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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  November 18, 2009 1:00pm-5:00pm EST

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the investigation into the death of 5-year-old shaniya davis hits a delay. why prosecutors aren't filing new charges against the little girl's mother. space shuttle "atlantis" arrived at the international space station. what it's dropping off. a single mom is facing a pretty tough choice. fulfill her commitment to serve her country or stay at home to care for her infant son. what you think she should choose. this is hln "news and views." i'm richelle carey. north carolina prosecutors aren't filing any new charges against the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis, not yet at least. antoinette davis is charged with
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human trafficking and child prostitution. a man caught on hotel surveillance video carrying the child is facing kidnapping charges but neither will be charged with murder until police determine where the little girl died. her body was found in leigh county, north carolina. she disappeared from her home in neighboring cumberland county. >> several of the details regarding the investigation have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction and prosecuting this case. as you may be aware of, the district attorney's from the involved jurisdictions are discussing the matter and ultimately will make that decision. until that time no further charges will be forthcoming until the jurisdiction has been determined. >> the little girl's body was found almost a week after her mother reported her missing. you have heard that 911 call. the cause of her death has not
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been determined. shaniya davis spent most of her short life with her father and his other children. just last month he agreed to let shaniya spend time with her mother. his son appeared last night on hln's nancy grace. >> how is your father doing tonight? he is just heartbroken when we have seen him. >> my father has taken it real hard. it's really hard on our family. it's just a tough time. this is actually our second time going through another death in our family. my mom passed away when i was 10 years owed. >> when do you know are they going to release her body? have they told anybody what was the cause of death? >> i haven't heard anything. i don't think my father has either. we're not really sure too much yet. we're still trying to figure
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that out now. >> there is your dad right there. >> yes, ma'am. >> would you -- we do want to thank everybody for the support and prayers. it really does mean a lot. you know, we want everybody to stay as strong as we're trying to. i know it's hard but for the mothers out there, don't let this happen to your child. >> if you could pass on to your father that i thought as a crime victim myself i knew what pain was but when i saw him when he learned about shaniya crying, i don't think there's anything worse that could be worse than losing your child. would you just pass onto him that we're praying for him so much. >> yes, ma'am. >> nancy grace will have all of the latest developments in the search for shaniya's killer. that's at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln "news and views."
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authorities in florida are searching for suspects in a more than three-hour hostage standoff that happened at a clothing store. venice police say two masked men went into the t.j. maxx at closing time and tied up ten customers and employees. some of them were able to escape over this long ordeal. just after midnight a s.w.a.t. team went in and leaseleaseded remaining hostages. it's not clear if the men were out to rob the place. workers say the store would have had about $12,000 on hand at that time of night. the space shuttle "atlantis" arrived at the international space station this morning. "atlantis" did a black flip so cameras aboard the station could scan it for possible damage from liftoff. nasa says a previous laser scan of the craft showed no damage. the "atlantis" crew will be on the international space station for about a week.
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that includes thanksgiving for delivering some big spare parts. attorney general eric holder is telling a senate committee why he's ordered five suspects from the september 11th attacks to be prosecuted in federal courts. the suspects include the mastermind of the attack, khalid shaikh mohammed, including four others. critics of the plan including republican leaders in congress claim the trials will give mohammad a platform for airing anti-american votiews. holder says that doesn't concern him. >> if khalid shaikh mohammed makes the same statement he made in his military commission proceedings, i have every confidence the nation and the world will see him for the coward that he is. i'm not scared of what khalid shaikh mohammed has to say at trial. and no one else needs to be afraid either. >> holder went on to say that terrorism cases have been tried in federal courts for many years and there are more than 300
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convicted terrorists in federal prisons right now. twins need to be monitored closely to ensure a healthy pregnancy. dr. sanjay gupta tells us why in today's health minute. >> reporter: elmelissa is 34 wes pregnant. she's having twins. >> i'm a little nervous about handling two newborns at the same time. >> reporter: women carrying twins are at greater risk of complications compared to women expecting just one child. >> how are the twins? they're at risk for multiple medical conditions including diabetes, anemia, all of the things are checked during the pregnancy. >> reporter: fortunately tell lated blood pressure during pregnancy is not a problem for melissa. she is on bed rest because the doctor was afraid her babies might arrive prematurely. an ultrasound shows the babies
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are growing properly. >> making sure there's no difference in the growth from twin a and twin b. >> doctors prefer women carrying twins deliver between 37 and 39 weeks. melissa knows she's getting close. >> i'm excited to see what they look like. they're a part of me now. >> they're in position. ready for delivery. let's give them another week or two to grow and then we will be ready for the delivery. >> reporter: for today's health minute, i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> somali pirates attacked the "maersk alabama" for the second time in seven months. this is the same ship pirates hijacked in april taking captain richard phillips hostage. find out what happened this time around.
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a single mom soldier says an earl reneged on its offer of an extension so they could file child care. that's what the army is saying. hutchison is refusing deployment orders to afghanistan because there's no one to care for her infant son. the army says each soldier agrees to a family care plan when they sign up. hutchison says her child care plans fell through. the army said she knew for months her army was going overseas. in fact, the army says she was given an extension in august and september. hutchison's lawyer says that she never got that extension. >> her command had indicated to her that she would give her an extension and as normal under regulations for a situation when a family care plan fails. however, the day before her unit was supposed to deploy, she was told she wasn't going to get
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that extension after all and she would need to be on the plane. that put her in a horrible situation of having to choose between abandoning her child or disobeying her superiors. >> army officials say they are investigating. a new report compiled by the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america says more than 30,000 single mothers have served in those wars. this is the "your views" question of the day. since last night you have been commenting on my facebook page about this. richelle carey, hln. we found a few comments for you. christine writes this --
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elliott is calling from new york. elliott, no sympathy at all. you say she's being a coward. why so? >> caller: that's what she is. she knew what she was getting into. she took an oath. before you go to basic training, you take an oath that you will defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic. this is a cop out on her part. she's a yellow belly coward and
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she just went in thinking she would be sent to japan or korea or germany. >> let me stop you quick. she said her mother -- she would have been comfortable serving if her mother was taking care of her child. that's what fell through. you're not buying that? >> no. that's an excuse. >> thank you for letting me stop threw to ask a question. i appreciate it. another caller. lori is calling from wisconsin. lori, you do have sympathy for her situation. >> reporter: yes, i do, actually. i'm a big believer in our military program. there's a humanity side to this. we're talking about a baby and family and something that america was built on. i think that it's very important that we keep in mind that this is not a situation where she can't be sent and who would like her over there holding a gun possibly, who knows what position she could be in, thinking about and worrying about her family back here. this child is a possible future
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soldier and is a citizen. the humanity then heres has to be looked at as well talking military and they have also a responsibility if they promise and we're not certain of these facts but if they promised or if others have gotten extensions they should do the same. >> you hope they can work something out. >> caller: yes. i certainly am. >> thank you. i want to get in one more quick e-mail. this is what john says. there are your views. we want to hear your thoughts. should they deploy overseas or did they know what they were signing up for when they became
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part of the armed services? send us your e-mails at call us at 877-tell-hln or text us at hlntv. police are digging again at that home in cleveland where they found the bodies of ten women and a skull. we'll take you live to the scene and give you latest details on the search for possibly more bodies.
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police in cleveland are back at that house of horror where they found ten bodies and a skull. dick ross with our affiliate is on the scene. they're taking this place apart from top to bottom in ways that we couldn't even imagine. >> reporter: that's the idea. they want to go through this house of this suspected serial killer inch by inch before they wrap up what is one of the most horrible crime scenes ever seen here in northeast ohio. i can tell you this morning was
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busier in terms of activity at anthony sowell house an any day this the past week. investigators were in his backyard again and neighboring house digging by hand looking for more evidence and be possibly evidence of more bodies. right now there are 11 known victims. ten full bodies and one human skull found over the course of the last 2 1/2 weeks. this morning cleveland police, the fbi, and investigators from our local coroner's office were back inside the house digging in places they suspect they might find something. over the weekend the fbi was here. they brought in high tech equipment, imaging equipment, sonar, they marked off areas around sowell house where they thought there might be evidence buried. and so today those marked off areas were places where investigators hit first. they concentrated on them to dig
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with small shovels and rakes and then they put all of that evidence in bags. those bags were basically just taken out of here by the local coroner's office. they were inside the house. they went under the porch. they removed the great from around the porch. searched in there. and then the bomb squad brought in some x-ray equipment and some special cameras. the x-ray equipment was used to look inside the walls of the house to see if anything might be in there and then the small cameras were inserted inside the walls and into the floorboards to look around and see if there might be some evidence hidden in the walls or under the floors. >> the victims whose families have identified them, they started the process of burying them i understand. >> reporter: 10 of the 11 victims have been positively identified. a couple funerals were held over the weekend. two more were held yesterday. a couple more will be held this coming weekend. so little by little the victims
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of these crimes, these serial killings here in cleveland are being laid to rest. the big job ahead is collecting all of the evidence and finding out if there may be more victims either here or in some other neighborhood where anthony sowell lived. >> unbelievable. dick, we appreciate it. president obama is in south korea on the latest stop of his asian tour. he's scheduled to meet with that country's president tomorrow. they will discuss a free trade agreement and north korea's nuclear program. yesterday the president was in china to meet with the premier there. he accepted an invitation to visit the u.s. next year and president obama took time to walk along a section of china's great wall. he called the experience magical. somali pirates have attacked a u.s. flagged cargo ship for
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the second time. european union naval force say weapons were fired at the "maersk alabama" this morning. private security guards on the ship fired back and turned them away. the "maersk alabama" was hijacked back in april. pirates took captain richard phillips hostage for five days before navy sharp shooters freed them. pirate attacks are increasing. there have been 29 successful hija hijackings so far this year. hillary clinton is on a surprise visit to afghanistan. that's her first trip there as secretary of state. this is on the eve of president hamid karzai's inauguration. she'll attend the inauguration tomorrow. the advance security team for vice president joe biden was involved in a car crash yesterday in new york. three people were injured in that collision. this is the third car crash
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involving biden's motorcade or security detail in less than a week. the vice president was in new york for an appearance on "the daily show." we know young children are at the priority list for the h1n1 vaccine and now so are certain people or santa claus. y8
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north carolina prosecutors aren't filing any new charges against the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis, not yet. the man caught on hotel surveillance video carrying the girl faces kidnapping charges but neither will be charged with murder until police determine where the little girl died. her body was found in leigh county, north carolina. she disappeared from her home in neighboring cumberland county. shaniya spent most of her life with her father and his other children. he's now talking about the child and her loss and how her loss is affecting the family. >> i ask that everybody makes it
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a point not to ignore, to look past a situation where a person, a child, or anybody might be in danger. report it. if you're unable to report it, or you don't feel you have the strength to do so, take it to somebody that can. you can't just keep ignoring these types of situations. we need to address them immediately and get the people involved to where we don't have another tragedy like shaniya. >> he's touched so many people. law enforcement analyst mike brooks joins us on the set to talk about where the investigation into shaniya's death heads now. what else needs to happen before murder charges can be filed in this case. >> number one, they're going to have to determine cause of death. the other big thing is prosecutors in leigh and cumberland counties are trying to figure out where was this little girl killed.
