tv [untitled] CSPAN March 10, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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sympathy and appreciation to his wife and three children, enrique, who is a prosecutor, daniel and eric, and the entire family, friends, and former colleagues of the drug enforcement administration. it's important that we focus on securing and enforcing our southern border so that these past sacrifices and the future endeavors by those in the d.e.a. are not in vain and, mr. speaker, we in san diego honor to be home to this legacy of kiki camarena and his family. i yield back the balance of my time. . mr. johnson: i yield back. mr. poe: mr. speaker, the special agents that work in the government enforcement -- drug enforcement administration, the d.e.a., are special agents indeed. many times they work alone, they work deep undercover.
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they work not only in the united states but in foreign countries and they work for the soul purpose of trying to capture -- sole purpose of trying to capture those outlaws who are in the drug business, who in the name of money try to sell their wears and profit on that illegal -- wears and profit on that illegal enterprise that is an international crime cartel syndicate. our d.e.a. agents do a wonderful job. we sometimes forget the work they do. and this is just one of many who have worked and dedicated their lives to helping to protect the rest of us. as my friend from california, mr. hunter, has pointed out, much of this violence occurs on our borders because the drug cartels operate on international borders. our border with mexico especially, the because the drug cartels in the name of money are very violent, they are well armed, they are well financed and they will do anything in their relentless efforts to bring drugs into the united
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states. we need to be aware that they have committed a war against the united states and all people who oppose their activities. and so the quite appropriate that today we honor and commemorate the life of one of those special agents who gave his life trying to protect us from the drug cartels. with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is will the house suspend the rules and agree to house resolution 1115. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the resolution is agreed to and without objection the motion to reco is erid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? mr. johnson: mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h.res. 1061.
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the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 1061, resolution honoring the heroic actions of court security officers stanley cooper, deputy united states marshal richard j. "joe" gardner and los angeles metropolitan police department and the court security officers in responding to the armed assault at the lloyd d. george federal courthouse on january 4, 2010. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from georgia, mr. johnson, and the gentleman from texas, mr. poe, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia. mr. johnson: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the resolution under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. johnson: and i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. johnson: mr. speaker, this resolution honors the heroic
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actions of court security officer stanley cooper, deputy united states marshal richard j. "joe" gardner and the law enforcement officers of the united states marshal service and las vegas metropolitan police department as well as the court security officers involved in responding to the armed assault at the lloyd d. george federal courthouse in las vegas, nevada, on this past january the 4, 2010. on january 4, 2010, a man entered the lobby of the lloyd d. george federal courthouse, pulled a shotgun from underneath his jacket and began firing indiscriminately from outside the security area where visitors passed through the metal detectors. through a swift response, law enforcement officers were able to chase the gunman from the
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courthouse and ultimately sub due him. court security officers and members of the united states marshal service and the las vegas metropolitan police department acted bravely to subdue the gunman and minimize risk and injury to the public. without regard to their own safety, they performed their duty and protected all who were present in the courthouse that day from the threat of deadly harm through their swift and effective response. court security officer stanley cooper was a 26-year veteran of the las vegas metropolitan police department and worked as a courthouse security officer since 1994. on january 4, 2010, officer cooper was fataly wounded and died heroically in the line of duty while protecting the employees, occupants and
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visitors at the courthouse. deputy united states marshal richard j. "joe" gardner was wounded in the line of duty while protecting the employees, occupants and visitors of the courthouse and this slaying and wounding of these two officers is a sobering reminder, mr. speaker, that law enforcement officers put themselves in danger -- dangerous situations every day in order to protect and serve the citizens our country. through our recognition today of the exemplary actions of these officers, we are celebrating the nameless unrecognized acts of bravery and service performed every day by our brothers and sisters in law enforcement. by way of this resolution, the house of represents commends the
