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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  April 3, 2010 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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rwanda or ethiopia, there you don't want to create a separate structure. you look at aids prevalence, rural versus urban, and decisions get made. i think there is a lot of learning going on. there is the vertical lovers and the quote health system lovers. it is all about taking a particular set of facts and circumstances and coming up with the right approach. country by country, i do see that being done. g.h.i. and i talked a lot about that, and picking a few countries to be model countries and even having some funds that are somewhat unprogrammed that would help them drive those model programs. >> senator, i think you hit on something. we gave a specific example of a general issue that i would urge you to explore with the administration officials when they come, because nobody has
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got an answer to this, at least i don't. i have already said here i strongly support this g.h.i. initiative. it is well conceived. it is what we ought to do. but when you ask us -- if you ask bill gates or me ok, that's fine. so what should the government of x's relationship be with the n.g.o. community both out of country like ours, or demestist ones? and what should america's government's relationship be to that country? we don't give foreign assistance to other countries for direct budget support. now that makes a lot of sense. when you first hear it, it makes enormous sense because we want to achieve certain specific examples -- excuse me, objectives -- and we sure as heck don't want to fund infective government.
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. experience as a physician with the health care system. if the end of this is, if the definition of success is they have their own health system and works as well as anybody could, given that amount of money, how or going to relate it to the government and how will the u.s. assistance program relate to the ngo program? to the ngo program? if you read the ghi report, there is a good description of what they did in bangladesh. you need to really work through this, i think. >> if i could ask a couple of things before we wrap up. africa has your doctors, fewer
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trained medical personnel than any other region and apparently continues to lose many of those who are trained to either north america or europe. i wonder how we can help to prevent that from happening, and to take the underserved regions and empower them to be able to build their indigenous come up permanent medical corpe. h>> there are plenty of gifted people there that want to stay and will stay be trained community health workers and provide facilities, including doctors. a lot of the doctors will stay at home and make less money than they could hear, as long as they
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do not have to fail as doctors. as long as they have a health care network that makes sense. secondly, i think we need to -- we have to recognize that the african university system declined over decades as the colonial era faded away to an astonishing degree. now you have all these american universities opening in the middle east. i am for it. i love it. you have all these universities because that is where the money is. i think it is good for us in the long run, good for america and the middle east. we maybe should think about finding the same sort of help and africa where our universities could be there in partnership with african
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universities and build their capacity, even as there is an architecture school from the university of north dakota their. i think he should really think about it. this is a very discreet strategy that universities are following in the middle east. it is going to be good for our foreign policy, but it is only because they are rich. we really need to do this where people are not rich. i think he should really look that. . . they thank them for the generosity.
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we have that online at the website. you can affect the video on a the look of the video on malaria and aids. you can see the heart wrenching stories. the most have successful outcomes. we have had a lot of the european governments during the equivalent there. the awareness of the program is not the fraud. -- that brought thad. their generosity is important as well. global health is more visible today than it was 10 years ago, but not as visible as it needs to be so that people feel great that this budget item continues to grow at time when not much
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will be growing. >> i think that what bill and melinda have done is great. i think that in order to build support for this, if we could humanize it, it would make a big difference. if you come to my office in new york, you will see a picture of a little girl whose mother and father are both hiv-positive and they became friends of mine. the child is healthy. you can see the picture of a beautiful girl that was so weak that she could not hold her head up at her school desk. she was the first person to get the aids medicine and we became friends and she has asked me to send her to law school.
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one of our remote clinics in rwanda, there was a man with a boy and girl living in a mud hut. the older sister was not hiv- positive and the brother was. he miraculously lived until he got our medicine and now he has a third grade education at age 15 and he said that if he finishes high school, could he go to medical school so that he could keep other kids from getting sick. i think that if you can make this come alive through stories, we can get all the support we can handle. >> that was my next question. given the extraordinary accomplishments and the things that you have talking about -- that you have talked about, it is disturbing that we argued the way that we are.
