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tv   American Politics  CSPAN  July 11, 2010 9:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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to be carried out. we have ploughed £170 million back into social housing schemes this financial year, which the last government promised but did not fund. clearly, the decent homes programme will have to be looked at in the spending review, but i understand the force of argument in her constituency particularly. >> i thank the prime minister for that reply. is he aware that some 7,000 council homes in tower hamlets still need to be brought up to the decent homes standard? the previous government committed £220 million towards addressing the problem. will his government honor that commitment to my constituents? >> hear, hear. >> as i said, we have filled in some of the black hole left by the last government because a promise of extra spending was made but the money was not found. while we made the £6 billion- worth of cuts to start sorting out the finances, we used some of the saved money to fill in the black hole so that those social housing schemes could go ahead. clearly, the decent homes programme is important. we have to make sure that it provides value for money, but her constituency has very great
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needs, with so many substandard houses. >> my 9-year-old constituent, paisley ward, says that she and her brother learned to swim because it was free. paisley is worried that her little sister will not be able to learn because this government want to charge. in her letter, paisley says, "please, please stop this madness." will the prime minister listen to paisley and have a rethink? >> hear, hear. >> first, may i congratulate the honorable lady? many people in this country think that this is a good time to leave politics and go into the media. may i congratulate someone who left the warmth of the gmtv sofa in order to sit on a green bench here? [laughter] thank you. the honorable lady raises an important case, but i have to tell her that not all labour councils were able to deliver the free swimming pledge. i am afraid that this is one of the things, like many others, that it will not always be possible to guarantee in the incredibly straitened times that we are living in, when we have a £155 billion budget deficit
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to deal with. >> hear, hear. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> each week, the house of commons is in session and weaker prime minister's questions live on c-span2. -- we air prime minister's questions live on c-span2. you can also find the video archive of past prime ministers questions at, as well as links to the house of commons and prime ministers websites. >> watch world leaders from the white house to parliaments around the globe, from this week in the past 25 years, with the c-span video library -- online, a free. it is washington and the world your way. >> up next, we take a look at the nevada senate race with remarks from the republican national committee chairman
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michael steele and the republican candidate sharron angle. harry reid has -- harry reid has a campaign appearance with president obama. this week's "q&a" with univision's jorge ramos. after that, another chance to see prime minister's questions with david cameron. >> c-span is a bit -- available in more than 100 million homes, bringing you politics, history, and nonfiction books, created by america's cable company. >> the nevada republican party held its annual convention on friday, posting rnc chairman -- hosting rnc chairman michael steele and candidate sharron angle. this is 50 minutes. >> this is a special time. how is it going out here in nevada? [applause]
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i hope somebody up in here is ready to win. i hope somebody is ready to win in nevada. are you ready? all right now. i just want to make sure. you have your work cut out for you. you have some things to do. it is important that you pull yourselves together. pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. lean over and help a neighbor pull themselves up. lean over and help that crazy uncle. family and friends, it is the moment to go out and communicate a powerful message. we're going to bring the change that this country needs. we're going to bring the change that nevada needs. we're want to start changing out harry reid. bywe're going to start changing out harry reid. [applause] you have a great new chairman who i have had the pleasure of
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spending time with. he is quite a guy. he has shown his mettle. he is ready to rock and roll. congratulations on your leadership. it is a pleasure to be with you, buddy. [applause] he has a great team and a great partnership with the governor. where is i.t. smith and the governor? thank you to you both for leadership. thank you so much. [applause] this partnership is your anchor. it is what will help you lay down the course to november. they are going to need your help. they're going to need your time. they are going to need your commitment. this hour is important. you have a wonderful, wonderful chance to send a signal to the rest of this country that the age of obama is about to end.
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[applause] you have got -- you have a great candidate running. she is grassroots, 24/7, 365. she is the mom and dad. she is the grocer, the entrepreneur, the student, the everyday person that is just trying to get to the next stage, to make it just little bit better. she understands. she will be the next united states senator from this great state. sharron angle. [cheers and applause] i want to thank -- i will tell you, these campaigns, and i have seen a lot of them -- there is all whole lot of mess that comes after the battle. you are one of a stand-up guy -- one hell of a stand-up guy.
