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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  January 12, 2010 2:00am-6:00am EST

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he could not walk alone in his journey. in that moment, he asked for help from his spiritual advisor, his chaplain, his family, his therapist and the american people. this intervention helped put his life back on the road to recovery. it also became his building block for understanding the inner wounds of war and for ensuring that mental health advocates understand their responsibility to leave no one behind on the field of battle. major polito. [applause] >> thank you all very much.
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when i hear that introduction, i've got to tell you that i get emotional. one of the reasons that i get emotional is because when i got one of my blood transfusions, i think i got a little female blood in me, and now i cry all the time. [laughter] wow. just to hear that is incredible to me. first of all, on behalf of all of those that have served our nation, i want to take this time to thank you, those individuals that are here today, and those individuals that are back home all over this great nation, to tell you thank you for the support that you have given me in my road to recovery. in my road to recovery. i know sometimes you may not hear that. you are going to hear it from me. one of the things that is so important that as i faced those dark days at brooke army medical center, on october 1, 2004, when
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my leg was taken away, how sad it was that i sat in that hospital bed, not knowing what was happening to me, mentally, learning how to deal with the physical challenges and what was going on, and no wings that i needed you -- and knowing that i needed you in my recovery. i thought about the fact that -- most people say, if it -- if anybody can get through this, is major ed pulido. but those hidden wounds were the ones that would cripple me during a period of time that i just not did not -- that i did not understand. the key moment that i want to tell you that was so inspiring to me when i sat there in that dark place, was the fact that i
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needed you to support me. you see, as i said at brooke army medical center, i did not know how i was coined to provide for my family, and that for me was the hardest thing that i struggled with during this journey. when they took my leg, they took so much away, but i also knew that with the help of those service members who had gone before, and those individuals that had made our country what it is today and their service to this nation, that they would get me through those dark days and dark hours and make me who i am today. and for that, i think all of you for what you're doing. suicide for me is something that i faced and i had to talk about it, and it was there -- and it was my therapist, george, and my
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chaplain that were the instrumental figures in giving me my life back. so as i begin my presentation, i want to narrate my story to you and tell you that this is one of many stores, but i want to show you how important your support is in making our lives to a successful as we come back from war and we become civilians and we learned that our lives have changed, but in the way they have changed for the better. i would have to begin by talking about what has made this country what it is today. for me, it is about winning. it is about having the service members being a part of a courageous group of people, and honoring our veterans and our service members every time we get an opportunity. they're the ones that provide the freedom, they have -- they are the ones that have inspired me, and they are the ones that
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we must truly honored each and every day. how great it is that our nation has been one of service, of giving back, and at times we have made mistakes, but one thing is clear -- in this day an era, one thing i have learned from our vietnam vets is that we will not make those same mistakes again. and this is a prime example of what it is all about -- making sure that the mistakes we made in the past we will not make in the future, and together we can bring change in regard to and how we take care of our service men and women. and i can tell you that this is such a great phonation, and i live in an era where you will remember me and you will honor my sacrifice and help me through recovery. and the thing -- [applause]
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thank you. and the thing that is so important, as we serve our nation and as we understand freedom's sacrifice, the reason that i showed you those pictures was because it is so important for me bad as i retired from the military, to have a continued connection. because what happened to me is that at times i lay at brooke army medical center, i am going to be retired, i am going to be out of the military, and i am going to be forgotten. and it was exactly the opposite. that is not what happened. and because of the freedoms and the sacrifices that we have endured, i began my story of what i call challenge, triumph, and change. the challenges sitting on the battlefield almost losing my life. trial is taking the first up after -- triumph is taking the
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first half after my reputation. and change is learning that with the right support system in place, i could truly a tree greatness. my story starts on january 27, 2003. after serving 14 years on active and reserve status, i got called up to basically train the new iraqi army. one thing that i understood was that when we go into war, we go as a joint force. and how great it is that i see my fellow brothers and sisters in this room wearing that great uniform, and knowing that as much as i miss it, i could still do my part. and whether we have the army with us, the marines, the air force, the navy, coast guard -- all of us working in that joint environment to ensure that we have the freedoms of this great nation and that we give freedom
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to nations all over this world. one thing is clear -- our service members know how to stick together and know how to work together as a team. in that joint environment, you may find obstacles on the battlefield that will impede may be our progress for just a little bit, or those pictures of war and what it looks like. and the reason i show these to the american people is not to glorify this but to say that these are the physical ones that our members come back with. these are the images that they come back with. and whether it is anxiety disorder, depression, hyper vigilance, all of this is clear that when you see these things on the battlefield, at times you bring them back home. and that is one thing that happens to all of us, where the shock and awe of the mission to the tranquillity of what it looks like in baghdad to what we
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were able to provide for me specifically and those that have served our nation in this great room, whether you have been in this theater of operation or not, one thing for me that was so satisfying is that we gave the iraqi people their freedom. as i embarked on this mission, i also understood that the people on the ground would also be those individuals that we would begin to develop relationships with. of what may happen to them, those images are forced to live with you each and every day. but also knowing that while we were doing was truly a valuable mission, and whether our politicians did what they are going to do, for us it was about winning and making sure that we accomplished the mission on the ground. and so as we stayed away from
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the political climate, our job was to provide that support so that they could control their own country and their run destiny and their own future. one thing for me that is very inspiring is that i understand the value of our non- commissioned officers. they are the reason that i will do the work that i did today. they are the ones that saved my life on that day. i am honored to tell you that because of their work, i am successful because i know i have a goal, and that is to take care of them and not leave them behind on the field of battle. it was my father who asked me to really think about joining the military. the thing that he said to me, a vietnam-era individual, of course, is that you never leave anybody behind in the field of
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battle. and that is the way that i understand our ngos in the military -- are in ceo's -- nco's in the military. on an ordinary day come monday would change forever. in and ied, which is called a roadside bomb, or improvised explosive device. this is one of our vehicles coming into them picture and what it means to be attacked by the enemy. [explosion] that is what it looks like to be hit by an ied. on that day, i face the challenges -- i faced the challenges that would change my life forever. i got ambushed.
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and it was so great that those noncommissioned officers on that day took charge of the situation, secure the perimeter, it got me out of that situation alive, and rendered aid to me. as i sat down at ground on the 103 degree pavement at about 4:00 in the afternoon, the ied having shattered my leg, i had once across the left side of my body. they pulled me out and laid me down. the first thing that 24-year-old said to me was, major, you are hurt bad. by the way, don't ever tell the patient that. [laughter] but for me on that particular time, the only thing i could think about was my little girl. i thought about it if i died on this day, i am never going to see her again. i would hope that you, the
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american people, would take care of her. and now that you would. they put me on that helicopter 47 minutes later. i arrived in baghdad for 17 hours of surgery. i got awarded the purple heart by general petreaus. let me tell you the most important thing that happened on that day. our leader called my family and told them that i would be ok. that is what it is all about. as i embarked on that mission -- people from baghdad to germany to walter reed medical center. i would end up going to brooke army medical center and spending almost 40 days in icu, a total of 18 surgeries, and this is when i felt suicidal. i want to show you this video, because this is what i look like right after this. >> ed pulido leans on two seeder
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sticks. he will spend the rest of his life leaning on his white. nine weeks ago, of bomb exploded. >> it is hard to talk about. i could see through my leg. >> he nearly bled to death, and during the next six weeks, if he wanted to live, he had one wanted to live, he had one ch i lost a leg, but that is nothing compared to losing my life. >> now on man who once trained iraqi soldiers in 130 degree heat can barely carry a lunch tray at a restaurant. unbearable he says.
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sometimes he can still feel his missing a leg. it will hurt. >> he said his foot was pitching, and i can reach down on a hospital bed, and i said, is that better. i scratched his foot. >> you are going to give him a new foot? at target panama -- at target? >> it is a smile that can make the purple heart miss a beat. >> she tells me everything is going to be all right. daddy, do not cry. and i tell her, i cannot help it. >> he is saying san antonio. that is where they are driving dead to be fitted with a prosthetic leg. >> it is -- driving dad to be
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fitted with a prosthetic leg, and he will learn to walk again. with two of his most important crutches -- his curls. >> wearing that uniform is one thing i will really miss. >> i wanted to show you part of that video, that was said this -- suicidal ideation for me. it was dark and very troublesome. but it was the american people and the support of the american people that it has helped me, that had given so much for our freedom. they really were the inspirational figures in getting me through that situation. and you have to collect it. one thing was clear that they taught me is that there would be some outlets for me to regain my recovery back. i went snow skiing and actually got a chance to play with the
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peril of the cocky teen -- their olympic hockey team. it was great to be around these individuals and knowing what my next that in life was. i want to talk through what that meant for me. one thing was clear -- i had my god with me, my family, my community, and in order to continue to give the bacback i d up with a commander, and a way for us to give back to those who served our nation, we decided to work and embark on a foundation that would provide scholarships. how great it is that we can honor their memory, educate those individuals that have sacrificed so much for our
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freedom, and understand that we cannot do it alone. the government cannot do it alone. it takes a community, and it takes everyone coming together to make a difference in the lives of all of those who served. and by bringing these key partners to bear, what we're doing is changing lives, working with the va, working with dod, and so many people did get these individuals out of the golf courses to do the things that they can be inspired to do. mental health recovery is possible because we are able to provide this. my time has been cut short ta today, but i can tell us that our service members have given so much. you are here to provide that support to them. it was interesting because i must tell you that when i was at brooke army medical center, it was general peter pace, the
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former joint chiefs, who was my inspiration that at a moment time when it was so dark in that hospital room, and i will always remember what he said to me. he said, "major, always remember that on that day you did not lose your leg. on that day you sacrificed it for your country and for everyone in this nation to be free." today we're here to make sure that when our members come back, that we do not leave them behind for it "would you sacrifice? would you sacrifice your time, your energy, and i ask you to do that, but i also ask you to make a difference in the lives of those that had given the ultimate sacrifice. the last thing i will tell you tis thank you. god bless this great nation. and i salute you.
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[applause] >> listen gillan, please welcome the chief medical officer for veterans affairs. -- ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the chief medical officer for veterans affairs. >> good morning. it is a deep honor and gives me great pleasure to introduce the guest speaker. a 1965 graduate of west point, secretary shinseki completed 38 years of uniformed services in the u.s. army, including two
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combat tours in the republic of vietnam, and served as the army's chief of staff from 1999- 2003. secretaries shinseki became this secretary of veterans affairs in 2009. ladies and showman, secretary of veterans affairs eric shinseki. >> thank you all very much. they're kind and a very warm welcome. they give for that introduction. short is always best. i am honored to be here. secretary embrey, good to see you. general sutton, great to see you as well.
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fellow veterans, other distinguished guests, welcome. let me thank secretary gates for hosting this very important conference on suicide prevention. and then for having the great generosity to allow ba to partner with dod -- va to partner with end. i like to thank ellen embrey for all the work that she is done for so many years strengthening the military health-care system. alan and i overlapped this week as i was finishing my time in the army, the early days of iraq and afghanistan, and it is great to see where you have taken all this. the very best to you and thank you for your leadership in your service. i appreciate this opportunity to address your conference. throughout my years in service
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in uniform, suicides were one of the most frustrating challenges i face. as i ask mostly of myself but others from time to time, why do we know so much about suicides but so little about how to prevent them? why do we know so much about suicides and still know so little about how to prevent them? a simple question, but we continue to be challenged, and for that reason i congratulate secretary henry and general sutton as well as my people, and others who are here, for the wisdom of this conference and for their efforts to address the serious problems related to -- and i am speaking of the noncommissioned here -- related to the loss of self-worth and self-esteem and how such
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fragility can lead to acts of self destruction. of the more than 30,000 suicides in this country each year, fully 20% of them are acts by veterans. that means on average, 18 veterans commit suicide each day. five of those veterans are under our care at va. so losing five veterans who are in treatment every month and then not having a shot at the other 13 who for some reason have not come under our care, means that we have a lot of work to do. who is vulnerable? everyone. young and old, al gore and reserved, male, female, officer, and listed, me included. will your suffer emotional ones just as they suffer physical
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ones. -- warriors' suffer emotional wounds justice they suffer physical ones. i am preaching to the choir here. emotional injuries do not lend themselves to physical fixes, but we must continued to -- one of those splints and patches to help us with the emotionally and mentally injured? when a lot of the causes of suicide, from physiological three dispatchers -- physiological predisposition to those "dear john" letters. recreating the last 721096 hours of a soldier's life was so instructed. where did they go, what was
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said, what did they do it? a case study usually revealed of multiplicity of signals regarding the individuals intent. company makes, friends, and other units, spouses, significant others, barkeeper's downtown, friends and family back home, all were gifted with a piece of the puzzle. and not until all the pieces were collected, and usually in aftermath, was the picture completed and signaling what was quite clear. you know that and i know that. the issue is, how do we get better at this? this audience of health care providers, counselors, researchers, and community partners constitutes in military parlance -- i did i get to use it anymore but in your parlance -- our main attack against suicides. you are the experts. you dispense help and hope to
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those who see themselves as helpless and without hope. i do not think anyone of us can do this alone. if we could, we would be further along. and all of us here today may still not be enough. as this case studies always informed, there are many other witnesses to the key indicators and pre-suicidal behavior. we are in this together to help the most vulnerable of our people, those in uniform and the veterans who come to us. and as is true of most organized team activities, it is usually better to be on offense than defense. it was about act, react, and counterattack. we tried never to take that first that of acting without knowing what we were going to do in that third step, when counter
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action was required. that is usually the way that actions go. act, react, counteract. we must build and maintain a strong support system, one in which everyone has a role, where we collectively assume ownership of the problem. it is not someone else's problem. it is our problem. it does not matter whether there is a uniform or not. it is our problem. we own id. i think the sense of ownership is a critical aspect of the solution. it increases the level of awareness throughout our communities. and in this regard, the military services probably have the edge in compelling ownership by virtue of their highly structured responsibility for reporting and accountability. i used to recall that, and that is what this case studies were about.
