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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  June 10, 2010 1:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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exaordinarily hardworkin would never enga in this kind of behavior. the reason why this amendment is so important is to protect thei repution for the important they do. d with tha i yield bk the lance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields ck the balance of his time. the questions on the andment offered by the ntleman from new york. so many as are in favor saaye. those opposed, n in the opinion of the air, t ayes have it. the amendmenis agreed to. . maffei: mr. chaman. on tt question iequest a recorded ve. the chair:he gentleman requests recorded vote uant to clause 6 of rule 18, further oceedings he amdmenthe gentleman from new york will be postponed. . pusuant to cuse 6 of rule 18, preedingsilresume on tho amendments prted in house rort 111-503, o which
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proceedings will be nducted inhe following order. amendment nbeone, amendnt number five, mr. garrettfew jersey, ameme number sen, mr. price of grg, endment numberine, mr. turner of ohio, amendment number 12, mr. edrds texas, amendment number 13, by mr. half ty o new york. the unfind business is the est for a recorded vote printed in sspe report 111-503, by the gtlewoman from california, ms. waters, on which further proceedings were postned, on whi the ayes prevailed by voice vot the clerk will redesignate the endment. the clerk: amdment number one, printed in house report 111-503, oeredy mswatters of california. the chair: ecorded vote has been requted.
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hose in pport of the request r a recoed ve wi rise and ounted. a sufficient number having risea recorded vot ordered. members will record their votes by electric deve ts is a by electric deve ts is a 15-mute v
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the chair: without jection, the fiveinute vong will continue.
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e unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on amdment number five printed in russ po--ouse report 111-503, by the gentleman om new jeey, mr. garerornine which furth proceedingsere postponed and the nays prevailed by vceote. thclerk wl redesignate the amendnt. the erk: amendment numr five printed inouse report 113,ffereby mr. garrett ofew jersey. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. tse in support of the reque foa railroaded -- recorded vote will rise and counted. a suffent nuer having raisin a recorded vote is or. members will rord their votes electronic device. is is a five-minute vote. [captioning made pble by the national captiong institute, inc., in cooperation with the united stes house o presentatives. anuse of the clod-captned coverage of the house proceedings forolitical or mmercial purposes is expresslyrohited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the air: on this ve, the ayes are 131 the nays are 29. the amendments not agre to. for wh purpose does the gentlan from noh carolina rise? the houswill be in order. meers will -- mr. wilson: i ask annapolis csent to address the committee t rder. the chair: witht objection. mr. wilson: today i se to recognizreverend eddie lee
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carter on his retement from the hous where since 2004 he's been repairing d shining shoes. reverend eddie lee carter and i have a shared heritage. was born ineach island, south colina. mgrandfather was born in beach isla, in akin county, soth carina. at very you a, his family moved to augta, georgi wch wasearby he attended elementary sool with the wod famous musici james brn, another great south carolinia reverend carterirst began to rk on shoes as aoung man, even beforoid the ar in 1953. was stationed primarily in germany while servi in the army, a musician mself, he was renowned for singing and entertaing generals wn they passed througthe post. in 1955, he left the army wth the rank of corporal and later moved to washington fm augusta to work shoe repair.
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the chathe geman may procee mr. wilson:n 1992, he was ordained a methist nier. june 7, 04, he came to work athe u.s. capitol, reiring and shining shoes he lives in fort washington, maryland,ith his wife, molly anony carter. they've beenarri 28 yrs. he has a son and ms. carter has two sons he plans to rete friday topend more time with the congration. i'll always rember cheerfulness and encouragement, his quiet reading of the bibl anhis proud wearing a u.s. south carolilag pin. south carolilag pin. g speed, reverend carter.
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the chair:itutbjection, the five minute voting will continue. the unfinisd business is the quest foa recorded vote on dment number sev, printed in house report 111-503,y the gentleman from gegia, mr. price orange which furtr proceedings were postd and on which the nays pvailed by oice ve. thclerk willedesignate the andment. the clerk: amendment number seven, printed in house report 111-503, offered by mr. price of georgia. th cha: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for a record vote will re and bcounted. a sufficient mber hing risen, a record vote i ordered. members will record theirotes electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. fi-minute vote. [captioning made possible by thnaonal caponing
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institute, inc., in cooperation with the unittates house of representatives. any use of thesed-ptiod coveage ofhe house proceedis for political or coercial purposes is expressly prohibited byhe u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this ve e yeas are 105, the nays are --
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the chair: on this vote the ys are 106. thnaysre 316. onon this vo the yeas are 106, the nays are 316. e dmis aopted. the unfinishedusiness is the reest for a recorded vote on the amdmennumber 9 print in hou report 111-503 by t ntleman from io, mr. turnon whichurther proceedings were postponed and on which the noes prevailed by voice vote the erk wl redesiate the endment.
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the clerk: amendment number 9 inted in house report 111-503 offered by mr. turner of ohio. he chair: a recoed vote has beequested. ose in support of the request for a recoed vote ll rise a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is members will re their vot by electronic device. mthiss a five-minute vo. five-minuteot [captioning madpossible by e tional captionin institute, inc., in cooperatn with t united states house of reprentatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedingsor pitical or commeral purposes is expressly pribited by th u.s. hse of representative]
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the chair: on ts vo the yeas are 121, the ys a 301. the amendmt isot adopted.
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the unfinished siness is the request for a rerded vote on amendment number 12 printed in house report 111-503 by th gentleman from t, mr. wards, on which further proceedings we postponed and on which the yeas and nays prevled by voice ve. the clerk will redegnate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 1 prind in house repor111-503 offere by mr. edwards o texas. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support othe request r a recorded vote will rise and be counted. sufficient number hav arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device this is a five-minute vote. five-minute vote, members caioning madpossible b e national captioning institute, in, in cooperation with thenited stat house of representatis. a use of the clos-captioned coverage of the house oceedings for licaor commercial purposes is exprsly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives
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the chair: the ns wereour. the amendmt isdopted. the unfnished business is the qut for recorded vote on amendmennumber 13,rinted in use report 11503y the gentmafr nework, mr. maffei, onhich further proceedings were postponedn which the ayes prevaed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk:mendme numbe,
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printed in house report nuer 111-503, offered by mr. maffei of nework. e chair: a recordevote has been requested those upport of the request for recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having a recorded vote is ordered. mbers will rord their vote by electronic device. members, this is a f vote. [caponing made possible by the national captioning instute, inc., in cooperaon with e uned states house of representatives. any use of the closed-ptioned coverage of the house proceengfor political or commercial purpos is expssly prohibited by the u.s. house of represtatives.]
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the chair: on is vote the yeas were 416. thys, one prent. the amdment adopted. th question is on the cmittee
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amendmenin the natur of substitute asmended. so many asren favor aye. those oppose no. the ayes have it. the amendment is adopted. accordingly under the rules the accordingly under the rules the committee ses. the chair: mr. eaker, the committee the whole house on e state of the union haunder considerion h.r. 5072, puuant to house resotion 1424, i port the bi back to e house with te amendment adopted in the committee of the whole. the eaker pro tempore: the chair ofhe committee othe whole house on the state of e union reports that the committee hags had under consideration the bill h.r. 5072 a pursuant to
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house soluon 1424 reports the back to the house with an amendment adopted in the committee of the whole. under the rule treviou question is orded. the question is adoption of the committee amendment n the nature of a substitute as amended. so many as are ivor say aye. those opposed, no. the e vs. t the question is on thd reading of the bill. so many as are in favor say aye, thosopposed, no. e ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill impove e financiasafety and soundness of the f.h.a mortgage insunce of the f.h.a mortgage insunce program. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman n york rise? >> mr. speeri ha a motion to recomt at thek. the eaker pro tempore:s the gentleman opposed to the bill >> in its current form. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlen qualifies. e clerk: mr. lee of new yor moves to recommit the bi -- mr. lee: i askunanimous const to dispense withhe reading. the spker pro tempore: obction is heard. e clerk will continue reading. the clerk: m lee of ew york moves to recommit t 5072 to the committee financial servic with instructions to report the same back to the house frthwith wth the following amendment. at the e of the the llowg w sections. sectio 16,rohibition of mortgage insurance for brrowers with segic default. the speaker pro tempore: the clk will suspend. the clerk will continue reading. the clerk: section 203 of the nation housing act, 12 united statesode 1709, as amdedy the procding provisions of this acts furer amended b adng at the end the following new subson. z,prohibition of mortga
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insurance for borrowers with strategicefaults. one,rohibition, the secretary his title that a is secured by a one to four-famy dwelling us t mortgae has kermed in accordce with such standas and requirements eabli by the secretary that the mortgagor under such mortge has not pruslyag i any strategic default with resect to any resential mortgage lobe. two, stregic default, for purposes of this subsection, the term strategic default means th respect to a reduction in rtgage loan, ientional defaulving suc characteristics or und such circumstances as t secreta shall by regulation provi. section 17 prohibion on taxpayerailout of f.h. programs. seion 205 of the natnal housing act, as amende by th proceeding provisi of th act as fther amended byaddi at thend the following new subsecon.
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h, taxpayer protection. the secretary shall usell ailable actions and montana ths authorized under law to ensure compliance with substion f-2nd protect the taxpers of the ited states from financial responsibility anyligatis oth fund, including authority o increase insurance premiums charged unr is title for rtgas that are obligations of the fund, authority establish more stringent derwriting standards for su mtgages, and authoritto ince amount of cshorts equivant requ to be pd onaccount of the property subjectouch mortgage. . the speapro tempore: the gentleman from neyork is recogzefor five minutes. mr. lee: thank you, mr. speak. the undeying bill that we've beenonsideringodays an important oand i ppor the provisions that are includein h. 5072, th f.h.a. reform act of 201 it ges h.u.d. new tool that
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allow h.a. to protect taxpayers against frdule or poorly underwrittennsud ans. the al of h.r. 5072 isor h.u. to begin the process of puttinf.a. back on the rd to a pograthat has adequate capital in resve, to weather whtever progra it enunters down the road. however, h.r. 5072 is noa cu-all. we n do more to ensure that american taxpayers are bet procted. during the st years, the f.h.'s mark shares signicantly increased from less tha5% to more than % increased, the taxpayers' as exposure continues to grow day byay. at is why we mu do evering we can to ensure th the program is being run in safe and und mannernd thataxpayers will not be ked to pay for yet another overnmt bailout. the motion does two imrtant
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things. first, it prohits f.h.a. from nsurg loans fr borrowers that have stratecay faulted on a previous loan. second, prohibits the taxpayer bailout of e f.h.a. program. accorng to a study by experian consulting firm, the numberstrategic defaults near doubled from88,000 from 27 to 2008, and in a separate 2007urvey und that more -- no. xcuse me. more than a -- mr. frank: i want to accept it. r. l: meanwhile, there are layers, scam artists touting the finaiabenets of walking away from a mortgage in helping to do that for a e. not a day goes bthat we dot read another news article about folks who are king calcuted decision to stop paying thr mortga even though they still have the ability toay
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the speaker pro tempore: point of order heard tt the housis notn order. indeed, e house is not in order. the gentleman from new yk. mr. lee: we're not talking bout those familiewho have fallen on harmes or simply can longer afford to make their payments. we are talking about thi new trend of a person who voluntarily choos to stop paying theimogage even though they s have the ability to pay. while these decisions should uimately be up to t dividual who should put in pce more -- we should be putting inlace more stringen penalties tscourage this irresponsible behavior. if a borrower makes the decision to strategically default ln they certainly should not be allowed to benefit from a gernment subsidized program. this motionakest clear, if you can aorto pay your rtgage and choose n to, you will no nger be eligible t securen f.h.a. mortgage.
