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tv   C-SPAN Weekend  CSPAN  November 7, 2010 10:30am-1:00pm EST

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if these safety regulations aren't put in place quickly? >> to be fair, the bureau has put a number in place through a standard rule-making process, more formal rule-making process. but for folks on the coast, i thinks there certainly people that have doubts about this industry and its safety regardless of the statistics because they had this happen in their back yards, and they may see a need for -- they may want more reasshurns. for the industry, it's something we hear a lot from the industry about. they're very concerned about what both the director and the interior secretary have said is a dynamic regulatory environment. to the industry, that means the rules are constantly changing and we can't get a grip on them. this is an ongoing issue. it's going to be a major point of contention going forward. >> but one of the things that i think people are failing to
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understand, especially hearing from the industry and the people in the gulf coast that we need to get back to work as soon as possible is that something so profoundly significant happened, that life is not going to pick up where it was on april 19. and i think that's a very difficult thing for people to get used to. i was telling you fwfer that i grew up in the gulf coast, how manya, grand ilse. all of those places are people i know and there are people i know who have been affected and i have seen the boon bust in louisiana. and this is part of what happens when your economy is tethered to an extraction industry. when things go back, there's an enormous hit that families and communities take, and that is a painful thing to watch. the other thing that's happened is in other parts of the world, when in i think it was 1988 that a major platform in the
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north sea, in the british part of the north sea blew up. and ink about 170 men died in that. there wasn't a spill but enormous loss of life. it took the commissioner that did a comprehensive review three years to come out with review of what happened and the regulations. the point is that when something of this magnitude happens, that perhaps the expectations are a little bit out of synch if unching that everything is going back to the way it was or it's not going to slowdown. and i realize that as an economy, as people, as industries, that's very hard for people to get their minds around. but i fear, given the time. and given the timetable that you've seen say in the north sea years ago, this is a pretty accelerated timetable. >> is that what you're hearing, that they expect it to be three years or longer? >> i don't think that's the
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case. they want it to be april 19th. >> and they do, for their part improve safety and clearly what you talk about in other countries and in the north sea is a model going forward in the gulf. >> thank you very much for being on "newsmakers." i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> today on book tv's indepth, joana goldberg, best selling author and editor at large discussing the election
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results, the consoytive provements and next wave. join us with your calls, e-mails and tweets today at noon eastern. >> incumbent senator blanche lincoln was defeated in her reelection bid for a third term by republican john bozeman. first, we'll hear from senator lincoln. then the victory speech by senator elect boozeman. [applause] >> oh, you all are great. you all are great.
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i look out in this sea of people and i can't think of a better group that i would want to spend tonight with. i promise you. it has been an incredible journey. and i am so blessed to have made it. but more than anything in this world, you all have to know that i am so blessed to have made it with the people that are in this room. you are an incredible group of people. today, arkansas voters have spoken. they have spoken and i certainly respect their decision. as you all know, i have already called congressman bozeman to congratulate him. and certainly pledge my support to help him in any way in a transition in this office. you all know where my heart is. my heart is with the state of arkansas and its people.
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it has been and it always will be. [cheers and applause] and we are going to do everything to make that transition a great one for the state of arkansas. but i want to tell you all, tonight my heart is so full. it is so full of so many blessings. and you are here to share them with me. i am so grateful for the opportunity i have had, the honor and the privilege to serve the great state of arkansas and its people that i love so much. i am so blessed with a wonderful family. yes. [cheers and applause]
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hopefully by now you all know them as your family too, as i know that you do. but my wonderful husband, stee, who has been with me through thick and thin. [applause] and have you ever seen two such fine men as these young men as you have watched them grow? [applause] oh. they have grown up before your very eyes and they've grown up before mine, and i cannot thank you all muff for the opportunity to serve -- dr enough for the opportunity to serve. throughout my life i have found my strength and my faith, and it is that tonight. my faith is with me because you're with me. and just as i said last night to all of you wonderful people, those that have labored so hard in this campaign, this campaign
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has been about people. it has been about you, it has been about arkansas, it has been about people in this great state and in this great country. and i can't thank you enough for making it about peam. you didn't make it about the anger or the fear. you didn't make it about the ugly attitudes. i've watched every one of you out there on this campaign, and when somebody was ugly or somebody was afraid or they were angry, you treated them with the utmost of dignity and respect. you answered their questions. and you worked harder. that's what our campaign has been about. and i wouldn't have it any other way. than to have had it the way that we had. [cheers and applause] i have been so fortunate to be surrounded by such a loving staff, a wonderful wonderful
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senate staff who are here tonight. my senate agriculture committee staff who are just a group of dynamos, and i am so proud of each and every one of you all the way that you've worked so hard. i want to thank our campaign -- give yourselves a hand. absolutely. the senate staff, thing a staff, our campaign staff which has just worked tirelessly over these last 20 months who have put together an incredible campaign of outreach. i thank our volunteers, those that have labored so much. whether it's here in the campaign -- there you go. absolutely. who have worked so hard in the campaign both hours and in the coordinated effort. i want to say a very special thanks to president bill clinton who was such a trooper and who was so wonderful. what a great friend and what a great leader and what a great son of arkansas. the special arkansas travelers
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that came out and spent the time on the road with us. it was a fun time and we did a great job. i have no regrets. well, i should take that back. i have one regret. the only regret i have this evening is that i hope i haven't disappointed you all. that's the only regret i might have. i take great pride in the public service that i've offered. when i first went to congress in 1992 in that election, i went there with the attitude of wanting to create greater civility, greater common ground, greater results fror the people of arkansas, particularly in the first district then, and then in 98 in the senate. for people to come together and to work hard to make our country strong. to make our state strong. and i worked hard in reaching out to others to find that middle ground, to be that
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common sense, and to try to make our nation great. i still don't believe that the answers, they cannot be in the extremes. they have to be in the middle. they have to be where we work together to find the solutions that we need. [applause] >> but let me tell you, folks. we left it all in the field. all out there on that field. we gave it everything we had in this campaign, and i could not be more proud of you all in what we did. we worked hard and we made a difference. so i just want to thank each and er one of you all from the bottom of my heart. you should know that there are many chapters in all of our books and i have had a wonderful time in these chapters of my book. and it has been because of the great people of arkansas. it's been because of you, so many of you all that have traveled in those chapters with me all along from the very beginning. there are more chapters to
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write, and i look forward to it. as i said before, my faith is what has alleds carried me. it carries me tonight and it will carry me tomorrow because i know there's much more. i ask the lord to bless me in this campaign, that i was where i needed to be, to be sure that i was doing what i needed to do. i thank you all again for being here tonight. i thank you for each and every day and for all that you have done. you have meant so much to me. i am so blessed to have had each and every one of you all in my life. and let me now make sure that you know that you're not getting out of my life. that you're all very much attached and you're going to be there for me. so thank you all for the opportunity. please help me as we do go forward in all of our lives in what we do to bring people together instead of tearing them apart, instead of creating the kind of division and the kind of anger and fear that has existed out there that many of
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us have seen. please, if you do nothing else for me, walk away from this campaign proud of what we have stood for. and i know that you will. thank you all so much. and god bless you. i love you, er one of you. [cheers and applause] thank you. i love you so much.