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everyone knows -- everyone knew who owned the issue. it used to be that studies were done to pinpoint roots causes. unit buddies, family members, friends, in a manner of hours, the last hours of someone's life were recreated as best we co all too often on the pieces to the question why, it became clear those warning signs were there, always there, but missed or not to acknowledge for fear of interfering with someone's privacy. that was my experience. to counteract the tendency, training programs like operation save birds participants to get involved -- urged people to get
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involved if they suspect someone is dead risk of suicide. speaking for my current role at the va, i think we need to do a little bit of that. we need to raise awareness of suicide indicators, and the array of social factors that can trigger them -- not just in our patients, but amongst our work force as well. how'd we foster the buddy system that is inherent culturally in everything military and apply it amongst the population of 7.5 million that is at once diffused, expansive, highly individualized, and expands an age bracket of 18 to 80 plus. i believe it can be done. it may be best in some veterans of groups. for instance, those pockets now
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clustered at colleges and universities across the country. i was just a florida and got a chance to speak to some students veterans' going to school under the new gi bill. they play pretty good football, but they have 10,000 veterans registered for school. talk about a population. them and my primary interest was talking to them about the journey that they were on. i said to them, you know you are all carrying package. immediately i got this pushed back at the table. great to see 20-year-old reacting to a 60-year-old comments. [laughter] you get that arm, the heisman.
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but we all do -- we all did. you came from a very structured environment where there were first sergeants and company commanders and detachments of supervisory people and now you are here and you're on your room. -- you're on your own. you see that we're all celebrating you being here on the first day of school but i am looking at graduation rates. if you do not graduate, there is no pay off for this program, so i am entirely interested in your graduation rates. and you are carrying baggage and you're going to have to transition through this. how many of you do your best work after midnight? you come awake about 1:00 in the morning in your powers of concentration seemed to better because you have been dozing in the early hours? maybe one hand went up.
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how many of you draw your shades in your room down to the windowsill? everyone of them, there is no gap of light. a couple of hands went up. how many of you have anger management problems? a couple of more hands. how many of you have to read the same paragraph three times before it begins to stick? just about every hand went up. [laughter] i said, welcome to the nfl. you are ok. it's just natural. it is a transition that you will have to go through. it will be helpful if you do it together, help each other. and by the way that youngster not making class, somebody figure out a way to get down the hall, kick him out of the bed, and get in the class.
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graduation -- that is where i am focused. the old ways of approaching -- approaching mental health and suicide prevention will not work as effectively for the youngsters of the new millennium. i am not sure what that means. but i hear that enough and so i repeat it for you. we are being attentive to that. they are different from those who came before, and i can tell you that as well. most were born a decade after the last shots were fired in vietnam. they had never used to dial telephone, never watched a black-and-white television, and if you gave them one of those old fashioned can openers, that would probably try weeding your garden. they've never known a world without cellphones, the internet, and is testing -- instant messaging. they talk and act fast because they grew up that way. and so we have to adjust.
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engaging them requires a new and different model. no longer a desk at an imposing government building but at coffeeshops and on the internet and to a public service announcements they sealed off -- see on a flat screen television or a web site transforming into a less formal, more open format requires greater collaboration, transparency, and in both our services and our service delivery. i am speaking of an environment where mental health issues in general are demystified, the stigmatized -- the stigmatized -- destimagized, or asking for help as a sign of courage, where there is high quality care, what -- where we
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identified those with highest risk and do something about it quickly, where emerging treatments and technologies coupled with new drugs advance the success of patient outcome. it is the outcome that we are after. where they do not feel ashamed by there are emotional problems. and where research is complementary and alternative treatments so that we may determine what of the safest and most effective in relieving suffering and restoring health. how does all that translate from theory into action? we take them to heart and -- in a institute of medicine's 2003 s study calling suicide i national imperative. that drives our overall program as well as the actions we have taken so far and the ones we will take in the future. it is had far-reaching effect for us the inside va.
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we have expanded our work force enormously, hiring more than 4000 new employees in the last three years, bringing our total mental health enrollment to about 19,000. 400 of them are dedicated solely to suicide prevention. each of our 153 medical centers and the largest of our 74 outpatient clinics now has a suicide prevention coordinator. it ensures that are at risk veterans receive counseling is a priority. we have extended our outreach to veterans, which in itself has significant life-saving potential pre part of that outreach effort can be seed in a nationwide advertising that some of you may have seen, the campaign on city buses and commuter stations, raising
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awareness about 24/7 suicide prevention lifelines. we have opened a center of excellence will help center in new york -- mental health center in new york, nice, warm, sunny new york. [laughter] there we felt this on testing intervention standards for suicide prevention. at our new research center in denver, we are studying the clinical and biological conditions that can lead to increased suicide risks. most notably in 2007, we dramatically improved our prevention program by launching a national suicide hot line. many of you probably know about this but for the few that may not, let me tell you that we partnered with hhs to strengthen our seamless/dod relationship. the opening message on the hot
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line welcomes both veterans and service members to access counselors and services. the counselors on the hot line are mental health professionals. they do not discriminate between uniformed and non-uniform, and neither do we. we introduced a chat room for this young degeneration designed to appeal to them. we must continue to leverage opportunities to access and intervene to save the lives of those in distress. after all, there is a standard protocol at every hospital for heart attack victims to come through the doors. there is an established protocol for what you do from the moment that that person walks through the door for it why should potential -- why should some potential suicide victims not be afforded the same thing?
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dr. janet kemp is the brain behind these initiatives. the partnership for public service presented its 2009 federal employees of the year award for anticipating the emotional toll was likely to come from all the stresses and a high risk environment that our young combat veterans have gone through. janet, once again, thanks to you. [applause] the people that owe you the biggest vote of thanks are the 5600 or so people who have called in. there are many more that have called in, but there 5600 of them who are in crisis, thinking
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about suicide, and interventions occurred and they are still with us today. they are the ones that really demonstrate what you have accomplished for less. -- for us. there is no clear-cut -- i have talked about all the things that were attempted. you will ask how we are doing, and my answer to you would be, we have only just begun. there is no clear-cut answer here. even as the issue of self destruction becomes more complex and changes, we have to adjust. our initiatives are new. we do not have enough hard evidence yet but we think we're headed in the right direction. we can take heart that some of the early emerging trends are encouraging and the data. we know, for example, that since the start, suicide rates have
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increased -- decreased and veterans that have come to less for health care. the five veterans that have -- that we lose, there are many more that are coming to us for treatment and are suicide rates who are under our care, those rates have come down. that is a good sign. and despite public perception to the contrary, we do not have any evidence for increased suicide rates among these veterans relative to the veteran population as a whole. where do we go from here? in large measure of this conference, it will help point the way. that is why you are here. deliberations will provide direction for strengthening our current programs and for helping us understand what new programs may be necessary, new programs that are innovative, forward
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leaning, and with the community base that we operate. the real heroes are those out there in the community that touch our people, and yours and mine, every day. in conjunction with conference of the faculty and staff, you would give us the benefit of your knowledge and experience in confronting suicide. suicide risk, and leveraging its prevention. i know that by sharing this, both departments, both defense and va, stand to be better positioned to aid the men and women who are struggling to regain the courage to live. struggling to regain the courage to live. and so i am honored to be here and privilege to share this opportunity with ellen embrey in opening today's conference. you have an important and ambitious agenda before you. thanks to all of you for
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participating. did you for having me here and my great respect -- thank you for having me here and my great respect for the previous speaker. i caught the tail end of his presentation. god bless each of you and each of you who has served our nation, and may god continue to bless our wonderful country. thank you all very much. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> on tomorrow morning's "washington journal" an update on congress. after that, former republican party chairman ed gillespie and later, juan williams talks about race, politics, and the news.
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this starts each morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, and later in the morning, mitch mcconnell along with other gop senators talked to reporters about afghanistan, u.s. foreign policy, and the senate's agenda. that is live at 10:00 a.m. eastern. now the final debate for the open seat formerly held by ted kennedy. the candidates are scott brown and joseph kennedy. this event was held at done edward kennedy institute in boston. independent candidate joe kennedy is not related to senator ted kennedy, who died last summer. >> good evening. i want to welcome all of you to
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this closing debate among the candidates for next week's elections to the united states senate. tuesday will be a crucial time here in massachusetts. voters will go to the polls and select a person who may well determine the outcome of a long fight over health care legislation in washington. at stake it well is jobs, energy, the environment, abortion, the war's oversea. we have much to talk about. moreover, the candidates are seeking to fill a seat that is legendary in american politics. among the giants of the past, ted kennedy and his brother john, to henry cabot lodge, charge sumner, daniel webster, and john quincy adams. those are some shoes to fill. this debate is sponsored by the edward m. kennedy institute for the united states senate.
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where it gathered at the boston campus of the university of massachusetts, on whose land the kennedy institute will eventually be built. in an order determined by lottery, let me introduce the three candidates that are with us. scott brown, the republican candidate, is in his third term in the state senate welcoming -- representing the north folk district. martha coakley, the democratic candidate, was elected in 2006 after serving eight years as district attorney of middlesex county. joseph kennedy, no relation to the late senator, is an independent candidate who was a member of the national libertarian party pretty worse in information technology. in preparing questions, i consulted with members of the media and other peoples whose judgment i trust.
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the questions themselves are known only to me. to the audience, once again, hold your applause until the end. we will begin with a series of question to the candidate, leaving time for response in discussion. by lottery, the first question will go to mr. brown, and then as quickly -- ms coakley, and then mr. kennedy. let us begin. president obama and members in congress are now in final -- the final stage of having out a national health-care bill. there is a real possibility that the winner of this election will be in a position to ensure passage of the bill for its defeat. do you want voters in massachusetts to see next tuesday's vote on a referendum on this national health care bill? mr. brown? >> thank you and a pleasure to
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be here. i think the institute. i thank you for your question. the health care bill being proposed in washington is broken by the bad deal -- by the back room deals. we need to start over. we have health care here in massachusetts. 98% of our people are already insured. we have done it. we do not need what is being pushed in washington on massachusetts, spending $500 million on medicare? we know we need to reform and that is something we're going to be doing very shortly. to think that we need of one size fits all plan from congress, coming down here and hurting what we have? that is one of the differences between martha coakley and i. at a time when we just do not needed. i would propose going and allowing states to do this individually with the government
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incentivizing it. we can export what we have done and show them how to do it. i am looking forward to be the party -- the 41st vote and get that plan back to the drawing board. >> thank you for hosting us here this evening. i would be proud to be the 60th vote to make sure that we need health care reform that was so badly need. we have taken the lead here in massachusetts, and now we are attacking the cost to provide competition and transparency to bring the costs down. we spent $2.60 trillion on health care in this country. we do not get our money. we do not have transparent terry -- transparency in competition. we do not have the kind of health care that we need. senator kennedy said that it is the right and not a privilege. by doing it incrementally is the way that we're going to do it, and we will set the groundwork for the revolutionary way in which we provide coverage for
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those it cannot get coverage now, making sure that we keep costs down so that people can keep the health care that they have now. >> mr. kennedy. >> the health care bill is a travesty. as much as i would like to think that there's a 41st vote against that, the reality is that we're seeing of votes bought. every time is gone through, we have seen another person failed because they had been bought. issue is not who is going to vote down health care. it will be bought because of the politics as usual going on in washington did the question is, who is going to work to repeal it once it passes? we have an issue in government that it is too big. this bill will cost $1.20 trillion, so it is planning what that number means. our federal income tax is only
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$1.10 trillion. that means an 11% increase on everyone at minimum to pay for this bill. we cannot afford it, we should not do it. health care in massachusetts is going up rapidly and it will let the federal level as well. >> mr. brown. >> we have this in massachusetts. that is why people actually come here. not only is this bill going to be bad for our state, my job as the center of massachusetts is not going to be subsidizing. we will be subsidizing what other states have failed to do. .