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that's going to say, okay, they have legal jurisdiction over this murder. there's also a possibility because antoinette davis was charged with human trafficking and mcneill charged with federal kidnapping. do federal charges trump the state charges. that remains to be seen. that's what everyone needs to work out. there was human trafficking and who is involved in this? we've seen a video tame of mcneill taking her. he took her from the house and took her to the comfort inn. what else was going non in this hotel? we don't know. these are things they have to hash out right now basically to determine legal jurisdiction. >> let me ask you this. as horrific as this is, her mother is charged with child prostitution, human trafficking, is it possible that her child
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ends up dead and she could say i may be guilty of these things but i didn't know that my child would end up dead and therefore she wouldn't be charged with murder. is that possible? is it possible she wouldn't be culpable in that? >> it's possible but highly unlikely in this particular case. you've got at least two people involved right now. she was trying to blame it on the father. she's pregnant right now. she was trying to blame it on clarence saying he tried to push it to him that he was responsible for this. but i think you're going to find that probably were more people responsible because she's involved in human trafficking. she has to be taken this child somewhere. prostituting her child. there were people involved in that also that she knew and had to contact her somehow. going through her computer records, how was she contacting these people. was it through mcneill or through a third or fourth party if you will? these are all things they're
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trying to hash out right now. i hate to say -- you don't want to sound -- they need to take their taime and make a case tha sticks with these people. >> we have seen this surveillance video with the man who kidnapped her and had no reason being with her. i know hind sight is 20-20. something looks off. this is a school morning. this child has no shoes on. no suitcase. a friend of mine who is an attorney says something looks off there. you almost feel like maybe people who saw this should have seen something doesn't look right here or are we being too hard? i don't know. what do you think? >> you're right. hindsight is 20-20. in cases like this you want to grasp onto something. should a clerk in a hotel have
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noticed this? had he seen this child there before? possibly. with this same man? we don't know. or was the clerk busy and someone moved by and then they went there to discover but one of the things that really bothers me is this hotel is in sanford not far from where they found her body. they think she was alive when they left that hotel. what happened in the hours after they left that hotel and did she leave with him? did mcneill give her to someone else? we don't know. those are questions that need to be answered. >> breaking news tonight with nancy grace at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time here on hln "news and views." attorney general eric holder is telling a senate committee why he's ordered five suspects from september 11th attacks to be prosecuted in federal courts. the suspects include the mastermind of the attacks,
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khalid shaikh mohammed, and four other men currently held at the guantanamo detention center. critics of the plan including republican leaders in congress claim the trial will pose a security threat to new york. holder says the federal courts know how to deal with dangerous defendants. >> there are more than 300 convicted international and domestic terrorists currently in bureau of prisons custody including those responsible for the 1993 world trade center bombing and attacks on embassies in africa. our courts have a long history of handling these cases and no district has a longer history than a southern district of new york in manhattan. i have talked to mayor bloomberg of new york and both he and commissioner kelly believe that we can safely hold these trials in new york. >> critics are also concerned the trials will give mohammad and other suspects a platform for air anti-american views. holder says he isn't scared of anything terror defendants might say. a single mom soldier says
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the army reneged on its offer of an extension so she could find child care. the army says that's not the right story. specialist hutchison was refusing orders to afghanistan because there's no one to care for her infant son. the army says each soldier must agree to a family care plan when they sign up. hutchison says her child care plans fell through. the army said she knew for months her unit was going overseas. the army says she was given an extension in august and september. hutchison's lawyer said she never got the extension. >> her command indicated to her that they would give her an extension and that's normal under regulations for a situation when a family care plan fails. however, the day before her unit was supposed to deploy she was told that she was not getting that extension after all and she would need to be on the plane and that's when it put her in this horrible situation of having to choose between
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abandoning her child or disobeying her superiors. >> army officials say they're investigating. a new report compiled by the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america says more than 30,000 single mothers have served in those wars. we want your views on this. should single parent military personnel have to deploy overseas or do they know what they were signing up for when they became a part of the armed services? e-mail us. if you want to talk about this, call us, 877-tell-hln. producer is ready to take your calls and hash this out or text us at hlntv. authorities in florida are searching for suspects in a more than three-hour hostage standoff at a clothing store. venice police say two masked gunmen went into the t.j. maxx at clothing time and tied up ten customers and employees. some were able to escape over the length of this ordeal.
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after midnight a s.w.a.t. team went in and released the remaining hostages. authorities think the gunmen were gone before police went in. workers say the store would have had about $12,000 on hand at that time of night. the space shuttle "atlantis" arrived at the international space station this morning just before docking at the iss "atlantis" did a backflip so cameras on board the station could scan it for possible damage from its listoff. nasa says a previous scan showed no damage. they will be at the international space station for a week including christmas delivering spare parts. you never know when you will bump into a member of your family. it happened to president obama in china. find out about his reunion with his half brother in beijing.
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yesterday the president was in china where he met with the premier of that country. the white house says china's president accepted an invitation to visit the u.s. next year. president obama also took time yesterday to walk along a section of china's great wall calling that experience magical and in between the state dinners, closed door meetings and sightseeing, president obama had a rare reunion with his half brother in china. mark obama has been living in southern china for the past seven years. he made headlines recently because in his new book he claims their father physically abused him. he wouldn't say if that subject came up when they met briefly at
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the president's hotel. >> we just had a big hug. and my wife and he had a big, big hug. and it was just very powerful. very intense us today he's my big brother. >> president obama says he hasn't read his half brother's book but says it's no secret their father was troubled. some of our i-reporters and dedicated space observers caught a glimpse of the meteor shower reaching peak activity overnight. pictures were taken from pensacola florida by james. he dreamed about getting that perfect award winning shot but it wasn't quite the spectacular show he hoped for. he says he loves a challenge. he'll be out there next time around. i think they look pretty good.
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i-reporter richard lewis loved what he saw and called it a heck of a show and took his pictures from tennessee. the cosmic show will continue through this weekend but people in asia will probably have the best and most spectacular show. if you have out of this world pictures or video of the meteor shower and want to share it with us go, to and click on upload now link and there are instructions on how to submit your stories and pictures and video to us. a university of new mexico soccer player says she can't explain the behavior that made her an internet sensation. i'm sure you've seen this. video of elizabeth lambert punching an opponent during a semifinal game. it went viral earlier this month. she calls her actions indefenceable and that hair pulling led to a suspension from the team. she's a 20-year-old junior.
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she's now seeing a clinical psychologist on campus and hopes to be reinstated this spring. a police officer admits he used a taser on a 10-year-old girl but get this, the department and even the girl's mother are standing by him.
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the father of the boy who brought molestation charges against michael jackson at his neverland ranch years ago, he's died. authorities say 64-year-old evan chandler shot himself in the head. he was found in his jersey city apartment last week still holding his revolver as he lay in his bed. there was not a suicide note. chandler was estranged from his family and lived in isolation. jackson was never charged with the crime. he reportedly paid $20 million to settle the suit. i'm jane velez-mitchell. here's my issue. it's one of the most horrific stories of family secrets getting worse. six men from the same family are charged with sexually abusing young members of their own family. most of the details cannot be repeated on tv. we're talking children allegedly
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forced to engage in sex act and bestiality. and now new allegations that one of these men forced children to kidnap and murder a complete stranger. and they even allegedly buried a newborn baby alive. this twisted list of accusations goes on and on and on and perhaps the most unbelievable, three of the suspects are actually lay ministers in the community of christchurch. how in the hell does that happen? if true, it's the ultimate proof that appearances mean absolutely nothing. i'm jane velez-mitchell. that's my "issue." >> find out what else jane has on her mind. watch "issues with jane velez-mitchell" every night at 7:00 eastern right here on hln. police in cleveland are once again at that home where they found ten bodies and a skull. this time carrying a sledgehammer and drills. several law enforcement agencies including the fbi and coroner's
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office have search warrants to dig at the home of anthony sowel sowell. sowell is charged with five counts of aggravated murder. an 11-month-old baby found wandering the streets of indianapolis by herself saturday night. her mom was arrested on child neglect charges monday. police say she told them she left the child at home with a family friend when she went partying this weekend but there was no arrangement for anyone to take care of that baby. >> when she left the house, the person she was having take care of her child was outside of the house smoking a cigarette. she left and when she left she went out and was at some friend's drinking alcohol and smoking crack. she came back eventually to the house at 10:30 that night. when she came back, the child and the baby sitter were both
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gone so she decided to go back out. >> the woman was not affaware h child was missing until police knocked on her knocked on her door monday morning. the baby is with a foster family. an arkansas father is outraged a police officer used a taser on his 10-year-old daughter. the police report says the girl's mother called authorities because her daughter was out of control. the officer says she gave him permission to tase ter girl after she kicked him in the groin. >> in the situation where he was at, he had no other choice. he had to get the child under control. >> well, the father now says he wants custody of the girl. the mayor asked the police chief to investigate, but so far the department hasn't taken any action against the officer. we are getting early word on some of the bargains on black friday. did you know there are websites
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specializing in finding out the black friday deals and leaking them. walmart is confirming some of the deals they will have. a blu-ray player for 78 bucks. there is a 50-inch plasma high-def tv for $600. kids pjs for three bucks. if you plan to shop online black monday, three online customers are scamming customers. the senate commerce committee says affinion and webloyalty latch on to other websites and offer cash back and other awards that seems to be attached to the connection. by clicking yes they enter into a contract with a club operated one of the three companies. former politicians don't
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usually gather big crowds. sarah palin is generating crowds as she plugs her new book.   
