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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  October 29, 2010 2:00am-6:00am EDT

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the states around us that have a higher per-capita income. the opportunity for us to look at models like the state of colorado that use cooperative educational servicesout how to f scale to reduce administrative costs. the opportunity to utilize the state's new chief information officer to figure new technology to be able to save money and efficiencies across state government so we have additional resources to be able to step into the classroom so our teachers have the tools they need, when we're able to do that, we can measure oklahoma's commitment to education against oklahoma and not worry about what other states are doing because my goal is not to be average but to be excellent. . michael is not to be average, but to -- my goal is not to be average, but to be excellent. >> i want to create a stronger, more educated work force in our
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state. that means getting money to the classroom where it belongs. it means working at any kind of duplicative administrative costs that might take away from getting money to the teachers and the classrooms. it means having high performance standards. we also need to work on making sure that each child as they move from grade to grade is proficient at great appropriate levels. there is a great saying that says from the first to the third grade a child learns how to read, but from the fourth grade on they love to read. that is where our focus needs to be. how can we raise the bar on our expectations for education? after we get more money to the classrooms? how can we make sure we reward effective teachers and have a fair pay for performance system for our teachers? how can we get more parents involved? after we get more local control
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of our school boards? i do not believe the oklahoma should be average. i believe oklahoma should be excellent when it comes to education. i think all of us working together can create a better, stronger, more educated work force because it is critical for a stronger oklahoma. >> the next question will go to mary fallin. >> across the country and certainly here in oklahoma, everybody is talking about jobs and the economy. in oklahoma, our unemployment rate has been around 7%. the national average is very high. what would you like to do to try and create more jobs? what can we do to try to get oklahoma living with the economy? >> i think oklahoma has great potential looking for. oklahoma has everything going for it. we have land, low-cost of living, natural resources, and a
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great quality of life. if we do the things i have been talking about to create that very best business climate by focusing on keeping our taxes lived in reducing our tax burden on individuals and businesses, making sure we had a fair legal system -- we have over 500 different agencies, boards, and commissions in the state of oklahoma. that is money out of our pockets. we need to look at government from top to bottom. i will do that. i will also have a task force that will look at rules and regulations and taxation. one of the things i have heard, i was talking to a business owner who says his workers' compensation costs by up 72% this past year. that is holding oklahoma back. i have talked to businesses u.s. said they cannot find the workers to our educators -- i
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have talked to businesses and who have said they cannot find workers who are educated. small businesses are the economic backbone of our rural communities in the state of oklahoma. that is why it is critical that we do everything we can to send a signal to the rest of the nation that oklahoma is ready and open for business. >> we are very fortunate that oklahoma has a quality jobs program and the recently enacted 21st century investment at. we have seen the benefit of those programs when there is a partnership and cooperation between local committees and the state government in figuring out how we can best help those local communities bring business to your area. recently oklahoma was named as the no. 1 state for entrepreneurs for the last year. more entrepreneurs started the business is probably because of the ingenuity of the people who are no longer employed gave them
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the chance to create those jobs and those businesses that they often thought about but never had the time to do. we need to find ways to make sure that we have venture capital that is available for these entrepreneurs that are able to start new businesses, a cottage industries, sometimes in their garage. upon what was also raided in another survey that said -- oklahoma was also raided in another survey. it was defined as investment and education. it was defined as investment in healthcare. if we want to be able to bring businesses to the state that we talk about, then we must show an investment in our cells. >> the next question comes from camp jackson -- kim jackson. >> one of you will be known as
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our first female governor. how do you want to be remembered? >> i hope i have an opportunity to change the way government does business. i am into the mechanics. i am entered the techniques. it gives us a better idea of where we have money that we can trim and a short state government is meeting the needs that we claim to the citizens that we want to fulfill. when we can do that we will have a more informed legislature because they will be involved in the appropriations process. i also want to be known as a governor that focuses on children. the opportunity to create a children's cabinet and be able to set a policy to make sure every dollar that is spent on a child's program in this state does not just tell the children of today but helps the work force of tomorrow. these are the young men and women who will be our leaders in business, our leaders in
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philanthropy, and our leaders in government. everything we can do to commit the state to serving oklahoma's children -- >> i want to be known as the governor that gave all oklahoma residents, families and children, a better future, a better start future. our children will be able to stay in the state of oklahoma and find the kind of jobs that they need to be good, productive adults. that is why i keep saying my number one priority will be to focus on jobs in the economy so we can create the best business environment, create a better future for all oklahoma residents. we had a lot of challenges ahead of us. i talked about right sizing government itself. i am for letting more oklahoma's -- more oklahoma
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residents keep their money so they can expand jobs so we will have that better future. as we grow the economy and then we will have more money to put towards infrastructure whether it is roads and bridges, whether it is more mental health services, whether it is strengthening our education is senior nutrition -- all the things we have been talking about so we can meet the needs of our budget. it has been expressed that we have had a budget shortfall. we are anticipating a budget shortfall this coming year. the last thing i want to be remembered as is a governor that was bold enough to stand up to washington. >> our next question is from joe kelly. we will go back to mary. >> my last question was for mary. is it not for the to the
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governor askins? >> if you would like that. [laughter] she begins first this time. >> i question congressman fallin blast. but in the governor askins, your radio and television advertisement campaign touts your candidacy as conservative. can you identify and elaborate on your greatest conservative a thomas met while in office? >> one of the best examples of try to be a conservative in oklahoma and a conservative member of the oklahoma legislature is the idea that with the tobacco settlement was being negotiated around the state and the country between the state budget that had sued the tobacco companies, we saw a great deal of influence in the legislature that was trying to spend the money as it came in. with all other government
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leaders tried to capitalize on the proceeds as they came in. i believed that we need to say that that money. i started pushing legislation to create a trust to capture this dollars as they came in. i believe that the state of oklahoma has to show that we are fiscally responsible. i think that is what oklahoma democrats or. we had the opportunity to pass and create a constitutional trust where okla. says the money that comes in on the back of some debt payments and we are able to spend only the interest. we have gone that trust where now we are able to fund programs that we could not find earlier. when we created that trust, about 24 months later in the economy began to fall. we saw states around the country using this dollars to balance their budget. oklahoma did not have to because we were smart enough to save its. >> to me, a conservative is one
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-- i have received the endorsement of the and are a -- is one to stands up for the sanctity of life, is one who has a 96% ranking with a conservative group out of washington, it is one who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk when it comes to bidding. it is one who stands up to washington when washington tries to take over our health care and tells us how, where, and when. it is one who says they will challenge the constitutionality of president obama's health care bill. it is one who supports arizona in securing the border and stands tough against the drug cartels. it is one to stand up against deficit spending and big government. it is one who stood up against
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unfunded mandates that will affect the state of oklahoma. as governor, those are the things i believe a conservative stance for and what i have stood for my whole time. >> now the next question. let's start with mary fallin. >> my question deals with the matter of local interest. would you consider a hospital provider to generate revenue for federal medicaid matching funds and are you willing to put it to a vote of the people? >> my turn? i believe in general that we should keep all the fees low in the state of oklahoma because every time you add a new fee, you add eight new cost either to the individual family or to the businesses. my way of helping to shore up our medicaid system and create
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better access to care for those who utilize that type of service has been to focus on making government more smaller, smarter, and efficient. by eliminating waste in government itself and focusing on right-sizing government. and of course to continue growing our economy so that as we grow our economy we will be able to match some of those federal dollars that will help meet the needs of those who need those types of services. >> oklahoma has been woefully behind other states in try to reach the upper payment limits that are available to us in receiving federal funds for health care. a number of years ago the hospital association in the state of oklahoma came to the legislature with the idea of a provider of feet to increase the state money so that we would be able to reach more people in
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this state, especially oklahoma's uninsured state -- a sure children. the bill did not pass because there were a lot of conflicts with some of the specialty hospitals in our state. it is my understanding that negotiations have gone on that would allow that bill to come forward again without opposition. i would be willing and have already had discussions with the man i believe will be the next speaker of the house, and i absolutely support the idea of the legislature and governor working together to figure out a way that we can raise the amount of money oklahoma can bring in so we can reach the upper payment limits for purposes of health care. if it means going to vote of the people, i am confident if the people of oklahoma trust the way the money will be spent than the people of oklahoma will support it. >> next question for jari askins. >> this deals with what we can expect of you as a leader if you
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are elected. would you compare and contrast the last governor's we have had -- governors we have had -- i think our chamber has done a good job and our lawmakers have done a good job of expressing the issues that are of interest in oklahoma, but sometimes it might be helpful to have the lawmakers come up here. what can we expect from you? how are you going to lead? what is your style going to beat? >> my style is pretty inclusive and they pretty hands-on style of leadership. i do not favor oklahoma city or to also won over the other. it is a nice position to be in. i have spent a lot of time visiting in tulsa and all of northeastern oklahoma. i understand the importance of
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trying to make sure that the expressway gets completed because it is not just about economic development over the industrial parks, it is also about being able to move on the north side of tulsa in a fashion that will alleviate some of the transportation issues that occur. i understand the importance of making sure the river development occurs. we have seen what has happened over what used to be a canal. it is now booming with development. ast also boost course development here, -- as the tulsa -- as tulsa boosts development here, it is important to all of oklahoma. i know oklahoma city and tulsa have to be strong. we have to have strong economies here. they are the economic engines that drive our state. i am committed to make sure that both of them are strong parts of
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our economy. >> mary fallin? >> as your next governor of the state of oklahoma, i think it is important that the governor be available. a governor is the person that can open the door and, frankly, close the deal. working with your local community leaders, working with your chamber of commerce, being available -- over the past year and a half i have been in this campaign and as a member of congress, i have come to tulsa. during the campaign i came to tulsa at least once a week and sometimes three times a week even while serving in congress. i try to pay a lot of attention to tulsa. i have heard over the years that also may feel like they are left out when it comes to attention from a governor. i think it is in very important to have a governor that is willing to work with all people no matter what political party. as a member of congress, i
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brought the democrat share of congress to tulsa to look at the conditions of the roads and bridges as i was a member of the transportation committee. i even brought a democratic chair of the small business community to talk about cats and trade and what it would do to the energy sector, not only in tulsa, but the state of oklahoma. i had been chairman of the tourism commission for 12 years as lieutenant governor. i understand the importance of economic and community development and how that can eat that the growth and future of tulsa itself. >> thank you. our next question from kim jackson did it goes back to mary fallin. >> as governor you have to look high and low at everyone in our entire state. right now it is absolutely true that people are hurting. i have seen children in
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elementary schools that take home backpacks because they do not have enough food at home to eat on the weekends. last week we opened up the application for our fire department and hundreds of people stood in line. there are a lot of people who are desperate for jobs. what do you commit to do during your first 100 days in office that people will really see and feel a difference in their lives? >> people are hurting to about the state of oklahoma. there are a lot who are unemployed. i have had the opportunity to go across oklahoma and talked to various committees and business owners that are looking for workers and those who are trying to find jobs. the best thing i can do as governor of the state of oklahoma is to do what i have talked about in my plan. that is to create the very best business climate possible to send a signal to the nation that we are ready and open for business, to do the reforms that
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we can do to retain jobs in the state and attract new jobs. that is a governor who is a accessible, available, to be the chief business recruiter for the state of oklahoma, when it will focus on education because if children do not have a good education, they will not be able to get the type of jobs they need to be able to support their families and be able to have the quality of life they need. that is one of the ways we will address our budgetary issues is by focusing on jobs in the economy. whether it is looking at our health care and our school systems, providing needs to our seniors with nutrition programs -- those are things i believe a governor can do to help those who are in need, those who are out of work, and those who need social services and hands up instead of hands out. >> the first 100 days would
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probably be the end of april or early part of may of 2011. there is no simple rule that will solve all our problems in those 100 days. i believe if we come into this legislative session and if we are working together from the very beginning of the session to say that the state of oklahoma is meeting our balanced budget requirements is our number one issue. it is the number one task in front of us. it is the only one that is required of us other than finishing redistricting and doing the senate-house appropriation for redistricting. we can have an opportunity to spend time on that budget. if we do that, we send a message not just two other legislators around the country, we sent a message to business that we are serious about the economic situation that we are in. that we are going to get our own house in order first.
