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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  May 3, 2010 10:00am-12:00pm EDT

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he managed through authoritarian measures and a state propaganda system that was very pro -- brutal, he managed to keep the country's relatively secure, and so for the horrendous war that was fought between iran and iraq in the '80s. i will say this, to the extent that they see positive results, it was effect of so much instability after he was toppled. he at least manage to keep the country internally relatively cohesive power on and so forth. there is the feeling that the u.s. funded a lot of that and opened pandora's box. host: rusty barber is the director of the u.s. institute
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for peace. thank you for being here this morning. double about do it for this morning's -- that will about do it for this morning's "washington journal" power. if the right now, live coverage of the u.s. house. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] . .
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the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker.
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the clerk: the speaker's rooms, washington, d.c. may 3, 2010. i hereby appoint the honorable donna f. edwards to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will be offered by the guest chaplain, pastor dan claire, the church of resurrection. the chaplain: please pray with me. blessed is the nation whose god is the lord. almighty god we praise you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of life, but above all for your immeasurable love and redemption. by your light that has come into the world. we await that promised day when there will be no more death or misery, injustice or oppression. until then guide our nation in paths of righteousness for your name's sake. and forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
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against us. direct and prosper the work of this body that they may ordain for our govern nance only the things that will please you and further the welfare of all people. bestow upon every person here in both their public and private lives your amazing grace. to you be all praise and honor, glory and power, now and forever. amen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house her approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. the chair will lead the house in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives. madam, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2-h of rule 2 of the rules of the u.s. house of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on april 30, 2010, at 11:20 a.m. that the senate agreed to senate concurrent resolution 61. that the senate agreed to senate concurrent resolution 62. that the senate passed without amendment h.r. 3714. that the senate agreed to without amendment house concurrent resolution 264. with best wishes i am, signed, sincerely, lorraine c. miller, clerk of the house. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the house stands adjourned until 12:30 p.m. tomorrow for morning hour
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p.m. tomorrow for morning hour debate. on wednesday and thursday, the house will consider a $6 billion rebate program for energy- efficient construction in homes and a measure to provide trade benefits for a's earthquake recovery. -- haiti's earthquake recovery. >> world leaders are meeting at the united nations today for a summit on global nonproliferation treaties. secretary of state hillary clinton scheduled for about 3:15 eastern. midterm elections are this fall and political primary debates
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are underway in several states. tonight, live coverage of the democratic senate primary debate in kentucky. five candidates are running to replace jiim bunning. and at 9:00 eastern, a look at california's governor race and the republican primary to replace arnold schwarzenegger. while we wait for the un conference, a portion of this morning's "washington journal" -- host: paul volcker of its ran the world bank from 2005 to 2007. here with us to talk about the global economy and the imf
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report, the financial stability of the world is paul wolfowitz. why did decreased need this? guest: basically, they are spending more than they can afford. the deficit went up to 30% of their economy. to be fair, european banks were lending them money. by the way, the imf is participating, but to share is being supported by european countries. -- and a share is being supported by european countries. host: what do you think this will mean to the political structure of the eu and its ability, the common currency of
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the euro? guest: there has been speculation that this is the end of the euro, but i think it will stay together on of the problems with greece, i think this is the biggest bailout that the imf has participated in. greece is going to have to take some punishing steps. this is not an easy decision for the prime minister in greece, war for any of the eu countries. what they have to do in greece has cut the deficit from 13% to 3% and a few years, which is stunning. on the plan will be high in greece. i think you have seen demonstrators in the country, it is unpopular politically. at the end of the day, they are hoping that greece will be
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better off. i hope they are right. we have had it passed examples with turkey. in the case of argentina, all you have to do was to put off the day of reckoning. host: are other european countries doing the same thing? guest: there are some countries that are shaking. part of this effort with greece is to try to head off the same time of the attack on spanish dead, portuguese and irish dead. -- debt. they are not in as much problem, but they are not out of the woods yet. host: in the "wall street journal" --
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these spending cuts, will we see them in these other countries that are defaulting? will that happen so that they would have to avoid taking up the imf for a bailout? guest: it is better for countries to do it under their own decision than to do it under imf pressure. i was an ambassador, an economist but always pride themselves on taking these kinds of measures the head of the imf. obviously, some of these asian countries, like china, what they have done is to build up their reserves so that they can handle a crisis. the answer of too big to fail is not to bail out these countries if they fail, but making sure that they have the resources to do with any problems.
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host: paul wolfowitz is with us talking about the global economic situation. republicans, 202-737-0001. democrats, 202-737-0002. independents, 202-628-0205. over the weekend, "daily finances" had a headline saying that this was in advance of the imf. part of the story reads -- what concerns and should the u.s. have about these belts in greece? guest: and we are nowhere near the point where a priest is, -- greece is, but we are spending more than we can take in. there would be no one to bail us out, if anything would happen.
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i think we have not seen the end of this problem, but but we need to emphasize is the need for all countries, including our own, to get our fiscal house in order so that these things do not happen. host: they have a chart looking at the sovereign debt compared to other g & nations. here are the figures from 1950. coming well back to those post- war years in europe. what is the level that that number should be? guest: certainly, lower than where it is. greece is around 120%. there is no magic number.
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the fact that country were able to pay down that more time debt, you can grow your way out of it -- that is what we did in world war ii. but one of the problems now is europe is not growing. when the lenders to the program getting worse, they back away, and you get kind of into a debt spiral where your costs go up, and your deficit gets worse. host: what is it that is, between european nations that make it this way? -- common between european nations that make it this way? guest: greece is not quite as productive as the other countries, but they are tied to the same monetary standards. if this would happen in the u.s., capital and labor would
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be more flexible and could move around and adjust. greece is not as competitive as other countries, and that is a problem. host: angela on the republican line. go ahead. caller: with our unemployment rate roughly at 10%, some say that it is larger, if we were to give amnesty to 15 million, and there are no jobs as it is, what will happen to our deficit? it does not look like jobs are coming back. what would we do with all of these millions of people? would we have to put them on public assistance? i am concerned about our deficit in regards to immigration. host: you are talking about if we gave amnesty to the people
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who are already here? caller: yes, they are not able to get assistance. for example, in arizona, you are not able to get government assistance. guest: i think what's your question indicates it is, and you may see this become a problem in europe now, is that any kind of immigration, legal or illegal -- unfortunately, one of the reason that we have grown as well as we have is because of immigration. but politically, it has become difficult when we are having this sort of unemployment. we are in a recovery, but it is a slow recovery. you have political consequences here, and worse in europe, that may make it harder to recover.
