tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 20, 2009 7:00am-10:00am EST
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hello, hello, hello. welcome to the show on a friday. morning, sunshine. i'm robin meade. sad to see her go, but i know she will do something better. >> i don't believe it. maybe because i don't want to believe it. i think it would be such a great loss. >> oprah is just hours away from making it official. she is giving up her show and fans and skeptics are asking the same question -- why? plus -- there are some new allegations that could blow the lid off the ft. hood shooting investigation. why a security expert says that she is convinced that the alleged gunman could have been stopped and the victims did not have to die. and you might have already gotten a shot that will protect
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you from the swine flu even if you haven't had the new hard to find vaccine. really interesting. first, though, happening today, oprah winfrey will officially announce that she is ending her talk show. after 25 years of being in your living room every day if you're a viewer. the show is partners were told yet in a letter from the president of her production company the show will end september 9, 2011. people who work with her say it's a new beginning for her. >> i wasn't really surprised. i mean, oprah's show has been on the air for 25 years, and she has become such an incredible staple of american television. i'm excited for her that she's going to be able to get a little pit of a break, but i'm certainly not counting her out in any way because i know that she has a very long and productive future ahead of her. >> in fact, oprah does have plans for the future. she is launching a cable network called own" that will make its debut in january of 2011. there is another new set of
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testing guidelines for women for cervical cancer. the american college of on sta trigss and gynecologists say most women in their 20s only need a pap smear every two years instead of every year. the group says women don't need their first one until the age of 21, unlike the controversial new mammogram guidelines, the american cancer society supports these recommendations. the man charged with kidnapping a 5-year-old north carolina girl will also be charged with murder and rape. mario mcneil is expected in court today. police say he was the last person to see shaniya davis alive. her mother, originally reported her missing but investigators think that she was actually prst tuting her child. they found the little girl's body on monday, yesterday her aunt spoke to reporters. >> the last time i sasha sa nye area was four weeks ago on a friday. i went to visit her mother.
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i packed her with two days worth of clothes. i got her out of the car and kissed her good-bye and told her to be a good girl. she turned back to me and said, i love you, aunt carrie, and see you later. i have to go. i'm sorry. month more comments. ♪ and i know he's watching over her ♪ >> last night about 100 people gathered to remember shaniya at a vigil near her mom's home. police are not sure where she was killed. preliminary autopsy results suggest she was suffocated. nancy grace will have any breaking developments on the case 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. a security expert says that the pentagon ignored a report that could have helped prevent the ft. hood shootings. shannon rossmiller says she worked on the 2008 study to help the military spot people like
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major nidal hasan. >> the report was written from the military perspective. it was entitled radicalization of members of the dod. and what it was for was for them to have tools to look within their ranks to spot different criteria that showed signs and red flags of radicalization and how to spot those, identify them, and then are from there be able to head the problem off so we could have avoid anything from materializing. >> she said she contacted the military after the ft. hood shootings to see why no one had mentioned the report. she was told that it is now classified. pentagon officials have declined comment. yesterday defense secretary robert gates announced an extensive review of military policies in response to the ft. hood shootings. he said that the 45-day review will look into military screening programs and security at u.s. bases. the army and senate committee have also launched their own investigations.
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senators are cutting their thanksgiving vacation short to vote on your health care reform. in a rare horp move, the senate meets tomorrow to decide whether to open the debate on the democrats plan which could extend coverage to 30 million people. the estimated cost, $848 billion over ten years. republicans are against the bill's provision to provide a government-run insurance option. new this morning, a suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed at least 13 people and wounded nearly 30 more in a town square. police in afghanistan tried shouting at him to stop. they say that several children were hurt in the blast. it happened near the country's border with iran. violence has been soaring there as the taliban expands its turf. new movie friday here. today the second installment of the "twilight" series. the teen vampire saga. this time around, bella is tangling with more than just the
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undead. >> don't! >> too late now. >> bella, get back. >> get back now. >> critics really don't love this one. they say the movie lacks spark and even the special effects right so great. doesn't matter to the fans. look at the crowds of people waiting for the premiere in new york's eeshast village last nig. >> i'm getting schooled by my producer. this is a tv show? no. it was books. like harry potter? yes. this is the first movie? no this is the second one. okay. i must be 90 years old at this point. i have no idea. i miss out on everything. >> apparently the vampires are sexy and hot in this series, clearly. >> fair enough. and dog, too. it looked interesting. what p up, rob? the big low pressure region right across the midwest finally
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moved itself away it's anchored over ontario. that's the first batch. you saw the rain over texas. more in a second. i want to show you the rain affecting new england towards new york city. you have light showers out here. here's that boston radar, though. you can see the rain as it comes on through. it's been heavy at times. you start seeing the yellows and reds popping up into the long island sound, an indication of very heavy rain headed towards rhode island, it will get into boston. watch for delays there. i was watching a new york city tower cam just a moment ago, clouds are out there, you'll see sunshine later this afternoon but the winds will pick up. that's the story for the rest of new england, too. look at the heavy rain around dallas, houston. heavy downpours all night. rockport, texas, you've already seen a lot of rain. almost eight inches in the last 24 hours. that rain continues toward houston and another line coming in for areas by texas. we will see air travel delays in texas, houston, new york, boston, also across the west coast as we have one storm coming in and another one on tap
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for you for saturday. full details on that, rob, in a bit. good to see you on a friday morning. almost the weekend. >> there you go. you ever take a cold medicine at night and then you're still in la la land? >> yeah. you're fuzzy. >> that's how i'm feeling. >> i know the kind. >> so pardon me. a woman is accused of cutting in line at walmart, but she says that she was the victim of racial slurs and shoves. well, newly released surveillance video may shed light on what really happened. whether you have good or bad credit, you could get hurt. warning signs that even more people are about to lose their homes?
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ronsoni wants to salute her fee a fiance. he's in iraq and will return in july of next year. she says he joined the army right after high xschool and loves what he does. do you you have somebody in the service? go to so we can salute them. soon you could skip the customs line when you fly home from yoen seas. homeland security wants to expend the program. if you pay a one-time $100 fee and you go through a background check, you can report your arrival and make declarationses at a computer kiosk. cuss toom toms officials say it will cut the average wait time from ten minutes to three. j jennifer, i've never gotten through customs in ten minutes. is it just me? >> never. >> never. >> that would be a world record. >> ten minutes to three.
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hmm. eviden evidence that there still may be a huge number of foreclosures on the horizon. we keep hearing that things are supposed to be stabilizing. >> you know, we had a lot of signs that things were bottoming in the housing market, with all those billions in government aid. but all along experts have said that foreclosures are like maybe a hidden iceberg. everything looks good, but that can still sink the ship. a new report by the mortgage bankers association shows a record high in foreclosures. they are looking at home that's are already in foreclosure and homes that are at risk if a family is behind in their payments because when you lose your job, it could be very hard to keep up the mortgage. when you're late, how do you really try to make that up? then the fees come. it kb a downward spiral from there. let's get you some good news. once a year you have that meeting with your boss, go over your performance review and then they talk about your raise. you just might get a little one this career. that's good news in a bad economy. last year the average raise was 1.8%. most of the headlines were about
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pay cuts. this year companies willing to spend a little more, so says hr consultant hewitt. it says the average raise will be about 2.5% and that is a big contrast to last year. they also say merit raises may be coming back a bit. you may need some extra time in you're traveling this morning. hey, bob. >> good morning. we're talking about areas getting hit hard with rain first part of the day. boston, new york for the first part, texas, out west, too. here's what it looks like on sabre flight explorer. new england, vermont, new hampshire, heavy rain through massachusetts. boston so far unaffected but you can see where it's headed. right in your direction. new york city hanging on to the low clouds and wind for the average, one hour or more. dallas, houston, showers, thunderstorms, san francisco, rain and wind, one hour ho or more delays. a big travel delay day. boston, seattle, rain.
