tv American Politics CSPAN May 23, 2010 6:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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say that year, even though you have around since the carter administration, you have to try to talk about yourself as. that's very hard to do. ike skelton voted against the health care bill. if that is the sort of reform is trying to tout nationally, locally it's going to be tough. i think he will have to do everything he can to make this race just about is western missouri district. . it's a hard case to make. >> one thing he was saying is that republicans test drove the argument that obama and house speaker are the boogeyman and it failed. one argument he continually brought up was you don't want to hand the keys back over to the republicans because -- pointing
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to the economic situation or other things democrat that others might blame on republicans when they were in control. does that argument fly in these district races when the republican argument, trying to nationalize the campaign, did not work? >> president obama uses that exact phrase -- don't give the keys back to the guys who drove the car back into the ditch. what it assumes is you can still make a compelling argument to the voters of remember the days of president bush, robert which did not like about president bush, the economic issues, much more so than the war in iraq is what people think of now. the question is, two years down the road is that still a compelling argument? the other guys will say you have.
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>> the argument that works and still works with liberals and the democratic base. i was just up there for at arlen specter lost because joe sestak got very close in the polls and then started airing commercials showing arlen specter with george bush. this was a democratic primary, so is just democratic voters, but a media leigh joe sestak surged ahead and won comfortably. will that work with and and and boaters, i don't know. >> i asked about rand paul because after he won, now he has had a couple of interviews and a couple of things that he has had to walk back since then. do you see democrats trying to make rand paul a figure in other races if it ends up as a way to energize their base and get them to come out? >> that are to say right now. i just don't know -- that's hard
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to say right now. i just know that he's not that -- i just don't know that he's that national of a figure yet. there are a couple of races in kentucky where they are defending seats and you will definitely see them trying to tie their republican candidates to rand paul. it remains to be seen if that becomes a bigger national trend. >> i think it is hard to get people outside of kentucky to focus on rand paul. but what congressman van hollen and other democrats up for is that this type of thing will happen in other states and other districts and they can't can -- they can increasingly showed the republican party to be out of the mainstream, under the control of people who are radicals or not part of mainstream american political thought. how far they can get that argument, i don't know. but that is what they're hoping for. >> thank you very much. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> in some ways, every class gives you a sense of what the country is thinking at that moment. >> when journalists looks behind the institution of the u.s. senate, the upper house, tonight on c-span. >> tonight, remarks following his reelection to the post of the british house of commons speaker. we'll also hear from the new british prime minister, david cameron, and the acting labour party leader. then, the new chancellor of the exchequer gives his first major speech on the british economy trade he talks about cutting spending and reducing the corporate tax rate. that is tonight at 9:00 eastern on c-span. >> the spatial atlanta's has undock from the international space station as a begins his journey back to earth. shortly before this, the cruise
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took some time out to talk to reporters about their mission, about life in aerospace, and what they're looking forward to when they return to earth. this is about 35 minutes. >> i think we are ready for questions. >> we are ready for questions. >> i have a question for the commander of atlantis. yesterday, while answering students' questions, you said it would be an honor if you -- it turned out you and your crew mates are flying atlantis'final mission. with that in mind, how would you have remembered in the history books? what have been a highlight of the past 10 days that you feel
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said apart this mission as far as an art -- as far as an orbiter's final flight? >> good question great idol want to or hope we set ourselves aside as a different or better, if you will group mission than any other mission. one of our objectives was to get our job unprofessional way, correctly and on time. then also have a lot of fun doing it and hopefully show that fund to the rest of the team and everyone else involved because there are thousands of folks involved in the mission. we won't know until we get back on the ground and talk to the team, but i think we did share the fun and enthusiasm of the experience of flying in space. that is the way i would like this flight to be remembered. >> thank you. during the space walk on friday, we watched as you floated into
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the payload bay and on your way to the windows, you climbed over the tool stowage assembly in which you packed momentos to mark the shuttle program's and. can you share with you choose to bring back from this mission as your personal moment though of your time on atlantis and this mission and your last shuttle flight? >> alan to emphasize we didn't take anything out of those apartments -- i want to emphasize we did not take anything out of those payload compartments. mostly, it is memories that i bring back. memories away of space walking and the views, memories of all the fun that we add and that is the main thing.
