tv Q A CSPAN April 12, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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auto-tuning works. can you give us the secrets? >> yes. auto tune is a tool, it is a piece of technology that you can purchase, everybody uses it, you can use it in professional recording situations these days, and basically it is like a device that you would buy that is like a giant lever that you would hook up to your mixer. if you were in a studio or at home, you could hook it up to your computer. at home, we have it hooked up to the tv, so when we are watching the news, we will pull that and it makes them sound like they are singing, and we tape that on to vhs. >> if you have a small budget you can get a smaller lever. so in general you want a really large one that is harder to pull, but it is worth it because they will sound just like a hip-hopper. >> how much of this is based on humor? .
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>> the reason we chose politics series more methodically than any other subject. >> it seems to be the area of interest that was most in need of a back beat. when we watch the news and political coverage, there seems to be a lack of music behind what people are saying. >> how old are you guys? >> i will be 13 next week. >> michael? >> i am already 16. >> who is the oldest? >> kevin is actually the oldest. >> what school did you attend? >> i attended college in 2001. >> i graduated in 2007. >> turtle sense? >> that particular -- we held onto that for awhile. it is several weeks old. a man from michigan was explaining against the health care debate in kind of a big government versus small government type of speech. he used an example from his home state where the government required the construction of a turtle fence around the highway to protect turtles from cars.
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>> nancy pelosi, and you also have senator grassley, scott brown, and joe biden. >> all rise for the guitar of liberty. the founding fathers are before us. >> you should build a turtle fence. keep turtles from getting hit by cars. >> the same thing is going to happen to health care. one day, congress will come back and build a turtle fence. >> build a turtle fence. [unintelligible] >> how should we protect ourselves? >> you should build a turtle fence.
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>> don't forget about jobs. >> jobs, jobs, jobs. >> put it on the back burner for now. >> talking about jobs, jobs, jobs. >> jobs, jobs, jobs. [unintelligible] >> americans are truly concerned about football. >> football, football, football. >> we have the best ownership, the best coach, the best team. >> we are open for business.
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>> nepotism is strictly disallowed except for toto. >> if you have these national figures such as joe biden, they are natural. it can really all fall together. if you have some that do not have as much practice, you have to meet them halfway. >> how much time? >> we rarely put ourselves on a strict deadline because we like to just watch the news and let it roll in and decide on a piece that we like. we might spend a couple of days writing the music and doing the tuning.
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we might take a day or two to film ourselves. >> where do you put it? >> we put it on youtube. >> i hear a southern accent from you, but not your brother. >> i was in the south for longer, i suppose. >> you were born where? >> virginia. >> both of you? >> that is our home town. >> what was the family like? where did you get the music experience? >> both of our parents are amateurs. music has always been around the house. michael is an accomplished pianist and plays the drums and has a degree in recording.
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i play the piano and drums as well. andrew and sarah both play the guitar. we toured as a band for years before we got into the on-line video. >> for years? >> several decades actually. >> how far did you go? >> several miles. >> junky einstein, who invented that name? >> i think that i did. he reminded us of albert einstein, but instead of using his genius for good, he used it for pleasure by pleasuring himself with illegal drugs. >> he first appeared in our
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second video as a character and we refered to him as junky einstein. >> the next one is president obama bowing. >> that sounds like the first video. >> we also did a flashback. >> we are in the public domain when it comes to this, but what do you do with cbs? do you have problems with this? >> they have sued us about 10 times. we always put them in the shredder. >> do you get any reaction from the organizations like cbs? >> occasionally, we get calls from them complaining that one reporter got a good melody and the other reporter did not get something quite as catchy.
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sometimes they call us and tell us to scoop the other reporters. >> aren't you glad that they do not have lawyers? >> yes. >> barack obama is now officially the 44th president of the united states, [unintelligible] >> expectations, expectations. >> i have come here tonight -- i have come here tonight. i will do whatever it takes -- whatever it takes.
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he shows up to get frothy about things. >> michael, i have the suspicion that you were under that gorilla costume. was that you? >> that was me. it was hot in there. >> how long have you been using the angry gorilla? >> ever since the second episode. we had the gorilla suit sitting in the closet. we had to use it. >> what was your grandfather using it for? >> primarily, to scare small children. he saw that his grandsons were likely to be using it more frequently. this was several years ago.
