tv C-SPAN Weekend CSPAN March 28, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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saying don't do this and none of the tea partiers were there. i think that from day one race was the basis for everything that was going on and i stood in front of the capitol the other night when they voted for the healthcare bill and i was stkwused. disgusted with the representatives in congress, the way they were on the balance connie. i have never seen anything like it. and the words that came out of their mouths, and then to be standing there congratulating the democratic representatives over passing by and to hear the n-word being used by the tea partiers made me very, very sad. there was a whole group of staffers that walked by that got the word used on them and people shouting right in their faces as they were walking back to their office, and these are just
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staffers. i wonder what happened -- we were at all talking about term limits years ago and clean funding of elections. nobody talks about it any more. term limits should have never been dropped as an issue. i think that the filibuster, be careful what you do with the filibuster because it has worked right now and i'm afraid that if we get rid of it we don't know what we are going to get in its place. i think 95% to 97% of representatives are re-elected. in my hometown of los angeles, henry waxman is going to get re-elected no matter what. gene harmon is a progressive candidate but won't be re-elected because three only gets the small donation. see doesn't get the democratic party who backs her from the very beginning and gives her
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$350,000. and i think when we say is the country polarized, all you need to do is be out there and last weekend and see what it was like in front of congress. >> my point was i think that the tea party has been brilliant at creating theater. they create a space where media will come and they are able to present their point of view. i do not know if that is the best way to measure what is happening across the country. they created theater. that is why, to meet -- that is part of the coffee party, is to present a better assessment of what is going on with the majority. i honestly think we represent the silent and extremely frustrated majority.
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we've not been speaking up because we are not going to go out and create theater. i am not going to. this is what we need to figure out. we need to reclaim this public space. thank you again. we can come together like this and feel like we are part of the process. that is why i do not want to create theater. the coffee shop is public. it is communal. we can talk and decide to take action. it would be lovely today if we could come to consensus about what we want to focus on, whether it is campaign finance reform or a focus on civility. whatever it is, let us talk about that. i want to take one more question and then break up into groups were we actually discuss what we can do, what we are going to say to members of congress and their staffers. one more question. andy, i give you that.
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>> they do so much. i want to go back to money and politics. the part of stability that breaks down is when people get so frustrated they feel their voices not being heard. they get angry. the issue of money and politics is not recognized enough in this panel. when you are raising small amounts of money from a whole bunch of people, it is good to engage people. you need their vote. it is part of the democracy. you bring in the $5 person and they feel, when they give that money, they are in for the long haul. the men at the person is elected, that person is never seen from or heard of again. who is this? the large corporation. they get the lion's share at the table. i think that is the problem. we say we are a democracy, but we are really an oligarchy.
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this is a country run by corporate interests. when you have companies that have offices in 49 states and have given to congress $17 million in the last election cycle, it is hard to make your voice heard when you only give a senator $15. you are not going to be heard. you are not going to have your phone call answered. how do we break the lock? we of the district, in the early '90s, passed an initiative called initiative 41. i don't know if any of you remember. it was to limit campaign contributions to $100 for anybody running for office in the district. it passed by 70% of the voters. even with all the money put against it, it passed 70% of the voters. the next legislative session, it was overturned by the city council. it was an unfortunate situation.
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the voice of the people really was not being heard. how do we get rid of the moneyed interests? the media loves the food fights. they love the screaming and yelling at each other. that is what sells media. you know that. our media is dependent on advertising. advertising would pull away from lack of viewership. the media would be dead. money is the issue. we need to get some kind of campaign finance reform that is solid in place. the supreme court decision that was made earlier -- it pulled the veil off of the relationship. it is clear now that we really are run by corporations. . .
