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tv   The Communicators  CSPAN  January 1, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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in high-definition, sunday at 6:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> this week on "the communicators," a discussion about federal policy that directly affects at technology companies. >> rey ramsey, what is technet? >> it is a bipartisan political and policy organization that has been around for about 15 years. our hope is to move and innovation agenda across the country. >> which companies are members of technet? >> i would say we have a nice list of good companies, large and small, from silicon valley to boston and texas. some you would know of from microsoft, google, intel, but also companies in boston, and an ice mix of companies.
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>> what is a technology policy? >> technology policy is all about technology driven innovation. all the way from education to biomedical to social innovation, things that used technology. those are the things that get our attention. >> so specifically when we talk about issues, let's say net neutrality, what is it that technet does when it comes to net neutrality? >> we take a position and we get in the game of policy. the game of policy can be messy sometimes, so we try to reach a consensus among companies. we try to work with companies that are not even part of technet and try to get a coherent policy in place. we work with the fcc, we work with house committees from congressman waxman to senator rockefeller. >> so what is it technet's
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position on net neutrality? >> it is interesting, because net neutrality is one of those issues -- it is all how you define net neutrality. we live in a time where no one can favor discrimination in terms of the internet. i would say our position is to try to seek a balance between innovation and investment. you want private-sector investment in the infrastructure of broadband, but at the same time you want to make sure that on to careers are protected and not discriminated against -- make sure that entrepreneurs are protected and not discriminated against. we don't know where technology is going to take us, so let's put a structure in place that will have some principles. the fcc chairman laid out some good principles about broadband and we can to support those. >> can you get your companies
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that belong to technet all on the same page when it comes to an issue like net neutrality? >> you never get 100% agreement on every aspect of an issue. i think we were able to forge a good enough consensus. net neutrality it is still very much less weight in seat. we are all waiting to see how this is going to play out. we are very much in favor of, let's have language that make sure wireless is covered in some way. let's make sure that the fcc has the level of authority to deal with these issues, and let's have room for technical analysis of where technology is taking us. that seems to be the framework of what we have been looking at at technet. >> the broadband plant that was rolled out about a year ago, what is your position? >> we are very much in favor and we applauded the administration for being the first one to have one in place. all the way from spectrum to
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universal service to net neutrality in the kind of investment we need, and setting some big goals about where the country is going to be in five years. i think that is a good thing. it sets the north star. again i ploy julius genac forhos together. >> when it comes to technology policy, do you see it moving in a public-private, co-venture sort of way? >> i would say it has to. when we try to go down a route that is only government making the investment, we run into trouble. this administration with the stimulus bill made a major down payment on broadband for the first time. but when nick -- but when you compare it to the private sector, it is still fractional. that have to work together, the private sector with the government. >> what about tax policy? >> obviously, every corporation is impacted by tax policy.
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our position is to do an overlay that says we need to be competitive. we need to create a tax structure where are companies can complete -- can compete globally. so many technology best companies are competing on a global playing field. we have concerns with the existing tax structure. >> how would you like to see it change? >> i would start with two things. one is always strategically where we would like to go, and then is tactically where we would like to go. we need to have a tax structure that is competitive globally, meaning that we should not have territorial tax or attacks are companies at a third buy% rate and all their profits overseas -- a 35% rate. then have deferral and to bring the profits back to the united states. we need to have a lower rate that makes us more competitive with the other global competitors. but tactically, i think we have a unique opportunity here, if we
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can figure out how to make this happen. and it could be bipartisan. you'll hear the term repatriation. let's bring some of those profits back to the united states. if we could do a tax break that makes sense, we could have, in essence, another stimulus that could be a real jolt in a positive way for our economy. it could raise as much as a trillion dollars sitting offshore that would bring back to the united states if we could have a tax rate that makes sense. i think we have to take a longer-term strategic look at how we can have a globally competitive tax structure while bringing in tax receipts for the government. >> rey ramsey, a lot of people either on our morning show, the "washington journal," or on "the communicators agreed, who is holding it up?
