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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  December 22, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EST

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that lives within secure and recognized borders. so we can get what the two sides need and what their people deserve. so that that work continues every day. at the same time, we're engaged on the ground economically in the west bank and gaza. we're engaged in humanitarian assistance in gaza and while it is true that usaid is not present in gaza, there is still a lot of u.s. assistance flowing in through this strip through u.n. and other manners and there is a lot we're doing to bring gazan students and others out of gaza to the west bank so they can continue to interact with their fellow palestinians and to engage in region-wise programs and exchange programs so by no means are we hands off trying to help the people of gaza.
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>> for two years both sides said no. he said i did not take the first know and i didn't take this and -- second amendment and take the ninth note. after 700 days they finally said yes. that is how the banks about the work he is doing so we are not giving up. [applause] i have to -- the issue of gaza is close to my heart because my relatives lives there. i was there in may.
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i cannot understand how this it can keep going and the u.s. concern and i away and say we are helping get you and in -- humanitarian aid. [applause] when user level of poverty people are living under and the way people look the other way to allow these totals to exist that have the huge black market so a sheep cost $450 for one family. this is egypt, one side, our ally, you have this basic cessation of hostile and rocket fire into -- from israel into gaza. they are trying to keep that under control. to me, having seen what the effects of life of their with people having more dantes and horses because they can't get fuel and parts to fix things, because there was a raw sewage in the streets and mechanic at the parts and we really never comment on that or if it is
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being done behind closed doors, we don't know about it. this kind of humanitarian crisis that is man-made is much harder for people to follow in many of our countries and you is going in and helping a tsunami that no one could prevent or an earthquake. i think it is critical. i think it would go very far not just to solve this problem but to give the people a sense of justice and recognition of the suffering they have endured for the past 60 years. it needs to go much further than it has and we need to stop talking about israelis and palestinians as if they are equal because they are not. [applause] we know that. that rings hollow every time when we talk about partners. the palestinians are under occupation and they do not have control under 85% of their lives. it is important language and what is used to be realistic and
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how we talk about this. we also know that americans of the politics and interest groups and the last, i would say is that sometimes some of us are excluded for sitting at the table because we are labeled at a certain way as extremists. when you look at it, the issue that we are targeting for is our position in support of the palestinian people not taking a position against israel. of hope that the state department department fence -- a defense is that they would say that we believe the table. this is how we get excluded from being part of the conversation which makes it harder to solve this problem. [applause] >> the department of defense as an institution is actually not involved deeply.
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that is a diplomatic wrangle. if the president says we need your support, in a sense, then obviously we give it. we're not the diplomatic corps. where the security support for whatever the diplomatic decisions are. >> we are told is a complex issue. in 1947, when the issue of the recognition of israel came about, the department of defense said the same thing. president truman acted decisively. if the president of united states demonstrates his political will and supports the body is that this country stands for and stents for the dignity and human rights of the palestinians, tomorrow there'll be a palestinian state. [applause] there is a lack of support and there is a double standard in terms of judging human like the palestinians and israelis. [applause]
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there are. this is partly because of the domestic politics. much of what the christian right has been saying and doing in the presence of israel is a god given right. is the culmination of their religious misogynism that jesus has to come and an order for jesus to come, the art -- the administration but that argument -- bought that argument. to say we are concerned, no, we are not showing concern for human dignity. that would otherwise show to live with that letter was other than palestinian. [applause] >> i don't want to minimize in any way the passions of your views. i accept the passion with which to speak in the subject. but i really do have to question
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the idea that this administration has not demonstrated decisive, passionate commitment to this issue. senator mitchell was appointed on the second day of this administration. secretary clinton's first trip overseas was about this issue. she went to ramullah and met to discuss this issue. this has been an everyday concern of this administration. we are working to support the creation of a palestinian state diplomatically. we are working to supported through our development assistance. we are working on the security side, helping the palestinian authority to build up a strong nonpartisan accountable human- rights support of the security force that can protect the palestinian people in their population centers and we work with the israelis so that when the palestinian forces are trained and capable, the israelis give them room to do
