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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  September 15, 2010 2:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> thank you very much. i thought you were going to say, maybe they will recruit me to the marlins or someone else, but apparently that did not come through. thank you again for the sponsorship. .
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some of the critical diversity questions that we must face such as what are the real justifications behind the decisions to deny the disclosure or diversity data? and are hispanics ultimately impacted by these practices? to help us discuss these issues, we have invited a group of excellent panelists. these dedicated men and women are familiar with many of the current obstacles that we must overcome to ensure a timely release of diversity data. and the data becomes very important for a lot of us as we begin to assess and evaluate where that company is and what needs to be done.
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in reality, it's an asset when they do provide that, that we can actually help them progress and advance, and increase their revenue and relationship in the community. you have to look at it from the positive side and not just from the negative. but it actually enhances that company's growth and future if they provide that kind of data because there is a variety of organizations that can provide assistance in further enhancing the growth and development as we see the demographics of our society changing within us. to start off with as our first panelist, we have carlos orta. he has been president and chief executive officers of the has panic -- hispanic organization of corporate responsibility. it is at a level of economic compensation in four hures,
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one, employment, procurement, flan three and governance. he conducts an annual survey to determine how the fortune 100 companies and corps members are addressing those areas. carlos been discussing today how america's commitment to be trance parent at the core of any social responsibility and diversity initiatives as well as the need for diversity and data collection and reports measures. help me welcome carlos porta. [applause] >> each of the members will have approximately five minutes, and there is a timer in front. >> can everybody hear me? yes? >> yes. i see yes, but i see no. can everybody hear me? >> yes. >> good morning, mr. chairman, panel, colleagues, and participants. on behalf of our board of
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directors and 16 coalition members, thank you for invites us to participate. i would like the board members to stand be -- and be recognized. thank you. you have to give props to your bosses. very important. it's a great board and a great organization. it's a privilege to work there. we are proud to join with you this morning, and we commend you for your leadership, your vision and your steadfast support of us and our mission. the summit's focus a lot of diversity and trains appearance in american corporations and organizations is crucial to our community's short and long-term success in business. as you pointed out, trains appearance is key. at the end of the day, the numbers do not lie. as a community of over 50 million consumers with buying power of over $1 trillion, we
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need to know where we stand in order to understand what opportunities are available for us in corporate america. the numbers simply reflect the reality. unfortunately, the reamount is that in 2010, hispanics are still underrepresented on the c suite on the boards of fortune 500 corporations. we need to shine a light on the issue and hold companies accountable. to redskins force the focus of -- reinforce the focus of today's panel discussion, transparency is key. if you don't have transparency, it is hard to share with a corporation because you don't have the numbers. the numbers are improving. this year we invited, like last year, all fortune 100 companies to participate, as well as our corporate partners.
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so there were 119 companies that were invited to participate. we went from 30 companies last year to 45 companies this year. last year, 76% of our corporate partners participated. this year, 91% of our corporate partners participate. it is a phenomenal increase in a very short time, in less than a year. more good news. last year there were three industries which collectively represented 21% of the fortune 100 companies who did not participate. that was last year. this year, lockheed martin, north rum and aerospace, and kroger. the only industry that refuses to participate is the petroleum industry, commonly known as oil and gas. at this time, mr. chairman, this is the fun part, what everybody gets excited about. i want to share with the
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participants the companies that were transparent and submitted a survey. we highlighted 13 companies that did not participate last year but did participate this year. that shows progress. they are getting it, understanding the importance of being transparent. then we are going to highlight the companies that did not participate. then we looked at companies that did not participate in our survey or senator menendez's survey. the boards are two your right. you will see them over there. thumbs up if you participated, thumbs down if you did not. companies do not want to be on that list. to get off that list, you need to be trabs parent. so with that, i think my time is up. i've got a minute left? ok. [laughter] filibuster. as you will hear from this
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panel, transparency is key. you have to ask the company, how good are you? do you have latino executives? usually they have one, maybe two if you are lucky. after that, there is a huge gap. most of our community work at the lower level of the corporation. in terms of business, last year our index found out that 2% of all suspending and procurement went to hispanics. in philanthropy, last year the number was 2.25%. that means that 97% of a company's contributions in philanthropy are going somewhere else. they are not coming to the hispanic community. our board representation hasn't improved much. it has remained flat. we are the largest minority. almost 50 million people, 15% or 16%, and that is before the chorus -- census comes out, and
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with that i think we will blow everybody out of the water. with, that i have the sign. >> thank you, carlos it has remained flat in terms of our board of directors. but since the task force, we have had more hispanics appointed to corporate boards than any other team, so there has been a positive. although it is flat right now, if the merge goes through between comcast, nbc and general electric, there is almost a commitment to appoint a hispanic to that board. the flat will increase. at least the commitment we have gotten there as well, so that is positive in nature i wanted to mention that. i am not putting a plug or p.r. for anyone, but i wanted to show we are making steps in directions, and we want to do more. next we have the chairman and
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c.e.o. of the latino business of greater los angeles. it is the vision and group of a latino sbaub others for the support to help their business prosper. provide an entity that would provide a presence to minority-owned businesses in the los angeles area. he will discuss the corporate's refuel to disclose work force data like some in the silicon valley. and how it affects the programs of hispanics in certain industries and many other small businesses. it gives me pleasure to have who are hey give his marks for five minutes. [applause] >> thank you. it is a pleasure and privilege to be here.
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the congressman has done enormous things in this area and we are proud to be working with him. our chamber covers five counsel, l.a., orange, san bernadinao and riverside. we have some members here today as well. i think what is important is just to pick up from what he said. the numbers are still so long, 2%, 2.5%. i've owned a business for 27 years. i have been in a lot of these meetings for many years. we need to always re-evaluate our efforts to measure these kinds of things. our numbers have grown enormously. yet if you look at the procurement activity of corporations, it is slender and slim. if you look at the employee diversity. in particular at the management levels, it is very small. we really to take note of this, and we really need to give this
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some attention. because without the attention, the work of our regulators, the work of our congress people and senators will be very limbed because we are not stepping up to this. we are not holding them accountability, but empowering them with the ability to move these agendas forward. the folks at this table i think represent a good base of that support, but i think all of us as individuals need to make it a priority to move the agenda. otherwise, frankly speaking, with 2% supplier diversity, what is the future for ourselves? what is the future for our children and grandchildren? there is no wealth being generated in our community. so we really have to look at it in these kinds of terms and really hold some accountability to the measurements of these. with that i want to get into a discussion about race, gender and a trade secret. that topic leads me into the
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area of the silicon valley. this is a booming industry. northern california, boston, and there are several silicon valleys to speak of in the country. this includes companies like google, apple, yahoo, applied materials, oracle. where are they in regards to this growth? not very good. the san jose mercury news was involved in an 18-month struggle in a freedom of information battle for diversity data. employer diversity and supplier diversity, and they lost. but with old data we have been able to pick up, we have been able to find -- and this is old data -- that there is a decrease in latino, african-american and certain asian populations, philippine and vietnamese in the labor force. how in the world for companies growing at the rate of 20% can
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we be decreasing? the same is true for women of any color. this is an enormous abuse of the citizens that live here. these are the kinds of issues that we really have got to attack and hold accountable. from 1990 to 2005 latino decrease in the employment sector by 11%. froip african has have decreased by 16%. these are the issues at hand. the same thing is true with diversity. where you find employment diversity, you will find diversity -- absence of diversity or discrimination. based on the information we have seen, we can guess it is
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less than 2%, probably at 1%. these are the kinds of battles that we are still engaged in. we cannot be delighted to hear that a few corporations are exceptions. we need to become a force. we need to hold all of our folks responsible, but we need to play a role as individuals. we need to discuss what we are doing. we need to look at who our competition is. corporations spend millions if not billions of dollars on lobbyists. individual firms have hundreds of lobbyists. this is who we are competing with. this makes it tough on ourselves, our legislators and people that support us in the ridge lation.