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thank you all. i was just hoping i would get as much applause as the girls when they came out. as you know, senator lincoln has called and very graciously we had a nice talk. and as you know, she has done a great job in the transition period. senator lincoln and i have not agreed on the issues many times, but we've always worked very closely when it comes to arkansas and i really appreciate all of her hard work and her love of the state. now, -- [applause] i want to thank my family. my mom is not with us here tonight. she's watching. she will have her 89th birthday on november 5th. she has promised me that we'll have a big birthday cake with
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extra roses on it, as i like. so i want to wish her just the fact that we're thinking of her and how much i appreciate her. my wife kathy and the girls. and those of you -- [applause] you know, it's one thing to help a candidate. it's another thing to actually be the candidate. and running for office these days is very, very tough, and it's not only tough on the candidates. it's very tough on the family. so i appreciate them with putting up with me. the other thing is, i want to thank my congressional staff. many of them are here today. and they've worked very, very hard representing the people of arkansas for the last nine years. and much of my success, in fact, 99.9% of my success has been because of their hard work , their constituent service both in arkansas, and then also
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working so hard to represent the people of arkansas in washington. i want to thank my campaign staff for all that they've done. and i can't go through everyone. all of you have been so great. those of you that have lent your homes to us, lent your finances to us, everything. and, again, i'm the guy that's up here. it's not about me, it's about getting a conservative voice for washington to represent us. [cheers and applause] and the reality is, is that we just couldn't have done this without this great team, this great army of people that have been so very, very helpful. i want to especially thank stanley reed and bill mcnight, my two co chairs who have sacrificed so much personal time. [applause] all along the campaign trail,
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stanley, as you know is a former foreign bureau president. bill mcnight is the chief of gi at the medical center. so he is one of the big dog doctors over there. but he's been keeping the campaign regular and the -- i tell people, i'm an opt tryst by training, so hang around, i'll give you some free eye advice. stanley, mr. green jeans, he will give you free advice concerning your garden if you're having troubles there. and bill has greashesly consented, if you're having problems with your digestion, to give you some advice. you know, as we've gone around the state, and i've been all around the state for the last year and visiting with so many different people. and you have memories of different people that stand out in your mind. and i think one of my fondest memories ever, not only of this campaign but ever, was being in
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fort eyes and i saw a young guy that came and he shook my hand and he said, congressman, he said you came to iraq to see me and i wanted to come and see you when you came to fort dice. [applause] and he showed us a picture. he had been in a -- he was a truck driver, and the truck drivers in iraq and afghanistan are the ones that have suffered so much because that's where they plant the ieds. and he showed us a picture of his truck that had been blown up and three of the guys in the truck had gotten purple hearts. i think about the men and women that were so concerned about protecting their social security and, again, all that means and being able to rearsure them that we were
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going to continue to do that. i think of the very -- the men and women, many little elderly ladies and men that would come up to us and say, here's $20 for gas for your bus. knowing, knowing that, again, that's $20 that they just didn't have. so these are the people that i will think about as i go to washington that are counting on us. the people also, the small business people that are so concerned about the economy right now, the average arkansasen who is concerned about having a job three or four months from now. these are the people that we will take to washington to represent. now, when i was first elected, congressman hammer smick called me. he has become a great friend and mentor. you can't go any place in the state without somebody telling
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a story of how he helped them with a particular problem. he represented the third district but he was a true public servant in every sense of the word. he called me and he said, john, always remember that -- well, he said congratulations, john. you're the congressman now. but always remember there's not any democrats, there's not any republicans now. there's just the people of arkansas. and you need to take care of them. [applause] and we've worked realy hard to do that. many of you in the room here not being from the third district haven't been able to vote for me. but i've been voting for you for the last nine years and tried to represent you with a conservative voice that you expect in washington. my pledge is to represent you with that conservative voice in the senate as we go forward. thank you very much.
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>> in kentucky, republican rand paul defeated kentucky state attorney general jack conaway to fill the seat being vacated by jim bunning.
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first, the concession speech by mr. parkway. then we'll hear from senator elect paul. . .
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[laughter] [crowd aww's] [laughter] as i think through this campaign and this journey, i think of the widow who lost her husband mining coal. he bled out and the mining company took away her health insurance the very next day. i think about the hardware store owner along the way that told me he had been turned down for a small business loan 22 times in the past 18 months. i think of all the students on the campuses who told me how they couldn't afford their student loans. i think of the autism center i saw in floyd county because the people didn't want to take their autistic children out of
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state. i think of two friends i have who battled cancer and told me late in the campaign who told me they were fighting because they wanted to vote for us. so, to the people of my beloved commonwealth, you opened your homes, your arms, your hearts, and elizabeth and i love you for it. [applause] i love you, too. right now, we want to wrap our arms around you. this race wasn't about us. it was about eva, our kids. it was about our grandkids. it was about their future. it was about taking a step into
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the future and always moving forward together for the commonwealth. i called rand paul just a few moments ago to congratulate him and wish him well. he is now our senator-elect and -- no, no, no. he is our senator, and i think we should wish him well and wish him well as he tries to do right by our state. we ought to be helpful in that regard, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] i just told him on the phone that he finds issues where we, together, can move the commonwealth forward and better the lives of those people hurting right now than this democrat is that his supposal. -- disposal. i want he and his family to know that. [applause] you know, i have to think my remarkable family, my parents, tom and barbara, my siblings,
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matt, kelly, and meghan, who put up with a lot. my wonderful in-walt's. my staff. my great campaign manager. [applause] morgan, your energy is irreplaceable. richard drew jenkins. john collins, alison, jim, brant, andrew. to my attorney-general staff who kept things going. i love you all. i love you all very much. thank you. [applause] i want to think jefferson county. one thing i know is that jefferson county had my back. i appreciate that. [applause]
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i want to thank you very special kentucky woman. [applause] >> of the best professional i have ever been around. i want to think the people who were there with us at our national announcements -- greg, john, chandler. i want to give special thanks to president bill clinton who came in not only once but twice for us. [applause] i want to give a very special thank you to a 86-year-old from
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kentucky, wendell, you are the best. [applause] to all of you in this room tonight, i know you all were with me. those watching, whether you were with me or not, we were fighting for what we believe in. we were fighting for senior citizens. we were fighting for students. we were fighting for veterans. we were fighting for a more inclusive society. we were fighting for the women of the commonwealth of kentucky. we were fighting to move ourselves forward. you know, we fought hard. that we came up short tonight, and one of those reasons is because we were outspent by outside money five to one. i am committed to campaign finance reform. [cheers and applause]
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i am committed to doing something, what ever it is, regarding the awful effects of that citizens united case and how it takes democracy further away from the people. [applause] if you are fighting for those issues, if you are fighting for those groups that i just outlined, do you know what? but me in the calgary with you and i will fight for you every time, ladies and gentleman. [applause] it was never about us. though we lost tonight, we will pick ourselves up. we will dust ourselves off. we will keep fighting for the causes that we believe in. [applause] as a famous public servant once said, "the work goes on, the cause and doors, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die."
