tv U.S. House of Representatives CSPAN October 25, 2010 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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we were so busy with policy that we did not have enough time to brag about our accomplishments. [laughter] in other words, they did not advertise properly. welll ook, if you look at what they were doing and the president said something quite similar that maybe their mistake was that they did not talk about it not, didn't sell it well, that it really wasn't a policies -- but really wasn't a policies but that the ignorant people in the country did not understand it properly and medea was not our fault but maybe it was their fault because they were talking about -- they were not talking about enough. let me give you a list of some of the things that they were doing back and they claim they were not talking about enough.
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-- about 80 enough. the headline said obama the of the present, in other words everywhere abela cbs same month, too much obama? washington times, in march of 2009, obama saturation. the message is the message. is ubiquitous appearance may be the most salient feature of his presidency. politico said in april 2009, it is all obama all the time. the seattle newspaper in june of last year's said all obama all the time, the president is getting overexposed. summing it all up, they are now saying that we just didn't talk
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about it enough. maybe if we had just talked about it more people would have a better feeling about it. in the president's first year, he participated in 42 press congress is, one under 58 interviews including five sunday shows in one day, 23 town hall meetings, seven campaign rallies. the guy who did the compilation said there was only 21 days or the president did not have something like that going on. i rest my case. this is not a talking problem, this is a substance [applause] ] i think what we can fairly conclude in the -- even before the votes are cast on november 2 that america is not interested in becoming friends. [applause]
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france. [applause] if you look at the spending and the debt and the washington takeovers, americans are genuinely frightened about the future of this country. unless you are an african- american whose ancestors were brought here against their will or a native american who was already here, we are the sons and daughters of ancestors who were risktakers. they had enough gumption to get up from wherever they were and come to america the land of opportunity. they did not come here for security, they came here for opportunity. and throughout the history of our country, these are risktakers have built and developed the nation we have today. nothing irritates me more than
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our leaders going abroad and apologizing for america. we will never apologize [applause] for] -- we will never apologize for america. [applause] i will tell you this -- i still believe in america in exceptional is unfair in [applause] -- in america an exceptionalism. and that is what is on the line. from the beginning of america to the present, americans always believed they would leave behind a better country than they inherited from their parents. when polling started in the 1930's, they begin to ask that question. do you think you will leave behind a better country for your children than your parents left for you? for the first time, americans clearly doubt that. we are at a crossroads, ladies
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and gentlemen. it is up to was to decide which path we take. which brings me to west virginia. i hear tell that the governor is popular and doing a good job that i know you agree with me that he should stay there and finish the job he was [applause] elected to] -- finish the job he was elected to do. this election is who will go to washington. where you can have a direct impact on what kind of america we will have. there is one candidate in this race that i guarantee you you can be completely confident will go to washington and help us stop the obama administration for the last two years of what i hope this is only term and that is john racey. [applause]
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as some of you may have heard, john and i first met a while back. i was running for the u.s. senate from kentucky and he was used -- running from the u.s. senate from virginia and we were little known and had little opportunity to be victorious, everyone thought. we met up at a television studio in huntingtown and i'm sure they were checking the box. the fcc probably tell them they have to have these people on and give them free time. [laughter] they decided to check the box on the same day. they could take care of the kentucky box and the west virginia box on the same day. i was immediately impressed with the intelligence and persuasiveness of john. i view this as a long overdue teaming up. we had hoped to go to
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washington to gather a number of years ago. it is not too late. send me my buddy john racey and we will help you change this country and the right direction. [applause] john racey knows that to do not create jobs by borrowing almost $1 trillion which will have to be paid off by our children and grandchildren to the chinese and japanese who lent it to us. that will not be a great way to create jobs. john racey knows that only the private sector will get us out of this trough we are in. he can tell you that angelic can tell you and all this can tell you who have been dealing with business people that they are not hiring, they are not expanding, because of what this administration is doing. in fact, there was a recent article about the president
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bring in small business people to the white house and ask them why they were not hiring and went down the list that it was his agenda. [laughter] health-care taxes, health care mandates, aggressive regulators crawl in all over us. they brought all of these left- wing activists from nonprofits into the government to regulate all of american commercial activity. every aspect of it, epa, cms, the center for medicare services that would administer the new health care bill, the financial regulatory bill, everybody, small business, medium business, big business. they were just sitting there x- ray -- afraid to expand because they are not sure of what they're coming at them and some of them who are shure.
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this has frozen up the private sector. only the private sector cameras out of this economic slowdown. [applause] only the private sector] you have heard politicians over the years say that this is the most important election, this is a turning point. i have said that in the past. i have believed that the time i said it. by golly, i am having a hard time ever thinking of an election in which more was at stake than this one. our basic american understanding that this is to be a land of opportunity is very much in doubt. you know we have gone too far when the president is elected by
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european heads of state about spending too much. [laughter] there is no way i can overstate the challenges the bureaucrats are presenting for all of america. i am reminded of a story that ronald reagan used to tell to illustrate concerns about bureaucratic overreach and intrusion into every aspect of our lives. is this -- it is the story about the russian who went to the old soviet union to order a car from government motors. that is when we never thought we would have a government owning a car company. my how things have changed. he goes into the government company to order a car and eiffel's out the forms and asked when he can expect his car and he is told that it will be 10 years from today. the purchaser looked at him and said will that be in the morning
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of the afternoon? [laughter] the bureaucrats that what difference does it make? he said a plumber is coming in may after a man. [laughter] -- in the afternoon. [laughter] these people need to be stopped. this is serious business. we can change america and get us back on track and what you can do in west virginia is do your part. we have a lot of close senate races around the country. we could have a really, really good day, a medium-sized good day, or just a good day. i am going to be the leader of a larger number, the question is how many. [applause] i want to close by thanking jaunt racey for stepping up.
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[applause] a few months ago, people were not sure this was a doable thing. and john racey has made believers out of you, he's made a believer out of us in washington, we are fully committed to this all the way to the finish line. help us send john racey to the united states senate. thank you very much everyone. good to see you. [applause] [applause] >> what wonderful remarks and let me point this out -- the senator is a busy guy there are a bunch of senate races around the country right now and we have to bring the senate race is
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home. i want to thank bill phillips started at want you guys to give bill phillips a round of applause because without his help, we would not have senator mcconnell here this evening and we really appreciate it. we thank you very much. it is very important. [applause] the senator will slide out because he will try to win a few other senate races are run the country. we thank you again. [applause] as you folks know, i have been active with the tea party in the past. there are all a bunch of groups across the country getting active in these campaigns. they are waking up in america. there are folks coming to elections that have never been involved before bread i am excited by that. i'm excited when they thought to have invited before and there are a bunch of new groups involved. you need to hear from this guy, he speaks across the country. he is a pretty inspirational speaker and we thank you for being fittest evening, matt
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kibbs from freedom works. [applause] >> i have no idea how i raised with this prestigious front table and i will take it when it happens. it is a real honor to be here. let me make a prediction that when we read gather for 100 birthday, we will be talking about a robust economy, an american renaissance, an energy policy that actually allows us to pursue all domestic sources of energy, and talking about a fiscal conservative having just finished up his second term as the president of the united states. [applause] my group freedom works that's way too much credit for what the media now talks about as the tea
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party. somewhere along the way as this movement developed and as people started showing up at town hall meetings, they started walking. somewhere along the way the media stopped calling us names and decided to re-characterizes as a political party, capital t, capital care p, tea party. they compared it to republicans and democrats and trying to measure as by those sting -- same standards. i think that was an honest attempt to understand her -- who these good men and women are but it is a mischaracterization. the tea party is not a political party. the tea party is not running candidates and we're not a third party. the tea party is men and women who believe that the government spending too much money it doesn't have, that washington, d.c. is getting too involved in
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things that our constitution prohibits it from getting involved in, things like taking over car companies and sitting on the boards of banks. , take in over our health care. that they defy common sense. we know the federal government does not do these things well and we know our founders never intended for the federal government to do these things at all. there has been in this rebirth and if you listen to the president of the united states, if you listen to the democrats in congress, if you listen to too many folks in the media, you probably think of all things about the tea party, don't you? ne tea party people in the room? anybody that is embarrassed to put up their hands? [laughter] it is ok. my name is matt, i m a tea
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party. [applause] but what has happened if you look at the names that have been called -- the first thing they said about us is that we were not real. we were phony. there is this guy that writes for the new york times named paul krugman. does anybody read the new york times in here? i wouldn't read it either. he called us up phony. then reporters started showing up at the town hall meetings and talking to people. they were shocked to discover that these are real people. these are real people that live in real congressional districts and they have real concerns about what our government is up to. we were not funny anymore. suddenly, we were being manipulated by some shadowy syndic it of international corporations, what ever it was. we as the tea party were a
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little too simple to understand the blessings of big government and we were being manipulated into doing something that we really shouldn't be doing. that did not stick. then they started calling us really nasty things and you have heard them all. my barack called as domestic terrorists. think about that and how offensive that is. imagine if we have thrown that accusation at the other side. there would be out rates and a firestorm. even public radio would be upset with us. [laughter] they keep calling us names and leader mcconnell talked a little about this. as you get close to the election, we have a major fire of here. as you get close to the election, it almost seems like the president and the democrats or roll out a different
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accusation every day. it is as if they are casting around and trying to find one silver bullet, the one name that can call us that will get the democrats to show up and get all these tea party activists to stay home. it is a sign of desperation. it is a genuine misunderstanding of who these folks are. >> i am sorry to interrupt you but we have a fire going on down here. >> yes we do. >> we have some birthdays here. you are coming right back. we have some birthdays here. liz racey's birthday is tomorrow. if you don't mind, help me in help"happy birthday. of ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you ♪
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[applause] i have to tell you that i am sorry for interrupting this great space. this is great and he will finish up but we had a fire going in the front and somebody has to blow this out before the sprinklers,. come on. [applause] >> you have to try again. >> let's move the cake. let's definitely move the cake. all right, guys. it is always a surprise. good stuff, but good stuff. i'm sorry, matt.
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>> does anybody have any idea what i was saying? [laughter] more important, is anybody worried about the carbon footprints of that cake? [laughter] [applause] the careful, the epa will show up here any minute. there has been all these misunderstandings. most of them have been political and that thing will catch on fire. there has been based politically motivated accusations and i think caused of them folks understood that they were not speaking the truth. they were just trying to smear what is a rising political movement, a rising grass-roots uprising and i have not succeeded. i saw in this monday's political, it is the newspaper that you will have to read it --
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when you are elected to understand what the washington establishment is thinking. the front page story was politico announcing that over 100 house seats currently held by democrats are now up for grabs. think about that. when you read this story, it was actually 103 because three democratic house seats are now so un-democratic, they don't even count them as pickups. if you look at the senate, i can get to 12. i can get to 12. one of those seats is sitting right here. [applause] if you look at traditional measures of the voter energy, a recent poll suggested that one out of three people that will
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show up on election day are self-identified tea partiers. that is an amazing number. think about how much these folks can impact elections at the margin. understand one thing, these folks are not republicans, they are not democrats, they are not partisans in the traditional sense of the word. they aren't motivated by good ideas. they are motivated by the idea that the constitution matters. they are motivated by the had the that the government should not spend money it does not have. they are motivated by the idea that a draconian camp end trade bill that allows that cats on wall street to trade carbon credits while the american people can't keep their homes or drive their cars, that is radical and we are against that. these other kind of things that motivate the tea party. [applause]
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there is a genuine misunderstanding. i talked to folks every day when they discover that i am part of this wild group of activists known as the tea party. people are genuinely confused. there is a genuine misunderstanding in the media about what this is you think about for president obama. this is a guy that can possibly conceive of a solution to a problem without appointing a czar to fix it. we have car czars, health care czars, economic czars. i suspect if he had to make a sandwich, he would think we would need a bread czar to rationally allocate the number of loads per precinct across america. this is how these guys think. they think about top down hierarchy and smart people in washington, d.c. telling all of
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us what is best for us and telling us what to do because we can possibly do it for ourselves. think about the tea party as the polar opposite of that. here you have millions of people across the country who have come together voluntarily bring their own energy, their own personal knowledge, their relationships in their communities. somehow these stocks have come together and created something that is bigger than themselves. what does that sound like? that sounds like the market process, doesn't it? it sounds like a free people and directing and producing something that matters. of course the left doesn't get it. that is not how they think about things. they think about top down hierarchies. what will happen on election day? i think there is an energy in the tea party movement and
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republican activists who don't -- who didn't think we had a chance. there are many independents who have joined us in this fight. are many democrats would buyer's remorse who have joined together around a set of ideas that matter. you see this in the polls and the traditional measures of politics and it even at this point in money raised. , in named id. there is this unssen thing going on which will produce a profound impact on november 2, i believe. that is this local community network that has bridge -- that is organized and literally every congressional district in america. howard dean used to brag about this. it is a 50-state strategy that allows candidates to stand on principle to be competitive even and barney frank's district. there are a number of democratic
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chairmen across america fighting for their congressional districts. they had never had to run a race in their entire careers and these local folks and these folks that are walking precincts that aren't doing door hangers, that are putting up yard signs, that are taking their country back. that will be profound on election day. thank god, not a moment too soon because our country is literally at a tipping point. we talked about this tonight. if we don't fix some of these problems today, we will not have a country anymore. we have to do this now and to make, november 3 is far more important than november 2 because november 3 is the day that this new generation of legislative on to enormous starts to think about how we turn political promises into legislation and build those
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coalitions inside washington, d.c. think about what 10 or 12 new senators can do to change the conversation on the [applause] senate] -- on the senate floor. [applause] think about what 50, 60, 70 new republican freshmen house members can do to change the conversation on the house floor. [applause] think about the grass-roots army that is going to be there for them when they stick their necks out and make tough decisions and start pushing this agenda. we have an opportunity to offer a vivid, positive alternative to the policies of barack obama and nancy pelosi and harry reid and it is these freshmen that will provide this energy. i would say to all the tv partiers that our job starts on
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november 3 because we have to support our guys when they do the right thing. if they start to get a little cozy in washington, d.c., we have to remind them how they got there and what they are there to do. i hope you guys all pick up some yard signs, door hangers and let's take back america on november 2. [applause] caller: >> we thank you for all you do out there. and happy birthday? i apologize for that. we have that plan for it we have television cameras back there. we want this to be interested in sports television. she needs no introduction -- our friend, west virginia as
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friend, congress will shelley morcapita. >> thank you. [applause] thank you for this great words and i can tell you that riding on the bus myself, the crowds that were generated in parts of the tori was on, a lot of the tea party activism had an enthusiasm brought those crowds out to sea as on the bus. it is a real phenomenon. i feel like west virginia, this is our time. west virginia republicans, this is our time. [applause] to take our country back, to take this to the values we believe and, to the fiscal conservancy and fiscal responsibility and have a future for our children and be down now, charlie and i are brand new
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grandparents. i talking -- i keep talking about our brand-new a grandchild, a baby girl. [applause] for me and charlie, we would not be here if it were not for a lot of folks in this room and in particular our first circle, buck harliss. your support has been wonderful and i appreciate it. [applause] you are putting that stamp of approval tonight on all the folks on the ballot all down the ballot and saying that you believe in us so much that you are willing to put your name with our name and talk to our friends and talk to our neighbors and say to them that this is our time. it is a time to take our country back and make a statement at the ballot box and make west virginia so that senator mcconnell will start looking at west virginia, he will want to come over to west virginia to see how we do it and we know how to organize and get the message out. this is a wonderful crowd for
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that. we have a lot of problems and we have heard a lot about that matt and senator mcconnell. john is a good luck charm because i met him one week before my first election in congress. he was at cagney started who else was there that night? > he wa a good luck charm for me. he sees everything across the country. i am pleased that he was here with us tonight. we have a job situation that i think is devastating us in west virginia and across the country. when your neighbor loses his job, that is a recession. when you lose your job, that is a depression. when nancy pelosi loses her job, that is a recovery. [applause] all of the issues like overspending, debt and deficit, cap and trade, health care
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reform, those are the things that i have been the solitary voice, most of the time and our delegation saying no, this is not right for west virginia and not right for the country. we need to move work and make it better for what people need, want, and feels in their best interests. it has not been what we have seen in washington i need a couple of friends from west virginia and washington , d.c. [applause] we need a voice in the united states and and we have a racey here will give us a good solid conservative about every time. if you will not have to figure out what he will do and how he will do it. he has been a great champion for us. [applause] you want to talk about job creation? >> that is what he has done his entire professional life. now is the time where we need that kind of energy in the united states senate to protect our interests in west virginia.
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let's work hard to make sure that we get that all voice and the united states senator [applause] . david mckinley is working hard but he is not here. he is the energizer bunny. mary is right there with them and they are running a great race with a lot of energy. it will boil down to election day just like my race and everybody else's race. let's get out for david. he will be a great member of congress and i will have somebody to sit with from west virginia on my side of the aisle. that will be a great day. [applause] spike maynard, i have gotten to know you so well over the campaign. he is a wonderful campaigner. he is a former prosecutor and supreme court justice and has a great sense of humor at the same time he has been running against an entrenched incumbent but it is time to say so long
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to the entrenched incumbents and spent -- and sent maynard. [applause] from the deepest part of my heart, it has been an incredible honor and joy and privilege for me to serve you in congress for 10 years. i have been entrusted with you to go to washington to vote for you and your families and businesses and your futures. i want to continue to do that but i want to have help in this is our time. let's take our country back. thank you. [applause] >> it is also a great privilege to bring to the podium the next united states senator from west virginia, a johnsracey. [applause]
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>> thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much. i told a high-school class the other day, the louder and longer you applaud, longer you get out of class. i had a standing ovation for five men [laughter] is. thank you very much for an opportunity very when you have a leader, my leader of the united states senate and your leader of the united states senate, senator mitch mcconnell come to west begin to support the entire cast of republicans, i think that it's a realkudo. thank you very much a [applause] bill phillips, thank you very much. i want to say some matt, thank you very much because you have absolutely help our campaign immeasurably. i respect what you do and i am proud to be a small part of the tea party. thank you. very much.
