tv C-SPAN Weekend CSPAN August 28, 2010 10:00am-2:00pm EDT
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to glen beck and others argued had views that were significantly out of the mainstream. a number of those people have resigned or left the administration. apparently, the views were not only those of glen beck, there were apparently the views of someone within the obama administration. be that as it may, we will have to agree to disagree on that wind. i would again urge you as i have urged others who are concerned about the rally today to hold your criticism and let's see what is said at the lincoln memorial today. i would be very surprised based on what i heard last night of the kennedy center and what i just heard at the breakfast, i would be stunned if there were things that were set the lincoln memorial today with which you disagree about the need to restore our country to the principles upon which it was founded of faith, hope, and charity and caring for the least and lost among us. host: we are about to start live coverage of the event but let's
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squeeze in one call, you have about 30 seconds. hi, c-span. if aita is one to say it as a disabled -- i just want to say, as a disabled veteran, i would love to be there today. god bless everybody that is there today. i hope that our african- american brothers will join together and say that we love them and stop this page. host: your final thoughts? guest: i could not have said it better than the last caller. i'm glad i live in a country where people can protest and
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counter protest and counter protest the counter protest. i think that is part of what makes america great. again, having in direct with a lot of the folks since i got here yesterday, this is what is great about america. it is not a left-right thing, a republican-democrat thing, liberal or conservative. at various times in various places in our history, people go to the streets and sidewalks the state capitals to make their voices heard. good. i may fellow veteran. my father-in-law served two tours of duty in vietnam. i do not take lightly the
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sacrifice of the people who served and bled and died so that i can be out on the small to say what i want to say. host: we thank you. if we go to live coverage of the glen back on our rally. -- kurmanbeglen beck honor rall. >> to the south, thomas jefferson, a bold circle of columns, in monument to our liberty. it comes from a letter from jefferson to washington.
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he road, "god who gave us life, gave us liberty." then the abraham lincoln, he rests on the feet of dignity, the throne of authority, faith of equality, solemn, dignified, resolved. of his majestic phrase reads " with malice toward none, the charity towards all." because they are forever enshrined as a monument, we might forget, too, that they were simple men.
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before that, they were young men, unsure of their future. look to the world beyond the monuments. where are the heroes today? where are the washington, the jeffersons, the lincoln's of this generation? today, america finds itself at a crossroads of faith, hope, and .harity, th we simply must remember who we work, who we have been, and we can be, not what we have allowed ourselves to become. america is the land of opportunity, a place where dreams and imagination is brought to life. americans were the first in- flight. americans built buildings as high as the clouds.
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we first built skyscrapers here. it was an american who first made the giant leap for manahan. -- for mind kind. -- for mankind. where is the next george washington? where is the next thomas jefferson? they are here. they are standing among us. they are our children. unless we know our past, unless we teach our children the examples of excellent, unless we jalon ourselves to be better than what we currently are, -- challenge ourselves to be better than what we currently are, we will not grow to that moment. the greatest generation is merely the one who steps of to the seemingly insurmountable
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challenge. this is our challenge. this is our goal. this is the american destiny, with charity toward those who struggle, fayed in may god that loves and guides us, and hope that -- faith in may god the loves and guides us, and they hope that we can restore truth in the promise of america. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please rise and join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america , and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
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in the age of high-tech devices. it brings you to a cable show at 5:00 p.m. eastern on fox news and the third to listen to radio show in all of america. he brings you the truth every day. now he brings to an effort to restore honor in america. ladies and gentlemen, glenn beck. [cheers and applause] >> hello, america. i have just gotten word from the media that there are over 1000 people here today.
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we are humbled the that you are here. we are truly humble. this truly is, "build it and they will come." [applause] the reflecting pool holds about 200,000 people. this field back here holds about 250,000 to 300,000 people. they're not only full here, but fall here and fall behind me and approaching the street toward the marshall -- the monument. [applause] something beyond imagination is happening. something that is beyond man is happening. america today begins to turn
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back to god. [cheers and applause] for too long, this country has wandered in darkness and we have wandered in darkness pinki periods from the beginning -- in darkness in periods from the beginning. this country has spent far too long worrying about scars and think the best cars and concentrating on the scars. today, we're going to concentrate on the good things in america, the things we have accomplished and of the things we can do tomorrow. [applause] the story of america is the story of humankind.
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5000 years ago on the other side of the planet, and god's chosen people were led out of bondage by a guy with a stick. [laughter] he was talking to a burning bush. [laughter] man first began to recognize god and god's law. the chosen people listen to go aboard. -- to the lord. at the same time, things were happening on this land. another group of people were gathered here and they, too, were listening to god. how these two people were brought together, again, happened because people were listening to god. they did not have the right to
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worship god the way they saw fit, so they got down on the near -- on their knees and they did not want to come to this land. they just did it because they felt that was what god was telling them to do. and with malice toward none, they got into their boats and they came. god is chosen people -- bob's chosenpeople -- god's people, the native americans, and the pilgrims. [applause] i would like to introduce you to rabbi daniel ravin. this is john anti- award, their direct descendants of the native americans -- this is john and kyla ward.
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they are direct descendants of the native americans who met the pilgrims when they arrived. and pastor paul is a direct descendent of those who arrived on the mayflower. to restore honor, we have got to start looking at the beginning and the patterns, when people came together of different faiths in the spirit of god. the first thing they did was pray together. pastor? >> lord, god, sovereign almighty, ruler of the nation's, king of kings and lord of lords, the holy one, the righteous one, you are the king of the earth. all nations belong to you.
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and you are the one, dressed in the first 106 -- 1606 charter addressing these shores. it was you address, that the gospel of jesus christ to be the focus of every settlement. it was you our forefathers note to, erecting the wooden cross on the sandy shores of virginia. it forces you that was addressed in the mayflower compact, whose first words were, "in the name of god, amen." it was to the pilgrims knelt to and blessed the god of heaven. -- it was viewed the pilgrims knelt to and blessed the god of heaven. it was you deaf governor winthrop wrote we will be a city blessed on a hill.
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-- it was you that governor winthrop wrote will be a city bus on a hill. it was for you that preachers all across the country preaching your words to prepare a people for liberty. and it was you addressed in the declaration of independence has the creator, as the author of all inalienable rights. it was you, lord god, that was declared as the one who created all equal. it was you, lord god, who called us to account when we broke the treaties with the first people. you called us to repentance. and you, oh, god, called us to repentance when we did not live up to our creed and it did not treat everyone as equal.
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but lord, we found out that you are a god of forgiveness. you are a god of covenants. if you are god gave -- you are a god of restoration and healing, and you have healed us. and you are stealing us. and we come now to the mouth -- and you are stealing us. and we come out to the mall -- and you are healing us and we come now to the mall in repentance. we come in repentance for not modeling marriage among your people. we come to you once again asking for healing, for restoration, for recovery, and for reconciliation. and we know he will do it because you are god and your son, jesus christ, is the federal redeemer, the king of kings, the lord of lords -- is
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the turmoil redeemer, the king of kings, the lord of lords. -- is the eternal redeemer, the king of kings and the lord of lords. so, we honor you and we see you as the restoring god, the king of kings. and in christ's name, and for the advance of your kingdom, we once again say, may you, oh, god, bless america. if maybe one day off be a -- may weave one day be a united nation under god. amen. [applause] >> when my son said to me about a year ago -- we were reading
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the story of david and goliath and he was sitting on my lap and i said, wow, what a hero he is. he said, no, he is not cut my dad. if my son is 5. and i said, why not? and he looked at me totally puzzled and said, because he cannot fly or wear a cape. that is when i realized we have lost too many heroes in this nation. here are some of -- heroes are those who stand and do the right thing, usually at their own peril, they will stand and do the right thing. [applause] what is it today that america truly believes in? we have very little trust. most of our institutions -- where a little trust in most of
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our institutions. but there is still one thing that is 15 points higher at the top of the list on things that america trusts, our military. [cheers and applause] our fighting men and women do the thing that most of us do not even want to think about. they do it while we are asleep. they do it while we are at play. the point is because it is their calling. we have asked them to do it. i wanted to find people of honor to be able to show you today. and i wanted to be able to raise money for an honorable group, raised money for an honorable group. the group i found was the
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special for your -- special warrior operation foundation. i would like to introduce you now to the president of the foundation, john carne. [applause] >> it is certainly humbling to be here in front of all of the patriots and great americans, people that we could not do our mission if it was not for your generosity and your caring. the special operations warrior foundation wants to thank you from the bottom our hearts and
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wants to thank lembeck for being so supportive of our families, are wounded, and our children. -- our wounded and our children. [applause] over the years, some 30 years, since we started when we have the tragic accident in the iran if we had special operations at the time to rescue 53 hostages. if we had a terrible accident in the desert and we lost five young men in the cockpit of a c- 130 and three marines in the back of a helicopter. those brave young men left behind 17 children. if today, one of them is a surgeon practicing surgery in the university of tennessee. i[applause] but the one thing i have heard time and time again over the years from the commanders of our
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special operations units, they said, the special operations warriors foundation eliminates one very important concern out is, torucksack, and that see that our children get a four-year college education, no matter where they go, room and board and expenses and tuition. [applause] today, we have 133 students throughout the country. if we have graduated 156. we have a couple with us today. they are off the payroll, thank god. and we have 571 children, college-age, that we are committed to funding their education. this really could not be done without the support of people like lembeck and it to you folks
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here today. -- like glen beck and you folks here today. [applause] in 2005, we lost a brave man, derek. he had a son and a wife that he left behind. is an derricksme mom -- is the derek's mom. let me introduce you to her. [applause] >> thank you very much. folks, this is overwhelming. i am overwhelmed. god bless all of you for coming today. to our veterans, are wounded warriors from all wars, welcome
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home -- our wounded warriors from all wars kollhoff welcome home. [cheers and applause] today, i want to talk to you about my personal family and my family sitting over here in special operations. i want to tell you a little bit about my son. if and when he was in the third grade, he came to me -- a very special avoid -- he came to me and he said, mom, i know what honor is off. and i said, honey, what is honor? he said, it is your promise. if it is your word. you must never break your promise. if [applause] in the fifth grade he came to me and he said i'm going to promise something. and i said, too? and he said, to myself purify i promise i'm going to get into a service academy and become --
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and he said, to myself. if i promise i'm going to get into a service academy in become the best leader that i can. in the sixth grade, he wrote an essay about why we should honor our flight. he explains what i am seeing happening here today. and he explains that while the stars are separated in on the fly, they all come together on the blue background in the eyes of god, never to be separated again as we were in the civil war. [applause] he got his wish. after two-long years of trying to get in, -- after two long years of trying to get in, he got into the air force academy. he threw his hands into the air and said, "i did it, mom." on that occasion he was so very
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proud of keeping his promise to himself. he decided to go into a very elite group called the combat control. this group of quiet professionals, their model is that others mighte live." very very tight family. he met the woman of his dreams, wendy, and their dreams came true when they had a little boy named logan. off when logan was eight months old on memorial day of 2005, in that morning, derek off was promoted to captain. he could have cared less if if you had told him he was general that day because he was on a mission. and on that mission with four americans and one iraqiya, his plane went down purify off when logan off -- and one iraqi, his
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plane went down. when logan was a tough old enough to understand that his father was not coming home, logan went to his bedroom to get his tory toolkit -- his toy toolkit. he wanted to fix the plane so his dad could come home. and as you heard on glenn's show, even if you are 8 months old, you never forget this. you learn to walk with it, but you never forget it. shortly after that, my husband and i were contacted by the special warriors foundation, along with wendy. my son wanted the very best education for his son. that was a wonderful call. it was a personal call. these calls continue to all of our children of all of the special ops of all ventris.
