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tv   C-SPAN Weekend  CSPAN  May 15, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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i do like that billboard too, though. that billboard that the college kids have up that was just recently unveed, it says "mr. president, i need a frickin job, period. that was a good one in buffalo. oh, of course, i always like seeing though too the sign of the billboard george bush saying, miss me yet? i love that one. we do because when washington goes on a spending spree and starts borrowing money to take over and bail out insurance companies and financial institutions and the banks, the automakers and keeps spending endlessly and running up dangerously unsustainable debt and deficits and expected our kids and grandkids will pay the bills for us for our overspending today, i think that's immoral. it's unethical, it's not right
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and i think that all of us agree on that and when that happens, i think a whole lot of moms who are concerned about government handing our kids the ll, this generational theft too we're stealing opportunities from the future of america, we rise up and moms say, come on now, that's enough. that is enough. and we're going to do something about this. and washington, let me tell you, you no doubt don't want to mess with moms who are rising up, they're in alaska i always think of the mama grizzly bears that ride up on their hind legs when somebody is a coming to attack their cub, to do something adverse to their cub, no, the momma grizzlies rear up. if you thought pit bulls were tough, you don't want to mess with the mama grizzlies. i think already a whole lot of those in this room. [ applause ] >> that' why we're seeing with all these women banding together rising up saying, no, this isn't right forrous kids and for our grandkids. and women leading the grassroots
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people's movement, many of the tea party leaders, most of them are women. so some commonsense constitution conservative women taking to the streets right now, orgizing on that grassroots level. this is so good for our republic. it's so good fora republic within a democracy to have this -- have this rising up, this awakening, it's very, very healthy for our republic. others are putting it all on the line, as i say, running for office, being so bold and those who are endorsed and nurture by the susan b. anthony list, we so appreciate you. when i see how many great women candidates are running, kind of reminds me of that campaign button that we had in 2008. it showed a pink gop elephant on it and it said "it's a girl." maybe that was a single girl reference then but this year look out, washington, because there's a whole stampede of pink elephants crossing the line and
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the eta stampeding through, the eta is november 2nd, 2010. [ applause ] a lot of women coming together to take that country back. organizations like the susan b. anthony list are leading the charge too thankfully. you play such a crucial and unique role in the pro-family pro-woman, pro-life movement because you support pro-life women candidates. and that is a group that must continue to grow in numbers. you sponsor candidates who will not vote present on those issues of life, and your support for the culture of life, you know that it's not above anybody's pay grade. we proudly stand up and we speak out for those most in need of our protection. those most vulnerable. and we're not shy about doing so. and being a pro-life politician is more than just a convenient
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title come election time. it means making tough decisions, even if that means bucking your party once in a while on these issues of life. even if it means standing up against that machine that's running a party. the susan b. anthony list was front and center during the obama care debate and we were also grateful for your leadership in typing the private funning in the bill during the obama care debate. we were saddened to see so many so-called pro-life democrats cave onhe issue though but we're not discouraged. far from being discouraged we need to be energized. we need to be really fired up and not be demoralized but get organized. elections have consequences. and we've seen some of the man necessarytations of that already in the recent elections and in some of t recent polls we've seen the consequences of those who said that they were something, get into office, cast their votes and prove that
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they're something else. we won't forget those w promised to hold firm against government funding of abortion. but caved at the last minute in exchange for a nonbinding executive order promised by the most pro-abortion president to ever occupy the white house. we will not forget. weon't forget and come november our new pro-life, pro-woman majority will actually be pro-life when it counts when those votes are needed. [ applause ] but your work is more than just keys, sba. you act as a represent sensation of all feminists. organizations like the susan b. anthony list are returning the woman's movement back to its original roots, back to what it was all about in the beginning. you remind us that the earliest leaders of the woman's rights movements, they were pro-life.