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their work. we do this every day. president truman in 1948, yes, recognized israel when it declared its independence. had he not done that, would that have prevented israel's creation? this president got into office and said that he wanted a two- state solution. does that mean that they can snap his fingers and make it happen? president truman could not do it. president obama cannot do it. we are doing what we can do. >> we can do more. [applause] we can do more in terms of recognizing the humanity of the palestinians. for 60 years, the world has allowed the population to suffer the worst kind of imprisonment in human history. [applause] secondly, if we call ourselves an honest broker, which we
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cannot be under the present circumstances, we can't because of social and religious factors, we have to be honest in that particular sense. honesty demands that we at least recognize the humanity and right of the palestinian people to live as dignified human beings with respect to their lives, their minds, their property, their families and their right to live. of these things we ever came forward in defense of these people in the last 60 years. rather, we stop to the relief agencies under the political threat that it originated from the state of israel. relief agencies to support the palestinians in those regions. and those people who supported those agencies, were branded as terrorists and unpatriotic. who are those people to call some patriotic? we defend america the same way as you defend and the same way
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bush defended para >> let me have layla weigh in on this. >> in the previous eight years, what we experienced was a difficult time for us. as muslims living in the united states living of american foreign policy, the huge change. although this administration is doing something different, it will take some time. hopefully, obama will have eight years because it will take at least that long. it is not some you can do quickly and if there's a real election cycle, and so forth. you have to take into account of what we have witnessed over time with lebanon, gossip, our own experiences as american-moslems, the kind of indecencies we have been exposed to as good, law- abiding american citizens for the period of time, has affected our community.
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even though you should give this administration credit, we have lived through a lot so far, not just the past eight years but the previous history, the 60 years that i visited refugee camps in lebanon. these are palestinians from 1948 and allies are no better than when they got there are this is a longstanding history. he cannot stop his fingers but we believe that more can be done because we have seen that when there is political will in the united states to mobilize american forces, what can be done when there is that will in washington. that is what we are asking for. that is a sentiment that you feel coming from a community of people who are not palestinian but who care about the decency and dignity and justice for this population that has suffered so much for such a long tunnel. [applause] >> thank you. i would like to thank you all
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for attending. i hope you enjoy the panel. i would like the bank the panelists. -- i would like to thank the panelists. what i get from this is a deep admiration and a deep love of the united states at its best, of its values. that is something we all agree on. there is at times disappointment when the nation does not live up to its belt use. -- its values. there is clearly room for criticism and improvements. i would encourage the department of defense and president obama to follow through on these policies in the moslem world and hopefully, we will see a two- state solution and will seek stella's -- palestine born before the president leaves office. again, thank you [applause]
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] [no audio] >> later this morning, a look at a report on paying for the war in afghanistan. also, the latest on the senate health care debate with senators john russell and mary lynch wrote. following that, a discussion on the future of conservatism with
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the president of the free congress foundation. later, the shores of the hopenow alliance on home disclosures -- foreclosures. later today, it looked at quinnipiac health care poll. >> cspan christmas day, a look at -- ahead of 2010 politics. a discussion on the roles of muslims in america and the world. later, a former cia intelligence officer on u.s. strategy against al qaeda in denniston and started at 8:00 p.m. eastern, remembering the lives of women -- william f. buckley jr. and senator ted kennedy.
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>> and now the annual christmas tree ceremony at the vietnam veterans memorial on the national mall. this portion of the event is about 20 minutes. >> is to recognize some of the people here today, especially want to thank everybody here from rolling thunder and a motorcycle community. they were here and they brought handwarmers. that shows the type of leadership we have with rolling thunder. we wanted to make our board member, john dibble, and then a hard-working volunteers that keep this in more up and running. the government was close touch with the vietnam veterans memorial was (and our volunteers opened the kiosk and we were open for business and the park service removed the snow. we want to thank the xerox today as well for our ceremony and giving us the money to have the ceremony.
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we want to welcome now major general khaled mckaig. he received his commission in 1981 through the georgia institute of technology, air force reserve or officer training corps. he began a military career as a civil engineering officer and served many assignments and major command headquarters all levels of the u.s. airports. in 1995, he entered the maryland air national guard and served on active duty as a civil engineer , his assignments included air force guard readiness center followed by legislative liaison tours at the office of the secretary of the air force and national guard bureau prior to his current assignment, he served as chief of staff at the national guard bureau.