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-- all branches. i cannot say enough about them. i have attached myself like a barnacle to the bottom of their shift. they cannot get rid of me. [cheers and applause] y special ops? because they are always deployed. because our families do not always get the lead tree of talking to them or knowing where they were. i did not know where garecht was. if their names, not numbers. -- they are names, nonmember spirit -- not numbers. today, i want to ask you to listen to their stories and be very generous. today, and not just holding out my hand.
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i'm holding out my heart. please, if it is 50 cents or $25,000, please help. please come and go to their website, find out who they are and what they can do. i know now that there is no such thing as a coincidence. there's also no such thing has closure. if derek were standing here with me today, he would say that each of us is responsible for our own destiny and our own salvation. each one of us is here to fulfill a mission. please, help us fulfill our mission. in closing, i want to read you what rare -- what my son wrote when he graduated from the air force academy. to serve god and country is not a right, but a privilege. thank you for coming.
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[cheers and applause] >> there have been so many miracles today, i would like to see if we can do one more. if you have your cellphone, if you would text sowf to 85594 on your cellphone, it will make a donation automatically of $10 to the special operations warriors foundation. there are men and women who have died in our name.
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let's take care of their children and let's do it right now. sowf to 85944. this week, and have been going to mount vernon. i read the first draft written in his own hand by george washington. i went to the national cathedral, which is an incredible space. and the two little alcoves just as you come in the door of the national cathedral, there is a statue of george washington on this side and a statue of abraham lincoln on this side. what most people do not know that see those statues is that if you stand in just the right
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place at the right time of day because of the stained-glass windows, patterns star to appear on the chests of these men. and just at the right time of day, both men start to glow red. the reason they " read it is because the designer new -- the reason that they glow red is that the designer new. high above is a stained glass of martha and mary, their wives. and in the rights and light, it makes their chest glow red. the secret of being able to havinghe test of yudotime is
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god and a good spouse. family is the secret. [applause] when i knew we wanted to honor our military, i knew we did not want to have a military person -- i did not want to have a member of congress running for something. i wanted to have a data for a mom -- a dada or a mom. that is why i picked up the mom and shealled a bom speaking to you today. ladies and gentleman, sarah palin. [cheers and applause] ♪
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>> thank you so much. are you not so proud to be an american? [cheers] what an honor. we stand today at the symbolic crossroads of our nation's history. and all around us are monuments to those who have sustained us over the years in word or deed. there stands a monument to the father of our country, and behind me, the towering presence of the great demand to pater. he secured our union at the moment -- the great demands of
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emancipator. he secured our union at the moment that our nation was at its greatest shame. and we stand here in memory of dr. martin luther king jr. [applause] he come on this very day, to score and seven years ago, -- two score and seven years ago, gave voice to the sacred charter of liberty, that all men are created equal. in honoring them, we must not forget the ordinary men and women on whose shoulders they stood. the ordinary, called for
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extraordinary bravery. i am speaking of america's finest, our men and women in uniform, who worked for good in this country and that is nothing to apologize for. [cheers and applause] abraham lincoln once spoke of the mystic chords of memory stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone across this broad land. and over the years, those misericords have found us in gratitude to those willing to sacrifice to restrain evil, to protect liberty and to fight for our country. they fought for its freedom at bunker hill. they fought for its survival of at gettysburg. and when the ideal stands,
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liberty and justice for all, on a thousand battlefield's far from home. it is humbling to get to be here with you today, patriots. view, who are motivated and engaged and concerned, -- u., who are motivated engaged and concerned, knowing never retreat. [applause] i must assume that you, too, know that we cannot fundamentally transform america into what we want. we must restore america and restore honor. [cheers and applause] i have been asked to speak today not as a politician, no,
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something much more. i have been asked to speak as the mother of a soldier. and i am proud of that distinction. [applause] say what you want to say about me, but i raised a combat veteran, and you cannot take that away from me. [applause] i am proud of that distinction, but it is not one that i had imagined because no woman gives birth thinking that she will hand over her child to her country, but that is what mothers have done from ancient days. in cities and towns across our country, you will find monuments to brave americans wearing give uniform of wars long ago -- wearing the uniform of wars long ago. and if you look down at the inscription, you will see that they were so often dedicated by
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mothers. today, we honor those in distant lands -- distant lands across the globe. some never came home, but showed their dedication to their country by where there -- where they died. the we honor them -- we honor them. they made the ultimate sacrifice. as well as those that serve and did come on forever changed by the battlefield. -- did come home forever changed by the battlefield. [applause] though this rally is about restoring honor for these men and women, honor was never lost. if you look for the virtue that has sustained our country, you will find it in those who f. uniform, who take the oath, who paid the price -- who have the uniform, to take the oath, and
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pay the price for our freedom. and i would like to draw your attention to those that are with us today. the first is a man named marcus can travel. his story is one of overwhelming odds and also is story of forica's enduring quest justice. we went to afghanistan looking for justice for those who reahad not shown mercy. and marcus and others confronted an issue of mercy in a mission that would forever change their lives. they were faced with a terrible dilemma when some men herding
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goats to stumble upon their position and they could not tell if they were friend or foe. the question was, what to do with them. should they killed them? or should they let them go, possibly compromising their position? they took a vote and chose mercy over -- when taliban forces arrived on the scene, they battled the navy forces throughout the hill. a rescue co with dr. king, but it was shot down. -- a rescue helicopter came, but it was shot down. it was one of the bloodiest days for american forces in afghanistan. 19 brave and honorable men were lost that day. marcus was the sole survivor,
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alone, stranded, badly wounded. he crawled for miles along the mountainside. what happened next is a testament to the words "blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." marcus and his team has shown mercy and later, he was shown mercy by afghan villagers who showed honor and hospitality to any stranger who ask for it. they took him in and refused to hand him over to the taliban. if they got him back safely to our forces. an example of is how we adhere to our principal. this story of love and justice and mercy is what makes us a good force in this world. marcus is a testament to that. please, join me in honoring
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retired navy petty officer, marcus luttrell. if [cheers and applause] [cheers] [cheers and applause] and from the time that he first heard men marching to a cadence call, eddie had one dream in life and that was to be a united states marine. and has a marine serving in iraq, his company was ambushed in fallujah. he was knocked out when a rocket propelled grenade hit
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his humvee. when he came to, he saw that both hands were drawn and his leg was badly wounded -- both hands were gone and his leg was badly wounded. he could not fire his weapon and he could barely move, but he had his strength of mind and the men under his command. that is exactly what he did. he kept them calm and show them how to stop the bleeding in his leg and he got them out of there alive. [cheers and applause] his composure under fire that day for earned him the bronze valor.ith thdollar but if you ask him what he got a four, he will say, just for doing his job. he re-signed -- retired from the
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marine corps a few years ago, but he still lives by the model, once a marine, always a marine. and if you want to see an example of never retreating no matter the yachts, a look ahead eddie's story. amerks -- no matter the odds, look eddy's story. you just keep putting 1 foot in front of the other and focus on what you can. please, join me in honoring retired marine sergeant, and james eddie wright. [cheers and applause]
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[applause] and next, tom kirk, an air force squadron commander and pilot that have flown over 150 commissions -- missions in korea and vietnam. one day over hanoi, his plane was shot down. he spent the next five and a half years in a living hell known as the hanoi hilton. he endured the beating, torture, hunger, years of isolation. he described it as saying, there was nothing to do, nothing to
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read, nothing to write. you had to just sit there in absolute boredom, loneliness, frustration, and fear. if you had to live one day at a time because you had no idea how long you were going to be there. after two years of solitary confinement, pacing back and forth in his cell, 3 and that steps across, three half steps and deep, thomas finally move to a larger holding cell with 45 other americans. among these prisoners was a man .amed john mccain purifie [applause] in circumstances that defied description, this band of brothers kept themselves alive and one by one, they came home. tom was released on march 14, 1973. you might think that a man who
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led suffered so much for his country would be bitter and broken by it, but tom was only filled with love, love for a country -- with a special love that we call patriotism. [applause] tom road, "patriotism has become, for many, a corny thing. before me, it is more important now than any other time in my life. how lovely it is to be an american coming home." france, please join me in honoring colonel tom kirk. [cheers and applause]
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and they endured, and their stories are america's stories. come true.ways if we will never give up and we shall endure because we live by that -- we will never give up and we shall adore because we live by that thing called for a spirit in provincial hands tied to our future. -- that thing called grace. and we live by that hand of providential future. mavis today be the changing point. -- may this day be the changing point. look around you. if you are not alone. if you are americans. -- you are not alone. if you are americans. [cheers and applause] you have the same minds as
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washington and lincoln and martin luther king. it will sustain you as it sustained them. with pride and gratitude to the men and women in uniform, let's stand together and to restore america. if god bless you and god bless america. -- god bless you and god bless america. [cheers and applause] >> it is no longer enough in our country just to look at these great heroes. they cannot be the only ones who do the tough things.
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we, as individuals, if we want our country to survive, we must begin to look at our own selves. we must be individuals of faith, and individuals of hope, and individuals of charity. when i first put this together in my head, i thought it was supposed to be political. and i had to announce it -- for some reason, i went down to florida. i just felt i had to look people in the eye and tell them what we were doing. 25,000 people showed up and i looked them in the eye. if i immediately broke out in a cold sweat and when i goff off -- immediately i forgot into a cold sweat and when i got off, i was surrounded. i pulled them in close and i said, i do not know how, but we are wrong.
