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tv   C-SPAN Weekend  CSPAN  September 11, 2010 10:00am-12:12pm EDT

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knackk, the second. >> joe peterson. >> mark david rothenberg
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>> christine anne snygder >> john talignani >> honor elizabeth wainia >> debra jacobs welch [bells toll]
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>> thank you for the families to reading names and ringing the bells for the high school students for helping. governor, thank you for coming today and in advance for sharing your thoughts and reflections. it's an honor to have you here. but it's also a comfort. you and your entire team in harrisberg have been and continue to be one of our biggest supporters and advocates. i know that you keep your finger on the pulse of all we are doing. you visit us whenever you can and your always ready to jump in whenever we need you. we could not have done this
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without you so we're honored to have you with us today. please welcome our governor, our partner and our friend. wed wa edward g. rendale. >> good morning. when richard and i first visited this site my first years governor i didn't know what a profound effect it would have on us.
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>> the pennsylvania legislature could not agree unanimously that today is saturday. [laughter] when flight 93 crossed into pennsylvania, the fight to defend and protect our country was already underway. it was a fight that would be one at great cost. the cost of 40 wonderful lives. from the moment that the plane
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hit the ground, the names of these pennsylvania and became indelibly etched into the history of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. along with benjamin franklin, who committed treason and risked his life to give birth to this new nation. all along with general george marshall of uniontown, who helped to lead the allied war effort in world war ii, and his secretary of state help to rebuild our allies throughout the world. general george mcclellan and general george meade, who had gettysburg led the army of the republic in the most vital battle that kept this nation as one. daniel views, of williamsport, who led the effort to speed the
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slaves to the underground were a way to freedom. daniel boone, the great frontiers man. mary hayes, of carlisle, in the war for our revolution in 1778, taking water to the soldiers and artillery men, taking the water through a hail of cannon and bullet fire. when her husband was wounded, in 100 degree heat for over five hours stood there, was wounded herself as she helped to load the cannon. they were all pennsylvania heroes. so were the 40 men and women that we honor today. on behalf of 12.5 million tons of iranians, -- pennsylvanians,
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we will never forget what they did for us over our skies. we must always remember them. [applause] >> thank you, governor. once again, we are honored to have with us the president of the families of flight 93, gordon phelps, whose brother was passenger edward phelps. he is the owner and director of the commission with his wife, donna, a camp north would, the camp for special needs children. he never talks about his loss alone but always thinks about the loss to the others, including the entire nation. an amazing spokesperson for this project, he is compassionate,
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fair, and honest, a wonderful partner in all situations. please welcome mr. gordon phelps. [applause] >> i am deeply honored to have the families of flight 93 represented this year. the first ladies, secretary salazar, governor rendell, and all of those that have come to pay tribute to those that lost their lives in the field of honor, thank you for joining with so many of our families to remember. we have experienced great loss,
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struggle, strong emotions, formed a new alliances, and at each step develop the clarity of purpose that has sustained us. on the ground before and all around us we see the initial stages and creation of the flight 93 memorial, a tribute to the individuals who took extraordinary measures in the attack on our country, in doing so not only prevented the loss of lives in washington, d.c., but helped to preserve our capital, one of the most revered symbols of our democracy. their actions have fittingly been woven into the fabric of our history and this memorial will make sure that their collective story, that each individual crew member and passenger will not be forgotten by this grateful nation. on this ninth anniversary of september 11, we return to the site where families first came to begin to understand the
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significance of the actions of our loved ones in this loss. i am truly moved to once again stand with family members, first responders, members of the community, and members of the media that were here in those difficult days. we have come full circle and can once again look out over this western overlook to view the hallowed ground in which the actions of those heroes lost their lives with one important victory on a stark day that our nation will not soon forget. my recollections of the first visit to the site are best represented by an image indelibly printed on my memory. as the bus brought us, traveling across the roads of rural southwest pennsylvania, we were saluted by police officers, firefighters, first responders
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of all types, as well as by citizens holding american flags, children holding the hands of their families, all in the tribute to the actions of our loved ones. that was the point at which i realized that the heroes aboard flight 93 had not only forged a bond to themselves and reveal their clarity of purpose beyond our comprehension, but also forged a bond with those that were left behind. the families of flight 93, of somerset county and other areas, the citizens of the great commonwealth of pennsylvania, are partners in the national park service flight 93 commemorative advisory commission, the national park foundation, the flight 93 memorial ambassadors, representatives in washington, harrisburg, and supporters from
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across america and around the world have collectively enabled us to stand here today, witnessing the birth of a national memorial. 1.4 million visitors. 65,000 different contributors. nearly 100 volunteers in several hundred participants in an unprecedented partnership between government and citizenry have, through their presence or participation, made an invaluable contribution to the development of this national memorial. while we look forward to the 10th anniversary of september 11 and the official dedication of the national memorial, our work is not done. not only do we need to make sure that there is a timely completion to the memorial, we need to continue to actively remember september 11. not in anger, but with vigilance. not in despair, but with hope.
