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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  June 3, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> william hauge will discuss the raid on ships by israel going to the gaza strip, followed by "washington journal." we have books on grant's tomb, and abraham lincoln, each with a contemporary perspective. . .
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>> he took questions about the issue from members of parliament. this is one hour. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& in the early hours of may 31, israel intercepted boats off of the gauze a strip. -- the gaza strip. it is clear that many are turkish citizens.
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&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& we have received access to 28 of these individuals. we understand that four more british nationals agreed to be deported and the remaining ones are likely to be transferred to
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the airport soon. we have expressed our disappointment to the israeli government about the level of preparedness on their part of the fact that we have not been given full information about british nationals detained and access to all of them. we are urgently pressing the israeli government to resolve this situation within hours. there is real understandable unjustified anger at the events that have unfolded. the position of the government is as follows -- are clear advice to british nationals is not to travel to gaza. we have made clear that we deeply deplore the loss of lives and look to israel to do everything possible to avoid a repeat of this unacceptable situation. the u.s. security council and european union have condemned the violence which resulted in the loss of these lives. with demand sgt information about access to all u.k. nationals involved. our top priority at this time is our support of the families who
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are very worried. we are concerned about the seizure of british nationals and it -- in international waters. this aspect of the israeli operation is forming a key part of the investigation. the prime minister has spoken to the israeli prime minister, i have spoken to the foreign minister, and the undersecretary of state has been in close contact with the is really our ambassador in lebanon. i am grateful to the hon. members who have been in contact with the foreign office in relation to their constituents and families and have provided information. we recognize the concern for those involved and the need to keep members updated. israel has told us they want to vote as quickly as possible to deport those people from the flotilla currently hold in israel. they could be deported very quickly. those who remain on willingly, will be a 72 hours in detention.
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our understanding is that after that, they will be deported. is our understanding that the israelis have begun to transfer to jordan detainee's from countries that are not represented in israel. we understand that those individuals who are allegedly involved in violence against israeli servicemen will have their cases examined in line with the israeli legal system. we do not believe there are any british nationals in this last category. i hope the house will appreciate this is a plea would situation. her partners in the international community are working as we are to assault -- our partners in the international community are working on this. turkey is flying six planes in to get their nationals and detainee's may join this effort. -- and other detainees may join this effort we agree on the need
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for a full and impartial investigation into these events. our goal is a process which shows full accountability for the events and demands the confidence of the international community including international participants. for the discussions are taking place in other international, i. security council. we will stress to the israeli government the need for it to act with restraint and in line with its international obligations given that its actions appear to have gone beyond what was warranted or proportionate. we need to know whether more could have been done to minimize the risk or reduce the number of deaths and injuries. the events were serious and have captured the world's attention. they should not be viewed in isolation. they arise from the unacceptable and unsustainable situation in gaza which is a
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public concern in the u.k. and around the world. it has long been the view of the british government that restrictions on gossage should be lifted. -- i'm and gaza should be lifted. --on gaza should be lifted. this is a tragedy. is essential that there is access to meet the humanitarian needs of because of but to enable the reconstruction of homes and livelihood. the palestinian economy is essential part of a viable palestinian state that i hope will one day live alongside israel in peace and security. as the once productive private sector has been decimated, it is
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entrepreneurs and their backers who suffer. hamas has almost total control of their economy. in this context, current israeli restrictions are counterproductive for israel's long-term security. we will continue to press the israeli government to lift the closure of the cause of stress and plan discussions with israel and our other international partners about what more can be done to insure unfettered flow of aid while making sure it reaches those who needed and is not abused. i discussed this with secretary clinton last night and we will take for discussions on this urgently. the house should not forget the role played by hamas in this conflict are they continue to pursue an ideology of violence and to undermine prospects of peace in the region. violence has continued in recent
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days with rocket fire from villages in the gaza strip and air strikes in response. we call on hamas to make immediate and concrete steps toward the peace principle. we call on them to enter into appearance for the operation of u.n. agencies in the gaza strip. it is more clear that the only long-term and sustainable solution to the conflict which produced these tragic events is a two-state solution that achieves a bible and sovereign palestinian state living alongside a secure israel with a right to live in peace and security recognized by allkçvlf neighbors. the proximity talks under way are more important than ever. these events should not undermine those talks but instead underline our important they are. the government will make it an urgent priority to give british diplomatic support. the government will continue to