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he pushed me back and said, what? i knew we were supposed to come here, so i went back to the drawing board. over the holidays if i focused on faith, hope and charity. those three icons, and brought them back to the television studio and i said, this is our direction next year. and it looked at me and said, what? and i said, i cannot explain it, but this is where we are going. it was about four months ago that we were still kind of loss. and we did not know what we were going to do when we got here. i was down on my knees in the office and i said, lord, i think i'm one of your dahmer children. -- dumber children.
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speak slowly. and the answer was, you have all of the pieces. put them together. the faith, hope, and charity, and looking for each of those things inside of us. dals for ourty of metal heroes. they do things we do not want to do. but when i found the original story of the purple heart, the badger of merit -- the bad of merit, our troops to things for us, in our name and we give them the badge of marriage. but the original intent of the purple heart from george washington -- it was called the badge of marriage. it was the first merit badge and
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it was given to a soldier that had done something of honor. because george washington knew that to defeat the most powerful navy and army on earth, he had to have farmers and shopkeepers of honor and marriage. there were three given out that we know of. they were lost until 1933 when they were rediscovered. fdr took those and designed the metal are rounded to two before being wounded in action. i would like to homily ask that maybe as civilians we go back to that original intent and as civilians we look for merit in one another proof we begin to look for honor. of people have done the tough
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things and stood the test of time. -- people have done the tough things answer the test of time. today, we will award three medals to civilians who have done the right thing throughout their life and touched the lives of other people, so our children can see regular people making tough decisions. and living their life the right way. in doing so, we restore honor to america, and we restore our heroes. our children need people to look up to. those people are not giants like that. they are everywhere. they are us. today, we begin.
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faith, hope and charity. our first medal is for faith. ♪ >> fayed, it is a knowing and believing in something when all the circumstances -- faith, it is a knowing and believing in something when all the circumstances say otherwise. if 1775, in the greatest act of faith in our nation's history, an upstart group of british colonists without a real army sought their freedom by declaring war on the greatest military power in the world. to wear their seemingly was no faith.there was fifth a young minister had the faith
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to dream of another day. dr. martin luther king's giant- like faith gave him the assurance that all the pain kamal the sacrifice that would lead to -- all of the pain, the sacrifice that with the two and out come that he worked for. as tomorrow is always a new day. our faith has driven us to become the greatest people the
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world has ever known. now, it seems as darkness begins to grow again, that faith is in short supply. to restore america, we must restore our selves. we must rediscover the values and principles that the founders established. we must restore the faith that once guided us. can we still reach for answers? can we still find solutions not yet revealed? can we, you and me, find that faith? ♪ [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, here to present the badge of merit for faith a chief tribesman from
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oklahoma. [applause] >> it is an honor to stand here before you and see so many people. i believe you are in a position of honor as well. there should be honored in coming to an event such as this. quickly, before i introduce and tell you about a great man, i would like to give you just a brief quick read of what honor needs -- honor means to native american people. the word honor is a word that is likened to a precious stone. it is a sweet fragrance, a sweet wind that blows. it flows from the north to the south.
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honor is a warrior that is able and capable of keeping their word, keeping his or her promise. there is a word are people sang on the trail of tears which is to always go forward and never go back. we shall never look back at the past. from this day on, we should be looking forward to the great things, the great awakening, a great revival that we pray for. [applause] it is an honor for native americans to introduce one of our great black leaders, a covenant warrior of god, a peacemaker, one who is able to keep peace and not start wars.
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i would say this to americans. it means you are like a river that gives me life. without you i cannot exist. after jackson -- pastor jackson has been the pastor in houston for 45 years. he and his wife betty have kept the covenant. pastor jackson has been in ministries for 50 years, a leader of traditional family values. he was appointed by gov. rick perry to the texas department of criminal justice. he went to the morehouse college and appointed to the hall of
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creatures for the several books he has written, over 18 books. he is one of the first creatures to have a weekly television program. he is a down-to-earth minister that speaks the truth with honesty. he has over 19,000 churches in the houston area. when martin luther king came to a washington to give his "i had a dream" speech, he said to my right listening to this great man. listen to a great man of honor. black, white, red, yellow, whatever color to come to know
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god to know unity. when we work together in unity, we can move as a unit. we will be in union. that is a covenant. many times we have misunderstandings of covenant. we have to be covenant warriors in christ. [applause] i stand here before you, i may fourth generation pastor. -- i am a fourth generation pastor. my brother fought in vietnam. i am proud of the military. [applause]
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i'm part that we can say america, you are like a river that gives us life. without you we cannot exist. that is the reason we are here to honor such a man has pastor jackson, a great brother in christ. i have a dream also. that all men, black, white, yellow, whenever caller that the red man, the native american people, will come to give honor, to come out of the woods and reservations, over 365 tribes, to come out of the reservations and come to give honor to god where honor is due. that is my dream. [applause]
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[applause] >> to this most magnificent audience, that god brought us here through this great young servant of god, son of god, glenn beck. [applause] not only him but all of the new -- all of you, some 48 years ago, writer here beyond the fence, i stood as a young man who was led here by god and martin luther king. i stood right over there.
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[applause] my first hit -- my first trip here to washington and on a bus to go through mississippi. they promised us they would blow the bus up. dr. martin luther king preached, "i have a dream." [applause] let me say this. then i will get out of your hair. god sent his son to the earth so that we could all gather. that is the dream and the vision of glenn beck.
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you will have to wonder what was the audience participation, what will they give back? i saw glenn beck's is alive tears. -- eyes full of tears. what would jesus, if he stood here right now, what would be expected of this great audience? where you stand, you will see there were three women in the ministry of jesus christ. there were many men and many churches but there were three classical women who stood out in his ministry just like you stand out in the ministry of dr. glenn
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beck. one of those women came and said she gave all she had which was two mice. we call them the widow mice. she gave them as a gift when jesus gave the offering. she gave all and she had. it was so powerful until jesus stock to the offering and said, "this woman will be remembered because her name is written down in the book of life." you did not come for nothing. you came to give your gift which would be a gift of yourself.
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this woman gave the best she had which was a box of alignment. she anointed jesus's feet. can you imagine? this women did not anoint his hands but what? his feet. she took her hair and wide -- wiped his feet clean. what a great gift. jesus said, "this shall be remembered," because she gave him the resurrection before he even died. you can do the same. you can pray, give the best you have for a young man named glenn
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beck. [applause] thirdly, as i close, there was another great woman just like year. -- just like you. she was not jewish. she was great. she was a gentile. -- she was greek. she was not supposed to be in the crowd. she followed jesus on behalf of her daughter who had an unclean spirit. they did not have any money. christ, saidsus it he had not seen the kind of faith in her as he had seen in the israelites.
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even the disciples told her she was not included. she spoke to jesus in a bidding voice. he ignored her and would not say a word. when jesus spoke, he said, "should i take the bread of the table of the children and give it to a dog"? she did not get upset. she did not panic. she said, "you are right, but even the dog is beautiful." is anyone here living on the cross? people come from iraq, afghanistan on different legs.
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they can give all they have. feed the dog underneath the table. i want to thank glenn beck to give a man who does not deserve to be here, who quit school in the 10th grade. and i did not stop. i have a bachelor degree, a ph.d., and a doctorate of law because god would not let me stop. he fed me underneath the table. [applause] he told me how god blessed him so and how he wanted to see all of the children. he said he went to a town and
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took a company that had been bankrupt. he took the company and gave 300 some people giving them a job, beating a person with a dog's appetite. thank you for letting me come. thank you for this reward. i do not deserve this honor. i am honored to my dying day. thank you. thank you. thank you. [applause] >> hope, the parent of both bait and charity -- faith and
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charity. it gives lights to a difficult place. without hope, the light shining through the bleakest of times, we die. hope is our eternal flame. for hope to be real, it must be bathed in truth and daughter. without it, hope is nothing more than an empty wish. our history is full of brilliant men and women whose integrity and courage gave birth to this glorious republic, men whose actions radiated hopes to run this entire land of ours. where have they gone? what happened to truth? what happened to honor? what happened to the individuals who do the right thing, the hard thing even when no one is watching?
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we need leaders to give our children something to hope for, to help in. we must restore, not transform, those values, those principles, the freedom to defines who we are, who we have always been -- america, the beautiful, the land of the flurry of, the home -- the land of the free, the home of the brave. the shining beacon, the city on the hill for the whole world to see. that is our truth, that is our hope. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, here to present the badge of merit or hope, tony la russa.
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>> good morning. [applause] wow. what a view. before i get to the award, i want to thank the line and his team for a few things. -- i want to thank glenn and his team. his organization, the special warriors foundation. i did not know about them until recently. it is an incredible organization. i am pleased to get to know them and will forever support them as you all are doing. thank you. i also want to thank glenn and his team for this contest. it is invigorating to hear what has been done so far. my responsibility is to introduce this year's hope award recipient. what does the hope award
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represent? the essence is a commitment to honesty, integrity, and truth and trust. they exemplify this through their personal and professional lives. success is hard earned. an award winner will have confronted challenges, adversity, failure, refused to give in, and determined to influence the outcome the matter what he or she faces. these of the qualities we often defined as a hero. in reality, i think most of us will agree that real-life heroes are hard to find. in fact, to many, and especially the young people, our heroes are a product of movies, television, and fiction books.
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we do have a real life heroes. one of them is our hope award winner, albert pujols. [applause] his best known for his baseball career. he is just finishing his 10th year in the major leagues. over the 120 years in major- league baseball, his first 10 years are historic. this is not the place that is appropriate to list what he has done professionally, impressive as it is. in fact, our sport, we have our own awards to recognize excellence and albert has received some of them. his baseball exploits are not the reason he is the hope award recipient.
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what separates albert is his total commitment to his life in and out of baseball. his commitment to his family, his wife, his children, his commitment to faith, and also his tireless in and out of season commitment to his community. if you are in the st. louis area, you will see albert on days off, evenings of the route the very tough six month season tirelessly being involved with causes especially their ownpujols family foundation. in a time when you look for a real-life hero, in the opening comments that were recorded, they said there was a search for example or examples of
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me the opportunity to be here and share with you guys not just the baseball, like tony said, but the things we do off the field with a lot of people do not get to see. i just want to thank god for giving me the platform as a baseball player. [applause] i believe it is more than a platform. i believe is more than being a baseball player. my job as a believer is to share the gospel of jesus christ. [applause] obviously there are so many people i need to think for this award or shared the award with. one of them is here today, my wife deidre. she is standing back there. also, my family.