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not with diminished reverence, but with inspiration. the message that i hope resonates with everyone that comes to visit the memorial, i hope it will hear the story of our loved ones, that under horrific conditions, at a moment's notice, courage is revealed, heroes are born, and total strangers to form a bond that overcomes adversity and inspires generations to come. our loved ones, their actions, they spoke for themselves. now it is our turn to speak for our loved ones. thank you. [applause] the flight 93 national memorial lost a true champion this year with the passing of congressman
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john murtha. mrs. bertha -- murtha has joined us today and we acknowledge her presence in the power of the congressman, who was one of the most ardent champions of this project in washington. he spearheaded the creation of the memorial and was responsible for making sure that the early seed money to the project was provided. the families of flight 93 could always count on the congressman to assist us in our efforts. his leadership and commitment to the memorial will be sorely missed. i ask you all for a moment, silence in remembrance of congressman murtha.
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>> thank you. >> thank you, gordie. i now have the honor, fletcher, and privilege of introducing you to mrs. laura bush. this is not her first time here at the site. in the days immediately following september 11, she was here. she came to pay her respects and agreed with those them off -- lost their loved ones. during this time of unspeakable tragedy, she brought, and comfort to those that she visited with, as well as those that watched from around the nation. each time she has come back to this page -- this place, her grace and compassion have been
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felt by all that had been with her. she is a lifelong love her of our national parks, and her presence here at one of the nation's newest national parks helps to convey the importance of this place. please storm -- please join me in warmly welcoming ms. laura bush. [applause] >> thank you all. thank you very much. thank you, joanne. thank you, joanne. thank you for your good work here, for the national parks system, and especially for this flight 93 memorial. i am honored to mark this day with the families of flight 93 and i am happy to be here with the first lady who serves our
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country with such grace period [applause] -- grace peri. [applause] thank you for your good words, thank you for representing the families i am seeing before me. what i was first year on september 17, 2001, this quiet field was scarred by a smoldering crater. our grief was brought and our hearts ache was heavy. we were just learning the names of those aboard flight 93 and the story of their sacrifice. this peaceful place was not chosen by the terrorists. they had other targets for their violence and hatred. this spot was chosen by the passengers of flight 93, whose bears our country from even greater horror.
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as we gathered to remember those that were lost and honor their courage, we are deeply grateful. the events of september or the 11th grow distant in time -- september 11 grow distant in time, but they remain in the hearts of those that suffered such a great loss. over the years we have learned the stories of those last minutes aboard flight 93. passengers placing calls to authorities to warn them of the hijacking. we know that they called family members to assure them of their loved and to tell them of their plans. one passenger called his wife and said that i know we are all going to die. three of us are going to do something about it. i love you. we know that in the midst of their fear, they were, by their faith. a crew member called her husband to tell them that they were
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going to rush the hijackers. over the phone line he heard other passengers whispering the 23rd psalm, gave the lie walk through the valley of the shadow of death, -- yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i fear no evil. in washington, in this field, in new york city, we saw the worst of our enemy and the best of our nation. we were suddenly reminded that many of us had forgotten lessons. we saw that there was evil in the world, but also good at the heart of our country. america was attacked, but the deepest belief of our democracy was vindicated. our greatness and strength is found in the character of our citizens.
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americans responded with heroism, selflessness, compassion, courage, prayer and hope. in our grief we learned that our faith is an active faith where we have called to serve and care for each other, to bring hope and comfort where there is despair and sorrow. we remember 9/11 not only as a day of great loss, but also a day of recommitment to certain enduring values. when the innocent are attacked, americans defend them. when the innocent suffer, americans rallied to their aid. in the face of terror, americans chose to overcome evil with good. it was following the tragic events of that september morning that we saw the goodness of the lord in the land of the living. we site here, in the first
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responder a way -- in the first responders that rushed into the field, in the durance -- in the endurance of the people that worked to locate those that were trapped in the towers and the pentagon. as millions of americans participated in blood drives, candlelight vigils, and memorial services, saying prayers in english, hebrew, and arabic, we found unity in this shared grief. when the field was marked by smoldering ashes, now there is green grass. the passage of time cannot erase the images etched in our minds from that september morning. we remember where we were when the news came and what we were doing. george and i grieve with the families whose loved ones perished on that bright blue morning.