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philadelphia morning clouds, charlotte and orlando morning clouds but on30-minute to one-hr delays. afternoons look fine in those three cities. a round of botox could take wrinkles off of your face and a few more dollars out of your pockets. why congress is looking at plastic surgeries as a place to fund health care. plus -- >> obviously nobody has super powers. i can't fly. anything like that. >> but he can die his underwear, wear it on his head. that's not stopping him from trying to be a real-life superhero. and he's not alone. super hehero
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another customer's items off the conveyer belt. witnesses say she cut in line and was swearing. ellis says the customer shoved her and used racial slurs when she switched lines to join her cousin. the manager says ellis brought race into the scuffle. >> she just looked at me and told me i wasn't anything but a stupid white, uneducated walmart employee and she called betsy an old gray-headed lady, the cashier. that's when i said, just a minute. i said, you don't know me and i don't know you. >> well shlgs the video goes on to show police arresting ellis. officers say that she kicked and hit them. ellis says she was assaulted and police told her to go back to the ghetto. a jury could get the case today. the army now says that it will will give the media some access to sarah palin's visit at ft. bragg on monday. she'll be there promoting her new book. it previously said it wouldn't let crews in because the event might turn into political
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strandstanding against president obama. reporters won't be able to ask palin or supporters questions. a big hike in tuition isn't going over well in california at all. police arrested dozens at the university of california in davis after they occupied an administrative building. hundreds more marched at ucla. the increases will cost students about 2,000 extra dollars in the next two careyear the execs pasa 32% increase even after deep cuts to spending. the students want help. >> if you pass this increase today, when i go home tonight to san diego i will have to drop all my classes because i cannot afford this anymore. you are not making this university affordable. >> regents have promised more aid to help lower income students and will meet with students today to talk about the increases. you pay taxes on vices like cigarettes and alcohol. lawmakers are looking at taxing our vanity. they're calling it the botax.
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a tax on elective cosmetic surgery like implants or face-lifts. it would raise money to pay for the health care overhaul. talk about a detour. a homing pigeon went missing for four years. it would probably still be flying solo if it weren't for one woman. we learned this week how badly the u.s. postal service has been struggling to stay afloat. but jay leno thinks he's figured out how much they lost so much money this past year. >> the u.s. postal service announced it lost $3.8 billion this year. here's the worst part. you know how they lost it? in the mail. >> that's bad, isn't it? if you think that's bad, the postal service says that it could lose $7.8 billion in this fiscal year. a former nba star appears to be headed for prison.
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larry smith has the details. >> good morning, robin. it's been almost eight careers since the fatal shooting at jayson williams' mansion in new jersey. the former star is expected to plead guilty to aggravated assault and serve up to three years in prison. he was acquitted of aggravated manslaughter in a high-profile trial in 2004 but was convicted of covering up the shooting. he was facing a retrial on the manslaughter charge in january. the klu klux klan will rally and protest tomorrow in oxford, mississippi, over a song. the university's president banned the song from dixie with love after students refused to stop chanting the south shall rise again at the even. they just started doing it. he called the chant divisive. the kkk's mississippi white knights say banning the song is an attack on our southern heritage and culture. georgia bulldog mascot has died. the 4-year-old pure-bred english
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bulldog was just completing his second season when he died of heart problems. his spot will be on the side lines will be empty this weekend. >> did they breed the dog so there's a successor? >> they do. they don't know who the successor is going to be just yet because he was so young. have you seen the clip of josh saco, the 5-year-old who can recite the speech before the miracle on ice in 1980? >> that's what you have here. tonight, boys, that's what you earned here tonight. >> the minnesota wilds invited the nashville youngster to tonight's game to help fire up the crowd. he learned the speech by watching the movie "miracle" 100 times. the movie depicts brooks and the hockey team's gold medal victory at the 1980 games. >> a hundred times. the obama administration has talked about how much the
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oprah winfrey will announce today that she is ending her talk show. she's going to tell her studio audience in less than three hours. winfrey's last show will be september of 2011, which means the show will have been on the air for 25 careersyears. >> she is a chicago icon. on the level of a michael jordan. and what that means to chicago is, you know, over 25 years a lot of eyeballs on our city, and you can't put a price tag on that. did the pentagon ignore a report that could have stopped the alleged ft. hood shooter? a security expert says that the 2008 study detailed ways that the military could spot soldiers
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who had become radicalized. she said the military told her it is now a classified document. the pentagon has declined comment. the man who secretly taped aaron andrews in her hotel room has his first court appearance today. he's accused of filming her through the peephole of the door as she changed cloemgz. lee is charged with interstate stalking and faces up to five years in federal prison. good morning. 31 minutes past the hour. i've been waiting for you. did you sleep in a bit? i'm robin meade. here's what's going on on this friday. the u.s. military may reduce the number of jets it uses to protect against air at that aks. after 9/11, the military dedicated dozens of planes to that report. they have ordered a review of the system. if the chances of air attacks have decreased, the officials say the military could free up the crews for other megs. three teens have pleaded not guilty to setting egg
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15-year-old on fire. all three are charged with attempted murderer. prosecutors say they poured alcohol on meek al brewer and set him on fire. apparently it was a dispute over money and a bike and a game. brewer has burns over 65% of his body. >> i know i couldn't do what he's doing. if this had happened to me, i probably wouldn't be here. he's incredibly strong and he's my hero. he really is. i tell him every day. >> the other day he wanted to talk to his uncle canny, i let him put the phone up to his ear. he said, dan, i got hurt. i'm in the hospital. >> witnesses told police that one of the boys set fire to the brewer while the other two encouraged the attack. brewer jumped into the swimming pool to put out the flames. people who got a vaccine for the regular flu last year, you may have gotten some protection against the swine flu. that's according to a military
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study in "usa today." it found that people ages 17 to 24 and 40 and older were protected from h1n1 the most. but health experts say the h1n1 vaccine still is the best protection against the swine flu. treasury secretary timothy geithner says the white house wants to shut down the $700 billion bank bailout pronto. money expert jennifer westhoven is here. they were kind of tough on him yesterday. >> oh, yeah, robin. there was a lot of blaming going on at this meeting. the house members said some of them that they wanted him to resign yesterday. some law makers almost blaming him for the $700 billion bailout or rescue package, depending upon how you look at it. of course, that came before geithner was even in office. he was engineered by president bush's treasury secretary hank paulson and it was pretty overtly political. also you had one party kind of blaming geithner. it happened before he even got
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there. i think everybody basically hates the idea of a bailout. even geithner said he doesn't like it either, but he also points out that any measure of confidence that you look at about the markets is much better than it was a year ago. you know, at that time it looked like the economy could basically freeze up. anyway, he says the treasury is working to close the program as soon as we can. >> jennifer, thanks. the house is trying to make sure doctors don't lose money on medicare. it voted last night to stop a 21% cut on reimbursements next year. republicans called the bill a budget buster. they say it's payback for getting doctor support for health care reform. the bill still has to be approved by the senate. a denver-area speeding ticket could mean a trip to the grocery store. between thanksgiving and christmas people who plead guilty or no contest are going to be asked to provide $25 worth of groceries instead of paying a $25 fine for the court costs.
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>> i think a little bit of charity that they learn that there are other needy people out there. sometimes we have people in court that i'm telling them to do this, and i'll end up telling them, you can go to the food bank and get some food because it sounds like you probably need it. >> makes more of a point, you know. than just paying $25 that just goes away. >> the court has been doing this for the past 11 years. they say it's been a big success. a group of volunteers is stepping forward to help answer letters to santa. yesterday we told you that the u.s. post office is stopping its service of answering letters sent to the north pole, alaska. now "usa today" says that a group is working with local officials to get the service back up and running. one main challenge, keeping children's names and addresses private. bob says he's going to wear his wife's maternity pants for thanksgiving e.'s starving now. >> i'm dying over here. it's less than a week away. the one with the nice stretchy belly panel. we haven't had a kid in 2 1/2
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careers, but i told her to keep the pants for thanksgiving. there goes the belt. here comes the stretchies. this weather brought to you by green giant. what's happening right now? zero into new england, the rain is out there, heavy at times. look at the yellows and the greens. that's where it's really raining the hardest. that is edging in towards boston, edging in towards warwick, rhode island, coming right off the long island sound an atlantic ocean and stretches into new hampshire right now, too, coming out of vermont, stretches in toward maine later today. look at the heavy rain now pulling into eastern texas. we've seen a lot of rain in the last 24 hours. seen as much as eight inches nor corpus christi. the heavy rain continues in louis ton, towards dallas and the clouds are streaming through mississippi and alabama. live to atlanta, we're dry right now. traveling in or out of the city, patchy fog beginning to burn off. cold start, 40 degrees, up into the mid-60s. the rain shield headed towards atlanta for the weekend. watch for heavy rain and a lot of delays tomorrow afternoon if
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you're trying to get in to the busiest airport in the country. as for the houston radar, look at the rain showers coming through. it's mostly right offshore, some of it bleeding back in. the stuff that is is really moisture-laden with clouds that have a lot rain with it. watch for heavy downpours over the next 24 hours. dallas toward houston, rain showers coming through i-20. dallas radar picking up very well also. toward the pacific northwest, here's your cloud cover. storm number one is currently right near kan vufr, british columbia. look at the cold front jacking toward the pacific, heavy rain pulling in towards oregon, washington and northern california coast. storm number two, tomorrow afternoon, it goes right on the heels of the one that's there right now. look at the heavy rain just offshore from northern california, towards portland. now beginning to show signs yellow and red, the heavy rain moving in. once that hit the sierra nevada, it's going to squeeze out into snow, heavy at times today. i think that snow level about 3,000 feet, maybe 4,000 feet.