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>> a couple of quick questions, do you do that at the same time? do you record all of those at the same time or is each panel done separately? >> the space underneath the bed is not big enough for all this. we do it separately. >> that must take a lot of time. >> it takes three times as long. >> that is good math. >> it is always a struggle for us to fill in the background with a background that was not there. it seemed like the best way to do it was to add two capitals. >> technically, what do you use? >> we use software that is called "final cut."
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>> why don't you use the professional version? >> we do not have enough money for that yet. >> if somebody wants to watch all of these together, where do they find them? >> the best place to go is >> does any money come from this direction? >> a little bit. we would be lying if we said that we were getting rich. there is a tiny amount of ad revenue that comes in. it has actually gained us some fans over time and that has driven them to our original music. >> the next one has the united nations and health care and you've got gordon brown, chavez, and keith oberman.
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>> we must engage in new era of engagement. it has to be sustained. it has to be shared. >> this is for future generations everywhere. >> don't get sick. that's right, don't get sick. if you have insurance, don't get sick. don't get sick, don't get sick, just don't get sick. >> if you get sick in america, die quickly. that's right, republicans want you to die quickly. >> how could we not be united?
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>> they suggest for your father and mine to get the same treatment. [unintelligible] how can we be so heartless? >> how is the nobel peace prize decided? >> [unintelligible] >> a lot of people are asking why they elected obama. >> that are giving obama a prize for not being george bush. >> tun, tun, tun, tun, tun.
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>> where do you start? i forgot to ask you, where does the african-american fellow come from? >> he is a friend of ours. we work in a number of different bands. he is a great drummer that plays in a couple of bands. in "auto-tune the news no. 7," they were talking about racial politics. we brought him in to add a little contrast. >> the reason we started with politics is because i bought the green sheet and the 2008 debates were going on and on and they were about to have the
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first debate between obama and mccain. i pretended to be barack obama, because there was a resemblance. people might mistake me for him on the street. after that, i had to be singing to the candidates. >> when you are playing straight music, what do you play all the time? >> i played drums for the band. what about evan? >> i play the keyboard. >> our primary band is a quartet known as "the gregory brothers.". andrew has a solo career.
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angela has a solo project. michael has headed other rock bands. >> when you look around at your life -- what is the age separation of the three brothers? >> three years between each of us. >> what is your goal at this stage? >> our goal is -- what motivates us from day to day is to do something that completely embarrasses us. we are still working on that. in terms of long-term goals, i did not know that we have any except just to do something that is catchy and funny. >> the next one is michelle bachman.
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would you like to explain it before we get into it? >> there was this debate about the climate change bill, cap and trade. you have nancy pelosi. if i go to the store, it is an annoyance if i have to choose between between prego and other brands. >> let's stop there and find out what you are talking about. >> the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> let's get our beat on. >> it is time to stand up and
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[unintelligible] >> wake up, wake up, yeah. >> waking up, waking up, waking up. waking up in a strange arena to die. >> there is a lot on that screen. if you don't pay attention, you will miss it. what is the point? >> there is actually zero point there. the reason that that is there, we used the same background as the previous episode. >> our most devoted fans will catch us when we use pieces over and over.
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>> what do you think of politicians? >> i love them. i just think that they are great. >> and why? >> mostly hugability. if you have a baby, they will hold it for you. >> who is your favorite of all times? >> i became quite endeared to john boehner. >> and it was basically what? >> hell no, hell no, hell no. >> michael, do you have a favorite?
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>> we would be remiss if we did not describe joe biden as one of our favorites. >> god bless, god bless, god bless america. >> the next one is a serious speech from years ago. who got that idea? >> the first historical speech that we did was martin luther king jr.. jfk was an obvious choice for an inaugural address. >> when did you do that? >> i did that in 2009. let's run the martin luther king video and then we will do the jfk. >> i would like to present to you, dr. martin luther king.
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>> now is the time to rise from the darkness of the valley of segregation. it now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. i have a dream that my children will not be judged by the color of their skin. i have a dream. i have a dream. crooked places will be made straight. i have a dream. america could be a great nation. let freedom ring from the hilltops. let freedom ring from the mighty mountains.
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let freedom ring, let freedom, let freedom ring. let freedom ring from tennessee. let freedom ring from mississippi. let freedom ring from every city and every hamlet. all god's children, black men and white men will join hands and say in the words of the old negro spiritual, free at last, free at last, thank god
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ask not what your country can do for you, what your country can do for you, for you, ask what you can do for your country. >> do for you. >> do for you. >> let us go forth, casting his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth, god's work must truly be our own. [applause] >> michael was on the left, evan on the right.