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photographs and video we will be watching for the rest of our lives. >> what was your most challenging task and most exciting moment during the long duration mission? did you experience any thing you did not expect and what are you looking forward to must renew our back on earth? -- what are you looking forward to most when you are back on earth? >> there have been some absolutely astounding things, like the views that we have been able to experience out the windows. we have been able to do an awful lot of science and art work together successfully. i think one of the things i can honestly share back with you is the bond a, the friendship and camaraderie that exists when you
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work long missions together. in that camaraderie is some absolutely gut-wrenching cannot tear-producing laughter we have been able to share with some of the senses of humor we have appear. all that combined together is a very warm memory. >> as a veteran, was there anything new for you and you had to perform lot of robotic tasks. was it more difficult for easier compared to your training? >> yes, it was very different for me. the other two flights, i came up, the inside of the station looked pretty much the same. this place is now a palace. it is huge. i had great fun exploring it. we're seeing station pretty much in its final form and it is really magnificent. as for the robotics, it is wonderful. i was in the belly of the
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station, a glass down under these all day, getting a suntan and waving it around. it was a lot of fun treat. >> from your perspective on order right now, what thoughts and feelings about your final shuttle flight which like to share with the rest of new england? >> a saki caught, which is kind of need. -- i saw cape cod, which is kind of neat. i get to point out where my home town was and that was very exciting. as a memory from this flight,
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the opportunity to share the world with my friends on board the space station -- no matter where you are, you have friends you can share with and that's a great deal. >> thank you. a follow-up question -- before the mission you talked about all the hard work you are going to be giving on the mission so you have a great feeling of accomplishment give afterwards. could you expand on that? >> we have talked a lot about having fun up here, but the main reason we're having such fun is that everything went smoothly on the mission and we accomplished all our objectives. there is nothing like a little success to make you have a good time. i was hoping that after all of this hard work, but only by s
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but all the people on the ground, we have a lot of success. about what i was talking before, i was hoping to have this feeling, and i've got it. >> my question is for each of the crewmembers and anyone who like to contribute. if it was exclusively up to you, which city or town would you select to nav as a public display place for atlantic -- public display place for atlantis and why? >> that's a great question. decide,ot for us to unless i get to pick. that would be in my backyard. i get plenty of letters from my homeowners' association about
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leaving my garbage can and out and not having might grass trimmed. but if i had the space shuttle part in my backyard, that would make all those letters disappear. >> for members of the iss group, after a backpacking for a long trip and for getting -- realize the efforts and some large for small, have any of you had the experience on this flight? >> i forgot to bring sweats, something to keep warm, other than the work pants every day. but i have to say, you're taking care of very well out here. we have some legal looking after us to make sure not only we are
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accomplishing our mission and been able to take care of this place, but that we are taking care of ourselves also because this is our home away from home. i wouldn't say we're missing too many things here except our families. >> you have flown to the space station in the past in different capacities. i wonder if you can draw from that and wonder which of scene of the earth on this mission and if you have any oppressions that seem -- and the impressions that seemed remarkable? thank you. >> i will be the short answer. the main impression i got is really how small the world is. you go around it in one-and-a- half hours, but you didn't
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recognize roads, city blocks down there. we live on quite a small planet and that really brought home. >> i agree. >> that concludes questions from the johnson space center. please stand by for a voice check. >> atlantis, iss, how do you recall? >> we read you loud and clear. >> this is a question the associated press. he mentioned how scary the oils
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bill looked in the gulf of mexico. i was wondering if you could describe what it looks like. does a look like a brown stain against blue water or -- use your own words. >> the oil spill, we are watching from above every day and it is kind of sad to see the beautiful sea tinted. these days, the stain has spread around to the south and i've heard it's going to migrate to the atlantic side. we are hoping for a quick recovery watching from above. >> you are the king of space twittering. your posting some of the pictures and words, how is it for you having that kind of access to social media from the space station and do you find it entertaining?
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>> thank you. kudos to those who made it possible and my personal thanks to bichromate who worked very hard to make it happen. i'm just a user and he is actually just the background engineer to make it possible. my message to you guys is look, the earth is beautiful. i guess want to share the pictures and i'm not the best photographer. other people who take better pictures, but i like to share the hard work of a regular person coming up to the space station and i just want to share the deal. i'm very happy to have a chance to share the eyes and a beautiful photographs with you guys. >> you mentioned how much fun you have been having. what was the most fun yet had it last week?
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-- the most fun you add in the last week. >> probably can reveal some of the best fun we've had. but i think it is spending time with this group of people. all 12 of us, we have bond appear in the space which is an interesting experience. -- we have bonded up here in space, which is interesting. it sets up the human emotion of being happy together and there are some senses of humor on this crew better excellent, to be kind. we have had a lot of fun laughing together. >> this is from cbs news -- what are you looking forward to and what you going to mess when you get back to the ground? havem going to mess -- we
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been appear five months and -- you finally think you're getting the hang of it and it's sad to be departing the operational world i enjoy and love as well as the camaraderie we share with our crew mates. what i am looking forward to is getting back together with family and friends, specifically i would like to drink something not through a straw and have food stay on the plate for a change. >> i can understand that. a quick 140 cmdr. can you give us -- a quick one for the commander. can you give us your impressions of the new module? >> thank you. the new module looks really good. it is still packed with cargo
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that was brought up with the module and we will work very hard to unload it, but in any case, it is excellent, especially this model is designed to be a russian science laboratory. so we are really looking forward to utilizing this model in the future. thank you. >> that concludes questions from ksc. please stand by for more questions from the johnson space center. >> atlantis- iss, how do you your me?
