tv International Programming CSPAN June 14, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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but i think that "mr. smith goes to washington" is still a very important film for us because we have to remember our ideals, our idealism and fight that's what it's all about. >> so when can we see in the theatres outside of the tribeca film festival earlier your documentary on eliot spitzer, now that he's a talk show host? >> has that been officially announced? is he officially a talk show host now? >> he has been one the last couple weeks. >> that's true. it's going to -- magnolia pictures will have the film out i believe later this year.+ so keep your eyes peeled. p think it's a pretty good one. >> alex gibney, our guest. documentary is called "casino jack and the united states of money." thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, brian. pood to be here. >> i've seen friends go over to go work for jack abramoff and kind of watch this operation get built, right? and jack was going from really big to the top.
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>> neil morphed from the original neil who wanted to be who wanted to be part of theuy abramoff family. >> now, was it unusual to lose a staffer? >> i've had staafers come and go like a revolving door. >> i'm the poster child for the revolving door. >> the revolving door betteen government and k street is an essential part of the washington game. you're not allowed to lobby your former bosses, and i tiptoed around the one-year ban and then i just flat out .
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[cheers] >> now from london, prime minister's questions from the british house of commons. this week british prime minister david cameron fielded questions on election reform and the british mission in iraq and afghanistan. the rime minister also responded to calls of tougher cannot ricks in the wake of the recent mass murder in west cumb the house observed a moment of silence to the victims. en thank both honorab member a inde the mr from his sponse from the bench. orr. i ask the house to stand and to observe 1-minuteen i memory of those lost thr lives week ago today. [1inute silence]
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remember thehocking events of lasteek, it' right that our though a with them aith the friends and families with all those who we kild or injured. mr. spear, i sure the whole house will wsh to join me in pa tribute to the soldiers who died in afghanistan. from 40 commander marines, mari anonfrom first baalion, lce corpora allen cochran and cporal try webster and a ldier royal horse artillery who died yesterday. they were all extremelyalented and professial servicemen who gaveir les for the safety and security opeople in our untry. we owe them auge debt o gratitude d ourhoughts should be withhe familie and with tir frien mr. speaker, this moing i had meetings with misterial colleagues and othersnd in addition toy duties in this use i shall have furth sh meetingsater. >> may i associate mith
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the wordsf therime minter d cle to the famili and the scemen who died serving our country. the reportsthe newspap at the prime minister wants a positiveelatnship with tassembl orthn eland d inde he wants to work with themn partnership, in that theme, will the prime minister put forward a msureore the hoe that allows a referendum is autn freat pow for e welsh assembly and wl weelean with this hou and the people of wal a say whether he's in favor of additional powers himself? >> tha you, mr. speake first ofll, l me be as frank anas cle as i can be. we had a meeng othe joint misterial counciesteay witheprentives oall the assembliesnd gernments. to a govnment reect agenda betwe the u.k. gornment and allhose administrations. we've always said i'll tell you exacy what tt mean at mns there will be a referendum oextra powersor the welsh assembly at refendum we believe
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shou takplace next year. if the honorle gentlem ak his hea but if he wants to have a refendum, they cou have pushed it earlier this year and heidn't. i have toelhim that referendumill ta pce. it will be a matter for people in wales to deci. they must teine the future. as for myview seone spends a lot of tim in wales d has great res foreoe as i always find, s, at last debateboutows for the assely a there's debate wantg ho we'll make progress on housing, hlth care, on schools, on jobs. theeal ises as well as just thinstitutiol ones. >> tim farren. >> mr.peer, my apologies. i go with the remarks the prime nister made in e dadful shtings in cumbria last year
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and the emergen services and all thosrecoveri from the palling matter the national councilefor strategy state noby shod- theyuld hao trouto ceive regular ther treatment. last december we see commitment from our calealth trust tt ishere would b a new council ut for south keland in kendall. will the prime nister agree t meet with me andealth mpaigns and health officia on to try to ensure that he also makes a cmitmen -- he makes a commitment -- >> pme minister, we really must havshorter questions. >> thank you, mr. spear. rst of all, he will n that in the coation agreement, i'm glad toemin everyone, we are protecting nhs spendin there will be real increases in s endingn thisovernment year after yeater year i absuteluntand the concerns that there arabout wanting toeep servic throbbg people. i know that's the case in lakeland. it's al the caseith e case of thet cumbla hospital well.
