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tv   Tonight From Washington  CSPAN  February 12, 2010 6:30pm-11:00pm EST

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replenish funding that we have borrowed, if you will, from other accounts. this is exactly how the system works when you go through emergencies like this. i would expect, as far as i am aware, assuming that the supplemental is acted upon expeditiously that there will be no programmatic impact anywhere in the world. >> is there a ballpark a dollar figure on the supplemental request being evaluated? >> no. >> can you give us a 30 day run down of where the facts and figures stand? how many haitian orphans have been brought to the u.s.? how many in the pipeline? how many americans are killed and is still missing? >> thus far, in terms of, as the ambassador said, we have had more than 15,000 americans evacuated from haiti. overall, we have been able to
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account for more than 23,000 americans in haiti. we have thus far opened files on roughly 2200 americans for which we have not been able to fully account for their situations. there is still some work that our staff in haiti is still going through. i do not have a current figure on orphans. the last figure i had was more than 700. in terms of confirmed american fatalities we are at 97. >> 97 did you say? >> that is all i have. i have 97. >> and that is one government employee? >> last i checked there were four who were official of which
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that included not only the foreign service officer that we lost but in military officer that was lost and then family members. david? >> some are reporting that the north korean negotiations will be next month. apparently as a reciprocal visit for bosworth and the mission to north korea, they said they appear to be disinclined to return to the six party talks unless the u.n. sanctions are lifted. >> on the first issue, we have no plans for such a visit at this point. on the second, yap, -- yes, we have heard from the north koreans that they recognize the importance of the six for the
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process. but we need now is for them to pull the trigger and actually come back to the process. [laughter] that is the kind of treat your we think is appropriate to " as opposed to a trigger that puts something in the air that is destabilizing to the region. we think that, obviously, resolving this situation will require them to come back to the six party talks to take the steps to meet the commitments they made in the past. we do not see any alternative to this. it is unfortunate that it would appear that they did -- that they continue to hesitate. >> no plans for a visit right now, but does that mean you are discussing it somewhere within your channel? >> there is no discussion we are
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having with north korea about a visit this month. >> can you shed any light on the circumstances of when the secretary clinton was informed about the hospitalization of former president clinton? >> i cannot. it happened some time yesterday. obviously last night she moved up to new york to the hospital rather quickly. she is home right now with her husband. she will be back in washington tomorrow afternoon. >> her decision to continue her trip and not stay with her husband? >> first and foremost, as you would expect, she wanted to know about the health of her husband. i will defer to president clinton's office. the fact that he was able to have this -- the procedure quickly and is already home and probably already back at work will tell you that, i think, she is confident enough to go on
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this trip as originally planned with the squeeze in the travel plans. yes? >> about iran's nuclear program will capability? >> the question? >> what is your assessment? >> in terms of a formal assessment we would defer to the iaea inspectors hoping to advise them on what they are trying to do. we believe that any step to further enriched uranium to 20% is a violation of their obligations under a number of even the security council resolutions. -- a number of u.n. security council resolutions. we think they should come back where we can help them provide whatever their needs are within
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a civilian nuclear program while reassuring the international community about their intentions regarding their overall nuclear ambitions. these ongoing statements and actions are counterproductive. the really college question whether iranian claims to remain peaceful arcanum -- are, in fact, true. >> analysts conclude that the protest movement might be fizzling out given what happened yesterday. i was wondering whether you had a take on that. >> i am not sure it has fizzled out. what you saw yesterday was a draconian steps by the iranian government to suppress the people of iran and their right to assemble freely and voice their concerns about their own government and its actions.
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we think these are universal rights. we think it is important for the iranian people to continue to have the ability to communicate, network, use technology to hold the government accountable. any government has to serve the needs of its people. we think the ongoing demonstrations show that the iranian people have serious questions about their government weather is accurately acting in their self- interest. >> can you discuss the nature of the iran discussions the secretary intends to have? >> i think we intend to have a range of discussions with officials in saudi arabia with high-level officials from those countries but she will have a
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chance during the islamic world forum to talk to other leaders. i know she will have a bilateral with the prime minister of turkey as a part of this. middle east peace will be an initiative discussed. i ran with of certainly be an issue. iran will certainily be an issue. we will have the meeting first and then tell you about it. >> what this she expects from the saudis to advance peace? >> she will meet with king of the love loveking abdullah who is part of the peace initiative. that is an important foundation upon which we continue to advance cover hands of peace in the middle east. i am sure she will follow up on discussions she has had
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recently with the foreign minister on how to use the arab peace initiative to be able to work within the parties to see what progress we can make. >> will they urged palestinians to take part in these talks? -- will they urged the palestinians? >> it now is the time for them to enter into former the negotiations. -- now is the time. these can only be resolved through formal negotiations. that is the view of many countries in the middle east and is our view. part of the discussion will be how do we pushed, prodded, could jolt parties into those negotiations -- how do we push, prod, cajole these parties into negotiations.
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>> words this to the last week? >> i do not know. -- were they not supposed to go last week? >> it could be some white stuff got in the way of that. thank you. >> tomorrow, a discussion on the supreme court and popular opinions. legal scholars that how the will of the people affects the high court. that is at 7:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. this weekend, the british prime minister, gordon brown, six questions on raising taxes for health care legislation and addresses greece's financial troubles and tony blair's
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comments. that is sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. his film, "hillary the movie," head of citizens united sunday night on the c-span's, "q & a." >> the book is a unique and comprehensive guide to the resting places of this nation's presidents. the contributor on the concept behind the book -- >> it is a wonderful way to humanize and personalize the past. to take events and movements that otherwise might seem impossibly remote, there is something universal about the fact that we are all going to be
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one day on our deathbed and will face growing old. we all have to wrestle with questions of the mortality. -- of immortality and mortality. those are some of the themes that run throughout this. it is also, frankly, and entertaining book. there are lots of stories and anecdotes designed to humanize all of these people. >> available now at your favorite book seller or ordered directly from the publisher at >> then announced they will announce legislation. citizens united verses the federal commissions they will that they can spend unlimited amounts of moneys on political campaigns. senator schumer is joined by rep van hollen for about 20 minutes.
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>> welcome to the dry and non odorous senate recording studio. both are good on days like today. i want to thank my friend, chris van hollen, because it was touch and go on whether he could be here today. we are here together and i want to think chris for his partnership and his hard work and invaluable contributions to this legislation. as you know, last month the supreme court shattered nearly one century of u.s. laws designed to curb the influence of corporations in our collection process. today we are beginning to pick up the pieces. truth be told, chris and i along with many others have been embracing the unfavorable
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decision ever since the court decided to read here the case earlier this fall. -- to re-hear the case. with a stroke of the end, the court decided to overrule a decade old ban on corporate expenditures override all of the voices who want their voices heard in the democracy during a time when all americans are worried about special interest groups have been much too much influence in washington the court inexplicably opened the floodgates to much greater special influence -- special interest group influence. the decision was corrosive to our democracy, hard to understand, and frankly, if you love of the way this country has been built up as a democratic nation, it was an infuriating decision.
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this will go down in the annals as a decision like that. the american people evidently agreed according to a bipartisan poll released this monday. americans oppose the ruling by a better than two to one ruling. it is rare that a court decision has so many people taking a position so soon especially one that is somewhat complicated like this. again, i think the american people's view that special interests should not be encouraged, as the court decision did, prevailed. in the poll, a majority of the republican voters rejected the ruling 51% it was improper. to say the least, the highest court in the land is at odds with public opinion. it is also at odds with the
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constitution which favors a strenuously to keep all citizens equal. we will not let this decision go unchallenged. today, congressman van hollen and i are announcing the framework for copper has of legislation we intend to introduce in our perspective chambers the week after recess. unlike most bills introduced in congress, this one has a deadline for action. if we do not act quickly, the court's ruling will have an immediate and a disastrous impact on the 2010 elections. our goal is to advance legislation quickly otherwise the supreme court will have predetermined the winners of next november's elections. it will not republicans or democrats. it will be corporate america. leader reid and speaker pelosi encouraged us to move quickly.
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we did not to go the route of a constitutional amendment. members of the house and senate are preparing plans to pursue that path but we believe we need to press ahead immediately. in the week since the 5-4 decision came down, chris and i together with many of our colleagues and the white house have a finalized and legislative approach we think represents congress's best remedy to this act of political overreach by the courts. our bill takes five steps. we ban foreign corporations from influencing our elections. where leaders like hugo chavez have no back door ability to undercut our democracy. second come up with stop bailout recipients and contractors from spending unlimited amounts because taxpayer money should not be used to promote a company's political interest.
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third, we imposed new disclosure requirements. fourth, to put disclaimers on the television ads. these will drill down deep said that the real person who put forward the money is disclosed in has to this claim. finally, we require candidates to have reasonable access to television air time if corporations are going to make them the target of political expenditures. i am going to discuss the last three and chris will discuss the first two. then we will answer your questions. let me talk about disclosure. our bill will follow the money. our legislation imposes a series of new disclosure requirements that will create an unprecedented paper trail to track the activities and not only of corporations but all types of organizations that have previously operated in the
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shadows. under our bill, all 501c3 and 527's will be made it to come forward. you're going to put these ads on tv, there will be a separate track for the money that will require to disclose. every $1 that goes into the accounts and name must be recorded. every $1 that spends out of the account must also be reported. furthermore, and this is really important, any transfer of dollars from these accounts to other counts would also need to be documented and recorded to the sec. we will drill down as a that the ultimate founder of the expenditure is exposed. we will not let corporations or anyone else hide behind the main
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groups called a "sense for a better america" or whatever. -- "citizens for a better america." they cannot escape detection. these requirements will not banned political activity but the level of transparency will come at the very least, make corporations realize that everything they do in the nature of political advocacy will be public. that will make them think twice before spending unless it sounds to influence elections treated the deterrent effect should not be underestimated. -- to influence elections. the deterrent effect should not be underestimated. they should disclose on a quarterly basis to their shareholders and on their filings with the sec. second, in addition to increased
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disclosure, we impose new tougher requirements for political ads. everyone is familiar with the rules that have politicians appear on camera at the end of their ads that declare "i am a so-so and i approve this message." for corporations, we impose the same stand by your ad requirements by that company's c.e.o. even if the company funnels through a shell group or pools its resources with other organizations, they need to be identified by any had been put on the air. we will drill downs of the old and a founder of the expenditure is exposed. the ceo who will go on the air will be the one who has put in the most money not some group. in instances where more than one company puts money in, we require the top five corporate
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funders to be identified by a company name on the screen and the corporation that gives most will have its ceo appear on camera to give a stand by your add disclaimer. this is how the state of washington and of these ads. -- a stand by your ad discl aimer. a coin flip will determine which c.e.o. appears on the ad. third, our bill will include the lowest unit rate requirements. if the corporation buys airtime to run eds on broadcast, cable, or satellite television -- to run ads on television, they have a right to respond by given the lowest rate for that media market. we have found this to be very effective in terms of the so- called millionaire's amendments and we apply the same type of rules here. that is constitutional. overall, the supreme court's's decision -- the supreme court's
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decision opened up the floodgates to a torrent of corporate money. the good news is there are solutions that can help repackage the dam. congressman van hollen and i will be working diligently and quickly to patch the holes as quickly as possible. >> thank you become a senator, and i want to thank my friend chuck for all of his leadership on this issue and moving so quickly to respond to what was a radical supreme court decision that does open the floodgates to big corporate special interest money being pumped directly into elections in an unrestricted manner. we do need to move very quickly to blunt the corrosive impact that decision will have on our democracy.
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i want to thank senator schumer. i think the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, and the members of that task force because we have taken the ideas of the task force in addition to the ideas -- ideas for many bills receive introduced in the house and incorporated many of them within this framework. i want to talk briefly about the two provisions dealing with preventing foreign interests from dumping millions of dollars into u.s. elections. as the senator pointed out, you have many u.s. corporations based here in the united states that are controlled by foreign interests weather is sovereign will funds of the chinese government or others. -- whether it is sovereign
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funds. understandably those of foreign interests will put themselves first and not america's interests first and not the interest of our citizens. we prevent those entities that are controlled by foreign interests by spending those court -- that corporate money in these elections. the test is a threefold. if foreign ownership is 20% or more, that constitutes a corporation controlled by foreign interest. if a majority of their board of directors is made up of foreign principals that also constitutes a foreign controlled interest. finally, an objective test in those cases where you have foreign ownership below 20% below where it is clear that the
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effective decision making with respect to political activities and the expenditure of funds for political activities is made by foreign interests. those are the components being considered in this legislation for determining where the ban will apply. secondly, with respect to what we call pay to play transactions, i think every american will agree that we do not want federal contractors that are getting taxpayer dollars to be able to then turn around and essentially used as taxpayer dollars to fund campaigns to support or oppose candidates. federal contractors have been treated differently in other parts of the federal campaign finance law and we believe it is important to extend that treatment with respect to the expenditure is we're talking live here. we would say that if you are a federal contractor who by
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definition you are there for receiving taxpayer dollars that you cannot turn around and spend money to try and collect or defeat candidates directly through your corporate funds. secondly, if you have received tarp monies. if you are aig or a big firm that has received tarp monies, until you have paid that money back you cannot be using your corporate funds to try to defeat or select a candidate. again, we do not want a big firm like aig to take tax payer dollars to try to defeat candidates who support regulating wall street or other financial interests. that is just wrong. we want to make sure that does not happen. finally, let me just say a word about the disclosure provisions. the fall of the many provisions the senator talk about are
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extremely important. we should all be able to agree that the american people should know who is paying for the political advertising. people should not be able to hide behind a dummy corporations or shell entities they set up. the voter has a right to know about the disclosure and when it comes to corporate spending, shareholders also have the right to know and they are required to make disclosures to their shareholders. we are also going to be looking at the possibility of a component that requires some form of shareholder approval. in the house, bernie frank and others have been looking at that -- barney frank and others have been looking at that. and so, that will be included if they can work out something that we all think makes sense going
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forward. again, i want to thank the members of the task force, think senator schumer and it is important that we move expeditiously. the supreme court decision will begin to open those floodgates and big of special interest money into the elections. we need to act quickly. >> thank you, chris. we are ready for your questions. >> which of these would apply to unions as well? >> every provision would apply to unions. every single one. and soon 501c3's, c4 's -- 501c4's and 527's. >> you talked about shareholder approval. can you apply that to union membership? >> that is a difficult issue.
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in both our bodies, the banking committee has the jurisdiction over shareholder issues. we will work with our colleagues there to see what we can come up with. >> any republican support? >> we believe we will get some republican support here. it is very hard for me to see how people would be against this closure for allowing foreign corporations to influence our political progress or even allowing domestic corporations to try and use these new supreme court issues to get government contracts and money. .
