tv Today in Washington CSPAN February 8, 2010 10:00am-12:00pm EST
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on its arsenal of democracy. guest: it is hugely important. the same way diminishes our trust in domestic policy, it diminishes our trust in national security policy. we always have the questions of who is controlling our decisions. is it just people who want to make money abroad? government reform, campaign finance reform, at the touch both areas of policy. the economy is part of our national security. president clinton made this argument and was very strong on it. global trade and our relations with countries like china to the european countries are actually central to whether we are secure as a nation. it is not just about weapons. it is about commerce. host: julian's also teaches political science -- julian zelizer teaches political science -- i'm sorry, history -- at princeton. guest: i am finishing a book on
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at jimmy carter and what ronald reagan and the republican revolution and another one on president bush. host: we thank you for taking your time. that will do it for "washington journal" this morning. we will be back tomorrow morning at 7:00 eastern. see you then. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] . >> this week analysis from the associated press. tonight, on c-span2.
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for educators, c-span offers the new website. it has been redesigned to make it more useful for teachers. we have the most current and timely c-span videos. you can find the most-watched video clips organized by subject and topics. he will also have the chance to connect with other teachers. it is all free. stein up at the new web site. -- sign up at the new web site. a live look at the u.s. capitol. the region continues to dig out of the fourth largest record snowstorm. the u.s. senate will be in session today. when everyone is back the focus may return to health care. president obama announced that he has invited leaders to discuss legislation. polls are showing that congressional aides have not
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throttle up. >> the three-man engines are up. it is flying at 1,800 miles per hour. as 11.5 miles down range. that left off, the boosters weighed 4.5 million pounds. all systems continue to function well. three good main engines, three good power generated fuel tanks. the next step will be the burned out and separation of the rocket boosters. they provide 5.3 million pounds of thrust to propel the order tour toward space.
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>> performance is as expected thus far. take a little minutes 19 seconds into the flight -- two minutes, 19 seconds into the flight. the officer confirms that the engines are firing, providing endeavor with an extra boost to orbit. >> space shuttle endeavor, earlier today that it starts its mission to the international space station. back here on earth, the white house has not yet announced a briefing with reporters. up next, the michigan governor finishing her second and final
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>> in his 20 years in the legislature, and during these last seven years, he has given his all for the state of michigan and the working men and women of this state could not have a stronger champion, nor i a wiser counselor or better friend. [applause] >> seven years ago, when i first spoke to you from this spot, we paused at that time to recognize the service and sacrifice of our men and women in the armed forces. at that time, the preparations for the invasion of iraq were
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already under way. for the seven years, he more than 9000 of our michigan citizens have been deployed to afghanistan and to iraq with national guard units along with thousands who served with their active duty units as soldiers, marines, and airmen. in these last seven years, 182 have made the ultimate sacrifice. i would like to ask that we pause in silence to honor their memory. >> thank you. the courage and commitment of our servicemen and women humbles us. it gives us perspective on the challenges that we face. we are joined by captain ross bettis of the michigan army
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national guard. captain bettis has just returned from his third tour of duty in afghanistan. this, in fact, is his 17th year in the michigan national guard. captain bettis, thank you for standing so that we can honor you as a representative of all of all our servicemen and women. [applause] >> given the inspiring service of captain bettis and the many
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other quiet heroes who walk among us, we must ask ourselves, to those of us chosen to lead in a time as trying as any in modern history, what is our call to duty? for me, it comes down to this -- to fight every day for the jobs the people of michigan want and need, and to help them make the difficult and often painful transition from the old economy that is disappearing, to a new economy that is only just beginning to emerge. let me be clear. our world has changed, utterly. the old michigan economy is gone. anyone who believes that michigan would just naturally rebound without making a deep and lasting change had a
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rendezvous in which reality in 2009. the year that just ending -- the year that just ended is what time magazine has called -- a is what "time magazine" has called the "decade from hell." 1 million michigan jobs were lost over the last decade. we had record foreclosures. it was the worst economic downturn since the great depression. michigan was at the epicenter of it all. if there was any good to come from this painful year, it was this. 2009 made clear that the way forward for michigan is precisely the path that we have been forging together, creating jobs by diversifying our economy, educating our people to fill those jobs and helping people when they need it the
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most. in these seven years, we have completely restructured our education system, top to bottom, so that michigan's children and workers have the skills to be successful in this new economy. we have protected people who needed a safety net in this transition from old to new. in these seven years, we did not just talk about diversification. step-by-step, we have been making it happen. we have purposefully laid the foundation for michigan's new economy, steadily building each of six new sectors. where the old economy was all about autos and manufacturing, the new michigan economy is much broader -- clean energy, life sciences like bio economy and
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medical devices, homeland security and defense, advanced manufacturing, film, tourism -- we have steadily focused on the unique attributes that give michigan a competitive advantage. no state has the skilled workforce that we do. nobody has the -- yes. [applause] >> nobody has the capacity and the manufacturing know-how that we have. nobody has the natural resources -- the forests, the diverse agriculture, the water, no one has what we have. combine that with our great universities and colleges, and we are using these unique attributes to create whole new
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companies and whole new industry. that is our competitive advantage. we are also battling to help our core industries survive the turmoil of a volatile globalized economy. we did not have to choose between strengthening the manufacturing industry and diversifying the economy. [applause] >> we have shown that we can and we are doing both. i, for one, will never apologize for standing up for american automakers and american autoworkers. [applause] >> i know that whoever sits in this chamber one year from now
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will have new ideas and new plans. that is good. democrats, republicans, and independents alike will have to confront this truth -- we cannot turn back this plan. diversifying our economy, educating our people and protecting them along the way -- this is the path forward. tonight, i will lay out the next steps we have to take in the year ahead to continue to move forward. we have to pass a balanced budget with urgency. [applause] >> a budget that is going to help us create jobs, by the way. we have to reform government to make it work better, cost less,
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so that we can focus on our priorities -- jobs and education. we have to take the next step to bring jobs to michigan and to grow them right here. first, we have to begin by passing a budget that allows us to target every possible dollar to creating jobs, investing in education, and protecting people. [applause] >> we know that government cannot be all things to all people. next week, i will present a comprehensive proposal that outlines all of the steps that we have to take to enact a balanced budget that protect our priority. like michigan pro-business is, and like michigan's of families, state government has had to learn to do more with less.