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we thought about your loss every day that we lived in the white house. your stories remained close to our hearts. george sends his love. today we join with all americans as we stop to remember those most affected by that day. we remember the families and friends of the lost, we still feel the wound of september 11. we know the memories of your loved ones have not aged over time. you inspire us with your grace and strength. we remember the law enforcement and intelligence personnel, who stand watch on our behalf every hour. we remember the men and women of our military that oppose radicalism in terrorism at this very hour in afghanistan, iraq, and other places around the
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world. on this day, americans have no division. together we recall the events that change each one of us, the united our nation. together we honor the lost in silence. we remember that our quiet and peace is always defended by the courage of the brave. thank you all, god bless you, god bless america. [applause]
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♪ [singing] [applause] >> thank you so much. thank you for the beautiful music. thank you for those wonderful words, mrs. bush. you have once again proven to be a source of strength and comfort for these families and i know that everyone thinks you. it is now my extreme honor and privilege to introduce to you mrs. michelle obama, the first lady of the united states of america, who has also dedicated her demonstration continuously to america's heroes and its future. she is constantly lending her
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ear, caring presence, and passionate voice to the men and women who service and sacrifice keep our nation' safe. her tireless advocacy on their behalf reminds us of the values that unite us all, even in these difficult moments. including the obligation that each of us must give back to our community. so, welcome, mrs. obama, and it is my pleasure to introduce our nation's first lady, mrs. michelle obama. [applause] >> thank you, everyone.
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thank you so much. thank you, joanne, for that kind introduction. it is a privilege and honor to be here today, as we pay tribute to the men and women of flight 93. i want to acknowledge secretary salazar, governor rendell, according phelps, and i want to thank them all for their leadership and service. i would like to thank reverend britain and way for leading us in prayer. i want to particularly recognize and thank mrs. bush, not just for her moving words today, but for being such a source of love and support for the families of flight 93. for all of her work to help our nation he'll in the days and months after the attack.
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thank you so much. [applause] i come here today, not just as first lady, on behalf of my husband and a grateful nation. i come as an american, standing with off at the heroism of our citizens. heartbroken at the loss that so many of you have endured. i come as a mother, thinking about what my daughters and what all of our sons and daughters can learn from the 40 men and women whose memories we honor today. the men and women of flight 93 were college students and grandparents, businessmen,
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pilots, and flight attendants. there was a writer, and seek dealer, a lawyer -- antique dealer, a lawyer, an engineer. they came from all different backgrounds and walks of life. they all took a different path to that september morning. in that awful moment, when the facts became clear and they were called to make an impossible choice, they'll found at the same resolve. and they agreed to the same, bold plan, calling the people that they loved. many of them giving comfort instead of seeking it. explaining that they were taking action and that everything would be ok. and then they rose as one. they acted as one.
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together they changed the course of history. in the days that followed, when we learned about the heroes of flight 93 and what they had done, we were proud, we were in all, we were inspired. but i do not think that any of us were really surprised, because it was clear that these 40 individuals were no strangers to service and sacrifice. for them, putting others before themselves was nothing new. they were veterans, coaches, and volunteers. there were the disability rights advocates carrying tiny copies of the constitution where she went. there was a census director that returned to the home that she canvassed to drop off clothing and food to families in need.
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there was the couple met quietly used their wealth to make interest-free loans to struggling families. to this day they remind us, not just by how they gave their lives, but by how they live their lives, that being a hero is not just a matter of fate. it is a matter of choice. i think that jack grancolis put it best, saying that they were ordinary citizens thrown into a combat situation. no one was a general or a dictator. their first thought was to be selfless. there -- they knew that there was a 98% chance that they would not make it, but that they could save others. the men and women on that plane
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who never met the lives of the people that they would save, they willingly made the sacrifice. before september 11, the people of this community did none know any of the families here today. yet they embrace them as their own, inviting them into their homes, guarding this sacred spot day after day, cataloguing every item and momentum, every letter left as a temporary memorial. over the past nine years over 1 million people have come to pay their respects, express their gratitude, and try in their own small way to ease the burden of these families grieve by honoring the people that they loved. all of this reminds us that while this memorial begins in
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janesville, it does not end at the edge of the field. it extends to all that they saved whose lives today are possible because they gave theirs. it extends to those they inspired, who thought to themselves that if they can do something that extraordinary with their lives, maybe it is time i made something more of mine. maybe this time i wore my country's uniform. maybe this time i get more to my community. maybe this time for me to be a better friend, a better neighbor, a better american. most of all, this memorial extends to all of their families whose lives were shaped by their love.