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as the senator said, it should not be a partisan issue. if you look at the public surveys, it is clear, republicans, democrats, independents alike believe this was a bad decision and it opens the door wide to the corporate special interest money. the day the supreme court decision came down, senator mccain said he was disappointed in the supreme court's decision. he then said he was not sure whether or not we would be able to do anything about it. we provided a very targeted option for doing something about it. we hope our republican colleagues will join us. >> the real time disclosure requirements for these require that companies or organizations
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disclose expenditures within a certain time frame. would the sec post on their website? >> when they make an expenditure whether it is to a separate group, it has to be posted 24 hours. >> the white house was involved with this, can you give details on their level of involvement? [inaudible] >> the white house has been very much involved. staff has had several meetings with the white house folks. they have been generally supportive. i think that when we introduce legislative language which we are letting this bay and see if people have suggestions, it is complicated, we want to do legislative language, hopefully soon. i expect we will get white house support. >> wendy think this will come to
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the floor on either chamber? >> we want to move quickly. speaker pelosi put in a proposal quickly. >>thank you, everybody. >> i want to ask you about the jobs proposal. >>how many jobs might be create? >> the proposal is not to be a panacea. is supposed to be quick, immediate, and in effect corporations of all sizes. you see 5.7% growth and stimulus money is spent out. as companies are about to say, i will hire someone, maybe this will push them over the edge. we expect it will be successful at getting many unemployed people off the payroll but you do not know how many. money -- there were slow and not
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aimed at to the unemployed. we tried to correct both of those things here. small business that has five people can use this. they do not have to fill out large -- they do not need to hire an accountant for next year's taxes. if you speak to small business people that is what you have heard from previous. >> [inaudible] >> i will not talk about that. i do not make any. >> tomorrow, an discussion on the supreme court and popular opinion. "america and the courts" here on c-span. this weekend, british prime minister gordon brown diggs questions on raising taxes for social care legislation. he addressed greece's troubles
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and tony blair's testimony before the british inquiry. sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. >> tune into "book tv" for the presidents' day weekend. henry paulson talking with warren buffett on the 2008 economic collapse. and gary wills on how the atomic bomb changed the presidency and the role of the u.s. in the world. "afterwords" airs sunday. then craig shirley on ronald reagan. for the complete schedule, go to >> a discussion on the global
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energy outlook. part of the world energeconomic forum. ithis will be about an hour. >> good morning, everybody. i want to welcome you to the session on the global energy a lot. our topic this morning is energy security subject -- a subject that has great confidence and changes as circumstances change. this is a subject we will explore this morning. at the same time, it exists within the context in the context will talk about is the impact of the turbulence in the global economy and what that means for energy, security, and what it means in terms of the energy outlook and how it has been changed, what has been changed by what has happened over the last two years.
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to address these questions, we have a very distinguished panel. tony hayward, the chief executive of bp and the chief executive officer of royal dutch and the chairman and ceo of dow and the chairman of the border directors of totale. we will dive in. i will ask some questions of each of our panelists to get things started. i expect the discussion will carry itself. i would like to begin wiand ask you, the term energy security, what does that mean as you look at the global energy system? >> first of all, i would like to say that most important for us on the port of -- point of
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energy security is diversification of supply routes. we managed to achieve that end today, we have a diversified i plan system which canxd support our national resources in various directions. at the same time, it is important to provide the balance of interests between producers, creditors, and consumers so that we can have a sustainable and long term energy cooperation. this may create certain problems. another issue which is important for us is a fair market price. for our natural resources, especially for gas. a full commitment by the parties to assign contacts. this element in the package can provide much more confidence for
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producers and for consumers with respect to energy security. >> let me ask you, for the first decade or so, as javon -- the spotlight has been turning to natural gas. looking five or 10 years from now, what would you see in terms of the country's role in a global gas market and what are the obstacles to getting there? >> i think that definitely the role of our country will grow because his discoveries of gas reserves will allow us to transform into one of the gas exporters. the minimum gas reserves are more than two trillion cubic meters.
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that will be enough for us and our export capacity. most important is now to provide a reliable and long term market for our gas. i mentioned that we have already diversified gas supplies systems. that system can transport only today's level of production. what they're planning to do is to increase two or three times, maybe more. to do that, we need a much bigger capacity of pipeline. and of course, to invest major investments in new developments and in pipeline infrastructure, we need to have a clear understanding who are our consumers. if the markets are
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reliable and long term for us or not. after all these issues are in place i am sure azerbaijan will use its gas potential as successful as we did with well- developed. >> i guess that customers are coming into view? >> we have customers, we have customers around us. azerbaijan is transporting its gas to the neighboring countries despite the fact that some of these countries produce much more gas than we do but our target is to continued diversification, to find markets, particularly in markets in europe. we know that european consumers are looking for diversification for new sources of gas and the caspian gas, especially gas from azbeerbaijan will use its
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best potential. >> how has the global recession change the energy outlook and change what b.p. is doing? >> the answer is not much. if you step back and look at the next couple decades which is the timeframe that the industry operates on, the demand projections today are no different from what they were a year or 18 months ago. energy demand is projected to increase by 40% over the next 20 years, all of it in the developing world and the challenge the world faces is, how do we provide that in a way that the energy is available, the light stays on, it is secured to address the mismatch between where energy is produced and where it is consumed, it is affordable, consumers can afford to pay for it, and of course, ultimately, it is sustainable. so, the big point is that even in the most aggressive climate
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change policy regulation conceived, that is to limit the concentration of co2 to 4 under departs for millions, hydrocarbons will represent around 80% of the energy mix in the next 20 years. i think the simple answer to your question is that not much has changed, dan. as far as what we should be doing is concerned, the international company should focus on what they're good at and that is three things. the first one is to drive efficiency into the industry, which is about using our technology and know-how and our capacity -- capability and are proven skills of capital allocation and risk management to ensure that supply is turned up as cheaply as possible. the second one is to continue to press the frontiers of the industry to give access to new supplies to the world and that is drilling wells to 10 kilometers in the deepwater gulf
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of mexico, is beginning to explore under the ice in the arctic, it is developing the difficult challenging called reservoirs of the world, tied to gas, shale gas, and those sort of things. the third king is to begin to develop at the right place alternative forms of a more sustainable energy. in the case of b.p., we are focused on biofuels, wind, carbon capture, and sequestration and solar. the. ioc's is that we can do those sorts of things to scale. the challenge is how do we do those things that scale. >> given the long-term nature of energy, 20 years from now the world probably is 80% harder carbon -- hydrocarbon but we have somseen some changes in
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demand particularly for oil and whether it is the recession or structural changes, maybe you will say a word about how you see the shift in demand. >> the obvious thing is of course, in the mature markets of europe and asia, demand for oil products is now in the structural decline. none of us will sell more gasoline than we sold in 2007. however, that is of course being offset by a very strong rising demand in the markets of the east, and in particular, china where, as many as you well know, last year, 13 million cars were sold in china, more than 1 million cars a month and demand there continues to rise strongly. oil imports into china in december were 5 million barrels a day. the challenge is how to actually meet this growing demand for oil and to keep the lid on prices. >> it was a psychological shock for the united states last year
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to discover it is now the second largest automobile market in the world and that china at least at this point is way ahead of it. so that gets us to the overall supply and let me ask khalid to address energy security from the viewpoint of a company that invests tens and tens of billions of dollars in terms of maintaining and developing who supplies, also with a very long- term horizon and how you look at the definition and meaning of energy security. >> thank you and good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i, first of all, would like to second what tony has said. we very much see the long-term energy outlook pretty much in the same prism. we see long term energy demand rising, in fact, doubling by the year 2050, and we see fossil
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fuels in general still providing the predominant share of that energy within that timeframe. petroleum will continue to provide the energy for the mobility sector of the economy, whether it is air transport, sea transport, and still be predominant in car and truck transport for the next few decades, despite this success that we will inevitably achieve in introducing new renewable energies into the transport sector, but it will be slow, and petroleum will have to provide the bulk of our energy ion mobility. we feel that the issue that came
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to the surface and treated concern about the coil is behind us, i hope, that the technical facts have been brought to the surface and this issue of peak oil has been pushed behind. it did contribute in a large way to the volatility and rise in prices. our energy, as mentioned already, is a capital intensive energy and is a long-term investment energy. decisions that we make today will bear fruit in terms of reliable supplies to the consumers anywhere between seven to 10 years and it could be longer in the kind of frontier areas that tony hayward was talking about where major investment decisions need to take place. so there is a linkage, a very strong linkage between the security of supply that consumers are asking for and rightly deserve, and we as an industry need to provide, and the reverse, which is the
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security of demand that week, the producers of energy, need to also ensure. part of the stability and security of energy, of course, is ensuring that there is plenty of spare capacity in the market to absorb the shocks that inevitably happen in a complex business like ours, whether it is national disasters that have been to producing areas of conflict or disruptions due to civil strife. it is not news that saudi arabia and saudi aramco has played a major role -- the major role -- in providing that element of security in the petroleum markets. we have traditionally attempted and kept spare capacity exceeding 1.5 million barrels
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which is a very expensive capital investment to make an operating costs to maintain our budget, to keep the spare capacity, the commission to bring to the market when it is needed. today, it is over 4 million barrels that we have absorbed some of our production to adjust to the recession of 2008 and 2009. we are comfortable keeping that cushion. we believe in the long term that capacity will be used and it will be used for the benefit of stability in the overall market, as well as bearing long- term efforts -- fruits for us as holders of the largest reserves because it will show the kind of responsible stewardship and management of these resources that the consumers around the world expect from saudi arabia and saudi aramco.
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last year, despite the recession, we maintained our investment regime and in fact, are close to 2 million barrels of new capacity, including some of the largest fields ever brought on stream, on schedule, and that capacity remains today. from our perspective, we do not see their reciprocal assurance from consumers, and i am talking about policy makers in particular, in terms of giving us the long-term signals that we need as producers to maintain the kind of investment regime and commitment to energy supply. there is too much rhetoric in the public domain about moving away from oil, about independence of various nations in energy which is unachievable
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and in many ways, misleading to the public that it is addressed to. instead, we feel that energy security should be addressed in the framework of interdependence which i referred to when i talked about the linked and intertwined relationship between suppliers and consumers. that needs to big knowledge as well as a knowledge of the fact we will be relying on fossil fuels and petroleum for the long term. one last word on another element of security which is an environmental element. i think consumers, and rightly so, are concerned about long- term security of the planet, long-term security of living standards through the environmental impact of the fossil fuels that we will be producing, and i believe that energy industry as well as other stakeholders, including
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governments through incentives and correcting some of the stimulus packages to spending, need to focus on efficiency and clearing the hydrocarbons that we will be consuming and burning. we on our part are focusing on that in our investment strategy, but i believe that all stakeholders, including energy industry and other academic research institutions and governments, need to join in this as a collective measure. >> are the signals from either the marketplace or the signals, as you say, from the consumers affecting your own investment decisions as you look out over the next 10 years? >> as i mentioned, for now, we of course on the upstream are sitting -- one-third of our capacity is idle but it is idled and ready to come on stream on a
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very short notice. so today, our investment for the foreseeable future is to replace decline and depletion of our existing capacity. long term, if we see that the demand supply balance is calling on us to add capacity, we will certainly consider it. we're also investing heavily in other parts of the value chain. one element of energy supply, a lack of reliability over the last year's -- few years was not necessarily in the upstream sector, but we had bottlenecks in the refining sector, in the supply infrastructure, and we in saudi aramco, despite the poor profitability in refining today, are investing heavily in refining with investing in the
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most modern fleet of double hulled tankers to get our crude reliably and responsibly to the market that needs it. we are spending money on pipelines and terminals to make sure that people understand that the largest supplier of petroleum energy is committed in the long term not only to provide the btu's and the molecules of hydrocarbons, but to provide them to the market in a reliable and environmentally responsible way. >> thank you. peter voser, energy security implies stability in investment. turbulent times in the economy imply or lead to instability in investment. what impact do you see that this turmoil has had on the longer- term investment horizons of the industry and what it is doing and how you are dealing with
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those questions at shall -- shell? >> yes, thank you. good morning everybody. this is absolutely the key question. what the industry has to deliver in the long-term is we have to increase the energy supply and we heard some numbers from tony. most probably the energy demand will double because we have to deliver energy to more than 9 billion people over the next few decades at a much lower cost to the environment. this is an extremely challenging but also a very interesting proposition for the energy industry. so absolutely key is to keep investing throughout the cycle. despite the fact we have a recession around us, the bigger international oil companies have kept actually steady on the investment side. at shell, for example, in 2009,
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we had the pap -- highest capital investment budget ever in our history which was $32 billion and from the ioc side it was the highest budget. we will continue that in 2010. if we do not push this in a few years' time, as demand comes back, despite the fact i am happy to hear the barrel's you have put aside for the future, the world will start to see a supply demand imbalance, and i think we have clearly seen that at shell and we're keeping investing. >the second point is clearly also, we need to keep going on innovation and technology investments, and this is driven toward more energy efficiency. this is driven by the fact that we need a lower carbon world, so this is about fuel standards, this is about reducing co2 which tony mentioned also, for example, through carbon capture
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and sequestration but it is working on alternative energies including some renewable. let me also bring some realism into the discussion here which i miss a lot when i travel around the world. i have the feeling that from time to time, everyone thinks we can put the light switch from not on to on and tomorrow the issue will be solved. historically, we know that to gain 1% global market share in the energy industry, you need on average 25 to 30 years from the moment you start to do the development into commercial development and then into consumer development, so we should also be realistic about that and actually work on both sides. we need the investments in the oil and gas industry on our fossil fuel side, while at the same time we need to bridge into a lower carbon world including actually biofuels and grenoble's
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and so on. so i think what we're looking for at shell is to get a more balanced discussion so we can work on both and for that, we need technology and innovation. let me say a few words about gas. i think gas is underestimated what it could do to the world over the next 10 to 20 years, so this is now rather short term in an industry which works 30 to 50 years. we have seen over the last few years that there is plenty of gas. we have heard from the president as well. we have an energy source which is from a.c.l. to point of view much better than some of the other fossil fuels which we're using like coal. that is where we should focus, getting the gas much more the agenda -- up more the agenda and
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getting it into the markets for reasonable prices for the consumers and prices for government and for ioc's we can make money. >> energy security, when it became a big issue, the world was divided into producers and consumers. is that still useful concept, or is a blurred -- it blurred? >> the world needs energy and it is up to the producers and consumers, including the ioc's to deliver an energy mix which long term gives us a sustained energy delivery at an affordable price and at the cost to the environment which is acceptable. i see in the future a much closer collaboration between the various stakeholders including the parents to drive this agenda
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forward. i see on the iecd side but also in the developing countries at this stage quite clearly, let's say, a willingness to engage in that process much more in order to reduce volatility in the future. i think we have seen what volatility can do to the economy like, for example, in two dozen a, and we think -- i think we need more stability into that and this is about pricing and volume and delivery and it is clear that this needs collaboration from all sides. >> let me turn to a consumer. dow chemical is one of the largest consumers of energy in the world and the largest industrial consumer in the united states. andrew liveris, what does energy security mean to you and what does energy insecurity due to your business?