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s motionalls on the secretary of.d. to defin sategic defaultnd to work with lenders to identifd prevent borrers from participating in the f.h. program. this mioal prohibits a xpayer bailout of t.h.a. progr breiring h.u.d. t use all available methods at itspose -- dispos. euring that mortgage appcants have truly enough skin in the game. as ranking member bacs said in yesterdas motion to insuct confeeon the financialegulatorreform conferenc it's time to end bailouts once an for all. ether it's $14 bon for fannie and freddie or anothe $60illionor.i., chryer and g.m., the american public has sufferednougfrom bailout fatigue. th motion to recommit ensures the f.h.a. uses its existing trityenre that the program esot need an approiation andhat taxpayerare protected.
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whilehe underlying legislation signicant improvements to the f.h.a. progr and goes a long way to proving h.u.d. with the tools it will need to impro the fcial condition of the f..a. progm, these additional prohibitions on strategic default borrowers and taxpayer bailouts will ensure the f.h.a. prram sts on a sounfinancial path d that amecan taxpayers are ptect fm yet another bailout. i urge adoption of this motion and with that i yield ack the balance of my tim e speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose doethe gentleman om massachusts rise? mr.rank: speakn the motion. t speaker pro tempore: is the motion? opposed to the mr. frank: i don't know t. . faleomavaega: without objection, the gemais recognized for five minutes the speaker pro tempore: wiout objeio the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. frank: i s dippointed thatcolleague on the financl services committee would obrve thtradion we have oyielding to each other it would save membe a lot of time becau i am going to urge people tvote f it. might sait will need a word
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or two of imovement. if it had in fact bn offered at the fincial seices cmittee we could have accepted it then, but then members wouldn't have a chance to make a dratic speec the floor. so that explains why we have to go through this. i urgadoption of the recommal motion and i yield back the bance of my time the eaker pro tempore: all time having been yielded back, without objection, the pvious questn is ordered on the motion to recommit. the question is on the motion to remmit. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have i the motion is adopted. for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts rise mr. fran puuant to the instructions of e house in thmotion to recommit i rept back to thbill h.r. 5072 with an amendment whh the clerk will read. the clerk: the erk will reporthe - the speakepro tempore: the clerwill report the amendment.
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the clerk: amendment offeredy mr. frank from massachusetts. at the e of the bill -- at the end of the bill, add the follong new secti, section -- mr. frank: iay that the readinge spend with thspeaker pro mpore: i there objection? without objection, the reading is dispensed with. those in r say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes he it. e qution is on engrossment and third reading ose in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. thclerk: aill to improve the financial safety and souness of the f.h.a. mortgagensurance progr. the speaker pro temre: the question is opassage of the bill all thosin favoray aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion the cir, the ayes is it. -- the es have it mr. ank:r. speak. the speer pro tempore: the gentlen fr massachuset mr. fnk: i ask foa recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is ordered. those in support of the request for a recorded ve will ris and beounted. a sufficient nber hang votis orate of rule 20, this inut-- pursuant to clae of rul20, this 15-minute
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vote will be flod b a five-minute vote on suspending the rules and passing s. 3473. this is a 15-minute vote followed by one five-minute te. [captioning made possle by the national captionin instituteinc., inoopeon wi the united states house of representatives. any use of the clos-captioned coverage of the house procedin political or commercial purposes is expresy prohibit by e expresy prohibit by e u.s. house ofepresentatives.]
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the spker pro tempore: the yeas are 406. the nays are fo. the bill is passed. withouobjection, the motion to recoider is id upon the table. thunfished buss the vote on the motionf the gentleman from minnesota, mr. oberstar, to susndhe rules d pass s. 3473, on which the yeas and nays were order. the clerk will reporthe title ofill. thclk: senate 3473n ac to amend the oil pollution ac of 1990 to authorize advances om oil spill liability trust fund for t deepwater hozon oil spill. the eaker pro mpore: the question is,ill the house suspend thrules and pass the bill. members will record their tes electronic device. this shall be a five-minute vote [caponinmadeossible by the nationalaptioning institut inc.ooperation with the united states house of representatis. any use of the closed-captioned covege of thhouse oceengs for political or commeral purposes is express ohibited by the u.s. hou of representatives.]
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the speaker o tempore:n this vo the yeas are 0 an none in the gative and two recorded present. 2/3 havingespond in the affirmae rules are suspended, he bill is passed. for what purpose does the
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getleladfrom california rise? ms. waters: i ceive recognition fotwo unanimou consent requests. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewomans regned. ms. waters: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i ask unanimo consent thatn thengrosen of h.r. 5072 e clerk be authorized to collect sectio, punctuation and cross-references and toake such her technicals and conforminghanges to accurately reflect the acons of the house. the eaker pro tempore: hout objecon, so ordered. . waters: i also ask unanimous conse that all mbers may have five legislati days to reve and extend theiremarksnd insert extraneous materialn the subject of the passing of the honorable art link. the speaker pro tempore: wihout objection, ordered.
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the uinisd business is the question on suspding the rules and agreeing to hous resolution 1121, which the clerk will report by title. the clk: house resolution 11, resolution congratulating clinton county and theounty seat of wilmington, ohi on the occaon of their bicentennial annersaries. the speaker pro temporethe queson is wi the house supend the rules and aee to the resolution. so many as aren favor say those opposed, no. in the opinioof the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules e suspended, the resolutn isgreed to and withouobction the motion t rensider is laid on the table. for what purposeoes th gentleman from virginia rise? mr. cantor: mr. speaker, i ask
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to address the houseor one minute for t pposes of inquing about next week's schedule. the speaker proempore: without objectio mr. cantor: thank you, mr. speaker. and i yield to t gentleman from maryland, the majority leader, for the purposes of announcing next week's schedule and i yield. mr. hoyer: i thanthe gentlen for yielding. on monday the house ll meet at2:30 p.m. for morning hour debatand 2:00 p.m. for legislative business wvotes postponed until 6:.m. on tueay the house will meet at 9:00 a.m. formorning-ho bate and 0 a.m. for legislative business and recess immediately for the former members associaon annual meeting. the house will reconvene at approximatel11:30 p.m. wednesday and thsday the house will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislativeusiness. on friday the house will meet at 9: a.m. for leslative business. we'll consider several bills under suspension the rules. a complete list oall suspension bills will be announced as is acctomed,y the close of biness morrow. addition we'll consider h.r.
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5287, the small business lending fundct of 2010 and ssibly h.r. 5175, the disclose act. an, again, possible action on h.r. 4899, the supplemental appropriations act of 2010. mr. cantor: ihank the gentleman, mr. eaker. and, mr. speaker, i'dsk the gentleman addition to next k's schele, can th genteman tell us what he cts to consider on the floor betwn now and the july 4 reces beyond next ek, and yield. mr. yer: thank t gentleman for yielding. in additi to e legislation i'vennounced for next week, the small busins lending act, the disclose act d the supplement, we will also consider in the future wall street reform conference report, as the gentleman knows, thconference is having its fiday as an open conference. full participati i expecthat to hopefully conclude within the next few
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weeks. perhaps sooner. and i expt to he th bill on e floor anto t psident by the july 4reak. in addition that, we have the american jobs and closing loopholes act. we passed th bl, as you know, wo weeks ago. the senate -- two weeks ago. the senate, however, left tow and they couldot take acti to extend unemployment benefits and to preclude cuts to medice payments to ensure seniors would get their doctor i know the senate is now working on this bill. and if they amend it wll look athat and seehat the hous action -- what action might be necessary. in addition we arlooking at a budget resolution. we're still working wh chairman spratt on a budget -- budget resolution atshows at we have doing any sans of
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the concerns th all oou -- cognizan of the concerns that all of our members hve. the gentleman kns, t president sent us aget for nondefense, nonsecur spendi is frozen. not only for thear t for two years to come. wre considering that. in additi, thgentleman and i have been working vear on iran sations. i was at the white house today. i congratulated the presdent on the administtion's success in having passed through the security council thiran sanconlegislation. it is good legislation. hopelly all natis will abide by it, have its impact. on the other ha, i think the gentleman and i both agree there needs to be additional efrts made. the europeansilbe meeting srtly to do the samand pefully ve an even strger resolution.
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and then is my expectation, i talked tor. bern, and i know youe talked to ms. ros-ehtin. my hopes that we will have and iequestmore than i hope, my reque is that the confence report be brought to the for the week of the 21st. and 've indicated that as my expectati. i wao also coratulate bassador susan re for the job that she did in dfting this -- the resolution that was adopted and successfully passing it yesterda and m looking forwardo working with the gentleman. addition to that, as you know, we have a supplemental at we want to have onsidered. we need to fund our troops that are irm's way, make sure they have the resources cessary to carry out the missionhat th'v been given. and i expect the pplemental to be on the floor possibly as
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early as next week. and i wouldope that we could t it at earlybut certnly i expe it to ps before we leave it's my understanding that funding is available into ju sohat we have some flexibility, but view is the will pass itnd i will be pushing very hard to pass e splental, make re our trps are funded. and i would ho that we could work on thain a bipartisan basis. thats -- tt's not all that will bdo, but that ishe significant pas of what i expect the agenda t for the next three weeks, and i yield back. mr.antor: i thankhe entleman ani, specically, mr. speaker, want to thane gentleman's efforts on behalf of trying to get a resolution t ofhe conference committee on the iran sanctions bill. again, as heays, mr. speaker, something that he and i have worked on for sometime now. i thank him for his commitment to at and working othat. i'd al a the gentlemanf
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any of the reports that i have heard about a possible resolutn having to do with the flotilla inerms of the actio that occurred tha israel undertooko defend self in interdicting the ship on the allegedmission of aid thatwas claimi to be on and ether we canpect any resolutioalong those lines in pport of our ally, israel, and i yiel mr. hoyer: iha t gentleman for his question. i're most ople k the gentleman and i agrd, i made a statement on the floor lastight, made a statement imdiaty ter rael, like any oer nation in the world, a terrorist organizati that wantitse, wants to k its peop and push iom its country.