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>> it is the root of a lot of the problems we have talked about today. so you are absolutely right to be focusing on that. i think technology is really the key on fund-raising in the sense that technology is what allows candidates to reach that broader group of people in a small amount. i think congress needs to enact some new campaign finance rules. and my understanding of what the administration is going to do now that healthcare reform has been passed the next two issues are, first, financial regulation and addressing that and, secondly, campaign finance reform. so, i think that now is a good opportunity to be talking to members of congress, explaining your point of view, argue on behalf of particular provisions,
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whether it is the matching funds that kind of overmatch small contributions with double or triple the amount of the contribution. those are the types of things. if you are worried about corporate influence in american life those are the things that would make the greatest difference, i think. about corporate influence in american life, those are the types of things that would make the biggest difference. >> would we be able to speak about money if it was not media? >> sherer, i mean, yesterday, just to amplify what dell was saying --%uác> assume the viewes at home know about the supreme court ruled, and we've made reference to it, but to make it lear, the supreme court ruling, the decision was that corporations are the same as individuals when it comes to local speech and are free to spend as much as they want on campaigns. we will see, katie bar the door this fall, we will see what happens with that.
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yesterday, there were two decisions by lower courts, one was individual contributions to advocacy groups may not be limited. someone could form an advocacy group about anything and people could give them as much money as they want. this is a bit nervous making. but at the same time, contributions to political parties can be limited. we will see even more of this third party, independent group spending in the fall, i would predict. as it relates to the media, the financial pressures are very intense right now in the media. it is a difficult time for the media. there is no way to sugarcoat it. it is a difficult time. anyone who has worked in the media for any number of years knows friends who have been laid off, been forced to take buyouts.
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in this room, not to embarrass you or anything, but how many people subscribe to a paper version of a newspaper in this room? well, this is not bad. about 10 people raised their hands. but anyone under 30, you know, nobody subscribes to the paper version of newspapers and magazines the income that they can generate online is much smaller than the display advertising for the department stores and what they used to get in the paper editions. they're having to figure out a new economic model for how to make money on the web. i'm just going to say it. as a journalist who has been a journalist her entire career, sometimes i am forced to write for free. people do not pay me for what i do. as the joker said in batman, if you are good at something on never do it for free.
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but you know, a huffington post is just one example. a lot of people -- places do not pay journalists. it is a very difficult time. and those pressures, you are seeing those pressures. staffs are being cut, media outlets are trying to figure out how they can make money. i think there is a string of sensationalism, and i think to some extent people are to been driven -- are being driven to opinion. i think the media is may be floundering is too strong a word, but i think -- i think the media is -- maybe floundering is too strong a word, but they are trying to figure out to make this new form of communication work for them and find a new economic model. i feel pretty passionately about this, as someone who has spent her whole life as a public affairs reporter, in the same
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way i feel it is vital to have engaged citizenry, it is also vital to have a vibrant, free press. it is very labor intensive to uncover what i'm doing -- to uncover wrongdoing. it is a lot easier to report on britney spears' underpants. the example that i use is the article in the san diego tribune that won a pulitzer a few years ago for uncovering a scandal about duke cunningham, the congressman that art -- that is in jail now for a bribe taking and other things. that bureau now no longer exists. it uncovered that story and it won a pulitzer. and that is the way these things are going. it is a serious, scary time. >> one more question. this is the last one. >> i'm a junior at georgetown
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university. a large part of the platform is changing the way washington works and changing the town and there has been some evidence in the last year that we have seen that. there is a good argument to be made that -- it may be too early to think about this, but [inaudible] what does the panel think about that potential? >> there is a potential for there to be a third party and/or independent candidate in 2012. michael bloomberg, the mayor of new york, there has been speculation about him running as an independent. he would be likely perot in the sense of independent, plus rich.