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what we do that, we can make certain the priorities of the state make sure we do not balance the budget on the backs of children or seniors that need our help. that will be the right -- that will be my goal in the first 100 days, to be sure we get the budget done earlier. >> we have come to the end of our question and answer session. it is time for the three-minute closing statements. the first closing statement as to congresswoman mary fallin. >> thank you, john. thank you to our audience and sponsors of this event. i want to thank jari for being here tonight. i told you why i am running for governor -- to create jobs, to bring a better business climate, to get oklahoma's economy back on track, to focus on a better educated work force so we can give our children the education they need and the work force
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our businesses deserve. thirdly, right-sizing government to make sure the government is the efficient and effective. i will have a governor's task force that will look at government itself from top to bottom to make sure we are not wasting money, that we are not duplicating services where money can give to other essential needs in oklahoma. as i mentioned, my plan is to send a signal to washington not to send us unfunded mandates, not to pass bills and lost that will hurt our economy and hurt our jobs, even hurt our families. i think it is very important that you had a governor who is willing to stand up when the time comes and not pile mountains of debt over future generations of our children. these are challenging times for the state of oklahoma. over the last 1.5 years, i have had the opportunity to work my way across the state of
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oklahoma. i have done jobs across the state of oklahoma. what people have told me is that they are very concerned about their jobs, about the economy, about supporting their families. they are very concerned about the direction our country is going. i want you to know that i have listened. i have heard what they said. my goal will be to address those needs. i believe that oklahoma has a tremendous future ahead of us if we have a conservative governor who will bring about the reforms that i talked about and is willing to step up with a plan to create those jobs. other states are having all kinds of problems whether it is budget shortfalls -- like california where they cannot pay their bills. the height unemployment rate -- the high unemployment rate like michigan. i know you cannot borrow, tax,
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instead your way to prosperity. that will not create a prosperous oklahoma. we have a great quality of life in our state. we have a low cost of living and a low cost of housing. i believe we have a great quality of life. i believe we can create an oklahoma that will be the go-to place to do business and to raise families. i will tell you that during my time i have been a businesswoman, i have been a legislator, i have been a lieutenant governor for 12 years serving on 10 different boards of commissions, and i have been a congresswoman. my experience makes me well prepared to lead the state of oklahoma. thank you very much and god bless you. [applause] [applause] >> for her closing statement, rjari askins.
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>> a couple of years ago i began to make the serious decision of whether or not to run for governor. as i looked around and listen to what people in oklahoma were saying, what i kept hearing was that they were concerned, they were afraid. they were concerned that the state of oklahoma would not be able to provide the kind of hope and future that they wanted for themselves, their families, and their children. i knew it would be a tough economic time in our state, yet i decided it was because it would be tough that i chose to run for governor. i have been a decision maker all my life. i am the oldest child in my family. i had to make decisions for my brothers and sisters since we were small children. whether it was as a judge, whether it was working as deputy counsel in the office of the governor, i can tell you that i
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learned about that process that to be a good leader you have to be able to listen, but you also have to be able to discern and tell the difference between what people are saying to you because they want you to hear it, and letting you know what you really need to hear. i understand that. i can tell the difference. i do note not know whether it was my long or journalism degree where i learned to pay attention and ask questions beyond just the information that is handed to me. i will build a team, a team that looks like a snapshot of oklahoma. people from different parts of the state, people from different backgrounds in the state. i understand that the best decisions are made when you have different opinions helping you with the information. we do not need to have just a rubber stamp. i will make this tough decisions. i will be the one at the table helping decide and move people together as i have done my entire life, try to find the
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solutions that will help fix the problems of oklahoma is facing. try to find the consensus that brings different parts of the state together so that we have a unified effort in trying to move oklahoma ahead, not just for ourselves, but for the future. we do need to create jobs in the state, but first of all we need to focus on keeping the jobs we have. talking to industry leaders across the state will be one of my top priorities. in 1994 when i ran for state representatives, halliburton announced they were moving a whole departments to houston tx. i made some phone calls and found out no one from the state had been involved in those discussions. i do not think that should ever happen. state leaders and the governor needs to be involved when we new businesses are looking to move elsewhere. we need to keep those jobs in oklahoma first period when we do that, we become more attractive for other businesses.
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i will continue to work for you as governor. thank you. [applause] >> once again, we want to thank our candidates for this very important discussion. we also want to thank the chamber along with ocx communications -- cox communications. of course, this reminder to go out and vote next tuesday. from the campus of oklahoma state university in tulsa, good night everyone. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> more campaign coverage coming up on c-span. next, a debate in illinois for who'll fill president obama's old senate seat. after that, more from illinois. we'll bring you a debate from the state's 14th congressional district. democratic congressman bill foster is willing challenged. and later, a new hampshire governor's debate. on tomorrow's "washington journal," we'll talk with republican pollster kelly spanne conway and margey omero about next week's elections. and neil irwin on economic numbers and tim storey will
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discuss congressional redistricting and the 2010 census. later in the morning, a conversation on national security and the first amendment. the panel will examine how the media reports on certain types of information. that's live at 10:30 eastern. now final debate between illinois' u.s. senate candidates, democrat alexi giannoulias and republican congressman mark kirk. the candidates appeared on "chicago tonight" a public affairs program in chicago. the seat was once held by president obama and is now occupied by appointed senator roland burris who is leaving office at the end of the year. this race is rated a toss-up.
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>> good evening and welcome to "chicago tonight." on this wednesday, october 27. we devote the entire hour to the race for the u.s. senate. we'll talk with the candidates about the issues and their qualifications to represent the state of illinois. that is next on "chicago tonight." it is one of the most closely watched political races in the country. on tuesday, voters will decide who takes the senate seat once held by president barack obama. candidatesdsdidthe meet. there are members and guests of the chicago club -- the city club in chicago. with me are candidates that hope
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to be the next senator. joining me are republican candidate mark kirk and democrat alexi giannoulias. also lee allen jones and mike labnow. a quick note on procedure. this is not a formal debate. there are no opening and closing statements and answers will not be time. our goal is to bter inform our audience about the candidates and issues. have a limited amount of time and so we've asked the candidates to be sustained. if they begin to make a speech, we know that date -- i will cut them off. a lot of voters have been turned off by the negativity of this campaign. can you say one thing you admire
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about the other? >> yes, i lost my stepfather earlier in the campaign, and alexi offered his condolences, and i took that to heart. >> i think congressman kirk is a hard worker. well i fundamentally disagree on policies, i think he is -- while i fundamentally disagree on politics, i think he is a hard worker. >> there is an unprecedented amount of so-called mystery money pouring into states from groups that do not disclose donors. most of it seems to go, congressman kirk, should that concern voters? >> i broke with my party ear to back the mccain-fine gold campaign finance reform law. federal candidates should disclose all of their campaign contributions within 24 hours on the internet. i hope we can get that done in the next senate or congress.
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for all of these outside groups, we do not want to silence any political voice but they should disclose all of their political donors, both from the left and right. >> the issue of sparency, giannoulias.r. >> i think the citizens united decision was a step back for our democracy. there is a disclosure efforts that would put safeguards in place to make sure that we know whos funding these campaigns. congressman kirk things that citizens united is a good decision. he has taken $10,000 from them. the congressman has received over $10 million from these zero outside groups. we do not know where this money is coming from. we do not know where the foreign money is coming from. so transparencis good. were seeing in other states as well, all this money from secret donors is destroying the process.
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>> doesn't that make the process unsettling? you are taking it, borhth of you. >> neither one of us can coordinate with these outside groups. alexi mentioned the disclose act which said that corporations should not have disclosure act but unions should. if you have everything disclosed, number one, the supreme court will uphold that. number two, voters will have more information and that is a good thing. >> let's move on to something else. mr. giannouas, you a knowledge that you knew something about the criminal backgrounds of men who made loans at your family's
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banks. >> let me clear the air. karl rove and outside gros have said things that are wrong. i am very proud of the business my father started 30 years ago. no one has ever accused my father's business of ever doing anything illegal, illicit or improper. he came to this country with nothing. he started a community bank that helped thousands of people achieve the american dream by helping them buy their first home. to cherry pica few individuals of thousands, while it is easy to make a political ad, running a business is not a straight line and mistakes are made. there are people you wish you would never have done business with, but that does the represent the thousands of
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customers that achieved the american dream because of my father. >> you said that you did discuss his criminal background. >> nothing i said has been inconsistent at all. these are not the kind of people that my family wants to do business with. that is not my father's legacy. again, if you look at the way the banks and community banks do business, they make decisions on the creditworthiness of the borrower, whether they can pay their loan and a timely manner. that is the credit decisions e made. none of loans that were given had anything to do with a criminal activity o these individuals, none. it is important to put that in perspective and i am proud of my father's community bank. >> we are really talking about how you performed as a senior loan officer. did you know that two men were facing prison sentences at the time the loans were made? >> as i said, if we knew then what we now know, we would not do business with these people
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when you make a credit decision, you looat the credit worthiness of the borrower, whether they can pay that long. if you go to a larger bank, you will find hundreds of individuals. that is the reality of how business works. >> are you saying that if you go to a larger bank like chase and that you will have done business with more criminals? >> absolutely. these individuals tt congressman kirkwall talk about have gotten loans from a lot of other banks in chicago. >> this is a list of all the loans are made by broadway bank to convicted mobsters and felons. the ones in yellow are the ones that were made when mr. giannoulias was at the bank. infamous mobsters. you can read about them in the "chicago tribune". joel klein of "time" magazine said that in all his years in politics he had not seen someone
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running for a national office saying, i did not know the extent of the criminal activity with the people i was lending money to. remember, this was from a frighteningly insured institution it that then collapsed, transferring -- a federally insured institution and then collapse. >> the congressmen continues to carry this list around. guilt by association attacks that do not work. he tries to malign my family, my father's business. she went on national tv. i brought my list. if we are going to plague killed but association, let's do this. he took thousands of dollars from a story line who pled guiltyo corruption. another group led guilty to a kickback schemes. i can go on and on. these until by association attacks, people are sick of it. let's -- these guilt by
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association attacks, people are sick of it. are we love to move the campaign for a and talk about the fundamental economic differences. one of the reasons that you will see that congressmen mr. kikirk iscided to negative because he has an indispensable role in congress. it is to it -- it is ironic that he pulled all this positive ads today and is going straight negative. >> are you aware that these donors have criminal backgrounds? >> so much as it, when you are debang him is, now the rest of the story. it is like a paul harvey episode. many of those dations were refunded almost a decade ago. for stuart levine, i did not
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lend hundreds of thousands of dollars to tony resco. >> but you reived a campaign donation, he helped your political campaign. >> can i talk? >> sure. go ahead. be truthful. >> i am going to respect my opponent and i will answer and then he will answer. we refunded the money from stuart levine. when you hear about criminal problems, you will refunded. i didot loan money to tony resco. i did not run a bank that had relationships with mobsters. the bank on risky real a state loans, broker of hot money deposits. "the new york times" show that led to the collapse of the institution. then the bill paid by the fdic.
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that was my opponent first job. s second job was as treasurer for the state of illinois in which he presided over collapse of our state's credit rating and a loss of college savings. >> a quick response of what he said. >> the bigger picture is i have my list. he goes on national television and tries to malign my father's business. he has not returned all of most contributions carrot that is for him to defend. -- that is for him to defend. he goes around and says that i am involved in these activities. he has an indefensible record in congress. i feel great about where we are in the campaign. i am going pause appear the congressman is doing the exact opposite -- i am going positive. >> congressman, let's talk about your record. there are public concerns about
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the exaerations' you have to make it about your record. apologize, but can you give the voters some self analysis on why, with a record like yours, you felt the need to exaggerate in the first place? >> i was careless and i misstated part of my military record. i learned a painful lesson. training as a naval officer you are tght to take responsibility for your people, your unit, and for your mission. and i am accountable, which is what i apologized to the people of illinois. >>e know you did. have you looked athitey, it seems over the course of your career, there are these questions about exaggerations' from the boating accident that he claimed was a life changer, to the awards he received to whether or not you were actually subject to ground fire while in the air. some people would say there is a
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pattern. >> you certainly go through an intense amount of scrutiny, and that is very appropriate for a high office like united states senator. each detail is available. but one of the problems i have as i have a military record. i served in the united states navy reserve for 21 years. my opponent has raised nearly all his campaign on a military rerd -- my military record. he has not served a day in uniform in his life. i very much believe in this country. i wear the uniform of this country and i would die for it. did i make mistakes? i learned a very painful lesson. one of the difference in this race is i took responsibility and understood the mistakes i made. when you look at my opponent, the collapse of the broadway bank, the loans to mobsters, the collapse of the bright star college savings programs. he always said it was someone else's fault. i takeesponsibility for my problems and make sure it will never happen again which is why
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are released all 21 years of my navy officer fitness confidential reports. my opponent, on the other hand, presided over a bank that collapsed, a bright start program that collaps, but he says it is everyone else's fault. >> since it came up a couple of times. >> what i think is more egregious than the untruths on his military record -- which i commend you for -- my question is why you lied about it. the reason i was endorsed by the "chicago sun-times" and the same thing that "southern illinois today" said, you may not know we may not always-- agree with him, but we know where he stands. on cap and trade he changed hims
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s mind. on don't ask don't tell he changed his mind. the reason i received these endorsements is that people do t know where mark kirk stands. i will vote my conscience. that is what is fundamentally wrong with washington, d.c. -- politics as usual. >> you raise a couple of points, but since bright start is on the table, what is your position? you lost $150 million on this key found that people were putting, peoplen the state of illinois were using to pay for their kids' education on your watch, lost this money. >> i am glad you brought this up, because when i got in office it was ranked at the bottom.