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>> thank you. i will continue now by introducing the next panelist. he is james gutierrez. i have known james since he was a child because he used to walk precincts for me when i was 5 or 6 years of age because his dad was a good friend of mine. he is the c.e.o. of a leading financial services company serving the needs of hispanic markets by helping its commerce
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-- customers build credit and gain access to a better life. he will discuss the financial sector, how it deals with a lack of diversity and how the industry mansion work force diversity data. it gives me pleasure to introduce my good friend, james gutierrez. [applause] >> thank you, congressman. actually i have a couple of slides. i may jump over to where you are and pull those up. i will do my best as we get the technology going. i do come from silicon valley, so i should be able to learn this. [laughter] maybe i will just start with kind of my story as a social
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entrepreneur in the world of financial services, and then also talk about diversity in financial services and also silicon valley since that is where we are based. my story is i grew up in the inland empire, did walk the precincts, cared about the community. my parents gave me opportunities to go to schools like yail -- yale and stafford for business school. i want to help people use all the financial services outside of the mainstream to bring people into the mainstream. we started an organization which is a certified cdfi in california that give small responsible loans to help people build credit and move up the financial ladder. we are now over 260 employees,
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and we are growing at 20% a month. we have a lot of people working and busting out of our seams. my experience in the financial side is i think relevant to this discussion and to talk about diversity. the first thing is how many of you have tried to raise money for an organization. ok. whether it's a nonprofit or for-profit, it is kind of the same. the reason i asked that is because it is very important to figure out -- to try and have a career in finance. we find that everything we do in life is trying to raise money for a cause. and so understanding how those out there can actually raise the capital they need, whether it is debt capital or equity capital to build a business or build up your organization is extremely important. we need more latinos in that field to understand kind of how the financial markets work and
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how you can bring those two sides together to achieve your goal. when i was in college and in business school, there were two organizations that addressed diversity that i think are very relevant to mention. one of them is the seo program? one person. there is probably a second one over there i am recognizing, a colleague. it is a program in new york that helps students of color get into investment banks and financial services in new york. it is a great program to help people build a career in investment banking, trading and move up the ladder. in business school i was part of the robert twego foundation. has anyone heard of this? if you are in business school, you get a fellship, and they place you as investment firms and-you try and gain access to large bracket investment banks
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and firms. what we have found, my experience in going out and trying to raise capital for the businesses. i have talked to all the venture capitalists. i am the only latino in the room. the other side of the table is definitely not latino, but they have all the money. that we want to get to grow our business. i have learned over time to speak the language to figure out how to get the intersection so you can get the capital you need to grow the business. but also at the same time i have realizeded this is a major challenge we have. it is not like i can walk into an office and people are going to get it, we understand the important tons of the hispanic community and market because the other side of the table is not also latino. i think, as we mentioned today, it is a very big problem that
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we need to address. and then finally -- so what can corporate america do about it? although we have 260 employees, we would like to believe that we are going to be 2,600 very soon and be part of corporate america. we have a very diverse company. we serve the latino communities, and we hire a lot of spanish-speaking latinos that can represent our community and the communities we serve. but we also have, if you walk around like our engineering team, we have taiwanese and indian people, and this melting pot in our office. when you start to see diversity work in your work force, you realize it creates a more innovative work force and fosters better corporate results. we have found in silicon valley as the reports have shown, there needs to be a lot more
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diversity in finance. the point i wanted to make to all of you is his extremely important to answer this to figure out how we ultimately raise capital for our businesses and visions as we broke into the financial services industry. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much, james. our fourth panelist is the director of the office of federal contracting compliance program for the department of labor. our office, ofccp ensures that those who do business with the federal government, contractors and subcontractors are held to the very responsible standards, that they are not discriminating in their employment practices. she will discuss the department of labor management of the work force and how it handles
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corporations refusal of disclosure. please welcome her. >> thank you. >> thank you, congressman baca, for inviting me. i am very pleased to be here. thank you so much for the invitation. i am proud to say that i work for secretary of labor hilda salice. she is so committed to good jobs for everybody. let me take a moment to explain to you what it is it does. we ensure that 25% of the american work force who work for federal contractors are not subject to discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion or color. we also enforce two other laws that protect people with disabilities from discrimination. many of you probably don't know about our agency.
