tv Today in Washington CSPAN February 2, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EST
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plan to eliminate homeless veterans. increasing quality and safety. it provides an unprecedented increase in v.b.a., which shows the serioustons which the president and secretary are devoting to claims processing and the backlogs in v.b.a. and the nols our cemeteries so that we can provide more internment for our veterans in the future. thank you. .
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>> i believe our next question is from adam levine. >> can you talk more about the time of implementing the software for the gi bill processing and the medical claims processing? what is the goal for hiring 4000 more processors? >> roger baker will enter the first part. >> the goal for the new software would go a long term solution -- solution for chapter 33 would introduce first functionality on april 1. full functionality would be on june 30 so we go to a fallñi wih
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a new or -- more automated system for processing benefit. i was not clear and the question from the medical claims side. on the medical side, are you talking about the paperless system? we are currently working a number of pilots on the paperless system in 2010. in 2011, we have substantial dollars in the budget, i believe it is $45 million to seal the new system in a number offices. we have a commitment to congress to have all the paperless software in the field by 2012 and we're currently on the plan. >> mike, do you want to address the hiring of 4000? >> yes, it is important to remember that 1870 of that 4000 are already on board. these are corporate -- these are
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employees that we hope to train. that is relatively easyn hr stempel. -- ec from an hr standpoint. we want to train them quickly. we have hired a similar amount of people over the last couple of years. so we know we have the infrastructure to do. we have money built into the budget for training and also for those people. we're pretty confident that we can do that. >> our next question is from alia sternstein. >> question regarding oversight of project management. when do you expect to launch the
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va-specific-board website where citizens can watch that oversight? >> has been launched. i can get to the link to that. we did a soft launch. we have not done big publicity on it yet. i will give you the link and you can look at it. >> thank you and with regard to that, is there any information on the oracle enterprise siding on there. when you plan to sign the deal? >> i could not talk about anything that is acquisition- sensitive. we would have that on that website. it is a project where we are developing >> thank you. >> thank you. i believe katie has some questions -- >> we have answered all those questions of this concludes the formal press conference. thank you very much that >> you
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all for coming in and if you have more questions, let us know. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> more on the education budget from educational director arne duncan. this is about one hour. >> we are here to talk about the
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proposed 2011 budget. we know you have lots of questions so there will be plenty of time for that. the agenda today will include secretary arne duncan who will join us shortly as well as colonel martin, our secretary for planning and evaluation and policy development. we also have on hand, our director of budget services, tom skelly and we will of time for question and answer. we only have one microphone today for you and it is over here. the people on this side have an advantage. if you have a question, you may want to plan to migrate over there at one point. if you do come to the microphone, speak directly into it. we are recording and transcribing today's forum and
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want to assure we get everything done accurately. and we are very pleased with the investment the president is proposing to make in education in this budget to meet both his goal, having the highest proportion of college graduates in 2020 and to secure our economic future. this is a heavy investment to come out texas, adult education, early learning. we are determined to build grass-roots support. to promote the well-rounded education competition and give states and districts as much flexibility as possible. our world what will always be to
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provide the common definition of success. we will talk with you today about how we propose and the president proposes to go about this. we have now got carmel joining us. kirk remote for her our point only goes forward and not back. [laughter] do we have our special guest yet? he is right behind. i have nothing more to say and i have brought these people -- i have brought these people. the color of the book is green. [laughter] that is always an exciting thing for us to see what it will look like. it is the color of money, suppose, this year. add that to your collection.
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we have been talking a lot about different shades of colors and look forward to hear the best description and you can e-mail that with your comment. [laughter] this is always a fun time when you are waiting. [laughter] other things that -- what we move into carmle's presentation. we look forward to hearing from friends or watching late at night. [laughter] we will paude when arne a rise. >> re-, everybody. the secretary should be here shortly. i will try not to upstage him too much. my presentation will focus on
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the details that he will lay out the vision for you in terms of the president's budget being unveiled today. the budget includes $49 billion for not discretionary funding for the department of education with a $1 billion reserve fund that would come into play when the congress passes the re- authorization of the secondary education act for a total of $57.3 billion. without the reserve fund, it is a 7.5% increase. with the reserve fund, it is closer to 10. here is the star of the show, i got three or first bullet point. --ñr through your first bullet
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points. i just talked about the overall increase. >> good afternoon. thanks everybody for coming. the president released his fiscal 2011 budget this morning. it includes a 7.5% increase in discretionary funding for the department. the president is investing in education. he sees it as the key to our economic future this budget is a reflection of this. the president's budget lays out a new vision for our education system including schools and increasing college access, college completion he has invested heavily in education at every level from early education to college access.