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i am thinking especially today of the children. callers who have grown into teenagers. teenagers who have grown into young men and women, who will one day bring their own children and tell them of the proud legacy that they inherit. even in the midst of a shock and heartbreak of hearing the news of better -- losing her father, she said to her mother that she is so sad, but she is not the saddest girl in the world, because our children that lost both of their parents. muriel borza was just 10 when she lost her sister. in a speech on the one-year
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anniversary she called for a worldwide moment of peace, asking people "to make a pledge to do a good deed that will help mankind in some small way, even if it is just a hug, a kiss, a smile, a wave, a prayer, or a silent thought for those they love." i know that all of the young people here have done their very best to be strong for their families, holding the memories of their loved ones close, living their lives in a way that would make them proud. i know that it has not been easy. while reid has its own course for each of us, and no one can presume to know what your family has felt, i can imagine that
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there are days when the pain is still rawl. when the time and distance of those nine years falls away and the loss is still fresh. but i can also imagine that as time has passed, there have been more good days. more moments when you are able to find joy and comfort in happy memories. i can imagine that on those good days, maybe sometimes you worry about whether i am moving on you might in some way been leaving your loved ones behind but i cannot help but think that it is just the opposite. that in having the courage to move forward, you honor their courage. that in choosing to live your lives as completely as you can, you are celebrating bears.
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in coming together and pushing ahead to build this memorial, you are making sure that their memory will always be a part of not just your own lives, but of the life of this nation. know that because you kept going and persevered, long after you argonne people will come here, continue to come here to shanks will, standing up in this plaza, listening to the echoes of those times, gazing out of the field, seeing how i start in the earth has healed, how it has grown back as a peaceful resting place for 40 of our nation's heroes. they will understand that because of all of you, a side of devastation and destruction was
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transformed into a place of reverence and remembrance. it is truly my prayer today that in the years ahead, all that come here, and all of you, might be filled with the hope that is written in the book of psalms. though you may see troubles many, you will restore my life again. from the depths of the earth, you will again bring me up. made the memories of those that gave their lives here continue to be a blessing to all of you and an inspiration to all americans. thank you all, god bless you, god bless america. [applause]
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>> thank you, mrs. obama. those were inspirational and beautiful words. words not only for the families, but for all of us to remember. thank you for reminding us of what is important. thank you. we are coming to the close of this year's commemoration. so, i would ask anyone who is able to please stand for the recover -- retiring of the colors, giving us our closing
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prayer and benediction from rev. robert way.
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>> please join me in prayer. almighty and gracious god, the worst that we heard today -- the words that we heard today should bring in our years as they have in the past, that we should move in service to each other. may our god, who is slow the judge, the god of all
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knowledge, give us patience and understanding from those that are different from us. made a god of mercy be merciful to us when we wrong our brother or sister. i got of truth inform us when we choose our own way without thinking of the needs of others. made a got a piece fill us with all peace. that we may rest in surely all of the days of our lives. >> please be seated. before we leave today, i would like to thank the many people that have helped to make this possible. most of all to the first lady, michelle obama, and to mrs. laura bush. [applause]
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thank you both for coming. thank you for caring. thank you for leaving our nation today in paying our respects. please, everyone, take a moment to read in your program all the people, companies, and innovations that have contributed their time and talent to help us today. on behalf of the national parks service and flight 93 partners, we are so grateful for you that come here today, coming here throughout the year, who come every single day to the memorial. there are thousands and thousands of visitors from across the country. you who support us and visit us on our website, who follow was on facebook, you sustain us. you help us to keep our passion and commitment to this project and its memorial ignited and
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gunfire. we are all so proud and humbled to be a part of this with you. we are blessed end privileged to be a delay -- part of the legacy of this nation. i would ask for everyone to return to their seats. just a few words of instruction. following the departure of speakers today, and special guests, all of our guests are encouraged to write personal messages on the back of your riven that you receive when you came in. you are invited to tidies to the fence behind you in that direction. these revisions will be left out and placed in our permanent archives.