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>> there is a demagogue robbery that can occur in washington. i am hopeful and -- demagoguery that can occur and washington. you are not going to bring the money back at 35. we have to find up rate that makes sense. the next question is, should be open in terms of bringing it back with the companies, or do we want to do something around jobs or investment? the administration working together with corporate america and unions and others, i think we can reach a bipartisan agreement. >> your organization, technet, is only 15 years old. why did it not for earlier? >> it is hard to say. it really coincides with the maturation of bit tech sector.
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we have so many entrepreneurs an engineer's that would not nestor -- would not naturally turn to washington. they look to venture capitalists, but over time that are beginning to say, we are in this together with government. policies to make a difference. i think they increasingly see the value prick rectify that washington understands the technology world? >> i think it is an ongoing process of each side understanding the other. >> the silicon valley feel isolated from washington? >> i think some would say at times we do, but there is a growing awareness of washington's role. some would say for better and some would say for worse, but washington plays a role. it is significant, the role of government has historically been very important in terms of
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investing in terms of r&d. it is just a growing realization. >> another policy that technet is involved in is education. >> correct. we have been supportive of the administration in their race to the top initiative. we are very much in favor of shaping up -- shaking up the orthodoxy of education. we believe there are some things that worked that we have to double down on. if you look at our education system, we are well aware of how we slipped behind other countries. science, technology, engineering, and math. there is not greater importance for higher investments in education. we simply have to have more instruction in the classroom. >> who should be investing in that? >> clearly, governments should be investing in that. the federal government is still
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only a fraction of the education budget. so much of this action has to occur at the local level, at the state level. it is not just a washington, d.c issue, although expenditures of the department education have gone up dramatically. secretary duncan has done a very good job of saying we need to look at how teachers are trained, how we evaluate teachers, and open this up and bring in new thoughts. we applaud that. >> what are tech companies doing privately to support education? we had the ceo of qualcomm in for an interview and he talked about a program there were developing with the school system in north carolina. our tech companies doing this on a private basis? >> there are so many exciting things going on with technology companies. you have social innovation work that is being done. you have intel with the intel
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clubhouse. you have hewlett-packard. there are a number of companies that are increasingly doing more. we formed a non-profit technet and our goal is to promote some of the work that the private sector is doing in education and other areas, but also lever some of those investments in a stronger way. our room mission is to facilitate technology in fused social innovation. >> the education sector ties into another problem that technet has been addressing are looking at, which is the immigration problem. >> correct. a tough issue in terms of immigration. we have to step back, and i look at immigration as part of a broader issue. it is human capital. we just talked about education. education as part of human capital. human capital or the people you have, how you will train them, and how he will prepare them.
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and the people you bring into america, how will you keep them and make it all work together? immigration is part of that. there are some encouraging proposals that are out there that need support. unfortunately, these human capital issues around emigration often get held hostage with the broader, comprehensive immigration issues. i think we should have a policy that says america is open for business. we want the best and brightest from around the world to come to the united states. we need to raise the ceiling that we have on the basis. it should be easier, and when any student graduates with a ph.d. or engineering degree, we ought to at a visa to their employer of -- to their diploma that makes it easier for them to stay in the united states. at the same time, that is not a
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strategy by itself. it is also saying we have to work on our own domestic pipeline of human capital, which is to train americans and have a better school system that prepares people for the jobs of today and tomorrow. >> rey ramsey is the ceo of technet. he is our guest on "the communicators." looking at some of the campaign contributions, the majority went to democrats in both the house and in the senate. why? >> open secret does not have all the information. technet, our primary role in fund-raising is to serve as an or.regate you we did roughly 87 political events in silicon valley, washington, boston, and seattle,
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and in texas. these are places where we have operations. we bring people together. we bring pacs and companies together to focus on candidates that support innovation agendas. we supported democrats as well as republicans. >> what was the split? >> i believe the split this past cycle was something like 60-48 democrat-republican. some of that was a factor of incumbency, of course. we have supported candidates on both sides. >> did you support joe barton? >> i believe we have done events for several of those individuals. >> joe barton was a guest here recently. here is one thing he had to say and i want to get your response to that. >> congressman barton, if you were chairman, could you see as