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since i came into office in 2003, when out of every $3 in state revenues is gone. as a result, we have had to make painful cuts to balance the budget. this year, again, we face another significant shortfall. let's be candid. the budget process is broken. it is a last-minute, crisis- driven disaster. we must do better. [applause] >> the pundits are already saying that he will not agree to a balanced budget in this election year. for michigan's say, prove them wrong. it can be done if you act with urgency and common-sense and courage. is that a tall order?
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consider this. this is the same quality that the people of our state all our -- are demonstrating every day. you will have my budget on february 12. hand it back to me by july 1. [applause] >> a bipartisan group of freshmen in this house of representatives have called for a constitutional amendment that will require us to complete the budget by july 1, or else, dr. our pay, yours and mine for every day that we do not get the job done. i call for you to put that
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constitutional amendment on the ballot and live up to it this year. [applause] >> from here on out, let's make movies in michigan and let california make the budget dramas. [applause] >> the last friday i proposed 29 reforms for you to act on this year to streamline state government and to reduce its costs. in normal circumstances, it would be hard to resolve this measure in a two year session, let alone in a single year. these are not normal times. michigan's future can not wait. in addition to urgency on the budget decisions that you face,
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you would also benefit from a dose of common-sense. my mom, who is here tonight, can pinch pennies -- yes [applause] >> she can pinch pennies with the best of them. she was just telling me that they got a $20 flight from california -- frequent flyer miles. she also taught me not to be penny wise. in our budget, we need to make common-sense investments that create jobs right away. for example, there are areas where we need to heed mom put the device.
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mom is a republican, by the way. [applause] >> but she is from california [laughter] . >> first, we must invest in michigan first advertising. [applause] >> for every dollar that we invest in these award-winning ads, we get back $2.23 in state tax revenues from tourists spending money in michigan. more than 160,000 people working in the tourism industry in this state. hotels, ski resorts, golf courses fund the ads. more people vacationing here means more jobs here.
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second, common-sense dictates that we should not leave money on the table in the washington for roads and infrastructure that would create jobs in michigan. [applause] >> the federal government will give us $2 billion over the next four years for our roads if we can come up with a 20% match in state funds. it is like an 80% off to pond -- coupon for our roads. without the match, we would lose federal funds and 10,000 jobs each year going forward with an unemployment rate like ours. you can continue to ignore this problem, or you can follow the bipartisan transportation tax force recommendations on how to
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fix it. [applause] >> third, common-sense also tells us that to create a new economy we have to create -- we have to invest in education. [applause] >> and virtually every economist, and anyone who has read the classifieds recently would agree that today's jobs require a college agree or technical training. that is why it made no sense to abandon a scholarship last year
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and break a promise to 100,000 michigan families counting on it to send their kids to college. [applause] >> tonight, i am announcing that my budget for the year ahead will restore the michigan promise scholarship. we will identify a creative way to pay for it, and we will give it a new focus, keeping our young people in michigan when they earn their degrees. [applause] >> let me be clear. i will also draw the line against additional education cuts in the year ahead. [applause] >> i know that the choices we face in the budget our tough. -- are tough.
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let me ask you -- is there a single family that would choose to make ends meet by first sacrificing the needs of the children in hard times? i did not think so. as is often the case, common- sense and good values go hand, -- go hand in hand. adopting the right budget is also going to require a large dose of courage. the budget i submit to you next week will require compromise on the part of both parties. it will ask democrats and republicans to put narrow ideologies aside and put the common good ahead of the interest of key constituencies. that is what the moment of crisis calls us to do. i proposed my reforms to state government on friday.
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the protesters are already on the lawn. one of those reforms contains incentives to encourage retirement for 46,000 state and public school employees. on average, we will replace only two out of every three state employees back retire. the new hires will come under a benefit plan that will cost 21% less. we will open up that plan to local governments, schools, universities and their employees who want to join in to save money, too. state governments and our schools will definitely miss the contribution of the most experienced employees, but we will save money, and that money will put toward education and job creation and we will open up
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thousands of jobs for people that want to launch careers in public service and in agitation. because many of the -- and began education. because many of these changes are difficult, i ask you to lead by example. this week, the house took the first step by passing a bill that eliminates lifetime health- care benefits. it would only confirm our citizens and bill worst fears about government -- that it is comprised of those who put themselves first and the public last. i asked you to complete the job. now, let me focus on the next steps in our economic plan. in the year ahead, i will continue to do anything to bring jobs to michigan the most important jobs trips might be to
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washington, d.c. one of the best ways to invest in jobs and education is to fight hard for our fair share of federal funding for michigan. [applause] >> michigan's bottle suppliers have -- auto suppliers have repeatedly said that the traditional banking industry does not allow them access to capital. i will keep pushing washington to give our auto suppliers access to the funds they need so that they can diversify and create new jobs and new industries. [applause] >> i will urge the federal government to help fund project phoenix. this is an effort to help
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abandoned auto factories rise from the ashes as new centers of economic activity and job creation, whether it is iran new date -- whether it is a renewable energy plan in wixom or a film studio in pontiac, these new factories defined new life in a new michigan. will also continue to seek more funding to connect every single region of the state to high- speed internet service. [applause] >> i will ask washington to help us continue the work of the michigan health information network, which is constructing a 21st century health information system that will allow us to improve patient care and reduce costs. it makes a huge difference to us. we have a partner on the federal
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level. personally, i want to thank the obama administration and supportive members of congress on behalf of the 40 two thousand people who now have jobs in michigan through a recovery act funding. [applause] >> as a result of the recovery act, we have gained unprecedented resources to invest in clean energy -- that whole sector of our economy to build batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, putting people to work to solarized homes. whether we are using federal funds or state resources, one of the most effective ways to diversify our economy is to spur small business development.
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[applause] >> we all know that michigan has long been home to many large employers. working for one of these icons has been part of our culture for generations. it is time to create a new culture. this year, the michigan economic development corporation will make a nationally-recognized training program available to 1000 prospective entrepreneur wars in 12 small business centers across the state. this training is already making a difference in detroit at tech town. [applause]
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>> tech town has already launched 150 new businesses in the life sciences, stem cell research, and clean energy development. more are on the way. i am proud to announce that in this time, when small businesses are struggling to get access to capital, michigan and build local credit unions have stepped forward to make over $40 million available to these startups with a joint -- in a joint effort. $40 million. [applause] >> because of this program, 2100 new businesses are expected to benefit. in the balcony tonight is jocelyn harris.