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we want to thank the friends of the flight 93 national memorial for making these for us and giving us the support that we needed over the last several days. at this time, as we are dismissed, family members are invited to be overlooked behind me for a private moment. for the next 30 minutes or so, this front area will be for the family's only. finally, have saved journeys home or to wherever you are going. thank you again. god bless you, god bless america, keep this spirit alive. see you all next year. [applause]
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>> this 9/11 memorial ceremony taking place in pennsylvania, where nine years it fell, flight 93 crashed into the ground. a permanent memorial is planned for the crash site with the dedication scheduled for 2011. on this ninth anniversary, we will take it to another memorial service from earlier this morning in arlington, virginia, et the pentagon. president obama and robert gates attended the sort -- the ceremony ended remarks for about 40 minutes. -- and dave remarks for about
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40 minutes. >> ladies and gentleman, the national anthem of the united states. ♪ ♪
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gates, distinguished guests, and most of all, families and friends of those we lost on 9/11 -- inside of the pentagon buys a quilt on display, stitched together by thousands of america -- of americans who wanted us to know that they would remember those who did not survive. on the quilt are written the words by a little girl -- in our hearts we weep for you, in our minds, we honor you. today, her words still comfort us. today, we still weep for those we lost here in new york -- here, in new york, and in somerset county. today, we still honor them with our presence, and certainly with
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this memorial. mostly, we honor them with our lives. it is what we have done from that day until this, the secretary at -- the sacrifices we have borne, the laughter we have shared, the hope we have dared to lead back into our hearts. unspeakable carnage was visited upon us here, but it did not come for us. unimaginable losses felt by us here, but it does not diminish us. ralph waldo emerson reminds us that what lies behind you, and what lies in front of you, pals to -- palace in comparison to what lies inside of you. hear, now, let us wait for what lies behind us, let us honor what lies in front of us, but let us remember always what lies
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inside a bus. please join me now -- inside a bus. please join me now in a moment of silence and remembrance. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen, the secretary of defense, robert gates. >> mr. president, distinguished visitors, friends and family members, to life for being here. nine years ago today, on a day much like this, the calm of a
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clear september morning was shattered by the worst act of terrorism in our nation to go history. the tracks on the world trade senator, flight 93, and the pentagon claimed thousands of into the -- claimed thousands of innocent victims, forever scarring their family, friends, and all americans. today we honor and remember those who fell, surrounded by those who love them, and still feel the pain. this commitments is in the ways large and small. yesterday we had the presentation of the pentagon 9/11 ", featuring the faces of all who died on these grounds. we are thankful for the work and dedication of all volunteers. just yesterday, a portion of
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washington boulevard is being renamed 9/11 heroes memorial highway. today, we also reflect on what those attacks meant for an entire generation of young americans who answered the call to serve. since then, thousands have made the ultimate sacrifice, and their absence, too, is felt today and every day. our troops and their families have paid a steep price the past nine years, but have also shown resilience and strength in the best resilience of the country. we are honored that the president is once again here to help us commemorate this anniversary. it is my great pleasure to introduce our commander and chief, the president of united states. [applause] >> secretary gates, admiral, and
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members of the armed forces, my fellow americans, most of all, to you, the survivors is still carry the scars of tragedy, to the families to carry in your hand in your -- in your hearts, the loss. for your nation, this is a day of remembrance, a day of reflection, and with god's grace, a day of unity and renewal. we gather to remember, at this sacred hour, on how low the ground, the places where -- and how low ground, the places where we feel such increase -- grief.
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we gather at the pentagon, where the names of those lost are etched in stone. we gather in a gentle pennsylvania field where a plane went down in a tower of voices will rise and echo through the ages. we gather where the twin towers fell, a site where the work goes on so that next year, on the 10th anniversary, the waters will flow in a steady tribute to the nearly 3000 innocent lives. on this day, it is perhaps natural to focus on the images of that awful morning -- in the -- images that are feared into our souls. it is tempting to dwell on the final moments of a loved ones whose lives were taken so cruelly. us to memorial's remind remember -- these memorials remind us to remember the fullness of their time honored.
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they were fathers and mothers raising their families, brothers and sisters pursuing their dreams, sons and daughters, their whole lives before them. there were civilians and service members. some never saw the danger coming. others saw the peril and rushed to save others, up those stairwells, into the flames come into the cockpit. there were white, and black and brown, men and women, some children, made up of all races, many faiths. they were americans and people from far corners of the world, and they were snatched from us senselessly and much too soon, but they lived well, and live on in the view.
