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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  August 25, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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all and he emphasized over and over conditions based whereas when has the impression the president is much more keen o pulling the troops down. thank you. >> michael, you go first. [laughter] >> put the question. i would start by saying the president may have been trying to avoid the likelihood of another vietnam by saying i'm going to limit my exposure. that is part of the logic for july 2011. i think frankly he knows better thano think that he can simultaneously triple combat forces and limit exposure. he's very exposed and i congratulateim for his resolute decision making i think he's an excellent decisions all along. that is my own take but regardless he is exposed so i don't think that can be his primary motivation. his primary motivation was to speak to the immediate needs of a democratic congress and broad public tired of the war and needed to understand this was
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not going to last forever. again, i think he needs to continue by trying to clarify what the strategy was at the july 2011 by a self is in my opinion causing more harm than good even politically at home right now. but none the less the w a bigger part of the motivation plus trying to put a bigger spur into the side of afghan politicians and understand the have to deliver on reform in the near term. those are more important reasons than the issue of having an ally. on the question of the unity or lack thereof of the administration on a ad them as doing a little -- and a stint question but i read them as doing a better job than you would suggest the vice president biden gave a speech yesterday in which would ever he had he put them aside if least publicly for the purpose of the speech which was a fairly strong and firm and defense of the ad mentioned policy saying we got the right general, we got the right strategy we are going to stick
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with it, and general petraeus i think recognizes as he said all he can do is give military advice and i think he was asked in one of the recent interviews with your mother terrie advice is not heated and he said on salute smartly and keep going and i sure that's what he meant and i sure he will do whatever he is asked to do under the reasonable parameters that are in place so i see the administration as being a reasonable. the problem is the president himself needs to be a little more clear up with the july 2011 te means and i would advocate that he do so. >> just very briefly on the question of what the president had in md at the time he named july 2011 i'm waiting for the woodward textbook due shortly to elucidate what was said to whom by whom and when and i think that basically i agree with everything michael said. i had the impression of waiting
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fowoodward reporting to see whether it is or not that there was a civilian military elment to this between the white house and the pentagon that a factor of least in the mind of some of the civilians in the white house was to signal to the u.s. military that there was a firm belief on the civilian side that they did not have an open-ended time line and the secretary gates salute to the decision and defended it in public for another reason which was concrete and important in a signal the karzai government did not have an open-ended time line and they needed to organize themselves to paticipate in the buildup of afghan security forces effectively than they had done today. my impression is of secretary gates accepted the president's decision with enthusiasm because of that satellite to the afghans
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even though he recognized it would have this other effect of causing factors to hedge and beyond a certain. >> what's take one other question. >> when you have decisions of afghanistan how about having an afghan on the table? >> on the table? [laughter] >> anybody might do it. going back to your position about the groups in afghanistan i am not so sure we can talk about afghanistan and then not have a qualification. an economist said 3% of the army are pashtu -- [inaudible] >> what is the questioned?
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>> you have to [inaudible] of afghanistan. there are certain people ou for revenge. [inaudible] they want revenge. you will not get an afghan army or afghan police, ever. what is your reaction? >> one quick word and then -- i just want to quickly say in terms of our approach, it is the only place that is published a book by an afghan woman and an american scholar. we have also done an event with my colleagues and we are delighted again to have the panel we have today that i think represents the diversity of views so i would make that comment and leave the matter to my colleague. >> i disagree. i do not think as you put it i
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think even though afton has had a civil war and a great deal of difficulty element of revenge is not on the table. this is not sort of the replay of iraq. and also does not have a separatist movement. this is not a country where the groups are trying to leave the country. in fact, there is a dynamic to protect afghanistan political integrity, territorial integrity and maintain its position in the region and then within that balance in terms of the stribution of power. we have to leave it to the afghans whether the pasterns think they are underrepresented or over represented, and that is part of the whole afghan dynamic but i do not believe it is not possible to build an afghan army or afghan police. they are the local force. the police in the north are
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going to be the tashi areas. in the south is going to be pashtu and it will be policing and of kandahar will be policing kandahar. so tat is the organizing. the afghan army goes fairly well. it's not the sort of equivalent to the pakistani army in terms of its cable these but with the army we have made great strides. the question in afghanistan is not at all whether an army as possible it is with the question has been whether the scale we put ourselves after we achieve that which is a different challenge we face. >> on that point we need to conclude. it is past 11:30 but i want to thank all of the panelists during much for their contribution to the end of skew to join me in expressing our
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appreciation. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> in a moment, candidates' speeches from primary races in florida and arizona. first, marched from marco rubio when the senate republican nomination in florida and his opponent in that race and the democratic side. after that, out to arizona for a speech j.d. hayworth who lost
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the senate race to john mccain. this morning on "washington journal," we look at the economy and home sales. and president of the american federation of teachers discusses the u.s. education system as children across the country return to school. after that, part of our week- long series examining defense issues, a colonel discusses the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in afghanistan. also today, the heritage foundation continues its weeklong conference on threats to a homeland security. this event will focus on the role the private sector can play and homeland security forces proceed at live this morning at 10:00 eastern on cspan 3. >> book tv primetime tonight --
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that is on c-span 2. >> former florida republican house speaker mark a rubio when his party's senate nomination. he spoke at his republican headquarters. he faces the independent candidate governor charlie crist. courtesy of wsvn-tv, this is 20 minutes. >> thank you. thank you, thank you very much.