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the investigation into the death of 5-year-old shaniya davis hits a delay. why prosecutors are not filing new charges against the mother. >> space shuttle "atlantis" arrived at the international space station. a single mom is faced with one tough choice, fulfill commitment to serve her country or stay at home to care for her infant son. what do you think she should choose. it is so good to have you with us. happy hump day to you. we are going to start talking about the story we have been watching so closely the last couple of days, really. north carolina prosecutors are
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not filing any new charges against this woman the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis. not yet. antoinette davis is charged with child trafficking and this man mario o'neil is charged with kidnapping charges. neither will be charged with murder until police determine how she died. she disappeared from cumberland county but died in lee county. >> several of the details have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case. as you may be aware of, the district attorney's from the involved jurisdictions are discussing the matter and ultimately will make that decision. until that time, no further charges will be forthcoming until the jurisdiction has been
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determined. >> the little girl's body was found almost a week after her mother reported her missing. the cause of her death hasn't been determined. authorities in florida are searching for suspects in a more than three-hour hostage standoff in a clothing store. venice police say two gunmen went into the t.j. maxx and tied up customers and employees. just after midnight a s.w.a.t. team went in and they released the rest of the hostages. authorities believe the gunmen were gone. it is not clear if the men were out to rob the place. the store would have had $12,000 onhand. a single mom soldier says the army reneged of its offer of an extension so she could find child care. that is not the army's store. alexis hutchinson says there is no one to care for her infant
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son. the army says each soldier has to agree to a family care plan when they sign up. her child care plans fell through. the army says she knew for months her unit would be going overseas. in fact, she was given an extension in august and september. hutchinson's lawyer says she never got that extension. >> her command had indicated to her they would give her an extension as is normal under the regulations for a situation when a family care plan fails. however, the day before her unit was supposed to deploy she was told she was not getting that extension after all and she would need to be on the plane. that is when it put her in this horrible situation where she had to choose between abandoning her child or disobeying her superiors. >> the army is investigating a new report compiled by the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america saying 30,000 single
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mothers have served in those wars. we would like to get your opinion on this story. should single parent military personnel have to deploy overseas or do you think when people sign up they know what they are signing up for when they become a part of the armed services? e-mail us at or call 1-877-tell-hln or text hlntv or get on our facebook pages. hillary clinton is on a surprise visit to afghanistan. this is her first trip there as secretary of state. the eve of president hamid karzai's inauguration. she is having dinner with him tonight and will attend the inauguration tomorrow. clinton is expected to deliver a tough message that karzai has to clean up government corruption. president obama is in south korea, the last stop of his asian tour. topping the agenda, north
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korea's nuclear plans. he will make a decision about whether to increase troop levels in afghanistan. >> we have a vital interest in making sure afghanistan is sufficiently stable that it can't infect the entire region with violent extremism. we also have to make sure that we've got an effective partner in afghanistan and that's something that we are examining very closely and presenting some very clear benchmarks for the afghan government. we have to make sure that we are training sufficient afghan troops so they can ultimately secure their own country. before leaving beijing today the president walked along the same section of the great wall of china richard nixon visited in 1972. in between state dinners, closed door meetings and sightseeing he had a rare
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reunion with his brother. mark obama has been living in southern china. he claims in his new book their father physically abused him. he wouldn't bring that up when they met at the president's hotel. >> we just had a big hug and my wife and he had a big, big hug. and it was very, very powerful. very, very intense because he's my big brother. >> president obama says he hasn't read his half brother's book but says it is no secret their father was troubled. west virginia's robert byrd is making history. the longest serving member of congress ever. byrd has represented west virginia 20,774 days, that is almost 57 years. byrd came to washington in 1953 along with the first eisenhower administration. it is not the only milestone he
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is marking in two days he will turn 92 years old. the crew of the space shuttle "atlantis" is at the international space station. what they are doing there now and what it looks like from there.
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astronauts from the space shuttle "atlantis" inside the international space station. the hatch was opened about half hour ago. "atlantis" arrived this morning. just before docking the shuttle did a back flip so they could scan for possible damage. nasa says a previous laser scan of the craft shows no damage thankfully. the "atlantis" crew will be at the international space station for about a week including thanksgiving. they are delivering spare parts.
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a new jersey woman found a unique partnership between two unlikely bedfellows. helping those in need in this week's "leaders with heart." >> a natural disaster inspired mary marzano to help others. >> my sister lives in galveston, texas. her howes was destroyed in ike. >> she reached out to hotels after a friend told her they throw out old linens. >> when i drove up there were ten huge bags of bedding which was way more than my sister needed. >> that sparked her to start green recoverings. >> i contact hotels in my area or all over the country and see if they are interested in donating their usable discards to organizations that have people in them. >> so far green recoverings has
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helped 20 shelters. marzano charges others to help with the efforts. >> we live in bubbles and we don't realize there are needy people out there. i get a lot of satisfaction out of helping them. "people's" sexyiest man alive is johnny depp. didn't he win before? brooke anderson looks into what is going on with the picks.
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well, you know, it is bonus season on wall street. but top employees at some of the most heavily bailed out companies are not celebrating. poppy harlow is in new york. i'm sure people are wondering
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how much are these execs making. >> not celebrating is a relative term. we knew this was coming. citigroup disclosed the top pay for employees. two top executives are taking a big pay cut. james forese, the co-head of global markets at citi. last year he made $12.9 million. this year that is going to drop to $5.9 million in cash and stock. another example is the vice chairman stephen volk, last year $10.5 million total compensation. this year citigroup is guaranteeing him $3.9 million. relatively big cut. still relatively substantial salaries. citigroup is overseen by the obama administration's pay czar.
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he capped pay for the top execs. you can expect more to come. chr christi. >> i would bet more pay cuts. >> the pay czar feinberg is reviewing the pay cuts for the next five employees. the goal is to make a decision on pay by early december before the bonus cuts are cut. some firms are worried that top talent will leave and go somewhere else. ken feinberg says he is quote-unquote concerned they will see top talent leave these firms. j.p. morgan, their ceo talked about that concern as well, the top talent will leave. but if you ask other folks that is not the response you get.
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i want to bring you a few quotes who wrote in on facebook. jeffrey says they should be forced to live like the rest of us for the next five years. paul wrote they should be forced to go back to school to pass business 101. to be fair, i think they can but there is anger over compensation. the latest details are on >> clearly people have not forgotten about this. there are a lot of people unemployeed in our country right now. lots of anger. thank you so much, poppy. attorney general eric holder is telling a senate committee why he's ordered five suspects from the september 11th attacks to be prosecuted in federal court. khalid shaikh mohammad.
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republican leaders in congress says the trials will give mohammad a platform for airing anti-american views. holder says that doesn't concern him. >> if khalid shaikh mohammad makes the same statements he made in the military proceedings i have every confidence the nation and the world will see him for the coward. i'm not scared of what he has to say at trial and no one else needs to be afraid either. >> holder says terrorism cases have been tried in federal courts for many years. there are more than 300 convicted terrorists in federal prisons right now. we learned "people" magazine's pick of sexiest man. it is a rerun of sorts. johnny depp. "showbiz tonight" brooke anderson is in hollywood. is there a shortage of sexy men in hollywood?
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>> that is how some people feel. they are up in arms johnny depp has received this honor again. admittedly he is gorgeous. people are surprised because there are hot vampires on tv and in the movies. this is johnny depp's second time on the list. brad pitt and george clooney are the others who held that list. clooney, affleck, damon, usual suspected who, of course, deserve it because they are pretty darn magnetic. >> that is true. i'm not disputing that. by the "twilight" saga "new moon" star robert patterson people are saying he was robbed. >> people are floored he did not get this title. he has a lot of fans. he is on the cover of magazines on a weekly basis. he is the star of "twilight." he is on the list but was not
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named sexiest. depp appeals to a much wider audience than patterson who is mostly known to teenage girls. christi, my husband asked me who is this guy? what is the big deal. i said he is edward the vampire from "twilight." he needs more exposure. johnny depp has been at this for longer than robert pattenson has been alive. >> wasn't there a scandal when pattenson was questioned about his relationship with kristen stewart? >> ryan seacrest had pattinson what all his fans want the answer to. are he and his co-star a couple.
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watch what happened? >> what do you say to your fans who are desperate to know about you and your co-star kristin. what can you tell them? you can't ask that question? >> what is bing? >> it is his co-star. >> oh, thank you very much. >> i'm sorry. i was just cut off for the first time ever. >> so the publicist had a hissy fit and that was the end of that. i think rob could have answered with no comment or i'd rather not discuss that. but to walk out of the interview, poor form, rob. >> wow. it didn't look like he had much of a choice. >> i know. well, they do, christi. they do. the publicist can say what he or she wants but the star can say i'll sit and continue the interview. he chose to leave. i think it was poor form. we are going to have more on this tonight on "showbiz tonight." we are going to have brand new details in the sarah palin/levi
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johnston smackdown. brand new claims by levi johnston and the first picture of his "playgirl" shoot. >> oh, boy. we are watching a tense situation at ucla campus. hundreds of students, live pictures coming to you, hundreds of students protesting tuition and fee hikes. riot police are trying to disperse this angry crowd here. look at all the signs they are holding up there. apparently some people are throwing things at the officers there. campus police have arrested eight protesters who allegedly repeatedly interrupted a meeting by uc regent board members. the board is considering boosting fees by 32% in two stages, but, boy, look at the yelling that is going on there and the screaming and the arms in the air. now a vote on that issue is expected a bit later today. again, thousands of people and
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we're going to keep our eyes on this as you see live pictures from ucla. a texas cop was trying to do his job. take a look at what else the camera caught. see that kitty on the left. we'll show you where it ended up.
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all right. want to bring you live pictures. look at all the signs and the fists that are in the air here. a tense situation. you are looking at ucla campus right now where hundreds of angry students are protesting tuition and fee hikes. they are holding those signs and shouting at police behind the metal barricades there. some people, we understand, have been throwing things at police. this is earlier as the police were trying to push back some of those students to get away from the building. but police say eight protesters have already been arrested after they tried to crash a meeting by uc regent board members.
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they are considering boosting fees by 32%. look as police try to get students to back off. again, want to bring you the live pictures. this rally of protesters still very strong. looks like it is getting a little bit rambunctious there. clearly, a lot of people not happy about having to pay more. north carolina prosecutors are not filing any new charges against the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis. antoinette davis is charged with human trafficking and child prostitution. a man caught on hotel surveillance video mario mcneil is facing kidnapping charges. neither will be charged with murder until police determine where the girl was died. her body was found in lee county, north carolina, but disappeared from her home in
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neighboring cumberland county. >> several of the details regarding the investigation have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case. as you may be aware of, the district attorneys from the involved jurisdictions are discussing the matter and ultimately will make that decision. until that time no further charges will be forthcoming until the jurisdiction has been determined. >> the little girl's body was found almost a week after her mother reported her missing and the cause of her death hasn't been determined yet. shaniya davis spent most of her life with her father. last month lockhart agreed to let shaniya spend time with her mother. his son byron coleman appeared on "nancy grace." how is your father doing
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tonight? he is just heartbroken. >> yeah. my father is taking it real hard. i mean, it is really hard on our family. it is just a tough time. this is actually our second time going through another death in our family. my mom passed away when i was 10 years old. >> when do you know are they going to release her body? have they told anybody what was the cause of death, byron? >> actually, i haven't heard anything. i don't think my father has either. we are not sure too much yet. we are still trying to figure that out now. >> and there is your dad right there. >> yes, ma'am. >> we really do want to thank everybody for the support and the prayers. it does mean a lot. we just want everybody to stay as strong as we are trying to. for mothers out there, please
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don't let that happen to your child. >> if you could pass on to your father that i thought as a crime victim myself i knew what pain was but when i saw him when he learned about shaniya crying i don't think there is anything worse that could be worse than losing your child. would you just pass on to him that we are praying for him so much. >> yes, ma'am. >> nancy grace will have the latest developments at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. on hln news and views. authorities in florida are searching for suspects in a more than three-hour hostage standoff at a clothing store. venice police say two masked gunmen went into the t.j. maxx store and tied up ten customers and employees. some escaped. just after midnight a s.w.a.t. team went in and released the remaining hostages.
