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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  June 9, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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colleagues have now said in various public places around the country, would not understand the meaning of the concept of being a fiscal conservative. his model is new zealand. mr. speaker, i would suggest he reflect on the performance of new zealand. i would also draw the attention that this government will be bringing the budget back to the surface three years ahead of ti. .
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>> the court difference we made was the size and construction of our economic stimulus strategy. that has what had made the difference and the australian strategy. >> that was the highlight of the australian parliament. i hope you can join us next time. thank you for your company. host: caller[captioning performy national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> on today's "washington journal" we will analyze last night's election results. we will talk to a congressman about the u.s. economy and look
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at the government's response to the gulf of mexico oil spill. "washington journal" is live beginning at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. >> no candidate in this race, democrat or republican, has given voters in new hampshire or america more questions or be able to show what they are made of. >> look at the cspan video library which many hours of videos which you can search by name, title, issue, committee, interest group and more available free on line. >> cspan, our public appears content is available on television, radio, and online and you can connect with us on twitter,9(ya facebook, and youte and and sign up for our scheduled alert e-mails @ c-
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>> yesterday's , 12 states had run off or primary elections. incumbent blanche lincoln won renomination yesterday. here is her speech last night in little rock, arkansas. >> [cheers and applause] >> you are a great, arkansas. [applause]
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i cannot begin to thank each and every one of you across this great state for such a ájob in letting a message out that is loud and clear. [applause] and that message was that the bulk of this senator is not for its sale and neither is [unintelligible] [applause] we have worked so hard, all of you all, all of these wonderful folks here, everybody across this state in reminding one another what this is all about. this is about us. this is about who we are in
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arkansas. [applause] deal any stronger than i kill today as a daughter of the delta and arkansas to know that your message is loud and clear, that washington needs to work for us , for us in arkansas. [applause] i can tell you here and now, folks, arkansas and this senator will be a part of the solution and put this country back on track. [applause] i have stood up to the special interests and i have done it for
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you. we have made our mark. we have shown the rest of this country that we, each of us in arkansas and america, have a say. we have the privilege of casting error about, we have a say and what this country will be in the direction we will take it. you all have made that statement tonight and i could not be more proud of my great state of arkansas. [applause] i would like to say to bill halter to him and his supporters, the keeper a good race and i appreciate that. we will ask for their help because let me tell you folks,
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we are headed to november with this message. [applause] we will move forward as democrats tonight and into november to show the rest of this country, to show the rest of this country that has democrats, we have a great passion, a passion for the diversity and a passion for the hard work that made this country great and will make it great again. we will bring that back here in arkansas and we will see it spread across this nation. [applause] you all sent me to washington, the united states senate, to fight for arkansas and that is what i have done. the congressman teases me all the time. we have to do a lot of fighting.
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we have to fight for what we know is right and what arkansas is all about. [applause] tomorrow, i will put this act on the road and make sure as we move toward a member we will be successful and remind ourselves every step of the way that this election is not about special interests. this election is not about me. this election is about us. we will do this. as people of arkansas, you and i will do this together and we will make a difference. [applause] i have to say a very special thanks to some many people. i want to say a very special thanks to my rock, my husband, who has been with me through a thick and thin and has been phenomenal. he is a great arkansan and a
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great husband and he is a great everything and made this happen. [applause] our boys are back here tonight because they are in the middle of their panels and they are exactly where they need to be, studying. they have been wonderful and supported. the text did a few times -- they texted a few times that mom, you need to be back, and a dog needs you. [laughter] i want to say a bit very special thanks to my whole family. i see my mom out there tonight and i would not be there it was not for her. [applause] as a strong family, she taught me what it is all about and she
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and that make sure that we knew what the priorities were all about and those priorities are our family and our loyalty to the neighbors and the people of arkansas. that has carried me through and mama, i cannot thank you enough. you are amazing. [applause] let me tell you, there are a ton up of poor families. i see my aunt and uncle. my sister is here and my brother is here. i know that there are so many others. i have not done this by myself. i have done it with each and everyone of you by my side. as i go into the cavities and talk to folks, you are there. you are excited and passionate. and passionate you know what we have to do. i got the most tremendous congressional staff that anybody could dream of. they are wonderful. [applause]