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well, welcome to the night they said would never come. [applause] welcome to a moment they said was not possible. 18 months ago, we were confronted with this extraordinary challenge and many discouraged us from doing it. tonight, here in florida, we have learned that anything is possible in this great nation of ours, even a candidacy like this one. i begin by acknowledging and banking god -- and thanking god through home all things are possible. [applause] is important to remember that the good and bad things come through his hands and for this purpose. that is something we should never forget as a people, as a nation, and we will never forget as a family. i want to thank my wife over the last 80 months who has been support of all in my home together -- last 18 months who
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has held my home together and my children allowing me the opportunity to do this. early in this campaign, the only people i thought i could win or and four ofome them were under 10 years old. [laughter] my parents have made a commission of their life to open doors for me that were not in existence for them. they have lived a selfless love and have sacrificed tremendously throughout. i am grateful to them and i am hopeful that tonight is the beginning of continuing to reaffirm that the sacrifices and hard work was not in vain. i think all of you for being a part of this campaign. so many people have supported me from the beginning of my career in public service and before. my extended family have been supportive and find it hard to believe that people like you would turn out to support me on a night like this and i am grateful to you.
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now for the road ahead -- the campaign that lies ahead will be a clear win in florida. right now, the united states of america is headed in the wrong direction. both parties are to blame. washington is broken. the road that it is taking us on is the wrong one. in florida, the choice of our people will have is very simple -- if you like the direction that america is headed, if you think washington is doing the right thing, then there are two other people that will be on the ballot and should you should vote for one of if you are unhappy with the direction that washington is taking america and you are unhappy with the road we are on, there is only one person running, there is only one campaign in florida in 2010 that is offering to stand up to that agenda and in its place present a clear alternative. that is what we have done the last 18 months. that is what we will do the next 70 days. [applause]
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i know that in every campaign they tell you the same thing. this is the most important election in a generation this one truly is. we as a nation and as a people are on the process of crossing a line from which we may not be able to return we are at the point where decisions are being made in washington d.c. that may be irreversible for my children and for your children and grandchildren. that is what this election is about is not a choice between republicans and democrats. it is not a choice between liberals and conservatives. this election is nothing less than a referendum on our identity as a people and as a nation. that is what is at stake these next 70 days. for us, as a campaign, the most important thing we must do is offer a compelling vision of the future i am not running to be the opposition.
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i am not interested in running to be against people. i believe there is a better way to do things. so does the majority of floridians in america. through this u.s. senate campaign, we will offer them the opportunity to vote for someone who has clear ideas about how america can once again we embrace all the things that have made us exceptional and unique in the world. [applause] i want to be brief in my remarks tonight for a couple of reasons, out of respect for your time and other people running. also because my children is starting to get to their limit. [laughter] this morning, i woke up like i do pretty much for the last 18 months to a campaign routine of schedule that will be where i need to be. this morning was different.
