tv Tonight From Washington CSPAN February 15, 2010 8:00pm-11:00pm EST
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look for these and other gift- giving ideas at c-spa >> a forum on the future of guantanamo bay. the constitution project hosts this two hour discussion. >> this is an apt event today because not only is it the one- year anniversary of president obama's executive order closing guantanamo, but we have had breaking news that the administration has decided what to do with the remaining
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detainees at guantanamo, at least preliminarily. they have decided to clear 110 of them, to prosecute in federal court or military commissions, approximately 40 detainees and 50 or so will be held in indefinite detention. for those of us who have advocated a responsible and constitutional way of closing guantanamo, this is not necessarily good news. i want to thank the open society institute for cosponsoring this event with us, the society and rbf play ativan in ensuring democracy. the constitution project is grateful for their support. i want to thank the inter-church center for allowing us to use this facility. this is an independent think tank based in washington that
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promotes and defense constitutional safeguards. we try to get past the polarized partisanship to engage americans in constructive dialogue across ideological and partisan lines and guiding them to consensus reports and recommendations for a much- needed reform in areas as diverse as indigent defense and the death penalty and that constitutional power to declare war and when and how our constitution should be amended. our scholarship, activism and practical and public education efforts have made us a trusted source. feel free to pick up copies of anavar publications, they are out by the front desk where you check in. our program today stands from the work we did from the
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september 11 attack. our liberty and security committee members came together because they believe americans of widely differing perspectives and experiences can and must respect a set of general principles that preserve their individual rights, even as we protect our safety. the detention facility at guantanamo has become one of the most controversial responses to the september 11 attacks. to many, guantanamo represents a shame for the nation. while the bush administration supported closure, it was unable to make that happen. president obama's campaign in support of closing guantanamo and immediately after his inauguration, the executive order for its closure support supposedly today. we're here to discuss what i have been able to fulfill the pledge and what the future holds for guantanamo and the men who
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are detained there. the failed christmas bombing made the return of our country to the rule law even more difficult on a wide array of issues, including things like the form of the usa patriot act and the state secrets privilege. it is guantanamo that is probably the most visible piece of this retrenchment. unfortunately, the christmas day attempt has put the issue of whether guantanamo should be closed on the table and has spurred even more furious and politicized debate about how to do so. i am sure that the election results in massachusetts will further complicate this matter. be on guantanamo, a bipartisan decoration demonstrates there is consensus for how to close guantanamo in a way that is consistent with our constitution and our country's how is. the constitution project released the report in coordination with the human rights first.
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it has been signed by nearly 140 former members of congress, diplomats, federal judges, prosecutors, high level military and law-enforcement officials, national security experts, and families of this attacker 11 victims. all of whom support charles of the terrorists in federal court and who oppose indefinite detention without charge. the decoration rejects the argument of those who say that we must curtail our constitution to keep our country save. it rejects the polarized politics that have been for too long letting our country astray. our speaker is a graduate of our law school and covered sports for "the harvard crimson". >> we only have two hours. >> he was a federal prosecutor
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i would like to . i would like to talk as little as possible so they talk as much as possible and i would be obnoxious in enforcing the five minutes restriction in opening statements. but the introduce everyone. a former intelligence officer in the u.s. army reserve. someone who was involved in the analysis of terrorism. he has been on the bench for 30 years and the judge in the ahmed
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rassan case. talat hamdani is a member of 9/11 families for peaceful tomorrow's. hshe lost her son in september 11. shayana kadidal. celeste coleveld is at the newark [unintelligible] she was [unintelligible] those of us who worked in the eastern district of new york knew you as the enemy. we're happy to have you here today. the southern district was the
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center of and remains the center of many terrorism prosecution's that's the last -- that celeste worked on. let's start with steve and abraham. you have your five minutes. >> i am turning on the timer. ." >> thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be here. i am somewhat perplexed by the title of the program. when and how will guantanamo close? i did not see any where in their an explanation of what is. that is a fundamental question that has to proceed, not the debate but the discussion of why it has not closed. understanding of how it was opened in began and selected that we see the confusion that
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arises in why guantanamo was not closed in a five minute decision. as has been mentioned since the administration's passage of its declaration, the executive order stating what amount would be closed in the year, many people have awaited its closure. many have been perplexed by the fact it has existed for now more than eight years, not necessarily as a detention facility. following 9/11, within a month or so, discussions were had a tour of the various -- discussions were had where individuals would be transferred. there was no discussion of where they would be the team. discussions were centered on [unintelligible] by our judiciary.
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we were looking for the administration -- the administration was looking to send people beyond the reach of federal courts. this is not the detention function. this was an intelligence function. this raises conflict and tension that i think faces the administration and others regarding guantanamo. the question is not why these people are being detained or for how long they should be detained. it is why the tension is being used as the excuse to keep guantanamo open or any other place that would be used for a similar function. guantanamo today represents the most tangible aspect of a program that conflicted directly with the judicial process. in essence, what you're saying
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in guantanamo and what was reflected in the statistics, including the indefinite detention of 50 individuals is the dichotomy between an intelligence collection process and the judicial process. it brings the question of whether human rights can be compatible with an intelligence program that must be designed to protect america, its citizens, and its interests. i am not suggesting that they are incompatible but rather, really suggesting that the process by which one was preferred over the other, that is, the process by which guantanamo was created and by which its existence is being perpetuated is unacceptable. >>
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>> i have to be circumspect because i am sitting federal judge. i cannot criticize the administration or the justice department directly. what can do is talk about my own experience in trying a terrorism case. ahmed rassam was tried -- i transferred venue from seattle. before the trial started, we thought his target was the space needle celebration of the millennium in seattle. i transferred venue to los angeles. as a developed -- the fbi
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discovered the target was lax. the discussion about whether these cases can be tried in articles records revolves around seven -- concerns about security of the courthouse and community where the trial is to be conducted and the like. i can shed some light on my own experience in trying the case. people are talking about security expenses in the neighborhood of $1 billion to try the cases in new york. which i find rather startling given the fact there was no expenditure of funds by the local police in los angeles regarding the trial. the marshals tell me their expenditures could be measured in the thousands of dollars as
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opposed to the millions or hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. the l.a. police department did virtually nothing to enhance security surrounding the court house in los angeles. we had no problems regarding the trial. in fact, people are so concerned about housing terrorists in the united states, they are apparently unaware of the fact that there are currently hundreds, literally hundreds of so-called terrorists that are being housed in federal prisons in the united states today. there has never been an incident of security -- a security related incident regarding this prisoners. people express concern about how these cases can be tried in federal court in the u.s. and apparently unaware of the fact
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that there have been about 195 such trials in the u.s. in the last seven or eight years. there has not been a single incident, a single security incident writing any of those trials in the united states. -- regarding any of those trials in united states. someone asked me, when the logistic problems of trying the case in new york be almost insurmountable? i do not understand the concern. i do not know why we do not just try the case. that is what we did in los angeles. we should not be afraid of it. that is what we do in the federal courts. why we cannot just get on with it, i do not understand. >> hello, everybody. it is an honor to be here today
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and i am thankful to the ccr, osi, and organizations to get this thing totogether. i lost my son, he was at rockefeller center and did not come home. he was a navy cadet and a certified paramedic. he would go to rescue his fellow citizens. unfortunately, there was speculation and we were investigated and interrogated and maybe he was [unintelligible] because of his faith. i am a muslim. last year, he was mentioned before going to help his citizens. the citizens he went to hell.
