tv Newsmakers CSPAN October 31, 2010 10:00am-10:29am EDT
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going to vote for shuler and jill brand. >> thanks for the call. dor reinjoining us from claire, wisconsin, a race that's getting a lot of attention. >> good morning. >> and have you made up your mind yet? >> no. i keep flip flopping like a politician. >> walk us through the process between the republican nominee and your democratic senator. >> walk you through the process? >> your process in determining how you're going to vote on tuesday. >> well, i listened to their debates. i guess i'm so not sure what issues that i want to prioritize. i just feel like either way you vote that nobody really does the will of the people, they kind of do the will of their party. i just think the whole process
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should be different, that people, you know, should be more informed on the votes that are up and congress, senators, should ask the people what they want in their districts, their states, and then vote that way. not vote along the party line. host: sure. let me play hypothetical. if i'm calling from the ron johnson campaign and ask you to vote for our candidate, what do you want to hear? and then if the feingold campaign was calling you, what would you want to hear from them? caller: that i'm going to listen to your voice. i'm going to be open to your suggestions. i don't have my own set agenda. we want to hear what you want. >> thanks for the call. we use this site because it is a pretty nonpartisan view of the polling information. you can check it out as well. giving the edge to ron johnson.
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he is up almost 8 percentage points and that is an average of the survies in the wisconsin senate race. john from munsen, massachusetts. caller: independents. host: ok. caller: there isn't a whole lot of choice out there. host: we'll go to dennis next in atlanta. caller: i just want to try to encourage all of the people that i can encourage to not vote for the republicans across. they're not trust worthy. and i was listening to john boehner speak. and when he speaks, you can see that he's trust worthy. i just don't trust republicans and not given the history of this lack of concern for the people. it seems like, to me, so i just want to say that to anyone out there who is listening to not vote for republicans because
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then they do not have our best interests at heart and they never have, really. especially if you are a woman or a minority group. host: you've made up your mind. correct? caller: yes. host: we'll move on. first a look at some other headlines, focusing on the governor's race in florida very close between rick scott and democrat alex showing that this race is one of the governor's races that is either too close to call or leaning republican. and the richmond times dispatch looking at some of the key house races in virginia, including tom peerlo in virginia's fifth congressional district, rick boucher and jerry connelly, all democrats, and how those returns come in. we'll give you a good indication of how the night will be going. and from the pittsburgh post gazette, yesterday's restore sant -- sanity. how are you determining who you
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are going to vote for? caller: i'm an independent, and the politicians are not happy with a lot of them. they're not saying the things i want to hear. host: what do you want to hear? you're the second or third person who has made that point. caller: what i want to hear, i want our money spent policing the world -- don't want. i'm also tired of exporting all the jobs out. if you want to sell it here, build it here. ok? even our energy crisis, all the energy things should be built here and i'm tired of our borders being open. i'm tired of the way they spend money. i'm tired of the politicians
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taking all the -- host: the front page of the detroit free press says that the next governor will be facing a $1 billion shortfall in michigan. caller: i understand that. but they can correct that by tax incentives. michigan has one of the highest tax rates on business. and the rules and the regulations governing new jobs being created in michigan and the new governor said he is going to do and eliminate those problems. host: thanks for the call. this is an afternoon of politics here on c-span coming up in just a couple minutes. in case you missed it we will be reairing the senate nevada race debate. we'll follow that with some other debate coverage today and live coverage of the president on the campaign trail in cleveland, hoy. that will get under way about 2:15. and the tea party express making a couple of stops
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including sara palin who is in west virginia saturday. all of our event coverage is available on our website. joining us from crown point, indiana on the republican line. how are you going to vote in tuesday's election? caller: i'm going to vote republican. i'm an active republican. but i want to show how far down this problem goes this year with the kind of choices we have. host: ok. caller: in indiana we have a democratically controlled house and -- house of representatives. the senate is controlled -- senate is controlled by republicans. and we have a republican governor with mitch. but the one district we live in, district 19, is a democratically controlled seat right now. and if the republican would win this year, it would give the republicans control of both the house, the senate, and the governorship. but the republican we're running is so totally unqualified that he shouldn't get a vote for anything. and so as an active republican,
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who would like to have the republicans have control of the state, i can't vote for the republican. i'm going to have to vote for the democrat and let the democrats keep control if she wins. shelly vanderberg is the democratic candidate. ron dan kline is the republican. he was kicked off the ballot for mayor here. he lost his chance to run it again. the republicans didn't want it. so it's hard. nationally i'm thrilled with how it's going. i wish in one way this is a republican year because i don't want to see dan kline win. i would rather have indiana stay in the hands of the democrats. host: thank you for the call. we'll have the returns and the speeches tuesday night getting under way at 7:00 eastern time here on c-span. will is joining us from south dakota. good morning. caller: i'm an undecided democrat. host: and you have an at-large house seat. caller: yeah. and hers etsdz sand lynn is the democrat running, and my
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problem with her is her lies. i come from the state of george mcgovern and tom daschle, and now we're looking at this blue dog democrat who is honestly a liar on health care, a liar on foreign policy. and the republican alternative that we have in south dakota this year, well, she's a tea party candidate who supports medicaid and medicare and social security but not obama care. and the differences are, you know, her 30-second tv commercials about how government health care is bad. yet, you know, she supports unbelieveably huge health care programs and as a 23-year-old voter i just feel very confused, very lied to.