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host: peter in rockville, maryland. caller: much of the populace in greece do not pay taxes. how much of that can be tied back to their choice of government -- as a socialist government? host: over the weekend, the headlines -- guest: he is right. is a problem, not only in greece, but they have been in formal economy that operate under the radar. that is one of the things they have to address one thing to be optimistic that this whole thing is going to work -- and there are some pessimists here -- they would say that that is exactly the kind of inefficiency that can be cleaned up.
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the irony is, because we have a socialist government, which is closely guarded by labor unions, amy be able to take care of these measures in a better way than they were conservative government might be able to do. but no question, there are problems of corruption and other things. it is not something that you can say is cultural. right next door in cyprus, they have been able to do with these things quite effectively. there is hope that this package and will work in that way. if it does not work, they will be confronted with a much bigger problem a few years from now. host: you mentioned it turkey earlier in the discussion. as their economy recovered, what steps did they take? guest: turkey is doing very well. they had two other advantages
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over greece. they benefited in the early part -- in their early years of this decade. the world economy was growing, and narrowed that wave. but more importantly, they had a government that took some of or could measure that made them more efficient. growth is the way to do with these problems, not a bailout. host: turkey is not part of the eu, correct? guest: yes, they would like to be, and i think that they would be stronger for it. host: next phone call. caller: i am trying to figure out what is wrong with humanity.
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everybody needs to help everybody. around the world economy is bad. everybody needs to be helping, instead of pointing the finger. my main question is, nobody covered the immigration rallies. what happened, c-span? host: just to let you know, we did cover one of them. you can take a look at our video library. johnson city, tennessee. like on the republican line. caller: i was curious about the economy. i am 33, i have a bachelor's degree, and i cannot find a job. i went to mcdonald's at one
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point and they told me i was overqualified. i am watching c-span this morning, my unemployment is about to run out. in tennessee, understand that a lot of people on board to run out of unemployment. once all of that is gone, and all of the companies go to mexico or china -- i mean, it is that everywhere. what am i supposed to do? guest: a very poignant comments, and it highlights of my jobs is the top priority. -- why jobs is the top priority. we cannot go to the imf and the time that happens, so we need to
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figure, what it is that will make our economy more efficient. host: here, in the u.s., as the recession began, with the bush administration and obama administration with the stimulus, that this type of spending was the necessary to boost the economy. there are reports from the imf saying that the sharp rise in government debt created some new threats to the system. where is that balance between what the government should do in the u.s., and in europe, how much can they put into the economy and the growing risk of government debt? guest: one thing that we found which was flatly surprising, from the standpoint of conservative economists, was
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that we needed more government spending to stimulate the economy. what he would say is that that does not mean committing three, four years from now. real growth has to come from private sector spending and private job creation. that is where pilot of these commitments in the future could drag down job creation. host: you have been president of the u.s.-taiwan business council for the past few years. what does that entail? guest: 90 facilitating businesses that want to do work in taiwan. for both taiwan and the united states, we did well, we have had a longstanding interest in the east asia. keeping something in
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perspective, it is awfully hard to do when people are worried about their own situation. we have seen impressive growth in the world economy in the past 20 years, the reduction of the number of four. in china alone, that number has decreased by 400 million. we want to make sure that we do not lose those gains in the current crisis. host: how do you counter arguments from people who say that we should not be shipping jobs overseas? guest: it is definitely a concern, but what people need to think about is that we are selling a lot into those markets. we are able to move our jobs into higher technology, better paying jobs, and we would benefit from the cheaper production, but it is that balance that we need to strike.
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host: ky. bill on the independent line. caller: what is your opinion of the cdo? host: the congressional budget office? caller: yes, what did you think about the cbo? guest: certainly, they have a good reputation. they tried their best to tell it like it is. sometimes, the question is put in such a restrictive way, the answer may not be a way to address the problem. that is usually because of the way the question is addressed. caller: let me say a few things about the cbo? . it is a political institution that was designed by politicians. that math and that they use is
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skewed. it starts with artificial perimeters and baselines. it has to function within that context. it deals with a set of the variable. at best, and mathematics, it is an uncertainty. it makes a series of reductions in those variables. so you have these guesses being made from uncertainty. anyone who can predict what the unemployment rate will be like in 10 years is a nut. guest: he makes two good points. that is what i was saying when i said that the question are skewed to get the right answer. and this comes from politicians, you are right about that. the other point, which i would
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agree strongly upon -- a record truman said find me a one-handed economist because he is tired of people saying on the one hand, on the other hand -- i am amazed at times, how confident the people come up with projections not only about next year, but five, six years from now. i think truman recognized this uncertainty. we kid ourselves if we think that economics is an exact science. host: dayton, ohio. anna, good morning. caller: could you describe what they should have boughborrowed from the world bank? how much money does the president of the world bank make?
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indiana "the price of loyalty" the author describes that it was you and vice-president cheney who started talking about iraq in some of the flesfor the bush administration cabinet meetings. in my view, you and others are in responsible for pushing that invasion of iraq. i wonder if you feel any guilt about the death and destruction that have taken place there? most of the american public has been kept in the dark about what really happened in the country. is the world bank, in any way, involved with the world bank? guest: some of the very poorest countries in the world, we call them loans but they were grants. they did not have to begin paying for 10 years, had 40
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years to be paid. i think it was irresponsible to called a loan. what happened, inevitably, was a lot of these countries got into a situation where they own a huge amount back to the world bank and could not pay it back. it was hurting their economy. some people have advocated for getting rid of those debts. we started to look at that that conference of g8 countries in 2005. i think it did help those countries stop borrowing, in order to the pay, and to start using that money for schools, health care. that was a step forward. but it was also accompanied by strong from march to stop this from happening again.