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-- he went to help, they turned on him. imad attorney general eric holder and went down to guantanamo bay last year for the final hearing which never took place and got a very sobering experience from there. coming to the important issue of detention. detention is illegal. it violates all international human laws. it violates the united nations human rights constitution, our constitution, the genie back conventions, and all this has been done -- the geneva conventions, and all this has been done after the patriot act. under the patriot act, the habeas corpus, the right to defend yourself is suspended. military rule is in and the law
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is not for foreign citizens, it is for american citizens also. that is very important to understand. according to a supreme court judge, the question for ithe supreme court is does the constitution permits detention of citizens in military custody in the u.s., hold them into mcconnell and deny them access to counsel without questioning the factual basis for his detention before any impartial tribunal. that is what the patricpatriot act is. how can i defend myself by dinan of the charges and i do not have any right to defend myself? every time the supreme court came back with the decision, the
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bush administration and the military commissions went along to circumvent the situation and they went around accommodating and modifying the rule of military commissions as needed. we were interrogated. my passion for this is because we were led to believe by my congressman that [unintelligible] may be detained because he was not born here or he may be detained by the i.c.e. and he [unintelligible] made us write a letter to him, if you're holding my son, please inform us. i wrote to president bush. ashcroft had testified, he was summoned by the senate, one of
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the committees in november or december 2001 because two indians, one was sihkh and the other was hindu. they're holding 240,000 males of muslim descent between 27 and 35. >> can we hold off on some of that? we will deal on some of these issues. can we move on to other people's opening statements. >> manna conclude? -- may i conclude? they [unintelligible] was he tortured to death? they confirmed his death six months later. if that is the government i have, that is the nation i am living in, i cannot trust my government. it is a sad situation.
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we need to address this. we need to start the rule of law and redeemed the dignity and respect we have lost as a nation. thank you. >> thanks. a year ago, we did not expect to be sitting here giving the stock. we had -- the center had said the new president could close guantanamo quickly and safely by approaching it with the mindset it would take a few months for federal prosecutors to figure out who could be charged in federal court and who could not and send the ones who could not home or hesend others to some se country. we urged the president to dispense with the idea of creating some new voluntary drug new military system.
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this would have had the advantage of simplicity and working with pre-existing standards. with legal traditions that would have allowed it to go quickly. we get a lot of push back on that. the idea that what about preventive detention under traditional pow standards. our response was the detainees were not battlefield detainees. we know from the transcripts that over 95% were not seized by u.s. military or anything resembling a battlefield nor were they the hard core. the people who remain are their due to their nationality. there are 90 yemenis. there are 50 people from countries that routinely engaged in torture and human rights abuses that we would like to said, but we cannot. there are 40 people that the u.s. intends to charge.
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they give you 196 that are left and they are still products of indiscriminate profiling based sweeps. the government paid bounties for someone who was foreign. more people were arrested in pakistan. more than half the population has been cleared by the task force. 110 plus. 40 people to be prosecuted, 50 people sitting in this detention box who will be in some system for who knows how long, 40 or 50 people from yemen but are cleared and god knows when they will be sent back and 40 or so in the resettlement box. people who are asylum seekers. there is a tremendous amount of raw european good will to resettle when obama came into office. they told us that they wanted to help obama clean up bush's mess
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but the u.s. had to do something first. the u.s. had to let in some of these people into the u.s. and it was a lot of talk about bringing the uighurs to the u.s. and the other political party portrayed them as being terrorists. the other aspect of the europeans -- the europeans were motivated on was closing the book on the chapter of the bush administration. now that the deadline has been abandoned, you're seeing more resistance. they're taking on risk without contributing to the closure. what went wrong? there were a number of problems. there was a slowdown because of confirmation problems but slowed down because of a lot of intransigence. the entire dot apparatus were bush holders -- the entire appa
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tus was holdovers. there was intransigence about turning over evidence. that has led us to where we are today. what can we do now? the only thing that will change the situation in a cigna to get way is if the president gets out there and says we have people there who were innocent, who we of held in to their ninth year. that would be a game changer. it is a huge problem. we would be in a different situation. you can get out there and defend the work of the task force with respect to this group of yemenis were clear. there is no reason not to go home of people who were cleared. even with the notion that this airplane bomber got trained in yemen. when the initial executive order came out, we were the only group
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to condemn it on the basis that year was too long to sort this out. we have to accept the fact that obama owns the place. he has sent home 46 people. bush sent home 530. he owns the military commission process. we can talk about that in the comments but he has failed to lead on the fact that he is not decisive on the legal standard and failed to anticipate early resistance from his entrenched bureaucracies. there are a lot of interesting parallels between the executive order and other civil rights moments in american history. one of my friends likes to draw the parallel between brown one and brown 2. to say that we are not the hypocrites. brown 2 said we -- wrapped
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things up on your own time frame. if you do not believe them, ask dan freed who is trying to sell resettlement to european countries. bush, obama, and mccain wanted to close guantanamo. [unintelligible] as just try their effectiveness in combat are the symbols of abu ghraib anquan tunnell. that is the consequence of this mess the president has put this into. >> >> i know from experian difficult it can be to prosecute a terrorism case federally. i also have some underlying