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any nationn earth, including ours, would defend itself. that's what they did. they gave two weeks' notice. of course, as the gentleman knows, to the turks d to the indiduals whwere undertaking this so-caed hanitarian mission. ani might say at t gentleman and i are a humanitarian concern about the plight of thpalestinian peop. unfortunately, ey are ill-served by some of those who have bforce tan over their leadership in gaza. but israel did whatny nation would . it gave notice and said if you would deliver thosto te ourt, we would offload the humanitarian material and make su that it's divero its repien. not to a terrorist organization that would use ifor purposes of teor and attack on cilians but uset for the pposes of releavinthose in se distress
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i would point out,s the gentleman well knows, international reports arthat in fact tre areufficient food and medicine in gaza today. is my view that that mission in efct accomplhed its obive and its objective was have confrontation and to put at risk the serityf israel and its pele. so that the answer to your question is i have talked to . berman d i want to talk to you, as wl,o that we can determine what is the best course of action for us to take. mr. ntor: again, mr. speaker, i thank the gentleman f his continued commitment and shar with him the commitment to strengthen t allian beeen ourselves, the united states, and israeand thcontinuing struggle that all of us have in the terrorist threat, ate
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sors of terror a their proxies in t middle east and as they pose threat to our ally, israel, as well athe u.s. interests in the renal. i look forward to work with him -- interests in the region. i look forward to work with him on that. i go back to the gentleman's statemen with rega to financial rulation and a conference report. and i knowhere's been a lo of indication, especilyn the part of chaman fra about the willingness to be open and make surehat-span cameras are there sthe public can understand and hav access. i wasomewhat alarmed, tgh, with the statements made by e chairman aseported in the ess when he said some negotiatis will take place more publicly than others an just wanted the gentleman to assure us that there will be negotiationgoing withou having the light of cameras on and/or at least a fairearing
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among mbers of both parties and i yield. mr. hoyer: i thank th geneman for his question. none of us won't admito talking to us privately, ink. i think thas what the chairman was referri to. think he a mr. dodd will speak. i'm sure that he and the gentlem from alabama, the ranking republin, may even -- mr. shelby, maye speaking. the chairn and i both srved with m. shelby. i surthere will b discussions with the ranking republican from r sidehat may not be in the context of the conferenelf where there be camas, but the will be an opportunity to off amendmentsnd fully debate an iscuss varusptio, and i think that's frankly -- i've nobeen too pleased personally wh the fact that we don't have a lot of conferences. i thinconferences e od. i think they accomplish a worthy objective of bringi
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reconciliatiobetween the tw houses and,rankly, ging an opportunity for eac perspecte that's represented on the conrence toe articulated. i think this will be from that standpoint a model confce. i think mr. frank does intend, as he has said, to have an open conference withull bate and voting in the light of day on various different prols. gentleman for that. e in the spirit owanting to try toork together in savel manr and tory tget the r the people donethe gentleman mentne the war supplemental foscdung perhaps next week and obviously we continue to be concerned, mrspeaker,n the of our members, or constituents, about the involvement, openness of discussion and debate around the issue of spending in t supplemental bill to fund our troops. this is actually, mr. speaker,
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a bill we can work on together and the gentlema indicates that that bill maycoming to the floor and i would ask the gentleman, shoulde exct that billgorough the apopriations committee befor it comes to the floor to all fothat open input, that collaboration to rult in a better bill at will reect the will of the american people and i yiel . hoyer: i thank t gentleman for yielding. i have nodiscussed specifically what aions mr. obey is looking at the suppnt thawas seve to us. he's discusst with the vario subcoittee chairs. i don't know whether he's discussed it with mr. wis at this point in time but -- nt mr. lewis. who's the member? mr. antor:r.ewis. mr. hoyer: i've been off the committee for a few years now.
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with mr. lis. but i do know, ou know he had a markup scheduled on our supplemental the week before we le that was can selled, so it didn't go forward. then the senate pass i bill. but i woul rtainly hope that your side has input on whatwe want, what you want, what yo think ought bin there. ously we want to respond some of the questions t only the crises not only oshore in iraq, mainly afghanistan and pakistan, he gentleman knows, b my belishat mr. obey will want to he put as well. i can't givyou specifily, bauser. obey has not indicated to me this pot in time, what our scific plans are. but i rstand the gentleman's intere. mr. cantor: i thank the gentleman for that. i would indicate aving spoke within the riators,
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mr. lewis has not heard from mr. obey on ati'm sure he's anxisly awaiti that. i would also like to ask gentleman aut t budget and what can eect as far as he budget having now been in june, there having been no budget,nd can we expect a markup in the bget commite por to our leaving july 4 recess? mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman foyielding. ayou kn, mrspratt and i and others have been working on this for many months now to try see if the is a budget that can garnerhe majoty support. there was some indication, i will tell the ntleman he's usually the white house with us, he wasn't here today but mr. cantor is usuay joining us at the white house in our meetings with the presint but the fact is that the senate
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republican leader indicated he'd le to see some bipartisan agreement, at leas on spending levels, and observe that he thought that the spending levels thesident had sent down for our consideration were -- he would like to see a lowe number but he appreciated the fac tt that number was sent down and was a constraintn spending. in fact, froze nondefense, nonsurity spending at last number of years.did so for a i ma the observa at that point in time i wahopeful that we could in fact reach some bipartisan agreement. i will be discussing with the gentleman probably e next week that possibility. but i wl tell you that mr. spra continues twoery, ve hard at trying toee if
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he can come up with a bget resolution that reflects something that can get ement. i want to tell the gentleman at one of the problems we have, as the gentleman knows, is whave created a situatin wherthe budget will ve some vey tonumbers on it. they are alisc nmbers, ey are the numbers, they a what they ar we are where we are. as thgentleman know i believe we need to work very, very hard to geback to the placwhere we were in -- start at 2001 when we had a balaed budg and a surplus projected. i would call attention to the statement of dough holtz who s with the last administration, indited that this budget would haveoccurred und sat mccain as well,
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no mattewhat he did. he inherited an extraordinarily depressed economy, aexplodi deficit anda substantial decrease in revenues. have an extraordinarily difficult situation we inherited andhe presint, as younow, has apinted a mmission too deal wit that we put inle statutory pay-go to t to constrain spending so we n get back to, as i said we wer in th four year befor. bu adminisation, then we -- before thbush administration, when we had fr years of rplus. regrettably, we're not there now d we're working on it. mr. cantor: ihank the gentleman for that, he knows where i stand on th issuend our side is continuing to want to see a dget, st like th american peoplare wanting to do every da some up wh a
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budget ohoto make the business work and the famies makit thrgh the month. i apte that spir with the gentlan offers. mr. speaker, i would say to the gentman i read an ticle in "roll call thiseek at h tdo with these colloquies that somehow indicated that the gentleman and i werunable to come to the floor and play quote-unquote nice together. i will say, i know the gentleman dot take any of th personay, nor do i, beuse i enjoy cong to e floor to bate bstance and policy in these colloquies, something that frankly is not done oft enough in this house buas it relates to the porities that t mority s as refted through its scheduling abilities. and in fact, again, mr. speaker, th house doesn't do nrlenough of this kind of exchange of opinto ferre
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out how we can come to some agreement. i know the geleman shares in th spirit as we engage spifally as th artle points to, ov our differences. our differences abo the priority of cutting spendi now. d i know the geleman does know, as i value the opportunity to work wit him on issues as we have just discussed having to do with the promotion of the u.s. surity in the middle east as it pla out through our ally israel, i enjoy t working relationship we have had on that issue,he issuearound the iran sanctions resolion, as well as he knows, asell we work together well on thissue of puerto rico statehood. there is that history. but i would say again the is going to be times when we do disaee. anthere is, frankly, some
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disagreement th our sidhas with what theajority es in terms of scheduling and that is, its priorities on cutting spding. we bome very frustrat tha we have no other vehicle to speak t as the priorities of t majority her than our response to the schuling. and these colloquies are focused on priorities the majity has far as how it hedules the floor. we become verfrtrated as well, mr. speaker that every time begin even to hint at a desito bri spending cuts to the floor, that somehow we need lecture on the last couple of dades as to what's happened in this countryrom a fiscal standpoint. i'the first one to offer up contrition. yes, our side iso blame as
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ch as e other side. for inging us to this point. bu none oft has anything to do with heduling for the next week or the ek thereafter and what my aim is, hopefull the ntlemaknows in engaging in these scussions, is to say, plea allow uso bring up some of the -- some of the issues the american ople want us to do, which to stop the spending now. as the gentman kws, we have launched on the reblan side he aisle a program called youcu and frankly, we have seen some bipartisan support rograms under yout. we have seen the administration take on an announceme today a proposal in youcut to sl eess deral property. we want this to be a bipartisan issue. as t gentlem hasinded
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meas he said in the article, that this is a colloy based on schedulin so, mr. speaker, i would say that the mority, the repubcans in this house, intend on brinng to the house floor another youcut vote next week. and it wille one of five options that the public will be voting on and has begun already. we are well over 700,000 votes in youcut on th three-week period. mr. speaker, i think that incates someeal intensity hind the public wanting th house to finally stop spendg now we will, mr. speer, be bringing to theor a vote either on the attpto sell excess federal property, which is a $15 billion savings provision to terminate a
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federal ke and walking program, it's another $1.8 billion. terminate a fedal tru parkinprogra62.5 million. teinating a funding for private bus companies,120 million a pposal to terminate the ready toearn tv program at $270 million of savings. i would say, mr.peaker, to the geneman, the puose of our bringing these to the floor is, first of allo reflt th ll of the amican pple to cut now, goward to admit we are in a real toughituatin fially in th country. we're at a crossroads. we've got to start changing the cultuerin washington. so i would say to the gentleman that is the , mr. speaker, we have no other alternative unless the majority would schedulactual spending
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cuts for this debate and vote on the house floor. i wou also say to the gentleman, mr. saker, these tes ll occur and we wil prferhese each week this wi bgito amass a recor on which member supports spending cu now and whh doesn't. we he alrey dmonstrated a commitment on this side of e aisle, asell as some on the gentleman's side othe aisle to cut $85 bilon over the last three votes inoucuand will continue do that each week and i would hope that the gentman coul us in reflecting the prioritieth our conituents are asking us to put forwardnd that o get the feder deficit under control wi that, mr. speaker, i wod thank the geneman foris
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time and will yld to him for a response. mr. hoye i thank the gentleman f ylding. i want to tell my friend that i don't seek conttion. i do seek reconsiderati. ofolicies that he not worked. of policies that were projected to gw the econo. bring t deficit down and make us a healier, wealthier country. frankly, the policies that we ur in 2001 through 2006 andctually through 2009 because we couldn't change the policy, ough we were in charge of the house and senate, couldn't override a presidential veto, again, not contrition regnition that thpoliciesid notork. benjamin franklin said it's t a good ing to bpenny wise and pound foolish.
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i say that he a his colleagues f2001 t2006, i think he voted for each one of these, voted for over trilli innfunded spending. $2 trillion in unfunded spendi. that ie real prlem. geneman is probably prepared to support, as i am -- he i will probably vote together, i hope, on a supplemental that prov for funding our tops. that won't be pid for. we expect our children and grandchildren to pay for that. mr. obey suggesttax. if itor figing d protecting is geration, it worth paying for. i tento agree with that. i have,s the gentleman knows, am a lot older than he is, three grandchildren and i have a great granddaughter.
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tragically, history tells us that my granddr and my chdren a going to have their challenge from a security stapoint, a health standpoint, from a natural disaster stdpoint ase have today. and they're going have to have resources to respond to that. so ratherhan -- and i don't criticize the geleman and i applau him for asking the amecan public, what do you think we ght to ct? the fact of the matte your sideas a -- your ranking member has prar a bge as told you beforethink it's a very -- a budget with a great deal of integrity, a eat deal ofolitical courage. and the gentman's indicated werankly need to look -- it's a budget that affect tod, tomorro but, yes, it has a vision.