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we are very glad to have him with us today. major general kelly mccaig, from the joint chiefs of staff. >> thank you. veterans, families, is a distinct honor to be with you today and on behalf of my boss, the chairman of joint chiefs of staff, admiral michael mullen, i am deeply honored to be here at this important event. the fact that it comes on the heels of the largest snowstorm this city has ever experienced is a testament to how much more special this event is. it is fitting that we gather up the wall to dedicate a christmas tree and cards that our next generation of patriots from across the land have been made for this occasion. as these school children have so
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aptly help commemorate christmas for our be among veterans, i recall two christmases that my father spent in vietnam while i was in elementary school in hawaii. an enlisted soldier and member of the 25th infantry division, my dad was assigned in 1965 and came in in 1969. like the other holidays of the special season, christmas is a time when americans cherish per as it enables more focus on our families and friends. being a nation at war, we can also dwelt on the soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen, and coastguardsman who served in harm's way throughout the special season. this moral speech to us and as a tangible reminder of traditional body is like serving a greater good, remained steadfast, and caring for one another. as we look at this noble wall we see the names of those americans who fought in battle far from
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home. the over 58,000 names whose testament are at the marble tells a story and the count of selfless service and the ultimate sacrifice. from the early battles in 1965, the tet offensive in 1968, the vietnam veterans served as heroically and this nation can never forget. a america could not believe more proud of you. >> our nation honors the courage, sacrifice, and devotion to duty and country of its vietnam veterans. we should be especially mindful this holiday season of those families who have one less charitable, having lost a loved one fighting for our liberty. there are veterans we should remember who have no share at
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all much less a home in which to keep it. in both cases this holiday season becomes particularly poignant. we must do what we can to ease their burdens. at a minimum, i ask you to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. please also remember the tens of thousands serving abroad. these brave and men and women are not required to pick up arms. they do so as volunteers. not because they enjoy a danger or killing or sacrifice but rather in spite of those things. the sacrifices our troops are making today are as yours were the priceless gift one can give this nation. as we decorated christmas tree and continue this time-honored tradition of the vietnam war veterans memorial fund, to all our military veterans and their families, past and present, thank you for your selfless service. you are true americans and for that i salute you.
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i wish for a blessed christmas to each of you and your families and may god continue to bless our great nation. [applause] >> we also want to have a couple of words from my fellow who drove all the way from philadelphia, pa., mr. ron edgington, who brought this christmas tree and decided he would make this happen at a time when yester day we were wondering if the event would happen. he said we would make this happen. tell us the story of this trade and the efforts you have made. >> the story is short and sweet. i have had the honor for the last few years to partner with a fellow who is not here today. he is a fellow veteran and we got the job of securing a tree and bring it down here. from pennsylvania.
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this particular one came from the polka nos. i wanted -- poconos. çóthis is an honor. i intend to do this until i am not able any more. we don't want to lose sight of the fact that it is not about me or us, it does about the names on wall back of us and it is about those who are serving today. i am very proud to be here and it is a tribute to every person that is here to brave the weather and to be here year after year. i hope to see everybody next year. thank you very much. [applause] >> at this time, we are going to have everyone here read one of these christmas cards. they have been sent to us from many schools throughout the united states. it is an amazing thing.
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by the way, we have sent over 7000 of these christmas cards to soldiers, airmen, marines, navy personnel who were actually in afghanistan and in iraq. they will have them for christmas. we apartment with a nonprofit company called operation gratitude who puts together care packages for service members. we get thousands of cars here and the schools that brought these cards today include amin elementary school in fort worth, texas, and arundel schools in maryland. schools in bedford, texas, crossroads academy, in elizabethtown, ky, the elcajon high school in california, rural
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retreat middle school in virginia, and the gratuitous school in kingsville, texas, the south euless middle school in texas. i am going to be one of these cards and i will invite the others to read them as well. here is a nice car from some kids in texas, actually">> happy holidays, that you were working our for our country, we appreciate and you'll be in our hearts this season. i drew an octopus for you because i love them and i am not good at drawing anything else." at this time we will have major general mccaig read his
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christmas card. >> this is a card from alcohol and high-school. she writes"happy holidays to all the men and women who are serving here or overseas. thank you for saving our country." that is a beautiful car. thank you. >> any particular order for this tax this is from all of the aarons. i have no idea what school she goes to paris " i hope you have a wonderful christmas and new year's. merry christmas to all the fallen." >> the lady who read this is a registered nurse from the state of michigan.