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massachusetts will benefit with $500 million, closing the hole for seniors. it is a good plan for massachusetts very good >> it is a bad plan because it is going to hurt jobs when it is a bad time. we have a competing plan. if they have that in the fact, it is going to directly compete with the plans we already have. ensure we have fantastic plants here from the so-called plans that union members are getting, businesses,, -- down to the [unintelligible] we should not have to go to washington every time to get handouts. we should be able to fix the problems on our own and we can do that easily. >> can you promised the voters if you are elected you are a going to vote regardless of how
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it is changed? >> what i have said is i support the plan coming out of the senate. >> water becomes more restrictive? >> i would not vote for a plan that had stupak on it. >> you will only vote for the senate bill. >> it is not going to be a senate bill. the bill is going to be a compromise. regardless of what version comes out, this bill is not good for massachusetts. it will cost us jobs ant a time we cannot afford it. >> you said you are for health care reform, just not this bill. we know from the clinton experience that if this bill fails, it could be another 15 years before we see a health care reform effort began in washington. are you willing under those circumstances to say i'm going to be the person, i will sit by
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and teddy kennedy's see? >> it is not the kennedy seat or the democratic seat. they have a chance to send someone who is an independent voter and thinker and look out for the best interests of the people of massachusetts. i would like to send them back to that drawing board. people should have insurance. it is not good for the entire country. we're talking about an additional zero trillion dollars in costs and half a trillion -- if your a veteran you are having cuts in tricare. no one has confidence in this bill now. >> this morning the head of the afl-cio said that it would be a recipe for disaster if the final health care bill includes a tax on high-end insurance plans.
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what is in the senate bill. senator obama says he is for that hat -- tax on plans. where do you come down? >> the president said he thought there was room to determine what is going to be in this plan spread may be the broad -- the net could include a couple of toyotas. i do not agree with that and there are different ways we could pay for that plan. >> this is not about cars, it is about health care. the plans we're talking about here -- is going to be taxing those cadillac plans for those union members who have fought to get those plans. how are you going to pay for this? cutting half a trillion dollars out of medicare and you are going to be taxing people at a time they cannot afford it. we can do better. we can go back to the drawing board. it will not take 15 years. not on my watch.
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i will make it a priority to have coverage that states can rely on and have the flexibility. not a one-size-fits-all for the country and the hurting states. >> i am going to turn to you and you can -- all of you have talked about the economy. voters put jobs at the top of their list. everyone is worried about 10% unemployment. it is also true that this terrible economic situation workers find themselves in comes at the end of a lost decade for american workers. there has been nationwide, no net job growth since december, 1999 and middle class families when adjusted for inflation have not seen their incomes rise. what are your plans not only short term but what is the answer to the long-term challenge for jobs for americans? >> if i can no to that the congressional budget office says
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within 10 years that health care plan will be deficit neutral. one of the reasons we have issues is because during the last decade we have not had regulations that have kept the economy in check. with predatory lending. with the bush-cheney tax policy that supported the haves and have mores -- he wants to go back to the drawing board. he wants to go back to those bush dashed any policies that provide for the wealthy. i supported and i said i support a plan that will provide tax relief for that -- relief for the middle class. to provide for tax credits and more landing opportunities for small businesses which will be the engine that will get this economy moving again. >> these wages have not risen in america since 1972 so it is not just the last 10 years. we have lost 40 years. we need to get the economy
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going. the way we do that is cut spending. harding did it in the 1920's and we have not done it since. we continue to spend money on wars and on entitlement plans. these things draw money from the private sector into the public private sector into the public sector and year after year, we we see people not getting real wage increases. that is what is going on. until people are willing to cut spending, entitlements and stock going to war around the world, we are not going to fix the government. we have a number of bureaucracies. we have wasteful spending, and nobody is holding them accountable. somebody needs to stop the wars. somebody needs to hold back the entitlement programs, and somebody needs to give the money back to the tax payer.
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>> congressional budget office is going to take 10 years, so we're going to be paying for our plan. we are going to be subsidizing other states, and eventually we are going to break even. i would rather send it to the drawing board. regarding tax cuts, there's nobody that believes your the tax-cutting candidate. i have a history of cutting taxes forget i have been out here fighting on beacon hill against the -- cutting taxes. i have been out here fighting on beacon hill against higher taxes. regarding the bush cheney this and that, you can run against bush cheney, but i am scott brown. i drive mitra, and it has 200,000 miles on it. -- i drive a truck, and it has 200,000 miles on it. you want to raise taxes two trillion dollars on items you were very vocal about during the
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primary. nothing has changed, and if it is not 2.1 trillion dollars, what is the actual number you want to raise taxes? >> it does not matter how many times you say 2.1 trillion dollars. it does not make it accurate. it is not the number because what i support is relief for the middle class, the cuts president obama supports for the middle class. h care costs is to make sure that we let insurance companies [unintelligible] sot hat is not a good way to go. we have an energy policy that will make polluters pay. those numbers -- we are down to zero. your the one who bought it while you were in the senate for over $7 billion of spending in the commonwealth. you voted for $300 million of fees so let's get that rhetoric straight. i am not [unintelligible]
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i brought back $1 billion back to the commonwealth as attorney general. >> i have never voted for a tax increase while elected in office. the items you're talking about -- it is outrageous that you would say i would not be supportive of women's rights and protecting mammogram covered. that is the basic coverage in our health plans. when we refer mandates and look at them to save money that is important. the health-care bill your pushing and you will support -- to have said it. it raises the age of getting a mammogram coverages from 40 to 50. it sets limits on pabst mara liasson testing. it cuts half a trillion dollars for medicare. [unintelligible] review mandates to make sure we do not have [unintelligible]
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we can do better with the plan we have. >> we can agree to disagree but let's be clear on the facts. you cannot distort my record and i will be accurate about yours. i have not proposed any new taxes except for those on the wealthiest 2% of the country. that is all i have ever talked about. let's be clear. what i propose is going forward to make sure we cannot afford for health care. it is 8% to 10% a year going up. >> you are in favor of cap and trade. >> it is not a tax. >> our favorin -- you are in favor of the tax cuts coming back.
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the tax credits are coming back. i am sorry. >> i hear you talkinhg about tax cuts to create jobs. the importance of that. there is the second issue. that is the deficits. the truth of the matter is over the horizon are these massive deficits. we have 1.4 trillion dollars now but every year, the amount is one trillion dollar -- $1 trillion more. >> the answer here is i have been saying. nobody to my right has been willing to talk about spending cuts and everyone who says -- >> what would you cut? >> i do not think we have enough time. i will cut obamacare when it
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passes. i will cut every single hack job that is out there that exists today. i will audit the federal reserve and i will see to it that there is -- if there is corruption there we will cut that as well. i will stop spending money on the wars. we have people in japan and in germany to defend wealthy nations today. you know who pays for? we pay for. everyone is incorrect when they say that cutting taxes creates jobs. that is not the truth. cutting spending historically is what creates jobs. when you cut taxes and you do not cut spending, we get what we had in the bush administration is -- which is what it bankrupted our country. >> we need to do it jfk style across the board. for businesses and families that will create jobs. we have done a stimulus 1. we're looking at stimulus two.
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when it be nice to try something different? the stimulus bill has not been working and it has not created one job. we're 49 at a 50 in releasing the money we have. how can we talk about other -- about another stimulus bill when the other has not worked. the spec -- get back to basics. [unintelligible] it is important to do that. that is the difference. her tax proposals will not help but all. it will add to the deficit. the cap and trade scheme will increase taxes. that is the major differences. >> i think the question was about the deficit. let's remember the history here. when the democrats had the
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presidency we were at a pay-as- you-go. that went out the door with the bush-cheney deposition. -- bush-cheney administration. to me it is astounding that scott brown will stand here and say that this problem must have come out of nowhere. his solution is to do nothing except to make sure that we do some kind of across-the-board tax cut. it is not going to work and what i have said in what he knows i have said is we need to get tax revenues that. we need to get the engine of this economy running again. >> how would you get tax revenues that? >> getting people back to work. >> president obama has made the
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vow no tax increases. the a join him in that pledge? >> i do. >> you think you can balance the budget? >> not overnight. it was greeted by reckless administration. we have a lot of work to do. those are complicated problems. >> the tax cuts we're talking about will create an immediate jolt to the economy and create jobs. to think that it is all about bush-cheney, there is plenty of blame to go around. i am looking to address the mistakes of today. there are clear differences between the to a bus on those issues and if you think a tax cut is not going to work that i think you are sadly mistaken. >> we have gone through tax cuts in the bush years and we did not have this booming growth which
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you have assumed and the congress has -- people have been afraid to take on the entitlement programs. i want to know if you are taking on the entitlement programs or are we going to duck and see these costs go through the roof? >> i am the only one who has talked about spending. spending is something that is difficult to cut. it is difficult to say, we have to cut entitlement programs. there is a lot of fat. no one wants to talk about cutting spending is because they cost votes. every single time you got there and say i will cut your taxes and raise retirement program, you're lying to get votes. we have to cut spending. >> medicare, medicaid, and social security. where would you cut them? >> i am ready to take on the entitlement programs.
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>> senator gregg has filed a bill. you look at the entitlements and you have a bipartisan commission that will look at everything and make a recommendation. i look forward to that opportunity. >> would you support tax increases? >> i think we can do better. i would certainly look at entitlements and make that recommendation. at least we have the choice and that is what is important. >> we spent a lot of taxpayer dollars on bailing out big corporations, millions and billions of dollars on stimulus money. taxpayer dollars that did not have to be spent if we had done better regulation. i will not say we're going to take away social security from our greatest generation, with folks with whom we have a contract. there have to be ways that we reach our obligation on that.
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i think we have to start with where the blame falls and where we turn this around. >> bottom line? what is your position on whether the congress ought to consider and be open to reforming social security, medicaid, and medicare in a way that brings down the costs on all three programs. >> i believe that everything can be looked at but i will say this. i think that if we look at new generations coming in who do not have this entitlement, this is not the first case i will look. >> is it a place where you are willing to look because that is where the money is. >> there is a good reason for that. this is about more than the budget. people depend upon that for health care. >> it is not about blame. it is about solving the problems of today. we have to do a top to bottom review to make sure as the
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president called for. we can do it in washington. we need to forget about blaming people. there is plenty to go round. let's solve the problems of today. you need to look at every other program and project in washington. >> let's move on. i would love to work through these more deeply. the clock is working in another direction. i would like to go to a new question. the president declared we are in a war against al qaeda. how do we win the war? >> we're in a war. it has happened here. the attempt by the person who tried to kill our kids at the mall. i am glad he is realizing we are at war. he was slow in reacting to that
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situation. martha believes that these individuals should be given constitutional rights. attorneys -- a lawyer dubbed so they can take the fifth. they should be treated as enemy combatants and they should be interrogated pursuant to laws of the land and make sure we find out if there is any of their attacks coming. that is a major difference. half a billion dollars it is going to cost. khalid sheikh mohammed is taking the fifth. he is getting information from us. martha agrees with that. he should be treated as an enemy combatant and go through ita military tribunal. the training i have, i am looking forward to that opportunity. >> there is nothing more important than keeping this country safe and keeping our
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homeland security save. we need to do it as smartly as we can. we have been at war since 9/11. i have worked as a district attorney and an attorney general everyday sense columbine, keeping our kids safe and working with federal and state authorities and local police, fire, to make sure that 9/11 never happens again. that means that we have to be smarter and we have to work better to use better intelligence and analysis about where al qaeda is and how we will neutralize them. i am surprised at scott because he is a lawyer and he does defense worke and he understands what constitutional rights are about. we need to do whatever we can to keep our people say. as we move forward, we have to make sure that we have the right intelligence and move properly and when we should try people in
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military tribunals, do that as we can be successful. >> if we want to secure the people of america, we have to not say, where we're at war with al qaeda? we need to@@@@@@@@"@ @ @ @ @ @ ℠
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service. i may lieutenant colonel with 30 years in the military. i do not recall a time we have given constitutional rights to terrorists [unintelligible] to think that we would give people who want to kill us constitutional rights and lawyer them up at our expense instead of treating them as enemy combatants -- it makes no sense to me and shows me that you do not understand the law when it comes to enemy combatants versus terrace. >> the reason we started the designation is we would make sure we treated people appropriately.