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[applause] liz racey, good to see you, happy birthday. how many is it for a [laughter] you? you don't know? i don't know. theirwhere they and anniversary fall three days apart and we were married 32 years, is that correct? that was a couple of days ago. [applause] thank you. liz got here all late because she was marching in a homecoming parade as we are going to defeat syracuse to margaret, young people did you have with you? i like that, 55 junior walkers, very good. [applause] how many of you all got a knot of debate the other night, a forum on television the other night? i was the [applause] air.
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liz racey was there in front of the governor. i think he knows where you live, doesn't he? [laughter] that is just a guess. shelley made a documentary on what we will do it we can give her some friends in congress and certainly the united states senate. how many of the recently heard in barack obama come out and say that if the republicans take over congress, he will have to go hand to to hand combat? any of you heard that? wow,. can you imagine barack obama going hand-to-hand combat? [laughter] i can't. let's look at that. how many of you remember another leader we knew called ronald reagan? do you remember ronald reagan's [applause] ?
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do you think he would make a statement like that? i don't think so because ronald reagan was a leader. he was a leader. he was a man, somebody wants to make the republican party a success as he was a success. a and tip o'neill got together and said let's start cutting regulations and start cutting taxes and let's get this country moving again and by god, he did it. that is a leader. [applause] i want to tell you one story about ronald reaganli. . liz and i were in the company of michael reagan. he told us that they had a situation when ronald reagan was first in office and it was called grenada. we had 275 of our children trapped in a school system over there. they were invaded by the communist party.
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ronald reagan sat there in his office in washington and caspar weinberger came in and said that we have 275 of our children locked in a school right now. they are surrounded by communists. caspar weinberger as the president what can he wanted to do. ronald reagan said that he wanted to go into his other office and think about that for 30 minutes. he went in his other office and sat there and came back out after 30 minutes and he told caspar weinberger to go in and get them. [laughter] that quick. the war, it was called war, lasted a day and a half. our marines went in and they got them parent nothing politically correct about any of that was there? there was no rules of engagement. audie murphy could have been
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right there and guess what happens? we got them back, didn't we? caspar weinberger walks in the next day to president reagan's office and told him that he wanted since we were victorious why did you need the 30 minutes to think about the situation? ronald reagan scratched his head and the says," i thought to myself, what would john wayne duke [laughter] ? can i use a little john wayne right now? i think so [applause] i think so. well, the credits that what reagan did and he shows that you can turn around. how many of view remembersmalaise speech that jimmy carter used to get and also the misery index.
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that is a miserable we could get. we watch jimmy, and a cardigan sweater and he said to turn the thermometer down and freeze to death. [laughter] we did not have global warming back then. thank you, jimmy. ronald reagan came in and did something unit. earlier today, senator mcconnell talked about the american excessis optionalm. he said the same thing that i say, we are exceptional people in this country, aren't we? we are exceptionally. people [applause] senator mcconnell said something else. he said that our forefathers and foremothers came to this country today, yesterday because they were exceptional people are they were not satisfied with where they lived whether that was too much taxation, too much regulation, they didn't like it. they said we want to be exceptional.
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they came here and they made the most exceptional country in the world. that is what ronald reagan believed. he believed in the american exceptional ism let's contrast that with what barack obama thinks about that. he was asked earlier in his presidency would be thought of american exceptionism he said -- the point is gen to the ceiling and had two teleprompter is right [laughter] here and he said, yes, i believe in american exceptionism but i also believe in german exceptionalism and french i excesssm optional. it doesn't know what it is. he doesn't believe in it. ronald reagan did and what did he do? he took interest rates that were
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almost 19%, he took a situation with inflation that was almost 20% and what did he do? he turned around because he believed in america. everything that senator mcconnell said is true. what we have in this country are all self-inflicted wounds. from people and the congress and united states senate that look after their own best interests and not yours. not [applause] ] not your a [applause] is. we have a wonderful opportunity in the state of west virginia to get on the map. it is lightb whenob huggins took us to the final four. it is like a wonderful garden adding at the greenbrier. how about september 2. how about david mcanally- [applause] -- david mccann light.
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let's see if barack obama can go hand to hand combat when west virginia gives a message it. a bank that would register all across the united states from here in appalachia in a coal producing state that will stand up and tell him what to do trade real quick. that can happen real quick. [applause] because when congress is taken by the republican party, which it will be, we will have a new leader in congress. his name is probably going to be john bain sh orelley, is that a good guess? what happens when john behner is the leader of congress? who sets the plate? john behner. what does that mean? car obamae -- obamacare in a
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lot of trouble. capt. trading [applause] and a lot of trouble stimulus money going back to the treasury. tarp back to the treasury, again. that is pretty good, isn't it. that is what we want. that is what america wants. that is what tea party wants. that is what our children want. we are in a position in west virginia right now to go to the final four, aren't we? this time not for a place, this time first place. we win, you lose, thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, john. >> these are an exciting times in west virginia. i cannot wait to hear these words down south nick joe
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rayhall, you're fired. the next congressman from southern west virginia, m spikeaynard. [applause] >> thank you, guys. i will not make a political talk. tonight, i hope all of you will vote for me so i want to talk about something else for a few minutes. lighten up a little bit and put a smile on your face. i want to talk about my but ha reebokrliss and his wifehallie. we are a mingo county, west virginia and proud of it. this night as follows. if anybody else to mi is fromngo
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county -- if anybody else is from mingo county, raise your hand. if you heard this laugh anyway. [laughter] those of us who live inmingo county know what the rest of you and mr. f -- west virginia say about us. it is just not true i wish the senator was still here. we do wear shoes. we do not sell our votes. we do have teeth. worst of all, we do not marry our cousins. [laughter] that is kentucky where they marry their cousins. [laughter] i say that permit so-called aryan [laughter] -- i saved that for ms. o'connell. [laughter]
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-- mitch mcconnell. bu i have knownck for nearly zero -- is have knownbuck for nearly 50 years. he urged me to run. he always supported me. he almost got me put in jail one time. buck would tell you this story. i was five minutes away from going to jail. i was a prosecuting attorney of mingo county and was prosecuting someone on a drug charge. i think his dad or forbuck and bop was there is a character witness. i found out he was going to be there and i knew of buck got on the witness stand, i could not convict this guy. i saw him coming down the side backs -- down the sidewalk and i
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asked him not to do it. i am trying to clean up the drug mess. buck was the consummate gentleman. he tried to explain to me why he was there and he was doing it for this boy's mother and those normal things. he came and testified. the guy was acquitted. the judge found out that i had some something to buck outside the courtroom and called into chambers. he said i am five minutes away from putting you in jail. don't you ever intimidate another witness in my courtroom. i told the judge that nobody in the world couldn't buck harliss. it is not humanly possible. [applause] buck is one of those rare people. do you remember liberace? he is one of those c people liveher and elvis and liberace.
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he is a one-name back. guy. he is that well known. i have said this and a couple of public places. the true measure of a man is not what he gets in life. the true measure of demand is what he gives in light. by that yardstick, buck harliss is a giant among men. [applause] i could give a 30 minute speech about the things he has given back. i will mention all the young people who can get a college education but would not have
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without his help. they number in the thousands, over 90 years. that is the truth. i could tell you about all the gifts to our major universities and colleges, huge gifts. buildings and endowments, an incredible amount of assets that our universities have today that they have because of buck. he is one of those guys that gave a company to the people who worked there and had built the company. he endow them with ownership of that company. how many people do you know we do something like that? lots of people have made lots of money. it is easy to make money. it is a lot tougher to make a difference. buck harliss is a guy that has made a difference in paying back the people of west virginia for the rich life that west virginia has given to him and all of us in the process.
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the iroquois nation, indian nation, has a saying, "the greatest strength is gentle and. thness." when ra johncey -- when john racey mentioned ronald reagan, think of the same thing. buck harliss is genuinely a gentle, good man. don't shake your head. he wants me to quit talking, i'm sure. [applause] i will close my remarks by saying to you, buck, i will say one political thing. the press in my race wants to say that these people and that
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person and this person got me to convert to the republican party and got me into this race. i will tell you tonight the truth about how i got in this race. i got a telephone call from buck harliss, the first solid got about getting into this race. he said to come to gilbert and he wanted to talk to made. i went down there and, -- i was in the maelstrom of a congressional campaign. buck got me into it and i'm happy he did. i think we will win these races, i really do. [applause] i can feel the momentum. of thefeel the deapth pain our people feel. our people are hurting, they are
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mad, they are scared, there were about their kids, the grandkids, and they really do intend on november 2 to take back this government and they will do a [applause] it. o it. [applause] there is a famous line from ronald reagan movie where ronald reagan is a football coach and he is in hospital. you remember the movie. i have said about 50 times. -- i have seen at about 50 times. women make a pep talk in the locker room, somebody says to go out and win this one for gipper. i say this to my fellow candidates, let's when the bu is one forck. i would love for buck to have [applause] -- as he had when he was born in
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1990, three republican congressmen from west virginia. wouldn't that be wonderful? i will close my remarks by saying we really need to slam on the brakes in washington, a d.c. we need to send obama and nancy pelosi a strong message and there is no better way to send a bad message van to send a republican united states senator and republican congressman from west virginia to washington, d.c. [applause] by golly, they will get that message. thank you all. >> coming up shortly, we will go live to the national press club here in washington for remarks from women's rights ha.
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advocates she will talk about her new book denouncing islam. that is coming up 1:00. a look at the senate race in kentucky. this election cycle. first a 2010 campaign update. looking in at the kentucky senate race. joining us from the hotline studio is ed wilson, editor in chief of "the hotline." what's the thing between paul and conway? >> their not friends. after a final debate a couple days ago, paul stormed off-stage. he refused to shake hands with conway after allegations from the democrat that the republican candidate was questionable on christianity, didn't share the values of kentucky voters. it got very contention and very personal. it refers to aqua buddha, which is a joke that paul was playing
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along with when he was in a fraternity in college -- society in college. this -- he's been running it on tv. accusing paul of essentially worshiping a false idol. that's really gotten under his skin. a lot of people are wondering whether or not this ad has gone too far and really stalled conway's momentum. if you challenge somebody on something so personal on religion it can become a big problem. it can really halt your momentum and give momentum by to the person attacked bied ad. it remind me in the minnesota race. there was a woman in the background screaming, "there is no god." that really backfired on dole. this ad may backfire on conway as well. host: reid, let's show the latest ad put out there by conway and let's talk a little bit more.
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>> i'm jack conway. >> why was rand paul's college society mocked christianity? why did he once tie a woman up, tell her to bow down before a false idol and say his god was alkway buddha? why does rand paul want to end all faith-based initiatives and even end religious charities? why are there so many questions about rand paul? >> i'm jack conway and i approve this message. >> rand paul's new sales tax. >> 23% more on gas. >> that would include a fair tax change it to a sales tax. >> 23% more on medicine. >> i'd rather have a sales tax. >> on groceries and everything you buy. rand paul, you pay more. host: those were the latest ads
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by jack conway. you talked a little bit about how rand paul responded, at least, during the last debate, but has he gone to the airwaves? >> well, he hasn't gone to the airwaves specifically on this charge but the national senate committee investing in this race. the strategy is try to portray rand paul as the other, of not kentucky. the ad, including the alk way buddha ad, you see rand paul wearing a turtleneck. it doesn't seem terribly off the wall, but it's a conscious strategy by democrats to paint rand paul as somebody who doesn't get kentucky, who's not in touch with the state. that has worked in some senses, especially when you're talking about rand paul's position on the federal drug interdiction in eastern and western kentucky, two huge issues in rural areas that have growing drug problems. but, in this case, jack conway may have gone a little too far.
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host: all right. let's show our viewers the latest rand paul ad and then we'll come back and talk a little bit more. >> i'm rand paul and i approve this message. >> now, jack conway is attacking rand paul's faith. rand paul keeps christ in his heart. and in the life he shares with his wife and three boys. don't be fooled by conway's desperate attacks, it's shameless, disgraceful. gutter politics at its worse. what kind of shameful politician would sink this low? to bear false witness against another man just to win an election? this one would. jack conway. host: ok. reid wilson, these two candidates are going to square off again tonight. what do you expect? >> well, it's going to be a pretty heated debate. the last time it got so heated that rand paul even refused to shake jack conway's hands. this is a race that really hasn't focused on a lot of issues. it's focused on rand paul and it's really democratic strategy
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across the country. they're trying to take these republican candidates who associate with the tea party and make them look out of touch, make them look like the unacceptable alternative even though the other guy might be an unpopular democrat. jack conway will stick to his talking points, attack rand paul, trying to make him seem like an outsider. rand paul will continue labeling jack conway a rubber stamp for obama and the genesis of all liberal policies which is what he's been doing for the last couple of months. i don't think you'll see a lot of discussion, deep thoughtful scullingses of the issues. it's going to be dixon poll. reid wilson, thanks for previewing tonight. >> thanks a lot.
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>> now, author and the muslim womens' advocate, ayaan hirsi alim, is about to speak at the national press club, regarding her latest book, "nomad: from islam to americaa personal journey through the clash of civilizations." it talks about dealing with her family after denouncing the islamic religion. we go live now as the guest is being introduced. >> she escaped prison and fled into exile. when she was 8, her mother took her and her siblings to saudi arabia to live with her father. the following year, the family was expelled from that country and moved to ethiopia, where her father's opposition group with headquarters. after 80 months, the move again, this time to kenya. -- after 18 months, they moved again, to kenya.
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then she's done her family by fleeing to the netherlands to escape an arranged marriage. she earned a degree from the netherlands university and served in the dutch parliament from 2003-2006. in parliament, short on integrating non-western immigrants into dutch society and defending the rights of women and dutch muslim society. in 2004, together with director theo van gogh, she helped produce the film "nomad" which resulted in the assassination of mr. van gogh. in 2006, she moved again, this time to the united states, where she is a resident scholar at the american enterprise institute in
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washington d.c.. her work involves researching the relationship between the west and islam, women's rights and islam, violence against women propagated by religious and cultural arguments in islam and europe. in 2007, she and her supporters founded the aha foundation to protect women and rights in the west against militant islam. throughout reach and the dissemination of knowledge, the foundation seeks to combat crime against women such as the female genital mutilation, forced marriage, honor violence and honor killing as portrayed in one chilling film preview by standing room audience at a national press club screening last year. the appearance today comes four
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months after publication of her latest book, ""nomad: from islam to americaa personal journey through the clash of civilizations." the book is the second bought -- the second volume of autobiography. the first volume, "infidel" chronicles her departure for america. her earlier book was "the cage virgin." she was named one of "time" magazine as one of 100 notable people of 2005. today marks for second appearance at the national press club podium. -- today marks her second appearance. today's topic is "is islam a religion of tolerance?" please join me in a warm national press club welcome for ayaan hirsi alim. [applause]
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>> thank you very much for having me here at the national press club for the second time. it is an honor and pleasure to be here. my dear friends, the man who brought me to the united states of america and my dear friend from the american enterprise institute who works in feminism, my security coordinator, thank you for coming with me. ladies and gentlemen, today's topic is "this -- is this statement we often hear -- islam is a religion of tolerance. you hear it also, islam is a religion of peace. is it a religion of tolerance? it helps to define the term of the statement first.
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tolerance in english, as i understand it, is an attitude, the disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior. but an attitude is different from behavior. it is also an act. not to believe one should allow it, but to actually do it. for instance, you are opposed to smoking, you may think of yourself to be tolerant of smokers. but is different if you allow a smoker in our house to smoke or light a cigarette for him. there's a difference between attitudes and behavior. religious tolerance has a long philosophical history which i am not going to enter into. in general terms, it has come to be understood as the willingness to recognize and respect the belief and practices of others. that willingness, in a liberal democracy, is not absolute.
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it has its limits. when i lived in the netherlands, legislators used to try to find a trade-off between very orthodox protestant christians who did not want to vaccinate their children using religious arguments for the child to be vaccinated against diseases like polio. the legislators chose to protect the interests of the child. that is just to give you that idea. that's our religion is commonly understood as the quest for a higher being. it has three aspects -- it is a belief concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe attributed to a super human person. such rituals that pertain to death, birth, food, clothing at a cover-up. the third aspect and i think much more topic -- much more important in the topic of today is the model from mark that
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conducts the conduct -- that is the conduct of human affairs derived from that superhuman agency and the morality attributed to the super human agency. islam is an all encompassing moral, legal, political, social and cultural framework. it is both a system of belief and a system of practice. the word means submission. it is a submission to the will of allah. it is important to distinguish the eight muslim, the one who confesses to adhere to the belief system from the belief system, islam. it is important to make that distinction because belief systems do not act. human beings think and act. human beings can also change
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their minds. human beings invent belief systems. police systems to not invent human beings. there are a list of arguments and there are any -- there are very many. i'm not going to exhaust them. i used them to defend the assertion that islam is a religion of tolerance and peace. from scripture, we know the famous assertion, the famous verse -- and to the design phase and unto me my face. -- unto thee, thine faith, unto me my faith. the assertion that islam is a religion of peace is also
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defended in the historical context that compares islamic history to christian history. we are told that muslims -- i'm sorry, christians and jews when they lived under islamic domination were given a protected status. that status was people of the book. that meant they did not have the same rights as muslims, but they could continue to worship their god and live peacefully. if you compare that to the experience of jews and protestants under catholic rule in that same time, we are told that jews were persecuted, massacred, often killed, and the same happened to protestants. historians compare and come up with, especially when catholicism was dominant and compared to when islam was
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dominant, and they say the intolerance catholics had toward thinkers and innovators, if you compare it to islamic dominance, that was very different in the muslim world at a time. mathematicians, scientists, pellets could thrive. that was when the -- poets could thrive. the status of women under catholic rule a long time ago, not so long ago and maybe even under protestant rule when the protestants were dominant, you will find historical material that shows some women were regarded as witches, they were burned and hanged, they were denied all kinds of basic rights that men enjoy. some muslim historians will say that islam at that time was actually much friendlier to women. when muhammed came on the scene and was a roller, he stopped the
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practice of burying it young girls who were considered superfluous. you were considered superfluous if your the third daughter or the fourth daughter. before we get into arguments for and against and before we examine those assertions i made are historically accurate not, i would like to say a few words about what is absolutely is not disputed among muslims, not disputed among western experts to study islam. it is not disputed that islamic jurisprudence is derived from the koran, the holy book, the revelation to muhammed, the acts, thoughts and deeds of muhammed as recorded. there are six compilations not considered controversial.