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people back in st. louis who run my family foundation. they work so hard. thank you. they work so hard to make our foundation the best and i think them for that. -- thank them for that. our job with the foundation is to be involved in kids with down syndrome and adults with down syndrome as well as going back to the dominican republic with a mission trip to give back. we cannot forget where we come from. [applause] as long as i am alive, i will continue to do the best that i can to represent jesus christ because 12 years ago i made the best decision of my life and
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that was following jesus christ. thank you so much and god bless you. [applause] >> give me your tired, your poor, your masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse from your teeming shore. send these, the homeless from the tempest tossed to me. i lift my lamp beside the golden door. these are the words forever etched on the tablet of america's most iconic symbol, the statue of liberty. freedom, an opportunity, offered with no expectation of anything in return. that is charity. that is america. that is america's charity. charity is loved.
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it is selfless, pure, and an integral part of the foundation that our nation is built on. our founding fathers sought life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as a natural right , an invasion where each country will be mindful of one another. the proof is boldly written in the declaration of independence. all men are created equal. they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. almost everyone needs a hand at some point or another. we all have or we all will. throughout our history, we, the people, have reached out to meet the needs that we saw around us now because someone told us to but because it was the right thing to do. america's charity, our compassion for others has always been the backbone of our country. there was a time when families took care of their own.
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neighbors helped neighbors and churches were there for those who have nowhere else to turn. benjamin franklin said, "mankind are all of a family." today, the true meaning of charity has been lost. charity is not forced, fake, or declared it tax deductible. it is not about getting recognized with a name on a plaque. charity is about opening your heart to another human being in his or her time of need. without charity, true charity there is nothing. our responsibility is no less than that of the men and women who were called upon to risk their lives to defend freedom and security of our country. charity, real charity, and powers, off cliffs -- uplifts, and sets man free. [applause]
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>> here to present the award, the badge of merit for charity, retired from the supreme court, justice raul gonzales. [applause] >> thank you. the honoree for the badge of rare for charity is from salt lake city, utah. our honor read was born in blackfoot, idaho. his father was a schoolteacher. his mother was a homemaker. his family moved to california at a young age. our honor read -- honoree was elected as a student body president in his eyes go. he received a scholarship to the
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university of pennsylvania's school of finance were he received the top rate in his graduating class. he later went on to get his mba at the university of southern california. he married keiran in june 1959. in july the following month, he left to serve two years in the u.s. navy. [applause] our honoree has been married for 50 years. [applause] he and his lovely bride, karen, they are the parents of nine children and they had 56
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grandchildren. [applause] he is active in his church. he had a very creative mind in industry. he rose through the ranks in his profession. after using his creative mind for others, he formed his own company and among other things he created the containers used in the fast-food industry. both of his parents died of cancer. he himself is a cancer survivor. [applause] he has dedicated his energy and
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his wealth in funding the premier research institute for cancer, the hunts and cancer institute and has given millions of dollars in his own money for research. [applause] his generous heart has given money to shelters for battered women, shelters for the homeless, and has given millions of dollars to different universities. his generous heart has extended to schoolteachers. annually, he gives 10 excellence in education the words to you
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taught teachers of $10,000 each. [laughter] -- [applause] he has been recognized as one of the handful as the most generous philanthropist in this country. he is also an author and wrote the book, "winners never cheat." he truly exemplifies faith, hope, and charity. and has decided to give up nearly all of his wealth, over $2 billion, to charity. [applause]
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in the name of our lord and savior, jesus christ. [applause] as you can tell, i am not mr. huntsman. i am pleased to be here representing him and receiving glenn beck's award for charity. i know no more charitable individuals mr. huntsman. there is something that precludes him being here personally. he has a granddaughter getting married. [applause] expresses his humility upon receiving this great honor. i will quote him exactly. "glenn beck is one of america's most trusted and honored citizens."
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" i am grateful to him for presenting to me, through emma houston, the award for charity. many people are far more deserving. it is easy to me or arent -- to understand why he was selected for the award. his charity and generosity are known throughout the world. yes, he is a successful and wealthy industrialist, but most importantly he has given virtually all. he has given all of his money to a wonderful charity of causes. [applause] he began as a young boy helping those less fortunate when he lived in a small two room house without plumbing. he has put thousands of young
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and -- young men and women through university. he has established homes for the homeless and needy. he has helped build one of the largest centers in the country for abused women and children. i know this has already been stated but it is worth repeating. his list of charities is endless. there is one in particular that is very meaningful. mr. huntsman donated hundreds of billions of dollars to build the world-famous creutzmann cancer institute and hospital in salt lake city utah -- huntsman cancer institute. [applause] it serves patients from the united states and many foreign countries. i'm fortunate and blessed, i want to emphasize a blast -- blessed, to be here today,
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because i was treated for stage three cancer at the huntsman institute. [applause] one in two men and one in three women will have cancer in their lifetime. every family will be affected by this deadly disease. mr. huntsman's goal is to help eradicate cancer for the faith of the earth. [applause] when glenn beck and john huntsman first met several years ago, mr. huntsman said, "glenn, my goal is to die broke.
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everything i have erred in my lifetime will be donated for the upliftment and benefit of mankind." [applause] may i just conclude with his favorite expression of love. "no man is an island. no man stand alone. each man's joya is joy to me. each man's grief is my own. we need one another. i will defend each brother, each man as my brother, each man has my friend." to you, my sisters and brothers, for such a time as this, this is the day that the lord has made. we shall rejoice.
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[applause] this is the day that the lord has made. we shall rejoice. we shall rejoice. we shall rejoice. we shall rejoice. we shall rejoice in this day that the lord has made. on behalf of mr. john huntsman, i will carefully deliver this to him and his family and graciously thinking on his behalf. [applause] >> 47 years ago, on these various steps, dr. martin luther king had a dream. his dream seems a simple one -- justice, freedom, and the promise that all men are created
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equal, the promise that is america for all of her citizens. that day, 200,000 people, black and white, young and old, gathered across the national wall to hear his words. many had run out of faith. many had struggled just to survive. more had lost hope. he knew that this was the day to inspire change. this was the day the american people would rise above politics, rise above the hate, and rise to the occasion. martin luther king was born into a time of fierce segregation. while parts of the country bought strictly in black-and- white, can only solve right and wrong. from the beginning, he recognized america as an idea, one that can only succeed if everyone was given a seat at the
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counter. just like the founding fathers before him, he knew the fight for freedom was not easy. a fight for equality was even harder. even though the fight was exhausting, the obstacles demoralizing, he firmly stood by his belief. in the process of gaining a rightful place, he said, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. love, he preached, was the only way to invoke real change. martin luther king held strong while his detractors spew hate. he had the truth on his side. when he was told the the patient he said, "i have too little time.
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when jailed for protesting not violate, he wrote, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere." the great as was the face he had in the american people -- the greatness was the face he had. we, as citizens, must all carry martin luther king's dream in all of our hearts, the dream is not completed. it is an ongoing struggle, one that all americans must be willing to undertake. like martin luther king, we are all born knowing the truth. the truth will set us free. on august 28, 1963, dr. martin was, "look's message at the context of a man's character, not the color of his skin." his dream is the american dream. today, august 28, 2010, we stand
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here in this same hallowed ground with our heads held high and our hearts open. we all have the inalienable rights to live in a country with liberty and justice for all. >> this will be the day when all of god's children be able to say with a new meaning, my country to is of the, -- my country tis of thee, from every mountainside let freedom ring. if america is to be a great nation, this must come true. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, it is my great, great honor to
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introduce to use someone that i met just recently in the last six months and has become a good friend, a woman whose family past has been washed in blood. her father and her of gold were both killed -- her father and her uncle were both killed for standing in what is right. ladies and gentlemen, dr. alveda king. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> praise the lord. given the lord his glory. hallelujah.
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it is absolutely wonderful for glenn to use his popularity and influence to bring us together, to focus not on an election but to focus on honor. to focus on the content of our color and not the color of our skin. hallelujah. god bless the special operation warrior foundation. hallelujah. thank you. thank you. listen. i want to introduce to you now catherine davis, dave gardner, dr. ed holiday, bishop harry jackson, pastor nelson, and others. come on down, my friends. [applause]
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we do not all have 10 minutes speeches. do not worry about this. let me ask you this real quick. how many of us know that we need to rebuild america? [applause] we need unity to do that, right? please welcome our guest. ♪ ♪ ♪ am i all alone? can the world hear my cry? this doesn't look like home. we must rebuild our lives.
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we build our strength, our heart, not just the buildings. we must rebuild our minds and our spirit. leave all the brokenness behind. we must rebuild our hope rebuild our love rebuild we must rebuild change we must rebuild so many are gone there must be a reason to be here butresilient and strong that doesn't mean i don't still
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feel fear oh, no but i'm not alone and the world hears our cry hopet's not just our we must rebuild our lives rebuild our strength rebuild our heart not just the buildings that were lost. we must rebuild our minds and rebuild our spirit. leave all the broken this behind. we must rebuild our hope rebuild our loved rebuild our faith we must rebuild with the change we feel the same rebuild.
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we have got to build our buildings back. we need to build our family's up home by home. we have got to stick together and show at the whole world. let them know that we have got to rebuild. hey. oh. we've got to rebuild our mind and our spirit oh america, we have got to do we have got to rebuild ooh
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we've got to ♪erica, we've got to rebuild can we rebuild? whoa ♪ rebuild ♪ \ thank you. >> thank you, angelica. we have got to rebuild. [applause] >> rating from the book of as read chapter 6. it declares. moreover, i issue a decree concerning what you were to do for the elders of judah in the rebuilding of this house of god. it is to be paved -- paid out of
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♪'re in a war against sin in a house that divided we've got to ask our heavenly father for a change of heart ♪ we can do much more together that we can do together ♪ come on. raise your hands. let's work together in unity ♪ ♪ unity unity that is what we need is more unity. how pleasant it is to live in harmony. how can we walk together unless we agree?