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fundamental philosophical concerns about whether it makes sense conceptually to try ta terrorist in federal court. i would like to discuss these experiences and concerns. s chief of the criminal division and chief of appeals, i was involved in several high-profile terrorism cases. i brought with me mea which -- with me exhibit a. it was the brief we filed a four people who were convicted of bombing the embassies in kenya and other countries. that case was tried in 2000 into 2001. it was enormously complex and led to this link the appeal and drug prosecution of the case,
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the issues that were raised or novel, difficult to deal with, and in some cases, somewhat risky. i also worked on another terrorism case on appeal. that was the one involving lynn stewart. recently affirmed by the second circuit. that case presented difficult questions. there are difficult issues raised. issues about how the warrant requirement applies overseas and how miranda applies overseas, what kind of warnings are required when people are interrogated overseas, a speedy trial issues that will be played out in federal court with the looming trial of muhammed and others here. there are complications in cifa
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issues. the government does not always know how the judge will decide those questions. i will give you an example of a situation where one of the statements that was given by one of the defendants in the bombing case in kenya, he gave a lengthy statement in kenya. a federal prosecution was there who is now the u.s. did -- attorney in chicago. there was no attorney present. in africa we do not have defense attorneys present. only a prosecutor was there. the judge suppressed that statement which was a confession to his involvement in the kenya bombings. it was a fairly large part of the evidence the against him and the statement was suppressed. the government made -- was
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almost ready to reverse the decision because the modified miranda warning he gave was still sufficient and adequate to protect his rights, whatever those rights are in those contexts. it is difficult. the issues are complex. i do recognize that as a practical matter, the courts are perhaps the best thing we have right now to try these kinds of cases. they have worked. a substantial majority of the cases in the past decade. as numerous commentators and writers and researchers have observed, overall, the success rate is good. in these cases. quite good. it is not easy. aside from the practical
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problems of trying a case federally, there is a concern about what to do when a federal trial is not the answer and cannot be the answer. there are situations where this case cannot be brought to court. these are a difficult questions. if -- what to do with people who cannot be tried before a military commission? where those people still " -- poes a clear threat to the nation's security. -- where they pose a clear threat to the nation's security. this is not a conventional war. we're not faced with conventional crimes that are conventionally brought in federal courts, either. i think it may be that in some cases we do not fit into the boxes we have. >> let's talk about the boxes. i thought in terms of the people
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there, we have categories of people. 43 prosecuted in u.s. district court. that is not complicated. they either will or will not be convicted. some people who have been certified as not a threat and are awaiting return to yemen or some other country. you have this group that was referred to in the newspaper today which is too dangerous to release, not enough evidence to prosecute. 50 people. what do you do with those people? >> i think that we do not have the right nor should we give our cells the opportunity to create a new box for people who we just do not think ought to be on the streets. it is to presume a limitation both respect to our constitution and the notion of individual
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rights. if an individual has not violated the laws for which there is recourse in the court, that individual should not be subjected to the harshest treatment that can be imposed upon him or her by this government. when the government does that, it does two things. it declares it can act without impunity. the other is it declares indelibly the right to be a creation of the state. i do not think it is appropriate to even allow in the discussion of these individuals' fates the notion there could be a new category created for them. in that same regard, i reject the notion that terrorism is something special are different. it is a crime. it has that at its heart, a criminal act. there is evidence of it.
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it can be prosecuted. prosecutors will tell you, we have to make these decisions all the time. individuals in law enforcement tell you even in bringing a suspect before court, decisions are made. intelligence professionals will tell you those voedn teigcectits thugutheoue tir erio, eyil bcaed ono keecioñs tt wl otn e ns o tpetis,heer eyilonnusn teigcepeti,r ed tdeloomhi me, sothghaayea t precio theso nd,or sul er b rm f tsewox >>wh dyothink? doot wanyo pveou e li. seohos spsible r bnging, f tinas,
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crinas, ato u in authi bf e o ngouo rea, t ou idce t psete >>tak monr wt cotrw'ren. e it steofmeca w'reoi t aowomodto dedehasoons o ngouto rea? o soi t me at cion is wn e viedy yby? cotitials t st lo wkn e d relaty. weant b te oals inhe.s aayhahe execiv bnccaece tt sobo ito dgeus te ttrtsndhedoot veri,hedootava arg, tt isot wt ts cotrisbo.
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theyavto b-he h t tnsrey. wharwe hdi? o e es ppl at he eyon let usno at a ty hing ifh're toi athg on >>i aee wh l tt. ctll iisn l t. -- nlet op w cno b tedut eomow dgeus yooundt etuc yo w h se nue nk errin meorof ar. itayot bheigstev chgecaimagin itano . he the spo sffnd icweoundt. annehottde arain ca a y cldroha wi edeehado nom omom aus auaano doesotom fm rte. yo c crgomneit
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derings iergaon srar troaderspt o thcago. i ulli t te colef expl tlltre e in wh in teigce oic voedn iergaon onsonct othnoso iivua w is tge the no- cduedn owton iivuawhs rg. -- tan iivua w ia rg. er i seo who quti a thi stuut s at igorned ba paicarul. dsot mn he cno b e sje oinrratn. s lit, b trere ceai befiaelen o wh mhtav bnmpsie th he enlinad
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cae ty e lge exse tnesocef inrmio s hal mish, bouavin t milef es iivua w ar oaye voedn imal aivy dhols y srcf iorti, an t s fts u he ke cic. u heou heoltel ursf idcehacabe uso cmill pce ts, t is iwhweayeoeo dohath dan w w he desiakshe ty e. en iasnvve in dfent gazaonthads elen ohe fctn teogin ppl aecio ha t bad b pplatom pot. rememr iheid19s' er washeas of wt
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rl, d eueios, whreou gngo dwi th? bere aonapoaedhe th qstnadlrdyee anyz fm er se -no lyron teigt pepeivr cmil pepeivbuls an teatnaanipmac pepeiv wh a yoi t dto sobody oeouaprehe yr r nt- yrurse psete asous at questnay , i a pudf tacha r cstutn esotie dhaweavonsr in thcoexfal a deario o wlsndigs cnohaen me's tice -deariofal d gh wcaothae a me'noce >>te ps s ng o sothg as tnkgbo wh ces wpein a thats, wnou me is
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desi tt teigces raun a y he conduchentrotin wahaig fsttehe precio,ouant he thay u nnakthecio at t iergaonnd teigceunios raunanw'reoio saifeurbity t osutanthayncyo ha dehe iergaon w nnrocu, sw'reoi toocthwandinel fo talcef e r o rr? yocaotot bh ys. heeemein tsa th,nd fgo a i apoge. rhof u he,ou kw br froth jti daren wasuos tbe he,ut h ncedf e stomt. its tik i neverccre tos thaomodfr t