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we still and always will have the option to get better intelligence to treat people in the military enemy combatant form. >> in a standard differences on the legal treatment of prisoners. what i would like to understand is how you would win the war on the ground. >> i agree with the president. that is another difference. i support his effort to finish the job in afghanistan. the president thought after four months what he would need to do to finish the job is to make sure the taliban and al qaeda deny get nuclear weapons and exports more on the world. it is simple. how do you do it? you make sure we support our troops and our president. we're at war have at our airports and shopping malls and i have to be honest with you. as you are listening, i am scared at the policies i have
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heard. i want to know when the next terrorist strike will happen. we will not find it by the policies or pushing. i support the president and i am proud to do so. >> certainly we have had over -- almost 200 trials that have been successful in holding people accountable when they have been designated by the bush-cheney administration as enemy combatants. they have made that decision. the attorney general can and will do that. i do not agree with the decision to send troops to afghanistan. scott selectively picks and chooses whatever he thinks is the right policy for this country. >> how do you think we succeed in afghanistan? >> i think we have done what we are going to be able to do. >> should we come home? >> we should plan an exit strategy. >> how would we succeed?
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>> i am not sure there is a way to succeed. if the mission was to go in because we believe the the taliban was giving harbor to terrorists, they are gone. let's focus on wehrhere al qaeda is. >> would you send troops to yemen? >> this is not about sending troops. we have all kinds of resources at our disposal including cia. our allies to work with us and the focus should be getting the appropriate information on individuals who are trained to represent a threat to us and use the force necessary to go after those individuals. >> let me explain what the mission is. to make sure the taliban and al qaeda have not joined forces and get nuclear weapons and export them around the world. to think that al qaeda is not
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everywhere we're talking about and we should not be going and addressing these real concerns is naive. we have some real problems. >> it is naive to think that we have the troops to send everywhere and they are the best way to go after people who are terrorists who disappear into the night and who get -- do trainings and then disappear into the night. >> you are saying that once we catch these people, we are giving them constitutional rights. >> that is not what i said. >> the bomber at christmas, you said that is okay, he should be cleared up and you did not disagree. we should have taken the time and interrogated him properly. >> we have information from him. neither you nor i know what that is. >> we're going to change the format.
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we will allow each candidate a chance to ask the other cat it's a question and get a minute long response. >> you supported legislation that would allow hospital employees to deny emergency care to rape victims of it was there choice. you have also received the endorsement of the massachusetts right-to-life organization that said it will be about four right-to-life in the senate. you accept their endorsement or do you this about that? >> i have a big tent. it is about everybody and i welcome everybody support. you have many special interest
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groups. i did vote on a vill bill to aw women who are raped to get treatment. we have a difference. i am against partial birth abortion. you're not. you criticized partial birth abortion. the fact is not allowed. we also have a difference in that i do not believe federal funding of abortion should be allowed. i believe in a strong parental consent notification law. you will go down there to file bills as a social crusader. i want to deal on the issues that are important. to think that i would especially
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with my young daughters here, to think i would not allow them the opportunity if they were raped to have the 8immediate attention -- to and for that i would not do that. >>-- infer that i would not do that. >> an i incorrect -- am i and correct? >what does that amendment do? >> let me answer the question. the amendment you are referring to allows hospitals who have religious preferences not to perform abortions or provide those services. >> emergency contraception? >> i am not a defendant. >> that was supported by many people.
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>> think it is a correct position. -- you think it is the correct position. >> they can be turned away? >> it is important that you would try to twist this bill round. >> we are moving to one question. mr. kennedy? >> we have a health care bill in front of us that will cost $1.20 trillion. the total amount of money that is raised on a yearly basis by all taxes that come in is at 1.08 trillion dollars. this is over a 10 year. -- 10-year period.
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are you willing to increase taxes and it will not be done with just taxing the wealthy? >> everyone appreciates that health care needs reform and it is complicated and we can throw numbers around and argue about it. what they're requires is getting down and figuring out as we did in massachusetts, we cannot afford not to do health care reform so we can figure out how we have to -- what we will save by early prevention and screening. the ways we pay for these services. we paid too much for the results in health care. >> the numbers i am giving you are numbers from the government. the tax foundation. >> the congressional budget office' said this will be
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budget neutral. we will see people who do not have health insurance get it. we will see people pay out of their pockets to get screenings and they need less invasive procedures. the insurance companies saved money on a friend of mine while she paid $3,000 for a screening test. it does not take care of people it is supposed to. we are not going to do this overnight. >> you have the chance to ask one of the candidates a question? >> we are both good people. we have differences. many differences. i happen to think you are wrong in the policies. one of this is an issue on terror. you want to treat them like ordinary criminals and i do not. a simple question.
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khalid sheikh mohammed has -- he will be tried in new york and at taxpayer expense. you supported that. if he is found guilty of killing almost 3000 innocents, will he get the death penalty? do you agree with the fact he should get the death penalty? >> yes, because that is what the federal [unintelligible] >> i am not in favor fo it. he was not tried in a military tribunal. it is the attorney general's decision. we have done it successfully many time. the 200 trials, they have made a
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decision this is where to go. if he is found guilty, he will not be walking down the streets of manhattan. i would support the laws of the land. >> he was treated as an enemy combatant. >> why didn't they bring him to justice? >> he was interrogated and found a valuable information by taking [unintelligible] >> let's move on to the next round. we will have time for closing statements. i would like to raise some concerns that are out there on the campaign trail. if you could answer a couple questions. there are those who argue that you are campaigning as a moderate republican, but you are
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quite conservative on some issues. roe v. wade, you said that is the law of the land. do you respected? you have been endorsed by right- to-life groups who have campaigned for you. what's your preference be to see roe v. wade overturned? >> no. i know you're not from this area. i have a long history of service. 30 years in the military. i live in a house full of women. to have people twist my record around -- >> the support roe v. wade? >>-- do you support roe v. wade? >> [unintelligible] >> someone ask you if climate change is a big fraud and you said let's wait and see.
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do believe that global -- do you believe that global warming is caused [unintelligible] >> the climate is changing all the time. the question is what we do. >> you said -- @@@@@ @ @ @ @ @
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in the middle of a recession, martha was in favor of a cap and trade position that would make [unintelligible] i want to make sure we address the fact we can step back from the usage of fossil fuels. it is simple. >> there are some who wonder whether you have as a front runner been sometimes complacent. --i am looking back on whether t was a right decision -- [unintelligible] >> it was a good decision. joe has added a lot to the debate and the discussion. i am familiar with debates here
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in massachusetts. it is people who are on the ballot -- they should be able to get up when it is a public sponsored debate and have voters judge them as i would scott or me or anyone else who gets on the ballot. we have had plenty of opportunities to go one-on-one on issues. there are lots of ways in which voters compare us. everyone has access to this. it makes a lot of sense. >> do you have second thoughts about the way our campaign has unfolded? >> campaigns are not dress rehearsals. they move forward at their own pace. we have had a tough primary. we're doing the same thing in this. we have worked very hard. i did take christmas day off. i did not think voters want to hear from me on christmas day or christmas eve. to suggest i am taking this for granted or not working hard. it can look at our policy papers and volunteers and phone calling. i do not know what will happen
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on january 19. i am asking voters to vote for one of the three of us, hopefully me. we're making sure we get our message out. >> you have run a tough campaign. you are in a situation where it comes to the final days and you are far back. do you have preference between these candidates as to which one you would like to see when if you do not? >> the most important thing here, i will answer your question. the most important thing that we do here as a third-party candidate is to get the message out. none of these candidates has been willing to talk about spending. if they cannot talk about spending, we cannot have any intelligent discussions around the economy. my answer would be whoever can start talking about cutting, of spending, neither has been willing to do so.
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who would support would be the person who, whenever they decide to, sir is being realistic about what is going on with the economy and talk about cutting spending. >> you have one that is closer to your model? >> i think that scott talks about cutting taxes which is part of the way there. my issue with scott is that last year, he had the opportunity when we had the referendum to cut the income tax. he has been calling for across- the-board tax cuts. we had the opportunity to -- he publicly came out against it and it was voted down. that is $3,700 that could have gotten out to everyone. now that he is running he is calling for the exact same thing that he did not want to have a year ago in the same economic conditions. how do voters trusted? i do not know. >> i would like to turn to one final question.
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it is more personal in nature. in talking to people, there is a common refrain. people since they knew ted kennedy very well as a human being. he was a senator for a long time. they have a lot of respect for you but they do not since they know you very well. they have had a hard time penetrating. getting beyond what you have said in your advertising and the stump speeches, can you give us a personal insight into what you would like the voters to go to the polls thinking who you are as a person? >> i think that is a great question. part of that is we are constrained by these forms. i am pleased my husband is here and my sisters and my nephew. i come from a big family. my mother was the youngest of 10. my dad owned an air insurance
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agency. i am driven by the work i do, passionate for victims, domestic violence, kids, keeping them safe. i do take my work seriously. i do not take myself so seriously. i can be funny, believe it or not. most people do not think that and they are laughing because they know. i enjoy my life outside. i love to cook and downhill skiing. i get to work every day on behalf of the public and have a great personal life with a tremendous husband who loves me. i am very lucky. >> it is best to state that i am close to my family. my father is the minister. the best thing that people should understand is when i called my father and told him what i would do here, the words out of his mouth were, oh, no, i
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am very proud of you. [laughter] i told him why i was doing this. this would be a pay cut for me. the press has been less than fair. the amount of time and get on stage is less than fair. the reality is, the message has to get out there. i would risk every single thing i do on a day-to-day basis to make sure that somebody is supporting the people of the state of ex -- massachusetts. the taxes have to be cut. i support a family and everybody else here does too. >> i want to thank you for participating and thank you for having this. i am hopeful that people will get to know me more than the
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media portrayed. they have done a good job but there is a lot more. it is hard to talk about because this race has made me reflect. i did not come from a lot of money. my parents were is divorced a few times. my mother was from welfare. i came from nothing and worked my way up. i have two beautiful daughters and wife. i served the state i love. i was raised here and i will probably die here. the thing i have loved about this race is i have been able to travel around the state and made some great people and some great businesses and know what their needs and hurts our which made me appreciate and love this state and country more. i hope that people will appreciate that fact and appreciate my service not only as a legislative leader but in my military service. i hope they give me a chance to go to capitol hill and fix what is wrong there. >> thank you. we will turn to closing statements. the order has been determined by
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lottery. >> i am asking for voters on january 19 to vote for me for u.s. senate because we need to send somebody to washington who will address these difficult problems and get results. i found as york attorney general -- your attorney general, i know the economy needs regulation and we need to get baseball back to work. i know how to do that and i intend to do that. i appreciate the ideas that joe kennedy has brought. we have been spending too much money on stuff we do not need. that does not mean that there are not very important things and things we have to spend our money on to keep our kids safe and keep our family say. i will do that. i brought 1 millio$1 billion
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back as attorney general. >> thank you to our viewers for participating. i am honored to be considered to be the next united states senator for this great state. there is nothing more i would like to do that represent you. as i have done here. as a lieutenant colonel, i understand the terror. i think i can bring that expertise to washington and held. with regard to taxes, i have been fighting the battle. i have looked to cut and hold the line on taxes. it is happening in washington. washington is starting to act like massachusetts in that regard. i think we can do better. i can go down there and bring conversations back.