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you'll see maybe one to two feet of snow over the next couple of days, rob. more in a bit. winter storm warnings out there in red. fresh powder in the sierra nevada. two sisters have a business that's apparently right on the money. see how they're using cash to make flower arrangements. and also ahead -- you may soon have to pick up the tab for the afghanistan war? who's proposing a tax to cover the cost.
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it happened in seattle yesterday. the man was on top of the building and fell. he hit the window on the way down. his safety rope actually broke his fall before he hit the ground. the fire department says that he was hurt but that his xrur inju are not life threatening. two sisters make flower arrangements using cash. clients pay the amount they want to give their loved ones, plus the cost of the arrangement. and the dollar bills become the petals and the leaves. >> all the young people for birthdays want money. weddings is traditionally money. >> even for funerals people buy it. you send it to the house, that way if the people want to use the money to donate, they can. if not, they can use it for expenses. >> the business is based in canada, but they are making arrangements in u.s. dollars, too. you can check them out at money creations by just don't use that as your wedding bouquet. >> walking down the aisle with money. >> that would be weird.
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>> no, no, for better or worse. a km of dacouple of days agd you about the safest cars on the road. which are the least safe? jennifer is looking out for you. she has the list. we told the top of the list. now you'll tell the bottom. >> i want you to know, too, this isn't like the bottom of the list like the old pintos where you hit the back and whew. these are all safe cars, but we just thought, if safety was your most important consideration, maybe for some moms or who knows, you maybe want to know what cars didn't do so well in what categories. some of the sedans they looked at the infinti manufacture 35 a mprief, the minivans that didn't do great, nissan quest and toyota sienna. one of the problems for the luxury sedans and minivans that didn't do well in the rear-impact crashes, we'll talk about suvs and small cars in the next hour. the ihhs says these are safe
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cars, they just may have had one area where they didn't do great. new this morning, proctor and gamble recalling about 120,000 bottles of vick's sinus spray. they were doing testing and found bacteria in some samples. well, if you've got somebody with chronic lung problems or a weak immune system, maybe you can't handle that kind of bacteria. so the company is saying, this is just a precaution. they have no reports of anybody getting sick but they would like to keep it that way. robin be, back robin, back to you. this just in -- can you imagine waking up to this. warning alarms woke up the astronauts on the shuttle "tl "atlantis" and the international space station. the alarm was a false alarm. yesterday they finished the last the three space walks. a close inspection of the shuttle showed no launch damage.
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this may sound weird, but you may have to share some of the cost of the war in afghanistan if some house dems get their way. yesterday they proposed to share the sacrifice act. it would raise income taxes to pay for the war and take some of the pressure off the government to keep our own money. an aide says that there would be different rate levels for people depending on how much they make. some of the stories we're watching in the morning express planner. at noon eastern, orthodox catholic and evangelical christian leaders will release a document endorsing civil disobedience. they say they will not cooperate with laws that would force them to take part in abortions or recognize same-sex couples. also at noon, the cdc will hold a news conference to update you on the h1n1 flu. at 3:00 p.m., the department of
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health and human services will host an adoption ceremony. you can just hear the jokes about ruffling the feathers at city hall. somebody in a chicken costume crashed a meeting of the durango, colorado, city council. members were voting on an ordinance allowing people to keep fowl in their backyards. i just want to hear their reaction. the person walked around, flapped his or her wings, and even laid an egg. council members thought it was hysterical. no one else was in the chambers apparently. a very crowded audience there. they were just thrilled to have anybody. >> classic. >> hey, travelers, getaway day friday. here's bob. >> thought i was watching an episode of "the view" right there. >> oh, no! >> now she gets it. first delay is boston, 15 to 30-minute delay because of the rain will continue through will
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morning. new york city metro watching for an hour or more. dallas, hour or more. houston, same thing. san francisco, hour or more delay because of rain and clouds. full details in about a half hour, rob. >> what is this, tha 1960? i know my outfit looks like it. >> my drink in my hand. >> it's madmen. who is the biggest sports cheater ever? one magazine's answer might surprise you. larry, good morning. >> good morning. some might say the 1919 chicago white sox, the black sox game, maybe tanya harding. the hand ball that led to the win over ireland has caused a global controversy. here it is right there. you can't touch the ball with your hands. the irish were stunned. they asked for the game to be replayed. earlier this morning, soccer's governing body ruled against it. no dice. just a few years ago, ricky williams walked away from the nfl and miami dolphins to sit on the beach and smoke some things.
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this is his admission. don't call me. this is what he did. he's back now, 32 years old. he's got fresh legs. three touchdowns as the dolphins got the win last night. what a comeback story. they beat the panthers 24-17. today's champion got new york yankees championship caps to send overseas to his brother who is serving in afghanistan with the 82nd airborne division. the hats are for daniel sanchez and all the members of his unit. convi hats off to ricky sanchez, true champion. >> i like that story. larry, thank you. hln money coach clark howard is a member of the state guard, and he recently stepped out of the studio and headed to ft. benning, georgia, to answer military money questions. here is his advice to one soldier and his wife who need
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help buying a home. >> high. i'm captain john burns, this is my wife may. i've been in the army for about 3 1/2 years. i've had one deployment to baghdaded, iraq, for 15 months during the surge in 2007 to 2008. >> we are trying to buy a house in the near future, maybe a year or two. >> and you are going to be deployed where in america? >> i'll be stationed at ft. bragg six months after i get done here at benning. >> a permanent duty station. >> yes. >> what kind of questions do you have? >> we koent won't have a significant down payment, just use va loan. or should we wait, maybe a yeefr, rent for a while and put a decent sized savings away we can put a down payment on the home? >> there is no right answer to that. if you buy a home pretty quickly, under a va loan, the advantage to that side of it is that the housing market won't have recovered by six months from now. let's say you waited 18 months,
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24 hours to have substantial down payment. there may have started to be a meaningful recovery of the housing market. even though i love people to pay substantial down payment, in your circumstance, when you get to bragg, i would with look at buying a home there before the market recovers. but especially if you find one that's a real deal. >> clark can be your money coach as well. the clark howard show airs saturdays and sundays right here on h l n at noon. in this struggling economy, he'll help you save more, spend less, avoid getting ripped off. it seems like sarah palin's new book has a life of its own since it came out. what would "going rogue" say if it had a voice of its own?
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good morning. friday. hope that's a spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down. i'm robin meade. welcome. here's ha's going on. oh, wow, oprah is giving up her show? fans and skeptics are asking the same question. why? there are new allegations that could blow the lid off the ft. hood shooting investigation. why a security expert says that she is convinced the alleged gunman could have been stopped and the victims did not have to die. and you might have already gotten a shot that will help protect you from the swine flu even if you haven't gt gotten the hard to find vaccine. very interesting. first, though, happening today, oprah winfrey is going to make her biggest announcement
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ever, bigger than the book club, the car giveaway. she will announce she's ending her daily talk show. the show will end september 9, 2011. the question now is who could possibly take her place. a media critic tells cnn a lot of people will try. >> i think we'll get a lot of failed actors come out of the woodwork, trying to fill that time slot. i don't think anyone has all the different elements that make her a media mogul. i think what matters now more than ever is having that multimras form reach with magazines and movies and books. it will take a long time to build that up. frankly, the people she groomed nd this decade will be the leaders in the next. >> oprah isn't exactly retiring. she launching a cable network called own that will make its premiere in january 2011. a security expert says that the pentagon igor nod a report that could have helped prevent the ft. hood shootings.