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women like your namesake and like elizabeth katie stanton, sarah norton and alice paul, who of course was the author of the original equal rights amendment back in 1923 who said abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women. today, polling shows that more young women agee with these feminist foremothers than ever before and believe in that culture of life. empowering women by offering them a real choice. in fact, a gallup poll showed for the first time in 14 years there are more americans proudly proclaiming themselves as pro-life understanding the sanctity of life than ever before. the majority of americans and that's a huge victory -- [ applause ] toda they're telling them they're strong enough and capable enough to handle an
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unintended pregnancy and still be able in less than ideal circumstances no doubt but still be able to handle that give their child life, in addition to pursuing career and pursuing education, pursuing avocations. though society wants t tell these young womenotherwise. even these feminist groups want to try to tell women, send this message that, no, you'reot capable of doing both. you can't give your child life and still pursue career or education. you're not strong muff. you're not capable so that's very, very hypocritical of some of those pro-life groups -- i mean pro-women rights groups out there who would claim such a thing and that's as opposed again to susan b. anthony list, another pro-life women's group saying no, no, women, you are strong muff and if motherhood isn't an option, raising that child after you allow it life, well, then adoption is a beautiful choice and we need to pursueore opportunity in that
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arena. [ applause ] so even in less than ideal circumstances, these pro-life groups are empowering women, letting them understand that, yeah, there's going to be some help and some support and resources out there for you in order to give you child life. and i understand those challenges in less than ideal circumstances. i've been there. you know, i had never ordered up, planned on being the pom of a son with special needs, you know, i thought, ooh, you know, god will never give me something that i can't handle and when i found out at about 12 weeks along through an ultrasound that my baby would be born with down syndrome, i thought immediately, okay, god, remember, you promised this, you will never give us anything that we can't handle. i don't think i can handle this. this wasn't part of my life's plan. i had no idea how i was going to handle the situation in raising
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a special needs child as a very busy governor,usy with four other kids, husband away quite often, commercial fishinging and up on the north slope in the oil fields working there and just, you know, the circumstances not -- and not knowing if my heart was ready, not knowing if i was patient and nir turing enough. my sister has a child with autism and we've always said, see, god knew what he was doing, the autistic child would be for heather my sister heather because she is the more nurturing one. she'd be able to handle this but when trig was born then, i understood then that, no, god knows what he's doing and what seemed like -- what would be such a challenge has turned into our greatest blessing. and i believe that one of the whispers in my ear during -- after that ultra sound and the weeks of the pregnancy, the months of the pregnancy was, god kind of whispering in my ear
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saying, are you going to trust me? and, are you going to walk the walk or are you just going to talk the talk? and he so prepared my heart though i didn't know preparation was even being done in our family and in my heart buthe minute that trig was born and they lay him in my arms and he just kind of melted right on into my chest and looks up at me and it was just like he is saying, see, god knows what he's doing and this is going to be good and, mom, he gave me to you and he gave you to me and this is going to be -- this is going to be a wonderful journey and truly god is so overwhelming us with joy and the recognition of his perfection, trig's perfection has been nothing but blessing and i so want to help other women who are in that situation thinking these are less than ideal circumstances. what am i going to do about this? maybe i can change those circumstances? maybe this can all just go away and we'll pretend it never happened. i want to encourage these women,
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oh, my goodness, give this life a chance. you will be blown away, overwhelmed. your life will so change for the better in allowing the life of someone even with special needs, especially someone with special needs. todd and i know know in our family trig will teach us more than we'll ever be able to teach him. he allows such aweme perspective on what really matters and i think too in this political arena is, oh, all the stuff on the periphery that just wastes time, doesn't matter. at the end of the day the things that are maybe said in the political and political pot s t shots, they don't amount to a hill of beans when trig is there showing us this golden heart that i believe god would want all of us to embrace and to emulate with a child with special needs, i tell you truly trig has been the best thing that has ever happened to me and to the palin family. yes. [ applause ]
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>> bless you. thank you. thank you very much. let me share quickly that trig does that the rest of us can learn from. he, of course, having challenges and loved challenges his entire life, probably greater challenges than the rest of us. trig, youan already see this sort of perspective in this child that i think the rest of us are supposed to understand and emulate too. trig in the morning he'll wake up, he's 2 years old now. he pulls himself up to the top of the crib there, he looks around and rubs his sleepy little eyes and even though the
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day is going to be challenging, he starts applauding, first thing in the morning. leeing around clapping like, woo-hoo. what are you going to do now? i'm like, man, shouldn't we all -- shouldn't we all? that's what we're learning from our boy. but my daughter bristol too. she didn't expect to become pregnant at 17 and those were less than ideal circumstances. there bristol having to endure some public humiliation. it was an embarrassing time for hernd bless her heart. they are out on the national stage and she and the rest of the family saying this wasn't supposed to happen. no, you don't -- you don't think that it will happen in your own family and bristol though being so strong and independent and knowing what choosing life was the right road, the right choice, she knew it wouldn't be easy and it hasn't been easy,