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it is a cradle to career agenda which stars from birth and follows children every step of the way with the goal that they graduate from a two-year or four-year institution. the president thinks success depends on education. in 10 years, the jobs will require certification or graduation. we have to educate our way to a better economy the budget signals a bold, new direction for k-12 policy with a more competitive funding, more flexibility, and accountability that we will develop a partnership with democrats and republicans in the months ahead. all told, the budget includes $49.7 billion, an increase of $3.5 billion over 2010. the proposed budget includes a $3 billion increase for competitive programs in elementary and secondary
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education act, also known as "no child left behind." also we will redesign the accountability system. the president is committed to strengthen the current accountability system and it will be based on the outcome and closing the achievement gap. today, standards are too low and the existing model does not provide states with an incentive to raise the standard. in fact, it is quite the opposite. ncob does little to record progress. we want a capital reforms that factor in student wrote, progress in closing the gaps, proficiency toward college centers, high school graduation, and college enrollment rates. that is a lot to track. we recognize that it was to be smarter about accountability, more fair to students and teachers, and more effective in the classroom.
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we need to look at all of these factors. we need to learn from that and act on them. my staff and i have traveled to all 50 states are listening and learning tour over the last year. we heard so many complaints about the current system of accountability they said it narrows the curriculum -- folks said it narrows the curriculum and unfairly label schools that are doing well. we heard the complaints and we're coming back with some ideas to address that. we welcome additional input, feedback, and more ideas as the authorization moves forward. we will work with congress to redesign the accountability system to reward growth and to give states the flexibility and encouragement they need to adopt higher standards that trip to prepare students for success in college and in careers. half under the proposed budget, the president will send congress a budget amendment for additional $1 billion to provide incentives for successful schools.
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will also provide additional money for assessment and after- school programs. the president is trying to advance reforms elsewhere in the budget by including $1.53 billion, $500 million for investing in innovation, more money for school turnaround, charters, school safety, and programs around teacher and principal separation. one area i think that was under invested is around leadership. we are proposing a five. increase their. -- a five point increase there. we want to cut red tape and hold ourselves accountable. this budget consolidates education programs into six funding streams and eliminates six others that duplicate other programs but did not have a national impact. by doing that, we can save $123 million.
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we considered other to its $70 million by eliminating all your marks. one of our goals is to give local educators flexibility. we do not have all the answers in washington. the best ideas, the best innovation will always -- always come from the local level. great teachers, great principles, grade school districts, great states, not from here in washington. we want to provide a common definition of success but not a description for success. we will advance that goal and the re-authorized. we will focus on raising standards for all students. ñiwe will support and reward ineffective teachers and leaders and turn around local four middle schools and help schools develop a well-grounded education. in the past, we have boosted funding by nearly $200 million for budgets and history,
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language, and the arts. we understand they need more than -- students need more than reading and math to succeed. mzxlet me take a moment and shit to higher education for the budget includes a grand total of 107 $3 billion in loans, grants, tax credits, and work study programs to help students go to college that should help three of five college students in america. it incorporates everything in the higher education bill to end up landing subsidies to banks and shift billions of savings into higher education and into early childhood. that proposal passed the house and awaits senate approval. under the proposal, maximum pell grants will rise and automatically rise by rate of inflation annually over the next decade. the bill has $10.6 billion to improve and modernize community colleges and $3.6 billion to
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raise college completion rates. lastly, the bill provides $9.3 billion in competitive grants over the next 10 years to improve early learning programs. as you know, the president set his goals and will leave -- and that is to lead the world in college in education. we need to improve education at every level. this budget puts us on a path towards success in meeting that goal. it also includes much more such as the additional $250 million for special education. more money for english as a second language. more money for college is that serb minority students. there's more money for school safety. there's also $210 million for the common neighborhood program which is a competitive the grant program whose goal is to build upon the success.