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kipling or two months ago said it was among the top five. it was a rogue fund managers fall. i am in charge. i take responsibility, which is why i went after oppenheimer. that's why we were able to record a record settlement. we were the first state to issue subpoenas, the first state to go over them. in 2008, the market took some 401k's, losses, 529's, there were over 1000 plans with loss over 40%. this is thenly programhat got money back. what is more important is that there was a bill in congress to get the corporate middle man, of the student lending buplan, something that would provide $60 billion to make college more affordable bincreasing the size of pell grants, by giving
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money to early childhood education. congressmen and kirk voted against that. >> congressman? >> first of all, so much of what he says you have to check out the rest of the story. he said there were four newspapershat endorsed him. i have the "chicago tribune". they said he was too reckless to be in the senate seat. when we look at a great start program, we know that he was told in september that there was an increasing risk to the bright star program. in september, 2008. only a few weeks later, he sent of a letter to families sang the fund was strong and that this was a good investment -- saying the fund was strong and that
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this was a good investment. they lost $70 million. then he had the hutzpah to send out a letter to say he may be held to get a 50 cent on the dollar refund as long as you promise never to sue me. that was his second job after the collapse of the banker >> you personally blamed oppenheimer for that? >> we did not know at that time. until we got the freedom of information request showing that his staff was told about the request. there were told at oppenheimer had bet the ranch on risky real a state losses. he stuck with it all the way down until college families lost $70 million per >> we ticket from one of the worst programs to one of the top five in the country. the congressmen it changes his tune. we have make college more affordable. on issues that are important for
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the u.s. senate, he has made it more difficult for students to afford to go to college. that is a huge difference in this race. he is going negative again. it is because he cannot talk about his vote on making college more affordable in washington, d.c. >> your opponent cited several areas where he parted company with his party. can you name an issue where he parted with the president? >> i said i would have voted against the omnibus spending bill which have thousands of earmarks. and i think the president should have vetoed that bill. >> anything else? >> i have also said that i tnk the focus on health care reform, which is something i am in favor of, i think we should get a laser andlike focus on creating jobs. >> would you have voted against it? >> i did not think again that
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there should of been its use of all the political capital early on. we should have focused on turning the economy around. i would have voted for it. s&p were disagree with the it industry appeared >> congressman, you were quoted as saying that the president's stimulus package has failed. does that mean you believe it has somewhat succeeded? quote obviously when you are $1 trillion and try to spend it on something, you will get something back. >> what does the president get back >> most of th stimulus money went to social spending programs with a tremendous amount of money borrowed from abroad. it's lasting legacy will be on your $1 trillion in debt passed to our kids carry our foreign creditors expect to be repaid with interest. so, yes, did we reasphalt some suburban roads? it was. one of the key mistakes in the stimulus is that with limited it to shovel-ready project.
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meaning that fully funding the au pair modernization project did not get that. we did not get a new lock and dam project for the mississippi river. -- meaning of fully funding the o'hare modernization project did not happen. >> is that the lasting legacy of the stimulus package? >> this is not a personal attack, but this is a fundamental difference. congressman kirk voted for every single one of the bush budgets, which took us to record budget deficits. it doubled our national debt. more was added to our national debt during those a years than all of the administration's and the history of the united states combined. overspending, overtaxing, and
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the congressman -- barack obama gets in office and the congressman said we are spending too much money at a time when he isrying to avoid a second great depression. he voted against the measures of for party politics. so let's talk about what the recovery act did. was a flawless? absolutely not. let's be clear on what it did. 1/3 was emergency measures to states. 1/3 was tax cuts, the largest middle class tax cut -- 100 million americans. and 1/3 was for projects. the congreman talks about over bong. he wants a tax cut for the wealthiest 2%. something that will cost this country $700 billion. he has not identified where it willome fromr what country he will borrower from. >> can i just -- on the deficit.
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this is a chart showing the deficit for the last 10 years. we had 9/1 the afghan attack, the big spending for the department of homeland security, and then in this period, you have got a democratic congress and a republican president, showing a genius of the founding fathers that a check and balance ihaving one party overlook another portis shoulder is a good thing. it worked to eliminate the deficit. then this explosion of spending here. that is what a growing bipartisan majority is worried about. we should listen to chairman ben bernanke. can we borrow over one trillion dollars in the coming days, most of it from abroad? i think we cannot. that is why there is a growing independent voice for more fiscally responsible policy. >> if you look at the votes -- george bush and mark kirk sold
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us on -- if you provide tax cuts for the wealthiest americans, it will create jobs. it destroyed middle-class families. it destroyed our economy. not only did it not make us a global competitor, not only did not increase business investment which is what its goal was, even though in 2000 it was the worst decade in post-war u.s. history for the amount of nonresidential business investment, not only did it do all that but it doubled the national debt. now he is saying that all of the debt to place your when the president was dealt with an absolute emergency. facts matter occurred >> did the stimulus package prevent a depression? republicans say that the promise was that it would get unemployment to 8%. that has not happened. did it prevent a depression? >> the reporting on the results have very low integrity. the news media has been full of stories about how its claims
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were overstated. >> is it not correct that 95% of the economists claim that the stimulus package diverted a depression? >> most would credit tarp. i supported tha my opponent finally admitted that he would have supported tarp as well. >> that's not true? >> are you por or anti-tarp? >> i will let you finish. i said i would like to of seen some oversight. not the way you did were you voted twice for the bailout of the biggest banks in the world and you voted against raising -- against executive pay. congressman kirk is bought and paid for by corporate special
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interests. >> are you for or against? yes or now? >> i am in favor. >> we agree. >> i would have done this in a better way. >> this is the immaturity of my opponent. a member of congress is presented with a yes or no vote. he wants to have it both ways. in the end, you have to cast the tough vote as i did. i voted in favor of it. it did not take 30 seconds to figure out. >> if the congressman is cusing me of flip-floping, that would be the most remarkable are readirony. >> i am. he has flip flopped on nafta. i am not going to interrupt you. >> i am just remarking,
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commented. >> you said you wanted to start a trade war with our best export market -- canada? . do you want to moderate this? >> i don't want to smother two bright people. >> let's talk about the broadway bank. i can keep going. >> you can keep on makinthings up. >> let's get to some yes or no questions quickly. support gay marriage, yes or no? >> no. >> yes. >> civil unions? >> yes. >> yes. >> the supreme court says that there has not been any politically active spouse as the wife of justice thomas. she has referred to the administration using the word
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vinatieri. should justice thomas recused himself on matters in which she is an advocate? >> i have not followed that issue. >> i would think reticence would be a good policy. >> if his own spouse is involved in the case, absolutely. >> do you have personal facebook pages? >> not one that i use. >> speaking of flip flop, congressman kirk, in may they passed legislaon to repeal a don't ask don't tell. you voted against it. >> because i think we should wait for the joint chiefs of staff to report in december. but speaker pelosi wanted to move forward anyway. when you remove a policy, you have to have a new policy. i look at this from the perspective of a first sergeant running a platoon. and if you have no new policy,
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the first question they will ask is, when i have a problem, what am i supposed to do? >> if they say yes and the study is done, then you are willing? >> i will read every word of that study. it may be rare in washington to read everything, but the united states military is one of the largest and most complicated institutions on the planet, operating in all 24 time zones. it's fundamental mission is the defense of the united states. if we will change a policy, from the deck of a ship, the first question you asked is what is the new policy? you have to have the new policy ready. >> how long have you been in the military? >> 21 years. >> do you know any gay people? >> i doot. >> according to the chicago tribune, one in four people in the military said that they would have no problem serving with gay men a women at they do it -- and that they do know someone.
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not a problem. >> i think we should do it in a deliberate and detailed way. the joint chiefs have said they are going to report. the administration is cattywampus on the policy. they said they want it repealed it right away, then a court says to repeal it now. then the administration brings suit to block the court. i am not sure where the administration is. better to let the joint chiefs report. >> i am for the full repeal of don't ask don't tell. i think it is egregious that over the years we have kicked 14,000 americans of of the military, men and women willing to die f this country and we say they are not good enough. the only industrialized country to do so. i think it is a wrongheaded policies. i think it goes against the spirit of this untry at a time when we need the best and brightest in the military.
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we are telling people because of their sexual orientation, they are not allowed in the military. i think it is a step backward. >> do you support the prident's timetable in afghanistan? >> i think this is a place that the congressman and i fundamentally agree. my biggest concern with what has taken place in afghanistan is that it is -- a strictly military approach in the region has never worked. my concern is that it is not working out. i think there are certain steps we should take. we should encourage economic development, built roads, bridges, schools, better trained police. we shouldngage local and national stakeholders'. we need to focus our security efforts on domestic security and on individual al qaeda cells. i think we need to draw down our troops as quickly as possible , because the strategy is not working. >> i served in afghanistan
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twice. >> the withdraw its support to begin in july, 2011. >> i was at west point when he delivered that speech. i think general petraeus has done the right thing. what is our objective? if it is to return afghanistan to its political state prior to the soviet invasion, an agricultural community with a high degree of autonomy, you have aligned your goals to the major part brokers in afghanistan. then general petraeus divides the taliban into two groups. first is the $10 taliban whoa are doing it for the money, the drug money. this is a community you can work with. these aren there are the jihadists that you cannot work
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with. how we solve the problem lg term? by expanding the size of the afghan police and army. it will take longer than the president plans. i think general petraeus will come forrd in december recommending an extension of the deadline. my hope is that the press it follows that recommendation. >> and fight -- in spite of the fact that you are an intelligent officer, you said that you had moral certiitude that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. >> we were brought in and shown tubes that the deputy director of central intelligence said it was only useful in refining uranium. we were told that there were unmanned aerial vehles that had gone through training with the maps of u.s. cities loaded in. >> were you lied to?
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>> i think we were lied to in the end. by the deputy director of central intelligence, absolutely. on this information, secretary clinton, when she was a senator , an overwhelming bipartisan majority of the congress and then voted based on that information. it shows what happens when you get intelligence wrong. we have had too big intelligence failures recently occurred >> you are not saying the intelligence is wrong? he said he relied too. >> there was a big error when youverstate a threat like in iraq. i think we should remove all political appointees from central intelligence and make sure it is all careers of that you know someone stand up, speak truth to power and tell the prident, mr. president, you are overstating a threat or you have completely missed a threat essential to national security.
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>> i think this is a big problem. the congressman touts his experience andillary clinton got it wrong as well. the difference is, not only did they vote on our way, he actually convince other members of congress -- he voted the wrong way, but he also edge to convince other members of congress. not only would have cost us over $1 trillion. more per from a has it cost four. us 4,500 lives. here we are a decade later discussing afghan policy that many foreign policy experts and many military personnel would say there was a strong chance that we would not be there if we got it right in iraq. then there was a decision on a surge which president bush actually got right and congressmen kirk of voted against it. how many times will you vote the
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wrong way? >> there were efforts in the congress to block it. once americans are committed into battle, i am for americans winning. which is why i voted against speaker pelosi who wanted to cut off funding for the troops. they delived a victory. the key issue for us now is how do we handle intelligence with regards to afghanistan and implement the general petraeus plan? how we handle intelligence with regard to iran, who may have nuclear weapons as soon as nt year? i ever lied not on the central intelligence agency but on the u.n. international atomic agency which has been alarmist on this. >> on iran? >> because there were largely correct on iraq. because of their record, i think we should listen to them about iran. today announced that they are refueling a reactor. they reached levels of interest
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uranium at their facility. this may be the issue next year in which our united states senator has to work most of >> let's talk about israel. a palestinian was described to the settlements this week -- a match in the two of you will share a pizza and you are describing how you will split the pizza. in the meantime, someone is eating a pizza. what should this countes policy be towards the expansion of settlements in israel? >> again, i do not think it is the united states's role to be a zoning administrator. i think we should facilitate the conversation between the two parties. i am in favor of the tuesday solution. i believe israel has a right to defend itself -- i am in favor of the two-state solutioon. n. a nuclear-armed iran is unacceptable. i give the administration a credit for beginning a dialogue
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with a leader that has proven to be untruthful and unwilling to negotiate. >> how to deal with someone like that? >> all options are on the table. i believe we need to start with crippling sanctions, make sure we do everything we can to not disrupt what is happening on the ground there, but with ahmadinejad's regime, that's important. >> most important, the best option. when you look at how the bus administration and the obama administration, you have two options. the first option is let the u.n. handle the period has not worked. the second is let the israeli military handle it. that has its own problems. we looked at the third option which is the best -- pit our greatest strength against their greatest weakness. the mullahs are totally dependent on foreign gasoline.
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we should cut off the foreign gasoline supplies of iran. we have bipartisan legislation to the president. overwhelming bipartisan consensus in these partisan times. the president approved that legislation and after these contentious congressional elections, i hope that in december, our mission to it -- our message to him is, cut off iran's gas. the setup a situation as madeleine albright might call it of empowered diplomacy. they have to choose between a shrinking economy and their nuclear program. >> as far as the settlements in israel, your thoughts on that. so many people see the expansion of settlements as a real impediment to peace in that region. >> here is whereby upon it and i agree. i think the administration has been more concerned about zoning issues in jerusalem and whether -- less about whether the iranians are building a nuclear
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bomb. the key thread is the nuclear program. with regard to isrl, israel has been a stable partner of peace with neighbors that are willing to deliver peace. when the egyptians were finally ready to have peace, the israelis gave up the sinai peninsula and there was a true peace between egypt and israel. as well with the jordanians. the palestinians are divided between the president and the prime minister. they hate each other. with that divided government, how can the palestinians deliver peace right now? >> let's talk about your individual accomplishments. what have you done that you are the most proud of? >> when we stood up and saved over 600 jobs. this goes to what it means to be an elected official. here was a bank received $25 billion in taxpayer money and they were going tolose down the company. we fought for those js.