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it's budget and personnel were cut dramatically in the previous eight years. we are in a revitalization mode, and i can tell you as a long-time civil rights lawyer in the bay area that i am committed to implements in all its fullness and bread this the executive order and all the other anti-discrimination provisions that we have authority to enforce. we are here to tell you that at the end of the day, we are going to enforce the law. we are not going to just conciliate cases. we are aweding, we are taking complaints. we are investigating all facets of discrimination. we are telling crackors to take those affirmative action plans out of your book shelves, dust them off, because they are going to be important, and you are going to be held
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accountable. to be a federal crackor is a privilege. it is not a right. and with that privilege comes serious responsibilities to comply with the law. i am committed that federal contractors will not use federal dollars to discriminate. and so for me, it is all about enforcement. it is about changing our regulation toss make affirmative action real for people of color, for people with disabilities, for language disabilities, and i do mean it. i left a job that i loved in california and my family because i believe in the importance of work to every individual, and i will not have and i will not tolerate barriers to employment. it is our job to level the playing field for all americans, to make sure that everybody gets a free chance to do the very best that they can. so let me talk to you a little bit about what is going on with the silicon valley request obama administration you know that is something of importance
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to everybody. let me explain it. there was a request by a reporter that 15 silicon valley companies provide data. 10 agreed to professor data, data with respect to how many minorities, how many women were hired in what positions. five did not. i'm happy to tell you who the five were. apple, google, oracle, applied research, and there is one other. yahoo, correct. although the secretary and the president are absolutely committed to open government and transparency, we at the department of labor are subject to a law that has been in effect for the past 30 years called the trade secrets law. the way this law has been construed is that any contractor or any person that we have investigated can object
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to disclosure of their information if it is going to "affect their financial interests." you may think what does it mean if you are going to give us information on how many minorities and women. well, if you do it as to what kind of jobs they have, for many companies like google, their argument is that if you give this information to my competitors, they will know how many people i am investing in engineers, in technology versus other different jobs perform by people. that is the basis of their objection to the data. i'm just telling you that is the basis. we are working with people to provide as much information as we can, but let me just tell you this. we are an enforcement agency. if you have people that you believe have been discriminated against, chances are they work for a large employer, they work
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for a federal contractor. they can file a complaint with the ofccp, and we will investigate and enforce the law. that is really the best way for us to root out discrimination. somebody mentioned here that you all are consumers. well, as consumers you can speak your mind. i'm sure you can do it in a variety of ways. but there are many different ways to try and educate large contractors about the reason why you want that information and you think it is important to you. we are one way of doing it. but the most direct way that we can ferret and root out discrimination on behalf of people of color and all people that the executive order covers is for us to get the complaint. if we get the complaint, i assure you, we will investigate them. thank you. [applause]
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>> thank you very much, patrishia. we have or son. he is the executive director of the green light institute. that is a national policy organization working for racial and economic justice, ensuring that the grass root leaders are participating in major policy debate. he will discuss the best practices of collecting diversity data in the fortune 100 companies and how the efforts in other fields such as philanthropy are moving away from disclosure transparency. well welcome our next speaker. [applause] >> if i may, i would like to stand so i can see the room better. thank you again, congressman baca, for your leadership. i want to thank chci. i am an alumni of the program. i always consider the chci to
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be the d.i. that i didn't have to do this work. so thank you. i love the title of this panel, lack of transparency. we know in california that when there is transparency, there is progress. and when there is no transparency, there is no progress. i am going to give you a quick example of where we see this. green line's latest report court is very trance parne. we sent a survey to 10 companies who are regulated by the california public utilities commission. eight of them responded. two didn't. let me tell you who didn't. comcast and timewarner. comcast suddenly wants to be best friends with latinos, so i am sure they will respond next year. i am glad they are at the table. if you go to page seven of our report, you see the numbers. it is not just a letter ranking. you see that verizon is actually doing 25% of all their
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contracting with diverse suppliers. some people would say maybe they are hiding other contracts to white women. well, if you turn to page seven of our report, you see that they are doing 16.5% with latino businesses. that is amazing. no other corporation, not even the federal government, comes close to 16% of businesses with latinos. people may ask why is verizon doing this? not just them, at&t, southern california edison. it is because there is a law. they are regulated where they are supposed to give this transparency data. i would like to say it is out of the goodness of their heart. maybe it is now. if you talk to the c.e.o. of verizon, he will say they truly believe in diversity, and i believe he is right. but basically for us to succeed in this, and i am glad there is more effort. we need three components. one is government leadership.
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i will be frank. we don't have it right now in this administration in terms of getting the data. we need transparency by the corporate sector. and then we need an active civil sector. we have that. we have great organizations such as mclr and the naacp that are doing their work. we need to change this. we have talked about the federal government contracting. the department of defense provides 1% of their contracting to latino businesses. that is shameful. how could the federal government use this as a bully pulpit if they themselves don't practice this in a very responsible way. let me say when you allow a corporation to hide under a trade secret law -- which to me, i can't see how it is a trade secret to disclose how many latinos work for us. i don't get it. but when you do that, you are fostering discrimination. the more you allow corporations
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to hide behind phoney arguments such as trade secret law or whatever it is. we hear them all the time. it is too burden some to collect the data. but they have the best data on latinos possible. we were looking at the tobacco cases. philip morse had the best information on latinos. they had it broken down by community and state because they wanted our markets, and they got it. if corporations are doing this level of research, they can clearly tell us and disclose what their executive economies looks like, what their supplier diversity looks like. let me end with this. we had a great session earlier this morning on health care, and we talked about how now there are threats to the health care bill. just as we are starting to make advances, clearly those on the
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right want to take these advances away. the same thing is happening when it comes to transparency and diversity data. the thrill thropic sector is leading an effort. -- you don't ever have to disclose how many work with you. you don't have to disclose the gender or racial makeup of your board. if you want to discrimination, florida is the place to be. that is basically what they said. surprisingly, there has been no uproar from any foundation. a few years ago green leaning has a transparency bill for foundations in california. it would have had required them to supply diversity data. there was a huge uproar.
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the "wall street journal" was against us. they passed this law in florida and there was barely a beat. the council on foundations opposed our bill in california. it is quietly standing by. thank you, congressman four efforts. these efforts are going to change this. thank you, chase, for responsoring this panel and for providing your data. we are grateful for that. thank you very much. [applause] >> well, thank you very much. before i call our next panelist, we are going to deviate a little bit from the structured program that we have right now because the f.c. c. director will have to leave, and i believe it is really important for us to hear his comments as well. if you don't mind, anna, for a few minutes, and then we will
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continue with this panel, and then we will get back to the other panel. at this time we are going to make a quick transition real quick-like. this is like being at home, where certain things happen, a mother or father tells us certain things, and we end up not doing it, and we have to change a little bit. we are going to move into the transition to technology summit. i am one of the co-chairs of the congressional hispanic task force on communications, telecommunications and the arts. we would like to welcome this year the chc in materials of doing it. at this time i would like to bring on the chair of the s.e.c., and that is julius. the chairman was nominated by president obama and was confirmed by the senate on june
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29th, 2009. he brings with him over two decades of public and private sector experience, including serving in various capacities in f.c.c., serving as the law clerk for the supreme court justice david suiter, and spending time in the house of representatives as staff, then u.s.a. representative and then charles schumer. the c.h.c. task force works closely with him on areas such as broadband and the governmental row broadband. wednesday ensure and open the internet to all americans. i applaud him. i believe the f.c.c. will be better informed with these additional comments and extra time. it is important that the sector
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of the economy with a lot of things as stake, we want to make sure we get it right. today the chairman will share with us the current s.e.c. initiative, hispanic involvement and what do we expect to see in the future. bless welcome our chairman, julius. [applause] >> thank you. it is very good to be here, congressman, baca. thank you for your leadership and particularly with this areas of technology and opportunity. i have a gift for you. i was going to talk about it in my remarks. this is the national broadband plan in spanish.