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they believe the gunmen were gone after police were gone. workers say the store would have had $12,000 onhand. president obama is in south korea in his last stop of his asian tour. he is set to meet with the president tomorrow. yesterday the president was in china where he met with the premier. president obama took time yesterday to walk along a section of china's great wall. he called the experience magical. a u.s. soldier says she was forced to make a choice between serving her country or caring for her infant child. she chose her son and is refusing to deploy to afghanistan. we want your view on this case.
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a single mom soldier says the army reneged on its offer of an extension she could find child care. that is not the army's story. she is refusing deployment because there is no one to care for her son. the army says each soldier has to agree to a family care plan when they sign up. her child care plans fell through. the army says she knew for months her unit would be going overseas. in fact, she was given an extension in august and september. hutchinson's lawyer says she never got that extension. >> her command had indicated to her they would give her an extension as is normal under the regulations for a situation when
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a family care plan fails. however, the day before her unit was supposed to deploy she was told she was not getting that extension after all and she would need to be on the plane. that is when it put her in this horrible situation where she had to choose between abandoning her child or disobeying her superiors. army officials say they are investigating. a new report compiled by the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america say 30,000 single mothers have served in those wars. this is the topic of our discussion today. richelle carey has been monitoring the facebook accounts. it is a matter of he said/she said. >> it is. and what you said, too. there is a lot of what you say out there, christi. susan participated in our hln news and views tour in atlanta.
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we put a camera in front of her. this is what susan had to say about this. >> i do feel if she signed a contract that she should follow through with it and she should follow through with the deployment. maybe what i would like to see is a little more support in helping her work out the problem. >> okay carrie says uh-uh, no way. carrie thinks she is playing the system. what is your take? >> caller: i feel all single military parents are required to have a child care plan for deployment. if she joined the military knowing this and her plan failed she still has the obligation. where is the child's father? and she missed the deployment schedule and is ua and should be discharged with no benefits. >> okay. >> caller: she has a responsibility and i think she is scamming the system. >> carrie, thank you for your phone call. last night you started weighing in on this on my facebook page.
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this is a comment from caitlin. i see so many young military men and women who leave their newborn children at home. i can't be sad they are putting their children at risk. you need to put your children first. i say kudos to this woman for putting her little one first. nicole wrote this, though i sympathize with a mother leaving her child but when you sign up there is a chance you have to leave your child. it is sad with all the recent stories about kids on hln that a loving parent would have to leave their child. carrie from california. you have sympathy? >> caller: yeah. honestly, i wouldn't know what to do if i was in her position. >> okay. >> caller: i know that she signed up for this and, you know, there was -- she had full
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well knowledge that she would at some point be deployed. >> and she had a plan but the plan fell through. >> caller: right. and that plans change and you can't help that and i just feel like i wouldn't know what to do. >> it seems what she chose to do is face disciplinary consequences and not leave her child. carrie, thank you for your phone call. keep calling. do you think that single parents in the military should have to deploy overseas or should they get some sort of special exemption? e-mail us at, call at 1-877-tell-hln or send a text at hlntv. people are passionate about this on both sides. >> it is good to hear from them. thank you so much, richelle. i know you remember this video. a university of new mexico soccer player says she can't explain the behavior that made
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her an internet sensation. elizabeth lambert is punching and pulling the pony tail on an opponent. it went viral. she says her actions are indefensible but tells the "new york times" i definitely feel because i am a female it did bring about a lot more attention nan a male were to do it. the men are expected to be rough. the female, we're still looked at as, oh, we kick the ball around and score a goal. but it's not. we train very hard to reach the highest level we can get to. the physical aspect has maybe increased over the years. i'm not saying it's for the bad or it's been too overly aggressive. the hair pulling led to her indefinite suspension from the team. she is seeing a clinical psychologist on campus and hopes to be reinstated this spring. forget spring. it is getting colder outside. we are going beyond the surface
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to find out if what mom said is true, do you need to wear a hat to keep from catching a cold? >> unfortunately, mom was not exactly right about losing heat through your head. you lose some body heat through whatever part of your body is exposed. the real key is what is uncovered and how much surface area it is. there is nothing special about the head. if you walk around with just a hat and no pants or shorts you will lose just as much of your body heat and people might think you are crazy. people often hear if they go out in the cold or wet weather or with wet hair that will make them sick. that is just not true. the weather has nothing to do with whether or not you get sick. what makes you sick are viruses, sometimes bacteria. scientists have done great studies looking at this one.
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want to get back to a pretty intense situation at ucla campus. see that line of men at the bottom of the screen? those are police officers that have lined up as hundreds of angry students are protesting tuition and fee hikes. the protests are taking place on all university of california campuses. this is ucla. the police are trying to keep the demonstrations contained. the protesters are holding up signs, throwing their firsts in the air and shouting at police behind metal barricades. eight protests police say have been arrested as they tried to crash a meeting by uc regent board members. the board is considering boosting fees by 32% in two states. that is why it has gotten volatile here. a vote is expected later today though.
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so are you planning on flying home for the holidays? oh, you got to hear this one. it is going to cost you more. hln money expert clark howard is on the phone with us right now. he is talking about the bump in cost. clark, thank you for interrupting your lunch. >> sure. >> tell us about these new surcharges. how much are we talking? >> the surcharges are all over the board. the surcharges for thanksgiving and christmas are pretty much baked in the cake typically at 20 bucks, but the bigger surcharges are the ones coming through the spring and beyond. and the airlines are floating trial balloons of $30 to $50 extra dollars on each day on certain days they designate as peak. >> what are these charges for? extra bag surcharges? where will we identify them. >> this is the breathing charge. for you showing up and
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breathing, you are going to pay it if you pick the wrong day on the calendar to fly. this is all about the fact that the airlines, the full-fare airlines have been parking planes in the desert for months trying to reduce the number of flights so they can regain control of pricing. and so now they are feeling pumped up. they feel like they are now in charge instead of you and me and that's why everybody's falling all over themselves among the full-fare airlines raising prices. you know, it doesn't matter. >> let me ask you this, people are listening to this and are thinking do i have a choice other than not travel? is there anything i can do? >> absolutely. there are five full-fare airlines left in the country. they are the ones doing these increases. it doesn't matter what they do at all. it is like a sideshow in a three
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ring circus. the key is what does southwest do? they fly more passengers and what does jetblue and airtran do. those three airlines three airl control pricing for domestic travel in the u.s. so what i'm going to watch for, and the only thing people need to worry about is if southwest, jet blue and airtran say this sounds like a good deal to us, too. if they don't, this is smoke signifying nothing. >> they can't hold water so to speak. but you said, and i want to clarify. we're talking about the holidays. you said this is going to continue into the spring. >> yeah, that's where the big increases are. there's one in february that's a $50 surcharge each way. >> each way! >> each way. yeah. this is real money, isn't it? it's great money if you can get away with charging it. that's why i don't take this too
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seriously. i don't see this surviving. the airlines over and over again will float the things. it's illegal for airlines to sit down in a room and say raise this fare this much to this market. so they do it by press release, basically. they're waiting to see if the dust settles with everybody saying we're in or we're not. even if they all agree to it, if the public goes on a buying strike, they're not going to get the deal anyway. >> all right. boy, clark howard, thank you so much for your expertise. >> sure. >> have a great lunch. >> thank you. >> watch him every weekend. well, it's a big win for ford. the fusion was named the motor trend car of the year. the magazine says ford did a great job of redesigning and up grading every version of the fusion got kudos here. it should be considered on par with the toyota camry and honda accord.
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now, some are saying a certain jolly old elf needs to be on the priority list. y8
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the investigation into the death of 5-year-old shaniya davis hits a bit of a delay. why prosecutors aren't filing new charges against the little girl's mother yet. new york is cracking down on drunk drivers. the big punishment the state is going to start implements for dui and what it has to do with a little girl's death. plus -- >> you're saying start the conversation with someone like me. what am i supposed to tell them? >> should women get yearly mammograms or not? dr. sanjay gupta asks the tough questions. this is hln "news and views." thanks, as always, for your time. back to the tense situation on the campus of ucla.
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happening right now. police line has been set up as hundreds of angry students are protesting. what is this about? tuition and fee hikes. the protests are taking place at all of the university of california campuses. specifically these are live pictures for the ucla campus. they're trying to keep all the demonstrations contained. they're shouting cut from the top. police are behind barricades trying to keep the situation under control. we have a pictures from a short time ago when the protesters really tried to wish into the building. police were able to keep them back. police say 14 protesters were arrested as they tried to crash a meeting of the uc regent board members. the board is considering tuition hikes and fees. specifically 32%. it's supposed to happen in two stages. clearly the students don't want this at all. they're going to vote on this later today as the protest
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continues. authorities in florida are searching for suspects in a more than three-hour hostage standoff. this happened at at clothing store. two masked gunmen went into a t.j. max and tied up ten customers and employees. just after midnight a s.w.a.t. team went in and released everybody. it's not clear if the men were there to rob the place. workers say the store would have had about maybe $12,000 on hand at that time of night. astronauts from "atlantis" are now inside the international space station. the hatch between the shuttle and iss was opened this afternoon. "atlantis" arrived at the space station this morning. did a back flip to scan it for possible damage from the liftoff. nasa says the previous laser
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scan showed no damage. the "atlantis" crew will be on the international space station for a week. including thanksgiving. they're delivering some spare parts. north carolina prosecutors aren't filing any new charges against the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis. at least not yet. that's antoinette davis right there. she's charged with human trafficking and child prostitution. a man caught on a hotel surveillance video carrying shaniya, mario mcneill faces kidnapping charges. neither will be charged with murder until police determine where shaniya died. her body was found in lee county, new york. but she disappeared from her home in neighboring cumberland county. >> several details have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case. as you may be aware of, the district attorneys from the involved jurisdictions are
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discussing the matter and ultimate ultimately will make that decision. until that time no further charges will be forthcoming until the jurisdiction has been determined. >> the little girl's body was found almost a week after her mother reported her missing. you've heard that 911 call. the cause of her death has not been determined. nancy grace will have all the latest developments in the search for shaniya's killer at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern here on hln news and views. attorney general eric holder is assuring families of september 11th victims he is dedicating to getting justice for their loved ones. the family members were invited to this hearing today, a hearing of the senate judiciary committee. republican members who oppose decisions to put five suspects on trial in new york. one of the defendants, khalid shaikh mohammed admitted he was the master mind.