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i'm very happy to ensure tre's a meeting to dss ts an ke sure we kp seic local. a loof theeconfigurations that took ace und the orus aunt of main and n unease in local areas. >> mr. speaker, i join the prime minist in paying tribute t thfouroldiersho died i e service of our country in the pasteek. mari ahony hoteen from 40 commander marines, lance corporal allenocan and the first battalion mer comment and terry webster and the first giment and a sdier from d rement royal horse artier they foughtith bravery. and to date we meer no just the sacrifice ty madeut also the loved one they leave beh can i suppt what therime minister said aboutcumbria and expressi o heartfelt family
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d friends of all those who weilled and jud. the police investigation unrway. can he updatehe worthe vements ing? can ask him is he in a posionet toell the house if the vernment h anyans reconside the regulationf guns as the home secrery riy said in their statement, we have to learnny lesso we n? >> can i thi the right honoe ladies for her words appallg tredy and think ho best we go forward. ecifically on the gun ws w edo be clear fir aut the full facts of the se. we also need, think, to determine the type a the spe of reviews that will take place crse, the home office will look again at the gun laws in light of that. and i can noun todays we that the chief const of cumbriaccounng him to conduct a peer review o firearms licensin the police
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firems respoe and firearms tactics. ese reviews wilall come publicly available documts. i do believee shouldt leap to conclusions i don't lieve in knejerk legislatn. we do have somof the tightt n laws in is country but, of course, we shod ok again. in terms of this issue of wha of reviews ghtor peop in west cbria i'm meeting with s wse constituencies we affected and thright hable lad will be welcome tooin us witthe me crety to discuss tha in the end what we must d weo the rig thing of the peop of operly served the things decide as a government. fullyupport therime minist sd in that answer that he's gin e house. and can i say that i'm sure that e visithat is prime minister and thesecretary madecumbria was very much appreciated.
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mr. spear, just before the general elecon, the electoral commission published aepo whh showed that despite t efforts of electoral gisttionices, there are stillerus concerns about the number ofeople who are eligible tobut who are not onhe elector regter. giveat the government is coitted to major reform of constituencyboundaries. he undertake not toress forward wh these changes on the basis of an electol regier that cludes 3 1/2 million people? >> well, firstf al let me agree with the rig elible dy people who are elible to vote regier to vote and wwanto e ttpeeded up and impved and th depy prime minister is taki forwa tt wo. welso want to see individua voter registration because there habeen a great increase in fraud in recent year but even a that work gs ahead, i think it is iortant at we have a rform s we have
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equal size constitncies across our untry. because the of ushouprt it is rspast the post voting syano mak it fair the ats e the samee in our untry. where on earth is the unfairness tha >> harriet hmon? >> wl,heanger isf he presses on the way heindited, heill makehe sysm less fairt more fair. hsaid, the depu pri minister awledged to the hoe this week atre is a oble the register. the eltora cmission study fod t justhe number of people not on the registerbut o they a. pele who are not on the gisterre a third of all black pele. half of alyounople. an half of allriva sector tenants are not on the register
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despe t new work that's been undertaken by e registration offices. now, these are the people who will n be counted if he draws cotituency bndaries now. he says he wts equal constuencies. don't he aept that yon't have equal constituencies based on an unequal gier? >> well, i have to seeo thee the right o lady she had 13 year it off sort out the issue of voter regisation. d what happened over the lt 13 year is that elections used to be determin biffle a few officials in t he office. wee got t vast bureaucracy of the electoral common. it spends millis of pound holds hu great reviews,pends vast amount of money on advertisg but hasn seded in its task. we willress ahead tt pele to register. but i haveo ask her ain, at onars unfair about eqsize seats?
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my horle frid i think he's got abo 110,000 constituent that he has to look after. some members opposite havebout lfhat. thatply not fair. >> harriet harmon. >> he's shown he's not ltening the argument- he' shown th he's listening tthe argunt tt cedraw the boundaries, which is his problem onhe registeis sorted out. he showede's not ltengo argument and hs pressi on gardless. that is not new politics, it's down right unfair. n i move -- can iove to another issue? mr. spear, can i move to another issue. >> oer. byome seniorembers it off newcomers. there are far -- order. order. there are far o ny private conversations tang pla the public is not impressed.