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keep the house informed of developments. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i am grateful to the board secretary for his statement. -- to the foreign secretary for his statement. in the early hours of monday morning, we saw what the gaza strip as a barrier to reconstruction but to any hope of peace at all. the attack by israeli defense force is the latest in a series of self-defeating and deadly moves by successive israeli governments in the gaza strip. we join the international condemnation of operation that was not self-defense but defense of a failed policy. israel does have a right to secure against terrorism but we're talking about a policy that has done nothing to defeat terrorism. until people of the gaza strip and the company of an education
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for their children and schools not crumbling around them and they can feed their families and live without a prescribed list of what they can and cannot use in their kitchens, there is no way that a call of negotiation and peace will be heard. as far and secretary, i negotiated the un negotiation. it was -- it signified the flow of humanitarian aid into the gaza strip and its implementation by all mice -- by all sides must be instituted by the international community. the continuation of the blockade by israel and by egypt does nothing to weekend all of hamas on that territory. in fact, revenue from smuggling
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funds, spurred the latest episode cost innocent lives, on the minds -- undermines coexistence. it isolates israel and the international community. -- in the international community. proximity talks are only worth having as a short prayer led to substantial negotiations. they have gone on too long without getting to the big issues. the lack of clarity about the position of british nationals is completely unacceptable. we're talking about 37 people, not 37,000 people. they have a right to support. if it is being denied, we should be denouncing it and not giving
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in. second, the legality. of the legality i spoke to the turkish prime minister in new york last night and it is clear that the turkish government intends to pursue this question. was the action is illegal? was this discussed and why not? the foreign secretary wanted to know whether more had been done to minimize the risks or reduce the number of deaths during their raid on the flotilla. surely the point to ask is why on earth armed and lethal force was used at all. there is a fundamental principle here. the language of condemnation is used very sparingly in international relations. it is our view on this side of the house that all loss of citizens live should always be condemned.
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statement was repeated on monday night. -- this statement was repeated on monday night. the foreign secretary has not used this language we ask to say that the british government contends these actions. -- condemns these actions. the government's intentions going forward, we know that the u.n. is calling for an independent investigation. there are outstanding requests for investigations into incident during the gaza strip or 18 months ago. can the process be explain to the house whether there will be a u.n. investigation now? how long will the israeli government get to conduct an
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investigation before conducting an inquiry? this has caused innocent lives and damages israel. the european union has capacity to put observers into the gaza strip. can we get resolution for those forces to be deployed? this is a political crisis, not just a humanitarian one. there should be a substantial political process toward the palestinian state. we will support all efforts on the part of the government to make the gaza strip the center for peace and the middle east.
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>> i am grateful to the foreign secretary for the support for what is clearly a bipartisan policy across the floor of the house and a concern for the people of the causes strep. -- people of the gossip strip. -- people of the gaza strip. ignoring the gaza strip will not work. this is a problem that must be addressed. i am grateful for the support he has given to the government's position and the argument that he makes that the israeli policy toward gaza titans the grip on the people of the gaza strip. he can tell that i am+
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disappointed and dissatisfied with the israeli response. the reason i do not condemn them on the quickly is because there is a complicating factor which is that many of the people aboard the ships did not have their passports or destroyed their papers. it is not immediately obvious necessarily to which nationality they belong. added to that has been a clear lack of preparedness by israel to handle this number of people and to deal with this number of consular inquiries. it has been a chaotic situation. it is completely unsatisfactory. i am glad some of these people are now being allowed to leave the country but it is urgent that this is put right of all the british nationals have been identified and scene.
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een. i spoke to the turkish foreign minister. the point of the investigation will be to learn more about the legality of what may have happened. the turkish foreign minister bank to make for the role played by our ambassador at the u.n. security council. the statement that was delivered was on behalf of the members of the security council including britain. it is very much our language. we certainly condemn acts which lead to the deaths of civilians. i have done that before. there is no difference between us on that particular point. on a matter of an investigation -- i think the critical thing is that an investigation is prompt, that it is independent, that it
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is credible, that it is transparent. it is clear that that investigation should have an international presence if it's possible for israel to establish such in an investigation and inquiry and there have been occasions in the past when they have established that in israel commissions or inquiries which have delivered stinging criticism of the israeli government't. we do look to them to heed the international calls for such an inquiry and investigation. if they refuse to do so, we would add our voices in that case for an investigation conducted under international auspices. urgent work needs to be taken forward on providing the mechanism for access to aid into
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the gaza strip while giving the israel is sufficient assurance that that will not be used for the smuggling of arms and things that none of us would like to see. that is the urgent work we are now taking forward with the eu and the united states and we will need to come back to the house and report on this. >> is easy to condemn the state of israel and it is easy for to -- to argue for the raising of the blockade. are these things taken by themselves, will they bring about change? based on our own colonial experience and our recent experience in northern ireland, isn't it clear that sooner or later however controversial it may be that hamas will have to be brought into the circle of discussions?