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i appreciate that you are getting out there and fighting. [applause] it's as a lot about this moment for this state. -- it says a lot about this moment for this state. people can come together to fight the hard battles, the camps over here and over there pigeonite, ladies and gentlemen, the republican party -- tonight -- here and there. tonight gullies and tudjman, the republican party of nevada is united and it is going -- to night, ladies and gentlemen, the republican party of nevada is united and it is going to win. knock them out. [applause] go knock them out. are you having fun yet? keep that smile going. we need you. you have to get to d.c., baby. you have such a great team here. you have such a great
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opportunity. from governor, the u.s. senate, congress, local races, you have a chance to pick a new course and take some new steps. what i want to talk to you tonight about is how we do that together. what that is going to mean. because it's important. it is very, very important. thomas jefferson once said when the people fear the government, there is tyranny. when the government fears the people, there is liberty. at this hour, my friends, our government does not fear us. harry reid does not fear the people of nevada. president of obama does not fear the people of this country. because if they did, they would not have been a health care bill passed down our throats.
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there would not have been a cap and trade bill out of the house. there would not have been the takeover of auto industry, the insurance industry, the banking industry, financial institutions, because people have made it clear that is not what they want their government to do. they want their government to create a pathway to opportunity and get the hell out of the way and greet the american dream for ourselves. [applause] that is what the people want the government to do. as i travel this great country and i get to spend time with the grassroots of america, i have never seen such a palpable anger as i have over the past year. smart people who study this tell us that anger comes from a place of fear. we have to ask ourselves in this hour, why are the american people fearful?
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what is it that scares them so much? is it because we love our country? yes. for some people in washington, that is a novel idea. that people love this country so much that they are afraid for her. they are afraid for her future. they are afraid for their children. that people would love this country so much that they would dare to stand up to its government. and say enough. that they would trudge off to a town hall meeting and say no more. that they would go to a congressman's office or state representative's office and say we cannot afford any more of your burden.
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people love their country so much. they want the government to get out of their way so they can realize that little thing called the american dream. we won it for ourselves. we want to for our children. this is the place where potential meets opportunity. this is a place where an idea becomes reality. that is the greatness of our people. of you. fort let anyone tell you this country we are not exceptional. we are. we are. we are. [applause]
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what is it about america that makes us exceptional? is it the water we drink? no. is it because we're nicer people? if you ever have been in rush- hour traffic, you know that is not the case. it is freedom. it is freedom. the freedom to wake up every morning and were not for someone else's dream, but for your own. america is supposed to be that place where the tentacles of big government cannot harass you. you are free to work hard, to stay smart, and pass on a lasting legacy of values and wealth to your kids. in america, success is not the
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enemy. let me repeat that. i understand the president got on a plane today and won back to washington, as i hope my words catch up with him. success is not an enemy here in america. [applause] the reason is quite simple. we expect to succeed. we expect to succeed. we do not take the risk, you don't get up and say i want to start a business so it can fail. you don't wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and say all i wanted be today is poor. that's not america. you know it, i know it, but harry and barry del.
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-- harry and barry don't. [applause] they don't. to have toing educate them. the way we do that is by talking about what we believe. sharing our stories, teaching them through our actions, running our businesses, raising our kids, saluting the flag, being proud american, recognizing the exception was and that has defined as for over 230 years. not that we are better than anybody else, it's just that we try harder. we tried to do better, not for ourselves, but for all. we need to help those folks in
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washington understand that. by sending some good congressman there. sending a good senator there. [applause] electing a good governor for the state. success is getting harder and harder every day. the american dream is becoming more and more distant. for some of our friends and families, especially here in nevada. you have double digit unemployment. foreclosure rates through the roof. a dispirited people. they've lost confidence in themselves and that should never be allowed to happen. it happens because somewhere in that glorious, long career of harry reid, he stopped caring about people. he became more concerned about washington and the interests there that had his coffers every
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election cycle. the deals he can cut, the deals that often land on the backs of hard-working taxpayers. this stuffe to make up. you have witnessed it over the past year. i'm not telling you anything you don't already know. what i'm asking you to do is go out and share that story, that reality, that truth with the people of nevada. help them appreciate what six more years of harry reid will mean for them. just the thought is scary in and of itself. but you have the facts and you have the candidates who will deliver not just the facts but the hearts, the heart, the people of this state that beats in unison with the folks all
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across this country who want a better life for their kids. we cannot afford to be the first generation unable to pass on a legacy of prosperity. it means to much to our kids. as small business owners, entrepreneurs, risktakers get up on monday morning, they are going to be worried about their accounts receivables and worry about the employee they may have to lay off at the end of the week. they may be worried about whether or not that contract that will put them at the top will come through. they will be worried when their accountant calls and tells them come next january your tax bill goes up because harry reid once the bush tax cuts to expire so he figures you can afford to pay more. by the way, harry reid thinks you can afford to pay more for
