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tv   C-SPAN Weekend  CSPAN  December 25, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EST

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[harmonizin . . ♪ this is my song to you the sun is coming through the open sea my voice, a beacon in the night come carefully to me is love alive?
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is love alive? is loveov beneath the the winter snow as a way we are very far apart just like a distant star is love alive? is love alive? is love alive? this is my winter song you are not where you belong
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inside my arms ♪ [harmonizing] ♪ i still believe in summer days this season's always change and light will find a way i will be the hardest of light and send it off tonight so we can start again is love alive? is love alive? is love alive? this season my winter song december never felt so wrong because you are not where you
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belong inside my arms this is my winter song to you the storm is coming through sealing from the cit my love, a beacon in the night at my word will be your light to carry you to me is love alive? is love alive? is love alive? is love alive? is love alive? love is alive in me is love alive?
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love is alive and mae is love alive? is love alive? is love alive? ♪ [applause] >> love it is alive, people. please give it up for them. [applause] now, with tonight's holiday and vacation, please welcome pastor darrell morton. >> let us pray. lord of light, board of love,
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you who spoke light into the darkness and eliminated all creation, on this evening are national christmas tree lighting, we are reminded of a light that has come into the world through your son as the son of your presence with all people, ought to eliminate us with that light. make us mindful that he whose birth we celebrate in this season came to us as one without a home or a bed within. remind us across our great land, so many of our neighbors, your children, and his brothers and sisters, have no home, no bed, and no christmas tree. it open our hearts to the needs of all around us who suffer from lack of basic comforts credit for it was he who is first bed was a be troth, who told us that those who would seek him would find them in the most
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unexpected places, and the faces of the homeless, hungry, and the naked. tonight, we also remember those who are far removed from family and friends as they serve us and seek to protect us. generations have longed for peace, and yet another has arisen with men and women in uniform far from home, praying, i will be home for christmas, if only in my dreams. protect them and return them to us safely in the arms of their families and loved ones. these things we pray, along with the holy angels who sang, glory to god and the highest, and peace among people with whom he is pleased. amen. >> now please welcome the president and ceo of the
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national park foundation, neil mullholland. [applause] >> good evening. on behalf of the national parks service and the national park foundation, i'd like to welcome you to the 80th lighting of the national christmas tree in president's park. one of our nation's 393 national parks. we are honored to have president obama and the first family and attendance, as well as thousands of families with us watching around the world. we're also thrilled to be up to share this evening with our nation's military families and armed forces around the globe who sacrificed so much each and every day to preserve and protect our nation's freedoms, treasures, and traditions, including the one we celebrate this evening. it like this that tonight in president's part, all of our national parks are uniquely american.
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they bring family and friends together, teach and inspire our children, and preserve and tell the stories of our shared history and the places where it actually happened. just as this park shares over 80 years of history, beginning on christmas eve, 1923, when president calvin coolidge walk from the white house to presidents parked to light the very first national christmas tree. thank you for helping us continue this great tradition. now, it is my great honor and privilege to introduce to you the secretary of the interior, and the chairman of the national park foundation, the hon. ken salazar. [applause] >> thank you for those wonderful words and happy holidays to everyone who is here and across the nation. on behalf of the united states department of interior, we
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welcome you to the 88 flooding of the national christmas tree. tonight we celebrate a proud tradition that dates back to 1923, when the school children of this country asked for a christmas tree right here in the heart of our nation's capital. much has changed since 1923, but the core message of this holiday tradition remains the same credit is a message of choice. it is a message of peace. and it as tonight, the president and his family switch in a few minutes the lighting of this giant christmas tree, all 42 feet of it. it is a message we share with friends and family all across the world. on behalf of the department of the national park service and national park foundation, thank you for coming out to celebrate this hopeful message and this great american holiday tradition. now it is with great joy and
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with great pride to introduce the 44th president of the united states of america. [cheers] he works tirelessly every day on behalf of all americans, and even in difficult times, he inspires each and every one of us to raise our nation's future with faith, hope, determination and confidence. ladies and gentlemen, president barack obama. [cheers and applause] ♪ >>. thank you.
