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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  September 1, 2010 10:00am-1:00pm EDT

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guest: most only look at the blog entries. i put it up about four per day. they can also click on the paper copies. there is a lot more substance in my paper issues. i think i had more readers just looking at my blog interest in the actual issues. host: our goal has been talking about third parties. mr. richard winger, thank you for your time. that is it for this edition. we will be back at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. ♪
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>> a look at some of the live events we're covering today on c-span. at 1:00 p.m. eastern, christina romer, outgoing chair of the president's council of economic advisers, will speak about the obama administration's economic policies. you can see that live on the national press club. underway right now on c-span2, the financial crisis inquiry commission is continuing its investigation into the 2008 collapse of the financial industry. witnesses today include the former ceo of lehman brothers, whose firm into bankruptcy and 2008, and the former ceo of wachovia. that is live now on c-span2. as the 2010 midterm elections
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approach, c-span is bringing you events from key races across the country. tonight at 10:00 eastern, california senator barbara boxer and republican candidate carly fiorina take part in the first debate from its st. mary's college. this race is rated a toss up. watch live coverage tonight on c-span at 10:00 eastern. while away on vacation, the obamas had the overall office -- the oval office for a mode-- ovl office remodeled. highlights of the changes are new and upholstered furniture and a new rug.
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we recently spent time with president obama in the oval office before it was redecorated, in the white house and working in the oval office -- asking him about life in the white house and working in the oval office. >> what is it like to live in the white house? >> it is an extraordinary experience. what michelle and i and the girls appreciate most is a staff, who are so diligent and constantly thinking about how to make the first and the comfortable in what is to some degree of an artificial environment. they are wonderful, and they have become great friends. i also have the shortest commute of anybody i know, and that makes a huge difference. no matter how long i am working any given day, i can always go upstairs and see my wife and kids. that is something that probably appreciate more than anything else being here in the white house.
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>> what did you change in this room? >> the truth of the matter is that we have not redecorated the room. the tradition is that every president comes in and reworks it. given that we were in the midst of it difficult economic times, we decided to hold off in making changes. i did make a few personal changes. one was the cost of martin luther king -- the bust of martin luther king, jr., to remind me of the extraordinary dedication of a lot of people who had the privilege of serving in this office. we have some of these neat gadgets that were donated to us. these were original patents that were provided. some of them date back to the early 1800's. is a reminder of what makes this
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country so great, our inventiveness. are originally there were a bunch of plates up there and i decided i have the whole plate room so i don't need another one year. >> do you have but george washington year? >> i kept george washington, i have a brown blanket. this was donated by steven spielberg to the -- i have abraham lincoln. this was donated by steven spielberg to a bill clinton. it is by norman rockwell. you have these guys cleaning the torch. it is a reminder that we constantly have to renew the flames of our democracy. >> when people come in this room, how do you notice them react? >> well, you know, somebody said this is the greatest home court advantage you have in this
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office. i think people feel a certain reverence for this space, because it symbolizes the presidency and it symbolizes what has been extraordinary record of tough tough decision -- of tough decisions and monumental decisions made in this room. usually people have a bit of a pause before they step in. hopefully my job is to make them feel comfortable, and after that they are usually find. -- fine. >> you have had off the record meetings at the dining room. what is your relationship with history? tell us what you feel about
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history. >> when you occupied as office, you are constantly -- when you occupied this office, you are constantly reminded that you are just one of a series of people who dedicated their lives to protecting the country and making our democracy function. it is a humbling experience. i spent a lot of time reading history just remind myself -- just to remind myself of the standards i have to live up to, and the decisions made in the past by occupants of this office, and the chance to talk personally to historians and of being helpful to provide perspective. particularly in a 24-hour news cycle that we live in here in washington, so much attention is on the daily ups and downs of politics. my job is to constantly remember
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that what i do here is on behalf of a just -- of not just tomorrow but the next generation. >> you are in this office and you are here alone and you look up and say, "i cannot quite believe this." >> i think of a president would say the first day it they are here. there is a tradition that the previous president leaves a letter behind. president bush was very gracious during the transition. i came here by myself and read the letter. you look around and you think yourself, i better not screw up. >> where in the white house do you find yourself the happiest? >> i would say that the south lawn is extraordinary.
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we build this place that -- this playset out here that malia and sasha used to use a lot. they are now getting old that they are not using it as much as they used to. i will look out the window and suddenly somebody is on a swing or laughing as they go down a slide. it will remind you why you're doing what you are doing. every once in awhile bo runs by. >> what about the lincoln bedroom? >> you know, the lincoln bedroom i do not go into much, except when there are visitors but every once in awhile i will sneak in to read it gettysburg address, especially when i have a speech. i'm constantly reminding myself
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that was only three minutes long. if i am getting long winded, it is useful to take a look at that piece of genius and remember that there is something to gravity when it comes to making a point. >> do you ever feel like you were going to be here for a long time? >> no, i mean, both me and the family recognize that this is the people's house, and we are temporary occupants, which means we want to make sure that we leave this place in as extraordinary condition as we found it. i think that there is humility there. we also want to constantly bring people into the white house. we have a lot of events with wounded warriors, kids from surrounding schools, who made
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some of feel like this is just a world apart. somewhat feel thatmay is just a world apart. we want them to know that this is for you, the american citizen. >> what about the kids? >> they are at an age where they would be comfortable just about anywhere. the degree to which they have adapted to this place is extraordinary. they treated just like home. that is exactly what we wanted it is a little bigger than our place in chicago. part of that is because the staff here is so wonderful to them and helpful to them. they are having a ball. pooldon't have a press that is following them everywhere. they end up having the best of both worlds, as does my mother- in-law, who lives on the third
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floor. she helps with the kids. she lived in a small bungalow in chicago for years, and suddenly she is in the white house. she has gotten to like it ok. she can always wonder out the gate and take a walk and nobody knows who she is. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you so much. enjoy. thank you, brian. good to see you. >> the president has a busy day in washington. all morning he will be meeting with middle east leaders in preparation for peace talks between palestinians and israelis. he will speak to benjamin netanyahu, and the president of the palestinian authority, mahmoud abbas, leader. he will make a statement on the peace talks taking place tomorrow.
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the president and the middle east leaders will speak with reporters in the east room, with president obama, benjamin netanyahu, mahmoud abbas, king of zoloft gordo -- king abf jordan, and hosni mubarak. the u.s. banking industry posted its highest quarterly earnings in three years. 54 lenders were added to this of troubled banks from april to june in 2010 -- added to the list of troubled banks from april to june in 2010. this is about 15 minutes. >> watch and to our release of second quarter results -- welcome to our release of second quarter results.
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this provides more evidence that the sector is moving on the road to recovery banking performance generally lag behind that of the u.s. economy, as the industry worked through its problems. economic recovery that began last year is beginning to be reflected in rising earnings and improved credit quality. insured institutions reported net income of $21.6 billion in the second quarter. this is the best quarterly profit for the banking sector in almost three years. the next chart illustrates our earnings improvement has spread since the second half of next year. nearly two out of every three banks are reporting better year- over-year earnings. as long as economic conditions remain supportive, most institutions should maintain profitability and increase their capacity to lend. lower expense of loan losses, particularly at the largest banks, was the biggest factor in
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improvement of earnings. the $40 billion loan-loss provision in the second quarter, while high by historical standards, was small in the first quarter of 2008. 62% of institutions increased their loan-loss reserves during the quarter. lower loss provisions suggest that many banks see it quality problems moderating, and as you can see in the next chart, the levels of noncurrent loans and charge-off part starting to trend downward. however, the chart illustrates how high troubled loans remain prepared to pre- prices levels but we believe all banks should exercise caution and maintain strong reserves. the high level of troubled loans reflects the ongoing challenges that many banks face. the problem list rose to eight under 29 during the quarter. however, -- rose to 829 during
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the quarter. however, it was the smallest increase of the year. a year ago, more than 29% were unprofitable. but it shows how far the industry has to go. 118 institutions have failed so far this year. we anticipate that the number of failures this year will exceed 2009 totals of 140. we also continue to see declining loan balances, especially the largest banks. the banking sector has been much progress in cleaning up its balance sheet, and recent surveys show that lending standards are starting to ease for some types of credit. but lending will not come back until businesses and consumers gain the confidence they need to hire and spend. improvement in banking sector results also had a significant
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positive impact on deposit insurance fund balance. the balance at the end of june was -$15.2 billion compared it to -$20 billion in the prior quarter. this is the second quarter in wrote that t -- in a row that this has improved. the large amount we set aside in contingent loss reserves cover the cost of expected failures. the decline for the sick and this reporter was $27.5 billion -- for the second straight quarter was $27.5 billion. at the end of the second quarter, our total cash position was $44 billion. as we expected, demand in cash increased this year, but our projections indicate the current resources are more than enough
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to result anticipated failures. -- to resolve anticipated failures i want to make a comment on steps we're taking to reduce the likelihood of future financial crises president obama signed into law the dodd-frank act. we're working closely with bank regulators and the treasury department as well as agencies to implement the new law. i assure you that the fdic will be seeking extensive input. we all want the american financial system to fully recover and grow while avoiding the mistakes of the past. transparency is a priority for the fdic. we have announced an open-door policy that will provide the public with a larger role in the rulemaking process than ever before. we will hold a series of roundtable discussions with external parties in the implementation process. the first of these discussions will be held in this room later today, and will be available for
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public viewing. a party can request a meeting with fdic officials or staff by submitting a former provided on our web page. we will disclose all been between private sector individuals and public individuals, which will enhance openness and accountability financial reform is also a global endeavor. we work with our counterparts here and overseas on improved capital standards, improve oversight, stronger market structures, and better cooperative remarks. crucially, the proposed reforms include an international leverage ratio to put a binding limits on overall leverage in both good times and bad. without question, the industry still faces challenges. earnings remained low by historical standards, and the numbers of unprofitable institutions and bank failures
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remain high. but the banking sector is gaining strength earning has grown and most economic indicators are moving in the right direction, putting banks in a stronger position to lend. thank you very much. i would be happy to take questions. are there any questions? >> hi, chairman. with that sort of the indications that the economy may not be as strong, there is a lot of questions out there. is there concern that the improvements we are seeing could be stunted since it is a lagging indicator? >> right, is a lagging indicator. well, we are still seeing recovery is sluggish, so it is a weight-and-to see posture at this point. if we had a double dip, it would have a less profound impact on the banking sector for a couple of reasons. one, credit streams have gotten
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better. it could, though, impact default. i think it is something we are watching them closely. we think our predictions are that we will continue with the slow recovery, but recovery nonetheless. but we are somewhat in the wait-and-see posture. >> chairman, if these trends in this report continue, can you give us a sense of how many quarters it will take for the loan balances to start to come up? >> that is a really good question, joe. we continue to encourage banks to make prudent loans. but a lot of this is about -- consumers and businesses need to have confidence in the recovery before they start making decisions on credit.