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"blessings upon you. i worked in the va hospital in michigan in the early 1970's. our patients were just beginning to return from vietnam. i wore my nia bracelet for six years. i continued to pray for that person. i learned early on to value you and your fellow veterans. i will always be grateful. sincerely, i lean aren." >> this is left by a daughter in honor of her father. "the true testament of a life well lived is the love you leave behind. remember with love" >> this card was designed and written by ariel pool, from oklahoma high school in el
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cajon, california. "i support you in every way possible. merry christmas to all the families of loss soldiers prepared and will always be remembered. happy holidays to all and happy new year's. yours truly, ariel poole." >> this card is merry christmas on one side and as a picture of private first class anthony mccormick, the class of 2008 from alcohol and ballet. he is evidently now serving in iraq. "merry christmas, i get many many thanks to all the men and women in our country that fought for our american freedom. you guys of the bravest people and have such an amazing hearts. not only do you guys think of yourself but for all of the others in our nation.
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i know for a fact that when i eat it the proper age, i am going to be standing in your spot supporting our country and fighting for our rights. i love you all very much and i wish you all at mary, mary christmas and much luck to everything that comes a headed your life. " this is from mrs. bogart's geography class in el cajon high school. >> from monica avila. " is an honor to wish you a happy new year and merry christmas. thank you for trying to save our country and for us to be in peace. we all appreciate your bravery and honesty to keep yourself and your honor of. thank you. " >> this was written by solly
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jones of climax, georgia. "dear vietnam veterans, is with honor that i wish to a blessed policies in an ungrateful for all you veterans. and for service to our country so we can all be saved. i will never forget you veterans. i lost my son from loans overseas. he did not die over there but at home. god bless." >> this is a message from diana gutenberg in south carolina. "we set up the vietnam war memorial and thank you and god bless you this policies and." >> this is from jasmine ariola in fort worth, texas.
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"i am a student from carter riverside high school, in fort worth, texas. i want to thank you for defending our country. hopefully, the fighting ends best so you can go back home with the people you love. i wanted to know that i am so proud of you, jasmine." >> this is a card from misha lopez at alcohol and ballot by school. >> for all the men and women fighting for our country, do not forget your appreciated day-by- day and i wish you a merry christmas and happy new year. " " >> we are going to take the christmas tree down to the vietnam veterans memorial and once there, we will put these little messages on it. the trade barriers, at this time can -- the tree bearers can
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assemble for the sacred bearing of the tree. [no audio]
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[no audio] [no audio] [no audio]
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[no audio] >> goleta this morning, a look at a report on paying for the war in afghanistan and with their representative for the center of american progress. also the latest on the senate health care debate. following that, a discussion on the future of conservatism with the president of the free congress foundation. later, they'd schwartz of the hopenow alliance on home disclosures. "washington journal"is likely this morning at 7:00 a.m. -- 7:00 a.m. on c-span. later today, a look at the clinic be at university latest opinion survey on health care. live coverage from the national press club at 10:00 a.m. eastern, here on c-span. >> cspan, christmas day, a look
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ahead to 2010 politics. buzz aldrin and fellow astronauts on the legacy of apollo levin, a discussion on the role of muslims in america and the world, later, a former cia intelligence officer on u.s. strategy against al qaeda in afghanistan. starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern, remembering the lots of william f. buckley jr. and senator ted kennedy. all next week, a rare glimpse into america's highest court threw unprecedented conversations with 10 supreme court justices about the court, there were, and the history of the iconic supreme court building. five days of interviews with supreme court justices starting next monday at 8:00 p.m., eastern on c-span. >> early monday morning, the u.s. senate voted 60-40 to limit debate on a key amendment to the health-care bill. now remarks from senate majority leader harry reid and we will
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hear from the president elect of the american medical association as he announces his support for the senate bill. this briefing is a little over 20 minutes. we step closer than ever for giving every american to leading a healthier life. we've never been closer to fixing the broken health care system. we are not over the past one but we would have never gotten this far without the support of doctors, nurses, medical professionals who know we need action, not excuses anymore for excuses will not work. this legislation is not about politics or partisanship or some poll that appears in some newspaper of the country for the