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we told wells fargo they would not do business with the state treasurer's office anymore. we worked with them and were able to save people's jobs. >> number one in my district, helping save the north chicago v.a. we just commissioned the first joint navy hospital. beating bp in their 2007 lake michigan pollution plan. getting the state of israel -- the guys in this sky radar to defend against a growing threat to make sure that our key ally in the middle east survives the 21st century. and being an independent moderate in the u.s. house of representatives. one of the things in the congress that members seek to do is to get on an "a" list
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committee, the ways and means and the preparations committee. i got on the preparatioappropris committee. they all seek to make sure that their impact is on that committee. these bills must pass. you tend to be much more effective inour job and other members. we have all 11 appropriations bills and the actual name is of the chairmen of the subcommittee th produces the bill. >> but for that, you r name would have been on a bill that would have been passed by both houses and signed by the president? >> you can go on our web site and see dozens of items and what i was the key mover and making sure it was part of a bill. when you are serving in the congress, do you give a fiery speech? are you pandering to one side, or are you a guy that is making it happen?
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i want to be graded as someone o helped build a new commuter rail, stopped bp. when you look at the legislative record, you have a very impressive record of what you have actually done. >> giannoulias, some people will look to your résume and say it's thin. your response to that concern? >> i am very proud of what we have done in the state treasurer's office. we have added programs that allow people to stay in their houses, to start their first business. we teach financial literacy to boys and girls and a single mothers. we have outperformed our benchmarks every single month i have been in office. we put unclaimed property on ebay for the first time in the state treasurer's history. legislativeld no
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positions. >> we have added programs that helped the environment. this is why i was endorsed by the sierra club. this is what we need to do towards moving towards a clean energy future. not being from washington, d.c., not bein there for 20 years is a plus. i think we need fresh leadership, someone who will fight for small businesses, increased access to capital. someone who understands we have to invest in infrastructure and create jobs. this is the biggest difference -- out of all of the commercials and craziness -- is who we are fighting for. i want to fight for middle-class families, for people who are hanging on by a thread. the congressman voted 13 times against the extension of unemployment benefits for our most vulnerable. and then he said he wanted tax cuts for the wealthiest americans, for millionaires that almost all economists would say is the worst bang for the buck.
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he thinks that it will turn the economy or rum. >> there is a fundamental difference. my opponent says he wants to go to the senate and start a progressive caucus and led off with an attack on members of the senate. members of his own party. i have served in the congress is a moderate. when you walk into the house, there are twoaths. one is the path to demonization. the other path is to buy partisanship. >> how do you deinffine that? >> you make sure that in all of your bills you have a member of the other party with you. you do not try to pull the senate further to the left. we need more centrist. when we look at politics today, we see extreme people on the left and right. yet, most americans are
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centrists who want to make something happen. the question is -- who represent us? i have been one of the most centrist members are making us -- making things happen. do i want to go to washington and make sure we stop spending money we do not have? yes. do i want to ignite class warfare as my opponent does who says that if someone is risk that is a problem? no. >> have y said that? >> never. >> he wants to raise taxes on the american people. >> that is not true. >> once again, i did not interrupt you. e wants oto have a tax increase hit the economy in december. you want to exempt people over $250,000. >> let him respond. >> that is untrue. we need to keep tax cuts for middle-class families.
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the congressman says that he wants to make sure we extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. he refuses to say where he will get that $700 billion. instead, he does thes fancy poles and adds. but he refuses to answer which country he will borrow e money from. no one is trying to engage in class warfare. all economistsave said that the best way to stimulate the economy is to give people who do not have a lot of income, who are more likely to spend it. not giving tax cuts to millionaires who are less likely to spend it and are not asking for period is the fundamental difference. >> if you look at his record, he is for increasing the state income tax, new energy taxes. >> he voted for cap and trade. >> he would have voted for all 10 health care taxes. what i think we should focus on,
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which speaker pelosi and majority leader harry reid have not focused on is how we cut spending. i voted against the second engine for the f-35 provider. fighter. >> did that make a dent? >> it's $600 million in the first year. joint forces command, which we do not need. there are reports that president obama they come forward with a line item veto prosal. i think republicans should support that, because any measure which leads to cutting spending will help out the long- term economic future. >> in a newspaper, roger simon wrote about an incident where there was a man that went out of a state fair wearing a t-shirt that says either he dies or the country dies. there is anecdotal evidence that the hatred towards the president
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is on the rise. why the personal hatred of the president? >> there should not be. the president is the commander in chief, and he is our leader for four years, and you have to respect that and respect the office. >> why do think this personal hatred of the president seems to be prevalent in some quarters? >> it is disgusting, offensive, dangerous. listen, running for office is not easy. but we do it because we believe in public service, which is why i am proud to announce tonight because i am so sick of the negative tone that i am going positive for the rest of the campaign. i think we need to start turning the tone around. let's start talking about ideas, how we will create jobs, help small businesses, increased access toapital. bank are not lending. to addugh for them employees to their payrolls.
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let's talk about moving toward a clean energy future, which we have to do for national security, for job creation. and that is what we should be talking about not how the prident scoops' his dog's poop. let's have a serious debate on the issue is pickins. >> congressman kirk, to what extent have loonies crept into your party? >> there are people that have said irresponsible things on both side. in 10 years, i have tried to be very moderate and centrist. when you look at most of my legislation, always with the democratic co-sponsor trying to solve a problem. when you look at my voting record in 2009. >> you are fine with tea party support. >> the reason why we are ahead
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in the polls as we have c growing support from republicans, independents, from others who think that -- who are concerned about our growing economic debt. >> let me ask you, some on the right would say that the democrat party has been taken over by big money who aere trying to take this country to socialism. >> this country ian economic decline. we have to go through what took place, and the votes he has taken. talks about being a centrist. if you look at how he is changed, whether it is cap and trade -- completely shifted. whether he says it is pro- choice and then voting in favor of an amendment.
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and then voting against the lily ledbetter act which is equal pay for equal women. these are fundamental differences i this raid that h shift to the right when he runs for senate. >> i am a pro-choice republican, very much in the center. in 2009, congressional quarterly rated all members of the house of representatives from the greatest opponents to the greatest supporters of the president, and i am in the middle. soone who is practical. when you look at billy ledbetter act, i read the bill. it said this -- it allowed at trial lawyers to take control of women's rights witut even checking with them. and allow them to certify a class of women and take control of their legal rights in the case. in the end, that could be one of the ultimate ways to denigrate women it, because then they did not realize that some trial lawyer that set the limit and said, if you do not respond to
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me on this forum, i give control of yr rights. it was a terrible piece of legislation. >> we are out of time. i would like to thank congressman mark kirk, and mr. giannoulias. let's give them all round of applause. [applause] that is our show. our thanks to the city club of chicago for sponsoring. i hope it will join us tomorrow nightlife at 7:00. we will devote a full hour to the candidates tomorrow night at 7:00. thank you for watching. what did the note s? >> six more days. >> the hicago tribune" said
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that one of five voters in the state said they do not trust either one of you. >> i always speak my mind. >> i love this country and i and
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the new hampshire leader. >> we presented in the state
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debates lie the from the new hampshire institute of politics. now, the candidates for governor. >> the democratic incumbent and his challenger, a former prosecutor from the state dertment of health and human services, republican john stephen from manchester. [applause] >> good evening, everyone. after two nights, we now move to the governor's race where we can focus on the statewide issues. here is a general look at the format we will be taking.
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we will also have questions from viewers and readers. we have two candidates, and they are republican john stephen and democrat incumbent john lynch. other candidates are on the ballot, but they did not meet the requirements for the debate. we will ask the crowd welcomed the candidates. [applause] and kevin from the telegraph. with all of that out of the way, it.'s get to a >> although the trial has just started, you might not be surprised to hear that the death
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penalty do not cover home vasi murder where the mother is killed and a child badly injured. what crimes the think it should cover? >> thank you to you guys and the union leader for conducting this debate. thank you to the viewers. with regard to the question, i have always supported the death penalty. i have been a prosecutor working as an assistant attorney general, hoping -- and helping to keep the community safe. i have always been a strong supporter of the death penalty. we would need to expand it to a felony homicides that ocr during the commission of felonies, and i would support that effort. >> i would like to thank the host of tonight's debate. i like to thank the audience into the viewing audience.
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a look like to thank my wife for being such a wonderful first lady. i think we should both the volunteers that have stood outside in the corn grain conducting visibility for us. i support the death penalty. there are some crimes that are so heinous that the death penalty is warranted. as governor, i said i would veto any repeal of the death penalty, and i would. i am proud of the chief of police and the troopers that have endorsed by campaign. we have the toughest laws in the nation protecting our kids from sexual predators. we require dna testing with felons. there is a legislative committee looking at that, and i want to see results are before we go forward with what we do with expanding the death penalty. >> the commission has been in place for years.
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there has been a lot of testimony. have you formed any opinion on this? >> they are expecting to deliver recommendations at the end of thisear, and the afford to the recommendations that they deliver. i have said over and over again that i would veto any attempt at repeal of the death penalty, and i will do that. how are some crimes where the crime is so heinous, the death penalty is clearly warranted. >> one issue that has come out in this campaign recently has been a program that allows prisoners to get out nine months early and spent the remainder of their sentence and a monitoring program outside of prisons. that also limits prison terms for parole violators. people are upset with this law, and you're saying you will look into whether changes need to be made.
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you have any regrets that it wasn't looked at more closely? >> let me say that as governor, blic safety is my highest priority. it continues to be my highest priority. i mentioned some of the legislative issues i have supported. i think it is unfortunate that public safety has been politicized in this campaign. politicized by employment. you don't politicized public safety. the issue is very clear. you have the offenders that are getting ready to maxed out, offenders were getting ready to go out into communities and you do not know where they are going. he led them out, and requires strict supervision meaning day- to-day contact, face-to-face
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contact, electronic monitoring. i think the provision makes sense. >> supporters of years have used this issue to attack the governor even though it has bipartisanupport. has there been fear mongering here? >> here is an example of failing to lead. i know a lot about sentencing. this isn't about politicizing anything. it is about protecting the communities. i would nev pass a law that lets the most dangerous and violentffenders out early. when you commit a parole violation, that is wrong. it is not politicizing. it doesn't matter if -- i will fight my own party if that is the case. i have talked to parole officers
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that tol me the state wasn't prepared. there has been no training other than the past couple of weeks. the law was passed so quickly, and you said that i was not telling the truth when i said that sex offenders won't be released early. he saw the first few folks that were released that were sex offenders. you haven't told the people of that sex offenders are being released early. >> i would restate wt i said befo. to politicize this issue for his own personal, political ambition is appalling. the issue is that we have offenders that are getting ready to be released into the community, including sex offenders that might have no place to live. if you let them out without them knowing where they're going, or you require a period of strict supervision?
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we major the strict supervision is imposed on the offenders that are getting out anyway. >> of the sheriff's association has told me they support my efforts to try to get the governor in a bipartisan way to fix the problem. i have no problem with supervision for nonviolent offenders being released with the intervention programs. we're talking here about violent offenders, his own staff testified that this would be for nonviolent offenders. >> the next question is directed from mr. -- to mr. stephen. >>-resources operated for a decade before it collapsed. investigators found several departments in state government missing repeated red flags.
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what do you do to make sure that this doesn't happen again? >> i have met with some of the victims. the departments were not communicating together. there was failure of leadership. the governor did say that the buck stops with him. when the governor was asked to appoint an independent counsel by the victims of this very large financial fraud, he never appointed an independent counsel. it was a legislative hearing that came out with findings. the secretary of state decided on his own to appoint a private, independent investigator to come in and look at what happened. we need to make sure this doesn't happen again to anyone else. i would have immediately appointed an independent counsel because you have the attorney general's office pointing the finger at the secretary of state's office.
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thbanking department pointing fingers at security, and it can't happen that way. >> which all have empathy, and those that commied this crime should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. we have had a legislative committee, the securities interview, the sec, the fbi, and i am going forward with recommendations that the attorney general proposed. there is a working group in place with representatives from all of the different agencies to ensure this closer communication and better collaboration cut this won't happen again. i vetoed a bill that came to my desk which would allow the banking commission to have exclusive authority over any improprieties committed by banks. theres trading going on and
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place for each members of the commission. the head of securities is now gone. the attorney general has gone as well. they are proceeding in place against the banking commissioner. candidateo to the candidate questions. they will get 30 seconds to ask their questions and the opponents will have 90 seconds to respond. the governor will ask the first question. >> one of the governor's job is to consider requests requirements for pardons. i have never seen a pardon that meets that test. john stephen lobbied for a pardon for a man convicted of arson, with this tampering, and fraud. he burned out his house, rest of the lives of firefighters to collect more than $1 million of insurance. john stephen lobbied the pardon
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this man. other than the fact that the man and his family contributed to your campaign, ishere a reason why you believe this man should have been pardon? >> that is one of the reasons why the new hampshire union leaders said that he would deliberately and deliberately -- deliberately and maliciously misleading the voters. the parole officer that was one of the strictest in the state told me that he never would agree to any pardon request, and this is the only person that i would agree. he was out of prison for a number of years, he did a lot for his committee, and the trial judge also signed the request. i will tell you, that is a misleading statement. at the end of the day, we will give someone another chance if they are helping the community.