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as the 60th senator, debate will be cut off and that is not good for democracy. i hope i get the opportunity on january 19. i appreciate everyone being here and what you have done. >> thank you for moderating and thanks for coming out. this election a week from now is about the economy and about the future. this is about big government candidates against a small government canada. what you need to ask yourself is, scott will spend money on war. martha will spend money on health care. who do you want to spend your money? do you want the government to spend your money? do you want to make those decisions for yourself? i am the only candidate who will cut spending. i will repeal obamacare and file legislation to end the wars and bring that money back to the
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people of massachusetts and the rest of the country. i will audit the federal reserve. i am willing to cut the spending. you have to ask yourself, would you want spending your money? do you wanted to be the government? do you want to make those decisions yourself? -- you want it to be the government? do you want to make those decisions yourself? >> i would like to thank the edward m. kennedy institute of the united states senate for sponsoring this debate. i would like to think the university of massachusetts at boston for hosting this event. the biggest gathering in memory. this election is so close. i would like to urge all of you if you have a moment, given what they have put into it to go vote. encourage everyone here who was involved.
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this is an important election. if you would, i would like to ask if you would join me in thanking the candidates who have come here tonight and who are so devoted to public service. thank you. [applause]
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president later today. please join me in welcoming to the national press club mr. richard trumka. [applause]
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>> first of all, let me thank you donna for those very kind and generous words. i like to know that i'm delighted to be here at the national press club. i also want to thank the officers of the press club for the invitation to be here with you today, especially due and bob carden speakers chairman committee member who actually arranged this thing. thank you, bob here it ten days into the decade and one year into the obama administration our nation remains poised between the failed policies of the past in the hopes for a better future. this is a moment that cries out for political courage and were not seen enough of it.
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i spent the first week of this year traveling on the west coast. in san francisco, i was arrested with low-wage hotel workers fighting to protect their health care and their pension from leveraged buyouts that it gone bad. in los angeles and san diego, i talked with working americans moved to tears by foreclosures and unemployment, by outsourcing and benefit cuts. ever where i went, people said to me, why do so many of the people we elect the seem to care only about wall street? why he is helping bankers a matter of urgent d., but unemployment is something we just have to live with? why don't we make anything in america anymore? and why is it so hard to pass a health care bill that guarantees americans healthy lives instead of guaranteeing insurance
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companies healthy profits? as i traveled from city to city, i heard a sense of resignation from middle-class americans. people laid off for the first time in their lives that team, what did i do wrong? i came away shaken by the sense that the very things that make america great are now in danger. what makes us unique among the nations is this: in america, working people are the middle-class. we built our middle class in the 20th century through hard work, through struggle and visionary political leadership. but a generation of distract this, greed driven economic helices as a voter that progress and now threatens our very
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identity as a nation. today, on every coast and in between, working women and working men are fighting to join the middle-class and to protect and to rebuild the. we crave political leadership ready to fight for the kind of america that we want to leave to our children and against the forces of greed that progress to this very moment. but instead, we hear resurgence of complacency and political paralysis. too many people in washington seem to think that now that we've bailed out the banks, everything will be okay. in 2010, our elected leaders must choose between continuing the policies of the past or striking out on a new economic
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course for america. a course that will reverse the damage in trend toward a greater inequality that's crippling our nation. at this moment, the voices of america's working women and men truly must be heard in washington. not the voices of bankers and speculators for whom it always seems to be the best of times, but the voice says of those for whom the new year brings pink slips and givebacks, hollowed out health care, foreclosures and pension freezes. it's the roll call of an economy that long ago stopped working for most of us. today i want to talk to you about the labor movement's vision for our nation. see working people want an america and an american economy that works for them, that creates good jobs, where wealth
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is shared fairly and where the economic life of our nation is about solving problems like the threat of climate change rather than creating problems like the foreclosure crisis. we know that growing equality undermines our ability to grow as a nation by squandering the talents of the contributions of our people and consigning entire communities to stagnation and failure. if we're going to make our vision real, first we must challenge our political leaders, and we must challenge ourselves and we must challenge our movement. workers formed a labor movement as an expression of our lives, a chain of responsibility and solidarity, making millions of people here in america and around the world into agents of
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social change, able to accomplish much more together than as isolated individuals. that movement gives voice to the hopes and values and interests of working people every single day. but despite our best efforts, we have endured a generation of stagnant wages and collapsed benefits. a generation where the labor movement has been much more about defense than about offense, where our horizons are shrinking rather than growing. but the future of the labor movement depends on moving forward, on innovating and changing the way that we work, on being open to all working people and giving voice to all workers, even when our laws and our employers seek to divide us
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from one another. and that is something that we're working on every single day. the afl-cio is building new ways for working people to organize themselves and new models for collect data for bargaining. we have created working america, a 3 million member community-based union growing and working class neighborhoods. this is one of the signal accomplishments of my predecessor, john sweeney, john, i have to tell you i'm very proud and honored to have you here with us. please stand up here at [applause] we're proud of our alliance with workers centers movement that links units to the afl-cio with hundreds of grassroots workers organization around the country. and were also working with community allies to strengthen
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the voice and the bargaining power of low-wage workers in los angeles carwashes, some of the worst paid and worse treated workers in this country. next@@@@@@% @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
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created by the electrical workers that focus on green jobs. see these programs demonstrate the tremendous benefit that are possible when labor and business come together to solve problems jointly. and when i was there, i met with a man who was once homeless. nt with 19 days away from becoming a journeyman electrician. a young man named nakayah. and he said to me that the union gave me a chance to go from no life to the hope for a middle-class life. i didn't -- it didn't just teach me to get a job. a tummy out to be a man. and then i talked to hotel workers, members of unite here,
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immigrants on strike to keep them from falling back into poverty and to union members with phd's, fighting to prevent california's budget catastrophe from creator cratering not only their jobs but the education of their state's children. as i did that i thought of my father on strike in the coal fields when i was a boy. and i was reminded of this basic truth: a job as a good job because workers fight to make it a good job. and it doesn't matter if the job is in a coal mine or in a classroom or in a car wash. and that, my friend, is why unions are needed today, more
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than ever before. see i grew up in a little town in southwestern pennsylvania and i was surrounded by the legacy of my parents and my grandparents. my grandfather and my father and his brothers and their fellow workers went into the mines that were death traps. to work for wages that weren't enough to buy food and clothes for our families. they and the union they built made those jobs in the middle-class jobs. and when i went into the mine, it was a good job. the good job and possibilities for me, possibilities that my mother moved heaven and earth to make real, that took me from penn state to law school to this very podium. what our legacy? was the legacy of those of us who are helping the world -- shaping the world our children and our grandchildren will
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inhabit? is our government laying the foundation that young people need growing? to workplaces offer hope? do they even offer work? are we building a world that we'll be proud to hand over to our children? are the voices of the young, of the future, being heard? in september, i was elected president of the afl-cio, together with secretary-treasurer liz shuler, who is here with me on the left and executive vice president, arlene holt baker. live is the youngest principal officer in the afl-cio history. [applause] i asked her to lead a program of outreach to young workers as part of the effort, the afl-cio
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conducted a study of young workers between the ages of eight teams and 34, comparing their economic standing and attitudes and hopes with those of a similar survey that was conducted ten years ago. the findings were shocking. they revealed the lost decade of young workers in america, lower wages, education deferred. wings were so bad that one in three of these eight teams to 34 -year-olds is currently living at home with their parents because they can't afford to live alone. now the desperation i heard in this or pay in the voices of the proud hard-working americans fills me with a sense of urgency, and urgency that should be shared right of reebok select it official here in washington and across the country. as a country and of movement,
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our challenge is to build a new economy that can restore working people expect nations and renew their hopes. if you were laid off because of what wall street do to our economy, it's not your fault. a dead-end job with no benefit is not the best our country can do for its citizens. so what went wrong with our economy? well, you could say it as simple as we built a low-wage, high consumption economy and try to bridge the contradiction with debt. and there's a lot of truth in that simplicity. but if we are going to understand what is wrong in a way that will help us understand how to fix the amount i think we need a little more detail. see a generation ago, our
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nation's policymakers embarked on a campaign of radical deregulation and corporate empowerment. one that celebrated private greed over public service. now the afl-cio warned of the dangers of that path, trade policies that rewarded and accelerated outsourcing, financial deregulation designed to promote speculation in the dismantling of our pension and our health care system. we warned that the middle class could not survive in such an economy, that growing inequality would inevitably shrink the american pie, that we were borrowing from the rest of the world at an unsustainable pace, that bus would follow bubbles and that our country would be worse off in the end. these policies culminated in the
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worst economic decade in living memory. we suffered a net loss of jobs, the housing market collapsed, real wages fell and more children fell into poverty. and the enormous growth in the inequality gilded mediocre growth overall. now, this is not a portrait of a cyclical recession, but as a nation with are found, unaddressed, structural economic doldrums on a long-term, downward slide. our structural problems predate the crisis that hit in 2007 and they're not going to go away by themselves in 2010. first, we have under invested in foundations of our economy, including transportation and
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communications infrastructure that are essential in a middle-class society and day dynamic, competitive high wage economy. but the most important foundation of our economy is education and training. we simply cannot continue to scamp on the quality of education we provide to all, you know, all of our children and expect to lead in the global economy. likewise, we need to provide opportunities for lifelong skills upgrading to workers, through both private and the public there. second, we have failed over a long period of time to create enough jobs at home to maintain our middle-class. and we've allowed corporate parks to whittle away at workers bargaining power, to undermine
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the quality of the remaining jobs. finally, the structural absents of good jobs means a shortage of sustainable demand to drive our economy. we want an entirely different kind of economy. let's talk about what we need to do. we must directly and immediately take on what is wrong by creating millions of good jobs now by rebuilding our economic foundation and giving working people the freedom to form unions again and to make all of our jobs good jobs. [applause] we must pass genuine health care reform and we regulate our financial economy, so that the finance is the servant of the
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real economy and not its master. [applause] so that we have an independent consumer financial protection agency and so that we never again take the public's money and use it to rescue bank executives and stockholders. the head like to commend president obama's leadership in insisting on a viable and strong, independent consumer protection agency, which is crucial to real financial reform. now, the afl-cio leiby five-point program will create more than 4 million jobs. extending unemployment benefits, including cobra, expanding federal infrastructure and green jobs investments. romantically increasing federal aid to state and local governments facing financial disaster, direct job creation where feasible. and finally, direct funding of
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t.a.r.p. money to small and medium-sized business if they can't get credit because of the financial crisis. and we need to adopt a tax on financial speculation so that we can fund the jobs after it as the economy recovers. now somebody in washington saying when it comes to jobs, go slow, take half steps. see those voices are harming millions of unemployed americans in our families. but they're also jeopardizing our economic recovery. ..