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shan nen said she worked on the study that helped the military spot people like nidal hasan. >> it was written from the military perspective entitled radicalization of members of the dod. what it was for was for them to have tools to look within their ranks to spot different criteria that showed signs and red flags of radicalization, how to spot them, identify them and then from there be able to head the problem off and so we could avoid anything from materializing. >> she says that she contacted the military after the ft. hood shootings to see why no 1 had mentioned the report. she was told that it's now classified. pentagon officials have declined comment. yesterday the defense secretary robert gates announced an extensive review of policies in response to the ft. hood shootings. he said that the 45-day review will look into military screening programs and security at u.s. bases. the army and a senate committee have also launched their own
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investigations. the man charged with kidnapping and 5 care-year-old carolina girl will also be charged with murder and rape. mario mcneil is expected in court today. police say that he was the last person to see shaniya davis alive. her mother, originally reported her missing. but investigators think she was actually prostituting her own daughter. they found the little girl's body on monday, yesterday her aunt spoke with reporters. >> the last time i sas shaniya four weeks ago on a friday. i took her to visit her mother. i packed her with two days' worth of clothes. i got her out of the car and i kissed her good-bye and told her to be a good girl. she turned back to me and said, i love you, aunt carrie, and see you later. i have to go. i'm sorry. no more comments.
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♪ and i know he's watching over her you and me ♪ >> last night about 100 people gathered to remember shaniya at a vigil near her mother's home. police are still not sure where she was killed. preliminary autopsy results suggest that she was suffocated. new this morning, a suicide bomber riding a motor cycle killed at least 13 people and wounded nearly 30 more in a town square. police in afghanistan tried shouting at him to stop. they say several children were hurt in the blast. it happened near the country's border with iran. violence has been soaring there as the taliban expands its turf. soon you could skip the old customs line when you're flying home from overseas. homeland security wants to expand an experimental program for prescreened travelers. if you pay a one-time $100 fee and go through a background check, you can just report your
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arrival and make declarations at a kiosk. customs officials say that it will cut the average wait time from ten minutes to three. personally, i've never gotten through customs in ten minutes. that would be short. a woman is facing 15 years in prison over a racially charged incident at 8 walmart in missouri. newry released video may shed light on what happened. you can see heather ellis moving another customer's items repeatedly off of a conveyer belt. witnesses say she cut in line and was swearing. ellis says that customers shoved her and used racial slurs when she switched lines to join her cousin. the manager says that ellis brought race into the scuffle. >> she just looked at me and told me that i wasn't anything but a stupid white, uneducated walmart employee. and she called betsy an old gray-headed lady, the cashier. that's when wii said, just a minute. i said, you don't know me and i don't know you. >> well, the video goes on to
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show policer arrest ellis. officers say that she kick and hit them. ellis said she was assaulted and police told her to go back to the ghetto. a jury could get the case today. senators are cutting their thanksgiving vacation short to vote on your health care reform. in a rare move, the senate meets tomorrow to decide whether to open the debate on the democrats' plan which could extend coverage to at least 30 million people. the estimated cost, $848 billion over ten years, republicans are against the bill's provision to provide a government-run insurance option. all right. so take a little breather here, get your coffee, sit down. six minutes past the hour. i'd like to ask bob what kind of weather you're in store for for the weekend. >> it's going to be tough getting going in or out of new york and boston, too. we've got to get a madmen theme goi ining one time. >> are you talking about my outfit? >> try it on monday. we'll all come in looking like
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madmen. >> no, no. there's no scotch in my drink. clean, clean, clean. >> fair enough. we were bored, too late. look at the rain from boston to rhode island. logan is in a ground stop, the airport in boston. you can see the rain overhead. once that dpets out of here, you're looking at 15 to 30-minute delays because of that rain. that what's going on in the northeast. then you get down toward the southwest and texas. look at the heavy rain around dallas. that's going to be there for the entire morning. we'll see delays pop up there, houston, another batch of heavy rain mainly offshore. some of that is coming in today, too. there's an area of low pressure developing here tapping into the gulf moisture. the heavy rain is out here. it's going to stretch all the way into dallas. ultimately getting into louisiana. then we go to the northwest. more storms coming in. like a train, we had one go through a couple of days ago, one is overhead now, the 1 for saturday is still out there. the 1 for this morning is provideding a lot of heavy rain for northern california all the way into the puget sound. it turns into snow for the higher elevations. i'll show you how much snow in
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just about a half hour, rob. it's going to be impressive, no doubt. >> if you would have said back to you, doll, back to you, kitten. i would have known we're on the set of madmen. >> we just had our hr meeting. i can't do that anymore. we've been telling you about the new guidelines for mammograms. now there's new advice from doctors about pam smears. the u.s. army is changing its tune about sarah palin's with upcoming visit to ft. bragg. what report hes won't be allowed to do during her visit.
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year. listen, she says he joined the army right after high school and loves what he does and that he is all she have ever wanted in her life. so sweet. if you have somebody in the service and you want to salute them, go to what a way for the astronauts to wake up today. alarms went off on the shuttle "atlantis" and the space station overnight. the alarms to warn them of fires or loss of pressure. nasa says it was a false alarm thankfully. no danger to the crew. yesterday the astronauts finished the first of three space walks. nasa says a close inspection of the shuttle revealed no launch damage. there is another new set of testing guidelines for women. this time for cervical cancer. now, the american college of on sta trigss and gynecologists says that most women in their 20s only need a pap smear every two years instead of every year. the group says that women don't need their first one until the age of 21. unlike the controversial new mammogram guidelines, the american cancer society supports
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these recommendations. treasury secretary tim geithner says that the white house wants to shut down the $700 billion bank bailout pronto. money expert jennifer westhoven is joining us now. so why did it appear that lawmakers were kind of tough on him yesterday? was it about him or was it about somebody else? >> they were being -- they were throwing it at him, but it seemed kind of strange, like how are you making it this guy's fault? but very contentious meeting on capitol hill yesterday. some of the house lawmakers saying geithner should quit. take a little listen. >> the public has lost all confidence in your ability to do the job, reflecting on your president. >> congressman -- >> conservatives agree, liberal democrats agree that it really is time for a fresh start. >> if you look at any measure of consumer and investor confidence today, if you look at any measure of the strength and stability and health of the american economy, if you look at
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any measure of confidence in the financial system, it is substantially stronger today than when the president of the united states took office. this congress -- >> you owe all of that to the millions of americans who no longer have jobs. >> well, yeah, but they're separate issues so it's -- anyway, it's kind of -- it was a strange hearing. the bailout was, of course, engineered before tim geithner got there, before president obama was in office. geithner basically said, i hate the idea of the bailout rescue, too, but his point was that, look, it saved the financial markets and the economy from collapse. you can say, tell that to the millions of americans who lost their job, but you could have more millions of americans without jobs. you could have something that looked a lot more like the depression is the argument if the bailout didn't happen. it's that time of year when you have that meeting with your boss about your performance review and your pay. and you just might get a little raise this year. that's good news in a bad economy. last year's average raise was
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just 1.8%. companies are willing to spend a little more, says hr consultant hewitt. says the average raises will be 2.5%. >> i can see it written all over your face. you're just thinking about our reviews coming up. >> they are tough. those reviews. i think you go in and a lot of times you have to do your performance appraisal. a lot of people struggle writing about themselves. >> sure. or hear what they're doing badly. >> but remember 2.5%. so negotiate around that. you can be, hey, don't you think i was worth 3? then tell them all the great thing you did. your time to shine. >> i like this. negotiating tactics. a round of botox can take wrinkles out of your face, but it can also make a few dollars for congress? why is it looking at plastic surgeries to fund health care?
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the army now says it will give the media some access to sarah palin's visit to ft. bragg on monday. she's going there to promote her new book. it had previously said it wouldn't let crews in because the event might turn into political grandstanding against president obama. still reporters won't be able to ask palin or her supporters question withes. police arrested dozens of students at the university of california in davis after they occupied an administrative building. hundreds more marched at ucla. now, the increases in tuition will cost students about 2,000 extra dollars in the next two years.