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unity need is moree unity ♪ we need unity ♪ unity that's what we need -- togethertogther in unity we need unity yes, you and me. that is what we need ♪ more unity ♪ that's what we need ♪ that's what we need ♪ come on and walk with me we need unity ♪ come on, everybody, woo. ♪ come on and take my hand hey, hey ♪
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we've got to build one another up turn the world around we need unity, unity ♪ ♪ unity rabb somebody's hand let's walk together ♪ every creed, every race, every color that is what we need more unity ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ whoo. hallelujah. >> let the church say, amen. i have been asked to read and encouragement from the apostle paul.
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i believe that this scripture is echoing to us today the american ideal that is found in the modern comic people nervous unum -- motto, e pluribis unim. we stand together in unity as one strong group, americans today in the name of christ. [applause] pulse says in chapter for a -- paul says in chapter 4, i urge you to walk with patience, showing tolerance in one another, with love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace until we all come into this unity of the faith come until the knowledge of the son of god, until the measure of the state of the fullness of jesus
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christ. may god at a blessing to the reading of his holy word. [applause] >> glory to god. 47 years ago, my of go, dr. martin luther king jr., stood here and proclaimed, "i had a dream." my parents were here to support all go martin. -- uncle king. we all knew that august 28 would be a very special day. it it was an incredible moment of history. the descendants of our ancestors speaking to the nation about freedom and love. uncle martin was a man of god who had a servant's heart. in awe ofin of -- an
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what the lord jesus did. he took to heart the words of john, if anyone serves me, the father will honor him. so we come today. they seek to honor god. they seek to serve. the book of proverbs teaches us that before honor comes humility. we celebrate their lives today. i can only imagine what these heroes have experienced in their own lives, even as my uncle did in his lifetime. we know how long gone martin labored from a cramped, roche infested jail cell to begin his
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famous letter. it was there in the darkest of hours that he contemplated not just his surroundings but his service. it is there that he wrote, "injustice anywhere reflects injustice everywhere. " hallelujah. today we're pleased to honor special men and women to, like my uncle martin, have service in their hearts. like him, they are people who are not afraid to give their lives for the freedom of others. if uncle martin could be here today, he would surely come mendes -- commend us for will honor is due.
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he would remind us that as members of one single race, the human race, we should lay aside the divides that cause us to think we are members of human -- members of separate races. we are one human family. we must not oppress each other and we must help those who are being oppressed. 47 years ago, uncle martin discussed the inequality in america in a texts called "insufficient funds." today, we're going bankrupt in more ways than one. our children are suffering in a
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failing schools system. poverty of the soul and spirit are plaguing our community. the wombs of our mothers have become places where the blood of our children is shed in a well more quarter -- shed in a womb war. yet we are not without hope. faith, hope and love are not dead in america. hallelujah. we still trust in god. [applause] our honored heroes here today bear witness to the hope for the human heart.
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heavens and limited bank eaven's unlimitedee bank account will blow back here on earth. when will we know that our prayers have been heard? we will know when prayer is again allowed in our public squares and schools. we will know when children are no longer in peril in our streets and our classrooms, and wombs.mothers or loan's i too have a dream.
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and i have a dream that one day soon the gods love will transcend skin color and economic status and transform us for our moral purpose. i have a dream that america will repent of the sin of racism and return to honor. i have a dream that white privilege will become human privilege and that people will receive everyone as brothers and sisters in the love of god. i have a dream that america will pray and god will forgive us our sense -- our sins. on that day, we will be able to
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lift every voice and sing of the love and honor that god has provided for all of his children. god bless america. come and let us sing together. >> lift every voice and sing, but ring with the harmony of liberty. lederer rejoicing rise -- let our rejoicing rise, high as the skies, let it resound, allowed as the open sea. >> hallelujah, god bless america.
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peace, unlimited prosperity. when confronted by the oppression of a fear and conventional wisdom, the bravest always chart and new course to the new world. a new world founded on faith by the people who believed not only in themselves, the new without a shadow of the doubt that there was a power greater than man guiding us. from those brave men and women grew at a generation unlike any the world has ever seen. some stood for faith, some for liberty, and others for justice, bonner and values. the american experiment -- justice, honor, and values.
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but the american experiment. a chance for life, liberty and happiness. throughout history, americans have changed the world through a steadfast belief that in this great country anything can happen. through failure and success, sacrifice and courage, we have stood on the ed and dared to dream, to move forward into the unknown. millions have come from all over the world to join us, risking their lives to be part of the uniquely american experience. when the world has lost its faith, when hope is gone, up
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when the cries for charity -- when hope is gone, of when it cries for charity, america answers the call. it is time to restore america, restore the world. it is time to believe again. [applause] >> the media estimate on the crowd size is in. the first one was that there is tens of thousands of people here. i have heard over 300,000, and i
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have heard over 500,000. [applause] and if that is coming from the media, god only knows. this day is a day that we can start the heart of america again. it has nothing to do with politics. it has everything to do with turning our faith back to the values and principles that made us great. [applause] we have a choice today. we have a choice. we can either look at the stars of the nation -- let's be honest. if you look at history, america has been both terribly good and terribly bad.
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it has been both, but to concentrate on the bad instead of learning from the bad and repairing the bad and then looking to the good that is still out in front of us within our reach, we have a choice today. we can either let those scars crush us or redeem us. we are gathered here today in a hallowed spot. hear, abraham lincoln, a giant of an american, casting a shadow on all of us. behind you, in front of me, the washington monument, alone, a
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tall, gray. if you look at the washington monument, you might notice its scars. but nobody talks about that. nobody says, yeah, i don't know, but a quarter of the way it changes color. did you know that it did? look at it. look at its scars. how does a scarred get their -- how did the scars and get there? they stopped building it during the civil war, and when the war was over, they began again. nobody sees the scars of the washington memorial -- the washington monument. we see what it stands for. no one talks about what is on top facing east. just two words, laos deo.
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praise be to god. when i was 18 years old i used to sit between the second and third column there around 5:00 in the morning. i would watch the sunrise over the capital. i just did it again with my now in college children. i told them that not much has changed, except that now we have a memorial to the greatest americans, the greatest generation, a world war ii memorial on the other side of the reflecting pool. they did what they had to do, not because they wanted to, but
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because they were faced with no choice. you cannot coexist with evil. they did the right thing. they stood against all odds. the vietnam memorial here, saluting all of the veterans that we did not welcome home when they came. we welcome them now. [applause] and through these trees, a haunting memorial of the korean veterans. we're standing amongst the giants, in between the
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reflecting pool. why? is it because we can say well, look how dirty expenses -- lookout 30 bit is? -- look how dirty it is? no, it is so we can reflect on what that man meant, and that man meant, and that one, and that one, and the man who gave his life so that everyone could have a dream, martin luther king. that is what is the reflection is all about. we are to reflect on what these great men did. why did they give their lives? george washington was a general.
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he fought and fought and fought and fought. and when it was falling apart and they needed the constitution, they came riding to his front door, and they knocked on his front door, and they said, general, we will not survive. it is falling apart. we need you of the constitutional convention. his response was, not yet done enough for my country? he closed the door. he reflected, mounted his horse, and gave yet another part of his life because it was the right thing to do. so what did these brave people give their lives for? they gave it for the american experiment, and that is what
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this is, an experiment. it is not just the country, it is an idea that man can rule himself. that is the american experiment. [applause] we have a choice to make today. do we, americans that live today, surrounded by giants who gave it all, do we today say the experiment cannot work? man must be ruled by someone. it does not end here. it shall not end now.
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it shall not end in my generation, in your generation. it is up to us. [applause] i came here last saturday. i wanted to spend some time with my children. i wanted to show them the great monuments. i went into the lincoln memorial, and i stood there, and i read the gettysburg address on one wall, the second inaugural address on the other. i went up and touched the words,
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and lifted my children up so they could touch the words as well. the words are alive. our documents, our most famous speeches, our american scripture, and they are alive today just as any other scripture is. it speaks to us from the past. if i may speak to the gettysburg address and ask if it does not apply today. fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. now we are engaged in a great
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war. testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. we are met on a great battlefield. in the hotel i am staying at, i found out it is the hotel where dr. martin luther king finished his speech. it is also a place where someone else read something. the battle hymn of the republic, written here, in a hotel just down the street, because you could see over the buildings at that time, they were not so high. you could watch the battle. that is where the battle hymn of the republic, here, was written. this is a great battlefield filled with warriors on each
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side. we are met on a great battlefield of that war. we have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who gave their lives that this nation might live, but in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. the brave men and women who gave their lives have done it for us. the world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it will not soon be forgotten what we did here. it is up to us to complete the unfinished work that they have so far nobly advanced. it is up to us here to be dedicated now to the great task
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remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause which they gave their last full measure of devotion, that we hear final result that these dead shall have not died in vain. that this nation, under god, shall have a new burst of freedom, and that the government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from this earth. [applause] america is at a crossroads, and we must decide, are those words that abraham lincoln spoke, but
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do they have no relevance or meaning for us today? america is at a crossroads, and today we must decide, who are we? what is it we believe? we must advance or perish. i choose advance. [applause] after the gettysburg address -- go in and read, i invite you today to go in and read the second inaugural. abraham lincoln found god in the scars of gettysburg. when he gave at the second inaugural, he looked to god and set men free. [applause]
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america awakens again. it is the same story throughout history, all of mankind's history. mankind was in slavery, and then someone appeared to wake america. it was george would fill in the 1740's, an imperfect man, a man who was preaching individual rights, who brought more slavery to this land. but it was his words that inspired a nation. they were children at the time who grew up to be john adams, george washington, thomas jefferson. it happened the same way. it has since the burning bush. moses. freedom. and then they forget.
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they wander until they remember that god is the answer. he always has been. and then they begin to trust. do you know what kind of trust there must have been? if you were wondering in agent egypt and you were crying out to the almighty, send us, send us someone to free us, and a man shows up with the stick, do not think they said, you have to be kidding me? the all-powerful, the almighty, antisense a man slow of speech with a stick. but look with the stick and that man did.
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-- what that stick and that man did. trust in the lord, and recognize that moses and abraham lincoln and george washington, there were men. there were just like you. they just picked up their sticks des. i think i can relate to martin luther king the most of all of these giants because we have not carved him in marvel yet. he is still a man. -- carved him in a marble yet. he is still a man. what is it these men have that you do not have? the answer is nothing. they are exactly like you, they just did the hard thing.