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it is too early to see if that is working. host: any reaction to your role in the administration? guest: that is a different subject. the world bank is involved, i believe, in iraq. and their economy is starting to show some progress. the question about them is where is it today, and where is it going? host: if you were to chart the past decade, looking at 9/11, iraq, afghanistan, the credit and housing bubble, the financial collapse. are there point of connections between those incidents over the last decade? guest: there are big numbers in terms of a loss because of the ongoing cost of the war, but i
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do not think anything has to do with the money that was lost from subprime house in lending, which was then magnified in the financial system. they are not connected, except that they all come back, in one form, on the federal budget. host: there was a piece about the european debt. we will give our viewers a look at the chart. there is a hedge fund manager who says -- would you agree with that? guest: i believe it is both.
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countries acted to bail out greece because they wanted to protect the euro, but also, they did not want to see their problem become a spanish problem, then a portuguese problem. it begins to add up. they're concerned about the impact on the european economy. by itself, greece may not be that large, but take those four other countries together, that is something that could really slow down european growth. host: texas. josh, good morning on the republican line. caller: i am a first-time caller. i am kind of young, 30 years old. i am kinda new to politics. .
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i think that issue is on table the next time they look for a new president. and the united states. host: following the announcement of the imf rescue for some made. we have a call from mike on the line from athens, go ahead. line from athens, go ahead. caller: [unintelligible] we will leave portion of
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"washington journal" 22 york city where officials have gathered to review the conference of the international treaty that aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad is among those speaking this morning. his first remarks since president obama began advancing his nonproliferation agenda. other speakers today include u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton. you are watching live coverage now, here on c-span.
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>> distinguished delegates, could i ask you to take your seat? we are about to start.
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>> his excellency ban ki moon, secretary-general of the united nations, his excellency mahmoud ahmadinejad, president of the republic of iran, distinguished delegates. ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to declare open the 2010 review conference of the treaty of the in non- proliferation weapons. the onus of this has been from the chairman of the third committee, and the official from zimbabwe, has been delayed from flight connections. the review conference had been convened pursuant to article 8 paragraph 3 of the traitor and resolution 61-70 of december 6,
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2006 of the united nations general assembly. this conference is the eighth review conference of the treaty and the third to be held to its may 1995, when states may decision on the indefinite extension of the treaty, on principles of the process, and principles on rows of nonproliferation and disarmament, together with the resolution in the middle east. the treaty, which was entered into four years ago, has played a crucial role in nuclear nonproliferation, this government, and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. this conference provides all parties of this treaty but an informed public today to affirm their commitment to the treaty, and to the fullest implementation of all of its provisions so as to ensure the treaty remains the cornerstone of the global nuclear nonproliferation regime.
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excellencies, distinguished don't -- delegates, ladies and gentlemen. on behalf of the ambassador, i now wish to introduce the final report of the committee, adopted on may 15, 2009. the committee held three sessions during the time april 2007 through may 2009. 139 nations participated in the work of one or more of the sessions of the committee. states not participating in the treaty, specialized agencies, agencies and of regional organizations, as well as academia and other non-program mental organizations have attended meetings of the committee in accordance with the delegates in attendance. and each session, a meeting was specifically allocated to representatives of non-
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governmental organizations to address the allegations. the committee was able to agree and make a recommendation on all main issues related to the organization of the conference, in particular, that date and venue of the pro -- conference, financial arrangements, an election of the president and other of its paris, provisional agenda, delegation to the main committee, as well as the grounds of accommodation. the recommendations on these issues are reflected in the final report of the committee, which is before you. the committee decided to defer consideration upon the final document or documents to the review conference. throughout the process, the committee devoted most of its meetings to discussion on all the efforts of the treaty and considerations of three glasses of issues based on the allocation of items to the main committee of both the 2005 review conference and three
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specific issues, mainly, nuclear disarmament and nuclear security position -- assurances, respect to the middle east, and implementation of the 1995 resolution of the middle east, and other provisions of the treaty, including article 10. guided by the provisions of the final document of the 2010 review document of the section entitled "improving the reprocess" the chairman of the first and second sessions of the committee prepared factual summaries of the consideration of the issues of the committee. in the course of these discussions, as well as those of the third session of the committee, many proposals were put forward, including those contained in the annex to list of documents and reports for you. despite the committee making every effort, it was unable to produce a consensus report containing recommendations to the review conference.
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at this stage, it is my privilege and duty to take up a particular issue, namely the recommendation for the office of the president of the conference. at the third session of the federated committee, the candidate issue of his excellency of the philippines was unanimously endorsed as the president of the 2010 review conference. i now plays recommendation formally before the conference for approval. the conference wishes to elect his excellence of the philippine proclamation of the president of the 2010 review conference of the party to the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. [applause] it is so decided. i wish to expose my quarter congratulations to his excellency and to assure him of
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my full support and cooperation, and i am sure of all delegations during the conference. i would now like to invite the president to take a seat on the podium.
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>> his excellency, mr. ban ki moon, secretary-general of the united nations, his excellency mahmoud ahmadinejad, president of the islamic republic of iran, this thing which ministers, excellencies, and delegates, ladies and gentlemen, i wish to thank most sincerely all delegations for the trust and confidence you have reposed in me, and in the philippines, to lead the 2010 review conference for the party to the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. my thanks as well close to the non-aligned movement for have been nominated me to this vital post. i am humbled and genuinely feel privileged to be at the helm of this conference.