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the public want to hear orderly exchanges. harriet harmon. >> thank you, mrspker. before the on the coalition partiesalked about ending wt they called th survllance socie. e coalition agreement said the governmentill furtr regulate the use of ccttvut on monday th homeecrery couldn't tell the house what this would mean in practic cathe ime ministerell w? >> wl, the first thing -- i'm not surprised th honorab lad wanted tmo on to another bject. let me makone last point on thprious question. [lghter] >>ell, i'm sorry- i'm sorry ift'paful. but it is important. the right honable lady says no right to redraw boundaries until you've sorted oue eltoral reer. i have t point outeought thlast electio redrawn bounries. so ihink we ha aong to go othat one. and there was just -- i have to say,hifff spial pleading onhe issue of surveillance,
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let mee clear, i sut os circuitelevisn cameras. i have them in mnstucy. whe iorked in e home. office my years i championedse. but ihink everyon undands that theevelf surveillanc country and as wells the issue ofcc tv tre's also the issue officials are aowed to enter your us houswithout permission? and we will be bringing forward legislation deawithhis issue. i know that the labour party has given n civil liberties. and alsohe useto be head of the --hat was it? the national councilvil liberties. that w a long time ago. but on this side of thhouse, it is importt. >> harriet ha, can i ask him again becaus i wasn't asking peoplenting people's houses. i was asking him aut cc tv. and can tell them what teresa was sayingo me on frid.
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it's not t home secta but teresa fm poets corner esta from my nstituen. that's thee thatnows about livinga estate with cc tv. they don't want to be td b this govnmen tha it's going to be made harder to get the cc tv they need on their estate. thiss oueople feelinand being safe in their mmunies. will he grantee tha will not do athing toaket harder to get or to use cc tv? >> i thinkhe rig ol ly should uerstding proportionality. making sure we have a system that hel prote people but also respects civil libertie i have to say iis traoinary how e party oppote is becomingorand
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mo authoritarian. to hea the right member tal abt immigration a we've got the new british politi,t's one of theiggest u-tur in 13 ars. not or aboutimmigration, not a word aboutur borders. maybe it'sime to move on to anotr suect and sheanell ushat she thinks about gration. >> pauline lat >> is the prime minister awa thathe sietynd 1 branches is being csed in the villa in my nstitu? and can he assure mhat the prime ministern his govnment uld d all they cano he those cstuents w are losing nearly 250 jobs in the area which is very ser rural area. woulhe please assur us the government wl do all hcan to
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help the conituent who are beingeahisery crueblow at ts very dficult time? >>hank you, mr. spker. iite understand why m honorae friend wants to raise this iss it's desperate sad what's happenedo the building societ obviously, the gernmentill stand rey to dol it can to retrain people who have lost theijobs. and take sure tha theget thery best oortunity a to makeure we go on having a ro financial service sector. this is not as the ilding societreminds us. is is not just about theity of london. it about tt that mins of people in our untrrk in fincial services, providing a go serve, a we need to he th. >> one of e pros that stands to be affec by th decisionf the government to put 600 millionnds worth of hoing investment o hold is the housing elements, the redevelopment of theg bridge site in my constituency, ich is iornt not just that
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area but to the ecom coverya ole. give t fact thahat proct liberal democrat coalition that ru the cy uncil,ill the prime minister tl me what prioty he wittach to the regenerativeffects ohousin projects like is? >> look, everyone wants to see regeneration joily run by consvatives d liberal democrats to do the vergo -- contin -- well, theyo. what i would say we want to e that life of regenation continue. the proper be wh the pviou governments is ty simply weren't funded. and one of the thing whave be -- one of the tngs we have been able to do ahe secrety of state for business has been able to do in ming e 6 billion pouf cuts we haven this year is actually to plowack se of that money into social housing sches ich st government promisedut never funded. jonhan evans. >> thank you, mr. spker.
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has my right honorable frid had portunity oveight to flect the cd d forthright remarks of the noble lord minors in the appalling financial lega left by the partopte. does he share my view t these remark make it clehat th offi f bget responsibity is carly sething that ould be supported by both sides of the house? and if there's anyregret, iit the fac -- is ithe fact tha lord minor said this afte before the election. >> thas good idea on that performance. i think it's great to welcome my hable friend back to the house ocommons. i thinke's right that lord mirs who hasd-pied by theasovernment to be a treasury minister s absolu put his finger on the tton whe saidhis. there is nothing progresve about a government who coistentlypend more than ey can raise inaxionnd
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certainlnothinprogresse that endows liabilities to come. what a pity he dn'y is. >> i thank the prime minister fowriting me to tell me thathe decision on thent will be ft track waiting for this decisionis causing huge onomic uncertain to the northeast onomy. i hope that the pri mister might bebleo me with a similar cause of concern tmy whetr eecision to rebuild the hool will go ahe a planned. >>ell, first of all, as well as the writing t right honorae ly letter, i can go further which is to confirm the grts she raised at that monewill be goinahead. that invesent will be goin in. but before everyone oppose jumps to their feet, let me explain whhe proem is with some of thesgrants.