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>> we read you loud and clear. >> i have a question -- you entered space on the anniversary of the last saturn 5 watch which was also the liftoff of the first skylab. that sort of parallels york from a light at the last four atlantis and one of the last for the shuttle program. now you are flying when the assembly of the international space station is nearly complete and science the parents is about to begin. does this feel more like the beginning of a band or the and the beginning? >> it's definitely the beginning of the end for the shuttle program. as our commander put it so eloquently yesterday when we were talking with some of the
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kids, unfortunately, this is necessary for us to move on. the shuttle is an incredible vehicle. it has a payload bay, and airlock silicon do space walks, a robotic arm, unbelievable capability, but it is limited to a low earth orbit. so as we continue to dream and explore and to the sellers system and go further, we are going to need to go into a new vehicle. unfortunately, as they shuttle is not that vehicle. so we'll say goodbye to the space shuttle and look forward to a new vehicle and new exploration. >> i have a follow-up question. the last time you are in orbit, there was not the cupola. could you describe your experience of sticking your nose
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against it? >> did you get nose prints on there? >> it's an amazing facility. we have proved its value at the robotic operations, which was the real purpose for the existence. if it had appeared earlier, would probably would have gotten more use out of it. for those of us not doing robotics, it's the most amazing place to sit and watch the world go by. it is an opportunity to look down and see what the world looks like and reflect upon it. >> atlantis-iss, this is houston, this concludes questions from the johnson space center. please stand by. >> how do you hear me?
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>> read you loud and clear. >> you have been in space for over 160 days and about 10 days, you will lead back to earth. looking back, to you think this was a long state or a short stay? after you come back to earth, what do you want to do and where do you want to go and what the want to eat? >> first, but my crewmembers relax a little bit. we have to be prepared for the japanese questions. i have been in space over 160 days and it was really so short.
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maybe i could state two or three more months and the view is wonderful and it's -- the life here on the international space station was wonderful. when i go home, i want to go to a hot springs bath and spend my days there. but want to go back to houston where my family will be waiting for me and spend some time with them. >> he said it was a wonderful experiment facility, that i would like to ask, you have been carrying out very experiments. what is the most impressive thing that you felt? other people will be on the expedition as well, so what are the possibilities -- what is
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the potential accomplishments? >> i get the strong impression that the new robot arm was done in january -- from the airlock we have that out and actually operated in space. the basic functionality has been completed and i'm very happy about that. what i'd do the experiments with the researchers on the ground, their interaction will generate a new experiment and also some humanistic experiments will have some potential as well.
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those types of new experiments can be done as well and we can further enhance in that way. >> this is the longest stay of a japanese person. how is your physical condition? he said would be able to stay three months of you were required to that you are at your limit. how is your physical condition? >> my physical condition is very good. in the first week, i was not used to it and just like the first shuttle flight, in the beginning, it was rather challenging and difficult. after that, i got used to it and felt more comfortable. about 160 days now, i could
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perhaps stay an extra two or three months, i personally think, but with my experience being accumulated, i think more and more, the time when human can live in space, that day will come, i think. >> i have to questions -- how was the taste of the raw fish brought up by a team? how -- you have taken pictures -- but when you come back to ground, what kind of pictures do you want to take on the ground when you come back? >> [unintelligible]
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in late 8 very extreme -- in a very occult -- very extreme and cold environment, sushi was very popular and i enjoy it. but we had some sushi parties a few times and the americans, russians enjoyed japanese sushi very much. in terms of twitter, this is a dual thing that want to take even more, but this is only from the space station. i'm sure i can communicate about art as well. >> you seem to be enjoying years day.
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for the extra 10 days that i have, i want to work and be healthy. >> thank you for sending us beautiful pictures. from the window, you are able to see space there. what was the most wonderful thing? >> no matter where, it was beautiful. it was believed that we have never seen, it is full of such beauty never known to us before. i love to discover the beauty every day.
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and in the space shuttle docked or re-entered the atmosphere, i took some pictures of them. but when human beings come into space and goes back to earth, it is really overwhelming. it is really powerful and you can see that our friend is there, and it was moving for me. >> mr. noguchi [unintelligible] phere's been no accomplishment in terms of the industrial aspects of the experiments carried out by iss.
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there have been 40 billion yen spent annually on this program. >> yes, i think that is an important question. this is a facility where various experiments are being conducted. together with the researchers on the ground, we have been to ask -- conducting various experiments and the accomplishments are huge. we have been able to conduct a wonderful experiments affecting the world. all the other experiments will be returned back to work, and so we would like to continue with our efforts to share with the people what we have been doing. >> what would you bring into space if you had another chance?
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and what is the one thing you want to eat back here on earth? >> like you very much. -- thank you very much. the next time -- i ate sushi this time, so an ordinary soba, or the fast food noodles, they may be delicia's year. when i go back to earth, all like to spend time with my family and eat ordinary daily food, hot, warm food, and i would like to eat it with chopsticks. >> allied as mr. no jews came -- i would like to ask mr. noguchi
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what was your impression? science has experienced trouble in the past. is there anything you are worried about? >> i am the flight engineer and i enjoyed a wonderful experience here. to be able to be involved in the life of a space aircraft is something unknown to me. and so i would like to use this experience for further development. this has a long history and it is -- there are systems that could back up, so multiple redundant technology is there.
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i have no problems whatsoever on landing. >> there was the significance of iss and i wanted to ask some questions. there are some opinions of experiments in space. will there be any proposals that you can make on possible experiments in space? >> at this time, it is a new experience on fish scales. [unintelligible] people will be more honorable and week. people's experience might help to solve these issues, with our
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own physical body experiencing -- experiments on bones. perhaps we can contribute to the solution of health issues that people have. and i think that kind of experience is a very important issue. it is something shared by many people so i think many could understand the significance. >> the iss is a huge artificial thing in space. but an outside the wall, there is a huge space. this is a closed facility.
