what this would all do to these two little children? >> obviously, quinn gray didn't think of that. she bore those two children with her husband, and that obviously didn't come to mind whatsoever, nancy. >> you know, i'm certainly no example. i admit that right up front. all right? i've done plenty of horrible things before. but you know, even if i speed
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driving down the street, i think oh, how am i going to tell the twins when they're 16 not to speed? if i'm doing it myself. god forbid if they see me do it. i mean, didn't anybody -- out to you, wendy walsh, dr. walsh, psychologist, expert. these two are having all these affairs, which i really frankly don't give a fig about. what i care about is her extorting $50,000 and leading police on a wild goose chase while legitimate cases were being ignored. but did they ever think what this could do to their two little girls? >> exactly. the real victims here, nancy, are these poor children in this. first of all, they're not showing any remorse, not even for each other. how are they showing that they can even model a healthy relationship for their kids? and now this. mommy in a mental evaluation institution. daddy backing her up. what kind of moral lesson is this to a child? >> to attorney jason oshins. jason, look.
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i've known you a long time, and i know how your life changed when you had your two children. everything you do now you think about them. are these two that incredibly self-absorbed they don't realize what this will do to their children? >> i think, you know, we're looking at the illness that obviously alcoholism has come to play in their lives -- the fact that they're out of rehab. >> don't start up with alcohol being a mental illness, because it is not under the law. >> it's a disease. you're right. their mental illness resulting from the alcoholism clearly has come to this point in their lives. >> would that be i got drunk and took a 25-year-old lover and planned to blow my husband's head off illness? jason oshins, would that be the illness? >> we need to examine more of what's -- >> do you have a shred of evidence to suggest a mental illness? >> we need to look more at what's going on -- >> that's a yes/no. >> yes. we need to look more at it. this behavior is dangerous to the children. >> no, the question is have you seen anything in the facts -- >> not yet, nancy. >> okay. so there is no mental illness that you know of? >> no, not as of now.
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>> at least you're honest. >> yep. @@@@@@@@@@@@@
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>> did you try to get money from your husband? >> of course not. if i wanted $50,000, all i would do is take it out of the bank account.
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>> we are taking your calls live. out to marc klaas, president and founder klaaskids foundation. marc, i know your specialty is looking for and finding missing children. in fact, i saw photos. you were too modest to say
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anything about it. of your team with canines when little shannon went missing last week. your people, your team was there. and they helped find little shannon alive. but i want to go to you on this story, on this issue. marc, you and i have seen so many missing people, kidnapped people, murders. you and i are both crime victims. when i see something like this faked, and i think about the cops spending about a quarter million dollars trying to find this lady, this heather locklear look-alike, no offense heather, it just kills me. when i think of people calling 911 that day -- and i'm not saying cops ignored those calls. i'm just saying there could have been more cops, more detectives on those cases while miss thing was propped up in a hotel room with a 25-year-old lover. >> yeah. there's no question about that. you know, when they were trying
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to synchronize their stories, he said to her, like i said, we have the whole day today. whenever you want, whenever you feel comfortable, i'll drop you off. okay? those, nancy, are not the words of any person that's ever kidnapped anybody in the history of the world. she is a willing participant and a co-conspirator in her own kidnapping, and she needs to be punished for this. and i almost think this is a kind of crime that deserves a penalty enhancement. because it does divert resources. it does create skepticism on the part of the public. and we really just can't stand for that as a society. and you know, law enforcement has very limited resources these days. they can't be running around chasing these silly little husband and wife soap opera plots. it's crazy. it's nuts. >> well, the other thing, if you take a look at this, what these
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children, her children are going to go through, what they're probably already going through if they're back at school, what the other children are saying to them after mommy pulled this high jinx, and what's really wrong is that some judge, mark williams, anchor/reporter, joining us out of florida, was finagled into letting her go into a, quote, rehab at st. simons island, georgia. you know what's down there? one of the biggest five-star hotels, the cloister, in the world. the most luxurious golf courses. the most beautiful beaches. and she is there in, quote, rehab? i've never heard a bigger crock. and yes, that's a technical legal term, in my life. what judge did that? >> well, here's the deal, nancy, is her husband is now standing, of course, by his wife, saying that she has bipolar -- she's bipolar because her mother and her grandmother were both bipolar. and he finagled that the bond be lowered to where it was
