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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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speaker pro e: on is vothe yeas are 416, the nay arzero. 2/3 being the aff, the rul are suspend, t resolution is agreedo. and whout objection, th moon to reconsider is laid on the table. witho objection, e title is amded. le 19, proceedigs will no resume on h.r.54 which the clerk willeport by title. the clerk: ll to amend e internal revenue code provi tax incentives for small business job catioand for other purposes.
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the sakerro tempore: the hoe ll be in. members will taktheir at from the aisles, from the ba of the roe chambers,rom th front, from erywhere. members, take your seats. r what purse does the gentleman from michiganise? >> . speaker, have a motion to recommit at thedesk. the speaker pempore: is t ntleman posed to the bl? mr. camp: i am in its present form. the speaker pro tempore: the clerwill report thmoti. the clerk: mr. camp of michigan moves to recommit the bill h.r. 54 -- mr. campmrspeaker, i ask unanius csent to spen with t reading. mrlevin: reserve a point of rder.
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the speaker prteore: is there objection? mr.evin: i resee a point the speaker pro tempore: the point of order is heard. is tre objtion to th gentman's reest? heg none, wowed. the gelema qualifies. rsuant to the r the gtlan from michig is recogzer fi minutes in ort of his motion. mr.amp: thank you, mr. saker. the house isot in de the speaker pro tpore: the gentman is correct. members to my right, members to my lt, take your seat. mbersn the ce, take your st. the geleman frm chigan. mr. camp: thank you, mr. speake withhe unemployment rate stucat nearly 10%, r too many americans and small businessesre struggling to
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t . while the bill before us containsome very lited beneits, it does very lile to help sll business create e jobs so many americans desperately need. he mion to rommit the underlying bill keeps e underlying bill intt and ovides real help to american by repealing one of the most onerous provions of the new health care law. the iivual mandate. at, while emptinlegal immirants, forces amerans to buy government-approved health don't. e or pay a t i never required its citizens to purchase a particular pct befo. and doing so withealth insurance violates the basic inciplesf frdom and indidual choic no american shod be forced to buor purchasehealth insunce they don't want or can't affd. this provisio is so
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ntroveial th0 states and t nation's leading small busiss organizationthe national federation of dependent busiss, ha filed a lawsuit questioning s constitutionality. whileegalxperts will soon start arguing that case, we already kn that th dividual mandattax penalty will fall hardestn ddle and low-income amerans. according tohe cgreional 75% the americans who pay is tawill have usehd incomeselow 50% of the federal poverty level. thas are youly $73,000or -- th's roughly $73,000 fora married couple wtho chdren. b.o. tells us that the democratshethare law will increase premiumfor llions of aricans by up t 13%. that a premium increase o about $200.
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as the decrats' healtca bill dres up the co o healarpremiums even higher, it will becommore and more unaffordab foramerican families to cy th the manda. repealing ts mandate will directlyenef millio o americans anupholdhe freedo upon which this nation founded. it h the addedenefit of ting the need for the i.r.s. to hire thousds of additional employees, possibly as my as many as 16,000,ust to enforce w health ce law. theecently enacted health re law is bad for workers, bad for employers and bad fo america. cleay we need toepeal and replace this lawit commonsee reformthat will actually lower health care osts and l americans keep the plan they have in life. and t me remind my colleagues quote from tn resiiandidate rack obama. and i quo, mande means that in me fashion evebody
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will be forceto buy hlth insurance, b i believe the oblem is nothafolks are trying to avoidetting health care, the problems they can't afford it. this health care law ineas premiums by $2,0 for mins of american families and ruis them to buy this vernment-aroved insurance i urge my cleagues tand th the american oplend vote for thmotion to i yield ck t balance omy time. the speaker pro tempore: for what puose does t gentlem from michigan rise? . levin: i am opposed to this motion. the spear pro tempore: the gentleman still rerveis point of order? mr. levin:o. the speakerroempore: the gentleman withdraws his po of order. thgentleman is recognized r five minutes. . len: colleagues, cornerstone ohealeform is a ensure tt evey american has
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affordab health insurance covere. a that's why was included n the g.o.p. 194 reform. so thiss nothing more, noing more than a disingenuous political stunt to undermine health reform. it woulthout indivial respsibili it coulm.v. we could not elinate exclusns of pre-existing condition. we- we could t pohibit insurance companies fm charging re when you get si accorng to thc.b.o.if this were to ps it would result in the ss of coverage for moreha 16 milln americans,ix millio of the most needy among us,ive million who would lose their surance from their emoyers,
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five million who would lose individual insurance. itouldaise halthnsurance emiums for every american buying coverage through the exchange by nearly 20%, and is is a smallusiness bill d it would ht small business. it wld reduce assistance to themo provide healthare to their workers, d it wod increase taxe on individuals and employers who fail to cr their workers. this isisguided, period. we should defeat this in a rou fason. annow i yield to mrandrews of new jersey. the eaker pro tempore: the gentleman is regnized . andrews: m speaker, this amendmt, this motion is a
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guaraned increase mile-cla health insurance premiums f all amerins. if that's what you want you should vote r it. but you know, wn a person goes to the emergency room and is uninsured, doest have health insuranc they get health care. the question is, who pays t bill? the provision at isefore us fromheinority party says america shod pay thbill.s the w the president signed in march says something ve different. says that everyone s th responsibity to earn and pay for at a rasonable pre their own health insurance. t question is not wheer uninsuredeoe gecare. the estion is whether insured middle-class pple pay for it or not. the ques is whether when seone h bret cancer or asth a is aw beuse of a pre-existing
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conditn that we'll be able to in that person at regular premiums. if you n't have nearly everyoe sured yocan't do that. so if you think tt midd-class people think payinothepeople bills is the right way to g ts is your mion. if you think that we should no nger provide health insurance coveor those who has pre-existincoion, then yes is your vote. our opponents talk of frm. i think it's me tt middle-ass americans were billsndaying for the eople's insunce companmandate. sif that's your version of healtcare refm, and i lieve that's the majority of americansen your vote is no. the speak pro tempore: the gentleman from micga . levin: i urge resounding no vo and, therefe, i happily yiel the balan
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f my time. the speaker pro tempore: wihout objection, e previous question is ordered on the motio commit the question is on theotion. those ifavor say aye. ose opposed, no. inhepinionf the chr, e noes have it. mrcamp: mr. speaker, i ask for a recorded vote. spker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requted. thse in suort of the request for a recorded vote will rise and bented. a sufficientber having aris, a recordedis orred. members will record their votes by electronic . pursut to clause 8 and clau 9 of rule 20, the 15-minute vote on thmotion to recommit will followed by five-nute tes on passa of h.r. 5486, ordered, and suspension of the rul witregard thse resolution322. this wilbe a 1minute v [captiing made possible by the natial captig institut i.,n cooperio with thuned statehousof
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reesentives. coverage of the hoe ion oceedings for political or commcial purposes is exesslprohibited by the u.s. hous representatives.]
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