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merry christmas, everybody! happy holidays. we're just thrilled to have all of you here. thank you, secretary salazar, for the kind introduction and for all you are doing to protect our national parks and our public land for the future of generations. i also want to recognize out neil mullhollhand and everyone at the national park foundation and park service to help put this together. i want to thank the pastor morton for the wonderful indication, and thanks to common and all of tonight's performance out as we light the national christmas tree for the 88th time. ithis is a very proud holiday tradition, snow or shine, in good times and in times of
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hardship. folks like you have gathered with presidents to write the national tree. it has not always gone off without a hitch. on one occasion, two sheep left the safety of the nativity scene and wandered into rush-hour traffic. [laughter] that caused some commotion. often, the ceremony itself has reflected the pain and sacrifice of the times. there were years during the second world war with no lights were hung in order to save electricity. in the days following pearl harbor, winston churchill joined president roosevelt to which our nation a happy christmas even in such perilous days. but without fail, each year we have gathered here. each year we have gathered to celebrate a story that has in store for to millennium, the story that is dear to michelle and me as christians but a
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message that is universal. at the child was born far from home and spread a simple message of love and redemption to every human being around the world. it is a message that says no matter who we are or where we are from, no matter the pain we in door or the old wrongs we face, we are called to love one another as brothers and sisters. and so during a time in which we try our hardest to live with a spirit of charity and good will, we remember our brothers and sisters who have lost their job or struggling to make ends meet. we pray for the men and women in uniform serving in afghanistan and iraq and for which places who cannot be home this holiday season. and we think their families, who will mark this christmas with an empty seat at the dinner table. on behalf of malia, sasha, michelle, mary anne, are
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grandmother in chief, and beau i wish't forget beau -- all of you a merry christmas and blessed holiday season. now i will invite the but tire -- i will invite the entire obama crew appeared to help meet like this national christmas tree. at -- to help me light this national christmas tree. [applause] all right, everybody, we're going to count, from five. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [cheers and applause]
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para christmas, everybody. -- mary christmas, everybody. night holy the stars are brightly shining it is the night of our dear savior's birth long way the world ♪ ♪ gzero here at the angel voices
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o night divine o the night when christ was born o night divine o night divine ♪
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♪ o night divine o the night when christ was born o night divine o night o night divine ♪ [cheers and applause] >> i mean, my god. [laughter] oh, my god, give it up for
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jackie. >> hi. >> i mean, i thought i had talent. this has been an incredible, amazing year for you. people everywhere know who jackie is. what has been the best part of this year? >> the best part this year has been being able to sing for the president and sing for the tree lighting. it is an experience -- an amazing experience. >> this girl is a real and this girl is smart. well, you are truly gifted. god has given you tips we cannot even fathom how great they are and how far you have gone. with all of these gifts, what would you like for christmas? >> well, i know this may sound cheesy, but i really want to see a difference in how the world is treated, because i am a big fan
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of taking care of the world and i really, really like baby seals, too, so i felt that helps. >> taking care of the world, that sounds great. >> thanks. >> let's keep the sounds of the season coming. his signature voice and vision have made my morning jacket one of the country's most acclaimed rock bands. here with his wish for the season, please welcome jim james. [applause] have yourself a merry little christmas let your heart be light
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next year at all our troubles will be out of sight have yourself a merry little christmas make the yuletide gay next year, all our troubles will be miles away once again as and olden days have the golden days of yore faithful friends who are dear to us will be near to us
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once more someday soon we all will be together if the fates allow hang a shining star upon the highest bough and have yourself a merry little christmas now ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> hi. thank you, james. you were wonderful. i grow up just down the road in fredericksburg, va., and i am thrilled to be here sharing this season with the of. at christmas brings out the innocents in all of us. my new friends and i were just talking about our wishes and hopes for this holiday season. please help me welcome ms. gray, mr. henry andrew, and they will tell us about their wishes. drew, how old are you? >> 6. >> if you had one big wish, what would your wish for christmas be? >> i wish everybody would have a merry christmas, and i hope that santa brings me a lot of legos.