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-- he would be like perot in the sense of independence, plus rich. if your independent and for running for president, your odds are not very good. -- if you are independent and torpoor running for president, r odds are not very good. >> it is really hard to -- the advantage to that michael bloomberg has is that he can't spend $2 billion and it would not affect his net -- he can spend $2 billion and it would not affect his net worth significantly. but it is very difficult to mount a third party -- going back to teddy roosevelt and the bull moose party at the turn of the century, it is very difficult to mount a third party challenge. so, there's been no history of
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success. i doubt this year -- i mean, i don't think barack obama, we don't know how healthcare is going to play out, but i think people are discontented with congre congress. 2012 is a long way off in politics because two years is a life time. but i don't think the discontent is so high with barack obama that it would be the time to sort of have a really successful third party challenge. i think that is very difficult. >> i just want to say one thing before we conclude the panel. i want to thank darrell and linda for joining this great conversation. i hope you got something out of thatç
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that. i want to say something about in the role of corporate influence, money and politics. it is very easy to become cynical because i think most of us can acknowledge that is true and i think that the way i see it and i would want to encourage you to see it is we do have a democracy in this country. butç it has a giant loophole i it, meaning that corporations that can afford to put resources behind hiring people to influence the government full-time, they are going to have disproportionate influence over our system rightç now. so they are game being the process because there's a loophole in it. but we are voters, this is a democracy and i think this sort of affirms what we have been saying. we have to take control of the situation. as a people. as americansç working together. we have to, i think, start with that agreement, that there is a
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problem with corporate influence in our politics. that the majority of people can agree with. so let's drop with the party politics and focus on close being the enormous loophole. instead of starting at with i'm this, i'm that and we have all of these differences. let's forget the differences for now because this is a political emergency. we are not going to getç anythg done with these problems with the process.ç i just all of us to sort of be able to work together for now without these labels that separate us right now. and focus on this problem that darrell and linda and we have been talking about.ççç
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we would like to see that break because it is an emergency. this is like political 911, like we need help. we have to help ourselves. because noç one else will comen and help us with this. we are the people. we have a right to have control of our government. anything, diane, you want to say? >> to your point, i would say i hope the people in this room, the people watch being at home, those attending coffee party meetings around the country, i hope that they stay involved, that they are still coming to meetings one month, two months, six months down the road. the measure will be the staying power. and if you stay involved and stay active and people are -- members of congress are waiting to see if you will -- if you
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have that staying power, if you will make your voice heard and stick with it. so, i would urge you to do that. >> how many of you right now feel like you can stay you want to work together on this? there you go. can c-span get that? thank you very much and i want you now to see if you can come together in small groups and discuss some of the solutions we have been talking about. thanks again for having us hear. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]
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up next senator mccain campaigning with arizona with former running mate sarah palin. then live at 7:00 "washington journal". >> this weekend on pc-span 2 bok tv the awards ceremony. >> c-span our public affairs content is available on television, radio and online. you can connect with us on twitter, facebook and youtube
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and sign up for the scheduled alert mails at >> senator john mccain kicked off a series of events in his home state as he begins his re-election campaign. the 2008 g.o.p. presidential nominee is running for a fifth term and face as challenge from j.d. hayworth. he spoke at a rally in mesa and was reunited with sarah palin. this event is about 40 minutes. >> hello, dobson high school. hello!
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it is such a pleasure to be here this morning. thankç you for this wonderful turnout. thank you also, i know all of you had something to tdo with this wonderful weather so we could also offer up this wonderful weather to our alaskan visitors and we always do. [applause] >> before i do my introductions, which is why i'm here today, i would like to ask if there are any blue star mothers in the audience. raise your hands if you are. i'm a blue star mom, too. i want to say a special thank you to our blue star moms out there today. i'm with you all the way. god bless you. god bless all of you.