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health care because your premiums are going up also and you won't be able to afford health care for your employees and you have to put them all in the government program. thank you, harry, but no thanks. it's time to retire harry reid. [applause] over the last two days, harry reid and president obama laura lee picture perfect do though, weren't they -- president obama and harry reid were the picture- perfect duo. talking smack. sharron angle is about to smack harry upside the head come november. [applause] let me ask all of the hear something -- how is that hopey
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changey thing working out for you. barack obama talked about hope without an action plan and harry reid bought into it. he talked about change without telling us what he wanted to change. harry reid succored the people into a bad deal. when the two of them are teamed up, the people woke up and they stood up for liberty. when harry met barry and past the giant welfare package called the stimulus, what did we do? we did not wine, we organized and the sharron angle nominated to defeat -- and nominated sharron angle to defeat harry reid. got harry's pal, nacy together in the house a -- when
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together,l na,ncy got we did not shrug our shoulders. we raised up a principled, conservative candidate. to good washington pushed back on them. when harry reid is saddled us with controlling shares in car companies that union bosses had driven into financial ruin, we did not complain. we drove ourselves to a tea party in harry's backyard. [applause] when harry reid started counting down to the end of the bush tax cuts, we started counting down to november 2nd and the end of harry reid and his democrat majority in the senate and the house. americans have had enough. they have had enough. the fog is lifted from their eyes, the kool-aid has been drained from their veins. they are asking one simple
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question -- how we take our country back? i'll tell you. we take our country back when we retire harry reid. we take our country back when we fire nancy pelosi. we take our country back when we send good, conservative, principal leaders to washington. when we elect a governor who understands people. when we elect state officials from comptroller to attorney- general who are going to fight for the people, not against them. it's time to go on offense because the electoral march is already on from massachusetts to new jersey, virginia to hawaii, the freedom agenda is winning the day. [applause] some of the may be worrying that too much damage has been done to
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america. that we are so deep in the hole that we cannot dig our way out. some comments i made recently might have gotten some people to thinking i feel that way about our efforts in afghanistan. but i want to take this moment among friends to clarify. because i know my remarks may have been a little bit confusing or misunderstood. afghanistan is a war we can win. it is perhaps the hardest place in the world to win a war, but this is america. with the right leadership, the right resources, and the right rules of the engagement on the ground, we not only can win, we must win. we will win, and we will not leave our soldiers alone in the battle. [applause] we will not leave our soldiers
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alone in the battle. let me clarify further. for the sake of all those brave heroes who have lost their lives, and i met a goldstar mother this evening, it was an important moment for me. to stand with the mother of a soldier. it reminded me of the times i stood with moms and dads of soldiers -- as lieutenant governor, i would see them off to war. the moms and dads i stood with as their sons and daughters came home.
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we don't take this lightly, folks. a lot of our friends and neighbors have lost their lives. their families have suffered. but we stand with them. we pray for them. because of slow we do. it's not a debatable point. it's not a political opportunity. it's what makes us americans. for all of those still fighting, please know that i am the republican national committee stand squarely behind your effort, willing to give whatever support is necessary to win decisively, completely, and
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secure america's future today and tomorrow. that is what this fight is about. i hope no one misconstrues that. [applause] we have in this room men and women who write checks, keep writing them. we have in this room, men and women who knock on doors and sign and volunteer. we have in this room candidates for office. what all the candidates for office, what ever office, please stand for a moment so we can thank you. [applause] please stand so we can thank
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you. support them. [applause] this is your front line. these are the folks who are going to put it on the line for you in november. what you can do between now and then is here. it's here. it's here in our own hands. whenever you can do, do it over and over and over until we win. ground to 1 inch of harry reid and those out there who want to tear apart. they tell us nevada is a blue state. really? i don't think so. there may be some blue people
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from what harry has done to them. but you represent the new light. you represent a new beginning. the republican renaissance is in your hands. the reemergence from the dark days of 2006 and 2008 into a better opportunity, right now, your chairman, your national committee man, your national committeewoman, they need your continued commitment and support. they need you to do one extra day, one extra hour, one extra minute. to help us win. just as we cannot take any seat for grad, there's no law that says democrats own every seat. we have already seen that story,
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or rather that lie, defeated in massachusetts. [applause] we have seen a defeated in hawaii. and we will see harry reid defeated here in nevada in november. [applause] before i windup, i want to do one more thing. because it's important. and the national chairman and i get to do this. if you are a college republican, a teenage republican or young republican, please stand up. please stand up. [applause] i'm the chairman, stay standing. i did not say sit.