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juic dartmenerute ulotom i nt to bng o me broa tocp. eueio ohe dyo se tseeoe,ecsehi s ctalyt is i rent wee bauf e deea bben e ntt yen a myf e ppl uaano e yen ats tesnsilyf the gerentoakte t owha t pcehe his nts e hi tre wl be sersi re l an h dyoerad t uny akpele sms to b aigueio wi gntamhathe tello ertoenso ofheol. atreou tugsbo
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mef the iueof oer cotrs? imy oni,enthac heouryhe ty me fr, einaon ste so oheweicd n e ttfid. me ofhe weninhe meanpi tmp,uthe meroounaon rothr ti. ndheba. ourealng aut yen wi tt questn,ndem washeba. t eenthere ppl whmaavatndrain cas tas ticly op ltem bau o ecomeans ahe sdi prra wrgizo id op undivth onic ien -- enoc
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ceiv. foa ngim treas bn wiin tfinc it wonelpe aa mbanth tngth he ldtp d merehe mo mda cces n rely wth tou pl o. >>nyth tugsbo h u fd placeo sele esfos? >>e's bk toheitf is pgr wn d ho osuaano. yano sw t esonfow y rete emi tnk t fst tng ullo f t adniraono is cleduaanoe os moow ttoi, u veot t theomewhe. medyilbeord me
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desi authe tut em mo aear o argo hath pvigefpein fo t eopn plien d iedteefe wt t qstn o rdiont we tthueio ohyom cotrs dot denoh, dvebooiedo alnihoad tak meer pi tn yo ee,nd evybyas wli t wt fo sebylsto d meinr me oeromt in te enomhi wld b ne ahavebo colud iso lon aa cionidoteed toe de nodado mm. myifele te t e rbe. iaid iou d i ia ye' te,heou b imdieluscis a wld spt e rbe ul ne tan o fnoerea a unlhend aintrio specifallyayuaano llelod, d eris
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il pnt oti ithda ak tttame- inoby oi t me th disns thehe shou g onheth hd,ou sta clin oritowani thk at qstnil bom lael ielann srt orr. ixpt lilysrisl apar fm esinvial is wif pbay kehe gaag oerselfan tt prably tighiisng eayn. hit ojtseaesas naon s czyomaneoi t roanatnsndskg em canp is msneha pls tohemmraon bandom aa siifan ct,et wwi to ytng cciollmyifoe ckp eargeut wl llouhi gator
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hard soon as nody h te ulmaly rpoib tth coeqncfhyecio wa n bnadt iea t ma disn. its teor uo lk at e ndio o oigso e h tse rhtar bng trtendhi 's s meo sp sftg e ia ofor har setngha do navaonquce ery d gntams on,e caot expin whyt ghto one evyayn didu ibeg he iefity,nde cno exai teg o mal juifatn reenghe infite whoccti e nsueesf tt. i tnkengen famo
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theean ern gntam wato aidudiaveig , d e disnver thla feea,ecin y cannot dohao gss iutth op w t orshts nfme nof rll cng tng thuc >>hadoouhi autha >> heee suris bth abit o se ree a mohe oea. if weri tseeoeithin th bde ohenid stesitsoi t cat meinoferbl pbl w ou b afrd o thfact othmaer is the ar hdrs oeoe o are cueny fer pso i e it ste wchn e rd ohenid steho veeeonct oteorm act, ahe hev bn
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indef surityroem rerdg a ohoeoe with fer bea pso. anodho h erisedny feral pso wldeazehe obmsotrentg ppl fretng in the. iprenngeoe fm ttgut, d edeaf del is i gng t ba rg f aerrict oan atmpt t sinomod o of fer pso iil, frkl >> aeeha theonrn abt del priss ora ar orbwnn tmsf tir ilyoane eitti, t wto inuthe
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sie nkdas tre teorism she, si disagr wheltehait is diict rheou. ye crtha t makit diict cion th iwhth ahe. atshy cesaninhe cot,ndhaishahe dg a sposed d l'goo qstnsane vewo pplwi miopne plsetap, atyo ne an ailti, d vet . am a fmeoualt. >>ol t mroonupo we cahe y. >> t awe d nncde -- l' s wmovebody ghthe tht a
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stle fm licis. cldolhe. weou hdlth. atom o tecitg mb o gntamo? ulhafianpa oth prle seby ulee th gntam h bome a mb b aaecitg tl foteorts o ohe psin's cck thadse tnk iisor enngn cutyecsehe stf t wld i iort ou tt movin t anna ste oshes sohogog tislhe obm hdi ppl thtri, d at io diou i nn igi wnydy bohthat wiin the mistti. >> [aubl is e st. e gntam steishe
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prle n t psil caon i heo sptfly saee ihi trerewo aec, buthe treh oul14 smtl t bt dl,he wao iusionnnyd's rt tt asti arin. w sbo mary atas s cplel dionct fm s ppl athe t gin srte us t fin t mary ulot rpo. e ctasha w d w imatayml, bau erarpltyfeoen th wld whoavreonof ei o feanghenid at,ut mt ho reoncaote ereedn yaythha bsyol
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ifoulina gntanamou eline mbs. whou tn iadesth veeass o the invial on yavmodm osi gntam gntams nger t eus it inoonrhehiou n deehd. noonr wl wbeeang wi ts setnghe liryillakca o noonrilheueio o etr e delous beme iold con pe of t l. u ve tm tth ute at. yoprid caretf criteror jgi wt ou be de wh tse iivua, anecseho a t laws byhi walwhi nio t ere,ouovonrothe. >>ouhi is reha th? itason vuelong
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gutamon ca dovg iins? ihi iasal n oy ashe dmali o ayml, d tnke ou me ia ryubc dpl oth smtlg. tnkt otomhi w ou dsuy. enitentord dnhe best dl,e dot- re dohe bt alheid n oy veof night-or wnheasllheidoto so byovf gh e wleoias ttt s landma men a i think inll ts dcuioeee ldmkomt,ecsee d the lt yr s lo uz men wh cng
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otruiing, y dot ha t kphean tyav de 3cout de. th wliky t se inonhe fily, wch th hennnc ty ll utow edsd ty eoi t mout othere. a t w a t bk. no ttarn e ck i asun lneitcoon cae,nd he a t-pt eson am vyucin spay th thpotbo t sboc wef closg gntamnd dog i aubcay b m esons,iv t ntuievatnsomg t tt staed whheaw scol sdindowithe
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i orry. at ill he s. >> d n tnke sul srt aidnete mely bau ima b lke tonoer th itheanuaano stlpe ehtea ler itsls t rso t adniraonavg iz o thfa ttft t esenwanauredth prle w aucor ffulon wh sdey pped isn t th cld he en eil de ca sll part oauc rg pbl ttado relv eiryn sgl me,ndhaisotru tnkuaano nasye os andisntd. y esonfmppe ndt, tueiofhe d h aheer
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instatnshodak ple,avotngo d wh th ee thhi gntam cabelod. ere ha bn llor precio b eh ohe inrendenntf e ac o csi gntam onf t qstnssky mbs ones srt - llefe e ur hrdur gunt w h d w sve t obmf atccre, d t o mbef ngssai thfithi wdos op inth wnghi. boald auttodog e in ttouro. erod wteo lv thi ueranding cplelho it ourd whomodhiou ohe
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aranit htsheir inyoo is geth t op enou heleyf te rr aut tonquceo i tnkts ry spl u os gntam u dmantletn pli faio whev ndso pseed pseed wle r emeca bl a t a adniraons t geren ofhe ppltoeceow i wiea wh eonquce thau,ndow ronle atveisnvve gsshiueio h enn tipfyone vaou wsanit ito b sobo fmheusce dertntou n bhe. hi i impta t drsheoliconxt in ic tss ki pce we hava cseusha
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taeere. oprehoedhe i ge emhe rimta fts erishinoonhaou stleet tecd raap sllhactizg osef as speed rris enhohalf th aleedor rea. th gsactoheoi ouwhherede nds too u t blyult. so o the pplhod he nereethe t fst ac, day mdlamic wi gt, bones reon t wt they rcve e arampssno b e qstn wree wle ieis eatitthotr op its pbl wh eacal peeponanth a gng torieoe o an t
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deni denonox he hrdheargog lee t peoe o edo rettd. eyreoi t lvehet anna, i tnk t quti that edoe ke horehe ppl w ledlcaotry e ey rordlhoin pelen eatefldan weanthae tm a thupseynvvein teatna trosmnde canochgehe i aonhi te,nd ats wh'reot gng t llouhohe ppl a o athehaon. im etedaw pfessor, d am n se am unrsndgheitti.