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-- you. nine years have now passed. in that time, you have shed were tears then we will ever know. although it must seem some days as if the world has moved on to other things, i say to you today, that your loved ones in door in the heart of our nation -- indoor in the heart of our nation, now and forever. our remembrance requires a certain reflection as a nation and as individuals. we must ask ourselves how best to honor them, those who died, those who sacrificed, how do we preserve their legacy, not just on this day, but every day? we need not look far for our answers. the perpetrators of this evil act did not simply attack
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america, they attacked the very idea of america, all that we stand for and represent in the world. so, the highest honor we can pay those we lost, indeed, our greatest weapon in this ongoing war, is to do what our ad the series fear the most -- adversaries fear the most -- to stay true to what we are as americans, we knew our sons as a comment -- our sense as a common person. we will not let an act distort we are. they doubted our will. as americans, we persevere. today, in afghanistan and the on, we have gone on the
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offensive and struck major blows against al qaeda and its allies. we will do what is necessary to protect our country, and we honor all of those who serve to keep us safe. they may seek to strike fear in the. they are no match for our resilient. we do not succumb to fear, nor will we squander the optimism that has always defined us as a people. on the day that others sought to destroy, we have chosen to build a national day of service and remembrance that summons the inherent goodness of the american people. they may seek to exploit our freedoms, but we will not sacrifice the liberties we cherish, or hunker down behind walls of suspicion and mistrust. they may wish to drive us apart, but we will not give in to their
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hatred and prejudice. the scripture teaches us to get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. they may seek to spark conflict between different faiths, but as americans we are not and never will be at war with islam. it was not a religion that cactus that day, it was al qaeda -- that attacked us that day, it was al qaeda. just as we condemn intolerance and extremism abroad, so will we state to -- true to our traditions at home as a tolerant nation. which championed the rights of every american, including the rights to worship as one chooses.
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that is as service members do just steps from here. those who attacked us sought to demoralize us, divide us, and deprive us of the very unity, the very ideals that make america america -- the qualities that have made as a beacon of freedom and hope to billions around the world. today, we declare once more that we will never hand them that victory. as americans, we will keep alive the virtues and values that make us who we are coming into we must always be, for our cause -- who we are, and who we must always be. for our cause is strong, and our resilience on wavering. let us come together today and all days to a firm certain
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inalienable rights, to affirm life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. on this day, and the days to come, which used to stay true to our best selves as one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. this is how we choose to honor the fallen, your families, your friends, your fellow service members. this is how we will keep alive the legacy of these proud and patriotic americans. this is how we will prevail in this great test of our time. this is how we will preserve and protect the country that we love, and pass it safer and stronger to future generations.
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may god bless you and your families, and may god continue to bless the united states of america. [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪
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next president obama meeting with family members and friends of those killed at the pentagon on september 11, 2009 years ago. later this afternoon, we continue our look at 9/11 programs on this anniversary. will bring you a discussion with pilots, traffic controllers, and other aviation officials who were on the chopping day of the attacks. watch that event today, live at 2:00 p.m. eastern. tonight, c-span plans to repair all of this 9/11 event.
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we will start with the event you just saw with president obama and defense secretary robert gates at the pentagon. at 8:35 p.m., we will take it to pennsylvania where michele obama and laura bush paid tribute to those killed on united flight 93. see all of these events tonight, on c-span. >> the bottom line is we need dollars border security, and we cannot afford all of the illegal and elimination -- emigration. >> it has hurt us. >> with the mid-de -- de mid- term elections coming up, fall and the candidates and issues any time, all free, on your computer. >> he is considered the father of modern community organizing.
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his 1971 book "rules for radicals" is still used. he defies all the stereotypes of what a rabble rouser is supposed to be. "q &a."ight on c-span's >> >>, former bush administration officials recount their experience dealing with september allotment. abc journalist ann compton moderates the event. she was the only broadcast reporter allowed to remain an air force one during the 9/11 attacks. this is an hour and 45 minutes.
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>> peter was no merit -- was a canadian who chose to become an american in large part due to the constitution. he was discovering it. i would like to think that the jennings project is an opportunity for our fellows to experience some of that same power. this is my only chance to think some folks publicly, so bear with me. i would like to think the national constitution center, joe, who upon his return was helpful to our effort, stefan frank, who worked so hard to make this happen, and peter's
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writing body, todd brewster. without him, it could not be what it is. as linda said, the jennings project would not exist at all if it were not for lee annenberg. i am grateful to her. finally, two whites who are enthusiastic followers, our inspiring faculty, our incredibly generous judges and litigators. tonight, we have an unusual, extraordinary opportunity thanks to our panel to begin to understand what it was like to be a decision maker on that day in september of 2001 when our world changed. the big question facing them and us now is how to the constitutional republic like ours response to an emergency? we have had few such emergencies
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in our history, and one thing has been consistent, the burden of the first response always falls to the executive. so on september of 11, 2001, how did the executive branch response -- respond, and what lessons can we learn? the members of our panel have special and said because of where they were on that day and who they were on that day. they are, beginning with the undersecretary of defense douglas fight -- douglas feith. [applause] deputy white house counsel timothy flanigan -- [applause] department of justice criminal
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division chief michael chertoff -- [applause] white house chief of staff andrew card -- [applause] and presidential press secretary ari fleischer. [applause] faced with the crisis of 9/11, what did the members of our panel to come and white, and what they do it again. he is our constitution adequate to deal with such emergencies. we are fortunate that our moderator brings her own experiences to the panel. ann compton was one of only two journalists allowed on board air force one in the moments after 9/11. please welcome our panel.