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in the sitting judge and countless others, hundreds of people decided to sign the petition. believet was the right decision. >> your turn to ask a question from gov. lynch. >> i have stayed positive, i have stuck to the issu, you don't want to talk about those issues, and i know why. you have run a negative campaign. personal attacks you have laid against me, and the press has called some of those attacks sleazy, misleading, and mudslinging. can you look the citizens in your eye -- in the eyend say theyre proud of the campaign you have run, governor? >> we have based our campaign on fax. -- facts. one of the fact that he is trying to shy away from is that
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he said he is going tcut hundreds of millions of dollars of education aid money that goes to the committees. which will necessarily result in the largest property tax increase we have seen in the state of new hampshire. he has said he is going to cut $300 million of money that goes to provide health care for seniors and pregnant women and children. we only spend $466 million, unnecessarily denying health care coverage to tens of thousands of seniors, pregnant women. that we as a state have been taken care of. when we are -- if you are complaining, you are right, we have used fax. >> in the press has said you
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have relentlsly attacked with false assertions. you set their are going to be $300 million osavings. you say the program is $400 million. i am concerned. i ran a medicaid program, and it is $1.50 billion. i think you need to look at the program rst. $1.5 billion by bringing more effective health care, having the prevention of primary care is what we need in new hampshire. >> we have to move on, and so we'll get to our first of your question. we will give the candidates 90 seconds to respond to this one. your both promising to create jobs, but you don't say how you willo about doing that. can you tell me what your plan is to create these jobs?
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>> we have to step back and acknowledge that in new hampshire, our unemployment rate is 40% below the national average. we have the second fastest job growth rate in the country. which is quitgood. we have an economic strategy that is working. an insurance plan for small business is priced below comparable plans to the market, and we have reinstated job training. we have trained over 7800 workers here in new hampshire, keeping the jobs right here in our grt state. education is importa. the more we can educate our kids, the more they will develop skills, talents, and qualifications to fill the jobs. which will bring companies to new hampshire. i was in rochester.
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here in new hampshire, we have an educated work force hand -- it will bring 1200 jobs to new hampshire. i have worked hard and we have been successful. >> you have also increased 84 taxes and fees. and you have increased taxes on these working men and women in our state. the way you create jobs is to make sure the environment is conducive to job creation by lowering taxes, not raising them. the taxes that you signed on and $11.5 billion budget that w
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increased by 24%, that doesn't help create jobs. my dad was a restaurant owner and i worked in the restaurant business. the 12% increase during the deepest recession of our lifetime had a 71% increase in the unemployment tax. we're going to create jobs, we e going to lower taxes and solve the budget deficit that we will be facing nearly $800 million without pay -- raising taxes. >> candidates will have up to a minute to answer this next round of questions. the first will be directed at mr. stephen. >> hopes are high that a buyer will be found, but this is directly affecting hundreds of families that have no other recourse. what is your plan if this does not reopen? >> i have spoken to a number of
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people in the area. we need to make sure that we have a rapid response team in new hampshire, and we need to create an environment that is conducive for job creation. we have the highest business tax rate in the nation. we need to make sure we lower our taxes on businesses that are creating jobs in this state. that is how you grow the economy and grow jobs. how to make sure that the people -- the unemployment rate is very high. they are struggling. they know the government will no longer be an obstacle that we will not continue to raise taxes. it went up 70% and is hurting the creation of new jobs. if employers are confident, they will create jobs.
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but i the meantime, there is a rapid response team that needs to be deployed from the dertment of resources. held that with health care, and when we create that environment that is conducive for meaningful job creation, it will held the country. >> i spent a lot of time in the north country, and i love the people of the north country. there is affordable housing, they have a lot of natural attributes. and we have a rapid response team in place. the one that held tuesday open- heart -- but i want that bill to stay open. -- ml to stay open. i will do everything i can to keep that mil lope - - mill open.
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i would never say to the people in the north country, just ng in there. we just got a broad band to grant that will help bring broadband to the north country. we can train prospective workers, and we have power plants in some exciting work being done that will create more jobs in the north country. >> we just have the largest layoff of state workers in history. ll you pledge not to lay off hundreds more state workers to fix a budget problems? >> i am not going to pledge to do that. the way i am going to approach the budget is to zer base the
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budjet. - - budget. you develop the budget from ground zero of up, to make sure the taxpayer money and spent as efficiently as we possibly can. looking at how we can be more effective. synergy among departmt heads. look at what we did, and spending is down 7%. we closed in prison, and close courthouses, put services online. i will continue to look those kind of a fit -- look for those kind of efficiency is going forward. my opponent says he will slash spending across the board. >> you have had that budget idea for six years, i worked for you
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for two. it hasn't done that well. our budget has gone from $9.3 billion to $11.5 billion in a matter of four years. that is a 24% increase in spending. the national governors' association said the 40 states last year cut spending. i believe in new hampsre values. limited government, less spending, more economic spending. >> when you lay off workers? >> i can't make that pledge. of what i will say to the state employees, we are facing the worst budget crisis in our history. i will work with them like i did in health and human services. i went in and i laid off high- level management, but i never laid off in classified employee. i found innovation, ideas, and
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they knew how to make it work. i will be asking them to help us get through this next fiscal problem we are facing, which is the budget deficit that you know should be top priority of anyone running for governor. >> this is directed at mr. stephen. >> y said you want to cut the budget by 10%, and alaska department had to find places to cut the money. most agency heads reported there is little room to shrink. you think and identify those places? >> i have never said that i want to cut the% across the board. i want department hd to produce plant ideas for 10% reductions. this is not much different than what we have got in the past. the governor has not taken the
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ideas and initiatives, moving forward. we have business finance officers in every single department. i had over 250 finance officers. we have the department of administration charge with business functions. we do hundreds of contract and we never communicate. if we have a centralized vendor management system, we can bring millions of dollars in savings. these are ideas i have brought to new hampshire in the past. i have helped other governors and other states to bring them into action. that is what we need to solve the budgetroblem. >> you say yourlan will result in hundreds o not thousands of people being thrown off of medicaid, and you have asked agencies for a 5% cut. why do you think his proposal will be so much worse? >> might is a process question,
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and why is theoal to continue that process. i have asked that for a very different reason. go back to what john stevens said, and i will show him later or he has said he will cut spending 10% across the board. the problem with that approach, 45% of what the state spends his aid to cities and towns, primarily to education. if you cut aid to education, you will increase local property taxes. he said he is going to cut money from medicaid, and he is wrong. it will necessarily that i health care coverage to tens of thousands of seniors, children, and pregnant women. he said he will c aid to the university system and the community college system which will drive up tuition increases
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in excess of 20% in a time where we can make our education more accessible and more affordable. >> does your budget plan include the medical malpractice fund? the state supreme court says the state has no right to it. >> it does not assume that. i am assumg that the stimulus money goes away. i assume he would not have taken the stimulus money. he is including it in whatever budget numbers he is throwing around. >> same related question, even if the medical providers agree to some sort of compromise, can you pledge to not use any money -- >> we will not take money that is private property. the supreme court told you that those funds are being paid to the system by nurses and doctors for over 30 years. it belongs to the people of the states.
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even though they said it was private property, you went ahead 3 or agency to try to circumvent the court decision. i want to t back to what you said, $465 miion medicaid program. i ran the medicaid program. it is $1.5 billion. this is the problem with state government. we need a governor that can look at the budget and make theuts needed. we need them to do resources, contracts, and the citizens are demanding leadership. fiscal responsibility, governor. that is what we need. i have worked for three state department and i can make cuts without downshifting to towns and cities without increasing property taxes >> the next question goeso john stephen. >> changes in stat's budget often forces county school
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districts to make choices on spending. let's talk about your home town. the think manchester can tighten its belt further without reducing services without raising property taxes? >> i believe tt everywhere we can be more efficient in admistrative costs and may be looking at energy, the way we puhase goods and services. and the that we do agree to of -- a great job to educate our schoolchildren. what is going to happen in regard to the next funding? the governor hasn't told them whether or not they will be getting a certain amount of funds for next year. towns vs towns, but when you have the chance to veto the bill, it would have put an end
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to donor towns. you did not veto the bill, a they are all worried. spend another $1.2 million, and also looking at other towns that are going to be giving out more than what they had this year. >> be used the room to cut? >> i see room to make more efficiency in government everywhere. you can always find efficiency in state or city government. we need new ideas and new innovations. >> what was the question, tom? >> where you live, you see a room to reduce services further without increasing property taxes? >> there are always opportunities to be more
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efficient. i would like to see a greater use of technology as well. if we step back and look at the purpose of education funding, it is really to provide an opportunity to our children and quality education. i believe all of our children should have that opportunity. look at the progress we have made. children will get the opportunity to attend public kindergarten. the dropout rate has been a priority for me. that a time when the dropout rates are at epidemic proportions, we cut the dropout rate in half, and that is an amazingly low 1.7%. and for the first time in decades, we are not in the midst of litigation. i have goals going forward, one of which will be an insistee that there are no donor towns.
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i ntinue to insist on that. >> time to get to the second of your question that was submitted by one of our local viewers. >> the courts are backlogged, underfunded, and closed one day out of the month. what do you plan to do about this? >> agree question. first of all, i believe that all citizens should have access to e court system and access to speedy justice. the court system also needs to adopt the same deficiencies we have adopted in state government. -- at the same deficiencies that we have adopted in state government. -- the same efficiencies.
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the auditors say that. spending for the courts wen tup - -went up -- went up 2.7%. we need to bring them from the 18th-century into the twenty first century. technology should do for the court system what it has done for many private businesses, improve quality and customer service that means of electronic filing, her e-mail communication, none of which really exists in the court system today. >> of the governor said that state spending is down. hew to a money off of the general fund and put into a another fund. of a sudden, it looks like a cut? i can show the auditors a cut if you take funds off line, but the national governors' association has said that 40 states cut
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spending last year, and you didn't. i have travelled throughout the state, i have met with individuals, i have talked to chief justice about this. the governor had instituted it and it has compromised access. access to courts is important. the governor goes around saying he had $70 million surplus. everyone knows we don't have a surplus. if you have a surplus, some of that can goo the courts. at the end of the day, the court system needs adequate funding and so we don't deprive our citizens of appropriate access to courts. >> we have to move forward and move on to a pair of questions. your positions are well documented, so we'll give you 30 seconds to respond. this goes to mr. stephens.
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>> has been described aa jobs bill, and economic of the bill, and new hampshire voters like the idea. will you veto any attempt to legalize gambling? >> we are heading into a historic time, we're facing an $800 million defic. i believe truly that we have a spending problem, it is not a revenue problem. i of the working together with democrats and republicans, we can solve this budget crisis together. i have said that i want to make sure that we solve the budget crisis before we look at gambling. because i don't want to be a way to balance the budget. i have seen all of the gambling bills, and they have done $50 million to health and human services, another to this agency, 47 new state police. at the end of the day, the government keeps growing.
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we have a state problem and we need to be able to trim spending first. >> would you veto it if it landed on your desk? >> has a way to solve the budget, i would. but i have always said i am open to giving it its fair hearings after we solve the budget deficit. >> the governor sir? >> i am concerned about the proliferation of gambling. i had a state to representative come talk to me before one slot machine was contemplated to be purchased. the bill had expand gambling in many regions. if all i was ierested in was
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trying to get to the next couple of years, the decision would be easier. but i am worried about what it means for new hampshire over the next 10 or 20 years. i don't think we want casinos and slot machines in every city in town. before you even consider going forward, put in place a regulatory oversight commission which is whawe a doing. >> would you veto it? >> i would have to be absolutely convinced that it doesn't negatively impact our quality of life and that it doesn't cause proliferation which is what has happened in other states. >> to this question goes a little further into the issue. >> many new hampshire resident gamble legally everyday. the lottery commission was moving forward on a program to let people use the internet to play scratcher tickets. in your heart, you think they
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are spending their money unwisely? >> aces in spending money unwisely on lottery tickets? no, i don't. -- a citizens attending money unwisely on lottery tickets? i don't. hohhot that some o them when once in awhile. -- i hope that some of them win once in awhile. the money is going for the purpose for which it was intended. i think it is good for new hampshire. >> mmother-in-law said she would be upset if ias opposed to it. but the citizens go and the supermarkets and purchase them. one of those taxes and fees that the governor signed into law was also a gambling tax. it doesn't allow the deduction of losses. there are stores in the area
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that i have met with and talked to. the lottery ticket sales have gone down. they have been hurt because of the gambling tax. another tax during the deepest recession. we have to make sure that we thought this over taxation and out of control spending. that is the type of governor i am going to be. >> each of the candidates will get 30 seconds to ask their questions and the opponent will get 90 seconds to respond. >> you have said that you repeal of the job killingncome tax which you know is not revealed until january 1, 2011. your administration recently submitted rules the include a tax contrary to your claims. why should any small business owner believed that you won't try to continue to take money from them.
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most of the vast majority of small businesses were not subject to the tax. it was a way to close the loophole. i was -s: to go back toik something & that john stevens said. if he would be the same kind of governor. he raised 162 fees as commissioner. he did not go back to the legislature 80 times asking for re money. he will say maybe he was forced to do that and it was part of the jobs. the times he went back and ask for more money. his recommendation was to raise business taxes and raise business taxes in excess of 700%. his hypocrisy in terms of coming after me when it has been his
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record at health and human services is quite astounding. he put in place a new tax on -- his record is one, and it is important to look at not what you promised to do, but look at what your record has been. mine has been one of cutting spending. his record has been one of increasing fees, what he did as commissioner of health and human services. mr. steven, i have made the government more efficient and working to protect essential services for seniors, pregnant women, and children. we now spend -- as commissioner of health and human services, and john stevens -- john
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stephen -- whole question is, are you planning to bring back those proposals? and how many people will you cut from health care under your plan? >> i know why that te union leas said you were attacking with false assertions. i have run the health and human services department efficiently. we put more funds in home and community-based care. that is what i want to see. we do more of that, $13,000 to $15,000 a year. that is the type of leadership we need to bring back and that is what my plan will do.