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i had the opportunity, along with my husband, to get to know this very special family behind me on the trail last year. it was a remarkable opportunity in that not only did we campaign together, but we became good close friends. todd palin is a remarkable man in many ways. [cheers and applause] >> yes. iç agree. he is an outdoorsman, an athlete. he does so many things i was not only astounded to find out but i marvelled at listening to the stories that he would tell us abo about. he's taught his children things that they not only needed to know but in the stories that he wouldç tell them of his own
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experiences they learned lessons of life. i'm so proud to call him a friend of mine. [cheers and applause]ç >> i know you all came here to see my husband today. [cheers and applause] >> but as you know, he brought along a friend. sarah palin is a remarkable ç woman. [cheers and applause] >> not only is she a member of the n.r.a., a working mom, a
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great governor of the great state of alaska, a western st e state, but also a woman who has a great vision for this united states of america.ç so, she needs noç further introduction from me. let me introduce to you the great governor of alaska, governor sarah palin. >> thank you so much. thank you, arizona. thank you. wow, thank you so much. thank you guys. thank you so much. thank you so much. it is such an honor to be here today. it is wonderful to be here in a
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basketball gym, too, i love it. home of the mustangs. we are glad to be here. it is so good to be here let me ask you first, arizona, do you love your freedom? [cheers and applause] >> you love your freedom? then we think of that. anyone who has served past or present in uniform raise your hand, united states military, we honor you, we thank you. god bless you. thank you so much for the service, for the sacrifice. +tmccain called and asked if i would join him on the campaign trailç for this part of his career. i couldn't wait to get part of that mccain-palin team back together. [cheers and applause] >>ç todd got to come with me. we left the kids home because it
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was a short trip and the factçe left them home where if is so cold still i hear a couple of people whining about this weatherç like it is chilly and i'm roasting. but it is pretty chilly at home. it is about five degrees colder below the approval ratings of president obama today, so it is cold. >> things are a little bit different, lots of change since the mccains and palins were together on the 2008 campaign trail. for one, this go round i notice, john, nobody supplied us with a teleprompt teleprompter. so,ç we will just start kickin it back old school and start writing those notes on our hands again. [cheers and applause] >> what is wrong with using the
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poor man's version of the teleprompter? i have done it all my life.3(p% we are a long way from those days of the 2008 campaign and a lot has changed. i think though this go around when we add up all the votes, arizona, this guy is going win this time. we are going to send him back to the united states senate. one thing that hasn't changed since the 2008 campaign though is the deep respect andç admiration for senator john mccain that i have, a true american hero. it really was the privilege of a lifetime to be asked to run alongside him, and it is an honor to stand beside him today and ask you, arizona, to please, for the sake of our country and for your good state, to send him back to the united states senate.
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because john is a man of principle, he's a man of honor, he's a man of his word, he's a man of faith, and he's a man of the people. he loves the state and he spent 30 years fighting hard forç th good patrioticç hard-working people of this great state and the principles that you hold dear. that hasn't always won him friends in washington, d.c. in that political machine and that kind of elite environment there. i had explained yesterday at a rally that back in the day decades ago i had competed in a pageant so i get toç speak as expert, right? ç let's just say that john could win any portion of the talent and debate portion of a pageant butç nobody would everç deem miss]i congeniality, not out o the washington machine. and that isç a good thing becae he's never been kind of that company man wanting him to go
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with the flow that only dead fishç go with the flow.ç he is not one to do that. he is not afraid to buck the political machine, nor a president when he knows that what he's doing will benefit the great citizens of this great state. he is not afraid to go against the tide. for me it was as a young mayor then a çcommissioner,ç then l as a not so young governor any more, i wasç always inspired watching theseçç independent spirits in your senator in washington and we would watch him shake things up in washington and not be afraid to get out there and make sure that the corruption was going to end in d.c.ç and he had this tireless crusade against the pork barrel spending and earmark dealing ways of d.c. it was always john mccainç leading that charge and today those issues are at the heart of
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a conservative movement that is sweeping this country. and it is a beautiful grassroots movement that is putting government back on the side of the people. back on the side of the people. [cheers and applause] >> young man, stick around and listen to what we are goingxd t say, sir. maybe you will learn something. [cheers and applause]ç [crowd chanting] >> so, part of this movement that is sweeping across this beautiful country -- [boos from