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i applaud mr. rya as you know, i'm a big fan of mr. ryan. i don't agree with mr. ryan. but i don't have to agree with somebodyo have grearespect for their intellect and political courage aheir willingness to be real, to put mething on the table that really would make a diffence. my side for the mostart doesn't agreeith his treatment of social security, medicare and some her tings, but i asked the gentleman last time if he wants me to put th budgetn the floor en whatever we t on the floor on our side so at both of tse be considered. we're prepared to do that, but my iend, i will tell you, i'm not looking, as i said before, for contrition but i alooking for recogtion that we neeto work together ande hest. honest with those american people that yore asking questions to tt the items you put on your list are worthy of consideration but they will not
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get us to where we need to get. as one of mccain's advisor, former republican, director o o.m.b., as the policies of the bush administration dug a very deep hole. you can haveontrition about it, but that doesn't solve it. what's got to solve it is us coming together and being honest with the american ople. that's whathe commission is hopefuy going to do and it's goi to give us tough recommendations and we will ve to clashands togeer, frkly, if those recommendations are real, honest and effecte because they will be polically controversial bause the medicine doesn't always go down very well. but we have all dua hole. i was not for most of the bush policies thaput us in those holes. think giving revues that's part of t $2 trillion
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of spending that you made. you cut revenues, but you d not pay for them. the courageous -- strike that --the thing to do if you're going cut taxes, cut spending. e american public unrstand that. but pay forhat you're still going to buy. don't expect the credit card to be ed by us anpaidor by our chilen. so i tell my frie that the individual ims which you have just outlined areorthy of consideration, and asking the ameran public their recommendations is absoluty thright thing for us to do as democrat body. b let usot kid the people that we cannot -- that we can deal with thbudgetole that has been over the last eight years from surplus to deep deficit. sulus in 2001, deep deficit
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i2009 january 2009 is going to be solved by simply nibbling arouhe edg no tter how big osfigures sound, and they e big, but in the magnitude of the pbl that confronts us they will not get us to where we need to be. i thank the gentleman for giving me -- for yielding. mr. cantor: mr. speaker, thank the gentleman. i would say i hear the geneman that he thinks that contrition isot enough. i hear the gentleman who says that he and his de is to blame as well. and i think enough is enough about going backwards. the gentleman's heard me fore on the floor in these colloquys quote winston churchill. he said if we open a wall between the past and present we shall find that we have lost our future. and i will sayo the gentlan in the spirit of that quo,
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can differ on policyut it seems that the gentleman is more inrested i settl a score to ha this side of the aisle admit that somehow our policies were failing. ve s here i think -- i thinkost of my colleagues on this si of the aisle will say spending w too high. the gentman indicates that we voted on $2trillionf spending while we re in the majority last -- over the last several years. mr. hor: will thgentman yieljust to clarif . cantor: i yield. mr. hoyer: we ved for more spending given the size of our budge what i said was, to be precise, yo ved for $2 trillionf unpaid spding. i thank the gentleman for eng. mr. cant: i thank the ntleman for that correction, and would saat with th$2 trillion figure t the we uld also look to see how ch ending is going on now. and the national debt has
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increased by $4 trillion sine the demoatic party tk control of this congre. d we've added $4.8 blli in debt per day under this president. so there iso side immune to blame for more spending which is whweonnue to pead, let'work together now, let's not kick the can down the road. the gentleman coinues to say that the youcut oposalare too small, though worthy, too small to even fix any problem. th not true, . eaker. we're about trying to change the culture herein washington. the ntleman shes with me concern about the le our ks, their kids and theirs will have in this country given the actions wre taking and thse were not on the floor of
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this house. and so i thank tentleman again for his willingness to enge in theseubstantive discussions. we need more of these debates on substae, itheorkings of tis houseand i appriate again his time and i yield back,r. speaker. r. hoyer: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempor the ntleman yields back. fo what purposdoes the gentleman from maryland rise? mrhoyer: . speaker, isk unanimous consent that whhe house adjourns today it adjourn to meet at 12:30 p. onday next for morning hr debate. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr.oyermr. speaker. the speaker p temre: the gentleman from maryld. mr. hoyer: mr. spear -- i thank the gentleman from alabama. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous conse that i may be -- may be in order on tuesy ju 15 for the speaker declare recess subject to the call of the chair for the purpose of receiving in this chamber former members of congress.
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the speaker pro tempo wiout objection. the chair will entertain requests for one-minute speees. r what purpose does the gentlelady from new york rise? >> to address the house for one minute and to revise andxtend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objecon. mrs. maloney: mr.peaker, it's beemore tn 50 days since e deepwater horizonxploded ithe lf omexico. in that time at least 40 milon gallons of oil have entered our ocean. to give u so idea of what this means for the gu coast, if the oil disaster was center in myisict, it would completely cover nework city, long island, connecticut and northern new jersey and fa more on the east anthe with the disast of this enormous magnitude, it's absolutely critical we know evying we can abo the oil, its sco and its effect on the gulf of mexico. but coing o recent report b.p. is refusing to
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provide crital sampled data to scntts studying the saster. scientists researching the vast underwer dame the oil spill have been denied oil sames f b.p. other scientiststudying the flow rate at e source of the oil haven't receive high-qlity vid they requested from b.p.'s underwater robots. still, more researchers have askefor but not received accesto much-needed dat udy oil plooms beneath the surface othe ocean. it is imrative for b.p. to give scientists inside and outside of government access to very sample, eery data point and every other resource they need to help us understand the truth about b.p.'s oil disaster. the ameran people have a right to know. i yield ck. the speaker p tempo: the gentlelady ylds back the balance of her time.
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are there one-minute requests? or what purpose does the gentlelady rise? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house foone minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objtion. >> mr. speer, rise tpay tribute d deeply thank oher retirement from our congressional staff ms. ldsey potts of toledo, ohiofor nearly three decadesf patriotic service to the people of our districttate and ation has turned in her retireme papers. publicly f her exceptional honesty d work ethic, r ineptitude, her patience, her fine writing skills, her inllectl curiousity. she truly a renaissance woman. ms. kaptur: she is a dedicated young ople and sister to
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leslie a to brothersear and far. lidsy's gifts are unmatched. her smile, hersparkle, her uncanny ability to connecto pele from all walks of life and draw the best from them fo comnity betrment as well as empowerment of marginalized people om t days th she wrotepeople: buildg neighborhoods for theational ighborhood cmission." i wish her as well as do the coming days and years. she will always have a home in our congresonal family and will be missed for all who value her precious life. from the botm of my heart, lindsey, god bss y, lindsey potts. thepeer proempo: are therfurther one-minute addresses? e gentleman from louisiana, or what ose do you ris mr cao: addss the house foone mite. the speaker pro tempore: without objectio m cao: thank you, mr. speaker. the greatest environmental disaster in history is unfolding in the gulf of mexico. the oil spl has damaged the shorelines of the gu coast in my home state of isiana.
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each day i receive from the ate this repo listing the affected shoreli. i visited some of the places. you can really understand the impactf this dister until you hear the names associated with the 103 mil of lousiana shoreline that'alady been affected this ccludes the chandelier island, brent island, south pass, southwest pass, whiskey island, trinity island, ccoon island, en isle, elmer's island, marshsland, tplar island, pilot, isle,ake licity, pilot bay, bay ruma, ba tiste, bay long, lake- blind bay, beareas
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bay, wilkonson bayarsh. is disaster is bigger than call upon my cleagues and our nation to mainin our attention on swift rponse and recovery and to hold the responlity parties accontable. thk you and yield ck. the speaker pro tporeare there further one minute requests? the chair lays beforehe house the following personal requests. leave of absence requested -- the cler leavef absence requted for mr. davisf illinois for today. the speakro tempore withouobjection. the request is granted. for what purpe does t gentleman from tes rise? mr. poe: i ask unanimous consent that today following legislative business and any ecial orders heretofore ented into, the folling members may be permitted to
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revise and extend. myself many, mr.oe, ne 17, mr. boozman for today, mr. burton from inana fojune 14, 15, 16, and 17, mr. smith from new jersey for today, a mr. duncar today. the speakerro tempore: without objection. for what purpose ds the getlady from california rise ms. woolsey: i ask unanimous consent that today followin legislative business and y special orderseretofore entered into, the following mbers m be peitted addresshe house for five minutes, revise and extend eir remarks and include therein extraneous materials. s. woolsey, california, ms. kaptur, ohio, mrs. maley, new york. speaker pro tempor without objeion. under the speaker's announced policy of january 6, 2009, and undeprevused orer of the use, the following members are recogned for five mites
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ea. mr. burton of indiana. r what ppose does the gentlemanrom texas rise? mr. poerequest permission to take mr. burton's time. th speakerroempore: ithout objectione geman is recognized for five mines. mr. poe: eaker, it is with eat pride and a heav heart spe today of a young ma from district in xas who gave his life while fighting terrorists in marine sergeant braon burrough was kild sunday, june 6 in combat opations in kabul. s that photogra oth
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marvous rine. he leaves mind his wife heher d his two young sons, cole who is 3 yearsod, andade, who is 1. brdon was on his third tour of duty he previously served two deplments ira he left r afghanistan this april as part of a team training afgan police. he was 26 yes of agend a 20 graduate of kingwood h school texas. in h 26 short years, brandon lid a lifetime service to other people. i lked to brandon's mom terry this weeknd she told me that brandon had justalled her d he had askeher to send him gifts for the local afghastan children in his next care package. brand always -- brandon, always thinkingbout ways do sometng for someone el. ve been to afghanistan, and let meell you something, . spear. those afghani kidve american warriors. they lour troops.
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i've seen how they react tthe troops firsthand masm reins like brann arthreason why. they are the best ambassadors foribty and freedom that there ar the world because, you know, americans never go to conquer. they go to liberate. ey goo land they've never seen and ty fight r peop they've never known. brandon's mom and dad ter and brian burugh, now live in dallas, texas, with his tw brothers. i met brandon two years ago at a urth of july celebratioin kingwood he stood 6'6" and he was all marine. he is an impressive individual and his friends say even back in middle school, brandon knew what he wanted do. he wantedo be a united states marine. he vunteered for the marine copse uld have been an offic but he wanted to be an enlistan she could be on the ground with other such marines. you know, mr. speaker, the is nothing like a u.s. marine. they go into the desert of the
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gun and the vaey othe sun and they go where otherfear to tad and the timid are not ound. these young warrio make great sacrifices todain the heat and dust and deserts and the rough, rugge mountains of afghanistan they track down those terrorists wherever thetry to hide. there have been 10 texas warriors killed this year in ghanistan. fourrom the houston ar. in our congression district itexas, there have en a total ofwaiors killed in afghanistan andra it has been said that wars may be fought byweapons, but they are won by warrior brandon was anmerican warri. he was a hero in t tradition of great men a wen who dendhelag andliberty. it is america's warriors who pay the price for our freedom. amera's first war, figing forreom, ptrick henry saidthe battle, sir, is not
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to the strt is to the vigint, the active, to the brave. we are fortunate that these w still ring trueoday a that americans likbrandon carrthose values into tt. while we mrn the loss of brandon, wehould thank go that a man like him ever lived. killed wh brandonre lance corpal danny and otherspart of the f mari division based at camp pendleto. they were killed on the th anniversary of the d-day invasion of euro. shakespeare wro aut sh men in "henry v," when he said om this day to the endg of the world we int shall ribbe we few whappy few we band of brother, for he today who sheds his blood with me sll b brother.