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there is an arabic term meaning "reasonings through analogy" matters that are not explicit in the koran and the that reasoning by analogy is done by experts or scholars. there is another term for consensus among the learned once. that consensus or agreement among the learned once has to do only with what is not explicit in karan. islamic law is derived from these four sources of islamic jurisprudence. al qaeda, the 57 member states of the islamic conference, and 1.5 7 billion muslims believe in the legitimacy of all four sources of this jurisprudence.
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to believe is not the same as to know. to believe is also not the same to act on those beliefs. that's why it's very important we maintain that conceptual difference between islam on the one hand as a set of beliefs, and the muslim on the other hand as the individual human being who may not only here to those beliefs. in order to determine whether islam is tolerant or not, i urge you first to examine both sources of islamic jurisprudence. don't depend on other experts to translate them for you. don't depend on the believers to tell you what is in them. your aliterate and privileged group. all of these things are translated into english so i encourage you to read that make up your mind.
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i also urge you to examine the history of islam. islam as a government system, from its founding up to today, and the actions of believers today. i have done that. in the four sources of islamic jurisprudence, i found explicit commands to conquer. guidelines on how to go about that. details of how muhamed defeated his enemies. he had over 60 military campaigns and there were very successful. i don't think he got where he got by offering his enemies candy. in the jurisprudence and in that history, i also found were tactics. i found the concept of deception
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-- when you are in a weak form and your enemy is stronger, than is justified, in fact it is obligated to lie and that light is to deceive until islam dominates. i found also in scripture how to persevere when faced with adversity. i found the words that will be said to those who die on the battlefield and to those who betrayed the cause of islam or refuse to fight. i also found what to do once people are conquered. that was either to convert them to islam, and given exception to the people of the book, again in that protected status the prohibition of interests.
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i found legislation on crime prevention and behavior considered to be criminal such as the amputation of limbs of these, the beheading of murders, the hanging of upstate's, the flogging and stoning of adulterers and for decatur's. in laws that govern family matters, divorce and family matters. these are precise things that tell the muslims what actions and even thought are permissible and which thoughts and actions that are encouraged and discouraged and actions that are forbidden. in any country where this system is implemented, i have seen an expression of that. to test tolerance, take a look at the plates of those who deviate from what is described in scripture. a closer look at the sources of
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jurisprudence, the history of islam, and the actions of many muslims led me to conclude that islam is not a religion of tolerance. but please don't take my word for it. i invite you to go ahead and do your own studies. i found there were different. . there -- i found there were different periods. there were times of tolerance and extreme intolerance. most muslims are tolerant. most muslims, like most christians, buddhists, jews and hindus are peace-loving. i lived among the muslims in somalia, ethiopia and kenya. most people who were around me were not violent and did not want to be violent. but many of them ceased to be tolerant and became violent when
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they were confronted with the commands and demands in their faith. even though most muslims are peace-loving, it is the religion that muhammed brought that defines the state of peace, the state of tolerance at the moment when the entire world population submits to allah and embraces islam, it is only then that peace is possible. the end goal is to attain that status of peace which can only be attained after the entire world has been islamisized. though word peace is not defined in islam as it is here in the west. it does not mean a cease-fire. it does not mean a compromise.
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cease-fires and compromises are temporary statuses. how do you achieve that goal? it is through preaching, through jihad or holy war, and through the institution of islamic law in the lands are conquered that the peace can be achieved. before that state of universal is lombization, it is the duty of every muslim male to wage war. it does that mean you -- it means you preach, you give charity, but you focus on the and all. don't forget the end goal. that is what it means in this context. i find islam today to be a threat to the west, to western civilization in two ways.
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one is on the level of ideas. the agents who do want islam to dominate want to replace the language of the constitution of liberty with the language of the constitution of islam. on the second level, is the institutional level, the agents want is on to dominate, want to sabotage the institutions of liberty and destroy them from within. if they succeed, they will replace those institutions with the islamic institutions. the next question is, what means will they employ to get their stated goals? within islam, among the agents of islam who do want the caliphate, there is no agreement on the means to the end. to answer that question, we must first ask ourselves who are the
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agents of the constitution of islam? i found three categories -- the first one are the armed militias. they are revolutionary-minded. think of names like al qaeda, a mosque and hezbollah. they can be local, -- al qaeda, how moss, and hezbollah. they can be local, but there mind-set is focused on the short term. this is through a quick, violent revolution that they want to achieve their goals. the second category, you may be familiar with the term, the muslim brotherhood. i was a member of the 1985, or a sympathizer. this group is more insidious. they have given up violence, rather they have postponed violence. they applied what i call the
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termite method. it is very slow. these are non-governmental organization and practice preaching. that is what they focus on, the settling, insultation -- infiltration, and these are messages that have worked in muslim countries. the third and last group are the state actors. these are organized in an international body called the organization of islamic countries. these state actors have both a short-term mind set and a long term mind set. the constitution of liberty, in other words, western civilization, is attack simultaneously from three different sides in three different ways. there is no central planning from the agents of the constitution of islam in their attack on the west. what unites them is the shared objective. central planning, as you know,
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in this country is far less successful than decentralized activities left to humans to attain a common goal by using resourcefulness. the main thing is that the goal remains clear. the members in the different categories of radical islam may collaborate. they may fight amongst one another. they may kill one another. they may even have no contact all with one another. think of the term "home grown terrorism" and how it puzzles experts that an individual in alabama or texas who has had no connection at all with al qaeda goes out to perform the very same objective. nothing illustrates a common
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outlook of these three agents of islam than when an islamic chris -- when the islamic founder is criticize or blocked. muhammed. the brotherhood of islamic nations will take the offending text for drawing and bring it to the attention of the larger group. they've posted online, translated from the language it was invented and then use public relations to stigmatize those who try to expose the islamist agenda as being islam of phobic, racist and so on. the second level, when muhammed is mocked, the clergymen announced a fatwah and put a bounty on their head of the offender. think of the cartoonist who drew
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muhamed as a dog and they will put $100,000 on his head. $150,000 of his throat was slit. how does al qaeda find that out? members of the muslim brotherhood put that to them. the state actors sent diplomats to the governor of the offender. they demand some form of retribution. that the person who drew it goes to jail or the newspaper that published the drawing is put away. recently, the organization of islamic conference, the state actors, have successfully lobbied to criminalize criticism of islam. i think it is more successful in europe as discrimination and defamation of religion. the proposition that is llamas' tolerant is not only a salacious, but it is dangerous. -- that islam is tolerant is not
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only siliceous, but dangerous. why is it dangerous? in the u.s., policy measures focus only on the first loop, the militias, better scene -- the first group, the militias. when they're talking about home-grown terrorism, that becomes the domain of the secret service and the fbi. the second group, the muslim network, is overlooked. when they are overlooked, they can focus on their activities of indoctrination with virtually no challenge from outside. in other words, there is no counter. bond the level of the state actors, we have a formal alliance with almost all muslim countries except iran and syria. on the one hand, it is military, and the other is diplomatic.
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saudi arabia on one hand is an ally, and the other hand, is financing the discourse to destroy a america, a discourse of hostility and animosity toward the west and the u.s. in short, if you look at those three groups and the three categories, they apply the instrument of divide and rule by exploiting the local differences with in the west. it is fascinating for people to study politics and power to observe this. you will see the differences between liberals and conservatives get more conflated than between islam and the west. the differences between christians and atheists in the west is sometimes made into a huge thing that you think either one of them is the one that will destroy a america. the differences between urban interests and the difference between people in rural areas.
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how dangerous the assumption of as long as a peaceful and tolerant religious is that is hijacked by a french is demonstrated by the war and terror. -- hijacked by a fringe. we have entered its 10th year since 9/11. we have sacrificed the lives of thousands and spent trillions of dollars on military and in aid to the muslim world. and yet, here in washington, ask anyone what the status is on the war and terror, and what you get is all around confusion, incoherent and frustration. there is a shared definition of who the enemy is. there is no agreement on what victory is and what defeat is. there is a bitter debate on whether to stay and nation- building in afghanistan and iraq or to get out at the stated deadline. pakistan, a nuclear power in a
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state of anarchy, is devious in her alliance with the u.s.. the authorities in pakistan tell americans that we like you would you give us money, and maybe we will help our taliban residence or maybe we won't. it all depends on how gullible you are. turkey, a member of nato and a prominent member of the organization -- the chairman at the moment is turkish. they are openly moving toward islam and away from the last. they feel the bitter debate in america on whether the war on terror is a criminal issue or a military matter. just to increase the level of drama, we are on the verge of another military confrontation with another prominent member of the organization of islamic conference -- iran.
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the idea that islam is peaceful, tolerant and compatible with western political theory and values, i think it is seen to be useful more as a strategy and not as a pursuit of the truth. what is that strategy? it goes as follows. given the facts that there are over a billion muslims in the world, given the fact that the world is globalizing at a very fast pace, given the fact that america has an interest in those places and america is a model empire, meeting we don't like our enemies in the same way the soviet union wipeout carthage or more, it wiped out his enemies, we should practice restraint and without restraint, we should use our political skills and diplomacy, tools of persuasion and other resources
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until we are able to get around this conflict. the hope is we will be able to pacify islam, if we don't anchor muslims. -- if we don't anger muslims. there is nothing that anchors muslims more than a criticism of islam. unlike christians and jews, muslims do not appreciate questions on a moral perspective of the koran and muhammed. in communicating with a large party of muslims, we are told we will create or go along with the image that is what is perfect. if we communicate that to them, we don't blame their religion, we will be able to persuade their masses to take our point of view. we shall give them financial aid and address the day-to-day
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problems. it is not a war on terror anymore, it is a chronic problem. that is the policy of enticement that has been in place since by/11. has failed. -- has been in place since 9/11. the question now is are we ready to acknowledge that failure? are we ready to explore alternatives? thank you very much. [applause] [applause] >> we have quite a few questions here. so let's get started. why did you select the topic of islam and religion for your speech today?
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>> i selected the topic of islam and religion as my topic today because i am frustrated by the continuous belief and i think self delusion that islam is only a religion. it is more than a religion. it is their religion, it does have a spiritual dimension. prayer, fasting, the rituals of life and death. none of us are opposed to that and that part of the -- that part of islam is protected by the first amendment. but there is another dimension, the political tension. i wanted to talk about that, to highlight that. the political dimension has been the gist of my speech. often in my other work, when i
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speak to audiences here and in europe, talk about the social dimension. that governs the relationship between men and women and the family. in that, i find a great subjection of women to very old, outdated human rate violating ideas. -- human-rights violating ideas. >> polling has shown president obama's policies and his cairos beach have not improved the view of the united states among the world's muslims. why do you think that is? >> i know that the questions were written before the speech, but i think my speech completely answered this question because the objectives of the agents of islam on the state level, on the militia level, and a non- government level is not to give up islamic jurisprudence. it is not to westernize.
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is it to modernize and use modern means to make islam dominant. if that is your goal, why would you suddenly say we are muslims, we all gather in cairo and we are going to take another look at the national interest of the united states, but only this time because it is communicated by a black man whose middle name is the same. that does not make sense -- whose middle name is hussein. that does not make sense to me. what president obama and his administration should have done is examine closely what is now the objectives of these countries. what the muslim masses being told to believe in. that is why his popularity has not increased anymore. >> in your book, the state that
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you first encountered the full strength of islam as a young child in saudi arabia. could you please elaborate on this. >> i think i was too little -- i was about eight years old and was not clever enough to engage in a philosophical questions regarding which kind of islam and so on. in saudi arabia, before we went to saudi arabia, somalia was under secular rule. your role by a dictator inspired by the soviet union. in our -- we were ruled by a dictator inspired by the soviet union. the state laws pertaining to women that time did not exist. women and men were theoretically treated the same. the different clans in somalia
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and the different tribes had another idea. i was treated very differently from my brother but it was not state-imposed. when we went to saudi arabia, what i saw and experience was sharia law or the state prescribing how exactly i should dress for my mother should dress, whether we can get out of the house or not, with or without a guardian, what our testimony means, what our inheritance is. there was a gender apartheid imposed by the state, given to us as sharia law. that is very different from being in somalia or ethiopia. it's very different from being anywhere except where sharia law is practiced and in force. -- practice and enforced. >> there are several questions
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wanting your view on the firing of one williams for his comments -- the firing of juan williams and his comments. >> npr -- he must be a very famous person because i only heard about him after he was fired. immediately, it reminded me of europe and the thing is going on in europe where the lobbying and the intimidation tactics of both categories, the muslim brotherhood network and the -- the muslim brotherhood asks the states to criticize -- to penalize any criticism of islam. it's not -- it is also to stigmatize socially. for people to say there must be
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something wrong with him. that has been very successful in europe and almost all critics have been silenced in my country, in the netherlands. i came here and got an open podium to carry on and say whatever a want. juan williams has met with the success of that policy within npr. what it demonstrates to me is that national public radio here in the united states has successfully accepted the premise that if you criticized islam, you are racist or you are causing social upheaval. you are generating intolerance toward muslims. from that logic, the thing to do is to fire him. i think it is great because it has exposed that the seed is there. people are calling to privatize
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their radio, which i think is better for it. >> so no more government money for them. >> government instruments are used to silence. [applause] >> and we do not want government silencing reporters. that would not be very nice. what advice can you give the west regarding the successful integration of muslims in our society? the questioner says i agree that this is of the utmost importance. do you have any suggestions as to what we can do as individuals? >> that's fantastic question. it comes to the heart of that non-governmental muslim brotherhood network. one reason to want to silence
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you when you criticize islam is because they want complete ownership, a complete monopoly on muslim immigrants who first came to the united states not to spread islam, to settle or infiltrate, but to lead normal, peaceful lives. for them to incorporate all those diverse, ethnic groups, they need to get to those communities first and convince them of the caliphate agenda, the sharia agenda. what we can do is open up competition and say in a country like the united states, you are free to peddle your political theory and political philosophy for society, but we are also free to do the same. we are going to go through those same communities and we are going to educate them on other competing political philosophies. that entails not only a defense
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saying america as good. but it is also a challenge of the principles of islam. that challenge of the principles of islam is what they don't want to do. that is what the network of muslim brotherhood does not want to do because every rational human being, if you assume muslim individuals are rational also, once they are provided with those alternatives, there is a possibility they may reject islam and adopt a constitution of liberty. what you can do is start a competition and you can start it from any philosophy. as a christian, a humanist, a feminist. let's get going. [applause] >> as one of the most prominent and respected non-the guests in the world, you can imagine the surprise and disappointment of many in these secular community
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when you advocated from the conversions of muslin to christianity. why advocate for religious dogma over reason and secularism? how might we get you to change your position? advocating religious dogma. i'm not advocating religious dogma over reason and secularism. what i am admitting is religions are different. i have observed and runabout and experienced christians, jews, and the hindus and buddhists who have evolved from absolutism to tolerance, to compassion, to peace. i have observed, unfortunately, that most people do not really want to be atheists. i would like them to be
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atheists. i wish i had a magic wand and could make everyone a reasonable secular atheist. but i cannot. most people who read "infidel" have not converted to atheism even though they have gained a fall in sight, not from my book, but they say i do not want to be a muslim. i completely understand why islam is not a moral guideline for may. but will you not consider christianity? even be an agnostic, but don't become an atheist. so i have to acknowledge that human beings are not inclined toward atheism. only a minority. given the challenger facing, given the resources the agents of islam are putting into their message, given the fact this is almost a losing battle because we're not taking them on, and given the fact there are very
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moderate christian to offer the combination of spiritual satisfaction with modernity and the respect and sacredness of life, liberty and human rights, i think it would be wrong and neglectful not to involve christians to go after that demography of 1.5 billion muslims who many of them are seeking a concept of god that is humane and are now only get allah and he only wants domination, submission and violence. i think it is good to get into the marketplace of spirituality. >> what is your opinion of the madras schooling? does this education skew the views of america and americans? if so, what should we do?
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>> we have ample evidence on what is taught in muslim centers and mosques. some of it is put in that category of purely spiritual. the calls to prayer, fasting, etc. but a large part is criminal. describing america as the great satan, telling american muslims not to integrate but infiltrate. the way we find out about these things is through raids done by the fbi. it is not something -- it is not as if they will come out and say this is what we preach. given the fact that we have this evidence, i am a classical liberal. i do not believe in banning books. i do not believe in banning speech. i think there should be a competition of ideas. you want to peddle your idea in a madrasa or any institution, if
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you want to peddle that islam is great, good for you. but i want to peddle my idea to the same audience and let them decide. i'm not going to use at homonyms, i'm not going to call you a racist, don't do the same. you may if you want, but i want to be protected from that. >> another question about christians converting muslims. how do you explain your position that christians should proselytized to muslims so the muslims might convert. isn't this trading one believe the system predicate on a benevolent god who will destroy infidels' for another? >> as you have said a number of times, i am atheist. one thing that means is is that god created man kind or is it manned created god? obviously, i believe until there
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is enough evidence to show otherwise, that man created god. is not only one god. there are different concepts of god. i am not advocating religious dogma. i'm just saying given the fact there are different concepts of god, given the fact of most human beings want a concept of god, then a humane god, a got that allows equality of men and women, that allows the equality of ellis actuals and heterosexuals, that is tolerant of other beliefs, that concept of a goddess very attractive. you get all kinds of treatment. you get a treatment that tell issue -- you get a treatment that tells you -- hot allah --
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other concepts of god -- why do we just opened up. i'm not talking about replacing one intolerance got with another one. i'm only acknowledging that the christian god who has gone through the enlightenment, who has evolved in general does not apply to every single christian, but in general, things have evolved to a point where i think the christian religion, especially as it is practiced in the west, is much more attractive and humane and fall are less dangerous than the islamic god. -- far less dangerous than the islamic god. >> what is the aha foundation and how can we help out? >> the foundation is inspired by american friends here who after the red "infidel" said what can we do?