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host: are you leaning towards stephanie herseth sand lynn or chris teen known? >> host: i'm leaning toward the independent honestly. i liked darble. the first year i ever voted was 2004 and i turned 18 that year, and i liked senator daschle. for south dakota. and he lost in a very close race here. host: thanks for the call. we'll continue to have our live coverage during the course of the day, the president in cleveland, ohio, the alaska senate debate. a rebro cast of a debate. and in a moment the one and only debate in the senate nevada race. a race that is viewed as still a toss-up two days before the elections. and of course determining whether or not harry reid comes back as the democratic leader in the senate and also the full makeup of the senate and the house on the line in these key races.
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first, some background on ne politics from this morning's washington journal. . . attention to what is happening in nevada where the unemployment rate is at 14.4% laura myers joins us "from the loss of vegas revue." let me begin with one of the phenomenons of nevada politics. none of the above is listed on the ballot. what impact is this having on the race? guest: you get various opinions on that. mostly, people think that could hurt sharon engel's attempt to win this race. this is really a referendum on senator harry reid. and a vote that is not with him, is entered against him. host: the president campaigned for harry reid and michelle obama will be there tomorrow. how does the president doing in the polls and will he help harry
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reid in his final push-guest: that's a good question. senator harry reid is the one that is carrying the obama agenda in washington. he cannot run away from the president's agenda. what they tried to do is use obama and use the first lady to get out the vote. that is key to senator reid's victory. host: what will you be looking at on a vax -- election night? early voting has been happening in nevada for three weeks, correct? guest: two weeks, it ended on friday. nevada is not -- is a voting stake. more than 2/3 of voters have already voted. host: i'm sorry? guest: more than half of the voters have already voted during a two-week period. it has given the edge to democrats by numbers. there are more registered democrats in the state. there's a higher percentage
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turnout of republicans. that means it is still a very close race. host: you have organized labor in las vegas and across the state. what will be stronger on election day-guest: typically, there is a stronger turnout in midterm elections among republicans. the expectation is that 4%-6% higher turnout of republicans. i think the democrats had something like 60,000 more registered voters in nevada. in the end, it might be a wash, party-wise. people will look to see how the independent voters swing. host: do you know when we will know the winner in nevada? will be tuesday or will there be a potential recount? guest: people expect that we may know the winner tuesday very late but it makes bill into wednesday morning.
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there's a big hole there. we found it there about 20 months ago. we could hardly see out of that hole. but we struggled. i believe my number one job is to create jobs as the united states senator. that's why i work very, very hard to do just that. taxes, we reduced taxes for 95% of nevada and all americans. we did tax reform for small business. that's the driving engine of business in america, 75% of all jobs are small business. reduced taxes for small business eight times. wall street reform. they will never, ever be able to do to us again what they did to us before because we've changed the law. mortgages, i understand homes are urpped water. i have three boys that have homes here in nevada. actually, four. one's in the northern part of the state. i have a home in nevada. i understand how house values have gone.
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that's why i worked hard to get $200 million in the state of nevada to help home owners. between myself, sharon and goal, and senator harry reid. the contrast will be fine and who you make your choice for when boating. the contrast begins with me not being a career politician. in a mother and grandmother.
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i live in a middle-class neighborhood in reno, nevada. senator reid lived in the ritz- carlton in washington, d.c. i have a lot but -- legislative record of voting against tax and fee increases. senator reid has voted to raise our taxes, for public policy like stimulus and bailout. voting for unconstitutional bills like obama-care. these are policies that have hurt nevada. we have the highest rate of unemployment in the nation. the highest rate of foreclosure in the nation. from the highest string of bankruptcies in the nation. when i call my grown children
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and ask them how they are doing, what i am merely asking is if they are still able to make that mortgage payment and if they still have their jobs. our founding fathers knew that the best government was a limited government, of the people, by the people, for the people. tonight you will see the different treatment harry reid and big government and share an angle and limited constitution government. >> thank you very much. in the minds of many of the people in nevada, senator reid, your policies have allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to stream across the border because you have not made security is a priority. why is it that only this year you have talked about securing the border when this problem seems to be going on for decades.
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>> we have a system that is broken and needs to be fixed. we now have on our border, predators' flying over 24 hours per day. we have national guard and fences being built. myself, like everyone else, i am frustrated. but we cannot ignore immigration reform. we have to do something about the people that are here that are undocumented. by doing that, we will be able to not demagogue, but work together on the issue. >> your response? >> we haven't illegal alien
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problem in the solution is simple. -- we have an illegal alien problem in -- and of the solution is simple. instead of filling up arizona, when president obama and harry reid sued arizona allowed foreign countries to join in the suit. you have about 11 foreign countries to dictate our immigration laws. that is just not. we need to the back to simple solutions to these problems. then we can deal with those internal problems that we have left. we have to stop incentivizing those folks that are coming here for jobs, for medical, for education. and also for social security benefits. >> senator reid? >> the number one issue is a
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