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legislation is about people. our guest today, dr. cecil wilson, president-elect of the american medical association, knows this better than anyone. he sees patients. patients come to him or are there to find out if there are things he can do to help them. he feels that every day. kdr. wilson must have a distinguished service record and he does. we appreciate his support not only as a doctor of medicine but his contributions to the military where he was a flight surgeon. for us to get the support of the american medical association is really important and really
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makes those who have worked on this so long had a little bit of humility. , in fact a lot of humility. in the last several days we have sit receive report -- support from several other organizations. the heart association, the american diabetes association, the american hospital association, the federation of american hospitals, the american cancer society, aarp, noticed a pronounced correctly today. each of these organizations know the cost of inaction is too high. our bill will bring needed relief to millions and millions of americans who wake up every day without health insurance or wake up every day afraid they will lose their health insurance. liken(ñ those in the medical fi, our responsibility is to care for all people, not just those who are fortunate.
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that is what this historic reform fixes. it starts to break down the wall between a class of americans who can afford to stay clear -- stay healthy and others who cannot. americans are dying from diseases we know how to treat, living in pain because it is too expensive to ease. you hear us talk about this a lot and have la every day, docts see this. they don't talk about it. they see it. they know the bill will soon be sent to the president and will save lives, save money, and extend medicare for 10 years and basically said medicare. doctor? >> well, thank you, senator reid
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and bank you all for joining us today. i am cecil wilson, the president-elect of the american medical association and an internist in florida. i flew into the washington snowstorm because the message i have to communicate with you today is of critical importance to the nation's physicians and to the patients we dedicate our life to caring for. after a close and careful review, the ama is pleased to announce his support for passage of the amended health care reform bill. the senate bill includes a number of key benefits for meaningful reform. it will include improvements in choice and access and affordable health care insurance. eliminates the denials based on pre-existing disease conditions.
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it will get rid of lifetime limits on health care coverage as well as higher premiums based on medical conditions or gender.3 these are important benefits for those who have insurance now and for those who want but have been unable to get it. america has the best -- best health-care system in the world if you can get it. but for far too many people, access to care is out of reach because they lack insurance and this is just not acceptable to positions who have had high quality care in fragmented system that does not work for them or their patients. this bill will increase coverage for preventive and well as care that can lead to better disease management and prevention. it will further the development of research that can help patients and physicians compare
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treatments and make better- informed medical decisions. it authorizes grants to test alternative medical liability reform to show promise in benefiting patients and reducing the impact of preventive medicine. over the past few weeks, the ama communicated closely with the senate over items we support and items of concern. we're pleased that the amendment addresses several issues. for example, the bill increases payments to primary care physicians and general servants -- surgeon's in underserved areas while no longer cutting payments to other physicians. it eliminates the tax on physician services for cosmetic surgery and drops the proposed physician fee for medicare. passage of the patient protection by the senate will bring us close to the finish line on health .
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there is still work to do and the ama will continue to stay actively engaged throughout the process to further improve the final bill for patients and physicians. we will work to resolve issues of concern to positions such as the creation of a medicare payment board, quality improvement, and medicare data release initiatives. in addition, positions and advocates for baby boomers gelles seniors, and military families have been engaged in efforts to fix the broken medicare physician payment formula that threatens access to care. we commend senator reid as senator baucus for keeping the focus on a solution to this problem. and we will continue to work closely with them to get that solution. the ama is committed to health system reform that improves the system of patients and the
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positions to take care of them and we are pleased to be able to support passage of the amended senate system reform bill. thank you. >> thank-you. this is an historic moment, not only because of the legislation, but also because of the statement we just heard. there are many organizations endorsing this legislation simply because they know it is the right thing to do for america. hospitals know that. hospice, home health, pharmaceutical industry, they all know this is good for our country. it is also historic because here is another endorsement by the american medical association. that is important to me that they are not opposing the legislation but supports it.