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befo theast election, befe the lt econ, lord mandleton had gant checkbook ich opened allround the country spendingens of billions opounds. he promise200 prects, two-thirds of which were nveniently located in marginal ats. given that so much monas t,t is only right for a reonsible incomingovernment to revie tse decisions oy onand make sure the money was ll spent. rtunatelforor ndso meone else is now getting their cckbook out to pay for his memoirs. >> thankou, mr. spear. >> order, order. opsition bkbenches must calm down the honorable genem is entitled to be heard. >> mr. speaker, nhs magers in my constituency tl me that ey aei strangled by the level of bureaucracy.
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what actio will myight honorable frnd the prime minister take to make sure tha hospitals willeverallow, ve again bellowed to put top-down targets before paent care? >> tha youmrspeaker. horable friend mas an extremely good point we all knowf ces where targets were gting in th w of propeinical outcomes and clinice. too peoplhavexperienced that in the health serce. anour view is clear. if there isn't anical juificatfor targets, they ll go. and can also announceoday that we ll be fulfilling anotheimportant edge. and that is a public inquiry into the appalling events of the mitaffordshirepital and i remember mting witth families many of whom hav los loved ones and many who wen into the hospital for a rtine hospitalizationecause the hygiene wasn't rht and the management wasn't rht and targets we beingursued people died needlessly. that inquiry is important.
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so people in staffordshire can tell t story. >>n the coalitionroam for govement it states wwill extendnonymity ira cases to ddants. coul i askhe prime minister why belves that defendants in rape cas are me dving of anymity thane accused ofmurderomestiolation, or sexual abuse of children? >> well, i kw t honorable lady cares veryeeply about this issue as d i which is the convictionate r rasts up. and i know that she ge a very good speecin aern debate in this house. what ioulday is at we shouldn't of usgnore that somew there is a problem with this. we know that there are a lotf peopleho a falsely accused, whose careers d lives can be ht and inome cases actually peop shake their hea opposite. in somcasele he committed suicide. now, o of the ps of this is actually the right honorable lady now t lder of the labour party -hen she was i
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office, actual commiioned a report by baroness stern into this iss that found 8 to 10% of repord rape s could su in false letis. and bons srn who lood into this tuallyai and i quote, on th iss of defendant anymity said it is often raised and a full examinioof e issuesould be helpful to the debate. now, what we ar promisings to ing forward prosals so they n be debated. let's no ignore there's a prlem because there is a problem. and t'see if we can work toer to find the right ouome. >> jes gray. >> speake the people in my constituency who weeky week paying respects tour fallen heroeshanks no thanks recognitn foat. i wonder when the h day comes and our sdiere nally brough back from afghanistan her orot the prime minister and his colleagues willonsider repositiing the very finear memorial commemorationn the way they carry o their servic? thinky honorable friend makes eremely good d
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potiveuggestion. ink the whe country has seen the incredible detionf people who com rain or shi are always out on the streets and watching as atery sad procsioes by. i think it has actuallyrred people in this country to see that when it comes to this it, ithat we all want to support our troops a their families and all want to what we can to recognize not just a govement thing. it's a tbout the whole of ousociy wanting t recogze what these people do on our half a the people are right my vie amongst the hers in >> roberta blackman woods. >> thank you, mr. spear. i'm re the prime minister is aware that a cross-party gup of mps worked hd in parliament to get the governmen t new measus to regulate hmos and license ivate landrds. ca he reassure his governmt will not see to dermin that
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slation that io important from my and otr city-cented commities? >> the honorable lady makes a very good int. a know of the problems of houses that are kept badly and some of the problems in past with hmos. what i would suggest is would ask tsing mister to take rward that work so we make sure we get that right. >> thank youmrspker. the legy of themer government's disastrous decion-makinin irais still aito see. cai ask the prime minister it off look at the existing hom office gnce in termof deportg alum ekers to baghdad. a plhas left today cai askim compassionaly to peonally l athisgain so that we have a fm immigration pocy but weemain
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