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acceptable. she got out of jail saying that oh, we're going to take her to st. simons so she could get help. well, she's in st. simons. her boy toy is in the st. john's county jail right now. luckily, not on a kidnapping charge, just on an extortion charge. >> that's not right. that's not right at all. to dr. gwenn o'keeffe, pediatrician, founder and ceo dr. o'keefe, what can extreme emotional duress do to children? say, these two little girls, they both go to a school that i know that i'm not naming, you know the other children are going to mock them about their mom, what their mom has done. you know that. what could that conceivably do to them? >> you know, nancy, this is a real mess for these kids because this mom has lied. the family situation sounds really stressful. these kids are going to be really made fun of and put through the ringers. and it's being played out in the public face and on the media. this is a tough situation for
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these kids. and the stress will be enormous. these kids are going to need a lot of support. they're going to need a lot of fact checking. and if the mom is bipolar, which i think is questionable, but if she is that's going to add a huge amount of extra burden to them because we don't know what the mother's mood swings were, whether she was up, whether she was down, so these kids need a lot of work. >> dr. o'keeffe, if this woman is bipolar, it's a surprise to everybody because she's never said a word about it. she's never been diagnosed or treated until her husband blurted it out, i think, on the "today show." ron shindell, former nypd inspector, what should police be doing right now? they've got the co-conspirator in their pocket. they've got him on tape. they've got her on tape. do they have to do anything or is the case open and shut? >> nancy, i think in this case they have to stop laughing. this is the most inept criminal i have seen in some time. >> i'm not laughing. >> they have all of these things put together.
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she's handed them this case on a platter for them to turn it -- >> a silver platter. >> a silver platter for them to turn it from a kidnapping to the worst bungled, inept crime out there that i've seen to date. >> out to the lines, sabrina, new york. hi, sabrina. >> caller: hi, nancy. i would just like to start out by saying it's an honor to speak with you and i love everything about you. you're an inspiration to all women. and may god bless you and your twins. >> you know, i appreciate that compliment, and i want to thank you for your blessing on the twins. they just turned 2 years old. and i remember laying in intensive care, and they were in intensive care on the other side of the hospital. and i remember praying, god, if you can just help me get them to age 2. because then i think, you know, they'll be sturdy and they'll have a chance. i revised that prayer this past wednesday when they turned 2. i said if you can just help me get them through to 25, because then i think they'll be sturdy and established. so i've had to revise that. but thank you.
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what's your question, dear? >> caller: my concern was about quinn gray's statement to the cops, where she said we're going to have sex and that she was going to make it as best as possible. you know, to me usually a rape victim doesn't refer to rape as sex and they definitely don't try to make it the best as possible. that sounds consensual to me. what do you think? >> well, it sounds more than consensual to me, sabrina in new york. it sounds like complete b.s. i was trying to make that point to defense attorney raymond giudice and jason oshins earlier, which they refuse to acknowledge. but you're dead-on. what about it, dr. walsh? >> it sounds to me like those words are anticipatory rather than fearful, don't you think? my frame of mind is not i was terrified. it's we're going to have sex. i mean, think of her choice. she's really almost hung herself by the way she's explained it.
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out to the lines. elizabeth, texas. hi, elizabeth. >> caller: hi, nancy. my better half is a former prosecutor and current defense attorney, family law. i think the daddy may be sticking by momma and maybe shuffling assets, and i'd like to ask ray giudice, would you move in on mama with divorce papers with full custody of the kids and assets before or after she's convicted?
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>> good question. what about it, ray? >> well, right now the father's, the husband's position is that he's in love with her and he wants to be with her. but it raises an interesting point. you know, she could have filed for divorce and certainly gotten more than $50,000 in alimony and child support. so it's all very curious. >> well, jason oshins, i believe she feared she wouldn't get custody because she just got out of rehab for alcohol. >> come on, nancy. there's a lot more to this. i mean, you listen to law enforcement -- >> i didn't say there wasn't. i'm just telling you. that regarding money, you know, she feared if she sought a divorce as opposed to faking this kidnapping she wasn't so sure that she would get all that money. >> it's just disturbing, the whole aspect of it. the amount of money she's even asking, as ray said, it doesn't all add up. there's something more to scratch the surface. and listen, we're defense attorneys. we've got to work with what we have here. and certainly the story in and of itself is so weak and so not
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thought out in terms of -- >> you know what? note to self. >> yes. >> when faking one's own kidnapping, contact oshins and giudice because you guys are saying this with such a straight face. i'm interpreting what you last said was look, when you don't have anywhere to go you've got to make up something, you've got to do something. out to the lines -- >> exactly. >> -- barbara in new york. hi, barbara. >> caller: what a tremendous honor to speak with you. regarding mama, he is spent time in hazelton to treat her alcoholism as per what her husband said in an interview, and if you go to a place like hazleton, i find it very hard to believe that the health care professionals there didn't pick up on the fact that she was bipolar which is why i don't believe her husband right now. >> i think you're right. and as he said, barbara, you and i saw the same interview, it's as of yet undiagnosed and untreated. e daddy's just throwing something out there to see what sticks. she's never been diagnosed as bipolar. and you're right. at hazleton they would have found that.