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they just decided not to see themselves in any other way other than, a crap, i have to cross the mountain? ask yourself, would you have crossed the mountain. i think i would have been stuck at the first river. and if i would have made it all the way to the rockies, my family would have been right there in denver, colorado. because i would have gotten there and went, and you have to be kidding me. they went on. they rely on god. god's grace. america is great because america is good. that is not the entire story. she is not just good because she is good. america is only what we choose
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her to be, we as individuals must be good so that america can be great. [applause] america is at a crossroads, and there is a clear and simple choice. do we choose to just look at the scars. do we choose to look back, or do we choose what every generation has done in america in times of trouble? look ahead. dream about what we're going to become. look forward. look west. look to the heavens. look to god. make your choice. [applause]
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one of the phrases that comes to mind a lot is, that which you gaze upon you shall be done. what is it we are gazing upon? what is a we look at? why have we missed gazing upon the reflecting pool? what are you gazing on every day, because that is what you will become. are we so jaded as a nation, are we so pessimistic that we no longer believe in the individual and the power of the individual? do we know longer believed in dreams and the power of one person making a difference? i testify to you here and now, one man can change the world.
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[applause] and i share with you an equal testimony. that man or woman is you. you make the difference. do not stand and look to someone else. look to yourself. pick up your stick and stand. [applause] too many americans are looking to someone else. we must be the people that look inside ourselves first, and then
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are a life raft to those around us that need help, and not give them fish, but teach them how to fish. [applause] we are a nation, quite honestly, that is in about as good a shape as i am, and that is not very good. i was running up these steps trying to set up everything, and i got to the top and said, i have to sit down. the poorest among us are still some of the richest in the world. the poorest among us have blessings' beyond the wildest
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imaginations of anything mother teresa visited, and yet we do not recognize them. we've grown tired. with gramm week. we are dividing ourselves. -- we have grown week. we are dividing ourselves. there is growing hatred in the country. we must be better than what we have allowed ourselves to become. we must get the poison of hatred out of us, no matter what anyone may say or do, no matter what anyone smears or lies or throws our way, or to any americans way. we must look to god and look to love. [applause] we must extend to those we
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disagree with but you are honest and have integrity. there were people on the stage that not only to a great personal risks, but also, one in particular organized for our president. lead a prayer breakfast. is a democrat. you think the media would tell you that this was only a bunch of tea party years. no, that person stood on the stage because of honor and integrity. there is a lot we can disagree on, but our values and our principles can unite us. we must discover them again. [applause]
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americans have always looked to explore. we went west and then we went up. we went down into the ocean. the time to explore is changing. for us to explore, we must not just explore outer space, but we must, as americans, explore in airspace. we must look inside of ourselves and look a what we truly believe. the lord will always send people wake up calls, and he has been sending us wake up call after wake-up call after wake-up call. it has been through the republicans and the democrats. it is all of us. all of us. he has been sending us wake up calls, and give consent to kind
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of wake-up calls, one through fear -- and you can send two kinds of a wake-up calls, one through fear. 9/11 woke us up and we stood shoulder to shoulder for a very brief time. it did not matter if you're poor or if you were rich. we were americans together. we were god's human creation standing together. [applause] but fear only wakes you up for a very short time. i know that many in this country think in a fair number. -- a fear monger. it is not a label that i think
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applies. i do talk about frightening things. but i do not think the man who saw the iceberg at the titanic was about to hit it and said it is an iceberg was a fear monger, he was warning the people on the shepard -- on the ship. [applause] waiting people up through fear -- waking people up through fear only will awaken them for a very short time as we all learned after 9/11. do you not think the apostles, while waiting in the garden of gethsemane or afraid? jesus asked them to watch with
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him for an hour. he prayed and he came back and they were asleep. the enemies were lighting torch's and gathering their swords, and they said, sorry, will do better next time. and they did not. one, two, three times. three times. can you not watch with me for one hour? the response is, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. well what do we do? they were not awake. they were not awake until after the resurrection, and then they neared. and they never went to sleep again. it was not the fear of death, it
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was the resurrection the kept them awake. we must as a people strengthen our spirits. [applause] i am asking, republicans, democrats, independents, americans. we are all american. we all must realize how nice we have that here despite all of our problems. we must recognize the great things as done so that we can learn from the lessons of all of the bad things we have done, know them so that we never repeat the same mistakes, but we must make a choice today.
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i give a 40 day challenge on the air. 40 days ago today. i ask you to do three things, faith, hope and charity. i asked you to pray on your knees, not to spray, but prey on your knees. recognize -- not just pray, but prey on your knees. recognize your creator. recognize that he is your king and he is the one who guides and protects us. [applause] i asked not only if you would prey on your knees, but prey on your knees with your door open for the children to see.
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let them see their father or their mother humbled by god in prayer. that which they gaze upon they will become. [applause] the second thing i ask you to do, tell the truth. tell the truth. and it only matters when you tell the truth and you know is going to hurt you. you know it's not going to help your side. tell the truth. america is crying out for the truth. tell the truth in your own life and then expected from others. the third i ask you 40 days ago to do, for charity, connect with your family.
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your spouse and your children. give them extra time. give them extra attention. charity begins at home first. [applause] my challenge to you today is to make a choice. does america go forward and the american experience expand, or does the experiment faile? make the choice, and then, if you answer as i do, look to the top of the washington memorial, the washington monument. praise be to god. my favorite line in the declaration of independence is, "with firm reliance on divine
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providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." let that phrase be our guide. as thomas jefferson said, if you really want to share the truth, embedded into architecture. the truth is on the walls here. the truth is on the monuments. but it is also in our founding documents. what is the answer? do you think they were just using the wrong size fonts when they said we the people? do you think somebody said, hey, you have to size that down? they knew we would forget. and at the end of the declaration of independence, they speak a firm reliance on
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divine providence. with firm reliance on divine providence -- how can you possibly have a firm reliance if you do not know what you believe? if you're just doing it because your family has done it? if it is just because it's what we do? question with boldness, even their very existence of god, for if there be a god, he must surely overcome this questioning with blindfolded fear. find out what you truly believe. it is the only way you can have a firm reliance on it. when the storm comes up and your ship is being tossed, you have
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to rely on something. do you wanted to be an invisible, magic sky god that you think is there? i choose to know so i can depend with firm reliance on god's protection. realize your space. if you understand you got his, you also understand that you're one of his children -- who got is -- who god is you will also understand your one of his children. i warn you, if you notice the is, it will be the biggest
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blessing in your life, but it will also be the biggest kerr's in your life, because on some things you will then -- the biggest curse in your life because on some things you will no longer have a choice, because you know what is true, you know you serve, and you must stand there because you have no other choice. notice, and no you are. -- know who he is and know the route you are -- know who you are. >> we mutually pledge to each other our lives. i have always read that as something that the vietnam vets did, the korean vets did, or that we have done together today. it is not just that.
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washington, i told you, give up his life as he wanted it. he wanted to be a farmer, not a president. he wanted to be a surveyor, not general. he gave up the life he wanted. if we do this right, we will eat come to a point in our lives -- we will each come to a point in our lives. if we are going to change our country with lasting ramifications, we will each come to a point in our lives where we are at the last string or thread and say, have i not yet done enough for my country? and then we will stand up again and get on our course, because the answer is no, god is not done with you yet and he is not done with man's freedom yet.
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[applause] "with firm reliance on divine providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortune." what does that mean? it means that there comes a time when one generation must sacrifice for the next. one generation must make the choice to do the right thing because it is the right thing so that our children can have a chance at a sliver of what we have grown up been, scars and all. this experiment is the only time man has lived a life like this. it is not a coincidence that the world changed at the age of
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enlightenment and americans set man free. it is not a coincidence. if we wanted for our children and our grandchildren, we must pledge of our lives and our fortunes. anyone has ever had a child who is seriously ill, you know that you have stood in the hospital and you have fallen to your knees and you have said, lord, give it to me. give it to me. let them live. let them have a shot. i will take it on. that is to we must be today. we must take it upon ourselves so that our children can have a chance. [applause]
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we must be willing to trade places with our children. our children will be slaves to a debt. slaves. we must trade places with them. we must also give to the things that we believe and. i ask you today -- i know i have done this most of my life. i put $20 in the basket a church and i thought i was doing pretty dead. -- doing pretty good. when the man with the stick and the burning bush talked about the $20 in the basket, it was 10%. holy cow, really? and that somehow or another is going to make me happy?
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an italian something, -- let me tell you something dalai it is my joy and my honor to tie it -- let me tell you something, it is y joy and my honor to tiethe 10%. jerry comes from our churches, our synagogue -- charity comes from our churches, our synagogues, our houses of worship. it should gladly give 10%. the last part, our sacred honor. it means that you tell the
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truth, the old truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god. it means there are no lies in your life. that is the hard part. i come to you and tell you as a man whose whole life was a lie, a man who was on the floor in the field position because i could not do it anymore, because i had wrecked my whole life, dishonored myself in every way, i tell you now that the truth cells set you free. -- truth shall set you free. the truth will make a miserable first, but then i will set you free. it just need to do these things
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if we are to restore our nation. we need to do these things, and when we do, we will know the we are, that each of us makes a difference, that life is short but there is much work to be done, so pick up yours? sticks. if we do these things, we will heal our nation. we will not only heal our nation, but we will do what the greatest american generation in the last century. we will be the shelter for the world. because the storm is coming is not just an american storm, it is a human storm. it is a global storm. and who is the fed always runs in at the end to save them --
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who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? it is always the americans. but we are not prepared to be those people yet. we must go to gobbet camp and straighten our own lives up so that we can -- go to god, but camp and straighten out our own lives so that we can run into the building and guide them out to safety. [applause] with firm reliance on divine providence we mutually pledge to write other our lives, our fortune, and our sacred honor. we will know that god is not on our side, rather we have put our lives in shape so that we know that we are on god's side. [applause]
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but america, there are so many things that we gave that it is easy to pull us off track. we cannot do these things alone. we must do them with a good spells by our side, good friends by our side, -- we must do them with a good spouse by our side, good friends by our side. we must stand for things that we know are true because their universal and and less in nature. stand. take a stand. our churches, our synagogues, our mosques, we must stand for the things we know are true. 240 years ago there was
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something called a black robe regimen. england hated the preachers. when they came, the british, they had a really hard time with the preachers. this must be a big rally because they violated the airspace to get a shot of it. [applause] england hated the preachers. in fact, if you were a preacher, you're most likely to be killed during the american revolution. why? because they were the first to say that all men are created equal. that right comes from god, no government, no king.