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we must take action now to restore workers voices in america. the systemic, systematic silencing of american workers by denying our right to form unions is at the heart of the disappearance of good jobs in america. we must pass the employee free
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choice act so that workers can have the chance to turn that jobs into good jobs, and so we can reduce the inequality which is undermining our prospects of a stable economic growth. [applause] and we have to do that now, not next year, not even this summer, but right now. each of the initiative should be routed in a crucial alliance of the middle class and the poor. but today, as i speak to you, something different is happening with health care. on the one hand we have the house bill, which asked the small part of our country that prospered in the last decade, the richest of the rich come to pay a bit more in taxes so that most americans can have health insurance. and the house of pull-- rains in
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the power of health insurers and employers with the employer mandate and a strong public optionãa7h@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @,
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keep health care for their families. now, this is a policy designed to benefit elites. in this case, insurers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and irresponsible employers. at the expense of the broader public. it is the same tragic pattern that got us where we are today, and i can assure you that the labor movement is fighting everything we have got to win health care reform that is worthy of the support of working men and working women. [applause]
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these great struggles over health care and jobs and the freedom to organize in financial reforms are the first steps. beyond the short-term job crisis, we have to have an agenda for restoring american manufacturing, a combination of their trade and currency policies, worker training, infrastructure investment and regional development till policies targeted to help the economically distressed areas. we cannot be a prosperous middle-class society in a dynamic global economy without a healthy manufacturing sector. so we must have an agenda to address the daily challenges that workers face on the job, to ensure safety and health workplaces and worker friendly rules. we need all so comprehensive reform of our immigration policy
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based on shared prosperity and fairness and not cheap labor, and we must take on the retirement crisis. to many employers have replace the system of pensions we used to have with underfunded savings accounts fully exposed-- ex post everything wrong with wall street. today the median balance of 401(k) accounts is only $27,000, nowhere near enough to secure retirement. we need to return to a policy of employers sharing responsibility for retirement security with employees while also bolstering and strengthening social security. now, president obama campaigned on a platform of boldly taking on these challenges. he spoke often about the need to refound our economy on doing
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real things rather than dreaming of financial pots of gold. he asked vice president biden to lead the effort, to restore the middle class. for the first time i can recall we have an administration that sis manufacturing, making things here, as central to america's future and speaks clearly about the positive role for workers and their unions in the future. president obama has laid out an aggressive agenda for structural change and has appointed people like secretary of labor, hilda solis kubli did not vision. of course, president obama inherited a terrible mess from his predecessor, a journey of stolen elections, ruinous tax cuts for the rich, dishonest wars, a financial scandal, government sponsored torture,
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flooded cities and finally economic collapse. president obama's administration began out of necessity envisioned, with an act of political courage. the enactment of a broad and substantial economic recovery program. despite republican opposition, the stimulus was big enough to make real, positive impact on our economy. saving more creating more than a million jobs already. but, the job crisis has escalated. the foreclosure crisis continues, and wall street appears to have returned to its old ways. by the way, this is bonus week on wall street. and i urge you to watch how much discipline they show with all the nation watching this week,
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watch and dma's. see, now more than ever we need the boldness and the clarity that we saw in our president during the campaign in 2008 when he outlined the scope of the economic problems facing our nation unencumbered by the political crosscurrents buenos down today. one year into the obama administration and one year into a congress with strong democratic majorities, we need leadership action that matches the urgency that that is felt so deeply by working people in this country. [applause] two waffen, washington falls into the grip of ambivalence about the fundamental purpose of government. is it to protect wealthy elites
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and gently encourage them to be more charitable, or is it to look after the vast majority of the american people? governments in the interest of the vast majority of americans has produced their greatest achievements, the new deal, the great society, the civil rights movement, social security, medicare, the minimum wage, the 40 hour week, the civil rights act and the voting rights act. that is what made the united states a beacon of hope in a confused and divided world. but, too many people now take for granted government's role as protector of wall street and the privilege. vaisse middle-class americans says overpaid and underworked. they see social security as a
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problem, rather than the only piece of our retirement system that actually works. they feel sorry for homeless people, but fail to see the connections between downsizing and outsourcing and inequality and homelessness. this world view has brought democrats nothing but disaster. the republicans responses to what for middle-class the false hope of tax cuts, tax cuts that end up enriching their rich, devastating the middle class by destroying the institutions like public education and social security that make the middle class possible. are you trying to tell me something? >> we are now into our q&a period. >> i'm not done with what i have to say and you invited me here to say it.
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[applause] >> 25 minutes. we are going to sterba q&a. >> i'm going to continue with my speech. >> can you wrap up in 30 seconds? >> no, i can wrap up and-- people came to hear me talk so we are going to talk. >> you are almost done? >> yeah, i am. thanks. not a problem. here is what i have to say. no matter what i say or do, the reality is that when timbers sent-- unemployment is 10% and rising, working people will not stand for tokenism. we will not go for politicians to think that they can push a few crumbs are way and then continue the failed economic policies of the last 30 years. i will be even blunter. in 1992 workers voted for democrats who promised action on the job, who talked about reining in corporate greed and
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to promise health care reform. instead. nafta and emboldened wall street and not much more. we swallowed our disappointments and we worked to preserve its democratic majority in 1994 because we knew what the alternative was. but there was no way to persuade enough working americans to go to the polls, when they couldn't tell the difference between the policies of the two parties. so politicians who think the working people have it too good, too much health care, too much social security, too much medicare, too much power on the job are actually in fighting a repeat of 1994. [applause] and our country can't stand that repeat. president obama said in his inaugural address that the state
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of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act not only to create new jobs but to lay a new foundation for growth and now was the time to make good on those words, for congress, for president obama and for the american people. we have some ideas of what those people can do on the weekends it they don't believe us. they can go sit with the unemployed. they can talk to college students looking net tuition hikes and laid-off professors and no jobs at graduation. they can talk to workers whose jobs are being offshored. they can ask what these americans think about the future, ask them what they think of wall street, of health insurance companies and of big banks. ask them if they won a government that sits in partnership with those folks or a government that stands up for working people. then think about the great promise of america and the great legacy that we have inherited.
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our wealth designation and are energy as a people can secure for us and our children in the words of my predecessor, samuel gompers, more schoolhouses and less jails, more books and less arsenals, more learning and less voice, more leisure and less greed, the more justice and less revenge. in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures. that is the america that we look forward to end we were looking forward to getting it now. thank you. [applause] sorry about that. >> that is the right. we are going to get started. [applause] we only have 20 minutes for questions. isd please be seated. the ap is reporting today the initial stimulus bill had
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virtually no effect on employment and that it was especially ineffective in the construction industry. why should there be another stimulus that this was the result of the first? >> good question. let's go back and talk a little bit about history first. and the first camillus was being thought about nobody thought the economy was going to be in a steep recession as it turned out to be and back then they said we would need at least $1.3 trillion to turn the economy around. remember that? will the republicans stood up and fight and fight against every last piece of stimulus bill, so we were able to get a bill that was about two-thirds of what was needed. nonetheless, our figures indicated most economists figures indicate we are saving some jobs but we need a second stimulus package, a second stimulus package along the lines that we have lined out the five points the afl/cio lined out would create many jobs. otherwise we stand in danger of
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a recession going back into the recession because the states are not spending, workers are not spending and if we don't do something to create jobs and create spending, the recovery that is taken over a little bit of the financial economy but not the real economy will take over. >> so you just mentioned a five-point plan to stem unemployment that i think you introduce in november. your proposals included using t.a.r.p. money to offer commercial rate loans to small and medium-size businesses. which pointage your plan have come to pass, which happened, why did you propose a plan and when you meet mr. obama today, what will you tell them about this plan? >> first of all today's meeting is about the economy. some of the portions of the plan a party been enacted, the extending of unemployment benefits, health care benefits and kober benefits. we suggested a 12 month extension. the house agreed with that.
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the senate gave its two month extension so we will come back and is it that. investment in infrastructure, reauthorization of the transportation@@@@@@@ @ @ g'hd tied state and local governments is being done some -- creation but needs to be done much more because we have 48 states in danger of cutting off spending. the federal level, to increase spending to increase jobs at the state level is decreasing by the same amount. creating jobs, that hasn't been taken up. targeted job creation by the federal government hasn't been taken up and the last one, the tarp money, it hasn't been done yet. loans are not being made to small and military-sized businesses. we think we ought to take that tarp money that has been not
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spent, that has been paid back and lend it to small and mid-sized business. >> what do you see it is a major roadblocks to getting that passed? passed? >> we can recalcitrant politicians. [applause] any republican party that is more disciplined than anybody imagined that is determined to see this president fail, said they really want to work for the interest of the country. they fought against health care, they fought against the stimulus package. they had no alternative except to say no. we think that is tragic thing for the country and we hope they finally come to their senses and start thinking about what is best for the country instead of what is best for the next election.
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>> wouldn't more stimulus signify more debt and how would stimulus advancement to get to the root of the systemic weaknesses that led to the recession? >> stimulus would help us create jobs and would lead to more debt. let me pose this to you. let me do a survey. how many people here can afford to live in the house they are in. raise your hand. how many people paid cash for the house they live in? wow. one person paid cash. the rest of this had to buy it on time. we can afford, we can afford that house but we had to do it on time. that is the same thing with the jobs program. we can afford a job program of the size necessary to write the economy. we dissed may have to pay for it over time so in the long term it will mean less debt. the more people we put back to work. look at what the chinese did. they spent 9% of their gdp on
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stimulus and they spent all of its in china. we spend a little bit over 2% of our gdp and we spent some of it in the united states. most of it went out or most of it, but some of it went out. for instance, windmills. if you buy a windmill a broad, 62 cents out of every dollar is used to stimulate somebody else's economy rather than our economy. so, we create jobs, that creates demand. the man then fuels the economy. then i want to come back to something i said in a speech. what we have had for the last 30 years is a low wage, high consumption economy and to bridge that contradiction we borrowed. we now know that that is a system that cannot long endure. so what will be the new engine that fuels the economy?
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more debt to get distributed a little more fairly so that everybody can then demand something because one person, a millionaire with say $100, one person with $100 creates double less demand than 100 people of with 1 dollar. what we have to do is make sure then the wealth gets spread out a little more so we can build this economy by strength. the other thing is to reregulate the economy. if we only stimulate the economy and go back to the same economy we had come of the same result will happen. the people at the top will walk away with the vast majority of what is produced in the rest of the country will see more jobs go overseas. so it is up to us. we are at a crossroads a we are urging people to act quickly to create those jobs because there
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is suffering. hopefully they will do that. if they don't i think they truly will face this corn of the american populace in he elections. >> the demand for shorter work time was the traditional response to unemployment by the american labor movement. and the 19th century the struggle for the eight-hour day was the courts union policy. during the depression the demand for a 30 year workweek was the cfl's part of aware unions today not demanding a four day work week? >> good question. let's start back with then we would like to have a four day work week of agope for five one fortunately peart getting in node day workweek and we are getting paid as it is right now. when wages started to stagnate and maybe i should just go back a little bit. from 1946 to 1973 wages in this country double. projectivity doubled and so did wages.