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i assure you this evening will not be ordinary. [applause] >> thank you. good evening. on the night of september 10, 2001, a presidential motorcade late in the evening made its way up the driveway of a sleepy, sarasota, florida tennis resort, deliver and the president to his overnight location after a long day on the rolled -- on the road talking about education. he went to the dining room and had dinner with his brother and some other friends. david sanger and i went into the dining room. david said we have heard this education speech over and over
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again. he said why are we here? i said just in case. the next morning it was my turn for the air force one. i was in the pull of a small group of reporters representing broadcast, print, and wire sources in a second grade class in sarasota. you have seen the moment replayed many times. the president of the united states was never interrupted, even in front of a class of second graders, listened as his chief of staff came man, whispered in his ear, and i was stunned. 9:00 07 a.m. by my wrist watch -- andrew card whispers, because it just was not done. we're going to kick off asking these pivotal players about where we have come from that, and the kind of authorities we have seen used, and the kind of
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reporting we did on that. andrew, i would like to start with you. i watched you lean over to the president. i would like to know what were the precise words you said, and then, back up for six minutes. what in the world happened to propel you out there? >> i will -- i will start with the context. we woke up in the morning. it was a spectacular morning to roquelaure 48. it was a perfect day in america. i woke up, remembering we have a comment to a terrible stench. the red tide had washed up, and it stunk in sarasota. i knew the president would go for an aggressive run. i was worried he would get sick. i ask the doctor and the doctor said he would be fine.
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i went and saw the president as he was putting on his running close. ito limits things out there, the doctor says it will be fine. i said do not worry, it will be needed. >> he went off for his run. he ran a near record time. he felt and pressed himself. we have a quick briefing of the intelligence matters, piled into limousines, and drove over to the elementary school in sarasota. we're greeted by the principal, walked into a classroom that had been converted into a white house come and center. there were people gathered around, a man in their positions to help the president. on the way over i had heard two discussions. it was kind of a question -- did anyone hear about a plane crash in new york? there was not a lot of thought to it. just a question.
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as the president was getting ready to walk into this classroom filled with very young elementary school students and a pool of the press gathered in the back, just before the principle open the door, one of the staffers came up to the group gathered at the door and said mr. president, it appears that a small twin-engine prop plane crashed into that one -- into one of the powers of the world trade center in new york city. every action was, what a horrible accident. the reaction was that it had to be an accident. the same staffer came to me and said that it appeared it was not the twin-engined prop plane. it was a commercial jetliner. my mind flashed to the fear that must've been experienced by the passengers.
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that same staffer came to me and said another airplane hit the tower of the world trade center. i then it knew it was not an accident or a coincidence. i performed a test that the chiefs of staff have to perform all the time, does the president need to know? i made the decision. it was not that part of a decision. he needed to know. what do i tell him? i decided to pass on two facts and make one editorial comment. i would do nothing to invite the question. i opened the door to the classroom. it was very unusual for me to enter and then you that the president had already entered. it was unusual. i opened the door to the classroom. i saw an compton in the press pool.
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sandra was speaking to the class. she mouthed to me. i mouthed to her. then she said. [laughter] there was a break in the conversation in the class. i leaned over to the president and whispered in his. that a second plane had hit the second tower. america is under attack. >> i am going to stop him at that moment. president bush did not tell us those words until months after the incident. with chilling economy that only a broadcaster could have written, it conveyed all of the drama. before he walked in there, did you exert any authority? did you say to get air force one ready or call the vice president? did you start anything? >> i did not.