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and society, culture sure hasn't made it easy on her, and her message now being, hey, other teenage girls, don't do what i did. this is not easy. you know, it was a premature ending of her adolescence and it was -- you know, the beginning of a whole new life, absolutely living now for someone else. she isiving for her son. but, wow, our culture and the media has made it rough on her and they're kind of sending a meage i think to other girls that, hey, it probably would be easier if you just abort your child and not have to go through what bristol is going through but bristol too is saying, no, these are less than idea circumstances, her message now is don't do what i did. abstinence is thenly 100% foolproof way, of course, of preventing pregnancy. she though is getting clobbered for that message and she's kind of new to all of this too obviously and she's like, why would i get clobbered out there
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in our society for using myself as a lesson is what she's saying and just, you know, warning othereenagers i think the phrase she uses is pause before you play, which is that's good for them too. but bristol knowing too that it was the right choice and she now seen and the rest of us seeing that there again what seemed like life's greatest challenge and an impossible situation to get through right out of the chute when you hear the news, no, her baby having turned into such an awesome blessing and we here at the -- a year and a half later looking at this child saying what would our life be like if he were not here in our life? again, not an easy roa for bristol, not an easy road, but the right road and aim very proud of her decision. it's important to know that i am and always have been
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unapologetically pro-life so when i talk about trig and i talk to other groups about what kind of went through my mind and the feelings that i had when the doctor was telling me about what could be the results of the tests with the down syndrome tests and all that, i have to be really careful in how i explain my feelings, because some people say, oh, you know, she nsidered abortion or she, you know, how can that valate her pro-life position and i say, , what bristol and both have been through has not changed that belief, but it has changed my perspective on the whole situation. our experiences gave me tremendous empathy for the woman who does find herself in less than ideal circumstances. i now understand why a woman would be tempted perhaps to think that, well, i might just be an easier way out to try to change the circumstances, to ke the situation i my own hands and change this. i understand what goes through
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other mind even for a brief moment a split second because what i've beelew but what my family experienced through the last few years reaffirmed and strengthened my unweavering support r life at every stage and choosing life may not be the easiest path but it's always the right path. [ applause ] and i've had that confirmation. e timing of the circutances may not be perfect, but god sees a way where he cannot and doesn't make mistakes so bristol and i both putting that faith in that belief and learning what are life's greatest challenges turn out to be life's greatest blessings and though i took me time to get my arms around being the mom of a special needs child, as i say, the moment that trig was born, it was truly the happiest moment of my life and things came together for me then. it was life-changing and truly teaching us more than we'll ever be able to teach him so i think
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the sba list for allowing women to receive that message about the sanctity of life, about giving life a chance and being a pro-life, pro-woman organization that has this growing voice because more and more americans are looking to the sba. they're looking to see who it is you endorse. they're looking to see whathe meage is coming from the sba because there's a craving, there's a yearning out there in our society out there in a culture for truth. and for people who are those with that stiff spine and won't shy away from talking about the issues that some want to kind of consider off base or too controversial or too politically correct and don't want to engage in the conversation about the sanctity of life. sba is bold enough, courageou enou to empower other women to have the stiff spine and awk about those other issues and i think the list too for being a
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home to a mu conservative feminist movement is how i look at this. it's an emerging conservative feminist identity. far too long when people heard the word feminist they thought of the faculty lounge at some east coast women's college, right? and no offense to them, they have their opinions and their voice and god bless them. they're just great, but that's not the only voice of women in america. i'd like to remind people of another feminist tradition. kind of a western feminism. it's influenced by the pioneering spirit of our pr formothers who went in wagon trains across the wilderness and they settled in homesteads and these were tough, independent, pioneering mothers whose work was as valuable as any man's on the frontier and it's no surprise that our western states that gave women the vote, the right to vote way befe their east coast sisters in a more
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general till city perhaps got it right. these women had dirt under their fingernails and could shoot a gun and push a plow and raise a family all at the same time. these women are frontier foremothers, they loved this country and they madeacrifices to carve out a living and a family life out of the wilderness. they went where no woman had gone before. i kind of feel a connection to that tough gun-toting pioneer feminism of women like annie oakley and them. [ applause ] maybe it's that i'm bringing in alaska, maybe too it's because later today i do a speech for the nra and again in the group, yeah. i'm proud to call myself a western conservative in the tradition of ronald reagan. ronald reagan -- [ applause ] -- understanding those western values too. those small town values and as an alaskan woman i'm proud to consered myself a frontier fp