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>> hamas must forswear violence and recognize the state of israel. that has been a longstanding position of the british government and the united nations and the european union and the united states and russia. i referred to the need to -- for them to make concrete moves toward those principles for the rest of the international community to engage with them. i continue to believe that is the right position. that is one we have in common with our allies and the whole of the international community. that position must be sustained. >> mr. speaker, in welcoming the foreign secretary's
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statement and his condemnation of the loss of innocent lives, may i ask if he recognizes that those innocent lives might well have been -- might well have included any of the u.k. citizens who were present in a situation in which the israelis committed a war crime of piracy in international waters, kidnapping and murder in pursuit of a holding an illegal blockade on the gaza strip which amounts to collective punishment. i led a delegation there earlier this year. will he assure the house that israelis failed to comply with the perfectly modest and satisfactory request that he has made of them that action will be
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taken for israel to rejoin the international community? >> yes, i think it is very important that israel responds to the call from across the whole world. for the prompt, independent, credible, transparent investigation or inquiry which we have edit our voice in calling for. if no such investigation or inquiry is forthcoming, we would also want to advocate such an inquiry under international auspices. whatever the precise words we use, a blockade of the gaza strip is counterproductive and wrong and not serving the interests of the security of israel. fatalities could have occurred among the british nationals. is our strong advice and has been arabize and will be our allies in the future to ask british nationals not to travel to the cost of stripping the
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future. they are going into a dangerous situation but it is wrong to maintain this blockade. that is the clear position of this government. >> i need short questions and short answers. >> those of us who are able to enter the cause a strip came to the conclusion there -- those of us who were able to enter the gaza strip agreed there is a difference on the legality of the blockade. we don't want the same repetition again and again. >> hopefully, i have covered that point in the statement i have given. i referred earlier to the actions that have been taken by
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israel. it appears to have gone beyond what was warranted. i have also said it is unacceptable and that is real must act with restraint and in line with its international obligations. we have given a strong message to israel. the conversation i had with the israeli foreign minister, there can be no mistaking how strongly we feel about this. >> if you a attacked a ship, it should be condemned. >> one has to agree that to board a ship in international waters can only legally happen
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at the most exceptional and extraordinary circumstances. that is what we're working from here. >> one of my constituents was injured when the ship came under attack. [unintelligible] well but aren't secretary convince the israeli government to provide vital medical assistance? >> the foreign minister has undertaken to look into what is happening. some of the aid of some of the ships involved that is now arriving in the gaza strip, we will look into the shipment. >> this is a dreadful and
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deplorable tragedy. can the foreign secretary tell us what steps he will take so that israel's meats can be met and they have the proper security against an enemy that is set on destroying it? >> of course israel has legitimate security issues. i have talked about hamas having the need to end rocket attacks on israel. this is an important part of the entire situation. we need to find a way in which israel can be assured that the smuggling of arms does not take place into the gaza strip and yet the flow of humanitarian aid and general economic trade can take place. clearly, some additional assurance will be needed for that to happen and that is what
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we are now working on. >> may i welcome the clear and restrained way with the foreign secretary -- that the foreign secretary dealt with this. has it now been -- as it now not been clear for a long time that a blockade of the gaza strip is illegal? it is contrary to all international law and that the geneva convention. >> what ever that the arguments of the legality, it is on what is. it does not achieve an objective. . it is not the right thing for israel to do. no doubt the government of israel would make a different legal argument. they maintain that the blockade is lawful because they are acting in their own self- defense. we need to persuade them that
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this is not serving their own security interests and a change of policy is urgently required. >> i hope the foreign secretary demands unfettered access to the cause of stress. can he tell the house how he believes in the absence of a blockade of shipping, the people of israel cannot be protected from the unprovoked assaults by rockets and other armaments which are being imported into the gaza strip from supporters of hamas terrorists? >> that is why i have referred to the international work that needs to take place to give assurance that such importation of arms cannot take place while humanitarian aid and economic aid in general can take place. i stress again that it is not serving the interests of the security of israel to maintain the current position which is putting more power in the hands
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of hamas and driving the people of the gaza strip into the arms of hamas. that does not serve the security of israel. >> [unintelligible] should israel make their case through the media? >> my hon. friend makes a powerful point. we would make progress if we couldn't convince our allies not to use selected the footage in the media. [laughter] >> israel has killed 1400 people and carried out an assassination in dubai and now kill people on the high seas. there has been ritual condemnation on each incident. i support that consummation.