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[applause] i will not dwell on tonight for too long. it is involved in the road. my dad has one of the greatest savings ever. "you cannot drive the road of life looking in your rearview mirror. i will keep moving the commonwealth forward. you have not heard the last of me yet. [cheers and applause] as i stand here before you tonight, i feel truly blessed. i feel truly blessed because, as i wrapped this speech up, i get to look at the two most beautiful things in my world that i could ever in my eyes on.
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-- ever laid my eyes on. my lovely and beautiful wife, elisabeth, makes me a better person every single day. [applause] and this wonderful little girl, eva, who obviously has me wrapped around her little finger already. i will wrap up by telling you how i truly feel. in the words of lou gehrig, "a lie and the luckiest man in the world." thank you. thank you and god bless you. i love each and every one of the. -- of you. [applause]
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♪ ♪ >> thank you. thank you. what a crowd. i've been like to thank my wife,
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kelly. i could not have done this without her. -- i would like to thank my wife, kelly. also to my boys, william, duncan, and robert for their great music. thank you, guys. i have a message. it is a message from the people of kentucky. it is a message that is loud and clear and it does not mince words. "we have come to take our government back." cheers and applause they say that the u.s. senate is the world boxing most deliberative body.
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well, i will ask them to deliberate upon this. the american people are unhappy with what is going on in washington. 11% of the people approve of what is going on in congress. tonight, there is a tea party tidal wave and we are sending a message to them. [applause] it is a message that i will carry with me on the day one. it is a message of fiscal sanity. and is a message of limited constitutional government and a balanced budget. [applause]
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when i arrive in washington, i will ask them respectfully to deliberate upon this. we are in the midst of a debt crisis and the american people want to know why we have to balance our budget and they do not. i will ask them respectfully to deliberate upon this. government does not create jobs. individual entrepreneurs, businessmen, and women create jobs but not the government. [applause] i will ask them respectfully to deliberate upon this. why is america great? why are the greatest, richest,
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best country ever known to man? america is exceptional, but it is not inherently so. america is exceptional because we embrace freedom, because we enshrine it in our documents, and because we have fought for the principles of freedom. [applause] america will remain great if we remain proud of america. if we remain proud of the american system, the system that is enshrined in our founding documents, the system that connects -- protect and promote capitalism that has made this country great.
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[applause] america will remain great if and when we understand, if and when we understand that government cannot create prosperity. we have to understand that it comes from ourselves. and does not come from government. we are the creators of that prosperity. until we understand that, we can not perfect and defend our liberties. [applause] i have great confidence in the american system. we must believe in ourselves and not believe that somehow some of the net and then -- some benevolent leader will save us
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from ourselves. we must, once again, believe in ourselves. [applause] i will ask the senate respectfully to deliberate upon this. do we wish to live free or be enslaved by that? do we believe in the individual or do we believe in this state? thomas jefferson wrote that government is best that it that governs least. likewise, freedom is best when enjoyed by the most. [applause] america can rise up and surmount these problems if we just get government out of our way. [cheers and applause]
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i am humbled by the honor bestowed upon me by the voters of kentucky. i will do everything within my power to live up to that trust. america's best days lie ahead of her. if we can, once again, unleash the creative genius, the entrepreneurial spirit, the faith in ourselves of that is the american dream. thank you and god bless america. [cheers and applause]
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> with most election results final into the winner's preparing to govern, use the c- span video library to see what the winners said during the 140 debates that c-span covered. search, watch, and share any time. it is washington your way. the florida senate race was a three-way contest between charlie crist, an independent, democratic congressman meek, and the eventual winner republican marco rubio. now, the victory speech by senator-elect rubio.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the last republican governor of the state of to the floor. >> good evening. it is such an incredible joy to be here. my office is right here. i had to walk like 50 feet. i am so proud of a florida. i am so proud of our state for recognizing the leaders they are supporting all across this state, but most importantly the most principled, centered a leader i know, marco rubio. thank you, florida. i am so proud because when you are down 35 points, it is easy to get discouraged, is it not? it is easy. a lot of us have had tough times. he showed a dogged determination that will make him a great senator. i'm so proud that he showed
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that. i am proud of is high-voltage energy. i am so proud of his enthusiasm. i am so proud of his eloquence. i am so proud he will be a part of the next generation of leaders that will restore america. mark -- marco rubio was the right man at the right time. this is a great time for our state. this is a great time for florida. get emotional. my wife told me not to cry. do not cry. marco rubio makes me cry for joy. he makes me cry for joy because this is a great country and we need great leaders that inspire us so that we can be better, do better, and tried in our own families and communities to make life better for ourselves and not to rely on an oppressive government to be the solution to our problems.
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we need principled, centered leaders to inspire us to solve our problems. that is in our dna as americans. i am so proud that marco rubio will be our next united states senator. without further ado, i give you our new leader, marco rubio. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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♪ >> thank you. ♪ thank you so much. thank you. thank you. q.. -- thank you.
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thank you. thank you. "polo."d you didn't say about an hour and a half ago, i received two very gracious phone calls. governor crist called me to congratulate me. and i thank him for that gracious phone call. congressman meek called to congratulate me and i told him that he has given us a lesson in dignity and in strength. [applause] and i thank both of them for being worthy opponents in a difficult campaign. and i wanted to thank all of you for all the help you've given me as well. let me begin tonight by acknowledging a simple but profound truth. we are all children of a powerful and great god. of a god who isn't always going to end - things are not always going to end up the way you want them. his will is not always going to be yours. but i promise you this. no matter what you face in life, he will give you the strength to go through it.