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they explained in the u.s. it's not only -- you do not change in justice's only by using government instruments, but civil society has its part. it is a private foundation and our mission statement is to protect the rights of muslim women living in the u.s. from militant islam and tribal customs. some of the practices, some of the violations of mentioned earlier -- female genital mutilation practice on little children, honor killings, young women pulled out of schools forced into marriage. if they are -- they refuse or exist, they're transported back to their country of origin. if you don't think it happens here, look at the examples in texas. two girls in texas were killed by their father, a cabdriver, because of their lifestyle.
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that lifestyle is of the average american teenager. a girl was run over in -- a girl in arizona was run over by her father because of a lifestyle. a girl in georgia who was forced into marriage, could not live with her husband and when she went back to her father, he stabbed her because she shamed him. and talking about that and the myriad other injustices' you cannot see. all of the little girls pulled out of schools in the united states that you cannot see. i want to create something that was absent in europe in the 1970's, 1980's. when we found out in the netherlands, it was too late in some cases because people had died and the practices had become so entrenched that some european legislators were actually considering assembling -- simply recognizing informal
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sharia. the mission of the aha is choosing to help the girls. >> so the participants have an a-ha moment? >> yes. >> before we ask the last question, there are a couple of matters to take care of. i would like to remind you of future speakers. on november 10th, jeff bridges, the academy-award winning actor will talk about efforts to combat hunger. on december 2nd, the ceo of coca-cola will be speaking here. are you ready for your final jeopardy question? your life story would make a most compelling and educational movie. are you considering this idea? i would like to add, if so, who do you want to play you? [laughter]
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>> this is the most challenging question i have ever had. "infidel" is in and of my agents who is talking to people in hollywood and who might take it from that story into a screenplay. i have not been following the status of it, so i can tell you the movie is going to be released then and then. who do want to play me? i don't know. you'd be surprised. the first time i met meryl streep, i told her, could you please play me? [laughter] >> she probably could. >> she said that is not how it works in hollywood. i was not looking at my skin color, i was only looking at
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actress's i like and find convincing. but if we can find a black actress who is convincing like meryl streep, i would say yes. >> before you go, i have to present you with the traditional national press club mug. [applause] [applause] >> i would like to thank our national press club staff, particularly malinda cook and
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our executive director. our library and broadcast center for organizing the event. for more information about joining the press club or how to acquire a copy of today's program, please go to our web site. thank you very much. we are adjourned. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> our live programming will continue later with a panel discussion on social media and the 2010 elections posted by politico, facebook, and towards washington university at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. this is from the campaign trail today -- in the associated press, the democratic candidate for rhode island governor is telling president obama to shove it after he found he would not endorse him. his campaign said he would welcome president obama's endorsement but today, the same day the president is visiting rhode island and the day after he said he would not endorse anyone, mr. caprio offered his
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remarks. his opponent gave a a high- profile endorsement to the president and head of the democratic primary in 2008. mr. caprio had been scheduled to appear with the president today but the white house with a comment on his comments. >the midterm elections are about eight days away and we showed debates every night from key races around the country. looking at our lineup for tonight, we begin at 8:00 eastern with live coverage of the kentucky senate debate. that is followed by the base from the minnesota governor's race. we also have a pair of house races in from colorado and new york. cspan, bring you politics and public affairs every morning, it is "washington journal"about the news of the day connecting with journalists, like to officials, and policy-makers. on weekdays watch live coverage of the house of representatives
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and congressional hearings every night. every weekend, look for our signature interview programs. also the popular prime minister questions from the british -- british house of commons. through november, coverage of campaign 2010. our programming is available any time at and searchable at the cspan video library. cspan, created by cable, provided as a public service. in just a moment, we'll show you a debate among the candidates running for arkansas' first congressional seat. that includes three candidates. they are ready to replace republican congressman marion barry. this race is a tossup. the debate lasts about one hour but we will start with some background.
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the cspan local content of vehicles are traveling the country as we look at some of the closely contested house races leading up to the november midterm election. ♪ >> our you do leg. >> bless you, sir. >> the. mom-and-pop up. thank you. i need your help on november 2. thank you. i appreciate you. >> when you get there, do the right thing. >> i will listen to you and keep talking to you is what i'll do. you can look at that a couple of ways. sometimes no is a good thing. >> your right. >> no ongoing government, no i'm stimulus and so on bra.
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know what's in the bill before you vote on it. >> the district of arkansas has to burst counties. we have the delta on the eastern part of the district and the ozarks on the western part of the district red it is a very stark contrast in geography. culturally, it is similar contrast. >> this is one of the fourth test is in united states. the folks here are hard working. they balance their budgets. they provide good living for their families. they are hardworking people. they are good people. >> voters in the first congressional district typically vote very conservative at the national level. they will elect democrats pretty solid like minus a few pockets at the local level. that has been historical. there has not been a republican elected to the first congressional district since reconstruction. the two primary candidates in the first congressional district in arkansas are the republican
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rick crawford who is a radio broadcaster with a bit of a media empire across as the agricultural span of the district and chad causey, the retiring congressman. you have the quintessential guide understands washington, d.c. and how it works and understands what is going on back in the district the verses a first-time republican candidate in rick crawford who understands the bread-and-butter issues of the district which are primarily agriculture. if you ask for up and down votes on the big issues that have been dominating the american political agenda this last year, health care, the stimulus, a cap and trade, card checks, you will find total agreement on those issues. how much of that is how they truly feel about the issues is debatable.
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that is definitely the message they are sending to voters that not this race is about people of here. it is not about me or my opponent or the national parties. it is about the values that the people here in arkansas have and what they want to say in the person that will fight for them regardless of party. it is about sending someone to washington that shares their common sense, conservative arkansas values. i do. i share those values. >> where is the differences between the two candidates is chad causey has more experience and a deeper working knowledge of the big projects that are going on in the district. the higher education should they have been working on for years, the water project they have been working on. rick crawford has a broader populist appeal of going up there and opposing the bigger agenda items that are opposite to the wishes of the voters in the district.
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i think you would see him being that type of member of congress. >> i think what we're both looking for is a genuine citizen legislator that reflects the values of the district that has been here and made a contribution here and is not entrenched in washington and is not a bureaucrat and is not one of the political elite. i am not doing this to get a job. i have a job. i want to keep that and i want to make sure everybody in this district has the opportunity i have had them up the first congressional district is the one that everybody >> the first congressional district is the one where everybody feels if they get it they will win the election. they contributee base to the race, you will not contribute to party identification. i would not be surprised to see to a 49-pointn
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win. it could be that clause. >> we look at some of the most closely contested house races leading up to the midterm election. for more information on what the local content of vehicles are up to this election season, visit our website, ♪ >> good evening. welcome to debate week here on the arkansas educational television network, aetn. tonight, two sessions for the
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candidates for the first congressional district and the candidates in the second district following that. our candidates in the beginning are ken adler, the of the green party, chad causey, the democratic, and rick crawford, the republican party. the queen -- the nominees will be questioned by arkansas journalists. roy okert of the jonesboro son, and leslie valdez from date should start daily readers. each candidate will have two minutes to answer a question and candidate will have two minutes to respond. rebuttals will be limited to one minute and each can they will have two minutes for rick a close -- a closing statement. this was all determined prior to the broadcast by a drawing in
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which the candidates or their representatives participated. our timekeeper tonight is jowanda holloway. our first opening statement tonight is by ken adler. ." >> for those of you expecting the antics road show, i would like to apologize. i am the only bonafide anti-gun the program this evening. in 2008, there rumors going around that you could not put lipstick on a pig but you can't slide a hippie from bates fell into a suit. i would like iaetn for inviting me to this debate. our represent the green party of arkansas. i picked it is important i am here and involved in this debate other than this election, there have been very few green party candidates that you have seen on the ballot. we will have others coming up later in the week and i hope you'll give us the attention and
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consideration that you offer to the candidates from the republican and democratic party. grass-roots democracy is one of our attend key values. the fact that i have been invited to participate and give arkansas voters a choice and not leave you to vote for the person you feel is the lesser of two evils or maybe someone who doesn't precisely represent your values, but someone who represents the way you feel is an important thing in arkansas politics. when you make your choice in november, i hope you won't decide by the d or the r or the g that follows the name of the candidate but choose the person that best represents your views and can go to washington to represent the best interests of arkansas. >> thank you, our second opening statement. >> thank-you to the palace and thank you to aetn for hosting this debate.
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thank you to my fellow candidates for being here. let me say thank-you to both of you for your service in the armed forces. like all americans, i appreciate that. i am running for the united states congress. i am here to ask for your vote and support on november 2. i was born and raised in jonesboro. my mother raised me and my brother. she did it on a school teacher's salary working that job and a second, third, and fourth job. you work hard to make ends meet. she taught me from early age with hard work is. i have spent my early days working part-time jobs. i sat groceries to make my way through high school and work my way through college and more part-time work and student loans. i know what hard work is and i know what sacrifice is. i learned from my mother and an article i grandfather. , a world war two veteran. he started a small business with a few hundred dollars and 65 years later, our family owns
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that small business. we know the challenges that we face in this country. we are over $14 trillion in debt and struggling through the worst economy since the great depression and we are still waiting two wars in iraq and afghanistan that we must win win. quie most folks in washington are fighting and bickering and nothing is getting done. arkansans are tired and frustrated. i know i am, too. it is time we get back to work and take arkansas common-sense values to washington, d.c. that is what i will do for the people of the first district to make sure we create jobs and grow the economy here in arkansas and make sure we work hard to protect social -- social security. i will work hard to make congress tighten its belt like arkansas families are doing. thank you for having me tonight. >> our next statement from mr. crawford. >> mike: thank-you to aetn and
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the staff that worked behind my name is rick crawford and i am asking for. . your vote. we always hear this is the most that the election. but this is the most pivotal election i can recall. imi small-business owner -- i am a small business honor. my dad was a military veteran. as a military brat, a group around the united states and overseas. i have a unique insight into arkansas but across the issues across the country and around the world. i am a small-business owner so i know what it takes to sign the front side of a paycheck. i know it means to risk your money and create a business. i am proud to live in the first district of arkansas. i met my wife at arkansas state
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university and we are raising our children and growing our business in the first district of arkansas. i am the only candidate on the stage that has taken a taxpayer protection pledge and endorsed the u.s. chamber and numerous veterans groups and have been endorsed by numerous right to life because i suspect -- respect light at conception until natural death i am a candidate that understands what it takes to bring common sense values to washington. the real story about the debt- deficit is that the unfunded liabilities run our total up to $65.50 trillion. that is the story we are not being told in washington. we are on the hope for $56.50 trillion. we need common sense solutions and someone from the first district took arkansas to take those common-sense solutions to washington. >> our first question comes from richard erby and it goes to mr.
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adler. >> critics seem to be fond of saying there is not a difference between the various members of congress but it it occurred to me from looking at your website and stands on various issues that you all are running perhaps close to the same platform. you all mention help for small business and agriculture as the key to turning around the economy, protecting social security and gun rights. the top priority is to go to washington and spend the over spending and deficit. some people might be having a hard time picking out which candidate would be best. could we start with some discussion about new ideas or philosophies or approach is that you feel like you take that sets you apart, package? from the pack? >> the green party does not see ourselves as much like the
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republicans or democrats. on some issues, there is not much room to wiggle at this point. everybody knows the economy needs to be fixed and there are certain issues you cannot get around. constitutional rights and things like that we cannot argue with. we consider ourselves to be a true progressive party. i don't feel that the democratic party of today is the same progressive democratic party it was when i was a youngster. it is certainly not in the same vein as the progress of i look back on historical. i think that puts us apart to begin with. there are certainly other issues like the death penalty. there are probably differences in terms of gay rights or abortion and the freedom of choice and things like that where i think the green party stands very much a part from the republican party but also to some degree to the democratic party. specifically in terms of the economy, i hear a lot of talk
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about we are at the crossroads and have to make a choice. what i say is that when the major parties gets put into office and takes over control of the congress, the other party spends their time trying to break those people down and the cycle repeats the next time they come back around. they want to throw out the incumbent and put new people in and the process starts again. by involving a third party or even a fourth party, it would force the government to rely more on coalition and working together. everyone has good ideas and i am not saying that my ideas are any better than other people's ideas but by putting alternative candidates in and creating more than a two-party system, we can force people to work together in different ways that might be more productive. >> i have a new idea, maybe it is an older idea, it seems like
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it has been lost and that is common sense. we have to get back to common sense. arkansans have good common sense and i share that. i'm ready to take that common sense to washington. we have to start living within our means. congress spends beyond its means and is not a good steward of taxpayer dollars and we have to change that. i want to introduce a constitutional amendment on day one to balance the federal budget. there is no reason that congress shouldn't be better stores of taxpayer dollars. i think a constitutional amendment to balance the budget will get us there. i also believe that it is time for members of congress to tighten their belts. i will introduce legislation for a 10% pay cut for congress next session. there is no reason the congress should be getting automatic pay raises when folks in arkansas are struggling every week to make those ends meet. they don't get that automatic
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pay raise every year in most cases. they don't get the choice to have that happen like magic. we have got to get back to common-sense principles. i believe strongly that we have got to get your energy independence in this country. that is a comprehensive solution. i would not have supported the kaplans' trade bill that passed last year. i believe it would have raised fuel costs and prices on arkansas farmers and small businesses. i think that is a wrong policy. we have to get to a point where we can get to energy independence in this country through nuclear power, clean coal fire plants. those are some new ideas that i will carry with me. it is based on arkansas common sense, thank you. >> i think these are all great
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ideas but the biggest threat we face now that hinders arkansas whether it be small businesses, seniors or anybody is obamacare. we need to smoke -- we need to focus on the first and foremost my first priority would be repealed in obamacare. i am the only candidate on this stage that has committed in writing to repeal obamacare. it is a job killer and it threatens quality of care. it takes $500 billion out of medicare. if we're going to protect the unborn and seniors and jobs and the economy, the first order of business should the de-funding obamacare. the most important threat -- just a quick personal example, i have a close friend who is 67 years old who needed back surgery. he saw his neurologist and he said they don't take medicare patients.
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we are already seeing health care rationing take place because of obamacare. seniors are threatened and i'm committed to helping seniors and protecting the life and jobs in the first district of arkansas and that starts with repealing obamacare. >> i agree with several of the things my opponents have stated. there are differences. i don't think a 10% cut in pay and congress would be anything more than a drop in the bucket. personally, i would like them to cut 50% and get more in line with salaries of average americans. i agree that arkansas is in a unique in situation in that we have this strong, strong agricultural base in northeast arkansas in district 1 where we hope to represent the people. we have an opportunity to lead the way in those agricultural products in food but also for developing alternative fuels. i would also like to suggest
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that the government look into using thoreum as a nuclear source instead of uranium. it uses up uranium in some ways. in terms of health care, the greens are supporters of universal health care and i would be willing to elaborate and how we would like to pay for that given the opportunity. >> our next question comes from roy okert. >> you have attempted to make social security an issue in this race, particularly the question of privatization which was an idea that was floated in the bush administration and went nowhere. over the past few days, there was a press report that mr. crawford had favored privatization early in his campaign for people of his age and younger.
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i am interested in not only privatization but what else can we do to ensure the solvency of social security for people my age and older and i would like to ask all of you to comment on that? >> social security is a safety net that thousands of arkansans and millions of americans, that is all they have. i have a friend in pocahontas. he sent me a note and said i wished i could do more and vote for you. i am -- all i have a social security and at the end of the day after i paid my electric bill and pay my medicine, i am lucky if i could get to the grocery store to get something to eat. there are thousands of people like him all over the first congressional district and around the country. i am adamantly opposed to privatization of social security. security.
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i am strongly opposed to privatization. unfortunately, mr. crawford has stated that he is for privatization. he said several times. privatization is moving designated social security funds for folks receiving them now and moving them to wall street or the stock market. imagine if the plan to privatize social security had been put in place two years ago before the greatest economic downturn since the great depression. what would have happened to social security if it was part of wall street? it would not be there. that is why we have to protected. arkansans have worked hard and
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paid into social security and they deserve to have that. oris not arkansas' seniors americans in this country that have caused reckless spending in congress. it is congress and we have to get priority set and balance the federal budget. >> mr. causey is either woefully misinformed or just lying. i have never advocated privatization. i have two parents on social security. if we are committed to helping seniors, we need to repeal obamacare and restore that $500 billion that he cut out of the medicare program. >> i would also come down the side of social security which is a progressive program that was a progressive program that was put in place during the franklin roosevelt administration and
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many people said it is a horrible thing and it is common as an would not work but it has. any candidate pat would say they are for cutting or doing away with social security at this time would be shooting themselves in the flood. i am a capitalist and i have no objection to people having private retirement funds. i have one and have been fortunate for my employment at the college to have an ability to participate in a retirement program there. iso security will augment that in addition to the funds i have already got. i would like to see the strengthening of social security and other domestic programs through extreme military spending cuts. i am a veteran and i understand the importance of a strong national defense. i very strongly support our military and people in the service but i think we are currently operating under some ancient and archaic philosophy
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is where we are spending abroad in places we don't need to be spending. we have 150 different ways we can destroy the world. let's cut it down to 100 different ways and take all that money that we save and apply to things we can use for better purposes here at home. >> rebuttal? >> private accounts is the same as privatization. you take designated funds for seniors now that are receiving those and we pay in and we work and we pay in and for seniors receive those and they benefit. if you divert those designated payments for social security, you are diverting them away from seniors. there is no way to do this without cutting social security funds. mr. crawford said he is -- he is for privatization. he supports privatization and i don't. i worked to protect and
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strengthen social security. arkansas' seniors have been working are there all live and pay again to gain the benefit. it is barely enough to buy food and medicine and electricity. it needs to be there. it is the last safety net that keeps millions of americans out of poverty. i will fight every day to strengthen it by balancing the budget and growing our economy, not doing it on the backs of seniors. >> you can use some of your follow-up time, if you like. >> our next question goes to mr. crawford. >> the arkansas rural economy relies heavily on the success of their agriculture. what would you like to see happy with federal funds made available to farmers and what percentage if any should be devoted to regional energy technology? >> to address the comment before, if you say they live long enough it does not make it true. i don't support privatization of
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social security. social security. the wordsmith thing does not change that fact. i think the federal role of the federal government should be to produce agriculture producers. we need to open cuba. that will help rice farmers and poultry farmers and the need to reduce the impact the epa has on the federal regulation of farmers because they cannot cash flow the regulatory burden that exists like in dust mitigation, gasoline storage on farms. these are counterproductive. the federal government needs to shrink their role in the production of our food and fiber and 22 level the playing field globally. that should be the role the federal government. if we are going to help our u.s. ag producers compete in a global
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marketplace, we need trade agreements that are favorable the u.s. ag producers. when you reduce the regulatory burden, you help the u.s. farmers. >> northeast arkansas is the backbone of the northeast and arkansas economy is farmers. i don't see any way we can have a viable society if we did not give them the strongest support, particularly local family farms. i think we need to find new crops and new ways to use the crops that are being grown in order to create new opportunities for farmers and possibly new industries. the growing field of biofuels and products of that nature will be somewhere weekend do well to spend government money and investigate and research development of those products. i also agree that we need to open new markets and take
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advantage of some of the markets that we're not fully taking advantage of now. fundingbelieve in farmers who get paid to not grow things and i don't agree with that policy. i think there are ways that the government can look at tightening up its own budget as it exists now. looking into finding new and better ways to work and work smarter and not harder. >> early next year, the next congress will begin work on the next farm bill. that farm bill through history has provided a safety net for american agriculture. we must secure and keep secure the ability of this country to produce food and fiber. that is part of our national security and must provide that. i will work tirelessly and work
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on the agriculture committee if i am elected. we need to make sure we keep that safety net for producers strong. that is done through a direct payment supports. i support that will keep fighting for that. we have to grow our export markets. cuba should of been open years ago. there is no reason we should not open it. that is a huge market for arkansas rice, poultry, and soybeans. panama and colombia will provide access for arkansas agricultural products. i would support getting those things done now. conservation is one of the more successful programs. farmers in arkansas are the most efficient in the world, period. they will provide the world food supply with a population growth.