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>> i will hope that he some day will realize that john mccain spent 5 1/2 years as a p.o.w. in efforts to defend our constitution, which gives him the right to protest against us and gives us the raoeight to stand,and assemble today. these issues that are at the heart of a conservative movement that is sweeping across this great country, what is going on is a beautiful grassroots movement that is putting government back on the side of the people. some are referring to it as the tea party movement and it is a beautiful thing, it is a juj from the bottom up movement. and we are all a part of that tea partyç movement. i have had the privilege traveling across the u.s. meeting these everyday great americans who are part of this great tea partyç movement and
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folks everywhere i go ask me about my friend john mccain at these events. and first i tell them, well, think about it. what is the root thereç of the tea party movement? it is back in 1773, remember the freedom fighters fighting against tyranny and big government and intrusion and throwing the tea into the harbor to protestç the tyranny. what they were saying is no more to big intrusive government and that is what we are doing today. that is part of that tea party movement. people that before there were these recent protests onç main streets and marches on capitol hill there was the maverick in the senate fighting for these same issues. john has been leading the fight against waste and fraud and reckless spending for decades. today he is leading the loyal opposition in congress that is speaking out against the oba
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obama-pelosi-reid agenda and what they are trying toç do to this country. remember when the obama administration proposed a nearly trillion dollar stimulus bill senator mccain said no, this bill is generational. it is taking opportunities from our children and he voted no. when the president began to waver on afghanistan john knew our people in uniform knew better and he asked the president to listen to the commanders on the ground and eventually the president listened. and when it came to obama care, when it came to obama care --ç [booing] >>ç johnñr fought against that government takeover of one-sixth of our economy and told the president that transparency in
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the legislative process has to be real, has to be more than just another campaign promise which is to be broken, which obama did break. and obama care by the way, doesn't something tell you something is wrong iffy dell castro says this is a good thing and we don't like it, castro likes it. what a crock! the more you find out about obama care, the more you are going to say of course it needs to be rebilled and undo what obama care will do to this country. when the pundits and talking heads said no, in this dayç an age no conservative ideals are dead, the conservatives won't rise again to these powerful authoritarian positions to help lead this country. john mccain set out then to put the fight back in the republican party. he met with, for instance, a young unknown state senator in massachusetts and gave the guy
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some name recognition and some help. that man was scott brown, and scott brown is hoping out to lead the charge against growing government.ç we have some big, big challenges in front of us, big challenges in front of this great country. and we need that new blood. we need republicans like scott brown and others to be elected to cast votes that can put our country back on the right track and make us more secure and prosperous. we need those who are willing to speak out for common sepnse conservative solutions. but we also need statesmen and heroes like john mccain who have been there from the beginning in his fight and can lead us to a brighter future. he has the wisdom, he has the courage to lead the way. that is why i'm here asking for your vote. arizona, what do you say? will you send the maverick back to the united states senate?
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[cheers and applaus [cheers and applause] >> one thing that preventer hopefully will realize john has spent hisç entire career fightg to defend our constitution and fighting for common sense conservative solutions and that is what his campaign for the presidency was all about. it was john phmccain who warneds about what an obama administration could and would do to this country. growing government and digging usç deeper into debt and spreading the wealth arson. it was john that warned us. and it was john who gave us an alternative to the obama-pelosi-reid agenda. [protester in background] >> there you go again. stphfp[çç
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[crowd chanting john phmccain] >> i don't know. if there was any bit of fairness in the mainstream media today perhaps they would look at that and condemn that as a little bit of violence versus a peaceful yet absolutely rowdy as it should be assembly with you all here today standing up for our freedom again including the freedom to protest. god bless you for being here and being so strong. [cheers and applause] >> now, as a matter of fact, let me take the opportunity a little
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bit here to clear the air on what this b.s. is coming out of the mainstream media lately with the accusationç that it is a group like this that is inciting violen violence. when we talk about gearing up for a fight to take our country back. what we are talking about taking unarms, meaning our vote, meaning being involved in contested primaries. violence is not the answer and none of us here is going to condone any sort of violence in these processes. [cheers and applause] >> so, don't let the left divert what the focus should be, kind of change the conversation and get us off track. and do let this be a diversion, what you have seen on the news the last couple of days because it is a bunch of bunk.