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-- representatives commends the brave actions and quick thinking of the court officers, united states marshals and the las vegas metropolitan police department in responding to the assault at the lloyd d. george federal courthouse and it also extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of officer cooper who valiantly gave his life in the line of duty and it wishes deputy gardner a speedy recovery from the wounds that he sustained in the line of duty on that day. all these officers are heroes. we hope their families will take pride and in the case of officer cooper, a small measure of consolation and comfort in the knowledge that their actions were recognized by this body and they are celebrated today. i urge all of my colleagues to support this important
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resolution and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from texas. mr. poe: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. poe: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in total support of house resolution 1061, honoring the heroic actions of court security officer stanley cooper, deputy united states marshal richard j. "joe" gardner and the law enforcement officers of the united states marshal service, the las vegas metropolitan police department and the court security officers in responding to an armed assault at the lloyd d. george federal courthouse. on the morning of january 4, 2010, an armed gunman walked into the las vegas courthouse and opened fire. fataly wounding court security officer stanley cooper, seriously injuring marshal j. "joe" gardner. the valiant efforts of these men saved the lives of many people in the courthouse in a time of tragedy and crisis, cooper and
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gardner responded immediately with selfless courage, placing the lives of others before their own. court security officer cooper lived hads i life protecting the lives of other people. and after 26 years of service with the las vegas metropolitan police department he retired to work at the las vegas courthouse as a security officer. it was here that officer cooper died valiantly defending the halls of justice. for even after being fataly wounded he continues to try to subdue the gunman. ultimately ensuring the safety of those that were in the courthouse that kay -- day. we join in the sorrow of his family and mourn of loss of this great individual. his legacy of a life dedicated to public service will not be forgotten. in the moments that followed the fatal shooting, deputy united states marshal joe gardner and six other members of the united states marshal service, las vegas metropolitan police department and court security officers acted swiftly to subdue
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the gunman. deputy united states marshal joe gardner suffered gunshot wounds to his upper arm and we are grateful his life was not lost on that tragic day and we honor his courageous actions as well. the memory of that day serves as a haunting reminder of the dangers that our law enforcement officers face each day of their lives. in a split second on a quiet monday morning it can turn into a battle between those who seek to harm innocent people and those who give their lives fighting to protect those same individuals. today we honor officer cooper, deputy united states marshal gardner and law enforcement officers across this country. we remember the high price they pay for answering the call of duty and they are on duty every day. the tragic events that occurred on january 4, 2010, will be remembered by all of us. we will not forget the heroic -- heroism and patriotism that was shown by officer cooper and deputy u.s. marshal gardner and the six other brave men and women.
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i urge my colleagues to support this resolution. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from georgia. the gentleman from georgia. mr. johnson: yes, mr. speaker, at this time i will yield five minutes to the distinguished representative from nevada, dina titus. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady nevada is recognized for five minutes. ms. titus: thank you. mr. speaker, i rise today in strong support of house resolution 1061. as you have heard, on january 4, 2010, an armed assailant with a history of violent behavior opened fire at the lloyd d. george federal courthouse in downtown las vegas. the brave security personnel at the courthouse, u.s. marshals and other emergency responders acted quickly and valiantly to ensure the safety of courthouse staff, visitors and other
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bystanders in the area. tragically, however, officer stanley cooper was fired upon by the gunman and later succumbed to his wounds. officer cooper had previously served as a las vegas metropolitan police officer for 26 years and had been a security officer at the courthouse for 15 years. he was a familiar face, a friendly hello when you walked in the building and a personal who gave his all to the job of protecting others. deputy u.s. marshal richard j. "joe" gardner, a member of the u.s. marshal service for the past 24 years, was also there. he bravely chased after the suspect and was shot in the arm. the courthouse, which is home to many federal offices and courts, including the u.s. district court of nevada, stands for justice and liberty for all americans and fairness for all who enter. the building opened in 2002 and was one of the first new federal