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mr. speakerwe shall always rememb bon and his fellow marine broths and the lives they gave forreedom. so ty, i extend my prayers and codolences to brandon's wife and two young boys and his parents, his relatives and his friends in the ngwood community. mr. speaker, wn a warrior goes off to faraway ls, the family stands igilant at home because , too, have really gone off to war brandon was a marine. he was the poster boy for what is best about america. where does america get such amazinbreed, this rare breed, like brandon? . speaker, there is notng quite like a marine. it was said best an army general when he said therare only two groups that understand marines. marines, and the enemy. so sr fi, brndon. semper fi. that's just the way it is i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields bacs time. mr. townew york. rhat puose es the getlelady from california rise? ms. woolsey: ask annalis coent topeak out of worder. out of order. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognid for five mines. ms. woolsey: mr. spker, a week ago sunday at approximately 10:06 a.m.after the house had adjourned for recess and americs were joying their holiday weekend, the nation reached a trudy disturbi mestone at aboutthat moment, accordin to the nional priorities prect, the combined amount of taxpayer money spent on the wars in iraq and afghanista reached a staggering $1 trillion. that trillion, with a t. th's a breathtaking amount of money to spend. even osomething th works
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but that kind of money on two bloody wars that have taken thousands of arican lives, abilized other parts of the worland done nothing to achieve nationalecurity goals,ell it's positively shameful. and that tllion dollars doesn't even ilude som bills at haven't yet come due. like future medical costs for returning iraq and afghanistan veterans. commitment we absolutely must keep. nor does it include interest our grandchildren will pay on the debte are --e have racked to finance these wars. but i can't help thinking, mr. speaker, -- what i n't help thinkg,r.peakers that thlo opptunity costs tt we shoulbe taking into account. what could be spending that kind of money on if wweren't wastg on immoral wars?
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the natiol prioties project did a few caulions tat 1 port what we could dwith $ trillion they say we cld pvide a year's worth of heth care to 161 million low-income americans. or could pay $437 -- o we could pay for 437 head start spots or put 600 llion more achers in our elementary school classrooms. but a funnthing ppens, when tryo make significant investments in american people, espeally those who find themselves ruling through no fault of their own, ddenly, many of the same ople who want to hand the blank check to the pentagon become thetrictestenny pinchers. the ioties areomplety distorted. we have to fight anscrap for every dime of spend degree sined to help our own people.
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but in the name verseas invasion and conquest, money is noect and no expense is spar. wedon't need to spend $1 trillion to combat terrorism and protect oure. stead, we can implement a t ritytrategy that rejes warfare for the nd of realower, mol thory d humanitarian decency that is american. it iamerica at its very best. it's time to replace the military surge with a civilian surge,mr. speaker. we ne aid workers, diplomatic iniatives, civil society programs, teache, democracy promotion specialists, agricultural experts and much me, wchould and w make a fer -- make us safer at a fraction of the cost. m speaker, these trillion-dlar wars have to end. 's time to moveo a art
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security strategy. it'sime toring our tops home. i eld back. theaker pro tempore: the gelelady yields back her time. ms. s-lehtinen of florida. ms. ros-htinen: thank you, mr. speaker. today reents day2 of the worst environmental disaer in u.s. history. and on this 52nd day, b.p. is no closer to finding a solution as families and small bunesses ithe florida keys and across the gulf coast continue to suffer, b.p. has faled to come through on an effective strategy for plugging the gushing rig and for pcking up the oil. myffichas been flooded wh lls from constituents eager to offer their assistance in the cleanupffort. commercial fhermen, ter boat captai,stand ready to lay boom and skim oil before it
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reaches the she. community organizions like united way a the florida keys environment coalition have thered volteers ready to patrol the shoreline searching r tarballs. unfortunately, b.p. has not provided these groups with the neceartraining to asst in the cleanup effort. as my constituents have mplaed to me, b.p. is failg to utilize members of the keys community, instead, b.p. is waiting until oil washes ashore to take aion. additionally, ma res have called to fetheir suggestions howclean up this mess. i sincerely hope b.p. is giving due consideration to all of ese suggtions. clearly, b.p.'s plan has orked. the cleanup plan i louia is ys it is time for b.p. to look elsewhere yesterday, i met with.p. executives to discusthe
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company's slow, uncoordinated and half-baked response efforts in florida. at this meet, i reyed the frustratis of my south orida smalsinesswners w are going through the b.p. claims process. these individuals are ruired to go through long, complicated, and belittling proces in order to recve the compensatn that they deserve because forheir economi ss, ey had a downturn in business as a result ofhe premure panic from the b.p. l spill. let me bclear. these rdworking men and women are not looking for a handout . eaker. they would much rather working. fortunately, the disaster the gulf has take an tremendous ll on fishermen, on dive ops, on reaurants, on motels, and many urist reprented businesses inhe keys. its claims process. revamp in the key two claimsffices opened by b.p. are virtually
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useless. individuals seeking compsatn lee these ofces with stacks of complicapapeork, legal documentatn, and little guidance. i have requested detd formation from b.p. on its cls process. we nd to demand complete transparey in this process, including data on how claims are being evail waited, how payment sums are being dermid and quickly claims are being procsed. complicated legal documents just wi not do. on a related nothe fedel agncies need to comep with a plan in the event of a troorm or hurricane ithe lf. -- tropical stm or hurricane in the gulf. experts at the national hurricane season predt that the 2010 hurricane season could one of th most active on record. forecasters are predicting anywhere between 14 and named stormthis sson. of course, ionly tes
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just ask the florida residents who sfered through rricane andrew or just k ose resints in nrleans who are still recovering from huicane katrina. in addition tohe predicted active storm season, our communities are n sdled with thencertainty of an oil spill. the rep turd oil rig is located -- ruptured oil rig is located right in hurricane alley. thy suggested thehe strength of a hurricane uld turn thoil slick into a devastating blacsurf. i shu to think of the lonterm economic destruction and environmental damagesed byhis toxic coination. b.p. indeed all of our federal agenciesustrepare now f a worst-case scenario ter. b.p. cannot sit idly by while communitieare destroyed. i thk the speaker r the ti. the speerro tempore: i
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thank the ly. mr. holtromuge. --mr.olrom w jery. mr. holt: the events that transpired on may 31in the mediterranean was deeply reettle. we await fl and credib account of what happened onboard the ship. yet, we know that israel has the rig andbligation to precher citins and boders. in this cas by enforng a egal nal blockade to allow certification for peaceful and use of goodsransrted into gaza. in t days since the incident, israel has reased alpeople tained andas inspecd and trucked the aid cargo gaza where i undstand it awaits permon from hamas to cross.
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sa last week's confrontation could haveeen voided they could have had their port ipected and transported to gaza. fe of t six ships complied nonvioleny, but the peop refused. events that led to violence is disted but it's obvious to me anyway, that e actions of the ship wasrovocative israel shoullead an impal, tranarent and prompt inspection of the incident and inquies may show how the inteiction could have been accomplished without loss of life. it seems to me that the israeli ldiers re right to defend themselves fromhe brutal assault. we w this on video. it does not seeclr th the
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situation had to unfold as it did, howeve israel annoued yesterday that ahighly expectedeaof experts wieview the investigions that are now under way with a report expected in about a month. unid states should assist r and in this endeavo the wld community should withhold judgment until a reliab inquiry is compte, yet, ny aund the wod, once againare rushing blame israel beforeully examining all of the facts. the united states correctly voted agait a unied nations human rights council that called for an indepnt fact-finding miion whe were maturelcondemned -- it was condemning israel's action this bias cannot be aowe to inflame an already volatile situation i've called foineased humanitarian aid to the people of za for- well, more an
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a year now. gimate humanitarian needs nnot be ignored. hower, continued interferenc and provocatio by any nation or factionn the gion are unhelpful and dangerous. e unid states, the arab stat a oers must continue to facilitate virous and sustained diplomacy until lasting peace is achieved ultimately, only a just, rment and peaceful settme between israeliand palestinians can assure the security and welfare of all in the region. i yield back the balae of my time. the speaker pro tempore: t gentleman yields back the balance of his time. . duncan from tenssee. m duncan:hank you, mr. speaker. i ask permison to dress the house for five minutes ando revise and extend my remarks. the speak pro tempore: the gentman has five minutes, without objecti. mr.uncan: mr. speer, in todas washinon on which further preedings we postned, the very prominent -- on today's "washington post," a cull upist has an --
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columnist has an aicle sing that whave a jobless recoveryterm we're hearing from more and rexper througut the country. i can tell you that allover this country colleagues -- graduateare having trole finding jobs and many are having to work as waiterand itresses restaurants or very low-paying jobs. large part that's because environmeal ricalists have forced to send millions of good jobs to other countries for 30 years or more now and that the in cause of that probm. but another problem that's going on all over te country is theredit situatn. and yestery in "the washiton tis" there was a lengthy arcle about the problem tt is still going on that the banks are not makin loans to anyone who really needs a ln d particularly small businesses are hurting. well, i can tell you ect
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why e bks are not making oans to the people who nee them and that is because wle the president and the secrary of the treasury aoth presidenbush and h ministration did this and president obama and his secretary of the treasury have been doing this, they are up here in washington sayinloan, loan,oan, and the banks have all ts money but the eners dowon the local level are saying no, no, no and turningdown what would be really good loans. even in just recent times. d unless the exami start ging small businesses at least some flexibility, this onomy is not ally going to recover. we know,foinance, there have been almost no bs created over the last few months ithe private sector, about the only bshat have been crted, the biggest number of jobs that have been created have been jobs in the sen us ich occurs -- census
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which ocrs only once every 10 years. my purpose come here today letter i received froone of my cstituents, me connor, who started with on restaurant in 1992 and now has a cin of 15 restaurants. and he wrote thiletter to recently. said, quote, we the middleized busess owners are going to need a lot of help in the next couple of yrs. as inderstand the current health care reform bill, connor concepts, with an employer of more than 50 people, will require to have insurancer full-timemployee oface a fine for allloyee. we eploy around 10eam memberin ad five states. we have health insurance for ll-time, management and upper managent state. university remaining 1,100 team mbers, around 800 a full time and provided without inrance. if we're required to p surance or pay penalty,
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we'lhave to pay an aitiona $2,400,000. the five stes we operate in will h an additional 1,200 unemployed. we will lose a lot of money, exclamation point. an. coor continues. together withmy team i have built one restaurant in 1992 providing jobs for 80 peopleto 15 restaurants employing 1,200. ight now we plan to continue opening one restaurant a yr employing 80 to 100 people. if doesn't change in the next year or two wh this reform, we will have to stop growth. i want to repeat what he said er is 15 restaurant to a cin which is not a giant business, they will have to stopheir growth if the health care form bill goes lly into effect, as it's now wrten. mr. connor contins. though our team membersre not provided health insurance
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because of the expense, they are provided with a good pay wage, exceent vacaon benefs,eal privileg and excellent working conditions. more thannying else, thgh, they are proved good job. e th allows them to pay their bills, suprt their families or pay for thei school we do provide an inrae plan team membercan y for themselves. its an inexpensive plan that has limits on hospital stays butoes have routine medica care. he says, i look forwarto working with you in whatever way i can to change this law so i can stay in business. businesses, mrspeake all over this country are facing this samesituation, and we haveot to chan thi and alw the free enterpse, free rket system to work in ts country once again if we're going to ever have theecovery that r people want. thyou anyield back the balance omy time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of h tim mr. smi of new jersey.