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where are you? there she is. stand up. jocelyn was a science teacher in detroit. she was frustrated by the limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables in her southeast side neighborhood in detroit, said she decided to do something about it. with help from the neighborhood food movers, she wrote up a business plan, got a $15,000 loan, bought an old ice-cream truck, and hit the streets of her jefferson chalmers neighborhood selling fresh produce. now she has a partnership with a local mcdonald's owner to sell fruits and veggies from his parking lot. i want you to join me on recognizing jocelyn on behalf of all people that want to start their own business. recognizing jocelyn, on behalf
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of them. [applause] >> tonight, i will also ask you to create more opportunities for entrepreneurs by creating a new tax credit for an investor's who make venture capital available to the michigan businesses that need it. other states already provide incentives to these investors. we have to make the tax credit competitive in order to get the job results that we want. businesses we want to grow can grow with access to capital. he did not just need capital from a financial institution, they need human capital, too. that is why we demand much more from our schools, to make sure
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that michigan can compete with anyone in this new economy. [applause] >> in the year ahead, we will accelerate our efforts to improve k-12 education. it is spurred on by the obama administration spur to the top administer -- initiative. regardless of what happens in washington, the far-reaching reforms that you have put in place to guarantee that the children of michigan have already won. [applause] >> in the year ahead, we will also expand opportunities for high-quality job strain through our no worker left behind the initiative. we set a goal to enroll 100,000
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displaced workers in training that would allow them to fill in-demand jobs in this new economy. the results have been more than we bargained for. today, the initiative has enrolled more than 115,000 of our fellow citizens in training, much of it aimed at earning college degrees or technical certifications. it has been called the most ambitious program in the nation. this year, we will take no worker left behind to the next level. we will set 10 labs in detroit to give opportunity to workers that need basic skills in order to to succeed in college or technical training i want budget train. i want to talk about -- training. i want to talk about detroit and our other cities. they have borne the brunt of our
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job loss. in one of the most important losses is the growing number of abandoned homes that scar our landscape. thousands of these empty structures remain. many of them are eyesores. many of them are dangerous. all of them stand in the way of an effective redevelopment and job creation strategy. that is why our state housing authority has forged an unprecedented collaboration, a partnership with 12 of all our neediest cities to tear down slighted homes and put, by the way, to 1000 people to work in the process. [applause] >> thanks to a $223 million
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grant from the department of urban housing development, we will be able to demolish or reuse 5000 of these properties to create jobs and improve the quality of life. and nowhere is this more important than in detroit. [applause] >> this year, our largest city has gained national attention both for the severity of the problems it faces, and the bold new leadership that has emerged to meet this challenge. we are joined by mayor dave bing and by roger -- robert bopp, and president charles pugh, members of the new city council, all of whom have brought new hope to the motor city. [applause]
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>> they may be focused on the problems of one city, but i know that there are people all across michigan that are rooting for them. he rooting for dave is an old habit in michigan. it is no less genuine. he is not the only leader we are rooting for. i am so proud and inspired by the everyday leaders who are volunteering to develop the reading skills of children. 4500 people have signed up in detroit and another 1500 in grand rapids. that -- [applause]
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>> that says so much about the character of michigan's people. despite these difficult times, maybe because of these difficult times, so many people are giving back and making a difference. everything we do in the next 11 months should be linked to the economic plan that we have followed these seven years -- diversifying the economy, educating our people, and protecting citizens in this time of transition. when i became governor seven years ago, we knew things were bad, but we did not know how bad they would become. no one did. no state in our nation has had to experience the concentrated job loss that michigan has a board over the last decade. over the last 10 years, when we have lost 78% of our auto manufacturing jobs.
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we all know the reason. trade policies that dismantled factories here and built them in mexico. the auto industry in meltdown. the banking crisis. the mortgage crisis. on top of that, severe recession. knowing the reasons does not put a single person back to work. working a sound economic strategy day in and day out over a sustained period of time does. the fact is -- [applause] >> the fact is we did not get here overnight, and we are not going to get out of it overnight. there is no silver bullet. i do not have it. the next governor will not have it either. what he or she will have is michigan," plan. -- michigan's plan.
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the key components will be enacted into law. the decline of the old michigan economy is documented by the latest unemployment statistics and the streets lined with for sale signs. the contours of the new michigan economy are harder to see, but they are taking shape in communities across our state -- in your community. how do we know? let me show you. let me take you on a tour. some of the places i am going do not make headlines in the newspaper and they did not lead the stories on the allow the clock news. they do tell a story. they tell a powerful story about a state that has been down, but
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is definitely not out -- a story about the men and women, the people that are creating opportunities in this time of adversity, moving forward against the odds to a better future. there are 100 places i would like to take you to. unfortunately, we only have time for nine stops. our first stop is south and west of here, in battle creek. it is a community that is working hard to find opportunity in the global economy. my overseas job conditions have brought over $1 billion in investments to michigan. no city in michigan has enjoyed the benefit of foreign investment more than battle creek. no community has done more to strategically target this sector and to welcome these firms. as a result, companies like denso have become pillars of the local community.
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they are drawing other japanese companies and new jobs to the area. when i was in japan trying to persuade toda to pursue michigan, i was able to close the deal. in kalamazoo, for more than a century people have been learning their livelihoods in what we now call the life sciences. it is not always been smooth sailing. when the area's major pharmaceutical employees downsized, kalamazoo reinvented itself. it raised the community based capital fund that helped to launch 33 new life sciences companies. with help from the state, kalamazoo won a major expansion by the research company and psi
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-- mpi. it will bring jobs to the area. you will see to it from holland to muskegon, gaining new life in the advanced battery manufacturing development. it is creating 5000 jobs. these are today's batteries that start your car in the morning. they are the critical and -- the critical component of the zero electric vehicles that automakers are rushing to bring to the market. they are in the middle of another major expansion. two battery companies are, how should i say it, checking out the neighborhood. these advanced battery companies are not coming to michigan by accident. they are coming because last year we passed the nation's most
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aggressive of incentives for battery manufacturing. two years ago i was calling the leading companies to interest them in coming to michigan. today, there are calling us to figure out how to get in on the action. michigan is well on its way to becoming the hub of this new battery industry. it is a national industry, and we are the place where it is happening. [applause] >> in a global economy where businesses can set up shop anywhere, you have to play to win and that is exactly what we are doing. it is a long haul, but it is a great ride. heading north from the bridge, you will see that the new michigan reaches all across.