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they are supported in a way where they want to keep working with the senate on issues that concern them. you mentioned the payment provisions for doctors. also the medicare commission was mentioned. that attitude of saying yes, this is good for the country but yes, they want to keep working with us. that attitude of working together and try to find a common solution which means so much to me. this that is not found in the senate and the last couple of weeks. this is especially important to hear an endorsement from doctors. after all, it is doctors to spend more time with patients than any other group. they know what is needed.
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they know the problems of insurance companies denying payment. they know it is wrong that a person cannot get insurance coverage because of a pre- existing condition. they also know it is wrong for insurance companies to rescind the policy based on some minor, frivolous health condition. dr. wilson also mentioned the importance of eliminating annual limits and lifetime limit on benefits. doctors know. doctors see patients and work with patients. dr. wilson's statement include all the reasons why many of us have given in the past year explaining why health care reform is so vitally important. is important because of the legislation but the american medical association has always taken a positive stance.
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it is honest to say we have issues to work with it is encouraging the want to work with them. thank you very much. >> thank you. let me underscore the point made by senator breed and max baucus and dr. will support a suspect that if you could only have one organization or group people to support this bill, the choice we would probably make is the one you are hearing today. while it is important to have other organizations be supported, there is up more fundamental than the relationship between a patient and their doctor. that is at the most fundamental level. whether or not you have access to that doctor and the resources to compensate that dr. for their services. all the organizations and individual groups that have supported this bill, i read this one as the most important
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because it speaks to that relationship between patients and doctors. there are a number of provisions in this bill. some have been articulated. one provision that senator tom harkin and i've worked on and that senator kennedy cared deeply about was making it possible for young men and women who desire to become a physician be able to do so by reducing the term as costs. the scholarships, the grants, the loans in this bill make it possible for us to increase the work force. some estimates are more than 16,000 primary care positions are needed with the expansion of 31 million people who will now have health care. as we expand the people who have the coverage, the positions will groper the ability of young men and women who have a strong ambition to be a health-care provider needs to be more accessible and less costly. one of the major provisions was designed to do just that.
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on behalf of my colleagues on the health committee, particularly central park in and senator mikulski, senator murray, but typically those who worked on the work force issues, this is an important moment. we are proud of the ama this will make a huge difference in our country. >> dr. wilson, thank you very much for being here ensure greater enforcement of this bill. some of you may know that i was a naval aviator back in the 1960's. we always had naval flight surgeons that took a good care of a separate item of that dr. wilson is a former naval flight surgeon. we serve in the same area of operations in the 1960's. we didn't know each other but with serving the same area. when i found that out, i knew we were in good [laughter] nolan knows america's health- care system better than doctors production of the predicament of tens of millions of americans without health insurance.
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they know the predicament of patients who have coverage of their health insurance company refused to pay for procedures or they cancel the policy after they get sick. they know the lives and money that could be saved if we invested more generously and wilmas and disease prevention. i thank you dr. wilson for pointing that out. i welcome the support of the american medical association. america's doctors have sized up are broken health care system and their prescription for a cure is to pass the patient protection and affordable care act. i want to emphasize that this bill will enhance the doctor- patient relationship in many ways. for example, by cracking down on health insurance company abuses, we will reduce the opportunities for "corporate bureaucrats to come between the doctor and the patients. this bill will reduce administrative requirements and
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paperwork, freeing up doctors to practice medicine and focus on their positions rather than on paper work. this bill will significantly increase the number of primary care doctors, especially in rural areas and other underserved communities. we do this by greatly expanding the presence of community health centers and increasing investment in the national health services. we create a rural health care professional pipeline which gives increased training opportunities to help professionals working in rural areas. i cannot emphasize enough how revolutionary it will be to transition from our current sick-care system to a health care system, one that focuses on preventing chronic diseases and keeping people out of hospital in the first place. that is what doctors want to do. they want to help -- help people stay healthy. these preventive services will be paid for. again, i welcome the amaiñ
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support. america's doctors have made the right diagnosis and have offered the right prescription to pass the health care reform bill. we will take a few questions. >> you cited a bunch of associations backing legislation republicans say you do not have the support of the public. two hours ago, michael still accused democrats looking the bird at the american people. do you worry about political fallout? >> i am more worried about an example being set by party leader would something so obscene. i think that is something people should worry about. if you look at delay morning polls today, some polls say that the support of this bill is up 10% overnight for the american people, once they at the intermission, will total support this bill. the good example i get on the floor last night.