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after dropping my children off at school, i went to vote. that wasn't and i knew i would do today. i took it for granted until i got there. when i pulled up, i was immediately confronted by six or seven cameras. it was the same polling precincts i had been going to for years. i realized that i am running for the united states senate and my name is on the ballot and god willing if things go well, you will be the republican for the united states senate. i realized something else. i realized that i am just a generation removed from mayberry different life. my parents grew up in a very different society and we are proud of our heritage but the place they grow up with a different eye -- was different from where i grew up. my parents grew up where it what you would accomplish in life and how far you can go is decided for you before you were even born. think about that for a moment. in almost every other country in
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the world, what you are going to be when you grow up is decided for you bite who your parents are, by where you come from, by who you know. it does not matter how smart you are or how hard to work or how big your dreams are. in every other society in human history, as far as you go and live is not up to you. it is decided for you. that is the way it is almost everywhere else on this planet except for one place. , the united states of america, a place or anyone from anywhere can accomplish anything. it is a place where it does not matter if you were not born into a connected family. it does not matter if you don't run in the right social circles. if you have a good idea and a willingness to work in pursuit of a, you can accomplish anything. sadly, those who are born in this country take that for granted. we believe that is the way it is almost everywhere else in the world, it is not.
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that is a lesson i learned gun because i was raised in a good community of men and women who know it is possible to lose their country and everything you hold dear. there are people will understand that this nation is you make and there has never been anything like this in the history of all of mankind. even today, with the challenges we face, there is still no place on earth that you would rather be, no country on earth you would trade places with, but we must remember that the death -- that this exceptional country did not happen by accident. this extraordinary country we have did not just happen because. it happened because the people who were here before us did whatever they had to do to insure that their children inherited a better life. this country is exceptional and extraordinary because the men and women who stood where we stand now confronted the great challenges of their time and in so doing insured the next generation was better off. over
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the last 230 years, americans had built a society on like any other in human history. it is a return to keep it that way. that is the issue of our time. the choice before us is simple. what kind of country do we want these children to inherit? do we want them to have a place like everywhere else or a place like was left to us? are we prepared to go down in history as the next generation of americans who did what we had to do to ensure that this exceptional place remained that way or will we go down as the first americans ever to leave our children worse off? i think i know which choice americans and floridians are about to make. every single one of us here today can track our lineage back to somebody who came from somewhere else. maybe it was just a generation ago, maybe it was four generations ago, but everyone of
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us descended from somebody who could not be who god meant them to be in the nation of their birth and so they came here. they can to the only place in human history were anyone from anywhere can accomplish anything. the great cause of our time is to preserve this mission for the next generation in that way. that is what this election is about. if we stay on the road that washington has on right now, we will lose our exceptionalism. we will lose the things that make us an exceptional and unique. this is not about who is in charge from a personnel standpoint. this is nothing personal against anyone in politics. the people who run this country in washington, d.c. are wrong. the road they have a son is a wrong road. politicians don't create jobs. jobs are created by everyday people from all walks of life who start a business or expand an existing business. the job of government is to make it easier for them to do that,
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not harder. that is not what they are doing. our government cannot continue to spend more money than it takes in. soon, we will face a day of reckoning. the world is a safer place when our country, the united states of america, is the strongest country in the world. the road that washington has also on will rob us of these things. i and where i began this speech, by telling you the choice is in florida. if you like the direction that washington is taking us, i am not your candidate. i am running for the u.s. senate because i think washington is wrong. i want to stand up to what they are offering and i want to offer in its place a clear alternative, that will leave what my children deserve to inherit. what every american before has inherited and what we will make sure the next generation of americans inherit.
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this is the single greatest society in all of human history. i need your help to get there. [applause] thank you. [laughter] a few words in spanish if you will indulge me for a moment. mojos gracias. we will skip portuguese tonight. [laughter] [speaking spanish]
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[speaking spanish] spanish]
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spanish] this in english. 70 days from today, we will be back here or maybe in a bigger room. [laughter] and god willing on that day, we will be able to announce that we have from -- won this race for the u.s. senate. [applause] let me tell you what that will mean. that will not be the fulfillment of some personal childhood dream of mine. it will not be the end of some political campaign. it will ensure at least one thing -- that if there is at
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least one voice in washington who is standing up to this agenda and saying that we once again must get back to the policy that allows the private sector to create jobs, it will be your voice from florida. if there is at least one voice in the u.s. senate that says very clearly that we cannot continue to borrow money from our children's future to fund the bad ideas of today's leaders, that boys will be from florida. if there will be at least one voice in washington that says clearly that the world as a safer and better place when america is the strongest country in the world, it will be batboys, your voice from florida. there will be at least one person in washington, d.c. to stand up to this agenda and offering in its place a clear alternative, it will be made, your voice from right here in florida. we have 70 days of work left to do. i am confident when we are back together we will claim victory once again. thank you. [applause] thank you.