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>> thank you, dan. i am very privileged to be amongst this esteemed panel and a representative of a consumer which of course, as you have said, we are -- we are approximately for all types of consumers clearly and industrial consumers. the comments that have been said i will not repeat but energy security does not mean energy independence but that is totally a myth. energy security is interdependent and four company like ours, it is deeply rooted in the notion that we add value to energy for all humanity in a variety of different products. what has happened in the last five or six years and we firmly believe that 2009 was an aberration, a great recession. if you think that is the data point on the curve, we're all mistaken. the tech talk -- tectonic shift happened in this last decade is indicative of the one in the early 1970's and early 1980's which was supplied driven. this is -- this one that has
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just happened to is a demand shift with the rise of the east and china and the industrial base of china, the energy intensity of that economy all they -- albeit did try to get better. india, elsewhere, the emerging world is treating a new demand cycle which has brought supply and demand a lot closer which has raised the price points of input. we purchased 1 million barrels a day equivalent of oil and gas. that is a billion dollars in 2002. in 2008 that number was $32 billion. the price point changed clearly. four times. i do not say that lightly. that is a huge increase of all the prices of my products in essence, if i could raise the prices of the products. what hurts people like us and out there in general and what we need a different approach to energy security is the word
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peter used, volatility. before 2001 and two dozen to, we could count on fossil fuels and certain trajectories on the price points based on a production that was available around the world then and with no china consuming like they were consuming, those were predictable price points and so, therefore, what you saw as value add to energy was a predictable thing, and clearly, there was volatility but you could financially hedge it. if 90% is a physical hedge and 10% is a financial hedge, you can cope with that. when $32 billion is your number and volatility has quadrupled in terms of price points and volatility between 2002 and to the snake, you have all the day you want. you could get a 10% aberration in a month, in a week on gas or oil, and when you got that operation-- aberration, people
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who have read trajectory for investment suddenly stop. in the trajectory and had to do that? energy security needs a comprehensive approach and we have been saying this and every panel we have been on. it is all of the above. it is responsible fossil fuel development because fossil fuels will be here for as far as we can see. so responsible, and are mentally sound fossil fuel development at the new cost curves and the deep sea and all the things these guys have innovated with is necessary. the president's new fines are necessary. we need to go everywhere and be responsible. this is a big part of an energy plan. you need a menu of options. as a consumer you now have to have physical hedges said another way. all the alternatives need to come onto the table. alternatives that make sense. what are those? we're still innovating. we need to innovate. just like jfk said, put a man on the moon in the early 1960's,
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how were we going to do that? no one knew. science responded to the challenge and we're seeing that. innovation at all the things you're hearing about, not just the developed world, china is one of the largest developers of solar. physical hedges are necessary. how do you do that? if you do not know your price points? you need some degree of predictability. try some -- price on carbon and co2 is a necessary thing. it cannot have that uncertainty on top of the other uncertainty which is demand and consumption. those things are necessary. then there is the third bucket, energy efficiency. europe and japan and other nations responded with national standards on energy efficiency in the early 1970's and early 1980's. the average u.s. home has 2 1/2 miles of cracks in it. every home weeks air tat can
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feel two goodyear blimps every day. this is a national tragedy in the u.s.. fuel standards in vehicles, yes, building standards, absolutely yes. industrial efficiency standards, my company has done that for decades. it has quick paybacks. co-generation on site, a lot of other things. there are tools and technologies we have on efficiency. if you put your mind set around national goals and efficiency and the u.s. is the one that has not done that but it is starting to allow you have to get all three right. responsible fuel, fossil fuel development, alternatives and putting innovation to work and energy efficiency standards. those three things and a comprehensive approach. >> price on carbon, do you have a view? would you see it as a carbon tax or cap and trade? >> my colleagues will disagree
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but we're public with the fact we need a market price and carbon that changes behavior and a carbon tax just gets passed on and gets passed on and will not change behavior because you can pass it on. so you do need a price on karpin, you need an intelligent way to do it. i am not for a cap and trade where the financial speculators make all the money. i understand that point. we need a way for industrial and every consumer to not see it as another way to get taxed. you need to reward big givers. pre-war behavior is now? by deploying some of this money against the development of these technologies. >> thierry desmarest, whether international oil companies or super majors, what ever you call them. what is their role in terms of energy security? >> they are in a central position. when you look at -- to the share of the oil production which is made by the international oil
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companies, it is only something like 15% or 16%. if you look to the share of investments in exploration and production activities, it is more like 20%, 22%, so you have coming from the international oil companies a contribution to the necessary effort of investment, and i would say that the ioc's are taking care of the most challenging project. it is not because they have a masochistic approach, but i would say thafor the resources which are relatively easy to develop, the countries who on these reserves do not generally feel that it is really necessary to bring ioc, so we have to
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consider that we must be the specialist of challenging projects in all areas. >> so, as a specialist of challenging projects, an interesting phrase, do you see with the uncertainty about price, uncertainty about regulation, uncertainty about carbon, our risk of a kind of wait and see attitude on the part of the industry, either imposed upon them more driven by the dynamics of their own situation? >> no, i do not think so. because it is linked to your question, i think we are -- no one has mentioned the fact that the financial crisis, as a consequence that the oil demand has been reduced in that last two years by 3%, why do -- we
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were expecting before the crisis demand to grow by a bit more than 1% per year, so in fact, as most investments have been done as if the crisis has not taken place in the exploration and production activities, if we come back to the concept of peak oil, it pushes the peak oil a bit further, the financial crisis. it may look paradoxical but that is the fact. i do not think that the oil companies will wait for international oil companies, that is clear. the companies have kept their e & p, capital spending unchanged at the last year. the announce the same figures for next year. elsewhere there have been some reductions but i would say it is not dramatic. concerning the capacity of the
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industry, all oil companies included to meet demand for the long term i would say the problem of peak oil remains. we have always been relatively prudent in our assessment of a peak oil date in total between, i would say the international energy agency which was extremely optimistic a few years ago, a bit less today, and so cold experts who were announcing the coil has taken place. in our opinion, it will be difficult to raise the oil production worldwide above 95 million barrels per day, which is something like 10% above today's levels, so it is not enormous.
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it is not that we lack reserves, there is plenty of oil to be produced, but a lot of it is difficult to be produced. huge resources like the athabascan oil sands, when you look to the new flow of the last two or three years, you have seen a lot of postponements of projects. not that much because of lack of affordability of project but also with environmental concerns. then, the next example among others, so i think we must keep in mind the fact that in a few years from now, the market may be in relatively difficult position and the energy security
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concerning oil because i think for gas we certainly have more time, will be a big problem. >> thank you. we have been talking about volatility and what it does to companies. maybe share work with us, you are responsible for country, what volatility does for you and a country and how, when you have a sudden upsurge in revenues and then down movements, how do you manage to deal with thestability and those issues? >> the reforms we conducted in our country allowed us to create a stable economy and a diversified economy. less than 20 years ago, azerbaijan was part of the soviet union and we had 0% in the area economy, a market economy segment.
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today a market economy is 85% in gdp. we use the wealth which was generated from oil and gas to invest in non-energy sectors and invest in production. primarily, we managed to overcome the difficulties of the crisis and the changes in oil price with minimal losses. i can give you several figures which clearly will illustrate what happened in azerbaijan in 2009. gdp growth was 9.3%, industrial production growth was 8.6%, inflation rate was only 1.5%. in 2009, despite all the dramatic drops of oil prices, our sovereign oil fund accumulated more resources, and
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these figures clearly show that our economy can tolerate such kind of unexpected development. of course, we also suffered from economic crisis and managed to mobilize all our resources. i can also tell you that one of the important elements in 2009 was on like many countries in our region, our national currency did not lose value, it was stable, so that was a big support with respect to the social protection of the people. and today's level of oil price i think is acceptable for companies, for consumers, and for the countries. this level of price allows us to invest more, to find more oil and gas. at the same time, it is also acceptable for consumers because the balance of
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interests, which i was referring to in my previous comments, is observed now. i hope that in 2010 we will implement all the major projects which we have in mind. i can tell you in 2009, investments in azerbaijan in total were close to $10 billion which for our economy is a huge amount, and in the future i think that already balanced oil price will allow us to continue to develop. by the way, during the last six years, azerbaijan's economy was the fastest-growing economy in the world and total growth the economy in six years was 300%. so of course in the coming years, we will not enjoy the same speed but what we have already achieved, accumulated, and managed to redirect from oil
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into non-oil sector whill allow us to continue to develop successfully. >> thank you. iraq is a subject for three of the ioc's on this panel and with different perspectives. what are each of you doing or not doing there and what kind of expectations do you have in terms of timing and what is going to happen. tony? >> we are i think cautiously optimistic about the potential that iraq can play in providing a very big and important new source of supply to the global oil markets. bp is involved in a major contract to redevelop an existing field that in fact bp found back in 1953, as it turns out. the field this today producing 1
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million barrels a day and we have a plan to take it to three over the next 10 years or so. i think if all of us who are now participating there are reasonably successful in developing on the commitments that we have made, then it is quite likely that we will see iraq increase its production to perhaps around 10 million barrels a day within about 10 years. i think it will not be faster than that alalthough if you addd up the contractual commitments, you may draw that conclusion. the realities of the challenges of execution on the ground and the need to build capability will mean that things will happen a little slower than all of us are perhaps planning on today. i think the reality is, absent any unforeseen political events which you cannot rule out entirely, then undoubtedly the resources there, it is a
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relatively easy resource to bring on stream, and there is no reason to believe that iraq cannot be producing 10 million barrels a day within 10 years by 2020 or so. that i think is an important contribution which is back to the debate about, you know, where is the new source of supply going to come from and what is the nature of the challenge. the will think about this is if you assume the world needs 100 million barrels a day in 2030 and thierry and i will debate whether it is 95 or 100 but if you build it, it does not sound very much. we have been producing '83 or '84, khalid is sitting on four or 5 million barrels a day capacity. if you build that decline into the forward projection, the
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that is 50 million barrels. 50 million barrels a day. the industry has to bring on stream in the next two decades four times what saudi arabia is producing today. that is the way i think about this supply challenge we're faced with. i believe the resources are there to do it. it needs the investment, the fiscal framework, the regulatory framework, and the partnership between governments, ioc's and national oil companies to ensure the supply terms of. it is improperlentirely possibld we have the right framework within we can conduct the activity. >> you have a large commitment living. >> we have -- are in two fields in iraq. i think not much to add to what tony said in terms of the development.
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the resources that there. i agree it is part of the easier oil and what we can bring to iraq is obviously technology because the country is from a technology point of view most probably two decades behind so we can bring that. i do see the challenge in the same way. this is a huge challenge which i said earlier to deliver this increased energy. let me put a number against what tonia describes. this is, roughly according to official estimates, we will need $27 trillion to get to the point where tony described. that is just about an enormous factor and more than what the world has just spent to actually bail out the banks and put stimulus into the market. so this money needs to be earned. we talked about volatility so iraq can actually bring hopefully some stability to that but it needs to be developed and we need to earn the money so we
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can finance this $27 trillion over the next 20 years. >> thierry, how does iraq -- as a look different? >> i agree that iraq will play a key role in the equilibrium of the market in the coming years. in terms of corporate policy, we have a very consistent policy of minimum return that we want to have four projects. we have seen a lot of excitement of the industry on these projects. we have a bit less enthusiastic because we think that our priority is to bring a return to our shoulders in line with their expectations so we have taken just a minority position on the project, but we're not particularly concerned because there plenty of other projects in the world which will give us
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are expected terms. >>-- our expected terms. >> khalid, you are about 10 million barrels a day, give or take. what do you think of this? >> we feel and have felt especially in the last few years, a lot of pressure being placed on saudi arabia to respond to all of the growth projected in demand at one point of time, iea and others were using saudia arabia as a plug in at the end of the imbalance between supply and demand and they showed us producing 24 or 25 million barrels at some time in the future and that raised a lot of concern. we no longer have that concern -- have the kind of pressure. we welcome the opportunities in iraq for iraq to produce more and to better its people and
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economy. we will still be called to produce at least as much as we have been producing, if not more, and we're ready to do it. i would advise tony, when he is calculating the decline and what the industry has to do to take our 12 million out of the formula, because i assure him we are going to take care of that, it is not -- >> yours is built in. >> we have a long list of projects in our portfolio that will do more than offset oil declined. i say that just reassuring anybody who is listening and concerned about decline and ability of industry. i would also respond to thierry and said the industry as a whole has been amazingly capable of tackling complex chargechallengn
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terms of not only the technology we have been able to develop and deploy, but also integrating many disciplines, mobilizing huge amounts of capital and bringing these complex projects from complex reservoirs' all the way to birder to upset the consumers in a very responsible way, so the four trillion of oil that the planet has been endowed with, only one has been produced. plenty of resources out there. granted, most of what remains is a lot more difficult and complex than what has already been produced, but i am a believer in our industry, and going back to what peter and andrew said about innovation, technology, and the capability of the talented people we have in our industry, i have no doubt that we will be able to do a lot more than 95 or 100 that are
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projected in the next few decades. but long term, it is a deployable resource, and long term, we will have to get off fossil fuels and everybody needs to responsibly work on this month, a gradual transition, but we are responsible also to communicate that it is going to take decades and not years. one point i want to respond to if i may, to the issue that oofe that enter talked to when he mentioned his cost of feed stocks crippling in matters of years. it is a fact that our costs have went up in multiples. we have within saudi arabia for compare both projects seen that the cost of developing a barrel of oil capacity between the early part of this decade and last year went up by a factor of
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six to seven, all on shore increments producing relatively easy oil to produce. so even the cost of conventional easy oil, if you want to call that, is going up. the cost of production, operating costs, are also going up, and that is reflected, and oil price escalation that we saw in 2008 is very bad for consumers, and it is bad for producers because it causes a lot of disruptions in the market but, ironically, it is also the lower end of the price range is even more destructive and we have seen the impact of the industry and many smaller independents but we have also seen the best impact of lower prices on producers of alternative energies and renewals and unfortunately, many of them went out of business in
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2009 when will lead to $35. so i think we have to be realistic. we have to aim, we cannot fix prices, market will but hopefully cure responsible of oil investments and communication we can import price range that will keep investing, keep consumers able to live their lives and produce their product without too much volatility that is very disruptive. >> mrs. a question for peter, tony, and thierry. unconventional natural gas, a big deal, very big deal, just a north american phenomenon, a global phenomenon? >> big deal and necessary. >> north american or global? >> global. >> a complete game changer in the u.s., certainly. transform the u.s.'s energy outlook for probably 100 years
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and yet to be seen whether the same phenomena can be applied globally. >> i think first, it is good news. this being said, there may be a few difficulties linked with environmental problems which can slow a bit the pace of growth of production in the u.s. and there will be opportunities elsewhere but not everywhere. . .