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i take on the burden of the presidency with the full knowledge of achieving a successful outcome is in response to the the the i share with state parties. there is, of course, a much wider, bigger constituency, that we must be mindful of. civil society, the general public, international community. yesterday, i received assurance of around 20 million signatures piggin their message can be capitalized interest one message. that is we should all work hard, redouble our efforts, to a world free of nuclear arms in the --, an outcome that would be good for all, and can only be obtained if we exert maximum
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flexibility and avoided intractable positions and stubborn attitude. i take much comfort in my year- long consultations, a delegation to all professed the ability for one goal. that is the strong and urgent desire to have a strong and successful review conference. this is the treaty the regime's army needs. several developments make this moment and this review conference the best occasion to make progress on the three pillars and other issues. you must take the lead and take and not waste this we're -- a rare chance we have been given. opportunities such as this are becoming a few and far between. the world expects a positive
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outcome, and we must deliver. this is our obligation and duty as diplomats to our leaders and our people. in leading this conference, i came to follow an axiom home a chinese philosopher who once said, "a liter is best when people barely know he insists, when his work is done, his name fulfiled, they will say, we did it ourselves." i intend to work with all delegations in a cooperative and effective manner. as president, i view myself as your managing facilitator. i beseech all delegations to work with me and members of the bureau, but more importantly, we teach each other, and in so doing, be able to accomplish
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something worthy of the statement about leaders who have expressed, in various forums, hope and desire to promote international peace and security through multilateral arrangements such as the npt. in closing, i wish to quote the imminent former philippine minister, in his last speech here in the general assembly hall in 1983, he said, "i do not think the world has much time to escape and the momentum toward self destruction upon which it seems set. weeping openly, he asked what it would take to galvanize us into the necessary steps and actions to preserve the world against catastrophe. one of the necessary steps to preserve our world and plan is
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the strengthening of the npt regime, to ensure it effectively serve mankind, and let us work together toward this common goal. thank you. [applause] it gives me great pleasure to invite his excellency, mr. ban ki moon, the secretary-general of the united nations, to address the congress. >> your excellency, the ambassador, president of the npt
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conference, chief excellency mahmoud ahmadinejad, president of the islamic republic of iran, the honorable minister's, excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen , is a great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the united nations. i congratulate sincerely the ambassador from the philippines, the president of this review congress, for his responsibility in guiding this important conference toward a great success, we can expectations of the international community. realizing the aspirations of human beings to make this world free of nuclear weapons. excellencies, distinguished the gulf -- delegates, the work you undertake this day is of immense
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importance to human kind. hopes and expectations are high. the world people look to you for action, action to protect them from the destructive power of nuclear weapons, to rein in rising spending on nuclear weapons, to build a safer and more secure world. ladies and gentlemen, disarmament and non- proliferation are among my top priorities. we all know it is possible, but frankly, this agenda has been asleep too long. that is why i have been sounding the alarm about the many nuclear weapons. i have put forth a concrete action plan convinced that our moment is now i have saw to
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strengthen our laws and instruments, committed to serve as a bridge among peoples and nations with different views, some time deeply held. from my memories in my last visit to a nuclear former test site in cassocks stand, they are still fresh in my memory. on august 6, on the anniversary of the day of the first atomic bomb dropped, i will visit hiroshima. there i will say, once again, we stand for a world free of nuclear weapons. five years later, the world still lives under the nuclear shadow. how long must we wait to rid ourselves of this threat? how long will be keep passing
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the problem on to succeeding generations, to our children? five years ago, we gathered here for a similar review conference and said, plain and simple, this time we canno and must do bette. we have the choice to leave a legacy of fear and inaction, or to act with vision and courage, and the leadership. excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the nuclear non- proliferation treaty is one of the most important multinational accord in history. it is a cornerstone of the nonproliferation regime. it enjoys universal membership. we need this regime as much as
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ever. the nuclear threat remains real. it has evolved in new and various forms. that is why you are here. the world's people want more from us, and more progress on disarmament, more arms cuts, and more transparency. neither our compliance or nuclear haves and have-nots, there is a great and growing concern over nuclear terrorism. the black market in nuclear technology is real. the danger of a regional conflict could go nuclear. solutions to multiple challenges facing the treaties do not lie in elevating policies over
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another. programs in disarmament cannot await a world free of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. progress on nonproliferation cannot be only elimination of the last nuclear weapon. the advance in peaceful uses of nuclear energy cannot be held hostage to the disarmament or non-proliferation. from the earliest days of the npt, the international community understood that these goals must be pursued simultaneously. they are interdependent and the mutually reinforcing. ladies and gentlemen, as we begin this aid to review conference of the npt, there are encouraging signs of progress.
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there are agreements from the president of russia, president medvedev, and by president obama, a nuclear summit in washington, which is to be followed by one inquiry into the view -- two years' time. mobilization by civil society. we must build on this momentum. i see five benchmarks for success. first, real progress toward disarmament i heard nuclear- weapons states to affirm and unequivocal undertaking to eliminate nuclear weapons. failure to do so would be a step backward. it is time to translate this commitment into action. i also encourage you to update and expand on the 13 practical
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steps adopted at the review conference 10 years ago. steps offer a solid platform on which to build. what was lacking was a political will to translate words into action. we do not need to start from scratch. second, movement toward universality of the tree. i urge those countries that are currently outside of the treaty regime to accept this as soon as possible. pending their decision, there is a need for a measure to ensure the safety and security of those countries arsenals and technologies. nuclear materials must not be acquired by non-state actors and terrorists. additional measures should include a moratorium on nuclear
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tests, tight export controls on fissile material, and related technology, and stringent command and control agreements with their partners. there is also the need to ensure the right to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes does not have the unintended consequences. it should be unacceptable for countries to use the treaty as a cover to develop nuclear weapons, only to revert afterward. moreover, nuclear energy must be developed under agreed safeguards, especially given predictions of nuclear energy, as energy demand grow and pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions increases. .
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the time has come to think very seriously about setting a time ramping up the current mechanism dates from the time when there were questions about the monetary system. but times have changed. the system has proved to be effective. the bottom line is this. it has been 15 years since the treaty was opened for signature.