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do you not feel the threat of death? i hear some alarms going off. is there someplace where you can speak ordinarily without feeling such a threat? and you had many followers on your twitter. have you ever imagine that you would have such follow worrs on twitter? >> in the last flight, i had a space walk. at that time i thought that outside the space you -- space suit, it was a world of death
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and darkness. now we have a big window were reelected space through the window -- where we look at the window and we see that there is no difference -- i can see the difference between inside and outside the window. earth is a planet but it is floating in space as we are as well. we're both floating in space so maybe we are equally equal. as human beings, we are people on this planet earth. it is the same thing. as for twitter, i think many people would sympathize with main -- with me.
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there was such a beauty and the earth and it took a long time for me to recognize that duty. that was something that i did not expect it was delightful to find out so many people interested in me through twitter. >> atlanta's eis nss, that concludes the event. -- atlantis iss, that includes the event. >> thank you, and thank you, media. we are now resuming operational audio communications. >> it gives you a sense of what the country is thinking at that moment. >> terence samuel was behind the institution of the u.s. senate. "the upper house" tonight on "q&a."
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>> tonight on c-span, remarks following the reelection to the post of british house of commons speaker. we will hear from the new british prime minister david cameron and harriet harman. the new chancellor of the exchequer, george osborn, gives his first speech on the british economy. he talks about cutting public spending and reducing the corporate tax rate. that is tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. alert just weeks after the british elections which produced a new prime minister and a coalition government, queen elizabeth ii will formally of announce her government's legislative agenda for the next session three we will travel from buckingham palace to parliament for britain's one of mark -- one of britain's most celebrated occasion. the opening of parliament on c- span2.
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>> a look now what politics and the 2010 midterm election. from today's "washington journal," this is about 45 minutes. -- "newsmakers." host: alex isenstadt is the political reporter for politico. let's begin with this headline in honolulu. charles djou gott, and defeat in two democrats. your reaction? guest: it is a win for republicans. they win. it was a previously democratically-held seats. 7% of the vote was for barack obama in 2008. this is not entirely unexpected. we know that national democrats pulled out of the race earlier this month. host: and kansas ran for the senate, saying he might run again. he stayed in the race.
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there seem to be divisions within the democratic party in hawaii. guest: you cannot discuss this without understanding the local political factors that really drove this race. you had senators and daniel ia way -- inouye and aka. the senators stood behind him. you had a situation where democrats were bound for the vote. the map wa not there for democrats. host: the headline froa colorado paper is referring to andrew roman off -- roumanoff. ken salazar is not the interior
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secretary. what happened over the weekend? guest: you saw roumanoff picking up some of the votes. this is a continuation of what we have seen for months now, picking up the support of political insiders in colorado. host: michael bennett is now running as the outsider. guest: it goes to show you that incumbents now realize it. bennett feels he has to run as the outsider in order to avoid the fate we have seen other incumbents face the cycle. host: andrew cuomo launches his crusade for governor. a similar headline in "the new york post." details in "the new york times." in a direct confrontation with a legislature controlled by his party, the democrats that he
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would pressure lawmakers to state publicly whether they would embrace essential changes, including disclosin their outside income, ceding control of districting to an independent panel, and submitting to an outside ethics monitor. guest: clearly, the attorney general is seeking the forme mantel in this race. it is not a surprise. it goes to show you how the incumbent is trying to take that outsider status. host:paul was supposed to appear on "meet the press." from a the third time in its history, the guest backed out aa the last minute. >> he has gone dark after what has really been a difficult three days of the campaign, since his dominating when on tuesday.
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basically, he found himself under a wave of criticism for comment that he has made about whether he ould have voted the civil rights act. basically, his campaign is trying to steady the boat. yesterday, they have a unity summit with mitch mcconnell, who had endorsed his primary opponent. host: the philadelphia "enquirer," front page. "party machine." he says the outcome challenges the notion that e white house and other big shots in the party can clear the field for the favored candidate to avert a bid price of -- a divisive fight.
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the candidate is running in a year when the voters are mad at the political it's publishment. -- political establishment. fewer voters have ties to vote for infrastructure. gut: so why colleagues -- some of my colleagues wrote in this new age of politics that some endorsements are done from party bosses and the establishment from the white house. to what extent do they make much of a different right now? we have seenhe white house braced for michael bennett in colorado. we come to find out that those endorsements do not make much of a different right now. host: let's get your phone calls. you can join the conversation online at
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let me ask you abo the margin of defeat by arlen specter. did that surprise you? >> i think it became fairly clear in the days leading up to the race that he was not going to win this race. , look. it is surprising if you consider the fact that he has been a huge pa opennsylvania politics for three decades. he lost to a two-term congressman. that is a prey big deal. host: the 12th congressional district, there was focus on a race republicans helped to pick up. the playbook from the special election is not complicated. make the election a choice between two local candidates, not a national referendum on the democratic party, or the state, or the nation. establish republican from the outset that do not let up. guest:nef the things
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democrats benefited from in this race, it is fair to say it is a stronger, sharper method, tied to the local issues. we saw the democrat in that ce really honing in on some of the local economic issues that matter soh in this district. the republicans are focusing on the broader attack on nancy pelosi and washington democrat. that may not have worked as well. .