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♪ {i've got a feeling] guest: the democratic challenger in florida senate race has -- was described it -- was decided to night. he spoke with supporters at his headquarters in hollywood, fla.. courtesy of wkmg tv in florida, this is 15 minutes. bac[applause] >> thank you so very much.
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hello, florida. [applause] [chanting] >> all right, all right. first of all, i just want to thank god for this victory. [applause] i am truly humbled by the people of goodwill in this great state
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of florida. i want to thank all of florida for believing not only in my candidacy, but putting me on the ballot by signature the first time in the history of this state. [applause] i want to thank everyone that works every day. i want to thank the school bus drivers that i greeted this morning at 4: 30 at [applause] that know what it means to live by paycheck to paycheck. i want to thank them first. i want to thank our seniors to went out and voted and cast their ballots early this morning, 7:00 at, looking for representation. i want to thank all of those individuals, first-time voters
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who voted for the first time in this primary. [applause] i want to thank president obama [applause] for helping me with his victory. i want to thank president clinton for coming down here [applause] bill nelson who will be our next governor of the state of florida. [applause] to the campaign, to all the volunteers, to all the people that kept believing, for all the people who when the times got rough in this campaign, there are those who counted us out but you counted us in. i want to thank florida for doing that.
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[applause] i want to thank my family, my wife, leslie. [applause] my daughter, lauren, my son kendrick and my mother, u.s. congresswoman carrie miller. [applause] ladies and gentleman, our friends that are a part of organized labour throughout this state worked very, very [applause] ] i want to thank them. i want to be short tonight because we have so much work to do. there are so many floridians who are counting on a real leader to be the next united states
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senator and tonight floridians spoke. [applause] i have always said that i was the david in this race. if we just kept the faith and kept marching on and kept knocking on doors and kept making phone calls and we kept putting out yard signs and put bumper stickers on the back of the cars and kept listening and if we just kept listening, we would be victorious on this night. i want to thank every four already and that passed the ballot in this primary election to make me the democratic and the next senator of the state of florida. [applause] i made the case. i am the real democrat in this race. [applause] i also made the case that i have the will and the desire and the energy to pull a double shift to get florida back to work and make sure that people have health care and make sure we
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protect our environment. [applause] now ladies and gentlemen, i am sorry to keep you waiting here for a little while because i had to talk to maurice barre. he called and wish us well as we continued to move on. i had an opportunity to speak with jeff greene. he gave us our blessing and he looked forward to campaigning with [applause] i want to thank him for that phone call. one thing that we have to keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, this election is not about those that are running for office. this is about the people of this state and we have to continue to keep that focus on people who are in a rural and urban florida. all the way from north west to south florida will be represented all the way down to
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the southernmost point in key west. i am here and i am prepared to work for every vote in the state of florida. whether it be democrat, republican, or independent because i need -- i know what it means to punch in and punch out every day. [applause] i think if we learned anything in this campaign, that the people of this state had the opportunity to see the mugginess of politics. let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, when you are dealing with a muddy mess of life, you can count on me. i will not bail out i knew. i will not leave you behind. i will not start changing on you. you need me. because the people of the state of florida are with me tonight, through $26 million or more being spent, we made history. [applause]
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the state of florida was not for sale and will not be for sale and we will stand up and continue to deliver. [applause] about the business p. [chanting] thank you. thank you. thank you. i want to mention a few things per that wanted to leave here and i wanted to know what we stand for. this election will be about where the candidates stand i am running against two conservative candidates for the united states senate that have similar records. i think it is very important
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that everyone here in this room know that by electing me to be your next united states senator, i will be the only candidate in this race that was against offshore oil drilling before and after the oil spill and make sure that we protect the florida environment. i will be only candidate, the only democratic candidate, that is always consistently been against the privatization of social security and voted against it in the u.s. congress. [applause] i will be the only candidate, ladies and gentlemen, that stood in their with the justice sotomayor when she was up for her nomination and i stood up and said she was the right selection and she would make an outstanding supreme court justice. [applause] i am the only candidate and will be the only candidate that will stand up for a woman's right to choose on what happens [applause]
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in her] i will be the only candidate, ladies and gentleman, who fought legislative and will continue to work for comprehensive health care for every american [applause] and everything already apparent -- and every authority and. [applause] i will be the only candidate who is willing to pull back on the top 1% of the bush tax cuts and get more tax cuts for the middle class and small businesses. [applause] when you make me your next united states senator, i will stand up to make sure that you continue to see what you are seeing now, our men and women coming back onto their families from iraq and afghanistan. that is important to military families that we reunite them and continue to hunt for those who have harmed our country [applause] i think it is also important to know that anything that came out
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of this primary showed that this campaign has the strength, the integrity, the well, and the desire to win against the [applause] odi may not be alive before november 2, but when november 2 gets here, i will still be comfortable playing david to. we know when the polls close in this great state of florida on november 2, i will be the next senator from this state. [applause] thank you. [chanting] i want you to know that my
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campaign is based on the struggle of floridians. my campaign is based on making sure that children have someone who will fight for them. [applause] i think what would help the release make a decision in this election is the fact that i had a real florida story. i grew up here in florida. my mother was born in florida and my children were born here in florida. i grew up in the public-school system. i was diagnosed with dyslexia in the third grade. i kept piling on. that is where i come from. i attended florida university.