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i bear witness to that tonight as so many of you do in your own lives and must always be acknowledged in everything we do and everywhere we go. [applause] they like the microphones. [laughter] i don't even know how to begin how to describe this journey but to thank so many of you that have been a part of this. and we'll talk about little tidbits of that in a moment. clearly i'm grateful to my family. to my wife, jeanette, who has made this possible. [applause] raising children under any circumstances is a two-person job but she has done it alone for the last two years. i owe her a debt of gratitude i will never be able to repay. i am blessed to have her as my wife and i am grateful that she is with us here today. [applause] i am also blessed with four
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children who remind me every day of what's important in life but also give me the strength even throughout this campaign. there was a moment early in this campaign where i didn't know how i was going to raise the money to be competitive. and i'll never forget that the next morning my children showed up, they had collected their allowance, which was largely quarters and single-dollar bills, and handed it to me. i didn't tell them that. they overheard me. and it was in that moment that i was reminded of what this race and election was really all about. it was not about any of our individual ambitions but it was about the future, as represented by them and their generation. and that lesson is profound. it's one that i will not soon forget. tomorrow or even now, the stories are being written about what this election is about. what does it mean? and we still don't know all the results from around this country. but we know that tonight, the power in the united states house of representatives will change hands. [applause] we know tonight that a growing number of republicans will now
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serve in the senate as well. [applause] and we make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the republican party. what they are is a second chance. a second chance for republicans to be what they said they were going to be not so long ago. [cheers and applause] you see, i learned early on in this campaign -- in fact it's what propelled me to enter it -- and that what this race was about was about the great future that lies ahead for our country, a future that americans know is there for the taking. but it requires actions on our part. americans believe with all their heart, the vast majority of them, and the vast majority of floridians, that the united states of america is simply the single greatest nation in all of human history, a place without equal in the history of all mankind.
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but we also know that something doesn't seem right. our nation is headed in the wrong direction and both parties are to blame. and what americans are looking for desperately are people that will go to washington, d.c., and stand up to this agenda that is taking us in the wrong direction and offer a clear and genuine alternative. [applause] .
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it is about the future of this country and what it will look like when our children are our age. now let me tell you, there are those out there that doubt about the greatness of america. sometimes when i say it, i hear the snickers from some in different parts. ñ-they think it's simplistic. but see, i know america's great not because i read about it in a book, but because i've seen it with my eyes. i've been raised in a community of exiles, a people who lost their country, a people who know what it's like to live somewhere else. by the way, a community that i am proud to be a part of - a community of men and women that were once my age. and when they were, they had
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to protect and preserve for the generations to come. it's what this election's been
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about for me from the very beginning. you see, when you're 35 points down in the polls, and the only people who think you can win live in your house, and four of them are under the age of 10, you better know why you're running. when you have to drive four hours to get back home after speaking to 50 people and it's 1:30 in the morning and the garmin says there's still an hour and a half to go and you're not sure how you're going to stay awake, you better know why you're running. and i found the strength in this campaign to move forward on days where i was not sure if i should or could, from tokens of extraordinary kindness from every corner of this state. sometimes it happened when i was at a restaurant, maybe meeting with some folks and thought, maybe this is the last day of this campaign, maybe i made the wrong choice. and just like that, someone would appear and encourage me to continue. other times it came in the form of $25 checks in the mail from a single mother or an elderly person, a senior, on a fixed income. each and every time that we thought this campaign had run its course, something like that would happen to remind us that this race was never about me or about us. but it was about the fact that we are privileged and blessed to be citizens of this extraordinary society, and that that is something worth fighting for. that we have the opportunity to ensure that our children and grandchildren are the freest and most prosperous americans that ever lived. if only we are willing to do what the americans that came before us did: to stand up and confront the great challenges of our time. to say as those who came before us said: that we will not leave our problems for our children unresolved.
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we will not allow them to inherit our debt and our mistakes. but rather that we will do whatever we must do to ensure that for them, life will be better than for us, that for them, our country will be better than the one we inherited, that tomorrow will be greater than today, that our history will surpass our heritage. this has been the story of this extraordinary land for two hundred and thirty-some odd years. and tonight, at this crossroads at which we stand, we are asked to choose whether it will continue to be our story moving forward. for before us lies two very different roads. one road is the road that washington and both parties have placed us on. it is a road of politicians that will say or do anything to win the next election, but are unwilling to tackle the issues of our time. it is the road of those who are in politics to be somebody, not to do something. it is the road of those, perhaps the first generation in our history, willing to allow their children to inherit all their mistakes and all the things that went wrong.
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and that, tragically, is the road that we are on right now. but there's another road. it is the road that i hope we will begin to walk on again tonight. it is a road that says our children deserve to inherit the greatest society in all of human history. it is a road that understands that the world is a safer and better place when america is the strongest country in the world. it is a road that realizes that there is still at least one place on this planet where it
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doesn't matter if your dad was a bartender and your mom was a maid. you can accomplish anything you want if you're willing to work hard for it and play by the rules. [applause] [chanting 'marco'] in a few short days, i will have the extraordinary privilege and honor of joining the united states senate. [applause] but i do so with my eyes wide open. i understand that washington is a place where we've sent people before, and they don't come back
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the same way we sent them. [laughter] it is a place that literally changes people, and within a short period of time, they forgot why they even ran. and so, tonight, i ask for your prayers for me and for my family that we will not change, that we will always remember what carried us on those lonely days when few believed that this day would come, that we will always remember the things we cared about on this night, that i will constantly carry on my back the obligation that comes with knowing that i represent more than just those who voted for me today, but the millions of floridians who did not but deserve to be represented in the u.s. senate as well. [applause] and that ultimately, what this is all about stands before us, even as we speak.
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it is about whether we are going to be the first generation of americans to leave our children worse off than ourselves, or the next generation that allow them to inherit what they deserve, inherit what we inherited, give to them what every generation before us has given to the next, the single greatest nation in all of human history. god bless you, thank you, and god bless america. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] ♪ ♪
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>> in pennsylvania the race to replace arlen specter was between that to me and joe sestak. -- between pat toomey and joe sestak. first, the concession speech from joe sestak. [applause]
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>> thank you. first of all, let me do something. i want to congratulate congressman pat to meet on a very well thought campaign. in particular, is wonderful family curium actually met his wife. so congratulations. thank you. to everyone is standing here. all of the volunteers. including 19,000 across this wonderful state of pennsylvania.