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-- condemnation. they cannot act illegally with impunity and kill people like they have done on the high seas. >> israel will be listening to a condemnation in the house. i don't think that the correct policy is to impose sanctions. i think the right policy is to urge a course of action which is a lifting of the restrictions of the blockade of the gaza strip and the setting up of a truly credible and independent investigation. i think those are part of the practical way forward. the right foreign policy for this country. >> would you agree that the effect for the brutal israeli blockade of the cause a strip --
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of the gauze a strep -- gaza strip and the blockade is from. >> hamas is able to attack the importation of goods for the tunnells. this is a further reminder that this is not an effective policy. >> the israelis are aware of what has happened to this week. hopefully, they will take other measures. isn't it clear that israel showed no concern at all in international opinion but is out of control?
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we may see further tragedies of this kind. >> i would not necessarily reach that conclusion that there is no awareness or concern about international opinion in israel. in fact, there has been a good deal of criticism in the israeli media of the israeli government over the last couple of days. israel is a democracy. they have a free expression of opinion. they sometimes are critical of their own government and armed forces. we saw that at the lebanon war four years ago. there is a consciousness in israel of international opinion and that is why we have to express ourselves in a way that is responsible and asked them to do reasonable things that are in their own best interest and that is the position we have ttken. >> is the aid to the gaza strip
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exceeding several tons? [unintelligible] >> it is important to remember the role played by hamas. we must remind people that we need to see an aunt to the rocket fire from the gaza strip into israel as well as other measures. are hon. friend brings the necessary balance to the question we have today. >> the terrible siege going on for three years has put suffering on many people.
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nothing seems to change the israeli authorities actions. what further action can you take in terms of the association agreement with israel? isn't there a clause in their in the case of human rights transgressions? >> i don't think israel doubts the seriousness of the message for the fact of a security council statement was agreed to rapidly including the support of the united states and the united kingdom will have made an impact on israel. if you could have heard the conversations we have had with our israeli counterparts, you could be confident that they are aware of opinion and deep concern about the issues. the eu-israel agreement is not exactly progress of at the moment anyway.
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i take the point you make about that. does not really an additional measure for this particular situation. -- it is not really an additional measure for this particular situation we want to make sure that that credible and independent investigation takes place and that the case is understood in israel for the lifting of the blockade of the gaza strip in their own best interests. it is important we put it in that way. >> the flotilla itself which was probably doomed to fail was a expression of a frustration of ordinary people at the failure of the united nations and the failure of the quartet to get israel to comply with its u.s. obligations. the foreign secretary has had conversations with mrs. clinton. i understand he is also meeting the eu by rep. i wonder if he believes that between us we can actually
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encourage the quartet to take firmer action with israel who seems not to understand the gravity of the situation? >> there is an international focus. that is true in the united states. i was with the e.u high representative last night in sarajevo. she has the same focus on these issues. i was at the eu, western balkans meeting and they have discussed this issue. one of the results of this action is to really bring this to center stage. it has to shine a spotlight on the problems of the gaza strip. it is now important for us to take the momentum and make sure
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the work continues over the coming weeks and months to improve the situation. >> would the foreign secretary not accept that what he said today amounts to saying that the united states, britain, and europe will continue to tolerate the israeli blockade of the gossip strip and this toleration should be brought to an end and it necessary britain and other members of, the european members of nato should say that if another flotilla sets up for the gaza strip, we could give it naval protection. ? >> i understand where hon. members are expressing their outrage.