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and for others, seeing your career sort of ending like this is obviously difficult thing. i think, though, what senator bennett faced with the tea party isn't unlike whate're seeing democrats in other districts and other races face as well, which is general anti incumbent sentiment. so what you're seeing with the tea party is unlike what you're seeing with articlen spector being booted out this week. host: from cage brill, -- dr host: from cage brill, -- dr came bridge, illinois. caller: know, with the republican victory in hawaii can be seen as a win for republicans, i think the significance of winning in a district where obama was born may be lost on many republicans since about 57% of them seem to believe that he was born in kenya, which just might confuse them.
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but with the defeat of arlen specter, do you think t age of the centrist politician, sort of playing both sides against the middle, for their own tower base, do you think that's on the decline given the rise of the tea parties and the idea logical litmus tests? guest: absolutely. i think that's a really great point in terms of some of the parallel we're seeing, whether it's arlen specter, wheer it's senator bennett maybe in colorado if you want to add him to that list maybe. and i think a lot of what they're facing is accusations from the each base of the part cri that somehow they'reot conservative enoug or liberal enough. and that really is impearling many incumbents. i think you want to look at
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south carolina bob i think liss who is being conserved by the right of not being conservative enough. and there are others as well you can add that list. a lot of these incumbents who are in trouble, you know, in primaries because they're being accused of not being liberal or conrvative enough. host: in 199 we saw a democrat in the house, republican in the white house, democrats getting control of the house and senate. jody has this point. o country does this when we have a democrat congress and reblican president or republican congress and democrat president. guest: that's going to be the point we'll probably hear this fall. we need more of a check on president obama and we would like to see more republicans in off. and you disagree somehow with president obama's agenda onway to check his power
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would be to put more republicans in congress. host: the caller referring to senator aen specter. guest: well, look, i think that arlen specter from the moment he switched parties last year really faced, if you look back on it, a uphill battle. in terms of convincing democrats that he was one of them, after 30 years as a republican, he faced a difficult challenge.
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to some, specter was sort of a force of centuriesism, which is now maybe going away in congress. but if you look at his battle over the last year, itas really a difficult one. host: this is what it looks like from the national section of the "new york times." but insides a quote. it is from harry reid from his 2008 book. guest: and there are plenty of other quotes and visuals from that were damaging t spebter in this race that you saw joe sestak rule out in the final days, some which showed specter right alongside george bush, some showing him alongside sparpe. not the kind of images you want to see running in a democratic primary. host: one of the the most
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effective political ads. guest: and they played that in a heavy rotation round. host: joe from philadelphia as we look at the front page of the enquirer. good morning, joe. caller: good morning. i just want to make mention to the arlen specter race, i mean, i think a lot of people are missing the boat in the sense of everyone that who is run, in virginia, new jersey, and so forth, with the arlen specter race, a lot of it has to do with the obama agenda. i think a lot of people are i think a lot of people are rejecting the obama agenda right now. also, e fact that we mentioned earlier about specter changing from republican to democrat i think hurt. and in pennsylvia 12, i think the reason why that candidate won there is because he ran on
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a conservative platform. and i think that you're going to see a lot of democrats in these upcoming elections try to run on a conservative platform although a lot of them are although a lot of them are liberal, as is joe sestak. so it's going to be interesting to see, you know, in november to see how that plays out. host: thank you. guest: just one point, i think the caller mentioned the notn of a rejtion of the obama agenda. i think you'reegoing to see republicans kind of seize on this victory they had in hawaii last night as somehow evidence that there is rejection of the obama agenda even in a very deeply democratic district like when we saw in hawaii whether that's fair or not given the sort of unie dynamics of that race i think you're going to see a lot of republicans going to the morning shows this
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morning and saying look, even the democrats in the safest of districts aren't safe any more because voters don't like the obama agenda. host: from theational review. partisan towards bob erlich. partisan towards bob erlich. what kind of a race does he face? guest: i don't think martin o'mall would have really faced significant challenge, i wasn't expecting him to. but i think bob early getting in the race does turn this into a contest, a seat that he is now going to have to fight for. this is going to be an
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interesting race, and two guys who clrly don't like each other too much. host: and yesterday the "washington post" talking about how governor o'malley are embracing the obama agenda. guest: shows you how in governor's races particularly what you're going to hinge on state by state issues, you're going to see erlich move much to the center. host: next, reporter for politico, go ahead, nate. caller: i must make a correction at first on ron paul, basically saying that rand paul was asked a question and agreed to whether or not he agreed with the civil rights act. that is not correct. i watched the interview and the question was did he agree with
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the separate lunch counters. pnd he could not answer that question. he more or less trended towards bringing in guns and businesses having the right to include whoever they wanted to. and he never got to answer that question. that was a question about not a question about whether he agreed to the civil rights act. but that was his true conviction. but my question also is this. well, first of all do you agr what i just stated and my last question is this. the republicans have held tower and now it's about dividing america. and if you look at americans must wake up because the republicans are not for the american people they are for big businesses. you take the financi reform, you take the immigration bills. and what do you say on that topic, sir? host: tnks for the call. and this self-described democrat also weighing in saying rand paul said what
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boehner and mcconnell believe but will not say. guest: look, i think that clearly rand paul is going to have to smooth over some of these controversy that has erupted in recent days. i think you're going to see him take a lower profile in the next few weeks. that seems to be wha the campaign -- it used to be he did a lot of interviews. clearly he was op enough to appear with rachel mado. the question is can the fire storm die down the next few mohs or do we learn more that somehow they keep flaring up again? host: next, south carolina. good morning. welcome. caller: good morning. i just -- hawaii will not be a bell weather for the fall. i just want to make a couple comments about the tea party.