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>> up next, remarks by general petraeus. then the u.s. coast guard commandant speaks on haiti relief. after that, the u.s. ambassador to haiti updates the situation there. and now, the commander of u.s. military operations in the middle east, general petraeus. he talks about counterinsurgencies in iraq and afghanistan. he spoke at a forum hosted by the world affairs council in philadelphia. this is about 50 minutes. >> thank you. thank you very much to all of you. thank you for that kind introduction, frank. thank you for your very generous
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applause. you know the saying that when folks say kind things about you, it is one of those deals where you wish your parents could be here. my dutch-american sea captain father would have enjoyed it. blige year-old mother would have loved it. ñrand -- my dear old mother woud have believed it and loved it. i gather that you have not been quite hit so hard with the snow, but you probably know how to handle it better than folksy itself. i appreciate you braving the
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weather to be here -- then folks in the south. i appreciate you braving the weather to be here today. it gives me the opportunity to congratulate you. i endorsed and that this is not only your 16th anniversary -- i understand that this is not only your 60th anniversary, this is also your anniversary for the world council across the nation and i want to congratulate you for that, too. [applause] we do a little bit of this. we tried to get out and give folks an opportunity to see who is leading their sons and daughters and explain the great work that are great young men and women in uniform are doing. i had done that a great bit at world forums. we have done so much that, in
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fact, i said i might be getting enough punches on my loyalty card that i ought to clean a t- shirt one of these days. so somebody actually sent me a t-shirt. i will not say which council. but it is not from philadelphia. [applause] we sort of rushed in here. i will explain in a moment why we are a little bit late. i apologize for that. i have not been able to confirm that someone is in the audience who is a very special person. there are a lot of very special people here, i know. but i think, in the audience today, i hope is an extraordinary woman who has genuine generosity and a true concern for our troopers which is unmatched. she is the finest platoon mom. she is my platoon mom. over the years, she has adopted thousands of men and women in
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uniform deployed, first in the balkans, and then in afghanistan and iraq, bringing their days, putting smiles on their faces with care packages, cars, and some of the best cookies on earth. she even packs them so well that they managed to survive the transit to our foreign outposts and bases. in 2008, she was honored in new jersey for bringing comfort to countless service men and women overseas. i would like to honor her today by asking her to stand and be recognized. my platoon mom and the platoon mom of a lot of other troopers is elaine harmon. i hope yours here. [applause] please stand. [applause]
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>> the truth is that there are a whole lot of platoon moms out there and a lot of others who really are so supportive of our men and women in uniform. we will show a slight evade realist and ceremony and talk about those great men and women who have their right hand in the air. people occasionally asking why in the world do they keep doing that, tore after tour -- to work after a tour, sacrifice after sacrifice. the answer is that they do it because they think that they are serving something larger than themselves. they do it for each other. and i do it, -- and they do it because americans support and
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appreciate deeply the sacrifices that they and their families are making on a daily basis to carry out tough missions in very hard spots against enemies that may be barbaric. they're also learning and adapting. i have tried to practice over the years to never take myself too seriously, but do take your work seriously. we do that as well. i want to start today by talking about why i am late. i just came from west point. i attended the funeral service for a great young graduate of the military academy. he is the son-in-law of a longtime friend and classmate of mine from west point. he was a great young infantry company commander.
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he was over there doing what he always wanted to do. he was leading great young paratroopers in a very important mission. they were in a tough spot. he led the way. as they say, he made the ultimate sacrifice. i ask that you join me first, today, before we go to questions, in a moment of silence for a great american hero, captain dan within -- captain dan whitten.
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>> thank you very much. >> in general, you may be west point's greatest triple threat. you started at west point and went on to be a cadet. you started today on an important mission at west point. it is a privilege to conduct today's conversation with you. general, we are honored that you have taken time from your demanding schedule to be with us today. you have been quoted as saying that there are three tasks that strategically must be gotten right. first is to get the big idea right. first is to communicate those communications -- second is to communicate those ideas throughout the organization. third is to properly execute the big idea. you did that will interact,
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positively reversing several problematic years. now was the commander of our nation's efforts in afghanistan, you are ideally positioned to help us better understand some of the key components in afghanistan of a sustainable u.s. national security strategy. given your unique position in this policy area, i would like to ask how will your strategy for securing stability in afghanistan differ from your most recent successful work in iraq. given the vast differences between the two countries and the nature of the two world -- the two wars? >> that is a great question. i've probably it ought to shape a little bit where i think we are with -- i've probably ought
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to shape a little bit where i think we are in afghanistan. we have been at the sale long time. but for the first time, we have the implants in afghanistan right. -- we have the inputs in afghanistan right. we have the organizations necessary to carry out a comprehensive counterinsurgency campaign plan. there is a whole host of different organizations. it took us awhile to do that. then we got the all-star team in charge of those organizations, general mcchrystal and others. we have a fantastic international diplomat.
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and then there are the three stars, the two stars, and a host of others. we have the right structures and the right people. those people have gone the big ideas right, i think. i think that the counterinsurgency guidance that general mcchrystal published its bond. it reflects the lessons -- that general mcchrystal published its spot on. -- the general mcchrystal published is spot on. it reflects the lessons of iraq. they enable the implementation of the big ideas. the 30,000 forces ordered by president obama as a result of his policy review, the additional funding for the
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afghan national security forces, the authorization of 100,000 more of those, additional civilians, and a host of other enablers that are so important to carry out the big ideas and the right team that has the right structures can now embark on. with that right, now it is about producing output. it is now time to produce results. i think we will begin to see that. having said that, i want you to know upfront that, all the way back in september 2005 when i was on my way home from the second tour in iraq, i was asked by secretary rumsfeld to come home to afghanistan. so we did. a team went over there and took a look and did we give him some recommendations. among the observations i
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offered was one that did not necessarily elicit widespread applause on the third floor of the pentagon. i said that i know that this is a good war. this is a war that we are winning and the violence levels are low. this is going to be below his campaign and a long war. i wish i had not been prophetic. but i think that is clearly the case. it is hard and it is hard all the time. is going to get tougher before it becomes easier. -- it is going to be tougher before it becomes easier. we can see the beginnings of the output. that will likely be accompanied by high levels of violence, just as it was in iraq when we launched the surge and the violent levels went up considerably and it got much tougher before it got easier. over time, it did indeed get easier, if you will, and it did get better. so i think that is where we are.
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again, if i could come back to your mention the west point, you left one thing out. that is also where i met my wife. [laughter] it was a blind date, of all things. i had been set up with the superintendent's daughter, to my court. to her horror, she found that -- to my horror. to her horror, she found out that no one had met me. but it turned out ok. we have a young son that is in ranger school right now. the coldest ranger class on record -- good lad coul. >> i am going to ask the first to questions and then we will get to the audience in a moment. in testimony before members of congress last week, directors of
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u.s. intelligence agencies stated a new terrorist attack against the united states "was certain" in the next three months to six months. can you help us connect the dots between that assessment and your mission and strategy in both iraq and in pakistan? >> that is another great question. let me start again, if i could be a little strategic about it, and then i will come down to what i think it was that the director of national intelligence and others were trying to express. we generally assess that al qaeda that we focus on so considerably -- let us not forget that the reason we are in afghanistan is very clear. we are there to make sure that it will not once again become a sanctuary for transnational extremists, like al qaeda, like it was prior to 9/11.
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there's no question that the 9/11 attacks were planned in south afghanistan. the initial training was carried out by the al qaeda train cabs that the taliban allowed to be positioned there before -- training -- by the al qaeda training camps that the taliban allowed to be positioned there. al qaeda has been diminished over the course of the last year. we generally think that there has been considerable pressure on al qaeda senior leadership, a combination of various activities by the pakistanis largely going against a subset of the extremist there, those that are threatening them, not necessarily the ones that are threatening us in afghanistan. but the combination of that and other campaigns in minister tribal areas of western
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pakistan is to put considerable pressure on the activities there. afghanistan, on the other hand, the level of violence has gone up. when you move over to iraq, al qaeda in iraq has significantly diminished. they used to be two hundred 20 attacks and a day or more. -- there used to be two hundred 20 -- there used to be 220 attacks a day or more. there has been a reduction of 90% in the violence. there has been considerable progress against al qaeda in iraq. they still can carry out periodic attacks that we do see.
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sundays, they have some very horrific results. -- some days, they have very horrific results. when the decision -- saudi arabia has had enormous progress over the years. we were really shaken by al qaeda attacks five years ago. in the other countries in the gulf states, all with the exception of yemen, which we have been seized with for some time, but has only gained prominence as a result of the strikes and the operations carried out in december and the individual who was in yemen for several months and was given a sophisticated explosive device and was taught to use it and went to watch for that and another country and then to the
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u.k. and then the flight to detroit -- what that showed is the continued capability of al qaeda, with that question. although it is diminished, there is no question that it has capability. there's no question that this is a learning organization. this extremist network -- and it takes a network to take down in network, which is what we have and what we are working on on the military side together intelligence from counterparts and comrades. but what the and i and others were expressing was that, given -- but what the dni and others were expressing was that there could be an attack of some type in the course of the months or the year would have appeared that has generally been the case for some time, albeit -- or the year, what have you.
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that was generally -- that has generally been the case for some time. >> i hope i have this right. not a single american was killed in iraq in december of this past year. >> in november, there was killed in action, suicides and accidents. in december, you are right, there was none. in january, there was when. >> the general has graciously agreed to answer some questions. we requested that you respect to the council's policy and as a question of our guests rather than make a statement. thank you. the first question, tony.
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>> good afternoon. thank you, general. i am a retired partner with price waterhouse cooper. thank you for being here. there was an article in "time magazine" on secretary gates a couple of weeks ago. it talked in a lotçó about the dynamic of politics and that he was in a unique situation, having worked in the previous and the current administration. i wondered about you and what was the indication of that circumstance for u.s. professional leader in the military. >> i am a huge admirer of secretary gates. i am among several who was hoping that he would stay on and be invited to stay on and continue to serve. he has done an extraordinary job for our country as the secretary. the truth is that he has been a professional all of his life.
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he has worked under five presidents, from different parties. he was the deputy director at one time of the cia and then the director before retiring. by then, he had also done the other great leadership, such as texas a&m. but for military individuals, i would like to think that is easier. at the end of the day, he was appointed by a political figure in what is termed a political appointment. we have to be apolitical. we must try hard to do that. when a particular president
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mentioned your name 80 times, you were in a special position. çóbut that was a fairly unique position. i do try to remind people of something that i had done that was a private act in 2002. i had decided that was going to stop voting. it was something that i did alone. i did not mention it to anybody. a few years later, i am really glad that i did it because it's that -- because it had established that i did what a truly meant, to be apolitical. but i think the country is best served -- i am not saying that people should not vote in uniform. i had a certain level -- i had reached a certain level where it might have some significance. but senior military leaders
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provided their best professional military advice. they do not worry about whether that is going to resonate on capitol hill, in the white house, or even in the pentagon. they do have to have the strategic context in mind. you cannot ask for something that is not there. you cannot place on bridges demands on the system. but you should -- you cannot place outrageous demands on the system. i had told somebody else that's it was their business -- else that it was their business to figure out if capitol hill liked it or not. when a decision is made, your obligation is to carry out the decision and to do so faithfully
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and completely. that is what i have tried to do. there was a point in the decisionmaking process where it would be useful in afghanistan. i mentioned it to the president could be assured that general mcchrystal and i are going to faithfully -- i mentioned it to the president. be assured that general mcchrystal and bair going to faithfully follow this through -- and i are going to faithfully follow this through. we are now carrying out the decision that was made by the president. i think that is exactly how it has to be. if we try to anticipate what folks want to hear and shade ribeyes based on that, your head is down the wrong road -- and shade your eyes based on that,
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your head is down the wrong road. >> what do you believe is the formula for cooperation between these two different disciplines and how can the american people support it? >> i would like to think that what we did in iraq is a pretty good example. it brought diplomats and the military together. that is one piece of that. is that correct? >> [unintelligible] >> i hope in know that, together with secretary gates, i am one of the biggest chance on capitol hill of increase resources for the state department and for a id -- for aid. the military did not raise its hand and say that we wanted to do nation-building in 2003.
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we were told in kuwait -- i was a division commander then. we were pretty focused on this big bite we were going to have ended was a pretty significant fight. you look back with retrospect and said, that did not seem all that hard. do not tell that to the troopers that are on the ground doing it. but we were told to just worry about getting to baghdad. so we got to baghdad a little bit faster than folks thought. we looked around for the man and there was not a whole lot coming up behind us. the hundred and first then goes up to northern iraq and there was nobody there. i called the italian brigade commanders and said, you know, i think i am about to make a strategic decision. we are going to do nation- building. you say, what was a big deal
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about that? you have to remember the context. some of my commanders did. did we not say that we were not planted to nation-building and there were speeches about that -- that we were not going to do nation-building and there were articles and speeches about that? we weren't technically or legally, by a national law, occupying power and we needed to get on with this. so we did. we had extraordinary capabilities. we had three or four engineer battalions. those were 2000 people love with capabilities and contractors and they could do design contract in end assessments and everything. a ultimately, the ambassador got his money. that becomes ammunition. and you keep going on from there. but the truth is that we would have loved to have had just a substantial number of state
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department and aid personal going with us or quickly behind us. we had to the talents of civil affairs officers. that was -- we had two battalions of civil affairs officers. that was significant. there's a reason why i spoke at the conference this year. it was out of respect and appreciation of what they do. defense, diplomacy, and development are all essential. you cannot accomplish what it is we are trying to do with anything with what we call a whole of governments. it is the whole -- anything without what we call a whole of
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governments. it is the whole of garments. i am a huge chain of this. i think we demonstrated that when i was -- i am a huge champion of this. i think we demonstrated that when i was a commander in iraq. we had a joint civil-military campaign. we built fusion cells. to my horror one time, there was a single attache and the whole embassy trying to stand at the ministry of health. this was after the prime minister asked me to take down ie detained. that told you how seriously things work out of kilter. so we did all of that.
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then who was one to help build this thing out? there was an army of one, a greek woman could we said, we have a whole bunch of -- a great woman. police said, we have a whole bunch of field clinics. we can bring some hospital administrators and give you an infantry platoon and some vehicles, chou and water. how would this be? of course, it was a big success. so it has to be together. we decided early on that cooperation was not optional between the embassy's and all of the other elements -- between the embassies and all of the other elements. we were good to our word. >> general petraeus, i am sure
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that i can speak on behalf of millions and millions of americans across the country who want to thank you so much for your incredible service to iraq and to america. i hope you do not mind me putting it plugged in for you there. i have one softball question for you today. we call them snowball's here in philadelphia -- snowballs here in philadelphia. when you retire, will you write about being the commander in these two fields? can you tell us now in little bit about how your sort of counterinsurgency was originated and how it developed and how you develop it and where it goes from here? thank you so much for being here today. >> again, it is a privilege to be here with you. beyond that, i am the one who feels privileged.
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the young men and women that they're the ones who take the big ideas that men at my level try to come up with and try to turn them into reality on the ground, outside the wire and under the armor. it is a privilege for guys in a position like mine to be in the army with them thank you for the snowball. i thought it was going to be another snowball, as you might imagine. i imagine you not asking that would give the answer is no. [laughter] there is a great song by lorrie morgan. thii have thought about writinga book. obviously, i have an academic background. i have done a fair amount of writing could do not tell anyone that i was a speechwriter for a while.