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they are one of the premier rehabs in the world. you're right, barbara. in new york. everybody, i want to switch gears very quickly. i want to tell you about a missing little girl, shaniya. it's urgent. take a listen. >> authorities say the little girl was inside the mobile home with her mother and another adult, both of home are being questioned by police at police headquarters. every car that's been leaving the mobile home park is being searched by fayetteville police. police say they've made the disturbing discovery a known child sex offender lives inside the mobile home park. >> that's why we have the sheriff's department out here as well. we have the expert out here from the sheriff's department that deals with the child sex offenders. so they're out here. >> this is a picture of the little girl everybody's been looking for. >> this is the number to the fayetteville police department. it is 910-433-1851. or if you think you know something, if you think you see her, you can always just call 911.
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>> we need your help. this little girl, if she is still living, needs your help. look at this girl. her name's shaniya davis. she's only 5. to gurnal scott with wptf radio. gurnal, something's not right about the story. give me the nuts and bolts of what happened. >> well, as we know right now, nancy, the child was last seen in the home around 5:30 or so in the morning. the call wasn't made to police, or police didn't respond, should i say, until about two hours later or so. and that's when the search ensued for this 5-year-old little girl, shaniya. helicopters, search dogs had been out. the thing about the search dogs, they never picked up a scent of the child outside the home. that's a little disturbing to police officers because if there was any trace of the child outside the home they say the dogs would have picked that up. so as of right now, and the
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search has been called off for this evening, but as of right now police -- no one knows exactly where 5-year-old shaniya is. >> i'm just sick about it, gurnal scott. you know, gurnal scott, you and i go back a long way covering stories. >> yeah, we do. >> what are police saying about this? or is simply their silence deafening? >> well, there are things we're learning about this case as it goes along. we're finding out that dss was no stranger to this household. there had been custody issues that they have dealt with in this household from time to time. there had at some point been drugs found in this house. so they're not saying that this is involved in this case per se, but if you're a police officer and you're doing this investigation you have to keep that in mind. >> marlaina schiavo, what more can you tell me? >> well, what i can tell you, nancy, is that the police also don't know how this little girl left the home. that's the mystery they're trying to figure out.
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they have questioned all the neighbors in the area including the three sex offenders that live in the immediate area. so far no suspects at this time. so that's what police are saying right now. and unfortunately, like gurnal said, there were major, they call it major dss issues in that home. and dss has visited that home many times. >> and marc klaas, president, founder klaaskids foundation, when we're saying dcfs we're talking about department of family and children's services. weigh in, marc klaas. >> certainly, this is an unusual situation because the amber alert was called very quickly after law enforcement responded. regardless of the fact that they didn't have a vehicle -- vehicle information for the suspect. and i think that that's a credit to them because it brings vast resources to the case almost immediately. the fact that the dogs were unable to pick up her scent certainly doesn't mean she didn't leave the trailer. it means she was probably carried out of the trailer.
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again, i think what we're going to find in this case as in so many others is it's going to be solved much closer to home than farther away from home. >> you know, you put that so beautifully that it would be solved close to home. everyone, we're taking your calls live. with us, marc klaas, gurnal scott. tonight's salute to the troops. pennsylvania friend robin gregory salutes her 24-year-old son army private first class aaron oxenford. a musician who loves animals, especially his beloved dog back home, curtis. >> i'm robin gregory. my salute is going out to my wonderful son private first class aaron oxenford. he's going to pick on me by the end of this because i am going to cry. aaron, we're all very proud of you. we want you to be safe. please know that we love you and can't wait for you to come home. i might not understand why you've joined the army fully, but i'm very proud of what you're doing. i do want to let you know my dog
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still does not have hair. he shaved my dog's hair off and it didn't grow back.
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