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i was at the senior center this morning, and i love going to senior centers. that is what we want to do. that is what my plan will be about. hughes said that i raised all of these fees and taxes. i did not know i had that much power and authority. any time i went forward on any type of implentation of fee, it was because the legislature passed a law that you signed. at the end of my years as commissioner, we returned millions of dollars to the taxpayer of the state. we were more efficient with other states. we cut the cost of government. that is what the citizens of new hampshire are demanding. >> we are going to move on and turn to the issue of gay rights. you can detail your position for the next set of questions >> mr. stephen, can you explain
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your stance on repealing the same-sex marriage law. >> i believe that marriage is between a man and woman. if a bill were to come to my desk to repeal the law, i will sign it. i will tell the people of this state how i feel, and you will not see me change my mind later on. that goes to the integrity and it goes to every other issue including making sure that we tell any tax increase until we solve this deficit. >> governor, you said you oppose same-sex marriage and you signed a bill to legalize it. >> i talked with hundreds of people about this issue. the response i got back was overwhelmingly positive in favor of marriage equality. the people in new hampshire have
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a long history of opposing discrimination in supporting tolerant. i am proud of that. i was at a military function and i met a veteran, someone who just returned from fighting in iraq and he wanted to talk about this bill. he said that he was fighting in iraq for everybody, so he wanted me to sign the bill as a way for me to show that he was fighting for every one of the citizens. that meant a lot to me. >> should gay couples have the right to adopt in the state of new hampshire? >> yes. >> same question to you? >> yes. >> you save a lot of time, we canppreciate that. [laughter] i believe this one is directed at mr. stephen.
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>> the national law is growing -- would you have the state join a class-action suit to block implementation of the law here? >> in the private sector, i have helped other governor's reform health care programs and save millions of dollars. i know that this bill will create not just a higher tax for some of our employers and not just a higher cost of health care overall, but a $1.20 billion downshift from the state budget. the governor knows that and he should stand up for the taxpayers whether the president is a republican or a democrat. i will make sure that new hampshire is the twenty third state to join that lawsuit. i will ask for a bill that says that no citizen of the state of new hampshire shall be forced by any government to join a health care plan not of their choice.
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that puts the people of new hampshire in charge, and that is the type of governor i would be. the governor just signed a bill that will implement every single provision of obama care in the state of new hampshire. we want to reduce the cost of health care. >> would you direct the attorney general to join the class action suit? >> i think that there are some important reforms with national health care, reforms such as prohibiting insurance companies for denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions, allowing children to stay on their parents' health care until 26. providing tax credits for small businesses that offers health insurance to their workers. it does not go far enough. i have been very adamant about that year in new hampshire and
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in washington. we are not waiting for washington to act. we have five accountable organization where the focus is to get away from service that drives up costs and get people to worry about patient outcome and focus more on prevention and wellness. we have had great success with these pilot programs. we will control the cost and not wait for washington. >> this is directed at the governor. >> he just won the right to keep his job over your objections, in your in the middle of trying to remove the banking commission. though these appointments reflect badly on you as a manager? >> i have the highest standards for ethics and integrity.
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as governor, i put forth an ethics commission for the executive branch of state government that had not been there prior to that. i hold people accountableike i have done in these situations. i will continue to do that. i think all elected and appointed officials ed to be held to the highest staards of ethics and integrity. that is what i have done as governor. >> in 2006, you chose the police chief to head the services sector. on the state employees union, they said this facility is being badly mismanaged. you stand by your appointment? >> at the time, he was definitely qualified and had done a great job. i looked at all of the qualifications. recently, there are actions that
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i would want to look at a pay particular attention to. i think he has done a great job for the students. there is more and more youth living in the community. at the end of the day, we have to make sure that all of the department heads are held accountable. we need to be meeting with them regularly and we need to have good collaboration. when you let department heads do their own thing, it wasn't until the citizens of salem and wi ndm were upset and they said they don't want a tool. -- toll. we need a governor that is a leader. failure to leave and failure to act as what we have seen. >> it is time to get to the lightning round. >> to you believe the state's
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right to no law should apply to the governor's office? >> absolutely. we need to make sure that we do everything possible. this is the peop's business, james. when i was in the atrney- general's office, we did everything we could. i would do everything possible to make sure thathe department heads and here to it as well. >> i have voed bills that would limit right-to-know. i think that within the understanding of sticking with in the lot and there are no security issues, i fully support extending it to the governor's office. >> and we will after closing at
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-- ask a closing question. they can also use the time to make a final pitch to the voters. >> governor, you are both catholics. how do your of religious beliefs make you a good political leader? >> i was an altar boy at by sister is a nun -- and my sister is a nun. god is all about love. making a difference in the lives of other people. other people, because of that, are a little bit better off. you listen to us talk, it's like we're in two different staets. -- states.
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i think he is in the state of denial. i am in the state of new hampshire. our unemployment rate is 40% below the national average and we are the second fastest job growth rate in the country. it is quite remarkable, we have a low dpout rate, we have balanced the budget, and no income tax, no sales tax, no estate tax,nd no increase in the business tax. recently acknowledged as the safest state in the country, the best educated stake in the country, one of the moslivable state in the country. weere ranked as one of the best managed states and by the "wall street journal." i believe strongly tt we live in the greate state in the greatest country in the world. i think about that every single day, and i want to continue to
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help navigate new hampshire through these times and keep the hampshire the special state that is. -- new hampshire the special state that it is. >> high and a catholic, i am proud of that. it has sped by values. i hear the governor, and thank you to everyone listening and thank you to the union leader and i am proud to run for governor where i was born and raised. i want to tell you that i have gone through this entire state of new hampshire, i have met with so many people, and i am so proud of the optimism that i feel. i hear their concerns, and the concerns about the higher tax burden. before taxes and fees. the l l c tax increase, the
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higher cost of government. it is those concerns that drive me. it is those concerns and optimism that i know is part of the hot state -- of the state's greatness i see in the future. we will use it openly and honestly. i will veto any new taxes. we will solve the budget deficit the right way. i am so proud of the state of new hampshire and the people out there watching, and everyone here tonight. i asked you for your vote. let's preserve those great new hampshire values of limited government, less spendin and more economic prosperity. let's help our state continue to be the greatest stake in the nation. >> that will wrap up tonight's debate. we want to thank the debate -- the candidates for being here
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and the audience. our final debate is tomorrow night on the senate race. as a reminder, you can find a full debate coverage at our website. we will be back on the air at 11:00 tonight with analysis. have a great evening. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite co. 2010]
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>> live from tulsa, oklahoma. good evening, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the second and final 2010 oklahoma gubernatorial debate. i am the founder of the oklahoma
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website, voices of oklahoma -- please welcome our candidates to the states. -- to the stage. [applause] by way of introduction, congress grant mary fallin is the candidate for governor of okhoma with of 19 years in office. she was first elected as a state representative in 1990. if she was legislator of the year for her work in the oklahoma state leglature. she became the firs woman lieutenant governor in 1995, a position she held for 12 years. in 2006 she was elected to the united states congress.
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please welcome congresswoman mary fallin. [applause] jari askins has been a public servant since the early days of her career after graduing from the university of oklahoma with degrees in journalism and law. she served as a district judge for eight years. she became the first female ofcer of the oklahoma judicial conference. she served 12 years in the state legislature as state representative for stevens and cotton candy. in 2006 she was elected lieutenant governor of oklahoma. ladies and gentlemen, lt. governor jerry adkins. -- jerry askins. [applause] before we began tonight's budget debate, i would like to review the format and the rules. each candidate will make a three
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minute opening statement. the questions will be asked by our panelists who drew names to determine the order. each candidate has 30 seconds to ask her questions. panelist cannot ask a follow-up question or as a candidate to qualify their statement. they will have to wait for the next term. each candidate will have 90 seconds to answer the question and will take turns responding first. at the close of the debate, each candidate may get a closing statement not to exceed three minutes. i would like to ask theudience to workith me here. please refrain from applauding during the questioning. you may applaud after the opening and closing remas. these are our panelists for tonight. let us begin. it was determined by a coin-toss that lt. govnor jerry askins will make her first opening
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statement. >> thank you to oklahoma state iversity in tulsa for hosting this event. thank you also for those in the audience and those who are watching tonight. for those of you watching from outside the state, welcome to oklahoma. the campaign season has been up long. many of you are ready for it to be over. the process has become so controlled by political pundits and consultants that oftentimes people seem to forget that there is still an election that has to occur, an election where the people of oklahoma wl go to the polls and debate the decision as to who will be the next governoof the state of oklahoma. as i travel around the state of oklahoma, i hear over and over again that the people want to make sure that there is leadership, the kind of leadership that its results. wh i was in the house of representatives, the former speaker once called me a work
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horse. he said i was not a show horse. i were to ge results. i am not worry about who gets credit. before i got to the legislature i had a chance to chair a committee of 35 people who were making a decision of whether or not juveniles should be taken away from the department of human services. there were a lot of different opinions. it became the office of juvenile offenders. it is a wonderful organization. it is a wonderful opportunity to show that leadership can occur. when i was in the house, there was an opportunity to serve as a member of the negotiating team for the sale of oklahoma memorial hospital where we were selling a state asset -- met a and the child svices center. we need a teaching hospital in this area.
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i have had the chance to work on tort reform that protected the opportunity to keep medical doctors in our state. twice the governor signed bills i negotiated on order's compensation. we have worked on bills that have helped to protect prime evidence and crime labs, breaking the standards so evidence would not be thrown out because it was tainted. these are the kind of results i have worked for as a member of the legislature and in the early years i have had in public office. i want the opportunity to do it again for you. i sought advice from members aroundhe state when i was in the legislature, working across the aisle, working east side of the state versus west side. i was ableo offer -- i was able to author hundreds of pieces of legislation for the benefit of the people of
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oklahoma. i ask you for the opportunityo do it again from another office. i ask for your support and thank you r being here tonight. [applause] >> the next opening statement from congresswoman mary fallin. >> i appreate the audience and our hosted a at this event. i appreciate the commitment to the state of oklahoma. also hurt care for our future. -- also hurt care for the future. oklahoma city is one of the top cities in our nation. whether it was from the ballpark, the basketball team, i am excited about also's future. i'd want you to note that you
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have my full commitment as governor to do everything i can to work with your city leaders. this is a very important time for the state of oklahoma. we are in the midst of a cession. we have faced a budget crisis. many oklahoma residents are looking for jobs. they are very coerned about what their future holds, whether it is the economy or the direction our nation is going. i feel that washington does not listen to the people. it is out of toh. frankly, it is out of control, passing bill after bill i believe will hurt our economy, will hurt jobs, i believe will hurt our family. we need a gernor that is willing to understand andtand up against president obama and nancy pelosi. we need a governor who has a plan to move oklahoma board, to bring about the reforms that will bring a more prosperous future to the state of oklahoma. we need to send a signal to the rest of the nation that oklahoma is open for business.
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i want you to know i have a plan. first of all to create jobs and better opportunities. keeping our taxes low, adjusting the high cost of worke' compensation and tort reform. i what oklahoma to be the very best place to do business in the nation. secondly, it is a focus on building a stronger more educated work force, to build a qualit education system by keeping our money in the classrooms and reducing our administrative costs, to work on oureading skills. also, attracting and rewarding effective good teachers through a fare paid for performance system in our state. thirdly, our plan is to make government more smaller and cost efficient. i would do that through a government task force that will make sure that government is the right size and more efficient.