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we must continue to support them for national security and global security as well. they are the ones that will provide the breadbasket for the world. conservation programs in the farm bill are senate-based. they are not punitive and they are incentive-based parent we must continue that on a volunteer basis. i will do that. thank you. >> mr. crawford -- >> the farm bill that came out in 2008 was one year late and missed the mark parian if you go around the coffee shops and asked them, they will tell you the same thing. president obama put forth a budget this year with big cuts in the commodity title and reduce the adjusted gross income in half. he reduce the payment limitations with a 25% cut. he is doing this because he is
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preparing and we have seen this happen, he was preparing to implement obamacare. he had to play -- he had to pay for it somewhere and the farmers are paying for it on their backs. farmers and seniors are directly affected by obamacare. if we want to help farmers today, we can start by repealing obamacare. >> our next question goes first to mr. adler. >> i want to return to the issue of health care reform. the democrats and republicans in congress seem to agree on is the fact that the nation's health- care system needs to be fixed and there is great urgency to it. some say that until we bring health-care costs under control, the economy may never write itself. all three of you feel that the health package that was passed missed the mark. could we not use the reform package as a starting point and
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change things as we go along rather than throwing out years of work and the recent intensive work to get this thing passed? >> personally, i don't think so. as a quick example, i was talking before the show with the other gentlemen and relating that i broke my leg badly last year. i required surgery to fix that. fortunately, i work someplace that has a good health program. it covered a lot of my health costs. at the same time, about 25% of those costs were not covered. it had to come out of my pocket. it was a sizable chunk of change. even though i have adequate health care through my work, it really did not do the job for me. it wound up hurting the severely in my day to day spending. i think that is a problem that we have in addition to the fact that millions of people don't have any kind of coverage at all and i don't think the new obama
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health care plan addresses those people that are in need of that health care. i would like to see another system we have in place which is working well. that is medicare. i like to extend that to everybody who needs it. i don't think we should take away a person's opportunity to acquire private health care if that's what they want. if they decide they want to stick with some established health-care provider through the private sector, that is fine with me. i want the government to force anybody to do anything they don't want to do. i would like to see medicare for every one that needs it. that system is already in place and that could be built upon and would supply the universal health care for all americans. that the green party stands for. >> i would not have supported that bill had been a member. my concern is about the long- term cost.
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at the end of the day, we know that health care in this country cost too much. health care is too expensive for families trying to find it. it is too expensive for small businesses who want to offer it for their employees. year after year, 10% increases in cost, 20% increases in costs. we have to make sure that we go at the root cause for what increases the price of medicine. and services. if i am chosen to represent people in the first district, i will work to lower the price of what health care costs. we need to lower the price of prescription drugs. i had seen seniors make a real decision between buying medicine that they have been prescribed and paying a light bill. this is america and we should not have seniors making that
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decision. i will fight every day for them to lower the cost of their medicine. interestingly, mr. crawford supports or has shown support for 23% national sales tax on almost everything we buy, medicine, gas, cars, homes. i don't think there is anything interesting about that very we don't need to raise the cost of prescription drugs by 23%. we don't need to raise the cost of doctors and how much it costs for them to do business. that is a bad idea. let's work to lower the costs of health care at its root. move from there, thank you. >> mr. causey is on record as of us -- of saying he would work within the framework of obamacare. i think it is built on rotten
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timbres and we need to tear it down the falls -- before it falls in on us. and useepeal obamacare something that works. he uses obama care to divert our attention. he uses things like a 23% increase in taxes. i signed the taxpayer protection pledge and i am the only candidate on this is a done that. i have been endorsed by the u.s. chamber of commerce. if i were not committed to low taxes, i would not have gotten those endorsements or signs that pat -- taxpayer pledge. he has shown an ability to go from distortion to flat-out lying. i have never supported a flat tax. that is not part of my platform. you are either with obamacare or you are not. i am not for obamacare.
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whatever we can do to start the beast so it can do no further harm to our small business people and our economy or to our quality of health care and our seniors, and i remind you about the $500 billion cut, the commitment to seniors is here. i have two parents who receive medicare. who else will have a commitment to seniors. i will let the voters of the first district decide. >> rebuttal? >> i think i have made my position clear. the green party supports a universal health care system. i personally supported. i would like to see something in place that allows for people to have health care that needed and not push it down their throat and force them to buy something they do not want. unfortunately, i have seen pledges broken in the past.
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mr. robert keeps referring to the pledges he sighed and i don't think he personally would do that. his first responsibility if elected will be to his party. i don't necessarily know that either the democratic or republican party is going to back out to the people that funded their campaigns like big pharmaceutical companies and go against the grain when they decide they want to do something that is not necessarily in the best interest of the constituents. >> our next question goes first to mr. causey. >> one issue still on the table is the extension of the bush tax cuts. the congress recently adjourned without taking any action. it's possible that after the election there will be nothing done about that. the next congressman might have to deal with it. the basic position is that the democrats -- most democrats
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favor extending them for people with an income -- an income of $250,000 or under and republicans favor extending all of them. the difference is three or four trillion dollars that as to the deficit. you mentioned a balanced budget amendment which could take years to pass. what will you do with the tax cuts if you're faced with it and what else will you do to cut expenses so that we don't go so far into the chute. >> the economy is struggling across this country and here in arkansas. folks are trying to balance their checkbooks and are working hard and are worried about the job they have and maybe looking for one to replace the one they have. small businesses are struggling to survive in this economy. i don't think we can raise
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taxes on small businesses or farmers or businesses in arkansas. i think it is a bad idea. one thing i hear from small- business owners when i travelled through the first district is they need certainty to make the decisions so they know what is coming around the corner. ing the taxly extende cuts to give them that certainty. i think that will spur economic growth in arkansas and across the country. what i will -- what i believe what i will -- what i believe will spur more growth is what small business can expect. they know what is coming around the corner and not that it may change in warner two years. that does not provide certainty. we have to give small businesses and farmers the certainty to make business decisions. i think we've got to tear down some of the red tape surrounding
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business. they struggle through red tape all the time. we have to appeal some of the backs of they can expand and grow and create jobs in arkansas. i would strongly favor that. regulation needs to be scrubbed from top to bottom barrett went to make sure we are not making the cost of business too much. i will support those things because we have to get our economy growing. we have to spur economic growth and lead us to the pathway of a balanced budget. unlike mr. crawford who wants a 23% sales tax and everything we buy. >> i want to address the taxpayer protection pledge which is a nonpartisan group h one of us has had the opportunity to sign the bill and i'm the only one who has done it. people talk about me wanting to
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raise taxes is a diversion to obviousay mr. causey's lack of experience. do i support the tax cuts? absolutely, to the fullest extent across the board. we need to make those permanent. i don't think the market can stand the last 30 years of this year without that uncertainty being addressed. i am committed to that. >> i also support extending the tax cuts for the lower and middle class is. i do not necessarily support extending those tax cuts for people who make more than $250,000 because i don't think it affects them as much as those in the lower tax brackets. i would like to see our current tax structure completely overhauled and i would like to see a flat tax. adon't mean a fair tax with
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23% sales tax. i'm talking about a flat tax on income with no loopholes and no need for things like deductions and that kind of stuff. you make $25,000 per year, you pay a percentage of that, and the guy making two wanted the thousand dollars per year would pay the same percentage of allied. -- of the line. i have heard about trickle-down economics and the people at the highest end of the tax brackets are the ones that keep the economy rolling. i have no objection to wealth. i have a lot of friends that are wealthy and they do tremendous philanthropic work. many of them invest in things but i don't think that really is the case that these people go out and use their money to generate more income for people of the lower class is. i did we have a very obvious and distinct and growing division among the extremely wealthy and those who don't have anything. it that has been the case for
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quite some time now. i would very strongly support extreme cuts in military spending to make up for any sort of deficit we might have in terms of the government being able to provide for the things they need to do which is what taxes are supposed to be all about anyway. that is our duty as a citizen to pay into a program that then provides most goods for the most number. >> rebuttal? >> again, the constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget will force congress to set priorities for this country. it would reduce the long-term debt liability for this country. we are over $14 trillion in debt and we have on unfunded obligations. we have to start working now to address these problems before the country moves rapidly into bankruptcy. we have to do that. i strongly favor a
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constitutional amendment to balance the budget. mr. crawford talks about pledges and he signed a pledge which included a point to privatize social security. it is on his page. you can see it yourself. if he says he is standing behind this other pledge, he also stands behind is pledged to privatize social security. i won't do that. i won't fix the problems of this country on the backs of seniors. i will protect social security. >> our next question goes to mr. crawford. >> there is only so much made -- money made available. if you had the opportunity to cut one federal program and take those funds and put it into another, which one would you cut and which one would remove the funds to? >> as i have said, i would cut obamacare. that helps seniors. i am the only one on the stage that i know that as parents
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receiving social security benefits and medicare benefits. the continued lies about the fork -- the fact that i support privatization or that i support a 23% tax across-the-board is flat out false. the reason they make those claims -- that is because they are not willing to go on record to de-fund obamacare. to de-fund obamacare. i am pro-life. i have been endorsed by the national right to life. that is why i am opposed to obamacare. i am pro-low tax. i m pro senior and that is why i am opposed to obamacare. we can see there's a problem was so security but the immediate threat to seniors now is obama care. i am the only one on the stage
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who is willing to stand up and commit so we can restore that $500 billion from medicare and help our seniors today. >> mr. adler. >> i have said that the most obvious place to make cuts in military spending. we need to go overseas to these bases that are leftovers from a cold war mentality that are no longer necessary. there are navy bases around the world where we are not necessarily wanted much less needed. closing some of those things down and bringing the people back here and the money back here where we could put to work is good. the other thing i would like to see done than what we have those funds, they will find many things like health care and social security and rebuilding the national infrastructure. i would like to see a rebuilding
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of the passenger rail system . i like to fly anymore. if i want to go from here to washington, d.c., i have to fly. if we rebuild the american passenger rail system, that will put people to work and be funded by cuts in military spending and i think it will provide an opportunity to find alternative fuel sources. we need to build a system that is akin to places like france and switzerland where you get on a train and go anywhere you want to go in a short amount of time. it will provide jobs for people building the system and the infrastructure for that system and the power. it will provide an alternative
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method of transportation for people who need it and thereby cutting down on the need for fossil fuels and single occupant vehicles. >> thank you. certainly, we need a top to bottom overall in congressional spending. we have to live within our means. the markets are families are tightening their belts and congress should do the same thing. that's what right -- that's why start with a balanced budget arrangement. the state of arkansas balances its budget every year and arkansas families magical -- balance the budget every week. in washington, they used to do the same thing and i will be sure that that happens. i will introduce that constitution -- that legislation
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early. a 10% cut in pay is a good start to regain trust for the american people. it shows than they are ready to make tough decisions. i would start with the department of waste, fraud, and abuse in all parts of the federal government. $15 billion in new york in medicaid the load. \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ all along. this hurts people all over the country. that is just one city. we have to get control of what is fraud and abuse through vigorous enforcement. i believe firmly that is where we should start cutting. a balanced budget amendment is what we need and a friend or to do it. >> i came out in support of a balanced budget amendment back in the primary. i have been clear on that.
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that is a good idea to balance the budget but that is a long- term change. don't by which you can't pay for. we cannot pay for obamacare. we have to stop it. >> thank you very much for your answers. we have reached a point in the broadcast for closing statements. the decision earlier in the evening by the candidates themselves or their representatives, we begin with a a mr.dler. about my dadn quite a bit because friday would have been his 81st birthday. if i told my was driver congress, the first thing he would have said is getting care this right is most important.
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i would hope that the voters of arkansas would not take a look at me and say this guy wears his hair and willie nelson braids and he is not serious. i am extremely serious. i look back to when i was growing up in camden when i was 7 years old. i remember sitting in arkansas license plate which was white at that time. it said land of opportunity. . . .
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the way i and i consider is to listen to the people of arkansas, take that opinion to washington and represent them to the best of my ability. >> thank you to the panelists and my fellow candidates for being here tonight. i am asking for your vote and support on november 2. just this last sunday after
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turkish i was out with my fiancee's father and we were looking for a deer stand. as i was thinking about this campaign, i began to really realize that this campaign is not about me, not about my fellow candidates, my opponent, it is about you. it is about you. maybe you just got home and you are in your recliner and worried about the stock you just came home from or you're at the kitchen table and you just read your kids and worried whether not you will be able to save the money for the education you so badly want them to have. that is a what the election is about. i have never been handed anything in my life. i will fight to make sure we protect social security and that we protect the not just for the greatest generation, but for
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future generations. tonight we have learned that mr. crawford has signed a pledge to privatize social security. i think that is wrong. i will fight any effort to do that. i want to create jobs right here in arkansas so we can create good jobs. mr. crawford has indicated his mr. crawford has indicated his support for 23% national sales tax. i will work hard for you. i do not have all of the answers to all the problems we face in this country. but no one will take this responsibility more seriously and no one will work harder than i will. thank you, and god bless. good night. >> i want to start by saying that i am not a washington insider, i am 0 working person just like a lot of folks in the
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first district are. -- i am a working person just like a lot of folks in the first district are. i am a small-business owner. i know what it is like to sign the front side of a paycheck. mr. causey made hundred $40,000 last year. the highest-paid chief of staff and the house of representatives so when we hear about 10% cut in congressional pay, that falls flat on the ears of people working hard in the first district trying to stretch the median $28,000. let me say this, the first congressional district is not for sale. the sea belongs to be the people. the person that occupies it does so at the pleasure of the citizens of the first district. -- this seat belongs to we the
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people. the people could that seat and trust to the rep. this is not about sending another washington insider to continue the status quo in washington. we need someone with common- sense solutions, some three market ideas. that is why i am asking for your vote. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. we think the panelists as well and a special thank you as always to the university of central arkansas where we're coming to you from the run of center. in just a moment we will be back with the candidates and the second congressional district. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national
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cable satellite corp. 2010] midterm elections are eight days away. each night on tuesday and we're sharing debates from key races across the country. tonight we will start with live coverage of the kentucky senate debate. that features ran paul and jack conaway. that follows with the minnesota governor race. mike allen is reporting today that senator robert menendez from new jersey is unveiling a memo that asks where is the search?
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despite national momentum for republicans, he says rick publicademocrats have passed moe ballots than republicans. how is the use of social media impact of this year's races? live programming continues later with a panel discussion on social media and the 2010 elections posted by facebook, and george washington university. that will get underway at 6:30 eastern on c-span. >> this week on "the communicators. : " mark mclaughlin will talk about internet tonight on c-span2. >> next, a debate between the candidates present in
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mississippi's congressional district. travis childers and alan m. chellie. -- alan nunnelee. a poll showed mr. nunnelee leading mr. childers. and this rate has been rated as a tossup. this is just over an hour. >> will come. i am curtis will curse. i will be the referee today. i want to thank you all for coming and when to let you know
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there will be a reception in the lobby after worse. just to tell you that this debate is sponsored by the leadership institute at ole miss for southern journalism and politics. i am really glad that they have agreed to be here for the events. i have discovered that these two candidates, even though there from rival parties have a lot in common. they were both born the same year in the same district. they were both businessmen in this district, and then they both took positions replacing roger wicker. [laughter] we're looking forward to a good and spirited exchange this evening. let me briefly explain the ground rules.
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let's hold the applause if we can, that when we can get more questions and and give everyone a big round of applause at the end. there will be brief opening remarks, to minutes for each candidates. -- two paths minutes for each candidates. the questions will come from our panel of journalists that are all from this district. the questions will be directed to specific tended to have 90 seconds to answer. then the other candidates will have 90 seconds to either respond or to make an observation on his opponents. if there is a little bit of back and forth, we will give them some latitude, but i do not want
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it to go into too much discussion of one particular point. we do have a timekeeper that will apprise the candidates of 60 seconds and 30 seconds. let me introduce the members of our panel of journalists. we had john scott. next to him emelina cause. caroline lee. and j.b. clark. just briefly the candidates -- as in most of you are acquainted with them, and i will not waste a great deal of time interviewing them. travis childers want office and special election in 2008 and reelected to a full-term and the end of the year.
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he was born in brunn's bill. he served for 17 years before the board to congressman -- - before going to congress. -- he was going born in boonsvi. i also noted that both candidates were born the same year. i notice that senator nunnalee just had a birthday. he spent most of his childhood in clinton. he returned and founded his own business. he was elected to the mississippi state senate in 1994. we're already to get started. the first question is from john scott.