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a lot about the economy right now. everybody in washington is very focused on the economy and unemployment rate. >> i was wondering if you could give us a bit of an update on where things stand in the process, and what is being done to get germany on board. >> well, those are confidential meetings. it is not my decision to make. on a positive note, i think we can have a consensus. i think there is a strong case for higher capital standards. we hope everyone will reject too big to fail as a tenet of banking. it means very strong capital standards to give investors confidence that they are
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stable, because the government should not have to come in. >> last question. >> the problem banks were up but assets went down. two things. one are there any plans about how to help the problem banks, and what are the predictions about one of the smaller banks will start our recovery similar to larger banks -- will start a recovery similar to larger banks? >> right. smaller banks are recovering. they are working through troubled assets, so those have been coming down for quite a few quarters now. there is progress for community banks, although they will be it lagging the larger banks and in terms of coming out of this. we don't see any new programs other than what has been done
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already. i think most community banks are strong and loan balances went up finally. they are trying to do their part in extending credit, and they are working through their problems as well. thanks very much. >> at this point, we can turn it over to our technical panel, who can assist with for the questions -- with further questions. [laughter] >> we can hear you.
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>> i am wondering if you can expand on the comments about this projection that assets from the institutions that failed this year will be lower than last year. like, where are you finding those numbers? was it just the more large institutions failed last year? >> yeah, well, we have a projections for the board, which we lost share in june, of losses that would be incurred over this year and next four years, and underlying that analysis is the projection that while the number of banks is -- that will fail this year is higher than last year, it is, generally speaking, smaller-sized institutions. the largest institutions were hit first, and smaller
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institutions later. that is the way the figures are playing out as well. -- the failures playing out as well. >> i mean, obviously, credit quality -- how much is that due to the fact that they're charging off these loans, and how much are things actually improving? is it because they have taken these aggressive steps quarter after quarter that we are starting to see that flow through these indicators? >> a lot of the improvement is exactly that. a tremendous amount of charge- off is reflected in the numbers.
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the credits left on the books are generally a little higher quality, so they tend to perform better. future performance is dependent on the economy. >> will balances continue to decline, and one which we expect lending to pick up -- when should we expect lending to pick up? i am wondering what your projections are for those loan balances, and how, you think, they will spread going forward in one major category or all major categories? >> we don't make projections per se regarding loan balances. this has been a balance sheet recession. households and small businesses
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and particularly hard hit. financial institutions are making significant progress. households update progress, too, but we're still not seeing -- households have made progress, too, but we're still not seeing hiring in the economy. once the loan demand recovers, the banks are in good condition from capital standpoint and the balance sheet standpoint to meet the loan demand. it will take some time to pick up momentum, but they are in a good position to meet the demand as we go forward. >> all right, thanks, everyone.
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>> this morning we plan to bring you an update on cleanup operations and the gulf of mexico. incident commander thad allen will be briefing from houston. we hope to bring you live coverage starting at 11:30 this morning on c-span. coming up at 1:00 eastern, christina romer, the outgoing chair of the president's council of economic advisers, will be talking about the obama administration's economic policies. live coverage from the national press club here on c-span. underway now on c-span2, the financial crisis and corey commission is continuing its investigation -- inquiry commission is continuing its investigation into the collapse of the financial industry. the ceo of lehman brothers and the former ceo of wachovia. that is happening now on c- span2.
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a ceremony was held in baghdad marking the end of combat operations for u.s. troops. raymond odierno, who will be replaced by lloyd austin at the u.s. combat mission the mission comes to an end. we will hear comments from by president joe biden during this hour-long defended -- by vice president joe biden during this hour-long event. ♪
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>> ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct honor to introduce the vice president of the united states, joseph r. biden.
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ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the posting of the colors the national anthem of iraq and united states.
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["star spangled banner" plays]
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>> let us pray. lord god, merciful and monday, bringing justice and righteousness to all people, may your divine presence be with us. we give you thanks for the strength, wisdom, and the --dition of general odierno - dedication of general odierno, and ask you to be with them. by connecting all operations with dignity and respect, diligence, and dewey did we pray that you encourage general
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austin as he takes up the mantle of leading operations in operation at new dawn. we remember before you all of those who are of a fallen as a result of this conflict, u.s. and coalition forces, iraqi military and police, and innocent civilians. let our remembrance of these motivate us to work more diligently to see a true sunrise of hope for this country. amen. >> ladies and the moment, please be seated. -- ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. it is my distinct pleasure to introduce the u.s. ambassador to iraq, ambassador jim jeffry. >> mr. vice president, mr. prime
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minister, honorable ministers, mr. secretary, ambassadors, chairman mullen, general mattis , general odierno, general austin, distinguished guests, colleagues, first, it is an honor to be here today representing the men and women of the u.s. embassy at baghdad from 16 different u.s. agencies participating in this chain of command -- change of commensurate t -- change of comd ceremony and representing secretary clinton as well. as president obama's plan for u.s. engagement in iraq, vice president -- president obama's point man for u.s. engagement in iraq, vice-president biden is a
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familiar face to all of us got engaged and off in the vital partnership here. his commitment to iraq goes very deep. as vice-president and previously as senator, he has visited over a dozen times since to thousand three. the vice-president knows what it's like to have a close family member deployed in the u.s. military here. it is good to have you among us again, sir. distinguished guests, colleagues, iraqis and americans, allies and civilians, the vice president of the united states. [applause] >> thank you. these and gentlemen, for the last seven -- ladies and gentlemen, for the last several years, every time i have been in this palace i cannot help but think of the irony that we are today occupying a palace for no
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reason that was once occupied by saddam hussein -- occupying this palace for a noble reason that was once occupied by a saddam hussein. it is an honor to be with you today. it is an honor to be joined by such a distinguished group of americans and iraqi commanders and civilian leaders, bound together, i might add, as a nation, and we are now bound together as well by years of shared start and a significant sacrifice. struggle andared a start a significant sacrifice. last week, after seven and a half years that tested our metal like no conflict in recent american history -- tested our
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mettle like no conflict in recent american history, the last of the combat units went down the dusty highway out of iraq and home. the united states has now ended our combat mission in iraq. iraqi troops are taking a lead responsibility for the country's security. we kept a promise, a promise made to the american people and the people of iraq, by drawing down our forces to roughly 50,000. we are on track to remove all of our troops by the end of next year, according to the agreement signed by president bush made with the iraqi government. operation iraqi freedom is over. but american engagement with iraq will continue with the mission that began today, operation new dawn. as the name suggests, this
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ceremony not only marks the change of command, but the start of a different chapter in the relationship with iraq. our remaining troops, i might add, as combat-ready if need be as any in our military, will advise and assist iraqi forces, support counterterrorism operations, and protect our military and civilian personnel, as well as our infrastructure. we are wrapping up our civilian and diplomatic efforts -- ramping up our civilian and diplomatic efforts to strengthen iraqis stability and self-alliance at the very time we are drawing down combat forces. our goal is not just a physically secure iraq, but an economically prosperous and stable one as well. with our iraqi partners, our hope is to be able to enhance the ties of trade and commerce,
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increase the cultural and educational exchanges, open consulates in basra, all to ensure that our engagement spans the bread and link the this country -- breadth and length of this country. at diplomats will support efforts to build strong ties with neighbors and the wider world, while working for remaining obligations at the united nations. here in baghdad, those efforts will be led by an outstanding ambassador, jim jeffry, who may be new to this particular job, but is certainly not new to the region nor to this country. his knowledge and commitment runs deep. it goes back to his earlier service in the bush administration as the deputy national security adviser, as well as, at one point, dcm here in baghdad. he is backed by an extraordinary
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team of foreign service professionals and civilian experts who are moving to the forefront of our effort now. they have always been engaged, but now they are moving to the forefront. people like a former peace corps volunteer in ecuador reserves outside the wire as a public diplomacy officer for the provincial reconstruction team in kirkuk, or the woman who became an american citizen after her family fled iraq three decades ago, and has now chosen to return, in 2008, to work with the ministry of justice in iraq on property rights and rule of law, or 27-year veteran of the oregon police force u.s. trade officers in -- who has trained officers in kosovo and yemen.
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they've borne the burden of like the deployments, like you in the military, missing holidays, anniversaries, the births of children, the loss of loved ones. this change in mission, to state the obvious, would never have been possible without the result in tremendous sacrifice and competence of our military, the finest -- if our iraqi friends will forgive us -- fighting force in the world, and the finest fighting force that ever has existed. i do not believe that is hyperbole. it is in large part because it has been led i suggested it to a group of men and women -- led by a significant group of men and women.