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how long must we wait? we need to consider seriously an alternative beckon as some to bring the treaty into effect. in this context, let me warmly welcome the announcement of indonesia that it will soon rectify the tree. i urge others to follow their suit. i'm ready to visit the capitals of the remaining countries whose ratification is essential, and talk to the respective leaders about their concerns. another vital development is the convention on nuclear terrorism. i have called for a conference to review its implementation to be held this year or next. i have also called on the conference on disarmament to
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begin negotiations immediately on a treaty. if it cannot agree, we may need stronger impetus from a higher political level. toward that end, members of the c.d. could consider an end at ministerial meeting this september here in new york. i also urged all states to accept the iaea's additional protocol as a nuclear summit of was encouraged by the overriding support for improving the iaea's capacity and system of safeguards. fourth, progress towards a nuclear weapons region in the middle east and on other nuclear
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weapon concerns -- nuclear weapon concerns make significant contributions to disarmament and non-proliferation. they build the confidence that can lead to progress in other areas. this is why a strong support airports to create such a thing in the middle east. and i urge you to engage in a robust discussion of the matter. with respect to the iranian nuclear program, i call on iran to please comply with the resolutions and to cooperate with the iaea. i encourage iran to set the nuclear supply proposal put forth by the agency. this would be an important confluence and the measure. i encourage the president of iran to engage constructively. let us be clear. the onus is on iran clarified
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doubts and concerns about this program. looking to northeast asia, i encourage the democratic people's republic of korea to return to the six party talks as soon as possible without preconditions, to realize the nuclear rescission of the korean peninsula. i fifth and final expedition is a strengthened review process, including a more active engagement by the relevant un ordinance. implementation of the treaty would benefit more systematic reporting and better organization of support. you may wish to consider [unintelligible] the treaty is an effective tool for the cases of noncompliance.
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it is an institutional deficit. the security council has a special and crucial role to play in filling this gap, including regular meetings to follow up the last year's historic summit meeting. i also recognize the importance of initiatives by the general assembly, as set out in my action plan. my advisory board of disarmament methods has also put forth sound proposals that their consideration. excellent season, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, let us remember that you are here not simply to avoid nuclear nightmares, but to build a safer world for all. many countries have shown great leadership.
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those that have abolished nuclear weapons, those that have established nuclear weapon-free zones and those that have reduced arsenals. i challenge you to go further still. i challenge you to take steps that will set the stage for great growth tomorrow. we need more examples of what can be achieved. not more excuses for why it is not possible. now is our time to deliver one of the deepest aspirations of humankind, and one of the founding resolutions of this organization. it is in your hands. i count on your leadership and commitment. thank you very much. [applause] >> on behalf of all the
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additions of wish to thank mr. ban ki moon for his good address and for the success of the conference. i would also like to really think him on behalf of all the allegations for the most valuable assistance we have received from him. it now gives me pleasure to invite his excellency, director- general of the international atomic agencies to address the conference. >> mr. president, secretary general, excellencies, the iaea
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works to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and to promote the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and to promote technical cooperation. the iaea also has a role to play in clarifying nuclear disarmament, as all these activities are relevant to the conference. i would like to provide you with a brief overview of a recent developments. mr. president, as you know, reliable supplies of energy are vital to ensure continued prosperity and sustained
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development. nuclear power is enjoying growing acceptance as a stable and clean source of energy that can help to reduce the impact of climate change. more than 60 countries are considering introducing nuclear power to generate electricity. it is expected that between 10 to 25 new countries will bring their first nuclear power plants on line by 2013. of course, it is the decision of a sovereign state whether or not to use nuclear power. but the iaea can assist
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interested countries to establish reliable nuclear infrastructure. i firmly believe that nuclear power must be available not only for developed countries, but also for developing countries. nuclear power needs to be efficient, sustainable, and profitable. any expansion in its use must be done safely and securely, and without increasing the proliferation risks. in march this year with the approval of the board of governors i signed an agreement with russia to establish a low enriched uranium reserve to help ensure supplies of nuclear fuel to member states.
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[unintelligible] other supply mechanisms are under consideration. nuclear technology provides unique tools to meet the basic needs of human beings, to take one example -- nuclear medicine and radiotherapy are very effective in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer. the iaea is now helping developing countries to fight cancer through our program of action for cancer which we call -- the application of nuclear technologies through radiation, animal health, and pest control is making valuable contributions to enhancing
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global food security. nuclear technology it is also useful in water management and environmental monitoring. mr. president, in any use of nuclear technology safety and security must be always -- while the primary responsibility lies with member states, the agency has an important role to play. nuclear safety has improved considerably since the chernobyl disaster in 1986. however, we can never be complacent. we need to remain vigilant. the iaea is the custodian of the
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relevant international safety conventions and standards. it provides practical assistance to member states. for simple, the iaea emissions it brings its pressed together to study individual countries' 60 systems and to make recommendations on how to remedy possible witnesses if there are any -- for example. as regards the nuclear security, progress has been made in making it clear and radioactive materials more secure. this helps states to counter the risk of nuclear terrorism which remains a real and imminent threat to international security.