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america, it is time to start the heart of this nation again. go to your churches, your synagogues, your mosques. anyone who is preaching hate and division, anyone who is teaching to kill another man, you go to the ones to support your principles. these men and women of all faiths represent the thousands of clergy that we could not fit into this area, but they are here now. thousands to stand with america and god. [applause] of those thousands better year
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that it was meaningless that you have wasted your time. but if in fact you choose today to change your life and root them in faith, hope, and charity, we will change the world. if we declare that we stand for something,. if we do not. the paraphrase ab ham lincoln, the world will little note nor long remember what we said here. it's what we do from here that matters. take the 40-day challenge and change your life. let your children see it. our sacred scriptures of our country, of our faith. we must, we must seal them in clay pots. we must make sure that they are
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protected just as the dead sea scrols were. protect them. but we have our clay pots. they're our children. teach them these things. i ask you to bring your son or daughter, stand here, i know -- i know that if you do your job, if you pledge to yourself that you will restore honor in your own life, we will leave freedom better than how we found it. so our children can find the giant inside of them somewhere in this crowd, i know it, i have been looking for that george washington. i can't find him. i know he is in this crowd. he may be eight years old, but this is the moment. this is the moment that he dedicates his life, that he sees giants around him.
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[cheers and applause] and 25 years from now he will come up to this stair or to those stairs. and he can proclaim "i have a new dream" that must be our goal. to raise the next great monument. america is at a cross roads and this is the point of choice. you must choose whether we wallow in our sorrow, countries make mistakes. we have made more than our fair share. but it is what you do with those mistakes. we choose to wallow in them, or we learn from the past and ask for redemption. for tomorrow -- yesterday is gone. tomorrow may never come.
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but we have today. to make a difference. it matters not how low -- [cheers and applause] it matters not -- it matters not where we are right now. it matters not where we have been. it's what we're doing today that makes a difference. john newton was a slave ship captain in the 1700s. he was a despicable man. he was a man that was a slave
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ship captain. need i say more? and he didn't see it in front of him. he had eyes, but he could not see the horror that he was engaged in. until he was in a storm. and that's usually when people figure it out. he was in a storm on the seas, and he if he will to his knees and -- he fell to his knees. and he said, lord, help us. help us, help us, help us. and he did. but he followed through. he was changed in that storm. he went from a captain of a slave ship to a guy who wrote probably the best song for the bag pipes. he wrote "amazing grace".
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>> look, trust divine providence. a year ago i stood with my staff in my office and i told them we need to have an event at the lincoln memorial. i'm not quite sure what it is yet. and we stood. three weeks ago, because of security and because we knew the event was getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and so did the wonderful national park service, our costs went up dramatically. and i had a goal that i wanted
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to give. and there's no way to reach that goal. and i had just come from a fund raiser and i had given my last measure. we were out of everything we could do. we were out of time. and we were short $600,000 to meet our goal. we were at $3.1 million. and i for the first time started to challenge hymn a little bit. i was on the plane, and i'll never forget sitting next to my wife. i looked up at the top of that airplane and i said, "lord, we don't have anything else left. squd we don't have anything else left. it's up to you now. in two days, without saying a word to anyone, $600,000 came
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in. i am proud to announce, thanks to you, as of right now -- and the money is still coming in -- we have raised $5.5 million. [cheers and applause] in that same meeting, they said to me, glenn, what happens if nobody comes? my response was, we'll stand where the lord wants us to stand, and he'll provide the people if it's what's supposed to happen. [applause] we are a nation that has terrible, terrible scars. but we must look past them. we must look to the person
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inside, the country inside. all the potential, the close tonight with a prayer, i want to introduce you to dave reber. he was a vietnam veteran. he was on a mission and he pulled a grenade. it went off on n his hand. phosphorus grenade is 5,000 degrees. half the temperature of the sun. his face was horribly scarred. he told me that he actually put his head in his pillow and he screamed because he didn't want anybody to hear him in the hospital scream, and he removed his face from the pillow and then he didn't care who heard him scream because his face was left in the pillow. he is a man that tried to kill
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himself because he thought, my wife will not want me. no one will. what is left of this scarred man? i am happy to say he has turned his life over to god, and his wife stood by his side and as he said, kissed him in the one good part of his face and looked into his one good eye, and together they have made their way. ladies and gentlemen, dave reber to offer our closing prayer. [applause] >> god in heaven, we recognize
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that there is a reflecting pool down here on earth. this one is not only of water, but there's the second one. it is a pool of people gathered in your name, and we reflect you. we are your reflecting pool. and we may be scarred or some with limbs missing. we recognize the pain of war. but, god, you are the healer. and our nation at war needs a healer today. from baghdad to kandahar, wherever our troops are, in harm's way, hundreds of thousands of people at this
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very moment carry a big stick at this reflecting pool and may we move the heart of god to protect our troops who have protected us this very day to celebrate the freedom they have fought for us. god bless this nation. we thank you for our president. we thank you for our congress. we thank you for our land. but, god, we thank you that you rule in the hearts of these people, and all things work together for good for them that love god and are called according to his purpose at 8 and 28 in the book of romans and on this glorious day. god, i pray that not only will you bless those veterans that are returning within this crowd are tens of thousands of vietnam vet rearns who never fwot a welcome home. god, give them a welcome home.
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[cheers and applause] so, god i pray you will bless people as they go home in peace, as they drive carefully to their place of abode. and, lord, i pray, too, that you will give glenn beck a huge blessing for what he has done in this country for us today. and for sara palin. and for all these ministers and for all these people who worked so hard to make this happen. god bless david barton. lord, i thank you for a man that loves his country like this man does. we love you, jesus. you're the best and most wonderful gift to the human race. lord, i pray these things in the name that we love so much. the name of jesus. amen. >> amen. [applause]
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lincoln memorial in the nation's capital honoring u.s. service personnel and other citizens organizing as the embodiment of the country's founding principles. this is the first of what will be two rallies today in the nation's capital. now, many of our viewers have been contributing comments on c-span's facebook page. there are over 800 so far. and you can see them at face as i said, another rally hosted by the reverend al sharpton and his national action network is taking place at near by dunbar high school to honor the late civil rights leader dr. martin luther king junior. the event coin sides with the anniversary with king's march on washington and i have a dream speech. the rally will be followed by a march to the site of the new
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king memorial and you can see that rally this afternoon here on c-span. we will be reairing both of today's rallies in our overnight schedule on the c-span networks, and stay tuned and you will find out when those will be happening. also, on monday both rallies will be re-aired in our prime time schedule on c-span. so both of today's rallies, another chance to see them on the c-span networks. this weekend marks the fifth year since hurricane katrina struck new orleans and the gulf coast. president obama will deliver remarks on this fifth anniversary of hurricane
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katrina from savior university in louisiana in new orleans. and we will have that for you tomorrow live at 3:10 p.m. eastern here on c-span. >> we now have a generation coming up who didn't really have the arts very much as children and didn't have the arts in the public schools certainly. these are now the 20-year-olds. i'm very concerned about that group of people because it's not clear to me that when they get to be 40, 45, 50, that they're going to come to the arts. >> sunday night, he'll talk about helping struggling arts organizations and the future of the arts in the u.s. >> virginia governor bob mcdonnell and political consultant dick morris spoke to conservative activists at the fourth annual conference of americans for prosperity foundation. it was held to coin side with
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glenn beck's rally at the lincoln memorial. >> thank you. i love you. you know, some people think i work for a certain tv station. if fact of the matter is i feel like i work for radio free europe. i will refer to the big spenders in washington. i will refer to the head of the big spenders in washington. and i will refer to his female enforcer. and then i will refer to those who oppose big spending in
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washington. and i want you to figure out who i mean, because i can't get any more specific than that. first, i just want to tell you a true story that really tip if is where we're at as a country right now. when winston churchill was prime minister of britain and he won the war, he lost the election right after that, was thrown out of power. and the socialist labor party leader became the prime minister. and atly won day walked into the men's room at the house of commons, and there was choikhill standing at a urennal. and when he saw, he moved three down. and he said, shy winston? and churchill said, no. it is just that whenever you see anything that is big and
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impressive, you nationalize it. now, we have had the recession. the recession is over. it is the cure to the recession that we are now experiencing. we've survived the disease, but we are suck coming to the cure. when barack -- i'm sorry. when the leader of the big spenders in washington says that he is going to solve our
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economic problems by increasing spending, increasing borrowing, increasing the debt, and increasing the deficit, it reminds me of the middle ages when they used to say to a patient, you have evil spirits inside you that are making you sick and we have to let those evil spirits out so we're going to remove half your blood. and then when they got sicker, they said, see, there's still more evil spirits in there. we've got to take some more of that blood. and then when he died, they would say, see, i told you he had evil spirits in there all along. so barack obama -- did i say that name? i'm allowed. he's the president of the united states. barack obama says to america, have a great recovery. have a wonderful recovery. i hope that you turn things around. but don't spend any money. don't buy anything. don't buy a flat screen tv or a car, don't go out and buy any
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products, don't get a house, because i am going to come next year with tax increases that will curl your hair. you're going to find your taxes rising up to 40%. then on top of that i'm going to impose a 4% medicare tax that will be on all your income. and i'm going to raise the capital gains tax. and i'm going to raise the inheritance tax and i'm going to probably put a millionaire surcharge on top of that and i'm going to eliminate the minimum -- the maximum on social security tax soss your whole income gets taxed. but please, have a nice recovery. go spend money. sometimes i feel with the stimulus package like a hog getting fatnd up for the slaurter because of what he is planning to take back in tax increases. now, i remember when i sat with president clinton in the oval office and we worked on cutting
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the deficit to solve our problem, balancing the budget to solve our problem, he would literally have a pad of paper on his lap and he would write a whole federal budget with all of those spending cuts. he had a photographicic memory, was an amazing thing to see. that photographic memory, by the way, only related to his public life. in his private life, he was a border line ammeeziaic. i remember once, i was on the phone with betsy wright, his chief of staff. and she said my roommate just went in to see governor clinton. and clinton says, these charges against me are absurd. that's ridiculous. i don't do this kind of thing. i don't know half of these women. and the roommate came back and betsy told me, she said, you know, i think he forgot that we slept together.