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mr. smith: thank you, mr. speaker mr. eaker, award-winning ournalist bill hamlin 6, tragically passed away yesterday after a long battle with cancer. a family man and a humanitarian with a eat big heart and inciteful wit,ill is survid by his deawife, judythree children, his momextended family and a butt load of frs. let me extend my deepest condolences to his family a let them know thaour prayers with them inhis ver fficultime. he ito respect and admir his goodness, his generosity and good hammor. for years bill's new beatas sports and he especially liked the postssonies. a four-time srts wrer of
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t year in 12,002, 2003 a 25, press staffriter shannon mulligan writes in toy's edition, hower, they'll soon discoverhat he much preferred writing about everay strules of ordinary people rather than theoddled multimillionre athletes he dealt withon t sports bea bill had an extraordina -- consistently turned thmoney dane, esally tse who were ft out and left behind into compeing human intest stories. but shann summed it up well, bill haleman s a gifted sryteller, his writinstyle was direct, witte and spared. aife-lgtudier of hemmingy. he prerred short sentences th packed a nch. and columnt, handlema
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rellishedhampioning the underdog, closed quote. mr. ear, anthank god he did. even as heattled cance bill turned out one great story after another with titles like "a man with a hole in his heart: a coach's story," "former mogul envisions a future," a man learn he's adopted ngthe pression. a father leav b a sacred. itas a world war ii vet story. ade us l and touched oeart torge extnt david gldman n ceased being visible to reclaim s son, seanfrom a child abductor brazil because bill handleman deit his passion to insre and challenge e community, including and especially lawmakers to join david's struggle for justice.
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for four years, this is a quote, for four years no one ould hear m. he was shouting in the rk, vid's fathe bry, told mr. handleman one column. in the 16 months sincer. handleman began teing story, dideminglyent from near on security to near rominenc public officials at every level respond to thel. ea of bill handleman's approximately 24 clus not onlyonveyed to readers ti and criticallimportant nformation about the golan case but m handleman went deep side the scene to flush out details of uncommon courage, sacrifican compassi. bill handlegave the community rare insight into the raw emotion, the fleeting successesllowed b frustrated setbas and then of david and sean's permant reunion. in a ca of reporting fnd
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nowrelse in the print media, we got to knowavid in his own woas he was thinking it. he went with david on countless trs to reeo, washon. more tn a year, bill handleman aowed us see it all as david did and walked to some extent in -behind pant's shoe although bill handleman and through bill handleman, we got to know much of david goldman's family and close friends. we will miss bilndleman. i, along with tens of thousands of others, read ch andvery lumn, often with tears and emathy and rolto do more about david golan's c david was y thathe olumnist who embrad his quest turned out to be the consummate storyteller and a true ga changer. bill did eptiol job. weill miss himearly and, again, our prayers and our
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condolences goes out to judy and to the family ani yiel backhealance of my the kepro tempore: mr. jones of north carona. m moran, kaa ms. kaptur of ohio mrdefazio of oregon. mr. lincolnaz-balart, flida. ms. maloney, new york. mr. boozman, arkansas. under the speaker's unce policy of januar6, 2009, the gentleman fr tex, mr. gohmert, irecogned for 60 minute as the designee of he minority leader. mr. gohmert: thank you, mr. speaker. tee different iss feel
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compeld to bring up and dicuss one, rsof all, is what's going on in the gulf of mexico. being from texas,we are particularly sensitive to what happens there. en so many days on the gulf of mexico coas on texas coast, louisiana, alabama, missisippi, florida, all of those areas. ante what's happening is heartbreaking. two things nd to be done. e is immediely do everything we c to stop adition oil from flowing into tharea, at the same tcleaning up the area before we do a more devastation. and then the otherhing is we
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need to find ouwhat caused the spill, what could have been do better to prevent this from ever happenin weind out that british petreum had been cited 750 times on rigs for safety violations, coaredhat to hers. shell had one during theame period there are indicators th perha b.p. was hurrying perhaps there s a test that dn't wk t well. we've heard those rumors and yet we heard the rumor someo yelling the pho after the explosion i told you. i told you. are youpy i td you, something to thaeffe. there are indicatio tha b.p.
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knew ty were moving too ft and g less. there's no rean for this. no reas for this. propemeasures had been taken. one of the pems we find in america ishen the government decis get involved and do erything themselvesathe than having thesupvisor, th regulatory role that it's sposed to have. iotr rds, what the federal governme is supped to do is make sure ybody plays fair and have them play. and if you have a company that's playing on federal ocn areas, weot to make surtheye no breaking the rules and jpardizing your homeland. anwhen asking the dictor of the minals management sce why it was the teing had not
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been disos andhe said it's under investigation. those rerts are being utilized in an veigatn. and i asked in our hearinfoa copy of the reports rgs bause we know experts as well that can look at t rorts and say, well, it says right here that the tests didn't work, that there were probms that arose. let's find out what the proem was so we can fi that on oth b.p. ri. in the meantime, because othe problems there, thousands and thousands ofmerican workers areeing punished by this administration with the overreaction, we're not just stopping b.p. d doue-checng their work, we're going after everybody. the reside said ere is going to be six-month moratorium. he is going to hurt everybody because of whab.p.ay have ne idn't do.
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in the middle of a recession, you put her people out of work we heard fromhe familiesere on capitol hill. they have enhrou so much, the loss of their ves out there on th rig and it'sy understanding that even sin he hearing they're not demandi that dril stop. there will be too many friends atill be out of work. we need toind those who are responsible b in the meaime, w could be done? we have heard the esident very nobly say i'm in control. the admistration says they have been in contr since day one. anyet, we sethiseek, according tthisrticle in "the houston chroncle," june 8 at 10:13 p.m., it ss this, thr dayafter the exosion
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of dewatehorizon in the gulf of mexico, the dutch government offered to help. it was willing to providehips outfitted with oilcoomng booms and proposed a plan to protec sensitive marshnds. the response from the obama admistration and b.p., whi are coordinating the cleanup, is, quo, the embasy got nice letter from the administration that said tas, but no thanks said consul general in houston. wasn't thanice. the administration is in control fr day one. heard before that a lotf the people coving e event even noticed it that this administration was down there in
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charge. and aprently within three days, their ansr was to s, don't want hel. these peoplere from the netherlands. what do they know about dikes and sand barriers d dealing with ocean ter? ohyeah, their country has been reclaimed from the ocean, good why wou we want their hel these guys areertsn dealing with ocean water problems. they ha been turned away. theyere tued away. what nse does that make. we're in charge. we're in contr. we're running ings. and yet the reonse the dutch, who hathe capability t come in and immediately ta action to protect thewildlif the estuariesnd the important march -- marshlands and three days after the oil began gush
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into the f, this adminition hadut british petroleum in charge and said you take care of it. we don't have your expertise. you take care of . we hear mr. gibbs sayi, maybe secretary salar, but also the administratiowa poting6 c1 administration was pointing out we hav the boots in thflt. in a hring in natural resources, asd, what does thamean? the deputy secreta othe nterior under salazar, others there ion't feel they ge an appropriatenswer. i still don't know what that a we got our boot on their throa. i rather your boot be down there in louis and in flidaand making sure that e oil is not getting to t s.
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but when in our hearing were asked aboulouisana wanting to set ltle barr islandouthere so the oil wouldn't get into the sensitive areas and kill the ldfe and ki off the livingor so many thousands of people, we were tod in that hearing,e had th under discussn. l was gushing and stl and this administration h those things under discuion. we're lkg abou-- he went on to elaborate and explai see, we thinit's possible that ify builthese sand islands out there, it may actually draw mo oil into thareas they are trying to protect. so we're stiltalking abou it. ood grief. how abouthecking with the dutch? they offered thelp three days
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after the expsion. well, tarticlgoesn. it says now, lmost seven weeks lar is t oil spewing from he battered well spreadsos the gulf and soils beaches and coaslineb.p. and our government ha reconsided. u.s. ships are being outitte this week witfour pai of skimng booms, airliftedrom theeterlands and should be deployed within days. each pr can process ve million gallons of water day, remong 2000ons of oil and sludge. at that rate,ow much more oil could ha been removed om the gulf during the past seven weeks? but we knoho's in charge. th made it car from day one
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ty want the - they didnt wt the dutch lp foreven weeks and now they say wel outfit our own shipand offer to do wh this first started. the uncoordinatedesponse to the offer ofassistance has become characteric of this disaster's response. too often, b.p. and the government doesn't know whathe other is doing andesponse is too slow and too confused. ral law has hamperedhe sistance. the ones a, the maritime law that reires all goodbe carried in u.s.aters by u.s. fl ships has prented dutch ships with spillighting cstal areas. entering u. whas wrong th accep
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utsideelp? he is the cons netherlands who ofred the asistance. he says, if the a country that is experienced with buiing dikes and managing water, it's e netherlands, unuote. even three days after the rig equipment and experti wast needed, woul't it have been a tter idea t err on the side of havi too many resources available ratr than not enough? . has been indated with well-intentioned cleanup gestions but t dutch offer was difrent. camfrom officchnels, from a gvernme offering to share its motrat expertise. many in the u.s. and the president have expreed frustration with the handling of
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the canup. in the neterl, threspone would have been different, he said. there, e government os the cleanup uipment, includinghe skmers now being deploy. if thee is a s, we give them 12 hours. if their rponse is inadequate or the companies arenprepared, the government takeovernd sends the company the bill. whle tkimmers should soon bin use, the an for bldng nd barris remainmore uncertain. a that's i mentioned in ou hearin e were told weekaftethe explosion and e oil art gushinrward, in our hearing, well, we have that under discuss we're ccerned that if we build these barrier islands that prevents oil om getting intoensitive areas, it cou tuly c more oil to come into the sensitive eas. so we are still having iter
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discussi. excuse ? you have people losintheir livelihooprobably forhe rest of tir lives and youant to comen and say, we're discussingt? well, lisia gernor, bobby jial, supports the idead th coa guard has tentative approved the project. one of the proposals is being developed by the dutch mare conactor andutch research institute that specializes in environmental issues in deas, oastal areas and rivers. they have a straty build 60 mile-long sand dikes. that prosal like skiers,as rebuffed, but then later accepted by the government. . b.. habegun payingbout $360 milli to start covering the costs although the joneact ma
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e getting in the way. america dredging coanies which ck the dike bildixpertise of the dutch want to do the work themselves. we don't want to take over, have thequiphe said. the dutch have the eipment. ey've offered it. while the battles -- wlee battles theureacy, the people of louisiana suffer, their livelihoods in jeopardy frothe onslaught of oil. let'sorget about politics, let's et it done. was his last comme in the article. kes noen ifomebody's going to be in charge a vote present, you c't vote present, we'll think about it, we'llalk about it, we don't wt commit in an emergency.