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a doctor in nevada -- a patient in the bottle was born with legs all all in above the knees. this is about positions taken care of a little girl like that. i am disappointed that someone with a title that mr. steele has would be so crass and set such a terrible example of the youth of this country. >> could you address the concerns that the bill is chock full of pep projects for some of you standing up there? that were designed to benefit your states and to get the votes of waverly democrats? -- wavering democrats? >> i am happy to respond to
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this. we just completed a bill, $600 billion for the defense of this country. you all know how difficult it was to pass that bill. one way we were able to do that is we had to do a number of different compromises. as you know, that dealt with extending a safety net, food stamps, we could not put the child tax credit because senators did not want the poor that is what legislation is all about. it is the art of compromise. in this great country of ours, nevada has many different problems than in new hampshire. michigan has many different problems than those georgia. we have wide range of different needs throughout regions of this country. some of those are health care delivery problems and others are because of the autumn, the situation.
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this legislation is no different than the defense bill with just pass. we spent $600 billion on this. it is no different than other pieces of legislation, small pieces of large pieces. we were to compromise. there are 100 senators hear it i don't know if there is a senator but does not have something in this bill that was important to if they do not have something in it important to them, then it does not speak well of them. that is what this legislation is all about, the art of compromise. >> talking about the grant program for education, there are roughly 14 states that would qualify, connecticut is one one. it is a grant determined by the secretary of human services. competitive if the states decide to compete, they will get them. this does not involve just my
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state by state is interested in a proposal for reconstructing the john dempsey medical center at the university of connecticut. i crept the language and read it in such a way that it would include far more than just my state. you'd make a competitive and we but -- would be determined by the secretary. >> one more question? >> can you talk about the situation had to conference with the house now that this heads -- seems likely for passage. >> we have to pass this bill and the senate first for that is our direction. that is our guiding light. we will board about the next step at a later time. we're going to finish this bill before christmas. we are committed to doing that. we will worry about the next steps at a later time right now, we're focused on what we will do this week. >> can you explain why it is
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important for nebraska to get coverage of medicaid paid for by the federal government? >> let me just say this -- medicaid is a difficult issue. you will see in this bill different treatments of medicaid. for the same reason i said earlier, nevada has -- we probably have the lowest health insurance at stake in the country. we have needs that applies to do not have. xdwe have problems dealing with primary care physicians. we have problems with medicaid because the low contribution rate we have. we could go through this bill and talk about individual things for individual senators prayed we have a bill and we're
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happy with the bel pre >> don't forget, medicaid is a grant program. it is up to states to design their own program for a different states have different designations. other states don't cover certain things. some states have gone further as far as minimums. each state is a lot different and in the interest of fairness and balance and equity, it makes sense to have this legislation even out the inequities that have occurred over time. >> thank you, everybody. doctor, thank you very much [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2009] >> but the senate mammy's to vote on cloture before they can move to fighter -- final passage for the next procedural vote is expected this margaret was live coverage beginning at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span 2.
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this month, the senate has continued work of a health-care bill and here is that you can tell the debate. watch it live only on c-span 2. listen to pilots on cspan radio and review the debate at our healthcare hub . complete video archives exist on the bill and briefings from leadership and other key senators and delays from reporters and editors of congressional quarterly roll call. you can also follow the health care debate with the new cspan radio iphone application. it is free and you listen to all the ccspan stations. >> all next week, a rare glimpse into america's highest court for unprecedented on the record conversations with 10 supreme court justices about the court, their work, and the history of the iconic supreme
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court building. this starts next monday at 8:00 on c-span. >> coming up next on "washington journal." >> this morning, i look at how to pay for the war in afghanistan. also the latest on the health- care debate late. a discussion on


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