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[laughter] >> i think he will bring you the lego. henry, how old are you? >> 6 years old. >> what is your big holiday wish. >> i think -- wait, i messed up. [laughter] i wish for my ben 10 ultimate matrix. >> santa heard you and he will bring exactly that. grace, what would you like for christmas? >> that everyone has a good christmas eve. >> aw! thank you all very much. i know that you'll get exactly what you asked for, santa heard are on theyhhe elves case.
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merry christmas, everyone. >> dear, oh dear. the boss could be here any minute and there is so much to be done. we have 6 billion names on the nice list and we cannot afford an elf-tastrophy. rudolph, rudolph, that is not a chew toy. drop it. drop it! sometimes they like to chew on wires. that is why we inspect them for damage, and you should, too. you should never connect more than three strings of holiday lights together. i cannot tell you how many breakers we blew at the north pole before we figured that out. oh, sugar my cookies, the street is thirsty. that is a fire hazard. don't forget to water your tree. look, if the national park service can handle their bigotry, you could handle your
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sprint hurry, hurry -- if the national park service can handle their big tree, you can handle your sprint hurry, hurry. >> i feel for those elves, man. the same hostile every year. that is what christmas is all about, tradition. it is dreams and wishes, and mom's favorite dishes. don'tcarol's and mass, you fidget, and stockings and snow and stories you know, like the one we have for you right now. here with a holiday classic, please welcome the incomparable first lady, michelle obama. >> all right, you guys, are you ready for the story? >> yes. let them here we go. 'twas the night before
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christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a house. -- not even a mouse. the stockings were hung by the chimney with care and hopes that st. nicholas would soon be there. when out on the lawn there arose -- whoops, i skipped a page. [laughter] wait. the children were nestled all snug in their beds -- [laughter] did ask it another page? ok, here we go. here we go. we are ready. the first lady is taking off her gloves. ready? the children were nestled, all snug in their beds, while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads. and mama and her kerchief and my -- and i and my cat had just settled down for a long winter's nap. went out on the lawn there arose
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such a clatter, i sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. the way to the window i flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and opened the slashed. the new fallen snow gave the luster of midday to objects below. when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. with a little old driver so blithely and quick, i knew in a moment that must be st. nick. more rapid than eagles, his horses they came, and whistled and shouted and called them by name. now-, now dancer, now. sir and vixen, one comment, cupid, donder, and blitzen. to the top of the porch, to the top of the wall, now dash away
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all. when they meet with an obstacle, out to the sky. it up to the house taught they flew, with a sleigh full of toys and st. nicholas, too. twinkling i heard on the roof, the prancing and pauling of each little hoof. as i drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney st. nicholas came with a bound. he was dressed all in for, from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. a bundle of toys he had flung on his back, and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. his eyes, how they twinkled. his dimples, how mary. his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry. his droll little mouth was drawn up by a bow, and the beard of his chin was as white as the
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snow. it the stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, and the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath. but he had a broad face and a little round belly, that shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly. he was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, and i laughed when i saw him in spite of myself. a wink of his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know i had nothing to dread. he spoke not a word about what's great to his work, and filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk. then lying his finger aside of his nose, and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. he sprang to his leg, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. but i heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, happy
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christmas to all, and to all a good night. [applause] >> ho, ho, ho! yes, yes, that is exactly how i remember it! >> listen. who is that? i think i hear santa. >> i hope you don't mind, i was just keeping your seat warm. i have it on good authority you have been nice this year. that was a wonderful reading. it wasn't that wonderful? yes! you know, there is only one part of the story i did not like some much. i never thought that my belly shook like a bowlful of jelly. at this suit makes me look slim, yes? what a wonderful, wonderful reading. yes! ho, ho, ho!