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throughout the campaign i kept saying that i could lose it myself. but i could not win it without them. i want you to know. it was me. next that want to thank my staff. i have an amazing staff. [applause] in the navy of was the commander of a number of ships. i must tell my staff, mentioning first elecampane staff under bill walsh. and then my district office and my washington office. tonight, to my campaign staff, i have never had a more professional, competent, or hard-working staff. whether we were running against
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the establishment or with the establishment, one that was so humble in the sense of always remembering how to treat others. particularly those that they wanted to work for. can i hear a round of applause from my staff? [applause] as you all know, part of that staff, we have never worked for harder people and my family. elizabeth, the chief of staff, i came been -- by campaign director, richard. those of the three sisters that took off trying to help us out. still being corrected, the days to come. plenty of time. they were wonderful. in politics it is nice to close
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the door at night in and have someone who you know was that part of you. i cannot think them enough. my mother, father is on that color. thank you very much, from my family. and my brother. i wanted to mention, my congressional district. those that i work for for a number of years. republicans, democrats, independents. i never had a better boston them. i loved being there public servant. i always said, if you cannot be in the navy, i have the next best job. it was just wonderful. next-to-last, pennsylvania. you know, if someone had said to
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me, start over again. if you knew how the ending was going to be, starting over again, i would do it even in the end, in a heartbeat. [applause] i cannot tell you what i learned. i cannot even begin to tell you what i learned. pennsylvania. you are something. you care. they desire to leave again. they love america. that memory is going to find a home inside of me. the heart of it pennsylvanian. our love them. [applause]
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you know, it was really tough for me. going around with my wife. i will tell you, things are changing tomorrow for me. cleaning out the denn. i said that it was hard for me as i went around my wife because after every event, someone would say -- joe, you could win. i've proposed to her and eight years later, she said yes. persistent and hard work on my part. [laughter] and meld the best part. this is why i got in.
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and that of the best, best part. if you do not mind. it is now alex time. thank you, everyone. [applause] [applause] ♪ >> thank you.
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thank you so much. thank you. thank you. thank you very much. thank you so much. thank you, pennsylvania. you knew that this was not going the easy, right? [laughter] guenther, thank you for your support in your introduction tonight. i appreciate that. the people of pennsylvania have
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spoken. they have delivered as a victory. just a few moments ago congressman sestak called to concede the race to me. and to convey his congratulations to me. he was very gracious and i appreciate the call. i want to congratulate him on a very spirited, tough, can competitive campaign. he and his supporters deserve to be commended for the vigorous efforts that they've cut out. i also want to talk about how much i respect the service he has given to this country. i respect both of the 31 years he spent in the navy and the four years he spent in the house
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of representatives. he has served this country well and has done so honorably. i wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. [applause] now, i have got a lot of people that i need to think tonight and i cannot even begin to go through the people that i need to thank, but there are some that i just have to mention. people without a room it would be impossible for me to be here tonight. i have got to start whiffed the two people that taught me the important things in life. always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, making countless trips from rhode island to be here in pennsylvania. that is my mother and father, mary ann and joseph. [applause]
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i want to thank my brothers and sisters. we have been a close family since the beginning and i am grateful to them for all of their help in this campaign. thank you all very much for all of your love and support. i have got three young children to recognize. one of them is sound asleep right now. as a 6 month old, that is what he should be doing. you may have seen in some of the commercials, this little girl is our daughter, bridget. she agrees with me. the big boy here is patrick. the person that i need to think the most of all, the person that
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makes my life possible, the mother of our children and a rock that provides me with love and encouragement, as well as support. my wife, chris. [applause] face huge thank-you to the so many people who supported this campaign in so many ways. we have been at this for 19 months. the people that send contributions. 70,000 people contributed to this effort. so many had of the loaves with checks of 10, $20. i am enormously grateful to everyone that made bad personal sacrifice. the tens of thousands of people across the commonwealth that started so long ago circulating petitions to get my name on the ballot.
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making phone calls, going door to door. i told you that we needed all of that effort. i am very grateful for all of that support. one gentleman that i'd like to recognize that stepped up in agreeing to playing a major leadership role in the campaign, i am very grateful to him for all of his guidance, support, and his arm twisting. cliff year from pittsburg. i just have to take a minute and just tell you how enormously impressed and grateful i am to the campaign staff that we had. this is just an amazing team. i have got to tell you. [applause]
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they spent months on end working for 18 hours a day. i do not even know how many nights they spent sleeping on a couch and getting up in the morning again after basically just a nap. the determination and perseverance was amazing. the spirit of these guys was tremendous. mostly young, incredibly smart. they worked their hearts out. everyone played a crucial role. the political organization, the grassroots organizers. the people that managed the back office. everyone was absolutely superb. i do not think it is speaking out of school for me to brag and tell you that several sitting senators who have been watching these races closely have observed that these guys have been running the best senate campaign in the united states america.
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[applause] i have got to single out the one that managed the whole process. who oversaw everything and paid attention to every single detail without ever losing sight of the big picture. the brilliant mark harris. [applause] most of all i have to thank the voters of the commonwealth that came together to give me this responsibility and change the direction we are on. [applause] this a victory is not primarily
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about myself or the campaign, this is a victory for the people of pennsylvania. today we send a simple and clear message to the establishment in washington. we are tired of what is going on down there. we are tired and we will be charting a new course. we are going to grow this economy. we are going to create jobs. we are going to reduce the debt and the deficit, creating a more promising future for our children and grandchildren. .
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they provide the services that we value, the voluntary exchange of free people in a free society that have lifted the market lot of poverty and create more opportunity than any other
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system in the world. if we remember that then we will have a strong economic recovery that we need. i also want to note that the victory tonight, we should not think of this as a partisan thing. in order to win, i needed the support of the democrats, republicans, and independents. we are all in this together. we are all americans. i will be a senator for all pennsylvanian is. [applause] i want to extend my hand to president obama. i think it's important that we remember president obama is not are counted. he is our president. i want to work with senator casey and everyone on any side of the aisle that is ready to
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the hard work of making sure we can have the kind of economic growth and prosperity that we deserve. traveling across this great commonwealth from the pittsburgh, pike county, the shores of lake erie, the downtown shops of easton, and the big bustling city of philadelphia. this is a big, beautiful, diverse state. it reinforces in me the conviction that we have the people, the perseverance, the entrepreneurship, the innovative spirit, the work ethic that we need to have a great recovery in the to be a strong and successful state and a great country. i have seen the evidence all across the commonwealth and i still believe as we always have
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that america is the shining city on the hill and the 21st century can be another great american century. and can be a century in which we continue to inspire the rest of the world with the strongest economy and the greatest level of prosperity in the world. it can be a century in which we continue the great american tradition of turning this over to our kids and grandkids a greater country than the one we grew up in. thank you for your support. thank you, pennsylvania. [applause] ♪ ♪
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>> next, we continue its post- election remarks from senate and governor races from around the country with the remarks from senator-elect roy blunt in missouri, the victory and a concession speeches in the wisconsin senate race, later from ohio governor elect john kasich. >> it is harmless if one is making a star out of britney spears or cher.
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when one takes this into the national security realm then lives are at stake. the stars, wizards, dream teams, and the best and brightest may not be what they are cracked up to be. in that state the amount of time, chaos and mayhem will rain. which just if you're the foreign-policy leaders critique on c-span "q&a." >> not to the missouri senate race. seven term roy blunt was the victor over missouri secretary of state robin carnahan. now the victory speech by senator-elect roy blunt.