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nis like the early women of the west. now, maybe my jumping on a national stage was a bit of a shock to some people. some people may not have considered what an independent pioneering spirit -- how i was brought up with, what that could look like. maybe there was a lot of shock out there jumping on that national stage, but i know that some left wg feminists, they sure didn't know what to make of an alaskan chick out there talking about the second amendment and talking abo raising family and kids, the more the merrier and, you know, well, some of them even refused to admit i was even a woman, geez. that's one of the reaso why i'm so grateful for the support of this organization. oh, my goodness. the hard work, the graciousness. even the diplomacy, how you're able to engage in the issues, in the debate with healthy debate, so diplomatically, so
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professionally with so much wisdom and intelligence and, again, with grace. i'm grateful to have a place like this full of sisters who are not put off by a gun-toting pro-life mom of a fun, full family, never dull and i so appreciate the support that you all have shown. so our work together, together with susan b. anthony is to grow and expand this organization so that it too will be a foundation in our work to build a culture of life because america's going to be an even more exceptional place as that culture of life is embraced and as we make manifests the efforts in our intentions and our commitment to kind of open the eyes o others to let them see that importance of protecting life, really it all comes down to life and how we're going to take a stand on
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protecting innocent life and deciding, you know, that nobody is beneath the protection of our laws. a better america in this most exceptional country still we're going to be able to do it better. we're going to be even more exceptional with that culture of life being ushered in. it too must be a foundation for a new revival of that original feminism of susan b. anthony. together we're showing young women that being pro-life is in keeping with the best traditions of the woman's movement and this year the susan b. anthony list and its great women candidates are going to prove margaret thatcher right. if you want something done, ask a woman. we're getting the job done, sisters, one life, one activist, one election, one vote, one american dream at a time so thank you, keep up the good  work. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. thank you, guys. thank you, guys.
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>> every weekend, the book tv features 48 hours of a non- fiction books. this weekend, the former cia officer talks about life in the agency before and after 9/11. he is interviewed by a former inspector general. find the entire weekend schedule at
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>> in the relentless revolution, the professor describes why capitalism as a cultural system, not just an economic one. >> britain's new foreign minister, william head, is in washington and its first overseas trip. he met with hillary clinton at the state department on friday. the two of them held this joint press conference. this is 25 minutes. >> i was pleased to host him when he was in his shadows
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stage some months ago. this is not the first time we have had the opportunity for a substantive discussion about a very broad range of important matters. the election of a new government in the united kingdom and the smooth transfer of power this week or two powerful symbols of the enduring democratic tradition that our two nations share. we are very intrigued and will follow closely the latest incarnation of this long democratic tradition. we are reminded that our common values are the foundation of a historic alliance that really undergirds are common aspirations and their common concerns. the obama administration looks forward to working with the new british government. we will continue to build on the deep and abiding trust that has existed between the british and american people for a very long
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time. the foreign secretary and i had a lot to talk about today. we discussed our shared mission in afghanistan and he reaffirmed his government's commitment to working with the international community and the afghans to achieve long-term stability there. the united states is deeply appreciative of the british contribution in afghanistan and we honor the sacrifices of the british service members who serve their country with such distinction overseas. the united states and the united kingdom are also firmly committed to the nato mission in afghanistan. we support the efforts by the afghan government to fight corruption and build a stable and secure government and country. we will continue our very close consultation on the matter is going forward. we also remained united in our assistance -- insistence that iran felt its international
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obligation and prove that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only. contrary to recent suggestions, iran has not indicated any interest or accepted the standing offer to discuss international concerns over its nuclear program. rather, senior officials continued to say that they will not talk about their nuclear program with us. we are working closely with our u.k. and other partners on a new security council resolution affirming that there are serious consequences should iran failed to comply with decisions and un security council decisions. we also discussed -- our countries will continue working together to encourage all parties to resume direct negotiations. we seek aid to state solution to
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the israeli-palestinian conflict with an overall goal of securing a comprehensive peace in the middle east that requires everyone at the table. there are so many other issues that we touched on. we share a mutual interest in restoring confidence in the financial sector in europe and in the euro zone as well as the global economy. we will continue working together to restore economic stability. i look forward to a very strong working relationship with the foreign secretary. it is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity to begin what will be long, close, intense consultations over the months and years ahead. >> thank you. it is an immense pleasure for me to be here.