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i want to thank my friend secretary gates for serving for two presidents with different parties and different views. it is his commitment to service and determination to see this through. [applause] he deserves your applause. as we used to say in the senate, this is one good man. we've often been blessed by the wisdom and steady hand of admiral mike mullen and the leadership of general david petraeus, who, i might add, is still serving this country in a way that is beyond what we should ask of anyone. i should not joke about this, but i visited him down in florida before he headed off,
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and he said, "just as i was finally getting to live like the air force, you are asking me to move." [laughter] it was a lovely place. by the way, we owe his wife and family as well. and also, general jim mattox, who has taken his command -- jim mattis, who has taken his command. i would like to especially thank general ray or dnr. this man is not only a warrior, -- ray odierno. this man is not only a warrior, but a diplomat, in the best tradition. i want to thank him for his exceptional service for more than four years working with iraqi political leaders. many here is sitting today would all acknowledge that they have absolute faith and trust in this man . general, four and five months is
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an extraordinary sacrifice for you and your family -- four years and five months is an extraordinary sacrifice for you and your family, and i know how joyous homecoming is going to be, and you deserve it. and by the way, you owe linda dick, really, really big. i would be remiss -- linda big, really really big. i would be remiss if i did not recognize his son, who made great sacrifices and was awarded the purple heart and the bronze star, and now he works for the new york yankees, and i imagine you will go home and see a couple of games. i am confident as well that general austin, who has served a valiantly in iraq and beyond, will continue this proud legacy. we are extremely fortunate to
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have you take command, and i look forward to working with you, and i know that you know many of the iraqi political leaders here and the commanding generals and there will be a seamless transition. our fighting men and women were given a mission that was as complicated as any in history, and the senate approved, as clausewitz taught us, that war is the role of uncertainty. troops steeped in military doctors were asked to deal with challenges such as electricity, unemployment, currency exchange, trash collection. an invasion that toppled a tired and became a grinding struggle against violent -- toppled a tyrant became running struggle against violent extremism. it requires split-second
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decisions by young american military women and men that could save a life of a comrade or shed the blood of an innocent. enemies like al qaeda in iraq waged unspeakable violence against iraqi civilians in an attempt to foster hatred in communities that were shipped the exact same god. -- that worship the exact same god. thus far, they have failed. the iraqi people have rejected the ugly face of violence and have cast their lot as well as their ballots for a better future. today, while the threat, the tragic reality of budget remains, of violence has reached the lowest -- the tragic reality of bloodshed remains, violence has reached the lowest point since we arrived here. more than 640,000 iraqi security
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forces, including highly trained special operations forces, who are increasingly ready to defend their fellow citizens. in recent months, the iraqi military secured an election, killed or captured most of al qaeda in iraq and most of their leaders, and made significant inroads against other terrorist groups. because of their competence, we have over the past year, and it has been over the past years, the general will tell you and you all know, we have been able to transfer thousands of square miles of territory and hundreds of bases to iraqi control. perhaps the most important development of all is that in the aftermath of the second national election, iraqi leaders are sitting down to settle differences through negotiation and not through violence. another way of putting it, as my staff always kids me for saying, politics has broken out in iraq.
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the fact that no single party or coalition got anywhere near a majority would make forming a government in a parliamentary system difficult under any circumstances. decade after decade of dictatorship and war, it is a more daunting task here in iraq. unlike after the last election, however, there is security in basic services and prevent a dangerous power vacuum from erupting. but that is not a durable solution to the many challenges and significant opportunities iraq faces. the iraqi people voted in large numbers across communities, and if you don't mind for giving me for saying so, they expected government that reflects the result of the votes they cast. that is going to require iraqi politicians to place the national interest above their own, a difficult thing in any
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country, including ours. it is not our place to tell the iraqis who should lead, but i strongly urge them to match the courage of other citizens -- match the courage that the citizens of shot by bringing this process to a close and forming a government -- citizens have shown by bringing this process to a close and form a government, and i trust they will do so soon. the sheer scope of our commitment to the iraqi people pierce some reflection. more than 1 million american service members have deployed here since the conflict began, and i am in awe -- i mean, i am their -of accomplishments and sacrifices, including all of you sitting here today. this is practically true for more than 30,000 troops wounded in action, more than 4408 fallen
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angels who made the ultimate sacrifice, along with other members of the international coalition. it is no secret that this war has divided americans, but they have never shrunk from united support for an extraordinary united states military, for the extraordinary service of our troops. as president obama said last night, now is the time to put these differences behind us and come together to meet the many challenges that remain and that we face at home. today is an important acknowledgment, it is important to acknowledge the magnitude, the magnitude, of iraqi losses in this conflict. tens of thousands of that security forces and innocent civilians have been killed -- of iraqi security forces innocent civilians have been killed.
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many have been displaced. i pray that all of those scarred by the war in iraq, no lasting peace -- all of those scarred by the war in iraq come to know lasting peace. after all the iraqis in short, we understand -- offeafter all e , weis in tendured understand the desire to maintain their own security. that is why president obama has kept his promise made one month after he took office to end our combat mission and brought out to a force if it doesn't, -- and draw down to a force of the 50,000, and why people make good on our promise to remove all forces by the end of next year. we gather today in a capital
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that once boasted the planet's greatest assembly of universities, hospitals, and museums, a cultural beacon whose centerpiece was a grand bazaar known as the house of wisdom. iraq has faced our chips most nations cannot fathom -- faced hardships most nations cannot fathom, but it is blessed with vast national out the and resources -- national bounty and resources, and educated, adaptive, and above all, brazilian people. -- resilient people. these are the tools that can forge a secure and prosperous future for iraq. god willing, we are on the path to fulfill that crosagain. we are proud to be your partner.
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thank you all, may god bless you all, and may god protect our troops. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, we will begin to change of command ceremony. united states forces in iraq was consolidated in 2010 to serve the strategic and operational command of all forces serving in operation iraqi freedom the headquarters were multinational force iraq, multinational corps of iraq, will the national security and transition iraq, -- multinational security and transition iraq, at the iraq assistance groups.
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the insignia is the same as that approve for multinational force iraq, originally approved in january 2005, amended in february 2005. the start represents a vision of unity among the people of iraq -- star represents a vision of unity among the people of iraq. the colossal statue of the mess n winged-- mesopotamia an bull represents strength and protection of the people. u.s. division northcom u.s. division south, u.s. division central -- u.s. division north, u.s. divisions upcoming u.s. division central -- u.s. division south, u.s. division at central.
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it serves as a rallying point for soldiers. this symbolic passing of the unit's colors is a time-honored tradition that signifies the command from the outgoing commander to the incoming commander. the history, traditions, and accomplishments of the unit are embodied in its colors, and although commanders may come and go, the colors always remained steadfast. with the passing of the colors, the legacy is also past, well as the responsibility for the continued accomplishments of the mission. we would like to invite the vice-president and secretary to witness the passing of the colors.
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>> with this change of command comes a change of responsibility. the colors will be passed from acting -- wilson to -- the sergeant major is the custodian and represents all the men and women within the units. he passes the colors to the outgoing commander. the outgoing commander pass the colors to the presiding officer, symbolically relieve coast -- relinquishing command of the unit. the presiding officer passes to the incoming commander, charging him with the duties and responsibilities of command. the new commander then passes the colors to the new command sergeant major -- major, entrusting him with care and protection of the unit and its legacy. by authority of the president and the congress of the united states of america, the
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underside -- undersigned assumes command effective for september, 2010, general of united states army, commanding. >> ladies and gentlemen, my
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distinct pleasure to introduce the secretary of defense, robert m. gates. >> it is clear the vice- president is a little taller than i am. [laughter] as are the next two speakers. mr. vice president, distinguished guests, i am honored to be part of this occasion where we transfer command responsibility from one outstanding leader to another. and reflect on what the men and women of u.s. forces in iraq have achieved under general odierno's leadership. ray odierno came to this post uniquely qualified to lead our military operations in iraq. in fact, he leaves as one of the few u.s. army generals in history to command a division, core, entire theater in the same conflict. after commanding the fourth infantry division in the area around saddam hussein's home town during the first year of
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the campaign, odierno would later take charge of multinational corps during the darkest days of the war. as the operational architect of the surge, with david petreaus, he helped craft and implemented a strategy that led to the dramatic decrease in violence of the past three years. as any student of military history knows, any strategy is only as effective as its execution. and without his and his troops ability to turn plans and to results on the ground, we would be facing a far grimmer situation outside these walls today and more broadly, a strategic disaster for the united states. as you might recall, general odierno was on his way to the well-deserved post of vice chief of staff of the army. but duty called on him once more to return to iraq in the fall of 2008 after only seven months at home.
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it fell to general odierno and the men and women of this command to build on the hard- fought gains of the surge, keeping the proverbial booed on the neck of outside in iraq while expanding the capacity and capabilities of iraq's army and police. he did all of this while overseeing a significant drawdown and repositioning of u.s. forces, arguably one of the biggest and most complex logistical operations in the history of warfare. the dedication of general odierno, the sacrifices of the troops under his command, and efforts of our interagency and iraqi partners made it possible to be where we are today. but the dramatically reduced troop presence and a new mission as president and vice president described. there is one more group of people to whom credit and honor must be given. and that is linda and the rest of the odierno family. they have seen their husband and
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father deployed for more than three of the last four years and for some 55 months since the iraq war began. they have borne the burden and paid the price for this war in so many ways. and they have done so with real grace and brazilian -- resilience, the best embodiment of all the army families do for our country. i know they will be happy to have ray back to the u.s., leading join forces command. as you all know, he faces a difficult and delicate task and a dangerous one as well, at least in a political sense. he is the right leader for that job. and our country will be meeting, i am confident, ray odierno's talent and experience in uniform for some time even beyond that. as america was fortunate to have general odierno in the wings two years ago, we are fortunate to have lloyd austin ready to take
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the baton from him one more time today. whether leading troops at every level of command, or most recently as director of the joint staff, lloyd austin, like ray odierno, has always led by example, asking nothing of his troops he would not do himself. he has the unique distinction of being awarded the silver star for valor as a general officer, leading from the front during the third infantry division's march to baghdad more than seven years ago. i would like to think his wife charlene, his son and the rest of the austin family for their sacrifices and their support then and now. i know we will -- he will use his extraordinary talent and experience to build on this success that has been achieved in iraq, success fought with the blood and sweat of all who have served here. which brings me to a final word to the men and women of u.s. forces in iraq, even as the weight of our military efforts
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and public attention has shifted to afghanistan, we should know your work here going forward is critical to the future of this part of the world and to the national security of the united states. you have the gratitude and respect of all americans for your service and your sacrifice and for the service and sacrifice of your families. thank you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, my distinct pleasure to into this outgoing commander of united states forces iraq, general re odierno. [applause]
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>> distinguished guests, mr. vice president, secretary gate, add more mullen, general austin, command major wilson, major coleman, to my iraqi friends, deputy prime minister, prime minister, minister of defense, interior, the general, although wonderful general officers of the iraqi army and air force, thank you so much for coming today. you are the future of iraq and we think the future of iraq is very bright. i would also like to take a minute just to thank all of those is and so much time and effort in putting this ceremony together to make it special for both me and general austin.