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the iaea is widely recognized as a focal point for strengthening in this area. the support expressed for our work by many heads of state and government at the recent summit in washington was therefore very encouraging. turning our eyes to the technical cooperation, the final document of the 2000 conference called for the expanded use of the agency's' technical cooperation programs. the program has drawgrown since then, and annual cooperation now amounts to over $100 million usd. we implement projects in more than 120 countries and
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territories. however, more efforts are needed to achieve sufficient, assured, and predictable funding of technical cooperation. in the 2000 final document, state parties recognized that the iaea safeguards are fundamental pillar of the nuclear non-proliferation regime, and play an indispensable role in the implementation, and help to create an environment conducive for nuclear disarmament and cooperation. at present, the agency is working to resolve important safeguards implementation issues in three states. firstly, the democratic people's
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republic of korea has not allowed the agency to implement safeguards 2002 cents. therefore, the agency cannot draw any sicker conclusions. -- has not allowed the agency since 2002. they stopped all cooperation in the ad hoc monitoring arrangement pursuant to the six party process. secondly, in the case of iran, the agency continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material that remains -- but remains unable to confirm that all nuclear material is in peaceful activities because iran has not provided the necessary
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cooperation. i continue to request iran to take steps towards the full implementation of its comprehensive safeguard agreement, and relevant resolutions of the iaea board of governors and the united nations security council, and to clarify activities with a possible military dimension. thirdly, as far as syria is concerned, the agency has not been able to make progress towards resolving questions related to their nature of a certain site destroyed by israel in other locations. syria has not cooperated with the agency since june 2008 in this regard. i continue to request syria to engage with the agency on all
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outstanding issues. adherence to the iaea comprehensive safeguards has been increasing, but more should be done. at present, 20 mpt parties have still not brought comprehensive safeguard agreements and to force. i strongly encourage all remaining mpt party to conclude and implement comprehensive safeguard agreements. with regard to additional things, 32 states have brought additional things into force since 2005. it brings the total number and forced to 98. the additional information and
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broader aspects provided four improbable as, and are essential for the iaea to obtain as much information about existing and planned nuclear programs, and nuclear material holdings of states with comprehensive safeguard agreements. the additional protocol is of a vital importance for the agency to be able to provide credible assurances not only that declared nuclear material is not being diverted from peaceful purposes, but also that there are no undeclared materials and activities in those states. i urge all states to agree, to bring additional particles into force. mr. president, the nuclear
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weapons free zones make an important contribution to achieving a nuclear weapon-free world. since the last conference, the central asian nuclear weapons free zone treaty, an african nuclear weapon-free zone treaty have entered into force. i like to recall that the iaea general conference has adopted resolutions in recent years on the establishment of a nuclear weapons-free zone in the middle east. last year's general conference also adopted a general resolution on israel's nuclear capabilities. i'm following up on these resolutions as requested by the general conference. finally, nuclear disarmament is
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an area of great interest for the iaea command and the agency has a role to play through verification activities. progress in disarmament has a positive impact on non-the live version -- non-proliferation efforts. on this background i welcome the new treaty concluded between the russian federation and the u.s. last month as a step forward in nuclear disarmament. mr. president, a successful conference is indispensable because it will enhance confidence in the non- proliferation regime which in turn will give the agency a
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stronger basis for its work. i wish you every success in the coming weeks, and to go very much. [applause] >> i wish to thank mr. amano for his important address, and to address through him appreciation for the work of his agencies in carrying out the implementation of the visions of the treaty. ladies and gentlemen, due to the heavy work schedule, his excellency will regrettably have to leave the assembly hall to attend to other business. i would like to take this up the charity to wish you all the best in your endeavors. [applause]
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>> as you recall, at the third session, the committee considered rules of procedure for the conference. it agreed to recommend to the conference the draft rules of procedures contained in an next three of the final report of the committee, document --which as been submitted to the conference. the chairman of the second session of the preparatory committee, met to get the conference is to adopt the rules and procedures? it is so desired. with reference to rule 44 of the
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rules of procedure, we suggest being adopted, the secretary has received a request from palestine. matt ticket the conference wishes to approve this request? it is so desired. -- may i take it. with regard to rules of procedure, a request for agencies from the african union, the brazilian agency for accounting and control of nuclear materials, the preparatory commission for the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization, the european union, the international red cross, the parliamentary union, the international science and technology center, the league of arab states, the north atlantic treaty organization, the nato
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parliamentary assembly, the organization of islamic conference, the agency for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the kariba, and the pacific islands -- and the caribbean. netiquette the conference which is to approve these requests? it is so desired. -- may i take it the conference will approve these? according to the rules of procedure, request to attend meetings of the plenary, received a from 121 ngo's. the list has been made available to the litigation's in documents. furthermore, the preparatory committee in a certain section
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here, agreed to recommend to the conference in accordance with the rules of procedure, their representatives of ngo's should be allowed to attend meetings other than those of the submitted clause, and to receive documents from the conference, and that in accordance with past practice, ngo's be allowed to make materials available at their own expense to the participants of the conference, and that ngo's be allowed to address the conference consistent with the final documents of the 2002 conference. may i take it your approval of the request and we can proceed?
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it is so desired. election of the chairman and vice-chairman of the main committees, drafting committee, and provincial committee -- item eight of the provisional agenda. i like to proceed to the election. you will recall at the third session of the preparatory committee agreed to recommend that the main committee should be chaired by the representative from some law way -- zimbabwe, the second one from the ukraine, and the third from japan. the committee also agreed to recommend that the chairman should be assumed by the representative of the group of eastern european states, and also the chairman of the credentials committee by the group of non-aligned of other
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states. subsequently, i have been informed that the following candidates have been endorsed by the respective groups. for main committee i, his excellency, the ambassador of zimbabwe. for the committee ii, vladimir of the ukraine. for committee iii, the ambassador of japan. for the drafting committee, his excellency, ambassador of poland. and for the provincial committee, his excellency from bangladesh. and take it that a conference needs to elect the ambassador bonaface -- and the following embassadors.
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it is so desired. [applause] i would also like to congratulate you on the elections. it is very important. i look forward to successful cooperation with you all. in accordance with rule 5, the conference will elect two vice- chairmen for each of the three main committees. the drafting committee and the provincial committee. in this connection i have received the following nominations for the post of vice-chairmen for the various groups. for the main committee i, this one and a vice-chairmen of new zealand. for the second committee, the ambassador of egypt, and his
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excellency of canada. for the main committee iii, of hungary, and chile. for the drafting committee, his excellency of iran, and from sweden. for the provincial committee, from an african country, and from norway. if there is no objection, may i take it that the conference wishes to approve these nominations? if is so desired. i would now like to proceed to the election of a vice- presidents according to rule 5. the conference shall elect 34 vice-presidents. i have received the following for the posts.