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there is probably no better example than the smart phone -- the smart zone. it is already credited with launching 12 new technology start up firms. cross the bridge again and head down toward the saginaw valley area which is home to dow chemical and the innovative products that it produces. dow's latest contribution to solar technology is truly revolutionary. it is the solar shingle. it costs a little more than a traditional shingle. it will produce electricity that you can use to power your home or to sell back to the electric company. pending final approval, dow will manufacture this game-changing product close to home, bringing thousands of jobs to the saginaw
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valley region. [applause] >> now -- [applause] >> it gets better. two years ago, in this chamber, i told you that if we put the right policies in place, we could turn the saginaw valley into the silicon valley of the clean energy industry. that prediction is coming true thanks to our bipartisan efforts. six new companies have announced investments, totaling almost two billion dollars in investments that are expected to bring over 12,500 jobs to the area. one of these companies, which is the world's largest producer of the key ingredient in solar
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panels is already expanding their facilities in the saginaw valley for the third time. that investment is now bringing solar panel manufacturers to the area. in fact globalwatt literally left silicon valley in california to set up shop in an abandoned auto plant in saginaw. [applause] >> now, we are on to macomb county. we will see that homeland security and the defense industry are playing a large role. the connection of that country to the security industry dates back. today, a new kind of defense corridor is taking shape there. in september, the contractors bae broke ground at a former
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auto supplying plant in sterling heights. this investment is expected to create 600 good-paying, high- tech jobs. since i have been governor, and we have focused on the sector, we have nearly tripled the amount of defense contracting we do in this state. we now have 7000 companies engaged in defense and other federal contracting. if that is good news. the new michigan -- [applause] [applause] >> the new michigan is about economic diversification. some of the most important transformations are happening inside the auto industry. anyone who thinks the automakers can not change should stay on board at the general motors assembly plant, where later this
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year, the first mass-produce chevy volt will roll off of the assembly line. [applause] >> gm has invested $700 million in eight different facilities across the state to produce the electric boat and the advanced battery right here in michigan. they are not alone. ford is also investing $1 billion to electrify its fleet. that is starting with the focus that they will build in wayne. [applause] >> how about this -- ford is actually bringing jobs back here from mexico instead of the
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other way around. [applause] >> now, it was no sure thing that these electric vehicles would be made in michigan. we had to compete against other states and other countries, but we won, and we also won $1.4 million in federal energy plants -- grants. that is more than all of the other states combined. economist steven miller has said that it will mean 40,000 more jobs by the year 2020. from the vault -- from the vault assembly line, it is on to van buren township where general of electric has transformed a site
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into its new advanced manufacturing and software technology center. we went after this investment, we fought for it, and we won it. it means another -- it means more jobs in western wayne county. i love this. hiring has already begun. ge officials say that the michigan people that they have hired are the cream of the crop. [applause] >> on our way back to lansing, our last stop is in eaton rapids. there is a plant manufacturing turbine parts that are better, cheaper, lighter, and more reliable than the competition. that is what you get when you
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have a great auto supplier diversifying. they might have easily been a casualty, but instead we were able to convince the obama administration that help for the auto industry had to include supplier firms. dowding was able to access recovery funds to transition. they are just one of 100 firms in our state today involved in the wind energy industry. there are many companies that could become part of this growing sector of our economy. in the year ahead, we will focus our economic development efforts on the wind energy industry to give michigan the competitive advantage is having today in the battery and solar sector. [applause]
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>> back to the capital, there are many more places which are creating more jobs. for example, the medical mile in grand rapids, where $1.2 million in and vestments is creating a world-class life sciences center that will employ 4000 people. for a chrysler plant where the auto factory of tomorrow is producing cleaner and leaner engines today, putting autoworkers back on the job. or travers' city, where hagerty insurance expansion will result in 390 new jobs. or the research development centers that hon day and nissan have located in southeast michigan if -- just some of the automotive research firms that
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we have employing thousands of engineers. we have a ibm creating the jobs in east lansing. we are creating battery jobs. in its own township, systems and motion is creating jobs. the gm plant is saving 1400 jobs. in detroit, we are creating 943 jobs. at&t created 343 jobs. in clint, it is swedish biogas. in grand rapids, it is a hangar 42 tone studios. and holland, it is energetics. and allen park it is unity studios. in sterling heights, it is general dynamics.
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in detroit, we have the 113 economic development projects including the argonaut, the book cadillac, the oil refinery. [applause] >> and these, these are just some of the ones that we have helped with the economic tools that you have approved. there are hundreds of companies that we have brought here to help lay the foundation of that new state. we have asked representatives of some of these companies to join us this evening. these are some of the people that are transforming our state, creating jobs for our people. i want you to join me in thanking them for choosing
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>> before i conclude, want to say something else in my last state of the state. i want to say to my resilient team, to the smartest, toughest team in the nation, thank-you team in the nation, thank-you for fighting until the last day to shape this new michigan. thank you for your 24, figh+ing spirit ina shepherding this state from the old world to the new. you take my breath away. i could not be prouder to call you my colleagues and to serve alongside you. most importantly, i want to say to my family, to jack, kate and
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cc, my mom and dad who are here, but particularly to dan who has borne so much of the weight of the people's pain that i carry home with me, you have been as strong and as resilient and as compassionate as our michigan has been. i have and as i have always wanted to be in these wild and difficult years. i love you. [applause] and i would like -- i would like you to make final stop in the new michigan with me. it is the home of st. john's,
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north of lansing. gelnn is 43-years old. he lives there with his wife and three beautiful daughters. three years ago, he came home to tell his family that the auto supplier he was working for was closing its plant, moving his job, a machinist, and all the others to mexico. like all families in this situation, they faced some some tough choices for and how do you pay your bills today and still find a way that leads to a better tomorrow? but, thanks to job training made possible by no worker left behind and federal dollars,glen had a chance to start over. he spent two years earning his associate's degree in alternative energy community college and works for a brand new energy company, clear result, doing energy efficiency audits that grew out of the
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energy bill that we acted together in 2008. in fact, because of that energy bill, clear result, which started less than one year ago, is now employing 63 people. glenn is making a good wage with benefits. he is standing in the balcony. he loves his job. he has a sustainable future. and i want to recognic plan as the symbol -- glen as the symbol of somebody who has crossed over to the new michigan. thank you glen. [applause] i asked him to join us tonight because his story is michigan's story. . glmn, the world all around this has changed. the things that make us once
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secure have disappeared. and so we are doing what glen has done wip$ faith in ourselves, with love for our families, we have pushed forward into an uncertain future, determined to find, in this new era, the opportunity that all is to find this amazing place we call michigan. people ask me what it has been like to be governor of michigan at a time when it has been hit harder than any other state in our great nation. to be honest, it has had its moments. [laughter] when i think of glen and the hundreds of thousands of others like him who are crossing over to the new economy, i am overwhelmed by a great sense of pride to have shared this moment in history above all others with
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the people of michigan. in their strength, their optimism, and of their contagious courage, i find nothing but hope for the new michigan on the other side. by the grace of god, let us go forth. thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> looking at the u.s. couple where the region is continued to dig up of the fourth largest snowstorm ever recorded in the city, despite the snow, the u.s. senate will be in session today, although they will postpone
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recorded votes until tomorrow. in other congressional news, arkansas republican congressman john bozeman announced you will run for the u.s. senate and challenge the incumbent. tomorrow, we plan live coverage of a congressional hearing looking into the recent toyota vehicle recalls. the house oversight committee plans to discuss the government's response to the recalls. that will be like for you beginning at 2:00 p.m. eastern on cspan 3. this week on "the communicator's," the proposed merger of comcast and nbc/universal. that is tonight on c-span 2. xformer republican vice- presidential candidate sarah palin was the keynote speaker at this weekend's national tea party convention. she addressed attendees at the event being held in nashville, tennessee and talked about her perspective on some of the issues being discussed by party
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activists. this is about one hour. this is about one hour. [applause] [applause] thank you so much. god bless you. thank you so much. [applause] [applause] i am so proud to >> i am so proud to be an american. thank you so much forbeing here tonight. do you love your freedom? if you want your freedom, any of you here serving in uniform past or present raise your hand and thank you for our freedom. god bless you guys. we salute you. we honor you. thank you. i am so clout -- proud to be an american. thank you.