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♪ thank you all for being here. what a great job running this campaign. in every campaign, there has to be someone to bring everyone together to make the final decision. we had the two best decision makers in and the blunt and and wagoner. they were there every day doing what needs to be done. -- andy blunt and ann wagoner. thanks to you.
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930 political events in nine months means there should have been 930 places i should have been but i was not. thank you for doing those 930 things. i see my congressman in january, billy long. i am proud of you. what a great campaign. [applause] when i have a problem in the house of representatives, i will be calling him. he will be the guy. 930 events and trying my very best to listen to the people of missouri. they all said, "where are the private sector jobs? why is the government spending more money than they have ever spent before? why would an energy plan double our utility bill? why did it want to raise everyone's taxes? what about the stimulus plan that clearly has not work?
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why do we not get back to common sense government"? imad ago 3 months ago talking about the stimulus package. he worked for a paycheck. he did not have a ph.d. in economics, but apparently he had won in common sense. this is the cap and trade that would double our utility bill in one decade. 80% the first decade and even more after that. he said if his utility bill doubles that is a bad thing. if his mother and fox utility bill doubles, that is the worst thing. at the utility bill at work -- and my job goes away, the other two bills do not matter anyway because i cannot pay mine and i cannot help my mother pay hers. that is the kind of common sense misery has that clearly is not in the white house right now. it is not in the people who are currently in control of the congress right now.
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missouri is sending a message that they want common sense. they want someone who understands private-sector jobs should be the goal of our country. and they want a country where we understand the needs that families have. we've spent part of the campaign where people come up to you for the last month or longer and say, gee, these campaigns are tough." campaigns are campaigns. what tough is you are a 50-year- old guy who brought a paycheck, every month of your adult life and your family is depending on you every month of your life and you do not have that job and you have no idea where he will find another one. what is tough is if you get out of college and you 030 or $40,000 in the best acanthite is a pizza delivery person. what this stuff is a single mother who has with more responsibility than any individual should have to hand and if you lost the job had and maybe the part-time job be out on top of that, what would
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happen to your kids. what would happen to your family. that is what sox. we need to get focus in this country on the things that matter -- private sector jobs. government jobs do not pay the bills. they are the bills. if they get out of proportion, the rest of the economy does not grow. people knew that this campaign in america and in missouri was about something even bigger than all of that. it was what kind of country we would be living in. once a generation, americans have to renew their lease on freedom. even in the greatest country of the history of the world, freedom is not guaranteed. is not passed along in the bloodstream, as ronald reagan said. he could have said any generation of americans can lose freedom for a long time. it is easier to hold onto that it is to get back. but i have seen in this state at the event after event after event is people want to hold on
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to who we have been. the unique strengths of america's tighter than they have ever been before because they saw how easy it was to ever lose it. i spoke to my dad will be 89 years old in one month. they were dairy farmers. we live in a country with a hard-working and education and anything was possible. they never suggested to me that anything was guaranteed. there is a big difference living in a country where anything is possible and a country where to many things are guaranteed. we need to create opportunity. we need to help people create opportunity for others. we need to prioritize the opportunities for families and individuals. we have to be careful that we do not get so many things guarantee that almost nothing is possible. this is a time when americans are deciding if we will live in a country were the government is bigger than the people or will
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we live in a country where the people are bigger than the government darks the people will wind. freedom will wind. this is the time when we decide if we're going to renew the lease on freedom. i think that is clearly the message being sent to washington d.c. and around the world. the united states of america is still the united states of america. that is still an exceptional thing. these things do not happen by themselves. many of the year and thousands of others have worked so hard. i will make one pledge to you tonight. as i can now safely say, i will have the opportunity to serve. i will work every day so that for all people, you are encouraged to put me in the senate and they will come up to for the next six years and say,
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"the key for that advice." thank you for sending a guide to washington that will fight for us. thank you for sending a guide to washington who says the same thing to everyone all the time, no matter where he is. this has been a campaign about the issues. i have said for months that any politician who thinks if this year is about anything other than the issues will get a message on election day. i think that message was said to loud and clear. i am honored to get the chance to work for you. thank you for all that you have done. thank you. [applause] [applause] ♪
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>> in wisconsin, a third term incumbent senator russ feingold was defeated by ron johnson. first, we hear from senator fine gold than the victory speech by senator-elected johnson.
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[applause] >> thank you, my friends. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. thank you, everybody. my friends, my friends, the people of wisconsin have spoken, and i respect their decision. i've called ron johnson, and congratulated him, and wished him, wished him well as our senator. and i also offered my help and the help of my staff in any transition. [applause]
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well, being your senator, being your senator has been the greatest honor of my life. i've enjoyed working with you and feel that we did many good things together, and i thank wisconsin for this great privilege i have received. now, it's hard, it is hard to, it is hard... you are good fans. and that, that is why, that is why it is hard to express my gratitude for the support i have received throughout my career. but it begins with my wonderful family and certain very dear ones. yes, let's applaud for them. and then, it
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goes to my superb federal staff who have helped so many wisconsin families. and then, to the incredibly hardworking and enthusiastic campaign staff. you did all you could do and more. thank you for a wonderful effort in this campaign. and of course, to all my supporters over the years. no one has ever had such a strong foundation. it gave me my backbone. you gave me my backbone.
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[applause] so, so, so, to all of you, in the words of who else, bob dylan: "but my heart is not weary, it's light and free, and i've got nothing but affection for those who have sailed with me." [applause] i hope, i hope and i intend to continue to work with all of you in the future as much as possible.
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so, it's on to the next fight. it's on to the next battle. it's on to 2012. and, and it is on to our next adventure. forward! [cheers and applause] [crowd cheering, "russ, russ, russ."]
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>> in the ohio governor race, ted strickland was beat out five john -- out by john kasich. >> danger. wow. thank you. thank you all. this is a fabulous site. thank you all for coming. [applause] thank you. and you. i did get a call from senator fine gold and he was very gracious. he offered his help in the transition and i certainly wish him well. we all wish him well. we do. [applause] i had a few thousand people to think here. i will not go by name. first of all, i want to thank tom and i would also like to
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say thank you for seeing the national anthem. i want to thank tom and his family for doing such a fine job of contributing to both oshkosh and the state of wisconsin. i would like to thank my parents. my mother is no longer with me, but my father is here with me on the stage. i'm very grateful. [applause] my parents instilled in me the values that have brought me to this moment. i am sure they are rallies will carry me through the next chapter of my life. i would like to thank my family, my wife jane. [applause] our extended family, then, they have given me the support i needed these last few months because they are every bit as concerned i am for what is happening in this country.