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-- i have done a fair amount of writing. do not tell anyone that i was a speechwriter for a crow. with respect for the counterinsurgency doctrine that we codified in the field manual back in 2006, i think it was the firsfastest field manual ever produced. a lot of us had spent a fair amount of time on it. my dissertation at princeton, for example, was on the lessons of vietnam for the u.s. military when it came to advice and the use of force. i had really gone into that and read about the french indochina experience, the french and algeria, the british and oman, malaysia -- you name it. all around the world, these kinds of endeavors have a certain fascination for folks, i think. i saw a bit of it for myself in central america as a young
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maj. i get to work with the leader of the u.s. southern command. he was general jack galvin. i saw of how the campaign plan, the national campaign plan for all salvador came together and the components of it. we kept betting this around. back then, they were called lics for low intensity conflicts. we did do some targeted raids and so forth. bosnia was very instructive in the regard as well. it did not seem like there was a lot of connecticut activity. but many of us were involved in the -- was a lot of genetikinetc
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activity. but many of us were involved in that. it was very instructive on how you pull this together. so you have a genetikinetic and- kinetic. some folks think that petraeus was exiled 20 came back from his second tour because he was either -- was exiled when he came back from his second tour because he was either too high profile or something else. i was told that i was given [unintelligible] the guidance was simple. shake up the army. i said, i can do that. you just put the insurgent in
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charge of the institution. the commander their overseas all of the education for the commissioned, warrant, and non- commissioned officers. the doctrine center, that is the big ideas. the education, that is communicating it to your leaders. the practice, you control the scenarios for that. the lessons learned center, the center for leadership, you name it. we had the [unintelligible] it was a tremendous opportunity. it was never about 1%. i can tell you about that much. -- it was never about one person.
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i continue that much. -- i can tell you that much. we had enough time to sit down and capture what we have learned, to inform it with the the history we had studied, our previous experiences, and pull it all together and codify it in a field manual that did have a substantial impact in how it enabled our institutions to be prepared for what we had to do, then in iraq and now in afghanistan. >> we have time for one brief question. >> five years ago, a number of us had [unintelligible] he impressed all of us. [unintelligible]
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it is hard to recognize the man today. [unintelligible] could you tell us how you see [unintelligible] >> i think that president karzai has demonstrated extraordinary qualities along the way. first, there's personal courage. i don't know if you have heard the story of how he was brought back into the country and was nearly killed. it is an extraordinary story in the beginning. then it became a unifying feature -- then he became a
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unifying feature in leader for the country and help to get it going in the right direction. candidly, all of us allowed the insurgency to become a resurgent. the levels of violence began rising back in 2006. the continued and they have gone up each year a bit more in the cycle of fighting that has defined -- that is defined by the seasons in afghanistan. that has made his job extraordinarily difficult. then you have to overlay on all of this the tribal aspect of afghanistan that you cannot escape. you have to keep the history, the culture, the traditions, and so forth of afghanistan foremost
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in your mind as you think about why you're not going to try to turn this country into switzerland in the next year or two years. you have to be realistic in your aspirations. that is one of the very good things that came out of the process that president obama oversaw that ultimately resulted in the policy that he announced at west point in december. so you have to have all of that in mind. again, it is against the backdrop of increasing violence that makes everything so difficult n starts to take on certain aspects -- so difficult and start to take on certain aspects. that starts to create some ethnic issues that make it even more difficult. he is the individual riding this tiger or bucking
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bronco, of whatever it may be, with all of the baggage that he has to bring along because it is afghanistan, because there is 70% illiteracy, because the country has been at war for 30 plus years, a country ruled by the taliban most recently and a number of white extremist individuals. i think it is only fair to him that we understand the context in which he is trying to exercise leadership, trying to be the george washington of his country, but in a context and a set of circumstances that makes it very difficult to do its in the way that we would judge, i think, what is right. on the one hand, we have to have very much what it is what we
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tried to help the afghans achieve, what he wants to achieve, and also be cognizant of how that country has run and be realistic in one's assessments of what can be achieved, of what we want to achieve, and how we then have to go about achieving it. we have slides. it is the ineligible right of four-star general to use powerpoint. [laughter] i said i wanted to show you this as i end here. this is a ceremony of the largest realism a ceremony in our history. this is a picture of 1215 soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines raising their right hand
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in the air, reciting the oath of reenlistment. i was privileged to be the reenlistment officer. it was the fourth of july 2008. we did not set out to have the largest ceremony in history. i am a competitive guy, but we have not set out on this. we just wanted to get a couple hundred troopers together and it kept growing and growing. and there we were. again, you said, what in the world? these are individuals, many of them who were on their second or third full year tour of combat, and they were raising their hands and they knew it would be very likely that they would be asked to come back for yet another comeback tour. as i said, they did it -- and other combat tour. as i said, they did it for a
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number of reasons. they did it because there is a fierce desire to not let down your buddies, the great individuals on your right and left to work in a tough spot in combat. they did it because, deep down, even though they will not be there just about it, they think they're doing something very important. and they did because they have a sense that americans, their fellow citizens back home, deeply valued what is that they're doing it and appreciate the sacrifices that they and their families are making i want to close again by just saying thank you -- families are making. i want to close again i just saying thank you. regardless of what you think of iraq and afghanistan -- remember walking away from boston one time and there was a sign of their of that said "hate the war, love the troops."
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i told my wife, and 50% is not bad. thank you for that end for all the you do to make sure that our men and women in uniform feel appreciated. thank you very much. [applause] >> a little bit more. just another minute. i am sorry. hold on. >> in general, there is an old saying in business that there is no such thing as a good company. there are only good people. and when you change the people, you change the company. in many ways, you are a living example of that. a lot of people coming in and out of the army and in and out of the public, -- a lot of
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people, in and out of the army and in and out of the public, were waiting for you to fail. you have won over a large number of people who, in turn, have ended up helping you. we wish you the best in afghanistan for a similar kind of result. the world affairs council is a non-partisan organization to bring a part -- to bring about discussion for the world's most important events. i would like to leslie in light dr. raza begari, a generous friend, and to the podium.
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>> thank you, ed, for welcoming tme here. i know you have said that i have the art of telling a 30-minute speech in two minutes. but i am nervous and it may take longer. thank you, general petraeus, for your remarks. we know that you are fighting a devious and a -- a devious and emmy -- a devious enemy. we discovered comfort in knowing that you are doing your best to lead the charge, to combat extremism and terrorism, and for more political and economic stability around the world. for that, we thank you and we're proud of you.
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dunno, in my view, a stable and secure southland -- general, in my view, a stable and secure southeast asia [unintelligible] we recognize the significance of the region. in partnership with the world affairs council, we have established a foundation, a program designed to engage, exchange, and educate citizens of all ages on the complexities of this volatile part of the world that could potentially put the entire world at risk appeared to end this program, it is my head -- at risk. to end this program, it is my privilege to offer a heartfelt
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thank you to your longstanding service to the common good enduring during dedication to the core ideals first moralized -- and during -- service to the common good and to your dedication to the core deals first memorialized here it in the city of brotherly love. proclaim liberty it among all lands and all inhabitants. >> thank you very much. it is very kind of you. [applause] thank you. put your hand on there. thank you very much. the honor is mine. thank you very much. >> ok.
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>> up next, the u.s. coast guard, and that speaks on haiti relief. after that, the u.s. ambassador to haiti updates the situation there. then there is a world economic forum discussion on the economic impact on future global energy needs. tomorrow, on "washington journal," the chair of a private security firm details the war in afghanistan. douglas wilder talks about when he called on president obama to make changes in his advisers and the removal of tim kane. then neil monroe talks about his recent article.
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"washington journal" is live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> to an end to "book tv" -- two men -- tune in 2 "book tv" on saturday. books on american presidents, for the complete schedule, go to >> nell a recent -- and now a review of recent activities on
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relief efforts in haiti. from the national press club, this last about an hour. -- this lasts about an hour. >> good afternoon, everyone. we are the world's leading professional organization for journalists and are committed to our profession's future by providing informative programming and fostering a free press worldwide. for more information about the press club, visit our website. on behalf of our members worldwide, i would like to welcome our speaker and our guest at today's event as well as their c-span and public radio audience. i will ask as many questions from the audience as time permits. i would like to introduce our head table guests and ask them
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to stand briefly when they're called. from europe, jim wolf -- from your right, jim wolf, matt mil narchic, amtt mails, jane lescher, john gallagher, master chief skip bowen, ken yates, do nna winelan, ms. nancy sully, ken delucky, amy morris,
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. thank you. [applause] a argus reports directly to the president, the cemetery of homeland -- our guest reports directly to the present, the secretary of homeland security, and the secretary of [unintelligible] the u.s. coast guard [unintelligible] the earlier continental navy was abolished after the revolution. in 79, and alexander hamilton
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greeted a bill creating -- and in 1779, alexander hamilton created a bill to create a group of countries. -- a group of couutties. from the 1980 mariel boat lift to the 1991 haitian exodus of 40,000 refugees and the indian ocean tsunami, the u.s. coast guard played a vital role during hurricane katrina when it re skidded nearly 25,000 people and medically evacuated close to 10,000. its duties include search and rescue, law enforcement, marine safety, environmental protection, polar ice operations, and national security. i think all of us in washington can relate to the polar ice
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part. today, at mel allen is speaking on the state of the coast guard and its future -- today, admiral allen is speaking on the state of because guard and its future. [applause] >> thank you very much for that kind introduction. i would like to have a couple of comments. i have two very different to have joined us here today. nancy and i met last august when we traveled to the north slope of alaska together to witness firsthand the implications of an ice-diminished the arctic in the summer and its impact on the indigenous populations of there and some of the environmental challenges we face. she has been a great friend and,
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more recently, has led a task force on ocean policy. very soon, we will be putting out an ocean policy for the country. more importantly, it will be a beckham for marine special planning which will look at how we -- will be a background for marine special planning. [applause] my other guests and i are both from tucson, arizona. she has the unfortunate background of having gone to tucson high school and went to palo verde high school. we do not have a better friend in the department of homeland security and i did not have a
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better friend than her. thank you for being here. [applause] let me thank the national press club. we have changed the format of this event over the use to coincide with the national press club series. this allows us access afforded by c-span and we think the national press club. we would like to acknowledge another guest here. we have a unit here today that responded to the initial crisis. .
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they broke off tree branches to use as plans. one of the dinner officers described his initial impressions. -- one of the junior officers described his initial impressions. i knew i was walking into a bad situation, but nothing could prepare me for what i saw at the clinic our guardians pushed forward and there were countless stories of lives being saved and those that were lost. there were stories of being brought into the world amidst the other -- there were stories of new lives being brought into the world of its utter devastation. will you please stand again? [applause]
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this officer treated over 300 critically wounded patients in one case. he spent six hours inserting 60 sutures and 20 staples into the head of an injured man appeare. will you please stand? [applause] .
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>> authority to move forces outside our headquarters or field commanders can act immediately. i work forces are working hard to sustain current operations, maintaining cutters and tiller new ones are delivered.
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i have communicated openly to our personnel regarding the details and intent of our 2011 budget. as president obama remarked in his state of the union speech, it is important to understand we are in a constrained budget environment. he said families across the country turning their belts. the federal government should do the same. as a, not, reject the request currently before congress does reduce personnel in the coast guard by 773, but most importantly, allows us to move cutters and aircraft that are aging and in need replacement. some are being replaced to allow us to maintain our existing fleet. the budget contains nearly $1.4 billion to allow us to continue replacing aging assets like are high endurance cutters. the budget contains money to buy the fifth national security
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cutter. it includes 200 tickets for million dollars for fast response cutters to replace our patrol boat class. we are especially appreciative of the president and first ladies support for families and for the $13.9 million for improvement or acquisition of housing to support our families, and we thank them again. as commandant, i supported this budget as it supplied us the ability of -- recapitalizing finding reflects hard choices, choices that best position the coast guard to optimize our performance to protect the nation within the funding provided in still replace aging cutters and aircraft. our intent is to manage current operations as funded in order to sustain our recapitalization program. the president's budget does this. this represents the best way
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forward given a constrain funding level. it is the coast guard's responsibility to manage current operations with the foresight instructor provided in the budget. we can and will do this. we could use some help as well. two things come to mind on my wish list. first, we would appreciate an acknowledgement by all our partners of the following attributes of our service. we are multi mission, service agency that has the capability to respond along our coast and offshore for any nondefense related incident related to our national interest. we support nearly every department specialized agency of our government. we are federal first responders for the nation. we are prepared to do our job with the resources provided in the budget under operating principles that have served us well for two centuries. we must seek to balance our operations across all of our missions.
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we should resist the urge to parse our missions. what do our missions have to do with: security? the answer is provided in the homeland security review that is provided on land. security and resilience of global movement systems, effective emergency response, and continuity of functions. all those relate to the home -- part of homeland security. we can expect constrained budgets for the foreseeable future. we are prepared to support these budgets and manage operations. we would ask that consideration be given to creating multi-year estimates that allow us to plan our acquisitions against a predictable funding stream. we have gone to extraordinary lengths to restructure and build an organization to meet oversight requirements and
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standards. our acquisition baselines' lack credibility when they are not supported by a five-year capital investment plan provided to congress in a timely manner. to our congressional partners, we are working to change that. we understand and support the budget, and we are prepared to execute it. let me turn to the second force impacting our service, which is coastguard modernization. in my first state of the coast guard speech in 2007, i said there were three things the coast guard must do to position service for future success. modernization is in all three. first, we need to understand or dramatically change the operating environment. second, we must change to sustain and improve mission execution. third, we must be more responsive to the needs of the nation.
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i said our challenge going forward would be to adapt our forces so that we would be nimble, flexible, and capable of operating with multiple partners. search operations -- loss sustained performance and our traditional missions. that was the cause for action and the value proposition of coast guard modernization. it is no less valid today than three years ago. what about today? that is a fair question. let's hear some highlights of what has been accomplished. we replaced the organization with a simplified construct that focuses on the operational unit. we have established logistics centers for aviation facilities, cover and small boat fleet, cyberspace sensors and information technology.