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i believe it is organized and financed primarily by dick army freedom works and maybe some of freedom works and maybe some of the crew left over from jack abenauf special interest and that, really, when democrats argue against it they always bring up race but i kind of see it has me maybe in an apartheid capitalism where it's primarily the baby boomers in 48 who were able to take advantage of the post-world war ii economy and kind of earn a little bit of privilege. and the reason that there's no faces of color in there is because it wasn't until 64 that the civil rights kicked in allowing that group of people to start to take advantage and position themselves with a little bit of wealth and power, and that we kind of alienate a lot of peop when they throw out race, which there's going to be some of that, there always is. but primarily it's more about
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money and that the baby boomers just they don't want to come off what they feel they've earned. host: thanks for the call. guest: look, clearly the tea party movement, no matter what they believe, i think clearly they're more focused on fiscal issues, on budget concerns, and on taxes. and thiis basically what the tea party emerged as has been anti-tax group and -- movements, and sort of directing that anger towards washington. i don'know if that's terribly new but what we've seen them do is bring that in a movement fashion. host: let me go back to the 12th dtrict in pennsylvania. guest: he said he was against the health care bill. he said he was against --
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pro-gun, anti health care bill and anti abortion. he ran, mark crits, the former capitol hill staffer ran as a conservative. it is fair he ran against elements of the obama agenda. host: a lot of conversation from rand paul. guest: you know, it's actually interesting, i think his decision to appear on the program clearly he walkeinto some i think probably fair to say unfriendly territory to a certain extent and i think that rand paul seemed to recognize that and afterwards he said he probably shouldn't have done so. he maybe exposed himself to criticism. i think he's going to be much more careful to do that in the future host: the results yesterday in the special election.
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the special election. guest: you know, the interesting point that democrats made immediately out of the gate was about more than 50% of the voters in this district picked democrats in this race, which is a legitimateoint it seems to me. and the question is whether he can win this race again in november. the argument that republicans are making is that at least privately, hawaii has a propensity for reelecting incumbents. host: and the governor of hawaii is republican. guest: she is republican. there is some republican in hawaii though it is a very democratic state and this is a very democratic district host: and the first time a republican won a house seat in two decades. next, virginia. caller: good morning, i don believe it's so much anti
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incumbent as it is anti career politician. those two are perfect examples of that. and to all the people who say that republicans are pro-business, well, thank god for that because we need jobs. we don't need anti-capitalists running our country. and didn't the democratsake over congress in 2006 and we had a convenient resession had a convenient resession righbefore 2008 election just like we always do every time there's an election? and it's a lot easier to talk yourself into a recession. we don't talk about your career we care about our country. god bleds america. guest: -- bless america. guest: i think the caller mentioned the economy and that's going to be a big issue come november. a lot of voters are going to make decisions on their pocketbooks and how well democrats can convince voters they're resting with the economy and dealing with the
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challenges facing the american people is going to be a big deciding factor in determining who has control of cgress come 2011. host: we covered the speeches tuesday evening including rand paul in kentucky and saying he held his victory party in a private members only clu the tea party who voted for him would not be welcomed. >> this is a reflection of the great uncertain if i that surrounds a lot of the tea party candidates. and the tea party movement is a diverse movement. it's not a homo genius movement. but we are finding that a lot of the views of the tea party candidates are out of the mainstream. that they don't represent the middle in american politics.
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and they are driving these republican primaries farther and farther to the right. people are signing statements and pledges that lock themselves into positions that are out of the mainstream in a lot of these issues. host: ain, bob bennett, senator from utah who lost has a piece this morning in the "washington post," jimmy carter's example from the tea party. guest: absolutely. one point i would make. if you look at some of these candidates who are runng, whether tea party candidates or tea party driven candidates, you know, there's actually a bit of a difference. there could be this play of chris van hollen, he talked about tea party candidates, very interesting.
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congressman john yarmutsdz now is going to face a tea party candidate in kentucky's third district. one of the few candidates that's actually had success electoral. so what we've seen is candidates themselves have struggled pretty mightly in these primaries. hostwe also asked congressman vahollen, the chair of the democratic campaign committee how acttive they'll be. this conclusion with his piece, obama's queezey party. guest: well, there's no question that president obama is the most popular figure right now in the democratic party. democrats are going to use him where they can and we're going to see if itakes a difference. but, look, president obama campaigned for martha cokely
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from massachusetts, she lost. he backed specter, he lost. a question we raised is just to what extent does t presidt'backing really mean inhese races. i think republicans are making the point that just because president obama is backing you doesn't give youuthe big enough advantages to necessarily win these races. host: let's go to car sonya in greens borrow, north carolina. caller: good morng. i was just calling to just make th statement. the pundits like politico and huffington post and all the other parpse and blogs that you read are saying that the american public is anti-incumbent. and i'm a babyoomer myself, ah years old. and what i think and what i feel and what i tell young people that i talk to is that it's time to get -- get old
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people out of the politics, put in some young people who will have their interests in mind. that's what i feel about the tea party becau once i saw who they are, they're me, they're baby boomers, retired people who are collecting all these befits afford to them and they do not want to do anything such as pay higher taxes, which i pay taxes, and so that the next generation, which are my children, and they don't want to pay for those things so that these children can have the same opportunities that were afford to us. so that is my comment. and first-time caller and thanks for c-span. host: wel thank you. caller: one point that the call brought up which think is an interesting one, the motion of the american people somehow being tired of long-time incumbents and people have been in congress for a
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long time. i think that's a sentiment we might be seeing in some of these races across the country, especially if you look at one interesting trends the house chairmen who is being challenged. it's interesting that these powerful chairmen who have credible fund raising aprati, you look at charlear rangle who is getting cllenged and david obey who retired, and there are other committee chairmen like ike skeleton who are getting challenges. and the point of their opponents are making in all these races is that it's time for a fresh face,ime for someone new. host: this is from james ard. could this help his campaign?