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buildings to be constructed according to safety standards that went into effect after the tragic oklahoma city bombing. those safety standards, combined with the bravery of the courthouse security force, ensured that no citizens were injured, the shooter did not get past security checkpoints, the situation was resolved quickly and all of the judges and people who work in the building or who were there visiting were safe. i wish deputy u.s. marshal gardner a speedy recovery and i offer my deepest condolences to the family of officer stanley cooper. today we honor their brave service to our community. so i would urge you to join me as my colleagues in supporting this resolution, a companion of which is already passed by our senate colleagues. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas. mr. poe: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from georgia. mr. johnson: mr. speaker, i would now yield to the
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distinguished congresswoman from nevada, shelley berkley, for as much time as she may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from nevada is recognized for as much time as she may consume. ms. berkley: thank you, mr. speaker. i appreciate the congressman yielding. i particularly want to thank my colleague from nevada, dina titus, for introducing this resolution. i think it's very important to honor those in las vegas who have given so much to their country. i rise today in strong support of this resolution and the law enforcement personnel who put their lives at risk every day in order to protect their fellow americans. today we honor two nevadans, heroes. stanley cooper and joe gardner, for their courageous actions while protecting the staff and visitors at the lloyd jo george federal courthouse -- lloyd george federal courthouse in las vegas, nevada. officer cooper was downed during
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this sentless -- senseless act of violence and gave his life while bravely serving his country. we should never forget the heroic sacrifice he made and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family. u.s. marshal gardner thought quickly and acted bravely in responding to the armed assault and i wish him a speedy recovery from the wounds he received in the line of duty. i also commend the other court security officers, u.s. marshals and the las vegas police department, metropolitan police department for their quick and courageous response to this attack and for protecting the public and preventing further loss of life. this resolution honors these public servants' courageous actions and officers -- and officer cooper's legacy of bravery and selflessness. this resolution serves as a tribute not only to officer cooper and u.s. marshal gardner but to all public servants who put their lives on the line daily while serving their country. i encourage my colleagues to
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support this measure, but if i may take an additional minute, for those of us fellow citizens who are so frustrated with their government or so angry with life or with what is happening in this country or in their lives, there has to be a better way than this to express your anger and frustration. in the aftermath of these tragedies, the government continues to function, congress continues to meet, life goes on except for the perpetrators, their lives don't go on. more aurn than not they are brought down -- more often than not they are brought down. their families are destroyed and can't figure out why their loved ones reacted in this manner and the misery they caused to their innocent fellow citizens who are
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only doing their jobs is beyond mention. . do not do this, it creates a misery in this country that has no place in the united states of america. with that i yield back the balance of my time. and again offer officer cooper's family my condolences and officer gardner a very speedy recovery. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas. mr. poe: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. poe: thank you, mr. speaker. having spent 30 years at the courthouse in houston as a prosecutor and judge, all in the criminal courts building, i'm very familiar with the individuals who work in the white house to -- courthouse
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who protect those who come to the seat of justice to seek grievances against our government. and throughout those years it became obvious to me that the way in our country we settle disputes is at the courthouse. where we have two sides. sometimes more than two sides. show up to argue their case and there is a ruling by the judge on the law. but sometimes as in this case people show up at the courthouse and wish to take matters in their own hands in a violent manner. and we have folks at the courthouse who protect us as not just lawyers and judges but protect those people who come to the courthouse to have justice, to seek justice. and those people in our system are called security officers, or bailiffs as they are called in texas, more than once, unfortunately, i ever seen and had the unfortunate issue of having people not agree with
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what took place in the courthouse, got out of control, but yet those security officers, those bailives -- bailiffs were there to protect the seat of justice. these are examples of two of those who were -- one was killed and one was wounded in making sure that justice prevails in our justice system and the law cannot be taken advantage of in a violent manner. so we honor those individuals. not just these two but the others that helped out the las vegas metropolitan police department, but all those court officers that work every day in every courthouse in the united states to make sure we have a secure and safe justice system. with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from georgia. mr. johnson: thank you, mr.