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it has been an extraordinary week in british politics. now we have a new government in a new way in britain. one of the things that has struck the prime minister and i it is the sheer warmth and the welcome that we have had from the united states. the first person to call me when i entered the office was secretary clinton. vice-president joe biden has had an excellent act on the telephone with the new deputy prime minister. one of the reasons i want to come here so quickly and have our meeting is to show that we reciprocate that warmth and we are looking forward to exactly the relationship which the secretary of state has been describing. this new british government has some real ambition and energy and determination to rebuild our
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economic structure at home, which is the foundation of any successful foreign policy. also to deliver a distinctive british foreign policy abroad. i am aware coming into this job that the challenges of foreign policy are uniquely -- that is why i have always had such huge admiration for secretary clinton, the leadership she has provided. the energy, the ideas, education, development, and effective diplomacy. she is an inspiring example to foreign ministers around the world. i pay tribute to her for that. today, we have had a very productive talk that reflected a very wide agenda of issues. we talked about our joint
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efforts in afghanistan. we discussed the closely related situation in pakistan, where we share common goals and have been discussing ways to enhance and strengthen our cooperation and support to give to pakistan. we discussed iran, where we agreed on the need to send a strong and united signal about their nuclear program to secure the passage of a un security council resolution. the united kingdom will thereafter play a key role in ensuring that there is action by the european union to follow up such a resolution. we spoke about the middle east
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peace process and i expressed my firm and full support for the president's effort to relaunch negotiations and what we as a leading member of the you can do -- what the e you can do. we will work together on the crucial issue of nuclear proliferation. we discussed development in europe and i reiterated my determination that the european union should be a strong partner with the united states. finally, i just want to see a few words about what the president has called the extraordinary relationship between britain and the united states. we are very happy to accept that description. the united states is our most important ally.
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fundamentally, it is a relationship -- and strong alignment of our national interest. the scope of our cooperation is unparalleled. our military and diplomats, intelligence and security agencies were counted in glove together. it is not nostalgic. it is one looking to the future. i believe the u.k. and the u.s. share common policy and we will continue to pursue these priorities. i can confidently say that we have an unbreakable alliance. thank you. >> madam secretary, there is
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been a lot of violence in the wake of the parliamentarians election in iraq. -- parliamentary election in iraq. is that the administration concerned about this? how might it affect the timetable of the troops? >> charlie, of course, we are concerned any time there is that level of violence that we have seen any loss of life and destruction that has caused. but we are not worried about the ability of the iraqi people and their institutions to work together to overcome the threats that the extremist are constantly presenting them with. in fact, we also have seen signs of al qaeda in iraq becoming much less of a threat overall.
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but the spate of recent bombings have certainly been heartbreaking for those who were affected. what is heartening to us is that the government and the people seem undeterred. there has not been a reaction that has pitted communities against each other. there is not been recriminations, even in this difficult period of government formation, that is ongoing. overall, we are very convinced that iraq is certainly able to deal with these in both the military and police functions, but also equally importantly in their political structures. we see nothing that would in any way interfere with our timetable for withdrawing american troops.
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>> madam secretary, you've talked about being intrigued by this new incarnate -- incarnation of diplomacy. is there any part to view that worried about possible fractures in a coalition government leading to a lack of solidity in your relationship with britain? are you concerned that the surge simply is not delivering fast enough and president karzei is hardly delivering at all? >> as to the first question, the answer is no. i have absolutely no concern whatsoever. we did not formally have a
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coalition government and the way that you have formed one in the u.k. now, but we have enough of our own internal differences that we have to sort through. i see nothing at all unusual about this new government and from our perspective, it is off to a strong start. on the foreign-policy front, we are extremely pleased. this meeting and discussion just confirmed our close partnership and our commitment to working together. afghanistan is one of those areas. i would beg to differ with the premise of the question. i think that the actions that are coalition forces are undertaking are proving to be effective.