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i truly appreciate that. i a tree sheet -- appreciate the band and a color guard, but everyone behind the scenes and i cannot think we probably recognize what you do to make this a special event. so, thank you very much. usually when you are at a change of command you take some time to thank those who supported you. i would like to name a lot of people. but i have been here 40 out of the last 47 months, as the secretary pointed out, and i have been here through three corps headquarters, 24 different u.s. multinational divisions, 211 brigades, 1000 italians, over 140 flag officers and hundreds of thousands of soldiers. if i tried to thank all of them, we would be here for a very, very long time. to save you all, i decided not to do that today. i would start out by saying is is important to take a step back and put into perspective where we are today. i believe it is absolutely remarkable how much the united
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states and our coalition partners at the time, but most importantly, the iraqi people, what they have accomplished. this period in iraq's history will probably be remembered for sacrifice, resiliency, unchanged, however, i remember it as a time in which the iraqi people stood up against tyranny, terrorism and extremism and decided to determine their own destiny as a people and as a democratic state. in my time here in iraq i participated in many inspiring milestones. the toppling of saddam hussein's tyrannical regime, the capture of saddam hussein, the planning and execution of the surge, the recognition of iraqi sovereignty through the ratification and implementation of the bilateral agreements. the iraqi security forces taking the lead of security within the city's on the first of july of
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2009. the transition and consolidation of multinational force iraq into a single unified command. the national parliamentary elections on the seventh of march in which 11.5 million iraqis from all ethnic and religious groups, both young and old, north to south, east to west, freely exercise the most basic right of democracy. i have witnessed the continued improvement of the iraqi security forces and their capability. which resulted in the drawdown of our forces. which featured the withdrawal of just under 100,000 personnel, over 40,000 tractor vehicles and 2 million pieces of equipment, all without incident. that the finds a certain level of security. now today marks the end of operation iraqi freedom and the beginning of operation new dawn.
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continued steps in achieving a sovereign, stable, and self reliance iraq. in every case that i have just mentioned above, there were many who doubted the ability that we would ever accomplish what we set out to do. however, no matter the circumstances, i never for a moment lost faith in the adaptability, courage, and mental toughness of our service members and civilians to get the job done. if there is one lesson i have taken from our involvement here, it is the sheer magnitude of what we are capable of when we trust in ourselves, remained focused on our commitments, and worked side by side, arm in arm with our iraqi partners and our civil military team. even today there are those who doubt that the iraqi security forces are ready to take full responsibility for security.
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i stand before you today and say, they are ready to do that task. to each and every trooper of u.s. forces iraq, previously multinational force iraq, past or present, you made these accomplishments possible to to your tireless efforts and sacrifices in partnership with the iraqi security forces, our coalition partners, and the interagency. we stood together through difficult times. we fought together. we laughed together. and sometimes cried together. we stood side by side and shed blood together. but it was for the shared ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice. a degree of more -- normalcy that was previously hijacked by a dictator, by al qaeda and other extremist groups has been reclaimed and return to its rightful owners, the iraqi
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people. because of your tremendous efforts, justice has replaced chaos, a court has replaced strife, and hope has replaced despair. today is a new dawn in our relationship with the government of iraq. we can no longer dwell on our past accomplishments but must remain focused on the tremendous opportunity at hand. iraq has always played a vital role in this uncertain part of the globe, a strong, democratic iraq that is as enduring and in equal partner of the united states can become an engine for peace and stability in the middle east. to the end of our military mission, the united states forces in iraq must maintain strategic patients and continue to do all we can to develop iraq's capacity and build meaningful relationships. today marks the transition to
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operation new dawn and the end of combat operations in iraq for american forces. but it in no way signals an end to our commitment to the people of iraq. it is a continued recognition of iraq's sovereignty and marks the trend -- beginning of our transition to a u.s.-civilian that effort, aimed at building and enduring strategic partnerships that will bring american technology, education, and commercial expertise to bear, so that the amex -- iraqi people can unleash the country's great potential. we will maintain our military presence through the end of 2011 to continue maturing the iraqi security forces and to provide the physical, psychological support necessary for the government of iraq to move forward to enduring stability and prosperity. we stand at a pivotal point today in iraq, as iraq is establish the foundations of the representative government, in accordance with their constitution and continue to build economic, diplomatic, and
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security. a peaceful transition of power following iraq bought a credible legitimate elections, the strongest possible response to al qaeda and other terrorist organizations. by voting for peace, stability, and prosperity, the iraqi people have sent a clear message to their leadership. and i urge all the political -- to respond by forming a government that is representative of their will. it is time for iraq to move forward. through decades of abuse, suppression, and uncertainty, the iraqi people have continued to demonstrate tremendous resiliency. i know they are determined to make iraq something very different from what it once was. something their children and grandchildren can be proud of. and some think of their forefathers, and never tires of hammurabi could recognize as matching the greatness of iraq's glorious past. when i return to the united
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states i know many will ask, was it worth it, what was it all for? to which i will respond with the words of general george c. marshall -- we must present to democracy as a force wholly within itself, the seeds of on the progress of the human race, by our actions we should make it clear that such a democracy is a means to a better way of life, together with building a better understanding among nations. we have sacrificed our nation's most precious resource, our sons and daughters, to give the iraqi people the opportunity for a better future. all of you who have served here, civilian and military, should be proud of your contribution to that noble goal. we will never forget the 4163 americans and the tens of thousands of iraqis who have died for their country or the thousands wounded whose lives have been changed forever, but
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will always continue to inspire us. we will complete our mission with honor and success, as a tribute to their selfless service. as we change the mission today, i remains supremely confident that general lloyd austin will carry the legacy of positive change for the iraqi people. general austin is a proven combat leader of the highest order. he has worked closely with the iraqi security forces and senior u.s. coalition and iraqi leadership. it is incredible reputation of professionalism and dedication precedes him. and u.s. forces iraq is in great hands at this important juncture. there is simply no one more qualified and, lloyd, i wish you nothing but the best of luck. to my iraqi partners, i have been proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and am honored to have served the iraqi people. together we have shouldered the burden of war, the build a bond that cannot be broken. you have demonstrated
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exceptional bravery, boundless ingenuity and unfailing determination. you served so that others may live in peace and harmony. you all have turned my utmost respect. to ambassador jeffrey and all the brave and dedicated foreign service officers of the u.s. embassy and the many other u.s. government agencies committed to our mission in iraq, thank you for your professionalism, sacrifice, and partnership. to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard and civilians of u.s. forces iraq, you are the best fighting force in the world today. your commitment to success never wavered. we ask you to sacrifice, yourself less. when conditions became difficult, you gave more. when a change was required, you embraced it. you represent the best of what america has to offer and you inspire me every single day.
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it has been an honor to serve with you and humbling to leave you. to my family, my wife, linda, michael, katie, my son-in-law -- daughter in law, selflessness, a sacrifice and support have kept me going over the last many years. i will never be able to repay you for your sacrifices. and, thank you for your unconditional love and support. to all of our families, you are a true american heroes who selflessly sacrifice for your country. we are all deeply indebted to you. finally, to my iraqi friends, i am honored to have known you, proud to call you my friends. i will miss you and i will miss iraq. iraq will always be part of me, but for now, my journey is home. may god bless all of you, god bless america, and may god bless the new iraq. thank you very much.
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[applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, my distinct pleasure to introduce the commander of united states forces iraq, general lloyd j. austin iii.
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>> today marks the beginning of operation new dawn and our renewed commitment to an enduring strategic relationship with the iraqi people. success will require a comprehensive and coherent approach by all the u.s. government entities, international organizations and the iraqi government. the result of that team ward will be a stable, secure, and self reliance iraq that benefits the entire region. good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. mr. vice-president, ambassador jeffrey, secretary gates, distinguished guests, thank you all for being here today. and general odierno, at the outset, let me thank you for
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your invaluable service and your leadership. what a great job. [applause] it is my sincere honor to return to this great country and to serve once more with my iraqi friends. and to all of the soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen and civilians serving under united states forces iraq, it is indeed my honor and distinct privilege to serve with you as we undertake the next phase of our efforts in iraq. the past few years in iraq have been marked by steady progress. and in that time we have witnessed an improvement in the lives of the iraqis as this country has become more stable, more secure, and more self reliance. the development of the iraqi security forces has indeed been
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significant, but i commend the iraqi security forces for taking the lead and providing for iraq's security. i also commend our american service members, our civilians, and the department of state and other agencies for their contributions to this wonderful progress. because of your service, the iraqis have had the freedom to participate in two free and fair national elections. the incidence of violent attacks have steadily declined and iraq has begun construction of new relationships with its regional allies, which will offer both stability and prosperity for the entire region. this is tremendous progress in a relatively short period of time and it would not have been possible without a strong partnership between our two nations. and although challenges remain, we will face these challenges
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together. iraq still faces a hostile enemy who was determined to hinder progress. iraq's enemies will continue to seek opportunity to pursue their objectives but make no mistake, our military forces here and those of the iraqi nation remain committed to ensuring that our friends in iraq succeed and we will demonstrate our commitment through a continued partnership with the iraqis. we will help the iraqis develop their capability to provide for their own national defense by advising, assisting, training, and equipping the security forces. and we will support iraqi troops in targeted counter- terrorism operations. we will continue to work but the state department provincial reconstruction teams to assist local and provincial governments as they continue to improve
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services for the iraqi people. and we will work with the iraqi government to strengthen iraqi institutions and the rule of law. we fully recognize that the united states forces iraq is but one component a whole of government effort. and as we press forward together, the u.s. mission will continue to transition to an increasing focus, on civilian- led efforts, but our national commitment to iraq will not change. and i look forward to working very closely with ambassador jeffrey, whom i hold in very high regard. we will work together to ensure that this transition is carried out in a thorough and responsible manner. as you know, ambassador jeffrey has a distinguished career of service to our nation, and i cannot think of a better partner in this endeavor.
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and i know that we will not been where we are today without the distinguished service and commitment and the sacrifice of so many americans and so many iraqis. distinguished warriors like former iraqi captain -- and american captain. the iraqi captain served under special forces under saddam hussein. he later fought side-by-side with american soldiers against insurgents, where he became a close friend of the american officer, captain dukoti. in 2005, he was paralyzed in a terrorist ambush when he was hit by small arms fire some 12 times. terribly wounded, he is -- his arrival was far from certain. capt. dakote helped him get medical care and the united states but he refused to leave
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his comrades. the bond they shared was formed through the hardship they experienced together and it could not be broken. and that is the type of bond, ladies and gentlemen, that we hope to have with iraq for many, many years ago. one based on trust, confidence, and mutual respect. ultimately we want to what all iraqis want. a stable, secure, and unified iraq. and iraq whose people feel a sense of dignity and hope. and iraq whose governmental institutions provide for its people and foster a sense of inclusion in the political process. and an iraq with a strong professional and capable security force that can protect the population and defend the nation. operation new dawn marks the
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next phase of an enduring relationship between iraq and the united states of america. and i look forward to continuing to work with our counterparts at the state department's and our iraqi partners to help iraq to become a stable, secure, and self-reliant nation. thank you very much, latest in denton. -- ladies and gentlemen. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the benediction, retirement of the colors and sing-along for the playing of the armed forces that lead and remain standing for the departure of the official party. >> let us pray. lord god almighty, today we leave this place inspired to
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serve in strength, walk in honor, and to pursue wisdom and knowledge for the good of others. let us truly appreciate the blessings we have so that we might share those blessings with others. amen. [military commands] [drumroll] [music]
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♪ [playing of air force theme]
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theme]g of navy sea [playing of marines theme]
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playing of the army theme] >> this change of command ceremony happening earlier today in baghdad. let us go live where incident commander thad allen is breaking on cleanup operations for the gulf oil spill. they are just adjusting the cameras. it should get underway in just a moment.