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speaker. january 4, 2010 was a monday morning. first monday morning of the year. of the new year. and this incident happened that morning. monday mornings are always very busy if not the busiest times at courthouses throughout america. people are coming in to litigate their disputes, to answer calendar calls, to answer trial calendars, they are witnesses who have subpoenaed, there are jurors who come to court having been notified that they need to be there. the courthouse workers, and of course you pass-through
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security just like we do here at the united states capital and in our legislative office buildings. you pass-through security. sometimes when people are in a hurry, they get a little antsy and they take that out on the security officials. but i'll tell you despite all that was going on that morning, judge poe, as you well know these things that i just spoke of, on that day a madman entered the courthouse and struck at a very soft part of security, that is when you walk right in the door, before you go through security. and he ended up killing in the
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midst of all of that activity going on, he killed officer stanley cooper and he wounded marshal joe gardner. and had it not been for their selfless and professional conduct at the time, there's no doubt that others could have lost their lives or been wounded as well. so everywelfare reform we have security checkpoints, the officers -- everywhere where we have security checkpoints, the officers deserve our respect, our cooperation, and they deserve our recognition as well for the fine jobs that they do. i want to take this opportunity to let all of those folks on
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the frontlines know that we here in congress regardless of part affiliation -- party affiliation, we appreciate their service to us. and lastly, we wish the family of officer cooper as well as the u.s. marshal, deputy marshal joe gardner and his family the best in the future. thank you. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia yields back the balance of his time of the the question is will the house suspend the rules and agree to house resolution 1061. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the resolution is agreed to, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan rise? >> mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and call up h.r. 4783 and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 4783, a bill to accelerate the income tax benefits for charitable cash contributions for the relief of victims of the earthquake in chile and to extend the period for which such contributions for the relief of victims of the earthquake of haiti may be accelerated. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from michigan, mr. levin, and the gentleman from illinois, mr. roskam, each will control 20 minutes much the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. levin: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material in the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. levin: in addition, mr. speaker, the ranking member, david camp, is not here today
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because of a death in his family and the distinguished gentleman from illinois is going to be handling the time on the minority side, and i ask on behalf of my colleague and friend, mr. camp, and the gentleman from illinois, that the nonpartisan joint committee on taxation, that they be asked to make available to the public a technical explanation of the bill, the technical explanation expresses the committee's understanding and legislative intent behind this important bill. it's available on a joint committee's website at, and is listed under document number j.c.x. -- jcx-08-10. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. levin: ok.
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so we rise today on this very important bill. it would allow charitable contributions to victims of the chilian earthquake on or before april 13 of this year, the tax return deadline, to claim these deductions on their 2009 tax return. of course absent this change, taxpayers would need to wait until next year to claim a deduction for these contributions. in addition, this is very important, the bill would provide taxpayers with a little more time relating to the victims of the haitian earthquake so that they can make charitable contributions through april 15, extending it beyond march 1. let me if i might say just a
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few words. i think all of us know graphically what is involved here. and the -- i checked and the catastrophe in haiti is the most -- is the largest of its kind on record in the western hemisphere. m -- we have also seen the catastrophe in chile. and i think all of us want to be sure that the american people can join together to express their aligns with the people -- alliance with the people of chile and the people of haiti. like lots of families, our family has had a connection with both countries.
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my son, andy, has been to haiti many times. was there as a monitor for one of the elections when there was immense violence, and i was concerned for his safety. and he has continued to -- able to speak to express his interest in haiti. so that's one way in addition to my service in the foreign aid agency that our family has had contact with the people of haiti. i think all of us have had that contact with the people of haiti since the catastrophe. the worst of its kiped on record -- kind on record in the western hemisphere. so i think all of us very much want to be sure that we can express our support, our
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alliance, and to give our charitable contributions. as to chile we know we could see the immense devastation that that country was prepared for an earthquake of virtually any magnitude. but this magnitude, one of the very worst in the history of the country, shook up the country, it took up its foundations in many places, and led to the loss of many, many lives. so i come here today on behalf of the committee, but i think on behalf of all of us in this congress, and i believe the gentleman from illinois and i come here today on behalf of all of the american people and ask that we have
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