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that was a couple of years ago. if we put you all together, that does not even total 49 years. >> we all had good history teachers. the famous lines from both of those speeches became part of our culture. i think that that carries through on the video and the messages are so powerful that they still hold true today. there is no substituting the power of the original speech. >> when i was your age, you could not do any of this. in your own lifetime, can you think of when you first wanted to do that? you did not have to ask anybody's permission. >> technology and internet has revolutionized the way that we
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make music and make it available for people to see. this is something that would not be possible even five or six years ago, let alone 20 years ago. >> you watch enough of the news and enough of c-span to find what kids your age are not thought to be interested in. >> i think that may be a misconception about our generation. >> it is not that you do not care, it is just not a traditional way of getting the news. >> we reinforce that because we get our news online. we go to c-span online. >> do you use us off the air or do you go to our video library?
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>> normally, the video library. >> for years, the martin luther king family sold that speech. i believe it is owned by a university in atlanta. how did you get it? >> the footage of the speech is widely available and has been re-aired on television. there are a lot of sources out there. >> this is unplanned. after we run this video, i am going to ask sarah and andrew to come up. we do not have microphones for them, but we will put them behind you. you guys got all the attention. >> you got shortchanged, we are the worst looking ones.
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>> this would be back in april. this is what got a lot of attention, nationwide. >> the constitution -- >> boring. >> i hear foghorns. >> i am not hearing any romance between us right now. you have to do it like this. >> what are you trying to say about diyala? >> give me your number, we can bump and grind. come on and rhyme. >> many of our viewers do not
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agree with legalizing marijuana. >> i am an angry gorilla. >> the president has been in the spotlight. [unintelligible] >> you will always have an angry gorilla to be angry with you. >> at the north pole, arctic ice is melting so fast that scientists believe it will be gone in 30 years. without it, there can be a snowball effect. if we don't take action soon, we will find ourselves on very
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thin ice. >> very thin ice, very thin ice, very thin ice. >> there are armed gangs. the united states does not make concessions to tyrants. >> i'm sorry, i've got to take this. i love you too, grandma. >> sorry, any other questions? does anybody want to buy drugs from me? >> sarah, you were saying that that made people pay attention. >> it did. we had been here and there.
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when "auto tune the news' no. 2" came out, luckily, katie couric was on the air during that timeframe and from then on, it has been easy to get 1 million views per video. >> are you in as many of these as your two brothers? >> i am in fewer and fewer because i have been out of town. i was at the university of virginia. i have a summer teaching gig there. >> let's go down the list. michael, where did you go to school? >> appalachian state. >> i went to school in philadelphia. >> i went to southern methodist university. we met in brooklyn about four or five years ago at a gig. he saw me on stage and the rest
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is history. we just celebrated our first anniversary. >> are you very political? is that why you are doing this? >> no, i am very musical. that is probably the best reason. i think that this makes for good music. >> what about you, andrew? >> i would say something that my brothers have not said. it is convenient that politics is always happening, so it is easy to make it into an episodic thing. what is more ridiculous right now than american politics? that is the other reason that politics has been great for these videos. >> hillary clinton, katie couric, dick cheney -- >> the dream team of singing.
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>> there is a lot of news, it is happening. there is a swine flu pandemic. michelle obama is wearing a car again. >> joe the plumber is making headlines. >> you guys are not making any sense at all. >> [unintelligible] >> does the baby need a tissue? >> you need to change your attitude. >> you know, you know, you
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>> the right of women must be perfected. >> take a number please. >> it would be one of those dramatic foreign policies. a bipartisan bill in congress would end it. president obama has already taken a big step. for most of us it is strictly off-limits. >> [unintelligible] >> long gone, long gone, long
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>> so, we have very little time left. what is the strangest reaction you get? >> we have been very flattered by requests from people asking us to auto-tune their weddings and their bar mitzvahs. we were flattered. >> i actually did an interview with the gentleman that showed up on video number six. i was worried that he would yell at me. he actually told me that it was delightful. >> andrew? >> the strangest reaction we got was that they thought it was funny. >> i would say that when we were on the "tonight show,"
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katie couric did not think that we were baboons. >> sarah is married to evan and is from san antonio. "auto-tune the news" is on youtube. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having us. >> what do you think of nuclear weapons? >> i think it is very dangerous. we must rebalance the program in order to finance our capabilities.