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happy birthday, ronald reagan. [applause] a special hello to the c-span viewers. you may not like the health-care negotiations but to have an invitation to the tea party. [applause] very good to be here in tennessee, the volunteer state, the of good country music and southern barbecue and great to be at the tea party convention. i guess out here that is southern sweet tea. we have a smaller version of tea party that we call iced tea. [laughter] i'm a big supporter of this movement. i believe in this movement. i have lots of friends and family in the lower 48 at these events across the country knowing this is the movement's and america is ready for another
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revolution great you are a part of that. [applause] i look forward to attending more tea party events in the near future. it is so inspiring to see real people, not politicos, not inside the beltway people come out and stand up and speak out for common-sense conservative principles. and today, i want to start off with a special shout out to americans newest senator, thanks to you, stop -- scott brown. [applause] scott brown represents what is beautiful movement is all about. he was just a guy with the truck and a passion to serve our country. he looked around and he saw that things were not quite right in washington. so, he stood up and he decided he was going to do his part to
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put our government back on the side of the people. it took guts and it took a lot of hard work. but would support, he carried the day. it has been so interesting to watch the aftermath of the massachusetts shout out revolution. the white house blames the candidate, their candidate. nancy pelosi blames the senate democrats. rahm emanuel criticized a poster. yet again, president barack obama found some way to make this all about george bush. [applause] considering the recent conservative election sweep, it is time they stopped blaming everyone else when you are over, you should start -- stop
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lecturing, and start listening. [applause] the only blame is on the left agenda. some advice for our friends on that side of the aisle, that is where you have to look because that is what you got to into this mess. the obama-pelosi-read agenda will leave us less secure, more in debt, and more under the thumb of big government. that is out of touch. it is out of date. if scott brown is any indication, it is running out of time. [applause] from virginia to new jersey to massachusetts, voters are sending a message up and down the east coast and in good places like nevada and connecticut and colorado, michigan, north dakota, that the liberal left is running scared. the bottom line is this -- it has been one year now. they own it now.
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voters will hold accountable. out here in the cities and the town's and across this great country, we know that we have some big problems to solve. we have gotten tired of looking backward. we want to look forward and from here, my friends, the future looks good. it looks really good there is hope in massachusetts, there is hope everywhere. [applause] braun's victory is exciting and it is a sign of more things to come. a lot of great comments from conservative candidates and they will put it on the line in 2010. this year, there will be some tough primaries. i think that is good. competition in the primaries is good. competition makes us work harder and be more efficient and produce more.
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i hope you'll get out there and work hard for the candidates to reflect your values, your priorities because despite what the president wants you to think, primaries are not civil war. they are democracy at work. that is beautiful. [applause] i was the product of a competitive primary where, running for governor, we put our ideas and our experience up there on the table for debate. then we allow the voters to decide and that is a healthy process. it gives americans the kind of leadership they want and deserve. in 2010, i tip my hat with anyone with the courage to throw theirs in the rihg and a the best ideas intended to win. while i hope that you will give these candidates your best effort, please understand that they are human. there is no perfect candidate. they will disappoint
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occasionally. when they do, let them know but don't get discouraged because the stakes are too high. the stakes are too high right now and your voice is too important. work hard for these candidates but which were fake and ideas. i caution against allowing this movement to be defiled by any one leader or politician. the department is not a top down operation. it is a ground up call to action that is forcing both parties to change the way they do business. [applause] this is about the people. [applause] this is about the people and it
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is bigger than any king or queen of a tea party. it is a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter. [laughter] [applause] the soul of this moment is the people. these are everyday americans to grow our food and run our small businesses, they teach our kids and fight our wars. they are folks in small towns and cities across this great nation who saw what was happening and saw and were concerned and they got involved. like you, they go to town hall meetings and the right of beds. the run for local office. you all have the courage to stand up and speak out for you have a vision for the future, one that values conservative principles and common sense solutions. if that sounds like you, then you probably are feeling a bit discouraged by what you see in washington, d.c. in recent weeks, many of us have
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grown even more uneasy about our administration's approach to national security. the most important role that is tied to our federal government -- let me say that it is not criticizing our security to discuss our concerns because americans deserve to know the truth about the threats that we face and what the administration is or is not doing about it. let's talk about them. new terms are used like overseas contingency operation instead of the word "war" that reflects a world view that is out of touch with the enemy that we face. we cannot spend our way out of this threat. it is one thing to call a pay raise a job created or saved. it is quite another to call the devastation that a homicidal bomber can inflict a man-made disaster. c'mon, washington, national security is one place where you
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have to call it like it is. [applause] in that spirit, we should acknowledge that on christmas day, the system did not work. umar farouk abdul mutallab passed through airport security with a bomb and a boarded a flight bent on killing innocent passengers. this to rest trained in yemen with al qaeda. his american visa was not revoked until after he tried to kill hundreds of passengers. on christmas day, the only thing that stopped this terrorist were passengers. it was a christmas miracle and that is not the way the system is supposed to work. [applause] what followed was equally disturbing after was captured.