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many of them are here tonight and i am grateful to them, each and every one. they know and love this state and work very, very hard to make sure this country is working for us. i also have the most phenomenal campaign staff -- [applause] so many supporters, so many wonderful friends. folks, we have a lot worth fighting for. we have a whole lot worth fighting for. we will make sure as we recruit tomorrow and put this campaign on a trajectory toward november and a victory in november, we will need each and every one of you. i want to ask you please, signed up, get out there with the same kind of fight, passion, and desire you have had for this
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primary and is run off and we will make sure, we will make sure that that same message gets out and the message is -- arkansas is strong. our values are strong. let me tell you, not only can my vote not be both, yours cannot be either. in november, we will win. yes "thank y@! [applause] ♪ >> now to the south carolina's
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gubernatorial race. [applause] >>wow, i like that song and i wanted to finish hearing it. [applause] i am very overwhelmed. i think we are all very overwhelmed because when we took this race on, we did not see anybody in the field that we thought was going to move south carolina corporate we did not see a reformer that was going to give government back to the people. we knew from the very beginning that it was us urges the establishment. [applause] when i looked at everything, i knew there was something wrong. the thing i knew was wrong was that south carolina was settling
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for a republican house, a republican senate, and a republican governor. i will not stop until we get a conservative house. [applause] we went up against some hard people per we have an attorney general, a congressman, and a lieutenant governor. we had no idea or money. [laughter] we had something they did not have -- we had you. [applause] we said no to many things. we said we will not have an arrogant, and accountable government. [applause]
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we said no to spending. we said no to belt out in washington [applause] we said no to inside dealmaking and backroom politics. [applause] this last two or three weeks, we said no to the dark side of politics. [applause] we did not just say no, we said yes to many things. we said yes to making sure that every single legislator has to vote on the record. [applause] we said that yes it is cutting spending. it is not what you spend but how you spend it and we will make sure we watch every single dollar. [applause] we said yes for the small businesses of this state and we
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would strengthen them and make sure that is what turns the economy and not government. [applause] we said yes to fresh faces, fresh voices, and fresh ideas and term limits in the state of south carolina. [applause] most importantly, we said yes to south carolina, not just being a republican, but becoming conservative and reminding elected officials who is they work for. [applause] many of you have seen me go around this state and many of you have heard me say many speeches. and to do a lot of begging and do a lot of things, but i ended every speech by saying i am a woman that understands through the grace of god that all things are possible. [applause]
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i am fed daughter of immigrant parents that reminded me every day how blessed we were to live in this country and they are here today. [applause] i am the sister of a man who fought in desert storm and is a 25-year combat veteran and i still remember what it was like when we did not know when he would come home. there he is. [applause] i am a sister of a family who, when all this got dirty, they said we love you and you fight and we are there for you and do not stop and i am so grateful and i thank you for that every day. [applause] i have to tell you this -- you
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have heard me say that i and the wife of a man who puts on a military uniform every day, but this is what kept me strong. [applause] i think he will make a good first man, don't you? [applause] i have also said that i am the mother of two children in public schools and i care about their education. [applause] i have to tell you that while today it was a very special day, for michael and i and my family, it was special because rena
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turned 12-year old today. [applause] i always end it by saying that i am a legislator that knows what good government is and i want the people of this state to know what that feels like. [applause] i have to thank you in more ways than one because everybody in this room and everybody across this state wants something that we don't quite have. we saw us push against the establishment. we saw us push against the power and push against the money and boy, did they pushed back. [applause] you kept me strong and not only did you keep me strong, when i asked you to tell 10 people, you did. when those 10 people called 10 people, this is america at its best. this is not the ignorance of a senator [applause]
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we have had calls from the national press constantly asking us what we thought. i said there are a lot your ignorant people per the people of south carolina are great and you just proved that tonight. thank you. [applause] know that everything we did today is a miracle. everything we will do in two weeks will be amazing. what we get done in november will be phenomenal. [applause] thank you.