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is there something more of the should be doing we argued that the way that we are. -- that we are viewed the way we are. is there something more we should be doing? >> it is interesting. governments are not that good at telling their success stories. nobody knows if you should allocate talent for that or not. when things do go well, you've decide how to get that story out there. coming from a corporate environment, you think of the week it announced this. it is a feedback loop, where you get credit for the things that you do well and that helps you
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to pick from the right things. here, we have this phenomenal success story that everyone in the community is amazed. they were thrilled with the mall area initiative. getting this done quickly with all of the complexities is very hard. these two w o surprised me in both cases -- these two surprised me in both cases. i am certainly a fan of usaid. there was a lot of great work of our foundation. i think that you have to do a better job of telling the story and i think that you will have to rely on people like ourselves to get that story out.
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in some ways, they have more credibility. we could take a five minute video and tell the story. even though we have about 50,000 people to look at living proof, i went back to the foundation and said that i wanted 500,000 and then i'll ask for 5 million. we are not quite as adept in this environment. it should be so wonderful. you should be able to go right to that. the opaque miss bausch the opaqueness -- the opaqueness was authorized and never appropriated and now you want credit. it is really very hard for people who do not follow these things. what is the percentage of
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increase? there are five ways that you can look at that. >> it is hard for people to do follow-up. >>-- all its -- follow its. gary worked with us in china where we were invited by the government to go out and reach these people in rural areas. this goes right to the point that you were making crude i had a fascinating experience. the chinese asked me to go out to these rural areas and go on television. they said that they know that they're just a communist country. i say this because this idea of selling it is a problem, everywhere. you do not want to be self- serving. most of the people that do this
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work do not care how much credit to get. they just want to save lives. but as a result, we are not very good at. -- good at. -- good at it. the message you want to send to the rest of the world is that there is no way that you can agree with everything that we do. within our country, not all of us agree with what we do. but you should know everything that we do. you should view us through the lens of everything that we do and what we stand for. where we are wrong and where we are right. i think that if you do it like that, did you do not come across as self-serving. you're not trying to put a shine on people. you just tell people that they
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need to know. it is terrible that all this good stuff has been done that nobody knows about. >> mr. president and mr. gates, you made some important comments about climate change. there is a growing body of literature and scientific evidence about the impact of climate change on human health. climate change on human health. it i wonder if it is access that we have talked about a little bit. it is spreading the disease. could you share with the committee any observations you have made or conclusions you have come to a regarding this and anything you have observed. >> i think there is good niches that if you want to help africa mitigate the effects of climate change, the kinds of things you
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need to do are exactly the same you'd want to do of what the . you want to do. there is an indication that it moves around security. there are important things fair that the it ministration is trying to push forward. more investment there, whether it is called mitigation or simply helping, it is very valuable. it to be cheaper and is not in it co2. . and it does not commit co2. it really cannot. that is why i love the idea.
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, particularly on technologies that, while meeting the new constraints, have a chance to actually be cheaper than the ways that we get energy today. on another occasion, i am sure i will be back here a labyrinth and -- be back here elaborating more. >> i am reluctant to talk about this because if you get into the idea that everything relates to everything else, you muddy the water. if i could just give you a couple of examples, number one, you mentioned places where the climate is getting hotter substantially and where water tends to be concentrated more in severe weather events, this will
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cause water shortages and could lead to standing water which bears water bearing illnesses. there is no question that malaria it is occurring at higher and higher altitudes -- malaria is occurring at higher and higher altitude because mosquito's are going places they did not feel comfortable before. in the food area, this is important because most -- australia was the first place to be hit hard. you can see that their capacity to grow livestock and raise crops has been substantially alter current ironically, the places that have been identified by those people that study this are places that already cannot take care of themselves and two
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are afghanistan in haiti. in terms of energy in, i think that small-scale clean energy is really important. it the best of cooper nor i work with in haiti races fish. more than half the fish on earth were raised instead of, naturally. he does a huge operation with a battery that stores excess over power. he has a refrigeration unit. i think that the whole clean energy thank and the climate change -- clean energy thing is both positive and negative.