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he was questioned for only 50 minutes. we have a choice had to do this. only question him for 50 minutes? read his miranda rights? the administration says there are no downside or upside's to treat terrorists like civilian criminal defendants. a lot of us would beg to differ. for example, there are questions we would like to the foreign terrorist to answer before he a lawyer ed up and remained silent. [applause] our u.s. constitutional right. xour right side says that you
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were willing to die to protect our constitution. the right that my friend in the u.s. army is willing to die for. the protections provided the same to you, sir, we will bestow the monetarist who hates our constitution and wants to destroy our constitution and our country? that makes no sense because we have a choice in how we can deal with terrorists. we don't have to go down that road. there are questions that we would like entered before he lawyered up like where was he train them by home? he is bragging about other terrorists, who are they and when and where will they try to strike next? the events surrounding the christmas day plot was the kind of thinking that led to 9/11. as the uss cole was attack or an
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disease were attacked, it was treated like an international crime spree not like an act of war. we are seeing that mind set again. that scares me for my children, for your children, treating this like a mere law enforcement matter. that places our country at great risk. that is not how radical islamic extremists look at this. they know we are at war. to win that war, we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern. [applause]
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it is that same kind of misguided thinking that goes throughout the administration's foreign-policy decisions. our president spent one year reaching out to hostile regimes , writing personal letters to dangerous dictators, and apologizing for america and what do we have to show for that? here is what we have to show. north korea set their longer- range missiles. israel, a friend and a critical ally, now press -- questions the strength of our support for it plans for a missile defense system in europe have been scrapped. relations with china and russia are no better. relations with japan, our key asian ally, they are in the worst shape in years. a round the world, people who are seeking freedom from oppressive regimes wonder if alaska is still the beacon of hope for their cause. the administration has a
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democracy program. the president has not been clear, i ask where the strong support of the iranians who resisted mahmoud ahmadinejad. [applause] it is no wonder that our president always said about 9% of his state of the union address discussing foreign policy because there are an awful lot of victories he could talk about that night. it is a short list -- thepe are so many challenges in front of us. it is overwhelming but despite these challenges, we had hoped that we could move things in the right direction but it will require the administration to change course. we need a foreign policy that distinguishes our american friends from our enemies and
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recognizes the true nature of the threats that we face. [applause] we need a strong national defense. i think you agree with me that as ronald reagan used to talk about peace through strength and in that respect, i applaud the president for following at least a part of the recommendations made by our commanders on the ground to send in more reinforcements to afghanistan. now, we must spend less time courting our adversaries and spending more time working with our allies. we must build effective coalitions, capable of confronting dangerous regimes like iran and north korea. it is time for more than just tough talk. you are probably so tired of hearing the talk, talk, talk. [applause] tired of hearing the talk.
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it is time for some tough action like sanctions on iran and in places in the world where people are struggling and the oppressed and are fighting for freedom, america must stand with them. we need a clear foreign policy that stance with the people and for democracy, one that reflects both our values and our interests and it is in our best interest because democracies don't go to war with each other. they settle their differences peacefully. foreign policy can be managed through the policies of personality. our president would do well to take note of an observation john f. kennedy had made once he was in office. all of the world's problems are not his predecessors fault. [applause] the problems that we face in the real world require real
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solutions and we better get to it because the risks that they posed are great and they are grave. however, as barry goldwater said, we can be conquered by bombs but we can also be conquered by neglect, by ignoring our constitution and disregarded the principles of limited government and in the past year, his words ring true. washington has now replaced private irresponsibly with public responsibility. the list of companies and industries that the government's is bailing out and taking over continues to grow. first was the banks, mortgage companies, financial institutions, then automakers. if they have their way, health care. in the world of congressman paul ryan, the $700 billion tarp has morphed into crony capitalism at
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its worst. it is becoming a slush fund for the treasury's favored big players. while people on main street look for jobs, people on wall street are collecting billions and billions and bailout bonuses. among the top 17 companies that receive your bailout money, 92% of the senior officers and directors still have their good jobs. every day americans are wondering where the consequences are for those who helped us get into a worse economic situation since the great depression? where are the consequences. ♪? [applause] when washington passed the $787 billion stimulus bill, we were nervous because they said $700 billion to bail out wall street. on the state level, as a governor, a lot of that money came with strings attached. the federal government was going to have more control over our
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states. they would disrespect the 10th amendment of our constitution by writing us with federal money and they were going to be a to mandate a few more things. i join with other conservative governors around the nation in rejecting some of those dollars. [applause] it turned out it was nothing to applaud because legislators were threatening lawsuits and governors did not take the money. i knew we could not maintain the programs with these borrowed and printed up dollars. even in alaska, even in a legislature, my veto was overridden and the money poured into the state and i believe we will see this play out in our state's and the federal government will have taken more control over the people live in
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our state. i understand wanting to believe that this is all free money and for some, it is good in tough times. remember our demonstration promised it would be good stewards of taxpayer dollars. remember vice president joe biden, he was put in charge of tough, unprecedented oversight efforts. nobody messes with joe. [laughter] this was all part of that change and transparency and one year later, i have to ask the supporters of all that, "how was that change stop working out for you dax?" i tried to look into that transparency thing. joe's meetings with the
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transparency and accountability board were closed to the public. [laughter] they held a transparency meeting behind closed doors. [laughter] so, i am not sure if anybody is messing with joe but here is what i do know -- a lot of that stimulus cash ended up in some pretty odd places including district that did not even exist. and programs that do not have all whole lot to do with stimulating the economy. nearly $6 million was given to a democrat booster who have already made millions during the democrats' presidential primary. nearly $10 million was spent to update the stimulus website. once they even spent $1 million to put up advertising that they were spending. this was a $1 million effort using your money to tell you that it is spending your money.