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excuse me. i am doing this. we have opening remarks. >> thank you. let me say what a pleasure it is to be on this fine university campus today. i receive my education and where my children receive there's. thank you for the leadership and astute -- institute. i appreciate the hard work that has gone into this. i appreciate what it is to struggle. my number one priority has been, is, and will be jobs and our economy. i will continue that until every mississippian that wants to work has the opportunity. and that is why i was proud to be endorsed by the u.s. chamber of commerce, the national association of realtors and
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recognized for awards for the national confederation of business and manufacturers. some people have tried to make this race about people along with making people and the economy my number one priority, i will continue to be an independent voice for the people of mississippi. during the very beginning of this campaign i was honored to receive the endorsement of the national rifle association. sometimes you have to make tough choices. and sometimes you have to be of rubble. but that is no problem. i have been a rebel all of my life. the best way to serve you is not to hit the notes button every time. -- hit the no button every time. that is why i continue reaching
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across the aisle to get things done. this raises about who gets it and who does not. i promise you people i did it. i will continue to do what i said i will do, or card and serve as an independent voice >> it is a pleasure to be here this evening. i want to thank the leadership institute. thankfulness. -- thank ole miss. together we can write history. how will our grandchildren and their grandchildren know of the greatness of america? will posterity enjoy the blessings of liberty secured for us by our grandparents and their grandparents before them?
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will are chanfron -- grandchildren and enjoy the opportunities we have enjoyed, living in a land where any boy or girl can grow up to become whatever they want to become? or will the greatness of america be merely at chapter in their history books, a record of what once was. the answer to that question is in our hands. can you honestly look at the record at this congress and say, good job? can you look at the state of our economy, and to keep up the good work? is america stronger now and more respected in the world than when that leadership team took over? is the world safer with 22,000
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lost jobs in the first congressional district, with $800 billion of additional debt do you think we can do better? can we afford two more years at the same? or do you believe we can do better? i do think we can do better, and that is why i am running for congress. i look forward to this debate and discussion. >> thank you, gentlemen. a couple of years ago the issue i heard most from the community was about the economy and loss of jobs. back then we had just heard the whirlpool plant was closing down. today i think that is still the issue i hear about the most from the community. yet i am also hearing that people see signs that the economy is gradual -- they see
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improvement. and this is to congressman shoulders. can you be specific about what your plan would be to keep the economy moving? -- and this is to congressman childers. >> i think most people are surprised that this recession has lasted as long as it has and as deep as that has been. unemployment at an all-time high. i have only been in congress for a little over two years. every single day when i get up it is the person on my mind and every night on my mind before i go to bed. i believe an opportunity, and i believe that every person that wants to work should have that right. we have supported every small- business bill that came along to try to help spur job growth. we cannot depend on the government to grow jobs. we have to grow small
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businesses. that is what i have been supported by the national chamber of commerce. they have recognized all the hard work we have done for creating jobs in north mississippi to try to bring unemployment down. >> thank you for that question. and i think it is appropriate that it is the first question asked. as i hear from around, it is the first question i have been asked everywhere i go. the economy is very serious, and the most important issue facing north mississippi today are jobs. they told us the economy is bad, and we better pass the stimulus. if we do not, unemployment could rise as high as 8%. so they are owed $800 billion to be paid for by future generations. -- so they borrowed put $800
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billion to be paid for by the future generations. 23,000 people in the first district have lost their jobs. we are 800 billion more in debt to pay for it. we can have a thriving economy based on private investment and cooled by the strength and ingenuity of the american worker. it starts by allowing men and women to keep more of their own money. the second thing is to alleviate year. a lot of the economic problems we have are driven by fear. if the final thing we need to do is government does not create jobs, but government can create an environment where private business can invest and drive. -- and thrive. >> hi, gentlemen.
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we hear a lot about global warming in the national media. and i am curious to know whether either of you believe that global warming is real, and in either case, what do you believe congress should or should not do about it? >> global warming. they said this is a serious problem, we need to pass the cap and trade tax that would deal with the problem. the president said that out of necessity, electric bills will skyrocket. i am not in favor of the cap and trade tax. i think the whole issue is a political agenda. what we need to have is science to leave the political agenda. we do not need to have a stifling cap and trade tax that will slow economic development and thus, further slowed job growth in this state and nation.
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>> yes, i believe that global warming is real. we have not had an energy policy in this country since jimmy carter was president in the late 1970's. everyone takes the can on down the road. -- kicks the can on down the road. the cap and trade bill was not good. it certainly was not good for the cell. as the only member of the mississippi delegation happen senate, i am only one that serves on the agricultural committee. think it was terrible for agricultural. i voted no. i was proud to vote no. i will certainly look at a more reasonable bill. that bill was not reasonable. i was proud to stand up against it. >> good evening.
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we have mentioned a lot about job so far, but as a college student and a friend of a number of recent graduates, i have brought a number of people not get jobs. what about the people that have not had opportunities that have gone to school and have not gotten the job? what is there to do about that demographic? >> i have said it many times said education is the pathway to jobs. and i am proud to a supported increasing the pell grant awards. i am a product of a pell grant. i attended school in northeast mississippi community college in right here on this campus in the late 1970's. and we helped pass the gi bill,
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the sdi bill since the original g.i. bill falling more work to. -- bill following world war ii. i have stood up for public education every single time. my opponent cannot say that. he took the stimulus money they so quickly criticized he raked in $600 million to fill every hole in the state budget and let teachers on the sidelines. and left plastrons overflowing when he could have done something about it and did not. the is where we start by education. >> thank you for that question. obviously you are round students all the time. and -- you are around students all the time.
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you are all asking the same question, what will the economy hold for me when i graduate quick as i am convinced a lot of the recession appearewe are in is peake driven by fear. i have been in board rooms, classrooms, farms, shopping floors. what i hear from people is they are afraid. and i have hydrants -- hundreds of local use that say i have enough orders that i could expand my business tomorrow but i am not born to do it because i will have to hire more people and buy more equipment for them to work on. you are in business to make money, why your you not doing that? because i am afraid of what is coming at a washington next. we have the largest tax increase in the history of america women
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to go into effect january 1. in reaching we had the largest tax increase in the history of america looming to go into effect january 1. if we can alleviate that fear in the business sector, the fear that resounds across the college campus will also be alleviated. >> the first question goes to senator nunnelee. you speak of the need to curb federal spending. how do you reconcile those two seemingly contradictory oil stance? >> the question is about reducing the debt and extending the pucks cuts. -- extended the tax cuts. the largest tax increase in the
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history of america is cattrall to take effect january 1. congress has done nothing about it. there are those that say we could extend it for year, but that does not alleviate the fear of the business owners all over america. they are sitting back. extending it for year does not take away their fear. we need to make sure the tax increase never, ever occurs. that will alleviate the fear. if we do that first and begin to restrain spending and hold the line on this senseless federal spending we have seen over the last 20 months that will allow us to begin to reduce the debt because we will see our economy thrived. >> the push tax cuts -- bush tax cuts./ no one ever wants to talk about the truth of the costs.
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during the bush administration when the tax cuts were implemented, they were a great idea, but no one cut spending. they just increase spending. here we are. when he took office we 05 trillion dollars. he implemented the tax cut so we lowered revenue, but yet, we kept spending. we actually increase spending. and we were involved in two wars that no one thought to pay for. i love tax cuts. i've never run into anybody that does not love tax cuts. it is about being fiscally responsible. during the same time, they let the pay go rules expire.
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we finally got them reinstated last year. i signed a letter. i said this is no time to raise taxes, let's extend them one year. >> party politics has been a big one. everyone talking about this party is blocking that one and this party is pushing back. i am going to ask you what had each of your own party is then wrong quick dealing with the other party? what has your own party done to hinder relations between the two ? >> let me tell you, both parties are guilty. people have asked me what has been your greatest surprise when
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you got to congress? folks, it is this terrible lack of bipartisanship and his partisan divide that is absolutely destroying this country just like a cancer. people are tired of it. it would be easier for me to say it is the other party, but it is not true. it is both parties. that is why i have tried to be an independent voice in congress. i have an independent. i have stood noof not only to my party but the other party. i have tried my best to reach across lyle and continue to work with both sides. -- i have tried my best to reach across the aisle and continue to work with both sides. i will continue to do that. >> and what you describe is
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gridlock. when i look at the congress over the last 20 months, one piece of liberal led to start over another, a bailout, stimulus, cap and trade, cash for clunkers, health care, the list goes on and on. i have to be honest, i think the block would be an improvement over that. and i think we need someone there to hold that liberal agenda accountable. they ask me where i am frustrated with my own party. a decade ago my party had the opportunity. when they seized power they took two steps to the left and began to act like those they replaced. when they did that, the other party took three steps to the left and started acting more like socialists.
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>> when it comes to health care reform, i do not think either at you where fans. and i believe it would like to see the bill repealed. when it comes to health care reform, what kind of reform would you support, if any? to go make no mistake about it, i do support repeal of obama care. i was against it before it passed, i am in favor of repeal now tthat it has passed. i will do whatever necessary to get the horrible bill off the books. we do need health care reform. we need health care financing reform. our health care system is perfectly designed for the post-
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world war ii economy. anthis is not the economy of the 21st century. men and women changed jobs. people work at of their homes. one thing we can do immediately, a corporation gets a tax deduction. individuals, partnerships do not get the same tax deduction. we should allow the tax deduction to go with a one- payment cranium -- premium. we should be able to give small businesses and individuals the ability to have the same buying power that large corporations have. no insurance companies should be glad to cancel coverage for
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person that uses their health care coverage. >> no one wanted to support health care reform more than i. here is what i said, let's repeal the bad parts. let's keep and perfect the good parts. for instance, a close the doughnut hole. i did not support it. -- it closed the doughnut hole. it finally stop insurance companies from penalizing people with pre-existing conditions like they have a jury picked for so many years. it allows you to keep your children on your health insurance plan until they were 26 years old. it allows for the health-care exchange. what my opponent wants to do is
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throw the baby alp with the bathwater. this is what comes out of the playbook. they gave him this when he was in washington. again, this is adding to the partisanship. if his party had come to the table and work on the bill, i think it could have been a better bill. that is what happens. both parties love to jump to the extremes. the leaves north mississippi people out. -- it leaves north mississippi people out. and his health-care plan was to tax the sick people in the hospital. >> everyone in congress has picked you -- if congress and ask you to pick one program. which isn't in y?
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>> i do not think you can say. i have been there and might two short years. there are areas to give a lot of departments and a lot of areas could stand a hair cut. that is what will have to be done. i will introduce legislation to cut spending by 2% for the next three years. we want a bill to cut 5%. penn is what we have to do. -- that is what we ought to do. we have lived a good life through many decades and congress's spending has continued to escalate. this is where we find ourselves, in pitiful shape only more money than we need to zero. i am not prepared to say you can
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completely cut out one. >> spending is a serious problem in washington. it has been my responsibility to handle our state's budget over the most difficult. since the great depression. i have had a lot of sleepless nights. i have gone in and cut programs that i support deeply, because as much as i support any individual program, i have a stronger commitment that government should live within its means. one of the ways i was able to get up in the morning and do the job i have been assigned to do is very personal. 16 years ago i lost my job. it was emotional. for 48 hours at blame myself. and wondered what i had done wrong. finally, we got up and sat a round the kitchen table and took
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out a sheet of notebook paper in drew a line down the middle. on the left side we said this is money we of coming in. on the rise said recent this is how we will spend it. there were some tears shed as we eliminated things that were important to us. there's no question in my mind there are families in north mississippi tonight that are going through the same exercise. they're doing it in their personal budgets and every reason to expect the government to do the same thing. to dum>> we have talked some abt education and talents to be improved. in mississippi consistently ranks of the bottom of the list. it falls to the bottom in the quality of education. with less from money being provided -- federal money being
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provided, how deeply and on addressing this issue? what else is there to do? >> well, they passed a stimulus, too. they said we will put money in schools, and this is the first time ever in the history of america we have asked children to pay for their own education. we pat them on the back and then sent we will send you the bill, we will let you pay for it when you get older. i think we need to make those decisions locally. when the money comes out of washington, it always comes with far more strings attached and the money there. i think we need to have the money funded locally. >> the teacher and medicaid
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bill that will call back to vote on early and mid-august, contrary to what my opponent says, was a paid for bill. it put 2000 people, to thousand teachers back into classrooms that had been moved at side. -- two dozen teachers back into classrooms that had been moved aside. they were scrambling to find medicaid dollars. scrambling to find match programs. that bill helped him balance his budget. and help determine balance his budget. he could not balance that without help from the federal government. very hypocritical to cry out how bad this money is, but yet
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rate andkeitke it in. you cannot have it both ways. he could have refused it, but he did not. to coun>> how seriously do you e challenges by the tea party? if you could please talk about how those challenges have influence your decision making. >> let me say, i'd take them very serious. i and the canada industries who has been clear that i will not only represent the people in my
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party, but i will represent people in the other party or any other party or independent. my opponent has been very clear he has no intention to work across file. he has no intentions of working with my party. he will only work with those that agree with him. washington is a big town and a mean town. it is hard to work across i know, because it is hard to shake hands with someone who is having you. i made the pledge, made the commitment to my family, and made the commitment to my friends. that i went to congress are woodworker cross aisle and listen to the other side, and when they were right, i would vote with them. and i have done just that. >> my sense of men and women that identify with the mentea py
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is up until a couple of years ago they voted. in the last 24 months they have looked at what is gone on in washington and felt their country was slipping away from them. they felt that their freedoms, rights, liberties we have enjoyed, opportunities that they have enjoyed were slipping away. they look for all way to vent that frustration and looked around and found there were other men and women that work along side them that felt the same way. they talk to their neighborhoods and found out there were neighbors who felt the same way. it is not at top-down movement at all. it is a movement that started in the grassroots of america. people are saying all we want to do is take our country back. >> i am going to move back
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towards employment. i was at a ribbon cutting for a plan today. the industry has spent a lot more attractive to north mississippi lately. iwhat you plan to do to bring industry to north mississippi and put north mississippi back to work? >> you are right. men and women in north mississippi can compete with anybody in the world, and we have done it. and i was at a manufacturing plant yesterday, and the men and women there are rebuilding. we're competing. i am glad you referenced soledad in northwest mississippi. this is a company that is locating. -- that is relocating.
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the owner of the plant sent i am going to go back to the silicon valley and tell people what i've seen in mississippi. " we have to do is alleviate the fear that is predominant among business owners of large and small. they like what they see and mississippi. they like the restraint they have seen in our budget. that pleases cigna biggert role in toyota's decision to reopen their plan and blue springs. -- that played a significant role in toyota's decision to reopen their plan in blue springs. you will see our mississippi economy take off. and mississippi has a positive approach-business @ as soon. their congressmen from the first congressional district shares that attitude. i was in the plant yesterday asking region -- 2400
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employees, 40,000 square feet did, hanging on in the day in the age where the trade agreements have just about kill the furniture industry. first of all, i have said many times the work ethic is second to none. i think we took that for granted. and how the people of north mississippi want to work. they will give their employer an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. ai was in desoto county just a few days ago ho. one of the largest
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pharmaceutical distributor plants and the world. hawke hard work, good work asset and a pro-business attitude. i am proud to represent people that will work hard. >> the war in afghanistan is now america's longest-running more. -- war. some segments of the nation think it is time to assess what is going on there. what is your stand on the war? is it time to reevaluate what is going on there? >> i certainly look forward to the day that those men and women are out of those countries and back on american soil with their families. the first year i was in congress and had an opportunity to go visit the troops and see
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firsthand what was going on over there. i had the great honor and privilege of getting to visit with general petraeus. he was the general then. he was about to step down. he is aback. i trust his judgment. i read about him aloft and follow him aloft, but when you sit down with somebody it is worth that. and i was so impressed with him. i believe he is the right man for the job. i was proud when the president put him back in charge. i trust his judgment. i hope we're winding up there. i hope we do not leave too soon. at the same token, i made a pledge to the people and i meet children whose father and mother are there, and grandchildren,
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make no mistake, i will vote every time to provide the resources they need and not run off and leave them. when they come home, let's honor them like the heroes they are. >> this is an area we agree on. when need to support general spirit of the need to have clearly defined objectives. when the objectives are met, we come home. as long as we have men and women from the united states of america, we need to make sure that every tool they need to accomplish their mission. in addition, this is the first war that our country has fought since the american revolution that has been primarily fought with soldiers. when those men and women come back, to small-town mississippi, they are not coming home as our veterans did from previous wars,
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coming home to a military installation where are thethey e under constant observation by it but commanding officer. we owe it to the men and women to make sure they have all of the mental health services they need locally, because they're coming back to small towns, and it is a long way to have to drive to memphis or jackson to get those services. >> we have seen a lot of negative campaigning in the weeks leading up to the general election. i know each of the campaign's -- campaigners are familiar with each other's career. and i am wondering if during the reeser troupe found out anything about the of the person that you respect and admire, and if so, what? [laughter] capito i do.
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-- >> i do. he has every reason to be proud of his family. his daughter was named miss ole miss. that does not just happen. he served as county honorably. -- his county honorably. but in washington, i just and he cited up with the wrong side. in washington it is a team sport, in which side you're on does make a difference. >> i have also havd the pleasure of meeting some of his family. and his son and my son went to law school together. he also has had a good tenure in the mississippi senate.