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a huge thank-you to my campaign team. [applause] they are just a fine bunch of individuals led by a fine man, mr. johnson. [applause] i am new to this process. i cannot believe how hard these people work, some of them 24/7, and i am one when by their dedication. i also need to thank the thousands of volunteers. that a out celaeno way citizen can it, and now i citizen legislator could enter this arena without having the backbone of a strong state party.
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to the over 14,000 volunteers the demand -- that man the phone banks, knocked on doors, hong signs. it is a tremendous amount of voter contact and daughters to where we are today, so thank you very much. [applause] we also were able to garner over 45,000 bruns on facebook and that makes a difference. i also want to thank the hundreds of thousands of people that exercise their right of freedom by voting today. [applause] i not only one think the people voted for me, but i also want to say that i understand what a means to be a u.s. senator from the state of wisconsin.
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i know what an honor that is. i understand now i represent every one of wisconsin and i want everyone to know that i take their responsibility very seriously. [applause] tonight we can celebrate, but tomorrow we start the hard work. our nation has dug itself into a very deep hole. we are just simple wisconsin fault. we know it needs to be done to try and get out of a deep hole. first, you have to start digging. the numbers are quite staggering. you know them. in the last two years, we haven't heard $1.40 trillion -- we have a had $1.40 trillion per year debt. we need to reverse the course. my campaign has really been pretty simple.
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i think the priority is pretty straightforward. it will not be easy. it will be hard. we know what we need to do. we need to restore fiscal sanity to this nation. [applause] certainly one of the ways we can do that is to repeal the health- care bill. [cheers and applause] which will not only save us trillions of dollars in deficit, but it will destroy its health- care system if we do not repeal it. throughout this campaign i have been reminded frequently of a, remember that grow from the arlen specter town hall meeting, she said you have awakened a sleeping giant. i certainly got woken up.
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when it passed the health-care bill, that was the final straw. it started a few days before the 2008 election i heard president obama saying that within five days where god fundamentally transform america. but you know what? i certainly was not looking to transform america. i wanted to fix its problems, but not transform america. [applause] i believe america is precious [applause] some the house president obama said also got my attention. this was when he was tried to pass his monstrosity.
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the nominal doctors saved my daughter's lives. they cite -- they saved countless lives. that is an outrage. now, i guess we disagree with $3 trillion in deficit spending that we are the enemy. that is the wrong attitude if you're trying to fix our problems. that is not the attitude that i will take. i will be looking for allies. i will be looking for any ally who understands that we simply cannot continue to spend, spend, spend, our nation into bankruptcy. [applause] i will work with anyone -- i will work with anyone who realizes that it is the free market system that creates long- term, self sustaining jobs.
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anyone realizes we need to reignite the economy to create jobs. i will work with anyone who believes that is freedom in a free-market system that makes america great. [applause] one, made at the convention that i repeat daily is that i will never vote with reelection in mind. that is not why i am doing this. i will vote with but i believe is in the best interest of wisconsin and america. that is my guarantee. we have awakened a sleeping giant. our problem is our nation has dug itself into a very deep hole
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and it will take time and perseverance, not just this election but it will take a few more. so we have to stick to this. my purpose here is not to depress you. i am seeing some long faces here. i want to tell a story that i think will inspire you encourage you that we can do this. this is a story i heard shortly after bias heard after they started the iraq war. it was told by a story of -- a reported with the only time you could communicate with iraq was by satellite phone. he goes to the first soldier explained the situation and ask if there's anyone he would like to talk to. he said, "boy, i would like to talk to my boyfriend -- my girlfriend." then he thought and said it, "my buddy's friend -- wife is
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pregnant. nothing i would rather do than to talk to my wife. my master sergeant's father is ill and is not doing well. why do not let him use the 30 minutes? >> i can remember the exact circumstances or how many soldiers passed that farm to a friend, but i remember that by the time that reporter was done telling the story that he was having a very difficult time telling the story. of the really could do with his voice cracking is look down at his microphone and murmurs, "where do we find such 9"? i think we know. -- "where do we find such men and"? they come from oshkosh. they come from on july, they come from kenosha. they come from madison, green bay, they come from all over
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wisconsin. they come from all over america. the one thought i was the leading with here tonight is that the american spirit is alive. it may not be doing well right now and it may be imperiled. it is our job, it is our duty to make sure it not only survives for future generations but that it thrives. [applause] this is why one guy from oshkosh, a husband and father, steps up to the plate and decided to run for u.s. senate. this campaign has been a joyful experience. i have met wonderful people. i have visited successful businesses. i have shaken hands of
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thousands of hard-working people from wisconsin. it has given me the confidence, and i want you have that confidence, that together we can do this. we can bring back wisconsin and we can bring back america. [applause] let me and with just a very simple prayer. may god bless our efforts and may god continue to bless the greatest nation in the history of mankind, america. thank you all. god bless you. [cheers and applause]
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>> in the ohio governor race, democratic incumbent ted strickland was defeated by former congressman john kasich. now the victory speech by gov.- elect kasich. ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> guess what? i'm going to be governor of ohio. we want to thank you, ohio, for the confidence you have shown in me tonight. i want to thank my wife. how about this wifi have, huh? and my daughters, anna and -- emma and reece. they joined me on the trail and they were exceptional. they are great, great part of
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the family. so i went to think of the many supporters, volunteers, and staff who have worked so hard over the past many months. this is all about the team. this team is not going away. you are staying with us all the way through. i needed to have your commitment. we have to do this together and rebuild this state together. [applause] i would think people on both sides of the aisle including my opponent for participating vigorously in ohio's political process. the governor called me. we had a good conversation. he pledged to help in any way that he could. democracy only works when people engage in it. ohio lines have engaged robustly this year. we took a step forward tonight.