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university execs passed a 32% increase even after deep cuts to spending. students say they need help. >> if you pass this increase today, when i go home tonight to san diego, i will have to drop you all my classes because i cannot afford this anymore. you are not making this university affordable. >> regents have promised more aid to help lower income students. they will meet with students today to talk about the increases. almost eight years after a fatal shooting at his home, a former nba star appears to be headed to prison. larry smith with the details. >> good morning. a lot of us followed this trial. really a national trial that caught our attention back in 2002. jayson williams was acquitted back then of aggravated manslaughter. in 2004 is when the trial was with, the shooting in '02. with the second trial looming, it appears he has cut a deal. the former star has pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and
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could serve up to three years in prison. he was convicted of covering up the shooting back in '04 and faced up to ten years in prison with a second manslaughter trial. the klu klux klan will protest tomorrow outside lsu/ole miss game over a song. the university's president banned from dixie with love after students wouldn't stop chanting the south will rise again. the president says that the chant is divisive. the kkk's mississippi white knights say banning the song is an attack on our southern heritage and culture. georgia bulldog mascot has died. the 4-year-old pure-bred english bulldog was just completing his second season after he died of heart problems. his father died of heart problems. his spot on the sidelines will empty this weekend. have you seen the clip of josh sacco who can recite herb
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brooks' speech before the miracle on ice in 1980. >> for great opportunities, that's what you have here tonight, boys. that's what you earned here tonight. >> well, the minnesota wild, the nhl club, has invited the youngster to tonight's game to help fire up the crowd. josh learned the speech by watching the movie "miracle" with his dad 100 times. did he ever get a chance -- he clearly learned his abcs at some point. that's a lot. it depicts the 1980 winter olympics. 100 times. >> love that. he's going to say it in front of a big crowd? >> he's going to say, let's play hockey. how do you fly him out without him saying some of that. >> he'll have to. you pay taxes on vices like cigarettes and alcohol. lawmakers are looking to tax our vanity now. it's being called the botx
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instead of botox. taxes on plastic surgeries would help to pay for health care overhaul. plastmra the botax. cute name. it's getaway day friday. is the getting good? >> the volume getting up there right now. next week, holiday week, we're talking about thanksgiving, major travel delays a possibility just out of sheer volume. let me show you the radar picture on top of saber fly explorer. here are all the planes trying to get in and out of boston. now you're in a ground stop for another 50 minutes or so. the new york city metros look fine so far. could get a delay later today. here's what we have for the rest of the day. one 0 hour or more possibility around new york city metros, dallas, houston, all day, because of the rain and wind and thunderstorms. the rest of the stays you can see there. more in a bit. a tornado tore through the
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oprah is going to announce today that she is ending her talk show. she's going to tell her studio audience in less than two hours. her last is going to be in september of 2011, which means the show will have been on the air for 25 years. she is a chicago icon, you ur know. on the level of a michael jordan, and what that means to chicago is over 25 careers a lot of eyeballs on our city, and you can't put a price tag on that. >> did the pentagon ignore a report that could have stopped the alleged ft. hood shooter? a security expert says thety 08 study details ways the military
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could spot soldiers who have become radicalized. the military told her now the report is classified. man who police say secretly taped espn reporter erin andrews in her hotel room has his first court appearance today. he is accused of filming her through the peephole in the door. he faces up to five years in federal prison. those soare some of the headlines today. hello. it's friday. morning, sunshine. i'm robin meade. three teens have pleaded not guilty to setting a 15-year-old florida boy on fire. all three are charged with attempted murder. prosecutors say that they poured rubbing alcohol on michael brewer and then set him on fire last month, apparently it was a dispute over 40 bucks, a video game and a bike. brewer is in guarded condition with burns over 65% of his body. >> i know i couldn't do what he's doing.
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if this had happened to me, i probably wouldn't be here. he's incredibly strong, and he's my hero. he really is. i tell him every day. >> the other day he wanted to talk too his uncle danny. i let him put the phone up to his ear. he said, hey, dan. i got burnt. i'm in the hospital. >> witnesses tell police that one of the boys set fire to brewer while the other two encouraged him. brewer jumped into the apartment swimming pool to put out the flames. the u.s. military may reduce the number of jets that it uses to protect against air attacks. after 9/11, the government dedicated war planes to that mission, but the "new york times" reports that northern command has ordered a review of the system. senior officers say if the chances of air attacks have decreased, military could free up the crews for other mission. people who got a regular flu vaccine last year may have gotten some protection against the swine flu. that's according to a military study in "usa today."
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it found that people ages 17 to 24 and 40 and older were protected from h1n1 the most. but health experts say that the h1n1 p vaccine is still the best protection against swine flu, obviously. the house is trying to make sure that doctors do not lose money on medicare. it voted last night to stop a 21% cut on reimbursements next year. republicans called the bill a budget buster. they say that it's payback for getting doctor support for health care reform. the bill still has to be approved by the senate. 33 minutes past the hour. wonder how the weekend is shaping up. let's start with the west coasters. good morning, bright and early for you. hi, bob. >> good morning, rob. usually between november and february, a lot of storms across the pacific northwest. no doubt we're seeing it right now. two storms i'm watching, number one inland around bc. you can see the cold front
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stretching down toward northern californ california. puget sound, look at the clouds wrapped up with that. number two, saturday's storm on the heels of the first one, moving in by tomorrow afternoon. overnight through sunday morning, a big snow-maker for you. let me show you some of the snowfall totals we're counting on today through saturday, more coming in on sunday. the next 48 hours, towards the sierra nevada range about one to two feet of snow above 4,000 feet in elevation. northern cascades will get one to two feet as well, maybe more especially if the snow really starts out strong this morning, which it looks like it may be. snowfall, it's out there. let me show you the radar picture. the heaviest rain is the areas shaitded in yellow and red. the heavy rain continues to pull into northern california. the white-shaded areas on the radar, that's all snow. again tshgs's already starting especially across the highest elevations. the snow level will drop down to about 3,000 feet for the sierra nevada by late this afternoon. look at the rain across northern california, the eureka radar. one to two feet a possibility.
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winter storm warnings out there. but the wind is also a factor. wind warnings, gusts of 65 miles per hour in reno, back toward the sierra nevada. advisories in yellow. shorter period of wind but you'll see about 45, maybe 50-mile-per-hour gusts there. what about the east coast? traveling in towards the beltway, pretty good for you today. mostly sun country skies in washington, your high about 60. little bit of a breeze, not that bad. but feeling like mid to late november. perfect conditions. more on that, rob, in a bit. >> pretty. the leaves are hanging on. >> they're trying to. did you know that today marks the 40th anniversary of the famous american indian takeover of alcatraz. in 1971, native americans from tribes across the country occupied the prison for 19 months to demand equal rights. >> it was very, very festive in the first few months because we were so excited about taking a
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piece of ground for the indian people. >> well, the occupation led to changes such as the creation of indian studies programs and native american museums. you think you know the news? well, i do. i know that you know what i mean because you watch this show. did you know there's a cnn challenge that's kind of like a game where you test your knowledge, test yourself? you can pick a news anchor to be your host, kind of hold your hand through the whole thing. pick me, choose me. or hln's richelle carey to lead you through it, too. play it at cnn check your purse or your medicine cabinet. a popular nasal spray is being recalled. why you'll want to keep the bottles capped. also, you may soon have to pick up the tab for the afghanistan war. who is proposing a tax to cover the costs.