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we conducted our own peril review when president obama took office and during the course of that review, we made three conclusions. what happened in afghanistan was critical to america's security interest. the taliban regains momentum and that momentum had to be broken direct it will require from the u.s. and our allies more troops on the ground in order to achieve that objective. i am seeing signs of that. thirdly, there had to be a very close civilian-military partnership because you do not expect to win what is called a
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counterinsurgency by military means alone. the military commanders said are in charge of this on our side are taking all the lessons that they learned from iraq and applying them in afghanistan. i think to good effect. we also know that we have to strengthen the capacity of the government of afghanistan. i would just add -- this country was so ravaged by war and the most intense conflict and degradations that destroyed so much of their history, other infrastructure, that may seem like it is a long time to us with our time frames in the u.s. and u.k., but the nine years that have gone by since the writing of the taliban have seen
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significant improvement in the lives of the people in afghanistan and the creation of a democratic government or there had been none. are we satisfied? no. a number of his key ministers, many of whom were here to report on the progress they're making in very critical areas. part of what we will be doing with their counterparts -- with our counterparts is to be working to review where we are, what more we need to do, and how we can better coordinate our efforts. our military efforts are very well coordinated. on the development side, the civilian side, we want to make sure we're making the best investment. all in all, this is a big challenge. i am not going to undersell
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that. but it is in our interest or we would not be there. we are making progress and we have a very clear understanding of how much wheat and the afghans also need to be doing. >> we will give the time and support. we will take stock of how we can best do that. that includes enhancing and reinforcing the cooperation between the united kingdom and the united states at the highest level, that we have a clear shared perspective on what we are doing. on the first question about the nature of the new government in britain, i think it is important for our partners and friends around the world to know that what we set out to achieve here is a particularly stable periods in the british politics and government print to of the three political parties have come together putting national
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interest ahead of the party interest. it does mean stability in britain. to be the kind of objectives the liberals have been talking about today, everything i have said today about our approach to relations with the united states is an approach shared by the whole cabinet. i am speaking on behalf of a united government. >> secretary clinton, you spoke to chinese counselor for an hour on tuesday night. did that conversation bring you materially closer to consensus on the iran resolution? related, it seems inevitable that to a runyon's will try to use this weekend's visit by --
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iranians will use this weekend's visit to blunts the efforts of the security council. t >> i did have a very lengthy conversation with state councilor. we covered a lot of the negotiating points that are being pursued. we are making progress every day. this is the highest priority. we believe that the case is being made because when the united states and allies like the u.k. began pointing ounce,
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starting last fall, that the iranians were not responding to our offers of engagement, the offers were not accepted. there had been no meeting since the meeting in geneva in october. they unilaterally said they would start in reaching a 20% when the undisclosed facility was revealed. the iaea issued its report. every step along the way had demonstrated clearly to the world that iran is not participating in the international arena in the way that we had asked them to do and that they continue to pursue their nuclear program. yes, we are aware of the fact
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that there will be a meeting in iran. i also spoke at link to the brazilian foreign minister and most significantly, the interchange between presidents to date illustrated the hill that the brazilians are attempting to climb. president medvedev -- the world leadership as evidenced by the security council has moved in the same direction. some perhaps are quickly than
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others. they have moved in the direction of reaffirming the authority of the security council as putting some real teeth into the sanctions of uniting the world in a way that will send an unequivocal message to the leadership in iran. i have told my counterparts in many capitals around the world but i believe that we will not get any serious response out of them until after the security council. >> better than several foreign secretaries under the previous government to tangled with the iran issue. what can you bring to this subject that might be different from the approach of the past? what point do think we might get to the stage where a strike -- a military strike will be
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discussed? >> i am not looking for differences with previous administrations. we supported the efforts of the outgoing labor government working with the united states on this subject. there'll be a strong continuity of british policy on this matter and i fully endorse everything that secretary clinton has just said about it. the united kingdom will work socle the alongside the united states to secure the security council resolution. we will play -- we will do everything we can as a new government in britain to persuade our partners in europe that will be necessary to show europes determination, to take some similar steps to those taken by the united states to intensify the peaceful pressure on iran. i have long advocated that the
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european union should adopt financial sanctions. we have to get into the specifics after the security resolution has passed. there is no magic to this approach. requires persistence and determination and united strength in the international community to tackle this problem. we will buttress that as the predecessors have tried to do. we are not calling and we have never ruled out supporting future military action, but we are not calling for it. we want to see this matter settled peacefully and rapidly now that we have called for the sanctions. >> thank you.
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>> following a cabinet meeting on the gulf of mexico oil spill, president obama issued some strong words for the oil companies involved but he also vowed to end a cozy relationship between oil companies and federal regulators. here is the president's remarks after the cabinet meeting.