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>> i think i can speak for many 9/11 families when we say we are heartsick and weary of the delays. i'm afraid the theatrics are going to take over at this point. and i very much regret that. >> well, think of this, though. for how long have these cases been pending. i've been attorney general for eight or nine months. we've taken, i think the first step towards resolving these matter matters. >> there were 26 members of the defense team as opposed to the six members of the prosecuting team. >> they'll do all that stuff. judges can handle that. we've got experience in doing these things. >> holder got similar questions
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from republican committee members. during his testimony he assured them the defendants will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. holder added failure is not an option. hillary clinton is on a surprise visit to afghanistan. her first visit there as secretary of state. this is the eve of president karzai's inauguration. she's having dinner with him tonight. she'll be at the inauguration tomorrow. clinton is expected to deliver a pretty tough message that karzai has to clean up government corruption. president obama is in south korea. topic number one, north korea's nuclear weapons. when he returns home the president is expected to announce his decision about whether to increase u.s. troop levels in afghanistan. >> i'm very confident when i announce the decision the
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american people will have a lot of clarity about what we're doing, how we're going to succeed, how much this thing is going to cost, you know, what kind of burden does this place on our young men and women in uniform, and most importantly, what's the end game on this thing. which i think that is something that unless you impose that kind of discipline could end up leading to a multi-year occupation that won't serve in the interest of the united states. >> before leaving beijing the president walked along the same section of the great wall that nixon visited in 1972. many medical professionals are downright confused by new recommendations that say women should put off getting mammograms until age 50. some of them are just ticked off. the u.s. preventive services task force report released yesterday also says monthly self-exams don't help. groups like the american cancer
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society disagree with this panel. now doctors like cnn's chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta are working overtime to clear up the mixed messages. this morning he asked a member of the task force exactly what doctors should tell their patients about screenings. listen to this. >> we would always be able to identify cancers with multiple screenings, every year screenings, but the benefit is small. so it is a dilemma. it's a dilemma for us all. we brought the data together. >> if i could say really quick. small benefit goes. you're talking about saving one life for every 1,900 mammograms. i'm not sure why you keep saying small. that's about $190,000. if you have to place a value on it. which is essentially what the task force has done, placing a value on life. why do you keep saying that's a net benefit that's small. there are about 15% of women with breast cancer right now who
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found their cancer on a routine mammogram. i don't understand. small seems almost insulting to the people out there whose lives have been saved by this. >> i'll have to bring you back to the studies that we did. we are not saying there's no value to the life of those women. we certainly put no dollars on it. we did not do cost effectiveness studies. we looked at the data and said that the increase starting at 50 is moderate in terms of the risk and the benefit of the screening. >> dr. sanjay saying some of the same things you were saying yesterday. the american cancer society continues to recommend routine mammograms for women age 40 and up. a u.s. soldier says she was forced to make a choice between serving her country or caring for her infant child. she chose her son and is refusing to deploy to afghanistan. we want your views on this case.
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all right. a single mom soldier said the army took back its offer of an extension to find child care. that's not the army's story. she is refusing deployment orders to afghanistan because she says she doesn't have anyone to care for her infant son. the army requires soldiers to have a family care plan when they sign up. hutchinson says i had a plan. the plan fell through. the army says she knew for months her unit was going overseas. in fact, the army says she was given an extension in august and september. hutchinson's lawyer says she never got an extension. a new report compiled by the iraq and afghanistan veterans of american says more than 30,000 single mothers have served in those wars.
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>> this is the your views questions of the day. do you think there should be exceptions in situations like this? you've been comments since yesterday before we put the question out there. richelle carey hln is where you can comment on my facebook page. very passionate. thank you for the comment. alvin says this --
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so alvin says you got to do what you got to do. kay is calling us from florida. kay, you feel, i think you great with kaitlin that things come up. that's what you're saying. things come up. >> caller: correct. i agree with kaitlin. i have sympathy for this person. there is nothing. she was enlisted as a parent first. her child is a priority. although she did know if situation when she enlisted. that still can be -- you can't predict the future in regards to child care. she had it in the beginning. at the end it fell through. maybe the military should possibly discharge her. remove her from the system. call it even. >> kay, thank you for your phone
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call. we have a sergeant calling us from ft. hood, texas. i understand you and your wife are both in the military. and you understand that you're going to have to have someone else take care of your children. you say those are just the facts sometimes. >> caller: that's true. like it's been said, everybody has to have a family care plan. if it falls through, it's as simple as saying you're processed out of the army. that's it. you would not believe how many orders would get revoked just for the one purpose. >> so you're saying this is a common situation? >> caller: yes, it is. there's people in my unit who haven't been processed because their family care unit failed. that's the way the army life is. if you don't have anything set up, you're going to have to go on the outside on the economy and find yourself a job so you can make that your first priority. >> thank you for your service as well. we appreciate it. we want to continue to get your views on the story.
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should single parent military personnel have to deploy overseas. do they know what they were signing up for. sometimes you do what you have to do. e-mail us or text us at hlntv. "people" magazine has named the sexiest man alive. not george clooney. not brad pitt.
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if you're planning on flying home for the holidays it's probably going to cost you more. earlier christi paul spoke with clark howard. he knows everybody. he explains how you need to know about this price bump. >> clark, thank you for interrupting your lunch, first of all. >> the surcharges are all over the board. the surcharges are baked in the
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cake typically at $20. the bigger surcharges are the ones coming through the spring and beyond. the airlines are having $30 do $50 extra each way on certain days they designate as peak. >> are they bag charges? where will we see them? >> this is just the breathing charge. you're going to pay it if you pick the wrong date on the calendar to fly. this is all about the fact that the airlines, the full fare airlines had been parking planes in the desert for months trying to reduce the number of flights so that they can regain control of pricing. so now they are feeling pumped up. they feel they are now in charged instead of you and me. that's why everybody is falling all over themselves.
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do you know it doesn't matter? >> well, let me ask you this. people are listening to this and thinking, do i have a choice other than not travel? is there anything i can do? >> yes, absolutely. because there are five full fare airlines left in the country. they're the ones doing the increases. it doesn't matter what they do at all. it's like a side show in a three-ring circus. the real key is what is southwest do. they fly more passengers in the united states than anybody else. and what does jet blue and air tran do? those three airlines now totally control pricing for domestic travel in the u.s. so what i'm going to watch for, an the only thing people need to worry about is if they say hey, this sounds like a good idea to us, too. because if they don't then this is just a lot of smoke signifying nothing. >> so they can't hold water basically so to speak. the surcharges.
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but you said, and i just want to clarify this. we're talking about the holidays here. but this is going to continue into the spring? >> yeah, well there's one in february that's that $50 surcharge each way. >> each way! >> each way. >> yeah. this is real money, isn't it? it's great money if you can really get away with charging it. that's why i don't take this too seriously. i just don't see this surviving. you know, the airlines overand over again will float these things -- because it's illegal for airlines to sit in a room and say let's raise this fare this much to this market. they do it by press release. even if they all agree to it, if the public goes on a buying strike they're not going to get the deal anyway. >> clark howard, always good to hear from you.
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thank you for your expertise. clark hknows. get more great consumer advice every saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern time. save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off.
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things still developing on the ucla campus right now. hundreds of students, in fact, are protesting, and what they're mad about, fee and tuition hikes. wonder if their parents are upset as well. i don't know. this is happening on all the university of california campuses. and this is what happened a little while ago. . a little while ago the students tried to get into one of the buildings. police were able to push them back. they arrested 14 protesters. they were trying to stop a vote. the uc regent board members are voting to raise tuition.
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they arrested 14 people for unlawful assembly for a brief time. i don't know if there were safety concerns. the board adjourned, but they've gotten back together. the board is considering boosting fees in two stages. that sounds minor enough. but the end result would be a 32% hike in tuition and fees. the students seem to be upset about it. this was a while ago. still there seems to be a large crowd. but things seem a bit more peaceful now. we'll keep an eye on it for you. in florida authorities are searching for suspects that had a three-hour hostage stand off happening at a clothing store last night. two masked men went into a t.j. maxx at closing time. tied up ten customers and employees. some people were able to escape, though, safely. just after midnight. a s.w.a.t. team went and released the remaining hostages. they think the gunmen were gone by the time police went in. it's not clear if they were there just to rob the place.
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workers say the store would have had maybe about $12,000 on hand at the time this all happened. police in cleveland are once again at that home where they found ten bodies and a skull. this time they brought a sledge hammer and drills. several law enforcement agencies including the fbi and coroner's office have search warrants to dig at the home of anthony sowell. they plan to investigation areas of interest identified last week by thermal imaging and radar. sowell is charged with five counts of aggravated murder. north carolina prosecutors aren't filing any new charges against the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis. at least not yet. antoinette davis is charged with human trafficking and child prostitution. a man caught on a hotel surveillance video carrying shaniya, mario mcneill, the man right there, faces kidnapping charges. neither will be charged with murder until police first determine where the little girl died. her body was found in lee county, north carolina, but she actually disappeared from her
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home in neighboring cumberland county. >> several of the details regarding the investigation have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case. as you may be aware of, the district attorneys from the involved jurisdictions are discussing the matter and ultimately will make that decision. until that time. no nothing further charges will be forthcoming until the jurisdiction has been determined. >> the little girl's body was found almost a week after her mother reported her missing. cause or death, again, that has not been determined. shaniya davis spent most of her short life with her father and his other children. just last month he agreed to let shaniya spend time with her mother. his son, byron coleman was on hln's nancy grace last night. >> how is your father doing
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tonight? i mean, he is just heartbroken. from what we've seen. >> yeah, my father, he's taking it real hard. it's really hard on the family. i mean, it's just a tough time. this is our second time going through another death in our family. my mom passed away when i was 10 years old. >> when do you know, are they going to release her body? have they told anybody what was the cause of death, byron? >> they actually -- i haven't heard anything. i don't think my father has either. we're not really sure too much, yet. we're still trying to figure it out now. so. >> there's your dad right there. >> yes, ma'am. >> there's your dad. >> we really do want to thank everybody for the support and prayers. it really does mean a lot. you know, we just want to everybody to stay as strong as
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we're trying to. for the mothers out there, please don't let this happen to your child. >> if you could pass onto your father that, you know, i thought as a crime victim myself, i knew what pain was. but when i saw him when he learned about shaniya crying, i don't think there's anything worse that could be worse than losing your child. would you just pass onto him that we are praying for him so much? >> yes, ma'am. >> nancy grace will have all the latest developments in this search for shaniya's killer that's at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time here on hln news and views. president obama is in south korea, last stop of his asian tour. he's scheduled to meet with that country's president tomorrow. the two will discuss a free trade agreement and also north korea's nuclear program. yesterday the president was in china where he met with the premier.