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i do not think he is wrong when he says he wants to do well for north mississippi. we may disagree on how to get there, but i think his heart is in the right place. i appreciate anyone who offer themselves for public service. not too long ago one of my great friend to serve in the legislature said to me because of negative campaigning in constant attacks the day is coming, travis, that the people will stop putting their name on the line at the ballot box. that is a shame. i do believe he wants to do the right thing. the question is how we get there and our methods are certainly different. to coun>> i am going back to edn because that is what affects me the most. within the health-care bill there are number of parts that affect students, specifically
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being and to stay on insurance until 26 in dealing with the student loans. whether appealing and bringing back, you know, things that makes sense for keeping the parts of -- " which to maintain or create to help college student? -- what would you do to create or helps students? >> i love to talk about education because i am passionate about it. my fifth grade teacher was the first person outside of my immediate family that told me that i could do something with my life, that i could excel in do well. that may sound like a small thing to you. i cannot tell you how many times i have thought about her. anpat meant a lot to me becausei grew up in a family of modest means. i say this with love and respect
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for my family. i was the first person in my family to finish college. it was a big deal. it was a big deal for our family. we raise dustin and lauren to know that the question would not be if you go to college, the question would be where do go to college? we believe in that that strongly. i probably in the best cheerleader for the mississippi call would system. i love it. i think it is the greatest value and education nationwide. i think it is the best kept secret in the state. i also have a great love for the teachers who teach k-12, and i will always help provide resources to them if i possibly
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can. >> he began the debate talking about the similarities we have. and i guess this is another one. my parents are here. my mom and dad got married when my mother was 17 and my dad was 19. neither of them went to college. before they even knew that they were expecting me, it began to set aside the debate began to set aside money for their children's education. -- they began to set aside money for their children's education. it has created opportunities such as this. your rights, education is important. all of this was in the health care bill. that is a problem with the health-care bill. house leadership said look, let's vote for it now, and then we will find out what is and it later.
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that is dangerous for legislative strategy, whether you are on the city council, the county board of supervisors and certainly in the congress. and now people are finding out what is in the health care bill, and there is a lot of things such as the change in the student loan program, the tax on earnings including the sale of your house, the deal about the 1099's. there is a lot in the health- care bill that did not relate to health care, and we did not know what was in the until after the past it. >> the obama administration said today they will lift the six- month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the gulf of mexico. i think we all agree it is still a topic that affects all of mississippi. i have two questions. one would be what will happen to oil drilling in the callgulfh
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and what about fostering new energy in mississippi and creating new jobs in that field? >> i am glad the administration lifted a moratorium on drilling. and never should have been put into place in the first place. yes, the incident on the gulf coast was a serious problem. everyone involved, whether it is bp, a deepwater horizon, anybody else that is involved in its to be paying for the mess and pay for any damage they caused, but the moratorium was not the right thing to do. just as it was not there right thing to do following the titanic that we suspended all trans-atlantic shipping. and it is important as a nation we become energy independent. you have asked us to reach out and be bipartisan, so i will reference a democrat president. as a child i grew up as a child
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of the space program, inspired by president kennedy's abolition that we will put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth. i think we should have a similar strategy for energy independence that by the end of an expected to become completely energy independent. i think we need to export a lot of different alternative fuels. -- we need to explore a lot of different alternative fuels. there is a lot of things we need to be doing. >> i introduce the amendment that passed in the house just before the break requiring the president to lift the moratorium. that is one of those instances that i was telling you about earlier, sometimes it takes a lot of backbone. i stood up against my party and some of my own friends in north mississippi. i have always supported offshore
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drilling. hasn't always been popular within my party? absolutely not. ithousands of people where suddenly found themselves without a job in south mississippi. then along comes a bp and its recklessness and make such a big mess. it made it hard for people like me that support offshore drilling. but i am not wavering. i still think it is best. we're becoming a slave to foreign oil. we need to use our own natural resources. we must tcut our ind dependence. sometimes it makes me not very popular with my party, but i am
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standing firm. >> earlier we talked a lot about how we cannot raise taxes and the people of america cannot be expected to pay for our debt, but the reality is as a person with the dollar in my wallet to have more money than the country that is trillions of dollars in debt. how do we move forward without cutting things we expect from our country or do we have to do that? is there a point, and were to restart cutting or raising taxes? where does the other foot fall in reality? . .
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>> the bottom line is, once we get out of this recession, and we will get out of it, once we get out, we have got to be serious about reducing this debt. there is going to come a day for tough choices. i can make tough choices. if i am sent back to congress, i can make those tough choices. >> the debt is very serious.
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i told you about my personal experience. i talked to business owners all across mississippi. i said let me tell you what we did in our office. i call them all the employees and said we had a choice to make today. option eight is to shut down the company. -- option a is to shut down the company. option b is for everyone to take a 20% pay cut and that starts with me. everyone gets one vote. he said my employees unanimously voted to cut their pay 20%. i told that story to another manufacturer and said -- and he said i took a 50% pay cut. my wife has been working at minimum wage for the last 12 months. we are trying to stay afloat. the absolute worst thing we could do at this family's is to
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impose an additional tax burden. they are making the difficult choices in their personal budgets, in their business budgets. we have made those difficult choices in jackson. they are not making them in washington and that is why we have to stop it. >> want to follow up just a second. some of us are making those tough cuts. i led the charge to stop the congressional pay raise. how could i sit there as a member of congress and take a pay raise knowing that a plan it was as high as it was, doing everything we can. north mississippi people were struggling and i led the charge to stop that pay raise. it was not real popular. it is more than just an economic issue. it is a national security issue. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said he is in a position to identify threats to our national security. he had to decide what he felt
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was the number one threat to our national security, not north korea, not iran, not iraq. not a rogue terrorist with a dirty bob. he said the number one threat to our national security is the debt. but that is not a new admission. it comes from the book of proverbs. the borrower is the slave to the lender. i'm not going to enslave my grandchildren. >> [inaudible] >> as a curious as i am to know your views on the mascot controversy -- [laughter] maybe we can talk about this after this is over. earlier today, a federal judge issued an injunction on the don't ask, don't tell policy which effectively ended the 17- year ban on gays serving openly in the military.
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what is your view of the don't ask, don't tell policy as well as the judge's ruling? >> the number one function of our military is to protect and defend the men and women and children of the united states of america. our military should never, ever be used as a social laboratory to advance anybody's agenda. >> i have said before and i say again today and i will say tomorrow, ending don't ask, don't tell is not good. that took a backbone to stand up against my party on that one. i think it potentially threatens the morale of our military. i think it potentially threatens the effectiveness of it. i will tell you that when don't ask, don't tell was implemented,
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i'm not sure how i felt at that time. i'm really not sure i thought was a good idea. i believe it has worked and, as people in north mississippi would say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. i think it was better left alone. >> we know that the u.s. postal service continues to lose millions and millions of dollars every year. postage stamps continue to increase. there has been a lot of consolidation, including plans in tupelo. i'm curious to know if either of you support privatizing the u.s. postal service and explain your answer. >> i am not ready to privatize the post office completely. you can still send a letter across this nation for less than 50 cents.
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i do not disagree in that i think the post office could manage some of its operations more efficiently. i opposed the merger and consolidation of the tupelo post office because -- not because my congressional office is in tupelo, not because my family lives in tupelo, not because i live 30 minutes from tupelo. i just felt like to save that amount of money, there were other things they could have done. you can rest assured i told them about it and they know where i stand on that. if they were saving millions, as much as i would hate to, i would understand it. they did not say the kind of money that was necessary. the offer a letter to have to get a memphis, tennessee and come back to this town is silly and i don't appreciate that doing it.
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>> of the post office is just one example of the challenges we face in government. they have got challenges for technology -- instead of mailing a letter, you drop an e-mail and it doesn't cost anybody anything. private companies have cropped up. i am not willing to embrace privatization of the post office, but they have to become more efficient if they're going to compete. >> what advice, but one piece of advice would you offer for the other can't it? -- the other candidates. . [applause]
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that's it. [laughter] >> i can tell you he's going to need a lot more advice than one funny line if he gets there. i have no intentions of him doing that. he has been very critical of that. he has hid behind her coattails all through this election. buddy doesn't want to talk about his party leadership be there. -- but he doesn't want to talk about his party ship -- his party leadership either. the party leadership in either party is nothing to write home about. i would like to see somebody more moderate in their role, i really would. i would like to see a blue dog, quite frankly because i agree with them on most issues. i would like to see somebody in the speaker's seat that was pro- life and pro-gun like me and like most people in north mississippi. i would like to see leadership,
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and like his, who wants to privatize social security. that is what his leadership wants to do. they want to privatize social security and raise the minimum age of social security to 70. i do not want to do that. they want to instill a 23% national sales tax on the people of north mississippi. i'm against that. his party leadership is the same as my party's leadership -- they combine forces and bail out wall street, which was a big sham and i'm proud to say i voted against it every time it came to the floor. party leadership, anybody who put their faith in party leadership is building themselves up for a great disappointment. >> can i respond to that? you know that is just not true. you can train you did you continue to talk about privatization and social security. you know that we both signed a pledge that we're not going to privatize some security, we're
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not going to raise the retirement age. i also signed a pledge that i will appeal obama care. it is a in the old, worn out page of the playbook every time the democrats get in trouble, but can't do anything else, they raise the social security fear flag. this issue of the 23% sales tax -- don't take my word for it. take the word of four different newspapers around the state. they call your claims misguided, unfounded, and outright lies. so i have not embraced that. >> are you willing to tell these people you laws aboard a 23% national sales tax. your party is fixing to put pressure on you if you go. >> i will not vote for anything that will raise taxes on the american people. >> 23%, guns, medicine, close.
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i'm putting my foot square on the base. where are you? [applause] >> i think taxes are too high. they are far too complex. i was in ripley the other day at a shopping center and saw a store, and in small towns all over mississippi, a business devoted solely to men and women helping complete their tax forms. when an entire industry exist to help people figure out how to pay their taxes, it is too complex. there were all kinds of taxes hidden in the health care bill. i am in support of legislation that will lower taxes. i am in favor of legislation that will make taxes more simple. i am in favor of making taxes
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more simple -- [applause] >> [inaudible] >> @ -- if we were in court, let the record state he never said he would not vote for it. [applause] i am not going to put a 23% sales tax on food, guns, grow trees, madison, cars, every car -- everyone said opposes. every senior citizen, to take almost a quarter of the money off the top is a shame and disgrace. i'm proud to tell you i will never vote for it. >> this is a question not of the audience.
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it was a relatively simple question, but may be deceiving leasable. you said if you go to washington, you will change the way politics is done, not the usual way of doing politics in washington. what does that mean? >> i have done that in jackson. throughout my career in jackson, i have worked in a legislative body dominated by the other party. i reached out and worked with men and women across the aisle. we have accomplished things. i have opened up the process of government. there is a new web site called see the spending. men and women in mississippi can go and see how their tax dollars are being spent. it is going to completely rework the way the government is done in the state. i'm plaid -- am proud to help pass the legislation that made that possible. i think we need to open up the
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process in government, something simple, like putting legislation online 72 hours before you vote on it some men and women will no what is being voted on. i have a lot of confidence in the people of america. if they know what is being done, they will do the right thing. if you have to sneak around in the dark of night and slipped in when nobody is watching and pass it now and find out what's in it later, it's a good sign you're doing the wrong thing. talked all over the page, what was the question? >> the question was from the audience -- he said he would change the way politics is done in washington and how would he do exactly that. >> may i follow up? i have been there a little over two years. that town is pretty entrenched.
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what one can do is change how one votes. how one works across the aisle, how one reaches his hand across the aisle to work with the other party. ladies and dillon, my opponent has made it perfectly clear has no intention -- ladies and gentlemen, my opponent has made it perfectly clear he has no intention of working across the aisle. if that is important to you, and your guy. if it's not important to you, and not. >> i had a tough one, but it was self-serving, so i will throw a lob pass. everybody says we will all vote on one piece of legislation that you write that she wants to pass. you have one piece of legislation. what are you going to write and make sure passes? >> i'm proud to have supported ended one of the leaders on the
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$8,000 home buyer tax credit. not because i was a realtor, but i have seen over lifetime, i've been realtor for 33 years, i've seen if the real-estate market will turn around, if the home borough -- the home-building market will pick up without exception, every single time the automobile market will follow, the furniture market will follow that and the appliance market will fall that. that is what turns the economy around. i'm proud to be a champion and that's why i was recognized by the added association of realtors. that was a great for step in turning this economy around. i have a proven record in doing that. >> if i could write one law and know it would be passed -- congress will make no law that applies to the american people a dozen also apply to members of congress. [applause]
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>> [inaudible] >> thank you for being here. i think this has been a healthy exchange of ideas. tonight, i am going to ask you to join me. join me in taking back our country. this is not a campaign of a man for an office. this is a crusade to save america. we cannot afford another 22,000 lost jobs in the first congressional district. we cannot afford another $800 billion of debt. so tonight, we say no more. no more excessive spending. no more borrowing from our grandchildren and their grandchildren. no more corporate bailouts. no more cap and trade.
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no more government intrusion. no more closed door, backroom deals. no more obama care. no more ignoring illegal immigration. no more attacks on the traditional family. and no more nancy pelosi. will history record that those who had the most to lose did the least to save our liberty? or will we, like the men and women of the greatest generation, respond to freedom's call? i believe we will respond because i believe america is worth saving. i think you believe that too. may god bless you and may god bless the united states of
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america. [applause] >> the people of north mississippi are worried about jobs. they're worried about putting food on their table. they're worried about will my child get a quality education. someone has to worry about north mississippi. that's my job. i'm happy he can save the world. i'm going to work for north mississippi. north mississippi does not need another politician who plays with things at the expense of our job. sometimes on the floor and i have to make a tough vote. i always let common sense hopefully prevail. i think about my lifelong friend at home. if he were sitting beside me, what would he say do? i tell you that story because frank is a good, hardworking
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american with conservative values of wants to see our state go forward and our nation do well. he wants to see his family live the american dream. i think all lot of us are like frank. i believe in north mississippi. i will never give up on you and i will always fight for you. i have said many times that education is the best way to lift ourselves up. we are tough and independent and that's why we need someone tough will fight washington politicians to fight for what is right for north mississippi. we don't need someone who breaks his word on taxes and social security, the ducks and dodges, who follows the washington playbook in lockstep, even when it means selling out mississippi. that is the choice you have to make in november. someone who will work for you or someone will work for their own agenda. someone who will fight for you and your families or someone who is more concerned about his family.
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the plaque on my desk says north comes first. make no mistake, i will always put north mississippi first. god bless you. thank you for being here. [applause] >> thank you all, thank you ever before coming. please join us for the reception afterward. if i were grading them, i would give them both and a. they were civil and spirited. thank you. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> midterm elections are eight days away. each night on c-span, we are showing debates from key races
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around the country. here's a look at the lineup for tonight. we started 8:00 eastern with the live coverage of a kentucky senate debate. that features republican rand paul and democrat jack conway. then a pair of house races in colorado's fourth district and in new york's 24. the associated press is reporting that one-third of likely voters have yet to settle on a choice for the november elections. according to one poll conducted on october 13th through the 18th, the group says the they may favor one party over the other, they could change their minds before election day. 45% of persuaded all voters say attentively pretty republican candidate while 38% for the democrat in the race. our live programming continues later with a panel discussion on how to use of social media has impacted this year's races. that is hosted by politico, facebook, and george washington
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university will have that at 6:30 eastern here on c-span. >> one of the great features of the c-span video library is the ability to clip than share programs with your friends. during the campaign season, that includes more than 100 debates. if you are new to all, watch the tutorial. search, find, and share with the c-span video library. >> now, the final senate debate between colorado senator michael bennett and republican candidate ,ken but. a poll shows ken buck leading senator bennett. this race is rated as a tossup. this is one hour.
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>> thank you for joining us. in the next hour, we will be quizzing of the candidates for senate in colorado. for both men, this is the first time they have faced general election. michael bennett was elected after can sell as are joined the obama capital last year. he has worked as a superintendent of denver public schools and in the private sector -- private-sector as well. he is 45, married and has three children. his opponent is republican ken buck, elected as returning in 2004 and has worked as a prosecutor in the u.s. department of justice and the colorado attorney's office. his 51 years old, married and has two children. he beat jim norton, a republican insider who was considered a shoe and for the nomination. mr. bennett was challenged by the former state senator for his nomination. this is one of the most hotly
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contested senate races in the country and could tip the balance of power in washington d.c. has anything about this race and anything what -- has been anything like you expected? >> i think it is a hard-fought race. there is a lot of outside money in the race and i did not expect as much as we got. this is a key race and i think the issues are pretty much what i expected the issues to be. we are talking a lot about jobs, the economy and spending. those are the issues i think that are important, so i think the race has been a lot as i expected. >> i have traveled almost 30,000 miles around the state and had the privilege of having town hall meetings in red parts of the state and parts of the state. we have had a serious conversation about what's happening to our working families and middle class families going to the most savage economy since the great depression. i am surprised there has been
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so much outside money spent in this race, especially on the other side, and i hope to go back to washington to make sure we can get these ads with disclosures on them so everybody knows who is trying to buy these races. >> thank you. now that we have set the scene, let's get to the particular of the issues. joining me this weekend is a news analyst -- let's start with how the economy is effecting this race. each of you will get one minute to answer with a 32nd rebuttal. -- with a 30-second rebuttals. >> it seems every candidate is promising to create new jobs whenever because politicians cannot do that, at least directly. other than shape policy, what can you do specifically to put people back to work with these new unemployment figures in colorado a around 8%? >> it is higher than 8%. it is 8.2%. the unemployment rate is far too high.