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the program combines social services would school improvement in order to transform neighborhoods. ñiwe expect to fund up to 10 pit projects with money from the fiscal 2010 budget. these additional resources will help the pilot programs get their start and others to plan our own successful never was. lastly, there's more money for educational options and charter schools. but because by saying that the need for reform is absolutely urgent. if more than 25% of our high school students failed to graduate. more about 50% of incoming college students need remedial education. many drop out. it is they can afford to stay in or they can't keep up. millions of jobs in our country cannot be filled because of the lack of trained workers. we are falling behind other
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countries in critical areas like engineering and science. doe in exposing gaps. we need to fix it so we can get on with the important work of teaching and learning. the president knows we have to educate our way to a better economy. he has called on all stakeholders from students, to parents, to elected officials, to educators to take responsibility for education and join together in this effort. we're working with both sides of the aisle to develop a bipartisan proposal because education affects everyone. everyone wants to work together there will be to. a grimace from time to time but we all share the same common values. we are hopeful that they re- authorization will move forward and we can have an aggressive reform agenda in the months and years ahead. thank you so much.
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[applause] >> thank you. i will not spend a lot of time on the presentation. i just want to go through a few highlights that emphasize some of the legs that the secretary mentioned and open it up for questions. you have most of the information i will share in the books in front of you. the total increase would be up to $50.7 billion. there are additional points about early learning. the budget supports $9.3 billion over 10 years for the president's early learning challenge fund. it also contains continued support for ida grants. we will also continue to look for ways to prioritize early childhood education in our other
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grant programs as we have found with respect to the neighborhoods. our investments will complement increases for the child care development grants and head start in the hhs budget that is being released today, as well. in terms of elementary and secondary education priorities, there's $3 billion increase for programs to seek an additional $1 billion upon reauthorization. some of the priorities mentioned by the secretary i will cover briefly again for additional funding for school turnaround -- we're proposing $900 million for the currently labeled school improvement fund and, in our funding that is contingent upon
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reauthorization, we will propose additional funding for rewarding high-poverty schools that have made extraordinary progress. and there is additional funding for innovation as the president announced last week, we are asking congress for a $3.1 billion. the budget asks for $500 million to continue the i3 program that is designed to replicate successful intervention. $150 million of that funding would be devoted to stem initiatives and all of that funding would be looking to prioritize strategies that focus on education technology. we are also proposing an innovation for charter and other innovative school models. also additional funding for
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school choice. another major area is instructional teams and there is a focus on teams and leaders. we have a net increase of $350 million for leader strategies including new investments in programs that help to recruit and prepare leaders, a typical leaders who can go on to operate in school turnaround programs and additional funding to promote the development of teacher evaluation systems that more effectively evaluate teacher quality and reward teachers who have been successful and identified them as successful teachers. they can serve as instructional leaders in their schools. another area focuses on supporting student success. with a total of $1.88 billion for providing additional support, non-academic support to
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help children succeed including a continuation of the 21st century learning program. there's also a new successful help the student initiative and the $200 million increase for the promised neighborhood initiative. we're also providing resources to ensure that students have access to. well-rounded to we are consolidating different content areas. we will have a funding stream for comprehensive literary areas and dedication for stem initiatives and over $200 million in programs that are designed to ensure that other academic subjects are integrated into the education of students. this promotes the idea of inter- disciplinary teaching.
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but we are continuing to focus on ensuring that students are college and career ready. we are investing in the title one program with increases for the rewards program but also significant increases for school turnaround funding. we also have maintained investments for particular groups of students that you see in current situations like migrant students, homeless students, and a large increase in learning english. we are maintaining those programs as formula-driven programs. we shift the balance between formula and competitive programs under the 2010 budget. $20.8 billion for elementary and secondary school funding was formula-driven with $4.2 billion
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invested in competitive funding streams. under this budget, the total will be $20.3 billion and $7.8 billion in competitive funding streams. i think we have lost that slide. i cannot go backwards. [laughter] here is the program we mentioned earlier that we are now consolidating or shifting to competitive but we would like to work with congress to ensure that these programs are more focused on outcomes for the students they are designed to help we will look to work with congress on that and not look to shift them to competitive funding streams. we have an increase in existing competitive funding for the english learner program. this is designed to help insure that we can tackle improving teacher quality for english learners and invest in research
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arm around the strategies for improving english lerner's' success. the budget contemplates historic increases in student aid including an increase in the pell grant. it will ensure stability in the student loan program. as well as the administration's t be the college tax benefit permanent. we are also proposing to improve upon the existing income-based retirement programs are no student has to pay more than 10% of the discretionary income in loan payments. students who enter into public service jobs, other folks have the balance forgiven after 20 years.