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error on the side ofdditional help -- err on the sif additional help. but here again wve theones act from the 1920's that sands in the way. it's interestg, aother posting parently in amerin leadership, it meions, well, it discusses, it mentions, within ds of the oil spill, sevel european nations a 13 countriesin total apparently offered the obama administration shs to assist in the clean of gulf wh aed about this, the state department spokesperson refud tidentify any offers of assistance. wouldn't want to intify who was offering to aist because some reporter might actually go ask them, what were you suestingwh were you wantingo do? and tn thatight put presse
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on the admistration and might bring to light t facth the admistration had turned down elth would have sathe livehoods and jo for thousands and thousan o amans. becau we've heard over and over, is administration wants to savjobs, not doing much to crea them other thanas we heard, 411,000 were created as temporary census worke wecan create nw governnt jobs. but this would have saved jobs and yet theponse is dilatory. according to one newspaper, european firms could complete the task in four months rather than aestimated ne months if done by the united states. working with the u.s., the cleanup could accomplished in three months t bel firm, deme, contends can clean up thoiwith accuracy at aepthf 2,000
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meters. another european firm th capabilities is he dutch firm, the dutch and belgiums arng me nato allies ands such partners in internationa security cooperatio. close the orn them while they're offering a helping hand a te of national emernc siply s noense. according to arcle, no u.s. compani had the ships which can accomplish the task ecause those ships wouldost twice as mu to d in the o outsidehe cntry -- in the u.s. as thedo outside thcountry. this is one adrse ct of passed in the920's. ngress this protectionism has onl hampered an american maritime indust, it also has prevented a quicker response to the oil spill. europeanirms dha the expertisto cle up the spill.
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again, this is from thosting in "american learshi on june 8 by james be. if other natio had the technologies to addss thioil spl, then thadministration does have the abity to accept their help. potsade in is article, in sponse to hurrice katrina, for example, department of homeland security cherto temporarily waived the jones act order to facilitate much-eded transport of oil throuout the country. the jone act, whicis supposedly -- thjones act, whh is supposedly about protecting jobs, iactually llinjobs the jobs ofrmen, people workg in tourism and others o live ong the gulf coast d earn a livg there ng serely ipacted. those are also additional private ctobs which are not being crd in t united
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statesince the jones act effectivelyrices u.s.-based companies o of the abityto be competitivon the competitive gbal market. the article sayswe strive to develop new technoloes for cleaner environment at sea, the jones t continueto hobble our own capabities, sometimes ith devastating results. the jones act needs to be waived now in ght of tsastrophe d rmit those whom we have helped and coopeted with in the past to assist us in our ne. after waiving the jos act for theulf eanup effort, congressnd the administration should repeal it altogether. and that was co-authored claude barub and i was reading direly from that posting. sure makes snse. aying want to help folks, help us help us clean thmess
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up it would not be that difficult. but, one of the other things we oticed in questiing the director, we fd out, well, we're going to fix the problem at the minerals magement service, we're going to divide it in ree parts. wh i asked i shs aware that the only enty within m.m.s. that was unionized was the offsre inspector she seemed surprised. wasn't re if that was true. when i ke if the union contract for offshore inectors did, as many union contracts do, limits travel, limited hours that someone could work, e didn't know. body there at the hearing could help me. nobody could tell me ether our offshore inspectors that stand
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between our homeland and producg energy thelp us play by the s so we don't have a oil spill like this, ty play byheules, they do right, we test, we make sure the testing's done accurately, we don he a problem. at'shy we haven't had like at in th area. at's whmost of theoil spills are by tankers bringing foreign oil because in the past we've made people like british petroleum play by e rules, make sure tngs were workg properly. that didn't happenere. but we couldn't get the infoation from the m.m.s. but it ems tothat allowi offsre inspeors that stand beeen disasand our homeland have a unnized contract if it limits travel or li theours worked woulbe like, and i gss this is wre we're going next based on what
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we saw a couple weeks ago, the next moveilbe, that right, we want the military to unionize asell, makess much sense. you got people standing betwee disasr and our homeland, why not let the military unionize? and then we could havlimit on their travel and their hours and s ty' be able to say wel, sergeant, i'd like t attack that hill, i'd like to take that bunker out for you, but i've already woed all the hours i can work day. you're gog toe too find somebody else. can't do it. now, the reason the militaas never unionized thait would be disastus to our nation security. threason thaofhore inspectors should not be ionized is cause it has been distrous to our natnal security. when we se oil, off drilling,
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at the same time that oil wells e playing out acss the couny, and tre's still the matoriuon so many areas to drind we had secrery salazar, when he ok office, returnhe checks for leaes in other ars where drillng cou commence, in that 500-square-mile area, as i understand it, inuding some of colorado, utah and wyoming, secta salazar, u' recall year and half ago, sd, well, these as were let at the midnig hour. we've returned the checks. wee not going toet something thbush admintration diat e midnight hourtake place. so this administtion has already hurt us dramatically in our ability toecome energy
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free of countries that don't re for us. and when you get behind secretsalazar's position that this was the midnight hour lease, well, that's when the checks were accepted, turns out it was seven-year process ven years that oil compans have been workg on examining the possibility, the potential for production so they could make their bids. you don'tust come and maka bid at thmidnight hour without having a chce to amine what is you're bidding on. you don't wri a check for something you've neverxamined, i guess unless y're the government. but it was a seven-year process, bit disienuous to say it was a midnig hr rease. so we hurt the country there and now we've got a moratorium because two things rely,
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itpetroleum didn't do their jobs, tyldave had their -hey should have played by the rules and secondly we've had aovernment whose et were so busy being on the neck of british petroleum it didn't havity feet on down to the gulf and deal with the sue and lt countries ke the netrlands lp that had the expertise to dit. now, i've got a fella in m district, hes one of many at haoffed to help, offered solutions, and in eastexas have skimmers thatre ableo take in water,cess the oil out here, process freshwater out the othei, you separate the oil from t watr. but it's such a small scale, the not somethi that would be helpful in the gulf less you do as this gentleman apparently did, he sent ariend
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me to lk about the probls he's run into with this administrati since they've given british petroleum and sohow gasly theiown selfs control -- somehow vay their own ses control,omowhis guyas blt barge that will do on a bigcalet the small scale smmers -- separaters do in east texas. owever, he wanted me tkn, he'sot this bae ready to process thousands of gallons of oil, separate out thousas of gaons of oila day, it's not as mh as t netherlands had offered, but fm the message he se to me, apparently the coat guarhas indicated they want to be sure that his barge
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aually worthy to be out o the seas. cause theyconcerned. you know, that even though tere are people losing theijobs, losing their livelihoods, birds, anal, wate life is being kill off, just like the gentleman from the administration testi before r commtee is uer discussions about whether or not to build barrier island apparently they're trying decide if this barge shld be allowed out on the water so that it can suck up and take o of the water thsands ofallons of oil a day. it's just a nd boggling thing, all cnton used to say, a mind boli thing to see whats being called an
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emergency eort. now, if they were some intne game, well, it would interesting and we woud see clearly which group was not very good at emergencyanagent. but it's not a game 11 liv we lost. aquatic fe, water fowl, life in these estuaries is being desoyed as i speak. . the thing is and as i talked about should we continuto ifice from a persol famil standpoint for me totay in congress? she said it may be one of the lasplaces where there is
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freedom of speech other than calling someone a liar on th house floor. you keep hammering the truth day after day and evenually, you y see sothing done aut it. and that's why i'm here. se people wnder why does anybody go tthe trouble of speaking the house floor, mr eaker. but the trut, it's a way of tting a message out from here so that eventually pele begin o noce. well, one other thing uthe m.m.s. splittg intohree entities. i asked, are these three entities at m.m.s. that m.m.s. will be divided into, will the be unionized? they are tking about i if you let the most critical part of m.s., offshore
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inspectorsnionize, thenhy no we heard o weekago, pe pplauding because weere told, were actuly providg vil rights tour milit well, if you haven't been in the military, i'm sure that makes sense, to some anyway, but if you have been in the military, you know the military doest havethcivil rights that every other amican doe. you 't have freem of speech. you can't. wh your c vesou an order, you d't have theedom to speour mind. and, in fact, when i was at fo beening thereere a lot of us upset with our commander in chief at the time, a manamed prdent carter. butany of us sid anything derogatory about president
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carter, it was arime for which we could be jl,uld he p taken away, extra duties, restction, you could not bad mouth your commander in chief. you don't have that freedom of speech. as much i wanto bad mouth people and i had a commandewho didn't know at he should, you have got to have that disciplin for the good orderf the mitary, because the military is notupposed tobe a sally geared experiment. can't be. it's about protecting homeland againstllnemies, foreign and dostic. f course, domestic you can't iolate posscomitatus.
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thdeclation says we are endowed by our eator with certain unailable rights. if he arendowed, why doen't everybody have them? 's because everywhere peopl have not accepted the inheritce from our creator, hour heavenly from om we inherited these inalienable right and when you do accepyour inheritan, as this naon did backin the 17 70's anfor many, it was an ongog process through the1800's and ev on up to the day of martin luther king junior, a chriian nister. but this couny has claimed those inherited rights.