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but you put your finger on it. since we were driven into the worst recession since the great depression, if you look at the last time of economic growth, it is the first time the economy has grown in the middle income as fell. we have created no net new jobs in the u.s. since 1998. we need to give small business access to credit samara money and hire people. in colorado and across the country. we need to break the reliance on foreign oil, stop sending billions of dollars a week to the persian gulf to regimes that turnaround and send money to arm and equip terrorists overseas and use those funds instead to invest in energy in the united states. colorado has seen 20% growth in clean energy jobs and natural gas jobs as well. that is what we need to fight for. >> 94% of business in colorado are small businesses. if we're going to get out of
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the economic slump in colorado, we need to encourage small businesses to expand. they will not right now because they do not have the certainty to risk capital in the marketplace. they don't know what their health care is going to be in three years, with their tax bill is going to be, what their energy bill is going to be, they don't know how hard regulators are going to come down on them. we had a dramatic lurch to the left in government and it has caused uncertainty in the marketplace and we need to make sure those folks have certainty by making sure we develop an intelligent island -- intelligent energy policy, not cap and trade that imposes such huge burdens. that we do not overtaxed by putting it in taxes in health care bills and other places and we make sure folks have the ability to, when they put the money in the marketplace, they know they can grow and create jobs. >> there is some certainty out there. the economy is what is really
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uncertain. the health care bill, every small company will seek a tax credit for employees of between 25% and 35%. i voted for a bill that cuts taxes on small businesses by $12 billion in this country. my opponent opposed that legislation. i am for entrepreneurs, innovators, small business in colorado, but not special interests in washington. >> let's talk about tax policies specifically. given the state of the economy and the state of the budget, what changes to tax policy would you support to promote certainty, investment, job growth and deficit reduction? >> i would absolutely do away with the 1099 provisions hidden in the health care bill. i think they are incredibly
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onerous on small businesses and just at the wrong time, they place a burden when those small businesses need to expand. what we need to do is have a tax code that is simple, fair and efficient. our tax code is complicated and we need to find ways to simplify the tax code, reduce the burdens on businesses again to make sure what their tax debt is going to be. >> i believe we need a tax code and regulatory code that supports innovation and job creation in the united states and does not inspire companies to ship jobs overseas. i agree with what ken buck said about simplifying the tax code. for 80 months, he ran a campaign as it we should get rid of our corporate taxes altogether. -- for 18 months, he ran a campaign that said we should get rid of our corporate tax altogether and have a sales tax. i think that's exactly the wrong thing for us to do. as we think about how to innovate in the 21st century,
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we have a tax code full of special-interest giveaways full of all kinds of giveaways of one kind or another. i'm interested in policies that will support colorado businesses. >> you have not simplify the tax code in 20 months. you have made more complicated with your health care legislation. tax or income tax. i'm opposed to having the second highest corporate tax rate in the world. it undermines our ability to compete in a global manufacturing world. we need to reduce our corporate tax rate. japan is reducing errors, which will make at the highest tax corporate -- highest corporate tax rate in the country. >> the country, i think you would agree, is divided over president obama's health care reform. the only thing we know is it's going to be more expensive than we were led to believe eventually. senator bennett, you cast one of the deciding votes. what do you say to those
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promising to try to repeal it? >> ken buck is one of the people he says he wants to try to appeal it. there was a woman who came to me the other day who has type 1 diabetes and is 24 and is now on her insurance and knows she will have insurance going forward. the woman in colorado springs to said -- she was on off the insurance rolls because she mr. payment by one penny. she no longer has to worry about that -- she missed her payment by one penny. that ken buck is running against me are despicable. i wish he would get the ads off the air because that is the heart of the health care reform bill. that's banned the mythic and -- that and a significant reforms. i want to make sure congresses and the administration cost promises actually materialize. repealing this is the wrong idea.
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making a better with common- sense approaches is the right idea. >> senator bennett cast the deciding vote for health care. without his vote, health care would not have passed. it is a terrible bill and we need to repeal it. first, the health care bill was passed in a fundamentally corrupt way. at least two senators, a senator from louisiana [inaudible] bride into voting for the bill based on goodies they were bringing back to their states. that is fundamentally wrong. americans don't believe this health care bill was voted on based on merits, it was voted on -- this fundamentally misses the mark in introducing free- market reforms into health care. we have the same fee-for- service program we had before. we made a bad health care bill a bigger, that health-care bill. >> i it fundamentally disagree that repealing this is the right idea.
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we should not be screaming and pointing fingers, we should be making it better because of our small businesses, our state and local governments and our federal government cannot afford to consume the money we are consuming and health care. our economy spends 80% of its gdp on health care. -- 18% of its gdp on health care. other countries spend half that. if we take a business approach to refining was there, the people across the country will be better off. >> let's drill down a little more on health care. does of the country have a moral obligation to provide coverage to the 51 million americans who currently lack insurance? for mr. bennett, how do you assess the witnesses or shortcomings of the health reform bill that passed and you supported? why was there some much more emphasis on coverage and cost? what would to do to adjust it? >> i think we have a
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compassionate country and we need to do everything we can to get health care to every person. that doesn't mean we have a top down model of health-care presented by the federal government. it means we lower-cost of health care and created a system where everyone can afford health care. those who can't come we have medicaid and other programs, but we have to encourage people to get on health care based on increasing quality and reducing costs. we do this like grand junction did it, by coming together as a community and developing a model from the bottom up. >> i appreciate the observation at the end. my amendments were based on the work grand junction has done. these are colorado ideas that are on the health care bill that ken buck and others at demonize. these are ground-up ideas. is -- we are on an unsustainable path.
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i have always maintained from the beginning of the health- care debate that we ought to be focused first on cost because whether people are -- whether people are cover not, cost is the critical thing destroying the economy and killing small businesses. he thought everyone got health care because everyone could get to the emergency room. that's an incredibly expensive way to deal with this and it is a tax we are all paying as taxpayers and policyholders. it is an unfunded mandate that i have to pay and you have to pay and we can do better as a country if we set partisan politics aside and work together in a business-like fashion. >> the reality is the cost curve was not bent down by this health care bill. costs will rise at a faster rate. i read recently that if the government did nothing, costs would go up less than they're going up under this health care bill. that's a disgrace.
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senator bennett was the deciding vote on it and it's not the kind of health care we need in this country. >> i don't know where you read that, but it is certainly not true. >> thank you for your questions. we have taken a look at some campaign ads that have attracted a lot of feedback from our viewers. she joins us to give the race a reality check. has been quite a nasty battle. >> isn't a shame? we have to decent, smart, and hard working men and you would not know it from the ads. out of state groups have spent more money on a colorado state races than any of the race in the country. the stakes are high and the truth is attack ads work and the candidates know it. thank you to both of you for being here. i have spent the last several months researching these ads and breaking down the claims. now want to give you a chance to respond to some of the more provocative charges. you will each have 45 seconds
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for a response and rebuttals. we'll start with an ad that just hit the air this past week that tax mr. buck for his handling of a rape case as the district attorney. >> ken buck thinks he is more qualified because he is not a woman. this coming from a d.a. who refused to prosecute and admitted it races -- admitted rapist saying he had a buyer's remorse. >> that at would have us believe you are a sexist. >> there is a line, even in politics, but you don't cross. that line has been crossed in this case. the paper called this and add an active idiotic political malice. my office is tough on the prosecution of crimes against women, rapes, and domestic violence. we had a huge success rate, we had a 192-year sentence against brendan bradshaw in a rape case, five life sentences in
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rape cases. this case is abnormal on -- this case is abnormal. but to use this story for political gain is a sad commentary. >> senator bennett, your bottle? >> @ think what is crossing the line is being prosecutor and describing a victim in a rape case as having buyer's remorse, whether you ultimately prosecuted or not. to describe it as buyers remorse is horrible. to do it on national television, when given the opportunity to apologize and say something different, he did not. i think he is out of touch on these issues. but -- as the father of three little girls, the idea he has advocated a constitutional amendment that would ban abortions, not just bad, criminalize it, including in cases of rape and incest is just wrong. --elieve buyer's remorse that discussion is an
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appropriate one to have. >> do you think you are out of touch? >> i am not out of touch. senator bennett's ads have been called deceitful, false and misleading. for senator bennett to question my office or my integrity in prosecution when he has never walked a quorum and prosecuted the case in his life for stood up for women the way i have in my office, is just empty. >> i have been a prosecutor, i have prosecuted cases. once again, you are wrong on the facts and i have a lot of sympathy for the fact checkers looking at your ads. >> let's turn to an ad that attacks you, senator bennett. it criticizes you break, he made in regard to the national deficit. >> not only do we have $12 billion of debt, but the tragedy is we have nothing to show for it. >> but he voted to spend an average $2.5 billion per day on things like the failed park filled stimulus and obama care.
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now, he is outraged. >> absolutely nothing to show for it. >> do you really feel we have nothing to show for it? >> that statement was taken completely out of context, which is amazing since i have said exactly the same thing all across the state in the red parts of the state and the parts of the state. the recovery package was not perfect. most republicans and democrats and economists believe it saved us from having a great depression. we have a great recession and are still in it and we have a horrible and employment rate. but as the father of three little girls, it's not enough to say we just saved us from the great depression. we have 13 trillion dollars of debt on the balance sheet and we have failed to invest our -- invest in our roads, bridges, waste water systems -- we have not even had the decency to maintain the assets are grandparents built for us, much less build the and the structure needed the 21st century.
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this is a consequence largely of the policy can but is now endorsing that led us to this horrible economic situation. >> it is one thing to say somebody else accumulated $13 trillion in debt, but the truth is cents senator bennett has accumulated $three trillion dollars in debt. that statement shows that he is going to washington d.c. to clean up. the reality is he has been in washington d.c. and hasn't done anything to clean it up. >> quite the contrary, what i am doing as a member of a generation that has done more than any other generation in the history of the planet is saying that we as a generation have done this and if we do not clean up, the next generation will be paying a heavy price. my daughter has made a very clear to me she is not willing to pay back. we need to make the hard
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decisions to make sure we pay the debt and deficit down. having had a lot of experience in the private sector and a lot of experience restructuring very difficult budget that the local level, i bring a lifetime of experience to this job doing exactly that. >> i want to turn to a couple of claims in ads you have run against each other that i found misleading at best. first, an ad by mr. bok. >> what is under to colorado's ben's record of overspending, over regulating and a rubber stamp for his friends in washington. he is legislating unemployment. >> for the video back up of this ad, it says senator bennett favor higher taxes 24 times. i went and looked up these votes and found most of them to be procedural motions. for example, to kill health care reform or the stimulus. is it disingenuous to say he voted to favor higher taxes 24 times?
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how do you legislate unemployment? >> you legislate unemployment by not doing anything about unemployment as it continues to rise in this country. what senator bennett did as a obama was he focused on the issues of health care, which they have put on the table for him. he focused on financial reform and of three issues but not on unemployment. that is how you legislate and employment, by ignoring it and putting in 10 tax increases in the health care bill, onerous tax increases like the 1099 requirement. >> i appreciate the chance to respond to this. i have cut tax on 98% of people in colorado and most of those are for middle-class and working families but it's actually for everybody. small businesses as well, i mentioned $12 billion in tax cuts. we passed the small business bill just a month ago that ken buck opposed. he is saying erased taxes and
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that is totally false. we need to have a tax policy and regulatory policy that drives innovation, not one that protects big oil companies and protect the largest insurers. the one that supports our working families, middle-class families, and entrepreneurs in a state like colorado. in the state of colorado. >> i understand you say you did not read the stimulus bill before you voted on it. you must not have read the health care bill before you voted on it either because there are 10 tax increases in that health care bill and you voted for them. they have not all kicked in yet, but when they do, people in colorado will be plenty bad and many of them don't kick in until after the election. >> the vast majority are going to get tax cuts and in fact have gotten them. >> senator bennett, there is a pattern to your at framing your opponent as an extremist. i found some of the claims to be a bit extreme. we will take a look at a couple
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that were in have irritation. >> but wants to privatize social security. even question whether social security should exist at all. >> ken buck wants to end federal student loans for kids. >> you talked about having your comment taking out of context -- you used as backup for these claims some of mr. buck us -- some of mr. buck's comments. he's talking about protecting social security for seniors and it says we should be able to will our benefits should we die before collecting on them. on student loans, he was not opposed to the loans. them in the hands of the federal government. how do you defend these claims? >> again, i have great sympathy for you in the job you're doing because every time i come to the debate, i feel like i'm debating ken buck 1.0 and the ken buck2.0. he said many times he is against that and either one was
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fundamentally against what he believed. those are his words, not mine. with respect to student loans, he said the founding fathers did not intend for us to have to the loans. he said americans were going to have to "wean themselves off of student loans." i can give you all this in chapter and verse, but it is the consequence of him having run an entirely different race in the republican primary and he is trying to run in the general election. -- than he is trying to run in the general action. >> here is a man who said he wanted to go to washington d.c. to clean it up. he may not have control over control over his and they are sleazy. you had the opportunity to look it does that then the tape from the cameraman the democrats have fallen around at every opportunity. i did not say the things they said i said. what i talked about when i
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talked about to the lunch was needed to guarantee to the loans programs and put it in the health care bill to reduce the cost of health care bill. i don't want the federal government running the program. all of the banks running the program so as accountability and keeps an outsider the federal government and leave it as a guaranteed student loan program. >> even if what you're saying is true, which is not, which is not a true reflection of what he said during the primary, even if it were true, the idea we would take the student loan program and put it in the hands of banks to charge credit card rates to our students trying to go to college, i think it's horrible policy choice. >> it was for 20 years. >> that exactly the consequence. what it did was created a huge subsidy for private companies at the expense of our kids in now have the benefit of $60 billion more of student loans when they are in the worst economy since the great depression and are taking refuge
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in our community colleges and four-year colleges. that's a good thing and not a bad thing. >> did he say do away with student loans? >> he did. he said "the american people would have to wean themselves off of stallone's." >> i did not. the reality is there going to have to run the program -- wean themselves off of student loans. >> he says one thing in washington d.c. and says another when he is back in colorado. >> on this subject, when it comes to kids and of their loans, we ought to be giving them the most efficient loan possible. >> the government is more efficient? >> in this case, it is. there is only one of us who is ever -- who has ever were to reform government and that's me. >> how is that pension fund doing? >> better than any other teachers fund in the state of colorado. don't make up your own facts.
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[crosstalk] there is an actuarial report that came out and i would be happy to get it to you. >> we have diverged here. >> the system is in better shape than the educational retirement systems in colorado. >> of want to get to this final question. we have had a lot of comments disgusted by how ugly -- adding both of you have noticed this, how ugly this race has been. i cannot help but notice that the most recent ads that both of you have paid for here on cbs are both positive. they both have your families in them. i wonder if he never gotten the message? as our viewers have said, this race has gotten too negative. why has it gone so badly? >> i don't know why. we have control at work -- we have control over our ads but
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not the outside ads. our kids are a heck of a lot better looking than we are and we will get more votes by putting our kids on ads than putting ourselves on the ads. so it makes a lot of sense. for people to know i care deeply about my family, i love my daughter and care very much about the rights she has in this country. >> for small, -- a first of all, i regret nothing more than the fact that all these outside groups are paying the salary of everyone at channel 4. you deserve a raise as a result of all that. i believe very strongly we have to reform our campaign finance system and the way we approach this advertising. i voted twice so that people in colorado could know who is behind these shady ads coming from outside of the state. my opponent has opposed that and it's not the law and therefore your having to watch all of this stuff.
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>> many of your ads have been negative, though. >> many of my ads have been positive. many have talked about the economy, many have talked about the issues facing families in our state. i do think it is very important that whoever represents the people of colorado says the same thing wherever they are -- whether they are in red part of the state or blue part of the state, whether a primary or general election -- >> i'm going to cut you off. >> it is a tough job doing the reality check. we're going to move on to the next segment of our debate. we asked viewers to send air -- to send their questions to our web site, facebook and twitter. >> in addition to lots of complaints about the negative ads, we received lots of questions about the "meet the press" debate and mr. buck's comments about comparing public sexuality to alcoholism.
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many people wanted to know how that translated to feelings about gay-rights. do you foresee gay marriage as becoming valid? >> that's a question not for the federal government, buffer states. we are seeing some states decide it wants to move ahead with a marriage and others that do not. i don't believe these questions of marriage should be a question for the federal government. >> what about you, mr. buck? >> i am opposed to gay marriage. i believe marriages between a man and woman. i do not believe the federal government has a role in any way in making these marriages legal or illegal. i think it is a state issue and i would vote for the defense of marriage act. i think it is a state issue deregulate marriages.
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>> senator bennett, you say it is a question for the federal government to answer. argue that? r.j. trying to be that? >> i actually said the opposite. i do not believe the federal government should be making decisions about marriage. >> so you do not have an opinion on that? you are basically saying -- >> the question from the viewer was do you see gay marriage as something that is going to go forward? i believe some states will move forward and others that decide not to. in any event, i don't think it's a question the federal government should be dealing with. >> let's move on to the next question about illegal immigration. is a hot topic in colorado and much of the nation. what are you willing to do to secure the southern border and how do you feel about amnesty
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for the people who are already here? >> i am opposed to amnesty for the people already in the united states. i believe we ought to do everything we can to secure our borders. my opponent voted against e- verify, which would be to guarantee a guest worker program in the state. he has voted against sending more border patrol agents to the southern border while he agreed to vote for national guard troops. that was much later. he voted against border patrol agents. if we do not secure the southern border and enact a guest worker program that makes sense and make it a shorter time to get people into this country, we will continue to have this issue and we will hand down to the next generation. >> i appreciate can's observation about my vote with john mccain to increase the number of national guardsmen on the border so we are
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strengthening our border security. i do not support amnesty either. i do support a spat -- i do support a path to lawful status. this was not a partisan issue until about 10 minutes ago. my opponent has said he would like to have a plan to shift 12 -- to ship 12 million people crossed the border. it would cost $300 billion, not including all the difficulties of a cause for local law enforcement across the country. what we do not need as 50 different states with 50 different immigration policies. what we need is to stop screaming at each other and approach this problem any -- in a pragmatic way. >> let's move on to abortion. it has become an issue prompting plenty of questions with some saying government is becoming way too intrusive in their lives. will you really make eight raped woman carry a child to full term? others asked about abortion and the case of incest.
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give me your stance on abortion. >> i am pro-choice as the father of three little girls, i don't think the government has any business telling them how to make these incredibly painful decisions that ought to be made by a woman with her family and her clergy and doctor. i find it amazing who -- i find it amazing people who are always talking about giving -- about getting government out of our hair, wanting the most intimate decisions that could possibly be made. i would not support any legislation that restricted abortion in cases of rape or incest. >> mr. buck? >> i am pro-life. i can tell you there are two issues the united states said it has addressed. the first issue is federal funding for abortions. these are two issues in the last 20 months where mr. bennett has been there. federal funding for abortions, he voted for it and i would have voted against it. there is a bill for funding
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foreign organizations that perform abortions with u.s. government money, i would have voted against it and mr. bennett voted for it. that is the context we are talking about. >> just to be clear, with respect to the viewer that road in, the question was would you really force a rape victim to carry her baby to term. >> thank you, senator bennett, i was going to follow up with that. >> i have answered the question in context of a the united states senate. we get caught on these social issues when the voters want to know about jobs and unemployment. they want to know about spending and we get caught on social issues. the story at the end of the day is questions on social issues. we to stay focused on the issues that voters care about and that is spending and jobs. >> hold on just a second. mr. buck, social issues are important to the voters in the state. i'm one of them. i want to answer the question bee
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