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the potential devastation to the gulf coast and the economy and its people require us to continue our relentless efforts to stop the leak and contain the damage. there is already been a loss of life, damage to our coast line, the fish and wildlife and the livelihood of everyone from the fishermen to hotel owners. i saw firsthand the anger and frustration felt by our neighbors in the gulf. it is an anger and frustration that i share as president. i am not going to rest or be satisfied until the league is stopped at the source and the oil in the gulf is contained and cleaned up and the people of the gulf are able to go back to their lives and their livelihood. the most important order of
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business is to stop the leak. i know there have been varying reports about how large the league is. since no one can get down there in person, we know there is a level of some uncertainty. as the admiral said today, our response efforts have always been geared toward the possibility of a catastrophic event. what really matters is this, there is oil leaking and we need to stop it and we need to stop it as soon as possible. but that source being 5,000 feet under the ocean surface, this has been extremely difficult. scientists and engineers are using the best technology that exists to try to stop the flow of oil as quickly as possible. our second task is to contain the spill and protect the gulf coast and the people who live there. we are using every available resource to stop the oil from coming ashore. over 1 million feet of barrier boom has been deployed to hold
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the oil back. hundreds of thousands of gallons have helped to break up the oil. about 4 million gallons of oil water has been recovered. a 13,000 people have been mobilized to protect the shoreline and its wildlife as has the national guard. we also sent to congress legislation that would provide us with the additional resources that mitigate the damage caused by this bill. -- by this spill. it would help with cleanup efforts, provide audit -- employment assistance and job training and it would help with the region's economic recovery. that is why this legislation is important. it would also help ensure that companies like bp who are responsible for oil spills are the ones that pay for the harm caused. not the taxpayers. this is in addition to the low interest loans that we have made
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available to small businesses that are suffering financial losses from the spill. let me say a word here about bp and the other companies involved in this mass. bp has committed to pay for the response efforts. we will hold them to their obligations. i have to say that i did not appreciate what i consider to be a ridiculous spectacle during the congressional hearings into this matter. executives of bp, transocean, and halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else. the american people could not have been impressed with that display and i certainly was not. i understand that there are legal and financial issues involved and a full investigation will tell us exactly what happened, but it is clear that the system failed and failed badly. for that, there is enough responsibility to go around and all parties should be willing to accept that. that includes the federal
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government. for too long, for a decade or more, there is been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permit them to drill. it seems as if permits were too often issued based on little more than assurances of safety from the oil companies. that cannot and will not happen anymore. we will trust and -- but we will verify. from the day he took office as interior secretary, ken salazar has recognized these problems and has worked to solve them. oftentimes, he has been slammed by the industry, suggesting that somehow these necessary reforms would impede economic growth. as i just told him, we are going to keep on going to do what needs to be done.
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i have asked the secretary to conduct a reform of the minerals management service's. this week, he announced that the part of the agency which permits oil and gas drilling and collects royalties will be separated from the part of the agency in charge of inspecting the safety of oil rigs and platforms and enforcing the law. it that way there is no conflict of interest, real or perceived. we have ordered the immediate inspections of all deepwater is -- no permits for drilling oil wells will go forward without the environmental review that i requested is completed. we're also clogging the loophole -- closing the loopholes that allow oil companies to bypass critical environmental procedures. as i said before, domestic oil drilling continues to be one part of an overall energy
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strategy that now includes more clean renewable energy and energy efficiency than any other time in our history. it is absolutely essential that going for robbery put in place every necessary safeguard of protections that a tragedy like this does not happen again. this is a responsibility that all of us share. the oil company share it and the manufacturers of this equipment share its. the agencies of the federal government in charge of oversight share that responsibility. i will not tolerate more finger- pointing. the people of the gulf coast need our help and they deserve nothing less than for us to stand up and do whatever is necessary to stop the spill and prevent further damage and compensate those who have been harmed already. that is our job. it is also our job to make sure that this kind of mess does not happen again. the job we have been doing is the job we will keep doing until this well is capped. thank you very much.
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> care is what is coming up on c-span. "washington journal" is next. later, the head of the federal reserve bank of minneapolis talks about regulating the u.s. financial industry. >> and about 45 minutes, we will discuss the gulf oil spill with houston chronicle reporter. then a look at britain's new al


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