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live coverage here on c-span. >> are we ready to go, operated? >> yes. >> i press secretary for admin -- admiral allen. he will get opening remarks and take questions from those present and then we will move to the phone. >> thank you. good morning. as in no, i am here in houston. this morning i met with the bp engineering team and their senior leadership. we had a conference call with secretary salazar and his science team going over the current conditions on site and our current efforts. i will give you an update on
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that and then i would like to talk about the sub digging col, which has been of concern to a lot of folks. we are currently in a holding pattern of sure, waiting to proceed. the replacement of the legacy blowout preventer from the deep water horizon. in advance of putting a new blow up from mentor on that will allow us to have pressure integrity in the well -- putting in a blowout preventer. we hit a weather window that will be difficult moving forward. we anticipate removing the blow out presenter, -- preventor. there is a picture of the q-4000 to my left. the combined weight of the mechanism p and mechanism preventor itself is approximately 1 million pounds. when they released
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whenpreventor, it will be suspended 5,000 feet. there are two things we are concerned about their number one, the wave heights. you can imagine the q-4000 riding up and down on the waves. when they go of it is more dynamic loading. we are concerned about the ability of the pipe system to handle that. is there is a limit in terms of the wave height. secondarily, when you have something suspended 5,000 feet below a drilling rig like this you have a pendulum motion. it kind of swings around. that is related to the period of the swells and the waves. the combination of the period of the ways and the height of the waves create a set of conditions that dictates when you can safely do this. we are at a window where we cannot do that because it exceeds the safety factors. we believe in the next 24-36 hours we will enter a weather window that will allow us.
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but that in mind we are making preparations to take advantage of that window, which we believe will last thursday, friday, saturday, to sunday to remove the blowouts preventor. the first that is tomorrow around midday. we will bring in the discover enterprise. already have riser pipe dropped down to -- they will remove the capping staff. on the 15th of july. so we will remove that and the discovery enterprise will move away. add that point the q-4000 will come in and last up and will be ready to lift the blow-out preventor when they reach the wave heights and the period in the safety window. we are moving in advance so we work our able to move them. it will be hooked up, to release the blow-out preventor and we
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will be ready to that when we achieve the window, which we believe some time 24-36 hours from now. once that happens, the blow-out preventor will be lifted, brought to the surface. to give you an idea, if you looked at the photograph just to my left, it is kind of hard to say because in the darkness -- large objects, two tug but it's underneath the q-4000 and the back, so you can see how large it is. it will raise the blow-out preventor up through the q-4000 and if you look of the picture on the left there is a high derek and a set of cranes. one of the interesting things about the q-4000 is it has the right to list the blow-out preventor complete of the water and put it on deck. all complete taking apart the riser package, store those and getting closer to shore and
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transfer those to other vessels or barges to be taken to a staging area. this all be done under the supervision of the joint investigations team and under the conditions laid out by the department of justice. requirements for handling blow- out preventor, material to a number of investigations the women. once the blow-out preventor is removed, development driller 2, which was telling the second relief well, will move in with the new blow-out preventor and will place it on top of the well. at that point there will be a series of diagnostics conducted to make sure that the blow-out preventor is functioning properly, testing the valves and ability to maintain pressure. once the blow-out preventor has been tested, we will be in a position to proceed with the killing of the well, if you will. we are looking at the time line to move forward but it is contingent on completing these steps, and these steps, i would pass on to you, are contingent
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themselves of the weather and the removal of the blow-out preventor could be impacted by the fact whether or not the pipe suspected to be -- is in contact with any cement that might have adhered to this while we were doing the static killed. whether we have to pull to get three. blow-out preventor could, free and it is not a problem. we would lift it up and cut the pipe below the blow-out preventor and it will be taken to the surface by another vessel. if we cannot for the pipe from being blow-out preventor by applying about 80,000 pounds of pull, we will mannerly open it, remove the blow-out preventor and cut the pipe off. so we will try to pull the whole thing of together, if we can. we will mechanically open it and removing blow-out preventor. we believe if we can do that we can proceed with killing of the well sometime after labor day weekend. but this is conditions based on the weather and the condition
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of the pipe. that is the current status. i was out at the well site on monday. i was aboard the q-4000, i climbed the blow on the catwalks, what they would bring the blow-out preventor up, and it is hard to see now but in a six-foot sea state you would be amazed how much up and down vertical movement. it is hard to detect unless you are sitting on top of it. it is a good save the call and we have to wait for the right window. i would like to call about subsea will monitoring. as in no, there has been a lot of conversation about potential and extent of any hydrocarbons that may be present in the gulf of mexico. this relates also to the discussion of the -- several weeks ago, there have been several academic institutions. there has been a sense of monitoring that has been conducted by noaa and epa. several weeks ago i sent a letter to the unified area
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commander and directed him to come up with a comprehensive hydrocarbon monitoring plan. my goal was to take the extensive efforts and see if we can unify them into a comprehensive knowledge management based picture of the gulf of mexico as it relates to the presence of hydrocarbons in the water column. to date, there have been over 27,000 samples taken in over 182,000 square miles in the gulf of mexico. but my goal is to bring all of this together and get it into one coherent picture that both the government and the academic community can look at and understand, discussed, and draw conclusions from. to that end, the admiral is comparing implementation plan for this unified testing program. and this week we are socializing that plan with academic institutions are round of the goals. yesterday we had meetings at the university of south florida, st. petersburg. but today we are meeting of the
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gulf of mexico institute in biloxi, mississippi, and also meeting at tulane university. the goal is to understand the work in progress, aspirations and any value add we can gain talkative at conditions involved in trying to understand the presence of hydrocarbons. this will allow us to better understand what kind of threat remains out there. this will also set the stage for long-term natural resource damage assessment and an a long time sampling requirements that might need to be carried out under the shift to the natural resources damage assessment. i've got a couple of charts that indicate some of the density of some of the testing. these relate to testing anywhere from using autonomous underwater vehicles to collect samples, to putting down crab traps in and around the coastal areas, snare booms, these little pompom-tight booms where the oil sticks to it and you put up occasionally to see if there is any oil that came into contact.
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it also includes testing that has been done with a noaa oceanographic vehicles. adjust the rate of the different types of technology that has been used out there. a lot of folks have been working mothers very hard. with the well head under control, the long-term impact, hydrocarbons in the water column, this is a prudent thing to do all we are anxious to move forward and unify the technology off -- effort in support of understanding to the presence or lack thereof or disposition of the fate of the oil in the gulf of mexico. with that, we would like to take any questions that you have today. if you could identify yourself. do we have a microphone? please, go ahead. >> in terms of the investigation, what could you say about what you are hoping it will tell you about the explosion and how it happened? >> lorton in the purview of what we call the joint investigation
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team -- largely in the purview of what we call the joint investigation team, department of interior and homeland security. that team is holding hearings not only in new orleans, but here. that was the body that issued the subpoenas for the blow-out preventor. there will be a chain of custody to make sure that we know exactly the condition, and that there is continuous monitoring. alternately it will be taken to a point somewhere on land where they put together the other debris and pieces that have been recovered from the rig itself. a lot of this right now is currently at the u.s. coast guard station on the mississippi river. exactly where it finally ends up has yet to be determined that it's phenomenal plan at this point. >> 39 news. can you elaborate on the risks moving forward when the water is too rough?
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what actually could have been? >> what you want to -- don't want to do is try to lift a heavy object and have the lifting device capability exceeded by the weight, and other words, you don't the pipe to break. they are actually engineering between 1.5, and the 1.75 margin of excellence. if you are lifting a million pounds, you of the pipe to be able to expand -- but stan 1.75 million gallons. >> dow jones. if i understood well, you are planning to remove the stacked before the weather window appears. do you have to wait 24 or 36 hours? >> we can remove the capping stack a little before the q- 4000 because the discover enterprise and the pipe can withstand. riser pipe coming from discover enterprise with designed to fit
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on the well. remember, we used this to produce oil coming up. latching device -- drill. it is not the same type of mechanism to lift. it had different parameters. we can move the discover enterprise in and remove the capping step in advance and have the q-4000 ready to go well we have the weather window. good question. tomorrow at noon, if everything holds according to plan, tomorrow at noon we will start removing the capping stacked with the discover enterprise, movie q-4000 and have it in position to lift the blowout preventer will we get the weather window. >> phil archer from houston. what does your team know about the condition of the blowout preventer right now? there was damage to it before the explosion. >> i think we have learned certain things along the way and
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i did not want to presuppose what would be a technical analysis done by our forensic team. we know there are some things that we do know. first of all, i'd not -- it cannot operate fully. the exact location -- it is not known exactly. we thought at one point the pipe might have been suspended from the upper seal and the lower marine riser package but in our attempt to fish that out, pipes fell in. that indicates fragility of the pipe. there were issues about whether or not there were hydrates further down in the lower marine riser package in the blow-out preventer that might of been hampering the movement of the pipe. i think we could have gone off for a long time putting cameras down there and conducting what we call fishing. but at this point, we were getting negligible return and we did not know it was below the rams so i think at this point it was advisable to lifted -- that is fine, cut the pipe and remove
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it and if we can't need to move in with a mechanic and open the rams up and get the blow-out preventer off. we will not know the exact status until we get it on sure to look inside. >> evidence that the pressure -- damage pressure collor, pieces came up a couple weeks before the explosion? >> not that i am aware of. does not mean there will not be pieces found. we need to get it out the water and let the investigative team get a look at it. operator, i would be glad to go to the phone at this time. operator: [unintelligible] >> can you tell us how high are
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the waves now and what is the -- how high can they being with low before you can start? >> they need to be below 4 feet to start moving the capping stack and ideally about 3 feet. that is correct. >> thank you. operator: next question from bloomberg. >> if i could follow up, but -- >> there is different tolerance related to the discover enterprise, q-4000, and not related some much to what the ships themselves can stand, because they are sturdy, but the way that are connected to the capping stack and blow-out preventer. discover enterprise hooks up with a regular riser pipe, used for drilling. you have seen the very robust,
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why the pipe with insulation around it and the choke line and other connections. it carries a much heavier load and can withstand a hired cs state. q-4000, on the other hand, does not have a riser system associated. basically drill strength used to lift the blow out prevented. let me ask the next -- answer the next question before es, why use q-4000 to lift the blow-out preventer? when they q-4000 was brought an originally it was to operate -- on the seabed that allowed us to do -- excuse me, dynamic the thames at the top kill and ultimately the static kill we did by pumping mud and cement into the kill and choke lines and before that we were using kill and choke lines to produce and flare off oil to q-4000. it was never intended to be the primary listing device but it can do it. it just had constraints compared to the discovery enterprise.