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we took a step forward to putting ohio back to work. we took a step forward to shrinking government and making it better. we took a step forward to make a high of the best place to live and work in the country. [applause] people, a lot of fear has been spread in the last two months. tonight, we have affirmed that our best days are ahead of us and not behind us. i have always believed that hope always triumphs over here. ohio wants to run our state in a new way, a way that is good for jobs, good for families, good for our future. we rejected the and doomsdayers and said let's get together and
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build the kind of future we want for our beloved state. we succeeded because we stayed true to what we believe in. i was worried about its future, so we give them solutions. i am very proud of the fact that it was ideas and values that drove this campaign and they are the only things that will drive my administration. i want you to understand that we do not owe anything to anyone and we will do this the right way and turn the page on american politics. [applause] i 0 ohio the best ideas possible with creating jobs and getting a high of moving again. [applause]
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thank you. thank you. let me just tell you that i've traveled all over this state and i have looked into people's eyes. they are nervous. they are a little bit fearful. they have not given up hope. from one part of ohio to another, what a great privilege and opportunity it was to travel our great state, to see the beautiful sunsets, the beautiful water, the beautiful trees, and the beautiful people all over ohio. i think ohio tonight said, "we can do better. we want to do better. i must also tell you that i am
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so grateful for the fact that people here in central ohio allowed me to be a congressman and stood with me. they spent -- i spent 10 years of my life to balance the budget for only one reason. i wanted to improve the lives of people in our country. that is what it is all about in public life. it is not about some political decision making or some vote. it is not about partisanship. you have one moment in time to do some great things. as my mother used to say and so many of you have heard me say, raise the bar and build the team to raise the bar. that is what we're going to do in ohio. we are going to raise the bar and become a shining example to the rest of this country. [applause]
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i think the good lord. he has been with me, it seems like, all of my life. i just feel so humbled by it. all what to do in this job is to lift people up and do good. that is why i need you. that is why we need to stay honest. we need to stay focused. in this campaign, i never prayed to win. i only pray to do the best that i could and i also created that in those debates that it would not stumble somehow and live to regret that for the next 30 years. i did not. you know, i said to the lord the other day that i would like to go to the promised land. the promised land is to serve the people of ohio in this job. he gave me a chance to do it. that is why we cannot blow it.
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i know that republicans are feeling very good tonight, okay? i had a message to all of my colleagues. winning is not the issue here. it is remembering what we promised. being willing to put our political max on the line and willing to make decisions that in the long run will benefit our people, the culture, the legacy of the state of ohio. that is exactly what we're going to do. that is exactly what we're going to do. [applause] i need you to stay with me. i will tell you why. those people that fear change, those that have somehow gotten their snout stuck in the trough, it will be a tough job. if we stay together, and if all of us stayed together and remember to keep the main thing
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which is to restore the great legacy of the beautiful buckeyes state if we stay together, we will win. we will succeed. we will send a message to the rest of the country that is different in ohio. [applause] i know you weighted down here a long time. i know some of the were getting tired of. i understand. i was getting tired of sitting of stairs waiting for them to declare me the winner. we had something in common. i will tell you this. it is a great night and it only happens because we all put our shoulder to the wheel. we believe in really good things. you know what? that now and i keep talking about, we still have to climb it. we have just started to climb, okay? when you climb a mountain, you cannot fly it there.
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the air is too thin. you cannot run up there because it is too difficult. is steeped. we need each other to push ourselves up the mountain. let's stay together as a team and we will rebuild this state. we will improve the lives of people in this state. we will give our kids out for the future. we will get them to stay here. you know, being able to raise the bar and give the next generation a great chance to inherit this great state is worth all the efforts that we have made. thank you all very much. god bless you. we will see you soon. [cheers and applause] ♪ [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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♪ ♪ >> with most election results final coming years the c-span video library to see what the winners sat on the campaign trail and during the 140 debates c-span covered. search, watch, share any time of free. is washington your way. one of the most closely watched races in the country was in nevada.
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senate majority leader harry reid was challenged by republican sharon and go. -- sharron angle. first, the can/-- the concession speech [applause] >> i am alive. thank you. thank you so much. i really appreciate you staying until we were able to do what needed to be done. i want to tell you that i just broke with his senator reid. i congratulated him. i want you to know that i am so proud of you. this was never about me. it was always about us. [applause]
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here in america, we are a country of the people, by the people, and for the people. we, the people, have been awakened over the last 20 months. it has been an incredible journey. it has been a journey from being asleep to being awakened to constitutional principles, and to a love of country i have never seen the kind of patriotism that i have seen displayed over the last 20 months. you are incredible and i am so proud of you.
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i want you to see that i am still smiling. is because i still believe in american exceptional was some. you are the example of that. so many of you came to me and you said you had never been involved in politics until now. well, i am glad you got involved because that is what freedom is all about. you came out and you found -- fought for those principles and policies that we hold dear as americans. tonight, we have seen some incredible victories right here in our state. we have elected a new governor. we are looking forward a new congressman. [applause]
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we have elected a new state senators and state assemblymen. we have elected new constitutional officers. you have done an incredible job. across the country we are looking at victories. we're looking at victories in pennsylvania for pat toomey, victories in florida for marco rubio. [applause] you have done an incredible job. we, the people, and i am so proud of you. [applause] i want to tell you something else that was incredible about this race. that is that we were able to inspire a lot only nevada on, but a country.
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think of this. in the last quarter, we raised $14.3 million. 80% of that came from out of our state. that means that america and was watching, was desperate, was anxious to help us, to help us here in nevada. not only that, but 94% of that money came from people who gave less than $100. they did not give the from their access. they gave from their substance. they gave like the founding fathers gave. they gave it from their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor. they believe in this country, like we believe in this country. they known that we are a united country.
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we are one nation, under god. [applause] because we are one nation under god, we help one another. that is what they did. they came and they helped us. i know you all to be gracious people. i am so proud to call you friends. we know how to win and we know how to lose. we have done this graciously and we will accept these things knowing that we have a future here. look at what has happened within our state, to our own party. look at however jar's we are and how well the to go forward we are -- and how ready we are to go forward.
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think of this. we did not just inspire republicans. we inspired democrats, independents. this has been an amazing turn out for this election on an off year election and yet we are turning out votes that look like a presidential election material. that means we have inspired the people once more to do what they know they need to do as americans. our very first right, duty, and privileges to go vote. we did it. you did it. [applause] once again, i am so proud of you. they may call us "the tea party" but we know that we are main street, america.
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[applause] we have crossed all kinds of lives. we cross age lines. we crossed gender lines. we across ethnic lines. we cross party lines. we know that we have that right contract with america which is our constitution and our bill of rights. we have inspired a nation to take a look at that document and began to read it. i remember from the date that senator reid reached inside his breast pocket and said i carry my constitution with me. we want to hold him to that for the next six years. [applause] we want our senator to remember
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our constitution, to read our constitution, and to consider every bill that he votes for in light of that constitution. we have the right message for america. we know what will make us prosperous again. that is to cut back on the spending, payback on the debt and take back our economy. we want tomorrow to be the first day that they consider and truly vote to take back the economy by repealing obamacare. [applause] we want them to make the tax cuts permanent. i do not think there is a more universal message across the united states than those two things.
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we all want a united america and we have seen america unite behind those things. we know what we want as americans. we want to have choices. we want to be a free people. we want to have a limited constitutional government. when we send out that message tomorrow and the next day, the next day, the next day, because i know that we will not quit talking about this. we did not awaken to go back to sleep. we awaken did to fight for freedom so that we can have the liberty of for our children and their grandchildren. [applause] [applause] we have the righ


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