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from the group of eastern european states, albania, belarus, bulgaria, the czech republic, macedonia, slovakia, and slovenia -- from the western group, australia, austria, belgium, france, germany, italy, the netherlands, the republic of korea, spain, and one other. from the group of non-aligned and other states, algeria, brazil, colombia, another, egypt, indonesia,, , libya, mexico, morocco, nepal, nigeria, new guinea, sri lanka, your guy, and venezuela, and china. may i take that the conference
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is to approve this? it is so desired. i should now proceed to the appointment of the members of the provincial committee. rule 3 of the rules of procedure provides the addition to the election of the chairman and the two vice-chairmen, the conference shall appoint six members of the provincial committee on the proposal of the president of the conference. accordingly, i propose the following members of the provincial committee. -- prudential committee, the czech republic, republic of moldova, and uganda -- we still need two more. for now will take it that you will accept the other's. if there is no objection, may i take it the conference agrees to this proposal?
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thank you. in accordance with established practice, the report of the prudential committee will be submitted to the conference. after the documents have been properly examined. i would now like to proceed. you will recall that, a second that the preparatory committee decided to invite the secretary general of the united nations and the consultation with the members of the preparatory committee to nominate an official to act as provisional secretary general of the conference. at its third session the preparatory committee was informed that in response to the request, the secretary-general of the indignations following consultation with members of the preparatory committee, had nominated the post -- to the
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post mr. thomas -- to serve in that capacity. the state parties were duly informed. may i take it the conference which is to confirm him as secretary general of the parties to the treaty for non- proliferation of nuclear weapons? it is so desired. i wish to congratulate him on his confirmation as secretary general of the conference. [applause] i would now like to take up item 12 of the provisional agenda. may i take it the conference concords with the agenda as contained in an x four of the
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final report? it includes the recommendations of the preparatory committee, and x 5, on the annexation of other committees to the conference? it is so desired. excellencies, distinguished delegates, i would like to turn to the draft program, circulated as document mpt -- . as you are aware, following my consultation with the addition of the state party's, the draft program report will guide our work during the conference. these drafts depict an ideal situation. you need flexibility in
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adjusting the program in order to take into account any change in circumstances, and to ensure that we are utilizing our time as effectively as possible. i will utilize the assistance of the general committee regarding the general conduct of the business of the conference. we will seek help if issues arise to restructure worked. taking this into account, may i take it the conference wishes to take note of the draft accord as contained in the document? if it is the case, the work of the conference will proceed accordingly.
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in connection with a program accord, delegations will note and update for the first week of the conference was circulated as document mpt -- it indicates a change in real numbers and provides clarity in this morning's commencement of the general debate. excellencies, distinguished delegates, it is my intention to therefore immediately start with the general debate, as we have many high-level dignitaries inscribe down list of speakers. this is pg. 112. it is planned to continue until thursday, may 6. i would also like to remind you as indicated in the information
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of notes on february 10, the the statement should not exceed eight minutes, and other statements should not exceed five minutes. all statements by the representatives of the state's parties are made from the roster. i now have the honor to give the floor to the first speaker, his excellency -- foreign minister of indonesia who will address the conference on behalf of the movement of non-aligned states. >> mr. president, excellencies, i am honored to speak on behalf of the non-aligned state parties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
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a person from egypt to will cannot join us today has asked me to deliver his statement. mr. president, at the outset let me congratulate you on your election to preside over this crucial thismpt conference. the non-state parties are confident that under your able leadership you can yield tangible outcomes. we earnestly hope at the end of the conference that the state parties will have produced a clear and balanced structure to enable implementation of the mpt, as well as commitments as agreed at the 1995 mpt review
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conference, and the 2000 review conference. the non-state parties assure you and your bureau of our full cooperation to further the implementation of the treaty. we also assure all non- -- state parties that you always find is ready to work and to cooperate with you to effectively fulfill the agenda of the review conference. our mutual collaboration is vital to the success of this conference. 40 years after entering into the tree and after the cold war of the world is still at a critical juncture. while there are some positive signs for disarmament, much more needs to be done to achieve complete nuclear disarmament. we need to capitalize on those emerging signs and build further progress.
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the realization of the objective of a peaceful world free of nuclear weapons is a non-state party -- is the highest per order. the non-stick parties have struggled hard to obtain a world the void of nuclear arms for a long time. every step forward to that and should be consolidated and used as a building block to advance toward the final goal to complete nuclear disarmament. there is absolutely no doubt that the mpt is the cornerstone of global nuclear non- proliferation and disarmament efforts. the full implementation thing and a balanced manner would safeguard the world from the potential devastation of nuclear weapons. our collective effort should be for the in commercialization of the mpt, and an enhanced commitment and endurance to it
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on a global scale. in doing this, all the goals of the treaty should be pursued and a balanced and non- discriminatory fashion. nam takes note of the new strategic arms reduction treaty, of the u.s. and russian federation. it is a step in the correct direction. such reduction, although a positive development, remains below the international community's expectations which anticipates more concrete, uniform, and systematic nuclear disarmament efforts involving all nuclear weapon states in accordance with their obligations under the tree. we encourage nuclear weapon states to bring about such reductions, applying the
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principles of transparency, sevillcivility, and other things at a faster pace. we recognize that where it is a clearly identified goal, it is also a process requiring careful and sustained engagement among all state parties. for our part, the non-state parties will continue to engage constructively on the full implementation of the mpt, but we expect the nuclear weapon states will also demonstrate a greater political will and deal with their commitments on a clear disarmament. to recognize the universality of the treaty along with the full implementation of the 13th reckless steps for systematic,
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progressive efforts. particularly [unintelligible] undertaking by the nuclear weapon states to accomplish the total elimination of nuclear arsenals. it continues to be crucial to the credibility. a window of potential international cooperation has opened. we would like to exploit it optimally. allstate parties must abide by the treaty. in the space remaining aside -- the state's remaining outside must also come into the fold. mr. president, we're greatly disappointed that the last review conference in 2005, it failed to produce a final i come.