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the reason we are using q-4000 is on deck as the electrical connections and computers that actually run the control pond that sits down on the blow out from mentor that runs all of the hydraulic lines and the valves and operates basically the blow- out preventer from the service. we pretty much merit in the ability to operate the blow out prevented, yellow pot, with q- 4000 at the start of this response. therefore we are using the q- 4000 to lift it and because of that we are accepting some limitations compared to what the discover enterprise can do. >> yes. "the times picayune" -- a landlord and st. bernard parish. the ec that as -- >> i do not. operator: the next question from "usa today." >> i wondering if you could talk
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about what are the ides of you happen to open up manually, the second option, to -- pieces of pipe and other thing still sticky. [inaudible] even harder to blow it up -- pull it up. [inaudible] you had trouble with the rams from the start. >> i am optimistic we can remove the blow-out preventer without having to open the rams. one reason is the fragility of the pipe bus bar. we have gone in and tried to remove the pipe as part of the fishing experiment. it is actually broken and fallen down and it does not look like it has a lot of structural integrity. that pipe has been subjected to a lot of forces, including attempted dynamic kill and a jump shot. in the best of all possible worlds when we lifted the blow- out preventer off, it will come
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free with the pipe. the one we were planning on its contingency that somehow there was some adherents between the pipe and casing itself, that it would cause the pipe to adhere to it. even if that is the case, there is some suggestion, slight additional poll, 80,000 pounds, that type can be pulled free but in the event neither condition exists we are prepared to manually open the rams and lift the blow-out preventer and basically cut the pipe up and recover that with another vessel to the surface. >> thanks very much. operator: the next question -- "the new york times." >> can you tell me how they -- attached to the well head and any concern about -- [inaudible] >> the current -- the same connector they would use for any
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similar drilling wells. to the extent that hydrates are there, we don't expect that to be a problem. had we continued to try to fish and get the pipe, there were concerns hydrate would block the ability of the camera to operate. i am not sure that is an issue. if there is an issue at all, probably the issue of the condition of the wellhead sells. when the deep water rise and exploded and sank, it bends the riser pipe over and ultimately it was severed from the drill rig. at that point, as massive as they blow-out preventer and the wellhead was, it probably bent over to some extent and when the riser pipe separated from the rate it popped back up. it did not pop straight back up. there have been attempts to level that so we can get as close to vertical as we can. i believe the current estimate is about 2 degrees off center line. so as we go to pull the blow-out preventer out, i would say hydrates are not a real concern.
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i think the alignment to true vertical, two degrees off, would impact itself to a very small degree the pull of bop as you are trying to free it. we are aware of it. engineers have taken that into account. we do not think it will be a prohibiting condition but it is something we are aware of. two more questions, operator. operator: the next question comes from a line of vivien -- cnn. >> two questions. the drill pipe -- how integral well that being -- well that the? for evidence, if any. your task, material pieces of equipment on the floor. what is happening with that other equipment? >> the first question -- i am not sure we know the condition
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of the pipe. i think the assumption it will be material to the investigation and therefore we want to make sure we can retain that, if we can. that is the reason care is being taken to insure we can recover the pipe. also we need to get the blow-out preventer removed. two issues. one to make sure any actions are consistent -- consistent with the guidance from the department of justice on evidenciary guidelines, plus the overriding fact we need to get a new blow- out preventer that ensures well pressure and integrity so we can continue killing it. there is a lot of stuff. there is a manifold on the sea floor built specifically to accommodate both production of the oil and gas and also accommodates the attempt at the top kill and the static killed. a lot of these devices -- this is personal opinion -- a lot of these devices were built specifically for containment and recovery and production of oil related to this response. i think there is a lot of
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discussion going on between the major oil companies in the gulf and bp concerning future recovery systems, to make sure you have the ability to respond to a future incident. i think everything that has been engineered and constructed, in conjunction with this response, will get a close look at the weather not they should be considered as prototypes or capabilities used in the gulf should that type of capability be required again. operator: final question is from the associated press. >> good afternoon. can you talk a little bit about any risks at all for the oil leaking into the environment, i the directly from pulling up bop or any damage that and never in my because to the casing, cement, or anything else? i know you indicated previously that you do not really expect that to happen but you have, i
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believe, authorize or ordered bp to be prepared for collection if necessary. can you talk a little bit about the risks? >> you are correct, what you do -- we do believe the risks are small for hydrocarbon release but we do want to make sure we are prepared for all contingencies. the reason we are putting a new blow-out preventer on is to make sure we can pressurize the well and blow-out preventer -- so that at the intersection, the preservation resulted -- resulting from the lifting of the seals at the top, and pressure blow-out preventer -- if that happens, there's a not be hydrocarbon released to the environment. with that said, we are removing the cappings back. at that point the blow-out preventer will be open basically and we will rely on 5,000 feet of cement that was put in during static kill. the goal is to secure as quick as we can. but we did not think there is a significant risk of hydrocarbons
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released into the gulf of mexico. that said, there will be containment vessels on standby just in case they are needed. >> thank you. >> thank you. operator: there are no further questions. >> none for me, operator. thank you. >> thank you, everyone. >> coming up in about an hour, christina walmart, all calling chair of the president's council of economic advisers -- christina romer will talk about the president's economic policies. live from the national press club at 1:00 p.m. eastern. president obama is in the middle of a busy day in washington. all morning he met with middle east leaders in preparation for tomorrow's peace talks between israelis and palestinians.
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he spoke earlier with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and they are scheduled to give remarks from the white house shortly. we will try to bring those to you a little bit later. this afternoon another meeting the president of the palestinian authority, massachusetts could have boss -- mahmood abbas. . ñw
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>>pz the french parliament recently held a vote on the wearing of burke as an public. before we get to the results of that vote, joining me is alain mcginley. a real simple question, what is a burka? >> it is actually not the right word. it is very particular. and is worn by women and afghanistan, and that has the coral over the eyes. what we're really talking about are various kinds of stress fr dress. for a moment, that is turned over the entire head.
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everyone and glancin france usea but it is not correct. it is overwhelmingly for this general global billion. the socialists did walk out. not that they are opposed to banning this, but it did not want to be as sweeping as the government party wants, in other words that do not want to see the ban applied to the streets as the bill is written now. >> what led to the parliament vote on this, and why is this debate still important? >> since there aren't only estimated 2000 women in all of france who cover the entire basis with fails, it can be argued that this is totally inconsequential, but that is really not the case. the french see the stres dress s
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something connected to integration in french values. it was kicked off by president sarkozy himself, who a year ago last year ijune in an address te joint session of parliament said that they are not welcome in france. >> what is the next seven the legislative process for this measure? where does it go to next? >> it was approved overwhelmingly by the lower house of parliament in september. it goes to the summit for approval. it will likely be approved. it could be amended and go back to the lower house, but it will likely be approved. there are, however, potential
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challenges ahead. it does have to get past by the constitutional council to make sure it conforms with the constitution. >> should this become law, what will be the penalty for wearing this type of clothing in public? >> if it becomes law, there are really two categories of punishment. one would be for ladies found in the street wearing this day ans clothing would be a $185 fine. there is another aspect of the law that mr. sarkozy in particular has underscored, and that has to do with victimization. in other words, has been keys and fathers who would impose the stress on women or girls and their family or would reach it
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would be convicted of forcing this on them and they would be at risk of prison and a $30,000 fine. to go what has been the response from muslims most affected by this? has there been reaction from the international community? >> muslims in france, even those surprisingly who wear western dress had been unanimously or certainly the majority of them have been opposed to this legislation. certainly the main councils of muslims have come out against it, saying that it stigmatizes the entire muslim population of france. even though they recognize this is such a minority of people that we're the stress what point
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the finger at the entire population, which they fear it is already doing and will continue to do. as far as the international community, excuse me. there have been negative things about is said by the british government in the united states -- and the united states is not happy with it. other countries have carefully set nothing. there have however been prayer leaders in saudia arabia divided, all denouncing this, but some saying it is the law of the land, you have to respect it, even though we denounce france for doing this. other saying france is totally
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-- denouncing france entirely and sings a home. >> we think you for your time today. -- thank you for your time today. now portion of that debate. you will hear from the justice minister, as well as a member of the socialist party. france is one of several countries that have debated measures banning racial fails. -- facial veils. >> on may 11, 2011 when you voted on the values that are
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public in the face of harmful radical prosodists rigid practices, your assembly express' in an exemplary matter is important -- is important of all the pact. that legislation, which would ban the covering of faces in public, is entirely compatible with this expression of vigilance that was expressed by the national assembly in terms of upholding principles and values. i would like to percival start by congratulating you for the quality of the work that was done, and more generally speaking by the entire commission. i would also like to highlight that the fact that you looked for a broad-based coalition and worked on political non-partisan basis is an exemplary effort. i think bill that will be passed by this commission, which i hope
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will be done this evening, is an honor to our democracy once again. ladies and gentlemen, members of the parliament. the lat the idea in expressing s value, france is guaranteeing everyone of its citizens the freedom to practice the religion of their choice. we have seen this also in the meetings that the prime minister and i had with all these religious leaders of all religions, and we saw this was a broadbased effort. this is not a religious issue. this address of legislation -- dress legislation covers all forms of covering one space in public. it is not a problem of religion, it is rather an issue of our concept of the republic. a republic cliffs with unexposed base.