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it is quite a large document with many recommendations, but i am happy to give this to you. the national broadband plan is available as a thumb drive that goes into your computer. [laughter] >> we tried very hard to not only develop a plan that was worthy of a moment to do it in an open, participatory, inclusive way, we tried very hard to communicate about the plan as broadly as possible. you can see it in spanish on our website as well. >> thank you. >> i'm sorry congressman reyes isn't here. congressman vellskezz is outside, working hard to make sure this summit goes off. i was happy to be at last
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year's summit. this year's technology summit comes as a critical time. we are seeing some progress in the economy, but obviously very, very serious issues left in the economy. a lot of work to do. the technology sector -- the technology and communication sector, which accounts for one-sixth of our economy and an even higher percentage of economic growth, will be critical to our nation's economic recovery and to having an enduring platform for job creation and economic growth in the 21st century. it is why i am pleased to be in this job, pleased to be working with members like congressman baca on these issues. it is why the agency is focused like a laser on actions to spur our economy, to spur job
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creation and do what we can with this important horizontal infrastructure called broadband to lay a real foundation for long-term economic growth in the u.s. when i came here last year and spoke with you, we were working on our national broadband plan, but we hadn't released it. since then, we have. it is our country's first national broadband plan. we are not the first country to have a national broadband plan. we should have had one a while ago. but we have one now, and it takes seriously the opportunities of broadband. it takes seriously the nature in which high speed internet, broadband is indispensable infrastructure for the 21st century. even though it is wires in the ground, you can't see it, but this is infrastructure as important as our bridges and roads. in the 21st century, it will be
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as important as electricity was in the 20th century. broadband is our 21st century platform for economic opportunity. it's a vital platform for solutions to national challenges like health care, education, energy. it is our fundamental platform for a free flow of knowledge, for democratic engagement. for a vibrant and diverse media landscape. the beauty of an internet that is characterized by openness and freedom in the way ours has been is that the same open arc teak tour generates envefment, and jobs, opportunities for small businesses, and it generates new opportunities, to create new voices to participate in our media
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landscape. but the u.s. isn't where it needs to be with respect to broadband. our speeds are too slow. too many americans don't have broadband forecast at all where they live. up to 24 million americans live in areas where they can't have broadband even if they want it. pockets of the country are worses others. puerto rico is behind where we want it to be. yet we know that, as sam said, the c.e.o. of i.b.m., without pervasive broadband, our country will not be prepared for a new world. so our deployment isn't where it should be, and neither is our rate of adoption. how many people who actually sign up for this essential service? the average in the u.s. is 65% or 66%. what does that mean? well, singapore is at 90%.
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65% isn't good enough. in particular communities in the u.s., the numbers are even worse. it is true in minority communities, the elderly, people with disabilities. among hispanics, the adoption rate isn't the 65% national average. it's 49%. this matters because of the opportunities that i spoke about earlier, also because of something that people don't focus on but is very important. the cost of digital exclusion are rising. the costs of the digital divide are rising. what do i mean by that? 10 years ago, say, if you were looking for a job, and you didn't have access to the internet, there are other things you could do. you could look in your newspaper and try to see the classifieds. if you saw one, you could pick up the phone and apply for a job or find other ways to
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apply. what does the world look like today? increasingly, companies are putting all of their job postings online. why shouldn't they? as many as 75% of fortune 500 companies do 100% of their job postings on line. meanwhile, more and more jobs that are available require applicants to submit their applications online. why shouldn't they? but what does that mean for people who don't have online access, who don't have the digital tools? by the way, more and more jobs that are becoming available require basic digital skills. we want them to. so the cost today of not being digitally lit -- literate, of not being connected to the internet are costing jobs, and are much higher be before. the cost of being off of our information grid are too high,
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and they are getting higher. that is why we were directed at the s.e.c. by the president and congress to develop an broadband plan and a strategy for a broadband infrastructure in the united states and brings high speed interpret to all americans. that is our goal. some of what we do is incredibly boring. we have cut red tape around poll -- pole attachment. we have adopted a shot clock for to your siting. these issues matter. overwhelmingly our broadband infrastructure in the united states, wired and wireless should be built by private companies. we need billions of dollars in private companies to do this. some of the things we can do is lower the cost of deployment so
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that a rational company will build more, faster, deeper. some members in congress has promoted this. we endorsed it in a broadband plan. if we are digging up roads in country, how can we do that and not lay fiber at the same time and save that money? so we are working a lot on these issues that should bring down the cost of deployment substantially. we have already taken steps around our eray program, health care, education. we have a serious problem with rural health care clinics and family doctors not being connected to the internet. i fear for a world in which we succeed in making me records electronic, but we forget to connect clinics, family doctors, hospitals everywhere to the internet.
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because we don't get the advantages and benefits of remote dying -- diagnostics, cat scans and mirs. i want to talk about two major initiatives that we are working on at the f.c.c. that matter for broadband issues and that matter for communities that are further hin than they should be. one is transforming our universal service fund. we have this fund. some of you have heard of it, some of you haven't. it's an $8 billion a year fund that many ways has done a good job over the years in universalizing 2010 service -- telephone service. obviously we need to transform this fund to apply to broadband. it also has a series of problems with it now. for a variety of reasons, it is
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broken. the spending is not as efficient as it should be. it not directed as wisely as it should be. we need to transform the universal service fund to broadband and make sure that the funds are going where they are most needed to leverage the most benefits in terms of broadband infrastructure and deployment. that is something that i look very much forward to working on with this community and all stakeholders. another major area that implicates the digital divide is spectrum, the air waves. a lot of people thought when we were going to do our broadband plan, that this was going to be a plan about plugging your computer into a wall and getting internet access and that it was going to be about wired broadband access. wired broadband access is incredible ply -- increditably
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important. as many of you we are in the early innings of a wireless broadband revolution. if any of you have experimented with a smartphone, an ipod or another tablet, you can see that wireless broadband is a vital part of our broadband future. if you look at some of the data out there, it tells you something. in a recent pugh survey, one out of six hispanics rely exclusively on their phones to access the internet. now that is an opportunity. it is an opportunity only if we make sure that we have spectrum infrastructure in this country that allows for the most robust , vibrant, accessible wireless infrastructure to develop. but here's the problem. the problem is we already know that we are going to run out of spectrum. it is a limited resource, our air waves.
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the amount of demand that we can predict on spectrum is outstripping simply not by two-a-days one or three to one, but by 15-to-1 or to-to-1. we have the chance to have the best network in the world, and more importantly, to have the best mobile innovations be developed here, deployed here and exported to the rest of the world so that we can have job creation here. and we have enormous creation for all of these mobile broadband devices to play an intheble role in our -- incredible role in our kids' education. we will talk about e-particular books another time, but a very exciting area when you talk about equalizing educational opportunity. the same thing around broadband and health care.