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the white house says china's president has accepted an invitation to visit the u.s. next year. he took time to walk along a section of china's great wall. he called the experience magical. hillary clinton is on a surprise visit to afghanistan. her first trip there as secretary of state. this is the eve of president karzai's inauguration. she's having dinner with him tonight. she'll be at the inauguration tomorrow. she's expected to deliver a tough message that karzai has to clean up government corruption. a single mom, a soldier said the army rebuked it's offer of an extension to find child care. the army says that's not what happened. she's refusing deployment orders to afghanistan because she says there's no one to care for her infant son. the army says each soldier must agree to a family care plan when they sign up. hutchinson says she had a care plan, but it fell through. the army says she's known for months her unit would be going
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overseas. in fact, the army says they gave her an extension in august and september. hutchinson's lawyer says she never got an extension. >> her command had indicated to her that they would give her an extension. as is normal under their regulations for a situation when a family care plan fails. however, the day before her unit was supposed to deploy, she was told that she was not getting that extension after all, and she would need to be on the the plane. and that's when it put her in this horrible situation of having to choose between abandoning her child or disobeying her superiors. well, army officials say they're investigating. and a new report compiled by iraq and afghanistan veterans of america say more than 30,000 single mothers have served in those wars. we've been talking about this all day. you have been firing off hundreds of views on this. should single parent military have to deploy overseas? do you think, hey, they knew what they signed up for.
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they've got to do this. even though it's a tough choice. they've got to deploy no matter what. send us an e-mail if you want at call, talk about it. 1-877-tell-hln. send us a text if you want at hlntv. astronauts from the space shuttle "atlantis" are now inside the space station the hatch between the shuttle and iss was opend this afternoon. "atlantis" arrived at the space station this morning. before docking the shuttle did a back flip so cameras on board the station could scan it for possible damage. nasa says a previous laser scan showed no damage. the "atlantis" crew will be at the international space station for a week, including thanksgiving. they're delivering some spare parts. a pregnant woman doesn't know who to thank for pulling her from the path of a subway train in brooklyn. yes, another one of these stories. she told affiliate wabc she got
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light headed and passed out. a witness says two strangers jumped onto the tracks to get her. >> they were like superman. they didn't hesitate. they took off their suit jackets, they jumped in. we helped them get back on. we weren't sure if a train was coming. >> god was watching out for me and watching out for the baby. >> the woman bruised her face, but she and the baby are okay. i'm jane velez-mitchell, and here's my issue. it's one of the most horrific stories of family secrets, and it just keeps getting worse. six men all from the same family are charged with sexually abusing young members of their own family. most of details cannot be repeated on tv. children allegedly forced to engage in sex acts and bestiality. and now new allegations that one of these men forced children to kidnap and murder a complete stranger. and they even allegedly buried a newborn baby alive.
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this twisted list of accusations goes on and on and on and on. perhaps the most unbelievable, three of the suspects are actually ministers in the community of christ church. how in the hell does that happen? if true, it is the ultimate proof that appearances mean absolutely nothing. i'm jane velez-mitchell, and that's my issue. >> find out what else jane has on her mind. she'll tell it like it is. watch "issues with jane velez-mitchell" every night here on hln. did you get a chance to see the light show in the sky last night? some of our lucky jooi reporters did. so what was it? why some were not too happy with what they saw.
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pirates have attacked a u.s. flag cargo ship nor the second time. the european union naval force says pirates fired automatic webs at the "maersk alabama" this morning. it was hijacked in april. pirates took captain richard phillips hostage for five days before navy sharpers freed him. pirate attacks are on the rise. there have been 29 successful hijackings so far this year. and 114 attempted attacks. there were 111 attacks last year. iran has sentenced five people to death for their roles in the massive antigovernment protests. we saw this in june. the five were convicted of being members of terrorist groups and carrying out bombings across iran.
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another 81 got prison terms. opposition say the death sentences are part of the iranian government's efforts to create fear and to silence the movement. some caught a light show last night. a semiprofessional photographer took pictures for pensacola, california. he says he dreamed of getting that perfect award winning shot, but it wasn't quite the spectacular show he hoped for. i thought it looked pretty good. he says he loves a challenge. he'll wait around and hope to get another great one next time around. richard lewis called it one heck of a show. he took his pictures from tennessee. the show will continue through this weekend. the people in sha will probabase
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best and most spectacular view. if you have pictures please share them with us. go to and click on the upload now link. it may be harder to hide than you think. wired magazine sent a writer on a quest to disappear to see if people untrained in police search techniques could find him. he set up a fake identity with its own facebook and twitter accounts. he used gift cards to get by. if anyone found him they would win $5,000. >> died my hair and wore fake glasses. i had three different pairs of fake glasses. i had a fake wedding ring. i had a variety of hats and sunglasses. the best disguise was shaving the top of my head. >> he was found after three weeks on his way to get some pizza. guy's got to eat. the busiest shopping day of the year is just nine days away. we've got the scoop on some great deals. stick around and we'll tell you all about them.
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still watching this huge protest unfold on the campus of
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ucla. it's getting probably bigger than that. angry students protesting tuition and fee hikes. this is happening at all the campuses of the university of california today. we've got pictures for a while ago when it really got unruly. they tried to rush one of the buildings where the board of regents was meeting. trying to implement this hike that we're talking about. the police were able to get things under control. they arrested some people. they pushed every back, arrested 14 people specifically. the board of regents took a break. they convened again. they're trying to raise student fees and tuition. a full board vote on the increase has been put off until tomorrow. we'll keep you posted at that. the bargains on black
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fridays. you know there are websites that specialize in finding out black friday deals and then they look them. one for $7. if you got blu-ray you need a tv. there's a $600 tv and kids pjs for $3. it's bonus season on wall street. but top employees at some of the most heavily bailed out companies are not celebrating this year.'s poppy harlow is in new york. this week what we learned from looking at the sec filings for city group. they're disclosing compensation for top employees. this becomes because the pay czar is capping the top pay of the bailed out firms.
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james forese is the cohead of global markets at citi. last year he made $12.9 million. this so a relatively large amount but a haircut from the year before. same story with the vice chairman at citi, stephen volk, last year he took in $10.5 million. this year he will take in $3.9 million. the question here is why. citi is one of those seven companies that are overseen by president obama's pay czar. what we'll seen from the next few weeks leading up to the end of the year is how these companies are complying. the top execs are taking very, very big paycuts. richelle? >> all right, and still more pay cuts to come, right? >> reporter: yeah, i mean you're exactly right. what's happening now is that ken feinberg, the pay czar's reviewing compensation for the next 75 highest paid employees
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at those seven companies. take a look at your screen. you know those companies that's what we're talking about. the goal is to make these cuts by early december, before see those bonus checks go out. this does though legitimately bring up some concerns in these firms. what about top halent leaving to go elsewhere, to go to a competitor where the government doesn't have any say in what they're paid even the pay czar, kenneth feinberg said, richelle, said listen i am very concerned that these actions might do that. jamie dimon said to me last month that he was concerned about that happening in the banking industry in general. but when you ask other folks they're not concerned. folks writing on facebook and tell me what they think. jeffrey wrote in -- paul wrote in, and he said -- now, it's a little bit aggressive. i think they can pass business 101 but a lot of concerns about the folks who got us into this situation and what they have to
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say. the full story you can see is right there. richelle? >> poppy, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. you never know when you will bump into a member of your family. it happened to president obama in china. find out with his half-brother in beijing.          
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hundreds of demonstrators rally outside of the board of regions meeting at ucla. what's got them so fired up? and some that are so fired up they're willing to get arrested. attorney general eric holder goes face to face with families of september 11th victims. how he's defending his decision to try the terror suspects in new york. also, the space shuttle "atlanti "atlantis" does a backflip before docking at the international space station. find out what that was all about. >> hey, how are you? at this hour, i know that you're heading on toward the dinner time. we're glad that you're with us, though. i'm christi paul. just a few minutes ago, ucla's board of regions committee voted to increase fees at the school
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by 32% over the next two years so at this point it now goes to the full board for full approval. earlier hundreds of angry students gathered outside to intense the protest. did arrest 14 protesters after they refused to leave a room where the meeting was taken place. north carolina prosecutors are not filing any new charges against this woman, the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis. at least not yet. antoinette davis is charged with human trafficking and child prostitution. now, a man caught on the a hotel surveillance video carrying that girl, this man, mario mcneill, is facing kidnapping charges. but neither will be charged with murder until police determine where the little girl died. her body was found in lee county, north carolina. but she disappeared from her home in neighboring cumberland county. >> several of the details regard, the investigation have a direct impact on which county
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will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case. as you may be aware of the district attorneys from the involved jurisdictions are discussing the matter and ultimately will make that decision. until that time no further charges will be forthcoming until the jurisdiction has been determined. >> now the little girl's body was found almost a week after her mother reported her missing and the cause of her death hasn't been determined. but nancy grace will have all of the latest developments in the search for shaniya's killer at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on hln news and views. authorities in florida are searching for suspects in a more than three-hour hostage standoff at a clothing store venice police say two masked gunmen went into the t.j. maxx and tied up customers and employees. some were able to escape over the course of that or deal. just after immediate night, though, a s.w.a.t. team went in
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and released the remaining hostage. authorities say they think the gunmen were gone by the time that police arrived and it's not clear if the men were out to rob the place, but workers say the store would have had $12,000 on hand at that time of night. attorney general eric holder's assuring families of september 11th victims, he's dedicated to getting justice for their loved once. the family members were invited to a hearing by the senate judiciary meeting. one of the defendants khalid shaikh mohammed has admitted he's the mastermind of the attacks on new york and washington. the family members pressed holder to explain his reasons for sending the men to court instead of sending them to military commissions at guantanamo. >> you're very converse with the law but i am not but i think that i could speak for many 9/11 families who say that we are heartsick and worried of the delays and the machinations and i am afraid that the theatrics are going to take over that the
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point and i very much regret that. >> think of this, though, you know for how long have these cases been pending, i've been a attorney general now for about eight, nine month and we've taken, i think, the first step towards resolving these matters. we are going to go through a process. they will undoubtedly try to do things in court as they did in the military commission. i mean, they did things there. >> there were 26 members of the defense team as opposed to the six members of the prosecuting team. >> they'll do all of that stuff and judges can handle that, we've got experience in doing these things. >> got similar questions from republican committee members during his testimony. he assured them that the defendants will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. holder added "failure is not an option." astronauts from the space shuttle "atlantis" are inside of the international space station now. here's a live picture for you. a hatch between the shuttle and the iss was opened this
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afternoon and arrived this morning but just before docking the shuttle did a backflip so cameras onboard the station could scan it for possible damage from its liftoff. nasa says a previous laser scan of the craft showed no damage, thankfully. "the atlantis" crew will be at the international space station for a week including thanksgiving. they're delivering some spare parts there. you know a lot of medical professionals are downright confused, as a lot of us are, by new recommendations that say women should put off getting annual mammograms until age 50 unless there's a family history of breast cancer. this goes against anything we've always been told. now the u.s. preventive services task force report released yesterday also says, monthly self-exams aren't that helpful. groups, like the american cancer society and susan g. cowen for the cure, disagreed with the panel and now doctors such as cnn's chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta are working overtime to clear up the messages knows and this morning he asked a member the task of force exactly what should
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doctors tell patients about their screenings. >> we would always be able to identify cancers with multiple screenings, every year screenings but the benefit is small and so it's a dilemma. it's a dilemma for us all. >> let me ask julie? >> if i could say really quick and as far as small benefit goes you are talking about saving one life versus every 1,900 mammograms. place a value on that, place a value on life here, why are you saying that's a net benefit that is small? about 15% of women out there with breast cancer right now who found their breast cancer on a routine mammogram. i don't understand. small, seems almost insulting to people out there whose lives have been saved by this. >> i'll have to bring you back to the studies that we did. and we're not saying that there's no value to the life of those women.