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i see some young bloods over here. if you are a college republican, a young republican are teenage republican, stand up. now was not the time to be shy. i want you to know you are already empowered to leading. you cannot have to ask for anybody's permission to do what you do to help the party grow, expand, and reach new voters and reach your generation. folks, you are not looking at the future of the party, this is the right here and right now. these young men and women right here are our voice and we need to make sure they are empowered to go well and deliver a new message about a new party and a new day. [applause] empower them further. encourage them, support them.
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anybodygoing to dog out here but we need to have more of them in this room the next time we gather. let's think about the future right now. let's think about the opportunities you can do right now for them. for all of you who are . anding, don't stop you want to do it, do it. you want to run the campaign or run for office, you want to raise money, you want to strategize, you want to be in the room, take your butt and put it at table because no one is going to let you in otherwise. you have to show them you are ready to lead. [applause] if you do not, you will not be taken seriously. afford to let your generation slip through our fingers.
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and don't screw it up. [laughter] thank you. [applause] we are going to pull out the stops for sharron angle. we're going to pull out the stops to sharron angle elect. i don't want to hear any excuses, i don't want to hear any nonsense, i don't want to hear any stupidity coming out of this party about anything other than harry reid possibility. we don't need to fight inside our own house. i'm tired of it. and tonight. [applause] -- and it tonight. if you are ever going to rally for any thing, rally for this woman, because if you don't, i'm
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coming back here and it won't be pretty. . . [applause] he is going to bring a business
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sense to washington. lord knows they need it. he knows how to make a payroll. he knows how to make ends meet, and he knows when to stop spending, especially when there is no money to spend during their -- to spend. i like this guy a lot. veteran, small-business owner, he is going to take the people of nevada to washington, so you do not have to worry about the people getting stupid on kool- aid, because we're going to be there in partnership. go do it. he liked him -- elect him.
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some things we assume our a given, but we do not assume anything, so we are going to be in the business of reelecting heller. send him back to congress. we need some help. make sure he gets back there, because the first vote i need him to cast is for the next republican of the speaker of the house. -- for the next republican speaker of the house. you see a lot of candidates are running for office, for attorney general, for comptroller, for local offices. these are serious individuals ready for serious times, and i am glad they are running. we need republicans and patriots who will not only live up to the badge of honor you give them
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with your vote. they carry a little bit with them. wherever they are conducting the people's business. we need republicans and patriots who will not drink the political kool-aid any longer and forget the core values that have defined the leadership of this party for a generation. there is going to be a lot of blood, sweat, and equity put into your campaigns. honor the people who sent you to office for doing a good job, and remember how you got there. as my mom used to tell me, i've brought you into this world. i will take you out.
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we will take you out, let's make a pact to night. that we leave this convention, that our fight is not with each other but with every democrat in washington for ruining our economy, weakening our national defense, and robbing the future from our kids and grandkids. ronald wyden -- ronald reagan had a wonderful quote. he said simply, we win, they lose. [applause] as republicans, i did not want us to lose faith and the power and ingenuity of the american people and the people of nevada.
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do not lose faith in them. do not lose faith in those who can rebuild an economy and restore community is. as our republican renaissance unfolds, we must once again unfiled are frigid once again display our core beliefs said government should -- we should once again display our core belief that government should be limited, people get to keep more of their own money -- what a concept. by the way, how you become a millionaire on a senator's salary? with your help, we can restore the birthright of liberty and prosperity generations of americans have always has gone
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to their children. -- always passed on to their children. come november in nevada and all across america, we win, they lose. deal? is the deal? -- is it a deal? we win, they lose. are you of for that? are you ready to do that? we win, they lose. i cannot hear you. what is going to happen? tell me one more time. >> we win, they lose. >> now you have got the spirit. god bless america, god bless our troops, and god bless the good
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republican of nevada. [applause] >> earlier that day, another address the convention for 20 minutes. here are her remarks. talk for 20 minutes. here are her remarks. >> i hope you can see me. good evening, republican levers of liberty. thank you so much for being here. that is a little better.
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i heard someone say, i did not expect you to be so little, and i said, do not let it fool you. i have been fighting about this all my life. there are old adages about folks a little on the short side. i am so glad you are here, and i am so grateful for those wonderful warnords. thank you, danny. now we are cooking. i want to tell you people have been worried about five primary we had. -- about the primary we had. i wanted to make this night and night we could be proud of,
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where we are all united in one effort with one focus, and that is to defeat harry reid. [applause] denny, su, bill, will you stand up? thank you very much, bill. robin? said, all of our wonderful candidates, we have a number of great candidates, and are only focus during the primary was to defeat harry reid, and now we are going to take out all the way to november 2, and that is why i need your help.