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the ceo's of companies such as facebook or google coming to testify in front of the committee? >> i think you can almost guarantee that. >> i think he -- at think is good that he said he can guarantee that companies will be having a dialogue. there should be give and take, listening and an exchange of thought, concerns, and ideas. whoever is chairing this committee, we look for that active exchange. there are serious issues that have to be addressed. we know that privacy concerns are increasingly raised. there are other issues around trade that it raised. i think it is good to have that kind of exchange. >> mr. barton in that interview also talked about more
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oversight of the fcc. >> that is the prerogative of congress in terms of having oversight of the fcc. the fcc has done some good work, but there is more to do. he spoke to the sec chair, he would tell you himself there is more he would like to be getting done. i think of congress gets involved, as long as we are all being constructed, i think it is a good thing. >> what is your background? >> my background is of course as a lawyer. i grew up in new jersey and went out to oregon, so i have a background of state government, state politics. i was head of housing for oregon and then i moved east. i was the chairman for habitat humanity international. i started a nonprofit called one economy corp., which was dedicated to bring broadband to 17 countries. i got to work with the tech
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culture. >> how did you get involved in broadband policy? >> when we were working on housing the poor, the issue became, how do you connect the poor to the economy? and broadband, to me, is the most efficient way to get that done. so starting with the marriage of broadbent and technology with affordable housing, and the poor, creating efficiencies to bring low-income people into the space. >> we have a program that i am very excited about called digital connectors, which our young people really have graduated 3500 students to go through training, who provide community service. they are technology ambassadors in low-income communities. >> it was reported that a lot of one economy success is due to the political savviest of its
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former chairman rey ramsey and his friendship with julius genachowski. how did you get to know the chairman of the fcc? >> we believe it is truly one economy. it is made of multiple sectors. it is made up of the private sector and government. at that point we were just reaching out to many different companies and to different people placed in different jobs. that has been an ongoing relationship. >> is he still a friend? >> i would say the chairman is somebody that i believe then and is a friend, but so are a number of other folks. i am still the chairman, but no longer the ceo. >> when you have a conversation with julius genachowski, can you have one of the record? >> when i talk with him, is easily to talk about policy
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issues. so is either at his request for my request, and we follow the appropriate procedures to talk about policy. we don't were the lines. >> you were quoted in " huffington post." sir ratio many hispanics and african-americans do not see how it benefits them or that it is too expensive. >> i wrote that because sometimes i think the policy a round broadband, we are relentless about -- roughly 97% of america has some level of broadband available to it. the issue in this country is adoption. why is it that certain populations either are not exposed to it, don't see the relevance of it, or do not have
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the training to use broadband. the biggest issue is adoption. the broadband plan addresses the issue of adoption. >> what do you think the future of the plan is with republicans in control of the house? >> i think it still has legs. so much of the plan requires the private sector and the ngo sector. it was a call to arms to a lot of different entities. it will not be just about government action, but republicans and democrats care about spectrum. that is an issue that has to be resolved. most folks care about doing something about universal soberservice. i have no expectation that suddenly these issues will be put into it or because our republican friends are coming into power. i look forward to that continued dialogue. >> in speaking with joe biden last week, he talked about the
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spectrum and he advocated an auction, no conditions on the d- block. >> the most important thing is, let's get the option moving. we should not have any delay in that. we have a lot of industries and companies that need spectrum. i am in favor of getting it going. >> rick bowsher lost. what does that mean for you? >> we need some two enormously talented who is very sophisticated on these issues. you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone superior to him in terms of his knowledge and intellect on the subject matter. i have a feeling that we will hear from him, we will see him around in some capacity. i do not have any informations on that, but someone that talented is going to find a way to continue to be involved in policy. >> what is your relationship with senator rockefeller? >> i have got to work with him