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it is a wonderful season! you know what? i think i feel a song coming on! ho, ho, ho! ♪ it is the most wonderful time of the year with the kids gentle belling and everyone telling you be of good cheer it is the most wonderful time of the year it is the happiest season of all with wonderful greetings when it friends come to call it is the hap happoest season of all. there will be a party is for hosting, marshmallows for
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toasting caroling out in the snow the line there will be scary ghost stories and tales of the glories of christmases long, long ago it is the most wonderful time of the year there will be much mistletoeing and hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near is the most wonderful time of the year ♪ ho, ho! wonderful! hello, everyone! i will be back in a few weeks! yes! hello over there! there will be parties for hosting marshmallows for toasting caroling out in the snow there will be scary ghost
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stories tales of the glories of christmases long, long ago it is the most wonderful time of the year there will be much mistletoeing and hearts will be calling when loved ones are near it is the most wonderful time it is the most wonderful time it is the most wonderful time of the year ♪ ho, ho, ho! merry christmas! yes! ho, ho, ho! >> wow, thanks a lot, santa. i have been waiting, like, 30
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years to beat that guy. for real. it is great to have all of these wonderful and beautiful people here at president's park. christmas is a time that we can celebrate love, joy, peace and happiness. this is a time for togetherness, no matter what. we know that we can be here together to share the love and spread love to each other. how are you all feeling tonight? [cheers] i said how are you all feeling tonight? [cheers] it is a wonderful time. yes. it may be cold, but we all have sold. we're just on a roll, right here, everything is evident. because we came here to celebrate with the president. understand, common-sense, when we are here, there is peace, no drama.
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just think, we get to sit and celebrate with all of the obamas. right now, we are fresh, feeling it on tv, and even though it is cold, we are still in -- we are still cool in the d.c., washington. i will light it up like he did the christmas tree. and for everybody here, you know, this is how i come. the brother, common sense, i have a rumpa-pum-pum. i am sort of a gifted, of like santa claus. this is what i am saying, making it real clear, my nose is getting read, just like the indeer's. right now i would like to introduce someone who is a legend of this time. i have been me waiting to me
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santa, but this is somebody i have waited my whole life to meet. yes, growing up in chicago, we love the blues. it is in our blood, it is in our dna, it is in our makeup. and my right, mr. president? yes, sir. it grows in our souls. not the souls of our shoes, -- not to soles of our shoes, but the soul that comes with playing the deuce. it is real and true. some want a white christmas, but i will take mine blew. ladies and gentlemen, we are here to bring in the legendary, the great king of the blues, a true living legend, mr. b.b. king! [cheers and applause]
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[cheers] >> good evening. >> good evening! >> sorry i'm late, mr. president. they had me stop in the elevator over there. [laughter] can i have the sound up a little bit, please?