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thank you so much. i want to talk to you a little bit tonight about how we are going to do that. we have an opportunity to take back a seat that belongs to we, the people. we, the people of nevada have a senate seat that has been too long occupied by a career politician, a good old boy, who makes a deal on every bill, and i hold him personally responsible for what is happening in our nation, and the reason i hold him personally responsible is because he did not just vote for these bills -- obama proposed these things, but harry reid dispose of them. he is the one that brought every
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one of those policies into fruition, and he did it in the most good old boy, corruption as usual, washington, d.c., establishment way, and that is by making deals, and he told us if your legislature is not making a deal, you do not have a good legislator. we are tired of that kind of politics, and that is why we are going to make a change on november 2. [applause] it is interesting though. desperate men do deaths -- desperate men do desperate things, and harry reid is a desperate man, and you have been listening to his desperate commercials on television. i want to ask you a simple
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question. if harry reid had such a difficult time in the past, why would you believe anything? this man has been waterboarding our economy for the next year and a half with the stimulus and obama care, and he has got washington, d.c., and the rest of the nation in such a fog that businesses cannot see the way out, and that is the problem with our economy. as long as they are looking at that fog and they know there are a couple of rocks to hit before they even see what is next, they know harry reid has some plans, and we know that is cap and trade. we know he is going to let the tax cuts run out, and that means
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a tax increase. we know he said his agenda is amnesty. that is why our businessmen are saying, i am not sure i can take our risk, because they cannot see through the fog, and i thought it was interesting that obama said we have got a bright new day. he has not even ridden around las vegas if he has not seen the lights are out in nevada. this is not a bright new day. all i can say is he must have his bright lights shining on that fog, and that is what is hitting him in the face. this is an economy that is a disaster, not only for our state, but for our country.
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we have an opportunity to get out of the fog, to give some certainty to our businessmen, and to offer them an opportunity as well to take those risks. harry reid answers are to extend unemployment and give temporary jobs. the real answers are to pay back the debt, cut by the spending, and pay for our economy so that our businesses can provide permanent, full-time jobs with the future. we want something that will i actually diversify our economy. we know the problem is there is no discretionary money across the nation, and that is why people have stopped coming in -- that and obama telling them if they are coming to las vegas,
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they are coming on a junket, but i would say to you that harry reid agreed. he agreed with obama, we saw hundreds of convention leave because of those brash words, and what we need to do is make sure we do not depend so much on any industry that when we do see this kind of natural ebb and flow of our economy, that we have a fallback position. we have folks here, and they know their economy thrives on the mining industry, and they also know they are in jeopardy because of harry reid. he is looking at the 1872 mining law. we need to make sure that stays intact, that it is just the way
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it is proposed. we also have to make sure our government is not using things to shut off areas of our state to prospecting. we need mineral exploration, so we need to allow that to happen in our state. we have an opportunity here to do some really positive things, and the first one is to defeat harry reid. when we defeat harry reid, the eyes of the nation are still going to be upon us, and they are going to be wondering, what does nv want to do next, and we are going to tell them, the first thing we would like to do is repeal obama care.
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[applause] we have got some other ideas we would like to do. we would like to take that $500 million -- $500 billion in the stimulus, the $500 billion coming in from the tarp, from one trillion dollars, and pay back the deficit right now. we can do that, and we need to, because we want to get out of the fog. we need to give our country the confidence we are going in the right direction, but also our neighbors throughout the world. we want to let them know we are no longer using our credit card for paying off the debt. we are paying off a credit card.
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we need to cut back on the spending, and you have heard me say before we need to do this in a 5 times 5 way for the next five years on a prioritized list of expenditures, and the prioritized list needs to be in an a, b, and c priority. a being what our federal government should spend money on. b and c seeing the things we have been spending money on, but we are not getting the best bang for the buck. those conservatives say, where would you cut? we have departments we could cut that would be better served at the state level, and we have to attend the amendment that our founders gave us but says, you
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should get things done at the state level. ronald reagan knew this. remember, ronald reagan had it right, and if he thought a one size fits all policy making bureaucracies that fits no one -- we have seen that with no child left behind -- is sends money to states, and we cannot do what we do best, which is to put that money in the classroom, where the parent and teacher and child are the stakeholders. we want to do that ourselves and keep our money here. ronald reagan knew we can do that and it would be better served.