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if you leave an ieritce to your children and they don't accept it, tn they won't have it. if they accept and they're not willing fight for it to keep tt inherance with wch they have beeendowed, ty n't keep it, because there are evil people in this world that are glad to take awaynying you have. as i pointed out twoights ag right here on the oor, we ha for the first time in e modern stof israel, this nation has turned onsrael and id, ant you to dcle all of the weaponry you have because of the nuclr proliferation thing we're pushg. well, you bag -- you go back to whenhe king- they predad mummad severalenuries,
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t hezakaythought it woulde a ni gesture to show all he had to the babylonians. it's stupido show all your arm maments and thereasuryif th succefully attack you. it's a stupid thingo do. and ts country has done some graciondind and wa to to be see us wiped off the map, we show them what hav withig superwer,ou can get away with it for while, but when yoa small country like israel,r sest a stron allould never forcyou to sw the defenses that you have because then yr emies will know how to overcome you. and isainew he was a f
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and as hmitted to hez a/k/a ya, but once hesaid, i shod him alour easur our armaments a he said everything you have shown them will be carried away and it was. the old saying , os who refuse to learn from history are dtinned to repe it. those who do learn ohistory will find new ways toscrew up -i think th's true, too. why reat the same mistakes for tusands of years that had bn mmitted you can learn from their mistakes and not commit them? and one of the other great dangers that we are creating in ing on our friend israel --
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and yoknow, basically, this untry is sllsraes str ally. a family has digreement within itsf. butt gets verotecti if tacked from the outside, but e problem is, when you get outside ccago andou're playing in the rnational arenand you want to get cute and kin snub friends, the enemies are watching. they see at. anthe message to them is,f we're going to attack, now is the time when there is a strain between el and their stroest ally. let's go now. that's e way it appeared to north korea after secretary at chisson said. it had beemassing soldiers to the border and seems le a good time to attack yo enemy en
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eir closest al says we won't proct tm. you can'tend those messages out there. u can't ve present when it comes to internationalilems the existence ofn ti naion and e all the people whhave kwn genocide before and are fearful of havit repeat itsel ssve mistake. ll come bactosrael again. but one of t issues that has arisen, i understanthat knil armstrong, first man to put h foot on the moon has said that if we abandon our manned space prram,t will be devastating to national security. wouldt ite a good idea to
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listen tpeop who have more perience in some areas than we do? neilrmng can see the nationaserity implications of us basically giving up what has taken 50 years toevop. supremacy in space. it has been consingo hear is administratiowithhe assistance of people inongress and saying, in this time o monetary probms, financial cris, th is a time to start cutting budgets. swe really can'afford o kp pursuing these ideas w nasa thas brought us more advancemts, not just in space -i meanake sudaphed p.e. prograand en my doctor, when
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i was a said there is this wonderful drug developed called sudafed, give it try. those e st tinely little things. th advancement that has ke this country to th forefront in technology has been the space. thintnet. it was the dertment of defense effort and lo and beold, look where it has taken us in the private sect now but we cannot afford t give u e advancesade through our space exploration to the rest of the world and lethem take contl. those are the mistak of a country on its way to th dust
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bin of history. and thehing is,hen you kno ere are mistakes and y see the mistakes anyou e through history the things that have been done to avd becoming a asterisk in international history, why wouldn't you take the steps preserve your nation? instead, what get is more cnyism. how can that be? how would that ? we were told tt inhis time ofinancial crisis, nasa needs its dget cutnd yet, if you look at the appropriions, the budget increases. more money will be sntor space, bre not going to give it tnasa. well, if we're not giving it to
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nasa, whouldn't e nas cut, as the adnistration said? well, aprentlyt's because billions of dollarsre intended for privte compa that's never done this kind of space exploration. nobodin o coury has because it's beenhe feder governnt and sa. i understand in meetgs tt it's been dislosed that, of course, we e giving all these billions of dolars to s x to take over he spce pgram for us, a private company,d i'm sure it has nothing to do with how much mon they na to democrats over republans. i'm sure the is no relatish to the ct that they do. but nonetheless, they have been critical of senatoray baey
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huhison who has pointed out the problems to national serity by guing nasa and ging eir jobs over to a private y that h never done these jobs and will make peoe wethy who give to democrats. senator hutison was criticized by space x anpparentlyback in texas and someone ought let the senator know she is cricizing a texas company. ey have about 100 js in texaand they have ady mmitted to someone else that they're going to move those jobs fr texas to whe it mor politilly convenie. we're going tourn j oveo them. as neil armstrong said, it's matfor nation secity. not good idea.
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t a good idea. and asomeone ned, privatmeetings, let's face it, thoh, if space x ends up having problemin beingbleo effectuate space fght, no question, it wilbe so devastating, we'll have to il them out. we are setting priva companies that have never done what they're going take away from government entity that has been mt successful in al of mankind. this effort, give it to this private companand already kn that if they have the problem ancan'tget the pac flight going, they'll go broke and ve tbail them t. we know that going in. is that smart? itustakes no sense. . as time ns out that's
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allated, i want to finish with one other thing, going back to israelthe world needs to kno, make no mistake about it,srael isa clos ally. they belve in the sameype of human rights that in this country. and so, w wouldn't an ay with a country that lies in the rights of women, believes in the rights hold dear here? lieves that tre's no ch thing as an norilling of women o have been raped tha has the samkind befs, judeo-chrisan beliefsin the value of mankind that this countrhas always held s dear? for thateaso and because the have been snubs byhe ainistration overy thatre being misread around the world, 're not going to abandon our
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frienisrael. there are too many people in this congrs, on bh sides of the aisle, that will not stand for that. ani've been workinprivately hind the scenes, i've been ld by people that respect, those knoweable peoe, i think, on israeli affairs that the time to start pushing is puicly so people wiublicly get onboard i've goa letter now and it will be ing out to a my colleagues and it will ask them to get onboard because i would like them to sin a letter to leadereid down the hal because both the house and senate have to do thisnd the letter simply says, mr. speaker, thister is toimply state thobvis need for the prime inister of our dr frie isrl to addre aoint session of coress. he's been here in washington on
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merous occasis,ut has not dress joint session of congress since 1996. th our nation's history we'v be- in our nation's history, we've invited over 100 ader of 50 different countries to speak before int sessionsf ngre. at this time, with the enemies of america and israel looking for weakness in our close relationship, we can owhem that israel is our friend and will be our friend andwe wa to hear from its leader, prime ministernetanyah wihe magtude of international even and tensions swirling in recent yea and the threat of nuclear proliferation ithe midd east, it is dperately important that we show the world the impoance of our retionship with israel by inviting prime minister netanya to come address this body. the soonewe extend such an invitation the more stabilizg it will be. and then signare lineser to member -- forembers of congre. ie -- lines for members of congress. i' got over but we need most of this body tsign on. we need to send that message.
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the letter basicallyighlights the same things. with gard to the flotil, it points out this letter, i will se to our colleagues, asking them to requestjority ldeid and spepesi invite pri minister netanyahu. thi leer says and let me preface this by sayi, it's entirely predictable thathere would be an effort to test or it's entirely predtae., israel. when you showhat separion between your strongest ally to your enemies then your enemies are goi to think about testing to see if this may be agood me to attack a that's what e flotillasere ing. they were a test. and what th saw was the united
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ates, through this admistration beingeluctant to jump outhere andake it clear how inappre was to se people to intentionly run thelockade when all israel was yi to do was pct themselves. and so, mr. speaker, m hopeing that people wl encourage -- hoping that people will encourage their members of coress to sign ono can get the priinister a qukly possiblso that the wod will see, bh sides of thaisle anding and applauding this eat leaderf this great natio and thethere is a resolution. people keep talking sanctions and it is beyond time to talk about sanctions. according to iaeisrael already has enough enriche uranium for two nlear weap h many do you think it would take twipe o the small nation of rael? they made clear, ahminad's made clear, we're noing so stop with wiping out israel.
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weant to wipe out the lite state of israel and the b state of thunited states. nd wsawn 9/ how vulnerable wcan be. you begin to reale, you set off nuear weapon in new york, uston, l., ccago other pnts that are critical our protection, and with a handful of nuclear weapons you could debitate th countryo an enorms extent and then we're td greater risk is if can get an e.m.p., electragtic e, fm a nar wpon above the united states, it would fry every compu chip in the country, power wouo out indefiitely, wal-mart sa they wouldn't be computers are fried, time to act. cannot it and this resoluon goes through, points out,uot from ahmadinejad,
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quotes our great preside in sayi that, as he saidthat bond is much more than a strategic alliance beten us and israel. we've got to act an hope people will sign on this resolutionhen we co back nexweek because we' goto get this done. we need to sh our support for we need t playing games with this critic ally in such a diffict aa. yo want talk about pe like patrick nry said? peoplealk peace but there is peace and i can tyou the will not beeace in the middt of any nature until people know th this nation, amer wilgo to war against anyone that breacs the peace orttempts to breach th pee athis flotillaid. so mr. speaker, i see th indication that my te's expi and i appreciate e
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oppounity to beere d discuss these importt issues and withhat i would yield back the te. gentleman yieldba the the balance of his time for what purpose doeshe geleman from hawaii ri? mrdjou: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous const to address the house fofive minutes. the speaker pro tempo: wiou objeion. r. djou: thank y very much, mr. speaker. mr. speake and cleues, i'm ring to speak very briefly on the fiscalituati facinour nation today. mr. speer, and collgu, i ha t privilege of being -- having w a scial electn in the state of hawaii just couple of eks ago. i am the junior most member, of course. riht now in the u.s. house of reprentatis. bui an on a very sime platform. that we need to t oufiscal house in order. that our gernment spending far t much money and the meality here in congss today
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is that ofpendspend and spend some more. and if that doesn't fix the problem, throw more moneyt it. that, i believe, is a recipe for a fiscal disaster. it dear constuents in the state of hawaii that will never, er forget that sgle llar the overnment spends comes from a famy li yours and rig now we're spending far too much that money. . speaker, and cleagues, i wanto highlight what trspired yesrd in the budget comtt, in the hearing by federareserve chairman ben bernanke. ithat hearingwhichad the privilege of queioning the federal serve chair, i thought he highlighted somvery imrtant measures that our nation shouake no a this congress mu take note o the federeserve chairman pointed out that currently our dget deficit here in the u.s. congress, in his rds, inot sustaible. eeder rveirma eay articulated that we ne restraint and right
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now unless the federal governmt gets the control of its enormous budget fici major probland conseqnces ll occur to our natnal ecomy. the ral reserve chair pointedut to als right now at although a federal budget deficit of hundreds of billns odolls,r in our case right now, trillionof doaright be in the sho-tm if there is a x over te lo-ter it will seriously damage our nation's onomic growth prospects the federal reserve air, whe ked him, pointed out tat perps a budget deficit of about $0 billion could be sustained. we are of coue looking today at federaludt deficit well inxce of1 trillion with no endin sigh d wh's en more troubling toe is the federal reserve chaman pointeout to this congresthe have no fix in place. mr. speaker and collgues, i
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nt to reiterate and further urge all the members of this ngressas we go through ts budgeting process, and it ia tragedy that this ngress has still yet to pass a budget,e haveo exercise greer restraint, reducthe amounts of ormous ending gng oin this govnment. we ote ce of our nation's budget deficit, this but deficiwill take care of us. remind all of the members of this cmber, we do notave to look any further than what happening in t natioof gree righnow, the enormous financial problems going on in euron our nati and congress does noduce its taxes anlimit its governm, we will be in thee mess. mr. speaker, with that i yield back the bance of my te. thank y. thspeakepro mpore: the gentleman yields ck policy of jaary 6,009, the d gentleman fm virginia, mr nnolly, is recogzed for 60 minute the designeef the
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majority leader. mr. cnolly: mr. speaker, thank you. in tted states right now we are experienci an environment catastrophe. we are experienng with e b.p. oil rig the largest single il spill inmican hisry. it's a little hardto contemplate ju how big this oilpill is. 21 mon to 44 min gaons oil, four tis the oil illed in the exxon valdez disaster, have sr spilled in the gulof mexico. 12000 to 25,000 barrels a day that's a million gallo a day, are spilling, a rate 12 to 25 times higher than b.p. origi highest eimate of 4,600 gallons a day. the biggest oilpill in
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mecan story. if we want know just hobig that is, this is the tent of the oil spill today in the gu of mexo. it is the equivalent in terms of size of delawe, rhode island nd connectut combine think of that geography. hundreds of square mile that's what this is. just rectly itwas announced at uerwater umes, not just the surface plume picted here, have been detected 150 mes away in distae from the original site of the oil spill. locall what that mns is essentially we ve an oil spill, a surface oil spill, that
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covers the terriry that uld be the equivalent of the distance between washington, d.c., and newk city. that's as of today. in my district, th 11th virginia, that wld mea starting at dale city and going as far as wilmington,delaware, that's the ick oil spill. the broader oil spillas i said wouldo all the way to new york city. that's an extraordinary stretch in terms ofhis oil spill. this oil spill could have been preeventualitied. in 1969 an oil well spilled 200,000 gallons of crude oil on a lifornia coast. in respons, like -- to this and other environmental issues like the burning of th cuhoga river, congress passed the national environmental picy act in9. act in9. epa requires companies to plan


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