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i was on the west coast recently, and i met parents whose child's life was saved. the kid had a serious heart condition. they had the child on a spectrum-based remote monitoring device that when the low% chance bad thing happened, it immediately notified the emergency authorities, and they were able to save his life. so much can happen if we get our spectrum infrastructure right. we can tackle divide and opportunity issues. but only if we move forward in a serious well. spectrum doesn't grow on trees. we developed a plan to recover spectrum. it is called an incentive option plan. it is something we are working closely with congress on to adopt. but i believe very strongly that addressing digital divide
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issues, addressing consumer issues, addressing the opportunities of education and health care around spectrum requires taking this seriously as a national challenge. it is why i was very pleased that president obama strongly supported this and why we have bipartisan legislation in both the house and senate to move forward on this. it is vital we continue to tackle this. it is up to us whether we get strategic planning right for the country when it comes to broadband. let me conclude with a very brief story but it stuck with me. while we were working on the broadband plan, i visited some different regions of the country. differ regions have a lot of different regions when it comes to broadband, and there are very important experiences that people have on the ground, both problems and solutions. i was in the bronx, and we went and visited a local nonprofit that has done a nice job
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educating and training people in technology to help develop digital skills and literacy to create opportunities to be a candidate for some of the jobs in the new world. i met a fellow there who had lost his job, a non-technical job, at the age of 47. he had no computer skills, couldn't find anything that his skills were suited for, and was lost. luckily, he made a connection to this particular nonprofit, got trained at this nonprofit in basic digital literacy and technical skills and got a job in the operations department of timewarner cable. we are in a forum, and we were talking about what broadband means, and he stood up, and he said to him, broadband means
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broad opportunity. that stuck with me. as we worked at the f.c.c. on the national broadband plan in developing it, as we now work on implementing it, that is something that we keep in mind every day. this is about broad opportunity, opportunity for all americans, about seizing and harnessing the pen fits of this new technology for all americans. i look forward, congressman baca, to continue to work with you on this, and your colleagues, and with everyone here on these very important topics. thank you very much for the opportunity to speak here today. [applause] >> well, thank you very much, chairman, for taking the time to be here with us. as we made the transition from where we were at to broadband, to digital divide, now how we were able to make that
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accommodation quickly. hopefully we are able to do the same thing with the digital divide as it adds to our community in the air of health care. thank you, mr. chairman. we will continue to make the transition in broadband back to where we were before, to our original panel. at this time it gives me breat pleasure -- i personally want to say thank you, anna for being patient and allowing the chairman from the f.c.c. speak. at this time i would like to introduce our last panelist that will speak. she is the vice chair and chief philanthropy officer of the hispanic in flen three-point,
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h.i.p. it has sites in mexico, argentina and the dominican republic. she will discuss about disclosure of certain demographic data about diversity and impacts on operations. please welcome our next speaker. [applause] >> well, thank you. as the last speaker, i will be as quick as possible and will try to beat the cards in front of me. this is a great opportunity to be here with you. it is so important for philanthropy to work with the corporate and government sectors on the problems we are facing today. the problems are really big. the gates foundation and the ford foundation, and all of us together can't address them without the help of the other sectors. so i appreciate that. i want to say a couple of things about the florida law and then talk abouty diversity
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in philanthropy is so important. the florida law passed and was signed by the governor in may without a blip on the radar screen. i am based in miami, and we heard about it from outside the state and not within the state. you are absolutely right. most of philanthropy hasn't said a word. i will is a that emmett carson, the head of the silicon valley community foundation is unhappy about it and says we need a federal law to prohibit this kind of thing. we are a transnational network of funders. foundations, corporations and individuals committed to latino communities. we were established to diversify the field of philanthropy. in 1983 we were founded. the joke was it was his has
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panic in atlanta three-point. there were only three back then. we were a professional association, but a little over 10 years ago we said that number that carlos mentioned earlier, that foundations are investing 2% in latino communities despite the numbers. and it is not just a matter of the numbers of the population, but we see it as a real demographic imperative. while we've got those population numbers, we also have increased needs. we hear about our health needs, about the needs in education. so the numbers we represent in the population, and it is also the special needs of the hispanic communities. so about 10 years ago we started -- you know, we decided that we were going to bring funders together to continue not only to diversify the field of philanthropy, but to increase investments in latino communities. since then with about 170
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funding partners, we have raised $40 million, and we have supported more than 500 latino-led, latino-serving nonprofits across the country and in several countries in latin america. we believe that diversity, as i said, is especially important in philanthropy. we focused on the small latino nonprofits, those with budgets of under $2 million. while the large organizations -- and all of us are familiar with them, they have a longer track record, and they have figured out how to access large foundation funding. but the little ones, so many latino nonprofits have only been around 10 years, and they are having trouble keying the lights on. we are focused on working with them. what we are trying to do is connect those nonprofits wii the larger foundations that oftentimes want to fund latino communities but just really
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don't know how. so what we are trying to do is work with foundations to continue and diversify their grant-making portfolios, and we are also working with corporations and with individual don't years. we certainly believe, given the reasons for which we were found, that diversity is especially important, and as the years have gone by, we are committed to letting other folks know as well that it is not just a matter of because we represent 15% or 16% of the population, but also because we have needs that if addressed, well contribute to a much stronger civil sector. the whole notion of a demographic imperative is key for us in convincing foundations, corporations and others that diversifying this field and making sure that latinos are not only represented but serve as very critical. as somebody based in miami, i have to say i am a little
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embarrassed about the florida law. but i do believe that with the help of some folks outside the state, there will be some greater awareness of why it's a problem. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]
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it encourages them not to file a claim with their insurer. if they may inadvertently inform a victim's family and assaults. photinia elaborate on this? is it a good idea to allow them to build further rape kit? >> i think not. >> i am glad to hear you say that. >> when it was authorized in 2005, there was a concern that many victims may have been raped a long time ago. they may not want that information shared. they have may have not elected -- they may have not elected to prosecute for whatever reason predi it is allowed for states to pay
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for the examination. that was conditioned on a couple of things. one was that the victim not be required to submit it for thandt it be done by a trained professional. we are doing training. we of one of our providers screen all of the jurisdictions to ensure that there in compliance with the law. they are. that is not to say the we cannot do a better job. even though the statute has improved, people are always looking for ways to do the job better. >> he said there was a loophole in the law.
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even the good part of the law is not being followed. they should get a free rape kit from the embers. the do or be reimbursed. they obtained the deductibles for the three rape before the rape kit. here is a news clip from last nmay. >> it will be made part of the record. >> the relevant parts say the police department made one payment toward a single mother's hospital. when she submitted the $1,847 worth of remaining bills to the victims' fund, she received a denial letter telling her that law enforcement should have paid. enforcement of this law does fall under the department of justice jurisdiction.
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can you assure me you'll make sure that rape victims are not having to pay for their rape exams? >> absolutely. they should not have to pay for their eggs and. that is clear. >-- more their exams. that is clear. >> thank you very much for the >> hello. i just came in. >> welcome. >> i have been at the impeachment hearing. it is kind of nice to these the state -- to lead the state of louisiana for a little bit. i do apologize. >> we all love louisiana though. >> we do. >> we have been talking about things as i did not know went on there. it is good to be here. thank you very much.