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we certainly put no dollars on it. we certainly did not do any cost-effectiveness studies. we just looked at the data, and we said that the increase starting at 50 is -- is certainly moderate in terms of the risk and the benefit of the screening. >> now, again, the american cancer institute continues to recommend routine mammograms for women ages 40 and up. as expected, california has passed a new rule that would require televisions to be more energy efficient beginning in 2011. state regulators have adopted the requirement in a unanimous vote just a short time ago. so they say energy efficiency standards are the cheapest, easiest ways to save electricity. the rula, plies to all new televisions up to 58 inches. so those larger than that won't be covered by the rule. and apparent concession to retailers to sell high-end home retailers. a u.s. soldier says she was forced to make a choice between serving her country or carrying
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for her infant child. she chose her son and is refusing to deploy to afghanistan. we are going to hear your views in this case in a moment.
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well, single mom who is also a soldier, says the army renigged on its offer of an extension, so she could find child care. but this is not the army's story. here's what we know, specialist alexis hutchinson is refusing deployments to staynbecause she says there is no one to care for her infant son. the army requires soldiers to have a family care plan when they sign up. now hutchinson says her child care plan fell through. the army contends she knew for months that her unit would be going overseas. in fact the army says she was given an extension in august and september. hutchinson's lawyer says she never got that extension. army officials assert that they are investigating. a new report compiled by the iraq and afghanistan veterans of
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america, though, says more than 30,000 single mothers have served in those wars. so this is -- the story is the topic of your views' question today and richelle, it comes down to he said/she said thing. >> and right, even with the he said/she said, viewers still, i know what i think. just let me talk. we're allowing you to talk in the "your views." lori is holding, calling from florida and this is personal for lori. lori iunderstand that you serve in the navy and you said that you made a conscious point to never be in this position. you chose to never have kids so you would never be in this position. >> caller: absolutely. when you join the military, you know right away that you make a commitment to support and defend the constitution no matter what happens. so when you make the decision to have a child during that time, you need to make the conscious effort to know that that child will be cared for because nobody in the military is a luxury of choosing when or when not going to be deploy.
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you have a responsibility to follow-through on your commitment in the military and she's in the rule single parents. she made the commitment to the army. she absolutely has no choice but to follow-through on it. it's her responsibility to find appropriate child care for her family. even if it ends up being a perfect stranger because she says she has no other options? >> caller: the military has plenty of resources available to single parents to help them choose the right caretakers for their child. >> lori, thank you for your phone call and service. appreciate that always, always. earlier we talked to susan. she participated in our hln news and views tour right near atlanta. you can always do that, too. she gave her views to our views cam. listen to susan. >> i do feel that if she signed a contract that she should follow through with it and she should follow through with the deployment. maybe what i would like to see is a little bit more isn't helping her work out the problem. >> okay, and you actually started commenting on my facebook page on this yesterday. before we even asked you what
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you thought, you were like, me, me, me! this is what i think. this is on richelle carey, hln. this is what is bruce wrote. bruce says -- this is from kaitlin. kaitlin says -- i say kudos to this woman for putting her little one on the line. so there are people who see both side, christi. but i've got to say looking back over the day and all of the views that we've had, more people who say, she's got to put her duty to country first. so what do you got your page? >> well, that's exactly the point that michael is making on my facebook page. >> okay. >> he says if she the child after enlisted she should be required to deploy.
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receipt was about of being in the service than to get pregnant when the mood strikes to deployment. we're not contending that that's what happened in any way, shape or form here. we don't know if that's the case in this particular situation. point that out. but it's just where people's minds are going with this question. >> yes, and we've had a caller who said that, some people use children to manipulate whether or not they have to deploy. again, we're, like you said, not saying that about alexis but some people say they've seen that happen. keep talking about this. we want your views on this. call, e-mail, text or go on our facebook pages and we'll talk about it again an n just a little while. >> absolutely, richelle, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> and i know this has been some video that you've probably seen and you've had a pretty passionate opinion about as well. a university of new mexico soccer player says she cannot explain the behavior that made her an internet sensation. elisabeth lambert punching and pulling the ponytail of an opponent during a semiconference
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game. this went viral, by the way. the hair-pulling led to her indefinite suspension from the team. the 20-year-old junior says she's seeing a clinical psychologist on campus and hopes to be rein stated this spring. >> you never know when you will bump into a member of your family. it happened to president obama in china. find out about his reunion with his half-brother.
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police in cleveland are once again at a home where they found ten bodies and a skull. this time they are carrying a sledgehammer and drills. several law enforcement agencies and including the fbi and coroner's office have search warrants to dig at the home. anthony sowell. sowell is charged with five counts of aggravated murder. i want to bring you some live pictures. new york governor, david paterson, is signing a bill into law. as you see right now.
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that would make it a felony to drive drunk with a child in the car. the bill is called leandra's law after 11-year-old leandra who was killed in a car crash last month. the crash was caused by a family friend who was drunk. the bill unanimously passed the state senate today and leandra's dad was relentless in pushing for it. >> reflect on my daughter, you know, her life? we accomplished something that my daughter's death wasn't in vain, you know? that now my daughter's going to save many lives out there. >> the law will also require ignition locks for any convicted drunk driver. again, live pictures to you, as you can see the governor, governor paterson, signing that into law. some lolly pirates have attacked a u.s.-flagged cargo ship for the second time. the european union naval force says pirates followed automatic weapons at the "maersk alabama" this morning.
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fired back and turned away. "the maersk alabama" was hijacked when took captain richard phillips for five days before navy sharpshooters freed him. the maritime bureau says 2 nie9 hijackings this year. 111 attacks last year. president obama is in south carolina on the last stop of his asian tour. he's scheduled to meet with that country's president tomorrow. the two will discuss a free trade agreement and north korea's nuclear program. yesterday he met with the prem eerp hu jintao. president obama also took time to walk along a section of china's great wall. he called that experience, magical. now in between state dinners, closed-door meetings, the sight-seeing, president obama had a rare reunion with his half-brother in china. mark obama, he's been living in southern china for the past
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seven years and he maid lines recently because in his new book he claims their father physically abused him. he wouldn't say if that subject came up though when they met briefly at the president's hotel. >> we just had a big hug. and my wife and he had a big, big hug and it was very, very powerful. very, very intense because he's my big brother. >> president obama says he hasn't read his half-brother's book but he says it's no secret their father was troubled. stocks pulling back a bit today after their recent rally. stephanie elam joins us from new york with a look at numbers. let me guess, housing reports, not helping out the numbers? >> reporter: you're psychic, christi. you're psychic. >> as i think anybody could be at this point. it's kind a no-brainer. >> reporter: yeah, you're right and it was a pullback but not a crazy one today. investors grew cautious about the economic recovery after a
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seriously weak report on the housing markets. some analysts worry that some recent economic reports are proving to be less encouraging. and investors, well, they agreed today, as stocks pulled off of their highs for the year. but, really, not that big of a deal. look at that. the dow losing 11 pointsed in the end after all of that bloodbath there to 10426 and the s&p 500 down just slightly. nasdaq, however, it dropped half of 1% as technology stocks led the downturn there. and the housing data. construction fell more than 10 percent in october. the drop brings housing starts to their lowest level in six months. analyst his expect a slight increase from september. housing permits also fell more than expected. that's important because it's a key gauge of future building activity finally if you're a lego, waffle lover. kellogg's largest waffle facility in tennessee are to blame. existing inventories are
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distributed to stores based on their strength of eggo sales. legg oh, my eggo, christi. >> you want your eggo. >> exactly. >> stay close.
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we want to share some pictures with you that we're just now getting in. that's a tractor trailer that crashed into a house at a rest stop on interstate 10 near tonopah, arizona, that's west of phoenix. the driver of that 18-wheeler is dead. and two people were in the backyard of this home at the time of the crash. they've been flown to a hospital for treatment, but my goodness, what a mess there. we've been watching a massive protest unfold on the campus of ucla all afternoon. take a look at this, the fists that are flying. hundreds of angry students protesting tuition and fee hikes. similar protests are taking place on all university of california camp uses today we want to point out and at one
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point the protesters trying to get into the building where a committee meeting was being held, police lines blocked them from getting inside, though. and police say 14 people were arrested for lawful assembly. but in the end, the committee did indeed okay a 32% boost in student fees. the first increase of $585 comes in january. next fall, students will be charged $1,300 more. the full board though is scheduled to vote on the increase tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. local time. so don't know if we'll be seeing a repeat of this at that point. authorities in florida are searching for suspects in a more than three-hour hostage stanford at a clothing store. venice police say two masked gunmen went into the t.j. maxx at clothing time last night and they tied up ten customers and employees. now some of them escaped over the course of the long ordeal. just after midnight, a s.w.a.t. team went in and released the remaining hostage. but authorities now say they think the gunmen were gone by the time police arrived. it's not clear whether the men
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were out to rob the place, but workers say that store would have about $12,000 on hand at that time of night. north carolina prosecutors are not filing any new charges against the mother of 5-year-old shaniya davis. at least not right now. antoinette davis is charged with human trafficking and child prostitution. a man caught on a hotel surveillance video carrying the girl, this man mario mcneill, is facing kidnapping charges, but neither will be charged with murder until police determine where the little girl died. it's a matter of jurisdiction, it seems. her body was found in lee county, north carolina. but she disappeared from her home in neighboring cumberland county. >> several of the details regarding the investigation have a direct impact on which county will assume jurisdiction in prosecuting this case. as you may be aware of the district attorneys from the involved jurisdictions are
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discussing the matter and ultimately will make that decision. until that time, no furkt charges will be forthcoming until the jurisdiction has been determined. >> the little girl's body was found almost a week after her mother reported her missing. and the cause of her death hasn't been determined. but shaniya davis spent most of her short life with her father bradley lockhart and his other children. just last month lockhart agreed shaniya to spend time with her mother. his son byron coleman appeared last night on "nancy grace." >> how is your father doing tonight? i mean he is just heartbroken from when we have seen him. >> yeah, my father, he's taking it real hard. i mean, it's really hard on the family. i mean it's just a tough time. this is actually our second time going through another death in our family. my mom passed away when i was 10 years old. >> when do you know are they going to release her body?