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i became a state trooper. i changed car tires in this state. i did the things i had to do to understand the needs of people i served as a skycap and at the airport. i was a service worker in this state but i went on to serve this state in the state legislature and congress. some call it career politician, i call a public service. i think it means something. [applause] fla., florida, as we march on, as we continue to knock on doors, as we continue to listen, as we continue to count all 57 counties, we will win in november, and when you leave here tonight, i want to know
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that hope marches on, believe it is not just a slogan and the dream and doors. thank you so very much, florida. god bless you. i love you. i look forward to being in your next united states senator. god bless america. [applause] >> we now go to the grand canyon state where the former arizona congressman conceded to incumbent senator john mccain in the republican primary. he spoke with supporters in scottsdale for about 10 minutes. [applause] >> first of all, you should know how appreciative eye and
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for all of your hard work and all of your prayers and yes, even your votes today. [applause] i just got off the phone with my dad and he offered his congratulations. i said, excuse me? he said yes, you are a one-man economic stimulstimulus package for arizona. [applause] this is a great thing about being a republican candidate who believes in pro-growth economic policies. even when you finish second, you can prompt all sorts of economic activity in your home state and that is what we have done here. [applause]
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in all sincerity, as we look around this room, as thousands more join us via television across the state and the country, we want to thank all of those, not only you gathered here in this room but so many from so many different parts of this state and some money different parts of this country. i would be remiss if i did not thank those who joined me on stage, the lovely miss mary by my side. [applause] and our children. [applause] as you know, god does not grant us a choice of parents. these kids have grown up around these endeavors. my bride has been with me
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through these years in public life. the thing i would like to stress to you this evening is that we may not like the results, we may have wished for something to turn out a bit differently and that could be an understatement. but, we abide by the results, we understand the results, and we believe not only for all of us but for others who may be enjoying these numbers under different circumstances, elections are clarifying moment. now the people of arizona, conservatives and republicans, apparently believe that our senior senator will move to secure the border. have to moveand we forward. the time for direction in a campaign is be on. us it is time for others to move of forward with their visions of the future based on what the
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voters have told us tonight. i am offering this to you with all sincerity and without sarcasm or any sense of direction nor delusion -- we need to understand the results. the fact is, our fellow arizonans believe the incumbent will be a better custodian of their goals and desires and we are earnestly hope that will be the case. as we look around, we recognize that our campaign comes to an end, but a fight for constitutional principles and conservative values never ends. [applause] and for many who gathered here tonight, amidst the disappointment, there will be a realization that perhaps your
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involvement can extend beyond volunteering. perhaps it is time for you to step forward weather for school board or city council or yes, perhaps, for the united states senate. you, too, have an opportunity to serve. we thank you so very much for your willingness to be a part of this effort despite the odds, despite $25 million of spending, there is a story about a member of congress down in texas. he got a call from a gentle man, a well-to-do gentleman in his district who wanted him to know
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that he will spend $6 million to take him out. bye old boy responded saying he will cut that in half and quit 4 $3 million. [laughter] we laugh of myth of the discipline is because this is a conclusion of the campaign. as i said earlier, because indoors. it is a cause and it is a fight worth having. we will move forward [applause] we will move forward just as our nation will move forward united in the belief that despite the challenges we face, america's days, america's best days still lay ahead of her.