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i focused on getting the word to the president. i did not stay in the classroom very long. i stood back from the president. i thought he reacted in the right way. he did nothing to introduce here to the young kids. he did nothing to demonstrate fear to the press corps that would have translated into the satisfaction of the terrorists around the world. i left. then i moved into operation mode. i said to get the secret service, get the crew back on air force one, get the lines of communication open to the fbi director in the situation room. we had to get remarks for the president. we also have to get word to the secretary of education who was about ready to leave the classroom and go speak to someone -- in the gymnasium. i moved into operation mode when i left the president as he was sitting in the classroom. >> what happened at the white
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house? did you have any conversation with the white house? >> i spoke to people in the situation room. there was a lot of fog in the air. there was no clear vision. people were trying to figure out what was going on. we got televisions into the holding room so that we could see what was happening on television. we tried to reach the secretary of defense. then he came out of classroom, he could see the televisions that had been brought in. we did get to see the television coverage at that point. >> there was another fascinating moment in the classroom that i did not see. i just learned about it 10 minutes ago. what did you do? >> i was about 15 feet over on the other side of the president in the schoolroom. i got a page. it is silly, like everyone else, and i knew it had to be terrorism. -- instantly, like everyone
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else, i knew it had to be terrorism. even though we did not know what happened to the first plane, the president was going to say to the reporters gathered at the full resources of the federal government would be made available to help new york city, thinking it had to be some sort of accident. but new york needed some measure of help. realizing it was terrorism and that everyone in the world was watching television other than president bush was reading to children in a classroom, i wrote a note pad, "do not say anything at." i maneuvered to put my back to the press corps. i flip it around and showed it to the president. he gave me a little nod like this. my thinking was from a communications point of view at a time when it was clearly terrorism and the american people would be riveted to whatever the president does or says for the first time, he needs to be armed with facts and information before he speaks to
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the press. that changed everything. it was unusual for india to whisper in his year. it was very unusual to give the president a cue card in the middle of an event saying not to say anything. >> now we're going to shift toward the action was happening. tim offline again, what were your responsibilities at the white house? -- tim flanagan, what were you responsible step the white house -- responsibilities at the white house quest mark fritz and is just finishing up -- -- i literally thought to myself it was a terrible situation, what should i do? i headed to the situation room. i headed downstairs. you never run in the white house. but we were running at that point. i entered the situation room. i was immediately in a
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conference being shared with the deputy national security adviser at the time. the first question to me perhaps prompted by questions generated in florida was what the justice department knew about it and what the fbi had. that was kind of legal. that was my responsibility. i picked up and dialed immediately. i was put through to larry thompson, the deputy attorney general. i told larry that i needed information. people are starving for it. tell me what ever you have. he told me to hold on. he went on find -- offline for a moment. he came back on and said to tell them that the fbi is on the scene and they're treating it as a crime scene. i immediately turned to steve hadley and began to see that the fbi was treating it as a crime
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scene. that was my realization that this was not just a crime scene. we have already seen pictures of the devastation of the world trade center. this was not the chalk outline of bodies on the sidewalk. >> this is the key of what we want to explore. was this a civil crime scene or a military attack? you were thinking of those. by my notes, by 8:55 a.m., the joint military intelligence command notified the fbi and the hijacking of the airlines. michael chertoff, were you in the justice department that morning? >> i was on the telephone with one of my deputies. we were talking about what was going to happen over the course of the day. he told me that a plane had just gone into the world trade center. i have the same reaction probably everyone else did, that it was a small airplane.
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we continue to talk. a few minutes later, he said a second plane had crashed into the world trade center. at that moment, we both realized it was an attack. we decided to go to the operations center of the fbi. we knew that would be operational nerve center of what we would do domestically. within minutes, we were over there with bob miller -- muller. the attorney general was in the mess and -- in the midwest and had to turn around and come back. >> where the deputy attorney general go? >> to a secure location. >> this was before the pentagon was hit? >> that is right. >> what was it that you thought this was that you needed to start evacuate in the highest ranking people and agencies?
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tim was already thinking this was not just a crime scene and was something much bigger. >> in retrospect, we know there were four plains. at the time, we did not know how many there were. we did not know if there were other parts of the plot. the immediate issue you are concerned about is discovery. you want to make sure that if something blows up at the fbi, it is not the end of the federal government's capabilities. i think the attorney general was a way. we did not know how quickly he could get back. we have to go someplace out of harm's way. i elected to stay with the director of the fbi. that is where the action was. >> is there already a system in government of the momus -- at the moment this happens when the military talks to the civilians? >> there was communication between the military and the fbi at the operations center.
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>> turning to the pentagon. douglas feith, where were you that morning? >> i was in moscow. we were working on what we thought was going to be one of the most important projects for national security policy, creating a brand new relationship with russia. i was in moscow. i had just completed a whole day's negotiation with the general and the russian defense ministry about offensive nuclear weapons reductions and missile defense. we had a joint press appearance when we came out of negotiations. when that was finished, someone from the u.s. in deceit in moscow said to me that the first airplane had hit. we went to another press conference with the foreign press.
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when we arrived, we were told the second airplane had hit. i have been told when i came into my job toem


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