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fourth, i am the only candidate in this race for governor that has stood up to washington when it comes to unfunded mandates, when it comes to challenging the constitutionality of president obama's health care bill, for standing up and fighting against capping trade which will hurt our energy jobs. i had the experience as a businesswoman and as a legislator. i am asking hundley for your support. i am looking forward to a great future for oklahoma. [applause] >> now it is time for the questioning. we go to our panel. the first question, from jim jackson and goes to marry fallin. >> as we all know, oklahoma will have its first female governor. some emphasis has been placed on the relevance of motherhood. one study suggests that a female in the board room to make a
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positive difference between success and bankruptcy. given our state budget cuts and psyching your experience -- personal experience as a woman, how would you make a difference at the capitol? >> first of all, for the last year and a half i have a campaign to the state talking about my plan to move oklahoma forward. i just talked about the plan that focuses on creating jobs, making government right side, creating a better stronger work force, and to stand up to washington when it does things at will hurt our jobs and economy. that is my plan. it does not matter if you are a man or a won. it is about leadership. it is about the person that is prepared and ready to lead the state of oklahoma that has a vision, that understands the challenges of our working families. i have travelled across the state. i actually went out and worked 20 different jobs so i could
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listen and understand about the challenges, the opportunities, anthe concerns that they have. i believe we have some great opportunities moving forward as a state. if we do the things i have talked about, we will be able to build a stronger economy that will help us have the revenue we need to find it important services for the state of oklahoma like education, like corrections, like law enforcement, like mental health services, and we are going to have a great future ahead of us. >> jari askins? >> thank you. this is one of the areas that sets me apart from congresswoman fallin and that the 12 years i served in t oklahoma legislature, 10 of those i was involved in the appropriations process. eight of those years, two of was vice chair, six i was chairman of the subcommittee. i learned to the process that we can do a better job as far as
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the process and mechanics of how the state handles the appropriations process. there have been some changes since 1947, but not a lot. i have proposed and i will continue to propose that we sent a question to the people of oklahoma changing oklahoma's budget cycle from a one year to a two year budget. when we do that, we can set aside every other section of the legislature to be a budget only session. this will allow all wondered when members of the house and 48 members of the oklahoma senate to be involved as members of a subcommittee. we need all the eyes we can get working line by line loong for programs that serve similar constituencies because we had a tough decision to make this next year. we will have about $1 billion less revenue than we have this particular year. being able to change the mechanics of how government works will help us all make
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smarter decisions as our economy begins to improve. >> thank you. the next question comes from general kelly and is for gerry askins. >> -- jari askins. >> 755, the law would disallow sure riled lot to be used in oklahoma courts. -- shariah law to be use in oklahoma courts. some call it a phantom threat. do you agree? is shariah lot a phantom threat? >> the 755 -- i support the state question. i understand there is a lot of concerns about whether or not
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other courts in oklahoma the to be plying okloma's all and oklahoma's constitution. i will be supporting 755. >> i do support55. i believe it is important for the court system to follow u.s. law and oklahoma law. it is very simple. >> the next question isor mary fallin. >> oklahoma incarcerates women at a higher rate than any state in the union. why? >> that is a great question. i appreciate that. years ago when i was lieutenant governor, i was asked by the commission of women to be the chairwoman of a study on why oklahoma is number one in court course rating when -- is no. 1 in incarcerating women. i listen to experts testified that our panel and issued a
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report back to the governor duringur time. a couple of things we felt was that over 60% of our inmates do not have a high-school education, do not have a ged. one of the reasons why i make education a top priority is that that is one of the ways we can reduce our incarceration rate by giving our citizens a better education. we also found that there is a higher drug addition rate in the state of oklahoma, which we all know. over 50% of our inmates have some type of conviction related to being on drugs. that is why i support drug force. in the report we said we should put more money into drug force for those who had an addiction problem. that is also the reason why i support reent programs and programs like "when i and recovery -- "women in recovery."
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a lot of children to let parents in the prison system could end up in the prison system themselves. we need to reduce our incarceration rate. >> oklahoma has failed to provide sufficient resources for decades for timidity-based treatment, whether substance abuse, -- for community-based treatment, whether substance abuse or alcohol abuse. you can go back decades and see that the committee investment has been made. we know that oklahoma women in present -- when you he a substance abuse problem and come from a rural county, we do not always have the kinds of counselors that are necessary to understand that there are differences why women become addicted to substances versus white man become addicted to substances.
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the treatment approach has to be different. i had an opportunity to visit with women in the corrections association. we talked about oklahoma's issues. when we had the opportunity to provide community-based resources, then we give the chance to intervene on, but for people who were wanted to change their lives. when wdo that, we stop at behavior before it leads to the criminal activity that will ultimately land someone in jail. this is a problem in our state because it increases the number of children who are living with grandparents, other family members, or foster parents. we need to do what we can at the community level to keep families hold. >> this is faor jari askins. >> this is about the state teachers retirement fund.
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we finished third worst. it is underfunded to the tune of about $10 billion. i can' remember when it was $3 billion. the theory was the stock market was soaring and we would earn our way out of it. we sell it go from $3 billion to $10 billion. in the last 60 days the state treasurer said we would not be able to earn our way out of the situation. my question is, your thoughts about the state teacher's retirement fund and how would you fix it? >> this sends a signal around the country when we are trying to work on bond issues across the state. it affects our bond rating. we need to make sure that our pension system continues to move at an upward manner so that they become more fiscally solvent. a couple of years ago t oklahoma legislature began to make some changes in how they proposeoney would be deposited
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into the teacher's retirement system, try to make an effort to increase participation from the school district as well as what the state of oklahoma should be able to put in. when our revenues increase, we need to figure out a way to periodically make deposits to improve the solvency. if we are going to ask art school district, if we are going to pass a mandate on our school district that they increase their contribution, that we need to figure out a way to help the school districts be able to make those payments. we tend to pass those mandates but we provide new funding mechanism. when we do not provide it, we are takg money out of the classroom to lp support the pension system. they cannot be handled one on the back of the other. >> married? >> we need to keep our commitments to those who paid into the pensionystem in the state of oklahoma. there have been in years when the state of oklahoma has had great financial times and we did
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not put money back into the retirement systems like we should. legislatures recently have dedicated some sources to our teacher's retirement system. i am proud of that. you are right. there was a recent report a couple of weeks ago that said the estimates were worse than what we thought. there is a $10 billion shortfall in our teacher's retirement syst. that is not right to the people who paid into that. it hurts our financial rating of our state. i also believe it is important that we do what we need to do to continue to grow our economy and the right size of government itself so we will have the money to put tourist important needs. we will not be able to solve some of these financial challenges until we do the things that creates a better, stronger business climate in our state, until we right-size
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government. that is why i also proposed having a governor's task force that will bring people from the private sector tlook at how we can make more -- how we can make government more effective and more sufficient so we can put towards imported financial needs such as at shoring up our teacher's retirement system. >> the question will go to jerry kiari askins. >> i think it goes to me. >> i reversed it because i wanted everybody to be able to ask a question specifically of the other person. otherwise it would be the same. >> we are good students here. >> i should have told u that i had a time. kemp, your question for mrs. askins. >> we are in the midst of health care reform. here in oklahoma, we are experiencing a shortage of
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doctors. as a state, oklahoma rates as one of the most unhealthy states in the nation. how do you feel about fitness as an answer to chronic illness and health issues and how you plan to address the crisis that has been called an epidemic? >> thank you. help is an iss in the state of oklahoma. they-steps have been made in the state capital to work with the kids coalition to the get nutrition in our schools. a few years ago and effort was made to remove some of the soft drinks from the vending machines, at least at the elementary level, and try to work our way up to make short work healthy choices were offered in the vending machines at our schools. wendy to figure out a way not to just get the kids more active, we need to get families involved. i have several friends who have
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different ideas, but one i really like has an idea that if you want to change the help of a family, then you need to change the attitude, the knowledge, and the information of the mother or whoever is head of the household. the mother is usually the one in charge of the meals. if we can teach our mothers have to be coaches of our children's help, we could use our county health departments about how we can use them to reach, especially into rural oklahoma, where it seems to be more difficult get the resources. there are food-to-schools programs that are also combining what happens in agriculture production and getting fresh fruits and vegetables into our schools. i support that effort totally. >> there is no doubt that health care and health care reform and access to health care is one of the hot topics of our nation. that is why i do not support for
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the the obama's health care bill because i do take it will hurt access to care. it i always the -- it is already rising health-care costs in our nation, which hurts the health of our citizens and makes health care unacceptable. you are absolutely right that oklahoma has some bad numbers as it relates to the health of our state. we are for the night in the nation as it relates to diabetes, to cardiac -- we are ninth in the nation as it relates to diabetes, to cardiac felt. it hurts the activity of the work force of our state. there are some great programs in the state of oklahoma. there is the healthy oklahoma initiative working on tried to educate oklahoma residents take better care of their help. i support try to get more nutritious food into our school system and into our children,
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get rid of the deep fryers and get more fruits and vegetables into our schools. children need to learn at an early age healthy eating habits. some may not be a to afford health insurance. there are some great things going on. >> the next question goes to marry. >> congressman fallin, former alaska governor sir pailin has endorsed her campaign. she is wildly popular with the tea party. will you similarly endorsed her campaign if she runs for president in 2012 and is she presidentialaterial? [laughter] >> i personally admire sarah paili palin.
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she has my great admiration, especially which tried to put up with some of the things she had to go through with the national media. i appreciate what she does. she has been a leader talking about how we get america back on track. certainly she has been mentioned as a presidential candidate. she will, i think, one of the top leading candidates for president. but there are a lot of good people considering running for president di. people like mike pence, hayley barbour, mitt romney -- there are a lot of people considering running. whoever receives the nomination will have a big task on their hand. that is to refocus america or
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what is really important and what has made our nation the rong nation that it is. to stand up for our state's rights, to get spending under control, one that believes in lower taxes, limited governmen the protection of the sanctity of life, personal responsibility, a strong national defense -- those are the characteristics and qualitiei think the next nominee for president should have period. >> the wish to comment on this question? >> i have not had the opportunity to meet sara palin. i would love to take her turkey hunting. i think it would be a nice d inrmal way for us to be able to become acquainted. i have not hunted grizzly bears, but she would invite me up there, i prose you i would go.
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shes a wonderful communicator. she does a great job of communicating with the people. i think everybody in the united states realizes that if you have the desire, anybody who says their mind to it can run for president of this country. >> our next question is for jari askins. >> everyone is familiar with state question 744. my question is whether or not the question passes, why or why not and please include a yes or no light in yo answer. >> no on state question 744. whether or not the regional averages what oklahoma should strive for, i do not think oklahoma should strive to be average.
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it is not unusual for o average to be a bit lower than some of the states around us that have a higher per-capita income. the opportunity for us to look at models like the state of colorado that uses cooperative educational services, to figure out how to use economies of scale to reduce its administrative costs, the oprtunity to try to utilize the state information officer to figure out new technologies to save money across state governments a we had you additional resources to spend in the classroom so our teachers ve the tools they need. when we are able to do that, we can measure oklahoma's commitment to education against oklahoma and not worry about what other states are doing. michael is not to be average, but to be excellent. -- michael is not to be average, but to -- my goal is not to be
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average, but to be excellent. >> i want to create a stronger, more educated work force in our state. that means getting money to the classroom where it belongs. it means working at any kind of duplicative administrative costs that might take away from getting money to the teachers and the classrooms. it means having high performance standards. we also need to work on making sure that each child as they move from grade to grade is proficient at great appropriate levels. there is a great saying that says from the first to the third grade a child learns how to read, but from the fourth grade on they love to read. that is where our focus needs to be. how can we raise the bar on our expectations for education? after we get more money to the classrooms? how can we make sure we reward effective teachers and have a fair pay for performance system for our teachers?
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how can we get morearents involved? after we get more local control of our school boar? i do not belve the oklahoma should be average. i believe oklahoma should be excellent when it comes to education. i think all of us working together can create a better, stronger, more educated work force bause it is critical for a stronger oklahoma. >> the next question will go to mary fallin. >> across the country and certainly here iklahoma, everybody is talking about jobs and the economy. in oklahoma, our unemployment rate has been around 7%. the national average is very high. what would you like to do to try and create more jobs? what can we do to try to get oklahoma living with the economy? >> i think oklahoma has great potential looking for. oklahoma has everything going for it. we have land, low-cost of
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living, natural resources, and a great quality of life. if we do the things i have been talking about to create that very best business climate by focusing on keeping our taxes lived in reducing our tax burden on individuals and businesses, making sure we had a fair legal system -- we have over 500 different agencies, boards, and commissns in the state of oklahoma. that is money out of our pockets. we need to look at government from top to bottom. i will do that. i will also have a taskorce that will look at rules and regulations and taxation. one of the things i have heard, i was talki to a business owner who says his workers' compensation costs by up 72% this past year. that is holding oklahoma back. i have talked to businesses u.s. said they cannot find the
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workers to our educators -- i have talked to businesses and who have said they cannot find workers who are educated. small businses are the economic backbone of our rural communities in the state of oklahoma. that is why it is critical that we do everything we can to send a signal to the rest of the nation that oklahoma is ready and open for business. >> we are very fortunate that oklahoma has a quality jobs program and the recently enacted 21st century investment at. we have seen the benefit of those programs when there is a partnership and cooperation between local committees and the state government in figuring out how we can best help those local communities bring business to your area. recently oklahoma was named as the no. 1 state for entrepreneurs for the last year. more entrepreneurs started the business is probably because of
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the ingenuity of the people who are no longer employed gave them the chance to create those jobs and those businesses that they often thought about but never had the time to do. we need to find ways to make sure that we he venture capital that is available for these entrepreneurs that are able to start new businesses, a cottage industries, sometimes in their garage. upon what was also raided in another survey that said -- oklahoma was also raided in another survey. it was defined as investment and education. it was defined as investment in healthcare. if we want to be able to bring businesses to the state that we talk about, then we must show an investment in our cells. >> the next question comes from camp jackson -- kim jackson.