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have they told anybody? what was the cause of death, byron? >> they actually, i haven't heard anything. i don't think my father had either. we're not really sure too much yet. we're still trying to figure that out now. so, i mean -- >> there's your dad right there. >> yes, ma'am. >> there's your dad. >> would you please -- >> i really do want to thank everybody for the support and prayers. i mean it really does mean a lot. you know we just want everybody to stay as strong as we're trying to. i know it's hard but for the mothers out there, please don't let this happen to your child. >> if you could pass onto your father that, you know, i thought as a crime victim myself, i knew what pain was but when i saw him when he learned about shaniya crying, i don't think there's anything worse that could be worse than losing your child. would you just pass onto him
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that we we are praying for him so much. >> yes, ma'am. >> and nancy grace will have all of the latest developments in the search for shaniya's killer. right here on hln news and views. a pregnant woman doesn't know who to thanks for pulling her from the path of the subway train in brooklyn. she told affiliate wabc that she was waiting for the train when she got lightheaded, passed out and fell onto the tracks. a witness says two jumped ontracks to get her. >> they were like superman. they didn't hesitate. they lifted her and we all helped them get back on. >> god was really watching out for me and watching out for the baby. >> the woman did bruise her face but she and the baby are okay thankfully. you know just moments ago new york governor david paterson signed a bill into law that would make it a felony to drive drunk with a child in the car. the bill is called leandra's law after 11-year-old leandra rosato
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who was killed in a car crash last month. police say the crash was caused by a family friend who was drunk. now the bill unanimously passed the state senate today. leandra's dad was relentless in pushing for it. >> reflect my daughter, her life. we accomplished something that my daughter's death wasn't in vain. that now my daughter's death is going to save many lives out there. >> the law will also require ignition locks for any convicted drunk driver. a u.s. soldier says she was forced to make a choice between serving her country or carrying for her infant child. she chose her son and is refusing to deploy to afghanistan. your views on this case.
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i want to show you some the pictures that we've been watching today regarding this huge protest that's been taking place on several university of california campuses. the students are angry over proposed tuition and fee hikes. hundreds turned out today. this is specifically at ucla. and jim rupe of cnn radio is on the campus with the very latest right now. jim, what we're seeing at the moment, a lot of signs, a lot of fists in the air. a lot of screaming. what do you see there right now? >> caller: yeah, i see basically the same thing. although this is not going to go down as a very ugly protest. but it is at some times a very voke one. there were eight people arrested earlier in the middle of the fans committee. about this 32% proposed hike that was passed through that finance commodity. they kept singing "we shall overcome" during that committee meeting and so they were arrested and then subsequent arrest after that, two, three,
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four more maybe. but not real violent. just very vocal. >> okay, what were the charges? for those arrested? >> caller: they were disturbing the meeting. i don't know that it's really disturbing the peace time situation. i don't know of the exact charge but they were definitely removed from the meeting. it's probably a simple charge. the peace is what they'll probably be charged with. >> i'm hearing unlawful assembly. >> caller: unlawful assembly. civil disobedience. unlawful assembly is probably what it is. i probably arrived on campus not too long ago you probably have more information that than i do. >> that's okay. jim, i am curious if you think that it is possible that we'll see another scenario like this because as you said kind of the first step of getting this 32% rate increase on tuition passed. but tomorrow there's a full vote of the board at 11:00? >> caller: yeah and it's expected to pass. this is the start of a 24-hour protest. this was called several days ago. and it began at noon today, local time. and it's supposed to continue
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through noon tomorrow or at least through the meeting tomorrow morning of the uc board of regions and again that 32% hike is expected to pass and they also tell us, at least the board of regions are saying is that there is an exactly amount of assistance, an increase in assistance for low-income families and even though they are raising the tuition hike 32%, there's an equal rise in the assistance factor for those in need. so it's almost like they're trying to tell us it's a wash, but if you take a look at the students out here, this thing is not a wash and however they are going to paint it. >> and as i understand it, jim, the protests aren't on this campus alone today. >> caller: no, they're all over the state of california. in fact, protests have been going on for a while. a week ago there was one on the uc-berkeley campus. san diego had one a month ago. so these things have been going on because the budget situation in this state just abysmal. i mean we are in one heck of a
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crisis here. and unfortunately, education and health care and all of those other things are right in the line of fire as far as the chopping block. education, a big one that's been taken from cuts over the recent years. and so this one more hike, this one more student tuition increase, and we've already had several of those over the past few years, this is just one more straw breaking the camel's back, if you will. >> jim, boy, because you have to think some these students may be thinking i don't know if i can come back with these rate hikes. at one point it will equal another $1,300 for them. thank you so much, jim. jim roope with our cnn radio. we appreciate your insight, sir. >> caller: my pleasure. moving on here, a single mom soldier says the army renigged on its offer of an extension so she could find child care but that's not the army's story. so specialist alexis hutchinson is refusing orders to deployment to afghanistan because she says there no one to care for her infant son. the army contends each soldier
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has to agree to a family care plan when signsun. hutchinson says her family care plan fell through. in fact, the army says she was given an extension in august and september. hutchinson's lawyer says she never got that extension. army officials say they are investigating. a new report though compiled by the iraq and afghanistan veterans of america says more than 30,000 single mothers have served in those wars. >> i absolutely agree. so this story's the topic of our "your views" question today. and richelle, they'd seem, again, to be kind of all over the board, but a lot of people are making their own opinions and although it's a he said/she said type situation at this point. >> it is and one thing that we're seeing, christi, is a lot of people are concerned that if you bend the rules for her, you might setting a really bad precedent. a lot of comments to choose from because you started commenting last night. . is some of what you are say.
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sommer says as a military wife with three children and a husband that was deployed, i can somewhat sympathize with hutchinson's situation. you always want and need to put your child first. but the fact is you knew what you were getting into when you sign your name. and it's her responsibility north only to her child but to also her country to follow through with what she agreed to. this is the comment from terry. terry's a regular on our facebook page. we appreciate her. terri gets it from both points of view. and this is an e-mail from pete. he says --
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thanks for all of your comments today. we appreciate it. very, very much. well-thought out comments, as always. christi? >> as always. why we love this segment. thank you very much, richelle. >> you bet. well, you just never know when you will bump into a family member, do you? it happened to president obama in china. find out about his reunion with his half-brother in beijing.
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"prime news" just minutes away. mike galanos is furiously writing with his pen because he's got lots to talk about on. >> first the heartbreaking story, covering shaniya davis, little 5-year-old. we know so many heartbreaking details. number one the little girl was found dead on the side of the road and her mom is facing charges of selling her for sex. we'll get you caught up on that. what we're finding out is things are held up now, christi, because they cannot decide jurisdiction. they don't know exactly where and when she died. soy we're wondering, what happens in this interim. plea deals going on? what's going on. >> a good question. >> get the latest for you. call in, by the way, 1-877-tell-hln is the phone number. also this one, a story that we're revisiting remember the wife who hired what she thought
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was a hitman to kill her husband? it turned out it's an undercover cop and they've got all of the footage. we'll show it to you. we'll let you listen to the conversation she had with this officer, telling him she's 5,000% sure she wants this done so they've got her on tape doing that. they've got her faking the crocodile tears at the crime scene when she thinks her husband's dead. >> her newlywed? >> yes, newlywed. six months into their marriage and also show you the face-to-face confrontation, when in the police department interrogation room. hubby comes in, he's alive. surprise! we'll have all of that for you. and it's, like, we'll ask the defense attorney, how do you defend her? it's all there. we'll take your calls on that. 1-877-tell-hln. and then there is this one, another disturbing story. someone out there and has been doing it for ten years is finding -- there's sicko. it's a sicko. a sycophantacy for young girls who are gymnasts, dancers, will find, or she will find their picture in the paper and then somehow fare it out and find why
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where they live and send out lerts. 80 letters. imagine becoming a parent. >> age group 8 to 14. >> young girls and hot on his or her trail and we'll get you the latest on that investigation. >> mike, thank you so much. astronauts from the space shuttle "atlantis," they're inside of the international space station now. the hatch between the shuttle and the iss was opened this afternoon. "atlantis" arrived at the space station this morning. and just before docking the shuttle did a backflip so cameras on board of the station could scan it for possible damage from its liftoff. isn't that just such an incredible picture to see? nasa says a previous laser scan of the crack showed no damage, thankfully. "the atlantis" crew will be at the international space station for a week including thanksgiving. they're delivering some spare parts there. hillary clinton's on a surprised visit to afghanistan. it's her first trip there, as secretary of state. and in fact, this is the eve of president hamid karzai's inauguration. she's having dinner with him tonight and then will attend the inauguration tomorrow.
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clinton will deliver a tough message to karzai, though, to clean up government corruption. and president obama, meanwhile, is in south korea. the last stop on his asian tour. he'll spend tomorrow with spend south korean counterpart. topic number one north korea's nuclear weapons. when he returns home he will announce his position whether to increase u.s. troop levels in afghanistan. he discussed afghanistan, in fact, with cnn's ed henry. >> we have a vital interest in making sure that afghanistan is sufficiently stable that it can't infect the entire region with violent extremism. we, also, have to make sure that we've got an effective partner in afghanistan. and that's something that we are examining very closely and presenting some very clear benchmarks for the afghan government. we have to make sure that we are training sufficient afghan troops so that they can ultimately secure their own
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country. >> and before leaving beijing today, the president walked along the same section of the great wall of china richard nixon visited back in 1972. here's the thing in between the state dinners and closed-door meetings, sightseeing president obama had a rare reunion with his half broner in china. mark obama has lived in southern china the last few years and made headlines because in his new book he claims their father physically abused them. he wouldn't say whether that subject came up when they met briefly at the president's hotel. >> we just had a big hug. and my wife and he had a big, big hug and it was very, very powerful, you know, very, very intense because he's my big brother. >> president obama says he hasn't read his half-brother's book but says it is no secret their father was troubled. we know young children and pregnant women are on the priority list for the h1n1 flu
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vaccine. what do you think of this? some people are saying a certain jolly old elf needs to be on that list, as well. @@@@@@@
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