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good morning. i'm jennifer westhoven. robin will be back in a minute. we've talked a lot about how the housing market has been doing. there's been a lot of evidence about the housing market getting better. but still we're talking about a huge number of foreclosures this morning. so with billions of government aid, all along experts have said that foreclosures could be the hidden iceberg that sinks the ship. a new report by the mortgage bankers association shows a record high in foreclosures and homes in danger of foreclosure where people are behind in their payments because with unemployment if you lose your job, it can be very hard to keep up the mortgage. new this morning, proctor and gamble recalling about 120,000 bottles of vics sinus nasal spray. routine testing found bacteria
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in samples that can hurt people with weak immune system or chronic problems. they want to take precaution. there are no reports of anybody getting sick and they want to keep it that way. how would you like to own the very home that vampire edded wa edward cullen live nz the second movie of "twilight." "new moon" opens today. this is the home where they filmed the cullens, the vampire family, in the movie. it is supposed to be in forks, washington, but really it is in british columbia. i think that is the kitchen where bella dpets a papercut, the whole family smells blood and freaks out. >> do you know how many fans are, like -- >> all you need is $3.3 million. apparently vampires like really modern architecture, high ceilingeds, koi ponds and lots of books. if you look and say, no, no, look, they have windows, then
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you vntd read the books. >> she's a real fan over here. >> sunlight is okay. >> okay. it looks like a pretty house, doesn't it? 3.3 million. a window washer is okay after falling eight stories. and it happened in seattle yesterday. t he hit a window on the way down from the top of the building. his safety rope broke his fall. the fire department said he is hurt but he does not have life-threatening injuries. imagine have toing walk through airmt scanners not to see if you're armed but to see if you have the swine flu. saudis are scanning thousands of people as they arrive for the pilgrimage to mecca. the heat detectors beat if your temperature is above normal. the fear is that millions of people in one place could be a breeding ground for the h1n1. >> if you start worrying about things like that, you'd never do anything in your lifetime.
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i think it's more -- >> we got vaccinations and we have surgical masks we plan to wear. hopefully everything will be fine. >> so far saudi authorities say there have only been 12 confirmed case of h1n1 as of thursday eight people were still in quarantine. the pilgrimage starts next week. you probably already know that americans are bigger than ever. but one woman is hoping to motivate others by making her own struggle against obesity public. ruby gettingjer is this morning's breakthrough woman. >> i've been overweight since i was 13. at one point in my life i weighed as much as 716 pounds and everything started going downyou hill. then the doctor told me, you're going to die if you don't start doing something about this. >> ruby chose to fight for her life by eating healthy and
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getting fit. her journey is being documented on the series "ruby". >> watching her eat healthy and exercise has kind of helped me do the same. because of ruby, i've lost 29 pounds. >> they say i inspire them. every time i hear their story, it inspires me. >> getting her publish her personal diary. she also formed a fitness support group called ruby's walk with across america. >> the people that are traveling this road with me tell me they've lost 80-something pounds, 100 pounds. it's amazing they're doing it. >> she is now half her size, but she's not finished yet. >> i don't know what the weight goal is. it's not about a number to me. i can do everything that anyone else can do. because i did it, i know without a shadow of a doubt you can do this. >> it's great. anyone who's ever been to one knows that city council meetings can be not exactly exciting. here's one way to liven it up. what was a chicken doing flapping around in the city council chambers?
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brad paisley for you. you you may have to share the cost of the war in afghanistan if some house democrats get their way. yesterday they proposed the share the sacrifice act. it would raise income taxes to pay for the war and take some of the pressure off of the government to keep borrowing money. an aide says that there would be different rate levels for people gending on how much they make. you can just hear the jokes about oh, they raluffled the feathers at city hall. someone in a chicken costume crashed the city council bill. they were voting on an ordinance for people to keep fowl in their backyards. the person walked around, flapped and laid an egg. council membered thought it was great. because it looks like they have not a lot of people in their
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chambers. >> nobody. watch this next shot. nobody's there. he's the only one. they're so excited somebody showed up. >> oh, really. they like us. who is the biggest sports cheat ever? one magazine's answer might surprise you. larry smith with more. >> tanya harding is one that comes to mind. ben johnson, the canadian sprinter in 1988, caught doping in the olympics. >> what if you you bet on baseball? >> well, pete rose could be one. >> that's what came to my mind. >> "time" magazine says their biggest cheat is tiaer eun rey. you may have heard of this, the soccer superstar handball that led to the win over ireland. it's caused a global controversy. right there, you can't do that. the irish were stunned naturally. they asked for the game to be replayed but earlier this morning soccer's governing body ruled against that. wow. just a few years ago rickey williams walked away from football and chose to sit on the beach and smoke things that are
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illegal. but he's back. boy, what a career he is having in his resurgence. the former superstar, three touchdowns last night as the dolphins beat carolina 24-17. what a year williams is having. hard to believe that a man born without legs would have an advantage in a race. but two scientists have researched the effect those blades have on this south african and determined that they give him an edge. he's known as the bladerunner. he was granted the right to compete against able-bodied runners. fell short in his bid. he hopes to improve his times and compete in the 2012 olympics. he would be a true champion any day of the year. today's true champion today for us is ricky sanchez. a new yorker got a local businessman to buy 40 world championship cap pz and plans to send them oversees to his brother serving in afghanistan with the 82nd airborne digs. there he is, daniel sanchez. we thank him and his crew for the service.
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unique souvenirs for a very special group. imagine wearing those with great pride, yankees world series champions and ricky sanchez, our true champion. >> thank you. where do you see the problem spots today? a lot of you may be getting back home or taking off for the weekend. >> morning, rob. boston logan airport was in a ground stop because of the rain. now it's opened back up. no delays posted yet. we'll get some, though. for the day, new york city metros, morning clouds hanging around, the winds out of the west at 15 to 20 miles per hour, maybe a delay right there. hopefully your chances are better seeing a delay in dallas. dallas/ft. worth, dfw, showers, thunderstorms, the same thing. one hour or more. houston, heavy rain over you right know. watch for an hour or more delay. in san francisco, one in a series of storms begins later this morning into the early afternoon. wind, rain, you'll see at least an hour delay at sfo.
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count on that one. more on that in a bit, rob. >> thanks. if you're planning a home renovation, you might want to act fast. hln money expert clark howard says that some might want to act fast. clark howard says some banks are cutting home equity loans with little warning. >> i've got a special warning, it's coming up again. if you have a home equity line of credit, your bank may well cut that line on you without any notice at all. a lot of us who own homes and have some equity in them have stand-by home equity line of credit. for example, i have one. i've drawn nothing on it, but it's available in case of an emergency. a lot of banks would say, wait a minute, there's all that liability out there that people could draw. so they're reducing your line. when does this become important? let's say you have a big expense you've already committed to.
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if you're planning to do something like that, go ahead and draw down your line of credit and deposit the money at another bank so if they decide to draw your line down, you're still okay. i'm clark howard. for more smart tips, go to my website. >> so, for ways to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off, catch the clark howard show every saturday and sunday. seems like sarah palin's new book has a life of its own since it came out. what would it say if it had a voice of its own?
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good morning. it's friday, so i hope you start your day on a good note. i'm robin meade and here's what's going on today, sunshine. wow, do you believe that oprah is giving up her show? not to worry. why it won't be the last you'll see of her. plus, new allegations that could blow the lid of the ft. hood investigation. why an expert is sure the gunman could have been stopped. and you may have already gotten a shot to help protect you from the swine flu even if you haven't had the vaccine. first though, oprah winfrey
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is going to make her biggest announcement ever. bigger than a book club or car gave away. she will announce she's ending her show. other hosts say she changed everything in the biz. >> i don't think i could be here without her. i think she has blazed a trail that is -- she's an amazing, amazing woman. she will always be the queen of daytime television and also said she's leaving me all of her money, which i really -- i was like, thanks, oprah. >> oprah isn't exactly retiring. she's launching a cable network that will make its premier in january, 2011. there is a new set of new testi ining guidelines for wome this time about cervical cancer. most women in their 20s only need a pap smear every two years instead of every year.
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they don't need their first one until they're 21. the american cancer society supports these regulations. the man charged with kidnapping a 5-year-old north carolina girl will be charged with murder and rape. police say he was the last person to see shaniya davis alive. her mother reported her missing, but investigators think she was prostituting the child. they found the girl's body on monday. yesterday, her aunt spoke to reporters. >> the last time i saw shaniya was four weeks ago on a friday. i went and took her and visit her mother. i packed her with two days' worth of clothes. i got her out of the car and i kissed her good-bye and i told her to be a good girl. she turned back to me and said, i love you, aunt carrie, and see
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you later. i have to go. i'm sorry, no many comments. ♪ >> last night, about 100 people gathered to remember shaniya. nancy grace will have any breaking developments in the case tonight on hln. a security expert says that the pentagon ignored a report that could have helped prevent the ft. hood shootings. she says she worked on the 2008 study to help the military spot people like major nidal hi san. >> the report was written from the military perspective. it was entitled, radicalization of members of the dod.