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ist te ellatns eyreooanro irern tirouryf ig? it iot tt eyreoi t reado e it stes iit eyane ten tthr uny rin,anhe >> t aegiosf ey we gngo else ywreth wldo cko in trost, dhe caotakthhae. >>hasodsrey trrdar tyo the he nio dhendp psohe wt ouha ttitn r wetoay wlivouhe flong op bkfougr tlo emp? >>e heena mbf nianac tity o he halostdi iiten thr sit i psili.
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im sde a cuma w. isee t b ts eaha eier w raithe pelendinelr l em g who er hri ba fmhe a ty bom rris ain trenyhoht aut me ierdie ou, mein ee co? t emo on a lehe veitnkralere meinikth. >>he he iisdn mo evyas ty sje t niri,o stctnsn av. therish daiesadhe paposuld,ndhe he inst ohe fr pplfr a t ocotrs. sotis at is thho u isaseethor. haly abo h bn
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trsfre witho tt. uanou tm ohe ngs o yr nd >> aueioorelte >> c y say yr ne? arroyuawchl. thueio iouayow diict s rocu theas, and ave nou th iru what i theltnave to yi trorist ifera cot? mity mmsisrene poibltnave a t anmistti i rorngo thusof cmiionn coecon wh tomrsf e cl, andnoer alrnivs whahe a administration is appantly dog, ics t tinth atll
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ats eroem. ihi wt 'trglg ths t iue othtae. on iwh to whhe pele crelyetnein gutamo eyeetorentothe suy uquseof rcstce bt ith hioroftll. they're in th suaon where we have the peoe war deing,nde ot kw who dwi tm. seraueio gng forwar iwh dyoo. yococrs seby os anwfneomt d e furehehadiyoo wi tt rs? that ithueioof how you veorrd perhsou dea withhem le
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at gntamno itan be one solutn, and in fwa yeceowou ar gngo hdlit yodoot te ople in inhe na t tsi. the e t aertis. you begin federal prosecution. enouant tt, y have aifcult disn to ma. >> h lots th fellow inhe yell ta? h autheelw in t ll t? >> i have a question abouthe 11 conspirators whare going beriedn new rk it is understandinghe estion of guilt isoteay in play. thateemsike a fivpage brief m
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i am sure the are aot mor mplexies. i am wonring wt y eect the otruestions to be. whyon't u srt wit at >> it hd pdi wre its gng to ayut, d ulbeatr spred tee sile admsi ouilt smse wld be mo kely t dendant wouut the gornmenthrgh its ge a fcet psent a prf ato w they e guiy. th w cerin tatrn inhe embsy tal. th dennt cfeedui, and th h to uer a nsg tal, ssheen and
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ottheicm'ig t atnd yoad 1 pplildn lamait a n manyf emou me ito denr, sa t courtet ua cotroom th closeciuit feed in oklahoma cy wher peopleould wch ink about that task alone f a trial were more tha3000 people were killed. >> againi sai, so what? >> it has been de. >> im tayg it i poib banmeans. s cplicat. t supaslrdy tre erre noorexns t be puin.
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atheilnnmelraon a e stt sceeee. eueioofhether aud will tnsr nufr t sohernistric to sowhe se ione th wle testg wchlaou onhi seo mhtonder the psili o trsfri tse ceso rete cou ia ch me ruletting wreve stng i tn wil b imdieldeifd, wre seri wl bincu mped that they e yi he. wodotaye sul trsf theasbu t out is trui. >>hehohtfrafein him to the mdl o ksa - dino kw iits
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gharor aitm. >>mactoheueio o deing emomtants a thise movinorrd right n i ileriin thnd t judicl brlandetng gntam os ive we, b t su ino resvey me tolloi is tre way f iertial a iertialou t aesrctour nios we fe is n a ith fure? >>henid ste srtg eusdminisation d ntui tthoba adniraon iotarf riminacotysm, so in tt aonarr.
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ppenedn teaim i igal t ute ste to t pitn tt t wt heaorpusas n avlae r daiesn gutamo bau ca, n t it steasovei i anna. i e me hea shang. e joty ofhe hds sho t supre crt th was a ricou ntti,ut ty vero atndai ido n me ffen wheerheri o e it steunecse eseoererine o r,nd no cournyerca juca t stu o prons war.