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[applause] almost 2000 years ago, there was a remarkable man who had a life changing experience and given his unique role as a tentmaker and his insistence on his roman citizenship, he spread a belief that has transcended the world and transformed many lives and it to fellow believers he wrote these words," we are hard pressed on every side yet not crushed. we are perplexed but not in despair. persecuted but now. forsaken stretch down -- struck down but not destroyed.
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let a second place finish tonight prompt you to rededicate yourself to your first, best efforts for our great republic. again, thank you for all you have done. thank you for what you do in the future. god bless you and ggod bless the united states of america. [applause] >> and finally, in arizona, republican senator john mccain defeated the former congressman in the primary race. after he was declared the winner, senator mccain spoke with supporters in phoenix for about 10 minutes. ♪ >> i am very grateful for the
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honor. it is a distinct honor for being our party's for reelection to the united states senate [applause] thank you. i think cindy and three of our children who are here. i would like to thank them for their [applause] less dedication and support. the navy one is not here. we won an important victory tonight of which i am truly thankful. i promise you, republicans and independents and who voted for me and the arizonans who did not, i will do my best to prove worthy of the honor. i have never and will never take your support for granted or feel
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i am entitled to your trust without earning it. it is your trust and not the honor i hold that is the great ambition and privilege of my life. i have often said that i consider myself one of the most fortunate people in the world. everyone's life has ups and downs but i have had the honor to serve our country in good times and bad since i first swore an oath to defend her as a 17-year-old ms. shipman at the naval academy. [applause] i know of no higher honor than that. i thank you and all arizonans with all my heart for allowing me the privilege to represent in congress our beautiful state and the interest, right, and the dreams of the people who are blessed to call at home.
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as you know, this was a tough and hard-fought primary. my opponents and their families and supporters deserve credit for having the courage to enter the arena and give so much of themselves to the candidate they believed in. i wished them well in the future [applause] as gratified as i am for the raid -- support i received, this selection is not over. we have more than two more months of hard campaigning ahead of us and i am sure we will face a spirited challenge from the democratic party's. .i promis nominee. i will continue the policies and principles that i will defend if
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i'm fortunate enough to be reelected. [applause] this will be a costa county election. no one should have any doubt about that. no one is satisfied with the current condition of our country. i know arizonans like americans elsewhere are rightly concerned with the direction we seem to be heading in. staggering unemployment, a devastated housing market that shows little signs of improvement, a river of red ink that threatens your prosperity and the prosperity of future generations of americans who will struggle to pay the cost of mistakes made before they were born and a government that does not seem to realize the trouble we are in and do what is necessary to confronted forthrightly and fix it effectively. i am convinced that republicans
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will win in november and we will regain our majority in both the senate [applause] and we will win house seats in arizona. we will lead in arizona. [applause] when we do, we will stop the out of control spending and tax increases and repealed and replacedca obamaracare. [applause] we will keep families in their homes. we will create new jobs and allow our businesses to grow without washington interference. we will secure our borders,
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defend our nation, and bring our troops home from afghanistan with honor and victory. [applause] we must always act only on your behalf. we must share your concerns and understand your frustrations. we must help bury your burdens, fiber fights, defend your right, and support your dreams. i will fight to do the one thing that every american generation has done, to leave a better country to their children than the one they had perry we cannot continue on the course we have been on very we cannot continue to ransom york futures, steal from your children for the sake of growing government beyond the size it is necessary or wise or wanted. you should be trusted to make the right choices for your
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families with your own money. , your own industry, your own dreams. there are only things that government can do and we must do them better at less cost to you. we must trust and the freedom of americans to do those things for themselves that no government could ever do better and they can. we must trust in the principles of free people and free markets to recover the strength and innovation of our economy. we must make it easier, not harder, for small businesses to help our economy grow. we have never confronted a problem we could not overcome and we never will pare [applause] if i am privileged to win the election, i will continue to work night and day to help arizonans and all americans to overcome our present difficulties and succeed as we
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always have in building a better country. i promise you i will act always and only in what i believe to be the best interests of the state of arizona and the country i love. i will always be indebted to you for the privilege of serving you. thank you again for your support and encouragement. we have had a good night. now let's go back to work, fight as hard as we can through november and get our country back to building a future as great and honorable as our storied past. thank you and god blessed [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> you are watching c-span, created as a public service by america's cable companies. up next, "washington journal," and after that at 10:00, the national commission on the bp deepwater horizon oil spill continues its investigation with a look at government oversight on offshore oil drilling. coming up shortly, we will look at the economy and home sales. the president of the american federation of teachers


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