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there are other departments where we are spending federal dollars, and we need to start cutting back there. we then take back our economy, and we know how to do that by simple things like auditing the fed, liquidating fraudy mac and phony mae, and we can secure the borders, and forceful laos. -- forceful laws. -- enforce the laws. if we know what is going to take to get our economy where we needed. we know as americans that our constitution has worked and will work again.
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we know ronald reagan was right when he said the government is not the solution, the government is the problem, and that is all harry reid is giving us raising big government takeover, so it is time to take back our government by making it a less regulatory government and a lower taxation government. that will invite our businesses back to america, and that is the climate your u.s. senator needs to help create in this stage so we can take back our economy in in nevada. we also have some potential we need to explore, and those include a secure a test site that we have been doing nuclear research and development on for years, and that we have been transporting since 1974 this
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nuclear material. we need not be afraid, and the governor knows this. he is our person who has been promoting this. people need to understand we need to bolster our economy, and one of those ways is to take something harry reid has demonized for years and explore the potential. let's take a look at what we have got. finally, i would like to say this again. remember, we have the right contract with america, and that is our constitution. [applause] we have the right message for america. it is reagan's message, lower
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taxes, more individual freedom and cuts to spending we have the right angle to defeat harry reid. [applause] i know all of you in this room can vote for me, but i want you to do me a favor. i want you to send out to all of your relatives and friends -- i want you to tell them that may not -- they may not be allowed to vote for me, but they can help us by sending money to we need their help, and i need your help, and i need a unified party that understands like reagan did that if you're 85% in agreement with me, you are my friend.
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we are ready to go. we are ready to defeat harry reid. we are ready to take on the challenge, and we are ready to tell him, keep your eye of the ball, because the ball is not out here with social security, although it is a big part of its. social security has been rated and pillage by harry reid for years. -- raded and pillaged by harry reid for years. we need to talk about that, because that is part of the debt harry reid has created, so let's remind him it is about the economy. the ball has been over here with the department of education. the ball has a part to do with the department of education, because they are spending dollars that would be better spent in the state, but remind them, it is about the economy.
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the ball is not about sharron angle. the ball is about harry reid, and it is about the economy harry reid has been systematically destroying through these policies of bailout, cap and trade -- we can go on and on and on. remember, it is all about 14% unemployment. it is all about the largest foreclosure rate in the nation. it is all about the largest bankruptcy rate in the nation, because our citizens in nevada are suffering. remember the ronald reagan misery index famines -- misery index? we are living it, and the ball is about our citizens and their
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jobs and their homes. that is what it is all about, and harry reid can blame everyone, everything. try to get your eye off the ball, but the ball remains at home with our jobs and are home and our children and our grandchildren. are we going to pass down debt and deficit, or are we going to pass down liberty and freedom? we have the opportunity to pass down liberty and freedom, so let's go, and let's take back our senate seat, republican of liberty and lovers. thank youan liberty
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lovers. thank you very much >> senator harry reid aeared with obama at a campaign event in las vegas. here is looking that the event, beginning with harry reid. >> i believe how we choose to reject is going to be the difference between renewing our future and repeating the past, but it is really aimple choice. i will not stand for anything less than turning the economy around for the good people of the state of my birth. that is right. that is why i am running for reelection, and that is why i appreciate your support.
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the list we have done together, he, you, and i -- is long, but it is a list we should be proud of. we are creating thousands of jobs, clean energy if projects and tax cuts. opplause] all of which both nevadans back to work. we are fighting to keep the greedy wall street bankers in check. we think in the next week they are going to be checked really good because we finished when the report. we passed health insurance.
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for all the naysayers, looked at a public opinion poll today, and the majority of americans are glad we did what we did. with wall street reform, we are making the promise you will never be asked to bail out of big banks. they have a pretty big deal -- good deal. we made sure we did everything we could to make sure the games were fair. when people came, if they lost the money, it was their money. if they won, ty got to keep it. that was our money. we were supposedo pay them back. of what health reform, we are fulfilling the promise that affording good health is the right of every 95 and -- every
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nevadan, not just a few. we're making dp pay. we want to make sure they pay for every cent of fat. -- we are making bp pay. we want to make sure they pay for every cent of that. we are not billing of the richest country of the world, -- co. of the world, and we are not saying, we are sorry. that is not all we are doing to move nevada forward. we are making the state the leader in clean energy. with our economic recovery package, we reduced taxes for 95% of all americans. owe are helping nevadans keep
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their homes. we have so much further to go, but we are trying really hard. we're helping veterans go to colleg with the gi bill of rights. it is comparable to the one in world war ii. [applause] we have cracked down on abuse of credit card compani, and we are rooting out of mortgage fraud.