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in the pursuit of practical foreign-policy, we should concentrate on the two things i have identified, the setting up of the right kind of investigation and inquiry and doing so quickly and making a coherent play -- case for the lifting of the blockade on the gaza strip. i think those of the right things to concentrate on. the last prime minister promised the british naval deployment in the mediterranean to sell arms smuggling into the gaza strip but no ship was ever sent. i will not make empty promises. we will concentrate on the two issues we have identified. >> given the importance of the investigation that the foreign sector refers to, does he not also believe there is a powerful case for having international arbitration or having the international court of the hague
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involved? international arbitration may be a good record. >> the position we are taking does not exclude that. i think the priority is to have an inquiry and investigation established as soon as possible, meet the criteria that i have set out, we have not excluded advocating other means.
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>> [unintelligible] we need people to represent the palestinian people and i would hope the foreign secretary would develop a much more robust foreign-policy toward this end. >> again, this illustrates the strength of feeling in the house. i have not immediately donned my hobnail boots because we want to advocate the measures i have been calling for today. that is a crucial ingredient for israelis themselves to see that this needs to be properly investigated to international standards in a way that the whole international community can respect and take seriously and that the blockade of the gaza strip makes no sense from their own point of view. it is a democratic country and it is possible to make these arguments and have them heard
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there. i favor concentrating on that message out proceeding rather than the hobnail boots she wants me to put on. >> it is clear that the blockade is counterproductive. we press the international community to lift the blockade as a precursor for a peace settlement. >> we want peace talks to become much more serious and see how we can push those talks board.
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loand low>> israel had put itsee international law without consequence from the international community. what would be the practical consequences if israel does not abide by the international community this time? >> we will see whether israel thinks that they have done nothing wrong. the israeli cabinet is meeting this afternoon for the first time since this incident and since mr. netanyahu return from north america. we will see what comes out of that if indeed any thing. internal of the investigation
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and inquiry that we have called corporate i stressed that it is important to make the case for the investigation and for the lifting of the blockade. i think it would be wrong to characterize everyone in israel as insensitive to international opinion. this is an argument that has to be one within israel as well as in the rest of the world. that is why we take this approach and i am sure that is the right approach. >> good morning. it is a little rich for the israeli government to justify its behavior on the grounds that it is denying material to a terrorist organization when it has in the recent past shown itself willing to hproscribe force against other nations. >> you are adding to a strength
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of feeling and points that will be widely noted and taken, i hope taken out of in israel itself. >> this is an illegal act in international waters which involves many countries. surely the only way we can have an independent inquiry is if we can do this internationally. do you support this? >> we shall see about that. the hon. member may be right. i referred earlier that israel has previously held inquiries into some of the events in lebanon in the 1980's and the lebanon war in 2006 which certainly were independent and credible by. international by international standards.
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it is possible for them to do that. such an inquiry and investigation should have an international presence and not just be an israeli investigation but i have not exported this government advocating the sort of inquiry that you are suggesting if no other action is taken in the meantime. >> the specter of syria and iran, or the blockade lifted in the future, what practical assistance would be offered to israel to stop the smuggling of weaponry from these two states? >> such assurance is very important. that is why we are consulting up with other nations on what is the best vehicle to do so.
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it is very important to be able to stop the flow of arms into the gaza strip as it is so vital to be able to open up the gaza strip to humanitarian aid and more normal economic activity. my friend makes a powerful point. >> i join my colleagues in condemning the actions that were taken by the israeli government. two of my constituents are currently in the tension in israel. i thank the consulate for the work they are doing with them. i am concerned about their positions. i agree with the foreign secretary that an international investigation and independent investigation is important. notwithstanding that, would you agree to meet with my constituents and others who are there because nothing beats hearing it from the horse's mouth? >> yes, we are already working
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on plans to do this so the answer to your question is yes. >> is in its crucial to ensure that the peace talks resume and that the role of turkey which had been an important regional ally of israel is focused and encouraged? >> yes, it is important that the proximity talks turn into something more than proximity talks. turkey has become very, very active diplomatically in the region in a very welcome way. we referred several times to the role of the turkish minister in our proceedings this afternoon. they have tried very hard in recent years to bring syria and israel closer together.