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oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. [chanting] this is what i will tell you -- we asked everybody to join the movement. this is what i need you to take away. the movement was never about me. the movement was about the people of this state. the movement was about returning government back to the voices of the people. i need you to help me do this. we will never again put the movement on a person. we will make sure it is about people and we will hold elected officials accountable. two weeks from now, let's take it to november and show every state in the country what a good state looks like. god bless you all. [applause]
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[chanting] [applause] >> from california's more republican senate primary, carly peoria won the right to face -- fiorina one of the right to face barbara boxer. >> thank you. [chanting] thank you. thank you so very much. my good friends -- [applause] i have heard your message loud and clear. the people of california have
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had enough. [applause] in fact, i think they can hear you all the way to washington, d.c. [applause] from the moment i declare my candidacy, over 7000 volunteers, over 20 coalitions, a 12,000 donors, and a tireless, hard- working staff have made this the greatest team effort i have ever had the privilege to be a part of. all of you worked together to make together -- to make tonight a reality and i owe you a debt of gratitude that is very difficult for me to express. [applause] while i cannot thank all of
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you, that there is one very special person who has been my running mate for over 25 years now, my husband frank, the rock of my life. [applause] i want to begin tonight by acknowledging two committed republicans who also have sacrificed and work hard for the cause of victory in november. chalk devore --vhuck devore and tom campbell. we worked hard for the privilege of this office and i salute them for their determined work to change the course of america and i look very much forward to their help and support in the common cause we now share. [applause] and congratulations as well to my good friend and colleague,
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meg whitman. [applause] california will now be offered two candidates at the top of our ticket who have actually created jobs and cut costs and we look for taking on the two career politicians on the other side. [applause] the team work that has brought us here can end here tonight. and so as we celebrate, and it looks like you have been having a heck of a party celebrating -- [applause] let us remember that beginning tomorrow and through november 2, we will run a tireless, appear less campaign all across california to finally on seat barbara boxer.
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--unseat barbara boxer. [applause] [chanting] [beat barbara boxer] >> in her 20 years, she is a bitter partisan who has said much but accomplished little. to make it toa politics but she gets them f . she has actually said one thing that i agree with. she said recently that this election offers the clearest choice in the nation. i could not agree more. [applause] her far left views place her on the fringe of american politics and our differences could not be
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greater. quite simply, this election is about the future, not the past. for three decades in congress, barbara boxer has personified the entrenched but failed arrogance of someone who has long forgotten that here in america, the people rule, not the government. [applause] when she dressed down that general in front of the cameras -- [boos] she displayed all of the destructive he elitism that is so disquieting to the people of california. when she made a rare trip to california to fill our campaign coffers, she said the reason for her court approval rating was because the voters of california were grumpy about the economy.
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[laughter] i think that is the first time that barbara boxer may have been guilty of understatement. [laughter] nearly 2.5 million californians are out of work, many of them for over six months, hundreds of thousands more have simply quit looking for work. there are boarded up storefronts all across california. there are blue lines in our great san joaquin valley and businesses large and small are leaving the state in record rates. do you remember, as i do, that barbara boxer of boded for a so- called stimulus package that she promised would reduce unemployment to 8% or less? she has become so tone deaf about reality that she had deluded herself to be leaving, that the word grumpy actually
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describes the desperation and despair caused by big government folly, a big government bailed out, and the buildup of a 13 trillion dollars up -- $13 trillion of national debt. it is precisely this kind of old politics, the failure to listen, the failure to understand that has caused tens of millions of americans to feel betrayed. as fellow citizens feel betrayed by the distance and isolated politics of incumbency, entrenchment, and incompetence. this election is also about big differences between the kind of people we are and what we believe. i believe that each person everywhere has enormous potential if they are given the
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freedom and the opportunity to fulfil it. barbara boxer believes that it is government that promotes potential, not the individual. i believe in lower taxes. [applause] so that we the people can best decide how to spend and invest our hard earned dollars. she believes that government can best decide how to spend your income. [boos] all together now -- [boos] i believe that small businesses and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our country and the engine to get our economy moving again and she believes that massive government spending and massive deficits are the answer. i believe in the honor and the
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heroism that has distinguished our armed services. [applause] from the day she entered congress, barbara boxer has been a loud and cynical critic of america's military, repeatedly voting to cut off or reduce the resources that are fighting men and women need to effectively com, that our enemies. she has stood silently by as israel is condemned and threatened and the iran moves toward nuclear weapons. this campaign is going to be about what works and what does not work. it will be about actions and results versus rhetoric and failure. 21st century issues and realities require the common sense, good judgment, new ideas, and perspective that comes from the real world experience that i bring to the table.
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barbara boxer thinks the real world revolves around a couple of square miles in a best and unaccountable bureaucracy in washington, d.c. [boos] listen, my fellow californians, i promise you this from day one -- in the u.s. senate, i will be relentless in fighting for every job. i will start by making it easier, not harder, for small businesses, family businesses, innovators and opera north to do what they do best which is to create private sector jobs and build the american dream. [applause] we must end the failure and the disgrace of california being responsible for one out of every six unemployed americans. barbara boxer's enter of
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rhetoric over reality stopped now. [applause] -- stops now. i bring a track record of problem-solving, transparency, and decision making. i am willing to ask tough questions. i am prepared to shake things up and on like barbara boxer, i am also prepared to be held accountable. [applause] >> former governor jerry brown won the democratic primary to replace arnold schwarzenegger. he faced meg whitman who won the republican nomination. here are their speeches and los angeles. >> q for being here. -- thank you for being here. i know you one but
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[unintelligible] there is another team up there. anyway, by the way, i have done this before. [applause] still, i want to thank you. i want to thank everyone out there that boded today. the best years are still ahead. i want to thank the mayor for being here today, standing with me, i appreciate that. [applause] the sheriff, really important [applause] there is one other person who is actually more important than these people. that is my wife, anne. [applause] she is the one who figured all this stuff out.