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any unit in the coast guard with a support issue as a single point of contact. we are moving to induct our legacy assets into a new system that will be used by all logistics centers. for those of you from a larger military organization, this is tantamount to a logistical tree of less failure within the coast guard. for support not centered on an asset, as a ship, aircraft, or small boat, we have created service centers. we have completely revamp our support structure for our reserve component and reallocated positions that support our reserve is closer to the delivery point. we are looking ahead to future mission demand. the deployable operations group
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has distinguished itself. we are reducing the total number of deployable units, but let there be no mistake to the value this unit brings for the coast guard and for the entire nation. our unit stands the watch in the port-au-prince harbor. this organization has taken on some of the more perplexing problems in our service, including consolidation of inspections and visits require our operational commands. the first remaining challenge for the services the integration of support across turn to
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program lines at the unit level. it is complex, but the solution in concept are simple. we are replacing regional support command with part of a -- it allows for a small boat product line manager to synchronize his responsibilities with one court communication on the small boat. i established a goal at the outset of my term that i will not seek accomplished. the solution lies in the transition to new financial accounting system being developed by the part of public security. the system is under development and it did not make sense to procure a new system for the coast guard when we would have to replace it several years later. there are numerous areas where recant address material
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weaknesses and improve our representation to the auditors, we are doing just that. the final step in modernization involves congress. there are four actions i cannot take and the coast guard cannot take absent congressional authorization. one is the proposed roll right synchronized operations. -- world wide synchronized operation. one is the upgrade of the vice admiral to rebel. i lay out these intentions in february 2007. the request to allow full implementation of coast guard modernization is the passage of authorizing legislation so we can move forward. finally, i would like to talk
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about cutting readiness. -- cutter readiness. the current condition of our high endurance cutters is a serious concern to me. following extensive repairs over the last 18 months, which continue to experience increasing casualties, which is indicative of overall declining readiness. the tension between current support levels and the need to bring new cutters on line was critical in our decision to decommission high endurance cutters. as we support the existing fleet as they are relieved by new cutters, we have transitioned the support to our new logistics' organization. the new structure allows us to provide better support and
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create synergies not possible prior to modernization. our ability to implement this new support structure will be more critical in advance of the offshore patrol cover procurement that will began in 2012 and 2013. we are also facing challenges with an aging great lakes ice breaking. the coast guard operates one of the oldest fleets in the world. no amount of maintenance can keep pace with the ravages of age. of the 12 major cutters assigned to haiti relief operations, 10 have suffered casualties. two were forced to return to port for emergency repairs. the process was coordinated closely within our new logistics' structure.
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the response was a triumph for the organization and _ the condition of our fleet. i would like to say week over extended, but we will always to avert an respond. we will take every resource we have and throw it at the problem. the condition of the cutters that responded is indicative of the overall readiness of the fleet. the average age of our cutters is over 41 years. the condition of our fleet continues to deteriorate, jeopardize in our ability to do the job. that is why we must address future readiness, as we have in the president's budget. we played to our strengths and punch above our weight. as we continue to adapt to change, there remains certain aspects of our service that are timeless.
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our core values and operating principles that guide the men and women of the coast guard. these people remain undaunted and they do not need directions and higher authority to ask. a third class petty officer said this in an e-mail to his mother. today was the first day i have truly been thankful to be an american, not because of our infrastructure but because as a country, we will be there when a country of less fortunate is in need. heydey rarely exports anything to our country. -- haiti rarely exports anything to our country. we will stand aside and put aside are different opinions and help those in need. these are remarkable words written in such a concise and meaningful way. it tells me that the state of
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the coast guard is reflected in our people and in their resiliency. the coast guard today remains true to our model. we have made significant cultural changes and structural enhancements to sustain readiness in the face of ever increasing demand for our services. the state of the coast guard remains strong and brazilian today -- strong and resilient today. we are up to the challenge. thank you, and i would be glad to take any questions you have. [applause] >> there is no shortage of questions that have come in today, many from service members.
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we appreciate their contributions as well. our first question is, as a veteran of disaster response, please compare and contrast the challenges of the situation in haiti with the situation in louisiana and mississippi after hurricane katrina. >> that is a terrific question. let me start with the response model for haiti. we are dealing with a foreign, sovereign government. the entire national committee is trying to support it. the way the u.s. accomplishes that support is through our chief -- most emcees are not staffed to handle certain operations. usaid dispatched a senior official down there to assist the ambassador. that is the person who focuses response by the american government for the government of haiti. in support of that effort, to make entities were established
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-- to entities were established. a team of folks was sent down by the department of homeland security and other agencies. in katrina, the people we were supporting or the local and state governments, the mayor and the governor. in the u.s., their federal prohibitions regarding what the federal government can or should do. my role as a principal federal official was to work with the task force commander as we put together a response package for the mayor and the governor. there are similarities, but the overall governing structure is different. >> president obama has vowed no cuts to defense, and the department of defense is seeing a small budget increases for fiscal year 2011. other home and security agencies are adding jobs. how is it that is taking a 3%
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budget cut and losing nearly 800 jobs in contrast to other agencies that are gaining? >> what is important about the president's budget is that it has allowed me the flexibility to focus on recapitalization and to manage current operations with the funding provided. we can argue about funding levels. everybody always wants more. the real issue for me in this budget is can we continue to recapitalize the coast guard? >> this message came from the parent of a recent coast guard recruit. how can you justify recruiting procedures when there is a backlog of fully processed recruits being told a could be delayed for a year? why spend the time and money to continue to process records that
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have nowhere to go and place their lives on hold with a potentially empty promise of enlistment? >> we need to understand what the budget is right now. the president's budget request is on the hill and has to be acted on by appropriation committees and then reconcile. we do not know until close to the beginning of the fiscal year what are funding level will be and our ability to manage the work force close in is constrained by what is appropriate. while we have people waiting to access into the coast guard, until we know what is appropriate, we cannot take the final steps. this creates concerns about the future and what is going to happen and how we will implement this. as i told my entire work force, we will manage the personal impacts associated with this and pass information as soon as we know it.
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we will be totally transparent. in the meantime, we will have to manage a workforce that is larger now than we will be able to support in 2011. we will do that in a totally transparent manner. >> as the need for budgetary cuts it grows, has any consideration been given to cutting costly officer billets and replacing them with less costly and listed counterparts? >> it is a question of interest to the field. in the personnel -- there is a reduction of over one else in military personnel, mostly related to the ships that are being played up and taken offline, that will allow us to recapitalize the fleet, as i noted earlier. in addition, there are over 300 civilian positions being added on. there is a conversion. -- there is a conversion of some positions from military to
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civilian. as far as the officer to enlisted ratio, of all have our budget people determine that for the outcome of this budget and put it on the block for everyone to read. >> given that the fiscal crisis is not going away anytime soon, is there a possibility that cuts could come to retirement programs? >> i don't believe so. i think the president has made this clear, the commitment to our men and women in the military is very strong. it is very strong with secretary gates and chairman mullen. it is central to make sure we find full entitlements.
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that is where restored building the budget, and it will not be diminished. >> how will the lack of funding impact coast guard operations? >>nis is a way for us to receive transponder locating its permission from vessels. we think it is a critical piece of maritime domain awareness. is competing with other items in our recapitalization agenda right now. our aging cutters are our number one responsibility. we'll have to revisit what we think about maritime security in this country as it relates to the ais system and how we want to conduct operations that support level.
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we have not had any viable threat to our ports since 9/11. that does not mean there will not be one in the future. right now the discussion is whether or not there is a credible enough maritime security need to build those out, and we believe there is. >> do you foresee expanded opportunities for the coast guard auxiliary to deploy and assist the active coast guard in situations like haiti? >> we love the coast guard auxiliary. they are of great benefit to the nation. they come from the local communities where we operate. they work for psychic income. we give them but stipe been to report -- we give them a stipend, but this is a labor of love for them.
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around the world during our cover deployments, we have created a program to provide translating capabilities. we apply their skills where we can match them up with the coast guard. >> how extensively can you use them to make sure that they still love you? [laughter] >> it is kind of a dance. i spent a lot of time going around and talking to the auxiliaries, telling them how much we appreciate their services. when they found out what our modernization plans were, since they are not constrained by title 14 changes, the auxiliary has already modernized. they have already gone to the structure that we are proposing to congress. i think it is a great partnership. >> web 2.0 is gaining more
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exceptions. can you explain how the coast guard uses it? does it help the u.s. coast guard carry out its mission more effectively? >> i believe that the convergence of computation and internet data transmission has produced an equivalent in our social environment that is the equivalent of climate change. a doctor said last fall in a speech to the coast guard that there are three ways to adapt to climate change. you can suffer, adapt, or manage. this is a fundamental change in our social atmosphere. i have tried to move the coast
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guard into the managed category. we have facebook, quitter, youtube, and video libraries and so forth. this is the way we produce social outcomes. it is part of the work force, and we have to adapt to meet it. >> given that you are making this transition, what impacts had he seen negatively and what are some of the positive impact? >> the responsibility for the fidelity, veracity, true, accuracy of any thing you see on the internet rests with the reader. there are no barriers to entry. that space can be populated by anybody.
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it is being populated by people that do not like us very much. information out there may not be correct. you can either let it stand and suffered, where you can adapt, or you can manage. we chose to fill the space with our information. you cannot control their injury or what they put out there, but you can control what you do, and you can fill the space. >> you made reference to climate change. what are some specific steps the coast guard is taking to become more green? >> we have been representing the it task force on ocean policy. beyond that we are doing work at the international maritime organization. i leave the u.s. delegation on behalf of the state department.
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in november, after piracy, climate change in air emissions were that number to issues -- issuesnumber 2 issues. we have issues with invasive species. we are working to endo international standards -- to invoke international standards. if you look at the north slope of alaska, there are a lot of arguments about the science. i said before, i am agnostic to the science. there is a territorial sea and an exclusive economic zones. we cannot abdicate that responsibility.
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i have been told it is not our responsibility, but that is not true. it is a national responsibility and something we have to have a serious policy discussion about. >> with each answer, there are a couple more questions. it is fun to keep shuffling cards. given the importance of merchant commerce to our nation, wide international seafarers have difficulty getting access to shore leave? >> that is a question i have taken up over the last 18 months. a couple of things are complicating this period: security and the coast guard have been working for several years on rules that would implicate -- that would implement an identification card. anyone who has access to secure space is has to carry one of
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these cards or be escorted. in some cases, there has been an instruction for crew changes, people trying to get to shore for shore leave, or just doing logistical work when they are in port. we are looking at this, and facility operators need to demonstrate that they have a plan to provide seafarer access to shore. anyone who runs into that kind of problem needs to contact the captain of the port. these people need to have shore leave and access to shore. we support that and make the changes necessary to make sure they have that. >> why can the international community not put an end to piracy? >> to have an act of piracy, it takes a portable ship and a pirate.
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there are not a lot of consequences attached to the behavior of pirates. we have taken extraordinary measures over the last 18 months and are putting out guidelines on how to hardin defenses of ships that are slow and more vulnerable to attack. i have issued a maritime security directive that requires u.s. black ships around the horn of africa to do assessments for piracy -- u.s. flagships. this has been enormously successful but only accounts for 1% of that is shipping at the war of africa. the head of the u.s. transportation command and
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others predict that have to include legal sanctions for holding people accountable in a court of law someplace. we have an mou withkenya that allows us to prosecute their. >> how will budget cuts impact coastguard operations aimed at intercepting drug smuggling? >> when we allocate resources, it is always a risk evaluation process. we take a look at the intelligence, the threats that are out there, and allocate resources to meet the highest needs first. countered drugs is an important mission to us. to the extent we have capabilities, keeping drugs from
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entering central america or mexico. trying to capture a multi ton quantities before they get to central america and mexico is the most effective way to intercept drugs from south america. operational model is sometimes more important than the funding level. it is our freedom of degrees of movement. one of the opportunity costs for haiti recovery was the movement of the coast guard cutter hamilton from the pacific ocean to the panama canal to assume command and control of port-au- prince. those are the trade-offs we make in conducting current operations. does not matter what the resource level is. the process by which we do it, the intelligence we bring to it is what is most important.
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>> because of the way the military is organized, the coast guard adheres to the don't ask don't tell policy by agreement, not by direction. the coast guard is able to allow gays to serve openly. even if not ordered to by president obama, will you reversed don't ask don't tell? >> first of all, i cannot reverse it. it is written in the statute and would take repeal of the law to reverse that. under title 10 as a military service and following the direction of the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, regarding this, a review is under way to take a look and build knowledge of how we might fulfill the guidance provided to us by the project -- by the president in his state of the union address.
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our goal is to create as much knowledge as we can about the implications of the implementation of the policy guidance provided by the president's once it is converted into legislation. >> this questioner says he will provide you with his full contact information if you are interested. despite the two people implanon opportunity complaints and numerous consultations with military and private attorneys, the problems of discrimination toward hispanics in the coast guard persists. is the coast guard going to augment its senior libbers -- leadership with more his bank american membership to reflect the changing demographics? >> i will be happy to take the intermission and follow-up on the complaint. we seek diversity in the coast guard. all different viewpoints and walks of life, all religions are important to us because they
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create cognitive diversity. that is people with different viewpoints. if you agree on a central goal and you have different viewpoints, it is like getting a multi line fix. it gives you a higher fidelity solution for what you are trying to do. we want a more diverse coast guard and we are working toward that in our recruiting. it is not restricted to one nationality or ethnic group. we needçó diversity across the board, and that is our goal. >> this question comes from a civilian naval architects and baltimore. in your efforts to constrain government spending, i am concerned the decommissioning of the cutters might affect civilian employees. what efforts are being made to preserve the jobs of civilian employees in this area? >> 339 civilian positions are
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being added, so i do not see any negative impact at this point for civilian workers. >> please update us on ship inspection procedures. what is the status of that? >> we have a review going on right now of our ships operations and how our engineering staff on ships handle oily water discharge and bilge water. what we have done is to make sure we are living by the same standards we hold industry to. i have dispatched inspectors to go on board and inspect our cutters to make sure the same standards we apply to the private sector are being held to. >> the average navy ship is 14
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years compared to 41 for the coast guard. we continue to have enough ships that can keep pace with the navy to be operationally effective? >> we will if they are properly maintained. that is one of the reasons we have to lay up the old ships and build new ships. the old ships cannot participate as they have in the past and continue in the future. we are seeing increasing levels of casualty reports and difficulty in trying to support them. we will operate with the navy. our quest is to migrate to the new fleet as fast as we can. >> the 2010 ice season has been detrimental to cutters. is there a anything in place to recondition them? >> we have had some problems with reliability of our ice breaking tugs.
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that is a growing concern for us now. our new logistics' organizational structure is taking a look to see if there is a systemic some components or parts of the ship that may be in demand across the fleet that we need to look at. once the assessment is done, we will have to come up with the way forward. that is what planning against it is so important. >> how important is the ratification of the international treaty to maritime security? >> it is extremely important. i have supported for a number of years. we do a lot of things out there related to governing what is the last global maritime commons. we do it out of practice. we have not ratified a sea
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treaty. we need to create a traffic separation scheme in the bering straits so we can separate north and southbound traffic to improve the safety of that waterway. a transit strait connects to international bodies of water. it can only be done in accordance with provisions of the law of the sea treaty. we continue to act unilaterally out there using the law of the sea treaty as cover for what we are doing without ratifying the treaty. it is time we ratified the treaty and using it as the government's model for how we operate. >> other nations naval forces in postcards have spent more resources on the arctic and the united states. should the u.s. be paying more attention to the arctic?