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>> and there is more. we're just getting started. as long as our list of accomplishments, power to do list is even longer. i could have not done this without you. i will not be able to continue fighting without too. -- without you. [applause] you have all started to see what we are up against. it has not been easy and it is not going to be easier.
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these are the people that killed jobs. we are not going to give them a free pass. [laughter] can you imagine this? they are apologizing to bp, who caused the biggest man-made environmental disaster in the history of the world. and at the compare the recession that wiped out our jobs and savings to an aunt -- ant. our opponents hope for failure. they think that when our economy loses, they win. nevada is a gambling state. we all know that. we never backed those that believe in failure. -- failure they are causing.
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it is remarkable, but they think one another for closure sign -- foreclosure sign goes up, their numbers go up, but i do not think that is true. we have to demand success in this fight for the senate and in the senate. i am grateful you agree we have the fight ahead of us. we are fortunate barack obama on our side. [applause]
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he campaigned in nevada's 22 different times. why did he campaigned 22 different times? ew how important it was, and he knew the road to the white house ran right through nevada. he knows h much more we have to do. he is here tonight, because he knows i am not going to give of, and he knows you are not going to give up. [applause] he knows we are a staple of fighters, and we are going to fight with everything we have got to help our economy not only
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recover but prosper again. always remember the economic hole we find ourselves in was not done by week or obama -- dug by we for obama. -- or obama. [applause] he knows we're not going to stop until this economy turns around, until every nevadan who wants to go to work and get a john can make nevada whole again and -- get a job can make nevada whole again. it is my honor toelcome him. it is my honor to introduce to you the president of the united states. [applause]
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hello, vegas. . [applause] oh, it is good to be back in vegas! [applause] this is a pretty good crowd. i know you're disappointed, but
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i'm not singing tonight. [laughter] listen, i love being in vegas again, love being in vegas. [applause] i love this town. maybe not as much as my staff. [laughter] for some reason, every time we come here, air force one is a little more crowded. [laughter] i'm seeing people in the couches and -- >> we love obama! [applause] >> i love you back. i love you back. a couple other people i love
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here. i want to make mention -- congresswoman dina titus is in the house. [applause] dina is in the house. miller is in the house. give a big round of applause. one of my earliest supporters, not just here in nevada, but anywhere in the country -- steven is in the house. he is somewhere here. you're wonderful speaker of the state assembly, barbara buckley, is here. given up for braon, david, and mark, the killers.
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these guys for the fourth of july performance for military families -- for forms for military families. they did not look like killers. one of them is tall, but they do not look like you would be scared of them, but they are wonderful people, and we are grateful to them, and how all about sarah mclaughlin. [applause] and met her backstage. just delightful, and a couple of beautiful daughters, and i am always partial two daughters.
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despite the entertainment, despite seeing all these old friends, the main reason i am here is because there is a guy from searchlight nevada -- [applause] >> who has been fighting on behalf of nevada for most of his life and is now fighting for working families all across america, and that is your senate majority leader, harry reid peering ahead -- harry reid. [applause] i have known harry since i arrived in the senate five years ago, and we have become dear friends.
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he is a man of principle. he is a straight shooter. he is a man of his word. he comes across as soft-spoken. even when he is in front of a crowd, he is like, well -- we are trying here. we are ting hard. that is just how harry is, but anybody who knows harry knows he is made of tough stuff. harry is tough.
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a lot of people in washington forget where they came from. harry remembers every single day. a lot of people instead of showing leadership, making difficult decisions -- they do what is politically expedient. the end of making the choices that give them the best ance of staying in washington. that is not harry reid. he does not always do what is easy. he does not always do what is popular, but he always does what is right for the people of nevada. [applause] as senate majority leader, he has alwaysone what is right.
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you have got to send him back. he likes to brag about this, in his harry way. i used to box. i was not the most talented guy. i was not very fast. i was not a big, obviously, but i could take a punch. i could take a punch. he would outlast the other guy. that is how harry reid has been able to orchestrate one of the most productive legislati sessions in the history of
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america, and that is how he is going to win this week so he can serve the people of nevada one more time. [applause] he has taken his lumps. we all have common -- we all have, but i have no doubt the people of nevada will realize the quality of service they have in harry reid, ptly because no matter what type of lump he has taken, they are nothing like the ones people at home have taken. harry comes from humble begiings. he knows what it is like not to have a lot. he knows what it is like to see your folks scraping by and have to tell you, we cannot afford
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this. we cannot afford that. he has been there, so when he hears the story of nevadans losing their homes or their jobs, when he hears stories about people feeling desperate, who after doing the right dain and, -- doing the right thing, somehow have gotten the short end of this it -- that is who he identifies with. that is who we are fighting for. i just ce from the birthplace of another harry -- harry truman. harry truman was a lot like harry reid. in 1948, harry truman campaigned across this country, making the
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case against the do-nothing republicans in congress. they have been dealing with the do nothing republican leadership in the senate. despite all their tactics, despite all their political maneuvers, we keep making progress. he does not give in. he keeps fighting, and he of left them, and he changes the landscape of america as a consequence. we have taken quite a few punches as a nation.