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ffs for them to have tools within their ranks to spot different criteria that showed red flags and how to spot those, identify them and from there, be able to head the problem off and so we could avoid anything from materializing. >> she says she contacted the military after the shootings to see why no one else mentioned the report. pentagon officials have declined comment. yesterday, the defense secretary announced an extensive review of military policies in response to the ft. hood tragedy. he said the 45-day review will look into military screening programs and security at u.s. bases. the army and a senate committee have also launched investigations. the second instault of the "twilight" series. the saga, this time around, bella is tangling with more than
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just the undead. >> bella, get back! get back now! >> you know what? critics do not love this one. they say it lacks spark and the special effects aren't so hot, but the franchise has some seriously die-hard fans who go to see it no matter what the critics are saying. nice musical choice there. say this movie is so popular that you're going to wait out in lines somewhere, let's find out what the weather is going to be. some people did. >> we're going to see a rough day for you. texas back on in towards the northeast, let me show you what's happening. you know this storm that's currently over ontario, which is sitting around the midwest for
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the last couple of days, it's moved toward the east, but the rain shield the pushing toward new england. it's beginning to dry out towards the east. the rain is essentially gone for connecticut and western massachusetts. i think by this afternoon, everybody ought to be dry, but not the same towards texas. there's a cold front across central texas. an area of low pressure developing towards the west coast. it goes right across the gulf and beginning to develop. heavy rain is is out there already. we've seen about eight inches of rain near corpus christi. currently raining steadily over houston. visibility about four miles. the heavy rain continues for this area. up north, dallas in towards shreveport, the entire region under a flash flood watch.
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that's something we're watching. then it comes into the weekend with storm number two across the pacific ocean. but today's storm, when you get in towards northern california, western oregon, washington state, too. what about new york? you had the heavy rain this morning. now, it's drying out and the sunny skies are back. the winds will pick up out of the west today. bumpy ride into the big apple, but not many delays. we don't have the glitch either with the faa. >> what a day, right? a round of botox could take wrinkles out of your face and a few more dollars out of your pocket good go away. why conditioni one benefit may be coming back in the next year.
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let's salute our troops. sarah wants to salute her fiance of the u.s. army. she says that he's in iraq and returns in july of next year. she says that he joined the army right out of high school and loves what he does and that he has all she has ever wanted in her life. if you have somebody you want to salute, go to senators are cutting their thanksgiving short to vote on health care reform. they're going to meet tomorrow to vote on the debate on the
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democrats' plan. republicans are against the bill's provision to provide a government-run insurance option. the treasury secretary says the white house wants to shut down the $700 billion bank bailout, pronto. but jennifer westhoven's here. she's going to show you that they were rough on him. >> of course, people are angry about the bailout or rescue, depending on how you feel about it. some telling geithner he should quit, almost blaming him for the whole package, which was engineered by hank paulson. geithner said he, too, hates the idea of the bailout, but that it likely saved the financial markets and economy from utter collapse. he did say they're working to close that program out as as soon as we can. that was his quote. you know how once a year you've got that meeting with
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your boss. then at the end, they tell you what your pay raise is going to be for the next year. well, you just might get a little raise. a survey showing that more companies willing to spend a little bit. last year's average raise was just 1.8%. but this year, it's going to be 2.5%. last year of course, most of the headlines were about job cuts and reduced hours, so things looking better. robin? >> thank you. all right. fit nation. in today's fit nation, dr. gupta talked about obesity and eating habits. his key tip, watch the portion size. i call it portion distortion. >> there are some logical conclusions to be drawn here. it is a case of good news and bad news. the good new ss that contrary to popular belief, teens and
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adolescents are not more sedden tear than in years past. overall, physical activity is higher, but the o besty epidemic continues to grow. so what gives here? it has much more to do with diet. diet may play a much bigger role than activity than thought. however, it might have to do specifically with portion sizes. back in 1990, 500 calories, that was a typical portion. go to 2010, 20 years later, it's more than doubled in terms of calories. something else commonly eaten. cheeseburgers. in 1993, 133 calories and we've seen these 20 years later,
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almost double the number of calories. breakfast food is not immune to all of this. bagels, they're about three inches in size, 140 calories. they are six inches in size, doubled, and twice as many calories. when you look at the obesity epidemic and trying to confirm if it's more activity related, diet seems to be playing a bigger role. only about 1/3 of teenagers get the recommended amount of activity. that's based on self-reporting. it may overestimate overall. we know that activity has a lot of benefits. it can reduce some of the weight issues, but also decrease the risk of developing heart disease. message to parents and kids, watch those portion sizes and calories.
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make your declaration at a computer. it will cut the average weight time from ten minutes to three. being very optimistic there aren't they? nothing, i need no clothes, no. a former nba star appears to be headed for prison instead of court, to face manslaughter charges. >> jason williams faced up to ten years in the shooting death of his limo driver in 2002, but now, he's expected to plead guilty and serve up to three years in prison an avoid that second trial. williams was acquitted of aggravated manslaughter in 2004. he was convicted of covering up the shooting. the ku clux clan will rally
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over the song tomorrow. the university's president banned "from dixie with love." he calls the chant devicive. the white knights say banning the song is an attack on our culture. georgia bulldog mascot uga vii has died. he's been on the job for two years as the mascot. purebred english bulldog. he died of heart problems. his spot on the sidelines will be empty this weekend. have you seen this? the 5-year-old who can recite is famous speech from 1980? >> great opportunities, that's what you have here. tonight, boys.
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that's what you earned here tonight. >> the team has invited the youngster, who lives in the nashville area, to help fire up their crowd. you might wonder how he learned these words. he learned the speech by watching the movie, "miracle," with his dad 500 times. he's even dressed just like herb brooks. >> so adorable. i hope he wears that tonight. you pay taxes on vices like cigarettes and alcohol, but now, lawmakers are looking at taxing your vanity. it's been called the botax. it would raise money to pay for the health care overhaul. drug makers and plastic surgeons don't like this and say it would hurt people of every income level.
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the botax. 20 minutes past the hour. hi, bob. >> we have our first major delay. i'll tell you about that in a second. but this update brought to you by orbitz. it's across the west coast, san francisco. here's sfo and oakland. so far, planes are coming in and going out, but you have an 83-minute delay. notice this area of pockets and showers. ahead of that, it's windy. here's what you have for the rest of the region and if you're traveling out today, i know it's a big travel day. new york city metros could see a delay because of wind. dallas, houston, storms, san francisco, wind. more delays across the region because of rain or clouds. >> thank you. you know what? there is a product recall we should tell you about cht it's supposed to help you through the night, through the cold and flu season, but it's coming off the store shefls.
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the new york stock exchange just opened for business. stocks could tumble today though. investors are a little worried about the big holiday shopping season, especially after some not so bright news from dell. more on that from the trading floor in a few minutes. oprah will announce officially today that she's ending her talk show. he's going to tell her audience in less than half an hour. her last show will be in september 2011, which means the show will have been on the air for 25 years. it's really big news in chicago, where the show is taped.
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i think some are talking about if her show is no longer in operation, will it mean fewer jobs in chicago, stuff like that. and it brought a lot of attention to the city. did the pentagon ignore report that could have stopped the alleged ft. hood shooter? a security expert says a study detailed a way to spot soldiers who had become radicalized. the pentagon has declined comment. the man police say secretly taped erin andrews has his first court appearance today. he's accused of filming her through the peephole of the door. he's charged with interstate stalking and faces up to five years in prison. good morning, sunshine, how are you doing? it's 31 minutes past the hour. three teens have pleaded not guilty to setting a 15-year-old florida boy on fire. all three are charged with
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attempted murder. prosecutors say they poured rubbing alcohol on michael brewer and set him on fire last month. apparently, it was a dispute over 40 bucks, a video game and a bike. >> i know i couldn't do what he's doing. if this had happened to me, i probably wouldn't be here. he's incredibly strong and he's my hero. he really is. >> the other day, he wanted to talk to his auuncle and i put t phone up to his hear. hey, i got burned. i'm in the hospital. >> brewer jumped into the airport swimming pool to put out the flames. the u.s. military may reduce the number of jets it uses to prevent air attacks. "the new york times" reports
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that northern command has ordered a review of the costly system. senior officers say that if the chances of air attacks have decreased, the military could free up those crews for other missions. rudy jowl ygiuliani may hav eyes on a senate seat. "the new york times" said the former government will not run, but the spokeswoman disputes that saying he has not made a decision yet. thank goodness a group of volunteers is now stepping forward to help answer letters to santa. yesterday, we told you that the post office is stopping sending letters to north pole, alaska. a group is working with local officials to get it back up and running. one challenge is keeping names and addresses private. ♪ is that holiday music? already? 33 minutes past the hour.