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>> one of you will be known as our first female governor. how do you want to be remembered? >> i he i have an opportunity to change the way government does business. i am intohe mechanics. i am entered the techniques. it gives us a better idea of where we have moneyhat we can trim and a short state government is meeting the needs that we claim to the citizens that we want to fulfill. when we can do that we will have a more informed legislature because they will be involved in the appropriations process. i also want to be known as a governor that focuses on children. the opportunity to create a children's cabinet and be able to set a policy to make sure every dollar that is spent on a child's program in this state does not just tell the children of today but helps the work force of tomorrow. these are the young men and
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women who will be our leaders in business, our leaders in philanthropy, and our leaders in government. everything we can do to commit the state to serving oklahoma's children -- >> i wt to be known as the govern that gave all oklahoma residents, families and children, a better future, a better start future. our children will be able to stay in the state of oklahoma and find the kind of jobs that they need to be good, productive adults. that is why i keep saying my number one priority will be to focus on jobs in the economy so we c create the best business environment, create a better future for all oklahoma residents. we had a lot of challenges ahead of us. i talked about right sizing government ielf. i am for letting more
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oklahoma's -- more oklahoma residents keep their money so they can expand jobs so we will have that better future. as we grow the economy and then we will have more money to put towards infrastructure whether it is roads and bridges, whether it is more mental health services, whether it is strengthening our education is senior nutrition -- all the things we have been talking about so we can meet the needsf our budget. it has been expressed that we havead a budget shortfall. we are anticipating a budget shortfall this coming year. the last thing i want to be remembered as is a governor that was bold enough to stand up to washington. >> our next question is from joe kelly. we will go back to mary. >> my last question was for
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mary. is it not for the to the governor askins? >> if you would like that. [laughter] she begins first this time. >> i question congressman fallin blast. but in the governor askins, your radio and television advertisement campaign touts your candidacy as conservative. can you identify andlaborate on your greatest conservative a thomas met while in office? >> one of the best examples of try to be a conservative in okhoma and a conservative member of the oklahoma legislature is the idea that with the tobacco settlement was being negotiated around the state and the country between the state budget that had sued the tobacco companies, we saw a great deal of influence in the legislature that was trying to
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spend the money as it came in. with all other government leaders tried to capitalize on the proceeds as they came in. i believed that we need to say that that money. i started pushing legislation to create a trust to capture this dollars as they came in. i believe that the state of oklahoma has to show that we are fiscally responsible. i think that is what oklahoma democrats or. we had the opportunity to pass and create a constitutional trust where okla. says the money that com in on the back of some debt payments and we are able to spend only the interest. we have gone that trust where now we are able to fund programs that we could not find earlier. when we created that trust, about 24 months later in the economy began to fall. we saw states around the country using this dollars to balance their budget. oklahoma did not have to because
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we were smart enough to save its. >> to me, a conservative is one -- i have received the endorsement o the and are a -- is one to stands up for the sanctity of life, is one who has a 96% ranking with a conservative gro out of washington, it is one who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk when it comes to bidding. it is one who stands up to washington when washington tries to take over our health care and tells us how, where,nd when. it is one who says they will challenge the constitutionality of president obama's health care bill. it is one who supports arizona in securing the border and stands tough against the drug cartels. it is one to stand up against deficit spending and big
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government. it is one who stood up against unfunded mandates that will affect the state of oklahoma. as governor, those are the things i believe a conservative stance for and what i have stood for my whole time. >> now the next question. let's start with mary fallin. >> my question deals with the matter of local interest. would you consider a hospital provider to generate revenue for federaledicaid matching funds and are you willing to put it to a vote of the people? >> my turn? i lieve in general that we should keep all the fees low in the state of oklahoma because every time you add a new fee, you add eight new cost either to the individual faly or to the businesses. my way of helping to shore up
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our medicaid system and create better access to care for those who utilize that type of service has been to focus on making government more smaller, smarter, and efficient. by eliminating waste in government itself and focusing on right-sizing government. d of course toontinue growing our economy so that as we grow our economy we will be able to match some of those federal dollar that will help meet the needs of those who need those types of services. >> oklahoma has been woefully behind other states in try to reach the upper payment limits that are availableo us in receiving federal funds for health care. a number of years ago the hospital association in the state of oklahoma came to the legislature with the idea of a provider of feet to increase the state money so that we would
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be able to reach more people in this state, especially oklahoma's uninsured state -- a sure children. the bill did not pass because there were a lot of conflicts with some of the specialty hospitals in our state. it is my understanding that negotiations have gone on that would allow that bill to come forward again without opposition. i would be willing and have already had discussions with the man i believe will be the next speaker of the house, and i absolutely support the idea of the legislature and governor working together to figure out a way that we can raise the amount of money oklahoma can bring in so we can reach the upper payment limits for purposes of health care. if it means going to vote of the people, i am confident if the people of oklahoma trust the way the money will be spent than the people of oklahoma will support it. >> next question for jari askins.
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>> this deals with what we can expect of you as a leader if you are elected. would you compare and contrast the last governor's we have had -- governors we have had -- i think our chamber has done a good job and our lawmakers have done a good job of expressing the ises that are of interest in oklahoma, but sometimes it might be helpful to have the lawmakers come up here. what can we expect from you? how are you going to lead? what is your style going to beat? >> my style is pretty inclusive and they pretty hands-on style of learship. i do not favor oklahoma city or to also won over the other. it is a nice position to be in. i have spent a lot of time visiting in tulsa and all of
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northeastern oklahoma. i understand the importance of trying to make sure that the expressway gets completed because it is not just about economic development over the industrial parks, it is also about being able to move on the north side of tulsa in a fashion that will alleviate some of the transportation issues that occur. i understand the importance of making sure the river development occurs. we have seen what has happened over what used to be a canal. it is now booming with development. ast also boost course development here, -- as the tulsa -- as tulsa boosts development here, it is important to all of oklahoma. i know oklahoma city and tulsa have to be strong. we have to have strong economies here. they are the economic engines
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that drive our state. i am committed to make sure that both of them are strong parts of our economy. >> mary fallin? >> as your next governor of the state of oklahoma, i think it is important that the governor be available. a vernor is the person that can open the door and, frankly, close the deal. working with your local community leaders, working with your chamber of commerce, being available -- over the past year and a half i have been in this campaign and as a member of congress, i have come to tulsa. during the campaign i came to tulsa at least once a week and sometimes three times a week even while serving in congress. i try to pay a lot of attention to tulsa. i have heard over the years that also may feel likehey are left out when it comes to attention from a governor. i think it is in very important to have a governor that is willing to worwith all people
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no matter what political party. as a member of congress, i brought the democrat share of congress to tulsa to look at the conditions of the roads and bridges as i was a member of the transportation committee. i even brought a democratic chair of the small business community to talk about cats and trade and what it would do to the energy sector, not only in tulsa, but the state of oklahoma. i had been chairman of the tourism commission for 12 years as lieutenant governor. i understand the importance of economic and community development and how that can eat that the growth and future of tulsa itself. >> thank you. our next question from kim jackson did it goes back to mary fallin. >> as governor you have to look high and low at everyone in our entire state. right now it is absolutely true
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that people are hurting. i have seen children in elementary schools that take home backpacks because they do not have enough food at home to eat on the weends. last week we opened the application for our fire department and hundreds of people stood in line. there are a lot of people w are desperate for jobs. what do you commit to do during your first 100 days in office that people will really see and feel a difference in their lives? >> people are hurting to about the state of oklahoma. there are a lot who are unemployed. i have had the opportunity t go across oklahoma and talked to various committees and business owners that are looking for workers and those who are trying to find jobs. the best thing i can do as governor of the state of oklahoma is to do what i have talked about in my plan. that is to create the very best business climate possible to
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send a signal to the nation that we are ready and openor business, to do the reforms that we can do to retain jobs in the state and attract new jobs. that is a governor who is a accessible, available, to be the chief business recruiter for the state of oklahoma, when it will focus on education because if children do not have a good educatn, they will not be able to get the type of jobs they need to be able to support their families and be able to have the quality of life they need. that is one of the ways we will address our budgetary issues is by focusing on jobs in the economy. whether is looking at our health care and our school systems, providing needs to our seniors with nutrition programs -- those are things i believe a governor can do to help those who are in need, those who are out of work, and those who need
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social services and hands up instead of hands out. >> the fst 100 days would probably be the end of april or early part of may of 2011. there is no simple rule that will solve all our problems in those 100 days. i believe if we come into this legislative session and if we are working together from the very beginning of the session to say that the state of oklahoma is meeting our balanced budget requirements is our number one issue. it is the number one task in front of us. it is the only one that is required of us other than finishing redistricting and doing the senate-house appropriation for redistricting. we can have an opportunity to spend time on that budget. if we do that, we send a message not just two other legislators around the country, we sent a message to business that we are serious about the economic situation that we are in.
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that we are going to get our own house in order first. what we do that, we can make certain the priorities of the state make sure we do not balance the budget on the backs of children or seniors that need our help. that will be the right -- that will be my goal in the first 100 days, to be sure we get the budget done earlier. >> we have come to thend of our question and answer session. it is time for the three-minute closing statements. the first closing statement as to congresswoman mary fallin. >> thank you, john. thank you to our audience and sponsors of this event. i want to thank jari for being here tonight. i told you why i am running for governor -- to create jobs, to bring a better business climate, to get oklahoma's economy back on track, to focus on a better
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educated work force so we can give our children the education they need and the work force our businesses deserve. thirdly, right-sizing government to make sure the government is the efficient and effective. i will have a governor's task force that will look at government itself from top to bottom to make sure we are not wasting money, that we are not duplicating services where money can give to other essential needs in oklahoma. as i mentioned, my plan is to send a signal to washington not to send us unfunded mandates, not to pass bills and lost that will hurt our economy and hurt our jobs, even hurt our families. i think it is very important that you had a governor who is willing to stand up when the time comes and not pile mountains of debt over future generations of our children. these are challenging times for the state of oklahoma. over the last 1.5 years, i have
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had the oppornity to work my way across the state of oklahoma. i have done jobs across the state of oahoma. what people have told me is that they are very concerned about their jobs, about the economy, about supporting their families. they are very concerned about the direction our country is going. i want you to know that i have listened. i have heard what they said. my goal will be to address those needs. i believe that oklahoma has a tremendous future ahead of us if we have a conservative governor who will bring about the reforms that ialked about and is willing to step up with a plan to create those jobs. other states are having all kinds of problems whether it is budget shortfalls -- like lifornia where they cannot pay their bills. the height unemployment rate -- the high unemployment rate like
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michan. i know you cannot borrow, tax, instead your way to prosperity. that will not create a prosperous oklahoma. we have a great quality of life in our state. we have a low cost of living and a low cost of housing. i believe w have a great quality of life. i believe we can create an oklahoma that will be the go-to place to do business and to raise families. i will tell you that during my time i have been a businesswoman, i have been a legislator, i have been a lieutenant governor for 12 yea serving on 10 different boards of commissions, and i have been a congresswoman. my experience makes me well prepared to lead the state of oklahoma. thank you very much and god bless you. [applause] [applause] >> for her closing statement,
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rjari askins. >> a couple of years ago i began make the serious decision of whether or not to run for governor. as i looked around and listen to what people in oklahoma were saying, what i kept hearing was that they were concerned, they were afraid. they were concerned that the state of oklahoma wod not be able to provide the kind of hope and future that they wanted for themselves, their families, and their children. i knew it would be a tough economic time in our state, yet i decided it was because it would be tough that i chose t run for governor. i have been a decision maker all my life. i am the oldest child in my family. i had to make decisions for my brothers and sisters sincee were small children. whether it was as a judge, whether it was working as deputy
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counsel in the office of the governor, i can tell you that i learned about that process that to be a good leader you have to able to listen, b you also have to be able to discern and te the difference between what people are saying to you because they want you to hear it, and letting you know what you really need to hear. i understand that. i can tell the difference. i do note not know whether it was my long or journalism degree where i learned to pay attention and ask questions beyond just the formation that is handed to me. i will build a team, a team that looks like a snapshot of oklahoma. people from different parts of the state, people from different backgrounds in the state. i understand that the best decisions are made when you have different opinions helping you with t information. we do not need to have just a rubber stamp. i will make this tough decisions. i will be the one at the table helping decide and move people
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together as i have done my entire life, try to find the solutions that will help fix the problems of oklahoma is facing. try to find the consensus that brings different parts of the state together so that we have a unified effort in trying to move oklahoma ahead, not just for ourselves, but for the future. we do need to create jobs in the state, but first of all we need to focus on keeping the jobs we have. talking to industry leaders across the state will be one of my top priorities. in 1994 wn i ran for state representatives, halliburton announced they were moving a whole departments to houston tx. i made some phone calls and found out no one from the state had been involved in those discussions. i do not think that should ever happen. state leaders and the governor needs to be involved when we new businesses are looking to move elsewhere. we need to keep those jobs in
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oklahoma first period when we do that, we become more attractive for other businesses. i will continue work for you as governor. thank you. [applause] >> once again, we want to thank our candidates for this very important discussion. we also want to thank the chamber along with ocx communications -- cox communications. of course, this reminder to go out and vote next tuesday. from the campus of oklahoma state university in tulsa, good night everyone. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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>> a congressman and incumbent faced each other last night in the debates for a louisiana senate seat. that is next on c-span. "washington journal"starts at 7:00 eastern. later this morning, a conversation on national security and the media. the u.s. commission on civil rights will vote on a report expecting to be critical of the justice department's handling of the voter intimidation case. live coverage today at 8:30 a.m. eastern on c-span2. also on c-span2, a conversation
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with aol chairman. live coverage of the online news association begins at 12:45 eastern. now, the final debate between the louisiana's u.s. senate candidates. this was held at wwl-tv in new orleans. the cook political report rates this race republican.


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