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eroemitha ind prcies oinrnional l, prons w mayot b inrrat, d t purpo ofhenvti ts tery s pmintroti' dometimnfce teogio so t geren isakg eosion tt ey e iser o w a the cotsant ierne, d can introtende n srard intertialawit reectoha iergaon. onhi tt will ba ep foarf taeereov illins aile at atueiowi reach a del crtani veer
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at0: easrn tunal seic fenylni reestativeoh mth w dias wk. hele saksncde rm presintlion, hse ear ncyeli,emrs o ngssanmita lde. moat sat fay -- ev bhnnnc hwi n rufo rleio thisea hepo t rorrs f 1 minute [alae] >>haouor a mh, a anyofoakgffod. inoy'reer bus a per- ryrafuor tangour ti. wodiktockwlgeom peop ia eade o atud
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rs my we,hoor5 yrs hato b my se ditut wheovan spo s muc hai ve aomisd ul nere psie. myatherole ohe d i waaredyoefinity rrdp sendmy wonrf bsbe andic- b a nk,whi lo s mh. inthr faths eos ort -mo iorntob wi er ve ma of tene membe w ha worke sarnd cric s mhor t op o our ste there'noonho wld he woedororewouoing sothg se mo iornt, am gtel he pplfndnaho rlmt uaerf ceuryavplacedheru
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delren hds boou a f gat boss oa bter hor. wld rse -i waid a mi tt bies publi seicishereesalng th wt matrssot wt yotakenif b wt y gi bk. bie tt sll r a madtif, ha be pvigeto svehe pelef dia. i wk t ror o ectn ws iuralvotes un cast ve ithlost ngssna re t cotrfoa mbf t pote pty ovnor, wkewi a outainteo laehe buet, cax, larst sulus inta hto, cat e stobigea, crsethos fding,ak lle me aorbl a rerm hlt ce,reed
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mo stear a any te sie t 10'anraedhe nay f vle cme i have ctied tfightor thesinrest oouste. woedn t defenecr, fecice oer sll reeaonal vic, and ny mo- aos sel,nd many re cmpn eaufur ldrso keurth he the eipnthe nd i bale and t hltcahe see en ty tu home. i he teee aony vce fobancg e bge. havwoeditemra, puics, andepennt ale dhe ni's busine ia y tts mp donruiv i ftuteoav gd frndonllid oth sl setnghas re
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th ititisn needf gnict refm d erar nyonrf peoe er e blic wlde rpse dleedo ow ttho o rv them nyhe sete dpiheolicy d licaifree,re fainy rdwoinan detetohe pli. i llisth. ptilay lu m retish wh a sat a ha ft tt a sats ul he e cpeti retish we eoy t stutn ul ba bte ac myecioshld n rle veel un our psint i okorrdoorngit hi dinthe nt mth t geou dic uerç ctr, t the ony movin a guteal seeto aid furerisndefm edatn so tt l o childranull the g- ven penal th isheightgea r era. eciowas notaty potilircumsnc. enn eurntolic
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vironmt, a condend e osctfo rlectio fiveim or eas24 ar iaveehorey thpelefndnait eltoral ccs. nngorheak oinng anleiotoemn in pli fi is nogo eugndt haner bn at h titeme athi te, spl bie at c best contbu t soetananhe w, crti js bhelpinto gw itbune. helping gue ititi of hier lrng or hpi r a wohy criblor phanthroc deor in csi, t s ts. wos nn cve, r c i adualyxpssyratu t gat pplf dia. wlev fgeho iav en prile toer a the oavso kdly suord . have alws ietoembe th mobs wk for ssrsothe oth w
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arnd amonstany miedhaf shgt d.oueov priccould meik dia, washiton wode tt pce t eirayeeand abin loveorur cnt a my oimmorurute. there dfiltim f amic heee dfiltay before we will e bte ds ce. wi a o o flt w a anxctialatn. i okorrd tcoinngo do my pt, t bt t chleese fe arite cize, two f sutns no sga. prre, t lics sohaou gerio c d wh arins hav aay de, toony o childnnd erica atstrgesre osro, reect, a
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mo jt. ank yoll aga. y d esyo a. ppus myççç>> my thchid mentied dungheriefing tte teeng rlectio i esntlldueo e ptin sh a cgo is. coulthee ytngls bend ts decion >> ithe i iwod ce a th bge scks ta's newsas hesot seby o h er ha ahiff o snd asciedithi >> ts was n eecd a. n ait i edo ep bk little t. aboutwwesgo, iad bn ckgç ttomim h wod tun i madalthal ais ies dolicllsll
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blican chanes . thny peopleinafr the roh arthat sa n etthat ev bayh w ore than rctedf ran. the door is wide open now. isoi tdend onwhether thea caide o cdie to publi that does not divide the y, look anoint ect a athsa, tim tha tan somebody. theom with the petition signatures to bonheal art. thwod have to co tomorrow and have themerfi id. is a dauntig task. oranik theta ctr cmittee is goingo ve clee ou a anda. ba dt to say who
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that might he names we are coming up with bonl. alys h tempestuous d me of the cles what mabest canditei do nnow. isery exed a us icod considerable money and party upport. b aellsworth -- ad reerti thaa t doctsy set f aighunkf e ate. hs avistar lksnde cod aecom on thi ome pelee area on havaladsa inud a yh
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asd sty h lantic a pacificces ll tthnoh sh non-tantowrs in anada and mexico. it lg afficult me forny thre to that vereig sink in t nat nsir, foti the 20ceurth country engagedlolo and ctly wars cti men and mey i did not even speak tho colited aoly tertialngagemt lled elarthony riouly audiblnaon scuioof athg at mi beroperlyalled americanoveity hy would callur national inngh
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thre is no lgeanhing inenabt . th be ca t h cme to cost is the subje o fin iscussion. iitroduce tpanelis heder in which they will sak to er wch hey wi, eyan s oa qu o another. anbeushe sct w ais tnkhat mit an opportunity we willovide you with the oortuni to ga tm. heay isng. had a veryich ti of t i pehayou will cfi yrslfto questions at i becau irydy wll
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hebeulupo here r rst speakewibe micha mu who a prcticing a de lyereg w n a wyergain. giinin 988 and for 18 earase deral diri jgen oewyoruding tenurechf st tt cou fr 2000 to 200 welonat cort, amously id ngth cases over the al prosecutiono spteor whom sentencing ow up th rld trade center, he w qui t li for
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coined journalism, pol r journistuedhe ill., religion at wheaton l lio grea effecty g d vi i shing and -- washingtond. hwrde lished several books. i it one book. he aegar comnt on a religion andulture for npr afascatg yog instutn iha oy celyavherd about. isaninstitution of higher edaton whh is located in estate buildi and is w all be very mch
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o lere about ts rd on our panel isudi rossette, a journalist w h spe are dl tme reportg tt rk and d bural plaf eric sreigntcaedhe ted nations. norasheo ar as i a yil n suffeed diminuti eher in val what l fe smartsy enng manyrs stengtoscussions and toundetand the real plicatnsf official cuments i dk plac ow shet, to , i cannot say er earlyoculations
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avtoo thha sheoihe wall j the diri pe re of e asn ural in6,pe imin mco w o the tenement square pro. shnow w week comn fo forbes"and has wonhe mighter peaward r the centeror serity. many years ct who th maybe five yeadoctors who wa maybe five years old was lookig okf 1000 paes sitting on her father' k.
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emp methods. re aicat the crensr, heolw-up iif nwhat have oposed? in t iere olaty, i thouhtwhat i would do is get ut of t wa i as planning on hang so ca myn inmake two pnt bere ike an aem an t qstns ornavehat i might prose anybody i have ulbeherincip inumt rtrrorist designs on theni er back in the 1990's when wprtr url stet of the sever ris for terroris that w utheoked at the concrete barriers and looked at
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the le id what hee we doing s n a legal problem. thtae be ges h thweannot ki o w o th. there may be different views bo tt t telloue nn cvi o wut of it, th. irt m ppuse] wsset i t going to resve our struggle th islamist fanatics. t ntto tatthe questions i have l withth erso tse questions c be inocnly political y congssn the esidentndt an aweth t spo of
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na ihae to give an h dithe form or the socedent questio of who it iwere anst, w wish punish and f wh? it is emot aer at shou bprided branch yet that seems o os is, at lea athe momen. ba to thesigned questions. teta is simply to say noo e rsquti. d itstruck -- deiled ascpt. sumi whise w ierti dcuion. i nnkha fair to ther you op i tnk we have to examine why he er.
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thfit subsidiarystonis hat iav pce tay the answ to that inot at c asof today, what weavin pce are crg ihe september 11 s isuntry. one of those peles d inhe 199boing --omng of l ast june was being held in uantanamo. osobeg atemito blow up an aiin a ithose ou b brought up ifera. interestingly, t christmas day ber, allg christmas d bomber -- >>se >> h aea b ict.