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the polling has not come out but we could see some this week. guest: we prably will. it's interesting because it's interesting because kentucky is a conservative state. and we're going to really g -- it's going to be interesting what kind of impact there is. i think he still remains the front runner given that it is a republican leaning state. the question is how well can the question is how well can this campaign quell th damage. host: one of the nonpartisan ash ters of this senate race is charlie co. he has come out of this toss-up race list. he begins in the democratic 18 seats held by democrats up for reelection this year. first on the list is blaven lincoln in arkansas. guest: and i think there's sort of this widely-held belief that gin like she only got 40% in
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the primary against the lieutenant goverr in that state, the math would sor of dictate to you that she faced a very difficult go of it in this upcoming runoff. it's going to be jus the general, the math and the laws of polits would suggest that it could be difficult for her to get the 50% plus one to fend off. host: also on the list in colorado, michael bennett, we talked about itier faces he ll second in terms of his ballot placement.. host: and the question is for the matter is whether his success in these sort of insider driven democratic party caucuses is whether they translate over to a broader elect rat in that primary. caller: host: connecticut still a toss-up. guest: it's been a busy week in
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politics. the "new york times" ran that explosive piece about how he s running for chris dodd's seat how he was perhaps less than straightforward about some discussions he had publicly about whether he served in vietnam. and the question is now to what do those hurt him. host: if there is another example of his exaggerating the truth or lying what impact would that have compared to i it was a one-shot deal? guest: that's sort of the question. a lot of reporters are looking into past statements, public statements that he made in which he discussed vietnam or his militaryervice or for his militaryervice or for that matter his lack thereof, and t qstion is what else comes up. i would make one point is that the campaign has i think to a certain extent over the last
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week done an effective job of sheding some doubt on the reporting done on this piece and in sort of connecting the mcmaun's campaign -- one of his republican opponents, her role in providing the "new york times" with information that was used in the story. host: and the other republican, rob simms. could this help him? guest: certainly he has been trying to play that up. this weekend, mcman endedp winning the endorsement of the republican conveion up there on friy eveng. simmon's says he will still go on and challengeim. but that's a fight to take on blumen thal. host: good morning. caller: good morning. one of the things i like to say, i can't pronounce your last name so i'll call you alex. one of the things i wanted to
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say is that politicians have -- what people don't understand and the media and those who are scoring everything that's going on trying to get a pulse on what's happening with people who, with voters who are really just fed up with washington, what theyon't seem to get is that they're tired of the lying in polics. not only are they tired of the lying in politics. they're tired of intelligent people who have determined that moral truth no longer is expected and that everything is complicated like we're little kids out here and they think that they can tell us through their news media and outlets their news media and outlets and things of that nature what we're feeling. host: your response. guest: i do thing there think there is a fatigue with politics, the american political system and the way things work up here in washington. and that is driving some of
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this anti-incumancey to a certain extent. host: next, judy on the republican line. caller: hi. host: we're talking about the governor's race in maryland. guest: bob of course and michael steele was his lieutenant governor, i would like to see him win again because o'malley as the democrat's do have run us into a hole. but i think both republicans and democrats do that. the gentleman from new york, democrat, was very, very good. he was absolutely right on. i think what we're seeing is just an arrogance of pour in washington that, quite frankly, i'm 66 and i've never seen it. i'm 66 and i've never seen it. both republicans and democrats look at us as though we are stupid. they take 205 million of our money and give it to israel and 45 billion to greece and we're
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giving money all over the world yet we have nothing to our own people in nashville and the gulf coast. you know, we're seeing a total disconnect and the gentleman from new york was right, they lie. d they lie all the time. and they think that we are stupid enough to not be able to figure it o. and i tell everybody don't care who it is, republican or democrat, vote every incumbent out. that's the one thing, the one power that we have. host: your sentiment seems to be the sentiment of a lot of voters around the country. how long have you felt this way? guest: i have not been this adamant as i have been. i do believe in term limits. i promoted a term limit measure in my own county and i do think that carr politicians should not be there. however, maryland has some good
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politicians. they have just gotten to the point where you call them and they say, oh, yeah, ok, we're listening to you and then they go and vote the way the party line tells them. we should not be controlled by the two majorarties. both doing exactly the same thing for big businesses and unions instead of people out here who are ting to keep their homes, pay their bills, and be good citizens. host: and quickly. just tell us a little bit about yourself. caller: how old are you? caller: i'm 66. i've lived in hyattsville for over 40 years, i've been active in prince georges politics. i charlede two charter amendment committees and one for term limits and one for tax limits in the 90s. and i do watch c-span. i'm one of your junkies and watch politics, and read
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everything religiously. i watched from rachel mad o to chris -- to hard ball to fox news. so i try to get it all so that i know what each side is saying. host: thank you. caller: thank you. guest: we've had a lot of callers talk about anti-incumbency and talk about their anger in washington. one of the key questions facing democrats and for the matter republicans is to what extt do you run against washington? and is that going to be enough? pennsylvania 12 taught us that vote are also caring about local concerns. so do we end up seeing some sort of blend from these candidates running in 2010? zpwroo a very robust conversation on our twitter ge. it's wj and corry pointing out that rand
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paul's honesty may do well in primaries but in general those extreme ideas will not do well independents and democrats. %- guest: and as you said, we're polling is week. it's going to be interesting. my hunch is that this race is closer now than it was perhaps a week or two ago. we're going to have to see how well democrats and attorney general who is a democrat in that race can make up some of the ground that theare behind following these comments. host: also, we're going to see more debate in the coming month and a half, the conference committee hearings which we hopeo tell vise here on crnspanch. and function the crooks in wall street and big banks don't need regulation you need to be in a nuthouse. let me turn that into an mid-term question.