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>> yes. we have a looming crisis. that is the condition of our polar icebreakers and how they fit into the future capitalization needs. we need to have a policy discussion about what the status of our icebreakers is going to be and what are our intentions. i have been told we need a policy discussion and i believe that is true before we make a monumental decision. we need to understand what we are trying to do in the arctic and a consensus on how we are born to move forward. that discussion cannot happen soon enough. >> given everything have spoken about today, in five years of, if there is another of haiti or katrina style disaster, how would the response be different than it is today? >> there are some things that should change and some that
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should not. what should not change our are operating principles. that is the principle of restraint and the principle of unified operations. that is a proven model. what will change is technology, communications, and how we apply the operational model with the forces we have to become more effective and do a better job for the nation. as i said in my remarks, i would resist the urge to mess with our operational model. what i mean by that is, if we start parsing our missions and trying to do a litmus test of whether someone else can do them, we break down the value added proposition for this country. we can always do the best job we can with the resources we have under our current business model. i look for changes in
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technology and maritime domain awareness, unmanned systems. our basic operating concepts should not change. >> we are nearly out of time. we have a couple of important matters to take care of. let me remind our members of future speakers. on february 23 we will have tom vilsack highlighting the obama administration's shell nutrition act -- child nutrition act. on february 26, francis collins will be speaking on a new era of quantum leaps in biomedical research. on march 5, mitt romney, former governor of massachusetts, will discuss the case for american greatness. an announcement for our audience, members of the press who are here. there will be a question and
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answers session for press only. the election would be complete without the traditional presentation of the national press club's beloved mug to our speaker today. [applause] as noted, this is the last of your for state of the coast guard addresses. it will soon be selling to other stores, and we don't really know where they are. they said a happiest days of the sailor's life or the day he buys his first boat and the day that he sells it. as you prepare to leave the coast guard, what are you looking forward to, what will you miss, and would you consider other forms of government service sunday such as secretary of the department
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of homeland security? [laughter] >> with all due deference to my future appears in the room, i have a saying that the smartest apples i have ever met are retired. i hope to increase my intelligence quotient and the 26 of may and become one of those. it has been a great time for me in the coast guard. when i was born, my father was deployed on a high endurance cutters. he was not there when i was born. i am 61 years old and have had 47 addresses. i intend to keep working. i have an interest in not for profits, in doing the kind of work we have word makes the most difference. i will remain busy, and i do not intend on buying a boat. [laughter]
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>> we would like to thank you for coming today, admiral allen. [applause] i÷we would also like to thanke national press club staff for organizing today's event. for more information about drawing the press club, please go to our website. thank you, and this meeting is adjourned. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> of next, the u.s. ambassador to haiti and the situation in haiti. then a world economic forum discussion on the economic impact of future global energy needs. own net, remarks by dick -- by general david petraeus. >> this week on america and the courts, a discussion on the supreme court unpopular opinions. analysts include barry freeman. his new book examines the relationship between supreme court decisions and american popular opinion. that is tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> his film, hillary, the movie, was the focus of a recent supreme court decision on campaign finance. . bossie, sunday night on c-span
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q&a. >> now, an update on relief efforts in haiti. following the ambassador's remarks, we'll show you the regular briefing by assistant secretary philip crowley. this is about 50 minutes. >> we are back in business. it looks like it's still a snow day. >> you are more than two hours late. good afternoon, and welcome to the department of state. for those of you in the viewing area that wonder where we have been for the past week, obviously we in washington, d.c have been experiencing an unusual amount of snow. we have all been home shoveling and doing other things just to survive snowmageddon here in
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washington d.c.. we have had intrepid members of the press corps here with us and have been able to try to continue business under arduous circumstances relative to washington, d.c. we are back in business and pleased to see many of you back in the briefing room. we are one month beyond the haiti earthquake, and we thought it was a wonderful opportunity having ambassador ken martin here in washington to give you a sense of what is happening in haiti and how haiti has been able to begin to recover from the devastating earthquake of a month ago. haiti is now experiencing a 3 day period of national mourning.
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we stand with haiti as it goes through this time frame, but it would be a wonderful opportunity for our ambassador to give you a briefing and a sense of where we are 30 days on. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. some of you i have seen down in haiti. i thought it might be useful for you all to get the big picture of where i see our efforts one month after the earthquake. i will give you a chance to ask some questions. i would like to start out by giving a brief plug to my colleagues at the embassy. those of us here from the united states can be proud of our american diplomats, aid professionals, and soldiers on
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the ground who have helped deliver an immense amount of aid and relief to very needy people. i would ask you to keep in mind that in many cases, the people providing this assistance are people who in many cases lost everything they own. their houses were completely flattened. they have lost clothing, mementos, pictures. one of our foreign service colleagues died in the earthquake. others are still hospitalized. it has been a difficult time for us as well, but i am very proud of everyone in the u.s. government who is down there doing fantastic work in terms of getting aid and relief to haiti. one month on, where are we? we are in a very good place in
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terms of food distribution and water distribution and getting medicines out to needy hospitals. working with our international partners, we have been able to routinize distribution. we are giving people two weeks rations of food, things they like to eat, rice, beans, that sort of thing. that is an improvement in terms of the haitian perception of our effort. obviously we face ongoing challenges. the next issue we are most concerned about this sanitation and shelter issues. i am sure you heard people talk about that we are coming up in a
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couple of weeks on the rainy season. we want to do the best we can to reach and touch as many people as possible, as many families as possible with plastic sheeting, which is what we are distributing. they can take that sheeting and put it where they are currently staying, or take it to where they all the billick plan on moving permanently and use it as construction material. sanitation issues, there are many people who are not in houses who are in these temporary camps and various open spaces around port-au-prince, whether it be soccer stadium or many other places. we are working to provide those people with sanitation, latrine facilities, portable toilets were appropriate. we are not where we want to be
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with that yet, but it is an ongoing effort. we are working day and night to get those facilities as good as they possibly can be for the haitians who have been displaced from their houses. again, in terms of international cooperation, i have been very pleased with the cooperation on the ground, not only injured agency but with -- not only interagency but with our international partners. both the civilian and military, in terms of humanitarian aid delivery, we are working very closely with many other big donors including french, canadians, eu, and many others.
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frankly, it is working really well, and this is something people will be able to look back on in the future as a model for how we have been able to sort ourselves out as donors on the ground in responding to the earthquake. . .
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>> he is very popular in haiti. i am sure that all haitians would join me in wishing him a speedy recovery. beyond that, there is not much more about when to say and that issue. it would be pure speculation. >> there was support and the "miami herald" yesterday that the u.s. had given the haitian government a draft plan to look at to talk about the reconstruction authority. could you describe what is envisioned or laid out? >> de president obama as? -- president obama has asked us to be as productive as possible. we are trying to do that.
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there are other donors that have shared thoughts. in terms of the specifics, there i]are ongoing conversations. at this point, i am not sure i want to characterize it more than that because i would be behind the curve not been there since monday. it will ultimately be the haitians to decide about what they want to do in terms of their reconstruction effort and any sort of architecture. it will be their decision. >> we had a report that said a key tend the americans were using for evacuation processing is being brought down to is that an indication of the evacuation effort winding down? >> what i know is the numbers of americans being evacuate it has
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gone down in recent days. i would note that up untilw3 no, as of tuesday, we have evacuated over 15,000 americans from haiti which is the record since i]the 11 non evacuation of 2006. that is aç lot people. i did not know about the status of the tent. our operation in country has been able to go back toç providing other services for americans who are there such as passports and notarizing documents and lost property and so forth. because that demand for evacuation has tapered off. i do not know the specifics on the 10th but that is the situation on the ground. >> this issue was raised walking
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into the room. i wanted to ask you about the discussions regarding the pan american citizens who were initially charged. could you be crystal clear with us about the nature of the discussion the u.s. government had with the haitian government about their fate? did the u.s. government ever make any sort of requests that they be released? were there any details about the facts of their cases and the circumstances surrounding their arrests? could you walk us through that if you would? >> sure. as i understand it, this group of 10 citizens had been arrested by haitian authorities. to the best of my knowledge the incarceration has been done according to haitian law. we have had the approval level
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of consular access of people to determine that they are being fed and kept safe and they're getting their medicines. beyond that, we have told the haitian government that if they want to have any conversations with us about these people and the situation we are open to that. beyond that, the process is working its way to the haitian courts. i am not sure there is much else to tell quite frankly. >> to the haitian government express a desire to talk to the u.s. government about their cases? >> a desire to talk about it? i would not characterize it as a desire. we told them that if there were at the point where they want to have the discussion, we would be
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happy to talk with them. >> there has been no such discussion? >> not with me. >> from where you stand, as the case of the 10 americans become a distraction of the overwhelming needs of the haitian people? >> i would not call it a distraction. to those 10 individuals and their families and loved ones, it is not a distraction. it is an issue of high importance to them as it should be. we would ask people to remember that there are up to 1.5 million haitians and the port-au-prince area that are out of their houses and are homeless and desperate for humanitarian and medical care. i would not characterize this as a distraction but we have to
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realize there is a large humanitarian issue, as well. >> what is on the status of the americans right now? >> i do not no on that last question as to where they are right now. to the best of my knowledge, and i have been out of haiti since monday, my understanding is that they are still in jail where they had been kept. they're getting food and so forth. >> if there are in fact released, will yourç staff take custody of them? >> i am not a consular specialist. typically, we monitor cases of
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americans who are incarcerated and presumably if they need assistance in getting out of the country, we could provide that with them. beyond that, i would ask you to check with the consular perot to make sure what we are permitted to do. i do not want to mislead you. >> about 49,000 tons were to look third. those deliveries have not stopped. why not focus on tents? >> i am not sure those numbers are right. the reason for delivering plastic sheeting is several. as i understand, the sheeting is more effective in protecting people from brain. secondly, tents are good for one thing, sleeping. the plastic sheeting can be used as building material.
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as people are currently at temporary locations, they can use blocks or sticks to put up the tents. there are various ways you could use the shooting. the plastic sheets can be used in a temporary location and when they move, they can take the sheeting and can use it as part of the new house. it serves to faces. -- it serves two phases. if you are talking about the larger tense with six people, most people would agree that you cannot have the privacy and dignity that you should have in your own self constructed shelter. that is another advantage to
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that families can be amongst themselves. you can sit, stand, cook. it is my understanding that it is better protecting from the rain given the thickness of the plastic. >> after they are delivered, what is the next step as far as helping with houses and rebuilding? >> as i understand it, we are in the process of delivering sheets. we hope to use a local labor to continue to cut the sheets to appropriate sizes that people can use. it is going to take a number of weeks to get this out to everybody that needs it. i remind you that we are not the only people on the ground doing this. others are providing this kind of assistance. it is something that we are
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working on. >> any idea of the number? >> i do not. >> what is the next step? >> after the shelter? the next step is a broader question that the haitians are going to need some determinations on with where people can rebuild again, are they allowed to rebuild in certain areas. if you lived in port-au-prince, you will know that there are places where houses have been built where if we were to have another earthquake, at some point in the future, it might not be the best place to build. that will be a determination that the need to be made by the haitian government. there are people who built on areas that are likely to flood. in previous rainey seasons, there has been loss of life. if i were the haitian government, i would want to discourage people from rebuilding and those locations.
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those would be the next steps with the haitian government can determine that rubble has been cleared from the section of town and you can go back and build here. that is how i imagine it moving forward. >> who is doing that kind of city planning? is there a ministry in haiti that did that before and they have enough staff who have survived and have the skills? >> there are several entities that do that kind of work. there is a mystery that would have a role in that. there " was largely focused on working with international donors and trying to coordinate their efforts. there is also a ministry of public works. the anagram is tptc.
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they are most involved in terms of urban planning with widening streets and that sort of thing. thus far, i think the ministry of public works will have the key role in that. the president has also named three individuals, one of home is the current minister of tourism but an architect and an urban planner by training. he is involved in working through their ideas for reconstruction. there is also a man who is involved in that as well from the private sector. there is another in the ditch -- there is another individual involved. they are thinking these issues through. we have offered our assistance to them and i say be as a very broad international community
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that where appropriate we have resources upon which they can draw, we have been in discussions with them. i am not sure how concrete those plans are but that is an ongoing effort. >> i heard him say in the opening remarks that the response to the earthquake might be seen as a model. i realize it is only one month since it happened but i would be interested in your lessons learned and thoughts. are there things that would have been helpful to you the first day or the first week with the second week? are there other ways this could have been handled even better? >> being completely frank with you, i have not really had a chance to sit back and think
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through my lessons learned list at this point. there are some things i am theory thankful that we did do. i can tell you those. those are probably too much at the micro level to be interesting. at the risk of saying that i am putting myself on the back, i will say that i think the fact that we have very good relations with all of the other international players on the ground prior to the earthquake has really helped smooth the relationship on ground with all of these new actors that have come in. all of these people from various agencies and the u.s. government. similar to governments have had other enter agencies -- interagency cooperation.
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canada has had a large presence. we had a frank and open and will working mechanism for coordinating amongst ourselves prior to the earthquake which allowed us to have that continue at a larger level. that is the one taken away at this point. >> can you update us on the cash for work program? do you have any updated figures? the the people still mainly engaged in removing rubble? >> to the best of my knowledge, it is focused on removing rubble. usaid has two separate $50 million programs which will be run over the coming months. the focus will be on providing
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money for people to buy food and keep themselves in clothing. also to actually help clear the rubble which is a gargantuan task. step number one is keeping the streets clear. i do not know how many of you have seen it. a lot of these roads are impassable. people are out there with sledgehammers and picks and shovels. the art dumping -- they are dumping into these big dump trucks to clear the roads. >> the number of people that might be participating? >> at the top of my head, i cannot want to mislead you and give you a wrong number. >> a snapshot of the operations
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of the embassy now compared to before the earthquake? >> on the consular side, would put a huge amount of effort because the primary goal is to look after the well-being of american citizens from overseas. early on, the first two weeks, our effort was people wanted to get out with their families. we were focused on that. as time has passed, people have come in that the other from other parts of the country or for whatever reason decided to stay. to help with the building and cleanup efforts which they feel that they made their lives there and want to stay. they may need help and replacing lost passports which is going to
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be a problem for everybody because many people lost all the documentation they had. some people need to prove they own property if they're going to start rebuilding the house. early on, most of our people were focused aid in any way we can. those things have taken somewhat of a step back, we're having our officers kovach to working on issues like political -- officers going back to working on the issues like the board. on the economic side, our folks are working on things like what american carriers back and running at the airport and what
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support they need in that regard. the embassy management section of public affairs and we had a huge wave of press people down in country. we have had a lot of help from our colleagues on that washington who volunteered to come and work and to spell our colleagues that have been there for three weeks without a break. the management section has had a huge job keeping the embassy running. these are difficult circumstances. we are in a situation where we have many hundreds of people on the embassy compound, many more than the place was designed for. we have things like over 100 surgery is done in our main conference room including applications -- including
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amputations. we are trying to get the place and to some semblance of normalcy is going to be a huge task. making sure that people can go back to their houses. those that still have them. i did not want to leave out of our colleagues in the security section as well. they have done a terrific job in terms of making sure that various neighborhoods are safe for us to go back to. frankly, enabling a lot of the search and rescue workers who came down in the immediate weeks after the earthquake to go out and do their job with a sense of security and safety. ourusaid colleagues are going to be bearing the brunt of a lot of this. as you can imagine, a huge effort of reconstruction and rebuilding. they will be at the forefront of that.