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and hicase i. t ptemer 20 dennts who d enhaed a liomssn way start trial his past fall haveotetee arin new york court were thre to be tried because as far w esnd he embassyomngnt wold have be crg wh partipiin aoode more had remained in uantana ba as twene time of the embas bo ovhes oughto the u.s. or ictmenwapeinagns hiarinas bomng fr fean he enri f thoe a cvied. en ddant wh f tt was ot tried becaue s bng he nam one of scars in an espe
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aem a w t f that instead. onof guards. to cote further, uretne w were cored in bite it in a civilian court or pn th ss olear tedre amilitary commiion. the administration haclosed uantanamo. ide t re? guholdart with the lo of fai wva contions --lawofar is syic countries they take on the obligations to hade ifd teapons that e open carrie, ll cogzechain cmando
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u could tell thatheir soldiers and can diseupand held accountable if they break th rules. alsoopar of vid ns likeoin s. in return, the soldiers who bed e leatiedo hany eaed ifapture annotoe qued diseorma beyond the owmiliame, rk,nd sianuer. as to t orilla notyass t ha coanand ssly geting civilians, they are ot of heneva convention and in ft can be chargedit cron talefe li commissios a i -- af te ecud. befohe convention was leading on
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mitary lahaa or descrii tcod be haned they could be handled summari which means ep againsthi wa, weilbeityoin men mila ed bth country en fore theennv pridnt washington used them totry he relshe whieylion afr e sainionf raham lincol thinvolv werbefo mitry coison as scribd, the story of gerurso landed in florida and long ied by mitary wheseopd, the in uno th t brett d uniforms onheea arlyuld seem arre. that oanion oft rt. when y are most likely to be
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cap wst and cng r ots? thy understod tt thatas heosvuer petindre molikelyo cd. thothing i kow firsthand. he only credible elaon be ae he l a colorful argumet tt erwe tbe reeds isoners of ecn ifm th thn as unlawful combatants. they landed in uniform and took the trouble to barry did unifos and and into iviliaclhebeusev en,hiina rm ufo ll t veeemu oa n [lht] corast tthatctof kaidomm id i ile y n york thy
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laer ha ce long wa i am suggesti to ts notecsalyroes should also te youat he his ne aitft h asueson vors ng whatre unfounely referredto as interrogation techniques. sabe no ne to flinch but was a coldinofnfmaon-- mi nfmation ta over miris s out, fr th government's sndin is th thinudrules th allow evidencto reiv mple and straightforward stad. f ceev espear to be reliable?
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f a soldier captured seby who n iunorm is lad , it d be sible to gain in . if the soldier questions atosemtsane us bora liry mionen if no miranda nings were. the military commission stem v mity wyhoas cedures and there are prg clsiednfma that allow them to be used without comprosiional cuty tt anna ilus muimlin-dollar secu ectnisyemor anicl ior tt n ttt fm n e ld and made pnt -- d maintains cury.
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rules are sometimes onstitutionally at cnot perm o ocot staten tbeno evidcendeqretrt adherence to otherul tt chartezeheyste skewfafe sy bas on the mption that is better for 0 guilty defendants too ee hafooo ceecseheals ate fe as a due process, incding t rht lyes to ct tnse tht a spdy tral and the like re of verridig poan a c yi a c a ondlyng military commission and the procedures used in such is a h highr valuen tion ecur thraic cseen o is at whethoe se at toiviacot, a ateaof t edee thato ud mitary esoth gethanbe presented in
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mitary courts cannot be sentedn vians becae e ssr cae inng thhaesou rui dcluroflaified formatn under conditns tht could not sure it is beng protected. in order to dealit anr aniviacotsweav e up to the simple truh nait cfrt last terorist hought we ossed thatrie be hve se to have req -- rrose since. iiseninart o showhr cnot perform te st t mst basic ske ment protect them and keep them aliv e y at i arntorsing ciln
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ur aal i aat dadnte cause am n ausof civian cos. those who are make several aruments they auehat we eheey befu thist. wevee emndhe he enns in number, tho of been few and thave com es co thencdi n oy bsntal costs of mntni cury r l rtipts b wth hienos, wl. f emp, e lesppled ar the same asppliednd utine cminal sewith i ol drug-trafficki or any other ims of manolly -- han flyhaarusll prece andardsequineasy access bau audge i tryi tsuress evice. hat relaed standa is gog
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e repld applied in routi ca rulingscahave eof influencing the tandpph cases the detrime o crin dendant beseul of evidence, procedure d civilianas a id orodendts e f gatisan seite foatn at ho oe kt nfenal s released because th defendant has a right to this -- to c dcoryo av cro emiti where he tries to make it appear that t verenisryg he somein the ca a t befe t goverenw qutodisclose routinly itnc a ns ce, a list of the
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o- government is requiredo spify whthe other members of heonira because the admissibility of omceepenpon who on lt d o n ndemn theovnmt rves sh a list andf fod outh whin weof the ov lt, thistncled taof then relave uno man med thou to ande ndsf ama binnd h identity was known and e enty alsknwn as the participants in theloeing rocu re havbe otherroem awell. moussawi su rof thettack but was
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prevented from doing sbeus heas ad an grioniolion weeks earlier eaed g atot in t sidsentencing roceeding alok over one year. its t neet e'nomu cfo evein t rect fian tibye court of ppeals edat had he not eaded guilty a ge iheay he enntle ccs are dal of entive iortionrn the ia sentencing into a circus. le of tca lready been learnebymm t neyo. k hwaed to plead henhe was goingto be be a li with the opportuni s this lit, rtul
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ineh gui ph hemeekly changed his mind when e astold he wou be ted a civilian. been in large measure becau he cledn his nstituon rhto a lawy ia constuon rht t est himsf. if cos to that, he willavaccesso l inftil haac to, and he wil he the ggt aginheorld oh d wter dtre chooses and less hecoed by a judge which is afio th argaten we put le itovilian uphold the ruleof l bustly. we pplbe they dhichserl e r e rld. t shis
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the rule of aw by dng that. w aw byayg at ave ene coo inla and eoe subsibto tm d tred a particular way and if y t theke them, eh ot car ws utu comm rders, notnly to you g ated gt aw,y get at en tter bauou et a i suggt you e isot thatomhi anothariion t argument is that trying unlawf mnwill lead t estaistotaarof stice. s.
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as ilary coissions appeared to be the only e . e es i our mity alterve form? a are stituted, i wonder. thjoiso gwars, n ti sytem. rich peope aan ith miry fg wars t people he way ple advancin the mitary is bfightingrs a tnk isr hermbe ack enthusiasm fmeairsnd executioners. ugt e military commissions before, icha nerd thla of an tuesday as some i ention would eventuay express se and aacof ef
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-thoenussms ntiod uld eventual erts itsel itas boneat h t talndmmitment that the justie emt osecutors and defense lawyers. h vell ve tha aesto sh peop. bendhat, canot give yu a lurintorn teate form. i caonly s imust clad infoatn,oes not provide pragdata f oto t us. iveubsntl ubt abt aor have not. ankouermu.