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now, even though our share of the votes didn't carry the day back in 2008, second out of two, well, john mccain has not stopped fighting for you. he has not stopped fighting for you, arizona, nor for the rest of country.ç he got right back to work when the campaign was over. he didn't take a break, he didn't hang his head. he got right back to workç. and on the first day back in congress he introduced legislationet pieces of policy that was just the start of his continued good service for this great state. and that doesn't sound like he, being part of the party of no, instead sounds hraoeulike john is leading the party of ideas and standing up for time-tested truths. but, john, if you think about it, what is wrong of being accused of being the party of no
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we you consider what obama, pelosi and reid are trying to do to the country. let's become the party not just of no but, hell no! i thank god for john mccain. he is standing up for the time tested truths that made this country the greatest country on earth and a country we are so proud to be part of. we are always proud to be americans and we are not going to apologize for being proud to be americans. he is standing up for time tested truths. he is believing that the government that governsç least kpwofrpbs best. believing that the constitution provides the path toward a more perfect union. it is the constitution.
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and knowing that only limited government can provide the opportunity for prosperity for all of us equally. it is only limited government that can do this. and that time-tested truth that we all know and that is that we don't work for government. government is to work for us. and, friends, that time-tested truth knowing that freedom is a god given right and freedom is worth fighting for. these are the great principles that ronald reagan and barry goldwater embraced and believed in. and it is what john mccain is fighting for. he, too, knowing that it is america's finest are men and women in uniform are a force for
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good in this world and that is nothing to apologize for. so you believe that is what made the country great and if you want conservative solutions and common sense leadership, if you want real leadership and not just rhetoric, then i'm asking to you vote for john mccain. let's send the maverick back to the senate. and, ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor, my privilege, to introduce to you your united states senator, our true american hero, senator john phbg kaeu mcca mccain. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, sarah. thank you. thank you so much, sarah.
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isn't she magnificent? [cheers and applause] >> cindy and i have a lot of wonderful memories. our most treasured memory will be to get to know sarah and todd and great americans they are and the wonderful family the palin family is. and i predict to you that sarah palin will be around aç long, long time. [cheers and applause] >> thank you for turning out today. i think i(o is important i recognize a few people if you will bear with me because one person who is here is a great congressman who now, after serving the state of arizona and congress for a long time and great member of congress, john shaddock is here. and the east valley's own
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fighter against earmarks and pork barrel jeff blake is here, our great american congressman jeff blake is here. where are you? listen, you think that i was unpopular? jeff blake will never win ms. congeniality in the united states congress because he fights the pork barrelers and corruption in washington and stands up for the people in this country that don't have the lobbyists and special interests. but the great mayor of mesa scott smith is here. you are doing a great job. kirk adams the speaker of our house of representatives. boyd done the mayor of chandler and thank you to the principal of dobson high for your hospitality. my friends, i'm so grateful you are here. by the way, sarah and todd are leaving here and guess where they are going. they are going to searchlight,
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nevada. the hoeme of the majority leade soon to be minority leader of the united states senate, or maybe not the minority leader. maybe just out of a job, former majority leader. harry reid. and you know the message is, this healthcare bill repeal and replace, repeal and replace, repeal and replace. repeal and replace. repeal and replace. andç if you don't, we are goin to repeal them. ok? let me just luntion to you something you may have seen like in that 2,733-page monstrosity -- and i did read every page.
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but we are going to be finding out for a long time what this is doing to america. let me mention this morning's news. at&t will take a $1 billion ngnbash accounting charge, the largest disclosed ever. earlier this week a.k. steel company, caterpillar $100 million. valero energy, 3-m will take a $ $85 million charge.ç you know who will pay for that? the taxpayers of america. that is outrageous and unfortunately and that is just the beginning of obamaç care, friends. [booing] >> you know the liberal media and others are talking about the historic moment in our nation's capital. by the way, it was historic. first time a major reform was enacted onç a strictly partisa basis. first time in history a major piece of legislation was enacted with the overwhelming opposition
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of the american people. the american people will be heard and we will repeal and replace.ç and we will stop these sleazy chicago style sausage making that went on behindç closed s doors. we are going to stop the louisiana purchase, and the $100 million for a hospital in connecticut of your money. we are going to stop those sleazy deals. we are going to stop the sleazy deal made with the pharmaceutical companies that will increase the cost of prescription drugs to every american citizen. the president, eight times in the campaign, said he would have c-span cameras in, c-span cameras in and find out who is on the side of the american
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people and who is on the side. pharmaceutical companies. we know who is on whose side. it is the sleazey back room deas that the american people don't want and they want repeal and replace, repeal and replace, repeal and replace. we republicans, my friends, we in the opposition, we independents, we all americans are going to say yes, wement tort reform. why don't we have tort reform in why is it that doctors have to practice defensive medicine? it is because of trial lawyers controlling the process in washington, my friends. this year we could save $100 billion in tort reform so doctors wouldn't practice defensive medicine so that the trial lawyers wouldn't make billions of dollars and we could still protect the patients. they are doing that in the state of texas by the way.