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i know there has been progress made in addressing the metropolitan area spis. could you talk about what is going on in rural areas? i saw of this vast difference between the resources and knowledge in the tools that the world jurisdictions have. >> having just returned to a trip to alaska, i can talking about rural jurisdictions. >> that is extremely low. that is a different category. >> i never appreciated the extent to which it is so world. alaska is 2.5 times the size of texas. in may to about the population of vermont. most of the state is not
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successful. it is a desperate state of affairs. there are many programs that we funds that provide services in rural communities. one is the sexual default program. there is also a new demonstration program call the sexual assault demonstration initiative that we are about to roll out that will be designed to provide enhanced services for the tool coalitions that have not been providing sexual assault services. there'll be five sites around the country funded for that. we are looking to have specialized assault units in their local police departments. these are effective tools so that the train and local
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agencies to be able to respond to sexual assault cases. how to inquire a victim in a way that is sensitive and not put them in a position where they are going to feel as though they have assumed responsibility for the crime. this is through our programs. they help to support the need for services. our staff program itself is the first funding stream that is dedicated solely to sexual assault. it is extremely important that we have health in rural areas. >> in your testimony, you acknowledge that 10.5% of high- school girls and 4.5% of high-
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school boys report some kind of a rape or for sexual intercourse. what is your office during to better address the problems? >> it is one of the most serious problems that we have. the more that we look at what is going on, we learn it is coming at earlier ages. 16 years ago, we talk about teen dating violence. it is not dating violence. kids tonight date. it is sexual asidassault. we have a program with the ad council. col thatis interest and learn to adjust what is happening in their relationship.
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in college, we have providers as well. it includes one that we have here on campus. we are doing lots of training. they just completed a campus tour in march to highlight what is calling on around college campuses in the country and starting new programs. we are funding a program in new hampshire. college students can learn what they can do to intervene safely. college students have developed their own campaign and to post on all of the buses around the campus.
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let said the talks about the cyber issue? >> we have been working with the espn reporter. i suggest you guys to get this. we have never had. it is important. parents are not aware of some of the ways in which the kids are being insulted. having information is important. >> thank you very much. >> we are moving out of the next panel.
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our first witness is the eighth day he did director of the women's law project in philadelphia. she is a graduate of the university of pennsylvania with a law degree from temple university. . we have nine in total. >> thank you for responding. it is critically important that congress address the kinds of
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serving maid. they are mishandling rapes and other sex crimes. they have a serious inadequacy. when it first became ainvolved, massive reforms have taken place in philadelphia. in included an invitation for advocacy groups. it is put in place by the commissioner.
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we believe that we have a successful partnership. michael testimony is replete with information. i will highlight a few. the unfounded rape cases has tripled from 2003 through 2010. the translation of this added to
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represent some horrifying detail. it was found to be non credible. she filed a complaint that she and sexually assaulted by a man who spent 15 years in prison by a rape charge. her complaint was unfounded even though she was bleeding when to fly down a police cruiser and plied them with detailed information. police eventually found the remains of the 11 women at his home, six of whom were murdered after police failed to pursue the complaint protocol -- complaints. we've all heard stories like that. i thought these are isolated incidents. we are synchronic patterns of police refusing to accept cases for investigation, ms. classifying cases to noncriminal categories of investigations do not occur.
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victims are interrogated as though they are criminals or argus believes and are blamed for the outrageous conduct of perpetrators. and want to move out to the uniform crime report. ucr publicizes the incidence of sex crimes. it is used. criminologists have informed me that this data is so inaccurate on a rape that it cannot be used. not only is not properly reported, but the definition is inadequate. forceful break as defined as the knowledge of a penal forcibly
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and against her will. this definition is exceedingly narrow. it does reflect how america has under six banded the under a standing of free. many now recognize that none sexual penetration are as serious as the criminal conduct in the crime. the dow finishing continues. last them to change the definition. the fbi's attention was directed to the events of 9/11. there never received a response. we believe the crisis that is being reported in the hearing will bring about the necessary change.
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rape is a heinous crime. they are entitled to be treated fairly. and in danger as the public. >> how much longer? >> i am at the end. a canister along local law- enforcement agencies are recognizing and investigating crimes and continue the support. >> we are grateful for the opportunity. we should all be grateful for the press. if it were not for the press reporting these, we would not be here today. >> commissioner randy?
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commissioner of philadelphia. 7500 employees. >> i want to thank you for the opportunity. the lead to dramatic changes in the department. i believe that they are absolutely essential. i will be brief. rape has been reported and
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investigator. the downgrading of rape cases of the philadelphia police department in the '90s, but investigative. there was no one person or unit response will. it was a failure. it took a relentless approach to address this failure. many important corrective actions were taken from training to coding and follow-up. it also require a change in leadership. a number of seasoned investigators were transferred into the unit to increase our staffing levels. of partners have remained.
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this is a formal component. these are here. it establishes a long-term relationship. they have helped deal with this dramatic crime. i cannot overstate the importance of this. they have been helpful in reestablishing trust and promoting a culture that treat rape with dignity and respect.
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it is critical in ensuring we worth of victims in a manner that is compassionate and transparent. we must of the advocates for anyone who has been impacted. i would urge others to focus on this aspect of how we report sexual assault. do not do it alone. were together in treating rape and sexual assault from a holistic perspective. our partnerships the strength and every part of the process. it is often a catalyst for
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change. they can also learn from each other. they can facilitate the transfer of knowledge. we will convene an executive session in early 2011 for police leaders to discuss the current state of investigation be based on the results. we will make recommendations. we can identify the best practices in the investigative process. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. we turn now to sarah. she has had an extraordinary experience, having been raped at the age of 19 by a serial offender.
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they were engaged in some of again litigation. thank you. we like to hear what happened to you. >> on july 14, 2004 i was working at the cranberry gas station by myself. a man came into the store and what did the store and approached the counter. he pulled a gun out and planted it to me. he demanded i sit on the floor. the question me about to open the register drawer. he came and sat directly in front me where he held a gun to my left temple and demand i give him oral sex. he said if you do not swallow, i will she. he told me to rip up the phone lines.
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is it to wait in the back office for five minutes after he left i went next door to an automotive shop. police, and one in reported the crime. i say there were several officers stayed there. i gave them a description of the attack. i was taken for a first of the detective. when i arrived, i was put in a small office where i began to retell the offensive again. he asked me how many times a day i use tarot web. cairo -- heroin. i listened to the investigation and. they ask me to retell the attack. he became very aggressive for their. he asked me where the money was. he tell me if i can best things in it easy. i got upset and i was crying. he said my tears and not say nipve me.
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nextel went to the police station to give a written statement as asked. when i arrived, i was put in a small conference room by myself to write my statement. it to my parents in another room where he questioned them about me. he came into the room and began to question and accused me about the theft. i responded that i just wanted it to all go away. i was told of my attacker being caught. he had an unwillingness to believe my story. two months after i was assaulted, another woman was assaulted within 2 miles. he was assigned to this case. she gave almost the same exact description and emailed . he was unable to make the connection. he still accuse me of fabricating my story. he even stood at my residence where he called a marked police
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car for back up. after almost 45 minutes, the only thing he managed to do was embarrass me in front of my neighbors entry victimize me. 2005, a warrant for my arrest was issued for filing false police report. i went to their inter myself them. alic[unintelligible] i spent the next five days in jail waiting for a bond reduction hearing so i could be released. this always happen while i was for my presenpregnant forwith my first try. and reported the crime.