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nevertheless, keeping up with her has given me the preparation to keep up with california. again, thank you very much we are here on a very auspicious occasion. i am here as the democratic candidate for governor, yes. [applause] i did not check but i think we made. [laughter] i am also here as a californian who is disgusted with the awful mess in sacramento and the policy -- and the politicians and wall street bankers that got us there. rather than to a typical election night speech, i want to do a speech from my heart.
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honestly, the last thing on my mind at this stage of my life is running for governor of california. i wonder whether this was the right path. i look at the gridlock in sacramento and the truth is, i believe i can fix it. not overnight, it took too long to get your but i believe that if we pull together, we can fix things. fix it we will. i have no doubt that with your help we can. [applause] i know how sacramento works. i know how it should work i have the preparation and know-how and independence to challenge the status quo and general legislators should work together. i put california burst and the democratic party second. i will do it again as i have done it before. [applause]
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it is not enough to look in the morning and decide that it is time to be governor of california. [applause] we tried to bat. it did not work. offering platitudes and promises will not fix the budget or bring us food or breast jobs. to fix anything, to get anything done, we need a profound change the way our government operates whether it is on a campaign or in state government. it is time for an agenda of humility, living within our means and a decent measure of self discipline. his time for the politicians to grow up and face the fact that we are in a park crisis. the world has changed since our financial system hit the wall and all has collapsed. the only way forward now must be
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built on honesty, frugality, and innovation. [applause] this is what i mean but honesty. no more sugar coating on the budget on the difficult choices we have to make. but fidelity -- but regality, i mean living within our means. it would have $85, we cannot spend $100. the governor has a private jet and new mentioned. i rented an apartment across from the state capital for myself. [applause] taxes or cut, not increased, but cut. i don't like to spend money. not my own and not the taxpayers.
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the two republican candidates for governor say they want to run the state like a business but they set a national record for waste and excessive spending. california was built by pioneers who led the world of innovation. i myself voted for a stake satellite. i also pushed for renewal energy with windmills and the desert. i was called a modern-day don quixote. california had over 90% of the
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world's renewable energy. [applause] in this campaign, you will hear about what i did and did not do. anyone willing to confront the conventional wisdom and take bold action -- [unintelligible] california can be covered and i have no doubt that we will produce the jobs in grenoble energy, medical advances, the materials, designs for living and we can accomplish that. it is one thing to talk about what you do what you're in government. it is quite another to what actually accomplish this. i did the job before. on my watch, we reduced taxes by $4 million. our schools were among the best we had the strongest environmental laws. we pioneered development on --
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renewable energy. in california, we created 1.9 million jobs. [applause] do not believe the next $50 million worth of advertisements. [laughter] when i was mayor of oakland i cut through the red tape. [unintelligible] we built thousands of new apartments and condominiums for the city that have been abandoned by private investors. 10,000 new residents moved into the heart of oakland. as we take every step we can to make the jobs we need, we should never forget that our public schools are often criticized are
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the foundation of our prosperity. you can applaud that. [applause] many people rundown schools but the fact is, that is the engine of job creation. to the engine of skill, imagination and training for the future. we embark tonight on a very difficult and historic mission. we want to take back our state. we want to capture the dream. we want a sense of can't do. people still come to california but not without the hope and determination to do what they did. as your governor, this would be a deep honor.
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this state has done so many for s -- has done so much for so many. we will go back to sacramento and get moving again. california for all, thank you very much. [applause] we have a lot of work to do. we are up against billions and trillions of dollars. we will use people power, the internet, person to person, we have a lot of people. we will run this campaign not scapegoating anybody. we are not scapegoating the
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emigrants. we will put it altogether. everybody, we will put it together, thank you, on to victory. [applause] ♪ ♪
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♪ [applause] >> thank you, thank you, thank you so much. what a great night! [applause] this victory is your victory. [applause] i just received a very gracious, call conceding the race. [applause] might want to commend the commissioner and his reporters -- his supporters for the energy they brought to this campaign. [applause]
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it has been a tough campaign, i must say, but i am a stronger candidate tonight because of it. [applause] i am a battle tested now. i am ready to give jerry brown the toughest election -- [applause] [laughter] >> let me take a moment to congratulate our great republican senate, carly fiorina, on her senate victory. [applause]
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career politicians in sacramento and washington, d.c., be warned because you now face your worst nightmare. [applause] two businesswomen -- [applause] who know how to create jobs, balanced budgets, and get things done. [applause] i have so many people to thank tonight. i have so many who made tonight possible first, let me thank my husband and our two sons. [applause] you cannot take on a challenge like this without all of that support of one family.