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a texan, good. we could have, my friends, americans be able to go across state lines and have the health insurance policy of their choice. we could reward wellness and fitness. we could treat those with preexisting conditions by getting pools together so insurance companies can bid on caring for them. we can expand the ability of small businesses, the generators of jobs in america, to move together and negotiate with the insurance companies. we can do all of these things. that is why we have to repeal and replace, repeal and replace. like sarah said, they are saying we are the party of no, they are saying we are the party of no. my friends, on this healthcare bill we are not the party of no,
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like sarah said, we are the party of hell no, hell no, hell no. >> hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no. >> so, let me say again, this is all part of what is going on, out of control spending, taxpayer dollars being spent, $1.4 trillion debt this year, $1.5 trillion debt next year, they are spending money like a drunk be sailor and the bar is still open and it is going to stop and we are going to stop it with the earmarking. let's have a little straight talk. we republicans lost control and lost elections because we let spending get out of control. we got mixed up in the earmarking and abramoff scandals and people went to jail. we can't do that again. we have to say to the american people we will stop this
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earmarking and top this pork barrel spending because we have committed generational theft. the greatness of america, the greatness of america is about the fact that every generation of americans has handed off to the next generation a better nation than the one that we inherited. i cannot tell you, my friends, that that is the case with the"% way we are doing business in washington, d.c. today. so, what do we need to do? we need to begin the fight.ç first we are going to calendar this law constitutionally. it is not constitutional to force every american citizen to buy any product. and i'mç proud of our legislate and our governor that said we can7tç afford this. we can't afford to have our patients on access thrown off. we can't afford the increased
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cost in a distressed economic situation. and we are going to then, after we challenge this in the courts as that moves, then we are going to register people to vote and get them out and continue the tea parties and demonstration and message to obama and harry reid and nancy pelosi is replace and repeal and raeplace and repeal and replace. stop the pork barrel spending. let me just say, my friends, two things. one, i'm so proud of the men and women who are serving in the military. [cheers and applause] >> i'm so proud of the members of the arizona guard and reserve that time after time have gone to iraq and afghanistan and served with courage and bravery and now, my friends, in the last three months not a single american service member has been
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killed in iraq. that is -- you won't see that in the media, but we have succeeded. they just had an election. it is a messy election. remember, we had a messy election in 2000. but it is the only country in the whole middle east outside of israel there is a contested messy election. in afghanistan we will succeed. we will succeed if -- if -- the president of the united states will stay. we are going to stay the course. not say we are going to get out. we cannot cut and run from afghanistan. we cannot allow afghanistan to return to a base where attacks on the united states of america. we have never had a more professional, better equipped, best trained, more motivated military than we have today. recruitment and retention are at the highest since the beginning of the all-volunteer force. i want to thank your veterans who have been the example of the
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young men and women serving today. the proudest moments of my life were the ability to serve with men and women in the military. and the next time you see one of them in uniform go over and say thanks for serving. that is all they want. just say thanks for serving. so, my friends, i believe as chairman of the armed services committee, which i will when we gain majority in the united states senate, that i can address the security needs of this country. but the needs ofç arizona toda is the jobs and jobs and jobs and i can be effective, i will fight for you. i will fight for a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. i will fight to top this spending. and i need your vote and i need it and i will be grateful for it and i want it and i work for u you.
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and i know this is a tough race, i intend to earn every single vote and with your vote my friends i will have the greatest honor of my life and that is the ability and honor of being able to serve the most beautiful state in america again in the united states senate. thank you and god bless you and god bless america. thank you. [cheers and applause] ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]ç
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