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the past as many disappointments, but must not hold us back. taking advantage of signs, of emerging goodwill, we must push forward constructively, hshow this is their courage, and do everything in our power to make this conference of success. failure must not be an option. the non-state parties underline their concern as a grave threat to humanity posed by the continued existence of nuclear weapons, deterrents doctrines, either internationally or in alliances, and a possible or threat of use. the non-state parties reaffirm -- established and principled position on disarmament and non-
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proliferation. it is contained in papers submitted at this conference and preparatory committee is proceeding. we repeat our complete commitment to our obligations and commitments, and to the mpt, and of agreements reached during 1995 and 2000. nam and alliance to establish subsidiary bodies to remaining committees of the 2010 review conference of the mpt. to deliberate on 13 practical steps for systematic and progressive efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons. to consider and recommend proposals on the implementation of the resolution on the middle east adopted by the 1995 review and extension conference the mpt and to consider and adopt a
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legally binding international instrument on unconditional security assurances to non- nuclear weapons states. it is not acceptable that nuclear-weapons states and those remaining outside the mpt continue to retain and even modernize their nuclear arsenals, endangering the regional and international peace and security, in particular and the middle east. this is a dangerous and destabilizing trend. it also constitutes non- compliance by the nuclear weapons states with their obligations under article 6 of the treaty. the world should realize that the doctrines of nuclear deterrence you to bring about peace, nor international security, and constitutes an impediment to progress towards
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total elimination of nuclear weapons. as long as some states continue to possess nuclear weapons, there will always be a tendency for others to also possess those catastrophic weapons. it is high time that the leader of nuclear-weapons is ended. the non-state parties strongly urge this review conference to clearly and categorically reject the policies of nuclear deterrence and place a ban on all sorts of nuclear weapons testing with a view to their total elimination. to that end, the review conference should think up a time frame with a list of specific actions for the implementation of article 6, and a mechanism to verify the status meeting as obligations.
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it is vital the international community adopt a plan with benchmarks and time frames for how to realize the objectives of the world free of nuclear weapons. the non-state parties regard the mpt and its implementation as a paramount instrument for obtaining nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in all aspects. the implementation of the treaty is a balance between obligations and responsibilities of the nuclear weapons states and those of non- nuclear weapon states, should be maintained. the non-state parties threats of efforts aiming at non- proliferation should be parallel to simultaneous efforts aiming at nuclear disarmament. it should be clear that indefinite extension of the mpt does not imply the indefinite possession of nuclear weapons by the nuclear weapons states.
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it should be neither, should neither be interpreted as, nor result in an indefinite extension of the lack of implementation of nuclear disarmament obligations. it also does not foresee the indefinite preservation of the non-members to remain of the treaty and defeat the potential for realizing its universality. in consideration of a nuclear weapons convention, banning all nuclear weapons as mentioned and the article 6, should begin. it should be an integral part of any plan of action on a clear disarmament to be adopted. third pending the total elimination of nuclear arsenal, efforts for the conclusion of the universal and conditional and legally-binding agreement to them should be undertaken as
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a matter of priority. mr. president, the non-state parties should emphasize the in a noble rights to surge, produce, and use nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes without discrimination. nothing in the discussion should detract from the provision for development of peaceful uses of energy. golf it must be insured. in this connection, the final document of the 2000 conference clearly confirms that "each country's choices and decisions about the uses of nuclear energy should be respected without jeopardize seen its policies or international cooperation
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agreements and arrangements for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and its policies." article for is an explicit on the subject. the non-state parties do not see room for reinterpretation or setting of conditions for the peaceful uses. new restrictions currently being applied to many developing countries are regrettable and should be removed. we emphasize that in accordance with articles 1 and two of the treaty, nuclear weapons states are obliged to simply refrain from any sharing of nuclear know-how for military purposes under any type of security arrangement among themselves or with the non-nuclear weapon states or states outside the mpt. there should be a firm and
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complete cprohibition in this context. in a manner consistent with decisions and principles and objectives for nuclear non- proliferation and discernment adopted by consensus at the 1995 review and extension conference. and the final document of that conference. the non-state party's view with concern annie nuclear cooperation agreement allowing in particular that nuclear materials can be transferred to facilities that are not safeguarded. we stipulate that corp. of each state party to the mpt for
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peaceful purposes is not possible. "unless the source of material shall be subject to the safeguard required by the mpt." the final document of the 2000 conference and others also confirm strongly the iaea cigars as a condition for any form of cooperation with non-treaty parties. with regard to article 10 of the treaty, the treaty is very clear. the non-state parties believe the right of parties from treaties and conventions is governed by international [unintelligible] below.
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we recall the cooperation when it was first raised in 2005 where they confirmed the proposals put forward on this issue then went beyond the provisions of the mpt. mr. president, the non-state parties will come efforts for establishing nuclear-free weapons zones in all regions of the world. those zones created by certain states, for represent a positive and imported measures towards obtaining nuclear global disarmament and non- proliferation. we reiterate support for the establishment of nuclear-free zones in the middle east.
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[unintelligible] and the resolution adopted by consensus. we also emphasize the 1995 resolution calling for the establishment of the nuclear weapons free zone was an intentional a lament and outcome of the 1995 conference. and the basis on which the mpt was extended indefinitely. it is regrettable that after 15 years since the adoption, the decision to indefinitely repeal the treaty has not been implemented. the fact that all states of the middle east region with the exception of israel, reported to the treaty, has resulted in continued exposure of non- nuclear-weapons states to nuclear threats, risks associated of not sit guarded facility is, and activities of unknown safety standard.
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most importantly, the threat of nuclear arms race of catastrophic regional and international potential, including four the mpt region in its entirety. the situation is unsustainable. it places implementation as a prominent party for this conference which must renew its unequivocal commitment for the full and implementation of the 1995 resolution. into strictly monitor progress on this extremely abortive party. the non-state parties recalled the 1995 conference reaffirmed the necessity of the succession of the mpt and placement of all
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under the iaea sic codes. and is respects, we once again request the establishment of a superior body to consider and recommend proposals on the implementation of the resolution on the middle east adopted at the 1995 conference, and final outcome of the 2000 conference. in closing, the non-state parties emphasized that we must all learn from the past. reza the differences, and work together to make this conference a success. the present and future generations require our most sincere and vigorous efforts to obtain nuclear-free world that is safe and prosperous for all. thank you very much, mr. president. [applause]


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