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michigan state is headed to the championship game. >> before they begin to rebound, before they begin to rebound. >> and now, it is my pleasure to present the 2009 national championship trophy to coach roy williams and the north carolina team. >> michigan played like the lions. >> congratulations. i know you are emotional. a talk about what this feels like.
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>> it feels great. >> coming up next week, our guest is stemming crouch. that is coming up next week at 8:00 p.m. eastern. today, a discussion on the obama administration and the middle east peace process with ambassadors from jordan, israel, egypt. the woodrow wilson center is the host. that will start at 9:30 this morning on cspan 3. this year's cspan studentcam
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contest past entries to create a three minute-eight minute video on our country's strengths or greatest challenges. >> we are carried away with the war on drugs. [music] >> america's a news media -- a wealth of information available to list for the first amendment. a closer look at our cable does plus also reveals one of america's greatest challenges. >> the first amendment was based on the notion that if there were
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many voices, the public would hear those voices and would find the truth. and the one opinion, one publication would balance another. >> the decline of civil discourse has become an obstacle. according to american, mass media forms our political opinions. media bias is not a problem of partisanship. is a problem of peace or war, solving our problems or descending into confusion. as instability become the driving force behind our television journalism today? >> in major -- in the major news outlets today, the hosts have made a name for themselves by pushing a point of view and ridiculing the people who disagree with that theme if you are going to be on the rush limbaugh show or olbermann or
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other shows, you know what you are getting into. that is what they sell. they sell argumentative exchanges. that is what people want when they watch it. >> the networks are trying very hard to hang onto their audience. the cable people are trying to take those audiences away from the network. they are using a wide range of tactics to do that. >> let's try something confrontational and less respectful and save the audience likes that. for now, audiences are watching it because it it is new and different and get your blood boiling. there is a great deal of instability between some major personalities and the people i cover that not true instability and true rudeness for its own sake is something that should be
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condemned on both sides of the political aisle. it happens on both sides of the political aisle. there are some nasty things that sometimes, in the heat of the moment, deliberately -- >> if you have to make your point in 10 seconds and you are worried about becoming commercial break and whether you will be invited back next week, your tendency is to scream, raise your voice, talk over the other person, and say something quotable and outrageous that i think rudeness for its own sake is one of the great hallmarks of as amenity. if you want to be rude and offensive for the sake of being rude and offensive, i do not condone that. i don't know anyone who does. >> news outlets try to be more entertaining. one way that can happen is by making fun of things with humor. unfortunately, that offers instability. i interview somebody and in my
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studio i make fun of them for the way they spoke or the way they dress or what they had to said. beckett's a laugh from the audience but it is unfair. -- that gets a laugh from the audience that is unfair. >> it makes great theater and compelling television but it rarely as an illumination to the issue. >> in 2008, the average daily viewership for the three major cable news works were as follows, fox news was 2.1 million viewers, msnbc had seven other a 7000. the o'reilly factor and special report are two popular evening shows. the o'reilly factor has 1.4 million more of yours. do these rigs lend themselves to the popularity of instability? >> rating comes into a factor and that comes with advertisers.
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>> i am certain that all these people are very interested and concerned about the ratings. that is good for the news organization they work for. it is also good for them in their careers. i suspect many of them actually believe what they are saying. >> if they did not sell, they would not be popular. if rush limbaugh would not be -- was not popular, he would not be carried on major outlets everywhere. it sells, that is why it is out there. >> journalists have to get audiences and when some guy on the news starts to shout and people start to tune in, others said that or for him and they tried and they shout and people to men. that will continue until people start to do now. >> people have discovered last 10 years this ability to generate ratings and make money
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from opposition forces, from arguments, deli, reticule. once they decide that that had enough of this and audiences dwindle, we will look for something else that sells. my hope is that solid rational information. >> been a nationwide poll, 80% of americans said they say instability is a problem. in a separate study, it has been shown that americans have become less and less trusting of mass media since 1972. >> so many people at this point point get what they considered their news from outlet providing not as the commentary. >> it is easy to find the people that will reinforce your opinions and never listen to the other side. >> people just say something is
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wrong and you are wrong and i am right, that is being billed as news. news, in its proper sense, is objective, factual information. to the extent that people are being misled about what is news and what is opinion, that is the problem. >> what i would wish for is to keep the same opinionated approach but add balance to it. >> anytime you inject some sort of opinion, some sort of striking opinion, you are going toward commentating. >> seeing things through a lens of opinion. >> to see all of the winning entries, visit student
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