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but those spending cuts that bill clinton and knut gingrich and trent lot imposed had very little to do with balancing the budget. they were going to balance the budget by 2005. we balanced the budget in 18 months by cutting taxes. [applause] when we cut that capital gains tax, the revenues came in so rapidly we had to revise our projections each week, and we balanced the budget by 1998. and now, obama is raising the capital gains tax. that's going to retard the cree covery. that's going to make it impossible for the country to recover and it's going to make it impossible for anything to bring the budget into balance. because when you raise taxes, you depress the economy, you stop economic growth, you
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increase entitlements, you increase food stamps and unemployment insurance and medicaid and welfare, and the increase in entitlements overshadows any cut in spending that you might prescribe. so obama says have a nice recovery but don't spend money. and if you're in the medical industry, 15% of our economy, don't create any new jobs there because i'm going to come down on you like a ton of bricks with new regulations when i take over the health care industry, and the investments you're making in an m.r.i. or cat scan or new wing, you're not going to get reimbursed for that. and if you're in the manufacturing sector, 9% of our economy, don't create any new jobs either because i'm going to hit you with a dramatic cap and trade legislation that is going to so raise the cost of production, you're going to be forced to go overseas. so you don't want to create any jobs while you're waiting for
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that shoe to drop on your head. and if you're in the energy industry, don't you create any new jobs because i'm going to try to put coal out of business, i'm going to tax crude oil, i'm going to do everything i can to retard domestic fossil fuel production. and, if you're in the banking industry, don't make any loans that might create jobs, because if you fail to have your loans repaid and you engage in risky ventures like creating jobs, like funding the new apple computer, as the guys in the garage who are coming up with something that will take over the world, if you fund them and they don't pay it all back, the financial regulation bill gist me the right to take over your bank, fire you, fire your board, fire your management, wipe out your shareholders' equity, which is where your pension is, and sell off units of your bank. so don't you make any risky loans. but other than that, folks, have a nice recovery.
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so it is the cure that we are suffering from. and what obama does is he and the big spenders in washington use the economic crisis as an excuse to increase government spending. they use the uninsured as an excuse to take over health care. they use climate change as an excuse to regulate the manufacturing industry. they use the financial difficulties on wall street as an excuse to take tover banking industry. they use the failure of gm as an excuse to take over the aut motive industry. these are all pretexts. the goal is not the end but it's the means, the medicine that they're applying. that's what he wants to do. now, i believe that the forces that oppose big spending are
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going to win majorities in both houses of congress in this election. [cheers and applause] those who oppose big spending are going to take the senate seat in delaware and in indiana and in north dakota. and, they're going to throw out that big spender in arkansas. and they're going to throw out that big spender in colorado. and they are going to throw out that big spender from nevada. [applause] i hope you guys like my angle.
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they're going to throw out the big spender from california and from washington. [applause] and the big spender in wisconsin has -- [cheers and applause] he's been looking for a safe district but he can't find one outside of cralkcass and have na. we're going to beat him too and we're going to win those open satisfy in illinois and in pennsylvania. and we're not going to stop there. the big spenders from oregon and new york and connecticut who think they're safe, i've got a message for you. november is coming. [applause] and i believe 60 or 80 big spenders in washington are groing to be sending change of address forms to the post
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office. [applause] and when i say november is coming, i feel like john the baptist. but i've got to tell you something, it's too damn late to repent. [applause] now, when we, we who oppose big spending, take back congress, both houses, we are going to face two funchedmental challenges, and that's your real work. that's when your real work starts. because we have got to make sure that the people we elect saying they won't spend more money and saying they won't raise taxes keep their word. as i look out on the tables
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here, i see a bunch of bottles of water. don't drink the water here. makes you do weird things. you just stay with that bottled water. and the first thing is going to be that the states are going to come begging to washington for a bailout. and we are going to say no. we're going to say hell no. you made this problem. you created it. you go solve it for yourself. and then these big spending states will find that they're running out of money. and the bond community will not lend them any more money because they know that they can't get paid back. and what's going to happen then is that, like greece coming to the imf, they will come to
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washington and saying, guarantee our deths. but this time -- debts. but this time we're going to say something a little different. we're going to say to them, we will create a procedure to declare bankruptcy at the state level. but you will only be able to get the protection of bankruptcy if you agree to a -- annull, abrogate, forfeit, and eliminate your contractual obligations to the municipal and state employee unions. [cheers and applause] good-bye. good-bye nea, good-bye fdiu, good-bye dc 37. hello sovereignty of the states and of the people.
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and that will be our warmup act. the next big fight is going to come after that, when everybody in the universe says we have to bring down the deficit. ronald reagan ran a deficit so that he could force liberals to stop spending money. barack obama runs a deficit so he can force constoifs to vote for higher taxes. are we going to do that? no. and hell no. and we have got to make sure that we elect congressmen and senators who can stand up to that pressure and say no. who, when the bonds market says you've got to and the fed says you've got to and the economists noble laur yet say you've got to. and the european union says you've got to and china and
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japan says you've got to. they say no. because what's at stake here is not just some extra bucks for my wallet. it's whether we lock in the spending that obama did. he raised the percent of our economy controlled by the government from 30 to 40. and the only solution is to bring the 40 down to the 30 and not raise the taxes up to the 40. because if you have an eelfant in the middle of your living room, you can't do business. but i'm -- i ma line the species. if you have a jack ass in the middle of your living room, you can't do business. ♪ ♪ so, it's going to be same time next year, guys and women. same time next year. we're going to be back here and we're going to be pressuring the people who we helped elect to oppose big spending and we
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will be telling them you do not tread on us. now, there's going to be a government shutdown just like in 95 and 96. but we're going to win it this time, and i'll be fighting on your side. thank you. ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome americans for prosperity north carolina state director. ladies and gentlemen, bell luss woodhouse. ♪ ♪ >> how we doing out there? man, you all are one
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good-looking crowd. now, i know we've got about 2500 people here, but i've got to give one shoutout to about 500 north carolinaens that are with me here today. and let me say a special thank you to our good friends from florida and georgia and michigan. and everybody that crammed on buses in the middle of the night to travel from all across this country to join us. and if you got on a plane or a train or an automobile or a bus, we're so glad to have you because we're going to make a difference. aren't we? now, i'm a lucky guy because i get the chance to speak on behalf of the state directors. we have 31 state chapters now, and we have some great state directors. and the important thing you need to remember is we get up every day and we are dedicated
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not only to the principles of limited government and free market, but the fact that we owe our jobs, our responsibilities to you. we work for you. now, i've got to tell you, you do a lot of things as a state director, you say a lot of things, and sometimes you get it wrong. and i'm going to tell you about once i got it wrong. and my friends from north carolina need to write it down and tell my wife i said it because she will never believe i admitted fault. but back during the health care debate, i was -- we did the bus tours and we went out and we talked and i gave these speeches. and i would say, and i really bleefed it, that this health care bill, that obama care wouldn't help one sick person. that it wouldn't save one person's life. well, i've got to tell you, folks, i was wrong. because we brought people up here. did anybody come with us the day that we did the last stand for health care on capitol hill where we came out and made a last stand?
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well, on that day we had an accident. we had an activist that fell on the capital step, and cut his eye. and we took him down the road here to washington hospital. turns out his eye was ok but they gave him an mri and a cat scan and they found a brain mass unrelated to the fall but they found it. a pretty situation. so immediately we took care of him, we got him home to north carolina. he went to his drr and is being treated -- doctor and he is in good shape. so there is one person out there who is alive today because he happened to come to washington to fight obama care and happened to slip on the steps. [applause] now, as state directors, we do some crazy things. we load up buses in the middle of the night and we do these
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bus tours. you all know about our november bus tour. ken talked about our revolt tour? we've got to find places to take those and bus stops. so i'm out the other day. i'm in a little park in none, north carolina. i think this is a perfect spot to do this bus stop. and i stepped in to the biggest, nastiest wick ed of fire ants you've seen. now, my understanding is if you're in the northeast or some places, you don't know what fire ants are. they are some nasty stinging little bugs that get on you and they hurt and they make you itch, and they're just terrible. and it makes me think,while i'm hosing these ants off of me, that fire ants are very much like liberals. you see, fire ants bury themselves in the sand, they don't produce anything, they provide nothing worthwhile, and
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simply come out and sting those of us who do. [applause] now, i'm an old north carolina boy, but i don't think i'm different than a lot of americans. you ain't going to sting me but once. ok? so i'm going to tell you, we're going to do that bus stop in that park. but before we go it, we're going to take a bunch of bags of fire ant killer and we're going to wipe out those fire ants. and i have the weapon to wipe out the economic liberal fire ants, and i am staring right at them. [applause] we are going to do it with you. now, last year i asked you to help me do something. i asked you if you were in this room to help me sign up friends for americans for prosperity. did anybody remember that?
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do you remember that from last year? well, that's not going to be good enough this year. i need you to do more. if you go [inaudible] we have a project to reach out and identify folks and talk to them about our issues. and the first way you can do that is from our november is coming call from home program. i need everyone in this room to promise me that they will go register 10 people on november is to make calls and identify people that agree with us on the issues and help get them to the polls. can everybody in here doydo do that for me? now, on november is, you can also sign up to go walk neighborhoods and talk to your neighbors and help educate them about the issues. now, i need you to promise me, we're here to make a difference. but can you go back home to missouri, to california, to north carolina, can you promise me you will help find 10 people to sign up to november is
1:57 pm and help them walk the polls and talk to their neighbors? tonight hear that again. do you promise me? can you do it? and the last thing is, i need you to help identify ten conservatives and get them to the polls on election day. can you do that for me? does everybody here promise to get me ten people to call from home, ten people to walk neighborhoods, and ten people to get to the polls on election day? can you do that? i'm going to leave you with one final thought, something you've already heard the president say and something you're going to hear a lot of people say sort of on our opposite side going into these elections. they're going to say, well, we can't go back. ladies and gentlemen, i am ready to go back. i am ready to go back to the time when the health care decisions were made by me and my doctor, not by a bureaucrat
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in washington. i am ready to go back to a time when elected officials worked for me, not worked me over. i am ready to go back to the time when i did not have members of congress trying on purpose to raise my gasoline and raise my electricity prices. please take me back. please help me go back. put me on the express train. buy me a direct flight. i don't even have to pass go, because i know obama already took the $200. please help me go back. will you help me sign up at november is so we can go back, go back to a more prosperous future? can you do that for me? ladies and gentlemen, you can put out the liberal fire ants. every day between now and november is a challenge for every one of us. and if we do our jobs and we work hard and we talk to our
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neighbors, we can go back to a more prosperous future where we defend the right of every individual to have economic freedom and liberty. god bless you. and thank you for being here. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the following video is brought to you by our co sponsor, americans for prossperlt -- prosperity. >> take it away. [ominous music]
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