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♪ ♪ >> ♪. christmas, baby you sure did treat me nice merry, merry, merry christmas, baby santa came down the chimney
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about half past three left these pretty presence out here for me ♪
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♪ what a christmas to have the blues oh, what a christmas to have the blues oh, what a christmas to have the blues please come home for christmas
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if not for christmas ♪w year's night [cheers and applause] thank you! >> whoo! [laughter] i bet it is not this cold and mississippi. [laughter]
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thank you, sir. ♪ ♪ merry, merry christmas, baby you sure did treat me nice merry, merry, merry christmas
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you sure did treat me nice gave me a diamond ring for christmas now i'm living in paradise finei'm feeling mighty i've got good music on my radio said i'm feeling mighty fine i've got good music on my radio i would love to hug and kiss you, baby while we are standing beneath the mistletoe
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♪ ♪ santa came down the chimney about half past three left all these beautiful ntssenc
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for you and for me ♪
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[cheers and applause] thank you. [cheers] shows some y'all, love supreme for mr. b.b. king. [cheers and applause] incredible. that is history. a true national treasure. and my friend right here knows a little something about national treasures. it this is amy, a ranger with the national park service, and they care for presidents park, including that beautiful tree over there. if you like what you see, thank
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my friend and the rest of the national parks service. [cheers and applause] so, amy, like, how did this tradition that started? >> it began in 1923 under president calvin coolidge. at that particular tree had over 2500 electric bulbs and red, green, and white. the ceremonies featured a local choir and a quartet from the u.s. marine band. a lot has changed since then and the ceremony has grown. in fact, the tree we are celebrating tonight is a live tree that has been here since 1978. in fact, this year, the street is the most energy-efficient tree that we had it -- this tree is the most energy efficient tree that we had. [applause]
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>> well, this is just a set up for this park. but the national park service, you do work for parks all around the country. well, would you believe there are almost 400? in fact, there are 393 unit in our national parks system that celebrate our nation's history, landscaped, and culture. whether it is here at president's part or any of the national parks systems, we want people to come out and enjoy and learn more about their national parks. theet's give it up for national park service. [applause] thank you for keeping the holiday tradition going. there is really no better symbol of the hope of the season than the light of that tree.
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that is what christmas does. it renews our sense of wonder and our sense of hope. you have heard that hope and all of our songs tonight. but one particular man captures that piece like no other, john lennon. he left us the 30 years ago, but his message of holiday hopes still rings. hear what their take on that message, joined by sarah and the duke ellington school of the art show choir, please welcome grammy award winners maroon 5. [cheers and applause] > ♪ so this is christmas what have you done? another year over a new one just begun so this is christmas
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hope you had fun the near and dear ones old and the young have a very merry christmas and happy new year let's hope it is a good one without any fear so this is christmas for week and for strong for rich and for poor ones the road is so long and very happy christmas for black and four white
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for yellow and red ones let's stop all the fight a very merry christmas and a happy new year let's hope it is a good one without any fear war is over if you what it war is over now war is over if you want it war is over
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now war is over if you want it war is over now ♪ [cheers and applause] >> thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. whoo! [laughter] >> 1, 2, 3, 4!
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>> ♪ sleigh bells rang are you listening? and in the lane and snow is glistening a beautiful sight, happy tonight walking in a winter wonderland gone away is the bluebird here to stay is a new bird sing a song as we go along at walking in a winter wonderland in the meadow we can build a snowman and pretend that he is parson brown he will say, are you married? we will say, no, man, but he could do the job when you're in town but iran, we will conspire as we dream by the fire to face unafraid of the plans that we've made up walking in a winter wonderland let's go! ♪
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♪ in the meadow we can build a snowman and pretend he is a circus clown will have lots of fun with mr. snow man until the other kids knock him down when it snows, it is thrilling your nose gets a chilling it will frolic and play at the eskimo way of walking in a winter wonderland walking in a winter wonderland walking in a winter wonderland yeah, walking in a winter wonderland ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> make some noise, y'all. now that is how you take off the christmas season. it's starts right here, but remember, the spirit of christmas does not have to end. it is charity, kindness. it ends in our blindness. seeds of hope plan to become wishes granted. it is not from an adult but inside yourself. winter, spring, summer, fall, 12 months of christmas inside of us all. this is where christmas begins, but never truly ends. let's get everybody back out here. i mean everybody.
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[cheers and applause] we are ready to jam. [cheers] >> ♪ the weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful the line and since we have no place to go . it's no, but it's no, let it snow
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i've got some corn for popping the lights are turned way down low let it snow, let it snow, let it snow when we finally kiss goodnight how i will hate going up and the storm but if you really hold me tight i will be warm all the way home the fire is still the dying and, my dear, we are still good by-ing but as long as you love me so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow the fire is slowly dying yingwe are still good buyin let it snow, let it snow, let it
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snow ♪ [cheers and . . . . .


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