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we had a good thing going. we built the middle class. the greatest expansion of wealth in the history of mankind and the interesting thing during that period of time, the bottom to pour tiles income was increasing faster than the people of the tops of the wage gap was collapsing. from 73 to date, productivity has continued up but wages have stagnated, absolutely stagnated, so workers went through for five different strategies to try to compete with that. the first thing we tried to do was work longer hours, to get over time to make up for what we weren't getting in raises and when that didn't where we send somebody from the family, another person are to from the family out into the workforce so family incomes held up. when that didn't work we took on a second or third job. that didn't work either. then me got lucky and we hit the high tech bubble of the '90s and
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people's wages part going up but they looked at that 401(k) and they go, they would come to me that the work center and say look at my 401(k). they felt rich. so they felt like they could borrow. and they did borrow. then the high tech bubble collapsed, and then people, we got lucky again. the housing bubble took off and now my one-handed thousand dollars house is worth $200,000 so i can borrow, so i did. what we have is an economy that forces people just to get by, to work longer and more jobs. retirees whose pension has been taken away from them, having to go back out into the workforce. we should have a work system where we work fewer hours and make more money, but this economy of the last 30 years has made that impossible for most
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americans. it is an economy that has ground people up, that is taken jobs in turn back time and lowered the wages. we have people working for wages today that are lower than they were in the '70s. you can't work fewer hours on wages that to pay for 2010 commodities with wages that were from the 1970's. so it is up to us to create those jobs and that is why the employee free choice act is so important. because we get a chance to make those jobs good jobs, create a better balance in the economy, create a real demand for products so that we don't have to borrow our way into the middle class. weakener actually bargainer way into the middle class. >> speaking of the employee free choice act, what are the prospects for labor law reform
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in 2010 even just a scaled-down version of the employee free choice act given the momentum shift against the democrats in general election year anxiety? >> i think you'll see the employee free choice act passed in the first quarter to an-- 2010. you will see if have some real effect. it will start creating in making new jobs in this country again. >> enriquez the employee free choice act it seems unseiu president andy stearn have different messages. stearn said there will be a code and you said they may not be. who is right? what is going on? >> the employee free choice act? the question is wrong. i never said that there wouldn't be a vote. maybe he said there wouldn't become i don't know. i think we are in 100% agreement on that. i think everybody in the labor movement is in 100% lockstep with that. >> some health care reform supporters have expressed
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frustration that president obama has not weighed in more forcefully to shape the legislation and push it through congress. how do you feel about his approach to the employee free choice act which has been stalled since march? >> the president fully supports the employee free choice act. the vice president fully supports the employee free choice act. the vast majority of the house support the employee free choice sack. the vast majority of the senate supports the employee free choice act and i think we are going to have the employee free choice act despite the efforts of the republican party and a group of business people who really don't want any kind of labor law reform at all. >> what industries or companies to you believe should be targeted for unionization under efc a? [laughter] and will card check survive in the final vote? >> first of all i think every workshop ought to have the union. [applause]
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i believe better decisions are made when you sit down at the table as an equal and that will give you a classic example of that. when my son was five years old, he would come up to me and say that i want to do this and i would say no. and that is it. it was no. he didn't have any kind of leverage or any kind of bargaining power with me. he couldn't go to any higher authority. it was no. he had no bargaining power. then two minutes later my wife comes up to me. and my wife says i want to get a new car. i say, let's sit down and talk about this. it was a whole different process because we came to the table with different leverage. she and i came with almost the same bargaining power. i probably was still on the short and about one, but he had no bargaining power. that is what the union does. one worker against an employer, it doesn't matter how righteous
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you are, you have no ability to do anything. but no matter what the group is, if you have people who are sitting down and they are working, first of all they can work together more effectively. we can create partnerships where we really do take on the y consider to be the people who are the opponents we have to meet in second of all petr decisions can be made. or you can try to legislate every issue so every-- every health and safety issue could get legislated. that would be a real mess, wouldn't it because you couldn't created one-size-fits-all and every place. collective bargaining allows everybody to taylor every decision or every problem they have for the best for those two parties and so it is a great solution that i think it ought to be in every industry and every workplace. >> would you be willing to accept a compromise that drops card check but maintains binding
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arbitration? >> of the person that's the question has the power to do that, come on up and i will bargain with you. otherwise i make a habit of not bargaining in public. >> thanks to the hold on tsa director dominque erol suthers reed, labor relations has been inserted over the detroit airplane bombing scare. how would allowing tsa workers to bargain collectively affects security? >> if you listen to senator demint it would have an adverse effect on security but i think i make the case that his hold on having a leader for tsa is actually lessening security in this country because they have an interim leader. [applause] they have an interim leader but they don't have a leader for tsa and i think that has an adverse effect. let's see if i get the logic
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right. the pilot can be in a union, and they are. the flight attendants can be in a union, and they are. the mechanics and all the ground personnel can be in a union that they are. but the people who checks them somehow, if they are in a union, somehow that adversely affects national security. i just don't get the logic of it. i think if they were in a union they would have better, we would have better security in this country. going talk to them. when you go to talk to them. they are overworked. there are too few of them around. we will these be able to say this is what is necessary for real security at the airports and we are going to bring a union to everyone of this tsa people and more security to those tsa worksites. [applause] >> will you actively oppose the
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bill if the senate tax is in there? >> we have been working for decades now to try to get a health care bill passed and we're not about to stop now. i'm not about to speculate about what's going to be in that bill or what's not going to be in that bill. the senate bill from our point of view is inadequate. it does not deserve the support of working men and women. we're going to try to get a bill that does and should and would garner the support of working people in this country because bringing health care to every citizen out there is too important for us to get this close. this close and then say we quit. [applause] >> we are almost at a time but before as the last question we have a couple of import matters to take care of. first of all let me remind the members and futures features on march 5th the honorable mitt romney former governor of massachusetts will be here, and
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on april 12, dennis quaid, there prevention of potentially deadly medical errors. second, i would like to present our guest with the traditional in much coveted npc mug. [applause] >> thank you. >> you are welcome. we are only going to give you half a cup of coffee because years beach wendover 25 minutes. [laughter] >> if you would have given me a full cup of coffee it would have been an hour. [laughter] >> okay, so your meeting with the president this afternoon. what will you be telling him? >> we will be talking about the weather, about this weekend's football games in who we think is going to win the super bowl, health care and a couple of other things. [laughter] we will be talking about health care. >> what is your message to him? what you want to come away from
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that meeting with? >> we are going to talk to the president, a friendly meeting among friends tried to solve problems and i'm not going to go into what we are going to talk about. we will talk about trying to solve problems. >> okay. would like to thank you for coming today. i appreciate it. >> really? >> really. [applause] i would also like to thank manned national press club staff members melinda cooke, pat nelson in joined booze for organizing today's lunch and also thanks to the nbc library for its research. video archive that today's luncheon is provided by the national press club broadcast operation center gori offence are available for free download on itunes as well as our web site, and non-members may purchase transcripts, audio and video tapes by calling (202)662-7598 or e-mailing us at
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archives at for more information about the national press club, please go to our web site at thought oh r.g.. i thank you and we are adjourned. [applause] >> text messaging while driving was among the topics of a highway and auto safety conference held yesterday. that's next on c-span. after that, senate majority leader harry reid on his quote about president obama's race and electability. on this morning's "washington journal" we'll get a legislative
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update from capitol hill. "washington journal" begins at 7:00 eastern. >> there is just two weeks left to interc-span's 2010 student cam contest. top surprise $5,000. just create a five-eight minute video on our country's greatest strength or greatest challenge. enter before midnight january 20. winning entries will be shown on c-span. don't wait another minute. there are group advocates for highway and auto safety posted an event to bring attention to texting and traffic laws.
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>> good morning, everybody. welcome. my name is judy stone. we are the sponsor of the 2010 road map to highway safety laws. we are working together to get laws passed in congress and state legislatures. i've been doing that since 1989 when we were founded. i want to welcome those of you who have joined us here at the national press club in washington, d.c. and those of you watching our webcast and to those viewing through the internet i would like to say that you can access our
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electronic press kit at the homepage at the same web address. i would ask, if you don't mind if people turn off their cell phones. thank you very much. we are very pleased to be joined today by a group of who's who of highway safety to unveil our 2010 edition over the road map to state highway safety. that are of vital importance to the health and safety of american motorists and their families. after my opening remarks, we will hear from the chair of the national transportation safety board who will be followed by the u.s. department of transportation safety deputy. both of them are going to have to sneak out, so they're not leaving the press conference or any other reason, but at other plants they must get to -- they have other appointments they
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must get to. after that, the vice president of advocates will present the findings from this year report and the president of the illinois state senate will give us his perspective. following them, we will hear from a couple of mothers who have lost children in terrible car crashes. they are the human faces of this never-ending american tragedy that takes the lives of tens of thousands of family members and friends each year. creating personal, lifelong losses that words really cannot adequately describe. these are losses we say are largely preventable. you'll also hear from a doctor in the american academy of pediatrics and children's national medical center here in washington d.c.. end of the doctor that runs the medical college of wisconsin,
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two men better in the trenches of highway safety wars. we are pleased to be joined by bill martin of farmers insurance and public citizen president america, the cochairs of advocates for highway and auto safety. we will complete our speaker lineup with one of the lead sponsors of one of the driver pretension act, known as the stand-up act. we will close by taking -- will close by taking questions. before introducing our first speaker, i want to point out that we have made changes to this year's roadmap report by adding some new laws that are part of the scorecard and by putting aside a few older laws that have largely been dealt with by the states. these updates are decided -- are designed to keep our core
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legislative agenda fresh and on the cutting edge of the central laws that deserve the most attention by our governors and state legislators. this past year's criteria is pushing states in some new directions. yes, it means some did not rate as high as in past years. but they will have a chance to remedy that this year when they reconvene in their state capital. our aim as legislatures convene their 2010 sessions this week is to focus on the state's attention to a closing dangerously close in their loss, saving lives, and saving taxpayer dollars. we recognize the federal government and congress have a legitimate role in prompting nationwide access the -- nationwide action on public health and safety problems, especially when the results in an average of 40,000 lives lost every year. even the traffic deaths are down in many states, now is not the
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time for state government leaders or safety advocates to congratulate themselves. we know any time there is a major economic downturn, highway fatalities dropped as well. this is the silver lining of a recession. but no state should be complacent about the unfinished highway safety agenda because we know when the economy is finally revived, and hopefully that will be soon, the fatality numbers will likely rise again. that is why our annual highway safety report cards are tightly and useful tools to help lawmakers focused on where they can make those legislative prague -- legislative progress in bringing the death toll down. i would like to introduce our first speaker, will be the chair of the national transportation safety board. she has been in that job for not a very long time, but has been in the highway safety field for a long time and is an excellent advocate for highway safety.
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we appreciate you being here today. >> good morning, everyone. thank you for your leadership in making highway safety and national priority. true to form, advocates for highway and auto safety have once again put together an outstanding report. i am honored to be here as they unveil it 2010 road map to state highway safety laws. for many years, this road map has been an invaluable tool. it is literally a map for the legislators and advocates like to identify transportation safety goals and measure our progress. each year, the national transportation safety board publishes are most wanted list of transportation safety improvements. our list mirrors many of the
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issues and priorities in the road map. reducing highway fatalities must be a national priority. the number of highway fatalities in agony -- in any given year is eight times the number of people we have lost in iraq since 2003. it is four times the number of people who have been lost to swine flu in 2009. it is about twice as many as we lose annually to leukemia. it is time for highway fatalities to take a position front and center. it's an epidemic. the deaths on the highways result in almost 40,000 funerals for mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors. fortunately, in this arena, we know that there are proven strategies that will reduce the death toll. what we need is the will to do it. whether it is preventing a drunk driver from getting behind the
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wheel, buckling our children into booster seats, supporting teen drivers through graduate of licenses or making sure drivers do not text and drive, comprehensive and robust safety measures like the ones identified in this year's road map can and do save lives. what is missing is the political will to produce action in many cases. the road that helps to identify areas where -- a road map helps identify areas where work must be dead. it helps to raise the bar on safety. -- work must be done. we are joined by some of those leaders today. in all walks of life, in many professions, some his seat on the front lines and some legislative change -- they work hard to prevent deaths and injuries on our roadways. they can tell you how hard it is to make a change in this area. it has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
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again and expecting a different result. we cannot expect the fatality numbers to change unless we do something different. the status quo is not enough. highway fatalities are the number one cause of unintended death for children, teenagers, and young adults. that alone should compel us to act. let me talk about some of those initiatives related to young drivers. distracted driving -- is something we have heard and read about. research clearly demonstrates that when driving distracted by any sort of wireless device, what they're talking on your cell phone, testing, or doing something else we haven't thought of yet, is dangerous and often deadly. of the fatalities on the road each year, it is estimated 6000 of those involved distraction. the problem is not abating. and the problem is not abating.
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81% of cell phone users say they talk on their phone while driving. nobody thinks that they are going to get distracted to the point that they cause an accident that results in a fatality. in north carolina, a mother of two children, a mother had two of her children in the car with her. she was talking on her cell phone when she crashed through a rail crossing gate and into the path to have moving train killing the woman and her 5-year-old son. her infant was strapped into a safety seat and survived the crash without injury. whether it is a carful of teens texting each other or adults with their wireless device it is clearly a distraction we must eliminate. is,
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but we have to start with ourselves and our own organizations. sometimes, doing the right thing is not doing the popular thing. i can tell you from experience. when i became chairman of the safety board, we implemented an agency-wide policy that prohibits employees from using electronic devices, including self funds, whether their hands for your hand held, while they're driving. will this inconvenience some people? yes, i'm sure will. but it might also say one of their lives or the lives of someone else on the highway. while distracted driving is a concern for drivers of all ages, we know that it is particularly dangerous for teenagers. research shown that new drivers lack the experience and maturity to safely drive on are busy roadways and the danger of this inexperience is compounded when the driver is talking on a cell phone or has a car full of
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friends or is driving at night. that is why robust safety laws is geared toward teenagers are particularly imperative. measures like graduated driver licensing program that put new drivers behind the wheel in graduated, less risky conditions. but these measures are just the beginning. it has long been known that in act -- enact every seat belt laws, reducing crashes revolving repeat dui members and restraining children in proper restraints will save lives. together, we can do it. one initiative and one life at time. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much. next, we will hear from the deputy secretary of transportation. the secretary has been in the obama administration for six
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months. he has been deeply involved with the transportation secretary about the national debate about distracted driving as well as many other issues. he comes from a well the state experience as secretary of transportation of maryland, twice. >> thank you. thank you for continuing to press for national and statewide reforms that will keep our roads as a as possible. at the department of transportation, safety remains our highest priority. we are continuing to work with congress and are many stakeholders. the law enforcement, research communities, advocates, private industry, and state and local officials, to make driving in the united states the safest in the world. what of the greatest threats on the road today is distracted driving. anyone using a cellphone t orexting while driving for even
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a second is a menace to others. we're working hard to raise awareness and combat this problem. in 2008, nearly 6000 people died because of a distracted or inattentive driver. more than half a million were injured. that is acceptable. we are encouraged to see this year's road map including distracted driving for the first time as one of the key traffic measures for each state. let me highlight how we are addressing this problem. first, their presidential action. through executive order, president obama ordered a government employees not to text while driving or while driving privately-owned vehicles on official government business. the department transportation and other federal agencies have taken leadership roles as well.