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it did not create one single job. these uses of stimulus funds do not sound targeted and they do not sound timely, as we were promised for a day sam wasteful. it sounds kind of ridiculous i don't know about you but seeing those checks written for some of these pet projects, did you feel very stimulated? [laughter] and that it turns out that washington got the price tag wrong. all of these projects and programs cost tens of billions of dollars more than we were told. it is now closer to $860 billion. had this to the fact the white house can't tell us how many jobs were actually created depending on who you ask. it is anywhere from thousands to 2 million. one number we are sure of is the unemployment number. that is at 9.7% which is well above the 8% mark that we were
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promised. harriston this package would go to avoid that. unemployment now is a bit lower but people are not even in rolling in these programs. it is tough to count them. the list of broken promises is long. candidate obama pledged to end closed-door, sweetheart deals and no bid contracts once and for all but just last month, his administration awarded a $25 million no bid contract to a democrat donna. or. is that hope? that is the same old same old washington, d.c. and instead of changing the way they do business, we got the cornhuskers kickback, and the louisiana purchase, and millions of payoffs for union bosses. the ban on lobbyists' deckhe had
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out waivers left and right. these days, most members of congress don't get to read the bill before the have to vote on it. much less a pledge that the bill would not be signed into law until we had five days to review it on line. it is easy tox understand why americans are shaking their heads when washington has broken trust with the people that these politicians are supposed to be serving. we are drowning in national debt and many of us have had enough. [applause]
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the foundational principles in all of this is easy to understand. it really is, even though i think d.c. would love us to believe that this is all over our heads. somebody in tennessee, somebody in alaska, she will never understand what we are talking about in d.c., this is pretty simple stuff. when our families, when our small businesses, when we run our finances into the red, what do we do? we -- we tighten our belts and cut back budgets. that is what todd and i do. we plan for the future and we need a budget. but in washington, why is it just the opposite of that? this week, they unveiled a record-busting, mind-boggling $3.80 trillion federal budget the keep of borrowing and they keep printing these dollars and they keep making us more beholden to foreign countries
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and they keep making us take these steps toward insolvency. what they are doing in proposing these big new programs with giant price tags, they are sticking our kids with the bill. that is immoral. that is generational theft. we are stealing the opportunities from our children. [applause] and freedom lovers around this country need to be aware that all of this makes us more beholden to other countries. it makes us less secure. it makes us less free and that should not happen. will all of the serious challenges ahead, we have private sector job creation that has to take place and these economic woes and health care
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and the war and terror. as the saying goes, if you cannot ride to horses at once, you should not be in the circus. [laughter] here is some advice for those in d.c. to want to sign on to the greatest show on earth. too often with big government and big business and when they get together and cronyism sets in, it benefits insiders, not every day americans. the administration and congress should do what we did in alaska when the good old boys started making backroom deals that were benefiting big oil and not the citizens of the state. the citizens of the state got together and we put government back on the side of the people and a lot of the big wigs started getting in trouble and some of the big weeks ended up going to jail over their back room deals. [applause] our government needs to adopt a
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pro-market agenda that does not take winners and losers but advises competition and levels the playing field for everyone. washington has to go across the board and lower taxes for small business of that are mom-and-pop shops can reinvest and hire people so that our businesses can grow. [applause] they should support competition they should support innovation, reward hard work, and they should do all they can to make sure the game is fair without undue corrupt influence. they need to get government out of the way. [applause] if they would do this, our economy would or back to life. on health care, we need bipartisan solutions to help families, not increase taxes. remember that read reset button that secretary clinton gave to
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vladimir putin? i think we should ask for that back and hand it to congress. we should say start all over on this health care scheme. they need to pass meaningful market-based reform and take simple steps that have broad based supported the best idea is not back room deals but things like insurance across state lines and tort reform that is being talked about. [applause] those things that are common sense that the white house and leaders on the democrat side of the aisle in congress don't want to consider it it makes you wonder what their motivation is? what is their incentive if they won't even consider these common-sense broadbased supported ideas that would work. to create jobs, washington should jump-start energy projects. i said it during the campaign
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and i will say it now, we made and all of the above approach to energy policy. that means conventional resources and support for power. i am thankful that the president mentioned that nuclear power in the state of the union. but again, we need more than words, we need a plan to turn that goal into a reality. that way we can pave the way for projects that will create jobs and deliver carbon-free energy and while we're at, let's get offshore drilling going instead of paying billions of dollars -- [applause] hundreds of billions of dollars that now are being sent to former james, we could be drilling here and drilling now instead of relying on them to develop their resources for us. [applause]
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what we have to do is ask about the plan for cap and trade that will kill jobs. it will pass the burden onto our working families. finally, if we are going to get serious about fiscal restraint, we have to make washington start walking the walk. after putting us on track to quadruple the deficit, the proposed spending freeze, maybe it is a start but it is certainly not enough. it is like putting a band-aid on a self-inflicted gunshot [laughter] we need to go further. don't just simply slow down any spending spree. we have to ask for second a second stimulus when the first has not been measured yet? kill the plan for the second stimulus. [applause] be aware that now that the second stimulus is being referred to as a jobs bill. these are not the only ways to
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rein in spending. they will not be enough alone. not enough to tackle the insane debt and deficits that we face. it is a good way to start ensure we are serious about getting our financial house in order. like a lot of you perhaps, i spent the last year thinking about how to best serve, how can i help our country, how can i make sure that we are in a position that nobody is in a position to succeed. how can we best served? in 2008, i have the honor really of a lifetime. i ran alongside john mccain. i look at him as an american hero. nearly 50 million americans voted for us. they cast their ballot for the things we were talking about tonight. lower taxes, smaller government, transparency, energy independence, and strong national security. while our votes did not carry the day, it was still a call to
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serve our country. those voters wanted us to keep on fighting and take the gloves off and wanted common-sense conservative solutions and they wanted us to keep on debating and each of us who is here today are living proof that you do not need an office or a title to make a difference. you don't need a proclaimed leader. we are looking for a leader to progress this movement. [applause] that is what we are fighting for. it is what we are fighting about, what we believe in. that is what this movement is all about. when people are willing to meet halfway and stand-up for common sense solutions and values, we want to work with them. in that spirit, i applaud independents and democrats who stood up to tough partisan pressure and want to protect the
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rights of those soon to be born. [applause] when we can work together, we will. but when the work of washington by lights our conscience and when the work and effort in washington, d.c. by like our constitution, then we will stand up and we will be counted. we are below opposition. [applause] -- we are the loyal opposition. [applause] and we have a vision for this future of our country, too, and it is a vision anchored in time tested truth that the government that governs least, governs best and that the constitution provides the best road map for a more perfect union. [applause]