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my complaint was not taken sears in dallas arrested for the crime. 13 months later, a statewide search indicated in in was caught in the act sexually assaulting a gas station attendant. he confessed to 12 different sexual assaults. when the assault happened to me. thanks to the nolocal news reporter i was informed. it left me concerned about ever be able to rely on a law officer to do his job. he was uncooperative and had an unwillingness to believe me, the victim. a serial rapist was allowed to continue attacking other woman. thank you. >> thank you very much for sharing that experience with us. >> our next witness is also a a
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rape victim in florida in 2002. she was attacked by the so- called day care rapist was taking her children home from school. she was beaten. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. thank you for the invitation to participate a. hope this empowers all of the to help all rape victims get the support they need to heal. improving will only happen we are committed to providing victims with support services. from the first time will call all the way to sentencing. my story demonstrates. the support services sustained me through the longest and most grueling years of my life.
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giving of seem like the best thing to do. i know is raised in florida and spent a brief time here in washington. after graduate school, i got married. we chose to settle down in south miami where i had grown up. and a beautiful morning in 2002, my a month old son and i went to pick up my three-year-old daughter around the corner from our house. will make up back, my daughter jumped inside like vocal my son. i was in fish from behind and had on the head. as my doctors screened from her high as they held a knife to my neck. he closed the door behind is and what does in in terms of the review. [unintelligible] he turned to me and said, do you believe in god? when i said yes, he is a good, you will forgive me for what i'm
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about to do to you and your two children. he drove us as far away as a kid to an area in the everglades. the hours that followed were the most terrifying of my life. he beat me, held a knife to my neck, and raped me four times. each time, he forced both of my children to watch every moment. my doctor was forced to sit inches from me. he chose me to two atm machines and ask me to withdraw money. he laid me naked on the floor of the van and stick a knife to the face of my neck. he made my daughter begged for mumbai. she pleaded for him to not to kill me. he casually walked away. a joke to by parents house and went inside.
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i sobbed while my parents and me to call 9-1-1. boby some of the police. the compassionate officer said the tone for how i would feel about my experience of law enforcement from that time on. without that encouraging beginning, it might have ended differently. it to me to the rape crisis center in miami. police and nurses were of veterans would dealing. the examine was painful and more. the frantic nurse step by my side and held me through the pain. the police found no fingerprints freudenth a few days after the raid, i received a call informing me that dna had been found all my clothing. it matched the dna from another
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crime . the information was not in the system b. my attacker could be anyone. if they put everything they had into looking for this man. my relationship with the detectives was a calming force for me. they communicated with me and checked in with me. i felt as though they were personally invested. my rapist was finely identify month later. he was caught speeding up is prevent a girlfriend. -- beating up his pregnant girlfriend. i thought it was over. i did not know that the endurance test is just beginning. the attorney's office to cover the case. i was thrown headfirst into a complex legal system. the first 18 months there is a great deal of confusion and discipline them.
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i started to fill hopeless. -- feel hopeless . if their team was amazing. they communicated to me about everything it took more than four years of work to get to this trial. facing my rapist in court was difficult for me and my family. the compassionate care was a bible to my family and to my mother as she prepared to testify. i relived the horrendous crime in graphic detail. i relived the details to a roomful of jurors. he was guilty on three counts of armed kidnapping, if guilty on four counts of rape in thfirst e
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degree, and guilty on robbery. i told him how he forced them to leave the city and family we loved because he no longer felt say. he was given seven consecutive life sentences for the crimes occurred against my family. >>, rwanda need? but i'm almost done. >> justice can work when victims are provided with the support we need. organizations muss be provided with the funds necessary for their hot lines and website. and never would imagine the of to come here to washington to speak to you as a survivor. i continue to share my story and medical personnel.
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the healthiest communities it knowledge the severity of rape as a crime. thank you so much for your time and for inviting me to speak. >> thank you very much. the final witness is a doctor. she has an extensive educational background. thank you for joining us. >> been thank you. -- thank you for inviting us to
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provide testimony the on this very important subject. >> i would like to recognize senator franken has another commitment at 3:34 p.m. >> thank you for your indulgence. thank you for your work. i did read your testimony last night. i want to thank the commissioners for your work. what happened to you and to miss reedy is horrific. i am sorry. i do have to go. i want to ask one question. if that is to miss reedy. like to know what happened to that detective? i know that you have sued him. that was thrown out. that was overturned. is he still on the force?
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>> yes, he is still a detective. >> that to me is pretty amazing. i want to thank you for your courage being here today. and for all the other witnesses for the work you do. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> on behalf of the center for girls and young women, our work is about providing a voice for girls and young women to enter that there are gender appropriate responses to the treatment of girls and women. i would like to give voice to a young girl named gaby. she is a 14-year-old girl from florida who was not lucky enough
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to get a police officer who was willing to hear her story. you have heard the statistics bear out this hearing. one in six women will experience a rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. more than half of these rape victims will be raped before their 18th birthday. the statistics do not tell the whole story. re it is when the most severe of all traumas. think about the scene of the crime. it is the body of the survivor. one survivor of of stories paint a haunting picture of the long- term impact of rape. her name is kathy. it sees a 14-year-old young woman who of i have had the pleasure of knowing and learning from her courage. she is the daughter of migrant
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family who lives in florida. she was alone sitting in her bedroom when her rape this came through the window, threatened her, to come out into the fields, and brutally raped her. she made her way back home to her mother who did the right thing. she went to the local police department and asked for help. the police response was "what did you do to provoke this?" she was sent home. she did not have support. or referrals for treatment. she was terrified. for months, she did not leave her house. she slept with her mother. gaby was charged with truancy for not going to school. her mother confessor to start sleeping again in her bedroom. when everywoman go to bed, to take her pillow and sit on the floor outside of her mother's door because she was terrified.
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when he did return to her room, the rate is returned and return again. -- the rate is returned and raped her again. the police to a report a little was done. at least gaby was referred to a program for girls and young women. here she began to tell her story. she is terrified to leave because she did not know what the rate it looks like. she felt like he knew who she was. this trauma of continues to haunt her. the staff knew that she was a classic case of posttraumatic stress disorder. she was depressed. she was helpless. she was a victim twice. it was a secondary rape. she told the police and was not believed. her story is the story of
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hundreds of girls and young women in this country. when girls make a decision to go to the police and report the rape, the response of the police is critical but only to the girl but to her family. there are pervasive attitudes and beliefs by the police that inhibit their ability to stop this horrible crime. there is a belief that it is not a stranger rape is as not serious. there is also a belief that if a weapon is not involved that it is not as serious. this is most disturbing when what we know is 80% of sexual assaults have them by someone who knows the victim. it is also quite disturbing will mean know that control tactics did not always involve a but them. that was certainly the case of
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gabby. she is threatened in terrified. law-enforcement will discourage victims from reporting amok. stoc -- reporting. police make also threaten the victim about being charged for the crime if there is inconsistency in their story. the advocate that i work with phil the most egregious thing that continues to happen is that victims are asked to sign a waiver of prosecution when there is an acquaintance rape. that means the rape does not yet reviewed by the state attorney. we hear consistently that it is too hard to prosecute. what we believe is that the police officers are not trained to conduct an appropriate investigation. >> how long?