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i think most of these numbers that the secretary mentioned our requests to make available $156 billion in new grants, loans, and works of programs providing three out of five students with aid. this would increase by 60% compared to 2008 before the president took office nearly 15 million students would receive aid under the proposal. we would help graduates manage debt through an improved income- based repayment program and increase the pell grant maximum through a tenure window -- a 10 year window. the budget also supports the $2.5 billion over 10 years for hcpu's and other minority-
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serving institutions as well as a 5% increase in discretionary funding for these institutions. the budget supports the $10.6 billion over 10 years investment in the american graduation initiative to focus on improving community colleges including infrastructure investment as well as online education. $3.5 billion over five years will be for the college access and completion fund which is designed to ensure -- to complement the existing programs and ensure that students not only get to college but actually complete college. with that, i will open it up for questions. >> there is a microphone right over here. if you have a question, head
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over that way. folks on this side, it is a longer trip for you but have over there if you like. let's focus on questions and stay away from advocacy for particular things this afternoon. why don't we start with mary. >> hello i'm with the american association of administrators. the state education technology grant is described in the back as being consolidated into the effective teacher learning program but it is not listed in that section as one of the consolidated programs. it looks like it is an elimination of a program of $100 million toward education technology. i know we talked about fusing
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into every section but if you compare apples to apples, i want to figure out how that is a consolidated program and not be limited. >> we consider it consolidate to because we're looking to support the activities currently funded under the current education technology program through -- it is more complicated because we're looking to do it in multiple fronts. we want to ease that into our funding stream wherever possible it will be something that we would look at in the context of the money for the teaching and learning of a well- grounded education, insuring that as that funding is being competed out that there is attention and focus given to strategies that use educational technologies to deliver content. we are also looking at it in the context of the reauthorization of the title one program to ensure that at thetñ level,
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there is capacity for identifying innovative uses of educational technology to improve instruction for disadvantaged students. it will be a focus of the i3 funding and will be focused on what are the most innovative tools available to improve outcomes for students. it is and used for multiple programs as opposed to moving into one new funding >> i am trying to reconcile this with the way you handle the other programs. it is not listed under the well- grounded education. >> it is in the longer description of the well-grounded education program. >> it is not listed even in the back. >> i am saying that it is more complicated than of some of the other consolidations because it is being in fused into multiple
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funding streams as opposed to one. >> i am with the national association of principles. i have a question about the excellence streams. there are a number of consolidation programs that are mostly consolidated their grip improving the quality grants and leadership programs. this is an important focused school leadership. it could be a nice robust increase. i am concerned about dedication. with school leadership and federal funding, only about 4% of federal funds have been used for school leadership because it has always been at a low level. with this consolidation, will
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there be language that specifically dedicated funding for school leaders? >> yes, $170 million. that is to prepare, and recruit effective leaders with a focus on preparing leaders to be leaders in turnaround schools and also in the proposal-related formula funding stream for effective teachers and leaders, asking for grant recipients to show in a concrete way that they are focused on leadership as well as -- teacher leaders as well as administrative leaders. >> does that fall under one of the specific 3 breakdowns? >> all three of our funding streams that are dedicated to teachers and leaders have a focus on both teachers and leaders but under the teacher andn1 leader pathway initiativ,
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where the one -- is where the $170 million will be dedicated to leaders. >> other dedicated funding streams under the other programs? is that in the innovation fund or the state grants? >> for both the state grants and the innovation fund, it is not a segment a portion of the funding. we will ask recipients of those funding streams to demonstrate that they are improving their capacity around could affect leaders. >> i'm with the community for education funding. on page 33 of the book, you list specific funding request for programs if you're funding was not real authorized. can you explain that? >> it is our hope that the re- authorization will move forward
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and we will be able to allocate the funding that the budget proposes. that list is under the current program structure. >> it is my understanding that the administration is not proposing, at this point, formula changes in total one? >> not at this point. >> on page 5, when you talk about programs that are essentially understaffed, it mentioned $1.2 billion over three years for graduation promised grants. >> that is under consideration in the senate. we are supporting that. >> there's nothing in this budget related to school modification? >> nbo.
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>> i am with lots of different groups3 3 . you talked about the fiscal year 2011 request a new list of the excellent instructional teams and talk about supporting school success. i would throw in effective teachers as a definition i look through here and i see programs like the school counseling program that are being consolidated which are one of the few dedicated funding streams for support -- specialized instructional support personnel like school counselors and psychologists. i think we very much believe that those people are a critical part of instructional excellence.