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>> thank you. >> to continue on with other subjects, secretary clinton will be going qatar and saudi arabia. her schedule has been adapted somewhat with her departure time being pushed to tomorrow afternoon. her primary schedule will go on when she arrives in doha. after arriving in doha, she will move on to riyadh before returning to the u.s. late tuesday night. the undersecretary will be traveling this week to lebanon, syria, turkey and azerbaijani.
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we are demonstrating our continued support to the sovereign independent lebanon and in syria, he will meet with the president and foreign minister continued dialogue with the syrian government about all aspects of our bilateral relationship. then on to turkey with meetings with senior officials to discuss the shared vision framework for our strategic partnership. people continue to foster by sean with the president's -- azerbaijan to meet with the president. the administrator for usaid will be in haiti tomorrow to meet with haitian leaders about
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reconstruction and relief efforts. we will provide our thoughts and prayers on behalf of the american people as we reflect on the 30 day anniversary of the earthquake. the special envoy will travel to chad and sudan in the upcoming week for discussions with members of the liberation movement including the president on resolving the remaining issues around the implementation of the comprehensive peace agreement and he will be in hartoum for by little meetings with the national congress party to discuss the referendum. like all sports fans, we're looking forward to the start of the winter olympics and we will be putting 14 usa but also
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recognize the value of the olympics in terms of promotion of our joint international calls. -- goals. >> with syria, can you give us some context? why now? it does not have to do with the ambassador. it is a return to the ambassador to syria represents. further steps in terms of our bilateral relations. while there, he will reflect a number of issues in terms of regional issues and how syria continues to view the situation with peace. it reflects our growing interest in working constructively with syria and the leaders of that country.
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>> the statement you sent out yesterday. he said that tony blair would be intensifying his partnership with george mitchell to deal with the political negotiations. what does that mean? what will he be doing that he has not been doing? will george mitchell do something different? >> not at all. we continue to work jointly in held to increase the capacity of the palestinian institution and how we can help with the growth and expansion of the palestinian economy recognizing that these have the ability to support the efforts on getting negotiations. we're making sure that we are
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working as closely together as possible so that on the economic front and political front, we're doing everything we can to advance the palestinian interests as a way of encouraging them to continue to prepare for the future. >> why the necessity to reinforce former prime minister blair's will? role? >> we have had periodic discussions with prime minister blair and we are looking for a variety of ways in which we can encourage the region to move
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forward and we certainly think that on the political front and economic front that there is an opportunity to be able to help provide the kind of support the palestinian leadership. >> on the political front, what is his focus? it has been economics. what is he doing on the political front that he was not doing before and how does that not potentially duplicate senator mitchell? >> you have to deal with local leaders to make sure that you have the economy being built. you have to see ways in which the region can continue to invest and a palestinian state. the west bank in particular were there has been encouraging economic news. it is a true complement to what george mitchell is to win and we're going to intensify that.
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>> is there any reduction in his role? >> it is about george mitchell is working hard on getting the parties to the ship. tony blair is working hard on his part to build the institutions that will be necessary for a viable palestinian state. i would not say that the advance of what tony blair doing -- was doing is changed at all. >> george mitchell is not one to give up his request per >> not at all. with the this come about because he was unable to get the two sides to negotiations? tony blair to me to something? >> we are looking at how we can
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put every thread into a tapestry that is able to support a middle eastern peace. success will involve dancing on the political front and the economic front -- advancing on the political, economic and financial fronts. people will have the confidence to take the important steps to make the difficult decisions. there are necessary to achieve what we all want which is peace in the middle east. >> i had an opportunity to talk the ambassador on the issue of haiti. do you have any information about the status of the detained americans? there is a concern among some international aid groups that perfectly understandable need to rush emergency aid and money to
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haiti may have been an intended -- may have the unintended consequence of starving some other international aid projects? this is a concern of yours? >> let me to the first question. you're talking to u.s. context of the second question? on the first question, the haitian begun system continues to evaluate the charges against the 10 americans. we have received no formal notification for the haitian government has to a resolution and we would not expect one to this three day period of mourning. the judge may have something to announce it would probably be early next week. i know if there are a lot of rumors flying out there. we are anxious to see the case resolved as quickly as possible and is appropriately as
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possible. this is the haitian legal process. when they make a formal announcement, we will prepare to provide whatever support is a proper. -- appropriate. we're working with the omd on the he supplemental. expect the package to go up to the hill in the next few days. that is a white house decision to announce. the government is not allowed to spend money they cannot have. in the face of the earthquake 30 days ago, we have been tapping into accounts that were initially set aside for other parts of the world.
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this is held could solve but schmid rigid budget management works. with the supplemental which we expect congress will act on in haiti today, evaluating that, then we will be able to rapidly replenish funding that we borrowed from other accounts. this is exactly how the system works when you go through emergencies like this. i would expect that as far as i am aware, assuming that the supplemental is acted upon the will be no programmatic impact anywhere else in the world. >> do you have a ball park dollars figure? >> no. >> can you give us a 30 to a rundown of were the facts and figures stand? how many americans are known to
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have been killed? >> some of that. thus far, in terms of, as the ambassador said, we have had more than 15,000 americans evacuated. we have been able to account for more than 22,000 americans. we have thus far opened files on roughly 2200 americans for which we have not yet been able to fully account for their situation. there is some worked that our staff in haiti is still going through. i do not have a count on orphans. the last count i had was more than 700 but i cannot have that with me.
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confirmed american fatalities, we are at 97. >> how many are -- >> that is all a half. -- that is all i have. >> at last i checked, there were four who were official which includes the foreign service officer that we lost. there was also a military officer that was lost and family members, as well. >> there is some reporting of their it that the north korean nuclear negotiations could be a reciprocal and the mission to north korea, he said he seemed to be disinclined to return to the six party talks unless the sanctions by the un are lifted. >> on the first issue,ç we have
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no plans for special visits at this point. on the second, we heard from the north koreanst( that they recognize the importance of the six party process. what we now need is for them to pull the trigger and actually come back to that process. that is the kind of trigger that we think is appropriate to pull rather than firing something into the era that is destabilizing to the region. we think resolving the situation will require them coming back to the six party process to take the kind of steps to meet the
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commitments they have met in the past. when did not see any other alternative to this. it is unfortunate. >> argue discussing any plans to the new york channel? what there is no discussion that we are having with north korea about the visit. >> can you shed any light on the circumstances of when secretary clinton was informed about the hospitalization of the former president. >> i cannot. it happened some time yesterday. she moved up to new york as quickly as possible. she is home right now with her husband and will be back in washington tomorrow. >> anything about her decision to continue with her trip? >> i]as you would expect, first and foremost, she wants to know
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about the health of her husband. i will refer to president clinton's office but the fact that he was able to have the procedure quickly and is already home and probably back it worked. that would tell you that she is confident enough that she can go on this trip as originally planned with just squeezing the travel time. [inaudible] what is your sense? >> in terms of a formal assessment, we defer to the iea. iran has been in contact with iea expect -- inspectors and have advised them on what they're trying to do. we believe that any step to further enrich uranium to 20% is
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a violation of their obligations under a number of un security council resolutions and we think that they should come back and constructively engage in the process that will help them provide cover their needs are within a civilian nuclear program while reassuring the national commit reaching international community about their intentions regarding their nuclear ambitions. ongoing actions and statements are counterproductive and a call into question whether iranian claims that their intentions are peaceful are true. >> yesterday's event in iran, analysts concluded that the protest movement may be fizzling out. i am wondering if you have any
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take. >> i am not sure it fizzled out. the draconian steps yesterday by the iranian government to suppress the people of iran and their ability to assemble peacefully and voice their concerns about their own government. we think these are universal rights. we think that it is important for the iranian people to have the ability to network and to use technology to hold their government accountable. the government has to serve the needs of its people. we think the ongoing demonstrations show that he irani and people have serious questions about their government and whether it is in their own self interest.
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>> kidee discuss the nature of the iran discussions? >> we intend to have a range of discussions with officials during her stops with high-level officials and a chance at the islamic world forum to talk to other leaders. i am sure she will have a bilateral with the prime minister of turkey. middle east peace will be an issue that is discussed. iran will certainly be an issue. other important regional considerations will also be discussed >> on middle east peace, what is she expected the saudi arabian to do? >> she will need with them in saudi arabia. he is the author of the book.
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we think that is an important foundation upon which we can continue to advance toward comprehension peace in the middle east. i am sure she will polyp on discussions she has had recently with the foreign minister on how to use the peace initiative to be able to work with the parties and see with the progress is. >> will palestinians be taking place in these in direct talks? >> we will talk to the parties directly. we think now is the time for them to enter into formal negotiations about issues that continue to cropped up and can only be solved by formal negotiations. but that is the view of many countries in the middle east.
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our discussions will be about how we push or cajoled the parties into that negotiation through which we can ultimately arrive at a satisfactory peace agreement. >> i do not know. t(v:[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> and nancy pelosi led a delegation of u.s. lawmakers tahiti today to look at
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reconstruction efforts before congress considers long-term aid. and the group is scheduled to meet with the haitian president and other leaders. the delegation includes charles rangel, sheila jackson lee, and donna christensen. xdtom harkin, bill nelson, and y klobuchar. the return to the u.s. tonight. >> up next, a world economic forum discussion on the impact on future global energy needs. after that, remarks by general david petraues and then the u.s. coast guard, down's comments. -- , çt(>> tomorrow, the chaire
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private security firm details pakistan's ruleçole in afghani. douglas wilder talks about his op-ed or he calls on president obama to replace some ofd!%m eight administration members. washington journal is live at 7:00 eastern on c-span. >> the discussion on the global energy outlook with presidents of numerous will companies. it was part of the world economic forum. it is about one hour. ç
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our topic this morning[çç is y security. a subject that changes asç circumstances change. this is a subject we are going to explore this morning. at the samew3 time, it is in the context of the impact of the turbulence in the global economy, the recession and the recovery. what that means for energy security and also what it means and how it has been changed. ççmywhat has been changed ovee last two years. have a distinguished panel. the president of azerbaijani,
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the chief executive of bp,ç the president and ceo of saudi armco, the chief executive officer of royal dutch, the ceo of dow, and the chairman of total. w3çwe're going to dive into it. i am going to ask someçç quess toçç get thingsç started andi expect that the discussion will w3i would like to beginçç wite president and askç youçqçç>çç term energy security means from the viewpoint ofçy3 the buzzey shawn as you look atç[óo the l energy system? important for us for energy security is certification of suppliers. we have a diversified pipeline
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system that can deliver our exports to various regions conduct at the same time, it is important to provide the balance of interest between producers and consumers so that we can have a sustainable and long term energy corporation. this balance of interest may create certain problems. another issue which is important for us is fair market price for natural resources, particularly gas. and for commitment by all the parties to resign contracts. çççiç think these elements a package can provideçi] muchw3 e confidence for producers and consumers with regard to energy security. >> let me ask you, the first
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decade or so, the focus was on oil. the spotlight is certainly turning to natural gas. looking out five for 10 years from now, what would you see in terms ofok your will and a possible gasi] market and what e obstacles to getting there? >>ç çi think the gas market wl çgrow because of huge discovers of gas?; reserves toç allowço transform to one of the major gas exporter. as you know,çç we have more tn two trillion cubic meters. that is enough for us and for our export capacity for long time. most important is to provide a
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reliable and long term market for our guest. i mentionç that we party have a diversified gas system that that system can export only today's level of production. of what we are planning is to increase two or three times or maybe more gas productionçç. to do that, we need much bigger capacity for the pipeline and structure. in order to invest major investments in new developmentsç we need to have a clear understanding of our our consumers, what is the market regulations, of the market's reliable and long term for us or not. after all these issues are in place, i am sure that we will çuse of gas potential of the
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successfully treated with oil development. >> çcustomers are coming into you? >> ççyes, we have customers ad çus we are now transporting internationalçç death to all e neighboring countries despite the fact tha(oçw3 some of thesd  produce more gas than we do our target is to continue that and to find new easkets, particularlyçw3çw1mçç markeç and know that europeanç consumersç are looking for çñrç of gasw3ç supplies. çççççw3çççi]w3ççxdvçc only new gas source for your. >> howç is the global recession çchanged the energy outlook and change what bp is doing? >> i think if you set at -- step
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back, not much. if you look the next couple of the industry operates on, the demandç[ç projections are no different than what they were one year or 18 months ago. energy demand for the world is projected to increase by about 40% over the next 20 years, most of it in the developing world. challenge that the worldç faces is how we provide that in a way the the energy is available, the light stays on, it is secure, it is affordable, consumers can afford to pay for it, and of spáely sustainable. xdi think the big point is that even in the most-9 aggressive conceived,ç that is to limit te ç
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hydrocarbons will still percent f ne0 years. çó-- energy mix andç the next 0 yearsdj÷ not much has changed again. as far asç what we should be doing, i think the international community should focus on whatq they are good that. from my perspective, that is three things. to drive efficiency into the industry which isç about using technology and know-how and çcapabilitiesç and proven skis -- proven skillsç of risk management to ensure that supplies turn up as cheaply as possible. çt(the second one is to contin3 press the industry to give access toçq
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the difficult and challenging reservoirs' of the world. i suppose the third thing that is important thct@%ç thinkç o begin to develop at the right pace alternative forms of more sustainable energy and in the case of bp, biofuels, wind, carbonç capture, and so on. the thing aboutioc'sq is that we can do that the skill. the challenge is how we do those things. >> the long-term nature of 3pçenergy that 20 years fromç , the world is probably still a% hydrocarbon, but we have seen some changes in demand, particularly for oil. whether it is the recession or structural changes, abc a world -- say a word about how you see
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the shift in the band. ç>> the obvious than in thisçd the mature markets of europe and asia, not oil products are in a structural decline. none of us will sell for gasoline than we soldt( in 2007. that is being offset by very strong rise in demandç in the markets ofç the east. in particular, china. ças many of you know, 30 millin cars were sold in china. ,=demand continues to rise for w oil importsw3ç to 5 million bas per day. the challenge is how to actually meet this growing demand and to keep a lid on prices. >> it was a psychological shock to the u.s. last year to discover that it is now the second-largest automobile market and the world. china is at this point way ahead
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of it. that excess to the overall supply. let met( ask you to talk about energy security from the viewpoint of a company that invests tens of billions of dollars in terms of maintaining and developing new supplyno&ç aç how you look at theç deficit a3 a meeting of energy security. >> i would like+ toççñrw3çe çwe seeçwn q
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petroleum will continue to provide energy for the mobility sectors of the economy whether that is air transportç sea transporti] and car and truck transport for the next few decades despite the success we will achieve in introducing new renewable energies and to the transport sector. and it will be petroleum and it will provide the bulk of our energy and mobility. weç feelçç thatç concerns a. ççthe technical faxç have ben brought to the surfaceç and tht this issue of peak oil has been pushed behind and fortunately,
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it contributed in a large way to the volatility and rise in prices still far -- prices. it is a long-term investment in energy. çit will bear fruit in terms of reliable supplies anywhere between seven to 10 years. it could be longer. major investment decisions need to take place. çthere is a very strong linkage betweenç the security of supply that consumers are asking for that we as an industry need to provide. the security of demand that the qproducers of energy need to alo


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