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guest: i think regulatory reform legislation will be somewhatf an issue but i think what you're going to see is much more broadly a focus on the economy and focus on tax and spe issues,, particularly from conservative candidates. host: and wayne joining us from florida. caller: good morning. that comparison between jimmy carter and the tea party is, it couldn't be more wrong. jimmy carte was all about big government, big taxes. he had under his administration or this domestic policy we had high unemployment, we had high inflation, and we had high interest rates, all three at the same time. the economists said that couldn't happen but it took a liberal like carter to do it. the tea party is about cutting spending, reducing taxes, making government smaller, more
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opportunity for jobs, there's no comparison there. i lived through the carter administration, and it was probably i would say the worse administration that i've gone through in 60-something years. host: let me jump in. in fairness to senator bennett i think what his point is that jimmy carter ran on a campaign without anything to back up what he wanted to do in the country. ronald reagan ran with an agenda to change the country. and that's what he was saying. like those who voted for carter because they were fed up with nixon, the tee party is made up of people fed up with washington. but there needs to be more than ang tore getesults. guest: we will there is more than anger. they have a plan. that's why we're in the position we're in, look what happened to the housing market. look at immigration right now. has either one of these parties
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dealt with any of the problems we've had effectively? no. government is too big to manage, it's too big to be effective and it's too big to pay for it. the tea party is right on and i believe that's where our leadership is going to come from. it may not be these next two elections but it wl catch on and it will be the direction of this country people taking eir country back. host: thank you guest: well, you know, i think one of the questions obviously as you just referenced he brought nup that piece is the tea party not having a specific agenda or platform. but what's interesting is republicans are determining what to what extent do they wanto lay out an agenda, a very specific detailed platform of their own. sort of like what knut gingrich did back in 1994. that's going to be a question
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for them as well. host: there are 18 republican seats also up r grabs. i want to go back quickly to two top races as viewed by the political report. that three-way race in florida, ancongressman meek from a gentleman who says he will spend millions of dollars to get to nomination and charlie crist now running as an independent. host: absolutely. i think that the florida race is a very dynamic. it's somewhat, it's been dynamic and unpredictable from the very binning. we're going to have to wait and see how much support charlie crist can again up as an independent. it remains unclear how much support he can get at this point, i think. host: and in the kentucky race, the one person we've not talked about, jack conway, defeating the lieutenant governor by one percentage point last week. guest: and conway a strong
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candidate, although i think this race more about rand paul in this one-week-old general election. that was a tough primary that conway survived. and we're going to have to see what kind of a general election candidate he is. host: alex of politico, thanks >> tomorrow on "washington journal," of washington post reporter talking about the rate of foreclosures and delinquencies for u.s. report -- u.s. citizens. the military situation and pakistan, and someone from the center for budget priorities and the heritage foundation look at the u.s. welfare system and the
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temporary assistance for needy families. "washington journal" live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. u.s. senate returns tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern to work on the 2010 spending bill funding military operations in iraq and afghanistan. it provides money for the defense department to fund additional troops in afghanistan as well as money to help a recovery from january's earthquake. those votes are expected at 5:30 p.m. eastern on monday. see the senate live on c-span2. the house also returns tomorrow for morning our speeches at 12:30 p.m. on the agenda this week, a bill to reauthorize defense programs in 2011 and a measure to extend tax credits for businesses and
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unemployment benefits. see the house live on c-span. >> supreme court justice sonia sotomayor on the confirmation process. >> questions even over three days are not going to tell you about a prospective judge. you have to look at their life work. that will be a clear reflection of who they are and he -- how they think and what they will do. >> with the new supreme court nominee heading into the process, learn more about the court in our latest book, "the supreme court." candid conversation with all supreme court justices active and retired available now in hard cover. and also was an e-boook. >> and net, "q&a" with author terence samuel perry and in a terence samuel perry and in a speech by john
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