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the department of transportation secretary sponsor the first national distracted driver said on december 30th with which brought together governors, advocates, a private industry. he also issued an order complying with the president's order banning all messaging by the art of transportation employees. that says we may not use government issued phones or blackberries while driving, even off duty. i held a conference call last week with 50 secretaries, highway safety representatives and law enforcement representatives, encouraging them to do the same, lead by example, and adopt a similar orders for their employees and state governments. i would point out of the secretary has launched a new web site,
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it provides news and public service announcements related to distraction. working with federal to medications commission, we are but a evaluating technologies that might help curb distractive driving. we also have awarded demonstration grants to two states that hand-held cell phone lost. new york and connecticut. it will test the extent to which communities comply with these highly visible law enforcement activities. we're working on new rules to strengthen rules that would ban using devices while driving and rules that would -- this is a hot-button issue in legislatures across the country. i encourage advocates to keep working on this. lawmakers have proposed to under bills to ban testing -- too bad
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texting while driving. many states will see bills introduced this year to combat distracted driving. we encourage you all to be part of the effort. we applaud the safety efforts. distracted driving is an important part of our overall safety effort. every bit and everyone are sticky issues are ones we're moving forward on. -- every bit and everyone are issues we are moving forward on. we will work with our partners throughout the nation. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much. thank you for participating in our press conference. i'm the vice president of advocates for highway and auto safety. i will briefly highlight the key findings of this year's road map report and discuss the next steps needed to advance safety.
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let me repeat that the report and all materials for the press pack are on our website. i checked myself before i came here. advocates have selected 15 traffic safety lost we believe are fundamentally essential if we're going to seriously reduce death and injury on our way -- on our highways and reduce health-care costs. several states have since the 1980's and 1990's. most of them are not new to the states. all 15 laws are backed by scientific research and studies and supported by the major public health and safety organizations, business groups, and numerous elected officials from around country and in congress, both democrats and republicans. the states in the report are only rated on whether or not they have a particular law and not on how it is in force or how well the public is educated
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about the law. the major finding of this year's report is that there is no state that has all the team lost. furthermore, to many states lack fundamental, basic traffic safety laws to reduce death and injury on our highways. too few elected officials are making these priorities in their state capital. meanwhile, millions of americans are a risk every single day, serious risk of death and injury because states do not have the safety measures. as the chairwoman said, many more people are dying in motor vehicle crashes than some of the major public health initiatives we are promoting out there. not that they are not important, but we need to elevate this issue to that level. let's turn to how the state laws were selected. this year, advocates made updates and additions and changes to the loss we
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considered in the analysis. in recognition of the growing problem of distracted driving and the mounting scientific evidence of its contribution to death and injuries, we have added to the 15 lost and all driver text messaging band we strengthen the criteria for new team driving laws to reflect a growing consensus among the public health and safety industry, including the american academy of pediatrics that the ultimate age for a teenager to endure the licensing system is a 16. driving restriction should be held on 18 driver until age 18. furthermore, the criteria in the impaired driving section has been strengthened. full credit is only given to states with ignition interlock was that apply to first-time offenders. we support the efforts of mothers against drunk driving to get this law enacted in every state.
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finally, the state is given credit for a law that is secondary enforcement. this means that in order to ticket somebody for not wearing their seat belts, if that is secondary enforcement, you have to commit another traffic offense. this does not make sense. secondary enforcement laws are weak and impossible to enforce. we're sending the wrong message to the public when we do that. once again, we used a color code to rate the states. green is the highest category, indicating the state is significantly advancing toward adoption of advocates- recommended highway safety laws. there are 10 states and the district of columbia that she did green rating. the color yellow indicates that while estate is advancing toward adoption of the 15 laws, there are numerous and serious safety gaps. this year, there are 31 states that fell in below category. it read a category is for states
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that have fewer than seven of the 15 basic traffic safety laws. these states are dangerously lagging behind other states in adoption of key laws and are putting their citizens at risk every day. there are nine states in the red category. first of all, i want to congratulate the state of arkansas and the governor and leaders in the state legislature on improving their overall grade to yellow. ever since that it started the report, arkansas has been in the red category. last year, the arkansas legislature, with the support of the governor, enacted a primary enforcement seat belt law. this significantly upgraded their team driving laws and imposed a ban on text messaging while driving. they require ignition interlock for all offenders. these are significant improvements and -- significant improvements and a show that when there is political will, there is a legislative way to
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get it done and get laws enacted. minnesota improved their rating from yellow from last year to bring it with the enactment of a primary enforcement seat belt law. other states were downgraded in this year's report. arizona, nebraska, ohio, pennsylvania, vermont and virginia dropped from yellow into the red. alabama, delaware, hawaii, louisiana, maine and michigan were downgraded to yellow from a previous rating of green. so there is a lot of work for all of these states to do this year. let me provide you with a brief summary of state legislative activity on highway safety laws last year. when we get our report, we identified 344 state laws that needed to be passed in order for every state to achieve and get into the green category. unfortunately, the legislative pace and progress is still painfully slow. in 2009, out of 344 lots that
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needed to be passed, only 36 state highway laws were enacted throughout the nation. four states, arkansas, minnesota, florida and wisconsin as the primary seat belt law. they're still 21 states that need this law. 11 states sec action to strengthen seen driving requirements. only one state, delaware has all the optimal six elements of a strong, graduated driver licensing program for teenagers even though motor vehicle crashes are the number-one killer of our teenagers. booster seats covering children through age 7 were passed in five states. this law was first passed in washington 10 years ago and we still have too many states that do not have it. only six states enacted laws addressing impaired driving. there are 46 states and the district of columbia missing one or more critical impaired driving law. 10 states took actions to pass
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laws restricting text messaging for a total and 10 states took action to pass laws restricting text messaging for a total of 15 states with this law. we're looking forward to more states acting to pass this law this year. and, as usual, there was an attempt to repeal one of the most effective and life saving laws, the motorcycle helmet law. we only have 20 states that have this law. there were 19 states that tried repeal this law. missouri has had the motorcycle law for four years. it sailed through both house turnovers legislature and it took tremendous courage to veto this bill and he did it and we congratulate him for doing that. i think it is amazing as you drive through this country, you can pass through states with some of the strongest traffic
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safety laws and some of the weakest traffic. subject to the same, strong safety requirements. yet driving from washington d.c. to may or washington state to arizona means passing through states that have weak drunk driving laws, did not ban text messaging, do not require that you use a booster seat for your child, have life-threatening with -- life-threatening loopholes in teen driving laws and an adequate enforcement of seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws. and worst states, there were 10 in the green category. the top to in this category are the district of columbia, i got credit for 13.5 lost and the state of new jersey, with credit for 13 lost. the other states are illinois, thank you center, maryland, new
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york, north carolina, oregon, tennessee, minnesota, california, and washington. there are nine worst states this year. we added, unfortunately, six new states to that category. they are arizona, virginia, vt., pennsylvania, ohio, and nebraska. in order of ranking, the states in the worst category having fewer than half of these 15 basic laws are south dakota with only three of the laws, arizona, north dakota, wyoming, va., vt., pennsylvania, ohio, and nebraska. as i said earlier, it does not make sense in this area we have virginia, which is a red state, bordered by the district, which is our top area in the green category and maryland with a green rating, when all the thousands of people every day
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across between those dates, yet there are not covered by the same important traffic safety laws. in ohio, the governor included a primarily -- a primary enforcement seat belt law this year. in a conference on the budget bill, it was stripped out. as a result, hyatt dropped to the red category. we're hopeful the government -- the governor will try again to get a high primary enforcement seat belt law. the report clearly raises the question of what can we do to accelerate adoption of traffic safety law. timing is everything in the time is right to increase pressure on states and put pressure on congress to take a leadership role. congress has successfully done this in the last three decades. the reason we have a 21 drinking age as the law of land and a zero tolerance blood alcohol concentration law as the law of land to close a loophole in
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underage drinking and driving is because congress recognized this was an important public health and safety measure and stepped in and set up a situation and passed a law that compelled the states to act and it worked. we need that kind of leadership on these other issues. in fact, many members of congress have already taken a leadership role and laid the groundwork by introducing legislation that will spur state action on several of these laws. in fact, a in the house right now, there is a transportation bill that is pending which includes a sanction on states that do not adopt a primary enforcement seat belt law or an ignition interlock law for first-time drunk driving offenders. we will hear in our press conference from their representative who is one of the key sponsors of legislation pending in the house right now -- is a teen driving bill that would set minimum standards for every state to have a strong and
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effective he graduated driver licensing law. it doesn't make sense when we have a body of research showing these laws dramatically save the lives of teen drivers. . there is also several laws and bills that have been introduced. these bills all have the support of advocates for highway auto safety. it is definitely time for renewed and reinvigorated leadership in state capitals and in congress. that's the only way we're going to advance the highway safety agenda. we can't delay it any longer because the wait is literally killing us. this strategy of getting the states to pass the laws and getting congress to lead the way when states don't act will save lives and prevent injuries and
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save taxpayer dollars. thank you very much. [applause] nk you very uc jackie. next we'll hear from senator john cullerton. he is also a very famous legislator in the united states. there's not much highway safety legislation in illinois that does not have his mark. we're pleased that he is here today to support the roadmap report. >> thank you. today more than 100 people will die on our nation's highways. it will happen tomorrow, too. just think about this. if there was a plane crash today and 100 people were killed, someone from every state in the nation was on that plane.
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it would be a phenomenal tragedy. it would be the leading news story throughout the world. the pictures of the people who died would be in every newspaper throughout the united states. how many days do you think it would take uof plane crashes where 100 people were killed before congress and the president would immediately have hearings, a joint session of congress, national addresses, to stop the plane crashes? i would say only a few. my former colleague, president obama, who served with for eight years in springfield, who co- sponsored seat belts laws with me, this is a top priority with him. he would be leading the nation
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in passing legislation. people would say -- what can we do to stop these deaths? advocates for highway and auto safety has outlined 15 pieces of legislation that have passed that would stop the fatalities. if it was a plane crash and congress would react so quickly, why can't the states, who are suffering collectively the same 100 deaths every day? it almost seems like it is simple. i am very proud of the fact that our state is ranked third in the nation. i have sponsored many of those laws that are already on the books and illinois, along with former state senator obama. the rest of the states start
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their sessions. we go into session tomorrow in illinois. most of the states are dealing with a nominal budget deficits. -- most of the states are dealing with large budget deficits. that will be the top priority. yets, here are laws that will save lives, in addition to saving lots of money. why would it not be the number one priority? one of the greatest things about being in the legislature is not just voting to balance budgets, but also to literally press a button and know that you will save hundreds of lives in your state each year. that has been my motivation for the now 31 years i've been in the general assembly. we are aware of the fact that our friends in congress know about these laws.
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they are poised to pass carrot and stick legislation to encourage, or compel, the states to pass these model teen- driving, text messaging laws that need to be passed. i have heard some colleagues say that is unwanted federal injured victim -- unwanted federal intervention. i do not agree with that. if they give you a carrot, only some pastelok to it in my opinion, we cannot quickly respond to the of pleas of the experts -- if we do not quickly respond, people will suffer.
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i know some people here have suffered these tragedies. to go to the funeral of a teenager is probably about the saddest thing you can do. these tragedies do not have to take place. the laws are right there. i encourage all my colleagues to please pass these laws. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much, senator. susan will fvavala is next. unfortunately what brings her here today is the story of the loss of her daughter, kim, in a teen-related crash. >> thank you for inviting me to be here today to share my family's story with you.
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june 12, 1995 was the first day of vacation. the long summer was a head. my daughter was learning to drive. her 16th birthday was two weeks away. it was an exciting time with exams finally over, softball in midseason, and independence on the horizon. that afternoon was spent making plans for a movie of the with two friends, julie and joe. he had turned 16 just days before. they invited kim's younger brother, michael. we said our goodbyes that night. she never came home. a catastrophic crash occurred five minutes later less than two miles from our house. to lee and michael sustained relatively minor injuries. joe, who was driving, was critically injured. my daughter, so full of life five minutes before, died in the
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front seat of a mustang because her friend briefly lost control of the car. he fishtailed into the path of a 30-year-old woman, in the opposite direction in her own lane at inappropriate speed, who had no idea that her life would change forever in the blink of an eye. all five were victims of inexperience, failure to recognize that novice drivers blackie still that comes only with time behind the wheel -- novice drivers lack experience that comes with time behind the wheel. as adults, legislators, and parents, we have failed to protect our children. one year after my daughter's death, i was asked by the state senator if i was interested in working in the delaware
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proposed law. i was very interested. after tremendous work on the part of others, and hearing the story of kim's death, gdl became law in delaware. it's a work in progress, but it has made a difference. nationally, laws must be updated to reflect changes in technology, road conditions, and driving habits. some parents are eager to turn over their car keys to their children to be relieved of the car pool burden. we sign on for these responsibilities when we become parents, including the development of safe driving habits and our children. it's too late for kim, but it is not too late for the rest of us. all who share the road with


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