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[applause] i also want to thank the former governor, pete wilson. [applause] i would also like to thank my campaign co-shares, congressman kevin mccarthy, the state senator, the assemblyman, the former assemblywoman, [applause] let me also thank my incredible campaign team and the more than 20,000 volunteers in 58 counties who worked so hard. [applause]
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what an amazing effort. i am so proud of each and everyone of you. in particular, i would like to say thank-you to four of might senior leadership team who helped run this campaign. [applause] tonight's when would not be possible without the trust of the voters. [applause] i am humbled by this victory and i am so grateful for the support and the trust you have shown in me to die. [applause] -- have shown in me tonight. [applause] i am deeply, deeply committed to running a campaign but gives you hope for a better tomorrow. [applause]
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we begin a new journey together tonight, don't we? [applause] haa new california. [applause] there is a clear choice in this election -- california is in crisis and we certainlyzúlmñ cat save california's future by repeating the failures of the past. [applause] jerry brown has spent a lifetime in politics and the results have not been good. [applause] failure seems to follow jerry brown everywhere he goes. [applause] it is a record of promising much and delivering little, of saying one thing and doing quite another with disastrous results. for jobs, during his last term
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as governor, california's on employment rate nearly doubled to a then-record 11%. [boos] for spending, while he was governor, state spending went up by 120%. he raised taxes and still left a $1 billion budget deficit. [boos] for education with jerry as mayor, oakland schools deteriorated to the point where the state had to intervene. overall, a record of higher and higher taxes, more and more spending, and near-record unemployment. in other words, a 40-year record of politics as usual. [boos] i say california can do better. [applause]
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because, while politics is jerry brown's business, my business is creating good new jobs. [applause] it is time for a different style of leadership, a new beginning. not put it, not plumber, not glibness but got. -- a governor with the guts to do the hard work that is required to turn california around. [applause] tonight i ask all californians, republicans, democrats, independents, asians, african- americans, latinos to all join my campaign. [applause]
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thank you. [we wantáaw meg] >> thank you. you know what? we have a common purpose, don't we? bring common sense back to sacramento. [applause] i am a big believer in the power of many. none of us can -- what we can do together, none of us can do alone. together, we caná6] end of the sacramento war on job creation and make california a great place to start or grow a small business. [applause]
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we can force the politicians to stop spending more money than the taxpayers can afford. [applause] we can't stand up to a bureaucracy that puts its own growth and power about classroom teachers and a great education for our students. [applause] it will not be easy, will it? i will tell you this -- i am putting my heart and soul into this campaign. [applause] this in dallas on a mission. --this gal is on a mission and i am all in. [applause] [laughter] [thank you, meg]
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if you give me the honor of being your next governor -- [applause] the special interests and public employee unions will not stand a chance because i will oh my office to no one but you. [applause] here is the really good news -- i don't owe anyone anything. [applause] now, my opponent cannot say that, can he? [no] he has a line nearly every single interest group in sacramento against us and that
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means papers will be owed it to every power broker with a vested interest in keeping our state budget broken, our schools underperforming, and the state pension system spinning into insolvency. we know what comes next. when challenged by reform, politicians turn to their old tricks and they will try to convince you that i am something that i am not. let them try. [applause] [let's go meg] thank you. californians have seen this before but this time it won't work because the stakes are too high.
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i want californians to dream big again, don't you? [applause] i want our state to be the very best place in the world to raise a family, grow a business, educate our children, and pursuit lights ambitions. [applause] -- pursue like's ambitions. we can't make the golden state golden again. [applause] -- we can make the golden state golden again. jerry brown and the rest of the sacramento politicians cannot make that dream come true. they will not save our state but you can't. . [applause] this is a fight we must win. this is a fight we will win and together, we will not let
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california fell. [applause] -- we will not let california fail. join me in this fight and to get there we will build a new california. [applause] [chanting] [let's go meg] thank you for your support, your encouragement, your friendship, and god bless you and god bless california. [applause] ♪
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♪ [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] . . .


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