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obviously, we have the wrong holiday on our mind, but what about the weekend before? >> watching a series of storms coming in across the pacific northwest. number one, it's affecting you today. there's a second one that's right south of alaska now. it's crossing the northern pacific. it's all moving in towards your direction. you get hit with one shot of rain-snow today, another tomorrow night through sunday. snowfall totals, we're concerned with all the snow you're going to see over the next 48 hours. between today and tomorrow night, you're going to see about one to two feet of snow in the cascades, the olympics, stretching down from oreg orego. it's now starting to work in towards eurka.
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that rain stretches down here and you'll see the rains pick up. the winds will really pick up this afternoon. winter storm warnings posted for you guys and then the rain again, is going to be a factor. some could see stronger gusts. that will be in the highest elevations, too, but those are all the red shaded areas. more on the snow. the watch goes in towards this region. it's now turned into a winter weather advisory for the cascades. watch the rain over the next 24 hours, too. if you start seeing the red shade pop up, that is four to five inches of rain. flash flood warnings for western parts of washington state because of all the rain. look at some of the totals. forks, 4.37 inches of rainfall.
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we're also looking at rainfall moving to new england. trying to get in or out of logan, in a groundstop, the clouds and rain has not cleared out. that's just a dreary picture out of boston. highs today in the 50s. the rain should end by mid afternoon. more on that in just a bit. >> yuck. thank you. the stocks fell yesterday for the second day in a row and could today be number three? susan lisovicz at the new york stock exchange. morning. >> good morning. that's right. we're seeing a threepeat in the first six minutes. no major reports this morning, but we have a round of corporate earnings giving insight into consumer and business spending. dell's profit was cut in half last quarter because computer sales to big businesses remain sluggish. corporations and government agencies make up 80% of dell's
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revenue. shares right now down 8%. gap ticker signal gps seems to have found the path to success. their quarterly profit jumped 25%. finally, oprah's big announcement. we talk numbers here at the nyse. let's give a few. most famous giveaway. you remember in 2004 -- >> you get a car, you get a car, everybody gets a car. >> i love that. stereo sound. we just blasted everybody's eardru eardrums. when nearly 300 members of the studio audience received a new vehicle with the total price tag of $7 million.
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"o" was the most popular the first half of this year and her net worth, $2.7 billion. you go, girl. your friends are on cable, you go to cable. >> thank you. announcement's supposed to be in about 20 minutes from now. you think that you know the news? i know you do because you watch this show. well, challenge yourself by doing the cnn challenge and you have to pick a host. so pick me. choose me. love me. or how about richelle carey. play it now at two sisters have a business that's apparently right on the money. they are using catch to make flower arrangements. also, outrage over tuition
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many u.s. troops will begin leaving iraq by spring. robert gates said a legislative crisis threatening iraqi elections won't affect u.s. plans for a troop withdrawal. the fear was troops would have to stay longer to provide security for the vote. right now, there are more than 100,000 u.s. troops in iraq. two sisters make flower arrangements using cash. clients pay the amount they want to give to their loved ones in cash, plus the cost of the arrangements and the sisters turn the bills into petals and leaves. >> all the young people want for the birthdays, not money.
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weddings, money. >> even funerals, we've had people buy it. you send it to the house, that way the people, if they want to use the money, they can, if not, they can use it for expenses. >> the business is based in canada, but they make arrangements in u.s. dollars. check out people who got a vaccine for the regular flu last year, you may have gotten some protection against the swine flu. a study found that people were prexed from the h1n1 the most. but health experts point out that the h1n1 vaccine is still the best protection against the swine flu. if you're planning to renovate your home, you might want to act quickly here. clark howard says that some banks are cutting home equity
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lines with little warning. >> got a special warning for you i've not given in probably six months, but it's coming up again. if you have o home equity line of credit, your bank may cut that line on you without any notice at all. a lot of us who own homes and have equity in them have a stand-by line of credit. i have one. i've drawn nothing on it, but it's available for an emergency. well, a lot of banks are saying, wait a minute, there's all that liability that people could draw, so they're reducing your line. when is this important? let's say you have a big expense you're committed to. if you're planning to do something like that, go ahead and draw down your line of credit and deposit the money at another bank or credit union so that if they decide to draw your line down, close it on you, you're still okay.
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i'm clark howard, for more tips, go to my website, >> clark will teach you to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. how would you like to own the very home that vampire edward cullen lives in in "twilight"? millions of people love the "twilight" series. the new movie is out today and this is the home of the cullens, the vampire family, in the movie. now, it's supposed to be in forks, washington. really though, it's in vancouver, british columbia and can be yours for 3$3.3 million. apparently, vampires like modern architecture, high ceilings and coy ponds. a man is suing on claims that he cheated not on his wife, but on his new, country star girlfriend.
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wow. a hike in tuition is not going over well in california. police arrested dozens of students at the university of california in davis. hundreds more marched at ucla. the increases will cost students about $2,000 extra the next two years. the students say they need help. >> you pass this increase today, when i go home tonight to san diego, i will have to drop all my classes because i cannot afford this anymore. >> regents have promised more aid to help lower income students and will meet with concerned students today. leanne rimes is suing a
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tabloid for -- the tabloid claimed he hooked up with an actress, but he and the actress say not true. he is still waiting for a divorce from his wife to be finalized. either the guy that "time" magazine says the biggest sports cheat ever wants to make amended. hi, larry. >> good morning. france's superstar is the guy. he says that france, ireland, the world cup playoff should be replayed. he says that's the only way to make amends for this. his controversial handball. earlier this morning, soccer's governing body ruled against it. he admitted to the handball and said it was just a reaction. just a few years ago, ricky
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williams walked away from football and millions of dollars and the miami dolphins. williams, 32 years old, now running with fresh legs, three touchdowns last night, looking like the man who was once one of the top running backs, helping the dolphins to the win over carolina. nice job there. hard to believe that a man born without legs would have an advantage in a race, but a couple of scientists have researched the effect that those blades give him an edge. he was granted the right to compete against able bodies runners in beijing, but fell short in his bid and hopes to compete in the 2012 olympics in london. today's true champion is ricky sanchez, the man who got a
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business man to buy yankees championship caps and plans to send them overseas to his brother, caps with his entire unit. ricky sanchez, for doing that, is our true champion. way to go. >> hey, larry, thank you. >> okay. if you're going to fly today, let's find out where the getting is good. on a getaway day friday, bobby. >> the getting is good because it is bad across the coast. let me show you what it looks like currently in san francisco. if you're traveling out to the airport here at sfo, the roads are dry right now, but the wind is picking up. they're about 20 miles an hour winds and they're out of the south. we have an 80-minute delay at san francisco because of that reason. if you're traveling in and around new york, windy conditions later on today, too. could slow you down a bit. dallas, heavy rain off and on all day. houston, heavier rain. that will last longer for you. san francisco, you have your delay that's over an hour right
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now. rain picks up around mid day or so. more on that in just a bit. robin. imagine having to walk through airport scanners not to see if you're armed, but to see if you have the swine flu. saudi officials are scanning thousands of people as they arrive to mecca. the heat sensors beat if your temperature is above normal. the fear is that millions of people in one place could be a breeding ground for the h1n1 inspe inspect. >> things like that, you would never do anything. having -- you know, what your attitude. >> we got vaccinations and we have masks, surgical masks that we plan to wear. so hopefully everything will be fine. >> so far, saudi authorities say that there have only been 12 confirmed cases of h1n1. as of thursday, 8 people were still in quarantine. the pilgrimage starts next week.
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