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i took off after almost a decade of economic policy i that gave e sluggish job growth, falling income, a record deficit -- i want everybody to remember thi a decade of economic policy that culminated in the worst crisis since the great depression. 3 million americans have lost their job in the last six months of 2008. another 750,000 americans lost their jobs the month i was sworn in. the next month, it was 600,0, and these were not just numbers. most of you had somebody in your family who was touched by the
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crisis, if you were not yourself, and the economic policies that led to this economic disaster were pretty straightforward. you cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires, even if they were not even asking for them. we cut rules and regulations for the most powerful industries. then you cut working families lose. you tell people you are on your own. you do not have health care, too bad. you are on your own. a young person born into poverty cannot afford college -- you are on yr own. that was the reigning philosophy. by calling them the owners of society in -- ownership society,
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whatever. this was their philosophiey. i want them to argue this was done for the people of nevada. this was biden for the country. -- this is bad for the country. i want a philosophy based on how we help ordinary families seize opportunities and use innovation and drive to rebuild america that is stronger than before. that was our task. [applae] we have got a different philosophy. we said we would cut taxes for
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the 95% of working families and small business owners who really needed help in this recession. we believe in the free market, but we also think everybody should be following basic rules of growth. we make sure wall street banks and other big corporations have to pay by the same rules other banks and business owners have to play with. that makes sense. there should not be special tax breaks and lack of oversight. we decided we were going to inst in our people and our future, in the skills and education of our workforce, in the technology that will create new jobs and make sure america is competitive in the 21st century.
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that is our business for american. [applause] since we had a crisis on our hand, since the financial system was melting down, since people could not get loans, people were not traveling -- you remember last year. we had to make a bunch of decisions, and we had to make them fast, and they were tough decisions. some of them were impossible. i know it is all right, because let me tell you something. as we we making these decisions, sometimes people would say, why is he doing that? that is not going to be popular.
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we have posters. they let us know when things are not going to be popular. it is not like we were surprised. my job does not to pu my finger up to the wind and see which direction the wind is blowing. that is not leadership. our job is to focus not on the next election but on the next generation. that is why we made those desions. [applause] we knew it would takusonths, years, to dig us out of the hole we found ourselves in. that is longer than anyone would like, but here is what i also know. an economy last year tha was shrinking is now growing.
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an economy that was shedding jobs at an unbelievable pace, we have now had six months in a row of private-sector j growth. that is because of policies harry reid helped bring about. we have turned things around, and we are moving in the right direction. [applause] that is not enough. it has not moved as fast as i want. i am not going to be satisfied until every but they who wants a job can find a job -- everyone who wants a job and find a job. we do not want to just survive. we want nevada to be on the move. we want the las vegas dream to be a reality for everyone. we understand we have got a lot
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of work to do. basically the other party -- their whole party is based on the notion that it has not moved fast enough. i agree i would like to see us get out of this whole sooner, -- hole sooner, but you havto understand we're headed in the right direction, and what the other side is offering is basically to go back to the same ideas that got us in this mess in the first place. that is all they are doing. [applause] this is a choice between the policies that led us into the mess or the policies that are leading us out of the masess.
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this is a choice between falling backwards or moving forwards. harry reid wants to move forward. i want to move forward i think most people in nevada want to move forward. they did not want to go backwas. america does not go backwards. we go forward. that is who we are as americans. [applause] what the other party is counting on is that all of you do not have a very good memories. think about it. they are not making new arguments. it is not like they are coming back and saying, we know we screwed up. we learned from our mistakes. we are going to do things differently this time. that is nothat you are
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hearing. they are peddling the same stuff they have been battling for years and years and years. they have spent a decade driving the economy into a ditch, and now they are asking for the keys back. [laughter] my answer is, you cannot have the keys. you cannot drive. you do not know have -- how to drive. you cannotototot >> up next, it is "q&a with jorge ramos. then prime minister's questions followed by last week's address by queen elizabeth the second. th a


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