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in west virginia. he is a strong advocate for so many important aspects of telecommunications, particularly work in rural communities. >> rey ramsey is the ceo of technet. how long have you been with technet? >> just since january. >> what have you learned? >> a lot. everyday you learn what you do not know. the front of the job is learning about the needs of the companies and what their positions are on different things. it is an ongoing learning job. >> when you have had policy issues that you are member companies disagree on, what do you do? >> i look for the horrors of issues, the issues that cut across that we can agree on -- i look for the horizontal issues. we are looking for the bigger
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issues like human capital issues, like issues around broadband, things like that that we can reach broad consensus on and figure out a way to work together. >> one of the issues that will be coming up in the next congress is the issue of privacy. there is more and more noise around the issue of privacy. where does technet stand? >> that is such a broad category to say privacy. what we have to do is start figuring out what kind of regime we are going to put in place in terms of monitoring, in terms of standards. privacy issues cut across trade issues. what does it mean overseas? where is technology moving? we have to make sure that our laws are sophisticated enough, the way technology continues to move. our sector has to be responsible about it because consumers are concerned about it. we take it very seriously. >> isn't so much information already out there, is almost too
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late? >> it is a question of what do you do with information, what is the role of the federal trade commission? it is sort of sorting out the regulatory infrastructure here in the united states, india and other places, and saying what is the 21st century regime going to look like? there is lots of work to be done in that space. congressman boucher was a leader in that space. >> these companies already have so much private information of individuals. is this a case of saying trust us with this? >> i don't think it is that. again, there is a role for government in terms of having rules of the road. even though technology has enabled more information to be accumulated more than any other regime, companies for years have had information.
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the federal trade commission, other entities have been regulatory in that space. now that we have this work speed of the gathering of data, the question is what is the regulatory framework that will have in place? that is where we have to continue to reach consensus. >> privacy ties into the issue of security. what should the federal government be doing, in your view, when it comes to technology security? >> i think the federal government has to look at security in terms of the consumer, but security in terms of intellectual property and in terms of companies. there is a lot of work left to be done in terms of both. particularly when you look at some of the piracy issues that are happening overseas. it costs are sector a lot of money when you look at what is happening in some countries, particularly in asia, systematically taking information. in terms of security in the
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united states, we have to make more investment in this. if our system crashes, if suddenly we don't have secure networks, i think we have to do more in terms of making sure there is security for the emergency management folks. a whole set of issues we have to focus on. >> given the nature of technology, how much of this just offset the border? aren't we getting to the point where complete international cooperation is necessary? >> we have to increasingly have, what -- we have to increasingly have cooperation across the world. so many of our companies or multinational companies. they are dealing with regimes, whether the eu or in asia, an individual country or in the united states, there is this overlap. there is a lot to be done.
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>> when it comes to this overlap, let's just talk about wireless products. at what point is wireless just going to be internationalized? >> is happening. we don't need governments to say we are trying to mandate the ization.ional as asia we are running into this as people are traveling. how do i use my telephone or my device? we do not have all the same regimes in place regulatory wise. >> president clinton was well known for his interest in technology issues back in the 1990's. what are you finding in the current administration? >> this administration takes a pretty sophisticated look at technology in other areas like the investments in the smart grid that were made through the
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stimulus act. the timing of research and development and putting more dollars into that space, making large investments there. all of these things are all interlocked in terms of technology. there are a number of folks that we engage. >> rey ramsey is president and ceo of technet and remains chairman of one economy. thanks for being on "the communicators." >> good to be here. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] >> a former journalist for the united nations, she is the author of eight books, and her latest, "ending the u.s. war in afghanistan." join our conversation sunday at
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noon eastern on c-span2. watch previous programs at, where you can find the entire weekend schedule. >> maturity in a time of pettiness, leadership and a time of uncertainty. that is what the nation asks of the united states senate and that is what this office demands of each who serve here. >> search for their real speeches in here for a return centers on the c-span video library, with every c-span program since 1987. more than 160,000 hours, all on line, all free. it is washington, your way. but now a discussion on congress and politics in 2011, as well as the 2012 presidential election. from today's "washington journal," this is about 30 minutes. minutes.


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