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>s eat to be wih yo people wring anork i flod r nuer ys iis dig tbeithhem and to meet them inerson. i it was john adams speson, i he myu think it was atoms on masoderibd an w h tt silence. madisokn wn aknd hetotoue as itamic fm brkl, dinohaveha ft. ll do my st on tie and the bris ofthe great corrosive nioal sorenty eatens the united atess alments e sat on tonptf ameran eeptionis want to ta aout the retish benhaan
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hedeaant idls tt a ed wh ceptna f there is nothing disncvely ior about america's emratic ealstis, the utest inomu ferenthatited esth no reason to reject the eof miliry muli-raso. theriso aso be epticalf inteationa tintns e'ea rest e collective will ofhe ntnaon cmuty whev tt . po sndg death ofi american deathsm r meme americ exceptionalism. he problisttud ot only it makesca moe vuerab tthe
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rr vas and lawsof sorent artemericain ecaak oinrnion eson it is almost certaino strethenhe teors,spots atrs aroundhelo. e r lindingy ear best hope intertial cury and e omi doctic idlsiswhen the uni i a morally sober about i ashe nation g nations. ' strll ba f a mute if we to the sumer of 15. e e othwain thwarjapanese is ng remember the mitary situation. t setmy having belatedly joed the aedfobe er is--cu m
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of sepstins ghning his comp er poland an germy. where aedat and thir democrat althis mom the americabrish fo preparing o thaw re zesf cutiin rmd ecslak. th'reki p t--la to tirrms. thar ompletthmostap demilization in history. thm miiometo 1 mlion men. y fr 8 ll 1 milon men winston churchill sent a note to psinruaesge fedth anxiety. >>pr t europn tuion. theewaps a c
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the movements of the armies europe. a wk d ffulto deawi. wh h cng? anybody c tatnd very t ac time, arm powone continent wil hae re iis vit tco to an erstanding that the ruia me t foree r esorll the sovietsre in mod test resolve and they are in a position to do so. soertwen d 20etivisions ccupying the ete regions ofthe american, british, and fnch between the si t tst cos in summer of 1948. ju 2 the soviets e blockade of
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erlin. to cowegeny fr he western controlled zones tit no fuel can make its way to wt berlin. k about th iim truman's assementsoon hasat e url as e rt of strugg ov tto the security of the rest of democratic europe. berls s merica and thee' dedication t fo ur dayinto thereo tels his cabinet th al h not want to start a war ith soets ote ot and t cy. wargog sy. nobo co u that docicesident--ccused tatnt differing-- drin
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alost inhe cet thinks ican thofvisersho theldin than othsoet trumthe to ta nds the results because he derandst cut t o basic body be o biein t dignity omaan thvomef mfe ef n juste and freedom atckost d tseals. itattacks archche crt o democratic form of government. pu states is to defend te spitulu, the ral deagnst ce vil ee destroy them. rum regn ture thrt tomeancurity a asovereignty. he iz tt readn rt
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cau hunrsod pupo hr beuse hendst tgr rpe. s than one week after the soet wte pot wereanng almost minu by mite deer00onof odser d. over the ne ye deler 1.6 mli ts fod anfuel wi th o soys in air. y do not kn how is going to dy idt have the hdsight of history. t, eye ergh, for20ay ay 12, 194he soviet union bac andtalin lift the blckade. t arican adsh. um d n seek apoval m the u.n.i coc oerrescue berlifrom
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s here is the vital lesson. dplayf ragi courage sndownyrans inconceivale apart fr belief in ari eceptsm ithis belief gued oubrkft w urbravest and eaders in times of sife. it t ckba idot courage and wisdom to he season of itability and threat. whaarweo ? outa iboth 1 a negat andpive. we need treathelahat
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thu.s. emonic and arrogant er seeki im destroy it. we heath a t te. ju r ri per s mst soy. natiasor shouve the or picy of mhteresa. wet ves n a f pifm. treald substantial il nations as we have heard. thisa k irung t ma administration. ofe habits and the of the rings. early o even as trd maesarisnttins dybhosts h will, nt to
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leave the comfort of thehi d fa t world aiteally i frheid b and fen. president oba li hes under no illusions. hese pasa lot. isis rst iat nern a disturbed ind in isncent, lveral that e prec it cannot d alert and cougee relit ann oled xtmis what that es is that the pmi a --e esen is clingi togy ia it lghle it laugblat claims t greathrti reast
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letse w by uch have the decnd consisteno ti to the monae whe ev pfeios's found heir asylum. liisiberaha iqe. heastoon american ic policies. th foetheas onmpo ofibal s loping t democracy an that dpised e ct osi arica's ds to avonfg ou ideologies t md isonsed anllusions, its ict recognize acievements of jti
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eemoal to ua theaings arican society with the otoliri ste thisis t posture of various li who claim that th ambitions of osama bad ieiparall a t ge his doc an. both figus cointo h a othetent onradically chng t mdlea which brs th io de ioth caus gr mischief. the aic psint the aaleda in a colaborative mhe is wt we ht?
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to insiat the the strengedina fierce ragher to andha ando marginalize and sl n the ans motives. wo vi thearti oferis the bulwaof mo the wold today. [applause] she brk ofrdom a mo he story line i well know ad eang ince years. the peope ththcycal wor ofan sufri. orna pplarndhe wo, from every continent, are inlyamiawi
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ameriangenerotynd ndiclues. op mia elites and th're emotiolhiedllies ollywood will not tellou heir. ofheseoplere wiss oamicnfen oroold. yes, for good. t mim ma stes findmeca pce hereed ee a fed oregire pbl ilies displaceby istershose he restoed beusamic relirks e e rs the scene. the victims ofhe virusn re clmedy micine's ortbyers. whaabt pleof ir they live in constnt dreadof sa'ambers a mass graves -'s torture chamber ut thentvention ohe mirthere would be no
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ho of epiheadal ruliofhealin. did not hear mch abhei lis. t soldiers a viae countries will tell ou that ppo forhe eor t rebud these brokenocieties strong ned this american freedom and demcy which aam linco forgettably bst p of earth. wmustttto about ari. t s unrstood tter tn ronald reagan. a farewell address to the nation, i amrenyyou mbt,e flect imathe unitedtas a edhim to bri h eightears in th al offe. hi auts enouhi authatmage is batng ark amand hiinn
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ci. he tel the story of a sailor the caimidwat e e 80's no les aegal notes aoat fi chse rge. one spted thsoion deck, ood u a cledt to hollow, freedoman. we believing i amissho f omritsnduman ka thope at least on s side have nobody to blame but ourselvesheoufreedo gtevore. amcanoveigy pens amrianxceptionali th depends t sriof
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