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it is a matter of dignity and equality. it is a matter of transparency. these values that we all depend, no matter what our party should prevent us from hesitating and making compromises or taking half measures. this idea of the van of covering bases in public places -- ban up covering places in public places is something that desires from using this as a teaching tool. their role is quite simple. it is clear and logical. where the scope of this ban stems from legal foundation, the fact that should be applied
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generally to all public places is based on a constitutional foundation, which is social public order. and the notion of public order, as we all know, traditionally has included three material aspects, security, peace, and health. you could call it also a social components. it does not matter. this component involves proportionality between the goal that is soft and the measures that are taken. it is because we are trying to express the fundamental values that allows us to take these measures to implement a broad ban. this is explicit in the president of our council of
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state and their case falls. even though it is a little bit less explicit in the president sent by the constitutional commission. we see that this case will exist and has been set by precedence. i would cyclically the law that was passed back in 1959 predict i would cite quickly the law that was passed back in 1959. even if it is not explicit in the presidents of the constitutional commission, it is implicit, and that is why we see that in the decision by the constitutional commission on august 13, 1993, concerning the law on immigration control or decision on a law on november 9, considering the law on the tax, this illustrates the idea of immaterial public order. in this case, in order to deem
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that bans on polygamy or are constitutional, stems from the fact that it is bringing common life and values together. hiding 1 selfless hind -- one's self behind a veil is contrary to public order. if someone is -- if this is imposed on someone and are forced to cover themselves, obviously there is an attack on their human dignity. enslavement of human beings is strictly incompatible with our constitution. even when wearing a veil for full they'll is done voluntarily, this is still to
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into markets from counting -- cutting one's self off from the society in spirit of the republic itself, which is based on the desire to live together. we can see that the end result is someone dissolves of their identity and they are no longer part of the community. whereas integration of our people as part of the values of our republic. it is part of the communitarian based vision of society. the wearing of veils is contrary to the principles of our constitution in terms of constitutionality and equality of all before the law and government and society. obviously, it is important that we have this ban, and in the legislation we are discussing this evening the justification stems from constitutional precedents.
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anything that would be a breach of the peace and public safety and health, obviously anything that is a law-enforcement based measure should be proportional upheland in keeping with the evs in question. however, this type of ban is something that could be a general or broad in scope. we saw that explicitly in the constitutional council's decision on bill law voted by the commune. the fact that we would try to limit the this to certain places or at certain times when not only be legally incoherent, but it would also pose practical challenges in terms of enforcing it. the second issue we have to look at is that a partial ban, and i know you will discuss it later,
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which is why i am talking about that now, would affect the scope and even the sixth evidence of the message. how can we continue to affirm that a mask or full lanvale does not respect fundamental liberties and human rights it is only committed to a band at government offices. it would also challenge the credibility of our action. how will we convince french citizens that liberty, fraternity, and equality, and women's rights starts when you enter the train station but stops when you leave? that goes entirely against our values. it is not logical from a legal point of view or a point from our values. when the commission was consulted, they did not say it was against a general ban, is simply said the constitution to date had not yet exclusively recognize the notion of social
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public order, but as i was saying earlier, in my opinion, it implicitly recognizes, and it is not because something has not been explicitly confirmed earlier that we have to now renounce its, especially when we are no wing that these are values of our republic. the second comment i would like to make is that there will be a certain number of exceptions. there are exceptions that will be justifiable in the spirit of the law. obviously there are certain acts or activities in which you have to cover your face in public, and yet these are activities that are not harmful for public order. there could be health reasons or professional career reasons why someone but have to cover their case.
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-- why someone would have to cover their face. and know some people do fencing and we will not tell people they cannot whether fencing masks. there may be holidays, festivals, artistic or traditional shows or reason, performance is why you need to cover your face. not to said that this would apply to all the situations. as long as these situations are compatible with the desire to live together in society. therefore, ladies and gentlemen, i think that we can see both in the legislation and in the logic of this process that this has to be a broad ban in terms of covering one's face and all public areas. in doing so we will affirmed one thing and that the effectiveness of the principal will be
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guaranteed. therefore there will be penalties. i would like to remind you, and i think this is the spirit of the commission's work when they were set in this legislation and also on the government's mind when we were examining the issue, but the idea is to convince them come into also have this be a tool of deterrence. if we can givconvince women to e up wearing full body baleveils r and those forcing them to wear them to enforce the rules.
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that is why there is included a six-month waiting to give people a chance to stop wearing these full body coverings. this is part of the teaching aspects. we are hoping women will spontaneously dividend on their own. if that does not occur after six months, under this law the voluntary offenses would be considered as second degree offense. that means a secondary agreed
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predict a great offense would be a fine oand a citizenship course. this can be substituted for the penalty or the judge could impose it in addition to the penalty. the judge has a certain arsenal of penalties or sentences that can be issued common dependent on the offense itself. however, the response is much more severe in different if it is a situation in which it is forced to cover one space. the public does not accept a tax on human dignity -- attacks on human dignity. the commission works hard to
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improve the initial legislation. if i am not mistaken, you approved unanimously an amendment that was offered by the socialist group and it was an amendment to have stricter penalties than what were included in the initial legislation that we first drafted to have more severe penalties and more penalties that would be more deterrent against those who force women to cover their face. the fact that someone board for someone to cover third base is not this point an offense, but a crime that can be punishable to up to one year in prison and a maximum fine of up to 30,000 euros. you also wanted to ensure that if these people were-that the
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sentence could be doubled. of course, we agreed with that legislation. beta's and gentlemen, members of the parliament, -- ladies and gentlemen, members of the parliament, at a time wewhen the citizens are seeking out a certain number of guideposts of reference points and ordered to come share their lives together based on a certain number of values and principles, i think it is our nation's duty, our common responsibility to be vigilant, implementing principles to support our democracy and republic. we must continue to be vigilant and to reaffirm our common values. i believe that when we look at
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what is happening in the rest of the world, that you can be proud of this model, which is at the basis of our social pact, which helps decide our identity and helps exploit our values beyond the border, the idea of respecting men and women, and respecting human dignity. what i would hope is that during this debate, during the various speeches we will hear, we will together show this desire that we have that is part of our heritage, and we will show we are responsible for the future of our nation. ladies and gentlemen, i hope you will continue to show the importance of being a french citizen and living in france and the privilege of living in france. >> thing to, mr. chairman.
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ministers and colleagues. at this stage of the proceedings, the debate, which has been going on for quite some time, i would like to first of all point out what brings us together, what we agree on. on behalf of the socialist group we wanted to affirm as clearly and solemnly as possible that we have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for extremists and the mentalist practices, which we are discussing in this assembly today. -- extremists fundamentalist practices, which we are discussing in this assembly today. just like you, in the name of the republic, we condemn these processes which runs contrary to the fundamentals of the republic. am i going to have to listen to
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this all night? i would like to respect in listening to me. >> go ahead, continue. >> there are some kids that are somewhat unnerving, but come on. this goes against the liberty of women, and the freedom of women for them to not wait the bills we are discussing. the freedom of the women in the world but are fighting not to get to where the full bail. these principles deserve our republican fight. it is also in the name of stoc principles of equality and freedom. you would notice this is only imposed on women. it is only against women.
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and is also contrary to the principles of fraternity and equality. this is based on our desire to live together and have mutual respect for each other. that is what imposes the need to have exposed basis. as we heard said before the parliament's commission, bases are to see with and be seen. -- faces are to see with and be seen. we have no disagreement with that. where we do disagree is -- we have no tolerance for these practices. we should ban these because there is no need and having any complex in terms of this, because we have imposed bans before, however, and it is in
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our desire to achieve this consensus that we voted on the resolution that was proposed as several weeks ago. that is why we have been pursuing this dialogue with the government in trying to arrive at this. at this stage in the game we have not yet been able to reach a consensus. first of all, it has to be said this debate has a context, and it is a political context. you can say anything you like, but this evening the french citizens who are sitting at home have many other things in their head of the and in the debate we're having right now. their preoccupations tonight is the economic crisis and social crisis, and employment, income and purchasing power, the future of their retirement, and maybe
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only a side issue that the concern is with this moral and ethical debate. what is surprising is to see the national assembly has practically ceased all other affairs to deal with this priority urgent matter as if there was not anything else that was of importance for our fellow french citizens. we have to be able to say that there is a political context. our second point of disagreement, because this content, we believe, the government and the majority has been playing with fire. they have been playing with fire in holding these debates and with all the debates that have gone off track. it is a way to draw attention away from the other issues. it is just the furthering of this debate on national
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identity. first of all is national identity and then it was a fear of the burkha. i have the right to think differently than you do it even included in this room that is of fundamental rights of parliamentarians. even someone in opposition stand at attention before the dictates of the o.m.p. we think this debate is not a healthy debate. it has not been good for republican consensus. there is the last reason why we have not been able to reach a consensus with you, and that is because the u.m.p. and the
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chairman has used the word of methods to find a consensus. -- the worst method to find a consensus. everybody said it was a thorough investigation, but that was not. they did not do a thorough job. i will say it because i know the context of this debate is one issue, but also because the leaders dictate. because of the 30 parliament members who were working on this commission had this attitude that i am smarter than everyone else and no better than everyone else. they are just wasting mtime and do what i said. there is no worst showing of arrogance -- worse showing of
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arrogance. i heard a major tv station last night, and it was the same old meat, meat, meat. -- same old me, me, me. i do not believe you have been a good republican in this matter. you have prevented us from reaching a non-partisan consensus. because democracy does not need to be agitated. democracy needs serenity and calmness. you needlessly agitated democracy, and it serves no purpose to have an agitated democracy. i know that your research on this issue was more convincing and respectable, but you came
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and of little bit too late in the damage was already done. at the heart of the matter, and this is what our motion to deny the legislation is based on is we think there are very dangerous political things involved here. the council of state gave its opinion to the national assembly. now we can talk about everything that was said about the council today. i have heard it at the highest levels of the government. saying that prevented the public of being elected by universal suffrage, but it does not matter what you think about them, the council of state and license the government in giving its opinion about the legal risks, and they did so in a rather moderate way, but they said these were so risks that
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were not negligible. it is his opinion, which we share, in which leads us to the following conclusion. that has nothing to do with the veil. you are mixing everything up. you are mixing everything up. i am sorry to say that. please continue. >> i have the right to respond, don't i/ ? >> you are provoking a little bit. >> the chairman of the assembly listening and judgment. at any rate, the panel predict the opinion of the council is there would be legal risks and political risks. -- the opinion of the council is there would be legal risks and political risks.