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>> i appreciate that very much. mr. president, mr. gates, we are very appreciative. i will turn to my colleagues in a moment and see if they have any comments. 20 million-9 million is a reduction of proportion. these are extraordinary efforts of those of you have made. that both of you have made. together, i think you have created a unique team and have had a unique impact which has served the country and humanity in extraordinary ways. i am reminded that america is
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great because americans are good and he was referring to the natural charity that took place in america that help people take care of each other and how we reached out and built communities. he found it quite extraordinary. i think, in the best of ways, the 2 w 0 -- be two of you are representing us in an extraordinary way. words do not adequately describe it. we thank you. it is really an extraordinary story. do any of my colleagues have anything else? >> if not, we are grateful to you. it did you very much we stand adjourned. -- thank you very much. we stand adjourned.
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> up next, president obama speaking in north carolina about the economy and health care. after that, and that the potential impact of the new health care law. then a discussion on whistle- blowers and the media. >> this weekend, and john dean is our guest on a book tv. we will take your phone calls, e-mails, and tweets. >> c-span, our public affairs content is available on television, radio, and online. you can also connect with us on
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a spit, youtube, and twitter -- facebook, youtube, and twitter. >> president obama said the economy is beginning to turn the corner. employers added 152,000 jobs last month to give employment rate remained at 9.7%. he spoke at a lithium ion battery park manufacture for over an hour. >> mr. president, we are honored by your visit. on behalf of our business, i want to thank you for selecting our side to host your town hall meeting today. we are a global leader in technology.
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the only major supplier of the developing and manufacturing projects here in the united states and the we establish operations in charlotte with the emergence of this industry approximately 25 years ago. today the region remains an important part of our future. we are currently expanding operations here with our best and supported by the $49 million match the grant receive from the department of energy last year. it includes this facility in charlotte as well as some construction of a new facility in north carolina. they are both in the treacly at enhancing our position as a market leader. when completed, the expansions will more than double our global capacity for lithium battery separators. it is a very exciting time for
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our company the opportunities are real and developing quickly. i like to think our people around the world, especially this year in charlotte for contributing to our success and positioning our company for continued growth. on that note -- [applause] thank you. on that note, i am very pleased to introduce to you the president of the united states, iraq obas, barack obama.
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>> thank you, guys. hello, everybody. hello. good to see you. everybody, please have a seat. have a seat. well, thank you so much for the warm welcome. to bob, thank you very much for the terrific introduction. i want to thank bryan moorehead for the great tour, and mitchell pulwer for trying to explain to me what was going on here. we've got governor beverly perdue, who's doing just a great job on behalf of all of north carolina.
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please give her a big round of applause. and i think it's important to note that the state of north carolina has provided enormous support for expansion here at celgard as well. and i know that the combination of both federal and state support makes a big difference. so i didn't want to leave the state out. lieutenant governor walter dayton -- dalton is here. please stand up, walter. the hotshot young up-and-coming mayor of charlotte anthony foxx is in the house. give him a big round of applause. some outstanding members of congress, congressman mel watt. congressman larry kissell. and even though he's from across the border, we love him -- congressman john spratt of south carolina. so it is good to be here at celgard, and it is good to be back in north carolina.
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it is good to be back. we just concluded our tour, where we saw some of the workings of this facility where you're manufacturing components for state-of-the-art batteries. you're building separators to make sure diametrically opposed forces can work successfully together. and i couldn't help but think, we could use your help in congress. we could get one of those -- we could get one of those tri-part films and put it between the democrats and the republicans. and it would improve conductivity. right? did i get that right? okay. now, the truth is, these have been a very tough two years for
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north carolina, and they've been a tough two years for the united states of america. we've been through the worst period of economic turmoil since the great depression. keep in mind, when i first took the oath of office, we were already moving towards what some thought was a great depression. we were losing about 700,000, 800,000 jobs per month. and the economy was contracting at a pace that we hadn't seen in generations -- about 6 percent contraction that first quarter when i first took office. and i've often had to report bad news during the course of this year as the recession wreaked havoc on people's lives. but today is an encouraging day. we learned that the economy we learned that the economy actually produced a substantial


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