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these are enduring truths and they have been passed down from washington to link into reagan and now to you. while this movement is forming routes, this is historic. the current form of this movement is fresh and young and fragile. we are now the keepers of honorable tradition of conservative values and good work. we must never forget that it is a sacred trust to carry these ideals forward. it demands stability and requires decent, constructed issue-oriented debate. opponents of this message are seeking to marginalize this movement. they want to paint us as ideologically extreme and the counterpoint to liberal intolerance and an outrageous conspiracy theorists. shameless tactics like
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considering the candidates children fair game. [boos] unlike the elitists who denounce this movement, they just don't want to hear the message. i have travelled across this great country and talk to the patriotic men and women who make us the department and they are good and kind and selfless and they are deeply concerned about our country. today, i ask only this -- let make this movement a tribute to their good example and make a worthy of their hard work and support. do not let us have our heads turn from the port work before us. do not give others an excuse to be able to turn their eyes from this. let us not get bogged down in the small squabbles. let us get caught up in the big idea is. to do so would be a fitting tribute to ronald reagan, especially to night, as he would
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turned 99. [applause] no longer with us, his spirit lives on and his american dream and doors. he knew the best of our country is not just in washington, d.c. it is here in our communities where families live and children learn and children with special needs are welcomed into this world and embraced. [applause] and thank you for that. [applause]
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the best of america can be found in places where patriots are brave enough and free enough to be able to stand up and speak up and we are -- and where small businesses grow our economy 1 job at a time. we know that america is still that shiny city on a hill. i believe that god shed his grace on thee. we know our best days are yet to come. tea party nation, we know there is nothing wrong with america that together we cannot fix as americans. from the bottom of my heart and speaking on behalf of millions and millions of americans who want to encourage this movement, this movement is about the people. who can argue of movement that is about the people and for the people? all political power is inherent in the people and government is supposed to be working for the people. that is what this movement is about. [applause]
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[no audio] >> are we on? [applause] i could be wrong here but i think you like her. [applause] a few weeks ago, we worked out something where there would be a brief question and answer session. we ask the folks on tea party nation to submit some questions we could ask governor palin to knight ritchie has graciously agreed to enter a few questions. we will take a few minutes and ask and answer a few questions. is this your first time in nashville? >> it is. have not been here for a
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concert, yet. piper is going crazy and wants to find maile cyrus and taylor swift. it is my first time here, though. >>myley cyrus lives not too far from where we live. maybe next time you can meet her. a few questions real quick for these have been submitted by folks on tea party nation. first of all, how do you see the future of the tea party movement? do you see this movement becoming part of the republican party or do you see it becoming a third independent party. >> the republican party would be start to absorb as much of the tea party to open as possible. this is the future of our country. is the future of politics. as i said before, this is a beautiful movement because it is shaping the way politics are conducted. you have both party machines running scared because they are not knowing what we will do if we do not have tea party
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support. they know they will not succeed. [applause] >> at the convention here, we have at least three people i know who are running for congress. if you had the chance to interview some of these people, what questions would you ask them to determine whether you would support them? >> i would estimate they think we are taxed enough and i would ask what they would do about it. we don't just want to hear bowl talk. -- hear the talk. i want to encourage people who do not have an elected office experience, not some kind of resin in their back pocket -- resuming their best pop -- back pocket. -- resume in their back pocket. [applause] if they feel they have been taxed enough already and that they can make a commitment they
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can do something about it and if they believe in the constitutional limited government that the federal government has got to start abiding by, a lot of details on the periphery that i would not agree with every aspect of their agenda that they would like to implement, they have the basics down, i think it would be wise for them to be supported. [applause] >> i will have to learn to wait and let people applaud. yeah ! [applause] it goes without saying that the tea party movement for 2010 is a conservative house and conservative senate. i had a chance to tell some people earlier today that next year at this time, we need to see the title former speaker nancy pelosi and former senator harry reid.
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[applause] when we are successful and we have a conservative house and a conservative senate, as soon as that happens, what the top three things that have to be done? >> we have to rein in the spending and not raise high budgets and say we will freeze a couple programs. that does not to as any good. we have to start winning in the spending. we have got to jump-start the energy projects. we have heard so much about them. it is ridiculous that we have rich resources like oil and gas and our coal and these conventional resources, we have got to actually walk that walk, too, and allow them to come to development. i think it is tougher to support our arms around but we need to allow american spirit to rise
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again grade we have to not be afraid to kind of go back to some of our roots and be a god- fearing nation where we are not afraid to say, especially in times of potential trouble in the future, we are not afraid to say that we do not have all the answers as fallible men and women. it would be wise of us to start speaking about divine intervention in this country. so we can be safe and secure and prosperous again. [applause] to have people involved in government who are not afraid to go that route, not afraid of the political correctness and have to be afraid of what the beauty would say if they were to proclaim their reliance on our creator. >> amen. [applause]
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we know conservatives are never harassed in the media. the following is clearly a hypothetical question -- in the instance that there were ever to be a conservative who were harassed in the media, what would you say to them? >> i would say to plow on through that. at the end of the day, who cares what and irrelevant mainstream media is going to say about you? who cares? the political pot shots at the want to take at you and say what you believe in and proclaiming the patriotic love that you have for country and many of those in the mainstream media, do not want to hear that. at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what they have to say about you. i really believe there are more of us then they want us to believe. that to empower us and strengthen us. you should just plow right on
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through it, please. [applause] >> we have mentioned that it would be ronald reagan's 99th birthday. one of the amazing things he did when he was in the white house, he created this great majority that was based not on republicans and democrats body had a conservative majority in congress. what do you think we can do to get conservative democrats, conservative libertarian conservative independence on board with the tea party movement so that in 2011, when a new congress and senate is sworn in, its conservative? >> they all -- they are already creeping in. they are finding out what this movement is all about and they might be scared if they are not a part of it. the nice thing about the tea party movement is that it is not
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just a bunch of hard core registered republicans. i will make a confession now. my husband is not a registered republican. he is independent but probably more conservative than i am. i think he is kind of an example of so many americans who do not choose to be a part of a registered party because they see the problems within the machine. basie some of the idiosyncrasies -- they see the idiosyncrasies of the people who control the machines and don't want to waste time dealing with that. they are independent of believers in the movement. i think you will see a whole lot of independence and conservative democrats be empowered and emboldened and state that they will come out of the closet and let us know that they believe in it, too. [applause] now, as i talkx about god, he is not a registered republican -- a talk abouttodd, some people have
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said you are a weak republican spokesman if you cannot get your own husband to convert. he is much too independent. >> don't feel too bad, my wife left the republican party, too. we hear about the obama plan. what is the sarah palin plant? >> it is quite simple. i get a kick out of it. it probably drives some of the elitists crazy that i don't -- they say i am too simple-minded and plainspoken but my plan is quite simple -- it is to support those who understand the foundation of our country when it comes to the economy. it is free market principles that reward hard work and personal responsibility. [applause] and when it comes to national security,
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