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if the legal risks proves true before the constitutional court, and the political results will be disastrous. it will be an unexpected victory for fundamentalists and extremists. this would be amendable result. we're running this risk because of this legal fragility of the bill. i would also like to say there are lots of things that have been set on the subject, but i like to say something about secularism. i have heard within disassembly and people that i recall last- minute secularists that this is a band that deals with secularism. i did not say that. i am not talking about you.
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these practices are not religious, but political. all of their religious leaders so that this has nothing to do with religion. this is not a practice that distinction by islam. this does have a legal interpretation and are french tradition. it is based on three principles. first of all, neutrality of the state. that is not an issue. secondly, protection for the freedom of conscience and religion. and also the plurality of their religions, which is also not at issue. secularism has nothing to do with this matter. what legal principle should be invoked to justify this fall? dignity? i would say maybe philosophically, but that is the
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weakest arguments legally speaking. that is a paradox and your legislation. you say you're not just find a slot on preserving, are maintaining dignity, -- you say you are not justifying this law on preserving our dignity, but that is not mentioned. you talk about social public order or immaterial public order, it is the same thing. >> [inaudible] >> what is not the issue? you can come up to the stand. it is my turn to speak. as madam minister was saying, in
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your obsession to ensure me you are saying just any old thing. as she was saying public order includes health, safety, and peace and the in-a idea is basen respect and human dignity. that is what this is a matter of commerce respecting human dignity. -- and that's what this matter is, respecting human dignity. civil liberties are the role and that bans are the exception. we have never in the history of our laws had a broad widespread ban. this is an obligation under our
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constitution. especially resolve this up held and the precedents set by the february 25 order containing a video surveillance and non- residential buildings. this affirms the idea that this general ban would go against our constitution and bring a lot of risk. we also want to avoid condemnation by the european court of human rights. as you know, the president of the european record of human rights, which is largely stemming from article 9, it is largely focused on individual liberties and also talks about the freedom to be able to address as one wishes. i will not read this in your face -- throw this in your face because this is a serious matter, but the issues that the
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court took against this case and others shows that with many respects these matters are very similar to the legislation that you are trying to propose. the court condemned turkey for having limited rights. we could say it does not matter, but from a legal point of view, this establishes an obstacle and presents considerable legal risks. in terms of the constitutional commission and the european court, we are taking a legal risk, which is considerable, and i think this is also a political risk that the republican not take, because as you know, madam minister, we were talking about this, and the first time of woman is sentenced for wearing a full hoveil they will appeal. the fundamentalist warriorlawyee
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already preparing for this type of case. i know you do not care. so what if the french republic is condemned? you will bear the responsibility for this condemnation and for handing over the victory to the islamic fundamentalists. and that is why in the state and the legal and political risks, we are offering a counterproposal. one that has been cemented in the form of a piece of legislation. because we think we should have a ban on these veils but only as far as bill law allows us to do. -- only as far as the law allows us to do. everyone is agitated tonight. takedont y'tyo you think we coud
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use people from our civil service and send them not to do mediation or public-service, collected talk to young women to explain to them what the values of the republics are. don't you think that that's approach would be much more effective and less dangerous? frankly that is what we think and why we are offering this proposal. that is why we have offered our proposal as an amendment, which we are offering call money, recently, serenely as we discuss the articles that will come about today or tomorrow, and we would like to tell you that we do want to have a consensus, and non-partisan consensus.
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>> colleagues, let him finish. >> i did not insult the right of the poparliament or the 30 members to work on this commission. i am speaking as someone from the party that is not subject to your dictates. as i was saying, in order to have a consensus, we are ready to continue the discussion, but also we have to discuss it based on our political connection, which is a political risk that we cannot afford to take today. >> starting in 20 minutes, remarks from christina romer on the obama administration's economic policies. she is the chairman of the
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president's council of economic advisers and plans to leave that position on friday. she is returning to the university of california berkeley. she is speaking at the national press club in washington. you can see that didn't live at 1:00 eastern here on c-span. -- can see that event live at 1:00 eastern here on c-span. janet napolitano spoke last night. this is 20 minutes. >> let me begin by thanking our nation's airline pilots by the work to do every day to make sure millions of passengers reached their destination safely
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and securely. you literally keep the airline industry client and global air cargo moving. every day a week and rescue with the safety of our families, loved ones, our friends. the weight of the responsibility that you carry is not lost on us at the department of homeland security. you remain at one of our most important partners, not only in protecting our aviation system, but in securing the country from terrorists, schuman traffickers, drug traffickers, and other criminals. -- human traffickers and other criminals. you work with ts saia on creatig the flight deck officer program and implementing new cargo
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procedures. i want to thank you for your input, involvement, and these and other efforts, which have enhanced the security of air travel and have elicited the meaning of partnerships, a word that is tossed around pretty easily, but which must have real meat on its bones to accomplish the worke we must do, and i do believe we have a partnership. airline partners, and indeed all crewmembers remain at a critical part of a layered security approach. nowhere is this more evident than during the attempted attack on christmas day aboard an aircraft headed for detroit. i know members of the crew of
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flight 253 are with us this evening, and later we will pay tribute to them. your quick thinking helped avert a potential catastrophe aboard that flight, and we all, passengers and pilots alike, o u with debt of gratitude for your dollar. -- for your dollavalor. nine years after the september 11 at tak, we continue to face very real threats to our aviation system, including threats from individuals who will go to great lengths to defeat the expense of security measures that have been put in place since that tragic day. so the december 25 attack has served as a reminder, and also
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served as a catalyst for us to take a renewed and hard look at gaps remaining in the aviation security system and to take swift action to address them. and so over the past eight months that is precisely what we had done in the obama administration, working closely with all of our partners and the aviation sector, and in particular with foreign governments. this evening i would like to spend a moment and talk about these efforts, which have literally spanned the globe. in i would also like to discuss some of the new security measures that we have deployed here in the united states in the past month, including the new screening technologies. and i would like to talk a little bit about the future and where we see these efforts going.
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back to december 25, although the attempt involved a united states plane iflying into a united states city, it was an international terror plot in every respect, endangering lives of individuals who were passengers on board flight 253. the alleged attacker was a nigerian citizen and educated in the united kingdom. he received training and terrorist -- to receive training in terrorist attacks in yemen, purchased a ticket in, and flew to nigeria before departing to detroit. this plot underscored the stark
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reality that despite decades of of significant reforms falling 9/11, the network, the global aviation network, still faces vulnerabilities. it also reminded us that aviation security, much like other international security challenges, blurs the line between foreign and domestic. in other words, we cannot say this is international, it goes here. this is domestic, it goes here. and those lines are blurred. they come together and the department of homeland security spans both. following the attempted attack, we recognized that every airport offers a potential entry point into the global aviation system, and every nation faces a potential threat from gaps in
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aviation security throughout the world. following the first reports on christmas on the attempted attack, we immediately informed the pilots of all united states found international flights and ask them to maintain heightened vigilance. we also immediately implemented increase security measures at united states airports, and that evening, issued a security directive mandating enhanced screening for all united states-bound flights prior to departure and additional security measures to be accomplished in flight. in 8 brahapril we introduce new- based protocols that use real- time intelligence-based targeting to identify
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potentially-threatening individuals before they are even allowed to board an aircraft. in these new measures formed several months after the attack on december 25, were tailored to, it's like the most current threat information available to our intelligence community and apply to all passengers. they continue to be supplemented by multiple layers of security, both seen and unseen. indeed the whole idea has been using our intelligence, using our data bases, using the crossover between different intelligence gathering agencies that may have seen themselves as foreign or domestic, by making sure that we were bringing all of that data to bear.
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we were making a threat-based scenario-based division between passengers that could easily bored and passengers who deserved more attention. that has been the focus of our efforts since december 25. how do you make reasonable intelligence-based divisions between passengers as they arrive and purchased a ticket and arrive at the airport as they go through a screening, as they board the airplane and indeed actually in-flight? as i mentioned earlier, to get into the global aviation system at any airport, you potentially have access to the whole system.
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since january, in close coordination with the international civil aviation organization, i have taken part in five regional aviation security summits on five continents. and literally we have gone from europe, which was the first one, several weeks after september -- december 25, to estimate for the western hemisphere, which we held in mexico city, to a summit for the asia pacific region which was held in tokyo, to a summit in africa that was held in nigeria, and a summit for the middle east, which was held and all the dhabi. and these summits included participation from elected leaders, security ministers, and airline officials across
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europe, the western hemisphere, the asia-pacific region, africa, and the middle east. from these meetings we have begun to forge an international consensus on what needs to take place to shore of remaining in the vulnerabilities in the international aviation system focusing in particular on four key areas. developing and applying new technologies. strengthening aviation security measures and standards. enhancing information collection and sharing, and coordinating international technical assistance. let me emphasize that these meetings have not been bureaucratic exercises with no results. each one has produced an historic joint legislation for
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aviation security. to date, 12 other countries have joined the united states in strengthening the security measures, including the deployment of advanced imaging technology. the new screening technology that will be taking place at the magnetometer and better at helping us to ascertain what passengers need a secondary screening and what passengers do not. and i think it is important to note that the netherlands and nigeria are among the countries that were the first to deploy this new technology. in nigeria is also one of several countries that have
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allowed, or agreed to allow loughs our air marshals on u.s. carriers flying between their country and the united states. before that was not happening. all of these efforts combined will culminate at the general assembly held this fall in montreal, canada, where we hope to make our work towards strengthening international standards into an actual resolution of the international community through acio. i think it is also important to note that in addition to a.c.i.o. the airline industry's have been with us every step of the way. and we have collaborated closely with united states and
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international airline and trade associations. we have met with airline ceos. we have met with them shortly after christmas day to explain what security enhancements needed to go in place immediately, but what we were striving for in the following weeks. and i personally met with all of these leaders, and i have also met with heads of the international air travel association, and also sethe a.t.a., and they have voiced strong support for the international voice that we have begun and expressed, we hope, at this fall at the general assembly. i think it's true that it is clear that our potential for collaboration goes beyond counter-terrorism. the airline industry is the
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first line of defense against criminals of many forms. in fact, we note human traffickers seek to exploit the airwaves to transport their victims. through the department of homeland security blue campaign, which is the campaign to combat human trafficking, we are exploring ways we can combat with you to combat this crime. that is something that i asked you to be collaborating with us on in the coming weeks and months. let me turn to the domestic actions, because our focus has not been solely on the international where global stage. at home we have also taken some important steps to further important steps to further


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