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turkey in general is playing a constructive role in the region and i am sure she will want to do so in the future. >> the unauthorized boardings of a vessel in international waters by armed combatants is normally referred to as piracy. the right hon. gentleman, the former secretary is noted for his blunt speaking. but he will not use the word in on this occasion. >> i weighed my words carefully. [laughter] since we are advocating a prompt and independent and credible and transparent investigation inquiry in the terms i put forth, it is important for us to
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argue for that investigation and be prepared to see what the investigation produces before we feel we need to add another language. >> you appear to rule out the number of options within the european union in dealing with israel. what exactly is the united european union to maximize diplomatic pressure to end the blockade on the gaza strip? >> i am not conscious of ruling anything out. i must stress there is an enormous amount of pressure. i had dinner with many of the european ministers in sarajevo last night and i saw many more of them this morning. they are all expressing themselves in very similar ways and tactically to the government of israel. there is no doubt about the intensity of feeling from the european union. clearly, we will want to discuss
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as a body what more we can do with that. most importantly, we want to discuss what we can to working with the united states to try to give new momentum to the middle east peace process as a whole. it is right up there on the agenda and in the minds of european foreign ministers and there will be a great deal of pressure. >> i have been to the cost districtwide. -- i have been to the gaza strip twice. this operation seems exactly like what israel wants, a black out on information. we do need sanctions if we are to lift the blockade at all. >> i have explained our overall
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approach and my reaction to the suggestion of sanctions. i understand the strength of feeling and knowledge about the situation. it is arab general travel advice not to go to the cause of stripped trees it -- it is our general travel advice not to go to the gaza strip. it ii important for this house to have as much knowledge and information as possible about what is happening on the ground. i am not discouraging members going on the right circumstances but let's not mistake that for a hour drama -- general travel advice to the british public. >> you mentioned that workers may face charges under israeli law. will they face charges under international law? >> since we have called for an investigation, i don't think we can preempt such matters.
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i stress that the aid workers were activists or people aboard the ship, however we want to describe them, who may be in that position, as far as we know, do not include british nationals. the hon. member makes the point that illustrates the strength of feeling in this house. i think this is one of the reasons we need to continue to call for this credible investigation. >> you are right to refer to the strength of feeling in this house. israel has a well-founded reputation hoping these crises will go away. they have been successful in doing that. can you tell the house what will be different this time? >> i cannot guarantee what the
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course of events will produce. these incidents have put a spotlight on this situation in the gaza strip are the speed and unity of the diplomatic response is unusual. the ease with which the u.n. security council was agreed and with the united states and i think that will be duly noted in israel. can i promise what reaction the israelis will have? no, i can't but we will watch it very closely and we will push very strongly for the measures i proposed today and not exclude other actions in the future. >> it is unusual to hear a york shermkshireman verbally restrai.
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we have been told in the past that this will open an enormous amount of access for munitions of war. will this be monitored? will it be reported to the house and will bwe be able in this house to hear about the progress? >> it is very important that this is monitored. i welcome other opportunities for the house to discuss these matters. >> resolution 1860 acknowledges that the international community itself has responsibilities to ensure that weapons are not
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smuggled into the gaza strip. can you tell us what practical steps can the international community take to offer assistance to israel but also to egypt to ensure that weapons are not getting into the gaza strip which will reassure them. ? >> that is what is required here. there have been attempts at constraining activity around the gaza strip which was meant to give assurance. clearly, that has not worked. we have to find a new mechanism for doing so. britain stands ready to help in many ways.
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the gunboat was offered and it never materialized. i am not making any rash promises. giving the huge importance of the issue in international affairs, the united kingdom will do whatever it can to assist them my constituents want more pressure. >> my constituents want more pressure applied. >> the discussions are not offered a timetable in this house. we have not exclude other actions and pressures in the future. i would be disappointed if we did not have a further opportunity to discuss this. >> i welcome the robust condemnation by the foreign secretary and my right hon. friends. there seems to be no solution to the palestinians accepted by jihad.
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some say this is a waste of time and date futility. -- and a futility. anti-jewish language seems to be the order of the day with the palestinians. hamas is not yet part of the solution. >> i am grateful, i never thought i was supposed course, but i am grateful -- [laughter] i hope i made that point in my statement referring to the ideological motives of hamas and reminding the house that there is another dimension to this whole problem. they have refused to forswear violence and recognize international agreements. they do not recognize the right for israel to exist. until they start making movements toward this, it is
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difficult to discuss the future with them. >> everyone who wants to control it was given the opportunity to do so. we will proceed to read the orders of the day. >> this weekend, a noted feminist author from the university of chicago has written or contributed to more than 20 books on liberal education on sexism in legal justice. join us live on sunday at 2:00 on c-span 2. >> in about 45 minutes, a look at the efforts to secure the u.s.-mexico border with the former chief of staff for customs patrol. customs patrol.


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