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they should be included as part of the definition of effective teachers since they cannot be effective without all the support personnel around them. i wish you could comment on how we can deal with insuring that school districts have the appropriate staff under these programs without a dedicated funding stream. >> the funding in the effective leaders program could be used on other school staff beyond teachers and leaders. in the existing teacher incentive fund a program, we ask congress this year to modify the language so that performance- based funds -- compensation could be given to all stephanie school and not just the teachers or the leaders in the school. congress agreed to do that. our proposal is moving forward. we will continue that. we also would seek the new successful safe and healthy
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student program as an opportunity for states and districts to apply for funding to implement innovative funding around things like school counseling and providing other support, non-academic support to students as well. it is something that the instructional team funding would be able to support, as well. their professional development and other programs to improve non-teachers. >> on those consolidated programs, would we assume that the programs under theire would have allowed to use as tax >> that might not be the case in every instance. in many instances, that is the case. >> i am with the american association of colleges for teacher education. the teacher quality partnership
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grants under the higher education act, you have taken that money and consolidated into a new funding stream. one of the $50 million has just been let out in competitive grants for this is a new program between k-12 district and higher education. those are five-year grants. what would happen to those grants? my second question is, are you moving the accountability provisions for title to of the higher education act into this new fund so that all paris will have the same accountability requirements? >> the current program fund, it grants have been awarded, we would provide for a continuation grant with in this new funding stream, new, larger funding stream. it
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yet, we are looking at the new program to insure that there is a system of accountability for teacher preparation programs, both traditional and alternative certification programs >> that would be the same for all of them? thank you. >> i am with the association of jesuit colleges and universities. i want to think the administration for our increase in pell grants. my mother taught me to be grateful women get presents. [laughter] i would like a general explanation of why the $34 billion for prll grants proposed for 2011 is on the mandatory side of the budget. can you explain the rationale? >> sure, as you know,pell grants operate more similarly to so
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security and medicare that it operates like title 1. funding on the discretionary side, the basic theory is that we will allocate a certain amount of money and when that money is gone, that is all there is to spend for that purpose for that year. as you know, every eligible student is entitled to the amount of money they are eligible for. by having it on the discretionary side, we have the continuous cycle where we shift back between shortfalls. the most responsible way to budget for the program is to move to the mandatory side. >> would this be attached to the senate tax >> we are putting forth and it will be up to congressional leadership as to how to do it. we will work with them. what is most important is that
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we get the maximum amount of funding into the hands of students. we will work closely on them with any moving piece of legislation. what >> about taking care of the shortfall on the mandatory side of the budget. that seems to be a general principle of the administration going forward. is that correct? >> yes, that is our proposal. we will work with congress to ensure that we take care of the shortfall. >> thank you very much. >> i am with the national governors' association. the governor's continued to thank you for the funds to states in the stabilization fund. this has been incredibly helpful to education and states are facing a tough fiscal year ahead. in terms of the assessment, two parts -- in terms of the funds and the reserve of race to the
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top or, assessment, a number of states have already signed consortium development concessions. is this a single consortium of states to to develop this program? the second part, on page 20, you ask -- talk about migrating assessment to career-college already standards. could you describe below the more the division of the -- the vision of the department tech. >> the details of the initiative are still being determined. our lead on the bridge to the top program is still working on that. she has been gathering information from experts around the country around that. i can tell you that those of the type of things we're still working on.
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we are very encouraged by the work led by your organization, the national governors' association around a set of common standards and would like to insure that as we move forward with the standards, that there are high-quality assessments aligned to the new college and career-ready standards. we do not intend to mandate national standards but we look to provide incentives and support to the state-driven process aren't raising standards so that matched the college and career-ready standards. >> i am from asku and i would like to ask from income-based payments. if i understand a number here, for existing loans cost about
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$1.7 billion but in the future, i am not sure what it would be starting with the president's budget year. i assume that the cost is because of the subsidy for loans in the first few years. if that is not the case, i would be interested in knowing that, too. >> the total cost is about $8 billion over 10 years. there are costs if you have laws that are defaulted -- if you have loans or that are defaulted. some of loans with the council before we got back all the interest that would normally be paid. that is a cost per >> it is a mixture of those things? >> right. >> i am with the national council of [unintelligible]
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. it sounds like the majority of the funding will be formula funding. do you have an idea of what competitive grants would be in actual numbers versus formula? >> the $50 million increase that is in our budget that we are proposing be dedicated to the national activities competitive funding. >> you. -- thank you. >> i have a question about one of the consolidated programs. the javitts competition was just opened last year. it only had one year of funding. can you explain what will happen if this budget would go
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through? >> there would be money to cover the continuation grant. >> thank you again for the briefing today. what would you say are may be the top two takeaways for state legislators working on education reform this year from the changes in this budget? >> i would say about the takeaways are a clear head -- indication that education is a party for the president and the administration and a focus on rewarding success and a focus, looking for ways to provide of this -- additional flexibility at the state and local level without funds are used for we think of the current fragmented program structure there are
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dozens of programs that the state and local level have to keep track of and make sure they are in compliance with. we have to be focused on whether state and local actors are in compliance with federal requirements under each of the programs. we think by streamlining and setting forth a new framework that focuses on key areas where the federal government can have the greatest leverage, that we will become less compliant- driven and more supportive of success and an ovation and hopefully help the folks at the state and local level be more focused on success and innovation as opposed to grant compliance. >> i am with the great city schools. the funding in the budget proposal is good if not commendable. i am a little concerned about the flat funding for title 1, for 2011, at least the title one regular programs.