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>> i've just had a few recommendations. the of calling for an examination of the competcomplete colter's and practices. we believe in addition to the things you've already heard that there should be consequences for police officers who unfairly detained in treat victims of sexual violence as criminals. we believe there should be funding for more research for services for the missing voices of the highly marginalized population. >>, will the need? >> about 10 seconds. these victims include immigrants lesbian, gay, entrench injured victims for their there needs to be special attention to the rape and sexual assault of women in the military.
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it is vital that we collect accurate information about sexual assault and the impact of all practices. it is our belief that no one to have to go through what gaby winter. she deserves better. so do all of the other woman. >> how have you faired since this terrible experience? >> could you repeat that? >> how have you been after being the victim of the terrible circumstances? >> things are getting better. it has been a long road. i've been lucky to have a great family to support me and tell me. >> how can you account for that
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police officers still been on the force? >> i find it insulting. not only to me but to the people in the community. >> how are your children? >> thank you for asking. my son was only eight months old. he was too small to understand what was happening. with him it was more the four years that passed i was very distracted and not able to beat the monte him and wanted to be. my doctor still struggles a lot with an eating and anxiety disorder. although it happened on a single day, she was questioned repeatedly by police and by the attorney's office. she was forced to relive it for a long time. >> how old is she now? -- how are they now? correct we move to any community. we are getting council. the future looks brighter than it did seven years ago. >> how is gaby?
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>> she is doing much better. she is going to school. she is moving forward with her life. these cars are really cheap. >> did they ever catch the fellow? >> they did not. >> tracy, you tell about the fbi not responding. yet pinpointed a very serious problem about the definition. it is antiquated. i am sorry the fbi has the responded to your letter. i will let you know when they respond to mind. the subcommittee will take this. >> thank you. >> we will keep you posted. commissioner ramsay, your practice is a very good idea.
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tell us more about how that works. by the available to the women's groups? they can give you your judgment. >> he deserves the credit for having the gun this. i agree wholeheartedly with this approach. i will continue to make it better. once a year, it has been a few days going over these cases. they will find some cases where they found there were investigative leads the were not followed up on. we go out and complete the investigation there are sometimes active cases that are ongoing where we need their assistance or they have some
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questions for us. there is a good check and balance. that is the way to go. no matter how good your system may be, if you do not have someone from the outside that can review and critique what it is you are doing, then there'll always be subject to some doubt on whether you are investigating these crimes. it does not matter what he may feel about the victim. but the investigation revealed whether it is founded or unfounded. >> we only have 47 seconds left. >> you are one of my employers. is he doing a good job on the subject? >> absolutely. we are working intensively with then.
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we are putting a home protocol in place. we have a really good partnership. we can take complaints. we've got a problem. we are going to talk about. >> let me think this panel. we hear the numbers. i want to thank you for being here. numbers can be cold. you realize how many families have been involved and affected. i want to thank you. by thank you both of you for being here to help us understand the seriousness of what we are dealing with.
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>> you talk about the statistical and formation. unless we have good statistics, we cannot plan how to deal with this. the police had to allocate their resources. we do not have a good statistical information. we do not have it. we need to get beyond the current way it is reported. he mentioned the uniform crime reporting. we need to develop the understanding of what is happening around the nation. in maryland, we are moving forward. it is more costly. we are going to need to see whether we can do the policies nationally.
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the need to have a way in which you have some uniform system for referring. it cannot rest of the responding police officer. they are doing incredible work. the need to have accountable reviews of what is happening he can have more dramatically different stories in the to be for us. one found a system that responded -- for years was too long, but that is our justice system. it sometimes takes as a long time to get to where we need to. in your case, the results are what they should have them. obvious, you did not want this to happen at all. in this reedy's case, it was
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horrible. you were of used tires. that and never have happened. i think the lesson learned is that we really need to get better statistical and formation as to what is happening. we need to make sure there is a consistent policy in the wake of reports are handled. there is a system for reviewing the way that they are referred. we can properly evaluate what we need to do to be a part me here at the federal level. just speaking about your point about the philadelphia inquirer, you put a spotlight on it and people will respond. this has become not a priority around the nation. the want to make sure this is a priority in every jurisdiction.
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>> issue not just be the responsibility of the investigative reporters. in addition to them not having the corporate definition, if they are not exercising their audit responsibility. there are unfounded amount of break. there is something very wrong. the uniform crime program really means to examine the definition and audit responsibility. i think we would all be happy if they were implemented throughout the country. we sell it is not moving as quickly or at all. >> i agree completely. >> we now turn to our next panel.
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our first witness on this panel is dr. dean kilpatrick, a professor of clinical psychology at the medical university of south carolina. i want to thank our first panel. we begin with you, dr. kilpatrick. regrettably, the number of witnesses we have had in questions have prevented our moving as much detail and lyrically as i would have liked for the -- light.
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>> it is difficult to make a case. thank you. i appreciate the opportunity to be able to address the committee. i have submitted a lot of written material that will tell you more than anyone ever wanted to know about rape statistics. i am not one to go into that in any death that job. what i would like to say is that i think it says are important because it provides policymakers with information that will allow us to know whether things are changing, what if they are getting better or worse, and where the problems lie so that we can document money to be
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dumb. i have been in this field for a long time when i helped establish the first rape crisis center in south carolina. i think things have gotten better in some ways. in some ways, they have not changed at all. one of the things that does not change significantly is improvements in the way that the fbi uniform crime report document and commands to law- enforcement agencies about how the data is collected. there is really no excuse to not change the way they address the issue of rape. i would like to talk about to steadies' briefly that we have
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done occurring over 15 years apart. they do provide some information using contemporary and stated the our measurement and term of the victimization survey. what has happened to the prevalence of rape, meaning women who of ever been raped, as low as more recent cases prevent. what we have found is that over the 15-year time span, there has been no improvement at all in terms of the proportion of adult women in the united states 11 victims of forcible rape. it has gone up over 25%. the burden of rape on women in america is actually greater now than it was 15 years ago. secondly, we have not found any
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increase in terms of the proportion of rate cases that are reported to law-enforcement. everything you have heard about having cases fell law enforcement knew about and then is handled. most of the cases, in fact over 80%, still go unreported. no law enforcement agency can address the issues of those victims if women are reluctant to come forward. there they, we -- my written testimony outlines concerns that rape victims had predicted the big one is being believed by other people finding out about my name. over 60% of the victims are still saying that they are very concerned about being believed what happens to victims after the report. the concerns of women who have
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been raped are the same now as they were 15 years ago. there has been no progress on that. we finally found that being a victim of rape increased substantially the risk of post traumatic stress disorder, major depression, suicide attempts, and alcohol and drug abuse problems. most the people who have this problem still have them suggesting that most victims are not getting effective mental health care. let me just say that i really do think that the time has come for the senate to demand that the justice department change not only the fbi uniform crime reporting system for rape but that it also engages in


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