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we see our schools hitting the funding clip which as contemporary as for when the budget kicks in for 2011. i think there is a certain concern about holding back $1 billion until we get a political consensus on the fca. i do not see any proposal that hold back the increases in child nutrition funding although the child nutrition funding reauthorization is certainly delayed. i do not see any proposal to hold back the medicare and medicaid funding increases for either services or administration, waiting for health care reform to go through. i am wondering why the justification for flat funding of the regular tidal 1 schools in the budget until we get a political consensus on the fca. >> the budget does contain a
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very substantial increase in funding for elementary and secondary school education. the president and secretary felt that additional funding could be very effectively used was a re- authorization is complete. we obviously are supporting a significant increase in the meantime. as you know, which provided $10 billion for title one with state budget cuts for the legislation is moving through congress right now. they are tackling the job issue and we will be working closely with them to do our best to support the creation of jobs and prevention of unemployment and to help stabilize state budget. >> the state stabilization
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budget would be great. that is not entirely replaced the education stabilization fund which was substantially more than that and certainly does not replace the $10 billion in title one which i don't think we expected to be replaced. when you hit that funding clipper, that can't apparatus like, you would hit a flat funding or freeze for title one, i think that is a concern. >> we have about five minutes left. >> i am with the international society for technology in education. what you expect to use in order to move programs or funding that will enhance education through technology. i would like to hear the strategy to move title one with teacher quality programs.
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we see the funding but we see little movement into the diddle -- digital age for these programs. we want to be sure that we do not put on hold yet another generation of students the best teachers. >> we would like to work with congress in the reauthorization of the elementary and secondary education programs to insure that there is a focus on building capacity both at the state and district levels in terms of the use of technology and also ensure that students are gaining the technology literacy skills they need to be successful in the 21st century. we will be looking to fund innovation in this area in a big way through the i3 program. we are working with the nsf to make sure we're maximizing the
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federal investments and learning as much as we can from that. it is something we're looking to make a very concrete part of multiple funding streams. we would like to work with you as we develop this proposal and get more specific and get your input on how we can improve upon desperate >>this. >> i appreciate that >> we have the last question? >> i am with americans for the arts. in the consolidation section, do you anticipate providing further detail on the breakdown on the consolidated programs? we understand the expected grant support of each of those programs is in there? >> we would like to fund the best proposal. the intention is not to break down into individual programs again. that would be reversing what we
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have tried to accomplish which is to have a larger funding stream available for people with innovative ideas on how to promote arts education, history education, a civics education, financial literacy, environmental literacy with interdisciplinary teaching so we can help schools and districts figure out how to effectively teach youth arts and improve the teaching of other subjects. >> do you want to say anything about the provisions for rural and other districts text >? >> the move to competitive funding streams does not result in bias towards particular districts or communities because
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of their geographic locations. we are looking for ways to ensure that rural districts and other small districts have a chance to compete on equal footing. some ways we have been talking about in terms of doing that would be to provide competitive priorities to small districts. another possibility would be to run separate competitions based on the district size. those are things we have not fully fleshed the details out on but we are committed to working with folks to make sure we get it right. >> thank you, anything else to add? >> all the material is on the web at >> thank you for starting a week with us and we will talk with you soon.
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> "washington journal" is next with today's news and your phone calls. treasury secretary tim geithner will speak before the senate live it 10:00 eastern. the houses and for general speeches at two o'clock 30 p.m. eastern, 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. in about 45 minutes, we'll take questions about the president's budget proposal for the defense department and the plan to end the military "don't ask, don't tell"
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